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Mitchell’s AEW WrestleDream Results & Report! (10/12/24)

There’s blood in the water!



Will this WrestleDream become a nightmare?

Bryan Danielson once again defends AEW Championship and AEW career, but against a man who was once a friend in Jon Moxley!


  • Zero Hour – ROH World Television Championship: Atlantis Jr. VS Brian Cage; Cage wins and becomes the new ROH World Television Champion.
  • Zero Hour – Anna Jay VS Harley Cameron; Anna wins.
  • Zero Hour – The Acclaimed w/ Billy Gunn VS MXM Collection w/ Rico Constantino; The Acclaimed win.
  • Zero Hour – Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly & The Outrunners VS The Dark Order & Premier Athletes; Cassidy, Kyle & Outrunners win.
  • Hangman Page VS Jay White; White wins.
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Mariah May VS Willow Nightingale; Mariah wins and retains the title.
  • AEW TNT Championship: Jack Perry VS Katsuyori Shibata; Perry wins and retains the title.
  • AEW International Championship Triple Threat: Will Ospreay VS Ricochet VS Konosuke Takeshita; Takeshita wins and becomes the new AEW International Champion.
  • Best 2 Out of 3 Falls: Holo.grm VS The Beast Mortos; Hologram wins.
  • Darby Allin VS Brody King; Darby wins.
  • AEW World Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks VS Private Party; The Bucks win and retain the titles.
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Chris Jericho; Mark wins and retains the title.
  • AEW World Championship, Title VS Career: Bryan Danielson VS Jon Moxley w/ Marina Shafir; Moxley wins and becomes the new AEW World Champion.


It’s the WrestleDream Zero Hour!

Join Renee Paquette, RJ City & Jeff Jarrett in discussing, analyzing and predicting everything that is about to happen in the Tacoma Dome!


Darby Allin speaks.

“I’ve spent a lot of beautiful nights in the Tacoma Dome, but something tells me tonight won’t be pretty. Brody King, I wanna see how far you’re willing to go. Because there’s no way in Hell I’m going down tonight. Speaking of going down, there ain’t no way in Hell the American Dragon, Bryan Danielson, is going down tonight! No. I don’t know when and I don’t know where, Bryan, it will be you and me one of these days for that AEW World title. It’s showtime.” The Relentless One heads out, will he be leaving Tacoma in one piece?


Zero Hour – ROH World Television Championship: Atlantis Jr. VS Brian Cage!

The second generation star of CMLL has been holding onto this title through the summer, but we’re in Autumn now and that means a season of change. Will The Machine make sure Atlantis has a great fall? Or will Atlantis prove there is an answer to “Who betta than Cage?”

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who sets the pace for Zero Hour!

The Code of Honor is upheld and the bell rings. Cage runs up but Atlantis dodges to SUPERKICK! Cage staggers, Atlantis fires up, but then Cage CLOBBERS him! The fans rally, Cage whips, but Atlantis ducks ‘n’ dodges. Atlantis tilt-o-whirls but Cage throws him down to then basement DROPKICK! Cage drags Atlantis up, bumps him off buckles, and CHOPS! The fans “WOO~” and Cage ROCKS Atlantis. Cage whips Atlantis corner to corner, but Atlantis goes up, only for Cage to catch him! Fireman’s carry into F- NO! Atlantis lands out, kicks and KICKS! Atlantis runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! The fans are torn but Cage says, “Who betta than Brian Cage!?”

Cage flexes, the fans cheer, and Cage goes to Atlantis. Cage stomps Atlantis, stomps right on the taped up shoulder and neck, then bumps Atlantis off buckles. Cage whips corner to corner hard and Atlantis falls to the mat. Cage digs a knee into the back neck, then flexes! Cage steps off, drags Atlantis up and RAMS into him. And RAMS into him again! Cage wrenches, whips, and Atlantis bumps off buckles again! The fans are torn while Cage lounges on a corner. Cage grins, storms over to Atlantis, and stands him up. Cage LARIATS, UPPERCUTS and LARIATS, to then SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Cage argues the count but two is two.

Cage drags Atlantis up again, and ELBOWS him in the shoulder again and again. Cage clamps on a chinbar to wrench the neck, but the fans rally behind Atlantis. Atlantis endures, fights around, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! Cage lets go quickly, then stands on Atlantis’ head. The ref counts, Cage steps away, and Cage talks smack. Cage drags Atlantis up but Atlantis fires body shots! Atlantis BOOTS, BOOTS and BOOTS! Cage JUMP KNEES in return! Cage CHOPS Atlantis against ropes, then whips him. Atlantis stops himself to KICK back! Atlantis then ducks a lariat but the ELBOW connects!

Cage runs in at the corner, but into another BOOT! Atlantis goes up to FLYING RANA! The fans fire up, Atlantis keeps moving to duck, dodge and tilt-o-whirl RANA! Cage stands up into a DROPKICK! Atlantis feeds off the energy, and he goes corner to corner! Cage puts Atlantis on the apron, but Atlantis GAMANGIRIS! Atlantis climbs while Cage staggers. Atlantis CROSSBODIES! The fans fire up for the height! Cage bails out, but Atlantis builds speed! Atlantis DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! The ring count climbs, but ROH titles have a 20 count. Atlantis says hold on, and he builds speed again! Atlantis FLIES!

The fans fire up for that direct hit, and Atlantis fires up as he stands! Atlantis puts Cage in the ring, brings him to a cover, TWO! Cage is tough but Atlantis stays calm. Atlantis puts Cage in a corner to CHOP! The fans fire up, Atlantis whips but Cage reverses. Cage runs up, Atlantis goes up and over to SNAP POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Cage stays in this and Atlantis is a bit surprised. Atlantis refocuses, puts Cage in a drop zone, and the fans rally as he climbs. Atlantis aims but Cage GAMANGIRIS first! Atlantis falls to the apron, but Cage climbs up. Cage fires up and deadlift SUPERPLEXES! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up as Atlantis shows his own toughness!

Cage drags Atlantis up, slashes his throat, and he suplexes, but Atlantis slips free! Atlantis ducks an elbow to dropkick legs out! BASEMENT DDT! Cover, TWO! Cage survives again and Atlantis grows frustrated. Atlantis brings Cage up, but Cage fights the torture rack lift. Cage CLUBS, wrenches, pump handles, and lifts! FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Atlantis survives and the fans fire up! Cage drags Atlantis back up, puts him in a corner, and climbs up. Cage rains down fists, but Atlantis slips right free! ENZIGIRI, and torture rack! Atlantis spins for the TOWER HACKER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Atlantis can’t believe it but Cage is still in this!

Atlantis hurries to a corner and he climbs up again. Atlantis gives some Latino Heat, but Cage moves! No frog splash, so Atlantis SUPERKICKS again! Atlantis resets up top, slashes his throat, and FROG SPLASHES this time! Cover, TWO!?! Cage survives and Atlantis is stunned! Atlantis drags Cage up, talks a little smack, then CHOPS him! Atlantis puts Cage up, climbs after him, and the fans fire up again. Atlantis goes to the very top, but ends up in a SUPER POWERBOMB!! The fans fire up and Cage hauls Atlantis up! Suplex into DRILL- VICTORY ROLL! TWO!! Cage escapes the counter, Atlantis SUPERKICKS again!

Cage stays up, to DISCUS LARIAT!! Cage drags Atlantis right back up, suplexes again, for DRILL CLAW!! Cover, CAGE WINS!!

Winner: Brian Cage, by pinfall (NEW ROH World Television Champion)

The Machine has been chasing the gold for a long time, and he finally wins “the big one!” Cage has the title, will this new face of ROH TV prove no one is better?


Backstage interview with MXM Collection.

