Andrew’s TNA Hard to Kill Results & Match Ratings: 1.13.2024
It’s not a typo! TNA Wrestling is back! Hard to Kill kicks off their new year and their return to Total Nonstop Action!

I’m probably more excited than I should be, so I’m expecting to be disappointed to a degree. Being a fan of TNA for nearly…20 years…wow, 20? God damn, I feel super old now. BUT! Not the point, being that I remember FSN, Spike, Weekly PPVs, Destination America, POP and now AXS era, this is pretty awesome. The three letters that never really died, much like ECW, and now when people refer to it as TNA; they’re not wrong anymore!
Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin as singles champions kicks off the brand well, The ABC are young guys who could really be the future of TNA, Knockouts division is rebuilding, but has a bit of unproven potential and thankfully on the preshow Crazzy Steve took the Digital Media title off of Tommy Dreamer!
This is just fun, so I don’t really have coherent thoughts. Let’s just get to the show!
#HardToKill is NOW! TNA is BACK!
— TNA Wrestling (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 14, 2024
- Knockouts #1 Contender Ultimate X: Tasha Steelz vs Alisha Edwards vs Gisele Shaw vs Jody Threat vs Dani Luna vs Xia Brookside: Gisele wins – ** 1/4
PCO vs Dirty Dango w/Alpha Bravo & Oleg Prudius- PCO, Jake Something and Rhino vs Dirty Dango, Alpha Bravo and Oleg Prudius: PCO wins via PCO Sault – **
- TNA Knockouts Championship: MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) (c) vs Decay (Rosemary & Havok): Decay win via Assisted Sit out Chokebomb – ** 1/2 – TITLE CHANGE!!!
- X Division Championship: Chris Sabin (c) vs El Hijo Del Vikingo vs Kushida: Sabin retains via Cradle Shock – *** 3/4
- Josh Alexander vs Alex Hammerstone: Josh wins via C4 Spike – *** 3/4
- TNA Tag Team Title 4 Way Dance: ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs The Rascals (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) vs Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zach Gibson) vs Mike Bailey & Laredo Kid: ABC retain via 1-2-Sweet – *** 1/2
- TNA Knockouts Championship: Trinity (c) vs Jordynne Grace: Jordynne wins via Juggernaut Driver – *** – TITLE CHANGE!!!
- TNA World Championship: Alex Shelley (c) vs Moose: Moose wins via Lights Out – *** 1/2 – TITLE CHANGE!!!
Knockouts #1 Contender Ultimate X: Tasha Steelz vs Alisha Edwards vs Gisele Shaw vs Jody Threat vs Dani Luna vs Xia Brookside
Everyone scurries off into pairs to stop certain people from climbing early, and we get a quick stare down between Dani, Xia and Jody. Nothing fancy, just a little but of the Triple Threat style of wrestling to give Xia an early shine since she’s brand new to TNA, but Tasha kicks Dani’s head off to change the dynamic. Xia continues to showcase some of her offense while Tasha continues to show she’s too slow for some of the spots (look at the Satellite feed into the tandem move, and Tasha makes it look super awkward and slow). Jody and Dani get a few isolated minutes and Dani hits her with the ole Sack of Shit, into an Exploder, followed by another Exploder to Gisele and a Dive. Xia sees the opportunity, and flies into both Gisele and Dani. Jody decides to ignore climbing for the X and Cannonball’s into the previous three. I hate moves like that when they don’t make logical match sense.
Alisha I’ll give credit, she grabs Jody but Jody keeps climbing with Lish on her back. As she climbs the truss, Lish falls into the pile of 3, then Tasha cuts off Jody and goes for the Okurrr to the outside into the pile. Lish tries to sneak back into the ring, but Tasha cuts her off and…for Christ sake’s we don’t need a damned Tower of Doom…that move is so overused. Xia climbs on the other side, Gisele tries to stop her, but Dani plucks Gisele off the corner. Xia tries to slide across but slips onto Dani’s shoulders and eats a Powerbomb. Dani takes out Tasha and Jody, but now Lish tries to sneak across but she falls down onto Dani and turns the catch into a DDT.
Lish grabs Kendra her Kendo Stick and starts lighting up her opponents. Xia stops Lish with a Codebreaker, then we get a bit of a signature spam from all the women to neutralize each other. Ending in a stacked Pop Shove-It from Jody onto Xia and Lish. A bit more chaos ensues as they start to just swing and lay each other out. I ends up with Tasha, Gisele and Dani making a dash for the X. Gisele hits Tasha with the X, Dani loses her grip and Gisele manages to grab the X!
It’s taken a little bit, but Gisele might finally be on her way to get a real push.
PCO vs Dirty Dango w/Alpha Bravo & Oleg Prudius
PCO goes back to an ROH flavored entrance of being shocked back to life by a team of ‘doctors’.
Dango gets rocked quick, Alpha Bravo slides in to try and interrupt the PCO Sault and he’s successful. So Dango gets disqualified. Prudius slowly motions to the ring, and then Rhino comes out for the save. Dango and Bravo stop Prudius from engaging, but then the Depictionator of Authorization arrives to makea-a-tag-teams match. Three versus three, and Jake Something is the third member of PCO’s team.
PCO, Jake Something and Rhino vs Dirty Dango, Alpha Bravo and Oleg Prudius
Jake flies into the ring literally, and there’s a huge brawl. PCO Sault connects, Deanimator on Dango, and just a lot of the Babyfaces wailing on the heel team. PCO finally tags in Jake, and Jake keeps Dango on a string and rocks him with heavy lariats and strikes. Rhino comes in, Las Vegas pops, and the Manbeast is in control. Rhino heads to the far corner for a Gore but gets laid out with a Prudius Clothesline.
Bravo and Dango work over Rhino, tag Prudius in and now we get a glimpse of something that could be cool, but this isn’t the match for that. So Bravo tags back in with Rhino trying to fight back. Dango tags and we see typical quick heel tags, Dango tries to land an exposed Knee Drop from the top, but Rhino moves and Jake Something comes in fast. Dango counters Into the Void and shoves Jake into the corner. PCO tags himself in, Bravo tags out Dango, but PCO eats Bravo. Lungblower into a Guillotine Leg Drop, but Prudius attacks PCO and lays him out. Rhino and him have the stare down, Rhino manages to take him off his feet with the Shoulder Tackle. Gore aims for Dango, but Dango moves out of the way and lets Bravo eat the Gore. Jake Powerbombs Dango into Bravo, PCO Sault on Bravo, and he dead.
