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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (5/21/24)

Can Wes Lee defy the odds?



They say all men are created equal!

Oba Femi awaits a challenger for his NXT North American Championship, so Wes Lee, Josh Briggs and now Joe Coffey will do battle in a Triple Threat! Will Gallus taking out Ivar pay off for the Iron King?


  • NXT Women’s North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Thea Hail VS Fallon Henley; Fallon wins and advances to NXT Battleground: Las Vegas.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Axiom & Nathan Frazer VS Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo & Luca Crusifino w/ The D’Angelo Family; Axiom & Frazer win and retain the titles.
  • NXT North American Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Wes Lee VS Josh Briggs VS Joe Coffey; Wes & Coffey double pin win and will challenge Oba Femi for the title at NXT Battleground: Las Vegas.
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Brinley Reece VS Jaida Parker; Jaida wins and advances to NXT Battleground: Las Vegas.
  • Lexis King VS Dante Chen; Dante wins.
  • Lola Vice & Shayna Baszler VS Karmen Petrovic & Natalya; Karmen & Natty win.


NXT Women’s North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Thea Hail VS Fallon Henley!

Jacy Jayne was one thing, but the Cowgirl showing her toxic side?! Thea took out Jacy and become the second seed in this qualifier series, will she be heading to Battleground? Or will it be Yeehaw Las Vegas?

The bell rings and the two argue. Thea shoves Fallon, Fallon shoves back, so Thea wrenches an arm to YANK and YANK! Thea wristlocks, but then Fallon pulls hair! Thea wrenches again, and keeps Fallon from the ropes. The fans rally, Thea cranks the arm, but Fallon ROCKS her! Fallon fireman’s carries, Thea slips free and sits Fallon down. Thea then KICKS Fallon and STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Fallon sputters, Thea brings her around to whip. Fallon reverses, runs up, blocks a boot, and DRAGON SCREWS the leg! Then CALF KICK! Cover, TWO! Fallon keeps on Thea with a knuckle lock, then top wristlock.

Thea endures, the fans rally, and she fights back up. Thea throws body shots, but Fallon pushes on that wristlock. Fallon steps over for the wristlock stretch, but the fans rally behind Thea. Thea fights to her feet, but Fallon cranks the arm. Thea rolls, rolls, and headscissors! The fans fire up, things speed up, and Thea bypasses Fallon to arm-drag her! Fallon comes back, into a JAPANESE ARM-DRAG! Fallon bails out, the fans fire up and Thea DIVES! Down goes Fallon and Thea rains down forearms! The fans fire up, Fallon gets away but Thea fires off more shots. Fallon shoves Thea into the desk, hurries into the ring, but Thea grabs at her.

Fallon BOOTS Thea down, hurries away, then gets out of the ring. The ref keeps Thea back, and Fallon brings out a chair! Fallon grins, but Ridge snatches the chair! The ref sees Ridge with a chair and thinks Chase U was up to something! The ref EJECTS Chase U!! The fans boo but Fallon grins and waves bye. Fallon has Thea all alone now, but NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Fallon runs to FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Fallon snarls as she stalks Thea, but the fans rally up. Fallon whips Thea into a corner, then brings her around to whip back in. Fallon runs up, Thea dodges and Fallon hits buckles! Thea runs up, but Fallon waistlocks! Thea uses that to wheelbarrow and arm-drag! Thea dodges a lariat, runs around, and Fallon HEADBUTTS her! Both women fall and the fans fire up! A standing count starts, both women stir, and they sit up at 4 of 10. Fallon fires a forearm, Thea hits back! They go back and forth! Thea then rebounds to rally with BIG forearms!

Thea mule kicks, runs, and ROLLING NECKBREAKERS! The fans rally, Thea storms back up to scoop and POWERSLAM! Then ROLLING SENTON! Thea shakes the ropes, then jumps to IMPLODER SENTON! Cover, TWO! Thea is frustrated but the fans rally up. Thea runs in at the corner, back body blocks, then runs again. Thea leaps up but Fallon shoves her down! Fallon goes up but Thea ROCKS her! Thea climbs, brings Fallon up, but Fallon fights the superplex! Fallon throws a body shot, Thea hops down, and Fallon BOOTS her! Fallon then reels Thea in, TORNADO- KIMURA!! Thea has the body scissors, so Fallon drops to the ropes!

They roll outside, Thea still holds onto the hold! Fallon RAMS Thea into barriers! Thea lets go, but she girts her teeth. Fallon stands, Thea shouts at her, and Fallon runs away into the ring! Thea pursues, but the SHINING WIZARD gets her! Cover, Fallon wins!

Winner: Fallon Henley, by pinfall (advances to NXT Battleground)

Fallon Comes First, which means Thea is out of the running! Will The Cowgirl wrangle the gold and make some history? As for Thea, JAZMYN NYX ATTACKS! Jazmyn attacks Thea and hits the PELE! She kips up and stands over Thea, all in the name of Jacy Jayne. Will Thea just have to break Jazmyn’s face like she did Jacy’s?


NXT shares footage as The D’Angelo Family arrived earlier today.

Tony D said the Heritage Cup is kinda heavy, but it looks good. Nathan Frazer & Axiom found them, and they congratulated The Don on winning. Frazer remembers winning the cup being one of the best nights of his life. Stacks asks if Axiom’s name is on here somewhere. There’s Frazer, Tyler, Charlie, A-Kid. Hey, anyone heard from A-Kid lately? Luca says he couldn’t have been that bright if the best he could come up with was “A Kid.” The D’Angelos laugh, Frazer & Axiom join in sarcastically. But Tony says these two have guts, taking on all comers. Stacks says he isn’t so sure. Word on the street is, these two have been ducking The Good Brothers.

