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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (1/15/24)

Will Rollins hinder Jinder?



The World Heavyweight Championship is Raw!

They’ve battled for the NXT and Intercontinental Championships before, but now Seth Rollins and Jinder Mahal battle for THE World Heavyweight title! Who wins the epic third part of the trilogy?


  • #DIY VS Dominik Mysterio & JD McDonagh; DIY wins.
  • Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell VS Chelsea Green & Piper Niven; Candice & Indi win.
  • Xavier Woods VS Ludwig Kaiser; Ludwig wins, by disqualification.
  • Akira Tozawa w/ Maxxine Dupri VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan; Tozawa wins.
  • Finn Balor & Damian Priest w/ Judgment Day VS The Miz & R-Truth; Finn & Priest win.
  • Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Tegan Nox & Natalya; Shayna & Stark win.
  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Seth Rollins VS Jinder Mahal w/ Indus Sher; Rollins wins and retains the title.


WWE celebrates the life and honors the memory of Martin Luther King Jr.

His dream for America and the world lives on today, so long as we choose to live that dream.


Seth Rollins shows his daughter around backstage.

The Visionary may be preparing for his World Heavyweight Championship defense, he’s still a good father showing Roux the sights and sounds of the WWE.


Cody Rhodes is here!

Little Rock, Arkansas is covered in snow tonight, but they are heating up for the American Nightmare! The fans chant for Cody while he gets the mic, and he says, “So, Little Rock… What do you guys wanna talk about?” There’s a song about Little Rock, and his wife Brandi loves it. They could talk about that song, or about Cody fighting and defeating Shinsuke Nakamura last week. Or we could talk about the reason he is standing here. The reason Cody came back to the WWE, the thing Cody came back to the WWE for. The Royal Rumble is right around the corner, and he- is interrupted by Drew McIntyre!

The Scottish Terminator makes his way out to the ring, and though he brings the fire, he sure gets a chilly reception from Little Rock. McIntyre storms into the ring and grabs a mic of his own. Fans boo but McIntyre says, “So, Cody… What do you wanna talk about?” McIntyre says he and Cody haven’t had a chance to catch up. They go way back. They grew up in the WWE together. Same age, similar career paths, so McIntyre wants to say this to Cody’s face, he’s proud of Cody. Proud of the man Cody’s become, the performer he’s become, and looking back at how far they’ve both come, they were practically kids, 23 to 24 years old.

McIntyre and Cody were even WWE Tag Team Champions together! Google that to find it. Remember the name? Cody says, “The Dashing Ones.” Yes! TO think they didn’t go to the top with that name. But the reason they didn’t go to the top is that at the time, they didn’t have the perspectives they have now. They both saw themselves as top singles guys. They both had to leave the WWE to get their heads screwed on right and get that perspective. And they weren’t any ordinary wrestlers outside the WWE, were they? No, they redefined what it meant to be outside the WWE, they laid out a blueprint!

They became verbs! To pull a Drew, to pull a Cody! To become become so undeniable that the WWE called them back! But remember the last match McIntyre had before he returned to the WWE? It was with Cody. And he remembers what Cody said after that match. Cody told Drew he was gonna be a future world champion. McIntyre’s done it twice. So McIntyre will say it here in front of the world. We’ve seen what people have said. The gifs, the jokes, but screw it. Put your head down, keep doing what you’re doing, and you will be the first member of the Rhodes family to hold up the world championship. Fans cheer that!

Cody seems touched by those words as McIntyre says Cody will finish his story. But not before McIntyre finishes his. Cody says, “Is that so?” McIntyre has declared for the Rumble, Cody’s declared for the Rumble. So yeah, McIntyre could win. Jey Uso could win. A man who is very hungry and who wants to solidify his legacy in one CM Punk could win. Fans fire up for those names, but Cody says he doesn’t plan on letting that happen, but here’s the thing. They’ve both stood and won the Rumble, so you can’t count anyone out. McIntyre says this isn’t about anyone else, this is about him and Cody.

And since Cody’s following in McIntyre’s footsteps, McIntyre has some advice for Cody. “Just be yourself, man. You don’t have to wear the suits all the time. You’re not running for office. You don’t have to use all the big words like a thesaurus or a word-of-the-day toilet paper. And the biggest of one all, just don’t smile all the time. You’ve got that big dumb smile, and I can say that because I did it, too! I felt like even when I was angry, frustrated, sad, I had to be that beacon of light for the roster, I had to be that leader, I had to put that big dumb smile on my face. Wipe it off, mate. Be the real Cody.

“And if anybody has an issue with the real Cody, they can step up to you and you can drop them on their arse.” Cody says if we’re talking about stepping up… Cody steps up to McIntyre and assures him, this is not an act. Cody smiles when he comes out here because this is what he loves. HE appreciates the opportunities that he’s got because he made them for himself. They are similar, yes, but the major difference right now is Cody is thankful, grateful, and he cherishes his second chance while McIntyre just stands here complaining about his. Oh, so this is the real Cody, huh? Is he a wolf in politician’s clothing?

If not, then why they hell would Cody bring Jey to Raw, knowing the trouble it’d cause? Is that some “friends close and enemies closer” stuff? Or what about endorsing Punk? Cody knows what Punk’s like! Cody was there back in the day, and he was alongside Punk a bit more recently, so Cody should know! Is this to make Cody happy? Or to make everyone else happy? McIntyre doesn’t like Cody being a kiss-arse, but McIntyre still does like Cody, and he wishes this conversation wasn’t happening. But if not for Damian Priest being an idiot cashing in when he did, McIntyre would be World Champion so he and Cody wouldn’t be talking like this, but they are.

So then, Cody is just standing in McIntyre’s way. And like Punk learned, you will get eaten alive. McIntyre is on a different level. When he feels like this, when he is 100% himself, he’s not what is best for business, he IS this business! And at WrestleMania, the story belongs to Drew McIntyre! Cody says “IF IF IF!” If not for Priest, if not for Jey, that’s all it is with McIntyre! IF IF IF! They’re not the same, McIntyre is brimming with grievances and he wants that for Cody. But the difference is, when Cody thinks about it, when he speculates on finishing the story, he doesn’t look at McIntyre. He looks right here, in his heart, and out there to the crowd.

