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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (5/11/24)

The Virtuosa is on a Rampage!



Will Deonna Purrazzo avoid getting Frostbite?

While she has issues with the Thunder, Deonna Purrazzo first takes on the Frost! Will she be more than ready for La Mera Mera after firing back up?


  • Trent Beretta VS Dalton Castle; Trent wins.
  • Bryan Keith VS JD Drake; Keith wins.
  • Deonna Purrazzo VS Lady Frost; Deonna wins.
  • PAC VS Johnny TV w/ Taya Valkyrie; Pac wins.


Collision bleeds over into Rampage.

After their incredible TNT Championship match, Adam “Edge” Copeland is the winner, but he helps Kyle O’Reilly to his feet and shows him respect with a handshake and hug. The fans cheer that, and Edge even raises Kyle’s hand in victory. Kyle wants to go but Edge doesn’t let go. Edge finally does let go, and even he isn’t sure what that was just now. Edge takes his title and leaves, will he have no choice but to face Malakai Black to exorcise this darkness?


Backstage interview with Claudio Castagnoli.

Lexy Nair catches the Swiss Superman on his way out, and congratulates him on his win alongside Bryan Danielson on Collision. But while Bryan had words to say after, Claudio decided to leave on his own. What happened? Claudio says Anarchy in the Arena. He heard the match be made, and then Bryan tonight defending AEW, Claudio gets it. And he also gets wanting to beat the crap out of The Elite. But Bryan and Eddie teaming up again in that same match? The last time they were on the same team for Anarchy in the Arena, that was almost the end of Bryan’s wrestling career. Claudio had to replace Bryan against Zack Sabre Jr. for Forbidden Door.

Claudio says we didn’t know if Bryan would ever wrestle again, all because of Eddie Kingston. Eddie is swearing to be a changed man, but he could go back to his old self at a moment’s notice. Claudio knows Eddie better than anyone else does. And we also know Bryan is on his last year as a wrestler. Bryan can do whatever he wants, that’s fine, and Claudio supports that. They went to Mexico, to Japan, wherever. But this one? Claudio wants Bryan to retire healthy. And he doesn’t want to have anything to do with this Anarchy in the Arena business. He cannot be there for Bryan. He just doesn’t want to see Bryan get hurt.

Claudio leaves, clearly conflicted, but are his concerns perhaps justified?


Trent Beretta VS Dalton Castle!

It is very clear that from now on, it’s not about Best Friends, it’s about #JustTrent. However, will he really be able to make the most of things now that it is all up to Trent? Or will The Peacock strut all over this selfish traitor?

The bell rings and the two circle. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and Castle puts Trent on ropes. The ref backs Castle up, he and Trent reset. Castle gets a single leg takedown but Trent scrambles to ropes. Castle lets off, but Trent SMACKS him! The fans boo, but Castle gets around to waistlock and SLAM! The fans fire up as Castle waistlocks and gator rolls Trent around. Castle gut wrenches, brings Trent up, and he throws Trent around! Trent gets free, swings, but Castle blocks to counter ELBOW! Trent staggers away, Castle storms up, but Trent HOTSHOTS Castle away! Trent goes up the corner but Castle sweeps the legs!

Castle goes to the apron, runs side to side and KNEES Trent to the floor! The fans fire up and Castle flexes. Castle goes after Trent at the ramp, drags him up and puts him in the ring, then stalks Trent to the far side. Castle waistlocks, Trent throws elbows, but Castle still lifts! Trent fights more, gets free, but Castle scoops! Trent slips free to go to the other side of the corner, and Trent HEADBUTTS Castle in the back of the head! Trent then brings Castle through the corner, for a DRAPING APRON DDT!! The fans boo but Trent just soaks it up, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Trent paces around while Castle sits up in a daze. Trent drags Castle off the apron, then LARIATS! Trent leaves Castle behind and waits on the count. Castle staggers up to his feet, walks off the pain, and then goes to the apron at 5 of 10. But Trent attacks Castle in the ropes! Trent brings Castle in to knee low, then CHOP to the corner! Castle falls over, Trent paces, then digs his boots in! The ref counts, Trent lets off, and Trent stalks Castle to a corner. Trent stands Castle up but Castle ROCKS him! Castle BOOTS from the corner, goes up, but Trent YANKS Castle down into a SAIDO! Trent hurries to cover, TWO!

Castle hangs tough, seeing as how he’s a former ROH World Champion. Trent snarls, storms up on Castle, then brings him around. Trent reels Castle in, but Castle fights the suplex to cradle! TWO! Trent runs up to ELBOW Castle down! Trent soaks up the heat while Castle flounders. Trent stalks Castle to ropes, but Castle throws elbows. Trent CLUBS Castle, Castle ROCKS Trent! Trent CHOPS Castle, then puts him up top. Trent fires forearms, climbs up after Castle, and Rampage returns to single picture. The fans boo as Trent goes up to SUPER STEINER, but Castle sunset flips it! TWO and DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down!

The fans fire up as both men stir. Castle flops around to ropes, Trent rises at center. Trent runs up but Castle shoots around to EXPLODER! The fans fire up with Castle as he rises again! Castle runs up to get up and under for another EXPLODER! The fans are thunderous as The Peacock is roaring! Castle storms over to Trent, waistlocks, but Trent elbows free! Trent boots but Castle blocks, reels Trent in, SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Trent stays in this, but Castle stays on him with a gut wrench. The fans rally, Castle brings Trent up, but Trent throws body shots. But Castle Alabama Lifts! Trent grabs ropes to stop that!

Castle pulls, he gets Trent loose, but Trent uses the momentum to reel Castle in! PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Castle survives and Trent scowls. The fans rally for Castle but Trent stalks him to a corner. Trent hauls Castle up for the TORNADO- NO, Castle blocks the DDT and pops Trent around to GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up and Castle rises! Trent bails out but Castle pursues! Castle storms over but Trent has the chair! The ref stops that, but Trent CLAWS Castle’s face! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Trent lets off. Trent has Castle in the corner, and YANKS Castle into the crossbar!! Castle writhes and sputters, Trent storms in.

Trent mockingly calls for the hug, only to BUSAIKU KNEE!! Trent then steps over, and reels Castle into the SNAKEBITE!! Castle endures, flails, but he’s fading! Castle is OUT, Trent wins!

Winner: Trent Beretta, by submission

Trent’s a snake, so of course he’d use a move like that to win! Trent gives a mocking thumbs up, then mockingly gives well wishes to Chuck Taylor, the man he forced into early retirement! What is going on inside Trent’s twisted mind?


Deonna Purrazzo speaks.

“Wow, Thunder Rosa, welcome back to work! We haven’t seen you in two weeks. Are you dodging me? Congratulations on your victory, I was watching. And tonight, I hope you’ll pay me the same respect. Because when I’m meticulously picking apart Lady Frost’s arm, I’m going to be thinking about you. When you stepped into my business, when you blamed me for your shortcomings, you made this personal. And it’s about time we end it. A wise man once told me to keep my front towards enemy so when my enemy sees me coming, they know their fate.” The Virtuosa has issued her warning, but is she overlooking her opponent here tonight?


