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Mitchell’s NJPW Battle in the Valley Results & Report! (1/13/23)

NJPW returns to California!



NJPW Battle in the Valley

There’s California Love for NJPW!

It’s been eleven months since last time, but NJPW is back to Battle in the Valley! Will Will Ospreay win one last match against Kazuchika Okada? Or will the Rainmaker rain on Ospreay’s parade?


  • Kickoff Match – Matt Vandagriff VS Goldy; Vandagriff wins.
  • Kickoff Match – Viva Van VS Stephanie Vaquer; Vaquer wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Shota Umino, Fred Rosser & Jacob Fatu VS Team Filthy; Shota, Rosser & Fatu win.
  • Mascara Dorada & Volador Jr. VS Rocky Romero & Soberano Jr; Dorada & Volador win.
  • TJP VS David Finlay; Finlay wins.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS Alex Coughlin & Clark Connors; ELP & Leo win and retain the titles.
  • NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Giulia VS Trish Adora; Giulia wins and retains the title.
  • Matt Riddle & ??? VS Zack Sabre Jr. & Bad Dude Tito; Riddle & Jeff Cobb win.
  • AEW Continental Crown Championships: Eddie Kingston VS Gabe Kidd; Double Count-Out Draw, Eddie retains the titles.
  • No Disqualifications: Shingo Takagi VS Jon Moxley; Moxley wins.
  • Kazuchika Okada VS Will Ospreay; Okada wins.


After the opening Six Man Tag…

The Roughneck, Shota Umino, wins alongside “No Days Off” Fred Rosser & “The Samoan Werewolf,” Jacob Fatu, and fans cheer as he gives a young fan his wristband and a hug, while also giving another young fan a wristband and a selfie. But then a fan in a Bushi mask attacks!?! Is it really Bushi or an imposter? That’s happened before, y’know. Security steps in, but then the mask is taken off, and it’s JACK PERRY!? Fans go nuts seeing the former Jungle Boy here at a NJPW event! He’s still on suspension in AEW, so what business does he have here?! He puts Shota on the railing, to DRAPING DDT to the floor!!

Fans boo but Jack drags Shota into the ring! Jack takes aim from the corner, and he runs in to JUMP KNEE! Shota falls and fans boo even harder! Jack then takes something out of his jacket. It’s his AEW CONTRACT!? And he RIPS IT UP!?! Is Jack quitting AEW to be here in NJPW?! Jack takes out an armband and it has the word “Scapegoat” on it. Jack puts that on, making a statement to Tony Khan and AEW. Fans still boo, but he soaks it all up. Jack then leaves without a word. What is Hollywood Jack Perry planning for his 2024?


NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS Alex Coughlin & Clark Connors!

With “Madman” Gabe Kidd fighting for the Continental Triple Crown later on, the Headbanga & Young Guerrilla are facing a unique combination from the Bullet Club War Dogs tonight. Will Dreadnought & 100 Proof prove to be a winning combination? Or will they fail to take these straps from the DUAL NJPW Tag Team Champions?

The introductions are made, the blue belts are raised, and we see if Bullet Club adds more gold to the collection!

Fans wind up with ELP, but Coughlin & Connors attack to stop the champs from high-fiving! Fans boo, the bell rings, and Coughlin CHOKES Leo in a corner. Connors whips, ELP reverses then hurdles, drops then DROPKICKS! Connors flops around while Leo turns things around on Coughlin, and CHOPS! Leo then SPLASHES Connors in a corner! ELP ELBOWS Connors, whips him into the scoop, and then SIDEWALK SLAM! ELP throws off the shirt as he goes up, to FALLING AX HANDLE! Coughlin knees low, ROCKS Leo, CLUBS ELP, repeat! Coughlin pie faces them both, runs, but ELP hurdles for Leo to DDT Coughlin down!

Fans fire up, and ELP finally high-fives Leo! ELP then tunes up and Leo aims from the other corner. Coughlin rises, but Connors CHOP BLOCKS Leo! Coughlin DECKS ELP, and fans boo as Connors drags Leo to the corner. Connors SLAMS the leg into the post! Then Coughlin SLAMS Leo’s leg into the post! Fans boo as Leo flops to the floor, but Connors stomps ELP and eggs on the fans. Connors CHOKES ELP against railing! The ref reprimands, Coughlin bends Leo’s leg then stomps him. The fans chant “You Suck!” at the War Dogs but Coughlin puts Leo in. Connors covers, ONE! Fans rally but Connors sits Leo up.

Connors DECKS Leo with a forearm! Connors drops an elbow on the bad leg, and he has the toehold now. The fans rally as Leo endures. His shoulders are down, the ref counts, ONE! Leo grabs at Connors but Connors drops another elbow on the knee. Fans boo but Connors stalks Leo to a corner. Connors throws body shots, UPPERCUTS Leo, then he BLASTS ELP off the apron! Coughlin CHOKES Leo in the blue corner, the fans boo, but Connors RAMS in! Tag to Coughlin and he stands on Leo’s head. The ref counts, Coughlin lets off, then drags Leo up. Coughlin ROCKS Leo, CHOPS him, then runs up on ELP! ELP gets away but Connors CHOKES Leo!

Coughlin runs in to SPLASH Leo, then UPPERCUT! Coughlin taunts ELP while Connors stands Leo back up. Coughlin sucker punches ELP, but Leo fights free to BOOT Coughlin down! Fans fire up as Leo hurries over, but Connors YANKS ELP down! Fans boo as Coughlin then gets Leo’s leg, SHIN BREAKER! Connors and Coughlin drag Leo up and double whip him to the corner. But he comes back to DOUBLE LARIAT! The fans fire up as Leo crawls over! Hot tag to ELP! ELP CROSSBODIES both dogs down! ELP rains fists on Connors, whips him and DROPKICKS him, then dodges Coughlin to RANA!

Fans fire up, ELP kips up, and he atomic drops Connors! Connors swings, ELP gets under to atomic drop again! Connors staggers around but Coughlin back suplexes! ELP lands out, and he gives Coughlin an atomic drop! Russian Leg Sweep for Coughlin, and then a clothesline for Connors! Fans fire up and ELP builds speed, but Coughlin UPPERCUTS him! Fans boo, Coughlin storms up on ELP and whips corner to corner. ELP reverses but Coughlin blocks! Coughlin whips again, ELP goes up and over, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and springboards to CROSSBODY! Somersault and LIONSAULT! Then somersault and TORNADO DDT to the floor for Connors!!

The fans are all fired up as ELP rises! ELP climbs a corner, slingshots and TORNADO DDTS Coughlin! Then he kips up! ELP tags in Leo and they get Coughlin up. Straitjacket torture rack and Leo runs, BOOT into the BRAIN SALAD! Cover, TWO!! Coughlin survives being scrambled but ELP & Leo aim from the corners. The fans rally up as ELP tunes up. Coughlin rises, into SUDDEN- NO, Coughlin blocks! Leo choke grips but Coughlin sends him at ELP! ELP stops Leo, but Coughlin GERMAN SUPLEXES Leo away! ELP runs up, but Coughlin ducks the kick to pump handle and scoop! Fireman’s carry, DREADNOUGHT DRIVER!!