The fans cheer, and Cody says IF McIntyre wants to settle this in the Rumble match, then Cody will gladly give McIntyre something else to complain about. And McIntyre mentioned their “last match” they had, the last one between just them. Here’s something Cody wants to ask McIntyre: Who won? Cody drops the mic and heads out, leaving McIntyre stewing. There are so many stories on this road to WrestleMania, but who will be holding the pen?


Damian Priest confronts R-Truth backstage.

Priest asks Truth just what is wrong with him. He’s a funny guy and all, but now he’s selling modified Judgment Day merch in the parking lot?! At some point, it’s no longer funny. This is embarrassing! Truth says no, man, it’s wholesale, flipping it, and retail! No, stop! Enough is enough! But then Truth gives Priest a fat stack. That’s his cut! Every member gets their cut. Truth even has ones for “Tom and Nick.” Tom and Nick? Yeah, is Nick okay? Truth can’t find him on Facebook. Priest says fine, sell the merch, just don’t be too loud about it. The rest of the crew is really not happy with Truth. Got it, dawg!

And one last thing. In tonight’s match, don’t tag in. Don’t? Don’t. Ohhh…! Gotcha, wink wink. He won’t tag in. Here, take a shirt for the road. Wink wink. Priest may have just put the fix in, but will it fix the problems going on inside Judgment Day?


#DIY VS Dominik Mysterio & JD McDonagh!

Speaking of Judgment Day, Tommaso Ciampa got a win over Finn Balor last week, and now he and Johnny Gargano look to get another one together! Will they take down Dirty Dom & The Irish Ace to prove they’re worthy of an Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship match? Or will Dom & JD cross one problem off the list?

Raw returns as DIY makes their entrance. The teams sort out, and Johnny Wrestling has the fans behind him as he starts against the Necessary Evil. The two circle, feel things out, and tie up. JD wrenches, wristlocks, but Gargano rolls, wrenches and drop toeholds. JD scrambles to the ROPEBREAK, but Gargano lets off quick. The two reset, circle, and feel things out. JD shoots in to get a leg, trips Gargano, and rolls him to a facelock. Fans rally as Gargano endures, and Gargano rolls free to facelock back. Gargano rolls with JD to keep the facelock, then he gator rolls to a cover. TWO, and fans cheer as the two reset again.

Gargano and JD circle, feel things out, knuckle lock and JD wrenches to top wristlock! JD wrangles Gargano, but Gargano moves around. Gargano endures as JD leans on the hold, then JD shifts to grind the shoulder. Dom cheers but the fans rally for “Johnny Wrestling!” Gargano kips up but JD kicks low! JD whips, Gargano goes up and over and gets around to shove, dodge, and RANA! Fans fire up while JD bails out. Gargano builds speed but Dom dumps him out! Fans boo Dom but he revels in in. Only for Ciampa to DECK him! Fans fire up as Ciampa TORNILLO PLANCHAS! Direct hit, but then JD runs in!

Ciampa dodges JD, Gargano DIVES and sends JD over the desk! Fans fire up as DIY pats themselves on the back, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and JD looms over Ciampa now. JD stands Ciampa up, whips him to ropes, but Ciampa ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER JD! Both men fall over in a daze and the fans rally up. JD brings Ciampa up and they start throwing forearms back and forth! The fans rally up behind Ciampa but JD whips again. Ciampa tags Gargano, slides under JD, CHOP and CLUB and JAWBREAKER into the wrench, whip and LARIAT! Fans fire up with DIY while JD sputters! Gargano drags JD up, CHOPS him against ropes, then whips. JD reverses, Gargano holds ropes and ELBOWS back! JD distracts the ref, Dom sucker punches Gargano!

Fans boo, JD runs to FALLING AX HANDLE! Tag to Dom and fans boo even harder as Dom rains down fists on Gargano! Dom flexes on Ciampa, then he stomps Gargano. Dom taunts Ciampa, ROCKS Gargano, then puts Gargano in the corner. Fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” at Dom, but Dom throws hands. Tag to JD, and they mug Gargano. JD stomps away at the ropes, the ref reprimands, but JD lets off. Tag to Dom, he CLUBS away on Gargano with crossface forearms, then he clamps on a chinlock. The fans rally for Gargano as he endures, and Gargano fights up. Gargano throws body shots but Dom shoves him to the corner.

Gargano BOOTS back, RCOKS JD, then goes up and over Dom to schoolboy and KICK! Fans fire up as Gargano and Dom crawl, but JD hurries in! JD distracts the ref, he misses the hot tag to Ciampa! The fans boo as the ref says Ciampa has to get out! Dom stomps away on Gargano! JD gets some shots in, too! Fans boo as the Judgment Day gets away with that one, then Dom tags JD in. Dom & JD double whip but Gargano KICKS Dom away! Then Gargano DUMPS JD out! Then he SLINGSHOT SPEARS Dom down! The fans fire up as Gargano crawls over! Ciampa reaches out, but JD YANKS Ciampa down!

Fans boo as the Judgment Day isolates Gargano, and Dom DROPKICKS Gargano down! Cover, TWO! DIY is still in this as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again, things are speeding up! Ciampa rallies on Judgment Day and he clotheslines JD in a corner! Then he clotheslines Dom in another! Then back to JD! Then back to Dom! Fans fire up as Ciampa just keeps going, he ducks ‘n’ dodges Dom to DOUBLE LARIAT Dom AND JD! The fans are thunderous, Ciampa brings JD up to whip and back drop! JD flounders, Ciampa brings him back around, REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up, Ciampa drags JD up and underhooks, to FAIRY- NO, JD slips free to tag Dom! Ciampa runs in but only gets buckles! JD trips Ciampa, Dom slingshot sentons!