Axiom says they aren’t ducking anyone, and Frazer adds they won’t be bullied into handing out title shots to main roster superstars. If anything, they’ll give a shot to NXT stars first. Then what about Luca & Stacks? You wouldn’t wanna be accused of ducking them now, would you? NOPE! Challenge accepted! Tonight! The D’Angelos head out, did they just goad the champs into losing those belts? Or will The Underboss & Consigliere have no way around the Undeniable Hard-Hitting Truths?


Backstage interview with Gallus.

Kelly Kincaid is with Wolfgang & The Coffey Brothers, and says that was a dramatic return to NXT last week. Joe Coffey says aye, because it seems the only way to get noticed around here is to “make a bit of noise.” And at the end of that show, was it Trick Williams? Nope. Noam Dar? Nope. Je’Von Evans? Nope. Tony D’Angelo? Nope! It was all Gallus! Wolfie says that’s how it should be. They hit three of NXT’s best! Markus mockingly hopes Ivar enjoys his stay at the hospital. Joe says Wes and Briggs are tougher than Gallus gave them credit, but they’re not smarter. Those two are all talk talk talk.

But when Joe becomes the #1 Contender to the North American Championship, Oba Femi will find out just how dangerous Gallus is! NXT has gotten comfortable while these three were away. Those days are over! Will NXT finally become Gallus’ Kingdom?


NXT Tag Team Championships: Axiom & Nathan Frazer VS Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo & Luca Crusifino w/ The D’Angelo Family!

NXT returns as the champs make their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if the D’Angelos truly run NXT!

The teams sort out and Axiom starts against Luca. The two tie up, Axiom waistlocks, but Luca wrenches to wristlock. Axiom rolls, handsprings, but Luca kicks low. Luca whips, Axiom goes up and arm-drags! Then DROPKICKS! Axiom brings Luca up, Luca shoves him away, so Frazer tags in. Luca tags Stacks and he tells them to slow it down. Stacks calls for knuckle locks, Frazer obliges, and Stacks steps over to wrangle Frazer to the mat. Frazer kips up, flips, but Stacks kicks low. Stacks trips Frazer, stomps him in the gut, then stomps him some more. Stacks TOSSES Frazer to the apron, brings him back in and UPPERCUTS, but Frazer blocks!

Frazer body shots, avoids the kick, then slingshots to sunset flip! TWO, and Stacks UPPERCUTS! Cover, TWO! Stacks drags Frazer up to headlock but Frazer powers out. Axiom tags in, they redirect stacks to dropkick and DROPKICK! Stacks sputters, Axiom is on him and tags Frazer. They whip, Stacks reverses but Axiom reverses back! IRON OCTOPUS, and Frazer runs, runs and runs to DROPKICK! The fans fire up, Frazer covers, TWO! Stacks stays in this but Frazer clamps onto the arm. Stacks fights up, powers Frazer back, Luca tags in. They whip, Frazer slides under but Luca is there. Frazer elbows Luca, ROCKS Stacks, but Luca puts Frazer outside!

Frazer ROCKS Luca, but Stacks runs up to BOOT Frazer down! Frazer hits desk and Luca tags Stacks! Stacks says bada bing, FOLEY ELBOW! The D’Angelo Family is fired up and standing tall while NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and The D’Angelos double whip Frazer hard into a corner! Frazer falls back, Stacks covers, TWO! The fans rally while Stacks grows frustrated. Stacks throws down fists, then he drags Frazer up. Stacks tags Luca, they mug Frazer, then feed him to DOUBLE KNEES! Cover, TWO! Luca drags Frazer around to have a grounded motorcycle stretch but the fans rally up. Frazer endures, fights up, and fights free! But Luca keeps him from Axiom! Luca RAMS Frazer into the corner, then runs up, but into an ELBOW! Stacks blocks a kick but not the DRAGON WHIP! Luca BODY SHOTS Frazer, whips, but Frazer QUEBRADA DDTS!

The fans fire up while Frazer and Luca are both down! Frazer crawls over, Tony shouts at Luca to do the same! Hot tags to Stacks and Axiom! The fans fire up as Axiom dodges Stacks to GAMANGIRI Luca! BOOT for Stacks CHOPS for all! CHOP after CHOP, and then Axiom runs to duck ‘n’ dodges, tilt-o-whirl and that sends Stacks into Luca! LARIAT DDT COMBO! The fans fire up and Axiom waistlocks. Stacks bucks the O’Conner but swings into a HALF ‘N’ HALF! Cover, TWO!! Stacks survives being folded and Rizzo coaches Luca back into this. Axiom KICKS Stacks, KICKS again, then tags Frazer. BUZZSAW!

Frazer hauls Stacks up to suplex, CHASING THE DRAGON!! Cover, Luca breaks it!! The fans fire up as The D’Angelo Family stays in this! Tony coaches his boys, Luca blocks Axiom’s superkick to send it into Frazer! Luca then hits a CODE BREAKER on Axiom! Luca hurries back to his corner, tags in, and the Family double whips Frazer! Double pop-up BACK SUPLEX! Cover, AXIOM SUPERKICKS! The fans fire up, Stacks hits a ZIGZAG! Stacks hurries back to the corner, tags himself in, and he runs up on Frazer. BUCKLE SHOT! Frazer then skins the cat to go up top, just like The Visionary! But Stacks trips Frazer up!

