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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors Results & Report! (5/30/24)

A Block, Round 9!



The final chance for Block A!

This is it for A Block, and for El Desperado! He holds his Best of the Super Juniors fate in his hands, can he move on to the semifinals?


  • KUSHIDA & Shoma Kato VS Dragon Dia & Ninja Mack; Dia & Mack win.
  • DOUKI & Taka Michinoku VS Robbie Eagles & Zack Sabre Jr; Eagles & ZSJ win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Bullet Club; LIJ wins.
  • HENARE & Callum Newman VS SHO & Yujiro Takahashi; Henare & Newman win.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Clark Connors VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Kanemaru wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kevin Knight VS BUSHI; Bushi wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Titan VS TJP; TJP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Blake Christian VS Kosei Fujita; Fujita wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: El Desperado VS HAYATA; Desperado wins.


Here are the current A Block standings!

Titan: 5-3, 10 points
El Desperado: 5-3, 10 points
HAYATA: 5-3, 10 points
Blake Christian: 5-3, 10 points
Kevin Knight: 4-4, 8 points
Clark Connors: 4-4, 8 points
TJP: 4-4, 8 points
BUSHI: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Kosei Fujita: 2-6, 4 points [ELIMINATED]


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Clark Connors VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

100 Proof still has that outside shot, but he’s up against the Heel Master! Will Kanemaru stack this deck with a shot of whiskey? Or will he have to drink his sorrows with No Chaser?

The two stare down and Connors calls for the Too Sweet. Kanemaru just puts one out on Connors instead! Connors knees him low for it! The bell rings, Connors CLUBS Kanemaru, then whips him, but Kanemaru grabs ropes to stop. Kanemaru bails out, wants Connors to chill, but Connors chases him instead! They get in the ring and Kanemaru stomps away! Kanemaru runs, but into the JEEP- NO, Kanemaru dodges Connors and then dropkicks the legs out! Kanemaru drags Connors around to SMASH the knee! Kanemaru paces and then stomps Connors on the leg. Kanemaru gets Connors up but Connors throws down elbows!

Kanemaru kicks the bad leg again, runs, but into the JEEP FLIPPER! The fans fire up and Connors storms out after Kanemaru. Connors drags Kanemaru up, and POSTS him! Kanemaru goes down in a heap, Connors paces around, then Connors drags him up. Connors brings Kanemaru to the orange seats! They go up the bleachers as Connors has Kanemaru in a headlock! The fans fire up as they get closer to the action. The lights come up so everyone can see Connors ROCK Kanemaru with a right. Connors brings Kanemaru along, and snap suplexes to the floor! A bit double-edged for both men but Connors rises first.

The fans fire up with the War Dog as he roars. Connors puts one out on Kanemaru now, then leaves him behind. The fans fire up, the ring count is starting, and Connors goes after a Young Lion! The count is 15, Kanemaru has returned to floor level, and Connors sends the Young Lion at him! But Kanemaru anticipates it and sends the Young Lion into Connors! Kanemaru slides in at 17, Connors flounders around, CONNORS IS COUNTED OUT! KANEMARU WINS!

Winner: Yoshinobu Kanemaru, by count out (gains 2 points; Connors earns 0)

Connors can’t believe it! He tried to be tricky but got outsmarted by the Heel Master! 100 Proof is done, and does his best to cool off, but how will he explain this to David Finlay and the Dogs? HE SPEARS THE REF!! The fans boo as Connors is a sore loser, but he’s not done! He drags the ref out of the ring and drags him backstage! Will Connors make the ref explain this one to Finlay?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kevin Knight VS BUSHI!

The way is open for The Jet to still fly into the semifinals! He just has to make it past The Black Mask, who uh, comes out as Huggy Wuggy from Poppy Playtime… Will Bushi make this a nightmare come true? Or will there still be more time on Knight’s flight?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, Bushi kicks low then whips. Knight reverses then hurdles, hurdles and bypasses, but Bushi avoids the dropkick! Knight still lands on his feet, and then drops down to copy Bushi’s taunt! The fans cheer and Bushi is beside himself! Bushi runs in, but Knight dumps him out! Knight then PLANCHAS, but Bushi slides in! Bushi WRECKS Knight with a dropkick, then builds speed, but Knight slides in! Tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up and Knight flexes while Bushi goes to a corner. Knight runs in but is put on the apron! Knight stays on his feet, but Bushi bails out to deny him a target.

Knight says Bushi’s smart, and then he comes running in around the way! Back up to the apron for a FLYING DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Knight rips Bushi’s shirt away! “TSUYOI~!” Knight then wipes the sweat away and tells Shingo Takagi on commentary, “Atsui, ne? <It’s hot, huh?>” Knight drags Bushi up, and says they’re going up! The fans cheer as the orange seats get another visit. Knight throws elbows down on Bushi to keep him going, but Bushi CHOPS! Knight UPPERCUTS! Knight bumps Bushi off the railing, then goes to the ledge! The fans fire up as Knight stands on the railing, for the CROSSBODY into a Young Lion!

Bushi uses a Young Lion as a shield, and now he brings Knight over to the other stairwell. Bushi knees low, SMACKS Knight off railing, and then he goes up to the ledge! The fans fire up as Bushi CROSSBODIES Knight down!! Bushi stands tall, the fans want another! Bushi struts to the steps, but then says no, he shouldn’t. Bushi brings Knight back to the ground level and puts him in the ring. The fans applaud and Bushi stands Knight up. Knight knees low, whips, but Bushi reverses and dropkicks the leg out! Bushi drags Knight around by that leg, and turns him for a HALF CRAB! Knight endures, crawls over, and has the ROPEBREAK!

Bushi holds until the ref counts 4, and then stomps the bad leg. Bushi drags Knight up, but Knight fires body shots in return. Knight ROCKS Bushi but Bushi kicks the leg! Bushi runs, but into the DROPKICK! The fans fire up again as Knight clutches his leg. Knight and Bushi go to corners, and Knight fires up again. Knight runs to STINGER SPLASH! Knight stomps a mudhole in, lets off as the ref counts, then runs back in, but Bushi BOOTS! Bushi runs, but into a scoop and SLAM! Then a JET SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Bushi stays in this but Knight stays focused! Knight goes to the apron, fans fire up as shakes out the bad leg.

Bushi rises, and Knight springboards in, FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Knight is frustrated but the fans rally up again. Knight rises and roars and he brings Bushi up. Knight fireman’s carries, but Bushi fights free. Bushi reels Knight in, SHIN BREAKER! Bushi kicks, Knight blocks, Knight ducks the enzigiri but not the REWIND HEEL! Bushi goes to a corner, runs back in, CODE- NO, Knight manages to block! And then makes it a SKY 2 HIGH! And then a fireman’s carry, for the F5!! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up again as Bushi survives! Bushi flounders away but Knight pounds the mat. The fans rally, Knight runs up, SATELLITE-

NO, Bushi TOSSES Knight out of the ring! Knight clutches his knee but Bushi goes out after him. Bushi drags Knight back into the ring, the fans applaud, and Bushi goes up the corner! MISSILE DROPKICK to the leg! Bushi then gets said leg, SMASHES it, and then ties Knight up in the FABLE!! Knight endures and the fans rally as hard as they can! Knight reaches out, moves around, crawls his way over, but Bushi rolls him from the ropes! Knight flails, Bushi pins him down with a foot! Knight TAPS, Bushi wins!!

Winner: Bushi, by submission (gains 2 points; Knight earns 0)

The Jet has been grounded once again, and he’s gonna miss out on the semifinals! He’ll just have to fight harder next year, it seems.


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Titan VS TJP!

El Inmortal still has life in this tournament, and is hoping to return to the semifinals in back-to-back years. But Public Enemy told us just last round that he’s going to make a change so that he can finally get a win over Titan in their personal series. Will TJP conquer this ungovernable and the block for the United Empire? Or will Titan keep the faith and have another chance at the trophy?

Well, speaking of that change, TJP has once again transformed into the Aswang! TJP is ready to get scary if it means succeeding where he has failed before. The bell rings and TJP runs up to SHOTGUN! Titan bails out, TJP goes to the apron and CANNONBALLS! Direct hit and the fans fire up! TJP drags Titan up, POSTS him, and then goes looking under the ring. TJP doesn’t find what he needs, so he POSTS Titan again! TJP checks this corner, and yes, he finds a chair! TJP aims but Titan kicks low! Titan has the chair now, but TJP kicks low! TJP puts Titan in the ring, grabs the chair, but Titan DROPKICKS the chair into TJP!

Titan builds speed, and he DIVES! Down goes TJP and the fans fire up again! Titan stomps TJP, drags him into the ring, then hurries to go corner to corner! But TJP avoids the Loco Lariat, and has Titan in the ropes for a DRAPING FINAL CUT! TJP drags Titan up, whips him to a corner, then runs up to ELBOW him down! The fans rally up as TJP scrubs Titan’s face! TJP runs side to side, and he BOOT WASHES Titan halfway out the ring! The fans fire up and TJP paces. The fans want that again, so TJP brings Titan back in. TJP gives Titan more scrubbing, then runs, for another BOOT WASH! The fans fire up while Titan flops out of the ring.

TJP watches Titan roll back in, and is right on him with an UPPERCUT! TJP climbs up and BITES Titan through the mask! TJP spots out the sequins then pushes Titan down for a cover, TWO! Titan is still in this but TJP brings him up. Titan fires forearms in return! TJP kicks low, whips, but Titan ducks ‘n’ dodges, only for TJP to THESZ PRESS! Cover, TWO! TJP drags Titan back up, reels him in, HALF HATCH “ICHI!” Then TJP drags Titan up for HALF HATCH “NI!” TJP drags Titan up again but hangs Titan out to dry! The fans fire up as TJP goes up the corner and GUILLOTINE- NO, Titan avoids the splash to GAMANGIRI!

TJP staggers away, comes back, but Titan body scissors and throws him out of the ring! The fans fire up as Titan rises to TOP ROPE ASAI MOONSAULT!! Direct hit on TJP and a few Young Lions! The ref checks on everyone, and both Titan and TJP are still okay. Titan rises and roars, the fans fire up with him and put him in. Titan goes to the apron now, takes aim and the fans rally up. Titan springboards in to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! The fans rally while Titan keeps his cool. Titan drags TJP up, reels him in for a fireman’s carry, but TJP fights free. Titan fires off a strike fest, SOBATS, then runs, but into a SOBAT from TJP!

TJP runs, Titan follows! TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! TJP survives and the fans rally up. Titan pounds the mat and watches TJP go to the corner. Off comes the elbow pad and Titan goes corner to corner! But TJP goes up and over! TORNADO DDT!! TJP turns things around on Titan and both men are down! The fans rally as hard as they can as TJP and Titan stir. Titan and TJP crawl towards each other at center, and go forehead to forehead as they stand. TJP fires the first forearm but Titan gives it back! They go shot for shot, back and forth, and the fans rally up! Titan ROCKS TJP, eggs him on, then SOBATS!

Titan runs, but into a mule kick! TJP runs, but Titan goes Matrix to then SUPERKICK! TJP flops to the apron but Titan hurries over! The fans rally as Titan climbs, and APRON DIVING STOMPS!! Both men flop to the floor, but Titan roars as he rises again! The fans fire up and Titan drags TJP up and into the ring. Titan climbs up a corner, gets his bad leg working, and he aims for the DIVING DOUBLE- NO, TJP moves and catches that leg! PINOY STRETCH!! Titan flails, reaches out, crawls, pulls at hair, but TJP pulls on the hold! Titan still drags TJP along with him as he moves forward, to the ROPEBREAK!

The fans cheer while TJP lets go in frustration. TJP drags Titan up to wrench, fireman’s carry, and DETONATION- NO! Titan blocks the kick, and now he steps through! Titan has the deathlock, but TJP makes it a cradle! TWO!! Titan escapes, but TJP SUPERKICKS! TJP whips, Titan reverses and TORNADO roll through, to a GOURD BUSTER! But TJP blocks a superkick to slips around, LEG CAPTURE SUPELX!! The fans are thunderous and TJP hurries to a corner! TJP reconsiders, he goes to the other corner. TJP goes up, MAMBA SPLASH onto knees! That delay saves Titan and he runs up to SHOTGUN TJP!

