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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/16/24)

Who heads for Vengeance Day?



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

From 20 to 4 to THE ONE!

In order to determine a new challenger to Lyra Valkyria’s NXT Women’s Championship, a 20 Woman Battle Royal will turn into a Fatal 4 Way! Who defies the odds to then take on The Morrigan?


  • 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Opening Round: Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe; Melo & Trick win and advance to the next round.
  • Elektra Lopez & Lola Vice VS Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley; Lyra & Tatum win.
  • Ridge Holland VS Joe Coffey w/ Gallus; Ridge wins.
  • 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Opening Round: Chase U VS The LWO; The LWO wins and advances to the next round.
  • Trey Bearhill VS DIJAK; Dijak wins.
  • NXT Women’s #1 Contender’s Special Battle Royal: Roxanne Perez wins and will challenge Lyra Valkyria for the title at NXT Vengeance Day.


2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Opening Round: Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe!

Trick Melo Gang is looking to make history together by finally reigning together! But will it be that easy to become #TripleCrownMelo and #TwoTitleTrick? Or will Malik & Edris prove once and for all that they’re far from rookies?

The teams sort out and Malik starts against Melo. They tie up, Melo arm-drags, but then Malik arm-drags. Malik sweeps, covers, ONE! Melo sweeps, covers, ONE! Melo jumps the sweep to headlock but Malik powers out. The fans cheer for “All These Guys!” as things speed up. Malik hurdles, Melo hurdles, then Melo ducks, but dropkicks cancel out! The fans fire up the stalemate and the two go again. They tie up, Malik wrenches to a wristlock, tag to Edris. Malik & Edris double whip to DOUBLE ELBOW, then Edris takes off the shirt. Edris shots, but Melo CHOPS! Melo tags Trick, Trick Melo Gang double whips to DROPKICK!

Fans fire up and Trick scoops to SLAM! Trick scoops to SLAM Edris again, then he brings Edris around. Trick whips, Malik tags in, Trick body shots and UPPERCUTS Edris, and still LEAPING LARIATS Malik! Trick wrenches Edris to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Tag to Melo and he goes up, to leap but Malik dodges! Malik rallies with forearms, fans cheer on “Malik Da Freak!” But then he DROPKICKS Trick! Melo SUPERKICKS Malik! Edris tags in, he runs up, gets around, but Melo elbows fee. Edris hurdles, Melo rolls but Edris DROPKICKS! Melo gets away, Trick tags back in. Edris arm-drags, arm-drags, but Trick dodges the third!

Trick whips Edris to the corner, SPLASHES, and tags Melo. Trick sends Melo in to SPLASH, then Trick Melo Gang double whip. They DOUBLE SHOULDER Edris down, then work together, assisted SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Melo tags Trick and they mug Edris. They double whip, Edris holds ropes and BOOTS Melo! Edris ELBOWS Trick, tags Malik, and they RAM Trick into a corner! Basement 619 into a slingshot SENTON! Malik ROCKS Trick, whips him, but Trick ducks ‘n’ dodges, and hits a FLYING ARM TAKEDOWN! Trick holds onto Malik’s arm but Malik still tags Edris. Trick whips Malik but Malik BLASTS Melo!

Malik dodges Trick, Edris and Malik pinball Trick with haymakers, then Edris SLING-DOGS! Melo runs in, into a DOUBLE FLAPJACK! Fans fire up as Malik FLIES and just gets Trick on the back end! Edris FLIES and wipes Melo out in front of commentary! The fans are all fired up as Malik & Edris regroup by the Dusty Cup, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Trick Melo Gang sputters, but Malik & Edris go after HIM. Melo CHOPS Edris first! And CHOPS him again! Melo keeps Edris on this side of the barriers, but then Edris dodges to CHOP in return! They go into the ring, and Melo CLOBBERS Edris! Tag to Trick, Trick Melo Gang double whip to DOUBLE ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Edris stays in this but Trick stays on Edris. Edris throws body shots to get free, then DROPKICKS! Tag to Malik, Malik goes after Trick’s arm, and Malik kicks low to then snap suplex! Malik puts Trick in a corner, Trick bobs ‘n’ weaves and leans back, to then dodge and JAB, JAB, JAB, and UPPERCUT!

Trick brings Malik around to whip to ropes, but Malik avoids the dropkick to DROPKICK back! Cover, TWO! Malik tags Edris, they get Trick up, and they double whip. They DOUBLE ELBOW, Edris covers, TWO! Edris stays between Trick and Melo, facelocks to grind Trick down, but the fans rally up. Trick fights up, wrenches free, but Edris just shifts sides! Edris whips, Trick blocks and then reverses. Trick runs in, Edris dodges! Melo tags in, he hurries to roll Edris up, TWO! Melo headlocks for the takeover and he grinds Edris down. Edris fights around, rolls to a cover, TWO! Melo clamps back onto Edris for a BULLY CHOKE!

Edris endures, reaches out, but Melo pulls way back on the hold! NXT returns to single picture as Edris continues to fight around. Edris fights to his feet, lifts Melo, but Melo thrashes the hold. Edris RAMS Melo into the corner, Malik tags in and they mug Melo. Malik lifts Melo, for a rebound BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Malik tags Edris while he anchors Melo, and Edris stomps Melo around. Edris rains down fists on Melo, then lets off. The fans rally up, Edris stands Melo up and back suplexes, but Melo lands out! Hot tag to Trick! Trick rallies on Edris, BLASTS Malik, and then LEG LARIATS Edris! Another LEG LARIAT!

Trick whips, but Edris avoids the spin kick! Malik returns, but Trick dodges the double lariat to DOUBLE FLAPJACK! The fans fire up with Trick and he lets his hair down! Trick stomps Edris, drags him into position and yanks him right up, BOOKEND!! Cover, Malik breaks it! Melo runs up to kick Malik, then he whips, but Malik swings! Melo dodges, CHOPS, but then Malik dodges and ROLLING DDT!! But Trick SWINGING NECKBREAKERS! But Edris hits a BIG back suplex! Edris hurries up top, the fans fire up, MACHO ELBOW!! Cover, TWO!?! Trick survives and the fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!”

