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Mitchell’s NJPW Resurgence Results & Report! (5/11/24)

Will there be a true Paradigm Shift?



Will the Roughneck surpass his Maniac mentor?

While there’s respect between them, Jon Moxley and Shota Umino won’t go easy. After all, they’re fighting for THE IWGP World Heavyweight Championship! Will #SHOOTER bring this title home to NJPW? Or will it stay All Elite with Moxley?


  • Kickoff match – Strong Survivor: Matt Vandagriff VS Adrian Quest; Vandagriff wins.
  • Kickoff match – Strong Survivor: Mustafa Ali VS Lio Rush; Lio wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The House of Torture VS Rocky Romero, Tomohiro Ishii & The DKC; The House of Torture wins.
  • Tom Lawlor & Fred Rosser VS West Coast Wrecking Crew; WCWC wins.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: TMDK VS El Phantasmo & Hikuleo; ELP & Leo win and become the new NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions.
  • NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Stephanie Vaquer VS Alex Windsor; Vaquer wins and retains the title.
  • Tetsuya Naito & Yota Tsuji VS David Finlay & KENTA; Naito & Yota win.
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Zack Sabre Jr; ZSJ wins.
  • NJPW World Television Championship: Jeff Cobb VS Lance Archer; Cobb wins and retains the title.
  • NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS Yuya Uemura; Takagi wins and retains the title.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Championship, No Ropes, Last Man Standing: Eddie Kingston VS Gabe Kidd; Kidd wins and becomes the new NJPW Strong Openweight Champion.
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Jon Moxley VS Shota Umino; Moxley wins and retains the title.


Kickoff match – Strong Survivor: Mustafa Ali VS Lio Rush!

It’s been a long time since The Beacon and The Bad Child have faced off, but they’re finally crossing paths again. Both men’s careers are in a Resurgence to be sure, but who proves to be a Strong Survivor?

Ali is rather high off himself as he goes to the ring, and Lio handspring kicks him off the apron! The fans fire up as the TNA X Division Champion flounders around on the outside, and Lio goes out after him! Lio throws hands, they both get in the ring, and the bell rings. Lio CHOPS and fans “WOO~!” Lio CLUBS Ali to a corner, fires off more hands, but Ali shoves him back. Lio run sin, Ali goes up and over, things speed up and Lio hurdles. Lio whips, Ali reverse, Lio reverses, repeat! Lio uses ropes to go up and around to whip, then he redirects! The fans rally for Ali but Lio ducks. Ali comes back, Lio sends him right out! Ali lands on his feet, turns around, into Lio’s DIVE!

The fans fire up again while both men hit railing! Lio gets up and in to build speed and DIVE again! Ali is sent back into railing but Lio wants another! The fans fire up and Lio builds speed, to then build more speed, and he DIVES! Direct hit and the fans cheer the hattrick! Lio puts Ali in and stalks him to a corner. Ali stands up but Lio fires hands! Lio climbs up to rain down fists! The fans count but Ali stops Lio at four to FLAPJACK him off the buckles! The fans rally up as Ali snarls and Lio sputters. Ali has Lio in a facelock, suplexes, but Lio blocks! Ali throws body shots as fans duel, then he whips. Tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER!

Ali then suplexes, for a JACKHAMMER! Cover, TWO! Lio toughs it out but Ali talks trash on him. Ali slaps Lio around, drags him up, and the fans rally. Ali bumps Lio off buckles, CHOPS him in the corner, then says, “In Ali We Trust!” The fans are torn but Ali whips Lio corner to corner. Lio slides to a stop, then dodges Ali to go up and over and over again! Lio tilt-o-whirl RANAS Ali into buckles! Then a roll up, spin and ENZIGIRI! The fans fire up and Lio says its time! Lio springboards, but no Rush Hour! Ali hits a LUMBAR CHECK! Shoutout to his old rival, Cedric, then Ali goes up top! 450 SPLASH! Cover, TWO!!

The fans fire up and Ali is shocked that Lio survives! Ali goes back up the corner, aims again, and 450- NO, he has to bail out as Lio moves! Ali runs back in, into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO, and into a KOJI KLUTCH!! Lio endures, pushes around, has a cover, TWO! Ali has the victory roll, TWO! Both stand, Lio gets around, but Ali trips him! Ali steps through and turns Lio over into a SHARPSHOOTER! The fans cheer that unique way into the hold, and Lio endures. Lio pulls Ali’s hair to pull him down! Then HEEL KICKS! Lio runs, rebounds, RUSH HOUR! Lio hurries up top and aims, for the FINAL HOUR!! Cover, TWO as Ali goes Matrix!!

But then Lio jumps up to POISON RANA!! Cover, TWO!! Ali survives again and the fans rally up. Lio storms over to the corner, climbs up, and the fans rally again. Lio aims, but Ali rolls away to the far corner. Lio hops down, storms up, but Ali YANKS him into a corner! Lio stops himself in time, but Ali blocks his kick! Ali hooks Lio up, backslide, but feet on the ropes!! ALI WINS!!

Winner: Mustafa Ali, by pinfall

The politician celebrates his win, but Lio knows he cheated to get it! They argue, the ref steps in, but then Ali CLOBBERS Lio! Ali stomps away on Lio, but then Young Lions rush in to break it up! The fans are torn but then the lights go out? House of Torture is in the building tonight… But when the lights come back, Lio’s foaming black liquid from the mouth! He’s laughing and shouting at Ali as the X Division champion gets outta there! Is this a bad omen of what’s coming for Ali and his gold?


NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: TMDK VS El Phantasmo & Hikuleo!

Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls held onto these belts through The Road to Wrestling Dontaku, but not without some controversy. The Headbanga & Young Guerrilla get one more shot, can they take the titles back? Or will TMDK make this a more decisive victory?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if justice is served!

The teams sort out, Mikey starts against ELP. They circle, the fans rally, and the two tie up. Mikey headlocks, ELP powers up and out, but Mikey runs him over! Mikey talks trash, things speed up, but Mikey avoids ELP’s dropkick! ELP avoids the sliding lariat, and both men stare down. They both go after the other’s partner! ELP BLASTS Shane down but Leo ROCKS Mikey first! ELP DROPKICKS Mikey, tags Leo, and the fans rally as they double whip Mikey to a corner. Leo runs in to SPLASH, ELP runs in to clothesline! Feed to Leo for a SIDEWALK SLAM! ELP is up top, AX HANDLE! The fans fire up and the two high-five!

Leo paces around Mikey, brings him up, but Mikey throws body shots! Leo CLUBS away on Mikey, then reels him in to suplex. Mikey fights that and suplexes Leo! Leo fights that, Mikey slips free but Leo elbows him away! Shane tags in to kick low! TMDK double whip, then DOUBLE ELBOW! Leo stays up, runs up, but into a double drop toehold! Then FIST DROP SENTON COMBO! Cover, TWO! The fans rally while Shane powers up. Shane shakes out that leg, runs up, but blocks Leo’s boot! Shane CHOPS, but Leo doesn’t flinch. Shane is surprised, so he CHOPS again! Leo still doesn’t flinch! Leo storms up on Shane, Shane winds up and CHOPS!

Leo just sighs and paces around. Leo grabs Shane by the neck, then CHOPS him down! Leo swings on Mikey but Mikey gets away. Leo tags ELP, and ELP CHOPS Shane! The fans “WOO~” but Shane kicks low. Shane whips,. ELP goes up and over and then ducks ‘n’ dodges to roll off Shane’s back! But Mikey trips ELP up! Shane basement dropkicks ELP and Mikey spins him around for a DRAPING DDT! Shane BLASTS Leo off the apron, too! The fans are torn and Mikey tells the ref ELP just fell like that. Mikey puts ELP in for Shane to cover, TWO! ELP stays in this but Shane brings him around for a NECKBREAKER! Shane pushes ELP to a cover, TWO!