Alicia Atout is with Mansoor & Mason, and says their match with The Acclaimed came with many promises. One was to end scissoring, and the other is to have a mystery guest at ringside. Mansoor says yes, things got ugly on Rampage. Speaking of ugly, Max, Anthony & Billy, are you excited for MXM’s special surprise? Their third man, that is. But he is anything but ugly. He is fabulous, and he will beautifully make sure MXM takes Acclaimed’s spot and ends scissoring forever. But first… how do they look… RICO!? Wait, what!? YES! Rico Constantino says they look so~ good to him. The OG wrestling model is All Elite, but will he help MXM bury scissoring?


Zero Hour – Anna Jay VS Harley Cameron!

Like many, The Star of the Show doesn’t understand what the wild Aussie is going on about. Anna was never officially an Outcast so why would she help them? They never helped her! But will Anna help herself up the ladder in this ever evolving AEW Women’s Division? Or will Harley avenge Saraya’s loss in her own way?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Anna waistlocks, Harley switches, then Harley spins Anna to snapmare. Harley taunts Anna, but Anna shrugs that off. The two go again, Harley waistlocks then headlocks. Anna wrenches out to headlock and the fans rally. Harley powers up and out, then drop toeholds Anna. The fans duel while Harley steps on Anna and taunts her. Harley HIP DROPS Anna down, then brings her around. Anna ROCKS Harley with forearms! Anna whips, Harley reverses, but Anna runs Harley over! The fans cheer as Harley HIP ATTACKS! Anna runs, Harley drops down then gets up.

Anna turns hip toss into knee strike after knee strike! Anna whips Harley to a corner, runs up to forearm SMASH, then she CHOPS! Anna puts Harley up top, wrenches and HOOK KICKS, then she ties up the arms. But Harley BITES Anna’s wrist! Anna lets go and the ref reprimands, but Harley CROSSBODIES! Cover, ONE!! Anna hurries to a corner, but Harley runs in. Anna puts Harley on the apron, but Harley ROUNDHOUSES! Harley brings Anna into ropes, lines up a shot, but Anna dodges! QUEENSLAYER in the ropes! The ref counts, Harley HOTSHOTS free! Anna snarls, shakes out her arm, and runs back up to SHOTGUN!

Harley falls to the floor but Anna goes out there, to snap suplex her on the ramp! The fans rally up, Anna puts Harley in a corner, and she bends Harley back against the post! The ref counts as Harley endures, but Anna lets go. Anna has the legs now, but Harley YANKS her into post! Harley says that’s what she gets! The fans boo but Harley goes out to dribble Anna off the floor! The ref reprimands, Harley taunts Anna by taking a bow. Harley brings Anna up, whips her into the apron, and then SMACKS her off it! Harley pushes Anna in at 7 of 10, covers, ONE!! Anna is tougher than all that, but Harley argues with the ref.

Anna goes to ropes, Harley storms up on her, and bumps her off buckles. Harley RAMS into Anna again and again, then digs her boot in. Harley shrieks while she chokes Anna! The ref counts, so Harley whips and ELBOWS Anna down! Cover, TWO! Harley is annoyed, but she taunts Anna. Harley fires knees into Anna, then clinches for a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Harley paces in frustration, and she drags Anna into a straitjacket stretch! Anna endures the knee in her back and the fans rally up. Anna fights around, stands up, and arm-drags free! The fans fire up but Harley wrenches and swings for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!!

Harley is growing frustrated, and she sits Anna up. Harley tells the fans Anna is done! Harley is busy biting at her thumb, and Anna JAWBREAKERS! Harley clutches her own bit thumb! Anna SLAPS Harley, ROCKS her and again and again! Harley reverses the whip but Anna ducks ‘n ‘dodges. Anna CLOBBERS Harley! The fans fire up while Harley goes to a corner. Anna runs up, DANGEROUS JAY HEEL KICK! Then ICONOCLASM! And a ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Harley survives but Anna goes after her. Anna wrenches, Harley breaks free to kick, KICK and ENZIGIRI! Harley runs, SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!!

The fans fire up while Harley grows frustrated. Anna crawls, Harley stalks her, but Anna cradles! TWO!! Harley dodges, rolls Anna up, TWO! Anna hurries to Oklahoma Roll! TWO! Harley throat chops! Wrench and SOLE FOOD! Cover, TWO!! Anna survives and Harley is losing her cool! Harley drags Anna up, bumps her off buckles, and climbs up. The fans rally up, but Anna slips free! Anna SUPERKICKS the legs out, and Harley is stuck in ropes! Anna uses that to get a Gory Especial! GORY BOMB!! Cover, Anna wins!

Winner: Anna Jay, by pinfall

A shoutout to Tay Conti and a big win for Anna! Will she truly become the Star of the Show with wins like this?


Zero Hour – The Acclaimed w/ Billy Gunn VS MXM Collection w/ Rico Constantino!

Now that the cat’s out of the bag and wearing tiger print, it is time to have it out in the ring! Platinum Max has a rap all ready for this one! “The Acclaimed, fighting with the team that looks like the world’s worst Chatterbate stream. You lookin’ like some crypto jerks, workin’ with the guy who’s d*ck don’t work, trippin’ off the percs. With the way you act, you can’t be sober. Puttin’ on makeup on each other like a sleepover. You really go together. You both think Kamala Harris controls the weather! Your favorite NBA player’s Josh Giddy. All you in each other’s butts like P Diddy! You had to bring Rico out the graveyard. Nut up or shut up, Acclaimed stays hard!”

Bowens takes the mic to tell “TACOMAAAAA~! The Acclaimed have arrived! Scissor Me, Daddy Ass~!” And he does~! But Billy says let’s guess: Rico is the payback for messing up the fashion show? The guy who almost roped Billy into marrying another man? No offense, Anthony. But hey, don’t worry, they’ll send Rico back to the hole MXM found him in. The teams sort out, and Mansoor starts against Bowens. They tie up, Mansoor headlocks, but Bowens powers up and out. Mansoor runs Bowens over, then POSES! Caster says stop that! Mansoor runs, Bowens drops then hurdles. Mansoor slides to sunset flip, TWO!

Bowens has Mansoor now, TWO! Mansoor sweeps to cover, ONE! Mansoor avoids the sweep, to POSE! Caster is getting annoyed, but Bowens blocks a kick to FLIP Mansoor! Bowens ducks ‘n’ dodges to FLOAT OVER DDT! Mansoor staggers up, and Bowens taunts him with scissor fingers! Mason tags in, and he says try that with him, funny man! They tie up, and Mason SHOVES Bowens down! Mason taunts Bowens but Caster tags in. Caster and Mason circle, tie up, and Mason’s size is his advantage. But Caster digs in his heels to push back! Mason knees low, whips, but Caster dodges to RAM Mason!

Mason stays up, even as Caster RAMS him again! Caster goes a third time but Mason blows past him to CLOBBER him! The fans fire up, Mason TOSSES Caster out, to POSE! Caster springboards in to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Mansoor tags in, but gets a pop-up Manhattan Drop! Tag to Bowens, they put Mansoor in a corner, forearm smash to ELBOW to forearm SMASH! Feed back to Caster, BACKDROP! Bowens covers, TWO! Bowens drags Mansoor up, tags Caster, and Acclaimed mugs Mansoor. Caster wernches but Mansoor ROCKS him! Caster dodges a chop to ROCK Mansoor!

Caster whips, runs up, but is put on the apron! Caster ROCKS Mansoor, but Rico TRIPS Caster! And SOBATS! Mansoor distracts, Rico puts Caster in, but Billy chases Rico off. Mansoor CLOBBERS Caster, covers, ONE!! Caster is tougher than all that but Mansoor fires forearms. Tag to Mason, MXM mug Caster, and Mason sends Mansoor into LARIAT! Mason adds an ELBOW! Then a Manhattan Drop, dropkick to the legs, MASON HIP ATTACK! The fans cheer while MXM poses, and Mason high stacks, TWO! Mason drags Caster up, CLUBS him, and puts him in a corner. Mason fires body shots, then CHOPS Caster!