Trick rises, Malik tags back in, and Edris fireman’s carries. But Trick slips free to shove Edris into Malik! Melo tags in, he breaks the line to springboard LARIAT on Edris! But Malik SPINEBUSTERS! Malik hurries right up, and he FROG SPLASHES!! Cover, TRICK BREAKS IT! The fans fire up but Edris throws Trick out! “This is Awesome!” as Edris PLANCHAS into an UPPERCUT! Melo gives Malik the FIRST 48! Then tag to Trick for the JUMP KNEE!! Cover, Trick Melo Gang wins!

Winners: Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

The Dusty Cup is always big, but the semifinals just got that much bigger! Will Trick Melo Gang soon be heading to Vengeance Day and putting their names on the trophy?


Backstage interview with Fallon Henley.

Kelly Kincaid is with the Cowgirl and notes she is one of the 20 women in tonight’s battle royal. How is she gonna get it done? Fallon says she had a lot of fun last week, but now it is down to brass tax. She’s never had an NXT Women’s Championship match before, and to get her shot, she has to make it through 19 other women, and it will be chaos! Utter chaos! But Fallon’s down for it all. This is WrestleMania season, Sand & Deliver season, and it is time for Fallon to show us why she is the top shelf of NXT. She is gonna make it to the final four of that match, and when it comes to a Fatal 4, she just has three words: #YeeHawB*tch!


Lola Vice & Elektra Lopez talk backstage.

The MMA Mamacita is excited to beat down Lyra and her creepy little friend, Tatum Paxley. Lopez says they’re gonna beat Lyra & Tatum in the tag match, walk out into the battle royal as an unstoppable force, and then Lopez will win. Then they can turn Vengeance Day into a Triple Threat so that the NXT Women’s Championship comes home with them one way or another. Lola likes that idea, too. But then Tatum spooks them! She says they won’t be winning the tag match, and Tatum will vanquish 19 other women so that Lyra won’t have to defend the title. No one gets near her champion! See you creeps later!

Lola & Lopez say Tatum’s the creep. But which side wins big tonight to go for gold at Vengeance Day?


Oba Femi is here!

Not only is The Ruler the NEW NXT North American Champion, but he made history by having the quickest turnaround from winning the Breakout Star contract to cashing it in! Oba steps into the ring and grabs the mic to say, “I know many of you are surprised to see me as the North American Champion. But the truth is, this prophecy has been long foretold, that I was going to be the juggernaut drenched in gold.” Fans cheer that! Oba says that as soon as he was born, it was already said that he was going to be important. He was going to be the biggest, the strongest, the fastest, and the one to stand tall above everyone else!

He was destined to be the embodiment of “War Leader.” He has been tested as a young Nigerian prince, and he destroyed his opposition. He was tested in the NCAA, which fans cheer, and as a D1 athlete, he made that world his own by winning title after title, championship after championship! And now that he is here in NXT, the goal is still the same. He already made his mark by dropping three men in the tournament! He dropped Dragon Lee last week! And now with this title, he has his divine right to rule over all of NXT! And he will CRUSH TO DUST every man that stands in his way, for he is backed by destiny!

But wait! Here comes Dragon Lee! The Boy Wonder has a mic to tell Oba, “Que pasa? I can’t be mad after waht happened last week. You were hungry, you took your moment, and you got it.” Dragon joins Oba in the ring to say that he doesn’t think anyone in NXT history has made an impact in so rapid a fashion. And holding that title is significant. That title represents opportunity. Now Oba is the man holding it, and Dragon hopes Oba gives to others what Dragon gave to him, and what Wes Lee gave to Dragon. If Oba continues the tradition of the Open Challenge, then allow Dragon to be the first opponent, here tonight.

Fans like the sound of that! Oba thinks it over, and he tells Dragon, “No.” Oba says the open challenge is now closed. Dragon says in that case, he wants his rematch that he deserves at Vengeance Day! Oba says Dragon doesn’t decide things anymore. Oba will consider it. The Ruler leaves, already slamming down his iron fist. But will Shawn Michaels be the one to say when and where this rematch happens?


Eddy Thorpe talks with others backstage.

Hank ‘n’ Tank are there to say that The Alpha Wolf’s NXT Underground match with Dijak was insane! Total badass. And Eddy didn’t just survive, he thrived! Eddy says when someone challenges your beliefs and your culture like Dijak did, you go out there with every piece of you. His energy was flowing, his moves were on point! Then in steps Trey Bearhill. The others depart, and Trey thanks Eddy for going out there and representing their culture. Eddy appreciates that. Trey gives a formal introduction, he’s of Muskogee Creek, Stacking Fox.

Eddy shakes Trey’s hand and says their culture does need proper representation. And there’s always gonna be someone who tries to cut them down. Dijak, Lexis King, screw those guys! But then Dijak walks in and says it’s nice to see Eddy’s finally made a friend! It’s so cute. Oh, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt the little “pow wow.” What was that? Man, get outta here, Dijak! Oh, wow, did Eddy teach Trey that? Trey says he’s his own man. Oh, okay, okay. Trey must be real proud of his culture, too, huh? But it didn’t teach you when to quit, did it? Last time, Dijak put Eddy on the shelf. Tonight, he’ll make it Trey.

Dijak storms off, is Hard Justice never going to stop? Or is this the night he comes to terms with what he’s got wrong?


Trick Melo Gang celebrate backstage.

They’re fired up after that win, that’s one down and two to go. Melo says he has to say, he was in his bag tonight. Trick says whoa whoa, they were in their bag tonight. And now they’re in the semifinals, they’ll go to Vengeance Day and the finals, and then Tony & Stacks won’t know what hit ’em! Trick says talk about it. But then Ilja Dragunov walks in! He apologizes for interrupting, but he needs to apologize about delaying their title match. Medical just wouldn’t let him fight! But he’s cleared now! But hold on, let him finish. As NXT Champion, Dragunov let us down, and Trick deserves his title match on a BIG stage.

So Dragunov says their title match will be at Vengeance Day! Whoa, now Dragunov’s talking! Trick appreciates that! Trick’s fired up now, but Melo says Vengeance Day is where the Dusty Cup finals are! They got in the tournament, and now it’s all a mess! How can Trick Melo Gang win the trophy when Trick has to focus on The Mad Dragon?


Elektra Lopez & Lola Vice VS Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley!

