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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/30/24)

Execute Episode 66!



Will the Fallen Goddess be ready for The Queen?

Queen Aminata is coming for Athena and the ROH Women’s World Championship, but so are others! Will Viva Van survive the Proving Grounds?


  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds: Athena VS Viva Van; Athena wins and denies Viva a title match.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Grounds: The Undisputed Kingdom VS Jacoby Watts & Nick Comoroto; The Undisputed Kingdom wins and denies Jacoby & Comoroto a title match.
  • Serpentico VS Brady Roberts; Serpentico wins.
  • Red Velvet VS Kel; Velvet wins.
  • Zak Knight VS Sebastian Wolfe; Zak wins.
  • Triple Threat: Action Andretti VS Lee Johnson VS Aaron Solo; Lee wins.
  • The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling & Josh Woods VS The Bollywood Boyz; The Premier Athletes win.
  • The Workhorsemen VS Top Flight; Top Flight wins.


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds: Athena VS Viva Van!

The historic 51-0 undefeated champion vows to be the Forever Champion, even with Queen Aminata hunting after her. Will Athena keep things going to 52-0? Or will the Hellbent Vixen bring down the Fallen Goddess?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Athena smirks. Athena and Viva feel things out, tie up, and Athena powers Viva to a corner. The ref counts, Athena lets off at 4 to pat Viva on the head. Athena frolics around while saying this is her show, and then she calls for a knuckle lock. Athena teases that Viva is scared, but Viva accepts the Test of Strength! They push each other shoulder to shoulder, and Athena trips Viva! Knuckle lock cover, TWO! Athena pushes that arm down, TWO as Viva gets the other up. Another try, but TWO as Viva bridges! Athena hops on but Viva stays up! Athena stands, brings Viva up, but Viva breaks a knuckle lock!

Viva kicks, Athena ducks, but Viva arm-drags Athena down to an ARMBAR! Athena hurries to reach out, ROPEBREAK! Athena then drags Viva out to the apron, so she can POWERBOMB to the floor! The fans fire up while the ref checks Viva. Athena shakes out the arm, scowls as she looms over Viva, and drags Viva up. Athena puts Viva in, drags her up but Viva fires body shots! Athena CLUBS away on Viva, then GOURD BUSTERS! Viva sit sup, into a SUPERKICK! Athena cheers herself on, then stalks Viva to ropes. Athena drags Viva up, puts her on the ropes and CHOKES her! Athena waves hi to her minions, then gets mad at the ref for counting at her!

Athena goes back to Viva but Viva fires body shots! Athena SMACKS Viva off the mat! Athena says, “This is what you guys give me, huh?!” She SLAPS Viva around, calling her trash! But Viva drags her down again! ARMBAR!! Athena flails, hurries to stack Viva, TWO! Viva lets Athena go and Athena is mad now! Athena takes a swing, Viva ducks under and slides! Viva baits Athena and DUMPS her out! The fans fire up as Athena hurries back in. Viva runs up, but Athena DECKS her! Cover, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (denies Viva Van a title opportunity)

Athena is 52-0, and is within weeks of eclipsing even the greatest reigns of the men’s division! Will the Fallen Goddess be the greatest star in all of ROH history? Or will Queen Aminata find a way to dethrone her before then?


ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Grounds: The Undisputed Kingdom VS Jacoby Watts & Nick Comoroto!

Matt Taven & Mike Bennett know the ROH Tag Division is growing stronger every day, but they aren’t bothered by it. Will The Kingdom continue to reign with iron fists? Or can HE, Jacoby Watts, lead the Wrecking Ball to the glory land?

The Code of Honor is upheld by Comoroto at least, but Watts isn’t into that. Watts gives Comoroto last minute encouragement, the bell rings, and Comoroto turns around to get mugged by The Kingdom! The Kingdom double whip but Comoroto blocks! They double kick, double whip again, and double kick again! They then KICK, ENZIGIRI and SUPERKICK! Comoroto staggers to a corner, Taven tells Watts off, then storms up to CHOP Comoroto! Comoroto just frowns! And he HEADBUTTS Taven down! The fans fire up for that, and Comoroto YANKS Taven up to the corner! Comoroto fires off hands, and then says praise be to He!