Who is that!?#HardToKill
— TNA Wrestling (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 14, 2024
TNA Knockouts Championship: MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) (c) vs Decay (Rosemary & Havok)
Admittedly I’m gonna miss JesSICKa, but I’m definitely not gonna miss Courtney Rush. But I guess Rosemary’s return is worth the sacrifice.
Havok charges the championship corner, and Masha is on the receiving end of some fast offense. It’s not until Kelly grabs Rosemary’s feet to give Masha an opening, and the champions start to put some of their own aggression together. Kelly keeps the offense rolling until she gets a little cocky and starts to crawl over top of Rosemary. Rosemary does her ‘rise from the grave’ spot, and rains down some punches onto Kelly. Simultaneous tags to Masha and Havok, but Havok easily handles both Masha and Kelly at different points.
A little bit of chaos distracts Havok, Waterwheel Kick connects, Russian Death Device, but Havok kicks out at 1! Havok hits the Double Chokeslam on both women, they hit an Assisted Sit out Chokebomb finisher, and Decay wins!
X Division Championship: Chris Sabin (c) vs El Hijo Del Vikingo vs Kushida
A triple collar elbow is kinda dumb, but they also realize that, so Sabin and Kushida team up real quick on Vikingo, but he fights back quickly and there’s rolling quick attacks. Speaking of rolling, Kushida lets the spots breathe for a second and then literally rolls forward and hits the Low Dropkick on Vikingo and we’re back to locomotion attacks. Kushida tries to focus on Vikingo’s arm, and gets in a few strikes before Vikingo stops him in his tracks with a kick, a flashing kick to Sabin and then continues the variety of kicks. Kushida gets kicked back into the Corner and Vikingo hits Flipping Dragonrana on Kushida into a standing Bow and Arrow.
Sabin lets the offense sink in a little before breaking it up. Sabin cuts off Kushida’s attempted Back Handspring and then slides between Vikingo’s Legs and rolls into the Boston Crab. Indian Deathlock tandem submission using Kushida as a tool against Vkingo. Sabin is in charge until Kushida turns the tables on creative tandem attacks. Kushida looks for a dual Hoverboard Lock, but Vikingo bails, Sabin fights it off and throws Kushida into the corner. Monkey Flip from Kushida, Vikingo turns it into a Flying Headscissors and goes as Kushida. The inadvertent assisted moves are pretty great and there’s never a ton of space between the spots.
Tornado DDT from Sabin off of Vikingo. Then Sabin hits the Pump Handle Michinoku Driver for 2. Vikingo starts to fight back, hits a Go To Sleep variation, followed by a Step Over 450 Splash onto the ramp. Kushida starts hunting for Hoverboard Locks. He’s got Sabin in a standing Hoverboard, so Vikingo just lands the Double Stomp while Kushida is prone. Springboard Canadian Destroyer from Sabin to Vikingo on the ramp. Kushida looks to take advantage, but Sabin slips under for the Avalanche Belly to Back Suplex. Cradle Shock…but no! Kushida tries to counter with Hoverboard lock, but Sabin fights it off. Vikingo can be seen crawling down the ramp trying to get to the ring as Sabin pulls off the Cradle Shock and retains!
Josh Alexander vs Alex Hammerstone
Fairly even start until Josh tries a quick Ankle Lock, so Hammerstone kicks him off, Pump Kicks Josh out of the ring, and then hits a Plancha before he basks in some crowd noise. As things head back in, Josh fights back and we’re back to a close parity. Hammerstone misses a Chop, so the Dragon Screw from Josh gives him a very meticulous advantage. Hammerstone gets back up, then Josh starts lighting him up in the corner with Chops; but those are just pissing off Hammer.
Hammer reverses the Irish Whip, Josh bounces out of the corner and a Belly to Belly leaves Josh reeling for a second. Hammerstone keeps going for power moves but Josh is doing a good job keeping out of anything big. Josh dodges another Pump Kick, Rocks Hammer, Scoops him up and drops him onto the apron and starts focusing Hammerstone’s back. Low Crossbody to the outside, Rolling Senton, and a Knee Drop into an Ankle Lock just keep pushing the advantage towards Josh. Hammer starts to Hulk up, and Josh tries to chop him down but a goozle into a Gorilla Press and then a swing out Uranage. Corner Lariats ala Vader or Kojima, Josh tries to comeback, Hammer with the Up and Over but seems to tweak something. Josh thinks he has a moment, but Hammer still pulls off the Scoop Power Slam.
Pump Kick, gets blocked, Hammer gets wrestled down, Ankle Lock, into a Grapevined Ankle Lock, but Hammerstone manages to barely get to the ropes. Hammerstone tries something but sells the leg, Josh charges and Hammer manages to pull off the Nightmare Pendulum, but he can’t cover. By the time he tries to go for a pin, Josh is aware enough to roll to the outside. Hammer has to limp to the apron, goes for a Death Valley Driver, and gets it on the second shot. Rolls Josh in, heads to the top for a Missile Dropkick, TKO, kick out at 2! They stand up, Fightning Spirit spot, Hammerstone blocks a Rolling Forearm with his neck, German Suplex into a Powerbomb, for only 2. Nightmare…no Inside Cradle from Josh. Forearm to the back of the head from Josh, German Suplex, C4 Spike, and Josh pulls it off!
TNA Tag Team Title 4 Way Dance: ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs The Rascals (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) vs Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zach Gibson) vs Mike Bailey & Laredo Kid
GYV and ABC start off for ownership of the Alphabet. Ace gets worked over a bit by both Vets, but when Bey finally comes in we do get a hot moment for the champions. Rascalz blind tag Zach Gibson as he reels, then Rascalz light up Bey. Bey stumbles into the Mexican Speed corner. Things get hectic as all 8 men get in there at some point and the referee has to forcibly settle things and call in two people.
Gibson and Speedball face off, Bailey hits the rapid fire kicks but the GYV work together fluidly and you see a lot of quick Tandem Attacks, Drake flies over a prone Bailey and connects a Missile Dropkick onto Laredo out of nowhere. Bailey keeps looking for a tag, and in Speedball’s desperation he kicks Drake into the Rascalz corner and Wentz tags himself in. Drake and Wentz argue and fight a bit, which gives Bailey the chance to fight back and get out of the match finally. Laredo Kid takes out Drake and Trey, Wentz tries to take advantage of things, but Laredo turns the attack into an Avalanche Michinoku Driver, only for 2! ABC take a blind tag in, and start flowing until Ace screws up his Triangle Kick. He loses his footing while Bey has Wentz in a Torture Rack, but goes back to the it and hits it. He calls to Bey that it was his bad, so he owns the botch, which is smart. But hell this action is quick, complex and its just bodies everywhere.
