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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (5/20/24)

One step from the throne!



Is Der Ring General about to get a YEET Down?!

King & Queen of the Ring is this Saturday in Saudi Arabia, and Main Event Jey Uso takes on GUNTHER for Raw’s side of the semifinals! Who’s about to get this work?


  • Sami Zayn VS Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy; Gable wins.
  • Bron Breakker VS Kale Dixon; Bron wins, by referee stoppage.
  • Queen of the Ring Semifinals: Iyo Sky VS Lyra Valkyria; Lyra wins and advances to King & Queen of the Ring.
  • WWE World Tag Team Championships: The Awesome Truth VS Finn Balor & JD McDonagh w/ Dominik Mysterio; The Awesome Truth wins and retains the titles.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Maxxine Dupri & Ivy Nile VS Kairi Sane & Dakota Kai; Shayna & Zoey win and will challenge for the titles.
  • King of the Ring Semifinals: Jey Uso VS GUNTHER; Gunther wins and advances to King & Queen of the Ring.


Sami Zayn is here!

The WWE Intercontinental Champion has a big Triple Threat this Saturday, colossal even. But first, he has to settle things with the taskmaster of the Alpha Academy 1v1! Will Sami get even for that ambush German Suplex weeks ago? Or will Gable SHOOOOSH everyone this close to the King & Queen of the Ring event?

Sami gets a mic as the fans cheer him on. “I think that’s as good a way to kick it off as any. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! We are five days away. Five days away from King & Queen of the Ring live from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I find myself in a Triple Threat match versus Bronson Reed… and Chad Gable… for my Intercontinental Championship. And it’s funny, I was asked in an interview today, ‘Sami, why would you put your championship up in a Triple Threat? Everybody knows the champion has a disadvantage, you don’t even need to be pinned or submitted to lose your title.”

Sami tried to explain because he has two very different issues on his hands, and he wants to deal with them both at the same time. One is a very personal issue with Chad Gable, because you don’t German Suplex a man out of his wife’s arms, in his hometown, in front of his 78 year old father and expect nothing to happen! Gable’s got an ass kicking coming his way! The fans cheer that! Sami then says the other issue is with Bronson Reed. That’s not personal with Bronson. Bronson doesn’t care about Sami, his family, or Gable’s, just the championship. So the way Sami sees it, this is interesting. It is the find of the mind, body and soul.

The mind is Chad Gable, one of the most manipulative and crafty wrestlers of all time. The body is the unmatched brute force of Bronson Reed. And the soul is Sami Zayn! And if Sami’s putting his money on a fight between those, he bets on soul every single time! That soul, that heart, that passion is why Sami IS champion! It’s why he was able to beat the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time at WrestleMania. And it is why at KQOTR, Sami will walk out of there STILL Intercontinental Champion! But then speaking of, here comes Gable! The Alpha Academy follows as Gable says hold on there, Sami. Did he hear Sami call him “Manipulative?”

Gable? Manipulative? Gable’s manipulative? Did Gable manipulate Sami into beating Gunther? No, he coached Sami, and selflessly, into winning. But that’s the problem! Gable’s just too damn nice. He’s been too nice to Sami, and way too nice to the three clowns standing behind him. Take Maxxine for example! Saturday, she should be in Saudi Arabia and competing for the crown in the QOTR finals, but she’s not, is she? No, and why is that? She blew her opportunity! FAILURE! The fans boo but Gable then goes to Tozawa. Tozawa did exactly ZERO percent of the damage he was asked against Bronson Reed. FAILURE!

Which brings Gable to Otis. The fans cheer Otis on but Gable says last week, against Sami Zayn, Otis proved once again why, by far and away, he is the biggest disappointment on the planet. Sami says enough of that. We’ve heard enough out of Gable. In fact, Sami has a question. Not for Gable, but for The Academy. “How much longer are you guys gonna deal with this guy’s crap?!” The fans cheer but Gable says Sami can’t talk to them, he talks to them! Gable sees what Sami is doing! Sami said it himself, Gable’s the brains. Gable sees Sami trying to drive a wedge. But luckily for Gable, the Academy rededicated themselves to Gable and his mission to reestablish respect!

Oh, and Gable will say this. He is sick and tired of Sami talk about his heart and his soul. It’s PATHETIC! In Saudi Arabia, Gable doesn’t have to pin Sami, but he will pin Sami! The fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” but Gable ignores them. He isn’t just taking Sami’s title, he’s taking Sami’s soul. Sami says that’s all well and good, but last he checked, Saudi Arabia isn’t for another five days. And we’re here in Greensboro, North Carolina. Last Sami checked, they’re scheduled for a 1v1 match! Sami’s ready, Gable’s ready, so let’s do it here and now! The fans like that, and Gable steps up. Is Gable ready to give Sami an example of what he means?

Sami Zayn VS Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy!

The bell rings, the two tie up, and they go around. They end up on ropes, then in a corner. The ref counts, Gable lets off, but Sami blocks the counter punch to fire off hands! Sami whips, then LARIATS Gable down! The fans fire up and Sami storms up on Gable. Sami bumps Gable off buckles, then climbs up as Gable staggers away. Sami hits a FLYING AX HANDLE! The fans fire up and Sami stalks Gable. Sami stands Gable up to CHOP! Sami whips, Gable holds ropes, but Sami clotheslines Gable up and out! The fans fire up, The Academy helps Gable up, but he gets mad at them! Gable doesn’t want their help! The fans boo but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Gable has Sami down, and throws down crossface forearms! The fans boo but Gable snap suplexes Sami down. Gable paces, goes to the corner and climbs, then DIVING HEADBUTT FLOPS! Sami avoids disaster and the fans fire up! The Academy worries, but Sami storms up to fire hands on Gable! Sami whips, Gable reverses but Sami goes up and over to LARIAT! Sami then gets around Gable, but Gable fights with punches to the head! Gable goes to run but Sami reel shim in! Gable slips free and clinches, EXPLODER! The fans rally for Sami but Gable storms up and CHOKES Sami on ropes!

The fans boo, Gable lets off, and Maxxine is conflicted on taking a cheap shot! Gable is upset with her, but the others console her. Gable says Maxxine never listens! Gable storms up on Sami but Sami ELBOWS him away! And BOOTS him! Sami then runs up but Gable THROAT CHOPS! The fans boo but Gable drags Sami up, whips, but Sami reverses! Sami then fires off on Gable! Sami climbs up, rains down fists, and the fans count all the way to nine but Gable falls! The fans boo about not getting ten, but Sami goes out after Gable. Gable uses Maxxine as a shield! The fans boo the cowardice, but Sami slides back in.

Gable stomps Sami down! Gable CHOKES Sami on ropes, the ref counts, and Gable lets off. Now Tozawa steps up, but he’s also conflicted! The fans say “NO! NO! NO!” and Tozawa can’t do it! Gable is mad at Tozawa now! Gable tells Maxxine and Tozawa they’re just failures! Gable tells them to LEAVE! Tozawa and Maxxine leave, but Sami yanks Gable into a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Gable survives and Sami is a bit surprised. Gable goes to the apron then the floor, at the feet of Otis! What’s Otis gonna do? The fans want Otis to leave Gable high and dry, we get a QR Code, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and both men are down in the ring! Sami and Gable rise, Gable waistlocks and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Then GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Sami fights the hattrick with elbows, then switches to GERMAN SUPLEX in return! And GERMAN SUPLEXES again! The fans fire up but Gable fights the hattrick now! Gable throws elbows, Sami ducks one to scoop and MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Gable hangs in there and he goes to a corner. The fans fire up with Sami as he hurries to the other end! Sami runs corner to corner, but Gable rolls and picks the leg! ANKLE LOCK! The fans boo but Sami endures!

