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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.4.2024

We find out the last two participants in the Slammiversary 6 way for the Heavyweight Championship tonight!



Some of these matches are filling themselves in with the Qualifier matches and that goofy team building thing with Spitfire. Can’t say anything really interesting has kept me invested though. Do I care about Spitfire? Well I enjoy Dani Luna, but the team on a whole, nope. None of the matches look particularly complex or like they have a ton of finish options. So I’m just really curious what this is leading to with only two more shows til Slammiversary.

With the main titles mostly locked in, is there any way to make the remaining card interesting?


  • Trey Miguel w/Zachary Wentz vs Leon Slater: No Contest, Charlie Dempsey interference – ** 1/2
  • 10 Minute Challenge: Dani Luna vs Jody Threat: Draw? No Contest? Who Cares? – * 1/2
  • Slammiversary Qualifier: Frankie Kazarian vs Mike Santana: Kaz wins via Count Out – ** 3/4
  • Eddie & Alisha Edwards w/Brian Myers vs Matt & Reby Hardy: Hardys win via Twists of Fate – ** 1/4
  • Slammiversary Qualifier: Joe Hendry vs Jake Something: Hendry wins via Standing Ovation – *** 1/4



Trey Miguel w/Zachary Wentz vs Leon Slater

World of Sport-ish open, with chain wrestling and counters but nothing really impressive and frankly kinda boring since every junior heavyweight does the same opening. It’s not until a Back Elbow and then a John Woo Dropkick to eject Trey from his Spiderman Pose in between the ropes. A quick Dive, some early hype has Leon feeling himself, he throws Trey back in and gets caught when he’s trying some offense in the corner. Wentz also gets involved from the outside after the momentum started to turn. Leon tries to fire back, but Trey grabs the locs, stomps the face, goes for a Lionsault but misses. Leon retreats to a corner, Trey chases, Leon Leapfrogs, rope runs and a run through Big Boot keeps things moving for Leon.

Strike exchange spot, of course, a myriad of strikes, they both hit the ropes and Leon catches Trey with a swinging Cutter for a near fall. Trey catches Leon with a flurry of kicks and gets a near fall. Trey went for the Jackie Bryant kick, Leon blocks, goes for a Cradle but Trey kicks out at two, Handspring Pele Kick from Trey, Leon falls back to the corner, Trey goes for a corner attack but gets caught and Blue Thunder Bombed. Leon goes to the top for the Swanton 450, but Charlie Dempsey walks down to the ring and attacks everyone.

10 Minute Challenge: Dani Luna vs Jody Threat

So Stardom Cinderella time limits and we get a knockouts version of what we just saw with the ABC in having a match against each other. Sure the premise is different, but are we out of fresh ideas? Especially since Spitfire is barely established, so a singles match between these two doesn’t carry the same weight as ABC.

A lot of boring feeling out until Dani puts a little more oomph into a Shoulder Tackle, that of course gets returned shortly after from Jody. You can tell TNA doesn’t care a ton about this match because they do a cut to the back since Nic Nemeth got attacked so he’s laid out on the steps for Ryan to find. Jody with clubbing blows in the corner, tries an Exploder Suplex but Jody blocks, switches spots and lands her own clubs into a Suplex. They are really just mirroring each other and this match is doing nothing for me. Jody has a Kneeling Armbar Crossface locked in for a few moments, she kicks Dani into the ropes, looks for her Double Knees into German Suplex spot, but Dani dodges and Jody goes crashing to the outside. Jody gets to the apron before the 10 count, they jockey for position, Jody hangs Dani on the top rope and then kicks her in the head to send her falling to the outside.

They fight a little on the apron, Jody Lariats Dani back into the ring, Jody goes to the top rope, Dani cuts her off, Superplex into Falcon Arrow for only a two count! Time runs out, but its kind of awkward since there’s no visible countdown clock. The girls and crowd call for 5 more minutes, and its apparently enough to restart the match…but Alisha and Masha run down and attack.

Slammiversary Qualifier: Frankie Kazarian vs Mike Santana

Start more classic X Division style, quick charges into Hip Tosses and High Spots that Santana get the best of and Kaz does a Scott Hall esque sell to flop out through the ropes. Santana tries to follow, but Kaz slips back in and lands the Leg Drop and then tosses him off the apron. Now since things are outside of the ring, Kaz is in control, Knife Edge Chops, Scoop Slams, Kaz throws Santana back into the ring and hits the Slingshot Leg Drop for a near fall. Santana tries to slow down Kaz with a Sunset Flip, but Kaz rolls through and then lays out Santana with a Forearm.

Goading slap fight that Kaz mostly gets the better of and turns it into some Double Wristlock Koji Clutch. Santana breaks the hold, they throw strikes a bit, Santana catches Kaz’s foot, hits the Enzuigiri, Kaz responds with a Superkick, Santana rebounds off the ropes, Kaz tries to Leap Frog but Santana catches him and hits a Pop Up Death Valley Driver. Kaz falls back to a corner, Santana with the Senton, but no pinfall. Kaz tries to make space for his Leg Drop, but Santana dodges the first attempt, goes of a Dive, but Kaz intercepts him! Slingshot DDT from Kaz for 2! Kaz tries the Chicken Wing but gets countered, Spin the Block attempt gets countered into a Neckbreaker, follow but a Springboard Leg Drop from Kaz for a near fall. Kaz wants Fade to Black, but Santana slips it, then tries a Cradle, but rolls through, Spin the Block attempt but miss and shove into the ropes. Santana goes for the Rolling Buck Fifty that Kaz counters into a Backstabber then Chicken Wing. Santana manages to turn it into a pinfall to break the submission, finally hits the Rolling Buck Fifty, but Kaz kicks out at 2!

Spin the Block attempt one more time, but JDC comes out to interfere and post Santana. Kaz wins via Count Out and Santana is busted open.

Did PCO just heal SDL by turning her into the Bride of Frankenstein? I’m not sure what I just watched. 

Eddie & Alisha Edwards w/Brian Myers vs Matt & Reby Hardy

Reby wants to start against Alisha, and it seems like they’re willing to oblige. Lish powders immediately, hides behind Myers and then slides in to tag in Eddie, and Eddie allows Reby to tag in Matt. Matt pins Eddie in the Hardy corner, Reby grabs Eddie’s hair while Matt clobbers him and then chokes him over the middle rope. Matt holds Eddie so Reby can slap him and then tags in Reby to Dual Stomp Eddie in the corner. Reby tags out back to Matt and Eddie eats an uppercut before starting to fire back with Kobashi style Chops. Matt lines up Eddie in the corner for a Spear, but Eddie bails and Matt posts himself.

After the commercial Eddie is in control, they try to turn the tables on Matt with the wife Slapping from the corner. Eddie tags in Alisha, but Matt throws Eddie out, tags in Reby and Reby finally gets her hands on Lish. It’s a sloppy mess but it also kinda tracks with her personality. Dual Delete Turnbuckles, a sloppy looking Hart Attack for  two on Lish. Eddie manages to get the best of Matt on the outside, Reby tries to go for a rope run, but Eddie picks her ankle and gives Lish an opening. Lish tags in Eddie, Eddie talks shit, Matt tries to protect his wife but Eddie dispatches him, Eddie tags Lish back in and a PK from Lish sends Reby reeling. Reby fights off Lish, but before she can reach Matt, Eddie cuts off the tag to allow for Lish to just smother Reby.

Lish tags Eddie back in, but he doesn’t hit Reby, he just talks smack, tries to cheap shot Matt, but Matt finally counters. A few quick strikes, Vertical Suplex, middle rope Elbow Drop for 2! Matt looks for the Side Effect, Eddie counters, tries the Tiger Driver, but Matt counters with Side Effect! Twist of Fate call from Matt, Myers gets involved and the referee sees it, and kicks him out. Twist of Fate countered into Blue Thunder Bomb for 2. Eddie argues with the referee, exposes the knee for Boston Knee Party but Reby gets in the way, Lish tries to distract the ref, but it backfires, Reby kicks Eddie in the balls, Twist of Fate on Lish and then Matt Twist of Fate on Eddie for the win!

Slammiversary Qualifier: Joe Hendry vs Jake Something

Slow power start until Hendry gets an early pop spot with the Stalling Suplex on Jake. But Jake eats the move and rope runs and runs through Hendry, literally. Two Shoulder Tackles and then just runs into Hendry head first, and our favorite wrestler Joe Hendry, is reeling. Hendry powders, tries to mount some offense but Jake connects with a straight right, slams Jake onto the apron and then a Flying Crossbody into the seated on the apron Hendry. Back in the ring, Lariat into a Power Slam for 2. Hendry tries to find some momentum with a few Uppercuts, but Jake turns it around, okidoke in the corner, he flips Hendry to the apron, Jake hits the ropes to try and Spear Hendry, but Hendry jumps in and a Back Elbow levels Jake. Jake starts getting control back, so Hendry tries locomotion Cradle attempts until Jake’s Forearm cuts that attempt off.

“Something sucks” is a funny crowd chant. It’s so…Philadelphia for many reasons. Back and forth power attempts but Jake gets the best of things with a Michinoku Driver. Hendry kicks out, Jake keeps more clubbing blows across Hendry’s chest, goes for a Rear Naked Choke, but Hendry stands up with Jake on his back and  drops backwards to break it. They head to the outside, Headbutt from Jake, redo the seated apron spot, Jake tries to Crossbody again, but misses and throats himself on the bottom rope! Hendry mows down Jake a few times, Sack of Shit into a Kip Up! Standing Ovation blocked, Axe Handle across the back into a Sitout Powerbomb for 2! Into the Void countered, Back Body Drop countered by Jake, Thesz Press drops Joe, but another Kip Up and they level each other! Jake misses the Splash in the corner, Cutter from Hendry! Standing Ovation! Hendry holds it with one arm for effect, and then wins the match!


Overall Score: 4/10

It took 90 minutes to get a real finish tonight. This was just a nothing burger of a show, 3 non-finishes, Bleach levels of filler crap, an intergender match that no one wanted and the finish was obvious…but at least the main event was solid. It does continue to show the lack of direction TNA always has for Jake Something though…which is frustrating. But the match did make me think, between his arrogant NXT promo, implying Jake was a virgin in the pre-match promo and then posing a little cocky before hitting the Standing Ovation; are we seeing a slow heel turn for Joe Hendry? I mean I get that he’s supposed to be the funny tweener who makes songs that are insulting, like a more comedy oriented Doctor of Thuganomics. But the mannerisms felt much more heelish tonight.

Maybe I’m over analyzing since the episode was useless. But it’s at least something to ponder going into next week.

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Mitchell’s NXT Heatwave Results & Report! (7/7/24)

Feel the heat!



It’s a fiery finale in Toronto!

Toronto is all fired up as Trick Williams, Je’Von Evans, Ethan Page & Shawn Spears are in a Fatal 4 Way for THE NXT Championship! Is someone gonna Whoop Dat Trick before Trick can whoop them?


  • Kickoff Show – Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace VS Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx; Karmen & Arianna win.
  • NXT North American Championship, Wes Lee’s Last Chance: Oba Femi VS Wes Lee; Oba wins, retains the title, and Wes can never challenge him again.
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan VS Sol Ruca; Kelani wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Axiom & Nathan Frazer VS Andre Chase & Duke Hudson w/ Chase U; Axiom & Frazer win and retain the titles.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez VS Lola Vice; Roxie wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Championship Fatal 4 Way: Trick Williams VS Je’Von Evans VS Ethan Page VS Shawn Spears; Ethan wins and becomes the new NXT Champion.


It’s the Heatwave Kickoff Show!

Join Megan Morant & Sam Roberts in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action for this fiery finale to Toronto’s big money weekend.


Backstage interview with Lola Vice.

Sarah Schreiber notes that we saw the fiery face to face with Roxanne Perez last week, and Lola says yeah, everyone saw it. See? She would want a 8×10 of herself, too. But tonight isn’t about emotion, but about her fight for the NXT Women’s Championship. it is the biggest fight of her life. This is for her family, but she left the tears in Florida. She will knockout Roxie and become THE first-ever Cuban American Women’s Champion. Lola thanks Sarah and heads out, but will the Latina Heat set fire to The Prodigy’s reign?



Nathan Frazer has yet to arrive at Scotiabank Arena! Axiom is a bit panicked in the background, because if Frazer doesn’t show up in time for the tag title match, it’ll end up a Handicap Match! Will the Jersey Island Rocket show up and prove his tag partner is wrong about his split focus?


Ridge Holland checks in with Chase U.

Yorkshire Grit had to stay back in Orlando given the controversy he stirred up, but he wants to wish them all luck. And he’s working on something for when they come back, but that’s for Tuesday. He’ll be watching with the wife and kids, they’re all excited to see Chase U win the titles and bring them back home. He is again sorry, but he wishes them luck. They all thank him back, and Thea says bye. Thea can’t help but like Ridgy! Now Duke feels bad for squealing. Chase says there’s no need for feeling bad. They only need to worry about becoming TWO-TIME NXT Tag Team Champions! Chase U gets fired up, will this be a great moment in the university’s history?


Ava Raine joins the panel.

