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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (7/7/22)

UK’s gonna bash it up!



Will someone get lucky on the seventh of the seventh?

It’s 7/7, and while Trent Seven and Kenny Williams are here, will Xia & Eliza be needing some luck facing Sarray and the NXT UK Women’s Champion, Meiko Satomura?


  • Kenny Williams VS Tiger Turan; Tiger Turan wins.
  • Primate VS Josh Morrell; Morrell wins.
  • Trent Seven VS Tate Mayfairs; Seven wins.
  • Meiko Satomura & Sarray VS Xia Brookside & Eliza Alexander; Satomura & Sarray win.


Kenny Williams VS Tiger Turan!

The Scum of the Earth has been driven up a wall by the Himalayan luchador, but Kenny thinks he’s cracked the case! Is “The Masked Bozo” really Amir Jordan in disguise, looking for revenge? Or is Kenny Cockroach wrong about the Bhangra Badboy being back in NXT UK?

Kenny rushes Tiger the moment he’s in the ring! Tiger dodges, the bell rings and Tiger eggs Kenny on. Kenny and Tiger circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Tiger throws Kenny down, then blocks his kick to roll him up, TWO! Kenny rushes in again but Tiger dodges to arm-drag Kenny around. Fans rally, Kenny fights up but Tiger wrenches and wristlocks. Kenny reaches for ropes but Tiger keeps him from them with a YANK of the arm. Kenny hooks Tiger but Tiger wrenches back. Tiger CHOPS Kenny, ROCKS him, then whips. Kenny reverses and reels Tiger in for a headlock. Tiger powers up and out to then get a headlock on Kenny.

Kenny powers out, Tiger runs him over, and things speed up. Tiger handsprings over to arm-drag Kenny down. Tiger has the arm and grinds the shoulder. Kenny fights up, hooks the ropes, and the ref calls the break. Tiger lets off, ducks the cheap shot and dropkicks Kenny down! Kenny is furious and kicks the barrier. Fans taunt Kenny and he gets back on the apron. The ref keeps Tiger back, but Kenny SLAPS Tiger! Kenny springboards, into a body shot! Fans fire up, Kenny backs away but Tiger stomps him down. Tiger whips, Kenny reverses but Tiger goes up to headstand on the corner.

Kenny rushes in again, but Tiger goes to the apron to ENZIGURI Kenny away. Tiger slingshots and somersaults to COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Kenny flounders away but fans rally up. Tiger bumps Kenny off buckles, reels Kenny in and whips, but Kenny reverses again. Tiger goes up, leaps over Kenny, but Kenny comes back to CHOP BLOCK the leg! Kenny grins and says “His name is Amir Jordan.” HIP DROP! Tiger writhes, and Kenny is after his mask! Kenny clubs Tiger with crossface forearms, then hits another HIP DROP! Fans boo but Kenny says Amir will pay! Tiger throws body shots but Kenny knees low.

Kenny snap suplexes then floats to a cover, TWO! Kenny mocks Tiger then drags him around to scrape the soles off his mask! Kenny then stands on Tiger’s shoulders to have a deep neck wrench! Kenny wants after the mask, too, but Tiger fights back! Kenny shifts to a chinlock but fans rally. Tiger stands up, Kenny knees low, but Tiger cradle counters! TWO, and Kenny ducks to back suplex. Tiger sunset flips out of it, TWO! Tiger blocks a punch to ROCK Kenny! He blocks a kick to CHOP Kenny! Tiger whips, CLOBBERS Kenny, and CLOBBERS him again! Fans fire up as Tiger scoops Kenny for a GUT WRENCH SLAM!

Kenny goes to a corner, Tiger runs in to SPLASH! Tiger pushes Kenny down then goes up the corner to missile dropkick! And kip up! Fans fire up with Tiger and he aims from the corner. Kenny scurries out of the ring, but Tiger DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp and Tiger puts Kenny in the ring. Tiger climbs up, SWANTON BOMB onto knees! Kenny gets a ghost pin, TWO!! Tiger escapes but Kenny is seething! PENALTY KICK! Kenny grins and says he finally has Amir where he wants him. Kenny says he can take the silly mask. But Tiger drags Kenny into a cradle! TIGER WINS!

