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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.4.2024

We find out the last two participants in the Slammiversary 6 way for the Heavyweight Championship tonight!



Some of these matches are filling themselves in with the Qualifier matches and that goofy team building thing with Spitfire. Can’t say anything really interesting has kept me invested though. Do I care about Spitfire? Well I enjoy Dani Luna, but the team on a whole, nope. None of the matches look particularly complex or like they have a ton of finish options. So I’m just really curious what this is leading to with only two more shows til Slammiversary.

With the main titles mostly locked in, is there any way to make the remaining card interesting?


  • Trey Miguel w/Zachary Wentz vs Leon Slater: No Contest, Charlie Dempsey interference – ** 1/2
  • 10 Minute Challenge: Dani Luna vs Jody Threat: Draw? No Contest? Who Cares? – * 1/2
  • Slammiversary Qualifier: Frankie Kazarian vs Mike Santana: Kaz wins via Count Out – ** 3/4
  • Eddie & Alisha Edwards w/Brian Myers vs Matt & Reby Hardy: Hardys win via Twists of Fate – ** 1/4
  • Slammiversary Qualifier: Joe Hendry vs Jake Something: Hendry wins via Standing Ovation – *** 1/4



Trey Miguel w/Zachary Wentz vs Leon Slater

World of Sport-ish open, with chain wrestling and counters but nothing really impressive and frankly kinda boring since every junior heavyweight does the same opening. It’s not until a Back Elbow and then a John Woo Dropkick to eject Trey from his Spiderman Pose in between the ropes. A quick Dive, some early hype has Leon feeling himself, he throws Trey back in and gets caught when he’s trying some offense in the corner. Wentz also gets involved from the outside after the momentum started to turn. Leon tries to fire back, but Trey grabs the locs, stomps the face, goes for a Lionsault but misses. Leon retreats to a corner, Trey chases, Leon Leapfrogs, rope runs and a run through Big Boot keeps things moving for Leon.

Strike exchange spot, of course, a myriad of strikes, they both hit the ropes and Leon catches Trey with a swinging Cutter for a near fall. Trey catches Leon with a flurry of kicks and gets a near fall. Trey went for the Jackie Bryant kick, Leon blocks, goes for a Cradle but Trey kicks out at two, Handspring Pele Kick from Trey, Leon falls back to the corner, Trey goes for a corner attack but gets caught and Blue Thunder Bombed. Leon goes to the top for the Swanton 450, but Charlie Dempsey walks down to the ring and attacks everyone.

10 Minute Challenge: Dani Luna vs Jody Threat

So Stardom Cinderella time limits and we get a knockouts version of what we just saw with the ABC in having a match against each other. Sure the premise is different, but are we out of fresh ideas? Especially since Spitfire is barely established, so a singles match between these two doesn’t carry the same weight as ABC.

A lot of boring feeling out until Dani puts a little more oomph into a Shoulder Tackle, that of course gets returned shortly after from Jody. You can tell TNA doesn’t care a ton about this match because they do a cut to the back since Nic Nemeth got attacked so he’s laid out on the steps for Ryan to find. Jody with clubbing blows in the corner, tries an Exploder Suplex but Jody blocks, switches spots and lands her own clubs into a Suplex. They are really just mirroring each other and this match is doing nothing for me. Jody has a Kneeling Armbar Crossface locked in for a few moments, she kicks Dani into the ropes, looks for her Double Knees into German Suplex spot, but Dani dodges and Jody goes crashing to the outside. Jody gets to the apron before the 10 count, they jockey for position, Jody hangs Dani on the top rope and then kicks her in the head to send her falling to the outside.

They fight a little on the apron, Jody Lariats Dani back into the ring, Jody goes to the top rope, Dani cuts her off, Superplex into Falcon Arrow for only a two count! Time runs out, but its kind of awkward since there’s no visible countdown clock. The girls and crowd call for 5 more minutes, and its apparently enough to restart the match…but Alisha and Masha run down and attack.