Gable leans on the hold, Sami flails and reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Gable lets go in frustration, but he drags Sami up. Gable calls to Otis and throws Sami out to him. Otis is conflicted now, just like the others before! The fans want Otis to do the right thing but he inches closer to Sami. Otis winds back, but then backs away! Gable is frustrated, he gets Sami in the ring and he asks what the hell is wrong with Otis!? Otis has never done what Gable’s asked! Gable SLAPS Otis, then grabs Sami’s title belt! Gable says this is what it takes, and he runs up on Sami! But Sami clinches for a CORNER EXPLODER!

The fans are thunderous as Sami marches to the other end! But then Otis gets up to CLOBBER Sami!! The fans boo but Gable grins! Gable runs up to waistlock and CHAOS THEORY!! Bridging cover, Gable wins!

Winner: Chad Gable, by pinfall

Otis does what Gable wanted, and now Gable has the win! But will Gable get what he wants and finally have a singles title in the WWE? Or will it be a lot harder to screw over Sami and Bronson at the same time?


Iyo Sky speaks.

“Since I arrived, I have dominated everyone in my way. I’ve been a champion of the world, but now… I’m ready for my crown! Damage CTRL took over SmackDown, and once I’m Queen, everyone on Raw will have no choice but to bow down! Especially Lyra Valkyria. Lyra, you’re soaring now, but you’ve flown too close to the sun. You’re in my domain, and you will fall, because I am the Genius of the Sky. And soon, I will be Queen of the Ring!” Will Iyo make Lyra crash and burn just like Icarus? Or will the Evil Genius have no solution to The Morrigan?


Backstage interview with The Alpha Academy.

Jackie Redmond is with Gable and the others, and she congratulates him on the win. She does have to ask about Otis’ involvement, though? Is this part of the master plan to- Whoa, what’s going on back there? Someone calls them over, and LWO has found Cruz Del Toro down, clutching his already injured arm! Adam Pearce is on the scene, tells the cameras to give them space. It’s pretty obvious who would want to hurt LWO, but then what consequences will Carlito & The Judgment Day face for it?


Bron Breakker VS Kale Dixon!

The Big Bad Booty Nephew wasn’t part of this year’s King of the Ring, but it would seem Adam Pearce convinced him to be patient. Will Bron still make quick work of this NXT prospect? Or will Kale prove he’s ready to do more than just Level Up?

The bell rings and Bron sighs. He wants more than this for competition, and this? This is just pissing him off! SPEAR!! Kale sputters and sits up in a daze, but the fans want more! Bron TOSSES Kale up and out of the ring! Bron then goes out the other side, then stalks from around the way. TURBO SPEAR!! The straps come down, the fans bark it up, but then Bron simmers down a bit. Bron drags Kale up, SMACKS him off the apron, then drags him into the ring by his hair! The ref reprimands, but Bron drags Kale around. The ref has Bron back off, checks on Kale, and he calls it! Bron wins by stoppage!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by referee stoppage

Bron isn’t satisfied with this, and the fans want more, too! So Bron runs and runs and builds up speed to SPEAR again!! Clearly Kale isn’t satisfying enough for this hungry dog! Bron scrapes Kale out of the ring, then separates the steel steps! Producers rush out to stand in his way! The fans boo but Bron drops the steps. Bron paces while the refs help Kale up. But then Bron grabs a chair! The fans are just as bloodthirsty! CON-CHAIR-TO with the steps!! Greensboro loses its mind over the savagery, and Pearce is furious! But Bron smirks at Pearce, and says to give him something better next time.

Bron leaves, a stretcher is brought out for Kale, will nothing short of golden opportunities satiate Bron’s monstrous appetite?


Raw returns from break and…

Kiana James asks Pearce if she can help. Pearce says he appreciates the offer but not right now. Kale is loaded into an ambulance, and Pearce shouts at Bron. Pearce knows Bron’s not that good at math but make this make sense!  Bron grins again, and says you can’t control him. Pearce didn’t put Bron in KOTR, this is on him. Bron leaves, will this rabid dog stop at nothing until he gets what he wants?


Lyra Valkyria is at gorilla.

Becky Lynch finds her and says she’s come a long way from home for this. Lyra sacrificed a lot for this! Becky knows how good Lyra is at this, so go show her what this is all about! Lyra tells Becky, “I got this.” Becky nods and Lyra heads out, will The Morrigan get that golden ticket to Saudi Arabia?

Queen of the Ring Semifinals: Iyo Sky VS Lyra Valkyria!

The bell rings and the two tie up. They go around, Iyo puts Lyra on ropes, and the ref counts. Iyo arm-drags Lyra, runs up, but Lyra sidesteps. Iyo ducks a lariat then handsprings to show off. The fans cheer, the two reset, and they circle. Iyo kicks low, then headlocks. Lyra powers up and out, then drops, but Iyo handsprings, only for Lyra to trip her! Lyra Oklahoma Rolls, TWO! Lyra headlocks, Iyo powers up and out, but Lyra stops from hitting buckles. Lyra goes up and over, handsprings and eggs Iyo on. Iyo falls for the bait and Lyra rolls her up! TWO, and the two stand off again. Iyo swings, Lyra dodges, then goes up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO!

The fans cheer this exchange and Lyra says it was that close. Lyra says she’s gonna be queen, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Lyra waistlocks Iyo. Iyo runs to ropes to HOTSHOT Lyra down! Lyra sputters, Iyo runs up to DRIVE- NO, Lyra avoids the drive-by dropkick! Lyra drags Iyo up, but Iyo HOTSHOTS her again! Iyo grits her teeth, storms back in, and she CLUBS away on Lyra! The fans duel, but Iyo SMACKS Lyra off the mat! Cover, TWO! Iyo keeps on Lyra with a chinlock, even digging a knee into Lyra’s back. Lyra moves around but Iyo bumps her off buckles. The fans rally as Iyo stomps a mudhole. Iyo then lets off, to dig her boots in! The ref counts, Iyo swings to DOUBLE KNEE! Lyra sputters, Iyo covers, TWO!

Lyra is still in this but Iyo stalks her. Iyo CHOKES Lyra on the ropes, taunts her, but the ref counts. Iyo lets off at 4, then waits on Lyra. Iyo brings Lyra up, waistlocks, but Lyra fights the lift. Lyra swings, Iyo ducks, and Iyo knees low! Iyo underhooks, to TIGER BACKBREAKER! Lyra writhes, Iyo pushes her to a cover, TWO! The fans rally while Iyo is frustrated. Iyo pushes Lyra down to then clamp on a straitjacket stretch! Lyra endures, even as Iyo bends her back! The fans rally, Iyo SLAMS Lyra down! Then Iyo clamps on, pushes to a cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third, TWO! Iyo tries a fourth cover, ONE!!

Lyra is not making this easy but Iyo gets mad at the ref for his counts. Iyo kicks Lyra around, taunts her, but Lyra grits her teeth. Lyra grabs the leg but Iyo SLAPS her around! Lyra blocks the kick, SLAPS back, then LEG CAPTURE GERMAN!! Iyo flops around and the fans fire up! Lyra snarls as she rises up, and then runs up on Iyo! LARIAT! LARIAT! SOBAT! KICK! HEADBUTT! KICK! ENZIGIRI! Iyo flops out of the ring and the fans fire up! Lyra builds speed and WRECKS Iyo with a dropkick! Iyo tumbles, Lyra hurries to fetch her into the ring. Lyra goes up, takes aim, CROSSBODY! The fans fire up as Lyra now hooks Iyo up, FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!