Fans fire up and Coughlin roars! Coughlin tags Connors, and Connors aims as Leo stands! SPEAR!! Fans boo but Connors coordinates with Coughlin, and they both take aim at Leo. HIT AND RUN!! Cover, TWO!?! Leo survives the high-low and Bullet Club is shocked! The fans fire up, Connors & Coughlin haul Leo up, suplex for the- NO, Leo fights out, ROCKS Connors, then on one good leg, GOD- NO! Connors slips free and Coughlin CHOP BLOCKS Leo! DOUBLE FOREARM SANDWICH! Then the lift and ASSISTED BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!!! Coughlin DECKS ELP off the apron and then Connors goes up!

Fans rally as Connors & Coughlin hit the the FULL CLIP!!! Cover, ELP BREAKS IT!! Coughlin stomps ELP and kicks him out, then goes back to the corner. Connors tags Coughlin in, the fans rally for “G O D! G O D!” Coughlin hauls Leo, Connors climbs back up, and Coughlin gut wrenches as they load up the usually heavyweight combo. But ELP returns to GAMANGIRI Connors! Leo slips free of Coughlin, to SNAP POWERSLAM! Fans fire up as Leo drags Coughlin back up! Coughlin pries the grip away! But ELP hits SUDDEN DEATH! Leo grips again, for the GODSEND!! ELP hurries up onto Leo’s shoulders! SUPER THUNDERKISS!!! Cover, the Guerrillas win!

Winners: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Openweight Champions)

Coughlin & Connors threw a lot at them, but the Guerrillas make it through! But the dance card still has Chase Owens & Kenta coming for the IWGP Heavyweight Tag titles, will ELP & Leo keep it 100?


NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Giulia VS Trish Adora w/ The Infantry!

The Beautiful Madness has truly been a Strong Women’s Champion, but now she’s facing a truly strong contender in the AfroPunk! Will Adora bring this belt with her to AEW & ROH? Or will Giulia still be a golden gladiator?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly NJPW Strong!

The bell rings and fans rally up behind Giulia. Giulia grins as she and Adora circle. The fans do cheer Adora, too, and she offers a handshake. Giulia isn’t familiar with the ROH Code of Honor, but she still accepts. Fans cheer the sportsmanship, but then Giulia reels Adora in! Adora fights off the Saido and gets free, and Giulia grins as she wags her finger. She wants everyone to calm down, and she offers the handshake back. Adora is wary now, but she accepts anyway. Giulia then brings Adora in to stare her down. The two reset and circle and the fans rally up. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and Adora headlocks.

Giulia pops out the back to hammerlock then headlock, but Adora pries the hold open. Adora wrenches to wristlock, but Giulia rolls, slips around, full nelsons and cravats to crank on a neck wrench. Adora endures, Giulia snapmares and chinlocks. Adora fights up, fans rally, and Adora pries the hold open to double wristlock! Adora drags Giulia down, Giulia fights up, and she powers Adora into a corner. The ref counts, Giulia lets off slowly, and fans cheer the sportsmanship. But then Giulia CHOPS! Adora storms up on Giulia but Giulia slips around, waistlocks, and whips. Adora reverses, Giulia swings around to IRON OCTOPUS!

Adora stays up while the fans fire up! Adora powers back up and she turns this around into an Air Raid Stretch! Giulia endures, fans rally up, and Adora pushes on the arm! Giulia flails, gets free, but Adora wristlocks to wrangle her back down. Adora drops a leg on the arm, and has a short arm scissor! Giulia kicks around, moves around, rolls back but Adora sends her into a corner! Adora CHOPS and fans “WOO~!” Giulia gets in Adora’s face, so Adora CHOPS again! Giulia storms up again, but into another CHOP! Giulia runs in but into a scoop and SLAM! Fans fire up and Adora drags Giulia back to her feet.

Giulia fires forearms on Adora, then runs, but Adora scoops for a BLACK HOLE BACKBREAKER! Then Adora makes it a backbreaker stretch! Adora SLAPS Giulia’s stomach over an dover, but Giulia powers up and out! Only for Adora to reel her back in, and PANCAKE PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Adora drags Giulia back up, suplexes again, but Giulia fights it to snap suplex back! Fans rally up, Giulia storms up on Adora and fires forearms. Adora fires back! They go back and forth and the fans rally up. Giulia ROCKS Adora, but Adora ROCKS Giulia! And again and again and again! Adora ROCKS Giulia then powers up the arm!

Giulia gets around, uses leg scissors to get the drop toehold, and STF!! The fans fire up, Adora endures, and Adora fights around to find the ROPEBREAK! Giulia lets off and the fans rally up again. Giulia aims, runs corner to corner and ELBOWS! Giulia whips, Adora reverses and runs in, but into a BOOT! Giulia goes up to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Giulia drags Adora back up and reels her in, but Adora fights the scoop! Adora wrenches and waistlocks but now Giulia fights the lift. Giulia switches, Adora switches, Giulia fights but Adora still GERMAN SUPLEXES! But Giulia’s back on her feet?! And she GERMAN SUPLEXES Adora!!

Adora flounders up to her feet, but ducks the lariat to GERMAN SUPLEX! Giulia stands, ducks the lariat, to SAIDO! Giulia isn’t done, she scoops, but Adora fights free! Adora WRINGS the arm, and SENTONS! The fans fire up while both women are down! Giulia flounders to ropes, “This is Awesome!” as Adora goes to the other side. They both run in, and Giulia SHOTGUN BOOTS! Giulia whips, Adora reverses and avoids a boot to JAB! Giulia rises, ducks the haymaker, but Adora gets away to BUBBA BOMB! And CATTLE MUTILATION!! Giulia fights, one arm gets free but Adora keeps the other! They move around, Giulia reaches out, ROPEBREAK!

Fans fire up as Giulia flops to the floor. Adora pursues, drags Giulia up, and CLUBS away on her! Adora then scoops Giulia while the fans duel, and Adora POWERSLAMS Giulia to the floor! The ring count starts but Adora drags Giulia up. Adora suplexes but Giulia fights free to whip Adora into railing! And then snap suplex to the floor! Giulia goes up the apron at 10 of 20, but then climbs the corner! The count stops all the same, and Adora hurries up after Giulia! Adora throws hands, climbs up after Giulia, and fans fire up as Adora aims for the floor! But Giulia fights with body shots! Giulia ROCKS Adora, then steps inside!

Giulia drags Adora to the very top, underhooks the arms, SUPER BUTTERFLY SUPLEX!! Cover, ONE?!?! The fans were already thunderous and now they’re electric! Adora sits up but Giulia KNEES her down!! Cover, TWO!! Adora is still in this but Giulia keeps moving! Adora BOOTS Giulia, but Giulia stands! Giulia ducks the haymaker to ITALIAN HOOK!! And then scoop, NORTHERN BOMB!!! Cover, Giulia wins!

Winner: Giulia, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Women’s Champion)

The AfroPunk put up one hell of a fight, but she couldn’t stop the Beautiful Madness! Giulia still shows Adora respect by helping her up and shaking her hand. With the second-ever Strong Women’s Champion being this strong, will there ever be a third-ever?


Mustafa Ali has a video!

“Good evening, esteemed citizens of the world! I am here to announce that I am bringing my campaign to NJPW. Y’see, in recent times, certain individuals have, regrettably, not represented NJPW in the matter in which it deserves! I speak of such individuals as Hiromu Takahashi. A man who is mentally unstable! A man who literally goes into battle with a stuffed animal in his arms. A stuffed animal! Ladies and gentlemen, no! NJPW deserves better than this. And I will see to it that it is rebuilt, reignited, and reclaims its former glory.