Slammiversary Qualifier: Frankie Kazarian vs Mike Santana

Start more classic X Division style, quick charges into Hip Tosses and High Spots that Santana get the best of and Kaz does a Scott Hall esque sell to flop out through the ropes. Santana tries to follow, but Kaz slips back in and lands the Leg Drop and then tosses him off the apron. Now since things are outside of the ring, Kaz is in control, Knife Edge Chops, Scoop Slams, Kaz throws Santana back into the ring and hits the Slingshot Leg Drop for a near fall. Santana tries to slow down Kaz with a Sunset Flip, but Kaz rolls through and then lays out Santana with a Forearm.

Goading slap fight that Kaz mostly gets the better of and turns it into some Double Wristlock Koji Clutch. Santana breaks the hold, they throw strikes a bit, Santana catches Kaz’s foot, hits the Enzuigiri, Kaz responds with a Superkick, Santana rebounds off the ropes, Kaz tries to Leap Frog but Santana catches him and hits a Pop Up Death Valley Driver. Kaz falls back to a corner, Santana with the Senton, but no pinfall. Kaz tries to make space for his Leg Drop, but Santana dodges the first attempt, goes of a Dive, but Kaz intercepts him! Slingshot DDT from Kaz for 2! Kaz tries the Chicken Wing but gets countered, Spin the Block attempt gets countered into a Neckbreaker, follow but a Springboard Leg Drop from Kaz for a near fall. Kaz wants Fade to Black, but Santana slips it, then tries a Cradle, but rolls through, Spin the Block attempt but miss and shove into the ropes. Santana goes for the Rolling Buck Fifty that Kaz counters into a Backstabber then Chicken Wing. Santana manages to turn it into a pinfall to break the submission, finally hits the Rolling Buck Fifty, but Kaz kicks out at 2!

Spin the Block attempt one more time, but JDC comes out to interfere and post Santana. Kaz wins via Count Out and Santana is busted open.

Did PCO just heal SDL by turning her into the Bride of Frankenstein? I’m not sure what I just watched. 

Eddie & Alisha Edwards w/Brian Myers vs Matt & Reby Hardy

Reby wants to start against Alisha, and it seems like they’re willing to oblige. Lish powders immediately, hides behind Myers and then slides in to tag in Eddie, and Eddie allows Reby to tag in Matt. Matt pins Eddie in the Hardy corner, Reby grabs Eddie’s hair while Matt clobbers him and then chokes him over the middle rope. Matt holds Eddie so Reby can slap him and then tags in Reby to Dual Stomp Eddie in the corner. Reby tags out back to Matt and Eddie eats an uppercut before starting to fire back with Kobashi style Chops. Matt lines up Eddie in the corner for a Spear, but Eddie bails and Matt posts himself.

After the commercial Eddie is in control, they try to turn the tables on Matt with the wife Slapping from the corner. Eddie tags in Alisha, but Matt throws Eddie out, tags in Reby and Reby finally gets her hands on Lish. It’s a sloppy mess but it also kinda tracks with her personality. Dual Delete Turnbuckles, a sloppy looking Hart Attack for  two on Lish. Eddie manages to get the best of Matt on the outside, Reby tries to go for a rope run, but Eddie picks her ankle and gives Lish an opening. Lish tags in Eddie, Eddie talks shit, Matt tries to protect his wife but Eddie dispatches him, Eddie tags Lish back in and a PK from Lish sends Reby reeling. Reby fights off Lish, but before she can reach Matt, Eddie cuts off the tag to allow for Lish to just smother Reby.

Lish tags Eddie back in, but he doesn’t hit Reby, he just talks smack, tries to cheap shot Matt, but Matt finally counters. A few quick strikes, Vertical Suplex, middle rope Elbow Drop for 2! Matt looks for the Side Effect, Eddie counters, tries the Tiger Driver, but Matt counters with Side Effect! Twist of Fate call from Matt, Myers gets involved and the referee sees it, and kicks him out. Twist of Fate countered into Blue Thunder Bomb for 2. Eddie argues with the referee, exposes the knee for Boston Knee Party but Reby gets in the way, Lish tries to distract the ref, but it backfires, Reby kicks Eddie in the balls, Twist of Fate on Lish and then Matt Twist of Fate on Eddie for the win!