TJP is in a corner, Titan hurries to go corner to corner! LOCO LARIAT!! TJP flops back, Titan rises to the top rope! The fans rally as hard as they can as Titan DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS!! But Titan isn’t done there, he roars and goes to the apron! Titan springboards, LA LANZA!! Cover, TWO!! And TJP ends up sending Titan onto the ref!! The fans are thunderous but Titan doesn’t realize what happened! Titan just skins the cat to the top rope! Titan reloads and DIVING DOUBLE- BLOOD MIST!!! ONE BY ONE!!! Cover, TWO!!! Titan survives but TJP goes up top now! MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, TWO?!?! No one can believe that El Inmortal still lives!

TJP pounds the mat, the fans join in, “T! J P! T! J P!” NOVA FIREBALL!! Cover, TJP WINS!!

Winner: TJP, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Titan earns 0)

The Aswang’s attack on Titan succeeds! TJP has assured Titan will NOT return to the semifinals, but there is still only a sliver of hope for TJP himself. Will that door stay cracked open for The Public Enemy to slip in? Or will it be slammed shut in a matter of moments?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Blake Christian VS Kosei Fujita w/ TMDK!

It has been upset after upset tonight in the block, and now All Heat is in the hot seat! Can he make it through here to head for the semifinals? Or will the Ichiban Young Punk extinguish the flames in the final round?

Fujita attacks the moment Blake’s on the apron! The bell rings and Fujita builds speed to FLY! Direct hit and down goes Blake! The fans fire up with Fujita and he gets Blake up into the ring. Cover, TWO! Fujita keeps moving and he PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! Fujita goes out to the apron, springboards in, but Blake gets under. Fujita comes back, Blake dodges and BOOTS in the corner! Blake pushes Fujita, then goes to the apron himself, so he can springboard and DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Blake then TOSSES Fujita out, and finally gets his vest off. The fans rally as Blake builds speed, and he WRECKS Fujita with a dropkick!

Blake rolls back into the ring, builds speed again, and he FLIES out onto Fujita! Direct hit and the fans fire up! Blake shakes out his arms, drags Fujita back up, and wrenches Fujita’s bad arm for an ELBOW BREAKER! Blake puts Fujita on the apron, pulls on the bad arm, and he mockingly claps with Fujita’s hand. Blake makes Fujita flip us off, then he BITES that finger! The fans boo but Blake smirks as he kicks Fujita in. Blake turns Fujita over, traps the good arm, then pulls on the bad arm! Blake stands on the arm, and he STOMPS it! Fujita writhes while even fans wince from that. Blake paces around Fujita, then drags him back up.

Blake wrenches to ELBOW BREAKER the bad arm again! Blake then goes to ropes, wraps the arm around ropes, but the ref counts. Blake CLUBS Fujita’s arm as he lets off, then taunts ZSJ and Eagles. Blake brings Fujita up, but Fujita ROCKS him with a forearm! Blake smirks, eggs Fujita on, so Fujita fires more forearms! Fujita storms up on Blake, waistlocks, but Blake holds ropes to stop the lift. Blake throws elbows, then PELES the bad arm! Fujita writhes, Blake checks his chin, then Blake storms over. Blake drags Fujita up, whips him to ropes, but Fujita reverses to GAMANGIRI! The fans fire up while both men are down!

Blake crawls to a corner, ZSJ & Eagles coach Fujita in the other. The fans rally, Fujita runs up on Blake, and he CHOPS! Fujita pushes Blake down, goes out to the apron, and he springboards in to MISSILE DROPKICK! Direct hit and Fujita hurries to cover, TWO! Blake is tougher than that but Fujita grits his teeth. The fans rally, Fujita waistlocks and deadlifts, but Blake throws elbows. Fujita ducks one and jumps on, GUILLOTINE FACELOCK! Fujita also has the body scissors in! Blake powers up, and powers out with a back drop! The fans rally, Fujita rises, and Blake ROUNDHOUSES! Blake runs, handsprings, but into the waistlock!

Fujita GERMAN SUPLEXES, but Blake lands on his feet! Basement dropkick! Fujita flounders away and Blake grits his teeth as he goes to the corner. Blake runs up to SHOTGUN Fujita into the other corner! Fujita flops out of the ring and the fans rally up. Blake builds speed and DIVES into a GAMANGIRI! Fujita then slingshots, but into a GAMANGIRI! Blake has Fujita stuck on the ropes, and then springboards, to GUILLOTINE 450!! Cover, TWO!! Fujita survives and the fans fire up again! Blake hears Korakuen Hall cheering for “FUJITA! FUJITA!” but he shrugs it off to run up, step up, but Fujita dodges the stomp!

Blake JUMP KNEES, runs up, but into a POP-UP GERMAN!! Bridging cover, TWO!! Fujita roars and the fans fire up again! Fujita drags Blake up, suplexes, but Blake fights it! So Fujita GUILLOTINE FACELOCKS! But Blake wrenches the bad arm, hammerlock, half nelsons, CRADLE! TWO!! Fujita escapes and both men stagger to their feet. Fujita waistlocks, Blake pries at the bad arm, and BITES the hand! Then ELBOW BREAKERS! The fans boo but Blake builds speed to handspring, NEURALIZER KICK! Both men are down and the fans rally up more. Blake goes to a corner, climbs, but Fujita ROCKS him first!

Fujita climbs, brings Blake up, but Blake fires body shots! Blake slips under, CLUBS Fujita, then he goes up the ropes to get Fujita for an INVERTED SPANISH FLY!! And then FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Fujita flails, Blake switches around into a RINGS OF SATURN!! Fujita endures, reaches out, ROPEBREAK!! The fans cheer, Blake lets go, but Blake is still smiling! STEP-UP STOMP!! Cover, TWO?!?! Fujita survives and shocks Blake! The fans are thunderous but Blake vows to end this! Blake goes to the apron, springboards, HEAT 450 but Fujita moves! Blake hits the mat knees first! Fujita waistlocks to deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX!

Fujita holds on to get Blake up again, spin and suplex, ABANDON HOPE!! Fujita crawls to the cover, FUJITA WINS!!

Winner: Kosei Fujita, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Blake earns 0)

The Mighty Don’t Kneel, and in this case, they come away with an upset! Is Blake out of luck? Or can he rise from the ashes to still have a chance?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: El Desperado VS HAYATA!

This is the one “win and you’re in” match of the entire night, but that means there’s no hope for the loser! Will the Rogue Luchador make good on his promise to finally win it all? Or will he be left out in the cold Silence of Darkness?

The bell rings and the fans rally up already. Despe and Hayata slowly circle, feel out the knuckle lock, then break. They tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, Despe waistlocks, but Hayata switches. Despe spins around to get a facelock but Hayata wrenches out of the wristlock. Despe rolls, wrenches, wristlocks, but Hayata slips through and wrenches back. Despe turns around, traps both Hayata’s arms, then gets a headlock for the takeover. Hayata headscissors back, and fans applaud this opening exchange. Despe bridges, moves around, and he traps Hayata’s legs to turn him over. Despe rolls back to have the deathlock and the fans applaud.

Despe reclines back on Hayata, has the headlock, but Hayata powers out the back to hammerlock. Hayata keeps Despe down on the mat, then SNAP LOCKS the arm. Despe endures, rolls, spins and trips Hayata to get the toehold. Hayata fights back with a chinlock but Despe pulls on the leg. Despe then drags Hayata to have a standing toehold, that he then laces legs for a deeper hold. Hayata endures, turns over and flips things around on Despe to get the arm. Despe fights up, goes to the ROPEBREAK, and Red Shoes calls it. Hayata lets go slowly and cleanly, and the fans applaud. The two reset and circle again.

Despe rushes in but Hayata trips him. Hayata runs, Despe stays low but Hayata handsprings. They keep moving, going perpendicular, but then Hayata hits an atomic drop! Hayata runs to SHOTGUN BOOT! The fans fire up while Despe bails out, and Hayata builds speed. Despe ducks so Hayata handsprings and waits him out. Despe stands, Hayata PLANCHAS, but Hayata lands safe on the apron as Despe moves back. But then Despe trips Hayata! Hayata falls on the apron, and Despe gets him for a STRETCH MUFFLER! And then NUMERO DOS!! Despe keeps Hayata off the floor for a few moments, then drops him down.

Despe brings Hayata around and YANKS the bad leg. The fans rally, Despe gets Hayata up and puts him in the ring. Hayata takes a swing but Despe blocks! Despe ROCKS Hayata, but then Hayata grabs an arm to HOTSHOT! Hayata goes up and up and SHOTGUNS Despe down! Despe staggers away while clutching his arm but Hayata goes out to pursue. Hayata drags Despe up, wrenches, hammerlocks, and he POSTS Despe, shoulder first! Despe falls back, Red Shoes checks him, but Hayata storms over. Hayata drags Despe up, hammerlocks the arm and POSTS it again! Despe falls, clutching the elbow, and the ring count starts.

Hayata twists Despe’s arm, drags him up, and puts him in at 10 of 20. Hayata then SLAMS Despe’s arm on the apron! The fans rally, Hayata steps in and he drags Despe to drop a leg on the arm! Hayata scissors the arm, Despe throws body shots, and Despe crawls along to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Red Shoes counts, and Hayata lets off. Hayata drags Despe up, bumps him off buckles, and then wraps the bad arm around ropes! Red Shoes counts, Hayata pulls but lets off at 4. Hayata then goes to the apron and pulls the arm! Red Shoes counts, Hayata lets go, and Despe staggers away to the far corner.

The fans rally as Hayata storms up. Despe fires body shots and a CHOP, but Hayata wrenches and CLUBS the arm! Hayata wrenches to a wristlock, then arm-drags Despe down. Hayata arm-drags again, knuckle locks and drops for an ARM JAMMER! Despe staggers away while the fans applaud. Hayata storms over, drags Despe up, but Despe fires CHOP after CHOP! Despe CHOPS, whips, but Hayata reverses to ENZIGIRI! Despe falls and the fans rally up again. Hayata runs up, but into a scoop and BIG back suplex! The fans fire up again while both men are down. Despe watches Hayata go to a corner, runs up and ELBOWS!

Despe reels Hayata in, suplexes high and hard, and the fans cheer. Cover, TWO! Despe YANKS the bad leg, hits a GROUND DRAGON SCREW, and the fans rally again. Despe drags Hayata around to have the STRETCH MUFFLER! Hayata scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Red Shoes counts while Despe thrashes, and Despe lets go. “Oops!” Knee drop on the knee! Red Shoes reprimands but Despe says it was an accident. Despe stands on Hayata’s leg, that’s no accident. Hayata pushes him, so Despe stands Hayata up. Hayata fires a forearm, and another, but Despe kicks the leg out. Despe then reels Hayata in for a SHIN- Hayata KNEES free!

Hayata goes to a corner, then runs to SHOTGUN Despe down! The fans fire up, Hayata drags Despe to a drop zone then goes up the corner. SECOND ROPE SAULT! But the bad leg hurts a bit so Hayata’s late on the cover, TWO! The fans rally, Hayata shakes out the leg and goes back for Despe. Hayata drags Despe up, crosses the arms, but Despe wrenches out to hit a BIG back suplex! The fans fire up and so does Despe! Despe gut wrenches, GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO! Hayata is still in this and the fans fire up! Despe snarls, drags Hayata up, and he underhooks. But Hayata wrenches out to hit another ARM JAMMER!

Hayata runs to ARMBAR BULLDOG! And then a DEEP hammerlock! Desperado scrambles forward, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Red Shoes counts, and Hayata lets go in frustration. Despe clutches the arm and the fans rally for him but Hayata stands up first. Hayata drags Despe up, wrenches, but Despe fires a forearm. Hayata YANKS the arm, Despe fires another forearm! Hayata CLUBS the arm, Despe throws a KICK! Despe swings, Hayata gets around and STRAITJACKET DDTS! SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Despe survives and the fans fire up again! Hayata is a bit surprised, but he drags Despe back up.

The fans rally for Despe as Hayata reels him in, 403- NO, Despe fights and lifts Hayata! Hayata fights that, kicks and whips, but Despe reverses to SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO, into STRETCH MUFFLER!! Hayata flails, but still ends up in the NUMERO DOS!! Hayata flails with his free arm, reaches out, but Despe drags him back! But Hayata powers out to hammerlock the arm! AND BRIDGE!! Despe endures, flails, reaches out, kicks around, and the fans are thunderous! Hayata has to reset, and Despe claws forward! Hayata BRIDGES again! Despe kicks and kicks, fights his way around, and manages to BOOT Hayata!

