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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 5.30.2024

Eddie Edwards vs Joe Hendry in the main event! Moose goes hunting for Broken Matt Hardy!



Okay so I’ve taken a few weeks away from the product because, well, life was busy all of sudden and honestly I felt like the entire product was starting to annoy me. So a few weeks can help calibrate my focus or give me something to look forward to instead of nit picking every little stupid thing that gets done.

So now we wait and see what happens tonight, apparently Eddie Edwards and Joe Hendry will face off, while Mike Santana will get another face off with Steve Maclin. Let’s hope this episode is good enough to intrigue some of the people tuning in because of Jordynne Grace’s appearance on NXT.


  • Ace Austin vs Chris Bey: Bey wins via Counter Cradle – ***
  • Xia Brookside vs Steph De Lander: Xia wins via Double Leg Cradle – *
  • Sami Callihan vs Jonathan Gresham: Gresham wins via Sunset Flip Pin – ** 1/2
  • Mike Santana vs Steve Maclin: No Contest – **
  • Mustafa Ali w/Campaign Singh vs Leon Slater: Ali wins via 450 – ** 1/4
  • Joe Hendry vs Eddie Edwards w/Alisha Edwards & Brian Myers: Hendry wins via Standing Ovation – *** 1/2



Ace Austin vs Chris Bey

So the tensions have turned into them needing to blow off steam, the typical “brothers fight” kind of match. Early stalling offense with lots of counters, push offs, stares and posturing. Each man lands a seemingly stiff strike to the other, and slowly but surely, the offense is picking up. Nice transitional moves with Bey coming through the ropes with an Arm Drag into a Head Scissors and then a single leg Dropkick for a near fall. Ace tries to fire back, but Bey stops him, Knee Lift, shoots him off and finally Ace reverses the rope attacks and gets a few suplexes to work together for near falls. Ace deposits Bey to the outside, does his Cartwheel Dodge/PK signature spot, goes for the Fosbury Flop but Bey cuts him off. Both men start hitting a few signature spots, their usual cocky antics but right before anything huge connects the other has an answer.

It plays the good story of how well they know each other and that this fight seems necessary. The Fold gets avoided, Bey catches Ace with a Cutter, goes for Art of Finesse but Ace counters. Ace goes for the Japanese Clutch, but Bey grabs him and turns it into a tight cradle counter for the win!

After the match they play with Ace going after Bey, but he grabs him and gives him a hug. Or he quickly races behind him, to open the ropes. So it definitely seems like the animosity isn’t over, but it will continue to burn.

Xia Brookside vs Steph De Lander

Steph doesn’t take Xia seriously, a few shots meant to embarrass Xia, Xia goes for a Crossbody, Steph catches her and lands the Sack of Shit. Steph goes full mount, rains down strikes, fires Xia into a corner, Splash number 1, calls for a second, but Xia lands the Back Elbow. A little quick offense into the Satellite Takedown that sends Steph face first into the turnbuckles, Xia hits Broken Wings and Steph powders. Steph grabs a chair, but PCO is under the ring holding the chair, and he pushes Steph out of harm’s way, catches Xia and puts her back in the ring. This is very Young Frankenstein with PCO just trying to help seemingly having a thing for Steph.

Xia takes advantage of the distraction and Double Leg Cradle for the win.

Steph tries to keep yelling at PCO, he shushes her and pulls out what looks like a Valentine from his jacket with Steph’s name in a heart. Steph smiles and places the note in her gear and PCO celebrates like he just landed himself a girlfriend. I can’t hate the concept, especially if it means no more Kon or PCO in dumb matches. Him playing love struck Frankenstein Manager would be a nice way to fill time for a few weeks. 

And as soon as I say it, Kon is backstage looking for someone and has words with Jake Something and Cody Deaner…and I couldn’t care less about 2/3rds of this segment. They gave Jake such a solid early push and now you’re giving him two albatrosses made of lead, so Jake might as well quit unless there’s some major endgame to this.

Sami Callihan vs Jonathan Gresham

Referees have been told to wear masks and gloves for Gresham matches…so that’s different. 

Gresham tries to bite Sami out the gates and it looks like Sami is a little thrown off with the multiple attempts at biting. Sami actually goes for small joint manipulation but Gresham counters and then tries it himself and tries to bite the fingers. Sami gets annoyed, bites the top of Gresham’s mask and then throws him to the outside. The match has been more about the new Octopus gimmick than wrestling so far. Sami grabs a camera and goes for the “This is Death Machine TV” and tries to throw to picture in picture, but Gresham attacks him before he’s done talking. Gresham folds Sami’s head into the apron skirt and uses the ropes for leverage to drop down a stomp. Gresham takes a little long to capitalize so Sami snaps off a Release Suplex into the apron and then bounces Gresham’s face off the ring post twice.

As soon as commentary says they’re back from the break, Gresham ducks the chop and Sami hits the post. Gresham then rolls back in the ring, and starts gouging the eyes and chopping him down to size working over the legs and knees. Sami barely gets his foot on the rope to break the pinfall and Gresham tries to hit the German off the Apron but Sami holds onto the ropes. Cactus Driver ’97 on the apron, and Gresham splays out of the floor. Sami brings Gresham back in and starts to build to trying to finish things, but Gresham writhes back to life! They go for the Strike Exchange spot, and Sami puts his hands behind his back and asks for more, so Gresham returns the free shot offer but tries to take the short cut. Sami reacts quickly and snaps off a Death Valley Driver for 2. Cactus Driver again, but Gresham with the Enzuigiri, into Asia Moonsault, Flashing Stomp and then he goes to summon the ink, but Calihan puts his own hand over Gresham’s mouth. The ink is on Sami’s hand, he’s thrown off, the referee backs away from Sami, Low Blow into a Sunset Flip pinfall for the win!