Comoroto whips Taven corner to corner, runs in, but into a BOOT! Taven goes up, leaps, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Comoroto stays up and Taven reminds us, “IIIII’M MATT TAVEN!” Comoroto stands up tall and puts his hands on his hips in disappointment. Taven turns around, and Comoroto grabs him by the neck! Comoroto offers a tag but Watts says he’s got this! Just believe in himself in his heart and soul! But this discussion lets Taven get away! Comoroto storms after Taven, whips, but Taven ducks ‘n’ dodges to hold ropes. Comoroto runs in, Taven TOSSES him out, but the fans cheer as we see Comoroto skin the cat!

The fans cheer again, but Taven springboards for the KICK O’ THE KING! Taven mocks the cheering, the fans boo, so he says up theirs! Tag to Bennett and he fires off on Comoroto. Bennett bumps Comoroto off buckles, fires off forearm after forearm then CHOPS! And CHOPS! Bennett argues with the ref, then CHOPS again! Tag to Taven, The Kingdom double whip, Comoroto breaks the double clothesline to DOUBLE LARIAT! Comoroto POLISH HAMMERS Taven, POLISH HAMMERS Bennett, then scoop SLAMS Tavne! Scoop SLAM for Bennett! Comoroto runs ot JUMP ELBOW DROP! The fans fire up with Comoroto, and he says “Save us, Jacoby!”

Comoroto offers the tag, but Watts again says he’s got this on his own! Well, okay! Comoroto gets Bennett up, whips, but Bennett reverses. Taven gets a cheap shot in! Bennett fireman’s carries for the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER, then Taven gives Comoroto JUST THE TIP of the knee! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Undisputed Kingdom, by pinfall (denies Jacoby & Comoroto a title opportunity)

Watts doesn’t get in at all in this match, not even to save Comoroto! And then he gets mad at Comoroto!? Saying that he’s a loser!? Does he really want a tag partner? Or just a follower? As for The Kingdom, who will earn themselves an opportunity at these belts with Death Before Dishonor in just a couple months?


Backstage interview with Marina Shafir.

Lexy Nair is with The Problem and says she has asked for this time, what is on her mind? Marina wants Lexy to ask why she’s nicknamed “The Problem.” Um, w-why is she The Problem? Why? Because she said so! And she can’t stop now! She’s gone toe-to-toe with the best in this company, and they can’t solve her. That has driven her toa  very dark place that has pushed her over the edge. Marina calms herself, and says most people run from their problems. Most people hide from them. Most people lie about their problems. Marina is not like most people. So the question is, what happens when you don’t take care of a Problem? “It gets worse.”

Marina heads out, who will have to deal with this Problem first?


After Red Velvet’s match…

The Chef cooks Kel and serves her an L, but for whatever reason, Athena is making her way out here! Well, wait, where is she then? Wait, this isn’t for Athena, it’s BILLIE STARKZ! And she’s snuck in from the other side! Billie CLOBBERS Velvet and stomps away! The fans are torn as Billie grins. Billie holds up her ROH Women’s World TV Championship, then sets it down by Velvet. The fans are torn again as Billie brings Velvet up, but Velvet SLAPS her! And fires off forearms! Billie ducks one to HEEL KICK with those bright orange boots! Billie then SMASHES Velvet off the belt! Billie stands over Velvet, will this be the image when these two face off 1v1?


Triple Threat: Action Andretti VS Lee Johnson VS Aaron Solo!

While Top Flight is in action later tonight, Action is in action right now! The Sight to See wants to go after that ROH World TV Championship, but so does Big Shotty after how he came up short against Kyle Fletcher. Meanwhile, Solo wants to prove he’s TV Ready to Johnny & Taya, and a win like this would go a long way. Who defies the odds to stand tall and stand out among the rest?