Iyo toughs it out, but Lyra brings her up to a fireman’s carry. But Iyo fights free! Iyo throws Lyra down by her hair! The ref reprimands but Iyo METEORAS! Cover, TWO! Lyra survives but Iyo drags her back up. Iyo waistlocks but Lyra fights it. Lyra switches, Iyo reaches out, they go to ropes again. Lyra holds on this time to O’Conner Roll! TWO, but Lyra gets the legs! She turns Iyo over, for a deep SURFBOARD!! Iyo endures as Lyra lifts her up! Lyra rocks Iyo in the hammock, then rolls to a EURO CLUTCH! TWO, Iyo gets Lyra into the CROSSFACE!! Lyra endures, reaches out, rolls to a cover, TWO! Iyo lets Lyra go to SHOTEI!

Lyra goes to a corner, Iyo to the other. Iyo has a bloody nose but that just pisses her off! Iyo runs up, but is put on the apron! Iyo blocks to ROCK Lyra again! Iyo then springboards, to MISSILE DROPKICK! Lyra is on ropes, Iyo DOUBLE KNEES her in the back! Iyo steps on Lyra, goes up the corner, but Lyra YANKS her down! The fans are thunderous as Lyra reels Iyo in! TORNADO- NO, Iyo HOTSHOTS Lyra again! Iyo goes to the apron, PENALTY KICKS, then ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit and the fans fire up again! The Evil Genius is in control as Raw goes back to break!

Raw returns again and Iyo throws forearms with Lyra. The fans rally up, Iyo ROCKS Lyra, and Lyra ROCKS Iyo! They keep going back and forth, but then Lyra gest the edge! Lyra windmills away then fires off kicks! But Iyo kicks the leg! Lyra blocks the next kick, but Iyo elbows free! Wheelbarrow, somersault and STOMP 182! Cover, TWO! Iyo fires up as she goes to a corner, then sees Lyra in the other. Iyo runs in, SHINKAN- NO, Lyra avoids the knee! TORNADO DDT! Lyra then drags Iyo up, fisherman and BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Lyra is frustrated, but she drags Iyo up to a fireman’s carry! But Iyo fights free again!

Iyo waistlocks, GERMAN SUPLEX! Lyra flounders, Iyo fires up! Iyo runs corner to corner for SHINKANSEN! Lyra is put in the drop zone, Iyo goes up and up and OVER- NO, Lyra anchors a foot! Lyra drags Iyo down, CLUBS her, then climbs up after her! Lyra brings Iyo up to a fireman’s carry! But Iyo kicks and SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMBS!! But Iyo is too tired to cover! The fans are thunderous, Iyo gets Lyra back into the drop zone, and goes back up! OVER THE MOONSAULT but she has to land out! Lyra fireman’s carries, but Iyo still sunset flips! But Lyra sit son it! LYRA WINS!!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by pinfall (advances to the finals)

Iyo is stunned and Greensboro erupts! Lyra Valkyria is in the Queen of the Ring tournament finals!! Will the new girl on Raw soon become Queen of the Ring?

Jackie Redmond interviews Lyra in the ring, and feels this is deja vu! Lyra has- Iyo snatches the mic to tell Lyra off in Japanese! Iyo shoves Lyra aside, then storms off. Well, emotions are running high. But this is Lyra’s moment, so could she have imagined this just three weeks ago when she was drafted/ No, not at all! She couldn’t imagine standing here today, berating a former WWE Women’s Champion! But the trick is, you don’t always know how you’re gonna get the job done, as long as you believe that you can! And she is now just ONE win away from becoming Queen of the Ring! The fans fire up, but who will it be from SmackDown that meets her in Saudi Arabia?


R-Truth talks with New Catch Republic.

He tells Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate that the “losification” can be a prognosis as well. Stick your left arm in, you take your left arm out. Stick your left arm in, then you shake it all about. The Miz walks over and asks if Truth’s ready. Yeah, he’s good. Bate has to keep Dunne from going after Truth… Bate thanks truth for the chat, hopes to see them down the line, maybe even for the titles. Truth says Pete’s a good guy. Miz says yes, but focus. Judgment Day uses numbers, and now with Carlito on their side, Awesome Truth really needs to be careful. Truth says he got that taken care of. He talked to Andre the Giant! Andre will have their back tonight.

Miz isn’t sure how to tell Truth this, but Andre passed away 30 years ago. Passed what away? Uh… Miz isn’t sure what else to say but Truth says he’s got this. Truth heads out, Miz does hope Andre will be with them in spirit. Truth asks who Miz is talking to. N-No one! Miz is gonna go get ready. And they say Truth is crazy. Will The Awesome Truth need all the help they can get knowing The Prince & The Ace are coming for their gold?


Backstage interview with Ilja Dragunov.

Kayla Braxton is with The Mad Dragon and says last week, Jey Uso defeated him in order to face Gunther here tonight. Who does Dragunov think wins the whole King of the Ring Tournament? Dragunov says that he is frustrated, but he knows there is no shame losing to The Main Event. This is the kind of fighter that sets the bar, where you really need to break yourself to beat this man. But talking about a man who broke Dragunov several times, Gunther…! Jey… Well, Ricochet steps in first. Don’t get it twisted, homeboy. Ricochet and Dragunov set the bar pretty high.

So before saying anyone else’s name, know this: Just because you got the best of Ricochet one time, does not mean that this is over. Not by a long shot. But then Bron SPEARS Ricochet!!! The King of Flight is left grounded, refs and producers rush in, is Bron about to break everyone on the roster?


Raw returns and…

Medics are checking Ricochet. Dragunov is fuming and Pearce is frustrated. Bron is #MeanerThanEvil but will someone step up to stop his rampage?


Gunther speaks.

It was before the show as Der Ring General walked down the bleachers that he said, “Well, I have to admit. Just some months ago, I made fun of Jey Uso, and I told him, ‘Simple gestures for simple people.’ And quite frankly, I was wrong. Because he turned himself into the hottest thing going on Monday Night Raw. And tonight, when Jey Uso will make his way tot he ring, all these seats will be filled with thousands of people, throwing their hands int he air, chanting his name, and filling this room with hope and delusion. Well, the bad news is, I’m in the business of taking hope away, and dragging people back down on the ground of reality.

“Because tonight. when Main Event Jey Uso takes on Der Ring General, Gunther, int the semifinals of the KOTR tournament, it’s not about who’s the more exciting act on its way to the ring. It’s about who is the better wrestler in that ring. And Jey, I’m sorry to say it, you might be the most exciting showman in this company today, but in that ring, I am superior to you. And after the final bell, all those people are going to embrace me. Already the General of this sacred ring. Soon to be the King of the Ring.” Will Gunther make good on his promise tonight? Or will Main Event Jey win another main event?


The Judgment Day is in the clubhouse.

Damian Priest walks over to his “favorite Irish lads.” Are they ready to go out there and bring those titles home? Oh yeah, they’ll bring the titles back where they belong. Right here, int he clubhouse! Priest likes it. Oy, Carlito, Priest heard what Carlito did to Cruz. Turns out that guy’s gonna be out for awhile. But Priest hopes Carlito knows that means LWO is gonna be pissed and looking for him. Carlito says yeah, he knows. So he struck first. Now he’ll lay low until the heat dies down? Oh, really? Did Priest miss the sign that says they’re the APA? They’re not Carlito’s protection. Dom says Carlito came through for the boys, though.