Mike Santana vs Steve Maclin

Maclin with some quick offense, fast strikes, headlocks and it shows how Maclin really wants to get that win back. Santana fires back with a few Chops, Maclin shoots him off into the ropes, Santana ducks Maclin and then hits a Frankensteiner sending Maclin to the outside. Santana tries to follow but Maclin keeps moving so Santana can’t fly, and manages to get the best of things on the outside even hitting a Mick Foley-esque Running Elbow off the apron onto Santana. Back in the ring, Backbreaker from Maclin for a near fall. Maclin tries to bounce off the ropes with Santana, but he shakes off Maclin and rolls back shortly after him so he hits the Rolling Buck 50 (Rolling Cutter) seamlessly with Maclin recovering from the rope bounce. Santana has all the momentum, Spin the Block, nope. Yakuza Kick attempt in the corner from Santana misses, Tree of Woe, Caught in the Crosshairs, Mayhem for All for only 2!

They go to the top, Maclin wants an Avalanche KIA, but Santana pushes him off, Frog Splash for 2! Santana tries to charge Maclin, Maclin flips him over his back, tries to go for the Scud Missile, but Santana catches him with a Superkick, Maclin powders, Santana hits a Dive. Santana plays to the crowd and Maclin hits his Scud Missile!

THE RASCALZ COME DOWN THE RAMP! Trey goes after Maclin and Wentz lays into Santana. The match gets thrown out, but sets up potentially for a Tri-State Connection team.

Mustafa Ali w/Campaign Singh vs Leon Slater

Mustafa tries to play nice and offer the hand, but Leon slaps it away and comes out hot. Mustafa gets bounced off the ropes on the ramp side, eats a Flying Senton, and then we go to commercial. Out of commercial Slater lands a Flying Crossbody, but when he goes for corner punches, Ali lands the ole Snake Eyes to finally stall the young Brit. Campaign Singh gets involved when Ali distracts the ref a bit, and some nice inside out offense from Ali into his Rolling Neckbreaker for 2! Going to continue, Slater counters into a Cradle, they both bounce off the ropes and Slater gets the best of things with a Cutter. Ali slips through the ropes, Slater lands a Plancha and sends Ali back in, but Ali with the Dive to even things out.

Back to the ring, attempted 450 from Ali but Slater moves, Slater tries a Blue Thunder Bomb but Ali gets out. Stalling German Suplex gives Slater some offense, locomotion Cradle attempts from both as Ali rolls tot he corner, flies backwards and Slater connects with a Neckbreaker for 2! Action goes to the corner, Ali picks the ankle to Slater falls, Ali spins him so his face bounces off the post, and then 450 for the win.

Joe Hendry vs Eddie Edwards w/Alisha Edwards & Brian Myers

Hendry runs right through a Kobashi Chop and connects on the Shoulder Tackle. Hendry then turns Eddie upside down in a Stalling Suplex for what feels like 20 seconds, but Eddie quickly gains control right after as Eddie thumbs the eyes and drives his forearm into the small of Joe’s back numerous times. Eddie places Joe in the corner and goes for those classic AJPW/NOAH Chops. Eddie then takes Joe over and starts driving his knee into the back of Hendry. Hendry finally fires with some European Uppercuts, but Eddie cuts him off with a Back Elbow and then rips at Joe’s face amidst a Front Facelock.

Strong Irish Whip from Eddie sends Hendry bouncing like a pinball wizard. Hendry tries to fight back to his feet, but Eddie connects with a Headbutt to stop the comeback attempt. Hendry tries again as Eddie slowly pulls him up, punches to the gut give Hendry the motivation to bounce off the ropes and Eddie cuts him off with a short Crossbody. Hendry catches a Chop and looks manic. He eats a corner shot to fire forward and rock Eddie. Eddie goes for a Crossbody, Hendry catches him and Sack of Shit! Eddie powders to try and regain his composure but Hendry follows and levels him with a big Lariat.

Hendry continues this angry rush of offense, not very calculated, but so far effective. Hendry dodges Eddie’s attempt at offense and snaps off a Cutter for 2! They fight on the top turnbuckle, Eddie hits the Headbutt to rock Hendry, but he pops back up and Avalanche Sack of Shit for 2! Eddie rams Hendry back into the corner, now they fighting in the corner again, Enzuigiri, Overhand Chop into Eddie looking for a Superplex into a Tiger Driver for 2! Short range knees from Eddie as you can see he’s just annoyed. Removes the pad for the Boston Knee Party, but Hendry CATCHES EDDIE IN THE STANDING OVATION! Hendry wins!

Overall Score: 6.25/10

This was a rather average episode, but I will say that at least the build of the card made sense for the expected bonus eyes. A little comedy with PCO and Steph, Joe Hendry in the main event, giving some shine to a new supernatural gimmick with Gresham, and showing familiar faces like Myers, Matt Hardy, Nic Nemeth and Kaz at different points in the show. The main event was also damn good aside from just having Hendry, it was actually very good.

So while I was generally unimpressed, but I wasn’t offended either. I feel like this was a solid episode that showcased the correct names for any new traffic the NXT/WWE rub have given them. I just…I just can’t with Cody and Kon anymore. At least Champagne Singh had an easy name to transfer for politics and he could be a way to get Jinder in TNA. So I may not like his wrestling…I can appreciate his use as set piece.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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