The fans fire up as Despe is free, clutching the bad arm. Despe and Hayata stir, slowly rise, and head for each other. They go forehead to forehead, then Despe fires a forearm! Hayata fires a forearm back! Despe gives another, so Hayata gives it back! The fans rally as Despe fires another! They go back and forth, Hayata wobbles, but then he CLUBS the bad arm! Despe ROCKS Hayata with the other elbow! Both men fall and the fans fire up again! Hayata roars and eggs Despe on! Despe stands and KICKS the leg! Despe grins, gets the leg, but Hayata ENZIGIRIS! Hayata runs up, but into a wrench, spin and underhook! But Hayata wrenches out!

Hayata goes after the arm but Despe fights the takedown! Despe rolls, gets the leg, STRETCH MUFFLER, but Hayata rolls to a cradle! TWO!! Despe swings, into a takedown! High stack, TWO, but Hayata OKLAHOMA ROLLS! TWO!! Hayata gets Despe in a ghost pin! TWO!!! Despe escapes the onslaught and the fans are thunderous! Hayata swings, but into a wrench, underhook, backslide! TWO!! But back to underhooks, and PINCHE LOCO!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Hayata survives and Despe is in disbelief! The fans are thunderous and dueling now as Despe rises. Despe throws off his elbow pad and he drags Hayata back up.

Despe reels Hayata in, underhooks, PINCHE- NO, Hayata fights and crosses the arms! STRAITJACKET DDT!! Despe flops over and the fans fire up again! Hayata rises, he slashes his throat, and he drags Despe back up! 403- NO, Despe fights the Impact! So Hayata gets a leg, FISHERMAN’S SCREW! Hayata hurries to reset, 403 IMPACT!!! But he has to crawl to the cover!! ROPEBREAK!!! Despe survives by a literal foot and Hayata can’t believe it! The fans are thunderous again as Hayata rises! Hayata waits on Despe as the fans rally up. Despe sits up, Hayata runs up, but into an UPPERCUT! And ROLLING ELBOW!

But Hayata SUPERKICKS! Despe falls to his knees again, and Hayata vows to end this! Hayata runs, into a SPINEBUSTER!! Flip over and underhooks, JAY DRILLER!! And then PINCHE LOCO!!! Cover, DESPE WINS!!

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Hayata earns 0)

The Rogue Luchador toughs it out and takes the top spot in the semifinals! But he still shows the GHC National Champion respect by bringing him the icepack and shaking his hand. But with Hayata eliminated, the math says the other semifinalist is… T J P! The Aswang’s win over Titan tonight and over both Blake and Hayata in previous rounds means he has the opportunity to conquer the BOSJ for the United Empire!

As for our top seed in A Block, Despe gets the mic to admit that if the roles were reversed and Hayata won the block his first time in this tournament, everyone other than NJPW fans would be excited. And Despe gets it. He’s not making fun of non-NJPW fans, he just knows it’d be more shocking. But Despe is grateful that it was Hayata who he got to face in this last round. Despe might not have made it through if he had to go on earlier. He was so nervous, he barely ate anything after lunch! The fans applaud that, knowing the feeling.

Despe says this time last year, he made it to the semifinal round, only to lose to Titan. B Block is tomorrow, and the match-ups will be decided after that. He looks forward to that. The fans applaud in agreement, but Despe adds that in the end, HE will be going to the Dominion main event in Osaka-Jo Hall, and HE will be the one to get the “last buzz.” The fans cheer that, too, and Despe leaves it at that. Will Despe finally prove he is the Best of the Super Juniors?


Here are the FINAL A Block standings!

El Desperado: 6-3, 12 points [SEMIFINALIST]
TJP: 5-4, 10 points [SEMIFINALIST]
HAYATA: 5-4, 10 points [ELIMINATED]
Blake Christian: 5-4, 10 points [ELIMINATED]
Titan: 5-4, 10 points [ELIMINATED]
Kevin Knight: 4-5, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Clark Connors: 4-5, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
BUSHI: 4-5, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 4-5, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Kosei Fujita: 3-6, 6 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

A great night for BOSJ, and a great final round for A Block. For one, I did not think they’d give us so many upset/spoiler victories. Kanemaru snatching things so quick from Connors was great, though. I feel like the tensions between War Dogs and House of Torture need to continue until finally, we get a proper Bullet Club Civil War arc. Great win for TJP over Titan, and great to see that he’ll be going into the next phase with Desperado. Despe VS Hayata was a great main event, and I feel like we’ll get a parallel with how Hiromu VS Taiji are fighting for the top spot.

At the same time, Taiji beat so many of the others that if Hiromu won, I think Taiji would still go into the semis. Taiji winning opens the way for Douki, one of the only two to get a win on Hiromu. Kushida is the other but he’s too far down, so it is really just Douki VS Eagles and Hiromu VS Taiji that affect the semifinals. Douki, Taiji, Hiromu, any of those would make great opponents for Despe and TJP.

My Score: 8.9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Collision Results & Report! (6/22/24)

Will Will Ospreay stay golden?



An episode with truly international flavor!

While Will Ospreay defends his AEW International Championship against Brian Cage, Kazuchika Okada takes on former mentor, Ultimo Guerrero! Will the champions stay strong on the Road to The Forbidden Door?


  • Six Man Tag: Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling; Joe, Hook & Shibata win.
  • Private Party VS Chris Jericho & “Big Bill” Morrissey w/ Bryan Keith; Jericho & Bill win.
  • AEW Continental Championship Title Eliminator: Kazuchika Okada VS Ultimo Guerrero; Okada wins and denies Ultimo Guerrero a title match.
  • Six Man Tag: The Patriarchy VS The Iron Savages; The Patriarchy wins.
  • Toni Storm & Mariah May w/ Luther VS Lady Frost & Leyla Hirsch; Storm & Mariah win.
  • Malakai Black & Brody King VS Leon & Max St. Giovanni; Malakai & Brody win.
  • Hechicero w/ The Gates of Agony VS Matthew Menard; Hechicero wins.
  • AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay VS Brian Cage; Ospreay wins and retains the title.


Six Man Tag: Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling!

Three dangerous men joined forces out of respect for what each of them can do, but they aren’t getting much respect from others. But will the Samoan Submission Specialist, The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil & The Wrestler beat some respect into Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari & Josh Woods? Or can the Premier Athletes actually put their money where their muscles are?

The trios sort out, Joe starts against Nese and the fans sing, “Joe is gonna kill~ you!” Nese says not tonight. Nese and Joe tie up, Nese waistlocks, but he can’t lift Joe! Joe smirks, wrenches free, and wristlocks. Nese rolls, wrenches and headlocks. Nese’s team cheers but they’re the only ones. Joe powers up and out, then he runs Nese over! Joe smirks, stalks Nese to ropes, then brings him around. The fans fire up for Joe as he scoops, but Nese slips fere! Nese SOBATS, runs, but into an ELBOW! Tag to Hook and the fans fire up more! Hook puts Nese in a corner to fire off body shots! Hook throws hands, Nese shoves past him but Hook fires more shots!

Nese throws forearms on Hook, but Hook counter punches! Nese staggers, comes back, but Hook gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Nese manages to land out and he STOMPS Hook down! Nese tags Daivari and they mug Hook with haymakers! The fans boo but Nese lets off. Daivari brings Hook up, bumps him off buckles, then CHOPS! Daivari snapmares Hook, clamps on a full nelson and leans on the hold. The fans rally and Hook fights up, and he pries the hold open! But Daivari waistlocks! Hook elbows free, and hot tags to Shibata! Shibata storms in but he has to slow down as Daivari gets away to his corner.

Woods reaches out, so Daivari says here’s something for The Wrestler. Daivari tags Woods in, he steps to Shibata, and they fire forearms! The fans rally up as the shots keep going, then Shibata gets the edge! Woods trips Shibata, goes for an arm, but Shibata slips right around to go for the arm! Woods goes for Shibata’s arm, but Shibata goes after Woods again! Woods powers through to get the arm, but then Shibata slips around, changes sides, and has the ARMBAR! Woods scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer as Shibata lets off and CLUBS away on Woods. Shibata cranks the arm for a double wristlock but Woods throws body shots!

Shibata leg scissors to trip Woods! KNEEBAR! Nese storms in to stomp Shibata! The fans boo, Woods tags Nese in. Nese stomps Shibata around, then taunts the fans. The fans boo but Nese CHOPS Shibata. Shibata doesn’t flinch! Nese CHOPS again, but Shibata eggs him on! Nese throat chops! Nese whips, Shibata reverses, but Nese ELBOWS back! Nese goes up and up and QUEBRADAS, but Shibata steps aside! Everyone’s learning from Joe now! The fans fire up and Joe smiles. Shibata then tags Joe in, and he stalks Nese. Nese rises up, into the JABS! JABS! JABS! Joe fires off fast hands, CHOPS Nese down, but Sterling gets on the apron!

Joe scares Sterling off, but this is all a delay tactic so Nese can crawl, and Woods can HOTSHOT Joe! The fans boo but Nese brings Joe around, BULLDOG HOTSHOT! Joe staggers, Daivari tags in! Nese & Daivari mug Joe, run, and DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE! Daivari covers, ONE!! Joe is still tougher than that! Woods tags in, he and Daivari mug Joe, and then Woods CLUBS away on Joe’s chest! Cover, ONE!! Joe is still tougher than that so now Daivari tags back in. Daivari and Woods mug Joe, then Daivari stands Joe up. Daivari throws hands, but Joe hits back! They go back and forth, Joe gets the edge, but Daivari CLAWS the eyes!

Daivari sucker punches Shibata down! Daivari whips, Joe reverses and sweeps the legs! SENTON! The fans fire up, hot tags to Hook and Nese! Hook rallies on Nese, wrenches and NORTHERN LIGHTS! Woods runs in but Hook KNEES him down! Nese gets up, but into the clinch! TAZ PLEX! The fans fire up and Hook stalks Nese, to give crossface forearms! Daivari runs up, Hook DECKS him! Woods gets in to GERMAN SUPLEX! Hook tumbles, but Shibata tags in! Shibata ROCKS Woods, BOOTS Nese, BOOTS Daivari, then STO for Woods! Shibata runs up at Nese for a BOOT! Shibata fires off forearms and the ref counts.

Shibata goes corner to corner to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Shibata drags Nese up, SNAP HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO! Nese survives, but ends up in an ARMBAR!! Nese endures, but he taps! Shibata’s team wins!

Winners: Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata, by submission

The Premier Athletes did prove they’ve got guts, but not enough to overcome this trio of warriors! Will Joe, Hook & Shibata find themselves on the road to trios gold?


The Bang Bang Gang speaks.

Juice Robinson says, “Apparently… AEW isn’t gonna recognize the fact that I was anointed one-quarter of the AEW Unified Trios Champions!” Austin says he’s pissed, Colten confirms that is true, and adds that apparently, The House of Black still gets their shot. At least, once Buddy’s leg gets better. And apparently, PAC cares!? He interrupted their match, he pushed Juice off the top, and then he flipped Austin off! But that’s good. Because their fearless leader, Jay White, is off training his butt off. You thought EIGHT abs was something? Jay will be coming back with TEN! SO Pac, you better hope you don’t see The Switchblade in the Owen Hart Cup!

Because then, The Bastard will do more than just “care” now. He’ll cry to sleep! And if you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for ya! GUNS UP! Bullet Club Gold is taking aim at a lot of different targets, but will they be able to hit the mark?


Private Party VS Chris Jericho & “Big Bill” Morrissey w/ Bryan Keith!

Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy have been busy this week. They got called out by The Learning Tree on Dynamite, they put in a fast and furious match last night on Rampage, and now they’ll be entering the “Jericho Vortex” when they take on Big Bill and the man himself. But will Quen & Zay teach Jericho something about not looking down on the younger guys? Or will Jericho ruin the fun #ForTheWorld?

The teams sort out and Jericho starts against Quen. The fans rally up and Jericho says here’s a free lesson from The Learning Tree. Then he tags out to The Redwood. Bill steps in, sporting new gear that quotes Tony Schiavone, on the butt… Bill and Quen tie up, Quen gets around and headlocks. Bill powers out and runs Quen right over! Because as the shorts say, “Too much man!” Bill mocks the “Shots! Shots! Shots!” then he stands Quen up. Bill CHOPS Quen, drags him up, then CHOPS him again! Bill keeps Quen in the corner, and he ROCKS him with a right. Then Bill TOSSES Quen across the way!