Yes, that’s why Carlito’s welcome here this week. He just has to keep earning his keep. Priest tells Finn & JD to do their thing and go get it. Dom & JD head out, but Finn hangs back to talk with Priest. Finn can’t help but think that it could’ve been him and Priest again. But Finn gets it. Priest is top champ, so Finn will get those belts for them. They fist bump and Finn heads out, leaving Priest alone with Carlito. Carlito asks if Priest saw the Knicks game. Tough break, huh? Priest asks what’s wrong with him. Priest leaves but Carlito asks if they’re still cool.


Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler prepare backstage.

They’re both quiet, though, until in walks Sonya Deville! Sonya says hi to Zoey, Zoey shakes her hand, and Sonya says there’s something she wants to talk with them about. Zoey is fine but Shayna says no, whatever Sonya’s selling, they’re not buying. The tag team head out, but what is Miss Deville plotting now that she’s back?


WWE World Tag Team Championships: The Awesome Truth VS Finn Balor & JD McDonagh w/ Dominik Mysterio!

Whether or not Andre the Giant’s spirit will be with them, Miz & Truth have to be careful knowing The Prince & The Ace are not only dangerous on their own, but that they have Dirty Dom in their corner. Will Judgment Day have all the gold again? Or will they not be able to handle the Awesome Truth?

Raw returns and Judgment Day makes their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if the Raw Tag Division stays awesome!

The teams sort out and Finn starts against Miz. They tie up, go around, Finn wrenches and wristlocks. Miz rolls, cartwheels, and wrenches back. Miz keeps Finn from JD but Finn kicks low. Finn throws Miz to the corner, fires hands, then tags JD. They both stomp away, then JD keeps on Miz. The ref counts, JD lets off to talk trash, then he whips. Miz reverses to kitchen sink knee! Miz tags Truth, the fans rally, and Miz sits JD up to BASEMENT BOOT! Truth runs to spin and LEG DROP! JD flounders to a corner, Truth asks, “WHAT’S UP?!” then does the splits! Truth runs to do the SPLASH on JD!

Truth brings JD over, tags Miz, and Miz KICKS JD down! Miz runs to KICK JD again, then KICKS again, and again and again! The fans chant “MIZ! MIZ! MIZ!” Miz goes corner to corner to A-LIST LRIAT! JD goes down, Finn runs up, but Miz BOOTS him! Miz slides under JD to sunset flip, TWO! Miz full nelsons but JD arm-drags free! Miz BOOTS JD, but Dom distracts the ref! Finn CLOBBERS Miz! Finn puts Miz in the corner for JD to RAM into! The Judgment Day soak up the heat and Finn says the titles are coming home, but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Finn stomps Miz. Tag to JD, ARABIAN PRESS! Cover, TWO! JD argues with the ref but the count was fair. JD drags Miz to a facelock and grinds him down. The fans rally, Miz fights up, and Miz stomps JD’s feet! Miz reaches out but JD keeps him from Truth! Miz throws hands, JD still holds him back! JD whips Miz but Miz BLASTS Finn! Miz BOOTS JD, runs up, but DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! The fans fire up as JD and Miz stir! They crawl, hot tags to Finn and Truth! The fans fire up as Truth ducks ‘n’ dodges to get the SHOULDER TACKLES going! Then the SPIN OUT BOMB!

Truth raises the hand and the fans fire up! YOU CAN’T- KICK! Finn says no shuffle, but Truth drop toeholds! STF! Finn flails, JD breaks it! Miz gets in to whip but JD reverses! Miz is sent out, but Truth does the splits to dodge JD! Truth TOSSES JD, Finn rolls up Truth! TWO, but SLINGBLADE takes Truth down! Finn tags JD in, they get Truth up, and they double whip. Truth KICKS Finn, gets around JD, SPIN OUT BOMB! Miz gets Finn for a SPIN OUT BOMB! The fans fire up again as Awesome Truth say “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” They both run, DOUBLE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! But Carlito runs out here!

Miz DECKS Carlito, then PLANCHAS onto Finn! Truth fireman’s carries JD, but JD slips free, rolls him up, TWO! Truth dodges JD to then hits the LIE DETECTOR! Cover, but Carlito gives JD the ropebreak!! The fans boo and Truth can’t believe it! JD flops out of the ring, Carlito helps him up, and Dom distracts the ref. But here comes BRAUN!! The Monster Among Men storms his way out here, Carlito swings on him, but it does nothing! Bruan TOSSES Carlito away! Braun chases JD! The fans fire up as JD runs back into the ring, and back into an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! Cover, Awesome Truth wins!!

Winners: The Awesome Truth, by pinfall (still WWE World Tag Team Champions)

Wait, could Truth have meant this giant? Braun flexes with the power of North Carolina, and he celebrates with the Awesome Truth! Will Braun be more than enough to even the odds against Judgment Day’s number games?


Becky celebrates with Lyra backstage.

The Man tells The Morrigan she’s going to the finals, she’s got this! Becky heads out, but then Lyra crosses paths with Liv Morgan. Liv congratulates Lyra, which surprises Lyra. Liv says she’s surprised Becky didn’t come out to help her like she did last week. Oh, speak of the devil. Lyra turns around, thinking Becky did come back, but then Liv SUCKER PUNCHES her! Liv laughs and runs away, will The Morrigan have her first target once she’s Queen of the Ring?


Bronson Reed finds Sami Zayn backstage.

Bronson chuckles and says Sami doesn’t need to worry about Gable’s mind games. Because that’s all they are: games. Sami, look into Bronson’s eyes! Bronson is soulless! All he cares about is business, and violence is how he makes his money. Saturday, Bronson will use his body as a weapon, and get his biggest payday yet. Bronson chuckles again then leaves. Sami turns around and Otis is there! Oh look who it is! The guy who cost Sami the match. Sami expected better out of Otis. He expects that crap from Gable but not Otis. Maybe Sami was wrong about Otis. Is Otis proud of himself? Because he shouldn’t be.

Sami turns to go but Otis stops him. Sami asks what Otis wants. Otis apologizes. Sami sighs, and he knows Otis means that, because he is a good guy. Otis is, but Gable isn’t. Otis may think Gable is his friend or something, but Sami’s been in Otis’ shoes. The sooner Otis stops listening to Gable and starts listening to the fans, the better. Sami pats Otis on the shoulder then leaves. Will Otis listen to his heart and not Gable’s words?


Becky Lynch heads to the ring!

Greensboro fires up for the WWE Women’s World Champion as she holds up the title. Becky gets the mic and she says The Man has come around to Greensboro, North Carolina! The fans fire up for that, and Becky says that in five days, she will defend her title against Liv Morgan at KQOTR. Now, she and Liv have a lot of history. They’ve fought side by side, fought in honor, in bad blood, but in those many times, Liv’s never once beat Becky. But now we’re dealing with a very different Liv. Liv is hellbent on revenge, hitting people from behind, bailing on fights, and thinks that this strategy is what it takes to beat Becky.

Well, when Becky first came- Wait, Liv interrupts now. Liv says whoa now, wow. Cut the music, please. The way Becky is gaslighting the WWE Universe is literally insane. Becky punched Liv in the face last week, Liv retaliated, and now Liv’s the bad guy? DMG CTRL attacks Becky, Liv leaves because it has nothing to do with her, and she’s scared to fight. Becky might be confused. Liv doesn’t care about the other women, she barely cares about Becky. She only cares about her purpose: The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour! Becky laughs and says that’s right! After being here for nearly ten YEARS, Liv finally figured out what she’s doing here!