Bailey hits a Moonsault to the outside. Laredo kid slips in the bad corner, but Bailey makes the save, Tornado Kick, into Ultima Weapon for 2 because The Rascalz make the pinfall save! Trey takes out Miguel, UFO Cutter from Wentz on Bailey. Spinebuster, Superkick, Double Stomp by The Rascalz, but Ace breaks it up. Double Cold Cock, Cut Off Dropkicks from The ABC, 1-2-SWEET! ABC RETAIN!
TNA Knockouts Championship: Trinity (c) vs Jordynne Grace
The reveal was sadly Dana Brooke now being called Ash by Elegance, which is stupid. So TNA gonna TNA I suppose.
Well it feels like the reveal of Dana Brooke did nothing for the crowd or this match. The match starts slow, but not meticulous slow, just stupid slow, and Trinity’s combination kicks look slow, weak and bad. It’s a lot of Trinity going for bad offense, and Jordynne just catches her and drops her. Very slow Crossbody from the top rope, into her weird little Headscissor’s Spike…but again…this has been bad.
Patrick Mahomes got his helmet cracked on his scramble. Damn, that’s crazy…oh the match is still going on? Jordynne has manhandled Trinity, Trinity gets in a few desperate Backdrops, there’s a strike spot where Grace asks for more punishment and still fights through it to trade. Bulldog into the middle turnbuckle from Trinity finally starts looking alright, Split-Legged Moonsault gets Trin a 2. Trinity tries to fight from the corner, Spinning Backfist from Jordynne, Kinniku Buster for 2! Jordynne drops down on the Cradle attempt, Trinity rolls things into the Starstruck, but Jordynne fights through it for a near fall, Rear View from Trinity for 2!
Jordynne fights through another Starstruck, just stands up, Trinity tries to grab the ropes as they come up but a Wheelbarrow Suplex rocks Trinity, Juggernaut Driver for the win.
TNA World Championship: Alex Shelley (c) vs Moose
DeAngelo Williams comes out with Moose and the rest of The System. Harkening back to their tag match together at Slammiversary 2017 against Chris Adonis and Eli Drake.
Moose goes for the handshake, Shelley slaps it away, Moose palms his face and Shelley Water Mists Moose in response and then fires right after him. Shelley tries to work the left arm and wrestles Moose down to the mat. Shelley really is going for the ground game, but Moose immediately finds the ropes and tries to get this back up to a vertical position. Working over the left arm from different angles continues to be Shelley’s gameplan, but he gets a little arrogant and Moose makes him pay with that beautiful Okada Dropkick. The champion powders, and Moose follows, lighting him up with the one arm, bouncing Shelley’s face off the apron and Moose is starting to use his size and power to his advantage.
Shelley catches Moose, and starts going for the arm, and utilizing the old adage of ‘ever see what a chainsaw does to a tree’. He keeps chopping Moose down at the legs and finding different ways to injure Moose’s left arm. Shelley looks to go for his own Hoverboard Lock, and Moose is trying to fight back and throws Shelley into the corner with Snake Eyes! Moose hit Garvin Stomps on the downed champion, and lords over him, taking his time with deliberate slaps. Shelley fires but then eats an Uranage for 2! Shelley tries to fire with an Enzuigiri, eats a Pump Kick from Moose, Moose tries a Powerbomb but Shelley pulls off a DDT and both are selling.
They rise slowly, Shelley with the John Woo kick to the corner, a Forearm Splash, and now looking for a Brainbuster but Moose counters, Shelley breaks it with his knee, dumps Moose to the outside, looks for a big Dive, Plancha redirect because Moose moves, picks the ankle and bounces Shelley’s face off the apron. Sliced Bread, countered, Moose tries to drive Shelley into the post, Shelley slips out the back and then hits Shell Shock on the outside. Shelley looks willing to accept a count out victory, but Moose slides in at 9. Punt Kick, Flat Liner into the Middle Turnbuckle from Shelley, goes for the School Boy, only 2, Forearm, 2, floats over to the Border City Stretch, but Moose counters. Powerbomb from Moose and only a 2! Moose goes for Lights Out but misses, Shelley with a few big Lariats but they aren’t doing a ton. SHIRANUI but only for 2!
DeAngelo Williams walks out, as well as the rest of The System. Sabin and Kushida take out Edwards and Myers, but DeAngelo is still there. Moose charges, low bridge and Moose spills out to the ramp. Chokeslam attempt from Moose, but no, Suplex attempt from Shelley and definitely no. Powerbomb countered, and then Facebuster from Shelley, sending Moose face and left shoulder first into the ramp. They both get back in, Chop exchange, Moose seems to be getting the best, even with only one arm at this point. Rolling Forearm 3 times from Shelley, Kawada Kicks, PK got countered by a Headbutt from Moose, Moose hits the ropes, HUGE LARIAT FROM SHELLEY! Misawa, Kawada, Suzuki and Kobashi homages, Superkick into a Shell Shock attempt but Moose spins out, Shell Shock attempt again, spin out from Moose, he hits the ropes and LIGHTS OUT! MOOSE WINS!
1983 Vince Niel shows up! Nic Nemeth’s music hits, he sneaks up behind Moose, hits the Zig Zag, and runs into the crowd, and the crowd is totally loving it.
Overall Score: 7.25/10
Well I’ll admit it wasn’t as awesome as I was hoping for, and that Dana Brooke with the dumbest name imaginable really took a dump on any momentum the show had. Moose going over is great, Gisele winning the Ultimate X is nice if they let her be more aggressive and less chicken shit heel with a team. Not sure if Trinity losing means she’s on her way out, but she might be back on the road to WWE since that match really had bad pacing and poor contact for the better portion of the early goings. I was happy to see Hammerstone in TNA, but judging from how that match went, he obviously hasn’t agreed to anything with TNA. Also I won’t overlook the 4 Way Tag, it would’ve been a bit better if there were less noticeable botches and hitches, but it was still crazy entertaining.
The rest of the show was…alright. Given the fact the last month or so was highlight reels, parody shows and not a lot, this really felt like a clean restart. So I’m hoping it will just take a little bit of time and momentum to find their new TNA rhythm, but Ash by Elegance is almost as cringe as Emmalina. I have no clue why they would give Dana Brooke attention. Nic Nemeth was the biggest confirmation of the night, so lets see if Ziggles can help revitalize this new era of TNA.
