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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (5/13/24)

Raw enters the second round!



Can Kofi Kingston avenge Xavier Woods?

Der Ring General put Xavier Woods on the shelf, then took out The Fella in the first round! But will Kofi Kingston show him why New Day Rocks?


  • Queen of the Ring Quarterfinals: Shayna Baszler VS Iyo Sky; Iyo wins and advances.
  • King of the Ring Quarterfinals: GUNTHER VS Kofi Kingston; Gunther wins and advances.
  • Akira Tozawa VS Bronson Reed; Bronson wins.
  • Queen of the Ring Quarterfinals: Lyra Valkyria VS Zoey Stark; Lyra wins and advances.
  • Otis VS Sami Zayn; Sami wins.
  • Becky Lynch VS Dakota Kai w/ Damage CTRL; Becky wins, by disqualification.
  • WWE World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: New Catch Republic VS Authors of Pain VS The Creed Brothers VS Finn Balor & JD McDonagh; Finn & JD win and will challenge The Awesome Truth for the titles.
  • King of the Ring Quarterfinals: Jey Uso VS Ilja Dragunov; Jey wins and advances.


Drew McIntyre storms right to gorilla.

The Scottish Terminator’s music hits and he goes right out on stage! The fans in Greenville, South Carolina fire up as he gets his pyro, then he goes to the ring. He passes by commentary and Pat McAfee sells out Michael Cole about calling McIntyre a hypocrite! McIntyre then steps into the ring, gets more pyro, but then the fans chant “C M PUNK! C M PUNK!” McIntyre says maybe if we were in Atlanta or Charlotte, sure, but Punk’s not coming to Greenville. He only works the big cities, brother! The fans boo but McIntyre brings up Punk’s favorite line, “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.”

McIntyre says the greatest trick Punk ever pulled was looking like a drug without ever taking any drugs. No, in seriousness, the greatest trick of Punk’s is making the fans believe in him, no matter how many times he breaks their trust! Management takes Punk back like an abusive relationship and McIntyre doesn’t understand it. Another thing he doesn’t understand is the fans buy all the crap he spews! McIntyre doesn’t like talking down to people like they’re stupid, but if you’re a fan of CM Punk, you’re stupid! Just look at the facts! Punk was here, calling McIntyre a coward, challenging him to a fight, after literally watching McIntyre take his leave!

Punk arrived a second later, talked trash, and it’s like he’s got a stooge on the inside, Adam Pearce. And then before that, McIntyre’s on stage, Punk’s in a skybox. McIntyre goes to the skybox, Punk’s down in the ring! Punk is running from McIntyre, but eventually, McIntyre will get his hands on Punk, torture him, and Punk will be begging for McIntyre to tear his triceps again. But until then, McIntyre won’t waste time on a guy who might not be cleared for the next 20 YEARS. And speaking of things that’ll never happen, Jey Uso lost another title match. The fans boo but McIntyre says that should’ve been his title match. Jey’s reward? McIntyre’s spot in King of the Ring!

McIntyre will deal with that BS later because number one on his list is the World Heavyweight Championship and that paper champion, Damian Priest! McIntyre’s been watching Priest, walking around like the big man with his limp Bloodline- Wait! Here comes Damian Priest! The fans fire up for El Campeon as he raises the world title up and heads to the ring. McIntyre smirks as Priest steps into the ring with him, then Priest gets himself a mic. Priest tells McIntyre that he’s got some serious issues. Since McIntyre can’t shut that hole in his face, maybe he should do something different tonight? McIntyre should say what he says, to that person’s face.

McIntyre says he’d love to, but if Priest was listening, Punk keeps running away from McIntyre every week. But at least Priest is stepping up to him. McIntyre will say something positive. Priest has a very inspirational story, worked his arse off, put his shift in, paid his dues. He deserves all the success in the world, but just not the World Heavyweight Championship. McIntyre’s next door neighbor, Dave, has a pretty inspirational story, but that doesn’t mean he should be world champion. But this is a case of the title making the title. This title is in its infant stage still, and it needs the man to make the title! It needs Drew McIntyre!

The fans boo but McIntyre says Priest knew he couldn’t beat McIntyre 1v1, so he had to use the briefcase- Priest stops McIntyre there. McIntyre is delusional! McIntyre is out here blaming everyone else for his own failures! Priest asks a question: did McIntyre not choose this life? He chose to be a WWE superstar, right? Yes, since he was 21 years old! And say “What” if you think Priest is a BS champion. “WHAT?” Gottee! Priest says that means he’s still champion. But check it, here’s what McIntyre should do. McIntyre should choose to find a mirror, take a look at the reflection, and then blame “that a-hole.”

Priest will break it down for McIntyre more. Priest wanted to cash in on Rollins, he really did. Then he and McIntyre could’ve gone to war at WrestleMania. But McIntyre had to go and stop Priest multiple times. That is McIntyre’s fault. Wait, oh, and then, McIntyre explained to the world that if Priest was smart, he’d wait for McIntyre to beat Rollins, and then he’d cash in on McIntyre! And so what happened? That’s on McIntyre. But let’s go back to WrestleMania. McIntyre finally achieved his goal, and all he had to do was take his wife and leave, enjoy the moment. But what happened? Priest says he acted like an idiot.

McIntyre saw Punk, made Punk more important than himself, this title, and his wife. Oh, wait, let’s also not forget that McIntyre got whooped by a one-armed man. So yeah Priest cashed in! McIntyre’s elbow will heal, he’ll get cleared. He wants his shot at the world title? Fine, he’s got it! But check this out, McIntyre. Call Priest a paper champion all you want, but when Priest is done, McIntyre will eat his words. #ALLRISE to that. Priest drops the mic and leaves McIntyre seething. That seems to happen a lot to McIntyre these days. Will McIntyre make good on this shot now that he has it?


WWE share footage from just before the show.

Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark arrived at the same time as Damage CTRL. Iyo Sky gets Shayna’s attention, tells her off in Japanese, but Shayna shoves Iyo! Producers stepped in to keep this from getting physical, and DMG CTRL moved on. The Evil Genius and the Queen of Spades will have it out tonight, who takes one step closer to the throne?

Queen of the Ring Quarterfinals: Shayna Baszler VS Iyo Sky!

The moment Iyo’s in the ring, Shayna rushes up from outta nowhere and TOSSES her back out! The fans fire up as Iyo is learning not to give Shayna fuel for the fire! Shayna ROCKS Iyo, refs rush out here, and they keep Shayna from adding on! The Evil Genius needs to rethink her strategy fast while Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and the match is officially underway as Shayna whips Iyo to ropes. Iyo ducks ‘n’ waistlocks then redirects. Iyo ducks the boot, handsprings over Shayna’s back, then trips Shayna up! Iyo won’t stop, she basement dropkicks! The fans fire up as Iyo kips up! Iyo says she’ll wear the crown, then she runs up, but Shayna moves! Iyo slips out to the outside safe, but Shayna is on the apron! Iyo blocks the Penalty Kick, TRIPS Shayna up, and we get a QR Code before Iyo hurries back to the apron. Shayna stands, catches Iyo from the springboard, and HOTSHOTS her down! Shayna then goes up a corner, and she drags Iyo up by her arm!

The fans fire up for the HANGING WRISTLOCK! The ref counts, Shayna drops Iyo, and Iyo flops to the floor! Shayna goes out to get Iyo and whip her into barriers! Then into the apron! Then the barriers! The ring count climbs so Shayna SMACKS Iyo off the apron and puts her in the ring. Shayna slides in, Iyo scrambles back out, and Shayna is annoyed. Shayna goes out after Iyo to KICK her in the back! Shayna then opens the apron skirt and gets Iyo’s arm through the frame! Shayna BOOTS the arm, and she grins as Iyo writhes! The count climbs to 5 of 10, fans want tables, but that’s not this kind of match, Greenville.

Shayna puts Iyo in the ring, covers, TWO! Shayna clamps onto the bad arm and grinds it to a top wristlock. Shayna isolates that arm, lets her hair down, and the fans know what that means! But Iyo trips Shayna first! Shayna gets up, goes after the arm, but Iyo fires forearms! Iyo is free but Shayna shoves her. Things speed up and Iyo RANAS! Shayna tumbles, Iyo BUZZSAWS! The fans rally and duel while Iyo shakes out the bad arm. Iyo gets Shayna up, reels her in, underhooks, but Shayna wrenches out! Shayna headlocks but Iyo slips out the back to hammerlock. Shayna wrenches the arm again to hit SOLE FOOD!

Iyo staggers to a corner, Shayna runs up to KNEE! Shayna puts Iyo up top, climbs up after her, and the fans fire up! Shayna brings Iyo into a gut wrench, but Iyo fights with body shots! Shayna still tries but Iyo still fights the suplex! Iyo manages to SUSNET FLIP free! Iyo then SHOVES Shayna down! Shayna’s stuck in a Tree of Woe, the ref checks and helps her get free. Shayna goes to the floor but Iyo goes to the apron! ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit and down goes Shayna! The fans are fired up and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Shayna goes for an ARMBAR! Iyo stacks, TWO! SHOTEI!! Iyo fires forearms, puts Shayna in a corner, then fires off fast hands! The ref counts, Iyo lets off and she goes corner to corner, but is put on the apron! Shayna kicks, Iyo blocks, to HOTSHOT the leg! Shayna scrambles away, and Iyo takes aim again. Iyo springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! Shayna tumbles to ropes, Iyo runs up to DOUBLE KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Shayna survives but Iyo stays focused. Iyo steps on Shayna, goes up the corner, and OVER THE MOONSAULT! Iyo blocks Shayna’s boots! Iyo sits Shayna up, BUZZSAW!