Caster staggers, Mason tags Mansoor. Mason scoops, Mansoor sucker punches Bowens, then CATWALK LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Caster survives, Mansoor taunts Billy, and Mansoor ROCKS Caster. Caster ROCKS Mansoor back! The fans rally, but Mansoor CHOKES Caster on ropes. The ref counts, Mansoor lets off, but Rico gets a cheap shot in! Cover, TWO! Mansoor bumps Caster off buckles, tags Mason, and the fans rally up as Mason throat chops! Tag back to Mansoor, and he JABS! Mason feeds Caster to Mansoor’s Manhattan Drop! Another dropkick, but Caster turns hip attack into a DDT! Mansoor hurries to stop Caster with  aupslex!

Caster slips free, Mansoor switches, and Mansoor ducks the elbow! Mansoor NORTHERN LIGHTS, but Caster sunset flips it! Mansoor rolls through, Caster avoids the knee, hot tag to Bowens! The Five Tool Player rallies on Mansoor, then kick, KICK and FAMOUSER! The fans fire up, but Mason gets in! CHOKE- NO, Bowens fights free! Kick, KICK and FAMOUSER!! The fans fire up more, and Bowens gives Mansoor some Rock Paper Scissors SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Mansoor staggers up, the fans rally, and Bowens clinches. Mansoor fires elbows, then ENZIGIRIS! Mansoor fireman’s carries, Bowens slips free! ROLLING ELBOW!

Bowens gets moving, but Mansoor stops the Famouser! Mason runs up, HEEL KICK BOMB COMBO!! Cover, Caster breaks it!! Mason TOSSES Caster, and he drags Bowens up. Mansoor raises his finger, but Bowens fires off shots! SUPERKICK for Mason! A flurry of forearms for Mansoor! Bowens snapmares to SHINING WIZARD! Caster tags himself in, goes up, but Mason catches the Mic Drop! BOOT for Bowens, and then CHOKE SLAM SAIDO!! Cover, TWO?!? MXM cannot believe it but Caster survives! Mason says time to fashionably kill ’em! They wind up, and TOUCH (finger) TIPS~! Mason has Caster’s legs open!?

Mansoor climbs, the fans boo, but Bowens trips Mansoor up! Caster kicks free, fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Now Mason is open and Bowens tags in! Bowens ROCKET LAUNCHES Mansoor into Mason’s runway! Then they tell Mansoor, SCISSOR ME TIMBERS~! The fans are thunderous, but Mason drags Caster out! Mason HEADBUTTS Caster, Mansoor CLUBS Bowens! Mansoor whips, Bowens stops and DUMPS Mansoor! Mason runs up, Bowens DUMPS him, too! Bowens climbs and aims, SUPER CROSSBODY! Down goes MXM and the fans lose their minds! Mansoor flounders, and Rico helps him into the ring!

The fans boo, but here comes Billy! The fans cheer as Rico backs up into him! Rico turns to see Daddy Ass, and he apologizes! The fans tell him he F’d up! Rico kicks, Billy blocks! Kick and SUCK IT! FAMOUSER!! MXM is furious, but Bowens sneaks up on Mansoor! Scoop and ARRIVAL! Tag to Caster, he climbs up, MIC DROP!! Cover, Acclaimed wins!

Winners: The Acclaimed, by pinfall

And with that, scissoring will live on in AEW! Will making it past MXM mean Caster & Bowens are on their way back to the AEW World Tag Team Championships?


Mercedes Mone & Kamille walk ‘n’ talk.

The CEO wants eyes up here, cameraman. “Tacomaaa~! Say hello to your Double Champion, The C E O. And we have arrived! Now where is my locker room?” Mone asks a AEW staff member that very question, and hopes she has her espresso machine. She has to get ready for the show. Queen Aminata steps in to say that she doesn’t care who Mone is, or how many titles she has, or what she’s done in this business. There is no reason to be rude like this. Oh, no reason~! Who even are YOU? Mone has no time for Aminata. Now, to her locker room! The CEO has disrespected a queen, will she come to regret it?


Tony Schiavone is on stage.

Schiavone reminds us that WrestleDream is the event dedicated to the life and memory of the late, great Antonio Inoki, founder of NJPW and wrestling legend in his own right. Tony Khan is here with Inoki’s grandsons to say that it is great to be here in the Tacoma Dome tonight! Thank you, everyone, for being here. Joining us are the grandsons of the late, great Inoki. It is great to have Hirota and Naota, as this show is inspired by their grandfather, wrestling’s greatest dreamer. In honor of their family, let us all join in on Inoki’s famous chant. Ready? Ichi! Ni! San! DA!! Here goes! ICHI! NI! SAN! DA!!! Thank you, Tacoma! Let’s have a great show tonight!


Zero Hour – Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly & The Outrunners VS The Dark Order & Premier Athletes!

As if there haven’t been a lot of crazy crossovers in AEW already, Freshly Squeezed & Violent Artist team with Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd to become the #Conglomerunners to take on John Silver, Alex Reynolds, Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari, aka the #PremierOrder! But what wild combination will be tasting sweet victory while the other tastes bitter defeat?

Sigh… “Smart” Mark of course has to take over the introductions. The Premier Athletes have a WrestleDream, and it is that the people Tacoma does something right for the first time in their lives! When they say “Athletes,” you say, “Rule.” Nothing else! Definitely not “Sucks.” Hands in, boys. Ohhh…! “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!!” Well, that aside, Silver, Reynolds & Uno make their way out. Will Nese & Daivari show they were right to #JoinDarkOrder just for tonight? Or will Cassidy, Kyle, Truth & Turbo show if you ain’t seen this combination, you ain’t seen nothing yet?

The teams sort out, Truth starts against Nese and the fans rally up already. Truth and Nese circle, the two tie up, Truth headlocks but Nese powers out. Nese flexes, the fans boo, but then Truth says okay. Truth gets the fans fired up as he flexes! Nese throat chops! Th eref reprimands, Nese headlocks, but Truth powers up and out. Nese wernches, whips, but Truth hurdles then DROPKICKS! The fans fire up as Truth hits a hip toss! Truth ducks ‘n’ dodges Nese, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS! Truth spins and flexes and it pisses Nese off! Nese backs off to his corner, but so does Truth, tag to Kyle and Reynolds.

Kyle and Reynolds tie up, Kyle waistlocks but Reynolds switches. Kyle wrenches free but REynolds slips around to snapmare and chinlock. Kyle slips out, hammerlocks an arm, and he KNEES Reynolds in the side. Reynolds fights up, slips around to switch the hammerlock, then headlocks. Kyle powers up and out, Cassidy tags in. Kitchen sink knee, basement dropkick, and a knee drop, to the SHOULDER DROP! Silver runs in to KICK and KICK! Cassidy blocks one, Kyle sweeps the leg, then Cassidy sits Silver up, DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! Secret high-five and the fans fire up! Cassidy then brings Reynolds up to snap suplex! Cover, ONE!

Cassidy argues the count, but he bumps Reynolds off buckles. Tag Turbo, the fans fire up, and Turbo climbs. Turbo rains down fists, and fans count all the way to TEN! Turbo then tags Truth, and he climbs up! The fans fire up, Truth rains down fists! Truth goes all the way to TEN! So that’s 20 total! Truth tags Kyle, and Kyle taunts Silver before he climbs up! Kyle rains down fists! We go all the way to TEN, so that’s THIRTY total! Cassidy tags in, and he makes it THIRTY… ONE! The fans are thunderous, and Cassidy tags Kyle back in. COnglomeration mugs Reynolds, then double snap suplexes. Kyle covers, TWO!

Tag back to Cassidy, Conglomeration double whips, and then Cassidy sends Kyle in> Daivari with the save, and Reynolds dodges Kyle to DUMP Cassidy! Casisdy fights off Daivari and Reynolds, but Uno attacks! Cassidy SMACKS Uno off the apron! Woods DECKS Cassidy! And then the Premier Athletes mug Cassidy! The ref has to keep Cassidy’s team back, he misses all this! Reynolds puts Cassidy in, covers, TWO! Reynolds drags Cassidy back from his corner with a chinbar, then bumps him off buckles. Tag to Nese, and Nese tags Daivari. The mugging continues, and then Nese tags back in, just to keep on mugging Cassidy!