Megan & Sam appreciate the NXT GM taking the time tonight, given there are FIVE title matches on one card. Ava says this is a special night. WWE is coming off an amazing MITB show, and tonight on Heatwave, everyone is looking to impress. That is what they will do, and so who knows? The entire landscape could have completely changed. Sam says there is potential for that to be sure. Five uniquely paired title matches, and of course the main event, the Fatal 4 Way for the NXT Championship. it feels like there’s been a lot of chaos, this main event has evolved from that chaos. Are there any regrets on making this a Fatal 4?

No, Ava stands by that decision, and that is because every single superstar in the match deserves this opportunity. Making it a Fatal 4 gives everyone a showcase for their abilities. It will be an amazing match for the title. Megan thanks Ava for her time and wishes her luck on the big night. Ava thanks Megan & Sam, will this be the hottest night in NXT history?


Kickoff Show – Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace VS Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx!

This isn’t quite the “Canadian Connection” Karmen wanted, but it’s better than nothing. Will “Team Toronto” take down the toxic element that’s growing in NXT? Or will Jacy & Jazmyn ruin the homecoming in the worst way possible?

The teams sort out and Arianna starts against Jacy. The fans rally for Arianna, she ties up with Jacy, and they go around. Jacy powers Arianna to the ropes, but Arianna pushes back. Arianna storms up, they tie up again, go around and end up in a corner. Jacy goes up and then jumps to arm-drag! Arianna staggers up, Jacy CLOBBERS her! Jacy mocks the Pageant Queen, but Arianna says that’s her thing! Arianna runs up, ducks ‘n’ dodges Jacy, then CLOBBERS her! Arianna scoops Jacy to SLAM! Tag to Karmen and the fans fire up. Karmen runs and Arianna feeds Jacy to the DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Karmen clamps onto Jacy but Jacy ROCKS Karmen! Tag to Jazmyn, but Karmen sweeps the legs! Karmen KICKS, KICKS and runs, to BASEMENT BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Jazmyn stays in this but Karmen stays on her with a facelock. Karmen whips Jazmyn to the corner, BOOTS her, and Arianna tags in! Arianna runs in to RAM Jazmyn! Arianna snap suplexes, drops an elbow, and covers, TWO! Arianna drags Jazmyn up, facelocks, but Jazmyn fires body shots. Arianna CLUBS Jazmyn, bumps her off buckles, and tags Karmen. The fans rally as Team Toronto is working as a team, and Karmen CHOPS!

Karmen whips Jazmyn, Jazmyn reverses, but she gets a SOBAT! And a BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Jacy jumps in and talks trash on Karmen, but then Jazmyn sucker punches Karmen! Karmen gets up, waistlocks, but Jacy tags in to NECKBREAKER! Jacy rains down fists on Karmen while fans boo, but Jacy soaks it up. Jacy brings Karmen around, whips, and ELBOWS her down! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up for Karmen but Jacy drags her away. Jacy whips Karmen to the corner, elbows her, then tags in Jazmyn. Jazmyn digs her boot in, lets off, and she DROPKICKS! Tag to Jacy and she blows kisses to Arianna.

Jacy then CANNONBALLS Karmen! Jacy drags Karmen to a cover, TWO! Karmen stays in this but Jacy stays on her with a seated cobra twist! Karmen fights up, arm-drags, and then rolls Jacy up, TWO! Jacy hurries up to whip, but Karmen reverses. Jacy blocks hip toss to roll Karmen and SUPERKICK! Tag to Jazmyn and the toxic twosome DOUBLE SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Karmen toughs it out but Jazmyn sits her up. Jazmyn KICKS Karmen in the back and clamps on a headscissor squeeze. The fans rally, Karmen rolls to tuck Jazmyn, TWO!! Jazmyn runs up to ELBOW Karmen down! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally but Jazmyn tags Jacy. Jacy & Jazmyn go again, DOUBLE- NO, Karmen slips free! Karmen BOOTS Jacy, DUMPS Jazmyn, and then slips under! Jacy grabs a leg to drag Karmen back! Karmen BOOTS Jacy away! Hot tag to Arianna! The fans fire up as Arianna rallies on Jacy, then CLOBBERS Jazmyn! UPPERCUT in a corner for Jacy! ELBOW for Jazmyn! KNEE LIFT for Jacy! BOOT for Jazmyn! Arianna goes up and up and AX HANDLES Jacy down! Cover, TWO! Jacy survives but Arianna brings her up. Jacy JAWBREAKERS but Karmen tags in! Arianna gets Jacy up but Jacy BOOTS! Arianna blocks, Karmen runs in!

DROPKICK HART ATTACK! Cover, JAZMYN BREAKS IT! Arianna grabs Jazmyn, Jazmyn TOSSES her! Jacy avoids Karmen’s boot to throw her down by hair! Tag to Jazmyn and she SWEEPS the legs! Jacy KNEES Karmen down, Jazmyn covers, ARIANNA BREAKS IT! The fans fire up as all four women rise. Arianna dodges Jacy to hit a CODE BREAKER! Jazmyn PENALTY KICKS Arianna! Karmen kicks, Jazmyn gets under and O’Conner Rolls, but Arianna tips it over! Karmen has the cover, TEAM TORONTO WINS!

Winners: Arianna Grace & Karmen Petrovic

Jacy is shocked! She and Jazmyn got got by the home team! Will Arianna & Karmen make this Canadian Connection work all the way to becoming tag team champions?


Axiom is backstage.

He is stressing out and Frazer slides in. Frazer asks how he’s doing. Axiom asks where he’s been! He thought he’d have to go it alone! Frazer says relax, the traffic was nuts, fans were swarming, he couldn’t help it. Axiom says if Frazer isn’t locked in, they are gonna cross the border without belts! Frazer says he IS locked in. Time to show everyone why they’re the best team on the planet. So what’s the game plan? Axiom says ay Dios mio… Do these Undeniable Hard-Hitting Truths stand a snowball’s chance in the Sahara tonight?


Are you watching?

It isn’t hard to find this one, it’ll be the one that’s lit. The gold is going to shine even brighter with these fighting spirits burning bright! It will be a battle of first-evers, best-evers, the up-and-comers, and the ones that have been waiting for a long, long time. But in the end, only those who can stand the heat will rise to the top. There’s a Heatwave in Toronto!


NXT North American Championship, Wes Lee’s Last Chance: Oba Femi VS Wes Lee!

Speaking of “the best ever,” this battle right here will determine just who is THE best North American Champion ever! For Wes, this is it, all or nothing! Will the Cardiac Kid conquer Oba in Canada? Or will his body and his dreams end up crushed underneath The Ruler’s throne?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, as are the stakes, and we see if it’s now or never for one of the best ever!

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Oba and Wes stare down, slowly circle, then Wes KICKS! Oba shakes that off, Wes dodges him and KICKS again. Oba storms up, Wes BOOTS, and KICKS, but Oba catches Wes to DECK him! Wes scrambles up, but Oba corners him. Oba keeps Wes from slipping away and smothers him in the corner. The ref counts, Oba lets off, but Wes BOOTS Oba! Wes dodges Oba, fires fast hands, but Oba shoves him! Oba eggs Wes on so Wes SLAPS him! Wes fires haymakers and body shots! The fans fire up but the ref counts as they’re in a corner. Oba grabs Wes to TOSS him tot he corner!

Oba runs in but Wes dodges! Oba gets stuck in ropes and Wes KICKS away on the legs! Wes SUPERKICKS Oba, springboard, and ENZIGIRIS! Oba staggers toa  corner, Wes runs in but Oba puts him on the apron. Wes slingshots and RAN- NO! Oba stops the rana to put Wes up top! Oba then SLAPS Wes to the floor! The fans fire up as Oba stands tall. Wes grits his teeth, goes back tot he apron and springboards in to MISSILE DROPKICK! Oba stays on his feet, runs in, but Wes dodges. Oba BODY SHOTS Wes, then POPS him up to a fireman’s carry! F 5 THOUSAND!! The fans are thunderous for Oba as he stands tall.

Oba stalks Wes to ropes, drags him back, but Wes grabs the apron skirt. Wes kicks at Oba, Oba lets him go, and Wes hurries up. But Oba SHOVES Wes right out of the ring! Wes stumbles into the desk, and Oba storms out after him. Oba brings Wes around and says this is why HE is the greatest North American Champion now. Oba CLUBS Wes, then whips him hard into the apron edge! The ref checks Wes, he hit that steel pretty hard. Oba leaves Wes behind, letting the ring count handle this. Wes is dazed but moving at 4 of 10. Wes pushes himself up at 5, manages to stand at 7, and he rolls in at 8! The fans cheer and Oba grins.

Oba runs in to UPPERCUT Wes in the corner! Oba then scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Wes writhes, his back was the injury that took him out for months! Oba hauls Wes up to whip him hard into a corner, then RAMS into him! Wes flops down, the fans rally and duel, and Oba looms over Wes. Oba stomps Wes, digs his heel into that lower back, and then stands on Wes like a podium! But then Wes pushes up!? The fans fire up, but Oba STOMPS Wes back down. Oba hauls Wes up to UPPERCUT! Wes wobbles, so Oba DECKS him! Wes flounders around, the fans rally up, and Oba scoops Wes. Oba carries Wes for a BACKBREAKER!

Oba TOSSES Wes away, then paces around. The fans duel as Wes crawls to ropes, and Oba storms over. Oba drags Wes up but Wes fires body shots! Oba CLUBS Wes on the back! Oba whips Wes to a corner, then swaggers his way over. Oba KNEES Wes low, whips him corner to corner, but Wes falls before making it halfway! Oba is amused, and he taunts Wes. Oba hauls Wes up to TOSS Wes! Wes ends up in a Tree of Woe! Oba sets up, runs in, but Wes sits up! Oba POSTS himself! Wes slips to the apron, and he SUPERKICKS Oba into post! Wes then slingshots to sunset flip! Oba stays up, grabs Wes by the neck, and hauls him up.

But Wes handsprings through the shove, Oba sends himself up and out! Wes goes up, out, avoids the sweep, but not the CHOP! Oba swats Wes like a fly and the fans fire up again! Oba pushes Wes into the ring, “This is Awesome!” Oba stalks Wes, but Wes throws body shots! Wes swings, but into a clinch! BACKBREAKER! Oba bends Wes’s back against his knee! The fans rally up as Wes endures, and Wes grabs at Oba’s face. Oba CHOPS Wes down! Cover, TWO! Wes is still in this and now Oba is annoyed. Oba stalks Wes, taunts him, slaps him around, and he drags Wes up by his hair. The fans rally and duel as Wes grits his teeth!

Wes PELES Oba away! The fans fire up and Wes UP KICKS! Oba wobbles, Wes sweeps the legs, then fires hands! Wes runs to SUPER PUNCH! Oba goes to a corner and Wes runs in, to ENZIGIRI! And GAMANGIRI! Oba sits down, Wes SUPERKICKS him! Oba flounders, Wes goes up the corner, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Oba is still in this and Wes grows frustrated. The fans rally, Oba bails out, and Wes takes aim. Wes DIVES point-blank! Oba staggers, Wes slides back in. Wes DIVES again and Oba hits barriers! Oba staggers around the way so Wes goes back to the ring. Another DIVE and Oba hits the desk!

Oba goes into the ring, Wes follows him. Wes springboards, but the meteora is blocked! So Wes sunset flips it! Oba YANKS Wes right up, POPS him up, but Wes RANAS through! Cover, TWO!! Oba escapes and the fans are thunderous again! The fans cheer on “NXT! NXT!” for making this the opener, and then Wes BOOTS Oba! Wes ROUNDHOUSES, goes up the corner, and METEORAS! Down goes Oba! Wes then hurries to the other corner, Oba staggers to his feet, and Wes springboards, into an UPPERCUT!! Cover, TWO!! Wes survives being taken out of the air again and Oba is growing frustrated.

Oba drags Wes up, fireman’s carries, and then he goes up a corner! The fans are going nuts, but then Wes starts fighting with elbows! Wes stands on the top rope, and SUPER- NO! Oba stops the Steiner to then swing Wes up! But Wes makes it a SUPER FACEBUSTER! And CARDIAC KICK!! Cover, TWO?!? Oba survives and the fans are shocked! Wes is beside himself but Toronto comes alive! Wes goes to the corner again, and he climbs back up. Wes FROG SPLASHES! But Oba has him!? Wes slips free, Oba runs up but Wes DUMPS Oba! Wes BOOTS Oba, skins the cat, and then ASAI MOON- NO, Oba catches Wes again!

Oba hits a SHOULDER BUSTER! The fans fire up and Oba grits his teeth. Oba drags Wes back into the ring, but Wes KICKS him at the ropes! Wes DOUBLE STOMPS Oba down! The fans rally, Wes builds speed and handsprings, CARDIAC- NO, Oba catches him for a back suplex! Wes lands out and SUPERKICKS! Oba staggers, Wes fires hands! Wes runs, handsprings, CARDIAC- NO! Oba again has Wes, for the SHOTPUT BOMB!! Oba roars, the fans fire up, and Oba storms back up on Wes. POP-UP POWERBOMB!! Cover, Oba wins!

Winner: Oba Femi, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

The Ruler remains on his throne, but that was much more than even he expected. However, this is still Wes’s most crushing defeat, because now he will never have another chance until someone else takes this title from Oba. But given how dominant Oba is, will that ever even happen?


NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan VS Sol Ruca!

The top two seeds in the Women’s Combine were definitely at home in the Ladder match back at Battleground. And though The Standout won out, she and the Sol Surfer are still friendly rivals. In fact, they even had a joint workout earlier today, live on Instagram! But will the Gym Princess prove that no one does it like Lani? Or will her reign be washed away by Sol’s wave of momentum?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the friendly rivals stay friendly after fighting it out!