The lethal Latinas had their run-in with Tatum earlier, and… Wait, is Tatum cosplaying as Lyra? Imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery but Tatum just makes it weird. But will The Morrigan and her obsessive superfan have Lopez & Lola seeing double? Or will La Madrina & the Women’s Breakout Star double down on their victories?

NXT returns and Lopez & Lola make their entrance. The teams sort out and the real Lyra starts against Lopez. They circle, tie up, and Lopez full nelsons! Lopez thrashes Lyra around, then shifts to a cravat. Lyra still endures, she arm-drags free and headlocks back. Lopez endures, powers up and out, then runs in. Lyra goes up and over, cartwheels and then gets around to roll Lopez up. TWO, and Lyra headlocks. Lopez pulls hair, knees low, and then whips. Lyra reverses, Lopez avoids the heel kick and she bails out. The fans fire up while Lyra builds speed. Tatum tags in before Lyra WRECKS Lopez with a dropkick! Then Tatum WRECKS Lola in a mirror iamge!

Fans fire up while Lyra is still confused about all this. Tatum waits on Lopez to get in, facelocks her, but Lopez wrenches free, only for Tatum to cartwheel away! Lola says Tatum’s a weirdo! Tatum waistlocks Lopez but Lopez runs to ropes to HOTSHOT her! Lopez puts Tatum in the ropes to CHOKE her, then tags in Lola so she can AX KICK! Tatum falls, Lola covers, TWO! Fans nrally for Lola as she whips Tatum to KNEE low! Lola whips Tatum again for another KNEE! Tatum sputters but Lola shimmies and shakes. Tatum CHOPS! Lola ROCKS Tatum then tags Lopez. Lopez RAMS into Tatum again and again!

The ref counts, Lopez digs her shoulder in, then tags Lola. They double whip to DOUBLE LARIAT, then DOUBLE HIP ATTACK! Cover, TWO! Lola stays between Lyra and Tatum, then she pie faces Tatum around. Lola KICKS Tatum, KICKS her again, then roundhouses, only for Tatum to get under! Pump handle and ROLLING SLAM! Fans fire up as Lola and Tatum crawl, hot tags to Lopez and Lyra! Lyra rallies on Lopez with big lariats! Then she whips, but Lopez reverses. Lyra slides under, and ENZIGURIS! Lopez flounders, Lyra reels her in, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Lyra drags Lopez around but Lopez BOOTS her away!

Tatum tags in, she goes up but she’s not used to that. She still CROSSBODIES! Cover, Lola breaks it! Lyra runs up but Lola ROCKS her! SOBATS her! And then SPIN KICK hits Tatum! Lyra gets Lola out of the ring, Tatum falls on Lopez for a cover, TATUM & LYRA WIN!!

Winners: Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley, by pinfall

What a strange stroke of luck! Lyra owes Tatum for not just taking the bullet but also getting the win! But will Tatum be able to wake up and win the battle royal/Fatal 4 Way later tonight?


The rest of the NXT Women’s Division prepares backstage.

Stevie Turner says, “Imagine being #1 contender to the NXT Women’s Champion. That could happen tonight!” Arianna Grace says that for most of them here, the imagination is as far as they’ll go. For Arianna Grace says to believe it is to achieve it. That is why SHE will emerge the winner! After she outlasts each and every one of them, of course. After all, she did defeat Roxanne Perez. Uh, what? She didn’t- Arianna laughs down the comments and says she can see it now. She walks down the aisle at Vengeance Day. Don’t ruin this for her. She’ll beat Lyra Valkyria, and will dedicate her win to all the little girls who dare to dream, and for all the delusional ones who fill this locker room.

Tonight, she takes one step closer to the ultimate crown: The NXT Women’s Championship! Thank you~, thank you~! Uh, they all let her behind… Will Arianna be the one to learn to lose with grace tonight?


Ridge Holland VS Joe Coffey w/ Gallus!

Northern Grit is back in NXT because he wants to remind everyone, including himself, of just who the real Ridge Holland is. It didn’t start so well given that accident with Ilja Dragunov, but will Ridge’s redemption be about more than just one match? Or will the Iron King make Ridge wish he was still a Brawling Brute?

NXT returns and Gallus makes their entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, and fans rally as the two break. They go again, are in another deadlock, then break. Joe throws a body shot, then headlocks. Ridge powers up and out then RAMS Joe! Joe fires a forearm but Ridge gives it back! They go back and forth, Joe kicks low then HEADBUTTS! Ridge goes to a corner, but he dodges the splash! Ridge OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Joe, then he SPLASHES in the corner! Ridge whips Joe into a corner, Joe rebounds, into a back drop! And then another OVERHEAD SUPLEX!

Ridge RAMS Joe in a corner, RAMS him again and again, but Wolfgang storms up! Ridge DECKS Wolfgang but Joe SHOTGUNS Ridge! Joe whips Ridge into the corner, and then again! Then a scoop to a BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up as Joe goes up and up and VADER ELBOWS! Cover, TWO! Joe snarls as he storms back up on Ridge. Joe blocks Ridge’s haymaker to a cording hold, but Ridge endures. The fans rally as Ridge throws knees into Joe. Ridge hits a BIG hip toss, then he returns those cording holds! Ridge HEADBUTTS Joe, Joe staggers around, into a fireman’s carry! SNAKE EYES! Joe dodges one lariat, but not the SOUTHPAW!

Ridge then drags Joe up, NORTHERN GRIT DRIVER! Cover, Ridge wins!

Winner: Ridge Holland, by pinfall

Ridge has the return win he wanted, and now he’s getting back on track! But then Gallus attacks! Fans boo as Wolfgang & Markus beat Ridge down! And sadly, no one is coming to Ridge’s rescue because he left everyone else behind. Fans boo, Gallus stomps and chokes Ridge, then Joe shouts to get him up! Markus & Wolfie stand Ridge on his feet for ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS!! Joe shouts at Ridge that he has NO FRIENDS LEFT! Will Ridge’s redemption end just because he is one man against many?


NXT Anonymous is watching.