Winner: Tiger Turan, by pinfall

Kenny let his obsession get the better of him! And he CLOBBERS Tiger from behind! Kenny punches away on Tiger’s head then CLOBBERS him! Fans boo but Kenny says this isn’t done until he’s proven this is Amir! BAD LUCK DRIVER!! And then Kenny grabs at the mask! HE SNATCHES IT AWAY! But wait! He had a second mask underneath! Tiger Turan came prepared, but Kenny wants to expose him! Security and referees stop Kenny, but Kenny says this just proves it! He knows it’s Amir, he just knows it! Kenny goes to leave, but then rushes back in! The refs drag Kenny away and Tiger shakes his finger. Will Kenny find himself feeling like Kevin Owens over this?


NXT UK shares exclusive footage from last week.

After the fiasco with Trent Seven running down fans, then physically assaulting one, security and Sid Scala are reprimanding him. The chief of security calls Seven a disgrace! Seven says what’s a disgrace is the security team letting a fan jump the barriers to get near him! Seven was told to leave the building, and as he exits, Sam Gradwell walks over. The Thunderstorm admits he’s done some horrible things, and he’s known horrible men. But to do what he did to Tyler Bate, Trent Seven might be “the absolute worst.” Yeah, well, Gradwell is a nobody.

Seven storms off saying no one should ever be allowed near him, and that WWE needs to do a better job protecting their superstars. But will anything protect Seven from what the rest of the roster wants to do to him?


NXT UK Media catches up with Oliver Carter.

He’s working out in the Performance Center, but then Charlie Dempsey helps him out? No one asked him to do that. But then the rest of Die Familie walks in. Teoman still wants an answer. Is Oliver with them? Or against them? How about this: Why should he join a crew where one guy pokes his eye, and the other two can’t even say the name right? Rohan Raja says Oliver has nothing! Ashton Smith is gone, and so are the NXT UK Tag Team Championships. Dempsey says if not for Ashton, Oliver might still be champion in this company. Okay, okay, guys, calm down. Don’t bring up Ashton. He’s not here, and Oliver won’t let them talk about him behind his back.

But how about this for an answer? Oliver can show Teoman, Raja and Dempsey up! Is that so? Then Raja VS Oliver 1v1, and Raja will crush him! Teoman says no, he will take responsibility. The Babo vows to hurt Oliver. Die Familie leaves, but Oliver just gets back to his workout. Will the Hottest Superstar Under the Sun be ready to shine all on his own?


Primate VS Josh Morrell!

Eddie Dennis was kicked out of his own pack, and now Symbiosis is running wild on its own! Will the gorilla grind #TurboTerry into dust? Or will this get bananas and give Morrell his first win in NXT UK?

The bell rings and Primate ties up with Morrell. They go around, Primate puts Morrell in the ring and Primate gets in his face, “What’re you doing here?!” The ref counts, Primate lets off, but Morrell dodges the haymaker. Morrell headlocks, Primate back suplexes, but Morrell lands on his feet! Morrell wrenches Primate’s arm, and again, but Primate torture racks! Primate tosses Morrell, but he again lands on his feet! Morrell reels Primate in to roll him up, TWO! Primate gets up but runs into a hip toss! Primate is furious as he gets up again, but he resets with Morrell. They circle, fans rally, and the two knuckle lock.

Primate RAMS Morrell down but Morrell bridges to get back up! Morrell starts bending Primate back, and has him down! Cover, TWO as Primate bridges. Morrell jumps on but Primate stays up! Primate then gets up to monkey flip Morrell, but he lands on his feet again! Morrell fires off forearms, runs in, but Primate tosses him up to the corner! Morrell lands on his feet again, safe on the second rope, but Primate goes up to SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Primate aims from the corner. Morrell flounders up and Primate runs in to clothesline! Primate CLUBS Morrell down, then hauls him up to whip. BIG back drop! Cover, TWO!

Primate is furious but fans rally up. Primate shakes his head, drags Morrell up, and he whips him to a corner. Primate runs in but Morrell dodges! Morrell comes back to fire off forearms and body shots! Primate shoves Morrell to ropes then runs in, only for Morrell to dump him out! Fans rally up and Morrell builds speed to FLY! FOSBURY FLOP and it’s a hit! Fans fire up and Morrell puts Primate in. Morrell goes up a corner, leaps, 450 but he has to bail out! Primate CLOBBERS Morrell, then drags him up to whip and POP-UP, but Morrell fights free! Primate clotheslines Morrel to the apron!

Primate runs in again but into a shoulder! Morrell slingshots to SUNSET BOMB! Cover, MORRELL WINS!!