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, Kelani snapmares but Sol headscissors. Kelani kips free, the fans cheer as the two shake hands. They circle again, then tie up. Kelani waistlocks, Sol trips her but Kelani kicks her away. Kelani hurdles, Sol leaps over and handsprings back to RANA! Kelani gets up, gets moving, and tilt-o-whirls to RANA! But Solo handsprings through! The fans cheer and even Kelani nods respect. The two feel things out, knuckle lock, then Sol headlocks. Sol hits the takeover, Kelani slips out to headlock back. Solo shoves Kelani away, Kelani goes up and over but then Sol goes up and over!

Sol comes back, Kelani goes up to CROSSBODY! But Sol avoids the flip leg drop! Solo then avoids the leg sweep, and the two stand off. The fans cheer, the two reset again, and they feel things out. Solo drop toeholds, floats to a headlock, but Kelani fights up. Kelani powers up and out, drops down then hip tosses, but Sol handsprings! FACEBUSTER- NO, Kelani handstands then SPLASHES! ONE, and Kelani runs up! Solo stops the arm-drag, but Kelani slips through the hip toss to backslide! TWO! Solo kicks, Kelani ducks, Sol returns the favor! Sol FACEBUSTERS! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally as this action is getting faster! But Sol slows things down as she digs her knees into Kelani’s back. Sol has Kelani in a reverse Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Kelani endures, even as her foot touches the back of her head! Sol lets go to then hook up the legs, grabs the arms, and then yes, ROMERO SPECIAL SURFBOARD! Kelani endures as Sol makes her hang ten! Sol then FLINGS Kelani away, stalks Kelani to ropes, and whips her. Kelani stops herself, KICKS back, and fires forearms! Sol CHOPS back! Kelani ROCKS Sol, CHOPS her, and repeat! Kelani runs up to slingshot arm-drag! Sol staggers up, Kelani ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA!

The fans fire up as Sol bails out. Kelani hurries to TORNILLO PLANCHA! Down goes Sol and the fans fire up! Kelani drags Sol up, puts her in, then hurries in. Solo runs up, but Kelani spins her around to a FACEBUSTER of her own! Cover, TWO! Sol is tough but Kelani stays focused. Kelani drags Sol to a drop zone, goes up and up, but Sol gets under! Kelani rolls through the moonsault, comes back, but into a SUPERKICK! Sol springboards to CROSSBODY! And then another springboard CROSSBODY! The fans fire up as Sol goes out. Kelani runs up, but into a GAMANGIRI! Sol springboards, 450 LARIAT?! Cover, TWO!!

Kelani shows her own toughness but Sol is really thinking outside the box. Kelani fires a forearm, Sol fires back! The fans rally and duel as the forearms go back and forth! Sol kicks low, KICKS again, but Kelani stops the superkick! Kelani shakes her head, steps over, WHEEL KICK! Sol wobbles, Kelani kips up and reels her in! POISON RANA!! The fans fire up as Sol flops out of the ring! Kelani rises, storms over and tries again, but Sol moves back. So instead of plancha, Kelani ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” Kelani drags Sol up, but she did damage to her own body with those moves.

Kelani leaves Sol behind to let the count handle this. Sol rises at 7 of 10, so Kelani goes back out. Kelani wants to win this straight up, but Sol ELBOWS her away! Sol kicks, Kelani blocks, and pops Sol to the apron! Sol PENALTY KICKS in return! Sol then goes up a corner, to GOLDEN TRIANGLE MOONSAULT! The fans fire up as both women are down again! The count is climbing and is now 5 of 10! Kelani and Sol stir at 7, and drag themselves up at 8! They both jump in at 9.5!! The fans cheer as both women stand. Sol fireman’s carries but Kelani fights free. Sol kicks, scoops, but Kelani victory rolls, TWO!

Kelani rises, Sol rolls, but Kelani sits on the cover! TWO and Sol sunset flips, TWO! Kelani high stacks, Sol pops her into the sunset, TWO! Kelani has the prawn hold, TWO! Kelani runs up, Sol spins her and fireman’s carries! SWINGING POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!! Kelani survives that tubular attack, but Sol is frustrated. “This is Awesome!” as Sol puts Kelani up top. Sol climbs up behind Kelani, hooks the arms, but Kelani fights the lift! Kelani ELBOWS Sol down, and adjusts position! 450 SPLASH onto knees!! Both women are down and Kelani is writhing! Solo drags herself up with ropes, runs in at the corner, SOL-

NO! Kelani SPINEBUSTERS Sol! Kelani jackknife bridges, TWO!! Sol stuns Kelani and Kelani storms her way back to the corner. Fans duel, Kelani goes up but Sol stops the split leg! Electric Chair, but Kelani POISON- NO! Sol grabs ropes, and INVERTED ALABAMA SLAMS Kelani into buckles! Now Sol goes up with Kelani, but Kelani fights with fists! The fans fire up as they go higher and higher, for a SUPER POISON RANA!! The fans are losing their minds and Kelani is roaring! She goes up and up and ONE OF A KIND MOONSAULTS! Cover, KELANI WINS!

Winner: Kelani Jordan, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s North American Champion)

These two are friendly rivals, but that just made them both fight harder! And in the end, Kelani was the one who stood tall! Kelani helps her friend to her feet, and surely these two will go another round some day. But will no one do it like Lani?


Gallus speaks.

They warn Tyson & Tyriek that they saw the social media trash talk. The younger stars have no respect. It doesn’t matter how many views or followers you have. It doesn’t matter how high you jump or far you throw, but how hard you go in the ring. And Gallus is miles ahead of them. Did the internet clout do anything for them when they got jumped backstage? No, it didn’t. So see you boys Tuesday. Will Dupont & Igwe get deleted when The Gallus Boys are on top?


Ava Raine talks with Karmen & Arianna backstage.

She congratulates Team Toronto on the win, and they make a good tag team. Arianna says thanks, and is so glad it worked out. If It was Karmen all alone, it would’ve been catastrophic. But Arianna was there to give Toronto what they needed! Karmen says they’re a team, they won together. Oh, Karmen, use your eyes. Arianna was the real MVP out there. And they can’t be teaming anymore, Karmen will just bring Arianna down. Oh, so does Arianna think she’s better than Karmen? Arianna is sure they both know that answer. Ava says she wants to know that answer, and she makes it official: Karmen VS Arianna this Tuesday!

Karmen likes that and heads out. Arianna pouts and says it is so unfair that Ava would pit tag partners against each other. The Pageant Queen’s crazy aside, who will prove themselves the better woman when NXT returns home to Orlando?


NXT Tag Team Championships: Axiom & Nathan Frazer VS Andre Chase & Duke Hudson w/ Chase U!

And speaking of great tag teams, The Undeniable Hard-Hitting Truths have lived by the mantra #NeverSlowDown, but maybe, just maybe, Frazer is living that life a little too much. He’s burning the candle in multiple divisions, but will he burn himself and Axiom out? Or can they overcome the best Chase U has to offer?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see which team holds it together in Toronto!

The teams sort out and Mr. Chase starts against Axiom. They tie up, go around, and Axiom wrangles chase to an armlock. Chase fights up, slips through and waistlocks. Axiom cravats to snapmare, covers, and TWO as Chase bridges up! Chase rolls but Axiom holds onto the cravat! Chase rolls again, headscissors, but Axiom fights around. Axiom scuffs Chase, headstands, then turns Chase over to roll back. Axiom has the legs, then he hooks Chase for a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Chase pops free to cover, ONE! Axiom sweeps to cover, ONE! Chase sweeps to cover, ONE! Axiom kips up and the fans fire up!

Chase and Axiom circle, feel things out, and then Axiom waistlocks. Chase elbows free, but Axiom BOOTS back! Axiom goes up to flying arm-drag! And DROPKICK! Cover, ONE, but Axiom stays close to Chase. Axiom whips, Chase slips around but Axiom sits down! ONE, Chase sunset flips but Axiom rolls through to stack, only for Chase to roll back and sit on it! TWO!! Chase says that was a #TeachableMoment! Axiom runs up, but Chase dodges to DROPKICK! The fans fire up, Frazer tags in, but Chase arm-drags! Chase arm-drags again! Chase has the armlock now and he grinds Frazer down.

Frazer fights up, puts Chase in a corner and whips. Chase reverses, Frazer goes up and over and handsprings away! Frazer comes back, slips under, but Chase blocks a superkick! But the DRAGON WHIP hits! Duke tag sin, Frazer dodges, redirects, slips around, but Duke throws Frazer off. Frazer tires again but Duke throws him off. Things speed up, Frazer leap but into Duke’s arms! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! The fans fire up for the U~! Duke storms up but Frazer CHOPS! So Duke CHOPS back! Duke hauls Frazer up to then CHOPS again! Frazer is stinging and the fans “WOO~!” Mr. Chase tags in, he and Duke whip, body shot and DOUBLE CLUB! Chase covers, TWO!

Chase DECKS Frazer, YANKS Frazer up but Frazer lands out to PELE! Tag to Axiom, the speed blitz begins! BASEMENT DDT! Axiom covers, TWO! Chase survives and Thea coaches him, but Axiom brings Chase up. Axiom whips, RAMS into Chase, then brings him around for forearms. Axiom whips Chase again, but Chase sunset flips! Axiom rolls through to roll Chase and CLOBBER him! Cover, TWO! Chase is still int his and even Thea is surprised. Axiom clamps onto Chase but Chase fights the chinlock. The fans rally and Chase fights up! Chase hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Axiom shoves to LARIAT!

Tag to Frazer, whip and GAMANGIRI! Then SNAP GERMAN! Then DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO!! Chase survives and Frazer is annoyed. Frazer CLUBS Chase, clamps on with a chinlock, but Chase again pries at the hold. Chase fights up as fans rally, and he elbows free. Chase runs but Frazer trips him up! Frazer then springboards in, but into a SIDE EFFECT! The fans fire up and Thea is going nuts! Frazer and Chase crawl, the fans rally up, and hot tag to Axiom! He anchors Chase, but Chase fights up. Axiom wrangles Chase again but Chase BOOTS him away! Axiom comes back, ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!

Chase moves around, stacks to a cover, TWO! Axiom picks a leg, has a toehold, and Chase endures again. The fans rally, Chase fights up, and Chase ENZIGIRIS into a KNEEBAR!! The fans duel as Axiom has the legs grape-vined! Chase fights around, the fans rally, and Chase gets a leg free. Chase rolls to send Axiom hard into buckles! Hot tags to Frazer and Duke! The Chase U MVP rallies on both Frazer & Axiom! He breaks a double lariat to DOUBLE LARIAT back! Duke fires JAB after JAB, then flip, flop- NO, Frazer stops that! So Duke JABS away on Frazer! Then flip, flop, “U~” and DOUBLE BIONIC ELBOWS!

The fans fire up with Duke as he kicks Axiom to a corner. Duke goes corner to corner, Axiom goes up and over! Axiom comes back, into an U-RENAGE! Frazer gets up, into a FLAPJACK! Duke then fireman’s carries Axiom to GUTBUSTER SENTON COMBO! Cover, TWO!! Frazer survives for his team and the fans love “NXT! NXT!” for another tag team classic. Duke whips Frazer but Frazer KICKS back! Frazer ducks ‘n’ dodges and DROPKICKS Duke outta the ring! Frazer hurries to build speed again, and he DIVES into a forearm! Duke SLINGSHOT GERMAN SUPLEXES! The fans are thunderous for Duke as he rises!

Duke drags Frazer up, reels him in, Canadian Rack, but Frazer slips free of The River to RANA! Duke hits buckles and Frazer hot tags Axiom! Axiom goes up to FLYING RANA! Duke flounders out of the ring, Axiom sends Frazer to DIVE! Down goes Chase! Axiom DIVES onto Duke! DIVE onto Chase! DIVE onto Duke! The champs have Toronto fired up and they get Duke in the ring. Axiom climbs, and he FROG SPLASHES Duke! Tag to Frazer so that he can springboard and 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Thea almost can’t breath, this is so wild! The fans rally as Axiom goes up, leaps, but into BOOTS! Frazer springboards, Duke gets clear!

Frazer turns around U- NO, Frazer arm-drags free! Then he BOOTS! Frazer skins the cat up top, but Duke ROLLS into the STRATUSFACTION! Duke scoops for a SWINGING SIDE SLAM!! Cover, TWO?!? Frazer survives Duke raising the ante and “This is Awesome!” Duke tags Chase and puts Frazer up top. Frazer BOOTS Duke, Chase UPPERCUTS Frazer! Chase goes up, Duke tags back in. Frazer SHOVES Chase away, Duke ROCKS Frazer! Duke climbs up after Frazer, but Frazer throws body shots. Frazer HEADBUTTS Duke down! Frazer then springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! Tag to Axiom and the champs hoist Duke up!

The fans fire up but Duke SHOVES Frazer! Axiom GAMANGIRIS Duke! Axiom climbs, Frazer tags. Axiom has Duke up for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Frazer is up top for the PHONENIX SPLASH!! Cover, CHASE breaks it, and hits a DESTROYER on Axiom!!! The fans are electric as all four men are down! The teams regroup, “This is Awesome!” as Axiom and Chase tag in. Chase fires a forearm, but Axiom hits back! Chase fires another forearm, so Axiom hits back! The fans rally as the shots keep going! Axiom KICKS and KICKS but Chase CHOPS! Chase runs, Axiom UPERCUTS! Axiom runs, into a BOOT!