Shane pulls on ELP’s arm, twists the wrist, then KICKS ELP in the back! Shane shakes out that stanky leg, but ELP gets up to fire forearms! ELP ROCKS Shane, runs, leaps, but Shane keeps ELP from Leo! Shane shoves ELP back and DROPKICKS him down! The fans fire up, Shane covers, TWO! Shane tags Mikey, Mikey runs at Leo, but Leo gets away. Shane stands ELP up, URENAGE POWER- RANA! ELP sends Mikey away and fakes Shane out to go low! But Shane grabs a foot! ELP ENZIGIRIS Shane, reaches for Leo, but Mikey has a foot! Mikey ducks the enzigiri, but ELP BOOTS him into Shane! The fans fire up, hot tag to Leo!

Leo storms in and he rallies on TMDK! Mikey blocks a boot, ducks a lariat, but the UPPERCUT takes him down! Leo has Shane for a scoop, but Shane slips free! Shane CHOPS, Mikey clotheslines! TMDK double whip, but Leo comes back to DOUBLE LARIAT! The fans fire up with Leo and he aims at Mikey! Mikey staggers up, into a choke grip! But Mikey fights free! Leo swings, Mikey gets around, but Leo fights the back suplex! Leo ROCKS Mikey, Mikey ROCKS Leo, repeat! The forearms fly, the fans fire up, and Mikey gets the edge! Mikey runs, into an ELBOW! Leo runs to JUMP ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO!

Leo keeps calm and he brings Mikey up. Leo scoops Mikey, tags ELP, POWERSLAM to SPRINGBOARD SWANTON! To LIONSAULT! Leo BLASTS Shane while ELP covers, TWO! Mikey survives but ELP & Leo say this is over! They go to corners and tune up the band! But Shane anchors Leo! Mikey blocks Sudden Death to ROCK ELP! Mikey clothesline Leo, Shane UPPERCUTS! FOREARM! UPPERCUT! LARIAT! Leo stays up, so Shane LARIATS! Leo roars and runs up, but into a BACK SUPELX NECKBREAKER COMBO! ELP returns to BOOT Shane, BOOT Mikey, then runs, but into the URENAGE POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!!

The fans fire up as ELP survives. Mikey tags Shane and TMDK go after ELP together. Mikey scoops, ELP slips free and shoves Mikey at Shane! Mikey ducks so Shane can LARIAT ELP! Shane sits ELP up for Mikey to SLIDING LARIAT! Mikey gets ELP up to scoop, TANK BUSTER!! Cover, LEO BREAKS IT! The fans fire up but Mikey goes after Leo! Leo grabs Mikey by the neck! And then he gets Shane! But TMDK fight free, ROCK Leo, and DOUBLE TROPHY LIFT! Leo fights free and he BOOTS Shane down! Mikey ducks ‘n’ dodges, but runs into the POWERSLAM! Leo then hauls Mikey up, for GOD- NO, Mikey slips free!

Mikey waistlocks Leo but Leo gets free, and ELP hits SUDDEN DEATH! Almost a Hidden Gap a la Bishamon! ELP dodges Shane, Leo UPPERCUTS him down! ELP builds speed to DIVE onto Mikey! And then Leo gets Shane up! GODSEND!! ELP goes up and then onto Leo’s shoulders! SUPER THUNDERKISS!! Cover, ELP & LEO WIN!

Winners: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo, by pinfall (NEW NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions)

Justice IS served! ELP & Leo take these titles back, but will their Resurgence see them through the Summer? Or will TMDK want to settle the score before the Fall?


NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Stephanie Vaquer VS Alex Windsor!

The Windy City Riot saw La Primera make it past the highspeed AZM, but now she’s running headlong into Iron Will Windsor! Will Vaquer be able to hold onto the gold when facing someone tough as titanium? Or will the winds of change blow across the Golden State?

The introductions are made, the amethyst colored belt is raised, and we see who is NJPW Strong!

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and go shoulder to shoulder in a test of strength. The fans rally as Alex puts the pressure on. Vaquer rolls, but so does Alex! Vaquer steps over to bring Alex down, and she twists the wrist! Vaquer then shifts to have a motorcycle stretch, but Alex powers it back onto Vaquer! The fans rally, Vaquer arm-drags and then wraps Alex up in a straitjacket stretch! Alex fights up, but Vaquer kicks the legs out to pull her back onto knees! But Alex rolls back to put the straitjacket on Vaquer! The fans rally, Vaquer fights up, and she powers out to victory roll! TWO!

Alex escapes, and she ROCKS Vaquer! Alex takes another swing but Vaquer gets around, waistlocks, then spins and wrenches Alex’s arm to YANK it! The fans rally, Alex wrenches back, but Vaquer rolls, handsprings, and wrenches again. The fans cheer this technical exchange, and Vaquer gets Alex’s other arm to wrangle her down! Vaquer isolates that arm to STOMP it! The fans cheer while Vaquer watches Alex get up. Vaquer is right on her with a whip, but Alex ducks ‘n’ dodges to run Vaquer over! The fans cheer and Alex kicks Vaquer. Alex runs, Vaquer stays low then hurdles. Vaquer DROPKICKS Alex and the fans fire up again!

Vaquer runs corner to corner to jump at Alex, but Alex puts her up top! Alex CHOPS, then YANKS Vaquer down! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Alex KICKS Vaquer, KICKS her again, then hauls her up to CLUB her down. Alex clamps onto Vaquer’s arm to then RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Alex sits Vaquer up to basement LARIAT! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up, Alex drags Vaquer up and cravats for a neck wrench. The fans are torn but Vaquer endures and wrenches free. Alex CHOPS, then cravats for some knees! Vaquer still endures and the fans rally up. Vaquer pries free, arm-drags Alex down, then isolates the arm again, only for Alex to avoid the stomp!

Alex mule kicks, SUPERKICKS, and Vaquer falls! Alex covers, TWO! The fans fire up as Vaquer survives, but Alex scowls. Alex runs in at the corner, but Vaquer dodges! Vaquer then fires off HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT! The fans fire up, Vaquer goes corner to corner, but Alex dodges! Alex swings but Vaquer spins her around, snap suplex! Vaquer drags Alex up into the headscissor squeeze, then turns her over to RAM her into the mat again and again and again! The fans fire up and Vaquer lets off to cover, TWO! Vaquer is annoyed but she brings Alex down to scrape her face! Then she drops the leg, brother! Cover, TWO!

Alex is still in this but the fans rally behind Vaquer. Vaquer drags Alex up, but Alex HEADBUTTS! Vaquer HEADBUTTS! Alex HEADBUTTS again! Vaquer HEADBUTTS again! They DOUBLE HEADBUTT! Both women wobble, then run in! Vaquer dodges to SUPERKICK! Vaquer runs, but Alex LARIATS her down! The fans fire up while both women fall on the logo at center! A standing count starts, the fans rally up, and both women sit up at 3 of 10. Alex aims from ropes, runs up at Vaquer, but Vaquer gets around, shoves, only for Alex to stop herself! Alex puts Vaquer on the apron, Vaquer ROCKS Alex, but Alex catches the shoulder thrust for a DRAPING DDT!

Vaquer is stuck in ropes so Alex goes up a corner! MISSILE DROPKICK! Vaquer flops out of the ropes, Alex drags her to a cover, TWO! Alex hauls Vaquer up, suplexes, but Vaquer fights free, SOLE FOOD! And then wrench for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Alex survives but the fans rally up again. Vaquer runs, but Alex follows to clothesline at ropes! Then she whips to clothesline again! Then leg lift SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Vaquer survives but Alex steps through, for a SHARPSHOOTER! Vaquer endures, even as Alex sits deep with her at the center of the ring! The fans rally, Vaquer fights around, ROPEBREAK!