The Code of Honor is upheld, and rather sarcastically by Solo. The bell rings and Solo goes for a double clothesline! Lee and Action both dodge and then Lee clotheslines Solo up and out! The fans fire up, Action O’Conner Rolls Lee, TOW! Action sunset flips, TWO! Action wheelbarrows, Lee stops that and arm-drags, but Action headscissors back! Lee moves around pushes through to a jackknife bridge, TWO as Action bridges up! Action spins Lee, Lee fights the backslide, but Solo is back! Lee and Action DOUBLE HIP TOSS him down! Solo gets up, Action CHOPS him! Then Lee CHOPS him! Action ROUNDHOUSES< Lee BOOTS, then Action SUPERKICKS!

Solo flops out of the ring, the fans rally as Lee CHOPS Action! Lee whips, Action ducks ‘n’ dodges, then Action tilt-o-whirls to RANA! Lee stands up, but Action DROPKICKS him! The fans fire up as Lee bails out. Action builds speed, but Solo gets in to CLOBBER him! Solo grins as he brings Action up, ROCKS Action, and then CHOPS Action in the corner! Action goes to another corner, but he CHOPS back! Solo kicks low then stomps a mudhole! Solo digs his boot into Action, lets off as the ref counts, and he drags Action up. Solo whips corner to corner, runs up and clotheslines! Solo grins, whips corner to corner, but Action goes up, ends up on top of Solo, and sunset flips! TWO!

Solo stands to knee low! Solo reels Action in, Lee hurries but Solo sends Action to him! DROPKICK DDT COMBO! Cover on Lee, TWO! Cover on Action, TWO! Solo grows frustrated and argues with the ref. Lee rises, Solo DREAMCAST KICKS! Action storms up, Solo catches him for an EXPLODER! Solo goes up, aims at Action, and DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! Action survives that coup de grace and Solo is frustrated. Lee stands, Solo runs up, but Lee goes up and over! Lee comes back to CHOP! Lee whips corner to corner, runs up, and CHOPS again! Lee whips, runs in again, but Solo BOOTS him!

Solo goes up, but Lee GAMANGIRIS! Solo falls to the floor, the fans fire up for “SHOTTY! SHOTTY!” Lee builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit and down goes Solo! The fans fire up again and Lee gives high-fives. But Action ARABIAN PRESS SAULTS! Action takes Lee down, puts him in the ring, and then springboards to FLYING CHUCK! Cover, TWO! Lee survives and Action is shocked! Action drags Lee up, CHOPS him, then whips. Lee reverses, Action handsprings, but Solo gets in! DOUBLE BACK ELBOWS take Solo and Lee down! Action kips up, lines it up, and STANDING MOONSAULTS them both! Double cover, TWO!!

Solo and Lee see each other, Solo shoves Lee away, and Action has his choice. Action watches them both sit up, and he KICKS Lee! And KICKS Solo! And KICKS at Lee, but Lee ducks! Action SUPERKICKS Solo, aims at Lee, but Lee blocks the buzzsaw! Lee stands, FLIPS Action, but Action lands out! Action ducks a punch, ROUNDHOUSEs back, then torture racks. Lee slips free to dragon sleeper, but Action snapmares free! And SHOTGUNS Lee down! The fans fire up as Action goes SPLIT-LEG MOONSAULT! But Solo TOSSES Action to take the cover, TWO!! Lee survives and Solo is furious! Action returns, and he fires off body shots!

Action whips Solo to a corner, runs up, but Solo puts him on the apron! Action blocks a shot to GAMANGIRI, then he springboards, but Solo dodges, Lee DROPKICKS Action! Solo gets Lee for a back suplex but Lee lands out! Lee waistlocks, Solo switches, but so does Lee! BIG SHOTTY DROP!! Cover, Lee wins!

Winner: Lee Johnson, by pinfall

It was fast and furious in the end there, and it was Big Shotty hitting the bull’s eye! Will Lee make his way back up to again challenge The Protostar?