Becky can’t relate to that. Becky has known her purpose since she was 15 and she first walked into a gym. She wrote a New York Times best selling book about her purpose! Becky wanted equality, to change the game, to break down barriers, break through the glass ceilings, and main event WrestleManias. After 22 years, the purpose remains the same. When she leaves this place, she wants to leave it better than she found it. But Liv? Revenge? Okay, okay. So if Liv gets it, what next? Liv says okay, Becky’s really, really delusional. It’s insane. The fact that Becky comes out here and says, “Oh~ I break barriers, I break glass ceilings!”

The fact Becky thinks that about herself, Liv is embarrassed. Becky’s the most selfish person in this entire company! Yeah, she doesn’t care about the fans! Or this place! All Becky’s ever cared about is Becky! What/ What? Can’t hear her? Here’s why! Cuz they have their heads so far up Becky’s arse right now, they can’t hear Liv! But thanks so much for not making everything about yourself, Becky. What’s next after Liv’s revenge tour? After ten LONG HARD YEARS in the WWE, Liv will finally sit where she belongs, which is at the top as your NEW Women’s World Champion! The fans boo but Becky says Liv brings them into it. These people know Liv is lying!

One thing Becky knows about the people is that you can’t fool them. They know Becky does everything for the fans! She gives her best for them! They know she always puts her body on the line for them! And them is here, Liv is here, and Becky is here! Becky is looking for a fight, so if Liv thinks she’s worthy of being a champion, then why not put money where mouth is and fight!? Liv asks if Becky wants to go! Then okay! Liv storms up to the ring, but then backs right off. Liv laughs at Becky, and wishes Becky could see how dumb she looks! Liv’s gonna do the smart thing, which is wait. Because on Saturday, they have their title match.

Then on Saturday, Liv will fight Becky, and become the NEW Women’s World Champion. #CryAboutIt. Liv leaves, but will she return stateside with the title?


The Judgment Day regroups.

Priest is disappointed. Does someone wanna explain what happened? Carlito, didn’t Priest just tell you to earn your keep? Dom brings up JD was supposed to handle Braun. JD says yeah, he warned Braun but JD was in a match this week. What’s he supposed to do? Priest has them settle down. The easy fix is JD goes to Pearce and asks for a match against Strowman. As for everyone else, real talk? Priest doesn’t even recognize the group anymore. Priest heads out, Finn sighs, and says Priest is right. The wheels are falling off, time to get back on track. Finn agrees that JD needs to talk with Pearce right now.

Finn heads out to find Priest, and JD is upset. Will The Necessary Evil end up more like a sacrificial lamb?


The New Day are in the trainer’s room.

The medic checks Xavier Woods’ knee, and says he’s good to go. The New Day is all fired up! Kofi says now they can get back to doing what they do in the tag division. In fact, Kofi’s gonna go talk to Pearce right now! Woods likes that! They shake hands, “NEW~ DAY~” and Kofi heads out. But then Kross & Scarlett walk in. So Woods is cleared? Good. They want to lend him their support, he’s been through a rough stretch. But there’s always more time to turn things around. The Final Testament has issued a veiled threat, how will The New Day respond?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Maxxine Dupri & Ivy Nile VS Kairi Sane & Dakota Kai!

Regardless of what happens on Saturday, the strongEST duo, Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair, will still have the tag titles and will still need challengers. But will it be The Queen of Spades & Hunter? The life of the party? The Alpha Queen & Diamond Pitbull? Or The Pirate Princess and #CobraKai?

Raw returns as Shayna & Zoey make their entrance together. Next are Maxxine & Ivy, and then KC Squared. In this Fatal 4 Way, only two teams are legal at a time, so we start with Ivy and Kairi. The fans rally as the two circle, but then Shayna & Zoey snatch Ivy and tag in! They mug Ivy, but KC Squared tag in off Kairi! It gets a bit chaotic now, and Dakota jumps in! She ROUNDHOUSES Zoey, but Shayna KNEES Dakota! Maxxine kicks Shayna, reels her in, but Kairi runs up to CLOBBER Maxxine into giving Shayna a DDT! Ivy kicks Kairi, suplexes, and holds her up! The fans cheer the show of strength, but then KC Squared DOUBLE SUPERKICK them both down!

The fans fire up as all the others gather outside. Kayden helps Katana go up top, for the SUPER KEG STAND! The cluster is taken down, the fans fire up, and Kayden puts Zoey in! Cover, ONE!! Kayden is a bit surprised but this is still anyone’s match as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Dakota covers Ivy, but Kayden breaks it! Dakota kicks Ivy around, drags her up, then DECKS her! The fans rally as Dakota taunts Ivy. Dakota reels Ivy in but Ivy gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Dakota gets folded up hard! The fans fire up as both women crawl, hot tags to Kairi and Maxxine! Maxxine clinches for knee after knee, then whips Kairi to ropes. Maxxine KNEES Kari down, then BOOTS! Maxxine reels Kairi in, FISHERMAN SUPLEX! And a kip up so smooth, “A THANK YEW~!” Maxxine gets Kairi up, whips her to the corner, but Kayden tags in before the BULLDOG! Kayden SHOTGUNS Maxxine!

Katana BLASTS Shayna & Zoey but Maxxine TOSSES her! Maxxine kicks, Kayden blocks, then ducks the enzigiri! But Maxxine slides under! Kairi gets around, hammerlock and COMPLETE SHOT! Kayden brings Maxxine up while Katana climbs, for the AFTER PARTY!! But Dakota tags in and drags Katana right out! Kayden whips, Dakota TOSSES her, then covers, Shayna & Zoey break it! They fight with DMG CTRL and Kayden! DMG CTRL puts Shayna up top, Kayden puts Zoey on the apron! DMG CTRL climbs, they have Shayna but Zoey grabs Kayden by the hair! Kayden fights back and Katana joins in! Ivy gets in this, TOWER OF DOOM!!

The fans fire up as Kayden & Katana now get Zoey in position, for a SUPER DUPER STEINER onto Shayna!! The baddest duo tumble away, but Ivy DROPKICKS Katana! Kayden SUPERKICKS Ivy! Maxxine drags Kayden out to send her into barriers! The fans fire up and even Maxxine is impressed with her power. Maxxine hurries inside, swivels them hips, and she gets the REVERSE WORM going, for the ELBOW DROP! Cover on Dakota, TWO!! Dakota is still in this, but is now in an ANKLE LOCK!! Kairi climbs as Maxxine grapevines the leg! InSANE ELBOW!! Kairi fires up and tags in! But she gets mugged by Shayna & Zoey!

Zoey stags in, runs up, but Maxxine rolls her up! TWO!! SUPERKICK! ALLEY-OOP into the KNEE!! Cover, Zoey & Shayna win!!

Winners: Zoey Stark & Shayna Baszler, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships)

One #AlleyOOF and now Shayna & Zoey are headed after Jade & Bianca! Will The Queen of Spades & The Hunter be able to weather the strongEST storm and come away champions?


Backstage interview with Ludwig Kaiser.

Kayla is with the Impeccable German and says earlier tonight, Gunther’s confidence seems unwavering. Does Kaiser think Der Ring General is overlooking the threat posed by Jey Uso? Kaiser repeats, “Overlooking?” Der Ring General has proved several times that he is superior to anyone out there. Let’s just hope Jey takes this loss better than Sheamus did. Remember? The guy who used to love to fight, to let his fists do the talking. Last time Sheamus used his fists, it was pounding down the keyboard to complain online! Sheamus the Celtic Warrior is really just Sheamus the Keyboard Warrior.

