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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors Results & Report! (5/11/24)

Time to see who’s the best!



An explosive start to the round robin!

NJPW’s Best of the Super Juniors returns for a 31st year, and it looks to be even more star-studded than ever before! But will this be Hiromu’s redemption? Or is he no longer the Best of the Super Juniors?


  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Francesco Akira VS Dragon Dia; Akira wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: BUSHI VS HAYATA; Hayata wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS Ninja Mack; Mack wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kosei Fujita VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Fujita wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: “Drilla” Dan Moloney VS SHO; Sho wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Blake Christian VS Clark Connors; Blake wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: DOUKI VS Taiji Ishimori; Taiji wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kevin Knight VS TJP; Knight wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Hiromu Takahashi VS KUSHIDA; Kushida wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: El Desperado VS Titan; Titan wins.


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Francesco Akira VS Dragon Dia!

The Nova Fireball starts things off against the Infinity Carat Diamond! Will Akira win for the United Empire and the home team, NJPW? Or will Dragon Dia score one for Dragon Gate?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, Dia waistlocks but Akira sits and wrenches free. Dia rolls, wrenches back, but Akira rolls, slips through, wrenches and spins Dia to arm-drag! Akira grinds the arm with a cording hold, but Dia rolls back. Akira gets him for a headlock and takeover, but Dia headscissors. Akira kips free and the fans cheer the standoff. Dia and Akira reset, tie up, and Akira arm-drags! Then he runs Dia over! The fans fire up, Akira gets going, but he hops over the dropdown to whip. Dia ducks the hurdle to tilt-o-whirl arm-drag and DROPKICK! Akira bails out and fans fire up!

Dia builds speed, Akira slides back in and sends Dia out! Akira builds speed but Dia slides back in! Akira lands out safe but turns around as Dia FLIES! Direct hit with the tope conjilo and the fans fire up again! Dia fires up and the fans cheer. Dia drags Akira up and puts him in the ring, then aims from the apron. The fans rally, Dia springboards but Akira gets under! Akira runs in but Dia drop toeholds him to ropes! Dia then dials it up, 619! The fans fire up and Dia slingshot TORNILLO, but onto knees! Akira saves himself with a somewhat double-edged move but the fans rally up. Akira hobbles his way over, brings Dia up, but Dia HIP ATTACKS!

Dia whips Akira to a corner, but Akira comes back to CALF KICK! The fans fire up while both men are down! Dia and Akira go to opposite corners, and Akira runs corner to corner to clothesline! Akira keeps moving, and says “Kon’nichiwa!” before the UPPERCUT! Akira pushes Dia down, goes up and out, and shouts “IKU ZO!” The fans fire up with Akira as he goes up the corner, and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Dia gets outta that one but Akira just fires up more! Akira pounds the mat, “A! KI RA! A! KI RA!” But Dia ducks the Fireball! SOBAT! Dia runs, but Akira clotheslines! Akira runs, but into an ENZIGIRI!

Dia STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Akira is up but Dia reels him in! Fisherman and EMERALD FLOWSION! Cover, TWO!! Akira survives #EndOver and the fans are thunderous! Dia thinks what he has to do now, and he goes to a corner. The fans rally as Dia climbs up and takes aim. Akira stands, Dia leaps in, but Akira gets around him! Dia fights the waistlock, gets free, runs, but into a COLLISION COURSE! The fans fire up with Akira and he drags Dia up! SPEED FIRE! Akira then aims from the corner and pounds the mat! “A! KI RA! A! KI RA!” NOVA FIREBALL!! Cover, Akira wins!

Winner: Francesco Akira, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Dia earns 0)

A fiery first match here tonight to be sure! Akira is getting hot at the right time, will he blaze a trail to the top of this tournament? Can Dia withstand the pressure of going down in the first round?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: BUSHI VS HAYATA!

It’s another crossover match as NJPW’s Black Mask takes on Pro-Wrestling Noah’s Falcon! Will Bushi make things tranquilo in Chiba? Or will he need some Painkillers after tonight?

The moment Hayata puts his coat aside, Bushi SHOTGUNS him down! The bell rings and Bushi stomps away in the corner! The ref has Bushi back off, but Bushi brings Hayata up to CHOP! Bushi whips, Hayata reverses, but Bushi RANAS! Hayata bails out but Bushi builds speed! Hayata returns to ELBOW Bushi down! Things speed up, and Hayata catches Bushi’s hurdle into an atomic drop! Then he runs to SHOTGUN BOOT Bushi down! The fans fire up while Bushi goes to the apron. Bushi goes to the floor, Hayata waits on him. The ref checks Bushi, he seems okay to continue, so Hayata goes out to fetch him, and POST him!

Bushi tumbles, Hayata paces around him, and the ring count climbs. Hayata drags Bushi up at 9 of 20, puts him in at 10, and the fans applaud. Hayata stands on Bushi for a cocky cover, TWO! Hayata drags Bushi up, bumps him off buckles, and Hayata stomps away! Hayata digs his boot in, the ref counts, and Hayata lets off at 4. Hayata drags Bushi up, snapmares, and he clamps on a chinlock! Bushi endures, kicks around, reaches out, but Hayata grinds him into the mat. Bushi still fights and has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Hayata lets off and he stomps Bushi around. Hayata brings Bushi up but Bushi CHOPS!

Bushi CHOPS again, and CHOPS again! Hayata kicks low but Bushi body blows and dropkicks the legs out! The fans rally while both men are down. Bushi goes to a corner, Hayata runs up but into a BOOT! Bushi runs to RANA and Hayata goes to the apron! The fans rally up again as Hayata stands. Bushi runs to DECK him! Then Bushi builds speed, and DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Hayata! The fans fire up again while Bushi rises! Bushi drags Hayata up and puts him back in. Bushi puts Hayata in a corner to whip corner to corner. Bushi runs in to ELBOW, then he puts Hayata’s leg in the rope! Bushi DROPKICKS the leg, then DRAPING BACKSTABBERS!

Bushi gets Hayata up, blocks his haymaker to spin and DDT him down! Cover, TWO! Hayata is still in this but Bushi SMASHES his knee into the mat! Then dropkicks the leg! Bushi ties the legs up for the ASHIROAD CLOVER! Hayata endures, grabs at Bushi’s mask, but the ref reprimands. Bushi pulls on the leglock and the fans rally up! Hayata fights his way around, reaches out, but Bushi powers him down! Hayata still fights to have the ROPEBREAK! Bushi lets go and the fans rally. Bushi brings Hayata up, has the leg, but Hayata fights the shin breaker with elbows! Hayata goes to a corner, Bushi around in but Hayata dodges to TORNADO DDT!