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
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The Revolution begins again!
How can the Rated R Superstar overthrow The Maniac’s reign of terror? With a Revolution, of course! But can Cope become AEW World Champion? Or will Jon Moxley break his body and spirit?
- Zero Hour – Holo.grm & Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Blake Christian & Lee Johnson; win.
- Zero Hour – 8 Man Tag: Daniel Garcia & The Undisputed Kingdom VS Shane Taylor Promotions; win(s).
- Zero Hour – Six Man Tag: Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe & Big Boom AJ w/ Big Justice VS Johnny TV & MXM Collection; win.
- Zero Hour – ROH World Championship: Chris Jericho VS Gravity; wins and
- AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Brody King; wins and
- AEW World Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana VS Ricochet; wins and will challenge for the title.
- Hangman Page VS MJF; wins.
- AEW World Tag Team Championships: Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin w/ MVP VS The Outrunners; win and
- AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone VS Momo Watanabe; wins and
- Steel Cage Match: Will Ospreay VS Kyle Fletcher; wins.
- AEW International Championship: Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis VS Kenny Omega; wins and
- AEW Women’s World Championship, The Hollywood Ending: Toni Storm VS Mariah May; wins and
- AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley VS Adam Copeland; wins and
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)
WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
Classic POD is WAR
Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!
Powered by RedCircle
Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!

Will the New Japan Cup still be tranquilo?
The New Japan Cup rolls on without delay! But will Tetsuya Naito still take his time against Callum Newman? Or will he be lapped by the Prince of Pace?
- Kickoff – YOSHI-HASHI & Toru Yano VS Katsuya Murashima & Daiki Nagai; Hashi & Yano win.
- Yuya Uemura & Taka Michinoku VS SANADA & Chase Owens; Sanada & Chase win.
- Six Man Tag: TMDK VS The United Empire; TMDK wins.
- Six Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture; War Dogs win.
- Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS House of Torture; House of Torture wins.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Boltin Oleg VS Bad Luck Fale; Oleg wins and advances.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Opening Round: El Phantasmo VS Great-O-Khan; Khan wins and advances.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Tomohiro Ishii VS “Drilla” Moloney; Drilla wins and advances.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Tetsuya Naito VS Callum Newman; Naito wins and advances.
- Hirooki Goto & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Yuji Nagata & Satoshi Kojima; Goto & Tanahashi win.
2025 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Boltin Oleg VS Bad Luck Fale!
This is quite literally the biggest match of the tournament as two big meaty men are about to collide! But will the Rogue General be put behind BARS? Or will he bust through with a Grenade?
The bell rings and they RAM shoulders! Oleg runs, RAMS Fale, but Fale doesn’t fall! Oleg goes again, and RAMS Fale! Fale eggs Oleg on, so Oleg CHOPS! Oleg runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and he CLOBBERS Fale right out of the ring! The fans fire up and Oleg eggs Fale on. Fale snarls as he gets back up, and he drags Oleg out of the ring! Fale fires body shots, then whips Oleg hard into railing! Commentary almost topples over! Fale storms up on Oleg, talks some smack, then stomps Oleg. Fale drags Oleg up to BODY BLOW! Oleg sputters but Fale brings him up. And he RAMS Oleg into the railing! Milano Collection AT almost loses his table!
Fale storms back into the ring while Oleg crawls. The ring count climbs, Fale salutes, but Oleg stands at 5 of 20. Oleg hobbles along, slides in, but Fale stomps him down at the ropes! Fale stands on Oleg’s chest! The ref counts, but Fale steps off at 4. Fale drags Oleg up, but Oleg fires body shots! Fale BODY BLOWS in return! Fale CLUBS Oleg, then CLUBS him again! Oleg crawls, but Fale brings him up to bump off buckles. Fale fires another BODY BLOW! Fale CHOKES Oleg in the corner, but stops as the ref reprimands. Oleg fires body shots and CHOPS in return, but Fale CHOPS Oleg down! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer as Oleg stays in this.
Oleg crawls, the fans rally behind him, and Oleg stands to fire forearms. Fale throat chops! Fale DECKS Oleg, then drags him from the ropes. Fale flips Oleg over, then steps on him! Fale hangs ten on Oleg’s back! Fale then steps off to stand Oleg up, but Oleg fires forearms again! Oleg backs Fale down, goes to scoop, but Fale might be too big even for Oleg! Fale CLUBS away, puts Oleg in a corner, then LARIATS again and again! The ref counts, Fale stops at five big lariats, then whips corner to corner. Fale runs up, but Oleg dodges! Oleg then scoops, and he gets Fale off his feet! But not for long as Fale fights free!
Fale scoops and SLAMS Oleg! Fale then runs to ELBOW FLOP as Oleg moves! The fans fire up as both men rise up. Oleg SCOOPS AND SLAMS Fale!! The fans are thunderous and Oleg runs, runs, and SPLASHES DOWN! Cover, TWO! Fale survives but Oleg throws off the elbow pads. The fans rally behind Oleg as he gut wrenches!? Oleg hauls Fale up, but Fale’s too big for that kind of lift! Oleg CLUBS away on Fale’s back, but Fale grabs Oleg by the neck! Oleg breaks free to ROCK and CHOP Fale! Oleg runs, but into a fireman’s carry! SAMOAN DROP! Both men are down but Fale rises. The fans rally, but Fale runs to ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO!!
Oleg survives and the fans fire up! Fale is frustrated, but he vows to end this. Fale stands Oleg up, has him by the neck, and he arms the- NO, Oleg SHOTGUNS the Grenade away! And then fireman’s carries?!? KAMIKAZE!!! Cover, Oleg wins!!
Winner: Boltin Oleg, by pinfall (advances to the next round)
The bigger they are, the harder they fall, and that was certainly the case here! Oleg made big waves in the G1 Climax, will he make the biggest splash here in the New Japan Cup?
2025 New Japan Cup Opening Round: El Phantasmo w/ Jado VS Great-O-Khan!
The Headbanga’s team won against the United Empire just yesterday, but now he and The Dominator go 1v1! Will the NJPW World Television Champion be the star of the show? Or will the last KOPW Champion change the channel?