Slammiversary Qualifier: Joe Hendry vs Jake Something

Slow power start until Hendry gets an early pop spot with the Stalling Suplex on Jake. But Jake eats the move and rope runs and runs through Hendry, literally. Two Shoulder Tackles and then just runs into Hendry head first, and our favorite wrestler Joe Hendry, is reeling. Hendry powders, tries to mount some offense but Jake connects with a straight right, slams Jake onto the apron and then a Flying Crossbody into the seated on the apron Hendry. Back in the ring, Lariat into a Power Slam for 2. Hendry tries to find some momentum with a few Uppercuts, but Jake turns it around, okidoke in the corner, he flips Hendry to the apron, Jake hits the ropes to try and Spear Hendry, but Hendry jumps in and a Back Elbow levels Jake. Jake starts getting control back, so Hendry tries locomotion Cradle attempts until Jake’s Forearm cuts that attempt off.

“Something sucks” is a funny crowd chant. It’s so…Philadelphia for many reasons. Back and forth power attempts but Jake gets the best of things with a Michinoku Driver. Hendry kicks out, Jake keeps more clubbing blows across Hendry’s chest, goes for a Rear Naked Choke, but Hendry stands up with Jake on his back and  drops backwards to break it. They head to the outside, Headbutt from Jake, redo the seated apron spot, Jake tries to Crossbody again, but misses and throats himself on the bottom rope! Hendry mows down Jake a few times, Sack of Shit into a Kip Up! Standing Ovation blocked, Axe Handle across the back into a Sitout Powerbomb for 2! Into the Void countered, Back Body Drop countered by Jake, Thesz Press drops Joe, but another Kip Up and they level each other! Jake misses the Splash in the corner, Cutter from Hendry! Standing Ovation! Hendry holds it with one arm for effect, and then wins the match!


Overall Score: 4/10

It took 90 minutes to get a real finish tonight. This was just a nothing burger of a show, 3 non-finishes, Bleach levels of filler crap, an intergender match that no one wanted and the finish was obvious…but at least the main event was solid. It does continue to show the lack of direction TNA always has for Jake Something though…which is frustrating. But the match did make me think, between his arrogant NXT promo, implying Jake was a virgin in the pre-match promo and then posing a little cocky before hitting the Standing Ovation; are we seeing a slow heel turn for Joe Hendry? I mean I get that he’s supposed to be the funny tweener who makes songs that are insulting, like a more comedy oriented Doctor of Thuganomics. But the mannerisms felt much more heelish tonight.

Maybe I’m over analyzing since the episode was useless. But it’s at least something to ponder going into next week.

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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (3/6/25)

Lucha de Honor TRES!



California knows how to lucha!

After two great weeks of crossover with CMLL, we wrap a trilogy by having the ROH Women’s World Championship on the line! Will Athena still be the Forever Champion?


  • Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & Dark Panther VS Valiente, Gran Guerrero & Euforia; win.
  • Bandido & Gravity VS The Infantry; win(s).
  • Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara VS ???
  • Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh VS “Delirium” McCallion & Slade; win.
  • The Beast Mortos VS ???
  • Billie Starkz VS ???
  • Thunder Rosa VS ???
  • The Gates of Agony VS Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera; win.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS La Catalina; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Mitchell’s WWE Evolve Results & Report! (3/5/25)

It’s time to Evolve wrestling!



After you level up, you start to Evolve!

WWE continues to grow, innovate, train and cultivate, and now a new generation is here to help wrestling Evolve! Whose legendary quest starts right here on Evolve?


  • Kali Armstrong & Dani Palmer VS Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright; Kendal & Carlee win.
  • Keanu Carver VS Trill London; Keanu wins.
  • WWE ID Showcase Six Man Tag: Sean Legacy, Cappuccino Jones & Jack Cartwheel VS Jackson Drake, Brad Baylor & Ricky Smokes; Legacy, Cappuccino & Cartwheel win.


Shawn Michaels meets with the Evolve roster.

The Heartbreak Kid walks into the room, shakes hands with NXT General Manager, Ava Raine, and welcomes the superstars. “And I hope you are very, very excited. Because each and every one of you are about to make history. You are about to show the world where wrestling evolves. Because tonight, I want to welcome each and every one of you to WWE Evolve on Tubi. Congratulations. And for one night only, on behalf of ‘The Mayor,’ I am gonna make the matches tonight. In our main event, it is sink or swim for some of our ID talent. Because you gentlemen are going to be in a Six Man Tag Team match.