The fans chant “ATHLETES SUCK!” Nese drags Cassidy up, tags Silver, and Silver ROCKS Cassidy. Silver tags Reynolds, the Dark Order mugs Cassidy, adn then double whip. Cassidy hits buckles hard, but he crawls along ropes. Reynolds stops Cassidy, puts him in the Premier corner, and Silver fires hands. “I’m freakin’ jacked, baby!” The fans are torn, Silver says Turbo ain’t got ish! Tag to Reynolds, he stomps away, then tags Silver. The Dark Order double whip corner to corner, then Reynolds runs up. Cassidy DUMPS Reynolds! And slides under Silver! Cassidy crawls as fast as he can, but Daivari stops him!

Daivari whips Cassidy to the corner, sucker punches Kyle, then runs in. Cassidy BOOTS Daivari, ELBOWS Nese, then leaps over Daivari! Cassidy hobbles, but Nese tags in to waistlock! Nese sends Cassidy away, but Cassidy goes back to tilt-o-whirl DDT! The fans fire up again while both men are down! Cassidy and Nese crawl, hot tag to Turbo! Turbo fires off on #PremierOrder! Scoop SLAM for Daivari! Scoop SLAM for Silver! Scoop SLAM for Reynolds! And yes, scoop SLAM for Nese! Turbo flexes and the fans are thunderous! Truth steps in, he is the human weapon, scoop SLAM onto Reynolds! And scoop SLAM onto Nese!

The fans fire up as The Outrunners raise their hands! Handshake and DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! Nese staggers, into a scoop, but Woods trips Truth! The fans boo, but Nese sends Turbo into Truth! Rocky fires off on Woods! Uno attacks Rocky and sends him into steel steps! Silver runs, Reynolds aims, STRADDLE GAMANGIRI COMBO! Nese SOBATS Turbo, tags Daivari, FROG SPLASH! Cover, Kyle breaks it!! Kyle fires off on Reynolds, LEG SWEEP! Silver runs up, into a KNEE! AX & SMASH! Daivari wrenches Kyle to DDT! Daivari stalks Turbo, fires hands, but Turbo starts revving up! Daivari panics, but his punches just make Turbo stronger!

Turbo flexes, counter punches, and he fires off hands on Daivari! Turbo whips, Daivari reverses, but Orange tags in! Turbo LARIATS, and Cassidy ORANGE PUNCH!! Cover, Sterling gives Daivari a ropebreak!! The fans boo, Sterling defends his innocence, but Outrunners have him! They scare Sterling into the ring! Cassidy & Kyle have him now, TOTAL ANNIHILATION! The fans fire up as Kyle FLYING KNEES Woods! Tag to Turbo then Cassidy goes up! Tag to Truth while Cassidy SUPER LAZY SENTONS The Dark Order! And then TOTAL RECALL for Daivari!! Cover, #Conglomerunners win!

Winners: Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly & The Outrunners, by pinfall

Now that was an incredible crossover and victory for this Freshly Squeezed foursome! And even bigger than that, they all wind up, to MEGA POWER HANDSHAKE! But will things get even sweeter with Mark Briscoe repping The Conglomeration against Chris Jericho?


Backstage interview with Kazuchika Okada.

Renee says The Rainmaker has now been cleared for competition, but has no match set for tonight. Why is he in Tacoma tonight? Okada says he is here to support The Elite. Yes, they are in action tonight, but- Kyle interrupts! He apologizes, but it is good to see Okada here. Kyle respects Okada, but he’s never faced Okada 1v1. And since Okada is cleared, how about Kyle gets a match? Okada says let him think about it. He thinks on it right here and now. And then says, “HELL NO!” Okada steps away, but comes back to add, “B*tch!” Kyle says that’s fine, he gets it. Maybe next time he’ll try… HAYMAKERS!!

The security rushes in here, as does Christopher Daniels! The Fallen Angel says tonight is one of the biggest nights, there can’t be chaos like this! They are both OUT of the building! GO! Okada and Kyle leave, but will these two have it out on Dynamite?


Hangman Page VS Jay White w/ Juice Robinson!

This rivalry goes back to the days when The Black Hat and the Switchblade were Young Lions in NJPW, on excursion in ROH, and then returned as established men fighting over the IWGP United States Championship. But while Hangman is looking to avenge all the wrongs imagined in his mind, White just wants payback for Hangman putting him on the shelf! Will WrestleDream be ready for some #CowboySh*t? Or will Tacoma soon breathe with the Switchblade?

The bell rings and the fans rally up already. Hangman and White slowly circle, tie up, and Hangman puts White in a corner. The ref counts, Hangman lets off slowly, but White SLAPS him! White grins, dodges Hangman, then SLAPS again! White dodges, headlocks, but Hangman powers up and out. White RAMS Hangman, Hangman swings! White ducks to SLAP, and then he fires off a flurry! White stomps away in the corner, fires more hands, but lets off as the ref counts. Hangman puts White in the corner, CHOPS, then CLUBS away on White’s neck! The ref counts, the fans boo, but Hangman lets off to soak up heat.

Hangman whips corner to corner, runs in, but White dodges! White LARIATS, ripcords and CHOPS! White dropkicks legs out, drags Hangman around, and GROUND DRAGON SCREW! And another GROUND DRAGON SCREW! White CHOPS Hangman down and the fans cheer. White goes for a leg, Hangman fights to ropes, so White CATAPULT GUILLOTINES! Hangman sputters, White goes out, and White APRON GOURD BUSTERS! Hangman flounders in, White storms in to cover, TWO! White stays cool, stands Hangman up, and CHOPS! Hangman goes to a corner but White CHOPS him again!

Hangman ducks the next chop to DUMP White out! Hangman then triangle jump LARIATS White down! The fans boo but Hangman shakes out his legs. Hangman goes back out after White, the fans taunt him with “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Hangman puts White in, eggs the fans on, and then goes to White. White fires body shots and haymakers! White CHOPS, the fans “WOO~,” and White whips corner to corner. Hangman BOOTS White down, and he rains down forearms! The fans boo, but Hangman SPITS at ’em! Hangman argues with the ref, then he brings White up. Hangman CHOPS White, and White wobbles.

Hangman scoops White, then CORNER FALL AWAY SLAMS! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Hangman tries again, ROPEBREAK again! Hangman is seething but the fans rally up. White crawls but Hangman storms up on him. Hangman stands White up, puts him in a corner, and he climbs up the corner. Hangman rains down fists, while staring the fans down! The fans boo, but White lifts Hangman to Manhattan Drop! White runs, but into a SLEEPER! Hangman squeezes tight, then SWINGS White to SLAM him down! Cover, TWO! White stays in this but Hangman just scowls. The fans rally for “Switchblade! Switchblade!” but Hangman throws hands.

Hangman ROCKS White, but White ROCKS back! Hangman DECKS White and then soaks up heat. White crawls, Hangman follows, and Hangman CHOPS White against ropes. Hangman whips but White holds ropes. White DUMPS Hangman out, but Hangman is on the apron! Hangman BOOTS White away, lines up a shot, BUCK- NO, White goes to a corner! The fans cheer White’s savvy, and White flips Hangman off! Hangman storms in but White kicks! Hangman blocks, but White kicks low! CORNER HALF HATCH! The fans fire up while both men are down. Hangman drags himself into the corner but White stands up.