Dom drags Ciampa up, JD joins in, and they double- NO, Gargano tackles JD! Ciampa cradles Dom, TWO!! Dom escapes, swings, but into a ripcord and HAYMAKER! Tag to Gargano, they coordinate for the BACK SUPLEX BOMB COMBO!! Cover, JD BREAKS IT! Fans boo but JD made it just in time! Ciampa ROCKS JD, JD ROCKS Ciampa, repeat! Ciampa gest the edge but JD kicks. Ciampa blocks to KNEE back, but JD HEADBUTTS! Gargano SUPERKICKS! Dom SUPERKICKS! Gargano DISCUS LARIATS!! All four men are down and Little Rock is thunderous with “This is Awesome!”

Ciampa and JD bail out, but Dom and Gargano crawl for the corners. Hot tags to Ciampa and JD, and JD dodges. Ciampa dodges, redirects, but JD SPANISH FLIES! JD drags Ciampa to a drop zone, goes up top, MOONSAULT! Cover, Gargano SUPERKICKS it apart!! Dom is back but Gargano fires off forearms! Dom ducks one to DROPKICK Gargano onto ropes! Dom dials it up while fans boo, but Gargano blocks the call! Ciampa KNEES Dom down to the floor!! JD is up, he shoves Ciampa into Gargano! Gargano falls out, JD rolls Ciampa with tights! TWO!! JD kicks and ripcords, but Ciampa SATELLITE DDTS!

Tag back to Gargano and DIY sets up! JD sits up while DIY MEET IN THE MIDDLE!! Cover, DIY WINS!

Winner: #DIY, by pinfall

And the momentum continues to build! Johnny Wrestling and the Sicilian Psycho are hunting down the Tag Team Champions, will The Prince & Punisher no longer be undisputed?


Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell meet with Adam Pearce.

Speaking of tag titles, they’re talking about making 2024 their year. Pearce loves the energy, and he will- be interrupted by Chelsea Green & Piper Niven. Chelsea asks if Pearce even watches Raw. Well, she feels he doesn’t, because otherwise, he would’ve seen her pinning Kayden Carter, but that bum ref was the slowest counter ever. They should be fired for that. But Chelsea will take a rematch. Pearce says that ref is Eddie Arango, so respect him or change your tone. And as far as a rematch, that was their rematch, so too bad. But if they’re looking for a fight, Candice & Indi are looking for a chance, so how about this? These two teams, tonight!

Indi & Candice accept! And Indi says that count wasn’t slow, it got to two. Does Chelsea know how to count? Chelsea says she’ll show Indi who can count! Chelsea & Piper storm out, but will they have to move out of the way after tonight?

Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell VS Chelsea Green & Piper Niven!

Raw returns as the Poison Pixie & #IndiWrestling make their entrance. The teams sort out, but Chelsea BOOTS Candice down! Piper CLUBS Indi, the ref reprimands, and hey it’s Eddie again! Piper CLUBS Indi, brings her around, and scoops to SHOULDER BUSTER! Fans boo but Chelsea & Piper soak up the heat. Piper BLASTS Candice off the apron, cobra clutches Indi, then tags in Chelsea. Ripcord and SLAP! Then LARIAT! Chelsea hurries to cover, ONE!! Chelsea pie faces Indi but Indi throws body shots. Chelsea CLUBS Indi, whips her, but Indi reverses to send Chelsea to the apron. UPPERCUT and- NO, Chelsea avoids the boot!

Chelsea drags Indi out to the apron, shoves her down, then PENALTY- NO, Indi ducks the kick to trip Chelsea! And now Indi BOOTS her! Fans cheer while Indi shoves Chelsea back in. Piper tags, and she dodges Indi to then block a kick. Piper HEADBUTTS, whips, and Indi hits buckles hard! Piper stomps Indi, goes up the corner, and she VADER BOMB FLOPS as Indi moves! Indi hurries, Kayden & Katana are watching as Indi hot tags Candice! Candice fires off on Piper, then kicks a leg out! ENZIGURI! Piper flops over, Candice step-up SENTONS! Then step-up SENTONS again! Chelsea runs in, but into a step-up CODE BREAKER SENTON COMBO!

Fans fire up as Candice then hurries to tag Indi back in. They work together, wheelbarrow SPLASH combo! Cover, Chelsea breaks it! Chelsea BOOTS Candice down, but Indi SPINEBUSTERS Chelsea! Piper wrenches Indi to scoop and MICHINOKU DRIVER! Then Piper runs, Chelsea tags in but Indi avoids Piper’s basement crossbody! Indi WRECKS Piper, tags Candice, but Chelsea gets Indi’s arms! Indi powers out, sets Chelsea in ropes, and Candice LIONSAULTS!! Cover, Candice & Indi win!

Winners: Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell, by pinfall

Big wins all around for The Way! Will we see Candice & Indi hold tag titles up alongside Gargano & Ciampa? And with Kayden & Katana defending those titles on Friday, will they still be the ones Candice & Indi face?


Gunther & Ludwig Kaiser are backstage.

Imperium’s Ring General returns, what will he have to say about his 2024 plans as the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion ever?


Nia Jax speaks.

A highlight reel of her dominance plays, and to cap it off, the Irresistible Force says, “At the Royal Rumble, no one is beating me. Period.”


The Judgment Day regroups backstage.

Dom asks Rhea who she thinks Nia is referring to. Rhea says she’s gotta go address her division. She heads out as Priest walks in, they say hey, and Finn asks where Priest’s been. Where he’s been? Well, since he’s apparently the only one with issue over McIntyre running his mouth, he went to talk with Pearce about it. Any other questions? Yeah, JD has one: why aren’t they beating Truth down tonight? Y’know what, JD? Focus less on Truth and more on what happened tonight so it doesn’t happen again! Finn has Priest slow down. Is Priest actually defending Truth? No, man! Then what does Truth bring to the crew?

This is what: He earns money! Finn sees the fat stack and asks, “What is that?” This is just Priest’s cut. If he was them, he’d go find Truth and get their cuts. What about JD? Oh, who knows. JD’s name isn’t on the shirt. But seriously, though, let’s just focus on handing business. Priest and Finn fist bump, will they be able to handle the Awesome Truth?


Ludwig Kaiser is on stage.