“So Mr. Takahashi, I am here to inform you that you are unfit to be a leader. You will be replaced, you will be removed. And as the great ambassador to this great sport, I am here to issue an executive order that you and I will have a match, April 12th, at the Windy City Riot.” Ali then tells Hiromu in Japanese that he will lose that night. Thank you, good night, and remember: In Ali We Trust! The Beacon has come to NJPW, will he be the guiding light of NJPW whether Hiromu likes it or not?


Matt Riddle & ??? VS Zack Sabre Jr. & Bad Dude Tito!

The King of Bros is in NJPW, and though he’s aiming for Hiroshi Tanahashi and the NJPW World TV Championship, he’ll gladly take on the OG NJPW World TV Champion to get started. But just who is his tag partner? It’s JEFF COBB!! The Chosen Bros are reunited, will they turn this into the San Bro-se Valley?

The teams sort out and ZSJ starts against Riddle. They circle, feel things out, and ZSJ facelocks, floats around, waistlocks, but Riddle gets up. They reset, go again, and Riddle grabs a leg to then trip ZSJ up. ZSJ uses a leg guard, Riddle takes a shot but ZSJ goes for an arm. Riddle moves around, ZSJ wants a leg but Riddle keeps moving. ZSJ facelocks, Riddle rolls free and the fans cheer this technical masterclass. Riddle and ZSJ push each other, the fans rally up, and the two knuckle lock. Riddle shoots in, waistlocks, and SLAMS ZSJ! Then Riddle gut wrenches to throw ZSJ around and around, very Jeff Cobb of him!

But ZSJ turns that into a TRIANGLE HOLD! ZSJ throws elbows but Riddle pops free! ZSJ avoids the buzzsaw and the fans fire up again! Riddle and ZSJ reset, egg each other on, and ZSJ tags in Tito. Riddle points to Cobb, fans cheer, and Riddle tags Cobb in. Cobb steps to Tito, Tito shoves him, so Cobb shoves back. Fans cheer for “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” as the shoves turn to forearms! Cobb fires a flurry, whips, but Tito reverses. Cobb RAMS Tito, Tito RAMS Cobb, repeat! Then the forearms return! The fans fire up, Tito kicks low and runs, but Cobb drops, hurdles, and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up as Cobb poses a la Riddle!

Cobb drags Tito up, tags in Riddle, and the Chosen Bros mug Tito with a KICK to the chest! Cobb scoops Tito, SLAMS him, then he gives Riddle the boost, ASSISTED FLOATING BRO! Riddle pushes Tito to a cover, ONE! Tito hangs tough but Riddle clamps on a facelock. Tito lifts Riddle and RAMS him into the corner! Tag to ZSJ and ZSJ DROPKICKS Cobb down! ZSJ returns to UPPERCUT Riddle! Fans fire up as ZSJ flexes, then ZSJ strikes a crane stance to mock Riddle. ZSJ cravats to snapmare Riddle, tag to Tito. NECK TWIST and SENTON! Tito paces while Riddle writhes. Tito CHOPS Riddle, but Riddle CHOPS back!

Tito SLAPS Riddle, stomps away, then tags in ZSJ. ZSJ drags Riddle to have a standing toehold, emphasis on toe! ZSJ SNAPS toe after toe, then STOMPS the foot! Tag to Tito and Tito drops a knee on the leg! The fans tell ZSJ he’s sick, but Tito ROCKS Riddle with a forearm. Tito fires off forearms and CHOPS in the open corner, then wrenches and short arm LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Tito drags Riddle up and brings him over, tag to ZSJ. TMDK mugs Riddle, ZSJ UPPERCUTS and UPPERCUTS! ZSJ snapmares Riddle, for the NECK- KICK from Riddle! PENALTY KICK! Fans rally up as Riddle and ZSJ crawl, hot tag to Cobb!

Cobb catches ZSJ, RAMS him into Tito, then whips ZSJ into the corner! Cobb UPPERCUTS, scoops, and RUNNING BACK SUPLEXES! Cover, Tito breaks it! Tito fires off on Cobb, but Cobb suplexes Tito! Tito tumbles out and fans fire up for Cobb. Cobb hauls ZSJ up to scoop and SLAM, then GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULT FLOPS as ZSJ moves! NECK TWIST! Cobb writhes, ZSJ flexes, and ZSJ brings Cobb up. Fans sing for “OH~ Zack Sabre Junior~!” but Cobb blocks the scoop! Cobb powers out, ZSJ BOOTS and whips. Cobb reverses, ZSJ avoids the dropkick to body scissor and clutch, ONE?!? ZSJ runs back up to LARIAT, but Cobb stays up!

ZSJ SLAPS Cobb, runs, but Cobb LARIATS ZSJ! Cobb whips ZSJ to scoop and TOUR OF- CRUCIFIX TAKEDOWN! TWO!! Cobb fireman’s carries right out of it! ZSJ slips down, Cobb throws elbows, but ZSJ ducks the lariat to waistlock. Cobb throws ZSJ away, then JABS! Cobb whips ZSJ into a corner but ZSJ goes up and TORNADO DDTS! Fans fire up while both men are down! ZSJ and Cobb crawl, hot tags to Tito and Riddle! Riddle fires off palm strikes, KICKS and BOOTS, then spins Tito around to PELE! Riddle handsprings, runs up to forearm smash, then runs side to side to forearm smash again!

Tito fights the Brosploder, ducks the haymaker, mule kick and ENZIGURI! Deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, Cobb breaks it! ZSJ storms in to UPPERCUT Cobb! Tito ROCKS Cobb, repeat! Cobb CHOPS Tito, ROCKS ZSJ, repeat! ZSJ UPPERCUTS, Tito ROCKS, Cobb CHOPS! ZSJ baits Cobb in to dump him out! ZSJ goes out to PNEALTY- NO, Cobb blocks to YANK ZSJ down, ATHLETIC- SLEEPER!! ZSJ has Cobb, but Riddle fires off on Tito! Tito ROCKS Riddle, Riddle KICKS! KICKS! Tito ducks to DREAM SMASHER ELBOW! Tito back suplexes, Riddle lands out, but Tito gets around! BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!!!

Fans fire up and Tito drags Riddle up. Tito fireman’s carries to F- NO, Riddle lands out! Riddle BOOTS Tito, goes up and up and WHISPER IN THE WIND! ZSJ is back to CHOP! Riddle CHOPS! ZSJ CHOPS! They CHOP and CHOP back and forth, but then Riddle KICKS! Riddle blocks a kick to PELE- NO! ZSJ catches that to an ANKLE LOCK! Riddle endures, rolls, and that feeds ZSJ to Cobb’s reverse crucifix lift! LAWN DART FLASH KNEE COMBO!! Tito stands up to CHOP Cobb, CHOP Riddle, repeat! Riddle KNEES Tito into Cobb’s GERMAN SUPLEX! Tito rises up?! And he EXPLODERS Cobb!! Riddle ROUNDHOUSES Tito!

Tito roars, runs in, but Riddle gets around! Ripcord, FINAL FLASH! And then gut wrench, tuck, BRO DEREK!! Cover, Chosen Bros win!!