“And even bigger than that, though, there can only be one first match on WWE Evolve. And tonight, that honor is going to go to our ladies. In a tag team match, it will be Kali Armstrong & Dani Palmer, and you two will take on the team of Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright. Good luck, ladies.” HBK says now they all know this is where dreams come true. So go out there and show the world that you belong. And it’ll be a blast watching each and every one of them Evolve. The pressure is on, who makes the biggest impact with their first steps here in the WWE?


WWE Evolve’s commentary team is Peter Rosenberg & Robert Stone!


Kali Armstrong & Dani Palmer VS Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright!

As HBK said, history is already made with this very first match. The spotlight is within reach for both duos, will Kali & Dani shine with strength and speed? Or will will the future be bright for Carlee & Kendal?

The teams sort out and Dani starts against Kendal. The bell rings, and then Kali tags herself in. Dani says okay, that’s fine. Kali and Kendal tie up, and Kali powers Kendal back. Kendal slips free, they tie up again, and Kendal waistlocks. Kali powers Kendal into a corner, and lets off slowly, but then she pops Kendal right up to the top rope! Kali pats Kendal on the head, and backs off to soak up some of the heat. But then Dani tags herself back in. Dani and Kendal tie up, Kendal waistlocks, wrenches, then YANKS the arm! And YANKS the arm again! Kendal brings Dani over to tag in Carlee. Carlee sunset flips, TWO!

Dani jackknife bridges, TWO as Carlee bridges! Carlee spins things around, backslides, TWO! Dani arm-drags Carlee down to have an armlock. The fans rally, Carlee headscissors, but Dani moves around to headstand, then she sits on Carlee for a cover! ONE, Dani comes back with a handspring into a prawn hold! TWO! Dani SPLASHES, cover, ONE!! Dani facelocks and keeps Carlee from Kendal. Carlee endures the grind, the fans rally up, and Carlee wrenches. Carlee whips, Dani reverses, but Carlee RANAS, only for Dani to handspring through! Carlee likes that,  as do the fans, but then Kali tags in.

Kali runs up, but Carlee drop toeholds Kali down! Carlee has the armlock, but Kali fights around. Kali claws at the mat, the fans rally up, and Kali fights to her feet. Kali powers through to put the armlock on Carlee! Kali talks some smack but Carlee fights up. Kali CLUBS the arm, YANKS the arm, and talks more trash. The fans rally but Kali CLUBS Carlee down! Kali eggs Carlee on, puts her on the ropes then whips her away. Carlee blocks the hip toss to body blow and FLIP up and over! Carlee then slips around and DROPKICKS Kali down! Carlee signals to Kendal, but Kendal doesn’t seem to understand. Carlee gets her to tag in!

Kendal & Carlee DOUBLE LARIAT but Kali breaks through! Kali goes to hit Carlee, but Kendal hits a fireman’s carry takeover! And an arm-drag! Kendal grinds the arm, Kali fights around, but Kendal shifts her grip! Kali still fights up, the fans rally again, and Kali whips Kendal away. Kendal blocks the hip toss, wrenches and hits a fireman’s carry takeover! Kendal has the arm again, but Kali fights around. Kendal grinds the arm down, pushes Kali to a cover, TWO! Kendal facelocks, but Kali fights up, only for Kendal to small package! TWO, but Kendal facelocks! Kendal wrenches the arm, YANKS it, and repeat!

Kendal brings Kali down again, has a mounted armlock, and the fans cheer her own. Kali endures, fights up, and Carlee tags in. Kendal & Carlee double whip, then DOUBLE HIP TOSS! Carlee is excited but Kendal tells her to focus! Carlee covers, TWO! Carlee clamps onto Kali with an armlock of her own, then steps over. The fans rally, Kali fights up, but Carlee wrenches. Kali blocks the whip to whip Carlee, scoop and POWERSLAM! Kali is all fired up, fans are torn, and Kali grabs Carlee by a leg. Kali drags Carlee away from Kendal, and she shouts, “I’m different! And I’m proving it right now! Because Kali Armstrong’s gonna be the first Evolve winner!”

Kali looms over Carlee but Evolve takes a quick break.