And they’re spying on Jacy Jayne and the Chase U ladies. “These look fantastic.” And Jacy appreciates Karmen Petrovic helping out. Of course! Who doesn’t love Chase U? Thea Hail says, “Wait until Mr. Chase sees these!” Jacy says the work has only just begun. Good luck in the battle royal to Thea and Karmen, and the rest of them are dismissed. Jacy will be in touch. But Jacy does have Jasmine hang back. She did so good on these. Well, thanks to Jacy’s direction. Aw stop. Wanna hang out, get drinks and trade numbers? Sure! Jacy and Jasmine head out, but seriously, what is this secret plan Jacy’s put into play to help Chase U with its debt?


Kelani Jordan speaks.

“I’m going into that battle royal with a chip on my shoulder. In 2023, I broke out, but you better believe in 2024, I’m breaking through. And if I have to hear one more time, ‘Patience, patience, patience,’ I’m going to lose my mind. Because patience isn’t going to unlock the doors I am ready to walk through.” Brinley Reece is right there with her! Literally, too, as she does handstand squats nearby. “The difference between try and triumph is a little bit of oomph.” She loves Kelani’s spirit! Her energy is giving Brin energy! She can’t wait to get in that battle royal! Same, but remember: every woman for herself.

Brin knows that. If it’s not her, she hopes it’s Kelani. And remember: some people want it, some people hope to have it, and others make it happen. LFGO! Oh, uh, okay. Fist bump, and then Brin cartwheels away. Kelani admits, Brin’s got energy. But will Brin get the win? Or will the Gym Princess finally head for the throne?


Backstage interview with Baron Corbin.

Kelly is with the former Lone Wolf and notes how he and Bron Breakker are in the Dusty Cup semifinals. Corbin says it is amazing, and as the team leader, he was- Bron walks in and asks what is going on here. Corbin told him their interview segment was 9:30. Bron uses the texts to prove it. Focus on the interview then. Going back to last week, the leadership skills Corbin has, he saw Bron was so nervous, Corbin took him to the locker room, talked him up, and we saw the results. Corbin picked up the slack and they won. Uh, what baldie means is that Bron led the team to victory. When he got in, bodies were flying everywhere, and Bron saved Corbin on their way to the win as a team, not for the glory.

But listen up now: “The Wolf Dogs are on the hunt,” and Bron knows they’ll beat Axiom & Frazer next week to then win the Dusty Rhodes- Wait, whoa, what? What did Bron just say? They’re gonna win the Dusty Rhodes Cup? No, before that! They’re gonna beat Axiom & Frazer? No, before that! What did he just call them? The Wolf Dogs! Good, right? NO! And how long did it take Bron to come up with that? Three weeks. What? They’ve been a team for two! Felt longer to Bron than that. But hey, he had shower thoughts, and he was like, “This would be a great idea!” Ew, you were thinking of Corbin in the shower? NO, of the team! Not much better!

Anyway, as the leader, Corbin vetoes the name “Wolf Dogs” and any future thoughts in the shower. Bron says Corbin’s an A-hole. Right, Kelly? Kelly, don’t answer that. Nah, c’mon, drop the journalist hat for a second and answer. Kelly says she’ll be unbiased, but uh… They’re both A-holes. Acceptable. But here’s what they’re not: WOLF DOGS. Fine! Come up with something yourself, smart guy! No, Bron is supposed to be the creative one, Corbin left it to him. Well he DID come up with something. Something better than Wolf Dogs! Okay, here, just now: Wild Boars. What? Bron should be ashamed of himself.

Corbin storms off, and team name or none, will he and Bron break the rest of the bracket to get that title shot?


2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Opening Round: Chase U VS The LWO w/ Zelina Vega!

Per Jacy Jayne’s executive decision even though she’s not really part of Chase U’s faculty, this isn’t Professor Chase with Duke Hudson, but Riley Osborne! The Breakout runner-up is ready for redemption, will he and the Chase U MVP make this whole tournament a #TeachableMoment? Or will Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde represent for the Latino World Order?

The teams sort out, Cruz starts against Riley and they circle. Riley gets a leg, trips, jackknife bridge, TWO as Cruz bridges up. Cruz backslides, ONE, but Cruz hooks the arms again. Riley uses the corner to go up and over, then he back drops. Cruz sunset flips, TWO! Riley headlocks for the takeover, Cruz headscissors but Riley kips free. Cruz headlocks for a takeover, Riley headscissors but Cruz kips free. Cruz arm-drags to an armlock and the fans fire up! Riley fights up, Wilde tags in, and LWO double whip. They DOUBLE ELBOW Riley down, then they HIP TOSS SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Duke & Professor Chase coach Riley but Wilde puts him in a corner. Wilde whips corner to corner, Riley goes up and over and keeps moving, to then roll off Wilde’s back. Wilde DROPKICKS Riley and fans fire up! Wilde runs up but Riley dodges, hot tag to Duke! Duke scoops Wilde for the SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Duke drags Wilde up, but Wilde JAWBREAKERS free! Fans chant “Chase U’s Broke!” and Wilde tags Cruz. LWO mugs Duke, reel him in, but Duke is too big! He DOUBLE SUPLEXES LWO first! Fans fire up as Duke then DOUBLE LARIATS LWO up and out! Duke then tags Riley, and Riley builds speed to FOSBURY FLOP!

Fans fire up with Riley’s aerial attack and he high-tens Duke while NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Wilde has Riley’s arm. Riley reaches out for Duke but has to punch free. Wilde reels Riley in, back suplex FACEBUSTER! Wilde wags his finger at Riley, covers, TWO!! Riley survives but Wilde tags Cruz. Chase coaches Riley but the LWO CHOP and CHOP and CHOP Riley in a corner! They double whip corner to corner, but Riley goes up and hits a WHISPER IN THE WIND! Riley crawls for his corner, but Cruz anchors him! Riley kicks at Cruz and then hurries, hot tag to Duke! The MVP rallies on the LWO, BOOT for Wilde! Cruz kicks, Duke blocks to spin him and JAB! JAB! Flip, flop, “U~!” ELBOW!

Fans fire up as Wilde runs in, into a FLAPJACK! Duke storms up on Cruz, reels him in, and hauls him up. Cruz slips free to ROCK, SOBAT and PELE! Then he hops up, POISON RANA! Fans are thunderous as Duke staggers around! Cruz runs corner to corner but into the U-RENAGE! Cover, TWO!! Cruz survives and fans fire up! Zelina is relieved but Duke is shocked! Duke drags Cruz up, “This is Awesome!” as Duke lifts Cruz again. Cruz throws hands over and over to get free, then he dodges the lariat. Cruz BOOTS Duke, tags Wilde, and Wilde goes up! Duke BOSS MAN SLAMS Cruz, covers, but that won’t matter now!