Kaiser will tell us the truth about Sheamus! Sheamus’ career is going two ways: Either he stays home to protect his legacy; or he actually dares to come back just for Kaiser to put him down for good! Kaiser leaves, and in steps Drew McIntyre. She’s probably wondering what he’s doing here, right? So is he. Pearce decided not to use one of his biggest stars on the show tonight, but still wanted McIntyre live, after medically disqualifying him from the KOTR just so McIntyre can now watch Jey use McIntyre’s spot. And McIntyre doesn’t even get time to speaks his mind! Well screw that and screw Pearce, the people want McIntyre so he’ll give them that.

Let’s first talk the “paper champion,” Damian Priest. Priest thought he got one over on McIntyre. Nobody gets one over on McIntyre unless he lets them. He said what he needed to say, got what he wanted, and that is a rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship. McIntyre is playing chess while Priest is playing with guyliner. Priest is also spreading himself too thin. It’s like Rollins all over again! LWO, tag titles, Braun, Carlito. Mate, here’s free advice: stop it and focus on the title. They’re gonna have a match soon. McIntyre beat a real champion at Mania, and he’s gonna beat Priest, too. As you were.

McIntyre heads out, but when and where will this clash happen?


Chad Gable talks with The Creed Brothers backstage.

Gable tells Julius & Brutus this story about a wild time he took someone down with a lat drop. But in walks Otis. Otis wants to talk so Gable tells the Creeds they’ll talk more later, just think about what he said. Gable says Otis, his number one guy, where’s he been? He went to apologize to Sami. Apologize? For what? Why? Oh…! Gable sees what Otis is doing. Otis was tugging at the heart strings, softening him up emotionally for Saudi. That’s why Otis is Gable’s number one! Now, Gable has the ticket, the documents, Otis can go to Saudi. They are gonna win Gable’s Intercontinental Championship together, right? Right? R-Right…

No, Otis. Gable wants to hear Otis say it. “No matter what.” Gable breathes it in and it feels good. See you on the flight. Business class! But will Gable be returning back first class with the title? We also see Sonya talking with Zoey & Shayna again. Now that Zoey & Shayna are contenders, are they more open to Sonya’s idea?


King of the Ring Semifinals: Jey Uso VS GUNTHER!

Main Event Jey speaks backstage, saying “Tonight is the night. There is no tomorrow. It’s the semifinals for the King of the Ring tournament, Main Event Jey Uso VS The Ring General, Gunther. Last time we met, Uce, I almost had you. We got unfinished business right here, Uce. Tonight, I finish the job. You gonna catch a YEET down, and I’m gonna catch a crown. It’s main event time, Uce!” Jey knocks on the garage door, it opens for him, and he walks in saying, “Y’all know what it is! Main Event Jey Uso is now in your damn city, Greensboro!” Jey makes his way from the parking lot to gorilla, and then on stage! “Dat boi look good! I stay drippin’! Yo, Uce. Please hit my music. And uh, YEET!”

The fans fire up as Jey makes his entrance, but will Jey bring this energy all the way to Jeddah? Or will Gunther make his prediction come true with his own two hands?

Raw returns, the bell rings, and the fans fire up as the two stare down. Then Jey runs up and the two tie up! They go around, Gunther puts Jey on ropes, but Jey turns things around. Gunther turns it back, they end up in a corner, and the ref counts. Gunther lets off, to CHOP! And CHOP again! Gunther won’t stop, he CHOPS again! Gunther stalks Jey, but Jey ROCKS Gunther with a forearm! And another! And another! Then an UPPERCUT! Jey goes up a corner, and the fans fire up as Jey rains down fists! Gunther shoves Jey away, but Jey counter punches! And punches again! Fans “YEET!” with each hit! Jey then pops ‘n’ locks ‘n’ bounces, puts some stank and he DECKS Gunther!

The fans fire up again as Gunther bails out. Jey gets the fans fired up more, and then he DIVES onto Gunther! Down goes Der Ring General and the fans rally behind Jey. Jey stands, but he and Gunther are both banged up from that impact. Jey drags Gunther up, puts him in the ring, and then he goes up a corner. But Gunther rises to get under the leap! Jey runs back in, but Gunther sidesteps and POSTS him! Gunther then SLAMS Jey’s bad arm against the post! Gunther goes out, hammerlocks Jey, and RAMS him into steel steps! Jey falls in a heap, Gunther talks trash and looms over him. Gunther then hauls Jey up, hammerlocks the arm, and RAMS Jey into barriers!

Gunther leaves Jey behind for a moment to refresh the count. Then Gunther hauls Jey up to POST him again! Jey slumps down, Gunther refreshes the count again, and he scoops Jey for SNAKE EYES off barriers! Jey sputters, Gunther dumps him into the timekeeper’s aera! Jey is down, Gunther stands tall, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again, Gunther grinds Jey down with an armlock, but Jey endures as the fans rally up. Jey fights to his feet, but Gunther RAMS shoulders! Jey drops to a knee, Gunther stands him up to wrench, but Jey ROCKS Gunther with a forearm! Jey ROCKS Gunther again, but Gunther UPPERCUTS the arm! Gunther then steps over to HIP DROP the arm! Jey writhes, Gunther looms over him, then goes to a corner. Gunther runs to KICK Jey in the side! Jey grits his teeth but Gunther stomps him around! Gunther clamps onto one arm and traps it to then pull on the other! Jey endures, but Gunther KNEE DROPS the arm!

The fans rally while Jey writhes, but Gunther stomps him around! Gunther drags Jey to a drop zone then goes up the corner. The fans boo, but Jey rises first! Jey UPPERCUTS Gunther, but that’s the bad arm! Gunther wobbles, Jey storms up to HEADBUTT! Jey climbs, brings Gunther up, but Gunther fires body shots in return! Gunther then has a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK up top! Jey endures, fights with his good arm, and he clinches Gunther for a fireman’s carry! SUPER SAMOAN DROP!! Both men are down and the fans fire back up! The fans rally with “YEET! YEET! YEET!” and Jey crawls to a corner. Jey goes up the corner, but Gunther stands!

Jey still leaps to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Jey’s arm hurts too much for him to be frustrated, he and Gunther both slowly sit up. The fans rally, Jey and Gunther lock eyes as they stand. Gunther CHOPS, then he pie faces Jey. Jey grits his teeth, but Gunther CHOPS! Jey fires a forearm! And another! Gunther CHOPS and Jey falls! Jey gets right up, eggs Gunther on, so Gunther CHOPS! Jey fires a forearm! And another! And then a kick! Gunther blocks, but the DRAGON WHIP comes back around! The fans fire up and Jey huffs and puffs and aims from a corner! Jey runs up, but the superkick is blocked! CHOP!

Gunther runs, but Jey SUPERKICKS! Gunther falls, Jey covers, TWO! Gunther is still in this, he isn’t the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion for nothing! Jey rises as the fans rally up and he goes to a corner. Jey aims, runs up, SUPERKICK! Gunther flounders to a corner and the fans fire up more! Jey stomps Gunther again and again, “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey stops as the ref counts, and he grits his teeth to fight the pain. But Gunther SHOTGUNS Jey down! Gunther hauls Jey up, for the GENERAL BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Jey survives that, but Gunther has a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Jey endures, even as Gunther pulls on the arm!