The fans fire up while both men are down! Hayata grits his teeth, gets to his feet, and storms back to Bushi. Hayata brings Bushi up, says this is it, but Bushi fights the DDT to backslide! Hayata slips free, but Bushi blocks the superkick! Bushi kicks, whips, but Hayata reverses to PELE! Bushi wobbles, Hayata tucks the arms and reels him in, STRAITJACKET DDT!! Cover, TWO! Bushi survives but Hayata gets him back up! 403 IMPACT!! Cover, Hayata wins!

Winner: Hayata, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Bushi earns 0)

Yep, Bushi’s definitely gonna need ibuprofen after that one! But will he be feeling better in time for round two on Monday? Will Hayata continue to show the power of Noah and his GHC National Championship through this tournament?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS Ninja Mack!

The Sniper of the Skies returns because The Mighty Don’t Kneel! He also returns as the Soul of PWA Champion! But he’s up against Noah’s American Shinobi! Will Eagles be able to shoot Mack down? Or will this Mack attack send Eagles to the back of the pack?

The bell rings and the fans rally for Robbie. Eagles has them hold on, and we gotta do this right. “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” “ROBBIE!” “OI!” “ROBBIE!” “OI!” “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” The fans cheer again and Mack has everyone hold on. “NIN-JA! NIN-JA!” The fans join in on “NIN-JA! NIN-JA!” The two tie up, go around, and Mack wrenches to a hammerlock. Eagles switches that onto Mack, but Mack reaches down. Eagles keeps his legs back but Mack snapmares free. Mack has an armlock but Eagles fights up. Mack wrenches, wristlocks, but Eagles rolls, handsprings, and wrenches back!

The fans cheer this technical exchange, and Eagles wrenches again. Eagles keeps Mack from the ropes, but Mack backflips and headlocks! The fans cheer for “NIN-JA! NIN-JA!” but Eagles powers up and out. Mack ducks the boot, shoves Eagles then hurdles, and backflips to handspring! The fans fire up for the agility as Mack and Eagles take fighting stances. They circle, Mack powers up, but Eagles blocks his strike to wrench, go up and around, then arm-drag! Things keep moving, Eagles hurdles then RANAS, but Mack handsprings and flips through! That last part was just Mack showing off. Eagles gets mad and rushes in!

Mack gets around, Eagles bucks the O’Conner, then he puts Mack on the apron. Mack ROCKS Eagles, but Eagles tiger feints to sweep the leg! Eagles then runs to DIVE! Direct hit with the somersault tope and the fans fire up! Eagles goes all the way to the back row and comes back to high-five everyone. Eagles then gets Mack up and puts him against the post, to KICK! The ref wants this in the ring, so Eagles slides in, just to slide back out. Eagles goes after Mack, brings him up and around, and the fans rally up. Eagles aims and KICKS Mack against the post! The fans fire up with Eagles but the ref insists this goes back inside.

Eagles slides in, the slides back out, only for Mack to CHOP! And CHOP! But Eagles clips the legs! Eagles puts Mack in and pounds the mat. The fans rally, Eagles aims from the apron, and he springboards, only for Mack to get clear! Eagles still comes back to dropkick the legs out! The fans rally, Eagles has Mack’s leg and he says “WOO~!” The fans “WOO~!” with him, then he steps through, only for Mack to KICK and KICK and KICK! But Eagles KICKS Mack’s leg! Eagles brings Mack up but Mack fires palm strikes! Mack whips Eagles to a corner, Eagles reverses, but Mack goes up and over and rolls, then comes back to UPPERCUT!

The fans fire up and Mack goes to a corner. “NIN-JA! NIN-JA!” LION’S BARRAGE! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Mack is annoyed but he focuses his power. Eagles is still down as Mack runs, jumps up and up and PHOENIX SPLASH onto knees! Eagles saves himself, though a bit double-edged. The fans rally up, Mack goes to a corner and Eagles fires up. Eagles runs in but Mack BOOTS him! Mack runs up but Eagles BOOTS him! Eagles runs in but Mack jumps the lose tiger feint! Eagles avoids Mack’s knee, Mack ducks the roundhouse, but Eagles blocks Mack’s superkick! And hooks him up, only for Mack to roll him up! TWO!!

Eagles runs up, but into a drop toehold! OKLAHOMA ROLL! TWO, Eagles covers, TWO! Eagles runs up, gest around, schoolboy BRIDGE! TWO, but Eagles steps through! Mack counters with a cradle! TWO!! The fans fire up, Mack sunset flips, TWO! Eagles sits on it, TWO! Mack rolls, Eagles rolls through to stack! TWO! Mack has it back, TWO!! GHOST PIN!! TWO!! Eagles has a cradle, TWO!! Mack has a cradle, and stacks it deep! MACK WINS!!

Winner: Ninja Mack, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Eagles earns 0)

Even Mack is a bit surprised he got that one! It certainly went fast and furious by the end, but will Eagles be able to reload and be ready for next round? Will Ninja Mack prove even an American Shinobi can be the Best of the Super Juniors?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kosei Fujita VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

The Ichiban Young Punk of TMDK takes on the Heel Master of the House of Torture! But this is less about who’s the Best of the Super Juniors and more about keeping Fujita away from the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, Sho! Will Kanemaru do his part to protect the Murder Machine? Or will Fujita be ready for every trick in the book?

Kanemaru takes a quick swig of whiskey, mists it to the fans, then he rushes Fujita and CLOBBERS him! The fans boo as Kanemaru TOSSES Fujita out, goes out after him, then throws him into open chairs! Young Lions help fans clear out as the bell rings and Kanemaru drags Fujita up. Kanemaru puts Fujita in the ring, whips him to a corner, then runs in, but into a BOOT! Fujita runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then RANAS! The fans fire up and Fujita DROPKICKS Kanemaru! Kanemaru bails out but Fujita runs up to PLANCHA! Kanemaru moves, Fujita lands safe on the apron! Fujita kicks but Kanemaru blocks to YANK Fujita down!

Kanemaru pushes Fujita back to the apron, to SUPER KNEE SMASH to the floor! The ref checks on Fujita while Kanemaru paces. The fans rally, and Fujita seems okay to continue, so Kanemaru makes his way back over. Kanemaru rolls into the ring just to refresh the count, then he puts Fujita in. Kanemaru drags Fujita up, whips him to ropes, and he dropkicks Fujita’s leg! Kanemaru gets that leg and steps through for the FIGURE FOUR! The fans rally while Fujita endures! Fujita fights his way over, ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer but Kanemaru holds on, so the ref pries at the hold! The ref reprimands and Kanemaru finally sets Fujita free.