Stacks climbs, has Frazer up top, and SUPERPLEXES! Luca DIVES into a SUPERKICK!!! Axiom stops the Power & Glory combo, but HERE COMES NO QUATER CATCH CREW!! Damon Kemp, Charlie Dempsey & Myles Borne jump The Don! That distracts Stacks, Frazer cradles! FRAZER & AXIOM WIN!

Winners: Axiom & Nathan Frazer, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

The Family fights NQCC to the back, and the gold stays with Axiom & Frazer. But now THE GOOD BROTHERS attack! It is just chaos tonight as Gallows & Anderson beat down the champs! Anderson gets Frazer up, Gallows helps out, MAGIC KILLER!! The fans boo, but will The Machine Gun & Big LG make these titles Too Sweet?


Robert Stone talks with a prospect backstage.

He was so impressed with her during the NXT Women’s Combine. Top three vertical jump, blew his mind. Soon everyone will be saying the name- Lexis King says everyone’s already saying his name. The prospects leave, and Lexis says Stone has this all wrong. He’s trying to recruit “the next big thing,” but not even Chelsea Green was giving him the time of day. Stone is in a hole, and the only way out of it is to hitch his wagon to Lexis. Over Stone’s dead body. Oh, Lexis knows about that. he’s been walking over dead bodies week after week. He’s practically undefeated! Something Stone knows nothing about.

Stone tells Lexis to watch himself, but then Ava Raine walks in. Lexis says he and Stone were just talking. Ava says Lexis is so annoying. Lexis says no he’s not, bye. Oh no he’s not, Lexis has a match tonight. Okay, tell him more. Well, Lexis will learn who he’s facing when he gets out there. Now Lexis leaves, and Stone says he wants to be the one to do it. Ava says no, the last time he did, it didn’t go well. But it’s okay, Ava will find the perfect opponent for Lexis King. Stone trusts in the GM, but just who will look to knock The Drama King off his high horse?


Oba Femi is here!

The Ruler goes to the ring, because he wants to see who wins the right to challenge him for Battleground! Will the Cardiac Kid make his way back to former glory? Will the Blue Collar Brawler get a 1v1 shot at Oba? Or will the Iron King be challenging The Ruler’s reign?


Chase U regroups backstage.

Thea is sore, but it’s Riley Osborne who is upset. He confronts Professor Chase. How could he NOT see this coming? Ridge Holland is clearly a liability! Chase says Riley has to see the good in people! Ridge walks in, hands Thea a bottle of water, and he tells Riley that respectfully, back off, mate. He couldn’t stand there and let Fallon hit Thea with a chair! None of them could, but it was Ridge who stepped in and did something. Yes, he sure did! He cost Thea the match, the chance at making history, and Riley is getting sick of the excuses! Ridge points out Riley cost them their match last week! Ridge gave Riley the benefit of the doubt, no hard feelings and all that.

But now, Riley stands there judging Ridge! DAMN RIGHT! Ridge doesn’t belong here! And where is that?! Chase stops these two from having it out here. If they want to settle this, do it in the ring. Riley’s fine with that! Riley storms off, and Duke wants to say something but Chase cuts him off. Is Turbo Terry going to run circles around Yorkshire Grit? Or will this be a #TeachableMoment of the highest order?


NXT North American Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Wes Lee VS Josh Briggs VS Joe Coffey w/ Gallus!

NXT returns and Oba is now on commentary as Wes makes his entrance, followed by Briggs’. Gallus makes their entrance together, and they bring back the triple handshake. Markus & Wolfie will be present during all this, but will they be a factor?

The bell rings and the three circle. Joe taunts them over last week’s blindside, but then Wes AND Briggs go after him! The Gallus boys keep Joe from being whipped away, but he ends up falling over for it! Briggs stomps Joe, then he and Wes drag him from ropes! The fans cheer as Wes and Briggs mug Joe. Briggs then DECKS Wes! Briggs ROCKS Joe, Wes snarls, but Briggs ROCKS him! Joe ROCKS Briggs, Wes helps him in mugging Briggs and whipping him. But Briggs runs them both over! Things keep moving, Joe drops and Wes hurdles. Briggs blocks the hip toss to TOSS Wes into Joe! Briggs then has Wes in a corner, but Wes BOOTS back!

Wes goes up and up and leaps, but Briggs catches him! Joe SHOTGUNS Briggs into giveing Wes a FALL AWAY SLAM! Joe drags Briggs up, Briggs shoves him into the corner. Joe BOOTS back, goes up and BOOTS again. Joe reels Briggs in, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Joe huffs and puffs but he runs up on Briggs, but Wes RANAS Joe first! The fans fire up as Joe bails out and Wes builds speed. Wes FLIES and takes Joe down! Oba says that is Wes’ fighting spirit. Wes brings Joe up but Joe blocks the bump off the apron. Wes avoids Joe’s lariat, and he avoids Briggs, so the BOOT takes Joe down!

Briggs sees Wes jump up, catches him, pop up and LARIAT! Back drop for Joe to the floor! Briggs is all fired up but the fans boo while NXT goes picture in picture.

Briggs looms over Joe and Wes and has his pick. Briggs smirks at Gallus before putting Joe in. Briggs stomps Wes, leaves him behind, but Joe ROCKS Briggs! Briggs and Joe trade heavy forearms, and Briggs gets the edge! Joe staggers, Briggs ROCKS him again and again, then avoids a shot to DECK Joe! Cover, TWO!! Joe survives but Briggs keeps his cool. Briggs stalks Joe, whips, but Joe reverses. Joe FLAPJACKS Briggs off ropes! Joe whips Briggs into a corner, then around again into the corner! Scoop and BACKBREAKER! Joe runs to go up and VADER ELBOW! Wes gets on the apron, Joe BLASTS him back down!