Shayna wobbles, Iyo steps over, LA MAGISTROL, and bridge! TWO!! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!!! Iyo flails, reaches out, but Shayna shifts grips! Iyo rolls it back, pops free, and has a CROSSFACE!! Now Iyo makes Shayna suffer! Shayna fights up, pries free, dragon sleeper, BACKBREAKER! KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Iyo survives and Shayna is beside herself! “This is Awesome!” as Shayna aims from a corner., Shayna runs up, but Iyo blocks the kick! DRAGON SCREW! Shayna hobbles to a corner, Iyo runs in, SHINKANSEN! Then she puts Shayna in the drop zone, goes up top, OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Cover, Iyo wins!

Winner: Iyo Sky, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

And with that, The Evil Genius moves on to the semifinals! Jackie Redmond interviews Iyo in the ring, congratulating her on advancing. She faces either Zoey Stark or Lyra Valkyria, what can we expect? Iyo takes the mic, and in Japanese, she promises to be the Queen of the Ring, and then the WWE Women’s World Champion! The fans fire up for that! Will the Evil Genius soon become an evil queen?


The Judgment Day are in the clubhouse.

They finish playing darts, and JD McDonagh says should get bonus points for his grouping rather than his accuracy. Finn says to worry more about Braun Strowman than about a game. And wait, Carlito is in here? Priest steps in and asks what’s up. Dom says he knows Carlito and Priest have history, but now is a good time to work together. They all agree on a lot of things, right? They agree that Rey Mysterio is a selfish bastard, right? Right! They know that from when Rey gave away Carlito’s WrestleMania moment to Dragon Lee. But no one knows more than Dom.

But hey, Rhea Ripley is out, Dom is hurt. Carlito can be the crew’s extra muscle. Well, all he’s saying is, they can all benefit mutually from this arrangement. Priest says what Carlito is saying does sound good. If the boys want to work with him, fine. But as far as Priest is concerned, Carlito’s not welcomed. Carlito gets it. Priest doesn’t trust him. But he trusts the boys, right? Then Carlito will say this: the most stubborn minds can be changed, and maybe one day, they can all be amigos. Carlito leaves, will The Punisher come around to accepting Caribbean Cool?


The Alpha Academy meets backstage.

Chad Gable says, “Well here we are. On the cusp of my big Intercontinental Championship match in Saudi, and uh… Maxxine. What a weekend you had, huh? Out there, galivanting around, blowing opportunities in Queen of the Ring, embarrassing the Alpha Academy, it’s pathetic! You’ve learned nothing! fortunately, I’ve got a chance at redemption. Talked with Pearce, got a couple matches for you two.” Otis will face Bronson Reed while Tozawa will face… Wait, no. It should be Otis VS Sami Zayn! That’s what Gable needs! He needs his number one guy to soften up Sami for Saudi, but no funny business! No hips shaking, no Worm stuff. Be serious, Otis. You know what that means, right?

Otis says yes, sir. No matter what. But Gable wants him to say it louder. No matter what. Otis heads out, and Gable tells Tozawa he has a big opportunity tonight so don’t blow it. He’s taking on Bronson Reed, and Gable swears, if he sees that dance…! Let’s go. Gable leads Tozawa away and Maxxine stays behind. Ivy Nile finds Maxxine and asks why she didn’t mention that QOTR match. Ivy could’ve helped her prepare. Maxxine says she’s sorry, but Coach Gable doesn’t want her training outside The Academy anymore. What? Maxxine, you don’t have to put up with this. But then Gable comes back and asks what is going on. Go do something! Anything!

Maxxine hurries away and Gable says Ivy has talent. She even has potential. But a piece of advice: stop wasting time with “Taylor Not So Swift,” okay? That one’s free. Gable heads out and Ivy can’t even! But is The Academy only going to fail when put under so much pressure?


Backstage interview with The New Day.

Cathy Kelley is with Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods. Kofi did the unthinkable time and again in his career. He is preparing for Gunther tonight, how will he do the unthinkable again and win against Der Ring General? Kofi says not to toot his own horn, but he is quite familiar with the unthinkable. But tonight isn’t about that. Tonight is about payback! Tonight is giving Gunther what he deserves for what he did to Woods! Over the weekend, Kofi went toe to toe with the greatest luchador of all time in Rey Mysterio. And it reminded Kofi of a few things: there is no room for fear in that ring. There is no room for self doubt! And most of all, there’s no room for failure!

Kofi knows how much this all means to Woods. Woods says this is something Gunther will never understand. Everyone knows how dangerous Gunther is, but Gunther… King of the Ring is something that brings honor! Earning that title brings honor! Because of what Gunther did to him, Woods can’t go out there to defend that honor. But luckily, Woods knows someone who is an incredible candidate to go out there and beat the hell outta Gunther, and that is one of the greatest champions of all time in Kofi Kingston. Tonight, Kofi goes out there and shows Gunther exactly why… NEW! DAY ROCKS!


Samantha Irvin introduces Lilian Garcia!

The iconic ring announcer is back and the fans cheer! Samantha wants Lilian to help her do the honor of introducing this next match. Lilian says she would absolutely love to! It’d be amazing, the fans are amazing, Samantha is amazing! The fans cheer, Lilian says she is so proud of Samantha, and they hug it out. Lilian then says the following is a King of the Ring Quarterfinals Match scheduled for one fall! Kofi makes his entrance first, looks at the crown on display, but will he get to wear it at the end of all this? Or will Der Ring General make himself Der Konig des Ring?


Adam Pearce talks with R-Truth.

Does the Raw General Manager see what he’s saying? He does. Truth thinks they’ve got a great plan for these titles. Tonight’s gonna be hot as hell! Miz steps in and again says please talk to him before putting their titles on the line. Truth says their titles aren’t on the line. Pearce confirms, it wasn’t about that. But they do need #1 contenders, so tonight, the Raw Tag Division will be having a hell of an opportunity. Truth says tell ’em! Miz double checks, The Awesome Truth is not defending the belts? Then why’re they here? In steps Kiana James!

The newest member of the division says that while they spoke on the phone last week, she wants to reiterate that she is so looking forward to working with Adam Pearce. And she looks forward to leveraging this opportunity to prove she is The One Percent. Pearce appreciates that, and says if she needs anything at all, don’t hesitate to call. She never hesitates. She adjudicates. She does what in the workplace? Truth doesn’t even know if that’s PG. Pearce sighs, but what is cooking for the Raw Tag Division here?


King of the Ring Quarterfinals: GUNTHER VS Kofi Kingston!

Raw returns and Der Ring General makes his entrance. And then Kofi DROPKICKS him off the apron! The fans fire up, Kofi goes out after Gunther to fire off hands, then he gets in the ring to build speed! Kofi DIVES and takes Gunther down! Kofi fires more hands, Gunther gets loose, but Kofi DROPKICKS him into the apron! Kofi SLAMS Gunther’s leg against the apron! Kofi stomps that leg, all payback for Woods! But Gunther CHOPS back! The ref wants this in the ring, it isn’t even a match yet! Gunther whips, but Kofi goes up and up and SUPER CROSSBODIES! The fans fire up with Kofi and he keeps Gunther from getting away!

Kofi SLAMS the leg on the apron! Then he drags Gunther to a corner, to SLAM it into the post! Kofi storms into the ring, puts the leg around ropes and pulls! The ref reprimands, Kofi lets off, just to run and DROPKICK the leg! The fans are all fired up for KofiMania, and the bell rings! Gunther hobbles up, but he avoids Trouble in Paradise! GERMAN SUPLEX, but Kofi lands out! Kofi runs up to dropkick the legs! Gunther falls, Kofi goes to a corner! Kofi climbs, aims, and SUPER BOOM DROPS!! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives and Kofi scowls while the fans fire up! Gunther bails out, leans on the desk, but Kofi builds speed! Kofi DIVES, but into a clinch!

Gunther RAMS Kofi into the apron! Gunther seethes, drags Kofi up, and CHOPS him! Gunther then hits a BARRIER BACK SUPLEX! Kofi writhes, the ring count starts, but Gunther gets Kofi up. Gunther copies Randy Orton with a DESK BACK SUPLEX! Kofi writhes, Gunther refreshes the count, and he goes back for Kofi. Gunther gets Kofi’s legs as he stands on the desk, for a BOSTON CRAB! The ref reprimands and counts, Gunther lets off at 4 and the fans boo. Gunther goes to a HALF CRAB!! Kofi endures, the ref reprimands, but Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Gunther has Kofi in the ring. Gunther shoves but Kofi ROCKS Gunther! Kofi kicks at the bad leg, has Gunther in a corner, but Gunther turns things around to CHOP! The fans “WOO~!” for that one, but Gunther goes out to the apron to stomp Kofi back into the ring! Gunther taunts Kofi, kicks him around, and he brings Kofi up. Gunther whips Kofi to the corner hard, and Kofi falls to the mat! The fans rally with “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” but Gunther brings Kofi up. Kofi CHOPS! And CHOPS! And fires forearms! Kofi KICKS the bad leg, but Gunther scoops to SLAM him!