The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling & Josh Woods VS The Bollywood Boyz!

Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese are both back to 100% health, and are even looking better than that. They want to make a run at the top, will Gurv & Harv Sihra simply be stepping stones on that path? Or will Vancouver see some Bollywood Action here tonight?

Oh, wait, of course Smart Mark has to talk on the way to the ring. “Hold on a second. Hold on, folks. This is a huge week for Vancouver and major athletes gracing this arena! You have the PREMIER Athletes! And just recently, you had the great Connor McDavid! Close personal friend of Ariya Daivari.” The fans boo all of that, and Sterling says that “Unfortunately, the result is going to be the same: The Premier team is gonna beat a couple of losers from Vancouver!” The fans boo even more, but now the Bollywood Boyz make their entrance! They wear their Vancouver Canucks jerseys and are ready to represent!

The Code of Honor is NOT upheld as Nese & Daivari go after Harv & Gurv! The bell rings, Daivari stops away on Harv while Nese TOSSES Harv and the fans boo. Daivari drags Gurv up to scoop and SLAM! Daivari drags Gurv back up, suplexes, but Gurv slips free! Tag to Harv and the fans rally for the boys! They double whip, DOUBLE ELBOW, then DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! Daivari crawls away, Nese runs in, but into a DOUBLE HIP TOSS! The Bollywood Boyz DOUBLE ELBOW DROP again! The fans cheer, and the Bollywood Boyz DOUBLE LARIAT Daivari up and out! Nese runs up but the boys DUMP him out!

Vancouver is all fired up as The Bollywood Boyz stand tall! Sterling shouts at his boys to get up, Harv & Gurv throw their jerseys to the fans, and then they wind up, only for Nese & Daivari to ruin the handshake! Daivari stomps Gurv out, Nese stomps Harv, and then Daivari joins in. Daivari whips Harv hard into buckles! Harv falls back, Daivari tells Vancouver to kiss his ass! Tag to Nese, the Premier Athletes mug Harv while the fans boo. The ref counts, Daivari lets off and Nese stands Harv up. Nese CHOPS, but Harv fires hands! The fans fire up for Bollywood but Nese kicks the leg out! Nese stomps the bad leg, then drags him over.

Tag to Daivari, Nese holds the leg out so Daivari can stomp it! Daivari mocks the Bollywood dancing, then tells Vancouver to “SUCK IT!” Daivari drags Harv from ropes to drop elbow after elbow on the bad leg! The fans rally for Harv but Daivari stomps him down. Tag to Nese, Daivari holds the leg out and Nese stomps it. Nese stomps the leg more, then drags Harv to ropes for a HIP DROP on the knee! Gurv protests, the ref reprimands, but Nese paces. Nese brings Harv up, the fans rally again, and Nese eggs them on. Harv fires body shots but Nese whips and ELBOWS him down! Cover, TWO!

Nese keeps cool as he talks more trash on the fans. Nese drags Harv up, bumps him off buckles, then tags Daivari. The fans rally for Bollywood but Daivari bumps Harv off buckles. Daivari puts Harv up to CHOP, then climbs up after him. But Harv fires body shots to send Daivari down! Then TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up back up! Daivari and Harv crawl, hot tags to Gurv and Nese! The fans fire up as Gurv rallies on Nese with LARIAT after LARIAT! ELBOW, atomic drop, and WHEEL KICK! Daivari returns but into an atomic drop, and WHEEL KICK! The Premier Athletes bail out but Harv lines ’em up!

Harv goes up, and he ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit and the fans fire up again! The Bollywood Boyz regroup, wind it up, and BOLLYWOOD HANDSHAKE! You GOT to give Vancouver what they want! Harv puts Nese in for Gurv and Gurv goes up top! Gurv aims for the MACHO ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Gurv keeps cool and he just lifts Nese up. Harv climbs, but Daivari trips him! Daivari gets in, Gurv fires off hands on him and Nese! He DECKS Nese, ROCKS Daivari, and repeat! Gurv winds up, and SUPERKICKS Daivari down! The fans fire up but Nese throat chops! Slide under, pump handle, PREMIER DRIVER!! Cover, Premier Athletes win!