Bill mocks the dancing, runs corner to corner, and he SPLASHES Quen! Quen was practically smothered by that move! Quen falls over, but Bill stands him back up, and gives a thumbs up before he TOSSES Quen again! Quen writhes, goes to ropes, then the corner. Bill runs in again, but Quen dodges the splash! Bill staggers, Quen goes up, and Quen leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK! Bill staggers, Quen is on him in a corner! Quen rains down fists, Bill stops him at 6, then DECKS him! Jericho applauds, and Bill tags him in. The fans are torn as The Learning Tree waves, and Bill hoists Quen way up! Jericho “helps” SLAM Quen down!

Jericho & Bill wave, then Jericho stands Quen up to CHOP! Jericho CHOPS again, then whips corner to corner. Jericho runs up but Quen BOOTS him! Quen goes up and leaps to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Then hot tag to Zay! The fans rally as Zay TACKLES Jericho and rains down fists! Jericho pushes him away but Zay comes back, another TACKLE and more fast hands! Jericho tries to get away but Zay fires off high and low and all around! Jericho CLAWS eyes! The fans boo but Jericho brings Zay up. Zay CHOPS, fires more forearms, then just more and more and more! Zay runs, but Jericho sends him out!

Quen is there, for SILLY STRING! Jericho tumbles, Zay covers, TWO!! Jericho survives, Quen tags in, and he TACKLES Jericho! Quen fires off hands just like Zay! Quen stomps Jericho around, runs, but Bad Apple Bryan Keith trips him! The fans boo, but then Jericho CLOBBERS Quen! Jericho waves to the fans, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Jericho takes his time waving to all sides of the arena, then he drags Quen up. Jericho hits a BIG back suplex, then has the cocky cover, ONE! Jericho perhaps returning the favor from last night there, but Jericho bumps Quen off buckles. Tag to Bill and Bill stomps away on Quen! Jericho adds on, the ref counts, and Bill digs his boots in. The ref counts more, Bill lets off with applause, and then Bryan CHOKES Quen! Bill SUCKER PUNCHES Kassidy! The ref reprimands but Bill goes back to Quen. Bill mocks the “Shots! Shots! Shots!” then CLUBS Quen on the back. Then SLAPS Quen down! Bill mocks the shots more, then mockingly cheers.

Bill drags Quen up, puts him on ropes, and RIPS his shirt open to CHOP him down! Quen sputters, Bill drags him up and tags in Jericho. They mug Quen in the corner, then Jericho brings Quen around. Quen fires hands first! Quen runs, but Jericho DROPKICKS him down! Jericho waves to the fans again, then he drags Quen up. Collision returns to single picture, Jericho bumps Quen off buckles, then Jericho puts Quen up top. Jericho CHOPS Quen, climbs, and wants his “branches” to fire up. The fans are torn, but Jericho has Quen on the very top, but Quen throws hands! Quen shoves Jericho down, and the fans rally up!

Quen adjusts, leaps, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Jericho survives and Quen is frustrated. Quen and Jericho crawl, hot tag to Zay! Zay springboards to CROSSBODY! Zay keeps moving, he ducks ‘n’ dodges, then DROPKICKS! Bill storms in, but Zay DUMPS him out! Zay then triangle jumps to DROPKICK! That’s Jericho’s move! Zay then kicks and hits a STUNNER! Then a STUNNER for Bill! The fans fire up and Zay runs up to SUNSET BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Jericho survives and shocks Zay! Bryan coaches Jericho, Zay tags Quen. Private Party mugs Jericho, then Quen whips Jericho to a corner. Quen runs up to SPLASH!

Quen brings Jericho around again, SOBAT and SOBAT! Quen runs, but Jericho THROAT CHOPS! Then LIONSAULTS! But onto knees! Quen holds Jericho, Zay uses him as a step to FLY onto Bill! Then Zay hurries back and goes up again! Quen sets Jericho up again, SWANTON BOMB! Quen climbs now, for the 450 SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Jericho survives and Quen can’t believe it! Tag back to Zay, but Bill returns! The ref is busy with Bryan, too! Zay springboards, into a BOOT! The Redwood slips away, Bryan hops down, and Jericho covers Zay, TWO?!? Zay survives and the fans fire up!

Jericho huffs ‘n’ puffs, drags Zay up, but Zay is dead weight. Jericho KNEES Zay, then KNEES him again. Jericho says if Zay wants to be a threat, he has to fight. So Zay fires off fast hands and CHOSP! Zay whips, Jericho reverses, but Zay KICKS, then RAN- NO! Jericho turns Rana into WALLS OF JERICHO! Zay endures, even as Jericho sits deep! The fans fire up as Zay fights around! Zay reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! Zay lets go in frustration but also exhaustion, so he tags to Bill. Bill storms up but into a mule kick! Zay runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but into the BOSS MAN SLAM!! Cover, TWO?!? Zay survives and Bill is frustrated.

Bill mocks the shots again, gives a thumbs up, then he drags Zay up. But Quen runs in! Bill choke grips Quen, to CHOKE SLAM him onto Zay! Cover, TWO?!?! Zay survives and Bill is surprised! Bill tags Jericho back in, and Jericho climbs. Bill gets Zay up and brings him over, CHOKE- NO, Zay slips free and shoves Bill into Jericho! Jericho lands on his sapling, then Quen DROPKICKS Billy into him! Private Party DOUBLE LARIAT Bill out! Then they get Jericho set up! GIN & JUICE!! CODE BREAKER STYLE!! Quen CLOBBERS Bill, Zay covers, TWO?!?!? Jericho survives and no one can believe it!

The ref defends his count was fair but Zay can’t believe that math. Jericho is up, Zay fires off forearms! “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” Zay fires body “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” then runs to LARIAT! Zay is all fired up and the fans are with him! But Bill returns! Zay LION- NO, Bryan Keith CLOBBERS Zay!! The ref was busy with Bill, he missed that! Jericho drags Zay to a cover, Jericho’s team wins!

Winners: Chris Jericho & “Big Bill” Morrissey, by pinfall

Consider this one a 3v2 Handicap Match, because the Bad Apple got involved. And he even goes after Zay now! Quen goes after Bryan, but Bill & Jericho go after Quen, but Samoa Joe’s team runs out there! Joe LOW BLOWS Bill! Shibata and Hook go after Jericho and Bryan, but Jericho gets outta there! The Learning Tree wants nothing to do with this! So Shibata isolates Bryan’s arm, and STOMPS it!! Jericho feels Bryan’s pain, emotionally speaking. Joe gets a mic to say, “HI~, CHRIS~!” But week after week, Jericho has “graced” us with his presence, but Joe and his associates here have been talking. And every idea that falls from Jericho’s tree “absolutely SUCKS!”

The fans cheer but Joe isn’t done. Joe tells Jericho that they come from very different schools of thought. And the best ideas survive the crucible of combat! So that is what Joe suggests! Joe, Hook & Shibata VS Jericho and what’s left of his tree, come Forbidden Door! Will Jericho, Bill & Bryan be able to regroup in the eight days they have? Or will they be turned into the lumber that builds the school of Samoa Joe?


BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!

Though Will Ospreay and Swerve Strickland are Forbidden Door opponents, and hardly friends after how personal they’re making things, they must team together against The Gates of Agony! Will Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona crush the champions before they ever reach Long Island?


AEW Continental Championship Title Eliminator: Kazuchika Okada VS Ultimo Guerrero!

Christopher Daniels promised The Elite that they would face top tier competition for their titles, and he finally realized who would be best for The Rainmaker: the man who mentored him while on excursion in Mexico! Will Okada be able to stay undefeated in AEW when facing one of CMLL’s best? Or will Ultimo Guerrero show him that he still has a lot to learn?

The bell rings and Okada stares Ultimo down. The fans rally up, the two circle, and Ultimo offers a handshake. Okada slaps the hand away, he no longer cares about his former sensei. The two tie up, Ultimo waistlocks, then he SLAMS Okada down. Ultimo facelocks, Okada wrenches out but Ultimo rolls and trips Okada. Ultimo rolls Okada but Okada arm-drags free, and the two stand! The fans fire up as they reset and go again. Ultimo gets his side of the crowd going, but Okada has plenty of fans, too. The two speed things up, Okada drops but Ultimo runs him over! Ultimo whips, Okada ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Ultimo CHOPS!

Ultimo scoops, Okada slips free, but Ultimo LARIATS! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Ultimo stands first and he brings Okada around. Ultimo puts Okada in a corner to CHOP! Okada sputters, but Ultimo CHOPS again! And CHOPS again! Okada drops to a knee, Ultimo brings him up to scoop, and SLAM! The fans fire up, Okada slowly rises, but Ultimo is on him again. Ultimo CHOPS, and CHOPS, then brings Okada around. Ultimo whips Okada to ropes, then LARIATS him down! Ultimo stalks Okada to a corner, KNEES low, then KNEES low again! The ref counts, Ultimo snapmares Okada down then clamps on a chinlock.

The fans rally, Okada endures and fights around, but Ultimo pushes him down to get a leg. STRETCH MUFFLER! Okada endures, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts in Español, and Ultimo lets go at 4. Ultimo stomps Okada to the corner, lets off again, but Okada powers up to Alabama Lift! REVERSE NECK- NO, Ultimo fights it to an IRON OCTOPUS! Okada hurries to the ROPEBREAK, and Ultimo lets off again. Ultimo whips Okada to a corner, runs in, but Okada pops him up to the Alabama! REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Okada scowls and the fans fire up while Collision goes picture in picture.

Okada goes back to Ultimo, drags him up, and CLUBS him. Okada TOSSES Ultimo out, goes out after him, and UPPERCUTS! Ultimo staggers, Okada UPPERCUTS him again, and Ultimo sits in a corner. Okada stands Ultimo up, to SMACK hm off the chair! Okada drags Ultimo up and puts him back in the ring, then takes his time stepping in. Okada brings Ultimo up, turns him, and hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ultimo stays in this and Okada is annoyed. Okada paces, drags Ultimo up and DECKS him! Okada looms over Ultimo as Collision goes to break.

Collision returns and Okada has Ultimo in a corner. Okada brings him up but Ultimo body shots! And CHOPS! Okada knees low, whips, and runs in to BACK ELBO! Okada goes corner to corner, but Ultimo follows to clothesline! Ultimo keeps moving, but then Okada follows! Ultimo dodges, and DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! The fans fire up, the ref checks, and both men are still in this. Okada sits up first but Ultimo stands first. Ultimo whips, Okada reverses, but Ultimo pops Okada up to the apron! Ultimo sweeps the legs, fires up, and runs side to side to WRECK Okada with a dropkick!

The fans fire up and Ultimo goes out to the apron. Ultimo storms over to Okada, drags him up, and whips him into railing! Then he CHOPS! The fans fire up as Okada reaches out in pain. Ultimo storms up behind Okada, the ring count climbs, but Ultimo POSTS Okada at 7! Ultimo slides into the ring at 8, Okada flounders in after, and Ultimo eggs Okada on. Ultimo fireman’s carries, Okada slips free! Ultimo ELBOWS Okada, runs, but into the DROPKICK! Okada snarls and he drags Ultimo back up. Okada ripcords, but Ultimo ducks the lariat! Ultimo kicks low, runs in, but Okada avoids the splash! Okada fires forearms then goes up!

Okada pulls at Ultimo’s mask! The fans boo the disrespect, but Ultimo hits a RUNNING POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Okada stays in this but Ultimo rises up. Ultimo drags Okada up, puts him up top backwards, then climbs up behind him. Ultimo goes to the very top!? But Okada CLAWS at Ultimo’s face through the mask! Ultimo drops down, Okada climbs off the corner, and Okada ripcords! Ultimo ducks again, rolls Okada up, TWO!! Okada escapes and the fans fire up! Ultimo swings, but Okada gets around, and UNMASKS HIM! Ultimo does his best to cover up, but Okada ripcords! RAINMAKER!! Cover, Okada wins!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (denies Ultimo Guerrero a title opportunity)

Despite how he got the win, Okada grins because for him, a win is a win! Will The Rainmaker be unstoppable now that he does what he wants?


Backstage interview with Top Flight.