The bell rings and the fans rally up. They duel between “E L P! E L P!” and “O-KHAN! O-KHAN!” The Khan side seems stronger, but ELP gets his side going again. The two step up with arms crossed, then they feel out a grapple. They clinch, ELP headlocks, but Khan slips around to a waistlock. Khan keeps ELP down with a headlock but ELP slips out to facelock. Khan slips out, wants an arm, but ELP facelocks again. They go around as Khan goes for legs, but ELP stays on top. They end up in the ropes, and the ref calls the break. Khan lets go and rolls away, which the fans cheer. ELP rolls to get in Khan’s face and the fans cheer more!
Khan and ELP reset, tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, then Khan headlocks. ELP fires body shots, then powers up and out. Khan RUNS ELP over! Khan poses, but ELP kicks him from below. Khan stomps ELP, runs, but ELP drops down, then DROPKICKS! The fans cheer and ELP brings Khan up. ELP CHOPS Khan, has him in a corner, and CHOPS again! Fans “WOO~!” with ELP, then he whips corner to corner. Khan reverses, ELP goes up and over, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then springboards, but into Khan’s arms! BACKBREAKER! Khan poses and the fans cheer. Khan stomps ELP around, then clamps on with a chinlock. ELP endures, fights around, and the fans rally.
Khan grabs ELP’s arm and pulls it back, while also having a headscissors! ELP kicks around, rolls back, but Khan just shifts his angle! ELP rolls again, ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and Khan lets go again. ELP catches his breath while Khan looms near. ELP CHOPS, but Khan brushes that off. Khan eggs ELP on, so ELP CHOPS again! Khan grits his teeth, but then ELP ROCKS him with a forearm! And another! And another! Khan claps to fake ELP out, then he trips ELP up! Khan stands ELP up to run and BLINDSIDE FOREARM! Khan rains down more shots to the back of ELP’s neck! ELP guards but then Khan turns him over for forearms to the face!
Khan lets off and the ref checks on ELP. ELP goes to a corner so he’s still in this. Khan drags him up, ROCKS him in the back, and then stands him up. Khan hops up to sit on his throne! The fans cheer while ELP flails. The ref reprimands but Khan pulls on ELP’s arms! Khan hops down as the ref counts, and Khan brings ELP around for Mongolian Chops! Khan drags ELP to a cover, ONE! Khan clamps onto ELP with a katagatame! ELP endures the head ‘n’ arm triangle, reaches out and kicks around, but Khan leans all his weight on ELP! The fans rally, Khan turns ELP away from ropes, and now it’s a standing triangle!
ELP CLUBS away on Khan’s back and is free! ELP KNEES low, then LARIATS! Khan stays standing, so ELP LARIATS again! Khan is still up, so ELP runs, only for Khan to dodge! ELP dodges back, and RANAS! Khan tumbles, the fans fire up, and ELP runs to LARIAT Khan up and out! The fans rally as Khan hits the floor! ELP builds speed, and he DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! The fans fire up again as ELP rises. ELP shakes out his arms, storms back to Khan, and drags him up to whip into railing! Khan hobbles forward, into a CHOP! ELP brings Khan up again, and whips him into more railing! Khan drops to his knees in front of commentary.
The fans rally up as Khan gets back to his feet, only for ELP to CHOP again! Khan flops back down, but ELP stands him back up. ELP SMACKS Khan off the apron, then shoves him aside. ELP goes up the corner, the fans rally up, and ELP is on the very top! The fans spell out “E! L! P!” ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Khan moves, ELP rolls through, but Khan scoops him! Khan hits a T T D on the floor!! Khan stares Hiroyoshi Tenzan down on commentary, having used Tenzan’s Tombstone Driver right in front of him! The fans fire up and rally while the ring count begins. Khan and ELP stir at 4 of 20, and slowly sit up at 9!
ELP and Khan stand, but only Khan gets in at 12! ELP flops back, but he rises back up at 15! ELP leans against the ring, but falls over! He flounders, springs back up, and is in at 19.9999!! Khan doesn’t even care, he just BOOTS ELP back down! Khan clamps on the IRON CLAW, and he vows to end this! ELIMINA- NO, ELP wheelbarrows and victory rolls through! TWO!! ELP fakes high, rolls Khan up again, TWO!! ELP hurries to hook the arms, but Khan fights the backslide! ELP powers Khan down into the cover, TWO!!! Khan escapes, but ELP hurries up! Mule kick, and then a front kick! But Khan BOOTS again! ELP ENZIGIRIS!
Both men are down and the fans fire up with ELP! ELP rises, he brings Khan up, and he straitjackets Khan into the torture rack! But ELP’s back isn’t letting him lift! Khan slips free, and has the IRON CLAW! ELP breaks free to ROCK Khan! ELP ROCKS Khan again, but Khan just eggs him on! Then he DECKS ELP with the IRON RIGHT!! Khan reels ELP in, and clamps on the HITSUJIGOROSHI!! Then IRON CLAW into the ELIMI- NO, ELP flips through! ELP ducks, goes up and up, FLYING TORNADO DDT! Khan flounders, ELP hurries to cover, TWO!! Khan survives and the fans fire up! Jado coaches ELP and ELP tunes up the band!
ELP watches Khan rises, and hits SUDDEN DEATH!! Cover, TWO?!?! Khan survives and the fans are thunderous! ELP feeds off that energy and vows to end this! ELP brings Khan up, but his arms really bother him. ELP still hooks Khan up, lifts, but the shoulder won’t let him! Khan clinches, COMPLETE SHOT! And then the IRON CLAW, for the ELIMINATOR!!! Cover, Khan wins!!
Winner: Great-O-Khan, by pinfall (advances to the next round)
The Headbanga’s close calls kept adding up, and in the end, he was eliminated! Will Khan keep an eye on the NJPW World Television Championship now that he has the golden ticket in his back pocket? Or will he stay completely focused on the New Japan Cup?
2025 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Tomohiro Ishii VS “Drilla” Moloney!
It’s a dog fight tonight as the Stone Pitbull takes on one of the War Dogs! Will Ishii bite the Bullet Club? Or will he be shot down by the 44 Caliber?
The bell rings and the fans rally up as these two step right up to center. Drilla fires a forearm, and another, but Ishii leans into them! Ishii backs Drilla down like that, then he starts throwing forearms! But now Drilla leans into them, and he backs Ishii down! The forearms go back and forth and the fans fire up! Ishii ROCKS Drilla, fires a flurry, then runs to RAM Drilla! Drilla flexes, but Ishii fires a flurry! Drilla ROCKS Ishii, then runs, but Ishii RUNS him over! The fans cheer, but then Drilla kips up! Drilla ROCKS Ishii, runs, and he RAMS Ishii! Ishii rebounds, Drilla hurdles, drops down, then DROPKICKS!