Rush speaks.

“The American fans don’t understand what true greatness is. You fear all that is different. You all have fear because El Toro Blanco, Rush, will squash you and step on you. I will destroy you, I will spit on you, I will walk all over you! And now, everyone in AEW, they’re going to find out why I kick them all in the face. And I plan to do that to anyone who gets in my way. Just remember, if you mess with the bull, you get the horns!”


Bryan Keith VS JD Drake!

The Bounty Hunter is still in search of his prize, but he’s ready to go on a Rampage if it’ll bring him one step closer. Will Keith get what he wants? Or will the Workhorseman put him through the wringer?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Keith headlocks but JD powers out. They RAM shoulders, and JD doesn’t budge. Keith CHOPS, then tries to scoop! JD CLUBS Keith, BELL CLAPS him, then swings. Keith ducks the chop to BOOT JD right outta the ring! The fans fire up and Keith goes out after JD. Keith storms up to CHOP! JD felt that one and the fans fire up again. But then JD shoves, swings, only for Keith to dodge! But then JD pops Keith up to the apron to CLOBBER him! JD puts Keith in the ring, stomps him around, then drags him up. JD reels Keith in and suplexes, but Keith slips free! Keith waistlocks, but JD bucks the O’Conner!

JD runs up to SHOTGUN BOOT! Cover, TWO! Keith survives that, but JD drags him back up. JD bumps Keith off buckles, then CHOPS! The fans fire up hearing that one! JD stands Keith up to CHOP again! Keith just fires up to fire CHOP after CHOP in return! JD knees low, whips, but Keith ducks ‘n’ dodges and repeat, to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! JD gets up, and Keith scoops and SLAMS! The fans fire up, Keith runs in, and he GAMANGIRIS! JD wobbles, Keith gets around and reels him in, DIAMOND DUST! Cover, Keith wins!

Winner: Bryan Keith, by pinfall

The Bounty Hunter brings down the Blue Collar Badass and is ready to keep going! Will Keith have a golden opportunity waiting for him on the other side of Double or Nothing?


Adam “Edge” Copeland speaks.

He stands on the other side of chain link fence, barbed wire woven throughout. Edge says, “I just survived a war with Kyle O’Reilly. But I have more ideas. Malakai Black! I’ve already taken out Buddy Matthews, I’ve already taken out Brody King. So now, now it’s your turn. You want evil? You want my darkest side? It’s starting to come out, Malakai, and I don’t think you want it. But I think I do. So I have a challenge for you. At Double or Nothing, Las Vegas, Malakai Black VS Cope The Rated R Superstar, in a BARBED WIRE STEEL CAGE MATCH for the TNT Championship!! If you’re man enough, I want to see you in Everett this Wednesday on Dynamite to accept my challenge.”

Edge rattles the cage, will he make The Dark Father regret ever rattling his?


Deonna Purrazzo VS Lady Frost!

The Virtuosa gave La Mera Mera her warning, and now she’s going to make good on it. Will she melt the ice in Frost’s veins? Or will Deonna have to be careful not to lose her arms to Frostbite?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Deonna puts Frost in a corner, then shoves her around. The ref counts, Deonna lets off, and Frost comes back. Deonna headlocks to hit the takeover. Frost keeps her shoulders up, stands up and throws body shots. Frost powers out but Deonna runs her over! Frost kips up! Deonna kicks low! Deonna whips, drops down, but Frost rolls under the lariat to handspring and headscissor! But Deonna blocks that to stomp Frost’s fingers! Deonna stalks Frost to a corner, CHOPS Frost, then stalks her to another corner. Frost CHOPS back! Deonna kicks low, whips corner to corner, but Frost slips out to the apron!

Frost blocks a shot to ROCK Deonna, then she goes up and up to HANDSPRING RANA! The fans fire up as Deonna tumbles out of the ring! Frost takes aim from the apron, but handsprings over the lariat! But Deonna blocks the kick to YANK Frost down! The fans boo but Deonna soaks it all up as Rampage goes picture in picture.

Deonna rolls into the ring, drags Frost up, and wrenches to CLUB the arm. Frost goes to a corner, and Deonna pulls the arm around ropes! The ref counts, Deonna lets off, and then she wrenches Frost to YANK the arm. And YANK it again! Deonna wrenches but Frost fires body shots! Deonna wrenches to WRING the arm out! Deonna soaks up more heat, then drags Frost around to drop a leg on the arm! Deonna leg scissors the arm but Frost endures. Deonna drops a leg on the arm again, then drops a knee on the elbow! Frost endures but Deonna covers, TWO! Deonna is annoyed but she storms up on Frost.

Frost throws body shots but Deonna ROCKS her. Deonna puts Frost in a corner to whip corner to corner, then she runs in. Frost BOOTS Deonna away, then handsprings up and over to SHOTGUN from behind! Cover, TWO! Deonna is still in this but Frost brings her up. Frost whips, Deonna reverses, then Deonna ELBOWS Frost down! Deonna huffs and puffs and stalks Frost, then drags her by an arm. Deonna digs a knee into the shoulder, then gets the other arm. Deonna bends those fingers back, then pulls the arm! Deonna flips Frost into a cover, TWO! Deonna keeps on Frost with a knee to the back and a chinlock on top!

Frost endures, Deonna CLUBS her in the chest, then keeps on the chinlock. Frost fights around, stands, throws body shots, and breaks free to KNEE low! Frost fires more shots as Rampage returns to single picture, but Deonna ROCKS Frost back! Deonna whips Frost to a corner, but Frost ELBOWS her away! Deonna runs in again, but Frost dodges to then SCREW HIGH KICK! But Deonna BOOTS her down! The fans fire up while both women stir. Deonna goes to ropes, the fans cheer on Frost, and Frost runs up to LARIAT! And then wrench, and LARIAT! Frost fires up, Deonna ducks a roundhouse but not the HEEL KICK!

Deonna goes to a corner, Frost runs up to SHINING WIZARD! Frost sits Deonna down then goes corner to corner for the handspring CANNONBALL! Frost drags Deonna to the cover, ROPEBREAK! Frost miscalculated but she drags Deonna back up. But Deonna SOBATS! Deonna runs to KNEE LIFT and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Then a roll through into the FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Frost endures, reaches out, but Deonna pushes way back on the arm! Frost still fights around, makes her way over, ROPEBREAK! Deonna lets go in frustration and she stomps away on Frost! Frost goes to the apron, Deonna runs up but Frost RAMS into her!

Frost ROUNDHOUSES, then goes up top! Frost aims, leaps, TORNILLO! Cover, TWO!! Deonna survives and shocks Frost! But Frost hurries to put Deonna back in the drop zone! Frost goes up but Deonna CLUBS her first! Deonna waisltocks but Frost holds ropes! Frost elbows Deonna away, then mule kicks! Frost adjusts, but Deonna trips her! Deonna throws Frost into the Tree of Woe, to run in and TACKLE Frost! Cover, Deonna wins!