Alex lets go in frustration, but she drags Vaquer right up. Alex says Vaquer is a POS, but Vaquer JAWBREAKERS and SUPERKICKS her for it! Vaquer then brings Alex around, tucks her in, but Alex fights free! HEADBUTT! Vaquer stays up, runs up, but Alex blocks to DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Vaquer survives again and Alex is losing her cool! The fans fire up as Alex steps through, but Vaquer kicks her away! Alex goes to a corner, runs back in, but only gets buckles! Vaquer runs up, blocks boots, and DRAGON SCREWS! Vaquer sits Alex up in the corner, runs and METEORAS! The fans fire up as Vaquer isn’t done yet! Tuck and PACKAGE BACKBREAKER!! Cover, Vaquer wins!

Winner: Stephanie Vaquer, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Women’s Champion)

La Primera pulverizes the Iron Will and holds onto the title! She holds all three of her titles high, will anyone ever take those from her?


NJPW World Television Championship: Jeff Cobb VS Lance Archer!

Two big bad behemoths battle over a belt that’s more about speed and time than size and strength! But then will the Imperial Unit make this a quick Tour of the Islands? Or will the Murderhawk Monster show how fast #EverybodyDies?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see how this kaiju movie short film turns out!

The bell rings and we’re on the clock. Archer fires a forearm, runs, but Cobb hits a SPANISH FLY!?! Cobb almost gives himself a brainbuster but he whips Archer, for a TOUR OF THE- NO, Archer slips free! Cobb gets under the lariat, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES! Archer tumbles out of the ring, Cobb follows, and he gets Archer back in the ring. Cobb storms up to ROCK Archer, but Archer shoves back. Cobb RAMS into Archer, then whips corner to corner. Archer goes up and over, keeps moving, but Cobb ducks the lariat! Cobb runs in but Archer TOSSES him out! Archer aims from the apron, to CANNONBALL!

The fans fire up with Archer, then he ROCKS a Young Lion! Archer brings this poor soul over to scoop and SLAM him onto Cobb! The fans boo but Archer soaks up the heat. Archer hauls Cobb up, but Cobb throws body shots and CHOPS! The ring count starts, Archer ROCKS Cobb! Cobb ROCKS Archer! Archer kicks low and then APRON CHOKE SLAMS! The count is 6 of 20 while Cobb flops to the floor. Archer grins and we reach 10 of 20. Archer drags Cobb up, to whip him into railing! The count is 15 so Archer leaves Cobb behind! Cobb hurries up and in at 18! The fans cheer but Archer is annoyed.

Archer storms over to Cobb, stomps him then drags him up. Archer puts Cobb in a corner to CHOP! Cobb sputters and Archer smirks. Archer tells the booing fans to shut up, then he swings, but Cobb dodges to CHOP back! Archer ROCKS Cobb, then CLUBS away at the ropes! The ref reprimands, Archer lets off and says this is HIS title now! The fans boo and Archer scares referee Scarlet off! Scarlet says hey, she’s the authority here, leave her alone! Archer drags Cobb up, but Cobb fires body shots! Cobb ROCKS Archer, runs, but Archer follows to CROSSBODY! Archer laughs while the fans are torn.

Archer talks trash, goes back for Cobb, stomps him, then covers, TWO! Archer is upset with the ref again but she cowers away. The fans boo Archer for being a bully, but he drags Cobb up. We hit five minutes, the fans rally for “COBB! COBB! COBB!” Archer tells them to shut up, but Cobb suplexes first! The fans fire up while both behemoths are down! Cobb and Archer stir, rise up, and crawl to each other. Archer pats Cobb on the head, but says he’s tired of Cobb’s crap! Archer ROCKS Cobb with a forearm, but Cobb ROCKS Archer back! Archer ROCKS Cobb, so Cobb ROCKS Archer! The fans chant “MEAT!” with each forearm they throw!

The forearms keep going, even as both men stand! “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Archer CHOPS, Cobb CHOPS, and so fans “WOO~” as they keep going! They even throw LARIATS! “MEAT! MEAT!” Both men fire up, and they DOUBLE LARIAT! DOUBLE LARIAT! DOUBLE LARIAT! “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Archer kicks low, SMASHES Cobb, then runs, but into a SUPERKICK! The fans fire up while Archer leans on ropes. Archer snarls, runs up, but into an URENAGE! FALLING HAMMER! Cover, ONE?!? GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up while Cobb is surprised, but he goes back for Archer.

Archer grabs at Cobb but Cobb fights off the claw! Archer BOOTS Cobb, ripcords, and SCRAPBUSTERS! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up but Archer drags Cobb back up. Archer puts Cobb in a corner, then puts him up top. Archer wants the inverted crucifix! But Cobb fights that and CLUBS away on Archer! Cobb shoves Archer, but Archer comes back with a STEP-UP KNEE! And now the crucifix, for the BLACKOUT BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Into a ghost pin!! TWO!!! Archer escapes and the fans fire up again! Cobb goes to a corner, Archer snarls and runs in to SPLASH! Archer fires up and the fans boo, but he runs back in for another-

NO! Cobb catches Archer and carries him out, ATHLETIC PLEX! Cover, TWO!! We’re past the 10 minute mark so time is still on Cobb’s side. Archer goes to a corner, Cobb fires up and rises up! Cobb runs in but into a BOOT! Archer slashes his throat and says that belt is his! Archer drags Cobb up with a knuckle lock, then CLUBS him. Archer goes up the corner, CLUBS Cobb more, then walks the tightrope! Archer flips the fans off, but Cobb yanks him down! TOUR OF THE ISLAND!!! Cover, Cobb wins!!

Winner: Jeff Cobb, by pinfall (still NJPW World Television Champion)

Archer tried to go Old School but he let filler get in the way! Cobb is still the star of NJPW World, will he have the biggest and best “season” of them all? Wait! Tomohiro Ishii walks out here! The Stone Pitbull stares the Imperial Unit right in the eye and the fans fire up! Cobb can tell what Ishii wants, and the fans sure like the idea of this match! Cobb sets the belt down, and he mockingly does a Rainmaker Pose. Ishii says he’ll be back. Will Ishii look to terminate Cobb’s reign and make his own?


NJPW receives a message.

“Bloodied, left for dead, surviving only by the last drop of blood running through my veins. New blood. Evolution. Valiantly, eternal, wreck. Those words define my destiny. The NEVER Openweight Championship IS my destiny! And I don’t care who is victorious tonight, Henare is back! And I’m coming for anybody who holds that championship! I’ll ensure this fight forever and ever and ever! I’m bringing my mana, I’m bringing vengeance, and I’m TAKING that NEVER Openweight Championship! Understand this challenge! Agree to it! RAH! And let’s make it so!” The Face of Fury is back, but at who will his Rampage be aimed?


NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS Yuya Uemura!

The Rampaging Dragon is no stranger to the NEVER Openweight Division, but he is no stranger to the KOPW Championship that the Heat Storm now holds. Will Yuya be able to take down one of the toughest men in NJPW to become a rare Double Champion? Or will Takagi earn himself a golden ticket back to the cerulean blue belt?

Each man holds up their titles, the fans cheer, but of course only one is on the line here. The introductions are made, the NEVER belt is raised, and we see who NEVER gives up!

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two stare down. Takagi and Yuya slowly approach, circle, and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Yuya gets around to waistlock. Takagi switches, Yuya switches back, but Takagi drop toeholds. Takagi pushes on the foot, floats to a headlock, but Yuya pops out the back. Yuya headlocks now, but Takagi powers up, only for Yuya to hold on tight! Takagi stands up, pries at the hold, but Yuya grinds Takagi’s head. Takagi still tries, throws some body shots, and pries free. Takagi hammerlocks, headlocks, but Yuya powers out to headlock back! The fans cheer this exchange as Takagi endures.