Evolve returns and Kali has Carlee in a headlock. Carlee fights up, but Kali winds up and DECKS her! Kali tags Dani on purpose for once, and puts Carlee in the corner. Dani runs in for SWINGING DOUBLE KNEE! Then a STANDING MOONSAULT, but onto knees! Carlee turns things around and the fans rally up! Carlee and Dani crawl, and crawl, and then hot tags to Kali and Kendal! Kendal rallies with ELBOW after ELBOW on Kali, and a LARIAT for Dani! Kick and DDT on Kali! Kendal talks trash on Kali, then dodges Dani, to OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! The fans are fired up as Kendal shouts she’s an undefeated national champion for a reason!

Kendal fireman’s carries Kali, but Kali slips free! Kali waistlocks, Kendal elbows her, but Kali shoves her to a corner! Kendal goes up, but Kali catches her! RUNNING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Kendal survives and Kali is frustrated. The fans fire up and duel as Kali goes up a corner. Kendal ROCKS Kali! Kali hits back, but Kendal ROCKS her again! Kendal climbs, they brawl up top, but Dani sneaks the tag! Kendal brings Kali up to the very top, SUPER DUPER PLEX! But Dani FROG SPLASHES Kendal!! TWO!?! Carlee is also there to go after Dani, but Kali gets her up! BIG back suplex, but Carlee lands out! CODE BREAKER on Kali!

Dani drags Kendal back up, cravats, but Kendal sends her to a corner! Dani ELBOWS back, tries again, SLICED- NO, Kendal slips free! Dani ENZIGIRIS, Kendal staggers, but then Kendal SPEARS! Cover, Kali breaks it! Carlee goes after Kali with a wild SLEEPER! The ref reprimands them both, but Kendal SHOVES Kali and Carlee out! Dani rolls Kendal up! TWO, and Dani fireman’s carries! Kendal sips free to the apron, she ROCKS Dani, but Kali grabs Kendal’s foot! Kendal BOOTS Kali away, then she and Carlee go after Kali together! Dani goes up the corner! SKY TWISTER but she only gets Kali!

The fans are thunderous as Kendal TOSSES Dani back into the ring! Kendal wrenches, FLYING ARMBAR!! Dani TAPS, Kendal & Carlee win!

Winners: Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright, by submission

It was a fast ‘n’ furious finish, but it was the team with history that made history! Carlee is very excited, Kendal calms her down, but they both celebrate their first big win here on Evolve! WWE Evolve correspondent Chuey Martinez is ringside, and he says, “That’s how you start Evolve max, baby!” Chuey introduces himself and asks how Carlee & Kendal are feeling. Carlee says she’s out of breath, but that was so much fun. It’s also a bit surreal. They do all this training in the Performance Center, and it led here. Hard work really pays off. They will always go down as a trivia question. Who won the first WWE Evolve match? Kendal & Carlee!

They high-five, the fans cheer, and Chuey asks Kendal how she’s feeling. Kendal says that is cool and all, but she isn’t here just to be a trivia question. Her eyelashes are coming off, she’s working so hard in that ring! She’s doing this so when the WWE Universe watches Evolve, they think about Kendal Grey! When they tune in, they see Kendal Grey dominating the Women’s Division! When they tune in every Wednesday, they think of Kendal Grey! Carlee still says they’re going to be best friends, but will this end up a one woman show?


WWE looks on the origins of Evolve.

Evolve Wrestling was “the breeding ground for tomorrow’s legends.” Many a future WWE superstar passed through Evolve to elevate their craft. It was more than just a stepping stone, it was a launching pad. Paul Heyman even appeared on the 10 Anniversary Show to say it himself: Evolve was the future of wrestling. “Arriving as aspiring talents, departing as seasoned warriors. Evolve provided them the grit to rise to the occasion, where the lights shined brightest. Evolve: the next evolution starts here.”


Jackson Drake talks with Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes.

Drake wants the boys to check him real quick. Is he tripping? Or did HBK just put #SwipeRight and Jackson Drake in WWE Evolve’s first main event? Brad says oh yes he did. “Hundos” he did. But don’t be that surprised. HBK sees there’s a bit of himself in each and every one of them. But what Smokes is interested in is seeing the talent outside the ring, if you know what he means. For sure, Ricky, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Business first, pleasure later. Well, Swipe Right is about pleasure before and after! Brad again says “Hundos.” But the thing about Swipe Right is, they’ve matched with your girlfriends, your wives, and your moms.