Joe soaks up the heat while Gallus mocks Wes. Joe stomps Briggs, KICKS him in the side, then DECKS Briggs! Wes returns, but Joe goes out after him to RAM him into the apron! Joe storms his way up the steps and into the ring. Joe goes after Briggs with haymakers but Briggs throws back body shots. Joe knees low, knees again, then ROCKS Briggs. Briggs falls over, Joe sees Wes climbing! Joe UPPERCUTS Wes and Wes gets stuck up top! Joe KNEES Wes again and again, then goes back for Briggs. Joe KNEES Briggs in the side, KNEES him again, then clamps onto an arm. Joe pulls the arm into a half straitjacket!

Briggs endures, fights around, fights to his feet, and throws elbows. NXT returns to single picture, both men LARIAT! They LARIAT again, and again! Both men wobble, but they still LARIAT! Briggs fires up, runs, but Joe RAMS him! But Briggs ROCKS Joe! Briggs scoops to SIDEWALK SLAM and SPLASH! Wes SWANTON BOMBS in! The fans fire up while all three men are down! Wes grits his teeth as he drags himself up. Briggs runs up, Wes body shots and KICKS! And KICKS! And DOUBLE STOMPS! Wes sees Joe and ROCKS him! HEEL KICKS him! Joe roars, so Wes jumps, Briggs reels Joe in! QUEBRADA DDT COMBO!! Cover on Briggs, TWO! Cover on Joe, TWO!

Wes is frustrated and Joe is wobbly. Joe and Briggs fall out of the ring, Wes builds speed! Wes DIVES into Briggs! The fans fire up as Briggs goes down! Joe is up, Wes swings on him, but into an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Joe gets Briggs up, puts him in the ring, but Briggs gets moving! Briggs BOOTS Joe down! Briggs hurries up top, but Wes GAMANGIRIS him! Wes goes up now, but Joe joins in! This is getting tricky, but Briggs fights free! Briggs ELBOWS Joe down, stands back up, and Wes LEAPS, into Briggs’ hand! CORNER CHOKE SLAM! Briggs has Joe, CHOKE SLAM at center! But then Wes staggers over, so Briggs brings him in!

Briggs CHOKE SLAMS Wes onto Joe!! Cover on them both, TWO!!! Both men get out of that and Briggs is beside himself! The fans are thunderous as Briggs clamps onto Joe again. But Joe fights the grip, and throat chops! Joe fires fast hands, then whips. Briggs is in the corner, Joe runs up to UPPERCUT! Joe keeps moving, and UPPERCUTS again! Joe shoves Briggs away, goes up and up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, WES BREAKS IT! Gallus is frustrated, Oba is loving this! Wes bobs ‘n’ weaves and STEP PUNCHES! Joe BOOTS! Wes ROLLING KICKS! Joe falls, Wes snarls and rises up. Wes sees Joe outside, builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit again!

Wes gets Joe up, the ref misses Gallus HIGH LOW on Briggs!! They put Briggs in, Wes puts Joe in! Wes goes up top, but Joe gets under the leap! ALL THE BEST- NO, Wes dodges! Wes goes up and up and leaps, Joe HEADBUTTS him down!! Both men fall onto Briggs for a cover! WHO WINS?!? The fans are in disbelief, but Gallus is pretty sure Joe got part of that! The ref talks it over with ring announcer Mike Rome, and the official decision is… Joe AND WES win!!

Winners: Joe Coffey & Wes Lee, by double pinfall (both will challenge Oba Femi for the title at NXT Battleground)

Everyone is in disbelief except for Oba, who loves it! It’s another Triple Threat for the North American Championship, will Oba again defy the odds? Or will this only make it easier for someone to take away The Ruler’s crown?


Backstage interview with Karmen Petrovic & Natalya.

Kelly Kincaid is with the Canadian Connection as they prepare for the tag team main event against Shayna Baszler & Lola Vice. How do they plan on turning around recent setbacks against them? Karmen says she’s a little nervous, because it is her first main event. But she has The BOAT for her partner! Natty has been in the most matches of anyone in this business. If not for Shayna, Natty would’ve beat Lola in NXT Underground. And these two together, they’re so ready. Natty says Karmen doesn’t give herself enough credit. She has improved so much, they have bonded, and Natty promises as the winningest woman in WWE, you will see this be a well-oiled machine.

Karmen & The Queen of Harts head out, but will they be able to trump Lola & The Queen of Spades?


Brinley Reece prepares backstage.

She’s fired up, but Malik Blade & Edris Enofe seem a bit down. Maybe Malik is right. Edris is cooked. The mirror, the black cats, the rabbit’s foot. Malik says no, remain positive! Just like Brin! She is good for them in that way. The positive energy, the good vibes, and the good luck. Aww, thanks, Malik! Does that mean they’ll be ringside with her tonight? Malik says they probably shouldn’t. Edris’ bad luck will- Stop saying it like that! But Edris does wish Brin luck. Brin says it isn’t about luck! It’s about confidence! So whatever they choose to do, she’s all for it. Brin cartwheels away, will Malik & Edris ever get right?


Ava Raine watches film.