Takagi throws body shots, then hits a BIG back suplex! But Yuya holds on! Yuya grinds the headlock, but Takagi fights back up. Takagi throws body shots, powers out, but Yuya runs him over! The fans cheer, things speed up, but Yuya drops onto Takagi’s dropdown for a headlock! Takagi fights back up, puts Yuya in a corner, but the ref counts. Yuya and Takagi let off slowly, but then Takagi fires off forearms! Takagi then whips corner to corner, but Yuya goes up! Takagi catches him going over but Yuya hits a takeover! Takagi headscissors, Yuya kips free, and Yuya runs up. Takagi sidesteps to ELBOW, JAB! YUKON LARIAT!

The fans fire up while Yuya flounders away to a corner. Yuya is on the apron but Takagi goes out after him. Takagi brings Yuya up to SMACK him off the apron! Then Takagi follows Yuya around the way to SMACK him off the apron again! Takagi asks if the fans want that again, and the fans cheer! So Takagi fireman’s carries, to SNAKE EYES off the apron! DDT to the floor! The fans fire up more while Takagi stands tall. The ring count starts while Takagi leaves Yuya behind. Yuya is still down at 5 of 20, then at 10. Yuya sits up at 12, slowly crawls over at 15, and slides in at 18! Takagi’s right on Yuya for a BIG suplex! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally as Yuya stays in this, and Takagi keeps cool as he looms over Yuya. Takagi sits Yuya up into a chinlock and he grinds Yuya down. Yuya endures, fights up, but Takagi hits a takeover. Takagi makes it a lateral press, ONE! Takagi still has a half nelson to keep Yuya down but Yuya fights around to a ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Takagi lets off cleanly, and he brings Yuya up. Takagi cravats for a neck wrench but Yuya endures again. Takagi cranks harder but Yuya throws body shots! Yuya headlocks but Takagi hits a snap back suplex! The fans fire up and Takagi gets a leg. Takagi turns Yuya but Yuya scrambles around to the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts but Takagi has both legs! ROPE GULLOTINE! Yuya sputters and the ref checks on him, but he’s okay to continue. Takagi storms over to KICK Yuya in the back! Takagi then drags Yuya up, has him on ropes, and KNEES him low! And KNEES him again! The fans rally, Takagi assesses the crowd. Yuya? “BOO~!” Takagi? “YAY~!” Takagi is satisfied and he whips Yuya to then KNEE him again! But Yuya suplexes first! The fans fire up while both men are down! Takagi flounders to a corner and the fans rally. Yuya grits his teeth, rises up, and Yuya runs in at the corner! But Takagi BOOTS first! Takagi runs up, but into an arm-drag! And another arm-drag!

Yuya DROPKICKS Takagi down, then kips up! The fans fire up and Yuya storms around. Yuya aims from a corner as Takagi slowly rises. Yuya runs in to SPLASH! Then he reels Takagi in for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Takagi is tougher than that but Yuya fires up again. Yuya goes to a corner and climbs up. Takagi springs up and CHOPS him first! Takagi ridge hand chops again and again! Takagi goes up but Yuya fires forearms! Takagi staggers back, then Yuya CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Yuya keeps calm, and he fires back up. The fans rally, Yuya brings Takagi up but Takagi fights the clinch! Takagi throws elbows but Yuya throws knees!

Yuya lifts but Takagi arm-drags free! Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON feints to DDT! The fans fire up while Yuya is down and Takagi stands. The fans chant “Let’s Go, Shingo!” as he looms over Yuya. Takagi kicks Yuya around, brings him up, and catches the lariat to spin Yuya around, reel him in, and FACEBUSTER! Takagi then drops a KNEE on Yuya’s neck! Yuya writhes, Takagi hauls him up and whips him into a corner hard! Takagi wants the ref to check Yuya, but Yuya says he’s fine. Takagi runs up, blocks a boot, and he clotheslines through! Then YUKON LARIATS! Then scoop and SLAM! Takagi goes up, FALLING ELBOW!

The fans fire up and Takagi isn’t done! He hauls Yuya up to POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO! STF!! Yuya endures and the fans fire up! Yuya endures, so Takagi shifts to the JUST FACELOCK! Takagi pulls way back but Yuya still endures! Yuya reaches out, fights around, claws his way over, but Takagi really pulls on the facelock! Yuya still swims his way to a ROPEBREAK! Takagi lets go and the fans rally up again. Takagi brings Yuya up, puts him up top, then climbs up after him. Yuya fires a forearm, then another, then another! Takagi HEADBUTTS back! The fans fire up as Takagi goes to the very top! SUPER DUPER PLEX!

The fans fire up, Takagi crawls to the cover, TWO!! Yuya survives but Takagi looks to the cameras! The fans fire up as he says, “My time is coming! TOKI GA KITA!” The fans join in on “OI! OI! OI!” and Takagi goes to Yuya at the ropes. Takagi brings Yuya up, pump handles, MADE IN- VICTORY ROLL!! ONE!! Takagi escapes as Yuya couldn’t hold on! Takagi hurries to waistlock but Yuya fights the lift! Takagi BLINDSIDE LARIATS! Yuya staggers forward, but PELES in return! The fans fire up while both men are down! Takagi and Yuya crawl towards each other, and they give junkyard dog headbutts! Takagi stands first, but Yuya CHOPS!

Takagi nods and CHOPS back! The fans “WOO~!” as we pass 15 minutes. Takagi eggs Yuya on, Yuya CHOPS! Takagi CHOPS, Yuya CHOPS, repeat! Takagi JABS, JABS, JABS, and then CHOPS! Yuya springs up to CHOP Takagi down! The fans fire up with Yuya as Takagi goes to a corner. Yuya runs in to DOUBLE CHOP! Then he reels Takagi in for an URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Takagi stays in this but Yuya stays focused! Yuya roars, rises up, and he brings Takagi up with a cording hold! Then another cording hold! But Takagi fights the Deadbolt! Takagi powers Yuya to ropes and OVERHEAD SUPLEXES! Yuya roars, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but leaps into Takagi’s arms!

Takagi pops Yuya up for a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! The fans are thunderous while both men are down again! Takagi goes to a corner, runs up, and PUMPING BOMBERS! But he isn’t done, he drags Yuya up to pump handle! Yuya fights the lift, but Takagi still hits an USHIGOROSHI! Then pump handle for MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO!! Yuya survives but Takagi wags his finger. The fans rally and duel as Takagi rises. Takagi brings Yuya up, pump handles, but Yuya sunset flips! Takagi turns that to a NECK TWIST! The fans rally as Takagi gets Yuya back up, fires boxing elbows, then ROCKS Yuya!

Yuya staggers to ropes, comes back, but into a JAB! HEADBUTT! SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, ONE?!?!? The fans are thunderous, Yuya staggers around, but into a PUMPING BOMBER!! Pump handle, torture rack, but Yuya slips free! To DEADBOLT!! Bridging cover, TWO!!! Takagi escapes and the fans are thunderous again! Yuya fires up, “This is Awesome!” as Yuya drags Takagi around to the drop zone. Yuya goes up, and FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and Yuya can’t believe it! Yuya won’t let that stop him, though, and he gets Takagi up. Yuya waistlocks, then full nelsons, but Takagi fights it!