Now Kanemaru steps through to knee drop on the knee! Kanemaru then YANKS the bad leg, and drops an elbow on the knee! Kanemaru has a toehold but Fujita endures. The fans rally, even as Kanemaru pulls on the leg! Fujita drags Kanemaru along as he crawls over, and the fans rally again. Fujita reaches out, but Kanemaru drags him away from the ropes, to YANK the leg again! Fujita writhes but Kanemaru stomps him. Kanemaru stands on the leg and makes Fujita suffer, then he stomps the knee! Kanemaru drags Fujita up, has the leg, but Fujita fights back with a headlock! Fujita throws down elbows, but Kanemaru kicks the leg!

Kanemaru kicks Fujita around but Fujita fires forearms! So Kanemaru CLAWS the eyes! The ref reprimands but Kanemaru kicks and whips. Fujita reverses to LEG LARIAT! The fans fire up while both men are down! Fujita rolls to one corner, Kanemaru goes to the other. Fujita slaps his leg into working, and he runs corner to corner, only for Kanemaru to put him on the apron! The leg jams, and then Kanemaru kicks it! Kanemaru runs up but Fujita RAMS into him! Fujita aims, slingshots, but Kanemaru throws the ref into him! Both ref and Fujita fall! Kanemaru checks on the ref as if he didn’t just do that!

With the ref down, Kanemaru goes to get his whiskey! Kanemaru takes another swig, but Fujita springboard MISSILE DROPKICKS! The mist goes flying into the air again, and Fujita fires up! Fujita runs to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Fujita roars and the fans fire up with him! Fujita waistlocks Kanemaru, drags him up, but Kanemaru grabs the ropes! Fujita CLUBS Kanemaru on the back! Fujita runs, but Kanemaru dropkicks the legs again! Kanemaru SMASHES the knee! And then steps through, to FIGURE FOUR! Fujita endures, the fans rally, but Kanemaru puts on the pressure! Fujita still fights his way over!

Fujita drags Kanemaru along but Kanemaru thrashes the hold! The fans rally harder, Fujita keeps going, and he has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer while Kanemaru lets off in frustration. Kanemaru drags Fujita up, reels him in, and scoops to BRITISH- NO, Fujita turns that around! But Fujita’s leg makes it hard to suplex! Kanemaru suplexes back, Fujita slips free, but then the leg jams up! Kanemaru trips Fujita, steps through, but Fujita cradles! TWO!! Kanemaru kicks, Fujita gets around, O’Conner Roll and- Kanemaru grabs at the ref!! All three men drop to the mat, but Fujita still holds onto the waistlock! But Kanemaru gets his whiskey!

The ref sees the bottle, takes it from Kanemaru, but Kanemaru mule kicks the leg! Kanemaru runs, but into a pop-up GERMAN SUPLEX! Fujita brings Kanemaru up and spins him around to suplex, ABANDON HOPE! Cover off the cutter, Fujita wins!

Winner: Kosei Fujita, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kanemaru earns 0)

The Mighty Don’t Kneel, and Fujita proved that here! Will he fight his way up to the top of the block? Will Kanemaru have to apologize to Sho for failing in this first round?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: “Drilla” Dan Moloney VS SHO!

Bullet Club faces Bullet Club as the War Dogs’ 44 Caliber squares off with the House of Torture’s Murder Machine. But it is also champion VS champion as one half of the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions faces THE IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion! Will Drilla killa man just to get that golden ticket? Or will Sho show no mercy, even to a fellow Club member?

Actually, from the look of it, Sho’s trying to be #1 War Dogs fan. He’s wearing one of their merch shirts, is showing off the autograph he got during Drilla’s own meet ‘n’ greet session, and has some really odd props, like a skeleton backpack and a bull skull hat… Drilla digs it all either way. Sho lets the ref check him, and says that the autograph is proof that War Dogs and House of Torture are good friends. The champs shake hands and hold up their belts, which the fans do applaud. The bell rings, and then both champs take aim with their belts! The ref reprimands, each guy claims they were just checking, joking around a little.

Drilla and Sho each back off to put their belts down in their corners, but then they both rush up again! And they both block kicks down low! They both say they’ll have a good clean match, and they set the other man’s foot down. Only to try and block a kick from the other leg! They both say okay, clean break. The ref helps with that as they lower the legs down. But then Sho pulls Drilla’s nose to get a headlock! Sho grinds the hold, Drilla powers up and out, and they RAM shoulders! Drilla and Sho fire forearms back and forth, and Drilla gets the edge! But then Sho CLAWS Drilla’s eyes! Sho runs, but Drilla hurdles, drops, but avoids the basement dropkick!

Drilla KICKS Sho on the back, scoops him, and laughs before the BACKBREAKER! Sho hobbles up, Drilla whips him corner to corner hard, then reminds Sho this is a clean fight. Drilla drags Sho up, reels him in, but Sho bends fingers! Drilla UPPERCUTS! Drilla runs, Sho uses the ref as a shield! Sho then dodges Drilla, bails out, and wants things to cool off. Drilla waits as Sho goes around the outside, but then storms out after him. Sho sneaks the bell hammer?! Drilla pushes the ref aside, Sho JAMS Drilla, then HAMMERS him! Sho CHOKES Drilla, the ref storms over and reprimands, but Sho gives it back to Abe-san, claiming it was Abe’s idea!

Sho then CHOKES Drilla using a camera cable! The ref backs Sho down and reprimands him. Sho CLAWS Drilla’s eyes as he drags him up, and SMACKS him off chairs! Sho leaves Drilla behind while Drilla sits up and the ring count starts. Drilla storms back in but Sho stomps him down! Sho digs his boot in, the ref counts and Sho lets off at 4. Sho CHOKES Drilla, but the ref counts. Sho takes off his shirt, hands it to the ref, and that distraction lets Sho fishhook Drilla into a chinlock! Sho pulls on the hold, it’s almost a choke! Drilla goes to the ROPEBREAK, the ref counts, and Sho lets off. Sho mockingly says there’s no such thing as a clean fight.

Sho kicks Drilla, but Drilla CHOPS! Drilla fires forearms, but Sho CLAWS Drilla’s eyes! Sho runs, Drilla scoops, but Sho slips free! Sho goes to a corner, Drilla runs in but Sho puts him on the apron. Drilla ROCKS Sho, then GAMANGIRIS! Sho flops and flounders, Drilla runs in, but has to hurdle over Sho! Sho keeps going, Drilla DROPKICKS him! The fans fire up while both men are down! Sho scrambles to another corner, Drilla runs in, but Sho BOOTS him! Sho runs up but Drilla gets under, ripcord, but Sho blocks the chop! Sho kicks, runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! “Clean fight!” DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO!