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo, by pinfall

Just as Rosa proved she can win by submission, Deonna proved she can win by sudden impact! But speaking of sudden, here comes Rosa with a chair! Deonna bails out and runs away into the crowd! Rosa wants to pursue but security gets in the way! The Virtuosa flees into the night but Rosa looks where she can find her! When and where will La Mera Mera get her chance to tear into Deonna?


BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!

After The Outcasts bullied her protege, Mariah May, the leading lady is coming for revenge! Toni Storm will take on Harley Cameron in a “grudge match,” but who will watch out for the shoe? And then, with Kazuchika Okada wanting his 1v1 with Dax Harwood, the stakes have now been raised, because it will be an AEW Continental Championship match! Perhaps a move by Tony Khan or Kenny Omega? No Cash or Bucks allowed ringside, who will make it reign in Everett?


The Acclaimed debut a brand new music video!

They say it couldn’t be done~! Ey yo, why you say that? They say we could never make it~! You sound so dumb! Hey yo yo yo yo, listen! New legends, like the news said it, I’ma turn it to 11, send the haters to the heavens. New new, new new. Who knew who knew? Not you, not you! You lose, you lose! Broke ceilings and hit walls, here to tag like graffiti. Here to drop bombs on the whole world, you’d think we at Tuskegee. At war with the world again, hats off, we’ll be burnin’ them, hurtin’ them, even when the situation got harrier than a Persian man. Every dollar, we earnin’ ’em.

We don’t care ’bout your Bucks. We don’t need our initials, either. Swear to God, we give no WHOA! People love me and Bowens a lot. Billy Gunn took us over the top. Merch numbers, they going to cop. Big bubble, we gonna pop. Who winning the most? Us. Who did all they goals? Us! Who comin’ for more? US! Who spinning these hoes? US! New new, new new. Who knew who knew? Who’s next who’s next? Better hope it’s not you.

Platinum Max has sent a message to the top guys of the tag division, but will he and the Five Tool Player soon replace them as the elite team of AEW?


Scorpio Sky speaks.

“Yes, I was hurt. And yes, I’m better than ever now. Every time you get hurt, you heal. After darkness comes the light. Where most people see an injury as a step back, I saw this as a step forward. But I had tough days. I struggled like normal people do. Now, I choose to believe. If you put one foot in front of the other, every step takes you closer to your destination. It’s all about faith. And if you don’t have it, that’s okay. I’m here for you. Because together, the Sky’s the limit.” Will this return finally be the one that takes Scorpio to the top of AEW?


PROGRAMMING ALERT for next Saturday!

It’ll be another THREE HOUR BLOCK for AEW as Collision & Rampage go back to back again, but it’ll be back to TNT!


PAC VS Johnny TV w/ Taya Valkyrie!

The Bastard has been looking for trouble, and trouble keeps finding him. Will the Man Gravity Forgot show that it’s not about being TV Ready, but about being ready for a fight?

The bell rings and Johnny pulls out a Canucks jersey from the back of his pants. He shows it off, just to floss it between his legs! The fans boo, but then Pac BOOTS Johnny down! The fans cheer as Pac stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Pac digs his boots in, but Pac still lets off at 4. Pac drags Johnny up, bumps him off buckles, then stalks Johnny to another corner. The fans rally for Pac, he stomps Johnny more, but lets off as the ref counts. Pac drags Johnny up to bump him off more buckles! Johnny falls back, Pac goes up the corner, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Johnny tumbles all the way out of the ring!

Pac goes to the apron, KICKS Johnny, then ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit and down goes Johnny! The fans fire up and Pac stalks Johnny. Pac drags Johnny up and into the ring, then storms in after him. Taya gets on the apron to shout at Pac, but then she backs away as Pac storms over. Johnny CLAWS Pac’s eyes! Johnny ROCKS Pac, ELBOWS and ROUNDHOUSES, then runs, to CALF KICK! Johnny hits a STANDING SHOOTING STAR, covers, TWO! Johnny keeps on Pac and throws down elbows as Rampage goes picture in picture.

Johnny digs his elbow into Pac’s shoulder, then brings Pac around to kick low. Johnny TOSSES Pac out, then KICKS him in the back. Johnny grins while he paces around Pac, then talks some trash on the fans. Johnny hauls Pac up to FLAPJACK off the apron! Taya applauds but she’s the only one. Johnny steps into the ring, argues with the ref, and Taya CHOKES Pac! Taya gets away with all that, Johnny waits on Pac to get in, and then he SWITCH KICKS! Johnny BOOTS Pac to ropes, CHOKES him on the ropes, then lets off as the ref counts. Johnny drags Pac into a cravat and snapmares. Johnny keeps Pac down with a neck wrench, but Pac endures.

Pac fights up, throws body shots, but Johnny throws him down by his hair! Johnny then SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Johnny rains down forearms, goes for the arm but Pac clasps hands to fight off the armbar. Pac moves around, ROPEBREAK! Johnny lets go but then CLUBS Pac in the corner. Johnny drags Pac around to have another cravat neck wrench. Pac endures, Taya taunts the fans, and Johnny leans on the hold. Pac fights up, even as Johnny adjusts his angle, and Rampage returns to single picture. Pac fights body shots but Johnny knees low! RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! And then Johnny can’t help but go over to Taya for a big kiss!

The fans boo because public displays of affection are gross. Johnny and Taya still flirt even as Johnny goes back into the ring. Pac CLOBBERS him! And CLOBBERS him again! Pac whips, Johnny reverses but Pac CLOBBERS him a third time! The fans fire up with Pac and he stalks Johnny. Pac brings Johnny up to SOBAT! KICK! SOBAT! Pac runs, but Taya trips him up! The fans boo but Taya scurries away. Pac pursues! Taya says he is not about to, but then Johnny runs in! TORNILLO! Down goes Pac, and Johnny puts him back in. MOONLIGHT DRIVE! Cover, TWO!! Pac survives but Johnny drags him to a drop zone.

Johnny stomps Pac, then goes up the corner. STARSHIP- NO, Pac moves and Johnny lands out! Pac rolls Johnny, Johnny rolls through, but Pac dodges him to SNAP GERMAN! Pac roars, the fans fire up, and he runs in, but into a BOOT! Johnny aims again, goes up, and the fans boo the STARSHIP- FLOP!! Pac goes up while Johnny crash lands! The fans are thunderous but Taya gets on the apron! Everyone is distracted and that allows Johnny to get away! Taya takes a swing, but Pac blocks! Johnny runs up, but is sent into his wife!! Pac jumps on, BRUTALIZER!!! Johnny drops to a knee, tries to power up, but he falls to the mat! Johnny taps, Pac wins!!