Takagi elbows Yuya, but Yuya ducks to ROCK Takagi! Takagi wobbles, but he grins as he grabs Yuya by the hair! HEADBUTT!! Yuya HEADBUTTS back?!? Takagi drops but Yuya stays on his feet! Yuya stands Takagi up to run, but into a LARIAT! Takagi runs, but Yuya gets around! O’Conner BRIDGE!! TWO!!!! Takagi escapes Yuya’s best Sanada impression and the fans are electric! Takagi then runs up, but Yuya dodges! PUMPING BOMBER into cradle, TAKAGI WINS!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (still NEVER Openweight Champion)

The Heat Storm was strong, but he could not slay the Dragon! Takagi holds onto this title, but he also holds up Yuya’s KOPW belt! Yuya snatches his belt back, but will Takagi look to take it from him for real? However, Takagi must prepare because Henare is coming after him. Will Takagi deny Henare his destiny? Or will the Face of Fury soon become the Face of the NEVER Division?


NJPW Strong Openweight Championship, No Ropes, Last Man Standing: Eddie Kingston VS Gabe Kidd!

The Mad King and the Mad Man have gone back and forth, physically and verbally, but the Windy City Riot really ramped up the animosity. Now there’s quite literally nothing holding them back, not even ropes! Will Eddie hold on to the last piece of what was the Continental Triple Crown? Or will Gabe keep the War Dogs oath of bringing belts and bodies to the Club?

Kidd has Kensei Abbot live and in person to rap the War Dogs theme for his entrance! The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is the last mad man standing!

Young Lions stand in the way until both men are ready. Kidd takes his time putting his robe aside, and he’s ready now. The bell rings, the Young Lions clear out, and Kidd runs up to JUPM KNEE! He and Eddie start throwing hands fast and furious! Kidd fires palm strikes over an dover, but Eddie gives them all back! Kidd ROCKS Eddie, Eddie ROCKS Kidd, repeat! The fans fire up, Kidd SLAPS Eddie, so Eddie SLAPS Kidd! Kidd CHOPS Eddie but Eddie just gets mad! Eddie throws his shirt off and brings the straps down! The fans are thunderous as Kidd CHOPS! Eddie CHOPS back! Kidd CHOPS, Eddie CHOPS, repeat!

The fans “WOO~” as the CHOPS continue back and forth! Kidd then SPITS on Eddie, but Eddie CHOPS him down! Eddie rains down furious fists and forearms! And he just keeps going until he’s good with it! The standing count starts but Kidd rolls off the ring to stand up. Kidd then starts looking under the ring, and he brings out chairs! The fans fire up as Kidd stands. Eddie runs up but Kidd CHUCKS the chair at him! Eddie falls and tumbles to the floor and now the standing count is on him. Kidd steadies himself, Eddie is still down at 7 but he sits up, so Kidd runs up to CLUB Eddie down! Kidd gets the chair, and CHUCKS it at Eddie again!

Eddie flops over and fans boo, but Kidd tells them all off! Kidd flips off the fans so the fans give it back. Kidd runs up to BOOT Eddie, then stomps on him! Kidd digs his foot into Eddie’s face, and we see Eddie is bleeding! The fans rally as Eddie rises and goes to the ring. Eddie staggers around, but Kidd brings his chair, and CHUCKS it at Eddie again! Eddie falls, but Kidd isn’t done with him! Kidd goes under the ring to bring out a chain! Kidd brings the chain to the ring while the fans rally for Eddie. Kidd wraps that chain around his arm, then aims at Eddie. FULL METAL LARIAT! Eddie is down, the count starts, and Kidd soaks up all the heat.

The count is 5 of 10, Kidd drops the chain. We hit 6, then 7, but Eddie staggers to his feet! Eddie flips Kidd off, so Kidd UPPERCUTS him! Eddie drops to a knee, so Kidd BASEMENT DDTS! Kidd lets the count start and he talks a lot of trash. Eddie sits up at 4, reaches out at Kidd, but Kidd ROCKS him! Eddie tells Kidd off, Kidd fires more forearms, then BITES Eddie’s head! The fans boo but Kidd brings Eddie to a corner. Kidd puts one of the crossbars in Eddie’s mouth! Then he digs it into Eddie’s eye!! The fans boo but Kidd lets off and soaks up the heat from the Toyota Arena while Eddie has the ref check him.

Thankfully, Eddie’s eye is still there, but Kidd half nelsons! Eddie fights the suplex, then switches to POST Kidd! That’s really dangerous from this side given the bare buckles! Kidd falls to the floor, the ref checks him, and the standing count starts. Eddie rests for only a moment, and the count passes 5. The count reaches 8 but Eddie sees Kidd crawling. Eddie gets that chain and wraps it around his hand to FUL LMETAL PUNCH Kidd again and again! Kidd is busted open, but Eddie still wraps the chain around him to CHOKE him! Eddie walks the War Dog to the corner, wraps the chain around the post, and tries to HANG Kidd!!

The fans freak out and this is only the first five minutes! Eddie lets go and Kidd sputters before falling over. The count starts again, Kidd gets the chain off him, but Eddie goes looking for stuff. Kidd crawls around at 7, but Eddie has a stop sign! SMACK and Kidd goes down! But this doesn’t stop Eddie, he puts the sign on Kidd to STOMP it onto him! Eddie leaves Kidd behind to go looking for more goodies. The count is past 5 but Eddie brings out a trash can and lid first! Eddie puts the can in the ring, to then SMACK Kidd with the lid! Kidd staggers around, so Eddie SMACKS him again! Kidd scrambles away to the ring and fans want tables.

Eddie goes for the trash can, but Kidd flips him off. So trash can SMASH! Kidd staggers around, into another trash can SMASH! And another! And another! Kidd falls, and Eddie’s headbutting the can! He truly is a mad king! Kidd is down, the count starts, and we pass 5 of 10! Kidd rises at 8, so Eddie storms over! He won’t even let the count continue as he stands Kidd up! Eddie SMACKS Kidd with the chair! Kidd falls again, Eddie roars, and the count begins again. Kidd flounders around at 4, but Eddie keeps the can away from him. SMASH! Eddie mockingly counts but the count has to reset because of that.

Eddie says fine, he’ll really end it now! Eddie drags Kidd up, throws fists right on the wound, then DIGS his fingers in! Eddie stands Kidd up and half nelsons, to HALF- NO, Kidd fights free! Kidd reels Eddie in, SAIDO on the can!! It wasn’t the whole can, but that still hurt! But now it’s a double standing count as Kidd is also down! Kidd rises up but he has the ref stop, because he isn’t satisfied with just this! Kidd goes looking under the ring again, but he doesn’t find what he wants. Kidd ROCKS Eddie with a haymaker, the standing count starts, and Kidd keeps searching. We pass 5 of 10, but Kidd hurries back to Eddie.

Eddie stands, but then flops over onto the trash can! Kidd stands on him triumphantly, but this isn’t done yet. The fans boo, but Kidd stomps Eddie before continuing the search. Kidd asks where it went, doesn’t find it, but he throws chairs in instead. But then he finds a LADDER! That’s not quite it, but Kidd JAMS Eddie with a chair to keep him down! The count starts again, Kidd keeps searching, but he’s gone around the ring quite a few times already. Eddie stands at 7, and Kidd finally finds it! A chair wrapped in barbed wire!! Kidd puts that in the ring, tells Eddie off, and reels him in! BARBED WIRE PILEDRIVER!!!

The fans lose their minds as that is double-edged for someone who wears trunks like Kidd! The standing count starts, both men are down past 5, but Kidd stands at 7! Eddie sits up at 8 but Kidd is on him! Kidd HEADBUTTS, then sits the regular chairs up. Kidd puts the barbed wire chair across them like a bridge, and he tells Eddie to get up. Eddie wobbles as he rises, and the fans chant for “E C DUB!” Kidd fires off palm strike after palm strike, almost toying with Eddie really as he just throws more shots! Kidd DECKS Eddie, then soaks up heat. But he then drags Eddie back up, suplexes, but Eddie blocks!