Chase fires up, the fans are with him! Chase runs, but Frazer blocks the boot! Chase ENZIGIRIS, but Frazer ducks so Axiom takes the hit! Chase CHOPS Frazer, Axiom clamps on with a SLEEPER! Frazer takes aim, but Chase slips free so the SUPERKICK hits Axiom! Frazer freaks out, Duke DECKS him! Chase rolls Axiom up, TWO?!? Axiom survives and the fans can’t believe it! Thea and Riley can’t believe it, either! The fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” and Frazer SHOTGUNS Duke into steel steps! Chase has Axiom, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Chase spells it out! C! H! A! S! E! U! What’s that spell? CHASE U~!

Chase goes up a corner? And he CROSSBODIES! Cover, FRAZER BREAKS IT! Chase TOSSES Frazer out, hauls Axiom up, and he underhooks. But Axiom slips free and tags Frazer. Chase ELBOWS Axiom, but Frazer goes up! Chase dodges Frazer, BOOTS him, then goes up and up! But Frazer goes right up after him! Tag to Axiom, SUPERPLEX and roll through CHASE-ING THE DRAGON!! And then Frazer FLIES onto Duke!! The fans are electric as Axiom hits the GOLDEN RATIO!! Cover, Axiom & Frazer win!!

Winners: Axiom & Nathan Frazer, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

It seems Frazer’s split focus wasn’t a detriment. Will Frazer & Axiom keep up this pace and soon take over more than just NXT? As for Chase U, will they have to go back to the drawing board if they want a winning strategy?


NXT Media catches up with Wes Lee.

The reporter asks for a moment of his time, but Wes asks for what. Wes loss! Plain and simple. Tonight was supposed to be him regaining the North American title, and he failed. Wes traveled the world, made best friends, had tag team gold and even had one of the best singles runs ever. This was to be the culmination of all that, him holding the North American Championship, and he failed. Oba Femi was the better man tonight, point blank. Wes isn’t sure what else to say. He just needs time to figure out what is next. What path will the Wes Side walk now that his plans fell apart?


NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez VS Lola Vice!

The Prodigy has proven herself over and over again, but she’s also puffed up her own ego over and over again. But will there be no stopping her now that she has achieved her ultimate form? Or will nothing stop the rise of the fiery Latina Heat as she fights not just for a dream, not just for history, but for her familia?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and these two are ready to go down in a blaze of glory!

The bell rings and the fans rally. The two tie up, go around, and end up on ropes. They go to a corner, Roxie climbs up on Lola but the ref counts. Roxie lets off, to SLAP Lola! Lola just grins, and Roxie gets worried. Lola shoves Roxie down, headlocks and hits a takeover. Roxie fights up, powers out, bot Lola runs her over! Lola shakes her hips, then gets moving. Lola jumps the dropdown, ducks ‘n’ dodges then hip tosses, only for Roxie to counter! But Lola counters back to an ARMBAR! Roxie hurries to stack it, ONE! Roxie wrenches an arm, YANKS it, then wrenches again to UPPERCUT! The fans rally and duel, Roxie wrenches the arm again.

Lola KICKS Roxie, SLAMS her down, then throws off her armbands. Lola fires knees then TOSSES Roxie aside! The fans fire up as Roxie staggers up. Lola waistlocks, but Roxie fires elbows! Roxie storms up, whips, but Lola reverses. Roxie ducks the uraken! Lola says it was that close! Roxie staggers around the outside, Lola goes out to CANNONBALL! Down goes Roxie and Lola shows off the swivel. The fans cheer, Lola pushes Roxie into the ring, and then Lola storms in, Roxie UP KICKS! Roxie RAMS Lola into buckles, then CLUBS away on her! Roxie CLUBS Lola down, then throws her into more buckle!

Roxie goes corner to corner to SMACK Lola off more buckles! The fans duel as Roxie CHOKES Lola on ropes! The ref counts, Roxie stomps Lola as she lets off. Cover, TWO! Roxie SLAPS Lola more, then goes for a corner. Lola stops that to dribble Roxie’s face off buckles! Lola SMACKS Roxie one more time, rolls her up, TWO! Roxie stands, blocks a kick, and she throws Lola by her hair! The ref reprimands but Roxie storms up on Lola. Roxie pulls Lola back against ropes and THRASHES her! The ref counts, Roxie lets off, then YANKS Lola down. The fans rally, Roxie puts Lola in another corner.

Roxie runs in, and she UPPERCUTS Lola! Then RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP, roll to a cover, TWO! Roxie is losing her cool but she clamps onto Lola with an armlock and chinbar. The fans rally and duel again, Lola endures and fights up. Lola scoops Roxie but Roxie fights that to CLUB Lola. Roxie wrenches, clinches, but no leg sweep this time! Lola KNEES Roxie low! Lola fires body shots and knees, but Roxie rolls her! TWO, and Roxie stands, into a KICK! And a KICK! Lola fires LIGHTNING KICKS! Roxie ends up in a corner and the fans cheer Lola. Lola says she’s a Latina~, and runs in to HIP ATTACK! Lola then drags Roxie out, to AX KICK! Cover, TWO!

Lola huffs ‘n’ puffs, scoops, but Roxie sunset flips! TWO, and Lola BODY SHOTS again! Roxie sputters and goes to a corner. Lola runs in, but the boot only gets buckles! Roxie BLINDSIDE UPPERCUTS! Roxie keeps moving, UPPERCUT into a SLEEPER!! Roxie hurries to kick off buckles and roll this back, TWO!! Lola lets Roxie go, Roxie wheelbarrows, but into a REAR NAKED CHOKE!! Roxie rolls to the ropes, then the floor, but Lola holds on! So Roxie RAMS Lola into the desk! Roxie is free, but Loa BOOTS her away. Lola runs up, URAKEN into POST!! Roxie avoids disaster, and then STOMPS the bad arm!

The fans are torn as Roxie brings Lola around, hammerlocks the bad arm, and NORTHERN LIGHTS to the floor! Lola writhes as she clutches that forearm, but Roxie pushes her into the ring. Cover, TWO!! Roxie shows no mercy as she DRAGON STOMPS that bad arm! Then she drags Lola around, isolates the arm, and YANKS it! Cover, TWO! Lola is still in this, despite having the one good arm, but Roxie taunts her. Roxie KNEE DROPS the arm! Roxie then drags Lola from ropes, stands on the arm, mocks Lola, but Lola kicks her! And kicks her! So Roxie KNEE DROPS but misses as Lola gets up!

Lola KICKS, whips, but Roxie reverses. Lola BOOTS back, swings, but Roxie grabs the arm! They go around and around but Lola rolls! Roxie gets the other arm, for a SAIDO! The fans fire up and Roxie steps on Lola to go to the corner. Roxie goes up and up and LIONSAULTS but FLOPS! Lola gets a TRIANGLE HOLD! Roxie stacks, TWO! Roxie steals the URAKEN, but is caught! Lola still URAKENS!! Roxie falls out of the ring, and Lola clutches the bad arm! Lola hurries to go after Roxie, drags her up and into the ring, and hurries to cover, ROPEBREAK! A miscalculation on Lola’s part and Roxie is still in this.

Lola fires down forearms with the left, but Roxie is still holding the rope so the ref counts. Lola lets off, Roxie goes to the apron. Lola grabs at Roxie but Roxie grabs the bad arm! UPPERCUT to the bad forearm! Roxie CLUBS the arm, and then she POSTS Lola! The fans duel as hard as they can while Lola flounders away. Roxie grits her teeth as she storms inside. Roxie KICKS Lola, hops on, but no Pop Rox! Lola KICKS, KICKS and KICKS! Those legs still work! SPIN KICK!! Roxie sputters, Lola lifts her up. Roxie begs for mercy, but then she BLOCKS the uraken! POP ROX!! Cover, TWO?!? Lola survives and Roxie is shocked!

Roxie shrieks, drags Lola by her hair and TOSSES her out! Roxie snarls as she tells Vic & Booker to move! She’s clearing the desk! Vic & Book do as told, and Roxie drags Lola over. Roxie tells Lola she will NEVER be champion! They get on the desk, and Roxie hops on! POP ROX on the desk!! The desk does not budge and the fans lose their minds! Roxie puts Lola in, covers, TWO?!?! Lola is still in this and Roxie is losing her mind! Roxie CLUBS away on the bad arm again and again, then puts on a CROSSFACE!! Lola endures, reaches out, crawls over, but Roxie kicks off the rope! They roll, stand, POP ROX!!! But Lola is right up, so POP ROX AGAIN!!!

Roxie is showing no mercy! A FIFTH POP ROX!!! Cover, Roxie wins!!

Winner: Roxanne Perez, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Lola put up the fight of her life, but it was as Roxie said on Tuesday: Lola is just unlucky that she’s here at the same time as Roxie. The Prodigy is proving herself a woman of her word, will she never, ever lose this title?


Lexis King speaks.

Another Fourth of July to celebrate his heritage of American rock ‘n ‘roll! Creed, White Snake, Metallica! Real music! Not all that beep boop bop techno crap. And speaking of heritage, y’know who has a lot of it? Tony D and that Heritage Cup. Lexis will take that Cup and claim it for his own! The King VS The Don, this Tuesday on NXT!

Tony D’Angelo responds.

The Don says he was in his garden, watering the fruits and veggies, and herbs, and he gets a call from Luca Crusifino. He showed Tony the video of Lexis in a hot tub, talking about him and Eddy Thorpe. And then he brings up Tony, talking about taking away the Cup. Like it’s gonna be easy! Lexis, Tony doesn’t know who you think you are or what you’ve been watching, but Tony IS The Don of NXT. And if Lexis thinks this is a walk int he park, Tony is insulted. But sure, he’ll give Lexis the match. Because then Tony will smack that fake beard off Lexis’ face. Then Tony goes back to the garden to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

The match is made, the Heritage Cup will be on the line! But will The Don have to be careful not to underestimate The Drama King?


NXT Championship Fatal 4 Way: Trick Williams VS Je’Von Evans VS Ethan Page VS Shawn Spears!

Talk about turning up the heat! Cody Rhodes told Trick Willy that a Battle Royal would determine his challenger, and that challenger was The Young OG. But then All Ego had to bring up a technicality, then got himself a win over said #1 contender. Then, The Chair Man had to one-up his fellow Canadian by finding a way to pin Trick! Ava Raine went with the easiest solution of letting them fight it out all at once, making this one of the biggest NXT Championship matches in a long time. Will this still be the Whoop Dat Era? Are things about to get BOUNCY~? Or will a Canadian win the gold here in their homeland?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who overcomes those 25% odds!

The bell rings and fans already chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” Je’Von is also fired up, but he and Trick slowly circle with Spears and Ethan. Ethan bails out, he doesn’t want to- WAIT, Je’Von DIVES onto him! Then Trick fires off on Spears! Je’Von CHOPS Ethan, Spears whips but Trick ducks ‘n’ dodges. Trick catches Spears’ leap to SLAM him! Then Trick LARIATS Spears up and out! Ethan SMACKS Je’Von off the apron but Je’Von ROCKS Ethan back! Ethan DECKS Je’Von in return! Spears SMACKS Trick off the apron, Ethan does the same to Je’Von! The Canadians compete against each other, and they SMACK Trick and Je’Von off steel steps!

The fans duel as Spears the hometown boy and Ethan the boy from Hamilton get in the ring. The fans fire up for “TEN! TEN! TEN!” and Spears grins. Ethan also grins, then shake hands. But then they both poke each other in the eye! Trick goes after Spears, Je’Von is after Ethan! They smack and CHOP the Canadians, but Spears trips Trick! Je’Von rebounds to GAMANGIRI! Spears falls to CATAPULT Trick at Ethan for a NECKBREAKER! And now, the match as was intended, Trick and Je’Von stare down. They secret handshake, then Trick ducks a kick! Trick clinches but Je’Von arm-drags free of the Bookend!

Je’Von runs up, gets around, rolls Trick, TWO! Je’Von keeps moving, and he springboards fo ra LFYING SCHOOLBOY! TWO, and Je’Von DROPKICKS! Je’Von bounces around on the ropes to RANA! Then he runs up to sunset flip! High stack, TWO! Trick gets free but Je’Von says it was that close. Trick is annoyed and runs up. Je’Von ducks, dodges, springboards, but Trick gets under to LEPAING LARIAT! Trick scoops Je’Von to SLAM him! Trick drags Je’Von up, whips him, but Je’Von reverses. Trick reverses again, Je’Von bounces but Trick shoves him away, to DROPKICK him down! But Spears returns, with a chair!

Trick dodges the chair, LEG LAIRATS Spears, then LEG LARIATS Ethan! LEG LARIAT for Spears, LEG LARIAT for Ethan! Trick whips Spears, Spears reverses and Trick CLOBBERS Ethan! Trick BOOTS Spears, dodges Ethan then DOUBLE FLAPJACKS the Canadians! Trick kips up but Je’Von springboard! Trick ducks, DOUBLE CROSSBODY on the Canadians! BOOKEND! Cover, TWO! Je’Von survives and Trick is annoyed. Trick shoves Je’Von to a corner, stomps him, call it some tough love to the Young OG. But then Spears DUMPS Trick out! Ethan DECKS Spears, ROCKS Je’Von, and Ethan suplexes Je’Von onto Spears!