She sees it for herself, it was a double pin. Oba asks what the decision is on tonight’s Triple Threat. Ava says it is clear, it was a true double pin, so it will be another Triple Threat: Oba VS Wes VS Joe. Oba nods, then heads out.


NXT Women’s North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Brinley Reece VS Jaida Parker!

#BrinEnergy is ready to turn it up, though that’s wild considering she’s always running pretty high. But will she be able to earn that spot in the ladder match without her guys watching her back? Or will “Miss Parker” be the one heading to Sin City?

The bell rings and these two start where they left off with fast hands! Brin ROCKS Jaida, UPPERCUTS her, and Jaida flounders to a corner! Brin runs up to RAM into her! Brin then brings Jaida around to scoop, but Jaida slips free, shoves, but Brin ducks ‘n ‘dodges. Brin handsprings over the dropdown to then arm-drag! Brin has the armlock but Jaida pulls hair. The ref reprimands, the fans rally up, and Jaida fights up. Jaida pulls hair again to put Brin in the corner. Jaida lets off, but Brin turns things around on her! The ref counts, Jaida turns things around again, but Brin ROCKS her first! Brin puts Jaida in the corner to whip, but Jaida reverses to pull hair!

Jaida throws Brin into buckles, but Brin ELBOWS her back. Brin goes up, leaps, but into a kitchen sink knee! Jaida talks trash, storms up on Brin, and RAMS Brin again and again! The fans rally and duel, the ref counts, but Jaida lets off. Jaida then fires off more forearms, before she puts Brin in the ropes. Jaida CHOPS Brin, then runs to DROP IT LIKE IT’S HOT! Brin sputters, Jaida stomps her around, then CHOKES her on ropes! The ref counts, Jaida lets off, and Brin sputters. Jaida sits Brin up but Brin fires body shots! Brin JAWBREAKERS and Jaida staggers. Brin runs up, Jaida trips her, jackknife bridge! TWO as Brin bridges up and spins Jaida!

Brin tries the backslide, gets it, TWO! Jaida reels Brin back in to BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Jaida clamps onto Brin with a body scissors! Brin endures the squeeze, Malik & Edris are seen arguing about moral support yes or no. Brin endures, fights, but Jaida rolls her to a cover, TWO! Jaida pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but Jaida lets off so she can squeeze more. Brin endures, reaches out, pushes back, ONE! Jaida holds on, CLUBS away on Brin, but Brin pries the hold open! Jaida pushes Brin away, but Brin comes back to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Brin rolls Jaida up, ONE! Jaida RAMS Brin into the corner!

Jaida lets off, Brin KNEES her away! Brin goes up and over, keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and CLOBBERS Jaida! Brin uses shoulder tackles to run Jaida over, then she scoop SLAMS! The fans fire up, Brin handsprings and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Jaida stays in this but Brin brings out that aggression! Fireman’s carry, but Jaida fights free! Malik & Edris are on stage to cheer Brin, but Jaida suplexes to GOURD BUSTER! Jaida runs, TEARDROP HIP CHECK!! Cover, Jaida wins!

Winner: Jaida Parker, by pinfall (advances to NXT Battleground)

Now Malik & Edris feel like they jinxed Brin! But will Jaida make history and bring that gold home to OTM?


Fallon crosses paths with Jazmyn.

Jazmyn says it must’ve felt nice to finally get a win. Uh, yeah, it did. And now she’s going to Battleground. Yep, and Fallon can climb that ladder, grab that title, and make history as the first-ever NXT Women’s North American Champion. Jazmyn agrees, this attitude will help. Well, duh. Yeah, Fallon never needed anyone to help her be successful. Oh, really? Yes, which is why Jazmyn waited until after to get payback on Thea. Fallon isn’t sure what Jazmyn is getting at, but will it matter once Fallon has what she wants?


The alarm goes off, time to wake up!

But who is it? Those fuzzy pajamas look familiar. And those slippers. Could a certain you know who be on her way back to NXT?


Roxanne Perez speaks.

“This NXT Women’s Championship has always been my why. And that’s why no one’s gonna take it from me. It’s me and my title against the world, and that’s fine. Because as good as these girls are, I’m simply better. And everyone can say what they want about me. The locker room, main roster, the WWE Universe that loves to post their useless opinions about me, if they only knew. It all just lands at my feet, because all I care about is my NXT Women’s Championship. So you better get used to this sight. Because when I look in the mirror, I don’t see a villain, I don’t see a hero. All I see is The Prodigy, your two-time NXT Women’s Champion.”


Ava Raine makes a call.

She talked it over with Nick Aldis & Adam Pearce, everything is sign, sealed and delivered, we’re all good to go. Yes, next week, Roxanne finds out who her next title defense is against, at Battleground. She thanks the other side, and says we’ll see how this goes.


Lexis King VS ???

The Drama King sure loves sticking his foot in his mouth, and he may have really stepped in it this time. But he gets a mic first to say, “Well, well, well. The King has been on a bit of a hot streak lately. Can you argue with that? And we all know that whoever walks through that curtain tonight is going to join a long list of gentlemen who have fallen to The King. I mean, let’s face it! In 2024, I am virtually undefeated!” But then whose music is that? Robert Stone? King says he already beat Stone! Stone says no, it’s this guy. DANTE CHEN IS BACK! The fans fire up as the Singapore Warrior has made a full recovery! Will this finally be his opportunity to hit the big time?