Winner: Josh Morrell, by pinfall

Incredible! Turbo Terry finally gets himself a W, and fans chant “You Deserve It!” Will this be the first of many successes for Morrell? As for Primate, is he finding that his brawn is not enough on its own?


Blair Davenport arrives.

NXT UK Media asks her how it feels to be back in NXT UK. Well, not much has changed, because reporters are still asking her the same “riveting” questions. But then Amale walks over and says she’s been looking for Blair. Blair mentioned something about “crushing hope” last week. That better not have been about her. Oh, Amale, that was just Blair letting everyone know that whatever plans or hopes the others may have, will soon change. And by the way, step to Blair again and Amale will have no hope. Stevie Turner walks over to make sure Amale got the word play that time. Amale tells Stevie to shut up!

If this is funny to her, Stevie can get her ass kicked and we’ll see who is laughing. And maybe Blair will take notice, too. Stevie says that was rude. But will the Fourth Dimensional Superstar find she’s the one with no hope when the French Hope makes an example of her?


Ilja Dragunov speaks.

“A-Kid: technical brilliance. Rampage Brown: a force of nature. Roderick Strong: stamina. The Irish Ace: ability and arrogance. All these opponents were chapters in a book that I call my reign as the NXT UK Champion. But for someone who calls himself Unbesiegbar, I need to be constantly looking out for new challengers. And there is someone I have never fought before: Wolfgang. A man of integrity, one of the Founding Fathers of NXT UK. When I look him in the eyes, I see a lion. I see a lion who has been guarding this brand for so many years. And we all know that there’s only one person who is courageous enough to ask to step into the lion’s den. Long Live the Czar.”


Trent Seven VS Tate Mayfairs!

The selfish and treacherous silver fox claims HE is British Strong Style after what he did to the “Little Weak Boy.” But will Seven have to retract his statements after facing The Greatest Pro-Wrestler Alive? Or will Seven only double down on everything he’s said and done since he betrayed Tyler Bate and the fans?

The bell rings and Seven doesn’t seem to take Tate seriously. Seven takes his time with his coat and his scarf, and then ties up, only to kick Tate low! And CLUB him down! Seven sits Tate up to CHOP him, then snapmares Tate to KICK him. And CHOP him on the back! Fans boo but Seven looms over Tate. Seven whips Tate hard into the ropes! Tate flounders and sputters but Seven CHOPS him out of the ring! Seven goes out after Tate and fans taunt him, but Seven CHOPS Tate against barriers. Seven puts Tate in, but Tate fires body shots! Seven feints chop to DDT Tate down! “How dare you!”

Seven huffs and puffs as he looms over Tate. Seven gives Tate toying kicks, then CHOPS him on the back again! Fans rally for Tate but Seven whips Tate corner to corner hard! Tate tumbles off the buckles and Seven mocks fans for wanting Tyler back. CHOP!! Cover, TWO!! Tate is still in this and Seven is actually surprised. Seven talks more trash, drags Tate up and wrenches to CHOP him down again. Seven stands Tate up again to CHOP back down, and he mocks Tate’s pain. Seven drags Tate up while fans chant “YOU STILL SUCK!” Seven says he is the Savior of British Sports, but Tate throws JABS!

Tate bobs ‘n’ weaves as Seven swings punches, and Tate steps up to ELBOW! And CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Tate gets up, into the BACKHAND! SEVEN STAR LARIAT! Cover, Seven wins!

Winner: Trent Seven, by pinfall

Fans boo but Seven doesn’t care because he won. And then he stomps away on Tate for giving him a hard fight! Seven puts on a MODIFIED FIGURE FOUR! Tate taps but Seven won’t let off, until GRADWELL rushes out! Fans cheer for the Thunderstorm, who dares Seven to fight him! Seven leaves, telling Gradwell to jog on. Will Seven be able to avoid this fight on his way to the top?


NXT UK hears from Noam Dar and Mark Coffey.

“I sit here today, a victim. A victim of my own success. I’ve cleaned out the entire Heritage Cup Division. I really am the best at this! Mark Coffey. You lucky, lucky boy.” Mark knows he has another shot at the cup, and it won’t be the way it was. Joe Coffey won’t be telling Mark how to fight, and no Sha Samuels for Dar when the going gets tough. There will be no chaos to derail Mark. Dar says Mark’s feeling the pressure, but Mark says the pressure isn’t on him, it’s on Dar. Dar says this is Mark’s moment. But for “the best Heritage Cup Champion of all time,” it’ll be just another Thursday.