Eddie wrenches, and MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Kidd sputters, staggers, and Eddie SMASHES him off the barbed wire chair!! Eddie storms around, then DOUBLE STOMPS Kidd onto the barbed wire!! Both men are down and the count begins! We pass 5 of 10, Eddie rises at 7, and he waves off the count. Eddie grabs the ladder and brings it over, to SMACK Kidd on the back! Kidd writhes but Eddie won’t stop there. Eddie sets the ladder aside, brings Kidd up, and clinches! EXPLODER onto the ladder!!! Kidd writhes across the rungs and now Eddie wants the count. Kidd flails and flounders, but he’s still down at 8! Kidd stands at 9, only to flop over!

The count begins but Eddie says hold on. Eddie goes looking under the ring now, and he even wants the ref to help? Because Eddie is bringing out a TABLE! The fans are finally satisfied as the ref helps Eddie set this table up as a bridge from ring to railing! That proves harder than you’d think, so Eddie YANKS railing closer to the ring! The table bridge is completed, though wouldn’t it have been easier just to stand it up? Eddie still goes back for Kidd, brings him up, and URA- NO, Kidd ducks to fire UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT! But Eddie URAKENS! Kidd flounders and the count starts. Eddie stalks Kidd, kicks the trash can aside, then URAKENS again!

The count begins again, Kidd is still down at 5 of 10, but then Eddie changes his mind at 9! Eddie isn’t satisfied, either, and he goes looking for more plunder! Eddie brings out handcuffs!? The fans are going nuts just seeing that, and Eddie shouts at Kidd, “Show me how much you love NJPW!” Eddie cuffs himself, Kidd fights but Eddie cuffs him! They’re attached at the wrist, and Eddie tells Kidd to get up! Kidd rises, and they start throwing haymakers! The fans are thunderous as these two go wild! Eddie HEADBUTTS Kidd, brings him around, and even though cuffed together, he reels Kidd in! But Kidd fights the lift!

Eddie CHOPS Kidd, CHOPS again, and keeps him close with the cuffs. Kidd ROCKS Eddie, CHOKES him with the chain, and then turns Eddie around for a BRAINBUSTER through the table bridge!!! The fans lose their minds and both men are down on the floor! The standing count is rising fast, both men are still down at 5! At 7! At 9! KIDD STANDS, KIDD WINS!!!

Winner: Gabe Kidd (NEW NJPW Strong Openweight Champion)

Eddie raised the stakes to an insane limit, and loses his own gamble! Kidd is bringing this title home to the War Dogs, and both David Finlay and Kensei help him to his feet! Is the Mad Man going to keep his promise by taking everything from NJPW to restore NJPW to what it was?

The War Dogs leave Eddie behind for medics to check, and he makes it back to the ring. The fans cheer Eddie on as he rests on the NJPW Strong logo, but then JACK PERRY makes his way out here? The House of Torture won earlier tonight, but then why is The Scapegoat coming back to the ring? Unless… THE YOUNG BUCKS are here!! Matthew & Nicholas Jackson attack Eddie and stomp him out! The Elite is here because Eddie is part of Team AEW for Double or Nothing’s Anarchy in the Arena! The fans are torn, and many chant “C M PUNK!” at The Elite. But Matt gets the mic to say, “NJPW, it’s been a minute, right?”

Matt says “This guy is an idiot! Who picks a fight on Wednesday night, and then on Saturday, shows up at the hometown of The Young Bucks? Beautiful Ontario, California!” Nick stomps Eddie in the nuts! Matt says now that he’s standing here in this great city, it’s all hitting him. He got the chills! So many great memories here! They had a backyard wrestling company out here, there are people he went to high school with. But now that he’s taking it all in again, he’s starting to realize, this was a great place to live, when they were poor. Just like all the fans! No judgment! Matt stomps Eddie but then apologizes.

Matt says the best thing he and Nick ever did was become multimillionaire executives, take their lovely families, pack their bags, and buy mansions in the “high desert!” Nick says he loves this relationship of AEW and NJPW! It gives him a chance to beat Eddie’s ass at two different shows! How about June 30th, when NJPW and AEW combine and do the greatest show, Forbidden Door! But even sooner than that, in two weeks AEW will be in the MGM Grand Garden Arena, and The Elite will kick Eddie’s ass on PPV! Nick stomps Eddie, then tells Jack that this dumbass audience wants to see them hit their finisher on “this p*ick!”

Jack holds onto the mic for Nick, Matt sits Eddie up, and Jack says let’s all say it together. One, two, three! E V P TRIGGER!! Eddie falls back over and Matt thanks everyone for tonight! They’re not coming back to Ontario, CA, it is beneath them now, goodnight! The Elite stands tall over Eddie, but will it be a much different story when Eddie has Bryan Danielson & FTR backing him up at Double or Nothing?


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Jon Moxley VS Shota Umino!

The Maniac took this title off Tetsuya Naito at Windy City Riot and completed a historic trifecta of being the first WWE, AEW & IWGP World Champion ever. Then he made it through “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs on Dynamite and through Ren Narita just last week at Wrestling Dontaku. However, he now faces his NJPW protege in what is The Roughneck’s biggest match yet! Will #SHOOTER be the student that surpasses the master? Or will Moxley show Shota that he’s 100 years too early to beat him?

Moxley poses on the apron, and Shota DROPKICKS him down! The ref reprimands and the fans go nuts, but then the bell rings to put this on record as Shota FLIES! Direct hit and the fans fire up with Shota! Shota whips Moxley into railing, then Shota mocks the Moxley shoulder slink. Shota then goes around the way to cut Moxley off at the pass, and Shota kicks Moxley low. Shota puts Moxley in the ring, CLUBS him on the neck, then CLUBS him again. Moxley snarls and gets in Shota’s face, so Shota bumps him off buckles! Shota stomps a mudhole in, digs his boot in, but lets off as the ref counts, to shove the ref! Shota then stomps Moxley more!

Shota digs his boot in again, the ref reprimands, but Shota lets off. Shota UPPERCUTS, whips corner to corner, then runs in, but Moxley LARIATS first! Moxley then gets Shota up to LARIAT again! And LARIAT again! The fans fire up and Moxley storms around while Shota goes to the apron. Moxley goes out after Shota to bring him to the ramp. Moxley CLAWS Shota’s back, then snap suplexes him on the ramp! The fans fire up while Moxley leaves Shota behind to refresh the count. Moxley pats Shota on the cheek, he’s oddly proud of Shota pulling that move. Moxley puts Shota in the ring, then waits on him to rise.

The fans rally, Moxley runs up, but Shota ducks to ROCK him! Moxley ROCKS Shota but Shota shouts at Moxley! Shota runs, ROCKS Moxley, but Moxley rebounds to BOOT! Moxley says F U, but Shota says Moxley is the no brain mother effer! The fans fire up and Shota runs to ROCK Moxley! Moxley hits back, they fire forearms back and forth, and they each egg the other on! The forearms keep going, the fans fire up with each shot, and then Moxley KICKS a leg! And JABS! And KNEES! Moxley whips, Shota ducks ‘n’ dodges and CLOBBERS Moxley! The fans fire up and Shota gets Moxley up, for a NECKBREAKER!

Shota fires up and the fans are with him as Moxley goes to ropes. Shota storms up on Moxley and whips corner to corner. Shota runs in, to UPPERCUT! Then Shota fisherman’s for the FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Shota’s not quite perfect but he still fires up. Shota storms after Moxley to snapmare, then he clamps on for the HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Moxley taught Shota this move and now he feels this move! Shota fires up again and he brings Moxley up. Shota clinches, but Moxley fights with elbows! Moxley shoves Shota to a corner, runs up and clotheslines! Then CHOPS! Then forearms!