Winners: Matt Riddle & Jeff Cobb, by pinfall

The fans chant “BRO! BRO! BRO!” as Riddle and Cobb celebrate! Was this reunion a one time deal? Or could there be a future for the Chosen Bros in NJPW?


AEW Continental Crown Championship: Eddie Kingston VS Gabe Kidd!

The Mad King has been on a roll, and is even coming off a win against Wheeler Yuta on AEW Rampage! Will Eddie be able to go coast to coast with title defenses? Or will this War Dog grab three belts in one go?

The introductions are made, but of course Kidd attacks Eddie the moment he’s in the ring! The fans boo as Kidd fires off up the ramp. Kidd flips off the fans, but Eddie hits back with haymakers! Eddie DECKS Kidd and sends him back to ringside. Eddie ROCKS Kidd, the ref wants this in the ring, so Eddie brings Kidd up. Kidd hits low, CLUBS Eddie, and reels him in! Kidd lifts but Eddie back drops free! Fans fire up while Kidd writhes, and Eddie takes off his merch shirt to CHOKE Kidd with it! The ref reprimands, even though this isn’t officially a match yet. Eddie lets off on Kidd, stalks him to railing, and ROCKS him with a right!

Eddie DECKS Kidd again, stomps him around, then JABS! JABS! And CHOPS! Kidd leans against railing, Eddie CHOKES him! The ref reprimands, Eddie lets go, and Kidd staggers around. Eddie brings Kidd around but Kidd blocks the suplex! Kidd gets around, to GERMAN SUPLEX Eddie to the floor! Fans boo, the ref reprimands and tells Kidd to get this in the ring, but Kidd drags Eddie up to POST him! Eddie wobbles, Kidd grabs his arms and YANKS him into the post! And YANKS him in again! Kidd tells Eddie off, YANKS him into the post again, then flips the fans off. Fans boo but Kidd CLAWS Eddie’s face!

The ref reprimands, Kidd lets off, and Eddie swings wild. Kidd DECKS Eddie in return! Kidd stands on Eddie, the fans boo, so Kidd just spits at them. Kidd finally puts Eddie in the ring, slides in, and now it’s a match! Kidd kicks Eddie around, taunts him and the fans, but Eddie scowls and rises up. Eddie CHOPS and Kidd drops to a knee! Fans fire up as Eddie eggs Kidd on. Kidd CHOPS, Eddie staggers, but he comes back to CHOP again! Kidd dusts himself off, and CHOPS! Eddie CHOPS, the fans “WOO~!” as the two go back and forth, CHOP for CHOP! Eddie catches his breath, then CHOPS again!

Down come the straps! The fans fire up as Kidd CHOPS, Eddie CHOPS, repeat! They go CHOP for CHOP again and again, and the fans are loving it! Eddie CHOPS, Kidd shakes the ropes! Kidd says he’s a madman, and he CHOPS Eddie! Kidd flips off the fans as they rally for Eddie, but Eddie CHOPS again! Kidd headbutts the buckle, then comes back to CHOP! Kidd talks trash, gets in Eddie’s face, so Eddie CHOPS! Kidd stays up as he grits his teeth! Eddie points to the logo, this is NJPW dammit! Kidd CHOPS! Kidd eggs Eddie on, the fans rally, and Eddie CHOPS again! Kidd CHOPS but Eddie roars! Eddie CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS!

Kidd BITES Eddie’s face! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Kidd lets off to shout at everyone! Kidd whips, Eddie reverses to SAIDO! Eddie sends Kidd flying and the fans fire up! Kidd flounders to a corner and the fans rally behind Eddie. Kidd stands in the corner, “Let’s Go Eddie!” “F U GABE!” Eddie clotheslines Kidd in the corner, then MACHINE GUN CHOPS! The fans fire up and Eddie tops it off with one more CHOP! Kidd sits down and sputters, Eddie runs side to side, but Kidd gets up to ROCK Eddie with forearms! Eddie staggers around as Kidd ROCKS him again. Kidd fires more shots, then ROCKS Eddie again!

Kidd suplexes, to BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Eddie survives and Kidd scowls. But then Kidd grins and laughs as the fans tell him off. Kidd scuffs Eddie, does squats to show off his stamina, and then drags Eddie around. Eddie pushes Kidd away so Kidd stomps him down. Kidd drags Eddie up and reels him in. The fans rally, Eddie wrenches free, and he ducks a haymaker to HALF ‘N’ HALF! Kidd rises, but into the URAKEN!! Cover, TWO!! Kidd survives the Backfist to the Future but Eddie is too sore to be upset. The fans rally up as Kidd and Eddie stir. Eddie shakes out the arms and rises up.

Eddie storms over to Kidd and the fans are all fired up. Eddie drags Kidd up, reels him in and scoops, but Kidd slips free to SAIDO! But Eddie rises up?! Eddie staggers around, Kidd ROCKS him then gut wrenches, to the TOMBSTONE!! Cover, TWO!!! Eddie survives and fans fire up again! Kidd huffs and puffs and bites the rope in frustration. Kidd snarls and sits cross-legged, a message to Shibata. Kidd eggs Eddie on, they both crawl to each other, and they junkyard dog headbutt! And again! And again! Kidd SLAPS Eddie, Eddie SLAPS Kidd, repeat! Eddie then SLAPS Kidd down! Kidd comes back to HEADBUTT!

Eddie HEADBUTTS again, but Eddie HEADBUTTS! Fans fire up while both men are dizzy from all those impacts! Kidd and Eddie rise, go forehead to forehead, then Kidd CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Fans boo, but then Eddie CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Kidd SLAPS and SLAPS and SLAPS! Eddie drops to his knees, Kidd SPITS at him, but that just pisses Eddie off!! The fans tell Kidd he just messed up, and Eddie fires off fast hands! Kidd fires them back, the fans are thunderous! Eddie roars and SLAPS!! And URAKENS!!! Eddie falls over, Kidd falls out!! The fans are thunderous for Eddie while both men are down!

Eddie sits up, clears out an ear for the sake of equilibrium, and the fans sing, “F HIM UP, EDDIE, F HIM UP!” But Kidd drags Eddie out! Eddie still CHOPS! Kidd CHOPS! Eddie CHOPS! Kidd shakes the railing, CHOPS again, but Eddie returns it! The ref reprimands, they both tell him to shut up already! The ring count starts as the CHOPS keep going, then the HEADBUTTS return! Eddie CHOPS Kidd, we’re at 8 of 20 as Kidd fires forearms! Kidd swings into an EXPLODER to the floor!! Both men are down at 15 of 20! Kidd grabs the timekeeper’s mic not just to stop the count, but to tell Eddie, “Is that all you got, you fat b*tch!?”

Fans go nuts hearing that, and Eddie CHOKES Kidd! The count returns, we hit TWENTY!!! THE MATCH IS OVER!

Double Count-Out Draw

The fans boo but Eddie is just as pissed! He grabs the timekeeper’s table but Kidd fires off on Eddie! Young Lions hurry to stop this, fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” Kidd gets loose and he LEAPS at Eddie! Eddie and Kidd scrap, referees rush out here to stop this, but Kidd gets loose again! Kidd CLOBBERS Young Lions to get at Eddie! Fans fire up as the two are pulled apart again! Kidd cost himself the belt but he still grabs it, to SLAM it down! Eddie storms in to TACKLE Kidd! Eddie BITES Kidd, rains down fists, and the fans are thunderous! Eddie snarls as he grabs the rest of his belts, and takes aim! Kidd flounders up, but Connors & Coughlin attack!