Mark knows that for him, this is about winning the cup. And for Dar, it’ll be about losing everything. Dar knows there’s levels to this. He’s the tippy top. Mark says he won’t be the only winner. He saw Sha taking those bets from all around the Performance Center, and BT Sports Studio. That 100 to 1 odds, Sha is writing checks that Dar’s ass can’t cash. The whole ROSTER is backing Mark! Sha is going to owe a lot of people a lot of money. Dar actually thanks those betting on Mark. It means all their hard earned cash is going to the Supernova 11 Retirement Fund.

Mark says that for too long, Gallus has been on the backburner. For too long, Gallus has not been on top! This is still THEIR kingdom! Dar says he’s sending Mark to another dimension. “Check please!” Will Dar retire on top? Or will Mark make it rain for Gallus as he finally reigns as the NEW Heritage Cup Champion?


Meiko Satomura & Sarray VS Xia Brookside & Eliza Alexander!

The Final Boss didn’t take kindly to how the Warrior of the Sun was being treated by the Spoiled Brat and #LizzieEvo. The NXT UK Women’s Champion joins forces with her Joshi junior, will they show Xia & Eliza who runs things around here? Or will Xia & Eliza be able to “bash it up” in the main event?

The teams sort out and Xia starts against Sarray. Fans rally and the two circle. They tie up, Xia puts Sarray on ropes but lets off. The ref reprimands but Xia eggs Sarray on. Sarray and Xia reset, tie up, and Sarray wrenches to wristlock. Xia drops to a knee, pulls at Sarray’s hair, but rolls and kips up to wrench back. Xia grins as she YANKS the arm. Xia wristlocks but Sarray handsprings and wrenches back! Sarray stomps Xia down, has the wristlock, but Xia fights up. Xia uses ropes to flip through, wrench and headlock to the takeover! Xia thrashes Sarray but Sarray headscissors! Sarray holds tight and fans fire up!

Xia kicks and flails, moves around, and she headstands to pop free. Xia PENALTY KCIKS then does her shimmy dance. Fans chant “YOU STILL SUCK!” but Xia whips Sarray into the corner. Tag to Eliza and the mean girls mug Sarray. Eliza CLUBS Sarray but Sarray kicks Eliza! Eliza blocks a kick to ROCK Sarray with forearms. Eliza brings Sarray out but Sarray ROCKS her back! Eliza throws Sarray by her hair! Cover, TWO as Sarray goes Matrix! SHOTGUN! Fans fire up and Sarray tags Meiko! Meiko fires off forearms, blocks Eliza’s and wrenches to wristlock! Meiko KICKS, wrenches and SWEEPS! KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO!

But Meiko has Eliza with a headscissor! Xia coaches Eliza and she finds her way to the ROPEBREAK! Meiko lets off, whips Eliza to ropes, and KICKS her down! Tag to Sarray and she helps Meiko DOUBLE BULLDOG! Xia complains but Sarray whips Eliza to ropes. Xia grabs onto Eliza to block! The ref reprimands, Xia lets go and Sarray whips, only for Eliza to reverse it and CLOBBER Sarray! Xia cheers but she’s the only one. Eliza stomps Sarray, drags her over and tags Xia in. They mug Sarray, Xia CLUBS Sarray to ropes, and then Xia CHOKES Sarray on the ropes. The ref counts, Xia lets off at 4, then she runs in to DOUBLE KNEE!

Xia grins as she stomps Xia down then stomps on Sarray at the ropes. Fans boo but Xia lets off at 4. Cover, TWO! Xia clamps onto Sarray and CLUBS her down. Xia drags Sarray over, tags in Eliza, and Xia bumps Sarray off Eliza’s boot. Eliza CLUBS Sarray, taunts Meiko, then runs corner to corner to UPPERCUT Sarray down! Fans still rally but Xia mocks Sarray as Eliza hits a snap suplex. Eliza paces around, wrenches Sarray’s hair, then hits a BASEMENT UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up but Eliza keeps on Sarray by her hair. Eliza drags Sarray into a Camel Clutch! The ref reprimands the hair pulling but Eliza keeps on the hold.