Winner: PAC, by submission

That’s what you get for picking a fight with a Bastard! Mr. & Mrs. TV will have to regroup and rethink their plan for stardom, but then Bang Bang Gang is here via the tron! They want “Pac-man” to pay attention! Pac won his match, huh? Yeah, just did. But as good as White did against Rocky Romero? Nope! But he at least took White’s advice about it. Then wait, Pac won? Yes. After that embarrassment against Okada, are things finally looking up for ol’ Pac? Well let’s not get carried away. Pac, that is great. The fans are happy, good to see you back in action after vacation. But if you stick your nose in Bang Bang Gang business again, they will put you on the shelf permanently.

But until then, everyone in Vancouver can help them finish this one. If you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for ya: GUNS UP!! Pac scowls at the arrogant World Trios Champions, but are they the ones playing with fire?

My Thoughts:

Very good episode for Rampage, but like, can we stop these three hour blocks? I know it’s because of actual sports like NBA and NHL, not something AEW really wants to do, but all the more reason they need to just fold Rampage and focus on Collision. This was still great stuff but it just seems like if AEW can’t guarantee Rampage gets to be on its own night or something, it just gets to be a lot to do on a weekend. Good bit of stuff from Collision, with Edge being all strange after his TNT title match with Kyle. But him wanting a barbed wire cage match for the blowoff with Malakai, that is gonna be awesome stuff.

Really good match from Trent and Dalton Castle, but Castle having more and more substitute Boys just reminds me that they stupidly released THE Boys, Brandon & Brent Tate. But either way, of course Trent wins and does it with some Heelish savagery. No response from Orange Cassidy but maybe that’ll be on Wednesday. Really good match from Bryan Keith and JD Drake, but much like Garcia on Collision, this win was filler to keep Bryan in a holding pattern until titles are freed up after Double or Nothing. Really good music video from Acclaimed, as hard as it is to keep up with Caster even with DVR powers. But clearly, Caster & Bowens are going back for the World Tag titles, that should be a good build as we go into the Summer.

Good promo from Claudio to explain leaving Bryan behind on Collision, and he did a great job referencing Anarchy in the Arena 2022. With Bryan about to retire from wrestling and Wheeler Yuta still out hurt, I feel like Blackpool Combat Club is one Heel turn away from breaking up. Good promo from Rush and he’ll be back in action soon. If only there was an indication La Faccion Ingobernable was coming back with him so that they could go after factions like The Undisputed Kingdom, Bullet Club Gold or even The Elite at some point. Also good promo from Scorpio Sky in what is his third return or so. A shame he got hurt while trying to get going in ROH, and that makes me wonder where in the hecc did Ethan Page go. But hopefully Scorpio stays healthy enough to really do something as a singles wrestler.

Good promo from Deonna before her really good match with Lady Frost. Deonna of course won, and I like that Rosa came out after her since she was still in the building. Their rematch should really be something big, like a Last Woman Standing match. Basically, something more than just another standard match given the animosity that’s been building. And good promo from Johnny & Taya on Collision leads to a really good main event match here, but of course Pac won out. Bullet Club Gold sending a message to Pac makes me wonder if Pac really will change his mind and reunite Death Triangle, or he finds a new duo who has beef with the Bang Bang Gang. And even then, I don’t see Pac’s team taking the titles, White & The Gunns only just “unified” them and haven’t even faced a trio from ROH.

My Score: 8.7/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW All Out Results & Report! (9/7/24)

Is this where it ends?



More than just the title is on the line!

Bryan Danielson went All In and won the AEW World Championship, but now he must go All Out if he wants to keep it! Will Jack Perry ruin the story?


  • Zero Hour – The Acclaimed w/ Billy Gunn VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson; The Acclaimed win.
  • Zero Hour – Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Holo.grm VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling; win.
  • Zero Hour – Big Money Trios Triple Threat: Top Flight VS The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Beast Mortos & Shane Taylor Promotions; win(s) the cash prize.
  • AEW Continental Championship Fatal 4 Way: Kazuchika Okada VS Mark Briscoe VS Orange Cassidy VS Konosuke Takeshita; wins and
  • MJF VS Daniel Garcia; wins.
  • Chicago Street Fight: Willow Nightingale VS Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway; wins.
  • AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone VS Hikaru Shida; wins and
  • AEW World Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks VS Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta; win and
  • AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay VS PAC; wins and
  • AEW World Championship: Bryan Danielson VS Jack Perry; wins and
  • Lights Out Steel Cage: Swerve Strickland VS Hangman Page; wins.


It’s the All Out Zero Hour!

Join Renee Paquette, RJ City & Jeff Jarrett as they discuss, analyze and predict all the action for All Out!


Zero Hour – The Acclaimed w/ Billy Gunn VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson!

No time to rap for Platinum Max, he and the Five Tool Player want to get to business! “CHIIICAAAAGOOO~! The Acclaimed have arrived! Scissor Me, Daddy Ass~!” And he does! But Jameson talks. This is Zero Hour and not Trios Hour because Billy is scared to get in the ring with Jameson, cuz he knows Jameson will knock him right out! Just like The Iron Savages are all fired up from sipping the new flavor of Savage Sauce, the Double Chocolate Chunk! They bring the BULK~! A mini-savage at ringside is given a headband, and Jameson says they’re taking all the Low T Meat Riders to TIDDY CITY!!

The teams sort out, and Bronson starts against Bowens. The fans rally as the two circle, fans sing “OH~ Scissor Me, Daddy!” Jameson says shut up, there’s no scissoring today! The two tie up, Bronson powers Bowens to the corner, then lets off, to fire haymakers! The ref counts, Bronson CHOPS, but Bowens CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Bowens whips, Bronson reverses, but Bowens goes up and over! Then he hurdles Bronson to headlock. Bronson powers up and out, Bowens hurdles, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and FACEBUSTERS! Bowens taunts Boulder and the fans fire up. Bowens tags Caster, and The Acclaimed double whip.

Caster drops, Bowens bypasses, knee lift and NECKBREAKER! Boulder storms in, but into BOOTS! ROLLING ELBOW! FLYING RANA! Boulder stumbles to ropes, The Acclaimed DOUBLE DROPKICK him out! The fans fire up, but Bronson DOUBLE LARIATS The Acclaimed! Bronson mocks the scissor fingers, and motorboats. Then we see MXM posing while watching this match. Bronson tags Boulder, CHOPS Caster, and Boulder SPLASHES! Caster flounders, Boulder ELBOWS him in a corner! And another ELBOW! Boulder whips, Caster goes up and back, then flops. The fans boo but Boulder stalks Caster to the apron.

Caster CLAWS Boulder’s face! And he TRIPS Bronson up! Caster goes back up to springboard and MISSILE DROPKICK! Direct hit but Boulder is still up! So Caster fireman’s carries! No, Boulder’s bulk is too much! Caster collapses, Boulder bumps him off buckles. Tag to Bronson and he sends Boulder in to SPALSH! Then Boulder feeds Caster to an ELBOW! Bronson motorboats, then BOOTS Caster down! Bronson drags Caster up but Caster fires body shots. Bronson KNEES low, DECKS Bronson, then he goes back to Caster. Bronson scoops, Caster slips free, but no Bowens to tag! Bronson SPLASHES!