Chase warns Duke about Wilde, but Wilde still MISSILE DROPKICKS Duke! Fans fire up and Duke bails out. Wilde takes aim, but he has to bail out of the plancha as Duke moves. Duke swings, misses, and Wilde SUPERKICKS! Wilde then runs to the corner to go up and over and CANNONBALL onto Riley! Wilde hurries back in and he DIVES to TORNADO DDT Duke to the floor!! The fans lose their minds as Wilde pushes Duke into the ring! Wilde slingshots in, tag to Cruz, MOONSAULT! Cruz goes up, and he PHOENIX SPLASHES!! Cover, LWO WINS!

Winner: Latino World Order, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

The Chase U losses keep piling up! Their formation change didn’t change their fortunes, what are they to do now? As for Cruz & Wilde, will they keep on winning until their names are on the Cup?


Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo find Adriana Rizzo backstage.

The Don asks her what’s wrong, he’s never seen her so worked. She’s actually excited, but also really nervous. Her first match on NXT, and it’s a #1 Contender’s Battle Royal. Stacks tells her “The Rizz always takes care o’ biz.” Nothing she ain’t handed before, right? Remember back in the day, Suzy Q was giving her trouble, what’d she do? BOOM, knockout! A right hand like Tyson, Suzy was snoozy. But that’s cuz she deserved it. Well, what about that time the books came in a little light, and she had to show Spiadinni how the family does it? What’d she do? BOOM, knockout! Well, he deserved it!

Okay, even better. That time all three Carlucci sisters were in her face, she did it one at a time, bing, bang, boom! Out cold like the Dolphins in KC. Yeah, but, they deserved it! What’s the point, Tony? The point is, that all those women tonight deserve it, so give it to ’em! Yeah! And then the bodies will be flyin’! Like off the bridge! Whoa, whoa, ‘ey! Don’t mention that here, Rizz, c’mon. But back to the haymakers. BOOM! Will The Rizz handle biz and get herself a title shot?


Joe Gacy… joins commentary!?

He’s in a suit and everything as he says we have quite the main event tonight! Wait, where’d he find that old WWE suit jacket?


Robert Stone and Von Wagner talk backstage.

Suit Man Stone has been meaning to ask, what are Von’s New Year’s Resolutions? Von says he doesn’t do that kind of stuff. But then Meta Four storms in complaining about Josh Briggs. Von asks what’s going on with that trophy. Noam Dar says it isn’t just a trophy, this is HIS Heritage Cup! Oh, really? Here’s Von’s cup. Athletic cup! He puts it right in there! Oro fishes it out for Dar, and Von says how about he gets a shot at it. Dar says no, Von’s not getting a shot. It is kinda complicated, but there are rules, regulations, pinfalls, submissions- Von has Dar slow down. If Von can pin Dar in a regular match, he gets the Cup?

No, no, not in a regular match. Listen carefully: six, three minutes. Oh so if Von can do it in three minutes? No, no, no. SIX TIMES THREE. Oh, so 18 minutes! Math and wrestling is tough. But if Von pins Dar 1-2-3, he wins? No, it’s first to two falls, so Von would need to beat Dar not just once, but twice. Oh, two times three! So 1-2-3-4-5-6 all at once? That could be tough, but can Von bring a cup? Dar says he’s done, Von’s melted his brain. Dar leaves, and Stone likes Von trolling Dar. But Von figures how about this for a resolution: Von finally gets gold in 2024. Stone likes it, and they can get started on training. However you count it, will Von get the win on Dar?


Trey Bearhill VS DIJAK!

No one’s culture should ever be dismissed or disrespected, but it seems #HardJustice doesn’t get that. Will Trey make Dijak understand? Or will Dijak simply use Trey as a rebound after his devastating loss to the Alpha Wolf?

NXT returns and Trey makes his entrance. The bell rings, Trey and Dijak circle, and Dijak kicks, only for Trey to block! Trey glare at Dijak, spins him and clamps on for a headlock. Dijak endures the grind, pulls Trey’s hair and powers out. Trey ducks ‘n’ dodges, then sends Dijak to ropes. Trey drops, hurdles, and back drops! Fans fire up with Trey and he runs up to CLOBBER Dijak! Dijak goes to a corner, Trey storms up to climb up and he CLUBS away on Dijak! Fans count along, but Dijak trips Trey up at eight, right into the middle rope! Trey is stuck, and Dijak SUPERKICKS him down! Fans boo but Dijak covers, TWO!

Dijak snarls but so does Trey. Dijak stands Trey up to ROCK him with a forearm! Dijak runs up to ELBOW, ELBOW and CLUB Trey! Dijak then reels Trey in, “TIME TO FLY!” Suplex TOSS! Cover, TWO! Trey is tough but Dijak gets angrier. Fans rally, Dijak drags Trey up, but Trey throws body shots! Dijak knees low, CLUBS Trey, then stomps him down. Dijak drops a BIG elbow, then covers, TWO! Trey goes to a corner, Dijak storms up on him and ELBOWS, ELBOWS and CLUBS Trey again! Dijak says time for another flight, but Trey suplexes Dijak into the corner! Fans fire up while both men are down!

The fans rally as Trey rises, and Gacy says that had to hurt. Trey runs in to SPLASH, then he keeps moving, only for Dijak to ROCK him! And Dijak DISCUS LARIATS Trey up and out! Dijak goes out to SMACK Trey off the apron, and again, and then Dijak THROWS Trey into barriers! Dijak tells Vic to shut up, tells Booker to shut up, and tells Gacy to go to hell! Gacy HEADBUTTS Dijak!! Dijak is furious, but then Trey is up to fire off forearms! Trey dribbles Dijak off the apron, then pushes him into the ring! Trey right overhand chops! Left overhand chops! Then DOUBLE CHOP! Dijak flounders and the fans fire up!

Trey clamps onto Dijak to CLAW his back! Then Tery runs up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Dijak survives but Trey just fires up more! Trey drags Dijak up, clamps onto the shoulders, but Dijak arm-drags free. CYCLONE BOOT!! Cover, Dijak wins!