White runs corner to corner to UPPERCUT! And CHOP! And JAB! JAB! CHOP! JAB! JAB! CHOP! White whips corner to corner, runs up to UPPERCUT again! White scoops, Hangman slips free! Hangman swings, into a wrench and DDT! Cover, TWO! Hangman stays in this but White stays focused. White watches Hangman, brings him up and in, but Hangman fights the suplex! White kicks low, reels Hangman in, but Hangman suplexes! White slips free, CHOPS, but Hangman ROLLING ELBOWS! White CHOPS again, then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Hangman lands out! Hangman hobbles, runs up, but into a FLATLINER!

White waistlocks to deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Hangman survives but White stays on him in a corner. White puts Hangman up top, climbs up to join him, but Hangman fights with body shots! Hangman CLAWS White’s face! Hangman shoves White away, then adjusts, but White blocks a kick to CHOP Hangman! Hangman ends up in a Tree of Woe! White goes out to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! The fans fire up, White CLAWS Hangman’s face! The ref reprimands, White lets off, and Hangman flops to the apron. The fans fire up, White goes back to Hangman, but Hangman fireman’s carries! APRON DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!

Both men fall to the floor, but Hangman rises up first. Hangman pushes White in, takes aim, but White staggers over. Hangman ROCKS White, but White won’t go away! Hangman ROCKS White again, and again, but White holds onto the ropes! Hangman ROCKS White again, then CLUBS the hand away. Hangman ROCKS White again, but White goes to the far side. White runs up, but Hangman DECKS him! Hangman steps in, but White grabs a leg! DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! White goes out after Hangman, but Hangman POP-UP APRON POWERBOMBS!! And then, POWERBOMB on the steel steps!!

The fans lose their minds while both men are down! Hangman stalks White to the ramp, even as the ref checks. The ref tells Hangman to back off, Hangman says shut up. White CHOPS Hangman! Hangman ROCKS White! They continue up the ramp but the ref keeps telling Hangman to back off. Hangman stands White up to ROCK him again! Hangman takes off his belt! The ref says no, but Hangman gets in the ref’s face! The ref warns Hangman, but White SPITS at Hangman! Hangman is pissed now, so he swings! White ducks to lift Hangman, SHIN BREAKER on the ramp!! Hangman writhes and White leaves him behind!

The fans rally as hard as they can, and White rolls into the ring. The count continues while Hangman crawls, but then White goes back out? White LARIATS Hangman! White storms back up to CHOP! The ring count climbs, but White SMACKS Hangman off the apron again and again! White puts Hangman in, eggs him on, and catches him to have the leg! DRAGON SCREW! Hangman goes to a corner, White runs up to CHOP! White JABS, JABS, JABS and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! White whips, Hangman reverses, but White comes back! White LARIATS, but Hangman rebounds! White catches him, ELBOWS him, but Hangman returns that elbow!

White LARIATS, clinches, URENAGE! Cover, TWO! White grabs an arm, he drags Hangman up, BLADE- NO, Hangman slips free! Hangman fireman’s carries! White slips free, Hangman grabs the ref! But White avoids the low blow to SNAP SLEEPER SUPLEX! And now BLADE- NO, hangman powers out to a DEADEYE!! But the bad leg won’t let Hangman cover! That move was double-edged given the bad knee. But Hangman decides to go to the apron, and he throws off elbow pads. The fans rally and duel, and Hangman aims at White. Slingshot, BUCK- NO, the leg makes him hesitate! White catches Hangman, BLADERUNNER!!! Cover, White wins!!

Winner: Jay White, by pinfall

The Switchblade promised to handle “priority number one,” and he came through! Juice celebrates with his guy, but then who is “priority number two?”


AEW Women’s World Championship: Mariah May VS Willow Nightingale!

It’s a rematch from the Owen Hart Cup Women’s Tournament finals! The Glamour won that night to then show her true colors against Toni Storm. Mariah went on to win this title at All In, and has been the absolute worst ever since. But will the Babe with the Power not only avenge that Owen Cup loss but have the top prize in AEW? Or will AEW continue to be All About Mariah?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who will get the money and the power!

The bell rings, the fans fire up, and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Willow puts Mariah in the corner. Mariah turns it around, lets off slowly, but then Willow blocks her slap! Willow TOSSES Mariah away, then storms back up. Willow scoops to SLAM Mariah, and the fans fire up! Willow bumps Mariah off buckles, CHOPS her, then runs up. Mariah goes up and over, ROCKS Willow, then whips corner to corner. Willow handsprings, but Mariah SHOTGUNS! Mariah smirks, storms up to stomp Willow, then puts her in ropes. Mariah CLUBS Willow, and fishhooks her into smiling. The ref counts, and Mariah lets off at 4.

Mariah runs, but Willow POUNCES! PERIOD! Willow bumps Mariah off buckles, then more buckles, then more buckles! Willow CHOPS, CHOPS, and CHOPS! Willow snapmares, goes up, but Mariah runs up to YANK Willow down! Willow hits buckles on the way to the mat! Mariah rains down fists, the ref counts, but Mariah lets off. Mariah soaks up the heat, then drags Willow up. Mariah bumps Willow off buckles, CHOPS her, then scrapes her against ropes. Mariah puts Willow in a corner to CHOP! And then another CHOP! Willow shoves back, but Mariah knees low! Mariah stomps Willow down, then soaks up heat.

Mariah shrugs, storms back up on Willow, but Willow fires elbows. Mariah CLUBS Willow, snapmares, and Mariah runs to SHOTGUN Willow again! Cover, ONE!! Willow shows her toughness, but Mariah clamps on a chinlock. The fans rally as Willow endures, even as Mariah leans on Willow. Willow fights up, but Mariah throws her down by her hair! The fans boo but Mariah stomps Willow around. Mariah stalks Willow, sits her up, and punches away on her head! The ref reprimands, the fans rally for Willow harder, but Willow BITES Mariah’s ear!! The fans fire up, Willow lets off, and Mariah is furious! Mariah storms back up, but Willow fires body shots.

Mariah knees low, whips Willow, but Willow ducks ‘n’ dodges to then THROW Mariah by her hair! And again! And then Willow bumps Mariah off buckles! Willow gives back the face scrape! Willow bumps Mariah off buckles, runs in again, and back body blocks! Then LARIATS! Then snapmare and BOOT! Mariah flounders and the fans fire up! Willow storms up on Mariah, brings her around, and whips to then SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Mariah survives but Willow keeps her focus. Willow hauls Mariah up, gut wrenches, but Mariah fights the lift! Mariah fireman’s carries, but Willow fires elbows.

Mariah gets around, to GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Willow survives and Mariah grows frustrated. Mariah drags Willow up, but Willow trips her! Willow steps through, ties up the legs, and the fans “WOO~” but it’s the INDIAN DEATHLOCK! Willow pushes as hard as she can on the knees! Mariah keeps her shoulders up but she still endures. Mariah sits up to fire hands, but Willow SLAPS back! Mariah SLAPS Willow, Willow pushes on the knees! Mariah endures, her shoulder is down, TWO! Willow pushes on the hold more, but Mariah sits up to fire hands! Willow SMACKS Mariah off her own knee, again and again and again!

The fans are thunderous while Willow lets off the hold. Mariah goes to a corner, Willow runs up to CANNONBALL! Then Willow goes up, up and MOONSAULTS! But she FLOPS as Mariah moves! Mariah hurries up top, leaps, MISSILE DROPKICK! Mariah hauls Willow up to fireman’s carry, MAYDAY DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!!! Willow survives and shocks Mariah! Mariah’s shock turns to anger, and she goes to ropes. The fans rally for Willow but Mariah storms up. Willow Alabama Lifts, but Mariah fights it! Willow ROCKS and whips Mariah, to then- HEADBUTT from Mariah!! But Willow rebounds to LARIAT!!

Both women are down, “This is Awesome!” as a standing count starts. Willow stirs at 3 of 10, sits up, but still has to catch her breath. We pass 5 of 10, Mariah stirs now, and both women slowly rise. Willow stands at 7! The fans are thunderous as she storms up on Mariah. Willow gut wrenches, BABE WITH THE- NO, Mariah slips free to waistlock! Willow elbows free, fireman’s carries, and DEATH- NO, VICTORY ROLL! TWO, Willow has it now! TWO, but Willow SUPERKICKS Mariah! Willow hauls Mariah up, CORNER DEATH VALLEY!! Cover, TWO!! Mariah survives and Willow cannot believe it!