“Ladies and gentlemen…! I demand all your gratitude, for the return of the longest reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion in history… Derrrr RING GENERAL…! GUUUUUUNTHER~!” Gunther steps out onto stage and leads the way to the ring, his reign now standing at 584 days. Gunther & Ludwig step into the ring, and Gunther gets the mic. Fans are torn having Gunther back, but Gunther is amused either way. Gunther eggs them on, Ludwig tells them to respect the champ, and Gunther says, “We are two weeks away from the Royal Rumble, and I can literally feel the desperation around this place.

“Well, I can literally smell the desperation around here. And since we’re in Arkansas, I think I can smell excrement, too.” Fans boo, but Gunther grins. Gunther says when he was away and observing what has unfolded, all he saw was his fellow superstars coming out here, arguing desperately about who will win the Royal Rumble and who will win at WrestleMania. So he had to come back and remind everyone about one thing: last year he entered the Rumble at number one, made it all the way to the end, and was one enemy away from winning! But the fans chant “CODY! CODY!” and Gunther says he lasted longer than any man in history before!

So this year, Gunther vows that the longest reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of all time will WIN the Rumble and main event WrestleMania! Fans boo but Gunther says enough about that. Now, he wishes to focus… on Ludwig. Oh? Gunther says let us take a moment to review what happened while Gunther was away. Last week was Kofi taking the fight to Ludwig, the match ending in a count-out draw, but Ludwig standing tall as he crushes Kofi against steel steps! Gunther tells Ludwig in the present, “What I saw there, I love to see that. You showed a side of you I always wanted to show you!

“You showed grit, you showed confidence, you showed courage! My friend, well done.” Gunther has Ludwig bring it in for a hug! Fans boo, but then the New Day’s music hits! Xavier Woods makes his way out here, and he has a mic to say, “No, no no no. Ludwig, you and I have a problem. Because last week, you took it ten steps too far when you dropkicked Kofi’s head into those steel stairs.” Woods talked with Kofi, and Ludwig is the reason Kofi is not here tonight. But unfortunately for Ludwig, Woods IS here. Woods is here to extract his pound of flesh, so tonight, this is what happens: Ludwig VS Woods.

Ludwig can step up, or maybe he has to ask Daddy Gunther for permission. Gunther smirks but fans chant, “Who’s Your Daddy?” Gunther offers the mic to Ludwig, and Ludwig accepts it. Ludwig then tells Woods, “So after you’ve seen what I did to Kofi last week, you’re really standing here right now and dare to challenge me? Woods, what I did to your friend last week was NOTHING compared to what I’m gonna do to you tonight! I will take your head, as well! I accept.” The Impeccable German then tries to take a cheap shot! Woods is ready as he RAMS into Ludwig, then dumps Ludwig out! Woods then FLYING LARIATS Ludwig from the apron!

Woods fires off on Ludwig, the fans fire up, but the ref backs Woods down! Woods goes into the ring, Little Rock cheers him on, and this match is going to happen, after Raw goes to break!

Xavier Woods VS Ludwig Kaiser!

Raw returns as the match is underway, and Woods has Ludwig in a corner. Woods CHOPS, then CHOPS, then CLUBS Ludwig to another corner. Woods fires off body shots and haymakers, the ref counts, but Woods lets off. Ludwig kicks low, then he LARIATS Woods down! Fans boo but Ludwig rains down fists! Ludwig lets off and storms around while fans boo again. Woods throws hands again but Ludwig bumps him off buckles. Ludwig CHOPS, then UPPERCUTS, then stomps! Woods fires hands, they scrap, Woods RAMS into the corner again and again! The ref counts, but Woods CHOPS again!

Ludwig comes back to CHOP! Woods CHOPS again! Ludwig UPPERCUTS, then stomps Woods down. The ref counts, Ludwig lets off, but Woods kicks him low! Ludwig smothers Woods in the corner, rains down fists, but lets off as the ref counts. The fans boo but Ludwig soaks it up. Ludwig brings Woods up but Woods throws hands. Ludwig shoves but Woods CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Ludwig sputters and goes to a corner, but comes right back to UPPERCUT Woods down! Cover, TWO! Ludwig smothers Woods into the mat, CLUBS away on him, then drags Woods around to rain down more fists.

Ludwig KICKS Woods in the back, pushes Woods around and talks trash. Woods SLAPS Ludwig back! Woods stands, runs up, and he SPLASHES! Woods climbs up to rain down fists! Ludwig slips out at five to CHOP BLOCK Woods down! Woods is stuck in the corner but Ludwig CHOKES him again! The ref counts, Ludwig lets off, and Woods sputters. Ludwig storms up on Woods, drags him up and claws at his face! The ref counts, Ludwig KICKS Woods back down! Ludwig eggs Woods on, pie faces him around, then digs his boots in! The ref counts, Ludwig lets off again, then runs up to PENALTY KICK!

Woods sputters and writhes, Ludwig covers, ONE!! The fans rally with “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” but Ludwig glares at them. Woods throws body shots and CHOPS in return! Ludwig kicks low, whips, but Woods CLOBBERS him! Fans fire up and Woods stands. Woods CHPOS, CHOPS and whips, but Ludwig puts Woods on the apron. Woods GAMANGIRIS! Woods steps in, into an UPPERCUT! And a LARIAT! Ludwig snarls as he storms up and brings Woods around. Ludwig POSTS Woods, then has him stuck in the ropes! Ludwig runs side to side to DROPKICK Woods to the floor! Fans boo but Ludwig stands tall as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Woods sputters on the apron. Ludwig taunts him as Woods drags himself up. Ludwig grabs at woods but Woods HOTSHOTS him back! And GAMANGIRIS! Woods steps in, TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up and Woods is feeling it! Woods has blood in his mouth but that might just be fueling him! Ludwig CHPOS, Woods CHOPS, repeat! Ludwig CHOPS and CHOPS but Woods CHOPS and forearms and repeat! The fans fire up as Woods fires off again and again and again! Woods hammers away in the corner! The fans are thunderous as Woods roars! Ludwig goes to ropes, Woods runs up to clothesline Ludwig up and out!