Lexy Nair is with Dante, Darius & Action, and she congratulates Dante for making it into the AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match. Now, they wanted this time so what’s on their mind? Dante says the last time he was in a ladder match, he broke his leg. A broken fibula, a dislocated ankle. It took a lot of hard work for Dante to make it back here. He had to relearn how to walk, how to run, how to jump, and how to be himself again. But now, he’s going back in to that environment. A lot of people are saying that’s crazy. But it’ll take a little bit of crazy to become the NEW TNT Champion, so boys, at Forbidden Door, he’ll get some gold to celebrate with.

Lio Rush walks in and he wants to talk about last week. Action says before that, he does want to congratulate Lio Rush on the win last night. Lio appreciates that. And he asks if Darius is cool. Darius nods so Lio takes that. Lio tells Dante that when it came to last week, Lio is a man of his word. He has Dante’s back. Always has, always will. But come Forbidden Door, Lio is in the match, too, and he wants the TNT Championship for himself. Dante says same for him. So then see you there. Darius says they’ll see who the better man is. Top Flight heads out, but will the Bad Child make sure he’s the Man of the Hour in New York?


Six Man Tag: The Patriarchy VS The Iron Savages!

While Christian Cage still wants to be AEW World Champion, he also wants his “sons,” Nick Wayne and Killswitch/Luchasaurus, to succeed, too. So they are going to go after the AEW World Trios Championships as a family, no matter who they have to go through. Killswitchasaurus took out Jacked Jameson, Dirty Bulk Bronson & Beefcake Boulder all by himself, so will it be even easier when Captain Charisma & The Prodigy Son are with him? Or will everyone be sippin’ sauce and livin’ hoss on Saturday night?

Before the match, Jameson has a mic. He tells Christian that he has been a focal point on the biggest shows in wrestling since most of us were little kids. Christian is one of the greatest of all time, and is now better than he’s ever been. However, ever since coming to AEW, Christian’s been acting more like “Low T Loser!” A couple weeks ago, Christian had Killswitch take them out for no reason! Then he’s got that little peeper, Nick Wayne, who looks like Timothée Chalamet but even wimpier! But they ain’t going to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory! They’re going to the milk farm in #TIDDYCITY!!

The fans are a little torn about that idea, but then The Patriarchy makes their entrance. But then Christian leaves?! No, he joins commentary! He’s leaving this all up to his “sons!” The teams sort out in this unofficial handicap match, and Luchasaurus starts against Bronson. The fans are on the dinosaur’s side, but Jameson says time to sip some sauce! Bronson grabs the cup and he CHUGS it! Bronson is all fired up, runs up on Luchasaurus, but Luchasaurus HEADBUTTS him down! Nick wants in, so Luchasaurus tags. Nick swaggers around, toys with Bronson, then taunts Jameson. Nick eggs Bronson on, kicks him around, then KICKS Bronson ont he back!

Nick flexes but Bronson gets up! Bronson is literally twice as big as Nick! Bronson back suplexes, Nick lands out! Nick kicks and runs, but into a back drop! Christian coaches Nick from 30 feet away at the desk but Bronson says it is time for TIDDY! CITY~! Bronson sends Nick right into Boulder’s beefy chest! Nick sputters, Luchasaurus tags in! He CLOBBERS Bronson, BLASTS Boulder & Jameson, then TOSESS Bronson toa  corner! Luchasaurus fires off fast hands, whips corner to corner, then runs up to BOOT Bronson down! Christian says this is the most elite big man in the business. Boulder storms up, he grabs Luchasaurus!

Luchasaurus ELBOWS Boulder, SHOVES him up and out, but Jameson grabs Luchasaurus by the hair! Christian says that’s cheating! Well, he would know… Jameson CLUBS Luchasaurus, goes up, but Luchasaurus garbs him first! To THROW him down onto Boulder! Nick gets in, he gets a boost from Luchasaurus, SUPER PLANCHA onto the Savages! Christian says they are the next Trios Champions and it is not up for debate. Luchasaurus waits on Bronson, Bronson slowly staggers to his feet, and into the choke grip! But Bronson CLUBS at the arm! Bronson breaks free, fires hands over and over, then LARIATS!

Christian is upset but Luchasaurus stays up! Bronson LARIAT, then DISCUS LARIATS! Luchasaurus drops to a knee, Bronson fires back up, “I’M GONNA BUST~!” Bronson runs, but into the choke grip! JURASSIC CHOKE SLAM! And then Nick wants back in! Christian says to do it, so Luchasaurus tags. Luchasaurus gets Bronson up, Christian says now his boys need his help. WAYNE’S WORLD! Christian goes to ringside, and Nick gladly tags his “father” in. Christian then has his “sons” get Bronson up, and he says THEY are the next Trios Champions! KILLSWITCH for Bronson! Cover, Patriarchy wins!

Winners: The Patriarchy, by pinfall

Christian tops it off after his “sons” do the heavy lifting, but a win is a win. Will nothing stop The Patriarchy as they look to reign over AEW together?


Mercedes Mone visited Arena Mexico.

And she told Stephanie Vaquer this is why she’s the CEO. She flew all the way to Mexico just ot make a point. Mone said hola, and then stared Vaquer down. Mone knows Vaquer is NJPW Strong Women’s Champion for now, but that title is hers come Forbidden Door. But then Vaquer told Mone, “You’re in my house now, b*tch! And we speak Spanish here!” So Mone used the internationally understood SLAP ACROSS THE FACE! The fight was on, and Mone snatched both belts! Will Mone prove she is The CEO of the entire world? Or will she find out why Vaquer is La Primera?


Toni Storm & Mariah May w/ Luther VS Lady Frost & Leyla Hirsch!

While Mina Shirakawa is coming for The Leading Lady’s AEW Women’s World Championship and the spotlight, she also wants her Mariah back! Will Storm and Mariah show Mina that their bond is more than just skin deep? Or will they both freeze up facing a LEGIT cool duo?

The teams sort out and Storm starts against Leyla. The fans rally for Storm as she and Leyla circle. They tie up, and Storm powers Leyla back, but Leyla puts Storm in the corner. They go around again, on the mat, then back to their feet. Storm wrenches but Leyla gets around to trip Storm. Leyla pushes Storm to a cover, ONE as Storm bridges. Leyla pushes her down, ONE! Leyla tries again, ONE! Leyla hops on but Storm stays bridged up! They stand, Storm wrenches to a facelock, then tags Mariah. The fans cheer as Storm whips Leyla to ropes, then BOOTS her down! Mariah SHOTGUNS Leyla down, but Leyla scrambles away.

Frost tags in, Mariah and Storm are too busy celebrating together. Frost gets around Mariah, goes to ropes, but Mariah bucks the O’Conner. Frost rolls through, comes back, tilt-o-whirl and sunset flip! TWO, but Mariah SLAPS Frost! Mariah puts some stank on the CHOP! Mariah then scoops for a SPIN OUT SIDEWALK SLAM! The fans fire up and Mariah even BLASTS Leyla for good measure! Storm runs in to HIP ATTACK Frost! Storm and Mariah pose together, and Storm cues us to picture in picture.

Storm and Mariah talk but Leyla drags Mariah back in! Frost drags Storm out, the two are separated and Frost fires off on Storm! Leyla throws Mariah down, covers, TWO! Frost CHOPS Storm against barriers! Leyla drags Mariah up to snap suplex! Leyla soaks up the heat, drags Mariah up, then tags in Frost. Leyla snap suplexes again, and Frost STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Frost stays on Mariah and brings her back over, tag to Leyla. They mug Mariah, stomp her down, then Leyla digs her boots in. The ref counts, Leyla lets off, and then she drags Mariah up. Luther rallies the fans while Mariah endures the REAR BEARHUG!

Mariah reaches out while Leyla leans on her. Mariah fights up, reaches for Storm, but Leyla brings her away. Mariah fights with elbows, then runs, but Leyla reels her in! Mariah switches, Leyla switches, but Mariah wrenches to a SAIDO! Mariah and Leyla crawl, hot tag to Storm! Storm rallies on Leyla, BLASTS Frost, and Collision returns to single picture! Storm dodges Leyla, blocks the boots, and DRAPING BACKSTABBERS! The fans fire up and Storm stands Leyla up, for a FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but Storm stands Leyla up again. Storm reels Leyla in, but Leyla back drops!

Storm sunset flips, but Leyla drops into the ARMBAR!! Storm flails, reaches out, and the fans rally up again! Mariah jumps in to RUNNING KNEE Leyla down! Storm is free, Frost runs up, but into a HEADBUTT! Mariah hurries back and reaches out! Hot tag to Mariah! She drags Leyla to a corner, Frost is in the other. Mariah and Storm say kiss THESE! But then Frost & Leyla dodge! GAMANGIRI for Mariah! Now Mariah and Storm are in corners! Frost hits the CANNONBALL! Leyla adds a SWINGING DROPKICK! Leyla drags Mariah to the drop zone and Frost goes up! Leyla goes after Storm but Storm HEADBUTTS!

Storm shields Mariah from the FROSTBITE!! Frost drags Leyla to cover Mariah, STORM BREAKS IT! The fans fire up, Frost fires off on Storm! Frost bumps Storm off buckles, Leyla gets Mariah up. Leyla ROCKS Mariah, coordinates with Frost, and they whip Storm and Mariah into each other! The two HUG! Then they dodge Leyla & Frost, to DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up as now they DOUBLE HIP ATTACK! Storm gets Leyla for STORM ZERO! Mariah covers, she and Storm win!

Winners: Toni Storm & Mariah May, by pinfall

The mentor and protege embrace as they come out victorious! But with Mina Shirakawa trying to wedge herself between them, will this story have a tragic ending?


Serena Deeb speaks.

“Leading up to Double or Nothing, I was 6-0. Physically, I was unbeatable. Mentally, I was untouchable, unbreakable. And subsequently, I’ve had three of the toughest losses of my career, to some of the best women in this company. And I know how this goes. Sometimes you’re on the up, sometimes you’re on the down. But when you’re on the down, you gotta stop it in its tracks and you gotta lift yourself back up. If there’s anything that my wrestling career has shown, it’s perseverance, it’s redemption, it’s grit. So next week, I will be in Buffalo at Collision, and I am begging anybody to step into my ring, to step into Deeb’s Dojo!

“Because, baby, I’m on the up. And from here, I’m gonna remind everybody, and I’m gonna remind myself, just who the hell I am: The Professor of Professional Wrestling.” Who will accept Deeb’s “pop quiz” next week on Collision?


Malakai Black & Brody King VS Leon & Max St. Giovanni!

The Bang Bang Gang mocked the misfortune of this malevolent faction, and they are looking to take their anger out on whatever poor souls AEW have found for them. Will LSG & MSG soon RIP at the feet of The Kings of the Black Throne?

The teams sort out, MSG starts against Malakai. They circle, MSG is wary of Brody, but he ties up with Malakai. MSG wrenches, wristlocks, but Malakai rolls, wrenches and cording holds. MSG slips around to wrench back, but Malakai spins to wrench then headlock. MSG powers out but Malakai runs him over! Malakai stands MSG up but MSG ROCKS him with a forearm! MSG winds up, but Malakai blocks the kick to ELBOW him away! Malakai runs up, but into an ELBOW! LSG tags in, but runs into an arm-drag! Malakai clamps onto LSG’s arm, wrenches it, and tags in Brody. The fans bark as Brody CLOBBERS MSG!

LSG arm-drags free of Malakai, then runs up, but Malakai drops down so Brody can CHOP LSG off his feet! LSG sputters, the fans bark for Brody, but MSG is back! Malakai blocks MSG’s superkick to KICK the other leg. Brody and Malakai FOREARM KNEE SMASH COMBO! LSG runs up, but into a POP-UP KNEE COMBO! Then DANTE’S INFERNO!! Cover, The House wins!

Winners: Malakai Black & Brody King, by pinfall

The brothers St. Giovanni could not withstand the wrath of the Dark Father and the King of Death, who still have fury burning in their eyes. But as they head up the ramp, Ian Riccaboni is there to interview them. He congratulates them on the win tonight, but he must ask: How does it feel after what happened to Buddy last week? Malakai chuckles, and says what a “human” question. Brody tells Ian that revenge is never a straight line. They feel nothing. Does that mean Buddy doesn’t matter? Or are Malakai & Brody just waiting until the right time to strike?


Hechicero w/ The Gates of Agony VS Matthew Menard!

The Alchemist of Lucha Libre warned MJF that at Forbidden Door, he’s going to break off one of MJF’s arms! Will Hechicero use Menard as an example of that? Or will Hechicero have a hard time handling some Daddy Magic?