The bell rings and the fans are fired up for Dante. Dante and Lexis tie up, Lexis headlocks. Dante powers out, Lexis runs him over! Cover, ONE! Lexis rains down fists, the fans boo, but Lexis lets off to soak up the heat. Dante rises up, Lexis whips him to a corner, but Dante reverses. Dante runs up but into a BOOT! Lexis runs up but into a back elbow, UPPERCUT, and DROPKICK! Dante whips then back drops Lexis! The fans fire up with Dante as he runs corner to corner, but Lexis catches his splash! Lexis puts Dante up top, but Dante ROCKS him! Dante leaps, but into a DROPKICK! Lexis covers, TWO!

Lexis is upset but the fans rally for Dante. Lexis drops AX HANDLE after AX HANDLE, then he scrapes Dante’s face! The fans rally for Dante and he body shots! Lexis CHOPS back! Lexis talks smack, then CHOPS again! Dante ROCKS Lexis! Lexis kicks low, bumps Dante off buckles, then CHOPS again! Lexis digs his boots in, the fans boo, the ref counts, but Lexis lets off at 4. Lexis wrenches and short arm LARIATS! Lexis drags Dante up, KICKS him in the back, then talks trash. Lexis scrapes Dante more, then gives him Kawada Kicks. The fans rally up, Dante blocks a kick! Dante short arm LARIATS Lexis now!

The fans fire up and both men stand. Dante and Lexis trade CHOPS! Dante CHOPS, CHOPS and ROCKS Lexis! Dante whips, CLOBBERS Lexis, then CLOBBERS him again! The fans fire up, Dante runs corner to corner, STINGER SPLASH! And atomic drop! Then a SHOTGUN BOOT! Lexis is dazed and Dante is fired up! Dante aims, blocks Lexis’ superkick, then spins him. Lexis wings, but into a SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Lexis survives but Dante refocuses. Dante drags Lexis from ropes, but Lexis kicks him away! Lexis snarls, shouts “Hail to the King!” BLINDSIDER! Stone shouts at Lexis, then gets on the pron!

Lexis reels Dante in, grins, but Stone shouts at Lexis. Lexis shoves Dante down, storms up on Stone, but Stone back s off. Lexis dodges Dante’s tiger claws to SUPERKICK! Lexis crosses the arms, reels Dante in, CORO- CRADLE!! DANTE WINS!!

Winner: Dante Chen, by pinfall

Lexis is furious but he has his own arrogance to blame! Dante’s return is a huge success, are he and Suit Man Stone going to hit the big time together?


Shayna Baszler & Lola Vice talk backstage.

Shayna says Lola beat Natty in the Underground, Shayna beat Karmen in a standard match, so they should be pretty dominant tonight. Lola says together, they are unstoppable. Karmen & Natty have one of three options, right? Right. Shayna does ask one thing: keep the dancing to back here. Out there, they’re cage fighters, got it? Lola says yeah, all business once the bell rings. But she can’t help she’s a Latina~! She just likes to have fun. Shayna rolls her eyes, but will Lola still keep it serious once it’s the main event?


Trick Williams is here!

The fans fire up for the NXT Champion, and he gets the mic to say he appreciates it, but time to get serious. Two weeks ago, Noam Dar calls Trick out here for a Supernova Sessions, and then hits him from behind. Trick took that on the chin. Last week, Dar comes out here and gets dropped backstage. Now we all know that if anyone knows how that feels, it’s Trick Williams, and he wouldn’t wish that on nobody. So he’ll say this one time and make it crystal clear: Noam Dar, Trick did NOT attack you. If Trick wanted to attack, Dar would’ve just been unconscious! If Trick wanted to attack Dar, he wouldn’t be clutching a leg. He’d have a size 15 Jordan logo tattooed on his forehead.

But wait, here comes The Meta Four! Jakara Jackson tells Trick that what he needs to do is stop playing. He might have the crusty, dusty musties tricked, but not them. They know it was Trick! It might’ve been through Je’Von, or them together! Oro Mensah says if it wasn’t Trick or Je’Von, Trick must still be salty after Dar knocked the daylights outta him! Oro tells Trick to grow up, be a man, and admit that he is a lowlife that doesn’t deserve the NXT Champion! Lash Legend speaks up! She wants them to stop, she knows Trick didn’t attack Dar! What makes her think that? Public minds want to know! Let’s hear about it!

Lash didn’t wanna say it like that, but Trick’s been through that. Oro stops her there. Is Lash shaking Trick’s dreads? Whose side is she on? Trick tells Oro to shut his mouth before he comes out there and slaps those tap dance loafers right off Oro’s stupid ass! The fans fire up and Oro gets mad now. But wait! Gallus is here!? Joe Coffey walks out, mic in hand, and is sure they all wanna know why the guy who just earned an opportunity for a shot at the North American Championship out here now talking to THE NXT Champion? Well, son, you’re about to find out why! GALLUS ATTACKS FROM BEHIND!

The fans boo as Markus & Wolfie stomp Trick out, then Joe joins in! But here comes Je’Von! The Young OG gets in to ROCK Joe, ROCK Mark then fire off on Wolfgang! But he gets mugged, too! The fans boo this 3v2 beating, and then The Coffey Brothers hit Je’Von with the COFFEY BREAK GERMAN!! But Trick fights back now! He DECKS Wolfie, DECKS Joe, DECKS Mark, repeat! But then he just gets a HEADBUTT! Gallus mugs Trick 3v1, Wolfgang fireman’s carries and Mark runs, BOOT O’ DOOM!! Gallus took out Ivar, they have their shot at Oba, and now they took out Trick! Will nothing stop their hostile takeover of NXT?


Robert Stone & Dante Chen regroup.