Drilla is annoyed but the fans rally up behind him. Drilla aims from a corner as Sho rises, and Drilla runs in, but Sho ducks the boot! But Drilla stuffs Sho’s spear to reel him in! Canadian Rack, but Sho CLAWS eyes! The ref reprimands, Sho reels Drilla in and tucks the arms, but Drilla fights the lift! Drilla wrenches out but Sho ducks the chop, to SPEAR! Cover, TWO! Sho is frustrated but the fans rally up again. Sho snarls and drags Drilla up to TOSS him out! Sho goes after Drilla with stomps, and he brings Drilla to the back end of the crowd! Sho SMACKS Drilla off chairs, then pulls down railing to get at the tech area!

Sho dribbles Drilla off the table, then gets space. Sho runs, but Drilla FLAPJACKS him off the table! Drilla leaves Sho behind and wants the count! The count does start as Drilla rests in the ring and Sho crawls his way back! Sho stands at 5 of 20, hobbles his way through the crowd and makes it back to ringside at 10. Drilla tells the ref to go faster! But this just slows the ref down! Wait, Gedo sneaks out here, and he LOW BLOWS Sho!! The Blacksmith gets the better of the Murder Machine and we’re now at 15 of 20! But the ref’s so busy watching Sho that Yujiro Takahashi sneaks in to LOW BLOW Drilla!! Tokyo Pimp evens things up!

The count still climbs, Sho hobbles around, and slides in at 19! Yujiro then goes after Gedo on the outside! Yujiro throws Gedo in, letting Sho get the Torture Tool! WRENCH SHOT!! Cover, Sho wins!!

Winner: Sho, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Drilla earns 0)

Guess they were lying about that clean fight right from the start! Will Bullet Club (not) be fine after all these shenanigans? Or will someone finally catch the House of Torture red handed?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Blake Christian VS Clark Connors!

After becoming GCW World Champion, All Heart is now All Heat, and he looks to use that heat to burn up the block! Will Blake’s career be hotter than ever before? Or will he burn out after facing 100 Proof?

The bell rings, Connors throws up the Too Sweet and barks. He says BANG at Blake, but Blake says hold on. He digs down into his tights, brings out a finger gun, but makes it into a dirty bird! The fans cheer, Connors runs in, but Blake dodges to kick, KICK and he ROCKS Connors in the corner! Blake stomps a mudhole, then gives some Good Vibrations! Blake shouts out the King of Strong Style, then gives a little vafanapoli. Blake goes back for Connors, whips, but Connors reverses, only for Blake to reverse back and RANA! Connors ends up on ropes, so Blake 619s! Then he springboard UPPERCUTS! Cover, TWO!

The fans cheer this fast ‘n’ furious opening, and Blake headlocks to keep Connors down. Connors endures, Blake says this isn’t a War Dog but a puppy. Blake uses the Too Sweet to noogie Connors! Connors fights up, powers up and out, but Blake handsprings over his dropdown! Things keep moving, Blake rolls off Connors’ back to waistlock. Connors elbows free but Blake CLUBS Connors in return! Connors doubles over, Blake dropkicks from between the legs! The fans fire up as Connors wobbles, and Blake brings him back to kip up and whip. Connors reverses, Blake handsprings but Connors gets clear to POUNCE!

Blake tumbles outta the ring from the #JeepFlipper, then Connors goes out after him. Connors throws hands on Blake, and he shouts for fans to move! Young Lions hurry to get fans clear, and Connors BOWLS Blake right into the chairs! Now that was a strike! The fans cheer, but the ref wants Connors to hold on now. Connors storms through, flips hats off fans’ heads, then leaves Blake behind in the wreckage. The fans rally up as Blake rises, but Connors sends a Young Lion into him! Connors slips into the ring and the count begins. Blake sits up, crawls his way back to ringside, and stands at 11 of 20. Blake hobbles over, and slides in at 16!

The fans cheer but Connors is right on Blake. Connors snap suplexes then ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Connors keeps on Blake with a half nelson, then full nelsons! Blake endures as Connors thrashes him around, and he pries at the hold. Connors holds tighter, and the fans rally as Blake reaches out, and he gets a ROPEBREAK with a foot! Connors lets go, pushes Blake around, then stands him up to CHOP! Connors whips but Blake holds ropes to block! Connors ROCKS Blake, but Blake still holds ropes! Then Blake CLAWS Connors eyes, and BITES Connors’ forehead! Blake whips, Connors reverses, but Blake handsprings to wheelbarrow, victory roll, and SPLASH!

The fans fire up and Blake keeps going! Blake gets up a corner and aims, MACHO ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Connors survives and bails out but the fans fire up. Blake says don’t cheer, boo him! He then builds speed to FOSBURY FLOP into a REVERSE DDT! It wasn’t the cleanest transition but Blake still takes Connors down! Blake gets Connors back in the ring, then DDTS a leg! Blake mockingly applauds but the fans still cheer, and Blake brings Connors up. Connors headlocks to fight the back suplex but Blake throws body shots. Then Blake hits the BIG back suplex! Blake goes up a corner, aims, and 450- NO, Connors moves!

Blake lands on his feet, but turns around into Connors’ SNAP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down, and Connors grins as he goes to a corner. Connors barks, the fans clap along, and Connors runs in, into a KIOCK! And ENZIGIRI! Blake runs, but into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Blake survives being turned inside-out, but Connors drags him back up. Connors reels Blake in, puts his stamp on it, but Blake wrenches free to PELE! Connors wobbles, Blake runs, but into a HEADBUTT! Blake’s right up!? SUPERKICK! The fans fire up, Blake goes up and up and leaps, into an UPPERCUT! Connors runs, into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!

The fans fire up again while both men are down! Blake finds the sole of his shoe has split! Blake gets up, Connors kicks low and reels him in! But Blake fights No Chaser to wrench and ROCK Connors! Connors goes to a corner, but comes back to SPEAR!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Blake survives by a literal foot and he bails out, but Connors storms after him. Connors reaches through the ropes but Blake HOTSHOTS him! Blake hurries to grab Connors’ tag title? The ref stops that, but Blake shoves the ref down! And he brings out… BRASS KNUCKLES! Blake aims, but Connors kicks first! NO CHASE- NO, Blake still fights it!

Blake wrenches free, BRASS KNUCKLE PUNCH!! Blake hides the evidence, then torture racks Connors! The fans boo but Blake hits a ROLLING BURNING HAMMER!! And then a STEP-UP CURB STOMP!! Cover, Blake wins!!