The bell rings and Menard dodges Hechi to fire off fast hands! Menard whips Hechi to then CLOBBER him! The fans fire up with Menard as he keeps on Hechi, with a LARIAT! “What you got!?” The fans cheer, Menard whips, but Hechi gets under the leap frog to DUMP Menard down! Hechi ELBOW DROPS, then basement DROPKICKS! Menard bails out, shakes out the stars, then slides back in. But Hechi stomps away on Menard, then CHOKES him on ropes! The ref counts, Hechi BITES Menard before letting off. Menard gets up but Hechi CHOPS him! Hechi runs to JUMP KNEE! The fans are torn, but Hechi gets Menard up, for a back drop!

Hechi traps an arm, grabs the other, and DARK SACRIFICE! Menard writhes, staggers around, and Hechi slithers around to make sure MJF knows he is numero uno! Hechi runs up, but Menard dodges! Hechi hits buckles, and Menard fires off shots! Menard whips corner to corner, then runs up to clothesline! Menard climbs, and he rains down fists! The fans fire up and count all the way to TEN! Menard is all fired up, then he hits a CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Hechi stays in this but Menard scowls. Menard runs, but into a CROSSBODY from Hechi! SLEEPER on the ropes! The ref counts, Hechi RAMS Menard down!

Hchi then slingshots to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Hechi waits on Menard, runs and tilt-o-whirls, HEADSCISSOR LEG DROP! Then Hechi rains down shots on Menard’s back, before reeling him into the CRUCIFIX ARMBAR! Menard taps, Hechi wins!

Winner: Hechicero, by submission

The Gates of Agony storm in to celebrate with Hechi, will the Alchemist of Lucha turn the Wolf of Wrestling into a lap dog? Or will MJF prove that he’s better than even Hechicero, and he knows it?


Jeff Jarrett speaks.

“When I was asked officially about being in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, all the emotion came back. It’s hard for me to imagine it’s been 25 years, but there are so many things that I remember like it was yesterday. In the late 90s, we would become Tag Team Champions, and I kinda look back on those days as the favorite days of my career. His passing in 1999, May 23rd, on the Monday the following day, I made a promise to myself that I would be able to look Oje & Athena in their eyes, and it really meant something. They were little kids when it happened, but to let them know what a great man their father is. I never, ever met anybody like him.”

Jarrett looks back, and he’s since become a 12-time world champion, a two-time Hall of Famer. The Owen Cup means more to him than anything he’s ever done. Toby Keith passed away earlier this year, another good buddy. And as the song says, he ain’t as good as he once was, but he’s as good once as he ever was. To get the opportunity to win three matches, then stand in the ring in Owen’s hometown of Calgary, Jarrett is absolutely gonna do it. The Last Outlaw must still wait and see what “wild card” is dealt, but will he make it through no matter what?


AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay VS Brian Cage!

The Aerial Assassin wants to be the #TwoBeltBruv by taking Swerve’s AEW World Championship, but he also has to defend the belt he has. And while The Machine doesn’t work for The Mogul anymore, he might end up helping him out with this match. Will Ospreay stay golden on the Road to The Forbidden Door? Or will Cage make sure Ospreay’s limping into Long Island?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and it’s time to see #WhoBetta!

The bell rings and Cage CLOBBERS Ospreay! Cage fires off in the corner, the fans boo and the ref counts. But then Ospreay turns things around to fire back! Ospreay goes up to rain down fists, but Cage SHOVES him away at 4! Ospreay lands out on his feet, only for Cage to run him over! The fans boo but Cage drags Ospreay up to ROCK him! Ospreay staggers, Cage CHOPS him, but the fans rally for the “BRUV! BRUV! BRUV!” Cage whips, Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges and RAN- NO, Cage stops that and TOSSES Ospreay! Then he scoops to do bicep curls, before the FALL AWAY SLAM! Cage flexes but fans boo.

Ospreay grits his teeth as he stands up, and Cage runs in. Ospreay DUMPS Cage out, ROCKS him, then ROCKS him again. Cage shoves Ospreay but Ospreay comes back to BOOT! Cage falls to the floor, the fans fire up with Ospreay, and he PLANCHAS! Down goes Cage and the fans fire up again! Ospreay paces, brings Cage up and into the ring, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Ospreay aims from the apron, springboards, but Cage catches him! Cage stalling suplexes Ospreay, walks around with him, but Ospreay flails. Cage still keeps Ospreay up, to JACKHAMMER! Cover, TWO! Cage is annoyed but he brings Ospreay back up. Cage brings Ospreay around, bumps him off buckles, then CHOPS! Cage ROCKS Ospreay, soaks up the heat, then smirks as he drags Ospreay back up. Ospreay fires forearms in return! Cage SOBATS, scoops, and SLAMS, to then drop a leg, brother! Cover, TWO! Ospreay stays in this but Cage stays on him. Cage drags Ospreay up, to HEADBUTT him!

Ospreay staggers, Cage bumps him off buckles, but Ospreay kicks low! Ospreay ROCKS Cage, CHOPS him, then CHOPS him again! Ospreay whips corner to corner, but Cage reverses hard! Ospreay falls back, Cage dusts himself off, and then Cage asks, “Who betta?!” Cage looms over Ospreay, gives him clubbing crossface forearms from both sides, and Collision goes to break.

Collision returns and Cage has Ospreay in a BEARHUG! Ospreay endures, the fans rally, and Ospreay throws elbows! Ospreay BELL CLAPS and Cage lets him go! Cage still knees low, CLUBS Ospreay, then shouts, “Who betta than Cage, huh?!” Cage runs but into the TIGER WALL KICK and ENZIGIRI! Cage staggers to a corner and the fans fire back up! Daniel Garcia is watching, as he still wants a shot at the International Championship. Ospreay runs corner to corner to BOOT Cage! Ospreay pushes Cage out, goes to the apron and springboards in, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Ospreay is annoyed but he just brings Cage up.

Ospreay reels Cage in but Cage resists the lift. The fans rally as Ospreay fires Kawada Kicks! And then winds up to CHOP! Ospreay reels Cage in again, but Cage back drops free! Cage goes corner to corner to UPPERCUT, GAMANGIRI, then GERMAN SUPLEX! Ospreay has a rough landing and the ref checks him, but he seems okay to continue. Cage goes to the corner, and he deadlift SUPERLEXES! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay toughs it out and Cage grows frustrated. The fans rally for Ospreay but Cage reels him in. Cage puts one out, lifts Ospreay up, but Ospreay RANAS Cage into the buckles!

Ospreay hurries up top now, and he BLINDSIDE CHEERIOS! The fans fire up and Ospreay prepares his elbow pad. Cage stirs, Ospreay goes to a corner and the fans are thunderous! HIDDEN- NO, Cage fireman’s carries first! But Ospreay fights around, sunset flips, but Cage stays up to YANK Ospreay up! But Ospreay gets around, full nelsons, only for Cage to ELBOW free. Ospreay HOOK KICKS back! Ospreay springboards, OSC- DROPKICK from Cage!! The fans boo, but Cage aims and spins, but Ospreay slips through the lariat! And he gets Cage up, SITOUT BOMB! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous!

Ospreay and Cage stir, a standing count begins, and the fans rally up. Both men are down at 5 of 10 but Ospreay sits up first. Cage follows, and Ospreay stands at 7. Ospreay brings Cage around to fire a forearm! And then another forearm! And then another! Cage ROCKS Ospreay back! Cage stalks Ospreay, hauls him up to a fireman’s carry, and F5!! Cover, TWO!! Cage is losing his cool and he argues with the ref but the count was still two! Cage seethes, and Collision goes picture in picture again.

Ospreay stirs while Cage paces around him. Cage slashes his throat, brings Ospreay back up, and he SLAPS Ospreay! Ospreay wobbles, Cage SLAPS him again! Ospreay ROCKS Cage, ROCKS him again, and again! Cage ROCKS Ospreay right back! Ospreay staggers around, finds his way back, and he fires more forearms on Cage! So Cage DECKS Ospreay! Cage eggs Ospreay on, and Ospreay rises to fire another flurry! Cage ROCKS Ospreay again, and Ospreay leans against Cage. Cage pushes Ospreay down, talks trash, then stands on Ospreay’s back! Cage flexes, soaks up the heat, but Ospreay pushes up off the mat!

Cage STOMPS Ospreay down! Cage runs, but Ospreay avoids the elbow drop! Cage staggers back over, brings Ospreay up, but Ospreay fires forearms! Cage ROCKS Ospreay but Ospreay just fires up! Ospreay fires another flurry, Cage ROCKS him again, but Ospreay ROARS! Ospreay fires shot after shot but Cage ROCKS him one more time! Ospreay goes to a corner, Cage brings him around and reels him in. Suplex, but Ospreay slips free! Ospreay waistlocks, Cage switches, but Ospreay ELBOWS free. Cage ROCKS Ospreay again, but Ospreay headbutts buckles to fire himself up! The fans are thunderous as Collision returns to single picture!

Ospreay eggs Cage on, then blocks a shot to fire KAWADA KICKS! Cage JUMP KNEES! DISCUS- SUPERKICK! Cage stills wings, Ospreay swats the lariat to HOOK KICK! Cage still LARIATS through!! Cage gets Ospreay up, lifts, POWERBOMB! Deadlift, SPINNING SITOUT BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay survives and the fans are thunderous again! Cage seethes and pounds the mat in frustration but the fans are behind Ospreay. Cage drags Ospreay up, fireman’s carries again, but Ospreay fires elbows! Ospreay pops up to spin and RAN- NO! Cage blocks that again! Cage brings Ospreay up, but Ospreay slips into a DDT!

Cage staggers, Ospreay whips, but Cage reverses! Ospreay handsprings, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Ospreay springs right up to HIDDEN BLADE!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Cage survives and shocks Ospreay! Ospreay just fires himself back up and the fans rally as hard as they can! Ospreay gets Cage up, reels him in, and underhooks those big meaty arms! But Cage fights with those arms to RAM Ospreay into a corner! Cage goes corner to corner, but Ospraey BOOTS him! Ospreay goes up but Cage GAMANGIRIS! Right in the mouth! Cage goes up, but Ospreay slips under and tucks Cage in! CHEEKY NANDOS!

Cage wobbles, Ospreay puts him back up! Ospreay goes up TO SUPER- NO, Cage slips free! So Ospreay GAMANGIRIS back! Ospreay goes up but Cage scoop him! SUPER SPINNING POWERSLAM!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Now Ospreay shocks Cage! The fans are electric for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” Ospreay rises, Cage runs in, and he CLOTHESLINES Ospreay in that corner! Ospreay’s momentum puts him up top! Cage goes up after Ospreay, fireman’s carries, but Ospreay pops up to SUPER STEINER!! The fans are electric again, for the OS- NO!! Cage stuffs that to ripcord and HAYMAKER!

Cage vows to end this! Suplex, STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! And POISON-RANA!! Ospreay gets moving, OSCUTTER!!! Cover, TWO!??!? Ospreay throws his elbow pad away, he means business this time! HIDDEN BLADE!!!! Cover, Ospreay wins!!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall (still AEW International Champion)

The Machine proved he can get his stuff in, and that he can take one of the best to the limit, but that is where Cage hits his limit! Ospreay is rolling into Dynamite next week, where he will have no choice but to team with The Realest to take on some common enemies. Will Will Ospreay & Swerve Strickland make it through The Gates of Agony? Or will neither of them make it to The Forbidden Door?

My Thoughts:

A great Collision, though stocked full of more action than I expected. Thankfully, it was less talky than usual, and what promos we got were fairly efficient. Well, I feel like there was a touch of redundancy to Lio interacting with Top Flight when we got that moment on Rampage. I guess AEW is worried not enough people are watching Rampage. Deeb sending out an Open Challenge for the Collision go-home next week was good, I’m sure we’ll get a great match of her and a visiting CMLL or Stardom talent. And after Jarrett’s very moving promo, I actually want to see him make it to the finals. I don’t see him winning the whole thing with Pac AND Bryan Danielson on the other side of the bracket, but for the sake of honoring Owen Hart’s memory, Jarrett at least has to get past the wild card.