Jey reaches out, the fans rally, and he rolls free! Jey ducks ‘n’ dodges, but runs into a KICK! Gunther CHOPS Jey on tthe back! Then SLEEPER! But Jey rolls back to a cover, TWO!! Gunther BOOTS Jey, then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Gunther won’t stop there, he goes up top! GENERAL SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Jey survives but Gunther is right back on him! Gunther drags Jey up to short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Jey survives again and Gunther is a little surprised! Gunther stands, he eggs Jey on, and the fans rally up. Gunther brings Jey up, talks some trash, then CHOPS! Jey drops to his knees but Gunther eggs him on again!

Gunther stands Jey back up, for another CHOP! Jey falls back, but that’s not enough for Gunther. Gunther stands Jey up again, talks some more trash, but Jey SLAPS Gunther! Gunther CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! Gunther fires off on Jey with CHOPS, even as the ref counts! Gunther pushes Jey down, argues with the ref, and Jey rises. Jey runs up to SPEAR Gunther into the ref!! The fans fire up and Jey hurries to the top! USO SPLASH!! But he can’t make the cover because of the bad arm! Jey crawls, the ref is still recovering, but now the count! TWO!!! Gunther is saved by the delay! The fans are all fired up!

Gunther grabs Jey, and CLUBS away on him! KEYLOCK SLEEPER!! Body scissors squeeze Jey, Jey is caught!! Jey is fading out, he’s DONE! Gunther wins!!

Winner: Gunther, by submission (advances to the finals)

Jey gave him another incredible fight, but it would seem Der Ring General keeps adding to his arsenal. Gunther now waits on Randy Orton and Tama Tonga this Friday, who joins him in the fight for the throne?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw here, with some honestly surprising results tonight. An awesome match from Iyo VS Lyra, and I really did not expect Lyra to win this one. I really thought it was Iyo VS Bianca for the QOTR finals to revisit that story, but maybe WWE is over revisiting that story and is letting everyone move on. Lyra still had her part to play in the story of Becky and Liv tonight, with a good promo segment from Becky and Liv. Liv is getting there, but she’s still not as sharp of a promo talker as Becky yet. And with Liv leaving Becky wanting more, I’m pretty sure Becky wins to retain the title, despite Liv wanting her revenge tour to continue.

Very good promos from Gunther and Jey, especially with Jey getting that tracking shot for his entrance. And then just an awesome match from them in the main event, and while a part of me thought Jey would get it to signal we were getting Tama over Orton, it seems it still isn’t Jey’s time to truly shine as a singles guy. Now Orton VS Tama is up in the air, and I think star power alone is reason enough for us to get Gunther VS Orton. From there, hard to say, but it really depends on what the plan for The King is after. Kaiser, however, is just setting himself up for a Brogue by Sheamus, which will be a great match.

Great opening segment, both promo and match, from Sami and Gable. I am glad Sami’s the one to ask The Academy if they’re gonna stop following Gable, and they played up the internal conflicts perfectly for each of the members. I almost thought Otis was going to break away here by attacking Gable, which would still give Gable the win, but it seems we’ll have to wait a little longer. After seeing Otis apologize to Sami and then Gable hanging out with the Creeds, it could be this Saturday in the Triple Threat. Otis will cost Gable, allowing Sami to retain, and then Gable dumps the Academy entirely to start fresh with Julius & Brutus.

Really good Fatal 4 Way Tag, and nice surprise return by Sonya. Sounds like Sonya wants to at least manage Shayna & Zoey, and of course now she would even more because they won that match. Sonya could be a deciding factor against Bianca & Jade, but I am pretty sure Bianca & Jade will still retain. Naomi can even join back in since she still has kayfabe beef with Sonya. Good little promo with New Day to show Woods is back, and for Kross to play mind games again. AOP VS New Day perhaps? Kross could probably get to some good singles matches with Kofi and Woods, but it’d be more satisfying for it to be a tag feud.

Great little promo from Awesome Truth with New Catch Republic, and good stuff from Judgment Day. A lot is going on with Carlito feuding with LWO but wanting to stick with Judgment Day. Really good tag title match, and great appearance by Braun to turn the tide. Braun is definitely going to eat McDonagh alive next week, though. McIntyre also got a promo in to call out Priest, building this up so that the Clash at the Castle match is gonna be some great stuff. I almost hope that with Gallus back in action as we’ve seen on NXT, that they get their call-up to help McIntyre to go faction to faction with Judgment Day.

The wildest stuff was Bron Breakker bringing out that real intensity, “that dog in him” as you might say. He took a squash match win over a guy and ramped it up into a brutal beatdown, then still had aggression to spare to go after Ricochet just outta nowhere. Ricochet’s been trying to call out Dragunov but now he and Dragunov have beef with Bron. And with how Bron’s been going, is there a chance he takes the Speed Championship off Ricochet even through Ricochet just won it? A match between those two really would be fast and furious, I’m just not sure Bron’s first singles title on main roster would be a social media gimmick title.

Honestly, I was hoping he’d push the hydration station over to get a jab at Logan Paul. Maybe Bron will move up to the Intercontinental Championship and really put Sami’s own passion and intensity to the test. Same for Dragunov, he’d be an awesome opponent for Sami. At the same time, I still want to see Bronson Reed get something, he’s also been putting in solid work since coming back to WWE.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.25.2024

Slammiversary Fallout! Where do things go on the way to Victory Road?



Well now we start the fall out of Slammiversary. Josh Alexander in his bad bitch summer, X-Speedball legacy, ABC got the t-a-g and Jordynne is still in charge of the Knockouts division. Like I said at the end of Slammiversary, all of the champions being Babyfaces is stupid. They need to drop a couple titles fairly quickly, because I don’t care what some people say, Nic Nemeth ain’t gonna bring any eyes to the brand. He’s about as hot as day old Hamburger Helper over a camping sterno.

We’ll probably open with the luke warm champion, so tune in like 10 minutes late for anything of substance to be happen.


  • Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner: Maclin wins via KIA – *
  • AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan: AJ wins via Down Payment – **
  • Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young): Hammer Your ASH wins via Torture Rack – ** 1/2
  • The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): Broken Alphabet wins via Twist & Splash – ***



Nemeth gives the ole “I’ll be a fighting champion…blah blah” promo and drops the “any company” line that we’ve already understood what that means. Campaign Singh cuts him off…and I never thought I’d be happy for Campaign Singh to walk out and say anything…ever. And…Mustafa’s promo is worse than Dolph’s. He’s gone from parody to caricature even saying “it was the biggest screw job Montreal ever saw”. Like some of these lines are cheap heat, but most are just brain dead comments that wouldn’t get a reaction out of anyone (and the crowd was silent for that comment). Mustafa gets caught in an Archer “phrasing” moment about getting screwed hard, but this is painful. Promos written by 14 year olds everyone…

This ends with Ali challenging Nemeth for the World Title. While I’m not against walk up challenges, I watch Japanese wrestling, I don’t really get the point aside from doing it just to do it. 

ABC and Matt Hardy have a small promo, and I’m still not really a fan of Unbroken Matt Version 6.0. The floating between Broken voice and his normal voice sounds amateurish.

OH LOOK, finally a match 20 minutes into the show. And it’s my son Steve Maclin! OH CHRIST he’s facing Deaner. This has been 25 minutes of talking followed by the worst god damn attempt at a gimmick. Deaner’s little “Papa Santino told me I can wipe my ass only if the crowd agrees”. This gimmick should die in a fire.

Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner

Deaner started off quick because Maclin was in disbelief that Deaner was actually gonna fight him. Maclin dodges a Crossbody, Busaiku Knee, and just starts beating on Deaner for fun. And this is fun, maybe Maclin can make sure Deaner gets stretchered out and written off forever. How do you call for an ambulance in French? Maclin with the old Back Breaker into a stretch. Deaner tries to nerd rage up, breaks the Back Breaker Stretch, his punch combo, into a Manhattan Drop and Bulldog. Deaner hits the Crossbody, but Maclin kicks out. This is entirely too competitive.

Deaner goes for the Deaner DDT, blocked, Olympic Slam into Splashing Deaner into the corner, Caught in the Crosshairs, K-I-A, thanks for coming you damn dweeb. Stay in Canada and don’t travel Deaner, please.

AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan

As the bell sounds, Sami knocks Rich off the apron, Low Bridges AJ, does the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ and then AJ eats the offense and strategizes with his crew. Bishop and Rich swarm the ring, Sami allows himself to get distracted so AJ slides in and starts beating on Sami. AJ throats Sami across the middle rope and Rich makes his presence felt, AJ distracts the referee and Rich gets in a lot of cheap shots. Bishop throws Sami back in the ring, and AJ keeps up the pressure. Lots of 5 count chokes and leverage moves. After the commercial break ends, Sami dodges a Tennessee Whiskey Knee, gets in a few shots before Rich trips Sami as he’s setting up a Dive, and then AJ takes advantage of the position and hits the goofball knee strike.

AJ calls for his Chokeslam, Sami tries to break it with Axe Handles, then claws the eyes. Sami goes for a Scoop Slam, gets him part way up and then falls over. AJ Chokeslam again, but he bites his hand and starts fighting back. Launches himself at AJ, sends him bouncing off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit that Scoop Slam that was teased earlier. Sami goes for a Western Lariat but eats a Big Boot. AJ does a little Hulk Hogan pose to signal a Leg Drop, but Sami dodges and then connects on a Sliding Lariat. Thumbs Up, Thumbs….interference. Rich distracts the ref, Bishop lays out Sami, AJ connects with the Down Payment.

Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young)

ASH and Jordynne exchange slaps and then Jordynne starts to out muscle ASH. Spinebuster from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights off, rope run, Sattelite DDT into both tagging out. EY does the Flair corner flop, slides back in between Hammer’s legs, and connects on a Neckbreaker. EY is the quicker of the two, but Hammer finally gets his hands on him and a Release Belly to Belly into a full mount raining of fists, then a near fall. Hammer smashes EY in a corner, Arm Wringer into an Irish Whip across, but EY moves and Hammer tags out to ASH. ASH levels Jordynne, peppers EY with a few shots and pulls him back to their corner and starts some tandem offense with Hammerman. Hammer Guerilla Presses ASH and throws her into EY for a near fall. Hammer looks to aim for either a Powerbomb or Nightmare Pendulum, but EY drops it into a Small Package, pinfall kick out, they both run, Double Lariat spot. The Knockouts get tagged in.

Jordynne is in control early, World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb. Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights it off and tags out to Hammer. Jordynne and EY do some schoolyard stuff with the old Push while Jordynne is down to trip Hammer. All four get in, ASH gets leveled, EY gets leveled, Hammer and Jordynne have a brief face off, but Hammer throws Jordynne to the apron and ASH connects with a Meteora from the apron. Death Valley Driver from Young on Hammer, ASH stares in shock, EY tells her to get, ASH runs away. EY goes up for his Macho Elbow, and ASH causes him to fall to Hammer’s feet, Torture Rack, and EY submits.

Josh Alexander comes out, with new heel music. And it’s not that bad, definitely better than some other people’s new music. Josh yells at the crowd a bit, says he can’t wait til he’s back in a real Canadian town, like his home of Toronto. Then he drops the mic in lieu of an explanation. The crowd chants him off with the “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey”.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

JDC and Hardy start, but JDC quickly tags out to Myers and that doesn’t go well. Hardy grabs a hold of Myers, a few Delete chops, drags him to his corner and they all get in a few shots punctuated with Hardy getting tagged back in and an Elbow into Myers’ extended and worked on left arm. Myers stays isolated, back into the corner, Boot to the gut, Ace tags in and wallops Myers. Ace connects on Double Kicks, into Russian Leg Sweep and his half of Click Click Boom, for a 2 count. Myers finally gets free with a Jaw Breaker and tags out to Eddie. But The System gets no momentum, Ace stifles Eddie’s offense and starts a few quick tags with him and Bey for tandem offense. Moose finally comes down the ramp as Eddie kicked out of yet another pinfall attempt because The System has had nothing going for them. Eddie finally gets some offense since Moose was a big enough distraction.

Eddie thinks they have a spot, so he tags back in JDC, but The ABC stop him cold, tag in Matt Hardy, and Matt walks down JDC, but JDC Low Bridges. Matt is on the outside, so all of The System surrounds Hardy, then Joe Hendry’s music hits! That stops the heel beatdown, and we follow Hendry’s entire entrance. So that proves Hendry is bigger than the 8 other people in this frame. Not really sure if that’s optics you want to push along. Ace and JDC try to remind people there’s wrestling going on, but JDC thumbs the eye to get a little something going. Vertical Suplex for a near fall, tag out for Eddie and Eddie lights up Ace with some of those NOAH Chops. Ace retreats to the ropes and Alisha chokes him with the ropes while the ref is distracted.

Myers gets tagged in, Ace tries to use the crowd energy, Myers stops it at first but then Ace slips a Scoop Slam and tags out to Bey. Hot tag, strike rush, Double Stomp, educated feet, Leap Frog to the corner but Lish climbs on the apron and yells at Bey which stops his rhythm. Myers kicks his feet out and causes Bey to crash. Eddie tags in for a few shots, then to JDC and Slingshot Knees, Wringer Snapmare, Bow and Arrow Submission, and JDC is just doing solid wrestling work right now. Uppercut between the Shoulder Blades as Bey tries to get out, tag to Myers and Bey is still eating offense. Eddie tags in, Bey tries the Sunset Flip, but Eddie tags out before going over, so Myers folds up Bey for a near fall and then tags out to JDC who connects on a Standing Suplex, slams Bey’s face into the corner, Eddie tags in, and Bey finally fights up to his feet, Eddie just flatten Bey’s comeback, tries a Tiger Driver but eats an Enzuigiri for a simultaneous tag. JDC and Hardy come in, JDC tries to exit halfway in, but Hardy is wrecking shop. He disposes of Eddie, Myers slides in but eats a tandem Neckbreaker/DDT from Hardy. Face team does the Delete Corner Face Smashes. Poetry in Motion into a Side Effect into Corkscrew Swanton for only 2 since Myers breaks it up! Everyone throwing hands, referee is distracted, Moose comes in to Spear Hardy, but Hardy dodges and throws him into JDC (I get the call back), Hendry then lays out Moose with the big Lariat. Twist of Fate from Hardy, Splash from Bey, Broken Alphabet wins!


Overall Score: 4/10

Ugh, cliche promos, too damn much talking, a competitive squash match with an imbecile as our first “match”, into an overbooked and slow heel match, finally a decent tag match (with the right team going over), into another overbooked match with a “tease” for the mystery backup being more obvious than Jericho’s WWF debut.

Aside from the afore mentioned tag match, The Rascalz promo and The System Promo; this was hard to watch. A lot of cornball promos, Rosemary licks her conspiracy board, storylines got zero traction. Whoopity Doo, Ryan Nemeth got a match next week and we get an undead wedding.

While this was a bad episode, it was bad by at least new standards. We’re not back in the TNA Dark Days again, but this was…a useless show.

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