Bronson sends Caster to the Savage corner but Caster BOOTS Boulder! Caster BOOTS Bronson, runs, but into a BOSS MAN SLAM! Bronson runs, Boulder tags in, and Bronson DIVES into Bowens! Boulder MEATSAULTS! Cover, TWO!! Caster survives being squished but Boulder tags Bronson. Bronson drags Caster up to scoop SLAM! Bronson goes up and up and says he’s gonna bust! DIVING HEADBUTT FLOP as Caster moves! The fans fire up and Caster crawls, but Bronson grabs his legs! Caster BOOTS free, hot tag to Bowens! Bowens LARIATS Bronson again and again, then ROLLING ELBOWS!

Boulder runs up, but into Rock Paper Scissors SUPERKICK! And then some kicks for Bronson, FAMOUSER! “EVERYONE! LOVES THE ACCLAIMED!” Bowens tags Caster and Caster climbs. Bowens hits the ARRIVAL! MIC- NO, Boulder catches Caster! Boulder ELBOWS Bowens, Caster tries to fireman’s carry! Boulder whips him away, pops him up, but Bowens is up! Bowens CROSSBODIES, but into Boulder’s arms!! DOUBLE WHAMMY!! Chicago is going wild, and Bronson climbs! Electric Chair Lift, SAVAGE SPLASH!! Cover, BOWENS BREAKS IT! The fans fire up again and Bowens fires hands and CHOPS on the Savages!

Bowens roars, runs, but into a POP-UP FLAPJACK! Bronson SENTONS! The straps come down, The Acclaimed are stacked in a corner! Boulder and Bronson combine again, SAVAGE CANNONBALL MISSES! The Acclaimed let them hit buckles, and Jameson protests! But Daddy Ass YANKS Jameson down, and DECKS him! “SUCK IT!” And then Caster fireman’s carries!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Caster roars, tags Bowens, and then Bowens powers up! Bowens gets Bronson for THE ARRIVAL! Caster is up to MIC DROP!! Cover, Acclaimed win!

Winners: The Acclaimed, by pinfall

A truly BIG win for Caster & Bowens to rebound from All In. But with Mansoor & Mason watching them closely, will The Acclaimed have to strut on the catwalk before they get on the road back to the titles?


Zero Hour – Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Holo.grm VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling!

“Smart” Mark stops Arkady Aura from even starting as he introduces his team of Josh Woods, Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari. They have decided to let these Chicago losers take part in a winning team for once with a team building exercise. Even low IQ individuals can follow along. When Sterling says, “Athletes,” you all say, “Rock!” Nothing else! Hands in! Ohhhh~! “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!!” Sterling is already furious! But here comes Team Texas, just as we saw them last night on Collision! Will The Natural, The Spanish God and the cyberspace luchador prove these Premier Athletes aren’t ready for the gold?


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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (9/6/24)

MXM Collection is on a Rampage!



Is MXM Collection too sexy for the ring?

Mansoor & Mason Madden want to make AEW all about the aesthetics, but their runway just ran into The House of Black! Will Brody King & Buddy Matthews make sure torment is “in” right now?


  • All Star 8 Man Tag: The Elite VS Pac & Blackpool Combat Club; Pac & BCC win.
  • Queen Aminata VS Missa Kate; Aminata wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, Holo.grm & VS The Dark Order; Dustin, Sammy & Hologram win.
  • Friday Night Fashion Fight: The MXM Collection VS The House of Black; The House of Black wins.


Collision bleeds over into Rampage!

Bryan kicks out of the roll-up, and he wrangles Jack into the LEBELL LOCK!! Jack flails, but The Bucks attack! Claudio & Yuta return to fire off hands! They brawl out of the ring, but Nick sends Claudio into railing! Matt whips Bryan but Bryan ducks ‘n’ dodges to LARIAT! Jack is up top, and he MISSILE DORPKICKS! Jack repays earlier, kips up, but Yuta tags in! Yuta fires off hands on Jack! Yuta ROCKS, CHOPS, repeat, but Jack knees low! Jack CLUBS Yuta, bumps him off buckles, and tags Okada. Okada fires forearms, CLUBS away on Yuta, then brins him up. But Yuta fires forearms with Okada! Yuta CHOPS, runs, but Okada DROPKICKS back!

Okada ripcords, Yuta ducks! But DOUBLE SUPERKICKS are there! Okada gut wrenches, TOMBSTONE!! Cover, Pac & Claudio break it!! The fans hope these teams “FIGHT FOREVER!” but we’re already into another show with this! They brawl, Nick DUMPS Claudio, then SPRINGBOARD CANNONBALLS! But Bryan FLYING KNEES Nick! Okada BLASTS Bryan! Okada sees everyone is on the outside, so he builds speed! To then stop, and flip everyone off! But Pac is back! And he SOBATS! KICKS! And BOOTS! Okada tumbles out, Pac builds speed! Pac FOSBURY FLOPS, down go Okada and Jack!

The fans are thunderous as Pac finds Okada and brings him back into the ring. Pac tags in, springboards, 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Pac overshot the target by just a little bit, and that may have saved Okada. But “This is Awesome!” all the same! Pac bumps Okada off buckles, then runs up to BOOT! Okada sputters and slumps down, but Pac BOOTS him again! And again! Okada falls, Pac stalks him, and he brings Okada to a corner. Pac CHOPS! And BOOTS! Pac digs his boots in, tags Bryan, and Bryan drags Okada up. Bryan UPPERCUTS, but Okada shakes his head. Okada UPPERCUTS, but Bryan UPPERCUTS again!

The UPPERCUTS keep going, and the fans fire up! Bryan and Okada each egg the other on, and they just UPPERCUT again and again! Bryan gets the edge, tags Pac back, and Pac BOOTS Okada! Pac digs his boot in, tags Claudio, and Claudio UPPERCUTS! Tag to Yuta, and he ELBOWS! Tag to Bryan, he goes up while Yuta holds Okada, and the fans fire up with “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan MISSILE DROPKICKS! Bryan drags Okada around by his legs, hooks them up, and Pac keeps his eyes on The Bucks. Bryan pulls at the arms, but Okada crawls forward to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, so Bryan STOMPS the knees!

Tag to Pac, and he drags Okada up. Pac puts Okada in the corner, sneers at Jack, then UPPERCUTS Okada down! Cover, TWO! Pac stomps Okada, and now Rampage goes picture in picture!

Pac tags Claudio, he drags Okada up, and Claudio whips Okada to the corner to UPPERCUT! Okada just sneers, so Claudio UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Okada fires a forearm! Claudio UPPERCUTS! They go back and forth, Okada gets the edge, then ripcords. Claudio ducks the lariat to springboard and UPPERCUT! Cover, Matt breaks it! Claudio is frustrated but he tags Pac. Pac climbs, but Okada avoids the shooting star! Pac rolls through, Okada fireman’s carries, but Pac makes it a STANDING BRUTALIZER! Okada slowly drops to his knees! The Bucks get in to stomp Pac! Rampage returns to single picture as BCC goes after them!