Gunther scowls, Kofi writhes, and Gunther knees on Kofi’s back. Gunther ties up the legs, even as the fans rally, but Gunther pulls Kofi into a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Kofi endures, pops free to a cover, TWO! Gunther BOOTS Kofi down! Gunther hobbles while Kofi flops on the ropes. Gunther looms over Kofi, drags him back around, and he eggs Kofi on. Kofi slowly rises, and he KICKS the bad leg! Kofi stands to KICK again! But Gunther CHOPS! Kofi storms up to JAWBREAKER! Kofi runs, but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Kofi writhes, Gunther shakes out the bad leg since he had to use it in the move, and the fans continue to rally.

Gunther drags Kofi around, and drops an ELBOW on the back! Gunther goes up a corner, to FALLING ELBOW DROP but misses as Kofi moves! The fans fire up with “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” as Kofi stands. Kofi KICKS the bad leg! And KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS, but Gunther blocks! Gunther CLUBS Kofi on the back, ripcords, but Kofi slips under! But Gunther turns SOS into gut wrench! Kofi slips free, Gunther hobbles, and Gunther runs into a PENDULUM KICK! Kofi goes up top, and CROSSBODIES! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Kofi stands, but Gunther trips him! BOSTON CRAB!!

Kofi endures, the fans freak out! Gunther puts pressure on the hold but Kofi slips under and kicks from below! Kick kicks the bad leg! Gunther hobbles away, swings, but into SOS!! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives and the fans rally again! “This is Awesome!” as Kofi goes to a corner. Kofi climbs up, and CROSS- NO, Gunther moves! Kofi staggers up, into a BLINDSIDE SHOTGUN! Gunther then ripcords Kofi to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Kofi survives and Gunther is a bit surprised, but the fans continue to rally. Gunther taunts Kofi, eggs him on, then drags him to a corner. Gunther pulls Kofi against the post!

The ref reprimands and counts, Gunther lets go at 4, and the fans boo. Gunther gets Kofi up, to GENERAL- RANA!! Kofi posts Gunther with that, and then runs up to TROUBLE IN PARADISE!! Both men are down on the outside and the ring count is climbing! Kofi crawls, drags himself up with the apron skirt, and slides in at 7! Gunther stands at 8 and hobbles around! Gunther is in at 9.5!! The fans can’t believe it, but the match continues! Kofi aims from a corner, Gunther stands, into TROUBLE IN- NO, Gunther avoids it again, to GENERAL BOMB!! High stack, TWO!! BOSTON CRAB!!! Gunther sits deep on the hold! Kofi TAPS, Gunther wins!!

Winner: Gunther, by submission (advances to the next round)

A fiery start but a miscalculation at the end, Kofi fails to avenge Woods’ injury! Gunther already claims the crown, but who will meet him in the semifinals?


Backstage interview with Lyra Valkyria.

Jackie Redmond is now with The Morrigan and asks how she’s feeling after last week’s big Raw debut. Not only did Lyra beat Dakota Kai, she came to the rescue for The Man, Becky Lynch. Lyra says what a perfect way to kickstart her rise to the top! And, to also send a message at the same time. DMG CTRL better get used to seeing Lyra, because she’s here to stay. And any time Becky needs a little Irish back-up, Lyra will be there. Speaking of, Becky steps in to thank Lyra for it! Great to have her on Raw! Becky wants Lyra to go crush it later tonight! Fighting Irish, ‘ey? Jackie says Becky’s the best, huh?

But to the match, Lyra faces Zoey Stark, how has she been preparing? Well, Zoey and Lyra have never gone 1v1 but- In steps Liv Morgan. Liv “doesn’t mean” to interrupt, but she just wanted to say hi and to congratulate Lyra, and says she’ll have so much fun here. Oh, uh, thanks, Liv. That’s really nice of you. Liv does want to say one thing, though. Has Becky always been such a b*tch? Lyra tells Liv to ask her directly. Becky circled back around to get behind Liv! Liv turns around, they both smile, and then Becky BOPS Liv right in the mouth! Becky says she’s not the one scared of a face-to-face fight, b*tch!

Becky heads out for real this time, but Liv seems to smirk. Will this revenge tour hit the Big Time as hard as the Big Time hit her?


Kofi returns backstage.

He’s definitely hurting, but then Karrion Kross finds him! Kross tells Kofi that was a “tough loss.” But don’t worry, there’s always time to turn things around. Kross leaves, Woods finds Koi and gives him an icepack. What did Kross want? Kofi isn’t sure. But will Mr. Doomsday make his intentions clear sooner rather than later?


Akira Tozawa w/ Chad Gable VS Bronson Reed!

The Alpha Academy is having to deal with major tests, all because Master Gable wants his opponents worn out before the Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat. Will the Stamina Monster find a way to bring down the Colossal Aussie? Or will it just be disappointment after disappointment for Gable?

The bell rings, Bronson runs in but Tozawa dodge! Tozawa fires off fists, but Bronson TOSSES Tozawa to a corner! Tozawa BOOTS Bronson, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then slides under to SUPERKICK! Gable keeps on shouting how this is what happens when you listen to him! Tozawa spins, but Bronson ducks the kick, only for the SPIN KICK to hit on the second try! Tozawa hurries up top, MISSILE DROPKICKS, and Bronson actually falls! The fans fire up and Tozawa rips the shirt open! Gable gets mad, no fan pandering! That’s not what he taught Tozawa! Tozawa goes up, leaps, but Bronson catches him!

Bronson pops Tozawa up into a fireman’s carry, and a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Tozawa is dazed, Bronson puts him in the drop zone! Gable says Tozawa’s an idiot, this is not on him! TSUNAMI!! Cover, Bronson wins!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall

Well, whether or not Tozawa’s failure is on Gable’s hands, he has a big fight on his hands in two weeks. Will Gable fail his own greatest test in that Triple Threat?


Imperium regroups backstage.

Ludwig Kaiser says that was impressive out there, but then Cathy Kelley walks over. She excuses the intrusion but Gunther says sorry, no interview today. Kaiser scolds Cathy. The first thing when he comes out of there, she bothers him? After winning, he has to answer questions? What’re we doing here? Cathy says there’s no denying the momentum, but she did want to address his history with the remaining competitors in this tournament. The last time Gunther faced Ilja Dragunov, Ilja won. And Gunther’s win over Jey Uso was partially because of Jimmy Uso interfering. And then last week, Kaiser had to help Gunther against Sheamus.

Kaiser asks Cathy, “Who’re we talking about here? We are talking about Der Ring General, we are talking about the most successful, the longest reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Campion in history! 666 DAYS! Gunther does not have to prove anything to anyone around here. Is that clear?” And she brought up Sheamus. If anyone out there actually believes, if Sheamus himself thinks he lost because of Kaiser, then they must be delusional! But Sheamus has had a legendary career, no problem admitting that. But one thing he’s never achieved is beating Gunther 1v1. Never happened, never will.

In fact, Sheamus should be standing here next to Kaiser thanking him, because Kaiser saved Sheamus last week! If Sheamus has a problem with that, then Kaiser will be the guy to put Sheamus out of his misery! Kaiser will expose and embarrass Sheamus in front of the whole wide world! We’re done here. Kaiser follows after Gunther, but is the Impeccable German perhaps getting ahead of himself when it comes to the Celtic Warrior?


Backstage interview with Adam Pearce.

Jackie Redmond is now with the Raw GM, and wants to talk this big announcement he has for the tag division. But first in steps New Catch Republic! Tyler Bate has to usher Pete Dunne along, and then he apologizes to everyone for the interruption. He just wants to thank Pearce for this great opportunity here on Raw to show some unbelievable tekkers. Well, Pearce appreciates that and wishes them luck. They head out, and Pearce says the Draft is behind us, the roster has a new look, and it is a new era. That means new opportunities. Tonight, he put together a Fatal 4 Way to determine new #1 contenders to the World Tag Team Championships.

So obvious, New Catch Republic, VS Authors of Pain VS The Creed Brothers VS Finn Balor & JD McDonagh. The winners get their shot at The Awesome Truth. Jackie loves it! Opportunity is in the air, but also, while she has him, she wants to ask Pearce why Bron Breakker, a top pick in the Draft, wasn’t in the KOTR. Can he explain that decision? Well isn’t she a broadcast journalist. Pearce already talked with Bron last week. Bron has unlimited potential, anyone with eyes can see it, but the guy son this roster have earned spots at the highest levels. Pearce explained this to Bron, didn’t wanna shove him into the deep end.

But wait, here comes Bron. “The deep end,” huh? Bron will explain this to Pearce now: Bron’s opponents, when it comes to KOTR, he wouldn’t have been in the deep end with them, they would’ve been in that deep end with him. And Bron would’ve dragged them all under and watched them drown, while he smiled. Bron should’ve been in the damn thing. Bron storms out, Pearce is a bit stunned, but will the Big Bad Booty Nephew prove he’s a genetic freak and he’s not normal?


Queen of the Ring Quarterfinals: Lyra Valkyria VS Zoey Stark!