Fans boo as Bullet Club beats down on Eddie like the pack of feral dogs they are! Kidd holds up the Continental Championship, sets it down by Eddie, and then Connors & Coughlin haul Eddie up! They work together to PILEDRIVER onto the belt!! Kidd holds up the belt like he won it, but fans boo because he’s just a madman! Kidd throws the AEW belt down, kicks the other belts aside, then stands on Eddie. The War Dogs are about bringing belts and bodies, but will the Mad King put them all down one by one?


No Disqualifications: Shingo Takagi VS Jon Moxley!

The Rampaging Dragon called out The Maniac back when he was still NEVER Openweight Champion, but losing the title doesn’t mean he’s backing down from his own challenge. Will Takagi rebound from WrestleKingdom? Or will Moxley slay the dragon in the valley?

Takagi takes off the robe to reveal he’s in his Street Fight gear! Fans fire up, the bell rings and the two get face to face. They chest bump each other, then go forehead to forehead. Takagi scuffs Moxley, the forearms start flying, and the fans fire up as they go back and forth! Takagi responds as fast as Moxley, they go fast and furious, then Moxley HEADBUTTS! Moxley runs to RAM Takagi, but Takagi runs to RAM Moxley! Moxley flips Takagi off, they both run, and they both RAM! And RAM! They grapple, tumble out of the ring, and Moxley SMACKS Takagi off the apron! Takagi body shots, SMACKS Moxley off the apron, and then goes looking.

Fans fire up as Takagi brings out kendo sticks! Takagi passes one to Moxley and the fans fire up even more! Both men show off their skills, then they CLASH! Moxley disarms Takagi?! And then JAMS him low, to kendo Russian Leg Sweep into railing! Moxley JAMS Takagi, then digs the stick into Takagi’s shoulder! And then into Takagi’s mouth! Moxley smothers Takagi, then lets off to go looking for more. Moxley brings out a steel chain, and a trash can lid! Moxley SMACKS Takagi with the lid! Red Shoes reprimands about the head shot, Moxley apologizes and shakes his hand, then has the chain. Moxley wraps his fist to throw steel punches!

Moxley CHOPS Takagi against the post, then puts him in the ring. Takagi keeps moving and he runs Moxley over! Moxley sits up in a daze, and Takagi snap suplexes! Then ELBOW DROPS! Takagi pushes Moxley back down to run and ELBOW DROP! The fans rally and duel, and Takagi takes off his belt! Moxley shakes his head, Takagi DECKS him! Takagi drops knees on Moxley, then clamps on a chinlock. Moxley endures, but Takagi BELL CLAPS him! Then SENTONS! Fans fire up while Moxley bails out. Takagi is annoyed, so he storms over, but into a TRASH CAN LID SMACK! Fans cheer while Takagi flops over!

Moxley still has the lid, Red Shoes is wary of him as he storms around, but then Moxley goes out. Moxley SMACKS Takagi again! Moxley puts the lid aside to bring Takagi up again. Takagi’s busted open, but Moxley crotches him on the railing! Moxley LARIATS Takagi down! Fans cheer Moxley as he flexes, and he puts the kendo sticks in the ring. Moxley also puts the chain in the ring, then drags Moxley up to punch away on the bloody forehead! Fans fire up as Moxley shows them up close and personal as he punches and HEADBUTTS Takagi down. Moxley goes looking for more things, and he finds a trash can!

Moxley tosses the can in, the lid in, and then goes after Takagi again. Moxley puts Takagi in, fans want tables, but Moxley has the trash can first. Moxley kicks and fires off forearms! Takagi flops against ropes, Moxley puts the can around him! Moxley grabs a kendo stick to SMACK the can! And again! And then again! Takagi falls over and fans fire up for Moxley. Moxley pulls the kendo stick apart, to JAB at Takagi’s bloody forehead! It’s like using giant bamboo skewers! The fans tell Moxley he’s sick, but Moxley lets off to reel Takagi in, PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Takagi is still in this, but Moxley ties up the legs!

Moxley claws at Takagi’s head but Takagi has pieces of bamboo! Takagi tries to jab at Moxley down low, but Moxley grabs the bamboo to put it in Takagi’s mouth! Moxley pulls Takagi back, but Takagi gets another of the pieces! Takagi jabs at Moxley again, but Moxley takes that piece, to dig at Takagi’s cheek! Moxley uses the pieces to torture Takagi’s mouth, then he lets off. Takagi swings wild, but Moxley BOOTS him! And BOOTS him! Takagi throws forearms, Moxley hits back, then BOOTS! Moxley DECKS Takagi, runs, and SLIDING LARIATS! Takagi sits right up!? Fans fire up and even Moxley smirks.

Moxley and Takagi stand, and Moxley throws a forearm! Takagi comes back, so Moxley throws another! And another! Takagi headbutts a buckle to fire back up! Takagi hobbles over, Moxley ROCKS him, then runs, into the ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! Fans fire up while both men are down! Fans join in with “OI! OI! OI!” and Takagi rises up. Takagi runs but Moxley boots! Takagi blocks to clothesline through! Takagi fires off forearm after forearm, then whips corner to corner. Takagi clotheslines, then he reels Moxley in, suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO! Takagi looks for a camera, and says “TOKI GA KITA! <IT’S TIME!>”

Fans fire up, Moxley rises, and Takagi storms up. Moxley BITES Takagi’s bloody forehead! Then he clotheslines Takagi up and out! Moxley builds speed, and DIVES into a TRASH CAN LID SMASH!! Moxley flops to the floor while the fans are thunderous! Takagi storms over to Moxley, brings him around, and sets Moxley against railing. Fans rally with “OI! OI! OI!” as Takagi aims. Takagi runs up, to JUMP SMASH!! Moxley has a bloody forehead of his own now! And now Takagi brings out chairs! Takagi BOOTS Moxley, goes up a corner and he unties the buckle pad. Takagi drags Moxley in, to bump Moxley off the bare steel!

Takagi fireman’s carries to SNAKE EYES Moxley, and then says one more time! Takagi hoists Moxley up top, climbs up after him, and then brings him to the very top! SUPER DUPER PLEX!! Fans fire up while Takagi crawls over and sits Moxley up. “This is Awesome!” as Takagi throws HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Takagi uses the Blackpool Combat Club signature, then runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Moxley sits up!? Fans fire up as both men sport crimson masks. Takagi HEADBUTTS< forearms, and JABS! Moxley stays up, to HEADBUTT back! Takagi HEADBUTTS! They HEADBUTT again and again, and again!

Takagi runs, but Moxley LARIATS with him! Moxley eggs Takagi on, they LARIAT! Then Moxley gets around to SNAP GERMAN! Takagi’s right up to SNAP SAIDO! Moxley’s right up, LARIATS collide again! Takagi SWATS one, to PUMPING- NO, PARADIGM SHIFT! SLIDING FOREARM?!? Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! Takagi and Moxley slowly rise, and they both roar, before they both flop out of the ring! Takagi and Moxley find their ways around the corner, and they both go looking under the ring. They’re both looking for something, Takagi throws chair after chair in! So does Moxley!