The fans fire up and Drilla stands tall. The dueling between “I-SHI-I” and “MO-LO-NEY!” gets going as Drilla stands Ishii up. Drilla CHOPS Ishii, goes to ropes, and CHOPS him again! Ishii leans against the ropes but Drilla bumps him off buckles. Drilla stomps Ishii, CLUBS Ishii, then digs his boots into Ishii. The ref counts, Drilla steps off, but then Drilla stomps Ishii more. Ishii eggs Drilla on so Drilla stomps him even harder! Drilla stands Ishii up to CHOP! Drilla snapmares Ishii, KICKS him in the back, then covers. TWO and the fans cheer. Drilla is annoyed but he keeps his eyes on Ishii. Drilla brings Ishii around to bump off buckles!
Ishii snarls at Drilla, but Drilla CHOPS him again! Drilla eggs Ishii on, CHOPS again, then CHOPS again! Ishii eggs Drilla on now! Drilla ROCKS and CHOPS Ishii much like Ishii would, then Drilla whips corner to corner. Ishii reverses, runs up, but Drilla BOOTS him! Ishii comes back, but Drilla puts Ishii up top! GAMANGIRI and a RUNNING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Ishii stays in this, but Drilla looms over him. Drilla stands Ishii up to CHOP! And CHOP! Drilla winds up to CHOP! Ishii just roars! Ishii blocks a kick, takes a swing, but Drilla shoves him into a corner! BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Drilla runs, but into Ishii’s SNAP POWERSLAM!
Both men are down and the fans rally up again. Ishii rises and waits on Drilla. Ishii runs up to LARIAT! Ishii whips, Drilla reverses, and Drilla ELBOWS Ishii! Drilla reels Ishii in, but it’s Ishii who suplexes first! Ishii sits up and the fans fire up again. Ishii looms over Drilla, kicks him to a corner, then CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! ROCK and CHOP, on repeat! Drilla fires a forearm, but Ishii DECKS Drilla! The fans fire up again while Ishii leans on the ropes. Ishii drags Drilla up, hoists him to the top rope, then climbs up after him! The fans rally for the SUPERPLEX! But Drilla’s right up!? Drilla runs up to LARIAT, but Ishii stays up!
Ishii ROCKS Drilla, then they DOUBLE LARIAT! They stay up, Ishii swings but Drilla dodges! Drilla GERMAN SUPLEXES! Ishii’s right up to CLOBBER Drilla! Drilla’s right up to BOOT Ishii! Ishii runs, but into a GORE!! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Drilla stands, and he storms over to Ishii. Drilla drags Ishii up, waistlocks, and he deadlifts Ishii! Ishii resists the lift, so Drilla ripcords him! Ishii ducks the chop, but so does Drilla! Drilla SUPERKICKS, then he BOOTS a lariat away! Ishii spins to SOUTHPAW LARIAT! Drilla stays up, and he ENZIGIRIS! Ishii falls and the fans fire up!
Drilla pounds the mat, the fans rally up, and Drilla runs as Ishii rises. GORE is stuffed!? Ishii lifts Drilla, Drilla fights free, but Ishii HEADBUTTS!! The fans are thunderous again and Ishii winds up! Drilla rises, Ishii runs, LARIAT! Drilla stays up!? Ishii dodges Drilla, but Drilla LARIATS on the return! Drilla goes to a corner, the fans fire up, and Drilla runs in. Ishii KNEES Drilla first! Then fires boxing elbows! Ishii runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Ishii survives and the fans fire up again! Drilla snarls, the fans bark for the War Dog, and Drilla drags Ishii up. Drilla vows to end this, and he lifts, but Ishii fights back!
Ishii Alabama Lifts! But Drilla fights it for a SPIKE PILEDRIVER! And then a GORE!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Ishii survives all that and the fans are thunderous! And this is just ten minutes in! Drilla grits his teeth, drags himself up, and he roars! The fans bark again as Drilla stalks Ishii. Drilla brings Ishii up, gut wrenches, but Ishii fights free! Ishii blocks a superkick, gets around and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Both men are down again and the fans rally up! Ishii crawls to a corner, and he fires up by headbutting the buckles! Ishii aims, runs in, but Drilla JABS! JABS! ROLLING ELBOW! Ishii falls, Drilla steadies himself, and then Drilla fires up!
Drilla hauls Ishii up, military presses, and SNAKE EYES! Drilla runs, but Ishii LARIATS!! Ishii sits Drilla up, for the SLIDING LARIAT!! Cover, TWO?!?! Drilla survives but Ishii roars again! Ishii suplexes, but Drilla knees free! Drilal wrenches, Ishii spins him, but Drilla scoops! And he flips Ishii around!? DRILLA- NO, Ishii slips free to SLIDING HEADBUTT!! The fans are thunderous as Ishii stands! Ishii waits on Drilla, then he runs, to LARIAT!!! Cover, TWO?!?!?! Drilla survives and the fans are thunderous again! Ishii drags Drilla back up, suplexes again, but Drilla slips free! Ripcord, SUPERKICK! Ishii swings, but into a suplex! BRAINBUSTER!!! Cover, ONE?!?!?!?!
The fans are erupting and Drilla gets moving! But Ishii GORES!?!? Cover, ONE!?!?!? These guys aren’t human, they’ve got that dog in them! Ishii runs up, but so does Drilla! DOUBLE LARIATS! Ishii SLAPS, Drilla SLAPS, Ishii SLAPS and ENZIGIRIS! Drilla rebounds to V-TRIGGER! And then gut wrench, DRILLA KILLA!!!! Cover, DRILLA WINS!!!
Winner: “Drilla” Moloney, by pinfall (advances to the next round)
These two fought like animals, and but the young and hungry Drilla took the win! Will Drilla continue to eat the bracket alive until he’s drinking from The Cup?
2025 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Tetsuya Naito VS Callum Newman!
The opening round wraps up as these two meet again from the G1 Climax. The Uncontrollable Charisma won then, will he win now? Or will the Prince of Pace kick it up to a new gear for the New Japan Cup?