A former NXT Women’s Champion faces off with a former NXT Women’s Tag Team Champion, and it is truly a glimpse at the bright future of the Raw Women’s Division. But will The Morrigan soar to new heights as she steps closer to the crown? Or will the Hunter take down her prey as she builds her legacy?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Zoey powers Lyra back but Lyra puts her in the corner. Lyra lets off, Zoey shoves her, so Lyra shoves back! Lyra dodges the lariat to headlock, but Zoey powers out. Lyra goes up and over, handsprings, then arm-drags Zoey! Lyra then dodges Zoey to go up and up and FLYING ELBOW! Another arm-drag, and Lyra has the armlock! Zoey fights up, powers Lyra to ropes and KNEES low! Zoey pie faces Lyra, whips, but Lyra ducks ‘n’ dodges. Lyra then jumps up to RANA Zoey out of the ring! The fans fire up as Lyra goes to the apron, but Zoey blocks the kick! Lyra kicks free, leaps, but Zoey dodges!

Zoey runs up to LARIAT Lyra down! The fans boo but Zoey soaks it up as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Lyra flounders. Zoey springboards in to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Zoey mocks Lyra’s posing, flexes on her, then clamps onto Lyra with a cravat. Lyra endures the neck wrench, Zoey shouts at Pat McAfee to put her dropkick over, but Lyra fights up. The fans rally as Lyra fires body shots, but Zoey fires forearms and elbows! Zoey kicks the legs out, then pushes Lyra around. Zoey runs, but Lyra avoids the knee to ghost pin! TWO, and both women stand up! Lyra blocks a shot to ROCK Zoey! And ROCK! SOBAT! KICK! ENZIGIRI! Zoey tumbles out of the ring and the fans fire up!

Lyra builds speed and WRECKS Zoey with a dropkick! Lyra puts Zoey in fast, goes up a corner, and CROSSBODIES! Lyra pushes Zoey around, gets her up, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Zoey stays in this but Lyra stays focused. The fans rally behind Lyra and she drags Zoey up. Lyra fireman’s carries, but Zoey slips free to waistlock. Lyra switches, Zoey elbows out! Zoey CLUBS Lyra, KICKS the legs out, then runs up, but Lyra ducks the kick! Lyra kips up but Zoey ducks the enzigiri to SUPERKICK! And then HALF ‘N’ HALF! Cover, TWO! Lyra survives and Zoey is losing her cool! Zoey storms to a corner, says she’s done!

Zoey climbs, DIVING- NO, Lyra moves and Zoey rolls through! But Lyra hits a WHEEL KICK! And then she reels Zoey in, TORNADO- NO, Zoey stops that to snap suplex into the buckles! Cover, TWO!! Lyra survives again and Zoey is furious! Zoey pie faces and pushes Lyra around, then she drags her up. Zoey SLAPS Lyra, Lyra SLAPS back! The fans fire up and Zoey SUPERKICKS again! Zoey scoops, Z 3- NO, Lyra blocks and fireman’s carries, into the NIGHTWING DRIVER!! Cover, Lyra wins!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

And now Raw’s half of the semifinals are set! Jackie interviews Lyra in the ring, saying she is making quite the first impression! Congratulations on moving on in the QOTR! Anything she’d like to say to Iyo ahead of their match? Lyra asks back if they wanna know why she’s so confident. Lyra speaks in Gaelic, then says you’ll find out what that means later. But she will say that she is Lyra Valkyria, the former NXT Women’s Champion, and she travels as the crow flies: straight to the top! The fans fire up as The Morrigan and the Evil Genius are set to collide! Who will own the skies and fly right to the finals?


Jey Uso speaks.

“Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Drew McIntyre couldn’t cut it, so they put ya boi in the King of the Ring tournament! Last week, Finn Balor got the YEET down! Tonight, though, the newcomer, Ilja Dragunov, welcome to Mon-Jey Night Raw, Uce! But you gonna get this work, too! Just like next week, Da Ring General, Gunther, YEET down. And then I’m gonna get a new crown, where it’s gonna go down, where I become the NEW King of the Ring. YEET!” Main Event Jey is ready for said main event, but will he be able to slay the Mad Dragon?


Otis w/ Chad Gable VS Sami Zayn!

Tozawa failed to slow Bronson Reed down by even a step, but now the Academy’s number one guy steps up to the Intercontinental Champion himself! Will this tree trunk fall on Sami and ruin his run up to the KQOTR event? Or will the Great Liberator help show the Academy’s ways aren’t working?

Raw returns as The Academy makes their entrance. The bell rings, Sami and Otis tie up, and Otis powers Sami to a corner., Sami gets free to fire off forearms! Otis puts Sami back in the corner to CLUB away on him! The fans boo but Gable cheers. The ref counts, Otis lets off, and Otis whips Sami to ropes. WRECKER ELBOW! Otis huffs and puffs and Gable says that’s the one he’s been looking for! Sami goes to a corner, Otis runs in to SPLASH! Sami flops and Otis is tempted. The fans want it, Pat wants it, but Gable says don’t do it! Otis starts getting that motor running but Gable tells him no! Otis really wants to, though!

Gable says NO, slow that roll! Otis listens… TO HIS HEART! He rips the shirt open, does the CATERPILLAR and ELBOW DROPS! The fans fire up but Gable is furious! Otis looks at Gable shouting at him, and he goes up the corner as told. VADER BOMB FLOPS! Sami now takes aim, and runs in to HELLUVA KICK!! Cover, Sami wins!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall

Okay, that one was on Gable. If he’d just let Otis be Otis, Otis would’ve won, the whole point of this match! Gable storms into the ring to berate Otis, but the fans boo. Gable SLAPS Otis?! Sami rushes back into the ring to go after Gable! CORNER EXPLODER! The fans are thunderous as Sami then runs up, but Gable bails out! Otis helps Gable up, even though he doesn’t deserve it, and Gable shakes Otis off. Gable doesn’t want Otis’ help! Gable blames Otis for all this, and then SLAPS Otis again!! Gable storms off, just how much more abuse is Otis going to put up with?


Braun Strowman talks with The Creed Brothers.

The Monster Among Men just wants to let Julius & Brutus know, they have a hell of an opportunity. It has been a lot of fun watching them make a name for themselves here on Raw, they’ve got a hecc of a future ahead of them. And just check the pipes on Ivy, she could give Braun a run for his money. But then JD calls Strowman out. Braun asks what JD wants, and JD says Braun got in their business. And? Here on Raw, Judgment Day doesn’t appreciate people sticking their nose in their business. Braun chuckles. What’s JD gonna do about it? JD says he should consider himself warned. JD storms off and Braun chuckles. He’s been warned~!

But anyway, Braun wishes The Creeds good luck in the Fatal 4 Way. Will Julius & Brutus make it through to then reach The Awesome Truth?


Becky Lynch VS Dakota Kai w/ Damage CTRL!

The Women’s World Champion got even with Liv Morgan for leaving her high and dry, but now she’s going to settle things with #CobraKai for picking the fight in the first place. Will Dakota see what happens when The Man comes around? Or will she be ready for The Big Time?

The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally up, the two start shoving, and then Becky dodges a shot to ROCK Dakota! Becky stomps away on Dakota in a corner, lets off as the ref counts, then runs back in. Dakota boots but Becky blocks to ELBOW Dakota! Becky bumps Dakota off buckles, brings her around, and bumps her off more buckles! And then off buckles in the third corner! Becky dribbles Dakota off the buckle, then lets off as the ref counts. Dakota bails out, Becky builds speed, and Becky WRECKS Dakota with a dropkick! Becky goes to the apron, and then hits a FLYING FOREARM! Dakota falls again, but Becky gets her up.

Becky SMACKS Dakota off the apron, brings her around, and SMACKS her off more apron. Becky puts Dakota in, storms up but Dakota shoulders in. Becky KICKS Dakota in the ropes, ROUNDHOUSES her away, but Iyo runs up! Becky BOOTS Iyo, then Becky goes up a corner. Kairi is there to distract Becky, and Dakota BOOTS Becky! Dakota THROWS Becky off the top, then storms over to stomp her! Dakota puts Becky on ropes to CHOKE! The ref counts, Dakota lets off, and she taunts Becky as she hits buckle bumps in return! Dakota counts along with her dribbling, but Becky hits back to bump Dakota off buckles!

Becky whips, Dakota reverses, but Becky reverses again! Dakota dodges, runs around the world, and BOOTS Becky down! Dakota stomps Becky, drags her up, and clamps on a chinlock! Becky endures as Dakota squeezes tight, and the fans rally up. Becky fights up, arm-drags free, but then Dakota blocks a boot! Becky ENZIGIRIS! Dakota goes to a corner, Becky runs up but only gets buckles. Dakota tries going Around the World again but Becky dodges! JUMP KICK! Both women are down and the fans fire up as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Dakota drags Becky up to a fireman’s carry. Becky slips free, waistlocks, and O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Dakota has the roll-up, TWO! Becky stands, Dakota kicks and TOSSES her to the apron! Dakota puts Becky in ropes to JUMP STOMP her down! Cover, TWO! Becky survives and Dakota is furious! Dakota rises, tells Becky to get up, and then Dakota runs in, but Becky BOOTS back! Dakota ROCKS Becky, runs again, but Becky runs! Dakota sees that and ROCKS Becky again! But Becky runs up, into an ELBOW! Dakota whips, Becky reverses, and now Dakota’s on the apron! But Dakota RAMS into Becky!