Winner: Dijak, by pinfall

Just as Trey was starting to roll, Dijak derails him! But Gacy CLOBBERS Dijak! Gacy fires off on Dijak, Dijak hits back, they brawl their way to the back! Eddy and Trey may have their own beef with Dijak, but will Gacy be the one to get his pound of flesh? WAIT! LEXIS KING ATTACKS TREY!! Straitjacket DDT!! Fans boo as King tells Trey that he cost King the biggest match of his career! Don’t ever get in his business again, because Lexis is King! Will the Self-Righteous King tear down anyone that gets in his way?


Josh Briggs watches footage back.

He’s still bummed about his loss, but JBL walks in! JBL says hey and shakes Briggs’ hand. What’s he up to? Briggs mentions watching his match back, wondering if there was something more he could’ve done. Is there any advice JBL has? No, JBL saw the match, but what Briggs is looking for isn’t there. Does Briggs know why JBL picked him for the Iron Survivor? Because he’s a good “big man” wrestler. Well, Briggs is that, but it’s that JBL wants Briggs to discover who Briggs is. Briggs has incredible talent, and has shown it since coming to NXT. But who is Josh Briggs? Throw away the beer and the playing cards, and “Bradshaw” showed the world that JBL is a wrestling god!

Now, that was JBL’s journey. Briggs’ journey is different. JBL wants Briggs to show the world who Briggs really is. Briggs thanks JBL for the advice. Who will Briggs become when he truly finds himself?


The No Quarter Catch Crew meets.

Drew Gulak says, “These last few weeks have been… unacceptable. So we go back to basics. That means conditioning and toughness. Begin!” The crew spars and grapples as Gulak narrates that they are a group of exceptional athletes united by a common bond: the definition of “no quarter.” No pity, no mercy, and it all starts with conditioning. Damon Kemp says that they must break the will of their opponent before they can break his body. “There are no limits except the limitations of the mind.” Myles Borne says “Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving your body.” Gulak says they embrace the grind.

Charlie Dempsey says, “Going forward, we have worked out a catch clause into every one of our contracts. We will decide who steps forward and competes, and I guarantee you, whoever steps forward…” They will show no pity! No mercy! NO QUARTER! The crew is ready, but when and where will they take over NXT?


Trick Melo Gang talks again.

Trick apologizes for earlier, he got excited when he heard Dragunov was cleared, but Melo knows how much Trick wants the title. Trick stepped on everything he and Melo planned on for the Dusty Cup, and he apologizes for that. Melo says it’s all good. Trick’s wanted his match with Dragunov a long time, so if anyone understands, it’s Melo. But check it! Trick has a solution. Come Vengeance Day, Trick Melo Gang finishes what they started. They win the Dusty Cup, and then in the main event, Trick VS Dragunov for the NXT Championship! C’mon, now!

Is Trick serious about that? Yeah, man. That’s how they get down. Melo’s got Trick’s back, Trick’s got Melo’s back. They’re gonna win the whole doggone thing, dawg! Melo does like the sound of that. But they can’t get ahead of themselves, they’ve got LWO and they can’t sleep on Cruz & Wilde. They didn’t come this far just to come this far, so Melo doesn’t wanna mess up. They’ll put the Dragunov thing behind them for now, and focus on what is in front of them. Trick says he’s locked in, eyes on the prize. Dusty Cup! Trick wants Melo to be Triple Crown Melo, and Trick wants to be Triple Crown Trick!

Trick sees it now: the first one to hold the NXT Championship AND Tag Team Championship at the same time! Locked in, dawg! Melo realizes Trick is right about that. How does that actually sit with… HIM?


NXT has an update on Cora Jade.

It was last Friday at an NXT house show in Dade City that the Punk Rock Mean Girl went down with injury. She suffered an ACL tear and will be out of action for almost a year


NXT Women’s #1 Contender’s Special Battle Royal!

We start with 20: Kiana James, Izzi Dame, Arianna Grace, Gigi Dolin, Stevie Turner, Roxanne Perez, Kelani Jordan, Brinley Reece, Thea Hail, Karmen Petrovic, Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend, Fallon Henley, Blair Davenport, Adriana Rizzo, Jaida Parker, Tatum Paxley, Elektra Lopez, and even Women’s Breakout Star, Lola Vice. When there are just four women left, things shift to a first-fall-to-a-finish Fatal 4 Way! Who survives the chaos to head for Vengeance Day?

NXT returns and the ring is mostly full. Subbing in for Cora is Wren Sinclair, her NXT TV debut also a big deal for her now. Thea Hail makes her entrance, followed by the dangerous Blair Davenport. With that, the field is set, and the bell rings! Chaos ensues as everyone fires off on someone! Izzi brawls with Kelani, Jaida and Rizzo scrap and end up going under the ropes! Jaida reps OTM as she throws Rizzo into steel steps! Consider that a message from Scrypts to The Don! Gigi puts Jakara up and out, SMACKS her hand off the buckle, then HEADBUTTS her down! Gigi ELIMINATES Jakara!

Fans fire up as things keep going, Kiana CLUBS Roxie, and the refs have Rizzo and Jaida stop scrapping outside to get back inside. They oblige, and then just scrap inside! But Lash storms up to grab them both and shove them both up and out! They both land safe on the apron, they both ROCK Lash, then argue with each other. Izzi SHOVES Lash and Lash collides with Rizzo, and she falls! Lash technically ELIMINATES Rizzo! Jaida talks smack on her, but then Lash dodges Izzi, and Izzi DECKS Jaida! Izzi ELIMINATES Jaida, and then Lash ROCKS Izzi! Fans fire up as Kelani CLUBS Blair, then climbs up to CROSSBODY, only for Izzi & Lash to catch her together!

Izzi & Lash work together to hoist Klani up, but Kelani fights free! Izzi & Lash mug Kelani, toss her out, but Kelani holds her feet off the ground! Fans cheer Kelani as she skins the cat, but Kiana helps Izzi fight back. Lash sees Kelani still on the apron, and BLASTS her off! Kelani flies onto Jaida, and they both fall onto the desk! Kelani is SAFE because she’s not on the floor! And then Rizzo fires off fists with Jaida! The brawl goes to the back, and Kelani thinks on how to get back in the ring while NXT goes to break!