Winner: Blake Christian, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Connors earns 0)

Talk about heat! Blake’s gonna have everyone upset with him over the lows he resorted to! But will nothing stop the GCW World Champion from taking over NJPW?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: DOUKI VS Taiji Ishimori!

Japones Del Mal almost the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, but he couldn’t fend off all of Sho’s tricks. Will he have an easier time against the Bone Soldier? Or will Taiji prove #ItsReborn?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. They tie up, break, and then Douki trips Taiji. Things speed up but Douki trips Taiji, rolls him back and whips, but Taiji rolls through. They keep going, and Douki arm-drags! Then DROPKICKS! Taiji tumbles out, Douki builds speed and slides, but Taiji ducks under! Taiji fireman’s carries to POST Douki! The fans are torn while Douki writhes. The ref checks and Douki is okay to continue, but Taiji is untying the blue buckle pad! The Bullet Club Special is now in play! Douki slowly rises as the ring count starts. Taiji waits on Douki, and Douki stands at 8 to roll in at 9 of 20.

The fans cheer, Taiji storms up on Douki, and Taiji stomps Douki. Taiji wrenches Douki to a wristlock and he digs a knee into Douki’s shoulder. Taiji drags Douki up to wrench, hammerlock, and RAM him into the bare buckles! Douki drops to his knees, the ref reprimands about the bare corner, but Taiji drags Douki up. Taiji wristlocks, then snapmares so he can step over and trap the arm, then rolls Douki into an ARMBAR! Taiji even stomps on Douki’s head! The fans rally as Douki endures and fights around! Taiji stomps Douki more! Douki still fights, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Taiji lets go at 4.

Douki clutches his arm while the fans rally. Taiji paces around, kicks at Douki, taunts him, but Douki gets up to fire forearms! Taiji CLUBS Douki on the bad arm! Taiji wrenches and hammerlocks to scoop, but Douki slips free! Douki waistlocks, Taiji switches, but Douki throws elbows. Taiji keeps Douki from running but Douki kicks free. Douki then kicks low to DDT! The fans rally up while both men are down! Taiji goes to a corner, Douki shakes out the bad arm. Douki runs in to clothesline! Douki keeps going, but Taiji ducks ‘n’ dodges, only for Douki to hip toss him! Doui RAMS Taiji, runs and springboards to FLYING ARM-DRAG!

Taiji bails out, Douki runs, slides, but he’s ready for Taiji’s duck! Douki runs back in, Taiji throws him to the apron but Douki rebounds off ropes to TORNADO DDT to the floor! Taiji writhes and the fans fire up! Douki shakes out the bad arm and the ring count starts. Douki stands at 5 of 20, fires up and the fans fire up with him. Douki drags Taiji up, brings him around, and puts him in the ring. The fans applaud and Douki brings Taiji around. Scoop and swing, SAHARAWI SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Taiji stays in this but Douki stays focused. Douki drags Taiji up, hooks him up, but Taiji fights the Gory Especial!

Douki still lifts but Taiji slips free to CLAW the eyes! Taiji whips, Douki reverses, but Taiji handsprings for the NEURALIZER! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Douki and Taiji crawl their way to opposite ends and stand up in the corners. Taiji runs corner to corner to DOUBLE KNEE! Then he wrenches and whips, to WRING and WRING the arm again! Douki writhes, Taiji looms over him. Taiji brings Douki up to then POST him in the open corner! The ref reprimands but Taiji brings Douki around. Taiji hammerlocks, scoops, and SHOULDER BUSTERS! Douki writhes but Taiji catches his breath.

Taiji aims from the corner as Douki slowly rises. Taiji runs in, tilt-o-whirl, but Douki stops that! Douki has Taiji int he gut wrench, but Taiji flips it around! CIPHER U- NO! Douki lands out and then wheelbarrows Taiji! But Taiji arm-drags free! Taiji runs up, but into the Bow ‘n’ Arrow Rack! Douki spins around for the FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! But into ITALIAN STRETCH #32!! Taiji endures and the fans fire up! Taiji’s face is already turning purple! Taiji tips over, but he fights back up! Douki only pulls harder on the arms! Taiji stands, steps over to the left, ROPEBREAK! Douki lets go in frustration.

The fans rally, Douki says this is it, and he goes to the apron. Taiji stands, Douki slingshots, but into a CODE BREAKER! Both men are down again and the fans rally back up. Taiji rises, drags Douki up, but Douki HELL STABS! Douki runs, into a PUMP KICK! They both roar, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Both men stay up, but then Douki dodges and comes back to LARIAT! Douki hurries to get Taiji up, torture racks, and he swings for the SWINGING SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Taiji survives and the fans fire up again! Douki roars and the fans are with him! Douki gets Taiji’s legs for the wheelbarrow!

Douki brings Taiji up, full nelsons, but Taiji pries free! Taiji switches but Douki elbows free! Taiji ducks ‘n’ dodges to LA MYSTIC- NO, Douki slips free, drags Taiji down, JORGE RIVERA- NO, Taiji slips free, but Douki cradles! TWO!!! Taiji wants Douki’s arms but Douki gets ITALIAN STRETCH!! Douki rolls Taiji from ropes but Taiji rolls Douki to his feet! BLOODY CROSS!!! Cover, Taiji wins!!

Winner: Taiji Ishimori, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Douki earns 0)

Both men turned it up a notch at the end, but it was The Bone Soldier who hits the mark! Will Douki have to work even harder to finally have his moment? Will Taiji make his way back to the top of the division first?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kevin Knight VS TJP!

The Intergalactic Jet Setters and Catch 2/2 are no strangers to each other given the battles over the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships, but each man is still yearning for a moment with THE IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship. Will Knight be too fly for the United Empire to conquer? Or will the Public Enemy prove he is a worthy successor to Will Ospreay?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. The two circle, feel things out, then tie up. TJP waistlocks, Knight pries free to wrench and wristlock. TJP slips through to wrench and wristlock back. Knight rolls, handsprings and wrenches again. Knight arm-drags TJP down into the wristlock and the fans cheer. TJP gets up, Knight wrenches and wristlocks again, but TJP rolls, wrenches, cartwheels and drops down to SPIN HEADSCISSOR! Knight rolls but TJP floats to a cover, ONE! TJP headlocks, Knight headscissors, and Knight squeezes tight. The fans rally, TJP moves around and headstands. TJP holds it, the fans cheer, and then TJP turns Knight over.

TJP rolls back, hooks up the legs, BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Knight pops free, covers, ONE! TJP trips, covers, ONE! Both men handspring up and the fans cheer. Knight says that was nice, and the two reset. Knight calls for knuckle locks and TJP obliges. They go shoulder to shoulder, then Knight uses his height to power TJP to ropes. Knight pads TJP on the shoulder, then CHOPS! The fans fire up but TJP turns things around to CHOP Knight! TJP whips, Knight reverses then hurdles, hurdles and arm-drags! TJP bails out, Knight fires up and builds speed! But TJP springboards back in to FLYING ARM-DRAG!