Stone says Dante did great out there! He deserves this moment! Did they hear the people? Ava walks over and personally congratulates Dante. Dante thanks her for this opportunity. Ava wanted to take credit but this was Stone’s idea. Well then, Dante thanks Mr. Stone and they shake hands. Dante heads out, and Stone says he knows Ava’s always looking for fresh young talent. Dante’s definitely it. Ava says Stone just made a star tonight, well done. Stone smiles with pride, will there be a future for the Robert Stone Brand after all?


Lola Vice & Shayna Baszler VS Karmen Petrovic & Natalya!

The Mayor of Vice City & The Queen of Spades have gotten the better of the Canadian Connection time and again, but enough is enough! Will Lola & Shayna finally be humbled? Or will they sink NXT’s Beatrix Kiddo & The Boat once and for all?

The teams sort out, Natty and Shayna start. They circle, the fans rally, and the two tie up. Shayna wrenches the arm, twists the wrist, but Natty rolls, handsprings, and slips through to go for a leg. Shayna stops that to go for the other arm now. Shayna twists the wrist, puts Natty on ropes while torturing her, but the ref counts. Shayna lets off, Lola gets a KICK in! The fans boo but Shayna KNEES Natty down! Cover, TWO! Natty stays in this but Shayna drags her up. Shayna fires body shots, Lola tags in, and she adds her own body shots! Shayna tags back in, she fires off stomps! The ref counts, Lola tags in and she adds KICKS!

Shayna tags back in again, but Natty ROCKS her, ROCKS Lola, then BOOTS Shayna! Natty slides under, scurries free, but Shayna gets a foot! Natty kicks Shayna away, tag to Karmen! Karmen ROCKS Shayna, runs up and CLOBBERS her! Karmen rallies, wrenches, and KICKS! KICKS! And ROUNDHOUSES! The fans fire up, Karmen whips but Shayna reverses. Karmen jumps up to SOBAT! Karmen keeps going, BASEMENT BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Karmen drags Shayna up, but Lola runs up! Natty intercepts, but Lola and Shayna each throw hands to get free! Lola & Shayna whip, but the Canadians duck ‘n’ dodges and DOUBLE DISCUS LARIATS!

The fans fire up with Natty & Karmen while Shayna & Lola bail out, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Natty high-fives and booty bumps with Karmen, then Karmen goes out to fetch Shayna. Karmen puts Shayna in, covers, TWO! Karmen facelocks, drags Shayna up, and wrenches an arm to then waistlock. Shayna goes to ropes,. Lola tags in before the roll-up! Lola AX KICKS Karmen down! Lola drags Karmen up, whips her to ropes, then KICKS her low! Lola talks trash, whips again, and KICKS again! Lola still talks trash, whips again, but Karmen blocks the kick to roll her up! TWO, and Lola BODY BLOWS! Karmen sputters, Lola whips her to the corner, then she tags Shayna. They mug Karmen, then Shayna CLUBS Karmen down.

Shayna stalks Karmen, clamps onto an arm, isolates it, and she throws her hair tie at Natty. Shayna STOMPS Karmen’s arm! Then she sucker punches Natty! The ref has to keep Natty back, and Karmen ends up in the other corner. Shayna fires off hands, snapmares Karmen then KICKS her in the back! Shayna drags Karmen up, wrenches to a top wristlock, and NXT returns to single picture., Shayna whips Karmen hard into buckles, then brings her back up. Shayna whips her back in, but Karmen JUMP KICKS! Roll-up, TWO! Shayna runs up to LARIAT Karmen! Shayna covers, TWO! The fans rally, Shayna clamps onto Karmen for a top wristlock.

The fans rally, Karmen fights up, but Karmen brings her down to a knee. Karmen endures, reaches out, fights up again, and she snapmares free! Shayna still keeps Karmen from Natty! Shayna sweeps the leg, covers, TWO! Karmen reaches out but Shayna drags her back again. Shayna pushes Karmen to the corner, Lola tags in, and they mug Karmen. Lola storms up on Karmen, shows off the shimmies, but Karmen throws body shots! Lola CLUBS Karmen down, brings her up again, and whips her to the corner. Lola runs up to kick Karmen, then tags Shayna. The fans duel, Shayna brings Karmen up but Karmen fires body shots!

Shayna still suplexes! Cover, TWO! Shayna is annoyed with Karmen but Karmen is shaking her head. Shayna clamps onto Karmen’s arm, pulls on it, but Karmen throws body shots. Shayna CLUBS Karmen down for that! The fans continue to rally, but Shayna waistlocks Karmen and tags Lola. But Karmen BOOTS Lola down, drops to KICK Shayna, hot tag to Natty! Natty rallies on Lola & Shayna! Natty fires off fast hands on Lola but Lola shoves back. Natty kicks low, snap suplexes, and then waits on Shayna. Shayna swings, into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Natty drags Lola up to whip bu tLola reverses.

Lola runs, Natty dodges and REBOUND- NO, Lola arm-drags free! Only for Natty to DISCUS LARIAT! Lola sputters, Natty covers, TWO! Natty drags Lola up, tags in Karmen, and Karmen climbs. Natty sets Lola up for Karmen’s CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Karmen drags Lola up, tags Natty back in, and they reel Lola in. But Shayna CHOP BLOCKS Karmen! Lola cradles Natty, TWO! Natty escapes, trips Lola, steps through, but Lola kicks her away, into Shayna! URAKEN!! Cover, KARMEN BREAKS IT! The fans fire up, Shayna TOSSES Karmen! Shayna tells Lola to get Natty up. Lola does as told, but Natty keeps Lola from tagging Shayna!