Woods builds speed and he WRECKS Ludwig with a dropkick! Deja vu as Ludwig goes up and over the desk! Woods roars, but Ludwig CHUCKS the armchair! Woods dodges it!! Woods CLUBS Ludwig onto the desk and throws more hands! But Ludwig fishhooks Woods’ mouth! The ref reprimands, Woods gets free to mule kick Ludwig! Woods has the armchair, and he SLAMS it onto Ludwig!!

Winner: Ludwig Kaiser, by disqualification

Fans boo but Woods doesn’t care anymore, he gets a steel chair! Fans fire up, Woods storms over, but Ludwig GAMANGIRIS the chair into Woods’ face!! Ludwig snarls as he again stands tall! But that isn’t enough, he drags Woods over to the steel steps! The ref says no, but Ludwig wants to do what he did to Kofi just last week! Ludwig runs in around the way, but Woods gets up to DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Woods now pulls the steps apart! Woods runs at Ludwig, the steps hit POST! Ludwig freaks out and runs away! Woods is denied his vengeance, but will he not stop until he’s torn Ludwig apart?


Bronson Reed speaks.

“There is a man right now who holds a championship in WWE who doesn’t realize that soon than later, it will belong to BIG BRONSON REED!” The Colossal Aussie is aiming for gold, but who does he mean? Will it matter once they’re hit with the Tsunami?


Backstage interview with Xavier Woods.

Byron Saxton finds him and apologizes for the timing, but where is Woods emotionally? Where do you think they are? You saw what happened last week, so Woods isn’t- LUDWIG ATTACKS!! Ludwig beats Woods down in an ambush, but then Jey Uso runs up! Ludwig backs off, refs rush in to keep this from exploding into another fight. Jey checks on Woods, is Main Event Jey gonna have to get Ludwig now?


Akira Tozawa w/ Maxxine Dupri VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan!

The Stamina Monster keeps wanting to go big in the New Year, but he just keeps getting his hopes (and himself) crushed! Will tonight be no different? Or will Tozawa find a way to stop the raid all by himself?

Raw returns and Ivar makes his entrance, “Valhalla” by his side. The bell rings and Ivar BOOTS Tozawa down! Tozawa writhes but Ivar says he already told him, “You’re a little man!” Ivar kicks Tozawa around, puts him in a corner and pie faces him over and over, The ref counts, Ivar lets off, but Tozawa SLAPS back! Fans fire up, Ivar snarls, but Tozawa dodges to SOBAT, spin, slide under and SCREW HIGH KICK! Ivar wobbles but he blocks the whip! Ivar whips, then pops Tozawa up, but Tozawa SATELLITE DDTS! The fans fire up and Tozawa rips his shirt open! Tozawa runs, but Ivar scoops to SPINNING SLAM!

Ivar runs to BASEMENT CROSSBODY! Ivar then drags Tozawa to the drop zone and he goes up the corner. Fans rally, Maxxine gets on the apron and pleads for him not to! She also distracts him a bit with that new jersey and matching shorts. Tozawa hurries to GAMANGIRI! Ivar wobbles, Tozawa goes up, SUPER SUNSET BOMB!! High stack, TOZAWA WINS!!

Winner: Akira Tozawa, by pinfall

But then Sarah CLOBBERS Maxxine for the distraction! Sarah puts Maxxine in the ring and smothers her! Tozawa runs in but Ivar HEEL KICKS him down! Sarah fishhooks Maxxine to stand her up, then POP-UP HEADBUTTS! Sarah DROPKICKS Maxxine out of the ring, and Ivar drags Tozawa back into the drop zone. Ivar climbs, and fans boo as he hits the DOOMSAULT!! Ivar crushes Tozawa after all, is this the end of Tozawa’s New Year’s Resolution?


CM Punk posts to Instagram!

“I think it’s time you asked me what I wanna talk about, American Nightmare.” The Best in the World wants to be face to face with Cody Rhodes next week in New Orleans, what will these two have to say before the Royal Rumble?


The Alpha Academy regroup backstage.

Chad Gable & Otis check on Tozawa & Maxxine, with the Creed Brothers there, too. Otis says Sarah & Ivar are cowards for doing that. Ivy Nile storms in and says enough! She talked to Pearce. Valhalla will pay for this. Ivy storms off again, Julius & Brutus following her, will the Diamond Pitbull take a bite out of Sarah Logan? As for Gable, he says he’s proud of Tozawa. Tozawa is on his way to graduating. But Ivar was a coward! Savage! Idiot! And next week, Ivar learns the difference between being a coward, and being an alpha! And Master Gable will be the one to teach him! Tozawa says arigato, will Gable be the one to finally stop the raid?


Rhea Ripley heads to the ring!

Just as she promised, the Women’s World Champion makes her way out to address her Women’s Division. Fans cheer for “Mami! Mami!” while Rhea gets the mic. Rhea then says, “I am so sick and tired of people like Nia Jax running their mouth and claiming that this is their division. This is MY division. That’s why this is MY championship.” The fans cheer that! Rhea says take this as a warning for whoever wins the Women’s Rumble. “If you decide to waste your WrestleMania, then I would advise you to choose me. But if you don’t wanna waste that opportunity of yours… Choose someone else.

“Because it’s gonna end up just like it did last year. Because Mami is always on top!” Fans cheer that, but then here comes Becky Lynch! Now fans cheer for The Man as she makes her way out here! Becky steps right into the ring to get a mic of her own. She and Rhea circle while fans cheer Becky on. Becky then says, “So here we stand. Two very different people with two very similar journeys. Two women from foreign lands who dreamt of coming here and becoming the very best to ever do it. Both spent years meandering, trying to figure it out. Both went from being afterthoughts at WrestleMania one year, to becoming the faces of the industry the next.”

Becky says there’s one major difference: One went on to win the main event of WrestleMania, the other did not. But there’s a reason for that: one of them has a natural ability and a finesse that is unmatched; they have the strength of a bear, the other has the heart of a lion, and a relentlessness and determination that is unmatched. So here we are, two of the very best to do it! But there is this thought, this voice in Becky’s head, this thing that is keeping her awake at night. It is asking and saying to Becky, “I think you might be better than me.” Rhea smirks at Becky, but Becky says she needs to prove that she’s not!