Dakota drags Becky into ropes, but Becky avoids the stomp! She gets Dakota in the ropes to ROCK, UPPERCUT and SOBAT! Becky goes up the corner, GUILLOTINE LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Dakota stays in this and DMG CTRL is relieved. The fans rally up as Becky and Dakota stir. Becky slaps herself to get that fire back, and she storms up on Dakota. Clinch and- NO, Dakota slips free, shoves and BOOTS in the corner! Becky falls, Dakota covers, TWO!! Becky survives and Dakota is losing her mind! Dakota goes back to the corner, climbs up, but Becky trips her up first! Becky now climbs and the fans rally!

Dakota CLUBS Becky, Becky hits back! They brawl up top, Becky CLUBS away and then brings Dakota up! The fans fire up for the SUPERPLEX! And then ARMBAR! Dakota flails, fights around, stacks, TWO! Becky pops Dakota into a cradle, TWO! Dakota high stacks, ONE!! DISARM-HER! DMG CTRL ATTACKS!!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by disqualification

The fans boo as Iyo & Kairi beat Becky down, but here comes Lyra! Lyra did say she’d have Becky’s back so here she is! ENZIGIRI for Dakota! ENZIGIRI for Kairi! Iyo and Lyra stare down, but Iyo swings first! Lyra ducks, Becky CLOBBERS Iyo! The fans fire up as the Irish lasses kick some asses, but then Liv runs in to POST Becky!! Liv runs away, but this blindside only proves Becky right! Will Liv do whatever she has to in order to get that Women’s World Championship? Will Becky do what she must to put Liv in her place?


Backstage interview with Ilja Dragunov.

Jackie is now with The Mad Dragon and says last week, he kicked off the tournament with a thrilling victory over Ricochet. Tonight is a quarterfinal match with Main Event Jey in the main event, what is Ilja’s mindset going in? Dragunov says some believe it is a dream, or destiny, to be here. To be in this spot, to feel a moment like this. But for Dragunov, it is not enough just to be here. He is here to make an impact night in and night out, and it starts with him becoming The Czar of the Ring! Last week, he and Ricochet pushed themselves to the absolute limits! And when it was time to strike, Dragunov took it!

Dragunov promises to bring the same fight to the Main Event, Jey Uso, tonight! And Dragunov knows Jey is ready for a battle. But what is waiting on the other side is a different kind of animal. One only a few have beaten. But Dragunov is more than a different kind of animal. He is a different kind of DRAGON! Dragunov beat Gunther! And so Dragunov and Gunther have a long history together. But one thing is for sure, it is NOT over! And wait, Gunther steps in! Gunther smirks a bit as he looks Dragunov over. Gunther leaves, will he end up with an even better look in the semifinals?


WWE World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: New Catch Republic VS Authors of Pain VS The Creed Brothers VS Finn Balor & JD McDonagh!

Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne, Akam & Rezar, Julius & Brutus, The Prince & The Irish Ace. This is a star-studded match to be sure, but only one team can make it through! Who defies the odds to head for The Awesome Truth?

Raw returns and speaking of The Awesome Truth, they’re ringside to watch this in person! New Catch Republic make their entrance now, followed by The Creeds, and that leaves The Final Testament to make theirs last but certainly not least. For this Fatal 4 Way, only two teams are legal at a time, so The Big Strong Boi steps to Finn. They circle, feel things out, and Finn kicks low! Finn CLUBS Bate, bumps him off buckles, then ROCKS him. Tag to JD, he stomps Bate a few times, then snapmares. Bate is up but JD trips him. JD stomps Bate in the stomach, but Bate reaches up to twist and headscissor hold JD!

Bate handstand walks his way to the corner, tag to The Bruiserweight, and Bate RANAS! NCR double whip JD, then double back drop! The fans fire up, Dunne keeps JD from Finn and bends the fingers! JD suffers, the fans fire up, and Dunne isolates that arm to STOMP it! JD writhes but Dunne brings him up to wrench. JD ROCKS Dunne, Julius tags in! Julis tags Brutus, they KNEE JD back and forth! Then they DOUBLE GUTBUSTER! The Creeds double whip JD, but JD holds ropes to BOOT them both away! Akam CLOBBERS JD, then Rezar CLOBBERS The Creeds! Akam BLASTS Finn, Rezar SPINEBUSTERS Bate! Akam scoops and SLAMS Dunne onto Bate!

The fans boo but the AOP just shout at everyone. AOP get JD up to DOUBLE HIP TOSS him out onto everyone else! The fans boo but the Authors of Pain are all fired up as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Finn fires off hands on Brutus in the corner. The fans boo but Finn soaks up the heat. Tag to JD, JD stomps Brutus down, then he tags Finn back in. The Judgment Day gets Brutus up but then they sucker punch NCR! The fans boo again but JD & Finn turn around, into DOUBLE LARIATS from Brutus! The fans rally as Brutus crawls for his corner, Finn goes to the other wat. Hot tag to Julius, Finn runs up into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Julius kips up to OVERHEAD SUPLEX JD! Julius kips up to DROPKICK Akam, and he DECKS Rezar! JD & Finn mug Julius, double whip, but Juilus reverse sto reel them in! DOUBLE NORTHERN LIGHTS!

Julius kips up, the fans fire up, and Awesome Truth are in awe as Julius STANDING SHOOTING STARS! JD hurries over but Juilus oves, the ax handle hits Finn! Julius TOSSES JD out, but Finn rolls Julius up! TWO, and Finn aims form a corner! SLINGBLADE! Finn aims again, to SHOTGUN Julius down! Finn hurries up top but that’s the AOP corner! NCR CLOBBER Finn first, fight off AOP, but then Dunne ASAI MOONSAULTS Akam, Bate ASAI MOONSAULTS Rezar! Julius gets Finn for a SUPER DUPER PLEX!! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up as Julius hurries to get Finn up. Tag to Brutus, and Julius Electric Chair Lifts!

JD saves Finn and shoves Julius into Brutus! AOP get in to attack Judgment Day! “This is Awesome!” as we get a SUPER COLLIDER!! Bate & Dunne DOUBLE GAMANGIRI Akam! Then they DOUBLE FOREARM Rezar! Akam returns, grabs both of them and he SHOVES NCR up and out! Akam gets Brutus up but Brutus lifts Akam! SAIDO!! The fans fire up with Brutus and he goes up a corner. Bate tags in before the BRUTUS BALL!! Brutus takes out the AOP and Dunne, but Bate aims at Akam! REBOUNDER, and fireman’s carry!! For an AIRPLANE SPIN!! Around and around and around we go, and the fans fire up for the THROW!

But Finn gets Bate for a roll-up! TWO!! Bate says Bop up, BANG! Dunne tags in, NCR get Finn for a DOUBLE TYLER DRIVER!! Cover, JD breaks it!! The fans boo but Bate builds speed to DIVE and take out JD into the desk! Dunne hurries after JD, to rain down fists of fury! The fans are thunderous, but then CARLITO attacks Dunne! BACKSTABBER on the desk!! Caribbean Cool helps out his amigos, and JD HEADBUTTS Bate! JD puts Dunne in, Finn goes up top! COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Judgment Day wins!!

Winners: Finn Balor & JD McDonagh, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the World Tag Team Championships)

Finn grins at Miz & Truth, because here we go again! Finn also nods to Carlito for the assist, is Carlito going to win the Judgment Day over the way JD once did? Will it be even better when Finn & JD bring the tag titles back to the Judgment Day?


Ricochet finds Ilja Dragunov backstage.

The One and Only says he just wants to show respect for the match last week. That was one hell of a fight. And the next time this happens, Ricochet promises the outcome will be different. But as far as tonight goes, he wishes Dragunov good luck, and to go get the crown. Will the Czar do just that? Or will we all hail #KingYEET?


Judgment Day regroups backstage.

Priest talks Dom’s new facial hair with him, but then gets serious. Are Dom and Rhea good? Yeah, why does he ask? But then Finn & JD step in, celebrating with Carlito! Big assist to have the #1 contendership, they’re getting those tag titles! But Priest doesn’t look happy, and Carlito says he gest it. He’s not wanted. But then Priest tells Carlito that what happened out there… was cool. He said it! Priest then tells Carlito that he brought up Rey Mysterio. The boys will have his back, but Carlito can handle his business, right? Of course! Good. Because the crew doesn’t roll with cowards. Don’t let them down, amigo.

Priest heads out, Carlito says no one’s scared of Rey. But they all celebrate winning Priest over, will Caribbean Cool bring down the King of Lucha Libre?


King of the Ring Quarterfinals: Jey Uso VS Ilja Dragunov!

Raw returns and Dragunov makes his entrance. The bell rings and the fans “YEET! YEET! YEET!” as Jey circles with Dragunov. They tie up, go around, and Jey puts Dragunov in a corner. Dragunov turns it around, but lets off slowly. The fans chant for “UCE! OH!” but Jey ducks the backhand! Dragunov blocks a haymaker to CHOP! And CHOP! Jey shoves, kicks, but Dragunov blocks! And he ducks the Dragon Whip! Jey stagger sup, into a SPINNING CHOP! The fans rally but Dragunov says he will be the CZAR of the Ring! Jey goes to a corner, Dragunov runs up to KNEE him down! Dragunov then pushes Jey down, goes up, and KING KONG KNEE DROPS!