Storm & Mariah VS Leyla & Frost was a good tune-up match for the Six Woman Tag set for Dynamite, but as such, The Outcasts likely win. As I said on Wednesday, if Mariah is going to beat Saraya in the Women’s Owen Hart Cup, she’ll have to lose out on Dynamite because that’s how the math works. Hechicero of course beat Daddy Magic, but that’s because MJF is going to win at Forbidden Door. And then of course The House of Black beat the St. Giovanni brothers. Their dismissive nature towards the interview was an interesting one, but I would think they will get their revenge on The Patriarchy soon enough.

Good promo from The Bang Bang Gang that helped feed into the various stories. The Patriarchy of course beat The Iron Savages, but Christian avoided doing work in an even more obnoxious way than I expected. I still think Pac should work with Malakai & Brody in an attempt to get revenge on The Bang Bang Gang together, but I guess that depends on if Pac goes to the Owen Hart Cup finals or not. Oddly, I’d love if The Bang Bang Gang did face The Patriarchy for some rare Heels VS Heels shenanigans. Christian will try to cheat at the same time Bang Bang Gang tries to cheat so it comes down to who can cheat better.

Though going by the other tag matches, the Joe-Hook-Shibata trio is a great team, and they naturally made quick work of The Premier Athletes. Then they logically went after Jericho’s group after that great match with Private Party. Jericho likely will still owe Hook an FTW Championship match, but it’d also be great if Joe-Hook-Shibata got their shot at the trios titles. We’d get some awesome promos between them and the Bang Bang Gang, as well as some fresh showdowns. And really good match of Okada and Ultimo Guerrero. It was a little sluggish, but I suppose between Ultimo and Okada needing to get a rhythm, and Ultimo being 52, it was still very solid stuff. But Okada winning was fine, it leaves him available for a different match-up for Forbidden Door weekend.

And just an awesome International Championship match for the main event. I did not think Cage was going to get as much offense in as he did, but I appreciate that they let him. Cage needs to be seen as a threat on some level so pushing Ospreay like this was a good way to do it. But of course Ospreay wins, because they’re continuing to tease Garcia VS Ospreay.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Soul Results & Report! (6/22/24)

Qualify for the Climax!



The Road to the G1 has begun!

NJPW is heating up the G1 Climax already by bringing us a Qualifier Series! Whose New Japan Soul will burn bright through the Summer?


  • Masatora Yasuda VS Daiki Nagai; Time Limit Draw.
  • Great-O-Khan & Francesco Akira VS Katsuya Murashima & Shoma Kato; Khan & Akira win.
  • Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS Tomohiro Ishii, Satoshi Kojima & Tomoaki Honma; The United Empire wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: Just5Guys VS Hirooki Goto, El Desperado, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg; Goto, Desperado, Tanahashi, Yano & Oleg win.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier First Round: Callum Newman VS Yujiro Takahashi; Callum wins and advances to New Japan Soul in Korakuen Hall.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier First Round: YOSHI-HASHI VS Chase Owens; Hashi wins and advances to New Japan Soul in Korakuen Hall.
  • 8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The House of Torture; LIJ wins.


G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier First Round: Callum Newman VS Yujiro Takahashi!

The United Empire has been on a roll tonight, but while those were tag matches, The Prince of Pace has to do this on his own! Can Callum conquer the Tokyo Pimp? Or will he have to watch out for the usual tricks?

The bell rings and the two run in! Yujiro BOOTS Callum down, stomps him around, and Callum goes to ropes. Yujiro ROCKS Callum with a forearm, then stalks him to a corner. Yujiro stomps Callum again, CLUBS him, then brings him out to knee low. Yujiro CLUBS Callum again, whips corner to corner, but Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges and keeps moving, to then BOOT Yujiro! The fans fire up while Yujiro bails out. Callum eggs Yujiro on, but the ref wants him to stay in. Yujiro slides in, Callum dodges and DROPKICKS! Yujiro bails out again and the fans fire up. Yujiro hurries back up to the apron, but Callum DROPKICKS him down!

Callum takes aim as Yujiro stands up, for the PLANCHA, but Yujiro moves aside! Callum lands on his feet but that strains the legs. Yujiro reels Callum in, REVERSE DDT to the floor! The ref wants this back inside, and fans rally up for Callum, but Yujiro stalks him. Yujiro drags Callum up to RAM him into railing! Yujiro brings Callum back up, to RAM him into the apron! The ref reprimands but Yujiro brings Callum around, to whip into railing! Callum goes down in a heap and Yujiro leaves him behind. The ring count starts but Callum sits up at 4 of 20. The fans cheer Callum on as he rises at 10 of 20 and hobbles over.

Callum rolls in at 13, the fans cheer, but Yujiro stomps Callum right down. Yujiro digs his boots in, the ref counts, so Yujiro lets off at 4. Yujiro whips Callum into a corner, stomps him, ROCKS him with a forearm, then ELBOWS him. Yujiro throws more elbows, then runs up to BOOT! Callum slumps down but Yujiro pushes him to a cover, TWO! The fans cheer but Yujiro argues the count. The ref says it was fair, so Yujiro drags Callum to center. Yujiro drops a leg, drops it again, then drops it again! Cover, TWO! Callum stays in this and the fans rally up. Yujiro is annoyed, but he eggs Callum on. Yujiro brings Callum up, and Callum fires a forearm!

Yujiro eggs Callum on more as Callum throws more shots. Yujiro then knees low! Yujiro snapmares Callum and then basement BOOTS! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer as Callum toughs it out. Yujiro brings Callum up, puts him against ropes, then fires forearms. The ref reprimands, but Yujiro gets space. Callum BOOTS first! Callum runs up but into a kick! Yujiro runs but Callum follows, trips him, and DOUBLE STOMPS him! The fans fire up while both men are down! Yujiro goes to one corner, Callum goes to the other. Callum fires up, the fans are with him, and he runs Around the World to DROPKICK!

Callum snapmares Yujiro, runs up and PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! The fans still applaud as Callum has control. Callum clutches his beat up back, uses the ropes to stretch it out, and then he clamps onto Yujiro with chicken wings. Yujiro hurries to the ropes, so Callum ROCKS him with a right! Callum sits Yujiro in the ropes, then runs to DROPKICK Yujiro in the back! Yujiro falls, Callum brings him up and chicken wings. Yujiro fights the lift, stomps Callum’s foot, then ROCKS him with an elbow! Callum comes back to ROCK Yujiro with a forearm! Callum runs, but into a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Callum sputters, Yujiro runs up and BOOTS him!

Yujiro brings Callum around, reels him in, FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Callum survives and the fans cheer! Yujiro is frustrated but he stalks Callum. Yujiro drags Callum up, reels him in, INCOLLE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Callum is tougher then the Intercollegiate Slam and Yujiro grows further frustrated! Yujiro stumbles after Callum, brings him up, and fireman’s carries. Callum fights free, but Yujiro blocks the lariat! Yujiro ducks the backhand but not the ROUNDHOUSE! Both men are down again as Callum catches his breath. The fans rally up and Callum fires himself back up. The fans join in and Callum takes aim.

Callum goes to run but Yujiro reels him in! Yujiro waistlocks, Callum switches, but Yujiro BITES Callum’s hand! The fans boo and the ref reprimands but Yujiro stops at 4. Yujiro runs, but Callum blocks the boot, ROCKS Yujiro, then runs. Yujiro uses the ref as a shield! He gets the cane! But Callum blocks the cane attack, kicks Yujiro low, but now the ref sees Callum with the cane! Callum defends his innocence, the ref takes the cane, and Yujiro LOW BLOWS!! The fans boo but Yujiro reels Callum in, for PIMP JUICE! Cover, TWO!! Yujiro is stunned that Callum survives! Yujiro pleads with the ref, but no, it was not a three.

Yujiro drags Callum up, reels him in, for BIG- NO, Callum wrenches out! Yujiro ROCKS Callum, runs, but Callum shoots around to chicken wing and TIGER SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Yujiro escapes but the fans fire up! Callum aims from a corner, runs Around the World, and DROPKICKS! Yujiro staggers, Callum goes up, and he roars as he springboard DOUBLE STOMPS! Then OSCUTTER!! Cover, Callum wins!

Winner: Callum Newman, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

It was a grueling first fight, but Callum was able to outpace Yujiro, and he now moves ahead! Callum faces Kenta in Korakuen Hall, will Callum continue to build momentum? Or will he #GoToSleep before the Climax?


G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier First Round: YOSHI-HASHI VS Chase Owens!

The Head Hunter and the Crown Jewel have battled many times, both in the G1 and more recently, over the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. Sadly, neither man has that gold, but they’re looking at something bigger. Will Yoshi-Hashi #GetBackUp and head for the next round? Or will he be the victim of a Jewel Heist?

The bell rings and the two circle as the fans rally up. The two tie up, are in a deadlock, but Chase swings Hashi around to put him on ropes. The ref counts, Chase lets off, but then he blows snot on Hashi! Chase eggs Hashi on so Hashi fires forearms! Hashi CLUBS Chase, Chase knees low and Chase TOSSES Hashi out. Hashi runs up to the apron but Chase DECKS him! Chase builds speed but Hashi dodges the dropkick! Hashi kicks low, whips, and Chase hits railing! Chase staggers away while fans applaud. Hashi goes after Chase, brings him around, and whips him into more railing! Chase staggers again while fans applaud.

The ref wants this back in the ring but Hashi lines up a shot. Chase stands, Hashi runs up, but Chase BOOTS him! Chase RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS Hashi into railing! The ref goes out to check Hashi while Chase leaves him behind. Chase opens the gate so he can snatch a fan’s Yoshi-Hashi towel! Chase sneaks that over so he can CHOKE Hashi with it! The ref sees that, reprimands, but Chase whips Hashi hard into railing! Down goes Abe-san, too! Since when was Chase copying the House of Torture? Chase storms over, brings Hashi up, and puts him in the ring. Hashi sits up, Chase runs, SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!

The fans cheer as Hashi stays in this. Chase is annoyed and he mocks the fans as they rally up. Chase CLUBS Hashi on the neck, stomps Hashi’s hand, then brings him up to wrench and wristlock. Chase bends the fingers, then SNAPS them! The ref reprimands Chase being a Villain, but Chase stomps away in the corner. Chase then bends the fingers, and he makes Hashi flip Goto off on commentary. Chase CHOPS Hashi, CLUBS him, then RAMS into him! Chase digs in his shoulder, then lifts Hashi to RAM him in again! Hashi hobbles, Chase whips him corner to corner hard, and Hashi bounces off buckles! Chase soaks up the heat while Hashi writhes.

Chase drags Hashi up but Hashi fires body shots. Hashi CHOPS and the fans cheer! But Chase BOOTS Hashi down! Chase clutches his stinging chest, drags Hashi up, but Hashi suplexes first! The fans fire up while both men are down, and Chase goes to a corner. Hashi goes to the other, runs in corner to corner, and CHOPS! Hashi ROCKS and CHOPS and repeat on Chase! The fans fire up, the ref reprimands, but Hashi lets off with one more CHOP! Chase sits down, but he SPITS at Hashi! So Hashi CHOPS him again! Hashi whips corner to corner, Chase reverses, but Hashi comes back to run Chase over!

The fans cheer and Hashi cleans himself off. Hashi then runs up to CHOP, run again, and BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Chase stays in this but the fans rally up for Hashi. Hashi storms over to Chase, brings him up, but Chase throws body shots. Hashi eggs him on, Chase throws more shots, then a CHOP of his own! Hashi DECKS Chase and the fans fire up! Hashi goes back to a corner to catch his breath. Chase slowly goes to the other corner, Hashi runs in again, but Chase blocks the lariat to BUCKLE SHOT, STO, and SENTON! The fans fire up while both men are down! Chase runs corner to corner now to forearm smash!

Chase reels Hashi in, short arm LARIAT! Then a half nelson to GUTBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Hashi stays in this and the fans fire up again! Chase is annoyed but he drags Hashi back up. Chase reels him in, but Hashi back drops free! But Chase is right back up! BLINDSIDE C-TRIGGER! Chase then wrenches, hammerlocks and JEWEL HEISTS! Cover, TWO!! Chase is furious with the ref but the ref defends his count! Chase scowls, drags Hashi up, and reels him in. Chase tucks the arms, PACKAGE- NO, Hashi flips free to CODE BREAKER! Roll up and bridge, TWO! Chase escapes but Hashi dropkicks the legs out!