So to do that, Becky needs to take the title from Rhea. And to do that, Becky needs to win the Women’s Royal Rumble. To point at the sign. To declare at WrestleMania, it will be Mami VS The Man! Fans like the sound of that, but Rhea tells Becky, “There’s only one other person that wants you to win the Royal Rumble match more than yourself, and that’s me.” Rhea smiles as she says, “See you at WrestleMania.” The Eradicator wants to go Big Time, but will Becky make it through 29 other women to stay on the Road to WrestleMania?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

Jackie Redmond welcomes the World Heavyweight Champion and Rollins says, “OHHH~ Little Rock~, HAHAHA! It’s freezin’ cold, but welcome to Monday Night Rollins! HAHAHAHA~!” Yes, it is cold, Jackie can almost see Rollins’ breath. But she wants to ask, Rollins wants to bring this title into WrestleMania, and yet he is the one who asked for a match against Jinder Mahal. Why take the risk? Rollins says he has been World Heavyweight Champion for over 200 DAYS. With every single defense, Rollins gets stronger! He gets better! So the way he sees it, the only way he can do what he has set out to do is to continue to be who he is: a fighting champion! A workhorse champion!

Now as for Jinder, this ain’t their first dance. But this Jinder isn’t the same Jinder that Rollins beat to become the very first NXT Champion. No no no, this Jinder is a former WWE Champion! “This is the best version of Jinder Mahal, this is a deserving Jinder Mahal! And Jackie, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Because I am a Visionary, I am a Revolutionary, I am SETH! FREAKIN’! ROLLINS!” Rollins is ready, but will he make it through the most intense and hungry Maharaja that has ever been?


Finn Balor & Damian Priest w/ Judgment Day VS The Miz & R-Truth!

The Prince & Punisher know DIY is chasing them down for the Undisputed Tag Team Championships, but this match is about handling business. Will Truth remember his deal with Priest? Or will the Awesome Truth make him free to win some golden tickets of his own?

Raw returns as the Judgment Day makes their entrance, with Truth having added himself to the graphic! He is even following behind Finn, Priest, Dom & JD! Well, since he thinks he’s in the group, and Priest is stringing him along, this actually makes sense per Truth’s logic. But Miz does his best to remind Truth that he’s still on Miz’s team for this match. Truth says right, of course! Wink wink. Truth makes sure to give Finn’s cut, though he kinda spills it… He and Finn pick up the bills and stuff them in Finn’s jacket pocket, and then Truth gives Dom his cut! Truth and Dom hug it out, and JD asks where is his money. JD, you’re not in the group!

Miz again has to remind Truth whose team he’s really on, and Truth says he was just giving the boys their cut, that’s all. The teams sort out, and even though Truth was told not to tag in, he ends up starting! Finn CLOBBERS Truth, soaks up the heat, and he drags Truth up. Finn puts Truth in a corner, Truth dodges, but then Finn puts him back in the corner. Truth dodges the kick, then dodges the splash! Finn storms up, Truth kicks but Finn blocks! Finn spins Truth, but Truth does the splits to then ROCK Finn! Truth feels bad now! He apologizes, but Miz asks what Truth is sorry about! Finn trips Truth to DOUBLE STOMP him!

Fans boo as Finn stomps Truth, but Truth bails out. Truth asks Priest what’s going on, they’re supposed to be working together, wink wink. The fans rally for Truth all the same, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Finn has Truth in a chinlock. The fans rally up, Truth fights to his feet, but Finn wrangles him back down. Finn grinds Truth down but the fans continue to rally. Truth fights up, throws body shots, but Finn knees low! Tag to Priest, and Finn tells him to handle this. Truth still isn’t Judgment Day, so it should be easy. Priest still seems hesitant, and he drags Truth up, only to get a JAWBREAKER! Truth crawls, Finn tags back in and gets Truth’s leg! Truth ENZIGURIS Finn away! Fans fire up as Truth crawls, hot tag to Miz! Fans fire up again as Miz rallies on Finn! And then he dodges Priest to clothesline Priest up and out!

Miz TOSSES Finn out, slides under him, then YANKS Finn down! Finn hits apron, Priest runs in but Miz sends him into desk! Then over the desk! Miz puts Finn in, dodges Dom & JD, and then runs up on Finn. Finn shoulders in but misses, and gets a DRAPING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up as Miz stands up, and he says, “MASSIVE! BALLS!!” Full nelson, but Finn arm-drags free! Finn runs up on Truth, Truth gets away, and Miz hits an A-LIST LARIAT! Truth tags in, that’s not part of his deal with Priest! But Truth still hits the SCISSOR KICK! And then he realizes what he’s doing!

Dom is upset, Truth apologizes, but Miz DECKS Dom! JD gets up, Truth DECKS JD! Because again, JD “isn’t” in Judgment Day! But Priest ROUNDHOUSES Miz! Truth sees Priest, he winds up, and but then Priest says hey, what’s he doing! Is Truth joining the group or not? Finn rolls Truth up! Truth slips free to CALF KICK Finn down! Dom distracts the ref, Priest choke grips Truth! SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! Priest lets Finn cover, Judgment Day wins!

Winners: Finn Balor & Damian Priest, by pinfall

No golden tickets for The Awesome Truth, and other than Priest, Judgment Day is glad to be standing over Truth. Will this finally get it through to Truth that HE is the one on the outside looking in?


Jinder Mahal meditates.

Jackie walks over and apologizes for interrupting, but it is almost time for the main event. She was hoping to get his thoughts before tonight’s title match. Jinder says, “Absolute clarity for the Modern Day Maharaja. A seven year drought, but the whispers are pouring in, making me the most talked about star of 2024. Everyone is divided, but my focus is singular. 12 years in the making, narrowed down to one night. And tonight, everyone is unified when I beat Seth Freakin’ Rollins and become World Heavyweight Champion.” Jinder heads out, just as ready as Rollins. Will nothing hinder Jinder now?


Shinsuke Nakamura speaks.