Things settle down and Pac lets off of Okada. Tag to Claudio, but Okada scoops! Claudio fights it to gut wrench Okada! The Bucks get in, but BCC intercepts! Jack stays far away, we get a TRIPLE TOMBSTONE!! Cover, TWO!!! Okada survives, Jack checks on Th eBucks, but Claudio keeps going. Claudio Gotch Lifts, but Okada backdrops free! Nick tags in, CROSSBODY, but Claudio rolls through! Tag to Yuta, CROSSBODY PLEX COMBO! Cover, TWO! Yuta goes back up, Claudio heads over, but Jack runs in to RAM Claudio! The fans boo but Bryan chases Jack! Jack goes into the crowd, so Bryan continues after him!

The fans fire up as things are now a 3v3! Nick goes after Yuta, to SUPERPLEX! Roll through, and Matt is there! E V P TRIGGER!! Cover, Pac breaks it! Okada TOSSES Pac, but Pac drags Okada out! Okada kicks low to DDT to the floor! The Bucks set up with Yuta, Nick springboards, but Claudio catches the 450!?! The fans go nuts, and now Yuta GERMAN SUPLEXES Matt! Claudio SWINGS Nick!! Nick goes around again and again, past TEN, then FIFTEEN, then DROPKICK at TWENTY!! Cover, BCC WINS!!!

Winners: Pac & Blackpool Combat Club, by pinfall

Chicago fires up and The Elite can’t believe it! Yuta & Claudio just pinned the tag team champions, will they become AEW World Tag Team Champions tomorrow night? Will Pac use this momentum to become International Champion against Will Ospreay? What of Okada having to take on three men to defend his title? And will Bryan not stop chasing Jack until it’s time to go All Out?


Backstage interview with The Outrunners.

Lexy Nair is with Truth Magnum, Turbo Floyd & Erica Leigh, who are still celebrating their first win on AEW TV! Can you believe it?! The Outrunners have done it! Load up the jet skis, pop the champagne, they’re taking this party to the ocean! The same week that they’re topping the merch charts is the same week they get their first win on Collision! But wait! Jon Moxley & Marina Shafir attack! Moxley uses a CROWBAR to take out Truth & Turbo! Marina just uses her bare hands to RAM Erica into a wall!! Moxley “congratulates” them, they should throw a parade.

But this is what Moxley means! Maybe they should’ve checked their egos. Moxley & Marina leave The Outrunners behind, will these two become an absolute menace in AEW?


Queen Aminata VS Missa Kate!

Though she’s come close to gold, The Queen has yet to have her crowning achievement. But will it just be a matter of time before the One & Only African Woman is a champion?

The bell rings, Aminata and Kate circle. They tie up, Aminata waistlocks and SLAMS Kate down! Aminata drags Kate up, snap suplexes, but something more seems to be happening backstage. For now, Aminata drags Kate back up, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Kate flounders to ropes, the fans rally for Aminata, and she storms up. Kate uses ropes for defense, then she sucker punches Aminata! Kate fires hands, Serena Deeb is watching backstage, and Kate CHOPS! Kate runs, into a DOUBLE CHOP! And a HEADBUTT! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

The “Brain Drain” just put Kate to bed, and Aminata looks primed for her moment. When and where will that moment be?


Six Man Tag: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, Holo.grm & VS The Dark Order!

The ROH World Tag Team Champions have brought this gold from Texas to Chicago, and they also brought the shining star who has already captured the hearts of the fans. But will The Natural, The Spanish God and the futuristic luchador be a top tier trio? Or will Evil Uno, John Silver & Alex Reynolds prove #DarkOrderIsGood enough for golden opportunities?

The teams sort out and Hologram starts against Uno. The fans fire up for Hologram, but Uno offers a handshake? Hologram takes it, but Uno kicks low! Uno whips, Hologram handsprings to arm-drag! Hologram dodges Uno, goes up and over, then slips around to go to the apron! Then he goes to the other side, keeps moving, and Uno gets frustrated. Uno runs up, but into a GMAANGIRI! Hologram shows off with the front flip! Reynolds stomps in to attack! Reynolds fires hands, whips, but Hologram ducks ‘n’ dodges,. Sammy tags, Hologram sends Reynolds into the SOBAT! Sammy sets up, Hologram rolls off his back so he can DDT!

The fans fire up, Silver runs in, but Sammy SUPERKICKS! Dustin joins in, and they build speed! Team Texas fakes out The Dark Order, and they DOUBLE SPINAROONI! Then Hologram fakes Uno out, to handspring and hero pose! The fans fire up, but then Dark Order drags Team Texas out while Rampage goes picture in picture!

Silver RAMS Dustin into railing, Uno does the same to Hologram, and Reynolds whips Sammy into some! Uno drags Sammy into the ring, keeps him from his corner, and then tags in Silver. The Dark Order stomps away on Sammy, but lets off as the ref counts. Silver flexes, drags Sammy up and scoops to SLAM! Silver flexes again, he’s freakin’ jacked, baby! Cover, ONE!! Silver keeps on Sammy and ROCKS him with a forearm. Tag to Reynolds but the whole Dark Order mugs Sammy! The ref counts, Reynolds snapmares, and he stands on Sammy at ropes. Reynolds then IMPLODER ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO!

Reynolds swings on Dustin, goes back for Sammy, but the ref keeps Dustin back. Reynolds drags Sammy up, and bumps him off boots! Uno tags in, he drags Sammy up and hits a BIG suplex! Cover, TWO! Sammy stays in this but Uno stays on him. Uno drags Sammy back to stomp a leg! Tag to Silver, and Silver stays between Sammy and his team. But Sammy fires hands! Silver wobbles, Sammy fires more shots, and Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns as Reynolds back suplexes, but Sammy lands out! Uno back suplexes, Sammy lands out! Sammy ELBOWS Silver, dodges the rest, hot tag to Dustin! The fans fire up as Dustin rallies, then whips. Reynolds reverses but Dustin says “Not Today!” RHODES UPPERCUT! Atomic drop! Dustin runs to BOOT and BULLDOG! Silver runs up, into a SNAP POWERSLAM! Uno runs up, into a SNAP POWERLSAM! Reynolds tries, SNAP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up and Dustin tags Sammy. Sammy tags Hologram, and the trio gets Dark Order up. They all JAB! JAB! JAB! Dark Order shoves back, dodges, and shout STOP! Then TRIPLE SLAP!!

The fans boo but Silver has Hologram on ropes! Silver gets moving, Dark Order TRIPLE KICK COMBO! GERMAN SUPLEX! Silver fires up, the fans are torn, and we see The Premier Athletes all watching. Reynolds & Uno get Hologram up for Silver to run, but Hologram avoids the pendulum! Dustin & Sammy DUMP Silver, Hologram dodges Evil Y Reynolds, and he gives Sammy a boost to MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Sammy & Hologram go to the apron! They SUPERKICK Uno & Silver, then go up the corners! DOUBLE ASAI MOONSAULTS!! Direct hits, and then DESTROYER for Reynolds!