So WWE Evolve, everyone watching at home, you are looking at your next match. Will these smooth talking playboys really be the ones winning the very first Evolve main event? Or will their opponents swipe left on them?


There’s an Evolve VIP section?

And sitting in that section is The D’Angelo Family’s Luca Crusifino, and Evolve superstar “It’s Gal.” They’re keeping an eye on the competition, will they like what they see?


Sean Legacy talks with Cappuccino Jones and Jack Cartwheel.

Sean says tonight is a big moment for them. HBK picked these three to be in the very first WWE Evolve main event. That’s goosebumps just thinking about it! Jack slaps his forearm and says that’s right. He and Jones met at an indie show in a barn. All the cartwheels and all the caffeine that got them here, it’s crazy! Jones says it’s only crazy until it happens, and tonight, it’s happening. It has been brewing for a minute for all of them. But now, that pot is hot. Sean says life is about moments, and this is a moment they won’t forget. So they’ll show Jackson Drake, they’ll show Swipe Right, and they’ll show the fans why the three of them will always be super.


Keanu Carver VS Trill London!

The big man from the streets of Washington, DC has always been a fighter, and he doesn’t take lightly to those that get between him and what he wants. But the former NFL player from New York likes to be a standout in whatever way he can. Who truly stands out when they win Evolve’s first singles match?

The bell rings and the two tie up, and Keanu already gets a SLEEPER! Keanu thrashes Trill, THROWS him down, and Keanu wants the ref to call this. Trill goes to a corner, BOOTS in return, but Keanu throws Trill back in! Keanu fires hands from all sides, then DECKS Trill! The fans fire up as Keanu then scoops and FALL AWAY SLAMS Trill! Good thing Trill likes slasher movies, because he’s in one! Keanu drags Trill up but Trill fires body shots. Trill headlocks, but Keanu THROWS Trill away! Trill gets up, he ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Keanu goes the other way! Keanu POUNCES Trill halfway across the ring!

The fans fire up, Keanu whips and SKY HIGH POWERBOMBS Trill! Cover, Keanu wins!

Winner: Keanu Carver, by pinfall

Not only did Keanu just win Evolve’s first singles match, he dominated it! He says Trill never saw anything like him in the NFL! Keanu fought on the streets, hitting concrete! He is the hunter around here! He’ll put the fear of God into everyone here! But wait, why is Gal trying to photobomb Keanu’s camera time? Is his ego as big as his muscles? Peter Rosenberg steps in, and he brushes Gal aside to talk with Luca. What is Luca doing here at WWE Evolve? He’s here representing the Family. And while Tony D runs things on NXT, Luca will run things on Evolve. Everyone needs to fall in line, and just know that he knows everything that’s going on.

Then how is Luca liking Evolve so far? Luca likes all the fresh faces, and we saw Trill make his debut. Then there are a lot of heavy hitters from the WWE ID. But Luca assures us, none of them have been up against a heavy hitter like him. Peter brings up the familiar faces in WWE Evolve. Luca says if he already knows them, he’s not worried about them. The future of Evolve is Luca Crusifino. So you either side with the Consigliere, or against him. Choose wisely. Luca putting the future on notice, but will any of them heed the warning?


WWE ID Showcase Six Man Tag: Sean Legacy, Cappuccino Jones & Jack Cartwheel VS Jackson Drake, Brad Baylor & Ricky Smokes!

HBK put this one together himself, so you know he sees great things for all six men. Will the Legacy of Evolve be highly caffeinated? Or will “The Carolina Reaper,” “Beautiful Brad” & “Smokeshow” Ricky have Evolve swiping right?

The fans already chant “Swipe Left! Swipe Left!” The introductions are made for this big moment, and the trios sort out. Jones starts against Smokes and the two tie up. Smokes waistlocks, SLAMS Jones, then says “Swipe Right!” The fans boo but Jones arm-drags! Smokes tags Brad, but Jones BACKDROPS Smokes, then dodges Brad! And hurdles, and hurdles, and DROPKICKS! The fans fire up whiel Brad flounders! Tag to Drake and he eggs Legacy on. Jones tags Legacy, Legacy dodges Drake to then GOURD BUSTER! And PENALTY KICK! And STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO, but Legacy keeps Drake from his team.