Knight tumbles out now, and TJP runs to WRECK him with a dropkick! The fans fire up as TJP throws up the crown. TJP goes back for Knight, puts him in the ring, and then slingshot SENTONS! Cover, ONE! The fans rally, TJP keeps his cool, and TJP brings Knight up. TJP snapmares Knight to then get the legs, step through, and turn Knight over! TJP hooks the legs in the deathlock, and the fans rally up as TJP bridges back, MUTA LOCK! Knight endures and reaches out! TJP lets go to focus on the legs, but Knight rolls things over and gets the ROPEBREAK! TJP lets Knight go, then brings him up to put in a corner.

TJP UPPERCUTS Knight then goes to the opposite corner. The fans rally up, TJP runs in, but Knight puts TJP up top! Knight CHOPS, then says it’s time for the UP- NO, TJP doesn’t want the Upper Room! TJP shoves Knight down but Knight comes back to DROPKICK! TJP wobbles up top and the fans fire up! Knight says now it’s time, for the UPPER ROOM! But TJP springs right up?! TJP runs, Knight scoops but TJP slips free to SOBAT! TJP runs and slips around, crucifix takedown into a ghost pin, ONE! Knight DROPKICKS TJP outta the ring! The fans fire up, Knight builds speed, but TJP moves! Knight uses a very TJP slip out to the apron!

Knight goes to the corner and slingshots over for a PLANCHA! The fans fire up with Knight and he drags TJP up. Knight puts TJP in, springboards, and FLYING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Knight stays cool and he stomps TJP towards a corner. Knight brings TJP up and scoops to SLAM him! Then JUMP SPLASH! Knight says tsuyoi (so strong) and covers, TWO! The fans rally up and Knight wrenches TJP to whip. Knight catches TJP to a COBRA TWIST! TJP endures, Knight flexes and says he’s really, really, really strong! But TJP fights the hold, but Knight shifts to a straitjacket! But TJP bridges and spins to get Knight in an IRON OCTOPUS!

TJP flexes as he says he’s tsuyoi! But Knight powers out! TJP slips behind, trips Knight, and traps an arm to then SNAP the other! Knight writhes from suffering the Sacrifice! TJP goes to a corner, Knight runs in but TJP goes up and over! TORNADO- NO, Knight stops TJP and ROCKS him up top! UPPER- NO, TJP slips under to kick the legs out! Knight tumbles down, but TJP drags him into the Tree of Woe! The fans rally as TJP scrubs Knight’s face! TJP scrubs and scrubs then runs side to side, basement DROPKICK! The fans fire up as TJP then goes up top! Knight tries to sit up, but TJP gives him WOE STOMPS first! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally as Knight stays in this, but TJP pounds the mat. The fans clap along, “T! J P! T! J P!” TJP aims, runs up, but Knight avoids the dropkick! Knight swings, but TJP catches him to a dragon sleeper! Knight drops down to victory roll, TWO! Knight runs up but TJP turns satellite DDT into a FLAPJACK on the top rope! Knight is stuck, TJP goes to the corner and climbs! TJP aims to GUILLOTINE MAMBA SPLASH!! Not the cleanest hit but both men still fall to apron then floor! The ref checks them both, they’re both somehow okay to continue, so a ring count starts. The count reaches 10 of 20 before either man sits up.

TJP drags himself up with the apron skirt, as does Knight. We hit 15, and then both men slide in at 18! TJP and Knight then each go back to the apron and head for each other. TJP throws a forearm, but Knight gives it back! TJP throws another forearm, so Knight gives it back! They go back and forth, shot for shot! TJP SUPERKICKS, then gets space. TJP runs up, but Knight hits an APRON SATELLITE DDT!! Knight falls to the floor and TJP flops into the ring! The fans fire up as Knight rises again! Knight goes up the corner, takes aim, and steals MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! But Knight has the KIMURA!!

The fans fire up as TJP endures the double wristlock! TJP scrambles, reaches out, but Knight rolls him from ropes to crank the KIMURA!! TJP fights up to his feet, rolls Knight into a cradle, TWO!! Knight escapes, but TJP ROUNDHOUSES him! Knight SUPERKICKS back! Then BOOTS! TJP ducks the lariat to run, into a pop-up, but TJP steals the SATELLITE DDT!! TJP gets even with Knight and both men are down! The fans rally up, TJP and Knight go to corners. Knight runs up but TJP goes up and over! TORNADO DDT! TJP aims, “T! J P!” echoes out. TJP runs in, but Knight fireman’s carries! F5!! Cover, TWO!!!

The fans are thunderous as TJP survives! Knight is shocked, but he’s not exactly The Beast. But Knight says he’s a jet, so he’s about to take flight! SATELLITE- NORTHERN LIGHTS!! Bridging cover, TWO!! TJP SUPERKICKS again! Then reloads, runs up, SLIDING KNEE!! Then another SLIDING KNEE!! Cover, TWO!!! Knight survives the “One By One” twice, but TJP gets him into a drop zone! TJP goes up the corner, but Knight hits UPPER ROOM again!! The fans are thunderous as Knight roars! Knight runs back in, SATELLITE DDT!!! Cover, KNIGHT WINS!!

Winner: Kevin Knight, by pinfall (gains 2 points; TJP earns 0)

The Jet even surprises himself as he manages to bring down the three-time Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion! Does this mean it is Knight’s time to shine? Or can TJP rework his game plan and still take the block?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Hiromu Takahashi VS KUSHIDA!

The Ticking Timebomb will not get his dream of a 10 year streak of him winning the whole tournament, as he fell short last year. But can he at least start on a new threepeat with this one? Or will the Timesplitter make sure history doesn’t repeat itself?

Instead of his usual BOSJ giant notepad, Hiromu hands out headshots of himself, and even has a framed one for Milano Collection AT-san. The fans already chant for “HI-RO-MU! HI-RO-MU!” The bell rings and the two circle. Hiromu avoids Kushida’s leg trip. Things speed up, Kushida drops then RAMS Hiromu. Kushida runs, Hiromu follows, but Kushida slides out. Hiromu slides out, Kushida slides in, but Hiromu slides back in, and narrowly avoids the Penalty Kick! The fans cheer and Kushida says it was that close. Kushida and Hiromu reset, tie up, and Hiromu trips Kushida. Things speed up again, Kushida jumps but Hiromu catches him!