“Last week, I could not cause the damage I desired, which made me angry. And that has left me hungry. Cody, you should keep an eye open because our story doesn’t end until I say so. But now… I turn my hunger towards the Royal Rumble. A hungry Shinsuke is a dangerous Shinsuke. 29 other men, all hoping to make it to the top. 29 men, I will feast on their dreams.” The King of Strong Style is looking to completely derail everyone else’s stories, will he be the only one left on the Road to WrestleMania?


Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Tegan Nox & Natalya!

The Queen of Spades and The Hunter are sticking together, and once again take on the Welsh Firecracker and Queen of Harts! With the tag title chase never ending, who moves into pole position for the next shot?

Raw returns as Nox & Natty make their entrance. The teams sort out and Stark starts against Nox. Nox rushes in at the bell but Stark dodges to SUPERKICK her down! Stark looms over Nox, scuffs her, then drags her over to put her in the ropes. ENZIGURI, then tag to Shayna. They coordinate, STOMP NECKBERAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO! The tag champs are watching again as Shayna twists Nox’s arm and bends the elbow! Nox kicks and throws hands, but Shayna still YANKS the arm! Shayna digs her knee into Nox at the ropes, the ref counts, but Shayna lets off at 4. Shayna stalks Nox while fans rally up.

Shayna brings Nox up to throw body shots, then she tags Stark. Stark stomps Nox, then Shayna tags back in. Shayna stands Nox up to throw more body shots, then she tags Stark back in. Stark CHOPS Nox and Nox flops down! Shayna loves that one, and Stark stands Nox back up. Stark CHOPS again but Nox fires forearms and haymakers in return! Fans fire up with Nox but Stark knees low. Stark bumps Nox off buckles, tags Shayna, but Nox still fights back! The fans rally as Nox fires hands on Shayna and Stark! Nox ROUNDHOUSES Stark, but Shayna KNEES Nox down! Shayna drags Nox to a cover, but Natty breaks it!

Fans cheer but Shayna TOSSES Natty out. Shayna soaks up the cheers and jeers, then drags Nox up to the top rope. Shayna SLAPS Nox, climbs up after her, and fans rally up. Nox resists the lift, then SUPER GOURD BUSTERS Shayna! Nox adjusts, to CROSSBODY! Nox rolls through, UPPERCUTS Shayna down, but now she’s far away from Natty! Nox hurries, hot tag to Natty! Stark also tags in but Natty fires off on her first! Stark staggers around, Natty reels her in, snap suplex into a corner! Natty then fires off fists, lets off to get under Stark, and she rebounds Stark to sit her down! Natty DECKS Shayna, steps on Stark and basement dropkicks!

Stark staggers up, Natty ducks a haymaker to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up with Natty and she DISCUS- NO, Stark gets under, around, and ELBOWS Natty, into Z 3- NO! Natty blocks the knee, trips Stark up, but Stark boots Natty away! Shayna tags in, Nox does, too. Stark runs up, Natty & Nox dodge to DOUBLE LARIAT! Shayna waistlocks Nox but Natty makes the save! DISCUS LARIAT! PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!! Shayna survives but Nox tags Natty back in! They coordinate, for the HART- NO, Stark trips Nox! Stark drags Nox out to SUPERKICK! Natty DECKS Starks, but Shayna has the KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!

Natty kicks off the ropes, rolls it back, TWO!!! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!! Natty endures but she’s fading! Natty taps, Shayna & Stark win!

Winners: Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark, by submission

Shayna & Stark are 2-0 against Natty & Nox, are they shoe-ins for facing the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions next? Will it still be Kayden & Katana with those titles after this Friday?


WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Seth Rollins VS Jinder Mahal w/ Indus Sher!

The Visionary said himself that this isn’t the same Jinder Mahal from way back when. And as Veer & Sanga walk up behind the Modern Day Maharaja, that is proof enough that this won’t be like those previous battles. Is this going to be the night Jinder returns to the top of the mountain? Or can Rollins make it through another high caliber contender?

Raw returns and Rollins makes his entrance. The fans sing his song, “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Jinder’s drought ends in reign!

The bell rings and Rollins circles with Jinder, but he’s wary of Veer & Sanga ringside. Sanga distracts and Jinder attacks! Jinder CLUBS and stomps Rollins, then scoops and SLAMS him! Rollins snarls but Jinder fireman’s carries. Rollins fights free, but Jinder switches! Jinder wants the clinch but Rollins elbows free, mule kicks, only for Jinder to avoid the Curb Stomp! Rollins kicks Jinder, underhooks, but Jinder back drops Rollins out of the ring! Rollins hits the floor, right between Veer and Sanga. Jinder storms out to BOOT Rollins down! Sanga & Veer cheer Jinder on but Rollins CHOPS and CHOPS! Jinder throat chops!

Jinder scoops Rollins, and he aims, only for Rollins to slip off and POST him! Rollins goes to the apron, fans sing the song, and Rollins FLYING KNEES Jinder down! Rollins dares Veer to do something, then he puts Jinder in the ring. Rollins dares Sanga to try something, too, but they tell him to focus on Jinder. But wait, Rollins looks up the ramp and sees Priest! Priest has his MITB briefcase, the walls are closing in on Rollins, but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Priest is sitting ringside as Jinder stretches Rollins with the Cobra Twist! Rollins endures, fights with elbows, and then CHOPS! And ROCKS! And ROCKS again! Jinder shoves Rollins to ropes to then CLOBBER him on the rebound! Jinder springboard KNEE DROPS again and again, but then Rollins BOOTS him away! Rollins stands, but Jinder kicks him low. And it’s back to the Cobra Twist! Rollins endures, pries Jinder’s grip away, but then Jinder just shifts to have an arm! Rollins throws elbows into Jinder’s leg, gets free of the hold and LARIATS! Jinder stays up, Rollins LARIATS, but still Jinder stands!