Tag to Jack Cartwheel and he whips Drake. Drake reverses, Jack goes up and over, cartwheels, then ducks under and handsprings back to RANA! The fans fire up as Jack DROPKICKS! Tag to Jones, and they DOUBLE DROPKICK Drake down! Tag to Smokes, Swipe Right storms in, but so does Legacy! All six men are in the ring, the ref wants them all to cool off. The fans fire up, but Jones and Smokes have their teams stand down. Jones then DECKS Smokes! Jones storms up but Smokes puts him on the ropes! The ref counts, Smokes lets off, but Jones ELBOWS him away! Then Jones DECKS Drake!

But Smokes LARIATS Jones up and out! Tag to Brad, Swipe Right taunts Jack & Legacy, and the ref has to stop them from storming in. This lets Drake RAMS Jones into the apron then put him in. Brad winds up to LARIAT Jones! Brad says, “Swipe Right!” The fans chant “Swipe Left” while Brad rains down rights on Jones! The ref reprimands but Brad lets off to bring Jones over. Tag to Smokes, they whip Jones into the ring. Smokes whips Brad in and he RAMS Jones! Brad feeds Jones to Smokes’ BOOT! Cover, TWO! Smokes clamps onto Jones with a chinlock and grinds Jones down. Jones endures and the fans rally up.

Jones fights up to his feet, fires body shots, but Smokes CLUBS Jones on the back. Smokes THROWS Jones by his hair, then tags in Drake. They mug Jones, then Drake facelocks so he can fire KNEE after KNEE! Drake mocks Jones drinking coffee, and hits a FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect, but Drake stomps Jones around. Drake drags Jones over, tags Brad, and Brad drops a BIG elbow! The fans boo but Brad soaks it up. Only for Jones to JAWBREAKER! Smokes tags in, anchors a foot, but Jones ENZIGIRIS free! Jones crawls, Drake tags in, and he reels Jones in for a BIG back suplex!

Jones lands out, dodges, hot tag to Jack! Jack dodges Drake, LARIATS, then he handsprings to dodge Brad! NECKBREAKER! Smokes runs in, blocks a kick, but Jack cartwheels to dodge! ENZIGIRI! Drake TOSSES Jack out, but Jack HOTSHOTS Drake back! Then the flagpole and LEG SWEEP! Slingshot ELBOW DROP! The fans fire up for the “Slam Stand,” but Swipe Right gets Drake to safety! Jack says that’s fine. He coordinates with Jones and Legacy, they all build speed, and we get TRIPLE FLIGHT!! A Fosbury Flop from Jack takes out Drake, stereo tope conjilos take out Swipe Right! The fans are thunderous while Evolve goes to break.

Evolve returns and Drake fireman’s carries Jack! Drake AIRPLANE SPINS, then GUT BUSTER DROPS! Cover, TWO! Jack survives and Drake is furious! Drake drags Jack up, brings him around to snapmare near the ropes. Tag to Smokes, Drake IMPLODER KNEE DROPS, and then Smokes adds a KNEE DROP of his own! Cover, TWO! Smokes is frustrated but he drags Jack up. Smokes CLUBS away on Jack’s back, then brings him over to tag Brad. Swipe Right DOUBLE SUPLEXES, then Brad covers! TWO, but Brad stays on Jack with a chinlock. Jack endures and the fans rally up again. Jack fights up and fires body shots!

Jack runs, but Brad DOUBLE AX HANDLES! Cover, TWO! Jack survives but Brad drags him over. Tag to Smokes, BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO! Smokes is frustrated but he drags Jack up. The fans rally again, and Jack fires body shots! Jack ROCKS Smokes, but Smokes CLUBS Jack! Smokes then BLASTS Jones off the corner! The fans boo, but Smokes catches Jack! Jack kicks and uses the ropes for a TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Jack and Smokes crawl, hot tag to Legacy! “Super Sean” rallies on Smokes with kick after kick! Drake storms in, but into a SNAP SAIDO!