Dustin calls to Sammy, Sammy goes up to FLYING CUTTER! Hologram goes up to 450 SPLASH!! Cover, Team Texas wins!

Winners: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Holo.grm, by pinfall

A great debut on Rampage for Hologram, a great win overall for the ROH World Tag Team Champions, will they keep this going until they’re dripping with gold?


The Bang Bang Gang speaks.

Juice Robinson says here’s the thing about the AEW Trios Division: You need momentum on your side. You ain’t gonna get the job done with a win here and there. You need to string ’em together, snowball effect. W after W after W! Austin says chill. They all want W’s, but there is something serious to address. Austin still doesn’t have a nickname! They’ve got Fully Cocked Colten Gunn! Rock Hard Juice Robinson! And… What do they have for Austin? Colten thinks on it. But in steps The Cage of Agony. Bishop Kaun says he has an idea: Ass Boy Austin! Oh, clever, clever. No right, here’s one: Runner Up in the Top Prospect Tournament!

Wow, that was a long time ago, Kaun. Not relevant. The Machine says there has to be a better one. Kaun has it now: Nepo Baby. What? Like he’s got a famous mom or something? Kaun says okay, no, this is the best: Former AEW World Trios Champion. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s just everyone here right now. Colten says that’s tough talk coming from the team that lost the ROH World Six Man titles to them. Cage says hey, Colten, you might be a “body guy” compared to the rest of this roster, but stepping to The Machine, watch your tone. Shake weights don’t count, Cage. Cage says the only reason Bang Bang Gang won cuz they had six guys at the time!

Nowadays, the three Bang Bang Gang won’t beat The Cage of Agony. Then let’s find out! If you’re not down with that, they have two words for ya! GUNS- Wait! The Cage of Agony block the finger guns! They clap their hands and say, “Gates, OPEN!” Toa Liona roars, Juice roars back, sorta. Will the Collision Cowboys be able to bring down these three behemoths? Or will they be caught inside The Cage of Agony?



Lexy Nair says for the Zero Hour, there will be a TRIOS TRIPLE THREAT! Standing by are two of the three teams, Top Flight Crew’s Darius, Dante & Action,  and Shane Taylor Promotions with Beast Mortos. But then the third team can be heard coming as Roderick Strong shouts “BEEEEAST!” Roddy thought Mortos was Kingdom! Shane says Mortos followed the money, so can he help them? Matt Taven says Mortos hasn’t learned the value of a dollar! Mike Bennett says Shane can’t help them, but they can help Shane, because surprise, guess who the third team is? Yeah, it’s The Kingdom. And there’s a BIG winner’s purse put on this one.

Not that it’s going to more matching outfits, Top Flight. The Kingdom leaves, Action says check it. In the end, it doesn’t matter whose side The Beast is on, it won’t be the winning side. And Top Flight IS. They will fly home with that guac. CHACHING~! So buckle up. Lee Moriarty has Shane and Mortos calm down. Will #TAIGASTYLE have just the plan to come away with that big money cash prize?


Friday Night Fashion Fight: The MXM Collection VS The House of Black!

It’s hard to say there are any rules outside the norm for this match, other than to dress to impress. Will Mansoor & Mason Madden prove that no matter what, they’re always the best dressed in the locker room? Or will Brody King & Buddy Matthews give them a makeover involving bruises, lacerations and hospital gowns?

Wait, who is this weirdo in the trash bag and oversized wood sandals? Why is he being carried out here? These are the judges for this Fashion Fight?! Well, what do you expect from modern fashion these days? Anyway, the teams sort out, and the Iron Chic starts against the Aussie Juggernaut. The fans bark for the House of Black, and Mansoor dodges Buddy. Mansoor struts, POSES, and calls for a score. Tens across the board! Buddy scowls, waistlocks, Mansoor switches, but Buddy switches. Mansoor switches again, shoves, and POSES! Another score of tens across the board! Feels like they’re a bit biased, though…

Buddy and Mansoor tie up, Mansoor waistlocks, Buddy switches, but Mansoor ELBOWS free! Mansoor runs, sunset flips, but Buddy stays up! Buddy drags Mansoor up, TOSSES him, then blocks a boot! Buddy swings on Mansoor but Mansoor stays in the ropes! The ref counts, Buddy lets off, and the judges give Buddy all threes! Yeah, definitely biased. Mansoor headlocks, Buddy powers out, and they RAM shoulders! Buddy doesn’t budge, and he headlocks for a takeover! Mansoor headscissors, Buddy kips free, then he avoids the sweep. Buddy headlocks, Mansoor powers up and out, but Buddy CLOBBERS him!

Mansoor gets up, Buddy blocks the kick and FLIPS Mansoor! Mansoor scrambles away, asks for a score, and Buddy gets a total of 4! Mansoor says he is still better than Buddy, and he tags Mason in. The Mahogany Hunk calls out the King of Death, and the fans bark it up! Buddy tags Brody, and Mason is all fired up! Brody stares Mason down, but then Mansoor tags in? Mansoor steps up to Brody, says eat this, and CHOPS! But Brody doesn’t budge! The judges still give all tens! But Brody CHOPS Mansoor! Mansoor falls, the judges can’t hep but admit, that was a seven. Mansoor RIPS that seven, and finds the “YOU SUCK” one among them!

But then Mansoor turns around, and Brody CROSSBODIES them all!! That’s a ten, as in, a STRIKE! The fans fire up as Brody holds up the ten! Mason runs up but Buddy FLYING KNEES him down! Mason is in a daze, Buddy holds up the ten, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Brody drags Mansoor up to run and RAM him into railing! Brody CHOPS Mansoor against apron, Buddy says ten! The fans cheer, “TEN! TEN! TEN!” Brody kicks Mansoor into the ring, drags him up, and CHOPS! TEN! Mansoor stings, he feels more like a two right now. Buddy tags, he drags Mansoor up and CHOPS him down! TEN! Mansoor bails out, the House pursues, and they put Mansoor back in. But Mason ancohrs Buddy! Buddy kicks Mason, but Mansoor DRAPING DDTS Buddy!! Tag to Mason, and he SENTONS! Anmd ELBOW DROPS! And covers, ONE!! Mason snarls, he tags Mason, and MXM double whip.

MXM DOUBLE ELBOW, POSE, but no judges to score it. DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Mansoor drags Buddy up, tags Mason in, and MXM mugs Buddy. Mason whips Mansoor in, but Buddy BOOTS him! Buddy goes up and over Mason, but Mansoor lifts Buddy! Mason runs, HIGH KICK SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Mason stares Brody down, drags Buddy up, and puts him on ropes. Mason CHOKES Buddy, lets off as the ref counts, and Mansoor hip attacks! Mansoor says kiss this, and Mason tags him in. MXM regroup on the apron, finger boop and DOUBLE HIP ATTACK! Buddy sputters as MXM clap them cheeks!