The fans fire up again while both men are down! Hashi and Chase go back to corners, and both men run in! DOUBLE LARIATS collide, but neither falls! DOUBLE LARIATS collide again, and Chase staggers back! Hashi runs corner to corner, but Chase sends him into buckles! Chase rolls Hashi up, and puts his feet on ropes! TWO!! Hashi escapes but Chase gets moving, to C- NO!! Hashi blocks the trigger! Chase fires hands but Hashi CLUBS the leg! Hashi puts the leg in ropes, to SUPERKICK! Full nelson, DRAGON SUPLEX! Chase roars and rise sup, he swats a lariat and BACK ELBOWS! Hashi roars and swings, but into a HALF ‘N’ HALF!

But Hashi is right back up! C-TRIGGER!! Hashi falls back but Chase has to sit down! The fans fire up and rally for Hashi as he stirs. Chase aims as Hashi goes to ropes, and he runs in to C-TRIGGER! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and the fans fire up again! Chase drags Hashi back up, POINT-BLANK C-TRIGGER!! Hashi flops over but Chase wants to go for the execution! Chase reels Hashi in, tucks the arms, and PACKAGE- NO! Hashi kicks and flails to fight! But Chase powers through! PACKAGE- NO, Hashi fights free with a back drop! Chase sunset flips it! But Hashi sits on it! Cover, TWO!! Even Chase has to check if he got free in time!

Chase runs, but Hashi dodges the trigger! ELBOW! CHOP! SUPERKICK! Chase roars, but into a SUPERKICK! Hashi reels Chase in for a DESTROYER!! Cover, TWO!! Chase survives and the fans fire up! Hashi rallies the fans, runs, and LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Chase is still in this but the fans fire up more! Hashi gets Chase up, full nelsons, then pump handles, KARMA!! Cover, Hashi wins!

Winner: Yoshi-Hashi, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

The Crown Jewel cracked under the pressure and now Hashi heads for Korakuen Hall! But Hashi’s friend and teammate in Chaos, Tomohiro Ishii, will be waiting! If Hashi made it through this, can he make it through the Stone Pitbull?


8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The House of Torture!

Tetsuya Naito is preparing for the Forbidden Door and his battle with Jon Moxley, but it seems some old enemies are knocking at his door. Will Titan, Bushi & Yota Tsuji help Naito stay tranquilo? Or will Evil, Ren Narita, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Sho make sure Darkness Falls in Fukushima?

Before the match, Sho gets on the mic to sarcastically with Naito a happy birthday. As such, he says it’s cute Naito thinks he’s going to have a happy birthday at all. Sho talks trash on LIJ, too, but the fans boo. And then The House just attacks! The bell rings, the brawl is on, and while Evil, Narita & Kanemaru drag Naito, Bushi & Yota out, Sho digs his boot into Titan’s neck! Red Shoes reprimands, Sho lets off, and he drags Titan up to CLUB him down. Sho talks trash as he digs his boot into Titan’s head. Titan gets up to fire off a strike fest! SOBAT and Titan runs, but Kanemaru gets a cheap shot in!

Red Shoes reprimands, Titan swings on Kanemaru but Kanemaru avoids it. Kanemaru throws Titan down by his mask, only for Titan to kip up! PELE! Kanemaru falls, Titan gets around Sho to knuckle lock, CHOP, and he goes up and up! Titan tightrope walks but Kanemaru gets in, so Titan MISSILE DROPKICKS the Heel Master! Then DROPKICK for the Murder Machine! The fans fire up as Titan snapmares, gets a leg, and drops a leg on the knee! And then Titan drags Sho over to tag in Naito! The fans cheer as the birthday boy drags Sho up and wrenches his arm to a wristlock. Sho begs for mercy as Naito cranks the hold!

Sho reaches out, Naito keeps him from ropes, and they go around and around. Naito even teases Evil by just barely keeping Sho back from a tag! Naito grins as he brings Sho away and Bushi tags in. Bushi climbs up, Evil protests, but Bushi still gets away with the AX HANDLE! The fans cheer, and Bushi BLASTS Evil off the apron! Bushi CHOPS Sho, whips corner to corner, then runs in, but Sho dodges. Sho runs in but into the PENDULUM KICK! Bushi aims but Dick Togo anchors Bushi’s feet while Sho gets in Red Shoes’ face! Narita BOOTS Bushi down, and then the rest of the House attacks the rest of LIJ!

Narita whips Bushi into railing, Evil CHOKES Naito, Sho whips Yota! Sho and Bushi get back in the ring, even as Evil CHOKES Naito, Kanemaru CHOKES Titan, and Narita brings Yota into the crowd! The fans have to be careful, and Red Shoes reprimands, but this lets Sho CHOKE Bushi in the ring! Sho tags Kanemaru and he scrapes his foot off Bushi’s face. Kanemaru snapmares Bushi, ELBOWS him in the head, then stomps him around. The fans rally for Bushi but Kanemaru sends him into Evil’s boot! Kanemaru tags Evil, Red Shoes sees Evil has a shirt ready to use, so Evil gives that up so he can kick Bushi out of the ring.

Red Shoes is busy putting the shirt aside, so he misses Sho and Narita mugging Bushi! Narita grabs a chair, Sho stands Bushi up, and Narita JAMS Bushi! Yota protests, Narita puts Bushi in for Evil, and Evil drags Bushi up for a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! But then someone rings the bell? Dick Togo makes the announcement and Evil even grabs Bushi’s mask cover to celebrate. Red Shoes says no, this doesn’t count in any way, shape or form. Evil says fine, and he tags Narita. Narita drags Bushi up, Bushi CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS! Narita CLAWS Bushi’s eyes! Red Shoes reprimands while Narita scrapes Bushi’s face off ropes!

Red Shoes counts, Narita lets off and runs, but Bushi blocks the boot to ENZIGIRI! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Bushi crawls, but Narita stomps him down! Narita BLASTS Yota, stands Bushi up, but Bushi blocks a kick to CLUB the leg! Bushi then dropkicks the legs out, crawls for his corner, and the fans rally up! Hot tag to Yota! The fans fire up as Yota runs Narita over! Kanemaru & Sho get in to kick low then double whip, but Yota kicks Sho while he arm-drags Kanemaru! The fans fire up as Yota scoops Sho for a BACKBREAKER! Kanemaru storms up but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER!

Narita returns, kicks low and whips, but Yota reverses to scoop and BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up for the hattrick while Narita writhes! Yota gets the fans even more fired up and he smiles. Yota drags Narita up, fireman’s carries, but Narita fights free. Narita CHOKES Yota, Red Shoes reprimands, but Yota breaks free! Yota swings, Narita ducks then gets the SLEEPER! Yota endures, and he RAMS Narita into the corner! Yota sputters, but Evil sneakily unties the buckle pad! Yota runs back in and surprise! Yota runs into bare buckles! The fans boo but Narita tags Evil in. Evil & Narita split the wishbone on Narita, then Evil DECKS Naito!

Narita & Evil whip Yota to an open corner. Evil runs in but Yota BOOTS him! Narita runs in, he blocks Yota’s boot, but Yota reels Narita in to STOMP down! Evil mule kicks, runs, but into a COMPLETE SHOT! The fans fire up while both men are down! Yota crawls over, hot tag to Naito! Naito fires hands on Evil, kicks and CLUBS him, then whips. Evil reverses but Naito holds ropes. Naito BOOTS Evil, runs up and gets around, then whips to arm-drag! Evil stands, Naito RAMS into him, but Evil fights the atomic drop. Naito RAMS Evil into the corner, whips him corner to corner, then ELBOWS him! Naito snapmares and basement dropkicks!

The fans fire up as Naito poses, then he covers, TWO! Evil is still in this but Naito stays on him. Evil kicks, Naito blocks and he CLUBS the leg! Naito kicks and kicks, but Evil blocks! Kanemaru gets in to dropkick the legs out! Kanemaru & Sho hold off LIJ while Evil steps through, for the SCORPION DEATHLOCK! Naito endures, pushes up, crawls forward, but Evil sits deep on the hold! Dick pokes Naito in the eyes! But even so, Naito fights forward to the ROPEBREAK! Evil holds until Red Shoes counts 4, then Kanemaru tags in. The House sends Naito to an open corner. Sho runs in to forearm smash, then Narita adds his own!

Kanemaru runs in to elbow! Evil runs in to clothesline! Snapmare, and then Narita gets in Red Shoes’ face! Dick goes up the corner while Evil & Kanemaru hold Naito open! DICK CHOP! Kanemaru covers, TWO!! Naito survives and the fans fire up! But Kanemaru & Evil SMASH the knees! Kanemaru steps through to FIGURE FOUR! Naito endures, the fans rally, but Kanemaru thrashes around! Bushi gets in to stomp Kanemaru, but Sho kicks Bushi! Sho throws Bushi out, but Naito is still free of the leglock. Dick distracts Red Shoes, letting Kanemaru get his whiskey! The fans boo as Kanemaru aims, but Naito ducks the bottle!

Titan SHOTGUNS Kanemaru, then he BOOTS Dick! Sho kicks Titan, whips, but Titan reverses. Titan goes Matrix to then CALF KICK Sho! Evil & Narita attack, double whip, but Titan uses that to FLY out onto Sho! The fans fire up, Bushi & Yota get in! CODE BREAKER for Evil, STUNNER for Narita! Then Naito baits Kanemaru into an atomic drop! Bushi ENZIGIRIS! Yota SUPERKICKS! Bushi gives Naito a boost, TORNADO DDT! The fans fire up as Naito gets Kanemaru up, wrenches, and tilt-o-whirls, DESTINO!! Cover, LIJ wins!

Winners: Los Ingobernables de Japon, by pinfall

The House of Torture tried but failed, and the night is tranquilo after all! Yota grabs the blue buckle pad and threatens Narita with it! Souled Out runs away to help the rest of The House get outta here, will they ever learn their lesson?

As for LIJ, they regroup in the ring, and naturally, Naito gets the mic. “Buenas noches, Fukushimaaa~!” The fans cheer, and Naito continues. NJPW visits the Fukushima Prefecture often, but it has been three YEARS and eight MONTHS since they were last in THE Fukushima City. Therefore, Naito thanks everyone for coming out tonight. Gracias, amigos. Naito then notes that yes, today happens to be his birthday. The fans cheer that! And Naito says he isn’t sure where she is, but his mom made the trip all the way from Tokyo just to be here tonight. The fans are surprised, but then cheer for Mama Naito.

Naito says again, he isn’t sure where she is in the crowd, but he says gracias to her. The fans applaud that, and then Naito says that in these last three years and eight months, surely there are a lot of new fans here. So, did those new people enjoy NJPW and LIJ? The fans cheer! Then, after these three years and eight months, the next time will be… Hmm. Two years? Three? Four? Just next month? Well, Naito isn’t sure. But until then, remember: Tranquilo! Assen na yo! The fans cheer, and Naito asks, “So, shall we?” The fans cheer, and Naito says if he remembers right, it has been since October of 2016, so SEVEN years and eight months, since the last time! Is everyone ready?

The only way to close out tonight’s New Japan Soul in Fukushima is of course… “Bushi, Hiromu,Takagi, Titan, Yota, y Naito! Nosotros! LOS! INGOBERRRRRNABLEEEEEES~! DE! JA! PON!” Big mic drop and LIJ is rolling forward, but they will have to do this all over again tomorrow night. Will Naito keep up the pace as he heads for Jon Moxley and the Forbidden Door?

My Thoughts:

A very good return for the New Japan Soul series here, with plenty of tune-up matches for tomorrow’s New Japan Soul and those G1 Climax qualifiers. Really good G1 Climax qualifiers tonight, though the fans were just cold for Yujiro against Callum. Good win for Callum, and he’ll have a good showing against Kenta but I don’t expect Callum to make it to the A Block prelim finals in a couple weeks. Hashi VS Chase was very good, great win for Hashi, and while they avoided Bullet Club VS Bullet Club, they’re totally giving us Chaos VS Chaos as Hashi takes on Ishii. I’m leaning towards Ishii making it through and facing Kenta in the prelim finals.

And then a really good, really fun 8 Man Tag for the main event. Naito is definitely building momentum towards his match with Moxley in just over a week, which I would hope he wins, but it doesn’t seem like there’s a clear challenger for Naito afterwards. At the same time, the G1 is next, he’s gonna be in that as champion, the round robin nature makes for at least one person getting that golden ticket win off him in like a middle round. Also happy birthday to Naito, and it was so nice to know his mom made the trip out there to spend time with him.

My Score: 8.8/10

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