Shota grits his teeth and gets in Moxley’s face, even as Moxley fires more CHOPS and forearms! Shota then puts Moxley in the corner to CHOP and forearm on repeat, just as Moxley taught him! But Moxley CLAWS eyes, digs his elbow into Shota’s face, and he sits Shota down so he can stand on him! The fans fire up, the ref counts, and Moxley hops off at 4. Moxley “apologizes” with a bow, then stands Shota up. Moxley puts Shota up top to CHOP! Moxley climbs up after Shota and rains down fists! Fans count to 3 then Moxley BITES Shota’s face! The fans are torn but then Moxley punches more! But Shota slips under to tuck Moxley!

Shota learned this one from Ospreay! CHEEKY NANDOS! Moxley is still stuck, so Shota CHEEKY NANDOS again! Moxley eggs Shota on, Shota feints then CHEEKY NANDOS anyway! Shota drags Moxley down, pulls him into the corner, then SLAMS a leg into the post! The ref reprimands but the fans fire up, and Shota tells Moxley he’s an SOB! Shota SLAMS the leg back into the post! The fans cheer while Moxley tries to crawl away, but Shota gets him again! Moxley is still an SOB and Shota SLAMS the leg into the post again! Moxley hobbles away but Shota CLUBS the bad leg. Shota then whips Moxley hard into railing! Shota runs up to dropkick the bad leg!

The fans fire up again and Shota stalks Moxley. Shota puts Moxley into the ring, aims and runs up, to dropkick the leg again! Shota reloads and runs in from another corner, but he blocks the boot! Shota dropkicks the bad leg again! Then he brings Moxley out for a SHINBREAKER, into a takedown and roll, KNEEBAR!! Moxley endures as Shota pulls back on the leg! Moxley asks where the hell Shota learned this one, and he scrambles around to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, the ref counts, and Shota lets go at 4. Moxley hobbles, Shota stalks him, and Shota kicks the bad leg! And kicks it again! And then kicks it again!

Shota puts the bad leg int he ropes, pulls on it, but Moxley grabs at Shota. The ref counts, Shota lets off to run, but Moxley TOSSES him to the apron! Moxley runs to BLAST Shota off the apron! Shota rises, Moxley gets the bad leg working, and he builds speed! Moxley DIVES and sends Shota into railing! The fans fire up and Moxley stands on railing to show off a bit. Moxley then goes back to Shota, drags him up, and puts him in the ring. Moxley rolls in, paces around Shota, then drags him up, for an X PLEX! Cover, TWO! Shota’s tougher than that but Moxley drags him up to TOSS him back out.

Shota hits railing and falls to a knee. Moxley goes out to stand Shota up and grind an arm. Moxley CLUBS that arm, then hammerlocks it, to POST it! Shota clutches the elbow and hobbles away, but Moxley goes after him. Wrench and ELBOW BREAKER, then a KNEE down low! Moxley hammerlocks the arm again, to POST it again! Moxley gets in the ring and paces around as the fans cheer. The ring count starts, Moxley lets it climb, and Shota rises at 8 of 20. Shota hobbles over at 10, slides in at 11, but Moxley is right on him. The fans cheer as Moxley shots Shota how those HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS are down! Then he KICKS! ELBOW! KICK! Repeat! Moxley covers, TWO!

Moxley keeps Shota down by digging a knee into the arm, and he bends it back! The fans rally while Shota endures, but Moxley shifts position to push on the arm. Moxley SNAPS the fingers, and Shota scrambles away! Moxley gets in Shota’s face, CHOPS him, then eggs Shota on. Shota stands, Moxley pushes him around, but Shota fires a forearm! Moxley fires it back! Shota shakes his head, shouts and forearms again! Moxley ROCKS Shota right back! Shota staggers, fires another forearm, but Moxley ROCKS Shota again! Shota fires himself up and the fans are with him! Shota fires forearm after forearm, but Moxley KICKS the leg!

Moxley wrenches the arm to a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK, then he drags Shota down! Shota endures, even as Moxley tortures the elbow! The fans rally, Moxley shifts to an ARMBAR! Shota endures, kicks and flails, reaches out with his legs, and finds the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Moxley lets off, and he SLAMS the arm on the mat! The fans continue to rally as Moxley brings Shota up. Moxley puts Shota up top, CHOPS him, then climbs up to join him. DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Shota endures, the ref reprimands, but Moxley still twists the arm! The ref counts, Moxley lets go at 4, then stands Shota up! SUPERPLEX!

Moxley hurries to get Shota back up and in, for a stalling PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Shota survives and the fans fire up! Moxley SLAMS Shota’s bad arm again, then paces. The fans fire up for Shota but Moxley goes out to look under the ring. After all the violence from Eddie and Kidd, what’s even left under there? Moxley finds a TABLE! The ref reprimands, this isn’t a No Disqualification match! Moxley flips the ref off and sets the table up anyway. The fans duel while Moxley makes sure the table is just how he wants it. Moxley blesses it with a quick prayer, then goes back to Shota. Shota runs up to forearm!

Shota throws more shots but Moxley ROCKS him back! Shota CHOPS, Moxley CHOPS, repeat! Then Moxley HEADBUTTS! And HEADBUTTS! And HEADBUTTS again! Moxley runs, but into a DROPKICK! Shota fires up, the fans rally behind him, and he crawls to ropes on one end while Moxley goes to the other. Shota stands, Moxley runs in, but Shota BOOTS! Shota drop toeholds Moxley onto the ropes, then slingshots to APRON DDT! Moxley flounders and the fans fire up with Shota! Moxley is on the apron, and very close to the table he set up. The fans rally with “OI! OI! OI!” for Shota as he makes a lap around the ring.

Shota brings Moxley to the table, throws hands, then CLUBS Moxley onto the furniture! Shota goes up the corner and the fans fire up! The ref says don’t do it, but Shota still MACHO ELBOWS through the table!!! The fans lose their minds as Shota rises from the wreckage! Shota shouts, but then he sits back down. A ring count starts, but Shota stands at 7 of 20. Shota leaves Moxley behind, and Moxley flounders at 11. Moxley sits up at 12, drags himself up at 13, but Shota’s back up top!? Moxley turns around at 15 of 20, staggers at 17, and slides in at 19! Only for Shota to MISSILE DROPKICK him down! And then, EXPLODER! Cover, TWO!!

Moxley survives but Shota won’t let that stop him! Shota hurries to spin Moxley, POP-UP KNEE, and IGNITION! Cover, TWO!! Moxley survives again but Shota just revs up the engines! Kick and DEATH- NO, Moxley wrenches out to CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! But Moxley clamps on the BULLY CHOKE!! The fans rally, Shota rolls Moxley into an STF!! “This is Awesome!” as Moxley now endures! Moxley fights free of the crossface, and gets the BULLY CHOKE back! Shota fights around, stands up, then switches to CROSS RHODES!! Cover, TWO!! Moxley survives but it’s right back to the STF!! The fans fire up again as Moxley endures!

Moxley fights around, drags Shota along with him as he claws his way forward, but Shota drags him back! Shota wants the arms but Moxley resists! Shota traps the arms after all, flips Moxley off, this is just like with Ospreay! Shota rains down forearm after forearm on Moxley’s head and neck! The fans are thunderous as Shota lets off and roars! Moxley flounders around, gets to his feet, and swings wild. Shota storms up on Moxley in a corner, puts him up top, then climbs up. Shota has the arms but Moxley fights that! Moxley wrenches Shota’s hand, for a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Shota CLUBS Moxley’s leg, but Moxley underhooks him!

The fans freak out, but Shota fights to underhooks, and CLAWS Moxley’s back! Shota gives Moxley extra CLAWS, then he goes to the very top! SUPER DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Moxley survives but Shota won’t be deterred! Shota aims from a corner, for the BLAZE- PARADIGM SHIFT!! But BLAZE BLADE hits on the rebound!!! The fans are thunderous while both men are down! “This is Awesome!” as mentor and mentee slowly stir. Shota crawls after Moxley, and he fires a forearm! Moxley gives it back! Shota throws another forearm, so Moxley takes off the wrist tape. Moxley fires a forearm, Shota gives it back!