Sarray endures, fans rally up, and Sarray powers her way to a cover, TWO! Sarray hurries for her corner but Eliza DECKS Meiko first! Eliza headlocks Sarray, but Sarray slips to a waistlock. Eliza switches but Sarray wheelbarrows for STOMP 182! Hot tag to Meiko! Fans fire up as Meiko KICKS Eliza around! Meiko drags Eliza up for a BLUNT DDT! And then a HANDSPRING KICK! Fans fire up, Meiko DECKS Xia, then she hauls Eliza over to drop an elbow! Eliza is in a drop zone, Meiko goes up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, Xia breaks it! Fans boo as Xia drags Eliza to her corner! Xia tags in then SLIDING KICKS Meiko!

Xia rains down fists on Meiko, then runs, into a ROUNDHOUSE! SHOTEI! Tag to Sarray and Meiko whips Xia to a corner! Meiko runs in and hits a forearm smash! Sarray runs in, but Eliza yanks Xia out of the way! Sarray hits buckles and the ref reprimands. Xia CLUBS Sarray, brings her around and rags Eliza. BROKEN SWINGS into a BUSAIKU KNEE! Cover, Meiko breaks it! Xia runs in to hit a NECKBREAKER! Eliza drags Sarray over, tag to Xia, and they mug Sarray more. Xia brings Sarray around, and whips her into the ropes! Sarray is stuck, Xia SLAPS Meiko! Eliza goes for a cheap shot but Sarray sweeps the legs!

Sarray drop toeholds Xia into ropes, then runs side to side! Meiko tags in before the SOLAR FLARE DROPKICK! Xia flounders as Sarray puts her in, and Meiko hits the SOBAT, to SCORPIO RISING! Cover, Joshi Strong Style wins!

Winners: Meiko Satomura & Sarray, by pinfall

The mean girls got pummeled and it’s the NXT UK Women’s Champion who stands tall with her fellow Joshi superstar! There is great respect between them, but will we see a great title match between them?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of NXT UK, with great stuff set up for the next few weeks. Kenny VS Tiger was a great opener, and it went almost how I expected. Tiger won the match but Kenny took his mask away, except they are keeping us guessing by having that secondary mask on underneath. I can’t be sure what this means for the story but it is a clever way to keep this going before revealing the true identity of Tiger Turan. Of course we got another promo from Oliver Carter and Die Familie, and of course it leads to a match. I just expected that Oliver would start with one of the sidekicks, but he’s getting the leader, Teoman, right away. If this were Raja, I bet Oliver would win, but I can’t be sure with it being Teoman.

Primate VS Morrell was great stuff, especially with Morrell winning. It’s two birds with one stone, Morrell finally getting his win in NXT UK and how this could get him going, and that Primate could be having a “crisis of confidence” now that he’s all on his own. He was with Wild Boar, but then he went right into Symbiosis, so Primate could try to find himself. Personally, I wish he and Wild Boar would be The Hunt again, that team-up only ended because Wild Boar got hurt. We got a pretty good promo segment out of Blair, Amale and Stevie to set up the Blair VS Amale feud, but Stevie loves stirring up trouble, so she’s gonna get beat as Amale tunes up for Blair.

Very good promo from Noam Dar and Mark Coffey to hype up their Heritage Cup match, and it could go either way at this point. I do think Mark should win since Dar’s been talking up “retiring,” and so Mark winning will “compel” Dar to not leave and keep going. It will be a great moment for Mark, he’s been solid since day one, he will be solid as a Heritage Cup Champion. Dragunov had a good promo, too, but I’m a bit torn on Wolfgang being his challenger. Wolfgang has also been solid since day one, but is he really top title worthy? I know he won’t beat Dragunov and that’s a bit of the problem. Where is someone where we actually feel Dragunov is in danger of losing? Is that person not signed yet? Or have they forgotten to build someone up to that level?

Honestly, it needs to end up being Heel Trent Seven. He had a good promo from after last week’s episode, as well as his interaction with Sam Gradwell, and even a good match just whooping Tate Mayfairs. Seven VS Gradwell with roles reversed is going to be a great feud and match, and even with Tyler Bate coming back to go after Seven, there could be a way Seven wins to then go after the NXT UK Championship. Actually, Bate VS Dragunov would be awesome, too, but the story of Seven getting his shot at the title just makes sense. Finally, we got a great tag team main event, and I figured Meiko & Sarray would win. Sarray had been nerfed in NXT 2.0, so it was great to see that sell from Xia on the dropkick. And Meiko VS Sarray still needs to happen before Sarray returns to the States.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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