Winners: The Premier Athletes, by pinfall

As good as Harv & Gurv are as brothers, Nese & Daivari prove they’re just better as a team! Mark Sterling adds insult to injury by ripping up a fan’s sign! And the the Premier Athletes add injury to insult by beating up on the Bollywood Boyz more! The fans boo, but wait! Here comes The Infantry! Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo are bringing some chairs with ’em, too! They chase off Daivari, Nese, Woods & Sterling, daring them to bring the fight. Sterling’s stable gets outta here, but will they have to go through Boot Camp on their way to the ROH World Tag Team Championships?


BREAKING NEWS for next week’s ROH TV!

After defeating Johnny TV in a Fight Without Honor, The Peacock isn’t just #TVReady, he finally gets a shot at the ROH World TV Championship! Will Dalton Castle once again be the star of ROH? Or will the Protostar shoot him down with an Aussie Arrow?


The Workhorsemen VS Top Flight!

Anthony Henry made his return last week, and he helped JD Drake get that much-needed win. They want to keep on moving up these ranks, will they be ready to Punch In & Knock Out? Or will Darius & Dante Martin stay fly all the way to another round with The Kingdom?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Henry starts with Darius. They circle, the fans rally, and the two tie up. Darius wrenches, sips around, waistlocks, but Henry hooks a leg and brings Darius down. Henry has an arm, wrenches, but Darius wrenches back. Darius grinds the shoulder, Henry slips through to headlocks. Darius powers up and out, but Henry runs him over! Henry flexes, but Darius trips him! Darius runs, Henry stays low so Darius rolls over him. Darius comes aback, springboards to arm-drag, but Henry arm-drags back! Henry tries again but Darius turns that to a backslide, TWO!

Darius rolls Henry to a sunset, TWO! Darius arm-drags again and has the armlock! The fans cheer but Henry fights up. Henry pulls hair, tags in Drake, and the Workhorsemen mug Darius! Drake CHOPS and the fans “WOO~!” Darius snarls, and he CHOPS back! Drake CHOPS again and eggs Darius on. Darius CHOPS, Drake CHOPS, repeat! Darius CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS, but Drake headlocks. Dante tags in as Darius powers out. Drake whips Darius, but Darius BOOTS! Dante ROCKS Drake, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then JUMPS off Drake’s back! Dante keeps moving, and he FLIPPING RANAS! The fans fire up but Henry tags in!

Dante dodges Henry to JUMP KNEE! Henry bails out, Dante pursues, but Henry baits him in for Drake to pop-up HAYMAKER! The fans cheer, Drake hurries back to the ring and Henry puts Dante in. Henry stays between the Martins to BUZZSAW Dante! Cover, TWO! Henry drags Dante up, whips him to the corner, then runs up to forearm smash! Drake tags in, LARIATS Dante down, and Henry is there to NECK TWIST! Drake slingshot SENTONS! Drake mocks the Top Flight hand sign, but the fans rally up. Drake stays between the Martins but Dante fires body shots. Drake ROCKS Dante with a right!

Drake brings Dante around to ropes, and CHOPS him! Drake ROCKS Dante, tags Henry, and they whip to drop toehold into KNEES! Drake holds Dante down for Henry to DOUBLE STOMP! Henry taunts Darius and covers Dante, TWO! Henry clamps on to Dante for a neck wrench, then he brings Dante over. Dante fires body shots but Drake tags in. Henry fires forearms, then he hoists Dante up, only for Dante to land out on his feet! Hot tag to Darius! The fans fire up as Darius RAMS Drake, BLASTS Henry, then BOOTS Drake! Darius fires haymaker after haymaker, whips, but Drake reverses.