Dragunov fires up, fans are torn, and Dragunov goes up a corner. But Jey gets up to UPPERCUT first! Dragunov tumbles to the apron then the floor, and Jey builds speed! Jey DIVES and Dragunov hits the desk! Both men fall and the fans fire up! A standing count starts, but fans chant “YEET! YEET! YEET!” as Jey gets Dragunov up. Jey fireman’s carries, but Dragunov slips free and JUMP KICKS! Jey falls, Dragunov refreshes the count, and he fires up again! The fans are torn but they like him clearing off the desk! Dragunov brings Jey up to CHOP him onto the desk! Dragunov then positions Jey just right, and goes up the barriers!

The fans fire up as Dragunov aims, to H-BOMB only desk! Jey avoids disaster and Dragunov clutches his hand! Jey slides into the ring but slides right back out, to SPEAR Dragunov over the desk!! The fans are thunderous while both men are down and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Dragunov has Jey caught with a COBRA TWIST! Jey endures, pries at the hold, and the fans rally up. Jey hip tosses free! Both men are down and the fans rally again. Jey rises and he aims at Dragunov. Jey runs up to ROCK him with a haymaker! Dragunov wobbles, but he comes back to ROCK Jey! Jey ROCKS Dragunov, “YEET!” Dragunov drops to a knee, but he rises to CHOP! Jey UPPERCUTS, “YEET!” Jey shoves Dragunov, Dragunov CHOPS back! Dragunov fires boxing elbows, then winds up, but Jey counter punches! And again! And again! “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey pops, locks ‘n’ puts stank on it to DECK Dragunov!

The fans fire up, Jey kicks but Dragunov blocks! The DRAGON WHIP hits this time! Dragunov falls, Jey has the fans fire up with a “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey runs corner to corner, but Dragunov BOOTS him down! Dragunov stalks Jey, Jey rises, and Dragunov waistlocks! GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov holds on and says Jey’s not going anywhere! Dragunov hauls Jey up, to GERMAN SUPLEX again! Dragunov still holds on, but Jey fights with elbows! Jey arm-drags free, and mule kicks! Then UPERCUTS! But Dragunov springs up to PELE! Dragunov runs, CONSTANTINE SPECIAL! Cover, TWO!! Jey survives and Dragunov is stunned!

The fans rally, “This is Awesome!” as both men rise. Dragunov shakes his head, he storms up on Jey in a corner, and he CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! The fans “WOO~!” as Dragunov MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Dragunov then scrapes his boot on Jey’s face! And again! Dragunov runs side to side, to BOOT WASH! Dragunov snarls and he drags Jey back up. Dragunov waistlocks, but Jey fights the hold! Jey switches, shoves, CONSTANTINE- BOOT! Jey then SUPERKICKS! SUPERKICK again! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives but Jey keeps cool. Jey’s ear is bleeding from where the earring is, but he doesn’t let it bother him.

Jey aims from a corner, runs up, but into a KNEE! Dragunov runs up to KNEE Jey down! Dragunov then drags Jey up, reels him in, and POWERBOMBS! Dragunov goes to a corner, takes aim, and H-BOMBS!! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov couldn’t keep Jey down from the pain in his hand, but now he reloads! “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” TORPEDO MOS- SPEAR!! Jey hurries up top to USO SPLASH!! Cover, JEY WINS!!

Winner: Jey Uso, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Dragunov brought out the intensity, and Jey managed to match it! And that means Jey will be facing Gunther in the semifinals in Greensboro! And speaking of, Gunther makes his way out here! He gives a look to Dragunov, then steps into the ring with Jey. The fans fire up as Jey and Gunther have a stare down! Will Der Ring General catch this YEET down? Or will nothing stop Gunther from heading for the crown?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for Raw, and they really gave each of these quarterfinal matches the room to breathe and really get going. Great use of recording the superstar arrivals to add to story this time, with Iyo getting at Shayna for Shayna to then get at her right before the match. Great promo segment from Lyra, Liv and Becky, really good match from Lyra VS Zoey. Really good match from Becky VS Dakota, but it was a little sloppy in the middle. Perhaps just simple miscommunication. Those two haven’t faced off much, they just needed to get a rhythm. Good move having Becky win by DQ, and then good move of Liv getting back at Becky for the punch. Iyo VS Lyra next week is going to be awesome, Becky VS Liv is going to be wild stuff for KQOTR.

The King of the Ring matches were also great. Kofi & Woods had a really good promo going into Kofi’s match with Gunther, which was awesome. Gunther winning out made sense, though, given who was on the other side of the bracket. Great promo from Kaiser running down Sheamus, and you can bet Sheamus comes back to Brogue Kaiser in the face. Good promo from Jey to call out Gunther and Dragunov, good promo from Dragunov, and great little bit of Gunther during Dragunov’s segment. Awesome main event match, and while Gunther VS Dragunov would’ve been awesome, it’ll still be awesome later on so let’s get the awesome rematch of Gunther VS Jey now. That match could really go either way, SmackDown’s bracket will also go a long way to figuring this out.

And we still got great non-tournament content going towards KQOTR. Great promo from McIntyre to call out Punk, because I just knew he’d spin Punk calling him out around like that. Great stuff from Priest, too, as McIntyre again gets the truth thrown in his face and can’t reply in the moment. Great stuff with Judgment Day wanting to have Carlito join up and all that, and I did not think Carlito would make a move to earn his place so soon. That Fatal 4 Tag was awesome stuff, but it made a lot of sense for JD & Finn to win their shot at the tag titles. I hope Awesome Truth find a way to retain, they’ve been too fun as a team to lose these belts already.

Good little promo from Braun with The Creeds and JD. Braun being the “Monster” is sure being a nice guy right now, but he’ll definitely pulverize JD at some point. All this Wyatt 6 teasing, I wonder if Braun’s being a nice guy all to “swerve” us and reveal he’s one of the masterminds behind what’s coming. And really good stuff with the Intercontinental Championship story. Gable keeps taking his anger all out on The Academy, and that is the real reason they’ve been failing. I almost thought Gable slapping Otis was gonna be the last straw, but perhaps The Academy standing up to Gable is why he loses at KQOTR. It’ll definitely be a great moment as the fans are definitely behind Otis on this. Otis has been doing good stuff for a long time, he deserves to have something.

My Score: 8.8/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (7/26/24)




Who will be waiting in the wings for the AEW World Champion?

In the wake of Blood & Guts, twenty men compete in the Royal Rampage battle royal! But who will stand tall at the end as the next #1 contender?


  • Fatal 4 Way Tag: Private Party VS The Righteous VS The Outrunners VS Rush & Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis; win(s).
  • Lance Archer VS ???
  • Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway VS Leila Grey; wins.
  • Royal Rampage: ??? wins and will challenge for the AEW World Championship at AEW Grand Slam.


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; Knight wins.
  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: The Bloodline wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.


Nick Aldis is on the phone.

He has a lot going on, but he’ll call back. The Bloodline steps up, and Aldis says sorry, given their actions last week with Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens that gave Tonga Loa an eye injury, Loa is not cleared to compete. So unfortunately, The Bloodline must forfeit their spot in the tag team gauntlet. Tama Tonga asks what Aldis just said, but Aldis says he heard just fine. Forfeit? They ain’t forfeiting nothing! Solo Sikoa has Tama stand down. And he appreciates Aldis’ concern, but The Bloodline is not forfeiting. Understood? Loa is part of The Bloodline, but so is Jacob Fatu! So instead, it will be Tama Tonga & Jacob Fatu in that match. If that’s okay with Aldis.

Aldis says it is, actually. They’re still in. Solo tells Fatu to bring those titles back home. Solo wants all the titles on SmackDown. The Samoan Werewolf steps up to replace The Silverback, will any of the other teams survive that match now?


LA Knight heads to gorilla.

And he tells the cameras, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” The Mega Star says we’re making a pitstop before SummerSlam. Santos Escobar couldn’t remember how many times he’s been dropped on his head by Knight, so Knight will be the professor, class is in session, and we’ll teach Santos some history. Then in Cleveland, Logan Paul isn’t learning math, he isn’t learning statistics or English. But he will be taught what it’s like to get his keister kicked in by the Mega Star! YEAH! And no matter what class, the curriculum is always the same, with everybody saying… L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!! Knight makes his way out, will he be rolling into SummerSlam? Or will Santos pass the test?

LA Knight VS Santos Escobar w/ Elektra Lopez!

The bell rings, Santos runs up but Knight dodges to JAB! JAB! JAB! Santos headlocks, Knight powers out but Santos runs him over. Things speed up, and Knight hip tosses! And then arm-drags! Knight has the armlock, the fans rally, but santos fights up. Santos pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but santos puts Knight in a corner. Santos whips, Knight reverses to WRING the arm and drop a leg on it! Knight wrenches and YANKS the arm again and again. “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight whips, then ELBOWS Santos down! The fans fire up with Knight and he RAMS Santos into a corner. Knight climbs up to rain down fists!