Ethan brings Je’Von up to bump him off his boot! Ethan ROCKS Je’Von, puts him up top, and then crosses the arms. Trick runs up, Ethan BOOTS him! ICONOCLASM sends Je’Von into Trick and Spears! Then a DEADLIFT POWERSLAM for Je’Von! Cover, TWO! Ethan is annoyed with Je’Von but he goes to a corner. Ethan climbs as the fans boo, but Spears CHOPS first! Spears CHOPS Ethan again, climbs up, and then Je’Von joins in! Je’Von fights Spears off to go after Ethan, but Trick Electric Chair Lifts Je’Von! Trick kicks Spears, reels him in, but Ethan LEAPS! SHOUDLER TACKLE ELECTRIC CHAIR DDT SUPER COMBO!!! Double covers, TWO!!

The fans fire up as Trick and Ethan rise. Trick shoves Ethan, they fire hands! They go haymaker for haymaker, then Trick ROCKS Ethan! Spears CHAIR SHOTS Trick! And he JAMS Ethan! Je’Von dodges, springboards, into a CHAIR SHOT! Toronto is all fired up for the Chair Man as he wedges said chair into a corner. Spears then drags Je’Von up, fireman’s carries, but Trick makes the save! POP-UP UPPERCUT! Spears wobbles, but he still fireman’s carries! CORNER C4 into the chair!! Cover, TWO?!? Trick survives being the substitute for Je’Von in that situation, but the fans are thunderous. Spears drags Trick up and reels him in!

Spears fireman’s carries again, but Je’Von SUPERKICKS! Ethan is back, too, and he blocks a kick to throw it at Spears! Je’Von SUPERKICKS Ethan! Spears SUPERKICKS Ethan! Je’Von rebounds, Spears SUPERKICKS him! Ethan SUPERKICKS Je’Von! Trick BLOCKBUSTERS Ethan! All four men are down and the fans are loving it! “This is Awesome!” as all four men slowly stir. Trick follows Ethan outside and CHOPS him down! Trick clears off the desk, and the fans fire up again! Trick fireman’s carries Ethan but Ethan fights free! Ethan POSTS Trick, then he Canadian Racks Trick! But Trick slips free to POST Ethan!

Trick ROCKS Ethan again and again, but Je’Von FLIES OVER THE CORNER! Direct hit on Trick through the barriers!! Even Je’Von is dazed and Toronto is losing its mind all over again! Je’Von hobbles into the ring, Spears is up top! Je’Von gets up there to join him, but then Spears fireman’s carries! SUPER C 4!!! Cover, Ethan TOSSES Spears! Ethan covers Je’Von, TWO!!! All Ego is losing his mind! He HAMMERS away on Je’Von, even as Toronto boos. Ethan scuffs Je’Von, drags him to a drop zone, then climbs. But Spears ROCKS Ethan first! Spears CHOPS Ethan, climbs up, but Trick is back!?

Trick gets under Spears, brings him around, but Spears RANAS Trick outta the ring! Je’Von LEAPS up to Ethan, SUPER SPANISH FLY~! And then the O G CUTTER!!! Cover, TRICK BREAKS IT!! The Young OG was moments away from becoming the youngest champion ever, and Trick could not allow it! The fans are volcanic as Trick and Je’Von rise up. Trick and Je’Von throw hands, faster and faster, and the fans fire up! Je’Von SUPERMAN PUNCHES! Trick EDDY GORDO KICKS! Je’Von HEEL KICKS, then dodges the boot! Rebound, into the SPIN KICK! Both men are down and the fans fire up again!

Trick and Je’Von stir, then roll to the apron. They’re on opposite sides of the same corner, and Je’Von has a wild look. Trick is by the desk, so Je’Von climbs, only for Spears to YANK him down! Spears sees the same target, and he goes up the corner! Spears drags Je’Von up, but Je’Von fights with body shots! Spears fires hands on Je’Von and Je’Von flops back. Spears wags his finger, but Je’Von springs right up! Spears is shocked, Je’Von flips him off! SUPER CUTTER!! And then the BOUNCY TWISTER!! Cover, TRICK BREAKS IT AGAIN! Trick hauls Je’Von up to TOSS him out, but J’eVon is on the apron.

Je’Von ROCKS Trick, slingshots, but Trick SHOVES him! Je’Von CRASHES DOWN THROUGH THE DESK!! Trick is conflicted, but it’s what he has to do to retain his title. The fans chant “REST IN PEACE! REST IN PIECE!” Trick lets the hair down to fire back up, and he aims at Spears. TRICK- NO, Spears avoids the shot to step through! SHARPSHOOTER!! Trick endures the iconic Canadian hold, but then Ethan BOOTS Spears down! And he hauls Trick up, Canadian Rack, EGO’S EDGE!! Cover, Je’Von gives Trick the ROPEBREAK! Ethan is PISSED! Ethan drags Je’Von into the ring, and he hammers away on Je’Von’s face!

The fans boo but Ethan’s going from All Ego to All Rage! Ethan says Je’Von brought this on himself! Canadian Rack, but Spears ends up saving Je’Von! Trick runs up, TRICK SHOT on Je’Von! Je’Von bumps into Spears, Ethan storms up, TRICK SHOT for Ethan! But Ethan falls on Je’Von for a cover, right as Spears drags Trick out! ETHAN WINS?!?

Winner: Ethan Page, by pinfall (NEW NXT Champion)

Trick is enraged, Spears is stunned, and no one in Toronto can believe it! It was 25% odds, but this happening feels like one in a million! And now Ethan feels like he won the lottery! Is this the beginning of the All Ego Era?

My Thoughts:

This was not only an AMAZING NXT Heatwave, but probably the best show NXT’s done all year, or even in years. It feels like the “White ‘n’ Gold Era” is giving us that same match quality as “Black ‘n’ Gold” while still giving us fresh characters and story. For one, I think it’s been since Stand & Deliver that we had a preshow match. Karmen & Arianna VS Jacy & Jazmyn was a lot of fun, and it was a great win for Team Toronto. But at the same time, I should’ve figured the team wouldn’t last long and we’re getting Karmen VS Arianna already. The winner of that can definitely consider themselves moving up towards a title shot, as both have been strong characters for some time.

There were also some good promos to set up more matches for Tuesday. Gallus of course want after Tyson & Tyriek, and I still think they should have a tornado tag match or something No Disqualification style so they can all brawl it out. And Lexis going right for Tony D before having a match with Eddy Thorpe, that’s a bit of a head scratcher. But I suppose Thorpe could distract Lexis by blasting some dubstep to annoy him. Honestly, I thought Lexis VS Thorpe was going to be more of a build to the North American Championship, but I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see.

And of course, epic title matches from top to bottom tonight. As I’ve said before, keeping status quo is just fine, so long as we get there in a fun way. Oba throwing Wes around may have been done before but it is still entertaining. And as I was saying on Tuesday, Wes losing here is so he can move on to the top title scene. Kelani VS Sol was one of the best matches this weekend, and that’s just on the creativity alone. They were both bringing out innovative move after innovative move, but I predicted right that Kelani would retain. Sol can now move on to the top title if she likes, and just about anyone can step up to Kelani for her title at this point.

The tag team championship match was amazing, again giving this era of NXT that Black ‘n’ Gold vibe. They did a good job of making the dysfunction in Axiom & Frazer more about their timing than their attitudes, and them winning despite all that also adds to the Chase U story. Ridge wished them luck but he wasn’t there to tip the scales, that is why they lost. Ridge’s surprise for their return was probably meant to be a party, but now it could turn into a swerve where Ridge turns on Chase U for not appreciating his help, something petty like that. As for Axiom & Frazer, I really want Frazer to talk with Axiom about how they can be a Two Man Power Trip, adding to their tension.

Tonight was certainly Lola’s best match so far, she and Roxie did such a great job in both action and storytelling. Great detail that Lola hurt her hand, but also that she still toughed it out. Roxie hitting a total of FIVE Pop Rox bombs adds to both Lola’s toughness and Roxie’s viciousness. And for those who wanted Giulia to show up tonight, she probably confronts Roxie on Tuesday while Roxie goes on and on about how she’s better than everyone. And then what an epic Fatal 4 Way. All four men got that shine, especially Je’Von for being the youngest and newest to this. And what a brilliantly executed finish where Ethan wins only because Trick miscalculated. “The Face in the Chase” is always a thing, and All Ego is going to make for one downright obnoxious Heel champion.

Also, I didn’t put it in the report because I wasn’t even sure why it happened, but that Joe Hendry tease right at the very end… That’s some sneaky stuff, NXT. I thought he was gonna come out in person, but no, it was just that blip. We’re of course getting more NXTNA crossovers, and I almost want them to bring back Worlds Collide just for that. Great American Bash is also coming back, maybe we get Hendry VS Ethan?

My Score: 9.2/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Collision Results & Report! (7/6/24)

One step away from the Stampede!



Bryan Danielson awaits tonight’s big winner!

Hangman Page was the wild card dealt into the Men’s Owen Hart Cup tournament, and now he’s one step away from winning it all! But will Jay White force us all to Breathe with the Switchblade?


  • Six Man Tag: The Conglomeration VS The Iron Savages; The Conglomeration wins.
  • Toni Storm w/ Mariah May & Luther VS Trish Adora w/ The Infantry; Storm wins.
  • AEW TNT Championship Open Challenge: Jack Perry VS Marko Stunt; Jack wins and retains the title.
  • Claudio Castagnoli VS The Beast Mortis; Claudio wins.
  • Riho VS Lady Frost; Riho wins.
  • 2024 Men’s Owen Hart Cup Semifinal: Hangman Page VS Jay White; Hangman wins and advances.


MJF is here!

Southaven is torn as the Wolf of Wrestling makes his way out after having shown his true colors last Wednesday Night Dynamite. MJF is back to wearing suits and scarves, and he already has a mic as he steps into the ring. The boos are louder than the cheers, and MJF says he knows everyone in this building is inbred and incredibly stupid, but he’d appreciate it that while he was talking, they unlike their mothers on their knees in a truck stop bathroom, would all kept their mouths shut. The fans boo but MJF tells Daniel Garcia, “You are nothing more than a pawn. You really thought MJF, the biggest star in AEW, you thought I was gonna give you a match at All In?

“No, man. That match was never gonna happen. I was always going to stab you in the back and break your scrawny little neck. And I’ll explain why later, but I gotta be honest with you, Danny. During this ruse, there was something you did that offended me. Let’s keep it real here, Danny, you’re a Make-A-Wish kid at best. And I was trying to grant you the greatest wish of them all. Was it real? No. But you didn’t know that. I offered you a match at Wembley Stadium against, let’s face it, the greatest wrestler who’s ever lived, and you didn’t answer. Well, Danny, after what I did to you, you ain’t gonna make it to All In. Hell, you’re never gonna wrestle again.

“But I’m not here to talk to Danny Garcia. I’m here to talk to you… Roll the clip.” MJF has production show on the tron, Dynamite on August 2nd, 2023. It was the time MJF explained ADHD came along with Rejection Sensitivity Disorder. MJF cannot regulate rejection based emotions and behaviors. And there was one thing he still remembers to this day, the incident of those bullies throwing quarters at him and calling him “Jew Boy.” MJF told himself that day that to survive in a world of scumbags, he had to become the worst scumbag of them all, and that he would betray others before they could betray him.

MJF back then said being a scumbag was easy. What was hard was being vulnerable. He knew if he opened himself up to be “Max,” and then got booed, it’d kill him being that little kid being bullied. But MJF also said he wasn’t afraid anymore! The fans cheered for him then, but MJF now gets boos. This MJF says he opened up to the fans, told us all that if they turned on him, it’d tear his heart out, and they didn’t give a damn! MJF did everything for the fans! He changed for the fans! He let his guard down and became friends with Adam Cole, he broke his body down, all for the fans! And how did they repay MJF?

After MJF’s best friend stabs him in the back, after Samoa Joe steals “Triple B,” MJF is writhing in pain at home, and he turns on Dynamite after World’s End. What do the fans do? They chanted “Thank You, Joe!” The fans chant for “JOE! JOE! JOE!” now. MJF says he was in physical therapy, trying to get function back in his arms, the fans discarded him for guys like Swerve, Okada, “and worst of all… that talentless hack, Will Ospreay!” MJF says what he did to Garcia wasn’t personal between the two of them. It was personal between MJF and the fans! And Garcia was just the beginning. MJF will take away everything we love, because everything we love SUCKS!

The fans boo but MJF says the fans have ruined the company MJF has built from the ground up with their garbage taste. MJF will fix AEW, and the only way to do that is with MJF on top! But no, the fans want Will Ospreay, don’t they? Yeah, they like Ospreay? The fans cheer, but MJF says the fans are too delusional to realize it, but Ospreay can’t help AEW like MJF can. Ospreay is a child! He doesn’t care about ticket sales, about making money. All Ospreay cares about is putting on good matches. Gasp, what a novel concept. The only ratings Ospreay cares about are those stars from Meltzer.