As usual, Naito takes his time with his entrance attire. Callum knows to keep cool or it’ll just take even longer. The pants are put aside and the bell rings. The fans rally behind Naito as he and Callum slowly circle. They tie up, Callum rolls Naito up, TWO! Oklahoma Roll, TWO! Naito ducks a kick to give a kick! Naito fires hands, then whips, but Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges and keeps moving to then BOOT Naito down! The fans cheer that impressive speed, and Callum walks over to Naito. Cover, TWO! Naito stands but Callum fires a forearm. Naito fires back, so Callum fires again. They fire more forearms back and forth and the fans rally up.
Callum fires a flurry, but Naito SPITS at him! The fans cheer, but Callum CHOPS! Callum whips, Naito grabs ropes to stop, and Naito BOOTS back. Callum runs up but Naito puts him on the apron! HOTSHOT! Naito then goes out after Callum and whips him hard into railing! Callum flops over and clutches his ribs, but Naito brings him back up. Naito whips Callum into more railing, and Callum falls right to the floor! Naito leaves Callum behind for the ring count to handle. Callum rises at 6 of 20, stands at 10, but needs to catch his breath. Callum rolls in at 16, but Naito stomps Callum’s leg! Callum scrambles away to a corner, clutching the knee.
Callum hobbles away, Naito storms after him, and he KICKS the leg again! Callum bails out, the ref checks on him, and Callum shakes the leg out. Callum insists he can still go, but Naito mockingly asks for a knuckle lock. Naito kicks the bad leg, then whips Callum to ropes. Callum manages to return, but Naito hits an atomic drop, then he dropkicks the legs out! Naito grabs the legs, ties then up, MODIFIED FIGURE FOUR! Callum scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, the fans cheer, and Naito lets go cleanly. Callum clutches the bad knee, but Naito drags him up. Callum CHOPS, but Naito doesn’t flinch.
Callum stands to fire forearms, but Naito kicks the bad leg! Naito fires those heavy back elbows, and kicks the leg, but then Callum ducks a shot! Callum gets around for a BIG back suplex1 Both men are down and the fans rally up. Naito goes to a corner, Callum runs up, and Callum forearm SMASHES! Callum snapmares and basement DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Callum keeps going, and he PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up while Callum shakes out the bad leg. Callum has his fans get louder, then he clamps onto Naito with chicken wings. Naito fights the lift, and he RAMS Callum into a corner.
Callum runs up but Naito ELBOWS him! Naito kicks the leg, whips, and HIP TOSSES! Then he basement DROPKICKS Callum! Callum scrambles away to ropes but Naito is on him again. Naito whips Callum, but Callum’s leg barely lets him get there. Naito runs in, Callum goes up and over, but the leg jams! Naito DROPKICKS the leg! Naito turns Callum over, KNEEBAR CALF KILLER HYBRID! Callum endures, reaches out, and almost gives in! Callum fights his way forward, drags Naito along, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Naito thrashes before letting go, and the fans continue to rally up.
Naito stomps Callum’s bad leg, stomps it again, then he stands Callum up for those heavy back elbows! And KICKS to the leg! Naito picks Callum apart as he puts him in the corner. Naito then goes up, reels Callum in, ESPERANZA! The fans cheer while Callum is down, but Naito wants him to rise up! The fans rally up, Callum slowly rises, and Naito runs in, but Callum denies Destino! Callum suplexes, Naito knees free, and Naito ENZIGIRIS! Callum PENALTY KICKS! Naito is up but Callum BOOTS him! Callum then hooks Naito up, for AOI- DESTINO!! Cover, TWO!! Naito almost had Callum there but Callum survives!
The fans rally as we pass ten minutes, and Naito drags Callum up. Naito wrenches, but now Callum fires heavy elbows! Callum hobbles away, runs back up, but into the SPINEBUSTER! Naito then wrenches and DESTI- NO, Callum FLAPJACKS Naito away! Callum whips, Naito reverses, and TORNADO DDT, but Callum handsprings through!? Callum springboards, but Naito dodges! Naito comes back, CORRIENDO SHIKI CRADLE!! NAITO WINS!!
Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by pinfall (advances to the next round)
Callum can’t believe it, but he got caught with a quick one! Now Naito moves on, but he’s running into Jeff Cobb next round! Will Naito keep things tranquilo? Or will he take a Tour of the Islands?
Hirooki Goto & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Yuji Nagata & Satoshi Kojima!
The Fierce Warrior and The Ace added the final chapter to their rivalry on the 53rd Anniversary Event, and now they begin a new chapter. Hontai and Chaos are now one, but this is no mere exhibition match. Blue Justice has one more shot at the gold, will he and the King of Bread stand tall? Or will Goto prove he is worthy of everything Tanahashi is entrusting him with?
The teams sort out and after Tanahashi shows off the abs, we get Goto and Nagata. The fans cheer this title match preview, and the dueling begins! “GO-TO-O!” and “NA-GA-TA!” sound pretty even as the two tie up. Goto wrenches an arm but Nagata wrenches back. Nagata wrenches again, wristlocks, then wrenches yet again. Goto rolls, wrenches, hammerlocks, then puts Nagata on ropes. Red Shoes calls the break, both men let go slowly, but still wary of the other. Goto pats Nagata on the shoulder, but Nagata SLAPS Goto! Goto kicks Nagata and they fire forearms back and forth! Goto ROCKS Nagata, headlocks, but Nagata powers out.
Goto RUNS Nagata over, but Nagata avoids the elbow! Goto avoids the kick, and the fans cheer the standoff. Goto and Nagata tag Tanahashi and Kojima. The fans cheer and duel here, too. Tanahashi and Kojima circle, feel things out, then tie up collar ‘n’ elbow. They’re in a deadlock, then they break. They circle again, tie up, and Tanahashi waistlocks. Kojima wrenches to a wristlock, but Tanahashi wrenches back! Tanahashi headlocks for the takeover, Kojima headscissors, but Tanahashi kips free! Fans cheer as Tanahashi plays air guitar. The two reset, then tie up again. Kojima powers Tanahashi to the ropes, then CHOPS!
Tanahashi gets fired up and he CHOSP! They CHOP back and forth, the fans fire up, and then Tanahashi fires a strike fest! Tanahashi whips, but Kojima RUNS Tanahashi over! And the pecs dance! The fans cheer because Kojima’s still got it! Kojima runs up, but Tanahashi ELBOWS him away! Then CROSSBODY! The fans cheer, Tanahashi gets his pecs to dance! Tanahashi tags Goto, they double whip Kojima to ropes, but he ducks their lariats! Kojima sends Goto into Tanahashi, then kicks and DDTS Goto! Then a kick and DDT for Tanahashi! The fans rally up, and Kojima tags in Nagata.