Hiromu runs at the ropes and he puts Kushida on the apron. Hiromu then builds speed to FLYING SUNSET FLIP, only for Kushida to hold onto ropes! Kushida throws down hands, then drops down to MONKEY FLIP Hiromu away! Hiromu flounders around the corner but Kushida storms after him. Kushida brings Hiromu up but Hiromu shoves him away! Kushida ends up on the laps of the front row, and Young Lions help him up. Hiromu runs in, but Kushida catches him for a COMPLETE SHOT to a chair! Kushida gets Hiromu in the ring, drags him up and wrenches to CLUB the arm, UPPERCUT the arm, then CLUB it again!

Kushida wrenches and wrangles Hiromu with a top wristlock, then shifts around to a hammerlock, but Hiromu gets the ROPEBREAK! Kushida lets off, but then drags Hiromu from ropes! Kushida trips Hiromu, turns him over, and has the SEATED SURFBOARD! Hiromu endures even as Kushida pulls him back! Kushida rocks the boat but Hiromu fights against it. Kushida stands, brings Hiromu around and wrenches the arm for an ELBOW BREAKER! Hiromu hobbles away, but Kushida storms up. Hiromu CHOPS, then CHOPS, but Kushida grabs the bad arm! Kushida wrenches again but Hiromu CHOPS and CHOPS! Kushida KICKS the arm!

Hiromu goes to a corner, Kushida wraps the bad arm around ropes and pulls! Red Shoes reprimands, Kushida lets off, and then Kushida CHOPS! Kushida wrenches and whips Hiromu corner to corner, but Hiromu reverses. Kushida goes up and over, Hiromu ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! The fans fire up while Kushida goes to a corner. Hiromu goes to the opposite end, but Kushida runs in! Hiromu dodges, then he clotheslines! Hiromu snapmares and basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! The fans rally and Hiromu drags Kushida up to fireman’s carry. Kushida fights free, shoves Hiromu to a corner, but HIromu BOOTS!

Hiromu runs, avoids the fastball, then gets around to spin Kushida. Kushida fights the suplex to wrench the arm and bend fingers! But Hiromu fireman’s carries! Kushida still has the arm but Hiromu fights through to CORNER DEATH VALLEY! The fans fire up while Hiromu drags Kushida up and fireman’s carries. TIME- NO, Kushida slips free, victory rolls, but then jumps up to turn Hiromu over, and he PENALTY KICKS the arm! The fans fire up, Kushida jumps, HOVERBOARD!! Hiromu endures as Kushida thrashes the bad arm! Hiromu reaches for ropes, but Kushida goes after that arm! KIMURA!

Hiromu still fights, so Kushida goes back to the bad arm for a KIMURA! Hiromu clasps hands behind his back to fight back, then he manages to switch and shove, ELBOW and ROLLING ELBOW! Kushida winds up, Hiromu blocks the fastball! SUPERKICK! Hiromu runs, but into the FASTBALL! Both men fall back and Kushida shakes out the right hand. Kushida paces around, brings Hiromu up and reels him in, But Hiromu scoops to a fireman’s carry! Kushida slips free and he KICKS Hiromu’s leg! And KICKS it again! And then whips, but Hiromu reverses. Kushida handsprings, but inot the GERMAN SUPELX!

Kushida gets up but the HIROMU-CHAN BOMBER hits! Hiromu fires up, the fans are with him, but Kushida drags Hiromu into a cradle! Roll through, BACK TO THE FUTURE!! But both men are down as Kushida couldn’t cradle! Kushida stands, he brings Hiromu up, and BACK TO- NO, Hiromu powers out, to VICTORY ROYALE! A rough landing for Kushida but Hiromu pushes him to a cover, TWO!! Kushida survives and the fans rally up. Hiromu rises and drags Kushida back up. Dragon sleeper, but Kushida slips out of the suplex to backslide! TWO! Hiromu escapes, Kushida rolls him up, TWO! FAST- TRIANGLE D! But Kushida jackknife bridges! TWO!!!

The fans are thunderous as Hiromu escapes! Kushida dodges Hiromu once, but HIROMU-CHAN BOMBER hits on the return! And then fireman’s carry, for TIMEBOMB 1.5!! Cover, TWO!!! Kushida survives and the fans fire up again! Hiromu grits his teeth, stands Kushida back up, dragon sleeper for TIMEBOMB- NO, Kushida pries at an arm! HANGING KIMURA! Hiromu stays on his feet, but Kushida drags him down! HOVERBOARD!!! Hiromu endures, reaches out, the fans rally as hard as they can and he fights around! But Kushida rolls him from ropes! But Hiromu cradles back! TWO!!! Both men stand, Kushida gets around Hiromu and arm-drags! KIMURA!!

Hiromu endures as Kushida again has the double wristlock! Kushida rolls to keep Hiromu from ropes, then CRANKS the Kimura! HIROMU TAPS, KUSHIDA WINS!

Winner: Kushida, by submission (gains 2 points; Hiromu earns 0)

The Timebomb didn’t go off, and now he’s off to a bad start on his redemption run! Will Hiromu be able to rebound and prove he’s still the Best of the Super Juniors? Or is Kushida going to turn back time to when he was on top of the Junior Heavyweight Division?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: El Desperado VS Titan!

The Rogue Luchador and El Inmortal met in the semifinals of last year’s tournament, so what a perfect choice for the opening round’s main event! Will Desperado redeem himself from losing last year? Or will Titan make sure history does repeat itself here?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. The two circle, feel things out, and then tie up. They break, tie up again, and Desperado waistlcoks. Titan turns around to facelock but Desperado wrenches free. Titan rolls, kips up, bridges back, then handsprings to arm-drag! Then Titan handsprings up and the fans cheer. The two reset, circle, and feel things out. They knuckle lock, go shoulder to shoulder in a test of strength, and Desperado powers Titan back! Titan bridges, powers himself upright, then wrenches to hammerlock. Desperado reaches back to headlock, then he wrenches to hammerlock back. Titan throws elbows, jumps and FLYING-MARES!

The fans cheer as the two stand off again. Desperado also applauds, admitting that was good. The two reset, feel things out again, and then Titan just trips Desperado! Things speed up, Titan handsprings over the dropdown, then gets around to waistlock. Titan ripcords and CHPOS, then knuckle locks as he goes up and up and tightrope walks, to FLYING RANA! Desperado tumbles out, the fans fire up and Titan builds speed! Despe moves, Titan rolls to Fosbury Flop and land on his feet! Despe runs in, Titan dodges, and then Titan runs up to tilt-o-whirl, only for Desperado to turn that into a snap suplex to the floor!