MJF is a grown ass man, and the ratings he cares about come from a guy named Nielsen! And so here’s an idea, Will! Let’s pop a number right here, right now! MJF will get medieval on you, bruv! Ospreay is “The Billy Goat?” Then how about MJF sacrifices him like one? No response and MJF says he knew it. But then surprise! Ospreay’s music hits now! Only for it to NOT be Ospreay. MJF says Ospreay is not coming because he is a two-faced, fickle, gutless coward. “Just like you.” This is Maxwell Jacob- NO, fans, you had your chance, shut your mouths! He is MJF, and you can thank him later. The Scumbag has gotten even worse, but will Ospreay take him out once and for all?


Backstage interview with The Conglomeration.

Lexy Nair is with Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe & Orange Cassidy and asks if they have any last words before their match tonight? Kyle says after Forbidden Door, he is bummed out. Mark says he ain’t bummed. Is Orange bummed out? Why? Cuz none of them won at Forbidden Door? Well, the word of the day is “Epiphany,” because Mark had one. Failure is just a figment of your imagination! It is just a stepping stone to the throne, a pitstop on the road to the top! They are in the shadow of one of the most historical cities in wrestling, Memphis, Tennessee! And The Conglomeration is about to put a historical ass kicking on The Iron Savages!

Mark says let’s get out there, pull their proverbial heads out of their proverbial asses and do this thing! The ROH World Champion is fired up, Kyle says he really knows how to pull a guy out of a dark abyss. Cassidy says he doesn’t care. He’s in a Pixies kinda mood, but will Freshly Squeezed, Violent Artist & Sussex County Chicken be feeling back on top after tonight?

Six Man Tag: The Conglomeration VS The Iron Savages!

Jacked Jameson tells the fat morons and skinny idiots to shut up! The Savages know the fans love these “Low T Losers” because they’re just like all of them. But these anorexic athletes don’t stand a chance! Mark Briscoe is the Chicken because his bones are brittle, and both Kyle and Cassidy look like they belong at the bottom of the evolutionary chart! These are the Iron Savages! Sippin’ sauce, livin’ hoss, and takin’ everyone to #TIDDYCITY! But as beefy and bulky as they are, will they be ready for a fired up force of nature?

The trios sort out and Kyle starts against Jameson, but then The Undisputed Kingdom shows up. Though, what did anyone expect with how Roderick Strong keeps thinking of himself as Kyle’s friend. Roddy, Taven & Bennett join commentary on stage, and Jameson says it is time to sip the sauce! He sips, then pumps up. Jameson and Kyle circle, Kyle KICKS, headlocks, and grinds the hold. Jameson powers out, Kyle RAMS him, but Jameson comes back to run Kyle over! Jameson goes for another sip, but Mark snatches the cup! Mark takes a CHUG, CHUG, CHUG! Mark is all fired up now! Mark CLOBBERS Jameson!

Bronson gets in, Mark dodges him and CLOBBERS Bronson! The fans fire up, Kyle sips, and Roddy says that’s not good, he has to watch his blood sugar. Kyle is all fire dup, he and Mark RAM Boulder! Boulder comes back to LARIAT Kyle, but Mark ENZIGIRIS! Bronson runs up, CLOBBERS Mark, but Kyle KICKS and KICKS and KICKS Bronson down! Boulder CLOBBERS Kyle, and then he warns Cassidy. Kyle CHOP BLOCKS Boulder, JAWBREAKERS Bronson, then runs Jameson gets a cheap shot in, so Kyle DECKS him! But then Boulder & Bronson CLOBBER Kyle! Boulder DECKS Mark, then Bronson runs to SENTON Kyle! Cover, TWO!

Bronson drags Kyle up, bumps him off buckles, then fires hands! The ref counts, Bronson short arm LARIATS! The Savages stand tall while Collision goes picture in picture.

The Savages soak up the heat and Bronson drags Kyle over. Tag to Jameson, the Savages mug Kyle, and Jameson RAMS into Kyle! Jameson throws elbows, stomps Kyle down, then tags Boulder. Boulder brings Kyle around to scoop and SLAM! Boulder soaks up heat, stomps around like an Earthquake, and then runs and SPLASHES down! Cover, TWO! Kyle stays in this but Boulder mocks Cassidy by putting hands in his “pockets.” Boulder kicks Kyle but Kyle fires strikes in return! Kyle runs, but Boulder runs him over! Boulder snarls, the fans rally up, but Boulder drags Kyle over. Boulder HIP DROPS Kyle, then tags in Bronson.

Bronson goes up the corner and he HIP DROPS Kyle, too! Tag to Jameson, and he flexes before he climbs. Jameson talks a lot of trash, then HIP DROPS onto knees! Collision returns to single picture with both men down and the fans rallying up! Kyle and Jameson crawl, hot tag to Bronson! Bronson grabs a leg, but Kyle hops forward, hot tag to Mark! Mark CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Bronson! Boulder gets in but gets some REDNECK KUNG-FU! Bronson runs up but into a kick! Mark REDNECK KUNG-FU UPPERCUTS, then ROLLING ELBOWS! The fans fire up again, but Boulder kicks Mark.

Boulder flexes, whips, but Mark uses that to BOOT Jameson! Boulder runs in but Mark dodges! Boulder tumbles up and out! Mark reaches out for Cassidy, Cassidy doesn’t reach back, so Mark gives him a push. Cassidy gets fired up and he tags in! And he DIVES onto Jameson! Cassidy goes up and CROSSBODIES Bronson! Roddy isn’t impressed, but Cassidy keeps moving! Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges Boulder to tilt-o-whirl DDT! Cassidy kips up and the fans fire up. Roddy says that was impressive at least. Cassidy takes off his elbow pad, run sin, but Bronson catches him for a BEARHUG! Cassidy throws elbows to get free.

Bronson throws knees, snarls and shouts, “I’M GONNA BUST!” Bronson suplexes, but gets STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Cassidy keeps Bronson down so Mark can use him as a step, to FLY onto Boulder and Jameson! Kyle gets in, he and Cassidy FRESHLY SQUEEZED HIGH LOW! FLYING KNEE for Jameson, BLOCKBUSTER for Boulder! ORANGE PUNCH for Bronson! Cover, The Conglomeration wins!

Winners: The Conglomeration, by pinfall

Roddy says good stuff. He can’t wait to see Ishii again, by the way. He’ll slap that guy in the face. The Kingdom storm commentary, but Roddy keeps Taven & Bennett from going to the ring. They’ll settle this with Kyle and The Conglomeration later, but when and where will that be?


Jack Perry speaks.

“Someone once said that the true cost of anything is what you’re willing to sacrifice for it. A long time ago, I was the first challenger to the first ever TNT Champion. But I wasn’t ready then. Because I didn’t realize just how great that cost would be. But as of tonight, I’m paid in full. And I wanna go ahead and give that same opportunity to sacrifice everything and take this away from me. Because if you don’t… I will sacrifice you.” The Scapegoat is issuing an Open Challenge, who answers the call?


Backstage interview with Hangman Page.

Lexy Nair is with The Black Hat Cowboy, and brings up that his indefinite suspension was lifted so that he could be the Wild Card in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. The question on everyone’s mind would have to be then, “Why now?” Hangman repeats, “Why now?” Convenience. Not his, but theirs. The Elite didn’t care where Hangman was, how long he was gone, what was happening to him or his family. It didn’t matter, because the moment The Elite through they could use Hangman, they brought him back. But that isn’t why Hangman his here. Hangman says Lexy knows why, and Swerve knows why.

Hangman is going to burn through the rest of this tournament, he will go to Wembley Stadium, and he will right a wrong that should’ve ben handled a long time ago! Hangman swears to God, with his last breath, he will right this wrong, and BURN Swerve’s House to the ground! Lexy is very nervous as she says tonight, Hangman faces Jay White, who he has never defeated before. Hangman glares at Lexy, then storms off. Hangman is more than ready for a fight, will it be a real shootout between these Collision Cowboys?


Toni Storm w/ Mariah May & Luther VS Trish Adora w/ The Infantry!

While her protege is in the finals of the Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, The Leading Lady is leading by example by getting back in action. Will Storm once again have the spotlight on “Colli-jon?” Or will the AfroPunk look to upstage the AEW Women’s World Champion?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. The two circle, put up their dukes, and tie up. They goa round, Storm headlocks but Adora endures the grind. Adora powers up and pops out the back to headlock in return. Storm pops out the back to headlock in return. Adora powers up and out then RAMS shoulders! Storm stays up and eggs Adora on. Adora runs to RAM Storm again! The fans cheer and Storm pumps up. Storm runs, Adora follows then runs Storm over! Adora salutes, runs, but Storm trips her! Oklahoma Roll, TWO! Adora has a cradle, TWO! Storm stands, Adora trips her, and then pulls a leg into a cradle, TWO!

Storm storms up but Adora Alabama Lifts her! And swings her around, into the AIR RAID STRETCH! Storm endures and the fans rally up! Storm fights, Adora lets her down and snapmares her, to then have a motorcycle stretch! Adora steps over, and she bounces on Storm’s head! Adora then turns around, claps and the fans rally. Adora hooks the legs to a sunset flip, TWO! Storm flounders up but Adora pumps up. Adora ROCKS Storm, whips her to ropes, but Storm SHOTGUNS Adora back! Adora goes to the apron, Storm runs and HIP ATTACKS her to the floor! The Infantry is there to coach Adora but Storm asks for a standing ovation.

The fans give the standing ovation, and Storm sends us to commercial, so Collision goes picture in picture.

Storm marches around the outside, still ordering ovations, and the fans gladly give Storm what she wants. Storm does a full lap around the ring, comes back for Adora, and Adora BOOTS Storm down! Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean are all fired up, but Luther & Mariah storm up on them! That’s not exactly a fair fight, though it’s unclear who has the advantage. But then Mariah & Luther salute? The Infantry return it, and everyone stands down. Adora drags Storm up and into the ring, Storm goes to a corner, and Adora stomps her. Adora drags Storm up, reels her in, and snap suplexes! Bridging cover, TWO!

Storm flounders to a corner, Adora storms up on her, and Adora ROCKS Storm with a forearm. Storm goes to another corner, and Adora CHOPS! Storm falls and flounders, Adora stalks her, and the fans rally as Collision goes to break.

Collision returns, Adora runs corner to corner, but Storm goes up and over! Storm runs in, she blocks boots and puts Adora in ropes, to DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Then Storm FISHERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but Storm won’t stop! Adora shoves Storm away, runs, but so does Storm! Adora scoops Storm for a SWINGING BACKBREAKER! Both women are down and the fans rally up. Mariah is worried for Storm as Storm grits her teeth. Adora brings Storm up, but Storm fires a forearm! Adora gives that back, they go back and forth! Storm JABS, JABS and JABS! Storm winds up, but Adora ducks!

Adora BASEMENT GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Storm escapes, but Adora goes corner to corner. Storm trips Adora, Adora hits buckles, and then Storm comes in, SWEET HIP MUSIC! And then DDT! Cover, TWO! Adora survives and the fans fire up! Storm drags Adora up, ROCKS her, then ROCKS her again. Adora rises, and she fires a forearm! They go back and forth, shot for shot! Adora roars, winds up, but Storm HEADBUTTS! Adora wobbles, but she BOOTS! Storm wobbles, Adora runs in, but Storm gets around to STORM ZERO!! Cover, Storm wins!

Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall

Adora was a powerful costar, but like all supporting actresses, she let the Leading Lady shine brightest. Storm is on a roll heading for All In, but will she be meeting her protege in that title match? Or will it be the Babe with the Power once she becomes a TWO-TIME Queen of Harts?


AEW hears from Willow Nightingale and Mariah May.

The Babe with the Power says, “Last year, still in my rookie year here in AEW, excitedly entering the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. This year, it’s not just about winning The Owen. Mariah May, I feel like you are in the same spot I was last year.” Mariah responds that if Willow’s The Babe with the Power, then call her The Chick with The Champ. Storm believes in Mariah. Storm believes that Mariah can win the Owen Hart Cup home to her family and friends at All In Wembley. Willow knows Mariah wants to have her moment in the spotlight in front of her whole family, but Willow’s had a chip on her shoulder the last year, because she sat on the couch and watched All In all alone.

Mariah says she will stop at nothing to bring The Cup home! This one’s for Storm! Powerhouse or protege, who gets to go All In with the AEW Women’s World Champion?


The Patriarchy speaks.

Christian Cage says last week, there were a lot of people left in awe when Jay White confronted The Patriarchy with his words. “Those same people were left in awe that Christian Cage seemingly let him get away with it. Well, Jay, this was never personal for me, but you made it persona. See, I simply promised my family the gift of the Trios Championships for their loyalty to me over the past year. I didn’t even know you were the Trios Champions! I had to Google who the Trios Champions were, that’s the type of run The Bang Bang Gang has been on.

“But I have to be honest with you, Jay, I’m not sure your head’s in the game anyway. Otherwise, why would you enter yourself into the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament? And it’s simple: That’s your exit strategy, isn’t it? And I can’t say I blame you. Look who you surrounded yourself with. Juice Robinson? The guy’s a child. The guy’s a child! Go suck on another fentanyl lollipop, you loser. And then you’ve got genetic waste of Billy Gunn, Austin & Colten. Actually… Colten has a little bit of promise, but that’s a story for another day.