MXM go again, but Buddy mores! Mansoor takes the worse of that, and Buddy BLASTS them both off the apron! Mansoor hurries back in, and he CLOBBERS Buddy! Mansoor drags Buddy up, brings him over, and Mason steps in. MXM whips Buddy to the corner, then shake their booties. Rampage returns to single picture, Mansoor runs in, but Buddy BOOTS him down! Mansoor falls to his knees, Buddy runs up and uses him for a step! FLYING KNEE into Mason! The fans fire up as Buddy and MXM are all down! Buddy crawls, but Mason YANKS Brody down! The fans boo, but Mason eggs Brody on. Mansoor rolls Buddy, TWO!

Buddy blocks a boot but Mansoor ENZIGIRIS! Mansoor runs, springboards, into a V-TRIGGER!! Both men are down again and the fans fire up! Mansoor and Buddy crawl, hot tags to Brody and Mason! The fans fire up as the two RAM shoulders! Chants of “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” begins! The forearms fly, “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” The CHOPS and the BOOTS, “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Mason dodges, fireman’s carries, but Brody elbows free! ROLLING ELBOW! Fireman’s carry, but Mansoor makes the save! SUPERKICK! Brody LARIATS back! Mason is still up, and he choke grips! Brody pries free, so Mason HEADBUTTS!

Brody goes to a corner, Mason runs up, but Brody OVERHEAD SUPLEXES him into buckles! Mason slumps upside-down, and the fans bark again! Brody storms around as he barks, and then he runs in to CANNONBALL! Mason sputters, Brody drags him to a cover, TWO!! Mason survives and Brody is surprised! Brody frowns, but Mansoor goes after Buddy! Mansoor sends Buddy into steps! Brody drags Mansoor up but Mansoor HOTSHOTS! And CHAIR SHOTS!! The ref was busy checking Mason! Mason SITOUT CHOKE SLAMS!! Cover, TWO!! Brody survives “South of Paris,” but Mason says time to kill ’em fashionably!

Tag to Mansoor, and he storms in. Mason underhooks, but Brody’s too big! Brody sends Mason into Mansoor, tags Buddy, and Buddy METEORAS Mason! Mansoor runs up, into a POP-UP KNEE! SHINING WIZARD in the corner! Buddy puts Mansoor up top then climbs! But Mason CLUBS Buddy! Mason Electric Chairs, but Buddy slips free! Mason is sent into Mansoor, Mansoor lands hard on his runway! Mason grabs Buddy, but Buddy flips free of the choke slam! Buddy then DUMPS Mason out, Brody is in! Brody DIVES onto Mason!! The big men hit railing, and Buddy has Mansoor! SUPER DUPER PLEX!

Buddy rolls through, Brody is in, Mansoor is thrown into DANTE’S INFERNO!! Cover, The House of Black wins!

Winners: The House of Black, by pinfall

Talk about “Brutal fashion,” this was a victory as beautiful as it was vicious! Brody & Buddy proved #TheHouseAlwaysWins, but will they win their way back to title opportunities?


Will Ospreay speaks.

“I have been asked all day today, ‘How you feelin’, Will? You feelin’ alright?’ I dunno how you feel when you’ve taken a Poison-Rana on the stage and a brainbuster on some stage carts, mate, but yeah, hunky dury. I’m feeling great. I’m feeling great to cut these ties that bind myself to Pac. That’s history, right? See, Pac, everybody might know you as The Bastard right now, or maybe they know you as The Man Gravity Forgot. I know you as a UK backyard wrestler. You see, I could say words to you right now that’d perk your ears up that no one else knows. I could say stuff like Steve Farrow. I could say stuff like NAW.

“Because I’ve walked in your shoes. When I walked into that territory that you left, they’d say, ‘Man, you’re good. You ain’t Pac.’ They said the same thing on the UK independents. They said, ‘You’re good, but you’re not Pac.'” Ospreay made them all eat their words, and then he walked on the bridge Pac built, from England to Japan. Pac paved the way for him and Ospreay is thankful. But when Ospreay walked in there, they also said, “You’re good, but you’re not Pac.” Ospreay has been chasing Pac, and five years ago, Pac was Dragon Gate Dream Gate Champion, and Ospreay was NEVER Openweight Champion, and they didn’t get a decision. It was a 30 minute time limit draw.

You think Ospreay is satisfied with that? Nah, bruv! Ospreay’s still been chasing Pac! And here it is. Without even realizing it, Ospreay has lapped Pac. When Pac hit that rana, and Ospreay heard that crappy northern accent, “Don’t you underestimate me.” You thought Ospreay forgot? Nah, bruv. Ospreay could never forget Pac. Not all the work Pac’s done, not all the history they have. No one has forgotten about Pac. He just has been in this position so many times, we’ve lost faith. Wanna change it? Then there’s 24 hours left, bruv. These two may not have had their Wembley Moment together, but who walks away having won THE moment?

My Thoughts:

A great Rampage as part of the go-home night to All Out, though they of course accommodated the bleed over from Collision. Good stuff, already talked about it all for the Collision article, and I also touched on Moxley & Marina jumping The Outrunners with that article, too. It was easy heat for Moxley & Marina beating up on The Outrunners, who just had their big moment, but Moxley touched on not celebrating mediocrity and being humble in victory. Darby Allin will probably respond by saying this is just Moxley being a bully. Anyway, good win for Aminata, and Deeb watching her sets up how they’ll be feuding soon enough.

Good promo of Bang Bang Gang and Cage of Agony, and they’ll have a very good match, probably naming the winners the #1 contenders to the World Trios Championships. More than I can say for Premier Athletes. What business do Nese, Daivari & Woods have watching Dustin & Sammy like they’re gonna get any of the ROH titles off them? Nese, Daivari & Woods lose to all sorts of established names, Dustin, Sammy & The Von Erichs will be no different. But still a really good, really fun Six Man Tag of Dustin, Sammy & Hologram beating Dark Order. Dark Order really is a trio that should’ve been given more, but oh well.

Good promo segment from Kingdom, STP and Top Flight, with another of these kayfabe’d money prize matches happening just because. Like, title opportunities not being won here? I know Roddy is waiting to go after the FTW Championship, but why not have him & The Kingdom try to move up from ROH titles to AEW titles in this match? Though, Top Flight might be right. They won that $3000 trios royale thing a year or so ago, they might win this one so that they keep making money and building their budget for more airline pilot gimmick gear.

And while I was expecting a fashion show themed Street Fight, I suppose judges giving scores was good enough of a gag for this match. The fashion themed Street Fight would’ve probably been better, though. But the House of Black would’ve won out anyway, so best to do it in a standard rules match. And then a great promo from Ospreay to properly frame this feud with Pac. I do wish they would’ve let this be the All In match but whatever, this will still be a show stealer of a match for All Out. But as I said for Collision, and even Dynamite on Wednesday, Pac has been standing tall so the math favors Ospreay retaining the title.

My Score: 8.7/10

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