Nagata kicks and CLUBS Goto, but Goto CHOPS! Nagata and Goto go forearm for forearm, then Nagata kicks low! Nagata KICKS and KICKS Goto to a corner, then ROCKS him with a forearm. Nagata whips corner to corner, runs up and BOOTS, then he snapmares to KICK Goto in the back! Nagata drags Goto up, wrenches his arm, and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Goto clutches the arm but Nagata stays on him. Nagata wrenches, he tags Kojima, and they mug Goto. They double whip Goto to ropes, then DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE! The fans cheer, Kojima DECKS Tanahashi for good measure, then stomps Goto.
The fans rally as Kojima stomps Goto. Kojima fires a forearm, Goto fires back, repeat. Goto DECKS Nagata for good measure! Goto and Kojima trade shots again, the fans rally up, and Kojima ROCKS Goto! And ROCKS him again! Goto ends up in the corner, the fans fire up, and Kojima digs his knee in. Kojima tells Red Shoes to shut up, but he still lets off at the count of 4. Tag to Nagata and he stomps Goto. Nagata wrenches Goto to an ELBOW BREAKER! Goto drops to his knees and Nagata looms over him. Nagata KICKS Goto, and KICKS, and KICKS again! Goto blocks to CLUB the leg! Goto fires forearms, but Nagata fires back!
Nagata whips corner to corner but Goto reverses! Nagata comes back to BOOT! Nagata runs, Goto follows and LARIATS! Both men are down and the fans fire back up! Goto crawls, hot tag to Tanahashi! Tanahashi runs to FLYING FOREARM Nagata! Tanahashi DECKS Kojima in return for earlier! Tanahashi fires fast hands on Nagata, then scoops and SLAMS him down! Tanahashi goes up, SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Nagata stays in this but Tanahashi stays focused. The fans rally up as Tanahashi waits on Nagata. Nagata rises, Tanahashi runs, SLING- NO, Nagata ducks that, then clinches Tanahashi for an EXPLODER!
Nagata tags Kojima and he storms up on Tanahashi. Kojima fires off the MACHINE GUN CHOPS in the corner! The fans fire up as Kojima has an extra big helping for Tanahashi here! Kojima whips corner to corner, runs up, and hits the forearm SMASH! “Icchauzo Bakayaro!” The fans fire up, Kojima climbs up, and he COZY ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi is still in this but Kojima stays focused. The fans rally as Kojima fires forearms on Tanahashi, then ROLLING- SHOTEI from Tanahashi! Kojima falls, Tanahashi drops to his knees, and the fans rally up. Hot tag to Goto and he RAMS Kjima! And DECKS Nagata!
Goto stomps Kojima in a corner, whips corner to corner, then runs up to MURAMASA! And then SAIDO! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up and Goto brings Kojima up. Kojima fights the fireman’s carry with elbows, then he kicks and COZY CUTTERS! The fans fire up and Kojima throws off the elbow pad! Kojima runs, Goto ducks and returns to LARIAT! The fans fire up with Goto and he waits on Kojima. Kojima rises, Goto runs, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! And it’s Kojima who stays standing! Kojima fires up, but Tanahashi dropkicks the legs out! Nagata storms in and BOOTS Tanahashi! Nagata stomps Goto, Red shoes reprimands, but Kojima goes to get Tanahashi.
Nagata has Goto in one corner, Kojima with Tanahashi in the other. They whip, but Tanahashi and Goto both counter! Fireman’s carries, STEREO USHIGOROSHI!! The fans fire up and Goto has Kojima. Goto dragon sleepers, but Kojima fights through to suplex! Goto slips free and waistlocks, but Kojima elbows free! Only to swing into the URA G T R! And then a LARIAT! The fans fire up as Goto takes aim, BUZZSAW! Goto then hauls Kojima up while Tanahashi RAMS Nagata into railing! True G T R!! Cover, Goto & Tanahashi win!
Winners: Hirooki Goto & Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall
The Fierce Warrior takes down the King of Bread, and he stares Nagata down. These two will battle this Saturday, March 15th, the Ides of March are upon them! But for now, Goto gets the mic, and he thanks the people of Amuro for coming out tonight. The fans cheer, and Goto is also very thankful that he finally gets to wear this world title belt. Goto proudly says that from here on, you can leave the new recruits of NJPW to him. The fans cheer and Tanahashi nods. Goto promises, his Goto Revolution has only just begun. So be ready to follow him until the end! The fans cheer and the music plays, but Goto has them all hold on a moment.
Goto wants everyone to understand, this was also Tanahashi’s last match here in Amagasaki. Therefore, it is only fitting that Tanahashi closes us out, if he’d please. Tanahashi takes the mic and the fans cheer him on. Tanahashi gladly shouts, “NJPW has returned to Amagasaki!” The fans cheer again, and some already say, “Aishitemasu! <I love you!>” Tanahashi promises he’ll say that, just wait a moment. Tanahashi says he was again nominated by their champion to speak, so he will say a few words. As many of them know, Tanahashi has about 10 more months on his career. So he intends to give it his all every day, so please support him until the end.
The fans cheer Tanahashi and he takes a moment to soak it all in. Tanahashi thanks them for that, and says in closing, for the last time here in Amagasaki, “AISHITEMAAASU~!” No air guitaring tonight, as Tanahashi instead goes out to the crowd to high-five fans. He is set for one last showdown with Kojima on March 20th, will The Ace trump the King of Bread one last time?
My Thoughts:
A great second day for the New Japan Cup, but also an interesting change where the Cup doesn’t main event. Great tag team main event with Goto & Tanahashi getting a solid win over Kojima & Nagata. Kojima takes the loss to Goto so that there’s no real effect on the math for the match-ups here. Of course, I would think Goto wins against Nagata and Tanahashi wins against Kojima.
And then great stuff in the Cup matches. Oleg VS Fale was a fun, fast meat madness match, and great win for Oleg to move on and face Takagi next round for even more meat madness. ELP losing to Khan was a bit surprising, but I could see Khan coming back around to challenge for the NJPW World TV title after the Cup is over. Drilla VS Ishii was certainly the hardest hitting match of the night, and great win for Drilla. Naito VS Callum was also very good, but it was clear Naito was taking this one from all the damage he was doing to Callum’s leg. Naito VS Cobb next round will be some great stuff, too, and I can see it going either way.
My Score: 8.7/10
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