“So Jay, I’m gonna do you a favor. I’m gonna take those Trios Championships off your hands, and I’ll do what I do best. I’m gonna revive them. I’m gonna take them to new heights. I’m gonna make them the most prestigious championships in AEW, and pave my road to the World Heavyweight Championship. And like I said, Jay, I’m doing you a favor. And I think you’re gonna make your boss, Tony Khan, very happy, and I think you’re gonna make the AEW fanbase very happy. Because I speak for all of us when I say they are tired of watching you contently tread water. I think they’d like to see The Switchblade they thought they were getting when they signed you here. Guns… Down.

The Patriarchy then looks over and sees someone is hiding. What’s this guy doing in his space? Come here. It’s Kip Sabian! And he apologizes, but… Speak up already! Kip says he lost his father. No disrespect. Oh, well, the apple doesn’t fall far, right? So Kip’s dad must’ve been a loser. But hey, at least he isn’t around to see what a disgrace Kip’s career has become. The good news? His dad is gonna get a whole lot worse. Killswitch (Luchasaurus), take care of this. Kip begs for mercy but he’s THROWN around backstage! Christian, Mother Shayna & Nick enjoy the show. Superbad’s super bad timing aside, will The Patriarchy really tear down The Bang Bang Gang?


AEW TNT Championship Open Challenge: Jack Perry VS ???

The Scapegoat said earlier tonight that he was either going to “sacrifice” his opponent tonight, or they are going to “sacrifice” in order to win. So then, with such stakes behind this match, who will step up to Jack Perry? Wait, Jurassic Express theme…? It’s MARKO STUNT! The fans can’t believe it, and neither can Jack! Is Perry’s past about to come back to haunt him?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who lives that Jungle Life!

The bell rings and the fans fire up for their home state hero’s return. Marko and Jack stare down, and Marko says let’s do this. Jack tells Marko to just go away, don’t even bother trying. Marko HEADBUTTS instead! Mark fires off hands and the fans fire up! Jack shoves Marko away, then LARIATS him inside-out! The fans boo but Jack rains down forearms on Marko. Jack lets his hair down before he KICKS Marko in the back. Jack drags Marko up, but Marko fires body shots! So Jack CHOPS Marko down! Jack drags Marko up, CHOPS him again, but Southaven rallies up. Jack taunts the fans so they boo.

Jack drags Marko up to whip, but Marko BOOTS Jack! Marko ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl, but Jack LAWN DARTS Marko into buckles! Cover, TWO!! Marko survives, and Jack laughs! Jack is almost amused by Marko toughing it out. The fans rally for Marko but Jack sits him up, to SLAP him down. Jack soaks up the heat, scuffs Marko around, and eggs Marko on. Marko SLAPS back! Jack kicks low, suplexes, but Marko RANAS through! Cover, TWO! Marko keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, tilt-o-whirl and CODE BREAKER! Jack flounders, Marko hurries to a corner and the fans are going wild!

Marko climbs, leaps, DRAGON RAN- NO!! Jack stops that to BUCKLE BOMB! Marko flops down, and Jack says time to sacrifice! GOAT KNEE! Cover, Jack wins!

Winner: Jack Perry, by pinfall (still AEW TNT Champion)

Jack literally rubs the championship in Marko’s face. The fans boo but Jack revels in it, who else will he “sacrifice” for the so-called great good?


The House of Black speaks.

Malakai says, “It’s interesting. This is one of the first times that I don’t know what to say. Perhaps that is the beauty of this little conversation we’re about to have. See, people constantly want to know what’s going on with us in regards to Buddy Matthews. How we feel about it. We don’t feel anything. See, we don’t sweat out our feelers the same way as most of you do. No, for us, revenge is not some straight line, as Mr. King so adequately put it. No. For us, revenge is an imbalanced scale, waiting to be tipped back into perfect balance. It is a shadow hiding in the dark, waiting to be put back into the light.”

Brody King then tells Christian Cage, “Even though we feel nothing, we promise that you will feel everything.” The Kings of the Black Throne disappear into the night, when and where will they choose to strike?


Claudio Castagnoli VS The Beast Mortis!

The Blackpool Combat Club has been on a roller coaster ride lately. Jon Moxley lost the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, Wheeler Yuta has contenders gunning for his ROH Pure Championship, and Bryan Danielson will be in the finals of the Owen Hart Cup this Wednesday. So what is Claudio to do? Well, first he has to survive the monstrous minotaur! Will Claudio make it through The Beast Mortis to go for some gold this Summer? Or will Mortis prove to be The Swiss Superman’s Doomsday?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Claudio waistlocks, then he wrangles Mortis to the mat. Claudio facelocks, Mortis spins free to wrench, but Claudio rolls to kip up. Claudio wrenches, YANKS the arm, and has the wristlock. The fans cheer, but Mortis goes up the ropes to flip and wrench back! Mortis headlocks, Claudio powers out and they RAM shoulders! The fans cheer for “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Claudio eggs Mortis on, Mortis runs, but Claudio follows! Only for Mortis to CHOP BLOCK Claudio! The fans are torn as Mortis storms up on Claudio and CLUBS him. Mortis headlocks but Claudio powers free.

Claudio whips, Mortis reverses, Claudio catches the hurdle for a BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up and Claudio runs up to DOUBLE STOMP! The fans cheer, Claudio brings Mortis up and whips him. Mortis reverses again, runs up and UPPERCUTS, LARIATS and GAMANGIRIS in the corner, to then SNAP POWERSLAM! Cover, ONE!! Claudio is tough but Mortis is mean. Mortis ROCKS Claudio, then he brings down the kneepads. Mortis goes corner to corner, but Claudio dodges! Mortis hits buckles, then falls out of the ring, onto a cameraman! The fans lose their minds over that one, but somehow both cameraman and Mortis get back up.

Only for Claudio to run up! Mortis moves, Claudio rolls back and flexes. The fans cheer, Claudio goes to the corner and checks with the cameraman. Cameraman is okay, so Claudio builds speed. Mortis slides in as Claudio slides out, then Mortis comes back, TORNILLO TOPE SUICIDA! Direct hit but Mortis’ leg still bothers him. The ref checks, Mortis gets to his feet, and fans boo as he stalks Claudio. Mortis puts Claudio in, RAMS into him, then slingshots to get moving! Claudio swings, Mortis ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Claudio staggers up, Mortis runs in, but Claudio POSTS him! Claudio then drags Mortis back in for a BIG running back suplex!

The fans fire up with Claudio, and even chant “Whoop Dat Trick!” as Collision goes picture in picture.

Collision drags Mortis up, bumps him off buckles, and again, and again, and again! The ref counts, Claudio keeps going but lets off at 4. The fans applaud and Claudio brings Mortis back up. Claudio bumps Mortis off buckles again, then dribbles him some more! The ref counts, Claudio stops at 4, and Mortis slumps down in the corner. Claudio hears the fans and says okay, they’ll go again. Claudio gets Mortis to a third corner, and dribbles him off the buckle! The ref again counts, so Claudio again lets off at 4. Mortis slumps back down, but Claudio figures they should finish the lap! Claudio goes to the fourth corner, and he again dribbles Mortis!

The ref again counts, rather annoyed at this point, but Claudio still stops before 4. Claudio has the fans all fired up, and he then goes up a corner. Mortis stands, into the CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Claudio keeps on Mortis with a top wristlock. Mortis endures, even as Claudio steps over for leverage. Claudio shifts his grip, bends fingers, then goes back to the wristlock. Mortis still endures, fights around, and reaches out. Collision returns to single picture as Mortis fights up. Mortis ROCKS Claudio, Claudio ROCKS Mortis! They go forearm for forearm, CHOP for CHOP, and repeat! Claudio is feeling it, and he fires a flurry!

The fans fire up as Claudio whips corner to corner. Claudio runs in but into a BOOT! Mortis SLING DOGS! Claudio gets up but Mortis dodges to POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Claudio sputters but he is still in this. Mortis snarls, the fans rally up, and Mortis runs up, but Claudio sends him into buckles! Claudio LARIATS, whips, but Mortis goes up and up and FLYING HEADBUTTS! Mortis rises, Claudio staggers and shakes out his arms. Mortis runs in, into an UPPERCUT! Claudio reels Mortis in, but Mortis back drops free! Claudio gets up, both men run, SPEAR!! But Mortis can’t make the cover!

The fans rally, Mortis crawls to a cover, TWO! Claudio crawls to ropes, Mortis rises and runs back in! Claudio ELBOWS Mortis first! Mortis returns again, jumps up, but Claudio DUMPS him out hard! The ref checks on Mortis but he stands again. That leg is holding up somehow, so Claudio goes put, high five to that cameraman! Claudio runs in to UPPERCUT Mortis against railing! The fans fire up and Claudio puts Mortis back in. Claudio then grabs the legs and the fans cheer! Mortis BOOTS free, then HEADBUTTS Claudio! Roll-up, TWO! Claudio runs in, into a spin and torture rack! RACK BACKBREAKER DROP!! Cover, TWO!!

Mortis seethes while Claudio writhes. Mortis drags Claudio up, lifts, but Claudio slips free! Claudio shoves, Mortis ELBOWS him! Mortis goes up, leaps, into an UPPERCUT! Claudio hears the fans fire up, so he gives ’em what they want! GIANT SWING!! Mortis goes around and around and around, for TEN! Claudio powers up, pumps up, and runs, runs and LARIATS!! Cover, Claudio wins!

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, by pinfall

That’s six straight wins for the Swiss Superman! That’s usually the magic number, so will Claudio get himself a shot at some gold?


Backstage interview with Matthew Menard.

Lexy Nair is with the bandaged up Daddy Magic and says after what we saw on Dynamite, there are a lot of questions concerning Daniel Garcia’s condition. And obviously, Menard got roughed up, as well. How are they feeling? Not great, Lexy. Not at all. Concussion, headaches, light sensitivity, hence his sunglasses. But you wanna know Garcia’s condition? He is at home in Buffalo. He made it home, but he has lost all strength in the left side of his body. There is good news, though. Garcia will be making a full recovery. And good news for MJF, too. Because Menard promised Danny that Danny will get the satisfaction of being the first one to get his hands on MJF.

Menard says MJF won’t know when that happens. It could be six months from now, a year. But when that day comes, Max, when it comes, Menard promises MJF it won’t be the smooth dancing Daniel Garcia. No. Menard takes off the glasses to look right into the camera. MJF will be getting RED, DEATH. When and where will Garcia have his vengeance on the Wolf of Wrestling?


Program, activate.

A man jumps through a portal, and comes out the other side a hero! “Loading soon.” Was that… AEROSTAR?!


Serena Deeb speaks.

“Last week, we saw the return of my good friend, Riho, and Riho… I was just as surprised to see you as everybody else was. It is good to have you back. We have a history, people still to this day talk about the match we had at Double or Nothing 2021. And that’s what you call, making history. So if Riho wants to run this back, I’m fine with that. But please understand that I’m not the same wrestler that I was in 2021. I’m not the same woman that I was in 2021. See, I’ve been through so much in the past three years, but I’ve gotten so much stronger. And I’ve evolved into the best in-ring wrestler in this entire division.

“So Riho, you wanna do this again? Let’s do it. And we’re gonna find out if you’re really as you claim to be, on the same level as the Professor of Professional Wrestling.” Deeb smiles, having thrown down the challenge. Will the original AEW Women’s World Champion respond with actions rather than words? Or is she about to freeze up against the Coolest Wrestler Ever?

Riho VS Lady Frost!

The bell rings, the two circle, and the two tie up. Frost powers Riho to a corner, lets off quickly, and then Riho runs up. Frost gets around to waistlock, Riho switches and pushes Frost to ropes, but Frost bucks the O’Conner. Frost runs Riho over, covers, ONE as Riho goes Matrix! The fans fire up, Riho runs but Frost avoids the dropkick! Frost flips Riho, brings hers up, but Riho arm-drags! Riho runs in, whips, but Frost goes up and over. Frost handsprings, mule kicks, and runs to ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Frost is already annoyed but Riho drops back to a corner. Frost runs in but Riho moves!

Frost stops the handspring but Riho BOOTS her! Riho drop toeholds Frost, dials it up, 619! Frost flounders away, Riho goes up! Frost rises, the fans fire up, and Riho CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Frost stay sin this but Riho stays cool as she brings Frost up. Riho bumps Frost off buckles, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Riho goes corner to corner and back again, to JUMP KNEE! Then BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! INTO A CROSSFACE! Frost endures, claws at the grip, and she rolls Riho to a cover, TWO! Riho lets go in time but Frost knees low! Frost bumps Riho off buckles, stomps a mudhole in, but lets off as the ref counts. Frost whips Riho corner to corner, Riho reverses. Riho runs in but into BOOTS! Frost then cartwheels over Riho, to basement dropkick! Frost drags Riho to a cover, TWO! Frost is seeing that toughness but she brings Riho up. Frost puts Riho in a corner, hushes the fans, then CHOPS! Riho is stinging but Frost says one more time!

Frost turns Riho around so she can CHOP again! Riho shouts from the pain, so Frost swings again. Riho dodges, and now she CHOPS! Frost frowns, there wasn’t enough on that. Riho says one more time then! And she CHOPS! That one Frost felt! Frost reels Riho in to suplex hard! Riho grits her teeth, Frost storms up on her, and Collision goes to break.