Darius KICKS Drake, then headlocks him for the BULLDOG HOTSHOT! Darius adds a GAMANGIRI then fires up. Step-in COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, Henry breaks it! Dante storms in to ROCK Henry! Dante clotheslines Henry up and out, then goes to the apron! Henry avoids the flying kick, but Dante rolls back! Henry puts those legs on the apron for a DRAPING DDT! Darius is worried for his brother and the ref goes out to check on Dante. Drake LOW BLOWS Darius!! Then the SHOTGUN BOOT!! Cover, TWO!! Darius survives but Drake hauls him back up. Henry joins in, they put Darius in a corner, and Henry runs up to DOUBLE KNEE!

Henry sends Darius at Drake, but Darius slips up and out of the Nine to Five! Darius then shoves Henry into Drake, UPPERCUTS Drake, then goes up to reel Drake in! TORNADO DOUBLE DDT!! The fans fire up with Darius as he has some blood in his teeth. Darius and Drake crawl for their corners, hot tag to Henry! He runs up but Dante ducks the sucker punch! Darius slides under, hot tag to Dante! Dante fires forearms on Henry over and over and over! Then he uses Henry as a step to FLYING RANA Drake! The fans are thunderous, Dante rolls off Henry’s back and keeps moving, to DIVE onto Drake!

Dante hurries back up, goes up and around, GAMANGIRIS, springboard to the CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Henry survives and Drake CHOPS Dante! Drake whips Dante, Darius gives Dante a boost up and over! Dante then helps Darius with the TORNADO DDT! Drake tumbles out, Henry runs up to TOSS Darius! But Dante waistlocks, half nelsons, but Henry fights with elbows! Henry swings, but into the half nelson! HALF NELSON BOMB! Cover, Top Flight wins!

Winners: Top Flight, by pinfall

The Workhorsemen put in the work, but it wasn’t enough to reach the same heights as Top Flight! Will Darius & Dante look to fly right through The Kingdom and take those tag titles?

My Thoughts:

A really good ROH at just over 65 minutes, and with a bit more story content than usual. I didn’t think Billie would attack Velvet after her match, but that was good stuff to propel that story. Athena also of course wins her Proving Grounds match, staying strong as we now more than likely drag this whole thing out until July 26th. Good promo from Marina Shafir, but it feels like she’s gonna have to bide her time with two months of matches to build up towards a title match after Death Before Dishonor.

Great Triple Threat from Action VS Lee VS Solo and a great win for Lee so that he stays strong in the midcard. Hearing that Fletcher VS Castle for the TV title next week is cool, and that match is going to be great. I don’t feel like this is the time for Fletcher to lost that title, but if losing it allows him to be part of the Don Callis Family story on AEW programming more, I suppose it’s fine. Really good stuff in the ROH Tag Team title Proving Grounds, as Watts is clearly just using Comoroto to do all the hard work. It backfired tonight, and he puts all the blame on Comoroto, so obviously it’ll get to the point where Comoroto realizes Watts is a fraud and beats him up for it.

And great tag matches to wrap up the night. I figured The Premier Athletes would win but The Bollywood Boyz got a good showing for their homecoming. Infantry making the save is a good move to give us Infantry VS Premiere Athletes at some point. And then great stuff for the main event, and I was a little surprised Top Flight won with The Workhorsemen only just getting back in action. But at the same time, with The Kingdom being Heels, a Face tag team is going to be the ones to challenge them, and both The Infantry and Top Flight have history with The Kingdom, it could be either one of them.

Or maybe both? Last year gave us a Fatal 4 Way, and a Triple Threat would keep this from a simple repeat of the last time The Kingdom cheated The Infantry or beat Top Flight. Or even protect them in the loss if that’s coming. The Undisputed Kingdom’s story in AEW really fell off a bit, and just as Adam Cole and MJF were both ready to make their returns, too. Wardlow failing to help The Kingdom retain in a Triple Threat could be the spark needed to reignite that story as AEW approaches All In.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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