Rollins runs, Jinder ROCK Shim, but Rollins fires back! They go back and forth, Rollins wobbles but then comes back! Jinder ROCKS Rollins, Rollins fires a flurry! ROLLING ELBOW! Jinder wobbles, into a DISCUS LARIAT! Fans fire up while Indus Sher is worried. Jinder goes to a corner, Rollins runs in, but Jinder puts him on the apron! Rollins ROCKS Jinder, climbs up, and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! SUPERKICK! Jinder falls over, Rollins hurries out, but Indus Sher dares him to climb. Rollins changes his mind, and he SPRINGBOARD SWANTONS! Then somersault to the LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!

Rollins grits his teeth, his back or perhaps even a leg bothering him. Rollins still fights to his feet and storms up on Jinder. Fans sing, but Jinder blocks the suplex! Jinder suplexes Rollins up, holds him, but Rollins turns things around to FALCON ARROW! The bad leg slows Rollins down, though, but he still goes to a corner. The fans fire up as Rollins runs in, but into a THRUST KICK! Rollins SUPERKICKS in return! Rollins reels Jinder in, underhooks, and hits the PEDIGREE!! But the bad leg holds Rollins back!! Rollins has to crawl to get the cover, ROPEBREAK thanks to Indus Sher! Fans boo but this is why Jinder has them ringside!

Rollins snarls, goes up the corner, and he CROSSBODIES Veer!! Fans fire up as Sanga checks on Veer and Rollins goes back up a corner! Rollins FROG SPLASHES but FLOPS as Jinder moves! Both men are down, and Priest stands up! Priest tried something like this last time, is he going to try again? But wait, MCINTYRE appears! The Scottish Terminator stares Priest down, they both talk trash, and they start throwing hands! The fans fire up, McIntyre RAMS Priest into barriers! Priest POSTS McIntyre! They brawl their way up the ramp, the ref tells them both to get outta here, and Sanga ROCKS Rollins!!

Jinder fireman’s carries, to GUTBUSTER DROP!! Cover, TWO!!! Rollins survives and Jinder can’t believe it! Neither can Indus Sher after they made sure Rollins was out of it! Jinder snarls, he rains down fists on Rollins, and then he calls to Indus Sher. Veer gets on the apron to distracts the ref, and Sanga sends a chair in! Rollins DECKS Jinder first! The ref sees the chair, Rollins rushes Veer, but Veer CRACKS Rollins with Priest’s MITB briefcase!! And then Jinder clinches Rollins, for the KALLAS!!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Rollins survives again and no one can believe it! Indus Sher is furious, but the ref says no, they gotta go! The ref EJECTS Indus Sher!!

Jinder drags Rollins up, but Rollins arm-drags free! CURB STOMP!!! Cover, Rollins wins!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall (still WWE World Heavyweight Champion)

Despite the deck being stacked against him, the Visionary survives and holds onto the gold! But clearly, things are taking their toll, how much longer can the workhorse world champion keep this up?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw here, but things felt like they really dragged in the third hour. Shayna & Stark VS Nox & Natty felt like filler, and I’m not even sure why their rematch happened. It wasn’t necessarily better than the first time around, and it was still Shayna & Stark on top rather than tying things up 1-1. But we did get a good promo from and really good tag match out of Candice & Indi VS Chelsea & Piper. Good win for Candice & Indi, here’s hoping HHH can finally find a way to book them stronger and get them in the title scene.

For that matter, great tag match out of DIY VS JD & Dom that of course DIY wins. Great stuff out of Judgment Day as always, and Truth continues to add amazing humor to all of this. Great promos with Truth and Priest and then Priest explaining things to the others, and another great tag match. The Awesome Truth was of course losing, but I would love if only now, after Priest choke slammed Truth does Truth realize he isn’t actually Judgment Day. Good video for Nia, then Rhea kinda stammered through her promo, probably unsure what exactly to say to be menacing while waiting for Becky. Becky had a good promo, and they’ve all but told us this is the WrestleMania main event, so let’s just hope that stays the case.

Great promo from Gunther where he actually starts to be nice to Ludwig again, and great stuff from Ludwig and Woods in their match. I started to think Woods and Ludwig were setting up a No Disqualification match here, and that would set up Woods for going after Gunther and the Intercontinental Championship. But then Ludwig’s attack backstage and Jey making the save all makes me think it’ll be Jey VS Gunther now, though I’d still like Woods VS Ludwig in No DQ on the side to avenge Kofi. Jey wants singles gold, the Intercontinental Championship is a great choice, but I’m not sure his chances of dethroning Gunther unless it’s at WrestleMania, and even then that’s tough.

Really good stuff from this building Alpha Academy VS Viking Raiders story. Fun win for Tozawa but of course Ivar & Sarah beat Tozawa & Maxxine down. No mixed tag, we’re going to Ivy VS Sarah and that’ll be great stuff. I don’t know the injury status of Erik (Ray Rowe) but if he makes a return soon, we might get Mixed Six of the full Viking Raiders VS Diamond Mine, which would be a lot of fun given who good both the Creeds and Erik & Ivar are. But either way, it feels like Ivy should beat Sarah and Ivar will beat Gable to keep each of them strong in their respective title chases.

And speaking of, Bronson Reed calling out a champion without naming the champion is an interesting move, but I do like it. He can be going after Gunther, but he can also be going after Rollins because why wouldn’t he want the world title? Bronson VS Gunther and Bronson VS Rollins will both be great matches, so I’m cool with whatever we get. Great promo segment from Cody Rhodes with Drew McIntyre, and it was basically a parallel to McIntyre getting in Punk’s face last week, because while McIntyre does say some true stuff, he also ends up being shut up as the other guy gets the last word. Punk wanting to talk with Cody is an interesting move, that is gonna be a promo to watch.

Good promo from Nakamura to call out not just Cody but everyone in the Rumble, I hope Nakamura has a great showing in the Rumble even though I’m sure someone else wins. And then of course, really good promo from Rollins and really good promo from Jinder. The match could’ve been better, maybe just needed more time, but I appreciate that Indus Sher tried to help Jinder cheat this one. Also great brawl of Priest and McIntyre on the side. But naturally, Rollins retains so that he can continue on this story of being the fighting champion that is running himself into the ground. At this point, I don’t think he’s going to have a match at Rumble but who knows, they could easily throw one together next week on the go-home, with that really feeding into the story.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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