Collision returns and Frost has Riho down in the motorcycle stretch. The fans rally as Riho endures, and she fights to turn things around. Riho brings Frost up to ROCK her with forearm after forearm! Frost ROCKS Riho back, runs, but Riho gets around! Riho body shots, runs, RANA but not a clean one! Riho DROPKICKS Frost outta the ring! Frost hobbles, the fans rally, and Riho goes up and up to SUPER CROSSBODY! A clipping shot but enough to knock Frost down! Riho rises, Frost shakes out her legs. Riho puts Frost in, shakes out an arm, then goes up top. Riho aims to DIVING- NO, Frost avoids the stomp!

Riho rolls through, avoids the spin kick but not the ROUNDHOUSE! Frost cartwheels into the Alabama Lift, spin and CHILLA DRILLA! Cover, TWO?! Riho survives and Frost is shocked! Frost drags Riho to a drop zone, goes up, but Riho anchors her! Frost kicks at Riho, but Riho fires forearms! Frost shoves Riho, runs, but Riho KNEES her against ropes! Riho runs but Frost ROCKS her! Frost runs, Riho follows, they each ROCK the other! Frost OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES! The fans fire up and Frost snarls as she stomps Riho. Frost goes up the corner, for the MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!!

Riho is still in this and Frost is beside herself! Frost drags Riho up, reels her in for a fireman’s carry, but Riho flails! Riho fights free, full nelsons, and SNAP DRAGON SUPLEXES! Shoutout to The Cleaner, and Riho wrenches to SOS!! AKA Run Hey! Cover, Riho wins!

Winner: Riho, by pinfall

It was a rough return to AEW, but the inaugural AEW Women’s World Champion wins out in the end! Frost shows respect to Riho, but is Riho’s bad arm now a prime target for Serena Deeb?


Backstage interview with Shane Taylor Promotions and Top Flight.

Some deja vu as Lexy mediates this meeting of trios. There is a lot of history here, but it will all come to a head next week on Rampage, in Memphis, Tennessee, when these trios have a Six Man Tag. Shane says that the last few weeks, these boys got a past. STP should’ve beat their asses back a few weeks ago. And while Dante Martin was playing on ladders with Lio, STP could’ve had Darius & Action “touched up.” Action says, “Could’ve? Well guess what? Wait’s over. Because next week, the six of us are settling this on Rampage, right here in Memphis, Tennessee!” Darius says Shane might think Top Flight is scared, but no one’s been ducking anyone.

So if STP wants to rumble, then let’s go. Dante brings up how Shane wants to say Dante was playing on ladders. Well, uh, at least Dante was on the PPV. And if he wants to bring up Lio Rush, isn’t he the one that cleaned house last time? Lee Moriarty says why wait ’til next week? Let’s go right now! Keep playing! Shane has #TAIGASTYLE stand down, and Ogogo says hey! This ain’t the jungle gym no more. This the fight game, and they’ll smash you up! STP heads out, are they going to ground Top Flight once and for all? Or will Darius, Dante & Action be too fast and too furious to be stopped?


BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!

Tony Khan has put together quite the match, nicknaming it the “Global Glory Fatal 4 Way!” The Aussie Arrow, Kyle Fletcher VS The Swiss Superman, Claudio Castagnoli VS The British Bastard, Pac VS The Japanese Stone Pitbull, Tomohiro Ishii! A star-studded match, will the winner look to challenge for the International Championship in the near future?


2024 Men’s Owen Hart Cup Semifinal: Hangman Page VS Jay White w/ The Bang Bang Gang!

We saw The Black Hat crush the hopes of Jeff Jarrett on Dynamite when he was dealt as The Wild Card, but he also told Matthew & Nicholas to shove their self-serving apology. Will Hangman now make it real easy for Jay White to focus on the Trios Championships by knocking him out of the tournament? Or will we all Breathe with The Switchblade?

But wait, BREAKING NEWS via Bobby Cruise. The EVPs, the Young Bucks, have decided that Juice Robinson & The Gunns are to be ejected from the building! White throws a fit, as does the rest of the gang, and Hangman grumbles that this is The Bucks doing him more favors. But in the end, this will be a fair 1v1 match now. White claims Hangman got The Bucks to do this for him, he’s still Elite, but then Hangman RAMS White right into the corner! The ref has Hangman back off, and the bell rings. Hangman runs back in but White headlocks. Hangman powers out and runs White over! Then he stomps away on White!

White bails out, Hangman pursues, but White KNEES low. Hangman ROCKS White back! The fans fire up as they go around the way, and Hangman puts White in the ring. White stomps Hangman now, RAMS him into a corner, but Hangman CLUBS away on White! White crawls, Hangman stands him up and CHOPS! The fans “WOO~!” while White falls back to a corner. White kicks low, kicks some more, then fires forearms. White backs Hangman down, but Hangman DECKS him! Hangman scowls, the ref checks on White, and White revives. White also clings to the ref, but Hangman drags him up.

Hangman scoops White, for a FALL AWAY SLAM! The fans are torn while White flounders, but Hangman scowls as he rises up. White goes to the apron, Hangman storms over, triangle jump LARIAT HOTSHOT! White storms in to CHOP! And CHOP! And then he RAMS into Hangman! White CHOPS again, but Hangman shoves White. White returns, but Hangman BOOTS him! The ref checks White again but he’s okay to continue. White goes to the apron, Hangman storms over, and the fans rally up. Hangman drags White up, but White HOTSHOTS again! Hangman sputters his way to a corner, but he comes back to triangle jump LARIAT!

The fans fire up as Hangman goes out and RAMS White into barriers! Hangman dribbles White off the railing, and he soaks up the cheers and jeers as he goes back to the ring. Hangman refreshes the count, the fans rally for “COWBOY SH*T!” and Hangman hauls White up. Hangman puts White in, soaks up more cheers and jeers, then shows off the damage he did to the railing using White. Hangman storms in, BLADE- NO, Hangman slips free and he CLAWS White’s face! The ref reprimands but Hangman puts on a SLEEPER, then he SWINGS White! And he DROPS White, to then HAMMER away on him!

Hangman KICKS White, KICKS him more, but the ref has him let off as White bails out. The fans fire up while White flounders around, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Hangman seethes, and is White really egging him on? A ring count starts but Hangman goes out to fetch White. Hangman brings White up, but White RAMS Hangman into and over steel steps! The ref checks both guys and they’re somehow okay. Hangman get sup, and he LARIATS White and himself up and over railing! Hangman stands up, forehead busted open, but totally unfazed! Hangman TOSSES White back over the railing, and White scrambles into the ring. Hangman snarls as the crimson mask grows. Hangman steps in, stalks White, and drags him up. Hangman RAMS White into a corner, then puts him up top.

Hangman CHOPS White, White punches back! They brawl as Hangman works to climb up. White rains down fists right on the bloody forehead, then he BOOTS Hangman away! Collision returns as White hops down to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP again! Hangman ROCKS White and White goes back to a corner. Hangman runs up, but White dodges. White blocks Hangman’s boot to KNEE JAMMER! Then White grabs at the leg, but Hangman pushes him away. White blocks another kick, to DRAGON SCREW! Hangman hobbles to a corner, White UPPERCUTS! White JABS, JABS, CHOPS, repeat! The ref counts, White CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS!

Hangman HEADBUTTS back! Hangman swings, White dodges, and White CLAWS at Hangman’s eyes! The ref counts, White lets off, and he wipes Hangman’s blood on himself. White whips, Hangman reverses, White slides to a stop. Hangman takes a swing, White spins him into a DDT! Cover, TWO!! Hangman stays in this but White stays focused. White hauls Hangman up, but Hangman fights the urenage. Hangman ELBOWS White away, the fans rally, Hangman runs in. White ELOBWS Hangman back, BOOTS him again, then runs up, but into a fireman’s carry! But White claws free! And CHOPS again!

Hangman ROLLING ELBOWS White! White staggers, Hangman runs, but right into a FLATLINER!! White gets around to deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! White and Hangman crawl to the apron, and White brings Hangman up. But Hangman Alabama Lifts! White fights free and CHOPS! Hangman fires haymakers, then backs up. White wobbles, Hangman runs up, but White APRON FLATLINERS!! Hangman sputters, White crawls back up and drags Hangman into a waistlock. Hangman fights with elbows. Hangman runs and he POSTS White! The cameraman is almost collateral damage again!

White hobbles, Hangman reels him in, and APRON POWERBOMBS him!! The fans go nuts and the ring count is climbing, but Hangman seethes as he puts White in the ring. Hangman takes off the elbow pad, flips off the fans who want tables when this isn’t a No Disqualification match, and then he- NO, White falls over so Hangman has to stop his slingshot. Hangman storms in, White cradles him! TWO!! Hangman escapes that trap, but White BOOTS him to the apron! Hangman BOOTS back, but White grabs the leg! DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! White has a SLEEPER, but Hangman arm-drags free! POP-UP POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!!

Hangman is furious that White survives. Hangman drags White up, ROCKS him with haymaker after haymaker, then goes back to the apron. Hangman reloads, slingshots, and BUCK- URENAGE!! White covers, TWO!!! Hangman survives that turnaround but White reels him in! SLEEPER, for the- NO, Hangman fires elbows! But White still SNAP SLEEPER SUPLEXES! White roars, hauls Hangman up, BLADE- NO, Hangman slips free, Alabama Lifts, but White fights free of that! SNAP- NO, Hangman SHOVES White away, into the ref!! White is stunned, and Hangman lifts him! DEADEYE!! Cover, but no ref to count!

Hangman realizes what happened, and is even angrier than before! So Hangman rains down fists on White! Hangman takes off his belt to CHOKE White with it!! And then he LASHES White with it!! But here comes Double J! The fans fire up as the Last Outlaw storms in and snatches that strap! Hangman warns Jarrett, but White hits a SNAP SLEEPER SUPLEX!! Another ref hurries out here, Jarrett is escorted away, but wait! Christian Cage slips in!? He SPEARS White!!! The Patriarch gets away with that one, and “hides” behind the apron! Hangman loads up again, and he slingshots to BUCKSHOT!! Cover, Hangman wins!!

Winner: Hangman Page, by pinfall (advances to the finals)

Controversy and then some, and now Hangman heads to Calgary! Is the Black Hat going to stampede all over Bryan Danielson? Or will Hangman fail to slay the American Dragon? And as for Jay White, Christian Cage just made sure he has nothing better to do, will The Bang Bang Gang take aim at The Patriarchy?

My Thoughts:

A very good Collision, but it had the misfortune of going up against a great WWE MITB. Very good promo from MJF, namely that he called back to almost a year ago with his Face turn promo. I feel like his explanation of why he turned on Garcia was a bit convoluted, because clearly it was that Garcia made MJF an afterthought when Ospreay offered his title match. It would’ve worked better if MJF said he turned on Garcia because like the fans, Garcia chose Ospreay over him. Either way, we’re obviously getting MJF VS Ospreay for All In. And Menard had a great promo to put MJF on notice for Garcia’s return, and I feel like Garcia could make a “miraculous return” at All In once MJF VS Ospreay ends. Garcia goes after MJF, regardless if he has a title or not, and they take that to All Out.

Great promo from Conglomeration, real fun match from Conglomeration VS Iron Savages, and of course Undisputed Kingdom was around. I’m thinking the Six Man Tag of Conglomeration VS Kingdom is for All In, and with Cassidy’s souring mood, I wonder if he just goes berserk and Orange Punches everyone, The Kingdom and teammates, to become this rogue Tweener version of himself. Very good promo from Jack Perry to hype his AEW TNT Championship Open Challenge, and an honestly great surprise that Marko Stunt returned. But of course Jack won so that he’d have his first title defense already done with.

Toni Storm VS Trish Adora was a really good match, but I figured Storm was gonna win. Storm keeps her momentum up, and I feel like her character is still unaware that if Mariah wins the Cup, they have to face each other. I would love if Storm just expects Mariah to Finger Poke of Doom for her and then Mariah rebels to make it a competitive match, but who knows. Great just-because match from Claudio VS Mortis, though I was really worried for Mortis after falling on the cameraman. Claudio winning helps lead into that “Global Glory” Fatal 4. And if that match really is to help determine an International Championship #1 contender, it’d be fitting if it was Fletcher. Fletcher would find himself stuck between Ospreay and the Don Callis Family, and that’s good story.

Good promo from Serena Deeb, but uh, sorry, I didn’t even remember Deeb VS Riho was on Double or Nothing 2021. I barely remember any of Double or Nothing 2021 as it is. Good match from Riho VS Frost, but the back to back botches of the rana and the crossbody kinda killed the mood. Riho still won of course, she’s got momentum going into her match with Deeb. Good promo from STP and Top Flight, but for what feels like the 100th time, Tony Khan not paying attention to all the stories causes references like what Shane made tonight. The trios were supposed to have it out, but then TK puts Dante in the TNT Championship Ladder match, etc. At least now these trios will have it out, and maybe Lio Rush returns to have a part to play.

But hey, the main event still lived up to expectations. Hangman had a great promo, he really got fired up, and then even The Patriarchy’s story got involved. Good promo from The Patriarchy, too, especially with how they treated poor Kip. Maybe Kip ends up factoring into Patriarchy VS Bang Bang Gang, but Christian screwing White over in The Owen was some clever stuff. Hangman being in his own Tweener state makes for some good stuff, he’s just gonna be fighting everyone on the roster at this rate. Bryan VS Hangman is set, and Swerve VS Hangman at All In certainly feels like the move they’re going for. The Bucks also backhandedly helping is a good detail, it might compel Hangman to actually be on Team AEW for Blood & Guts.

My Score: 8.8/10

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