Natty throws Lola down then BLASTS Shayna! Lola runs up to JUMP KICK! Lola drags Natty, shows off the hips, then steps through to steal the Sharpshooter! Natty blocks that, pushes Lola down, and now Natty has the SHARPSHOOTER!! Natty has Lola caught, Shayna runs in to CLUB Natty down! Karmen LEAPS, Shayna catches her! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! But Karmen THROWS Shayna out! Karmen goes to the corner, shouts for Natty to get up, and Natty BODY BLOWS Lola! Tag to Karmen, and they coordinate for the HART ATTACK!! Cover, The Canadians win!

Winners: Karmen Petrovic & Natalya, by pinfall

Finally, some vindication over #MiamiVice! A big win for the Canadian Connection, will they look to get in on the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship scene? As for Shayna, she helps Lola up, but then Lola ROUNDHOUSES Shayna!?! And twerks at her! Lola blames Shayna for the loss when it was her fault, will nothing ever humble her? Wait, Shayna rises like a monster back from the dead! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!!! Lola finally gets what she deserves for her arrogance! Refs rush out there, Shayna lets go, and Lola sputters as she retreats. But then Shayna gets loose to go after Lola with fast hands! It’s a brawl and the fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!”

Ava rushes out here and says okay, okay, clearly they both want a fight. And to be honest, Ava wants ot see it, too. So say less, this will happen at BATTLEGROUND! Shayna says nah, that’s not good enough. It needs to be NXT UNDERGROUND!! The fans are thunderous as the brawl continues! Will this be a barn burner inside the UFC Apex when there’s no rules and no ropes holding these two back?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT here with a lot of build towards Battleground. A great surprise that the women’s tag match got to be the main event, that is a great win for Karmen & Natty. And I was sensing Shayna VS Lola was coming, so great to see it happening for Battleground in the Underground. RIP Fight Pit, we hardly knew ye, but that’s another awesome women’s match for NXT’s next event. Also good promo from Roxie and a good response from Ava. I don’t know who they’re getting for Roxie’s opponent, but honestly if it isn’t someone brand new to NXT or someone returning from injury, it doesn’t make sense to me to bring in another RawDown star that will clearly lose to Roxie.

Great stuff in the NXT Women’s North American Championship stories. Fallon VS Thea was a very good match, but of course something happens where Ridge is caught and blamed for stuff. Jazmyn’s part sets up a grudge match of her and Thea, but her promo with Fallon after was a little odd. With Jacy’s face still recovering, is Jazmyn trying to latch onto Fallon’s success? Meanwhile, Brin VS Jaida was also really good stuff, and it helped bring in the continued bad luck angle of Malik & Edris. There’s gotta be something that happens to finally get past this. Either Malik & Edris finally get a big win, or they break up as a team.

As it stands, you might think it’s three Heels and one Face as we have Fallon, Jaida, Lash and Sol, but Lash’s part in her story with Trick Williams makes me think she’ll be Face soon enough. That means between Mia Yim, Wren Sinclair, Tatum Paxley and Kelani Jordan, it’s anyone’s game. As for Chase U, Ridge VS Riley next week is going to be some really good stuff to really propel this story. And honestly, someone has to be going Heel and joining Shawn Spears. Otherwise, what was the point of Spears coming back to have this persona of exposing “the truth?” I’m still personally hoping it’s Riley that turns because everyone else is supportive of Ridge and he can’t stand it. Then Spears & Riley can be a real good Heel duo in the tag division.

Speaking of the tag division, they just kinda threw a tag title match out at us but it was some great stuff. NQCC going after The D’Angelos made sense, though, they weren’t about to let The D’Angelos get more gold after losing the Heritage Cup. And somehow we were going to get The Good Brothers attacking Axiom & Frazer to set up a match there. It’d be great for historical purposes if The Good Brothers did win the titles, I’m just not sure what that’d mean for Axiom and Frazer if they lost. I suppose both guys get back on a path to singles titles, but those various title scenes are rather full right now.

For example, with Ivar out with a legit injury, it made sense Joe Coffey would get in on tonight’s Triple Threat. And then what an awesome Triple Threat we had with an excellently executed double cover. Oba VS Wes VS Joe can go any which way, as Gallus can cheat to win just like they did tonight. And then Trick had a really good promo segment with The Meta Four, that was then hijacked by Gallus. Je’Von did his best to make the save but Gallus has the numbers, so naturally it didn’t work. I would think that before Ivar’s legit injury was a factor, Joe Coffey was meant to go right after Trick, but maybe it’ll be Wolfgang challenging Trick instead. Wolfgang may have been tag champ alongside Mark, but it feels like he’s been ready for something else for some time.

And it’s about time we get some more returns here. Wendy Choo is clearly on her way back with the new version of her waking-up vignette. That is a name I’d hope they choose to face Roxie at Battleground, even if Heel Roxie would just laugh it off. With Lexis King’s matching mystery opponent, I was oddly hoping Von Wagner was gonna be rehired after being let go, but there could be a very ineffective change in persona. He could wear a lucha mask and have a nickname a la Hulk Hogan being Mr. America, and then he’d “reveal” himself to Stone even though Stone knows all along.

But hey, Dante Chen has been needing something to get himself going again, I’m glad he is the one that got to beat Lexis. I’m just wondering what happened to the idea of him and Boa teaming up as the revival of Tien Sha. Maybe that’s in a back pocket or something and can be used after Dante’s been reestablished on TV.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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