Fans “YEAH!” all the way to seven times before Santos YANKS Knight down! Santos kicks and stomps Knight in the corner. The fans boo but Lopez mocks Knight’s “yapping.” Santos CHOPS LARIATS Knight! Santos CHOP LARIATS again, then reels him in for a snap suplex! Santos stands up, brings Knight up to SLAM him down, then he steps through for a SHARPSHOOTER! Knight scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Knight then stands to fire off haymakers! Knight whips, and he LARIATS Santos down! Knight brings Santos up but Santos drop toeholds him into ropes! Santos distracts the ref and Lopez SLAPS Knight!

Santos runs in to 619! A shot taken at Rey Mysterio, and Santos soaks up the heat while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Santos DOUBLE KNEES Knight in a corner! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed but he clamps on a cobra clutch. The fans rally as Knight endures. Knight fights up, throws body shots, then runs, to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Knight whips, Santos reverses and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed again and he stalks Knight to a corner. Santos says this is not Knight’s game, it’s Santos’s! Santos rains down fists in the corner but lets off as the ref counts. Santos soaks up heat, but Knight ELBOWS him back! Knight whips Santos hard to a corner, then SHOVES him in!

Knight stomps a mudhole, “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight goes corner to corner to KNEE Santos down! Knight whips, Santos reverses but Knight ducks the lariat to kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Santos stays in this, Lopez coaches him, but Knight is on him first. Knight lifts Santos to a torture rack, but Lopez slides in! The ref stops her, that distracts Knight, and he lets Santos down. Lopez backs off as Knight storms over, and Knight goes back for Santos. Santos ELBOWS Knight! Santos runs, but into a POP-UP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down! Lopez again gets on the apron but the ref tells her to stop.

And here comes LOGAN PAUL! ONE LUCKY- NO, Knight dodges to LARIAT! Logan falls, but Santos SUPERKICKS! Santos brings Knight around, fireman’s carry, PHANTOM- NO, Knight slips free to B F T! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

But then Logan CLOBBERS Knight after all! The fans boo as the Maverick stomps away on Knight! Logan drags Knight up, but Knight RAMS him into a corner! Knight stomps away on Logan now, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight runs corner to corner, but Santos KNEES Knight down! The Emperor helps the champ up, and they beat Knight down together! Then Santos drags Knight into the drop zone for Logan as he goes up top. Logan FROG SPLASHES Knight! The fans boo but Logan soaks it up. Logan leaves Knight down and out, but will Knight be the one leaving The Land with the gold?


Backstage interview with Naomi.

Byron Saxton asks her why she thinks Blair Davenport initially showed her respect, only to then attack her from behind. Naomi doesn’t know the issue with Blair is, because she hasn’t even done anything to the newbie! But Blair is playing mind games, which won’t work. Naomi has something for Blair, though. Not only will Naomi make Blair #FeelTheGlow, but she’ll respect it! And then in step Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair, and they say that’s right! Blair is a Lame, and she gets what is coming. Just like Alba & Isla will. Speaking of, Bianca & Jade are gonna call out the champs-for-now and handle business.

Naomi says go handle it, then. The StrongEST Duo heads out, will they be able to get that rematch with the wicked witches?


Backstage interview with Logan Paul.

Byron catches up with The Maverick and asks him what happened. Logan says that’s an appetizer for SummerSlam, the first course of a three course meal. Logan will whoop Knight, in his hometown, in front of his friends and family, everyone he knows and loves. Plus, he got off the phone with “Mr. Cleveland” himself, and there will be a surprise homecoming planned just for Logan. Then can we get an idea of what- Nope! Silly question. But tune in next week, it’ll be a great night.

Logan promises Knight that he won’t just be facing the US Champion at SummerSlam. Knight will be facing the pride of Cleveland, the ultimate underdog turned top dog, and Knight ain’t ready for that. YEAH! Logan is more confident than ever, but will that make things that much sweeter when LA beats Cleveland’s own in his hometown?


Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair head to the ring!

Just as promised, they’re here to call out the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Bianca & Jade get the mics, and The EST says she loves the fans and would stay her all day, but she’ll cut to the chase. Alba & Isla have been ghosting Jade & Bianca ever since winning at Clash at the Castle. Alba & Isla said they’d be here tonight, right? Right. And they’d bring the titles, right? Right. So where they at? The StrongEST Duo looks around, and tell the champs to stop duckin’ ‘n’ dodging. Come to the ring with the belts, and get these hands. The music hits, but then Alba & Isla hit from behind! The Unholy Union beat down the former champs!

Alba digs her boots into Jade, then CLUBS her down. Isla drags Bianca up but Bianca fights free! Bianca spins Isla, torture racks, but Isla lands safe on the apron! Only for Bianca to DECK her! Jade then grabs Alba, and hoists her up to THROW her out onto Isla! And in heels! The fans fire up while Alba & Isla regroup and retreat. Will there be no running from the storm that is coming for them?


B-Fab talks with the Street Profits.

It’s time to do this. It’s their moment, their time. And in steps Terence Crawford! The boxing champ is here, and he shakes hands with everyone. B-Fab says The Profits may not be Crawford, but tonight, they will be whooping feet! And from Ford to Crawford, Black Airforce Energy, go do your thing on August 3rd. Crawford appreciates that. But for real, he’ll be watching them, too. Good luck out there. They hug it out, Dawkins is ready to turn up! Will the Profits be up and win their golden tickets to the titles? Or will taking on five other teams be a tall order even for them?


Tiffany Stratton looks at her Money in the Bank briefcase.

It is being held together by colorful tape after what Bayley did to it last week. Nia Jax walks over and says don’t worry, she’ll get Tiff a brand new briefcase that will be perfect for her. And Tiff could cash in on Bayley tonight, but Nia has that guaranteed match at SummerSlam, and Nia would hate Tiff dropping the title so soon. Tiff says she’d never do that to Nia. Besides, Tiff just wants to get revenge. Nia says she thought so. Tiff still pouts over her busted briefcase, but will she and The Queen of the Ring bust up Bayley and Michin in return?


WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet!

Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa are still champions after facing A-Town Down Under a second time, so now it’s on to something new. Six teams are going to compete until only one team stands tall, who survives to go for the gold this summer?

The first team out? The newest combo of Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews, who are ready to #BurnTheShips and sink the competition! Their opponents? Legado del Fantasmo’s Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo! Will they look to add to the legacy and finally grab those tag titles?

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo!

The bell rings and Legado just attacks! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but the cousins stomp away on Corbin. Angel stays in to stand on Corbin, Berto RAMS Crews into steel steps! Angel then runs up, but Corbin dodges and SPLASHES! Corbin reels Angel in for a short arm LARIAT, then he reels him in for an ELBOW! Then a SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Corbin stands Angel up but Angel CHOPS! Tag to Berto, and Angel sidesteps so Berto can GAMANGIRI! Roll-up, SUPERKICK, and Corbin tumbles out! Berto DIVES and down goes Corbin! Legado stands tall while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Berto drags Corbin up, manages a fireman’s carry, but Corbin fights free with elbows. Corbin ducks a buzzsaw but not the ENZIGIRI! Berto runs corner to corner but Corbin TOSSES him into buckles! DIY are watching backstage, hot tags to Angel and Crews! Crews rallies on Legado, mule kicks and BOOTS Angel, then dodges Angel to LEAPING LARIAT! The fans fire up with Crews as he kips up! Angel takes a swing, Crews gets under to GERMAN SUPLEX! Crews holds on, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES again! And GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Angel flounders, fans fire up, and Crews goes corner to corner to SPLASH!

Crews pushes Angel out of the corner, goes up top, and FLYING- KNEE from Angel! Angel underhooks to TIGER BACKBREAKER! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Berto runs up to LARIAT Corbin up and out! But Corbin drags Berto out to RAM him into steel steps! Angel KNEES Crews, reels him in, WING- NO, Crews slips free! Corbin sneaks a tag, Crews BOOTS! END OF DAYS! Cover, Corbin & Crews ELIMINATE Legado! But no time to rest, here come the Street Profits!

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS The Street Profits!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins take their time stepping up to the ring, and Ford starts against Crews. They circle, Crews kicks then whips. Ford goes up and over then handsprings away. Ford smiles, Crews smiles, and things speed up! Crews handsprings over Ford’s dropdown, then he hurdles! Crews drops then DROPKICKS Ford, and he brings Ford back up. Crews suplexes, holds Ford up, but Ford slips free to back suplex! High and hard for Crews, Dawkins tags to cover. TWO!! Crews is somehow still in this, but Dawkins brings him up. Dawkins whips, Crews goes up and over and keeps moving. Crews jumps the dropdown then whips.

Crews hurdles., Dawkins handsprings, and DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Hot tag to Corbin, hot tag to Ford! Ford fires hands on Corbin, but Corbin UPPERCUTS! Ford falls to the apron, but he RAMS back in! Ford slingshots, into a HAYMAKER! The golden gloves hit hard, and then Crews says let’s do it! Corbin runs, Crews TOSSES him out onto the Profits! The fans fire up as the Wolf flies, and SmackDown goes back to break!

SmackDown returns again and Corbin has Ford up top! Ford fights with body shots, then he HEADBUTTS Corbin down! Corbin hurries to his feet, and gets under Ford’s leap! Corbin BOOTS Ford, goes up, and he FLYING LARIATS! B-Fab panics but Corbin hauls Ford up for a POWERBOMB! Flip over, but then Ford ENZIGIRIS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Corbin and Ford crawl, hot tags to Dawkins and Crews! Dawkins rallies on Crews, but Crews avoids the splash! Crews comes back to SPLASH! Crews runs, but Dawkins ducks to ENZIGIRI! Crews comes back to ENZIGIRI!