NXT returns, and Kelani’s made it back into the ring! Replay shows us she went along the barriers to get to the steel steps, a very Kofi Kingston style move! Izzi & Kiana are after her but she fires hands in return! Meanwhile, Lola goes after Brin, Lopez and Blair go after Fallon, and Gigi fights off Fallon. Brin fireman’s carries Lola, does a squat, then goes for ropes, but Lopez makes the save! Lopez DUMPS and ELIMINATES Brin! Lopez & Lola hug it out, and Lopez says that’s what Brin gets! But then Lola TOSSES and ELIMINATES Lopez?! Lola says every woman for herself! But then Tatum DUMPS and ELIMINATES Lola!!

Fans fire up, and Lopez PUNCHES Lola!! The two brawl at ringside, so much for being amigas! Refs hurry to get these two out of here while the action continues< Karmen saves Thea from Blair, then ducks ‘n’ dodges Blair, only for Blair to kick low. But then Gigi STOs Blair down! Gigi TOSSES Blair up and out but Blair stays on the apron! Gigi ROCKS her, puts her in the ropes, and SHOTGUNS her! Blair clings to ropes, then DUMPS Gigi up and out to ELIMINATE her! Blair uses Gigi’s temper against her, but then Thea RAMS in! Blair drags Thea out to join her, BOOTS her down, but Thea holds onto ropes!

Blair drags Thea up but Karmen SCORPION KICKS Blair down and ELIMINATES her!! Blair is furious, she drags Karmen out from under, and gives her a KAMI-GOYE!! Fans boo as Blair puts Karmen in, an easy target for everyone else! Thea fights off Lash, and Tatum runs up, only for Lash to block the rana! Lash uses Tatum as a weapon to hit Roxie, to hit Kelani, then she goes for ropes! But Tatum HEEL KICKS free! Only for Lash to BOOT Tatum down and ELIMINATE her! Lash talks trash on Tatum, then goes back for Thea. Izzi has Kelani up, Kelani fights back, Kiana brawls with Fallon.

Arianna tries to lift Lash? Lash shoves her down, and that upset her. But then Arianna forces a smile, and she goes after Izzi. Izzi shakes her off and asks what she’s even doing. Arianna is frustrated, but she sees Karmen is still knocked out! Arianna drags Karmen up, fireman’s carries, and DUMPS her out to ELIMINATE her! Yeah, good for her… But then Thea TOSSES Arianna out and ELIMINATES her!! Arianna is almost in tears as Thea waves bye, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Theta mocks Arianna with a shimmy, but Kiana CLUS Thea, POSTS her, then SMACKS her off buckles! Thea is dazed and Kiana mocks her. Izzi and Kelani still fight it out, but Thea SMACKS Kiana off buckles now! The runs, but Lash scoops her! BACKBREAKER! Tatum hauls Fallon up but Fallon ROCKS her first! Wren tries to throw Roxie out but Roxie clings to ropes. Kelani SMACKS Fallon off buckles! Roxie ends up on the apron but she still holds on, even was Wren claws at fingers! Roxie kicks Wren away while Thea fights off Izzi AND Kiana! Thea is back inside, and everyone is tiring out. But at eight left, we just need four more eliminations!

Theta stomps a mudhole into Izzi, digs her boot in, but Izzi powers her back! So Thea ROCKS Izzi with a forearm! Thea whips, Izzi reverses and sends Thea back into the corner. Thea boots but Izzi blocks, so Thea KNEES her away! Thea dodges Izzi, runs up again, wheelbarrow and BULLDOG! Thea fires up, CLOBBERS Kiana, CLOBBERS Fallon, and CLOBBERS Kelani as we return to single picture! Fans fire up with Theta, she ELBOWS Kelani, then dodges Lash to come back, tilt-o-whirl and DDT! Lash flops out and Thea mule kicks Roxie, to ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Wren runs up, into an EXPLODER!

Thea fires up, she SENTONS Wren then shakes the ropes! IMPLODER SENTON for Wren! Then ROLLING SENTON and IMPLODER SENTON for Roxie! Thea storms around, shakes the ropes, but Kiana runs up! Theta hits another EXPLODER! Thea runs, ROLLING SENTON and then the IMPLODER- NO, Izzi catches Thea, and TOSSES her! Izzi ELIMINATES Thea! Kiana says that’s right! But Fallon fireman’s carries Kiana! Kiana ends up on the apron, swings, but Fallon ROCKS her! Izzi makes another save, but Lash is back! Lash DECKS Kiana, Izzi ROCKS Lash! Lash ROCKS Izzi, they both run, dodge, and DOUBLE LARIATS take them both down!!

The fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” Fallon & Roxie DOUBLE LARIAT Izzi up and out to ELIMINATE her!! Izzi is furious, as is Kiana since she no longer has her insurance policy! But Lash DOUBLE LARIATS Fallon & Roxie! Lash hauls them back up, but they block the whips! So she sends them into each other! Lash DECKS Fallon, lifts Roxie, and ROCKS her! Roxie holds onto ropes, Lash goes after the hands, but Wren DUMPS Lash to ELIMINATE her!!! Fans are thunderous for Wren, but then Kiana whips Wren! Wren reverses, sends Kiana up and out, but Kiana is on the apron! Kiana ROCKS Wren in return!

Kiana SMACKS Wren off buckles! Kiana RAMS into Wren, handsprings, but Wren BOOTS her down! Wren goes up, but Kiana BLASTS her! Wren has a rough tumble but she hits the floor! Kiana ELIMINATES Wren and mocks the “rookie,” because now we have our final four!!

NXT #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Kiana James VS Roxanne Perez VS Fallon Henley VS Kelani Jordan!

Fans boo Kiana, but now it comes down to the first fall to a finish! Everyone has a corner, the fans are thunderous, and the brawl is on! Fallon and Kiana are after each other, Roxie and Kelani fire off! Roxie DECKS Kelani, Fallon ROCKS Kiana, Roxie SOBATS Fallon! Fallon CHOPS Roxie off her feet! Kiana runs up, Fallon blocks her kick and sends it at Kelani! Kelani catches it, but Kiana ENZIGURIS! Fallon grabs a leg but Kiana boots her away. Kiana runs up, she and Fallon DECK each other! Fallon and Kiana fall out of the ring, Izzi checking on her boss. Roxie sees an opening, she DIVES onto Fallon!