Fans want a table but there are plenty of chairs first. They CLASH with the chairs like they’re swords! Moxley blocks a shot, but Takagi claps the chair closed right on Moxley’s fingers!! Then he DECKS Moxley! Takagi wraps the chain around his fist and fans fire up! Takagi runs up, IRON PUMPING BOMBER!! Cover, TWO!! Moxley survives but Takagi has a kendo stick! HEADSHOT! Takagi puts Moxley on the apron, then goes looking under the ring. Finally, a TABLE! The fans are thunderous as Takagi sets that up nearby. These American tables are bigger and trickier than the Japanese tables but Takagi still stands it up.

Takagi then goes to the apron, fireman’s carries Moxley, but Moxley slips free! Moxley CHOKES Takagi with the chain!! Takagi sputters as Moxley pulls it tight! Red Shoes checks, Takagi stays in this, but Moxley shoves Takagi away. Moxley puts Takagi on the table, CHOKES him some more, then goes up the corner! Moxley aims while fans freak out, and Moxley MACHO ELBOWS through the table!! The fans lose their minds while Moxley drags himself up from the wreckage! Moxley staggers back over to Takagi, puts him in the ring, and covers, TWO!!! Takagi still lives and Moxley is furious!

Moxley argues with Red Shoes but Red Shoes defends his count. Moxley goes back out, goes looking again, and he brings out another TABLE! Fans fire up as Moxley puts this table in the ring! Moxley CHOKES Takagi again, then he sets the table up near a corner. Moxley lines up the shot, licks the table, then brings Takagi over. The fans tell Moxley he’s sick but he drags Takagi up to the top rope. Moxley underhooks the arms! Takagi fights back with body shots! Moxley HEADBUTTS, and HEADBUTTS, and HEADBUTTS! Takagi GREEN MISTS?!? When did he get that?! Moxley flails blindly, Takagi adjusts the table’s position, then goes back up!

Fans are thunderous as Takagi fireman’s carries Moxley! STAY DREAM through the table!!! The fans are thunderous again, and Takagi has a piece of the table! Takagi SMACKS Moxley with it! Then SMACKS him with another piece! Then runs to PUMPING BOMBER!! The fans are thunderous again as Takagi tucks the arms, to TAKAGI DRIVER 98!! Cover, TWO?!?! Moxley survives but Takagi grabs some chairs! Takagi CHUCKS one into Moxley’s face, then pump handles! MADE IN JAPAN onto the other chair!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? No one can believe it but Moxley survives!! Moxley shakes his head but Takagi roars!

Takagi reels Moxley up and pump handles. Moxley fights, throws down elbows, but Takagi LARIATS! Moxley stays up so Moxley LARIATS again! Moxley roars, fires boxing elbows like Takagi would, but Takagi just grits his teeth! Takagi fires boxing elbows in return! Moxley roars, Takagi JABS! Ands HEADBUTTS! And spins, but into a CUTTER!!! Moxley staggers to his feet, gets moving, CURB STOMP!!! And then DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Takagi survives and no one can believe it! The fans are electric and Moxley drags Takagi up. Fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this isn’t the main event!

Moxley rains down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Moxley clamps on a SLEEPER and he squeezes tight! Takagi endures, the fans rally up, and Takagi fights up! Takagi turns, torture racks, but Moxley slips free! SNAP SLEEPER SUPLEX! And REGAL KNEE!! Cover, ONE?!?!?! WHAT?!?! Moxley is pissed and he runs up to KING KONG LARIAT!! Moxley gets a chair, sits it up, and brings Takagi over! FULL METAL DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, Moxley wins!!!

Winner: Jon Moxley, by pinfall

The Rampaging Dragon proved he can hang with The Maniac, but the Maniac proved he is still that damn nuts! Will Moxley use this momentum to go after a championship, whether that’s in NJPW or AEW? Moxley then knees and Takagi crawls over. They show each other respect with a fist bump, will Takagi just have to fight even harder to prove he’s worthy of another title opportunity?

The fans cheer for Moxley as Moxley gets a mic to speak. Wait, the mic doesn’t work. “That was my fault, I didn’t press the button.” Moxley says the smell of the air in the valley, the taste of blood and sweat on his lips, he knows it is time. “In the year of 2024, I only got one name in all of professional wrestling on my mind. NAITO!!” Fans fire up as Moxley calls out the NEW IWGP World Heavyweight Champion!! Moxley says, “The time has come.” The Maniac leaves it at that, is this a sign Moxley is aiming to take the top spot in NJPW for his own?


Kazuchika Okada VS Will Ospreay!

The Rainmaker and Aerial Assassin have been through a lot together since 2015: mentor and protege; allies and teammates; bitter enemies and rivals. But as Ospreay is moving on from NJPW to AEW, this could potentially be the last time we see these two in the same ring. Who wins what could be the final chapter in this incredible story?

The bell rings and the fans are already losing their minds just witnessing this match. Ospreay and Okada take a moment to appreciate the moment, then they circle. They then stare down, “This is Awesome!” and then the two tie up. Ospreay gets around to waistlock but Okada wrenches out to wristlock. Ospreay rolls, wrenches, wristlocks, but Okada rolls, trips Ospreay and has a toehold. Okada pulls on the hold but Ospreay uses his free leg to hook Okada. Okada fights off the armbar, rolls Ospreay to a stack cover, ONE! The fans fire up as the two reset. The fans duel as Ospreay and Okada stare down again.

Okada and Ospreay circle, feel things out, and tie up again. They’re in a deadlock, but Okada powers Ospreay back. Ospreay turns things around to put Okada on ropes, and he lets off slowly. Okada dares Ospreay to do something by sticking his neck out, but Ospreay doesn’t go for it. Okada then turns things around on Ospreay, Red Shoes counts, and Okada lets off slowly. Okada grabs Ospreay by the neck, but then lets off with pats on the shoulders. Fans cheer Okada changing up his usual tactics. Ospreay rushes up but Okada kicks him low. Okada headlocks, Ospreay powers up and out. Okada runs him over, only for Ospreay to kip up!

Ospreay headlocks now, Okada powers up and out, things speed up as Okada drops then hurdles, then hip- NO, Ospreay arm-drag counters! Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Fans fire up as Ospreay paces around. Ospreay storms up on Okada, drags him up, and UPPERCUTS! Ospreay CLUBS Okada’s neck, fans duel, and Ospreay KICKS Okada in the face! The fans rally with “AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE! OI OI OI!” but Ospreay says no, he’s British! British! Ospreay drags Okada up to whip and run in, but Okada dodges. Okada runs back in, Ospreay ELBOWS him then runs, but he fakes Okada’s back drop out to KICK him!

Ospreay then runs up to clothesline Okada up and out! Fans fire up with Ospreay and they stick to just “OI! OI! OI!” as he aims. PLANCHA, but Okada dodges! Okada kicks low, DDT to the floor! Ospreay writhes and Red Shoes hurries out to check on him, but Okada keeps his cool. Fans duel again as Okada rises up. Ospreay is okay to continue, so Okada drags him up and CLUBS him on the neck. The fans sing for “Ospreay~ Ospreay Ospreay Ospreay~! Ospreay~, Ospreay~!” Okada CLUBS Ospreay but Ospreay fires back! They go forearm for forearm, then Okada UPPERCUTS! Ospreay staggers and the ring count starts.