Willow looms over Mariah, drags her up, and brings her to the corner. The fans rally as Willow climbs, but Mariah ROCKS her! And ROCKS her again! Mariah gets space, runs up, but no Stratusfaction here! Willow hauls Mariah right up, but Mariah SUPER STEINERS!! Mariah runs up to KNEE!!! Then the STORM ZERO!!! Cover, Mariah wins!!

Winner: Mariah May, by pinfall (still AEW Women’s World Champion)

The Glamour showed some true grit as she toughed it out here tonight! Mariah gets another one on Willow, what will it take for Willow to reach the mountaintop? Will Mariah finally get to celebrate her championship now?


AEW TNT Championship: Jack Perry VS Katsuyori Shibata!

The Scapegoat has claimed everything he does is for the greater good of AEW’s future. But in reality, it seems to be more about Jack Perry being on top alongside The Elite. But now, he tests himself against The Wrestler, a man who knows something about sacrifice and coming back from nothing. Will Shibata make Perry into that sacrifice for AEW? Or will no one stop Perry’s “crusade?”

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is willing to go to the greater lengths to win!

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Shibata and Perry circle, feel things out, and Perry goes for a leg. Shibata fights that off, waistlocks and throws Perry down. Perry moves around, has the ROPEBREAK, and Shibata lets off slowly. Perry bails out, the fans taunt him with Tarzan Life, but Perry just ignores it all. Perry storms back into the ring, he and Shibata feel things out, and knuckle lock. Perry gets under to NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO, and Shibata has a top wristlock. Shibata makes it a cover, TWO! Shibata wants the armbar, Perry grabs the ROPEBREAK! Shibata lets go, Perry bails out, and now Perry is frustrated.

Perry uses a water bottle to refresh, but he also throws water at Shibata! Shibata chases Perry around the outside! They both slide in, and Perry fires off on Shibata! The fans boo but Perry snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Shibata stays in this but Perry stays focused. Perry sits Shibata up to KICK, but Shibata doesn’t flinch. Perry KICKS, and CHOPS, but Shibata eggs him on. Perry dears Shibata to bring it, but then he sucker punches Shibata! Perry RAMS Shibata in the corner again and again, sits him down, then stands on him! The fans boo and the ref counts, but Perry steps away. Perry stands Shibata up, to CHOP!

Shibata doesn’t flinch, so Perry CLAWS his eyes! The ref counts, the fans boo, but Perry stops at 4. Perry drags Shibata to a cover, TWO! Shibata is tougher than that, but Perry storms after him. Perry drags Shibata up, CLUBS him, but Shibata doesn’t flinch! The fans fire up as Shibata stares Perry down. Perry CHOPS, CLUBS, and CHOPS! Shibata just scowls! Perry CHOPS, SLAPS, but Shibata CHOPS! The fans fire up for that one! Shibata CHOPS again, and again! Shibata doesn’t let Perry get away, and he DOUBLE CHOPS! Perry staggers, Shibata CHOPS him again! And again! And again! Perry drops to his knees and the fans fire up!

Shibata says one more time, and he CHOPS! Perry flops against ropes, but Shibata stands him up, to CHOP! Shibata won’t let Perry go, he CHOPS again! The fans fire up, Shibata shakes out his own hand, and he UPPERCUTS! Perry rebounds to ROCK Shibata! Shibata rebounds to BOOT! Perry rebounds to LARIAT! Perry brings Shibata up, but Shibata snap suplexes! Both men are down, a standing count begins, but Shibata sits up in his cross legged stance. Perry is annoyed as he rises up, and the fans all rally for Shibata. Perry SPITS at Shibata! Shibata doesn’t let that bother him! Perry KICKS, KICKS, and KICKS!

Shibata eggs Perry on, Perry runs to PENALTY KICK! Shibata rolls back to BOOT! Shibata fires MACHINE GUN CHOPS in the corner! The fans fire up as Shibata goes corner to corner, but Perry avoids the dropkick! Perry drags Shibata to the apron, but Shibata slips free! Snap suplex into the apron edge!! Perry writhes, the fans fire up, and Shibata puts Perry in. Shibata stalks Perry, then fires forearms in the corner! The ref counts, the fans fire up, and Shibata goes corner to corner to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Shibata drags Perry up, SNAP HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO! Perry stays in this but Shibata stays cool.

Shibata eggs Perry on as he rises. The fans fire up, Perry rises, and he flips Shibata off! Shibata fires Kawada Kicks for it! Perry staggers, Shibata runs up, and he BOOTS Perry in the corner. Snapmare, then PENALTY- NO, Perry blocks and drags Shibata down! Step over, SNARE TRAP!! Shibata endures Perry’s modified STF, and he fights around to reach out. Perry cranks the hold but Shibata still claws his way to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Perry is frustrated, but then Perry drags Shibata to the apron! DRAPING DDT to the floor! The Scapegoat strikes like a Viper, and he puts Shibata in to cover, TWO!!

Perry is beside himself but he aims from a corner. Perry soaks up the heat, runs up on Shibata, but Shibata stops the knee! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! The fans are thunderous as Shibata fireman’s carries again! USHIGOROSHI! And SLEEPER! Perry stands, rolls, but Shibata holds on! Body scissors added! But Perry pushes back to a cover! PERRY WINS!!

Winner: Jack Perry, by pinfall (still AEW TNT Champion)

The fans boo and Shibata is surprised, but he got caught by surprise there! Shibata argues with the ref, but Perry ATTACKS! Perry beats Shibata down, and then has the belt! BELT SHOT!! The fans boo, but Perry just spits at them! Perry aims again, BUT WAIT! Here comes Daniel Garcia! The Red Death, ally and friend of Shibata, storms in to step in Perry’s way! Garcia also called out all champions in AEW, so here’s target number one! They stare down, but Perry chuckles and leaves. The fans boo, but then wait! MJF is here?!? Garcia changes targets from Perry to the Wolf of Wrestling! MJF has returned after being put on the shelf by Garcia!

MJF has them cut his music, but he has no mic in hand. MJF and Garcia are face to face in the ring, talking a lot of trash, but then Perry CLOBBERS Garcia! The fans boo and MJF steps back. The Scapegoat is a snake, and MJF grins because he’s a vulture! MJF takes off his coat, then his shirt, and he mocking asks if Garcia is okay, before raining down fists! The fans boo more, and now MJF wants a mic! MJF stands on Garcia’s neck as he says, “Danny, it’s been awhile since I saw you, buddy. As I recall, last time I saw you, I beat you without breaking a sweat. And then I went on to make several movies and several millions. Bu tone second.”

MJF rains down more fists! Then MJF says Garcia’s been up to big stuff since then, too. Apparently there was a bidding war? That was about as real as the Seattle Supersonics. The fans boo that but MJF says he’s talking, Seattle! Oh wait, this is Tacoma! WHO GIVES A S*IT!? But hey, Garcia, thanks for telling MJF that his Dynamite Diamond Ring was in a pawn shop somewhere in Buffalo. It took some time, but MJF found it! And now Garcia’s gonna kiss it! MJF puts the ring on his pinkie, kisses it himself, but ADAM COLE IS HERE?! Tacoma erupts and MJF has seen a ghost! The Panama City Playboy is back and the fans lose their minds!

Cole runs up, and he’s 100%! MJF runs away, he wants nothing to do with his former brochacho! MJF flees through the crowd, and fans join in on the “BOOM!” and “ADAM COLE, BAYBAY!!” Cole is back, MJF is back, but will one of these returns be cut real short by the grudge between them?


AEW International Championship Triple Threat: Will Ospreay VS Ricochet VS Konosuke Takeshita!