The forearms keep going, and then the two stand up. Shota fires a forearm, but Moxley says Shota’s just pissing him off! Moxley ROCKS Shota, and Shota says Moxley’s the one pissing him off! The forearms keep going, and they’re picking up speed! The fans fire up, Shota ROCKS Moxley but Moxley KICKS, KNEES and ROCKS Shota! Shota drops to a knee, Moxley aims to KICK! And KICK! And KICK! Shota just grits his teeth! Moxley pie faces Shota, scuffs him, and pie faces again. Shota stands up and the fans are all fired up! Shota winds up, to ROCK Moxley! Moxley wobbles, drops to a knee, and now Shota gives the scuffs and slaps!

Shota kicks and kicks and pie faces Moxley, eggs him on, and Moxley stands. Moxley paces, then he comes back to fire forearms with Shota! The fans rally as they go back and forth again, picking up speed, and then Shota kicks the leg! Moxley kicks Shota’s arm! Shota ROCKS Moxley with elbow after elbow, then a ROLLING ELBOW! Moxley ROCKS Shota, runs, but into a POP-UP UPPERCUT! But Moxley still GERMAN SUPLEXES! But Shota rises to HALF ‘N’ HALF! But Moxley’s up to KING KONG LARIAT! But Shota’s up to SHOTGUN!! Shota and Moxley both stand, the fans are thunderous, and they both run in! Moxley’s LARIAT hits first! Cover, ONE?!?!?

We’ve hit 30 minutes and Moxley is scowling at Shota. The fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this has to end somehow! Moxley rises, Shota flips him off, so Moxley STOMPS that finger! Moxley gets Shota up, DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Shota shocks Moxley and the fans are thunderous again! Moxley is beside himself as he hobbles around and fires back up. The fans are loving this as Moxley drags Shota up and in again. DEATH- NO, Shota slips free to SATELLITE DDT! The fans rally as hard as they can as Moxley goes to a corner. Shota goes to the other, runs in, and BLINDSIDE KNEES! Then TORNADO DDTS!

Shota isn’t done there, he drags Moxley right up to fisherman, EVOLVED DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Moxley survives and Shota pounds the mat! Shota goes back to a corner, Moxley eggs him on, so he gets BLAZE BLADE!! Shota hauls Moxley up, underhooks, SWINGING DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? Moxley survives again and Shota is going nuts! Shota reloads one more time, Moxley rises up, and Shota runs in to BLAZE BLADE!!! Shota roars and the fans are thunderous again! But Moxley still WRINGS Shota’s arm! And CURB STOMPS! And then DEATH RIDER!!!! Cover, Moxley wins!!

Winner: Jon Moxley, by pinfall (still IWGP World Heavyweight Champion)

Moxley defied human limitations to survive this shootout! It may not be 100 years too early, but it’s still a few years too early for Shota to surpass The Maniac. But then, how long will Shota have to wait until he is truly the New Ace of NJPW?

As for Moxley, he still shows his student respect by offering a hand. Shota takes it, and Moxley helps him sit up. The fans cheer, and Moxley even kneels down to tell Shota that while he didn’t win this time, he’s on the right track. Shota bows deeply to show respect for his mentor, and the fans also cheer that. Moxley sets the belt down, and he bows in respect to Shota. The fans cheer that, too, but then THE HOUSE OF TORTURE ATTACKS! Evil & Ren Narita beat down Moxley & Shota! The fans boo as Narita CHOKES Shota with the push-up bar! Evil gets the mic, and in English, he says, “Hey, Jon Moxley. F YOU!”

The fans boo more, especially as Evil now lifts up the IWGP World title. “Next challenger is me!” The fans also boo that but Evil says no no no, he is the REAL IWGP World Heavyweight Champion! “So next challenger is you, b*tch!!” And then, just as he did with the NEVER Openweight title, Evil brings out a can of black spray paint, and he vandalizes the world title!! Then he says, “Hey, y’know what? I am the REAL NJPW Pro-Wrestling President! Everything is Evil! <That’s what it is! Remember that!>” The King of Darkness drops the mic as the lights dim. Will Darkness Fall on NJPW once more? Or can Moxley tear down this house of lies?

After Evil & Ren leave, Moxley gets back up so that he can finally speak. “Evil…! I know what you just did, spray painting this belt, was meant to be a very big insult to me, to the fans and to NJPW. And it is. You will pay dearly for it. But I gotta tell you man, this black don’t look too bad. After I beat the s*it outta you, I might keep it like this. So good looking out. Ontario, California, thank you for tonight, this incredible experience you got to be a part of, and NJPW live pro-wrestling show, an authentic NJPW show right here in California, on this side of the Pacific. That’s really something special.

“Every time we come here, we will bust our asses, because you came here tonight and was such a great crowd, gave us something to dig, and we need that energy to beat the s*it out of each other.” The fans cheer that! Moxley tells Evil, “One day, somebody’s gonna hit me and I’m gonna go down, and I’m not gonna get back up. But trust me, today in Ontario, California, is not that day. And Evil, you are not that guy! NJPW, Ontario, California, thank you, we’ll see you next time.” The Maniac rides on, even into the shadows. Will he stare into the abyss and make the abyss flinch first?

My Thoughts:

An awesome night for NJPW in the USA, even though I did still skip stuff. There’s just too much going on with how Best of the Super Juniors was this morning and AEW’s got their stuff during primetime. Great match from Lio and Ali in the kickoff show, and what a wild development for Lio’s character. Great NJPW Strong tag title match, and I was fairly surprised ELP & Leo won. I guess NJPW is okay playing hot potato with these titles, but I still hope we get some huge Winners Take All Fatal 4 as teased during Wrestling Dontaku just last week. And very good NJPW Strong Women’s title match, but I figured Vaquer would retain. Alex Windsor just didn’t have what felt like new champion vibes.

Cobb VS Archer was a lot of fun, though I was worried it was gonna end quick only because Cobb’s Spanish Fly wasn’t as clean as it could’ve been. Great win for Cobb over Archer, which I figured would happen, but I like Ishii stepping up. That is going to be a stiff, hard hitting showdown. Great promo from Henare to preemptively call out the NEVER Openweight Champion, and then an awesome match from Takagi VS Yuya. I figured Takagi would win, but it is intriguing that he teased going back for the KOPW title. Is Yuya sadly just a transitional champion for Takagi to be the NEVER KOPW combo champ?

That No Ropes Last Man Standing was some wild stuff, and I was really surprised Kidd took the title. At the same time, Kidd had to make good on his promise/threat to NJPW as a company, and winning this title was definitely more likely than his taking the NEVER title last week. And then great crossover as The Elite weren’t present on Collision in Vancouver because they were in California! It’s a smart Heel strategy to go after one target while they’re alone and the others are in another city. Eddie better bring this up on Dynamite for good continuity.

And then an awesome main event from Moxley and Shota. Moxley was maybe booked a little too strong surviving so many things, but it’s not like this never happens in pro-wrestling. Shota definitely had the best match of his career, even in losing, but I guess even a Reiwa Three Musketeer has to wait until they can be top champion. Evil going after Moxley was a little surprising but there’s connections here given the beef between Moxley & Shota with The House of Torture. Evil cut a pretty good promo for using English and not Japanese, and while he spray painted the belt, I’m surprised he didn’t steal it like usual.

Moxley’s promo in response was good, and it’s funny how he downplayed the belt being defaced. Evil probably won’t beat Moxley, but it’d make sense if he did because he’s a former IWGP World Champion, and he’d also have the whole House of Torture go after Moxley to do it. Perhaps it happens at Forbidden Door, which The Elite also made sure to name drop tonight to remind us it’s coming.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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