Okada puts Ospreay in to stop the count, then drags Ospreay out along the apron, to DRAPING DDT to the floor! Fans are torn while Red Shoes reprimands, but Okada leaves Ospreay behind. Ospreay is still in this so Red Shoes restarts the ring count. Ospreay sits up at 6 of 20, hobbles over and rolls in at 10 of 20. Okada sits Ospreay up so he can run and BASEMENT DROPKICK! Okada cocky covers, ONE! Fans boo this rude side of Okada but he brings Ospreay up to CLUB him. Ospreay goes to a corner, Okada is after him, and the fans continue to duel. Okada ELBOWS Ospreay, then taunts the fans chanting for Ospreay.

Okada ELBOWS Ospreay again, lets off as Red Shoes counts, and Okada comes back around to bring Ospreay up. Ospreay CHOPS! Fans fire up, Ospreay fires forearms, but Okada knees low. Okada whips, Ospreay reverses but Okada ELBOWS Ospreay down! Fans fire up as Ospreay goes to a corner, they much prefer hard-hitting Okada. Okada whips corner to corner to then run in and back elbow Ospreay! Okada then kicks low, but Ospreay suplexes first! Fans fire up while both men are down! Okada sits up while clutching his back and Ospreay rises. The fans rally, Ospreay fires forearms and he ROCKS Okada.

Ospreay whips, Okada reverses but Ospreay handsprings to NEURALIZER KICK! Okada bails out, Ospreay aims and PLANCHAS! Direct hit this time and the fans fire back up! Ospreay drags Okada up and into the ring, then aims from the apron. Springboard, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Ospreay keeps cool and the fans rally back up. Ospreay hobbles but he still brings Okada up. Okada resists the lift so Ospreay gives him Kawada Kicks. And then a CHOP! Okada goes to a corner, Ospreay runs in but Okada dodges to put Ospreay up. Ospreay BOOTS back, Okada returns but Ospreay puts him up top!

Okada BOOTS Ospreay, Ospreay CHOPS Okada, but Ospreay runs into the FLAPJACK! Fans fire up while both men are down again! The fans rally and duel harder now while both men stir. Okada rises first, drags Ospreay up and Alabama Lifts! REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Okada grabs Ospreay’s arm to wrap on the MONEY CLIP! Ospreay endures, the fans rally up, and Okada thrashes Ospreay around! Okada pulls on the hold but Ospreay fights to his feet! Ospreay RAMS Okada into a corner and gets free, but Okada ROCKS him with a forearm! Okada runs, into the Tiger Wall Kick and ENZIGURI!

Fans fire up, Ospreay reels Okada in and lifts, but Okada slips free! UPPERCUT, GERMAN SUPLEX! Ospreay lands on his feet to ROUNDHOUSE! Ospreay whips, Okada reverses but Ospreay avoids the dropkick! STANDING SHOOTING STAR gets knees! Both men know each other so well! Okada whips, and he DROPKICKS Ospreay down! Okada drags Ospreay back up, gut wrenches, but Ospreay fights free to HOOK KICK! Okada swings, but Ospreay SWATS the lariat to HOOK KICK again! Ospreay then runs, springboards, OSCUTTER!! Fans fire up as Ospreay covers, TWO!! Okada stays in this, but Ospreay stays on him!

Fans chant “This is Awesome!” again as Ospreay scoops and SLAMS Okada into a drop zone. Ospreay then goes up the corner, and he LEAP OF- NO, Ospreay has to land out of the Leap of Faith as Okada moves! And then Okada SHOTGUNS Ospreay down! Ospreay ends up in the corner while fans fire up again. Okada stirs, goes out to the apron after Ospreay, and brings him around to gut wrench, and TOMBSTONE to the floor!! Ospreay sputters and Okada flops over while fans fire up! Red Shoes checks on both men and the fans cheer Red Shoes on. Okada stands up, he brings Ospreay up and puts him back in.

Okada drags Ospreay up, scoops and SLAMS him, then per the formula, goes up the corner. MACHO ELBOW! And that of course brings out the Rainmaker Pose! Fans fire up again and Okada drags Ospreay up. Okada waistlocks but Ospreay throws elbows! Okada ROCKS Ospreay with a forearm! And another! Ospreay goes to a corner, Okada fires more forearms! Red Shoes counts, Ospreay pushes Okada, but Okada gives Ospreay scuffing kicks to the face. Red Shoes backs Okada off, but Okada comes back to scuff Ospreay more. Okada eggs Ospreay on as he digs his boots in, but Ospreay stands up! Fans fire up as Ospreay backs Okada down!

Okada ROCKS Ospreay, Ospreay SUPERKICKS! Ospreay springboards, but Okada blocks the cutter! Ripcord, RAIN- SPANISH FLY?!? Ospreay turns things around, covers, TWO!! Okada hangs in there but Ospreay drags him back up. But Okada scoops to LANDSLIDE! Okada roars, he drags Ospreay back up and ripcords, but Ospreay ducks under and swings around to sunset flip! ONE, but Ospreay drags Okada right up, into a STYLES CLASH!!! Roll over to the cover, TWO!!! Okada survives, Ospreay isn’t quite phenomenal just yet! The fans rally up again as Ospreay and Okada stir. Okada goes to ropes and Ospreay considers his options.

Ospreay already copied one Bullet Club member, so he loads up a finger gun to copy another! BANG and- DROPKICK from Okada! Okada drags Ospreay up, ripcords, but Ospreay gets under to ripcord! Okada ducks, backslides, Ospreay rolls through so Okada underhooks to steal STORMBREAKER!! Cover, TWO!! Okada hurries to ripcord and RAINMAKER!! Cover, TWO?!?! Okada is shocked and the fans are electric! “This is Awesome!” while both men are down. Okada rises first, and he flips off the Ospreay fans. Fans boo this extra rude Okada, but he just drags Ospreay up. Okada waistlocks but Ospreay throws elbows!

Okada BLINDSIDE DROPKICKS! Then he whips, to DROP- SITOUT POWERBOMB!! Ospreay turns things around on Okada and both men are down again! The fans are thunderous as Ospreay reaches out. Ospreay finds his way to Okada as Okada rises, and the two go forehead to forehead. Okada throws a forearm, but Ospreay gives it back! Okada throws another, but Ospreay shakes his head. Ospreay throws a forearm back! Okada grits his teeth, shakes his head, and fires another forearm! Ospreay shouts, shakes the ropes, and Okada puts his hands back. Ospreay ROCKS Okada with a forearm! Okada smiles?!

The fans fire up as Okada goes back to ROCK Ospreay! The forearms go back and forth, Okada eggs Ospreay on, Ospreay throws more shots, so Okada ROCKS him again! And again! Ospreay shakes he’s all fired up! Okada fires a forearm, Ospreay gives Kawada Kicks! Okada fires off forearms, then an UPPERCUT! Ospreay drops to his knees, Okada leans on ropes, and the fans fire up! Okada brings Ospreay around, but Ospreay dodges the lariat to ELBOW! Ospreay copies the Rainmaker Pose! Ripcord, but Okada ducks the lariat, only for Ospreay to DROPKICK! And then Ospreay steals RAINMAKER!! Cover, TWO!!