The fans fire up with Cres, but Dawkins catches him for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Ford runs up, Corbin DECKS him! Corbin runs in at the corner, but Ford dodges and Corbin POSTS himself! Dawkins runs at Crews but Crews DUMPS him out! Ford and Crews stare down, then they both build speed! They both FLY out onto the other’s partner! The fans are thunderous, Crews puts Dawkins in, and then Crews goes up top. “This is Awesome!” as Crews FROG SPLASHES but has to roll through! Dawkins DECKS Crews with a big right! Tag to Ford, and Dawkins brings Crews up.

Dawkins whips, pop-up, REVELATION! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Corbin & Crews! Corbin & Crews put up a valiant effort, but the Profits move on to face… #YESBOY! Pretty Deadly!

The Street Profits VS Pretty Deadly!

Kit Wilson & Elton Prince run up, run in, then Elton bails out! Kit rolls Dawkins, TWO! Kit hurries to cradle Dawkins, TWO! Kit tries a roll-up again, with tights! TWO, and Dawkins FLAPJACKS Kit down! Kit flounders, Dawkins tags Ford. The Profits double whip,. then CLOBBER Kit! DIY likes that, and then the Profits hit a BACK SUPLEX SPLASH! Elton runs in, but he gets a DOUBLE FLAPJACK onto Kit! Ford covers Kit, TWO! The fans rally, Ford CLUBS Kit, then brings him up. Kit RAMS Ford, swings, but into a back suplex! Elton tags in and Kit slips free. Ford kicks and suplexes, but Elton CHOP BLOCKS Ford!

But Elton miscalculates, Kit still takes a BRAINBUSTER! Elton stomps Ford around, drags him to a cover, TWO! Elton pushes Ford to the corner, Kit tags in, and they stomp away on Ford’s leg as Elton holds it down! The ref counts, Kit UPPERCUTS Ford, then he tags Elton. Now they stomp the leg while Kit holds it! The ref reprimands, Kit lets off and Elton ROCKS Kit with a right. Pretty Deadly say “YES BOY~!” They sing it, even, still pitching their musical. Tag to Kit, but Ford fights with body shots and elbows! Elton blocks a kick, hands it to Kit, and Elton KNEES Ford’s hamstring!

Ford grits his teeth, clutches his leg, but Kit cravats to CHOKE him against ropes. Kit lets go, Elton DECKS Ford, and Kit basement dropkicks! Kit drags Ford around for a HALF CRAB! Ford clamps onto the ROPEBREAK! So Kit DDTS the leg! The fans rally for Ford but Kit taunts Dawkins. Kit then sucker punches him! Kit goes back to Ford, the ref stops Dawkins, and Kit stomps away on Ford’s leg. Kit pulls on the foot, but Ford resists the turnover! Ford kicks at Kit again and again, but Kit still steps over! Ford fights and BOOTS free! Elton tags in, but hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins rallies on Elton, then whips.

Elton reverses but Dawkins hurdles and UPPERCUTS! The fans fire up with Dawkins and he aims at a corner. Dawkins runs in to CYCLONE SPLASH! ENZIGIRI! Cover, TWO! Elton survives but the fans rally up. Dawkins whips Elton, Elton grabs ropes and BOOTS, then tag to Kit. Dawkins ROCKS Elton and whips, but Elton reverses. Hurdle and DDT! Kit covers, TWO! Dawkins survives, Pretty Deadly seethes, but Kit tags Elton. They run UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT, then Elton RAMS Dawkins so Kit can UPPERCUT again! Fireman’s carry, ASSISTED GUT BUSTER! Cover, Ford breaks it!

The fans are thunderous and Kit is furious! Kit whips but Ford reverses and TOSSES Kit out! Elton DUMPS Ford out! Dawkins ROCKS Elton! Ford tags, Dawkins lifts Elton, BLOCKBUSTER DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Pretty Deadly! But here comes The OC’s Gallows & Anderson! We hit the halfway point of this gauntlet, will the Profits survive? Or are things about to get Too Sweet? We find out, after the break!

The Street Profits VS The Good Brothers!

SmackDown returns as Karl Anderson JUMP KICKS Ford! Then Luke Gallows SPLASHES in the corner! Anderson snapmares, covers, TWO! Ford survives but Anderson stalks him to ropes. Anderson CHOKES and CLAWS Ford, but he lets off as the ref counts. Anderson snapmares Ford, clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Ford down. Ford endures, reaches out, and the fans rally. Ford fights up, throws body shots, and pries the hold open, but Anderson kicks low! Anderson CLOBBERS Ford, covers, TWO! Ford is still in this but Anderson drags him up. Anderson whips Ford to the corner hard, then tags Gallows.

The Good Brothers mug Ford, then Gallows runs to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Gallows stands Ford up to scoop and SLAM him! Tag to Anderson and Anderson covers, TWO! Anderson brings Ford up and around to scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Anderson clamps on a neck wrench, and even pulls on Ford’s ear! The ref reprimands, Anderson lets go, and fans rally up. Tag to Gallows. the Good Brothers mug Ford more. Gallows then brings Ford around, snap suplexes, and covers, TWO! Gallows HAMMERS away with elbows, then clamps on a chinlock. Ford endures, the fans rally up, but Gallows leans all his weight on Ford.

Ford fights up to his feet, throws body shots, but Gallows CLUBS him down. Gallows scoops Ford, but Ford swings around to DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Both men crawl, hot tag to Anderson! Anderson whips Ford to an open corner, runs in, but Ford TOSSES him out! Anderson slips apron and falls to the floor! Gallows runs up but Ford DUMPS him out! Hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins builds speed and he FLIES onto The Good Brothers! Dawkins avoids hitting the desk and the fans are thunderous! Dawkins roars, puts Anderson in, and then runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Anderson is frustrated but he tags Gallows. The Good Brothers haul Dawkins up for a fireman’s carry. Anderson runs but Ford trips him! Dawkins rolls Gallows up, PROFITS ELIMINATE GOOD BROTHERS!! The fans fire up and yet… That leaves The Bloodline for last. As if this team wasn’t dangerous enough, the Profits are practically running on fumes at this point! Can Ford & Dawkins survive? Or will they fall victim to the Samoan Werewolf and Good Bad Guy? We find out, after the break.

The Street Profits VS The Bloodline!

SmackDown returns again and Tama beats Dawkins down in a corner! The fans chant “SOLO SUCKS!” but Tama tags Fatu. They DOUBLE HEADBUTT Dawkins down, then Fatu drags him up. Fatu bumps Dawkins off buckles, runs in and SPLASHES! Tag to Tama, and he runs up, gets a boost from Fatu, BIG CANNONBALL! Dawkins goes down but the fans chant, “WE WANT ROMAN!” Solo soaks up that heat while Tama CHOKES Dawkins on ropes. The ref counts, Tama lets off, and Solo CHOKES Dawkins now! B-Fab protests but Solo gets away with that. The Bloodline raise their ones, then Tama tags Fatu.

The mugging continues, and Fatu HEADBUTTS Dawkins down. Solo says that’s right, take them out. Fatu CHOKES Dawkins then HEADBUTTS! The ref backs Fatu off but that lets Solo get a cheap shot in! Fatu BITES Dawkins’ fingers! Fatu then stomps him around, and he runs corner to corner, but Dawkins dodges! Fatu’s splash gets him stuck on the ropes! Solo is upset as Dawkins crawls for his corner! Fatu slumps back, the fans rally as hard as they can, hot tags to Tama and Ford! Ford LARIATS, LARIATS then dodges to SPINEBUSTER! Tama flounders, Ford SUPERKICKS Fatu! Ford drags Tama up but Tama slips around to back suplex!

Ford lands out! Ford kicks, KICKS and- NO, Tama ducks the enzigiri! Tama CLUBS and whips but Ford reverses! Ford runs up, but Tama puts him on the apron! Ford ROCKS Tama, climbs up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Tama stays in this, and DIY is intrigued. Ford hurries up the corner again, but Tama ROCKS him! Tama goes up to get Ford, SUPERPLEX! Cover, Dawkins breaks it! Fatu runs in but Dawkins TOSSES him back out! Tama runs to slip and trip Dawkins up! The Bloodline mugs Dawkins, but Ford FLIES over the corner!! Down goes everyone! Ford rises and the fans are thunderous again!

Ford puts Tama in, climbs back up, and Solo is stressing out! FROM THE HEAVENS, but Tama moves! Fatu tags in, Ford hobbles up, into a LARIAT! Fatu DIVES onto Dawkins and takes him out! Fatu returns for Ford, but Ford dodges and runs, but into the POP-UP- DDT!! Ford takes Fatu… NO, Fatu is rising! POP-UP SAMOAN DROP!! Fatu then puts Ford in the drop zone, BEST MOONSAULT EVER!! Cover, Bloodline wins!

Winners: The Bloodline, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships)

Replacing Loa wasn’t a detriment, it only made the team stronger! And now that they’re targeting the tag titles, will The Bloodline dominate under Solo Sikoa like they did under Roman Reigns?



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