Fans fire up with Roxie, and Kelani ASAI MOONSAULTS Kiana & Izzi!! The fans are thunderous again as Roxie and Kelani meet. Kelani swings, misses, Roxie hooks her up but Kelani blocks the Russian Leg Sweep! Rolling takedown into a cover, TWO! Ghost pin, TWO! Roxie steps over, La Magistrol, but Kelani blocks! TWO!! Roxie runs up, wheelbarrows, VICTORY FACEBUSTER! Cover, Fallon BOOTS it apart! Fallon brings Roxie up and sends her into a corner! Fallon stomps Roxie down, then runs corner to corner to ROCK Fallon! Fallon returns to trip Roxie and CALF KICK! Fallon then runs up to triangle jump BLOCKBUSTER on Kelani! Cover, Kiana breaks it!

Kiana POSTS Fallon, then RAMS into Kelani! Kiana handsprings and runs to RAM Roxie! Kiana keeps moving, but Fallon ELBOWS her! Fallon runs up, Kiana dodges, then SPINEBUSTERS! High stack, ROXIE & KELANI BREAK IT! The fans are thunderous as Roxie then ROCKS Kelani! Roxie SOBATS Kiana, hops on, but Kiana pops her off and Kelani SHOTGUNS Roxie down! “This is Awesome!” as Kelani kicks Kiana, reels her in, OVER- NO! Kiana slips free, throat chops, runs and 401K!! But Kelani flops out, Roxie grabs Kiana! Roxie whips, Kiana reverses, but Roxie goes up and over to POP- NO, Kiana SLAMS Roxie into the corner!

Kiana drags Roxie up, hoists her to the top rope, and climbs up to join her. Roxie fights the superplex, throws body shots, and then slips under! Kiana holds ropes to fight the bomb! Kiana DECKS Roxie, but Fallon is back! Kiana BOOTS Fallon down, bujt Roxie GAMANGIRIS Kiana! Roxie climbs up now, glares at Kiana, and SUPER STEINERS!! But Kelani FROG SPLASHES Kiana!! Cover, Roxie breaks it!! Fallon SHINING WIZARDS Kiana! Roxie TOSSES Fallon out, SUPERKICKS her, but Kelani DROPKICKS Roxie out! Kelani hurries to go back up! ONE OF A KIND FLOPS because Izzi saves Kiana!!

But then Roxie SOBATS Kelani, hops on, POP ROX!!! Cover, Roxie wins!!!

Winner: Roxanne Perez, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Women’s Championship)

Roxie is heading to Tennessee! But wait, Lyra returns to congratulate her! Roxie never lost the title herself, will she make sure to take it back with her own two hands? Or will nothing stop this from being the Year of the Morrigan?

My Thoughts:

Awesome stuff tonight for NXT, even having to adjust for misfortunes. Cora Jade just got back and was getting on a roll, only to go down with injury with a one year estimate as best case scenario. Everyone was thinking that after getting rid of that apparent bad strength coach, things would be fine, but perhaps Cora’s physical strain went under the radar given she went away for a few months. On behalf of The Chairshot, I’m hoping Cora can keep her recovery to one year so she doesn’t get left behind.

Great stuff all over the NXT Women’s Division tonight. Lopez & Lola VS Lyra & Tatum was a really good tag match, and we got a really clever way for Lyra & Tatum to win without hurting Lola, but Tatum getting the win also keeps Lyra’s momentum mellow for right now. And to think, Lola and Lopez were breaking up tonight. But might as well, with Lopez talking like she was gonna win tonight and force Lola to turn her Breakout cash-in into Lopez’s insurance policy. Really good promo from Rizzo and the D’Angelos, very on brand for the D’Angelos, and logically, she got in a scrap with Jaida Parker given the growing feud of D’Angelos and OTM.

Izzi was of course the insurance policy for Kiana to a point, but she also did have a good showing against Lash as the two tallest women in the match, and also got to throw Thea out so there could be Kiana & Izzi VS Thea & Jacy as a part of the Chase U story. And as I said last week, “NXT Anonymous” is framing what Jacy’s doing in a certain light, we’re probably being led to think it’s inappropriate but it’s probably nowhere near what it sounds like. Speaking of Chase U, a shame they lost to LWO but fans really love LWO and Chase U’s story does get more complex if it’s all on what Jacy’s up to. Roxanne winning the whole thing is fine, she’s been working on her edgy side and could bring that out even more against Lyra in their match.

Really good promo from Oba Femi and Dragon Lee, and I’m pretty sure Dragon does get his rematch with Oba at Vengeance Day. Really good promo from Eddy Thorpe with Hank ‘n’ Tank and with Trey Bearhill. Dijak of course gets on Trey’s bad side, I’m still not sure what’s up with Dijak being such a jerk with borderline racist connotations. But good match from Dijak and Trey, Gacy on commentary being a wild thing. Gacy going after Dijak is an interesting detour, but Lexis King of course goes after Trey, so we’re definitely getting that match soon.

Good match from Ridge with Joe Coffey, but the crowd sure had a bland reaction to Ridge. Gallus beating Ridge up after to make a point that Ridge has no one is a good detail in this story. Really good promo from Von, Stone, Dar and Oro to set Von up as next Heritage Cup contender. Dar made it through big guy Briggs because he had Meta Four, I hope they don’t just copy and paste that. Stone should be able to pull strings to help Von keep things fair. And speaking of Briggs, really good promo with JBL to keep Briggs’ story going. I’m thinking we’re going to return to big mean Briggs like he was when he first showed up in NXT, teaming with Gacy.

In more Dusty Cup stuff, Trick Melo Gang of course makes it through the first round, and now we get a great new wrinkle in the story where Trick wants to pull double duty. Given that, you can bet the other side of the bracket wins the Dusty Cup finals, and that right now looks to be Corbin & Bron. And despite my best attempts, I couldn’t help but be entertained by those two in their promo. They are two guys fans have had fun booing, but now these two are turning the corner, they really could make this work. Bron & Corbin will surely beat Axiom & Frazer, then win against Trick Melo Gang because Melo might be sneaky about throwing things, and then Melo probably goes after Trick to pull the “It was ME, Austin!” to close out Vengeance Day.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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