Brad storms in, Legacy sends him into Drake at the corner! 619 in the corner! Then Legacy goes up, up, and QUEBRADA DDTS! The fans are thunderous and Legacy GAMANGIRIS Smokes in a corner! Legacy torture racks Smokes, but Brad tags in! Swipe Right mugs Legacy, then DROPKICK SPINEBUSTER COMBOS! Tag to Drake and he brings the kneepad down! UNALIVER KNEE! Cover, Jones shoves Smokes onto it! Brad runs up on Jones but Jones TOSSES Brad out! But then Drake TOSSES Jones! Drake storms up on Legacy, Legacy ducks the roundhouse! Drake blocks a shot to CHOP, CHOP, and ROLLIG- NO, Legacy ducks!

Legacy HEADBUTTS Drake, tags in Jones, and Jones dodges Drake to tilt-o-whirl, and ROLLING DDT?!? The Decafinator hits, but Jones looks to add a bit more! Jack intercepts Smokes, CARTWHEEL DEATH VALLEY DRIVER onto Drake! The fans fire up as Jones reaches the top! FROGGY-BOW!! Cover, Brad breaks it!! The Froggy Brew almost had it, but “Evil Will Hunting” turns it around! Drake and Jones stagger to their corners, tag to Brad and Legacy! Legacy BOOTS Brad, clinches, but Brad slips free to kick and underhook! SILENCER! Drake storms in but Jones gives him a SHOT OF ESPRESSO!

Jones then runs, but into Drake’s STANDING SPANISH FLY! Jack ROCKS and whips Drake, but Drake reverses! Jack handsprings, cartwheels, and WHIRLING DIRVISH! But then Smokes gets Jack with the CAVE IN!! Smokes is fired up, he helps Brad up, but Legacy DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICKS! Then a torture rack for Brad, and Legacy leaves him in SHAMBLES!! Cover, Legacy’s team wins!!

Winners: Sean Legacy, Cappuccino Jones & Jack Cartwheel, by pinfall

A super win for Super Sean and his team! That’s Evolve history right there! But wait, Kali Armstrong storms onto commentary? She shouts about how she didn’t lose her tag match, so she deserves better! Who does she need to talk to? Kali wants one more match, right now! Stone & Peter say okay, but they’re not the GM. Will Kali’s demands be met next week?


HBK talks with Ava.

Shawn says there are some obviously impressive talents on the roster, but Ava is “The Mayor” here. He trusts her judgment, will leave her to direct this show as she sees fit. Ava thanks HBK for that, and she is sure this will be a lot of fun. And she already has some ideas for next week. Well, she’s the boss. Evolve is in Ava’s hands, who else will do more than level up here in this new space?

My Thoughts:

A very good start to WWE Evolve, though Tubi might need to work on an ad glitch I kept running into. That aside, the action was certainly up to par, but you can tell there’s still some developing this new developmental brand is gonna help with. I wasn’t really sure about the character work in the women’s tag to open, but that might just be from how Kendal & Carlee were more exaggerations of themselves from when we last saw them. Of course, that was months ago… But clearly they’re working on separating the two in personality, so that it’ll work better when they’re separated as a tag team. Kendal’s promo kinda gave that away, and the only one who will be shocked is Carlee.

I will say, Kali looks pretty well adjusted to pro-wrestling, and she’s already doing some good character work with how her promo helped close the show. She might even face Dani next week over how she blames Dani for that loss. One major surprise was how Keanu all but squashed Trill. I feel bad for Trill’s debut being like that, but it certainly builds Keanu as a monster on the roster. I feel like “It’s Gal” is gonna try and do the same, and we have a quick feud made there. Luca is among many of the names sprinkled throughout Evolve that are here to help the new names get going, and I suppose he could also be used to “recruit” members to the D’Angelos.

The WWE ID Six Man Tag was great stuff, as expected from six guys as experienced and talented as them. The promos were good, and I suppose part of Swipe Right’s presentation is that they aren’t necessarily that handsome or popular, it’s all about their egos. Maybe it’s just Smokes’ hair… Anyway, great win for the Faces in this match, gives the first episode a positive ending. Ava is now GM of Evolve on top of NXT, but I feel like she should delegate responsibilities to Stevie Turner, if just to stick it to Robert Stone while he’s on commentary. Can’t wait to see what kind of tournament we get to determine champions, too.

My Score: 8.1/10

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