The fans rally while Titan writhes, and Desperado stands. Desperado storms over to Titan, brings him up and RAMS him into the apron! Titan drops to his knees, Desperado brings him back up, and Desperado CLUBS him in the back! Titan drops to his knees again but Desperado brings him up to whip at the ring. But Titan rolls and comes back to DIVE! Direct hit and Desperado tumbles into Young Lions! The fans fire up with Titan, and he stomps Desperado. Titan brings Desperado up, knees low, then knees low again! Titan puts Desperado in, covers, TWO! The fans applaud and Titan looms over Desperado.

Titan stomps Desperado, brings him up and snapmares to run and basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer while Desperado goes to a corner. Titan stomps Desperado, CHOPS him, but Desperado hits back! Desperado body shots, CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS again! Titan CHOPS in return, eggs Desperado on, so Desperado CHOPS! Titan kicks, kicks and SOBATS! Titan then wrenches and whips corner to corner, but Desperado reverses. Desperado runs in, but into a BOOT! Titan goes up, but Desperado YANKS him down! The fans rally while Desperado gets Titan up, and hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Titan stays in this and the fans applaud.

Desperado keeps Titan down with a knee pressed against his knee. Titan endures, but Desperado SPLASHES down on the leg! Desperado backs up and Titan clutches the knee. Desperado drags Titan up, but Titan SOBATS! Desperado CHOPS! Titan drops to a knee and the fans rally again. Desperado taunts Titan, stands on his back, then steps all over him. Desperado hooks up the leg, to SNAP LOCK! Titan scrambles away but Desperado stalks after him. Desperado drags Titan up, but Titan fires a forearm! Desperado shakes his head so Titan fires more forearms! Desperado knees low, gut wrenches, but Titan slips free!

Titan shoves, gets Desperado at the ropes, and TORNADO DDTS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Titan pounds the mat, the fans rally up, and Titan roars! Titan gets Desperado’s legs, ties them up, roll and has the deathlock! But Desperado powers out and gets a leg, STRETCH MUFFLER! Titan grabs the ROPEBREAK, but Desperado thrashes until Red Shoes counts! Desperado lets go to then bring Titan up. Desperado kicks the bad leg, whips, but Titan reverses to TORNADO- NO, Desperado DUMPS Titan to the apron! Titan blocks a punch and GAMANGIRIS! But Desperado UPPERCUTS back!

Desperado runs but Titan jumps to BODY SCISSOR THROW Desperado up and out! The fans fire up again and rally as Titan rises. Titan roars, and TOP ROPE ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit and down goes Despe! The fans fire up again and Titan rises. Titan fires up, brings Desperado up and into the ring, then aims from the apron. The fans rally as Titan then climbs a corner, leaps, but Desperado avoids the double stomps! Titan turns around, into a SPEAR! Both men are down again and the fans rally back up! Both men rise and crawl to each other to get forehead to forehead. Desperado fires a forearm, Titan CHOPS!

Desperado CHOPS, but Titan CHOPS again! They CHOP as they stand, and go back and forth! The fans fire up with every CHOP, then Desperado fires a flurry! But Titan fires off a strike fest, tops it off with a SOBAT, but Desperado ROCKS him! Desperado runs, Titan goes Matrix! CALF KICK! Then Titan whips, but Desperado reverses, to SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! But into the STRETCH MUFFLER!! Titan flails, reaches out, but Desperado thrashes the leg! The fans rally and duel as Titan still endures! Titan claws his way over, but Desperado pushes on the leg! Desperado drags Titan back, grabs an arm, NUMERO DOS!!

Titan still fights with his free arm, and he has the ROPEBREAK!! Desperado lets go but the fans fire up again! Desperado underhooks, PINCHE- NO, Titan fights that, wrenches and tilt-o-whirls, to then hook Desperado up, only for Desperado to roll! STRETCH MUFFLER, but Titan makes it a cradle! TWO!! Desperado UPPERCUTS! The fans are thunderous as Desperado gets Titan up. Desperado whips, Titan reverses, TORNADO DDT! And roll through to a GOURD BUSTER! SUPERKICK! Both men are down but Titan throws off his elbow pads! Titan skins the cat to the top rope, then aims, to DIVING DOUBLE STOMP!! Cover, TWO!!!

Desperado survives, but Titan has his legs all tied up now! Deathlock, and JAVE INMORTAL!! Desperado endures this modified Muta Lock, reaches out with an arm, but Titan grabs it to make it a straitjacket variation! Desperado QUITS, Titan wins!!!

Winner: Titan, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Desperado earns 0)

The Rogue Luchador could not win the rematch, and it is another shocking upset! Will Desperado have to fight even harder if he wants to finally get that BOSJ trophy?

As for Titan, he gets the mic to say en Espanol, “Glory to the Lord!” And then in Japanese, Titan says, “Good morning, everyone!” The fans cheer and Titan says he figured to try some Japanese. But back in Spanish, he notes how one year ago, he reached the BOSJ finals against Master Wato. But he has returned here to NJPW, “back here for these wonderful fans of Japan,” not to just get some points, but to win the entire Best of the Super Juniors 31!! And it’s for all of you, the fans! The fans cheer that! “So, keep watching El Inmortal, Titan. I’m here representing CMLL. I’m here representing Mexican Lucha Libre. And I’m here representing Los Ingobernables de Japon!”

The fans cheer and Titan stands triumphant, but will he continue all the way back to the finals and finally take the trophy home?


Here are the A Block standings!

Titan: 1-0, 2 points
HAYATA: 1-0, 2 points
Blake Christian: 1-0, 2 points
Kosei Fujita: 1-0, 2 points
Kevin Knight: 1-0, 2 points
El Desperado: 0-1, 0 points
TJP: 0-1, 0 points
BUSHI: 0-1, 0 points
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 0-1, 0 points
Clark Connors: 0-1, 0 points


Here are the B Block standings!

SHO: 1-0, 2 points
Francesco Akira: 1-0, 2 points
Ninja Mack: 1-0, 2 points
Taiji Ishimori: 1-0, 2 points
KUSHIDA: 1-0, 2 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 0-1, 0 points
DOUKI: 0-1, 0 points
“Drilla” Moloney: 0-1, 0 points
Dragon Dia: 0-1, 0 points
Robbie Eagles: 0-1, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great start to this year’s BOSJ, and fittingly, a lot of the action was high-speed. There were even some great surprises, as I did not think both Hiromu and Desperado were losing to open the tournament. At the same time, Kushida is an accomplished Super Junior, and he should definitely have a strong showing. Titan likewise wins again to follow up from last year and his incredibly strong showing. I don’t know if Titan makes it back to the finals but there are a lot of rounds to go and he could definitely make it out of the block.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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