The Aerial Assassin and the One & Only had at match so #OuttaThisWorld that it ended in a draw! And just as they were looking to settle things in a follow-up, The Alpha attacked, all under Don Callis’ orders! Will Konosuke be able to take advantage of the chaos and bring this title back to the Don Callis Family? Will Ospreay settle things with his former friends once and for all? Or are they both going to be left behind by the King of Flight?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the numbers spell disaster at WrestleDream!

Don Callis is on commentary, wanting Takeshita to prove he is the greatest athlete in AEW. The bell rings and Ospreay & Ricochet go after Konosuke together! They stomp, kick, double snapmare, and then take turns giving KICKS! Callis says we’ll see how long that lasts. Konosuke eggs them both on, so they DOUBLE KICK! Konosuke bails to, Ricochet stops the Oscutter! Ospreay avoids the Detonation Kick! Ospreay runs up, handsprings through the hip toss to arm-drag Ricochet! Ricochet handsprings, dodges, and handsprings back to RANA, but Ospreay handsprings! Ospreay dodges, and both men handspring to superhero pose!

But then Konosuke DOUBLE SHOTGUNS them! The fans fire up, Konosuke storms out after both men, and fans love “A E DUB!” for making this happen. Konosuke RAMS Ricochet into steel steps, then he whips Ospreay hard into barriers! Ospreay falls back, Konosuke fires up, and the fans fire up with him. Konosuke fetches Ricochet to bring him over, and DDT to the floor! Ricochet sputters, and Konosuke brings out a TABLE! Konosuke is taking advantage of No Disqualifications already, and Callis says “Kurose! <Kill ’em!>” Ospreay storms up, Konosuke ELBOWS him away, then POSTS him! The table is set, and Konosuke goes to Ricochet.

Konosuke SMACKS Ricochet off the apron, puts him up on the apron, then follows. Ricochet grabs ropes to stop the Blue Thunder! Konosuke CLUBS Ricochet, reels him back in, BLUE- NO, Ricochet slips into the ring! Ricochet ROCKS Konosuke, and Konosuke holds on to avoid falling! Ricochet fires more shots, but Konosuke ROCKS him back. Konosuke steps in, runs corner to corner, but Ricochet dodges! Konosuke hits buckles, tumbles up and out, and Ricochet hurries to DORPKICK Ospreay off the apron! The fans fire up, Ricochet handsprings to SASUKE SPECIAL, but Konosuke catches him! So Ospreay adds HIS SASUKE SPECIAL!!

The fans are thunderous while all three men are down! Ospreay drags Konosuke up and into the ring, aims from a corner, and he springboards, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Konosuke is tougher than that but Ospreay stays close. Ospreay stands Konosuke up to CHOP! Konosuke sputters, but Ospreay stalks Konosuke. Ospreay CHOPS again! Ospreay whips, Konosuke blocks, but Ospreay breaks free to ROCK him! Ricochet runs up, dodges, KICKS, KICKS, but Ospreay hooks him. Ricochet BOOTS Konosuke, sends Ospreay into him, NECKBREAKER DDT COMBO! Then STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO!

Ricochet stays cool, and he then scuffs Ospreay to the floor. Ricochet CHOPS Konosuke, but Konosuke fights the fireman’s carry. Konosuke shoves Ricochet away, runs up, but Ricochet ELBOWS him back. Konosuke tries again, but Ricochet BOOTS! Somersault, into the ALPHA ELBOW! The fans fire up again while Konosuke stalks Ricochet. Konosuke rains down fists, CHOKES Ricochet, then lets off to bring Ricochet up. Ricochet still fights the Blue Thunder, so Konosuke shoves him away. Ospreay RAMS into Ricochet, slingshots up and over to then duck Konosuke. Handspring, DOUBLE PELE! The fans fire up while all three men are down!

Ricochet goes to the apron, the fans rally for Ospreay as he and Konosuke stand, and Konosuke puts Ospreay on the apron! Ospreay fights off both opponents, but Konosuke ROCKS Ospreay! Ospreay fights the suplex, and now he suplexes! Konosuke lands safe on the apron! Konosuke ROCKS Ospreay, Ricochet and Ospreay fire CHOPS! Konosuke CHOPS Ricochet, Ospreay SUPERKICKS! Ricochet pushes Konosuke aside, stops the Oscutter, and half nelsons. Ospreay ELBOWS free, Konosuke CLUBS Ricochet! Konosuke catches Ospreay to a fireman’s carry, APRON DEATH VALLEY! Ricochet goes up, APRON METEORA!!

All three men are down and the fans are thunderous! Ricochet rises first, “This is Awesome!” as he puts Konosuke on the table. Ricochet steps in, then builds speed! But Ospreay runs up to SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives but Ospreay starts up an “OI! OI! OI!” Ospreay underhooks and lifts, but Ricochet RANAS free! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay escapes, dodges, and HOOK KICKS! Ospreay loads up, HIDDEN- Gory Especial, BACKSLIDE BOMB! Cover TWO!! Ospreay is still in this but the fans fire up as Ricochet climbs! 450- NO, Ricochet rolls through! Ospreay POP-UP BOMBS, and steps through, STYLES CLASH!! Cover, Konosuke breaks it!

The fans are fired up all over again, and Konosuke scowls at Ospreay. Konosuke stands Ospreay up but Ospreay fires forearms! Konosuke ROCKS Ospreay! Ospreay SUPERKICKS! Ospreay whips, Konosuke reverses and ducks a kick, pump handle, BASTARD DRIVER into WHEELBARROW GERMAN! Ospreay roars as he rises, but Konosuke LARIATS! Ricochet V-TRIGGERS! And HEEL KICKS! Ricochet dodges, handsprings, but into the BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO?!? Ricochet survives, Konosuke can’t believe it, and all three are down again! The fans cheer “A E DUB! A E DUB!” while Konosuke stands over both opponents.

Konosuke stands Ricochet up, but Ricochet fires a forearm, an UPPERCUTR, and a CHOP! Konosuke just DECKS him! Ospreay fires shots now, but Konosuke DECKS him, too! Konosuke eggs them both on, so Ricochet and Ospreay shake hands and stand up! The fans fire up, Callis is upset, but Ricochet and Ospreay again fight Konosuke 2v1! DOUBLE FOREARMS and Konosuke drops! But then he rises back up!? Konosuke takes off elbow pads, and he DECKS Ospreay! And he DECKS Ricochet! The fans are thunderous as Callis says Konsouke just got a two run homer! But Ricochet dodges to ROLLING KICK!

Ospreay runs up, Konosuke ducks! SUPERKICK hits Ricochet! Konosuke ROCKS Ospreay but runs into the TIGER WALL KICK and ENZIGIRI! Ospreay springboards, but no cutter! Konosuke back suplexes, Ospreay lands out! Konosuke ducks ‘n’ dodges, but so does Ospreay! Ospreay lands through a lariat?! OSCUTTER!! Ricochet 450 OUTTA NOWHERE!! Cover, TWO?!?! Ricochet almost snipes that one, but the fans are thunderous! Konosuke goes to the apron, Ospreay goes to a corner, and the fans love “ALL THESE GUYS! ALL THESE GUYS!” They want them to “FIGHT FOREVER!” but there’s still so much show to go!

Ricochet puts Ospreay in a corner, CHOPS him, then puts him up top. Ricochet climbs, but Ospreay fights with body shots. Ospreay fires hands, but Ricochet DUMPS Ospreay down. Konosuke storms up to have Ricochet in an Electric Chair! Ospreay aims, springboards, DOOMSDAY! But Ricochet lands out?! GERMAN SUPLEX for Konosuke! Ospreay adds a GERMAN SUPLEX! Then POISON-RANA for Ricochet! Ricochet POISON-RANAS back! Konosuke has both guys! DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEX!! The fans are electric, and Konosuke crawls to Ricochet. Konosuke drags Ricochet up, ROCKS him, and Ricochet flops out of the ring.