The fans are thunderous again and Ospreay drags Okada up. Ospreay underhooks, Okada back drops and sits down, TWO!! Okada ducks the Buzzsaw, ROLLING- NO, Ospreay rolls through that to underhook and STORMBREAKER!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Now Okada shocks Ospreay for surviving! The fans are electric again while both men are down! “This is Awesome!” and Ospreay makes his way to a corner. Ospreay pulls off the elbow pad and the fans are fired up! Ospreay takes aim as Okada sits up. HIDDEN- DROPKICK! But Ospreay’s right back up! HIDDEN- Scoop and POWERSLAM! Okada drags Ospreay back up to ripcord! RAIN- BOOT!!

Ospreay BOOTS again, and again, but Okada LARIATS! Okada holds onto the wristlock but Ospreay roars! Okada LARIATS again, but Ospreay stays on his feet! Okada LARIATS and Ospreay drops to his knees! Okada keeps Ospreay up, fans boo his menacing glare at Ospreay, fireman’s carry to HEAVY RAIN! And then ripcord to RAINMAKER!!! Stack cover, OKADA WINS!!!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall

7-2 now becomes 8-2 as Okada once again brings down Ospreay! The tenth chapter, possibly the last, and it is The Rainmaker that writes the ending. But Okada shows Ospreay respect by helping him to his feet. And they even hug it out! Fans cheer that these two rivals can find friendship even after all of this. Wait, what’re the Bullet Club War Dogs doing storming out here? They may have that coming 10 Man Cage match against the United Empire, but now they wanna piss all over this moment! DAVID FINLAY appears from the crowd side!? SHILLELAGH SMASH on Okada!! The War Dogs mug Ospreay while fans boo!

Finlay rains down fists on Ospreay with fury! As if winning the Global Championship at WrestleKingdom wasn’t enough, Finlay wants his Dogs to stand Ospreay up. But here comes TJP and Jeff Cobb! TJP SUPERKICKS Finlay, Cobb fires off on the Dogs, and then EDDIE KINGSTON is here! He still wants after Kidd! The fans fire up as Eddie clotheslines Kidd up and out! RED MIST from TJP to Connors! Eddie grabs the ring bell! He wants to hit someone with it, so he runs up on Coughlin! Coughlin dodges, ring bell hits post! The Dogs regroup at the ramp, tails tucked between their legs but still barking mad!

Ospreay, Cobb & TJP stand together, Eddie out in front still holding the bell! The fans cheer, “Thank You, Ospreay!” knowing this is the last time he’ll be here under NJPW. Ospreay is given the mic and he says, “Oi! Oi! You can thank me after I wipe the floor with Bullet Club in a effing steel cage, bruv.” Fans like the sound of that! Ospreay tells Finlay that he and his “sex slaves” can run around all they want, they’ll see them in Osaka. As for Eddie, Ospreay owes him one, thanks for that. Ospreay then takes a moment to sit down. He gets an icepack, thanks the Empire for having his back, he loves ’em for it.

The fans chant “Thank You, Ospreay!” again, and Ospreay continues to say, “On a serious note, thank you, guys. It’s been a real fun eight years. This is weird. I came into NJPW when I was 22 years old. Didn’t know much about myself, I found out a lot about myself on the way around. NJPW gave me the opportunity of being a young, immature man, and allowing me to make mistakes and face every single one of you guys eye to eye and grow from it.” Fans applaud that. Ospreay takes a moment to catch his breath and compose himself before saying, “There’s so many things that I could say about Okada, man. I mean, Okada is literally the best wrestler ever.” Fans cheer that!

Ospreay has so many words he wants to say but he’ll save it for backstage. He cannot express the gratitude he has to perform out here for everyone who watches NJPW. Fans continue to chant for Ospreay, and Ospreay says, “Not bad for some little autistic kid from Essex, mate. I can’t believe the journey that I have had. I am so thankful, I am so blessed to have been able to grow up and been able to perform under this lion mark. I am so grateful that I have people looking out for like the United Empire, who have been my boys since day one when we formed.

“And listen, this is gonna be my new home from now on, for the next couple of years. You and me are gonna get to know each other very well.” Fans cheer that, and say “You Deserve It!” He appreciates that, and says this chapter is closing, but a new one is beginning. Before we close the book, there’s one more match, in Osaka, and finally in front of a live crowd. They’re bringing a friggin’ steel cage to NJPW! And listen, Ospreay’s done the 30 minute singles matches, the 45 minute singles matches, but believe it or not, he was a “backyard wrestler” when he got started! He’s bringing that to NJPW!

And fair warning, if you don’t like violence, if you don’t like blood, if you don’t like the sound of breaking bones and tearing tendons, don’t watch it. “But if you’re a sick little effer like I am… Let’s take that pissant Bullet Club and effin’ bury it!!” The fans cheer that! Will Will Ospreay’s last ride with the United Empire and NJPW be the most epic sendoff ever?

My Thoughts:

An awesome event for NJPW, technically under NJPW Strong, but when you get Okada and Ospreay in the main event, this might as well be considered a mainline NJPW event. This was a full weekend of wrestling, too, with AEW having usual programming but also Impact returning to being TNA with Hard to Kill, and that’s great in itself. I did skip stuff but duh, with the other stuff to cover, had to trim down something. To think Jack Perry would show up here, blending his AEW story into a NJPW debut. I suppose by “Scapegoat,” he feels he was punished unjustly for the #BrawlIn incident with CM Punk and isn’t going to let AEW control him anymore.

Great promo from Mustafa Ali to target Hiromu Takahashi for a great Junior Heavyweight/Cruiserweight showdown. Ali getting a match in his hometown of Chicago is great stuff but I can’t be sure that helps him win. Great match from Giulia VS Adora, Adora is definitely coming into her own with all the reps between NJPW Strong and ROH, but logically Giulia retained because Adora still isn’t title ready just yet. Great move to have Chosen Bros reunite here, and of course they win for that with Bad Dude Tito taking the pin.

Just an awesome, wild No Disqualification match from Takagi and Moxley. I really thought Takagi was gonna win with him busting out Great Muta green mist, but given Moxley is now calling out Naito, I guess the win makes sense. Moxley will make a solid first defense for Naito, because I’m pretty sure Moxley, who is an AEW guy, isn’t winning NJPW’s top title. And great stuff in everything related to Bullet Club War Dogs. Great NJPW Strong tag title match, but of course ELP & Leo win to notch their first defense since that historic WrestleKingdom match.

Great stuff from Eddie and Kidd, and while fans were upset, there’s something to the Count-Out Draw that I really liked. Kidd is doing great as a character and as a singles competitor, he could be who Bullet Club War Dogs uses to go after a singles title like the NJPW World TV Championship or the NEVER Openweight Championship, assuming Tama Tonga doesn’t lose it to Evil next Saturday.

Just amazing stuff in the main event, and as I said, that was enough to make this go from NJPW Strong level event to NJPW prime level event. I didn’t realize Okada and Ospreay had faced off ten times, and that the record was so one-sided. Well, I suppose that part makes sense, actually. But at the same time, with Ospreay basically on his way out, Okada winning also made sense because that’s tradition. But Bullet Club going after them both, then the Empire and Eddie showing up, that was some great stuff. And Ospreay got to close us out tonight, technically not the tradition, but that is because of how Ospreay is on his way out. Great promo, Ospreay’s really fired up and so am I, I kinda hope NJPW breaks tradition to let Ospreay leave on top inside that cage.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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