Ricochet and Ospreay are together, Konosuke builds speed to FLY! Down go both Ospreay & Ricochet! Konosuke puts Ricochet in, then gets moving, to TAKESHITA LINE!! Cover, TWO!!! Ricochet survives and Callis says it was that close! Ricochet crawls to a corner, Konosuke goes to the other end. Konosuke runs up to HELLUVA KICK! Konosuke puts Ricochet up top, and we can see Ospreay lurking. Konosuke climbs, the fans fire up as he goes to the very top, but Ospreay YANKS Konosuke down! GAMANGIRI! Ospreay goes up to join Ricochet now, to SUPER DUPER RANA him at Konosuke! Ricochet makes it a cover! Ospreay breaks it!!

The fans continue to rally, and Ospreay brings Ricochet up. Ricochet SLAPS Ospreay! Ospreay frowns, and SUPERKICKS! Ricochet wobbles, Ospreay aims! HIDDEN- ROLLING KICK! Ricochet hurries up top and roars! The fans fire up with him as he SHOOTING STAR PRESSES! But a POWER DRIVER KNEE takes him down! DOUBLE COVER, TWO!!! Both men survive and Konosuke is shocked! Konosuke then looks to his table, and he seems to have an idea. Ricochet goes to the apron, and fans fire up as Konosuke points to the table! Konosuke drags Ricochet up, but Ricochet still fights Blue Thunder!

Ricochet ENZIGIRIS, then gets some space. Ricochet runs up to AX KICK! Ricochet hauls Konosuke up, and he points! But Konosuke flips things around! Inverted suplex, a tuck, and a FLYING NBASTARD DREIVER through the table!!! The fans erupt and Konosuke beats his chest! Callis says that’s it! But then HIDDEN BLADE!!! Cover, ONE?!?!? Ospreay doesn’t hesitate, he just HIDDEN BLADES again!!!! Cover, CALLIS YANKS THE REF OUT!!! The fans boo but Callis isn’t letting Ospreay win this no matter what! He has the screwdriver!!! But Ospreay blocks the attack! Callis wants mercy, but Ospreay says screw that!

Ospreay underhooks Callis, but in slides KYLE FLETCHER! SCREWDRIVER ATTACK!!! The Aussie Arrow has betrayed Ospreay! Ospreay is so confused, and the fans are so upset, but Callis says this is what Ospreay gets for turning on the Family. POWER DRIVE KNEE!!! Fletcher fetches the ref, the ref counts the cover, KONOSUKE WINS!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall (NEW AEW International Champion)

Even with it being a Triple Threat, Callis had to stack the deck and make sure Ospreay lost everything, not just the title! Ospreay has no gold, no ally, and no idea why! But Fletcher reels Ospreay in, grins, and he underhooks Ospreay’s arms! Fletcher then roars as he hits STORM DRIVER on Ospreay!!! The move Ospreay was reluctant to use, Fletcher did not even hesitate! Did the Don Callis Family just make sure Ospreay is gone from AEW?


Backstage interview with Orange Cassidy and Jerry Lynn.

Renee is with Freshly Squeezed and the Board of Directors member, and says Jerry has something to say to Cassidy. Jerry thanks Cassidy for the time, and wants us to know that he has been doing this for 40 YEARS, yet has never seen anyone like Cassidy. Cassidy is unique, special, connects with the fans, and even connects with other wrestlers. Jerry even dressed as Cassidy for Halloween last year. But Jerry just wants to know that while Cassidy has been through some stuff, Cassidy stepped up. With all the chaos going on, if Cassidy really wanted to, if he really tried, he could be the man around here. Just food for thought.

Jerry leaves, but in steps Hook. Hook says he should listen to Jerry. Cassidy is the man. Hook and Cassidy fist bump, and Cassidy definitely has something to think about. Will Orange look to have gold once again?


Prince Nana is here!

The fans cheer as he’s already in the ring, mic in hand. He plugs Prince Nana Coffee, but then says he has to bring out our man for the update. He is the Forever AEW World Champion, the most dangerous man in AEW, and his boss, “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” The fans fire up as The Realest makes his entrance, gets a spotlight and pyro, and he goes to the ring. The “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” continues, and then Nana hands the mic to Swerve. The fans chant “Welcome Home! Welcome Home!” and Swerve says, “Not gonna lie, man. It feels a little weird being out here without the AEW World Championship around my waist.

“But with that home welcoming, I’m kinda happy again. Thank you very much.” The fans cheer, and we get more “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Swerve says they’re saying what he needs for him. But to cut to the chase, his medical update. It is a little wonky, he still has tingling in his neck that shoots to his waist, legs, and fingers. It is like all the things he said about Bryan is coming back on him. Karma’s a mug, huh? But that all said… Swerve is medically cleared. The fans cheer that! Swerve wanted to come out here and address his hometown, his people, and tell us all about the past, the present, and what he plans for the future.

But then Montel Vontavious Porter interrupts. A future? What a great segue, Swerve! Because the future is what MVP and Shelton Benjamin are here to discuss. But maybe minion Nana didn’t pass word along, because Swerve hasn’t called, answered emails, answered DMs, so maybe Swerve must be in deep contemplation thinking about his decisions regarding his future. MVP & Shelton join Swerve & Nana in the ring. MVP says they have history They go way back! In fact, MVP believed in Swerve even before Swerve did. MVP told Swerve about the great things that lay ahead. MVP is the one who said on The Wrestlers that their future was in great hands!

The fans chant “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” and MVP says yes, it IS Swerve’s House! It is! But see, right now, unfortunately for Swerve, his career is floundering. The fans boo, but MVP says hold on. His resume speaks for itself. One thing MVP is good at is taking former champions and helping them remember the things that what allowed them to be great. To ascend to the mountaintop and have the titles they should have. So now, let’s talk business. Swerve says first off, hello. Secondly, MVP did give Swerve a lot of great advice back in like 2017. Remember that match they had in Defy? Fans cheer that name drop!

And remember when Swerve won? Yes, MVP did! Swerve learned a whole lot that night that he still carries with him. And even further, Swerve saw MVP take a lot of great stars and put them to superstardom, above pro-wrestling! So inspiring! Just like Shelton Benjamin! The fans cheer as Swerve says Shelton’s a big inspiration to a lot of people! 12-year-old Swerve would be crying just standing here with Shelton! Shelton’s presence on TV meant so much to Swerve, because it paved the way for Black wrestlers in this ring, all because of Shelton. The fans cheer that!

But now… Swerve was watching the show. And Nana, the stuff MVP has been saying, it’s not wrong. Uh oh. The last couple months have not been good. Swerve can’t even remember what happened in the cage match from getting beat so bad. But since being with Nana, Swerve has lost the main event at All Out, has lost his childhood home, but most importantly, he lost the AEW World Championship. Swerve says that was all under Nana’s watch. On the other hand, Swerve wouldn’t have had all that if not for Nana. The fans cheer that! But then on the other hand again, Swerve and MVP go away back! The potential of what they could do in AEW… They could make some real history.

Swerve likes having power more than anyone. He is already the most dangerous man, so with MVP & Shelton, OH MY GAWD! Though, Nana, gotta say, there are a lot of things just kinda irk Swerve. Swerve is watching the percentages in his wages going up and up. Not sure what that’s about. Nana’s still selling weed to high schoolers in parking lots… So Hangman was right?! Swerve says yes, that’s still a thing. Nana is neurotic, sporadic, absent minded, but the biggest thing is… Nana is… family. And Swerve doesn’t turn on his back on family for anybody! The fans cheer as Swerve tells MVP to take his business cards and shove ’em!

The fans cheer, nana does his dance, and swerve says we’re in whose house? “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Shelton gets in Swerve’s face and says he misread the situation. See, they weren’t asking. They were telling Swerve that there is no Swerve without them. So he’s either with them or against them. Nana steps in, Shelton shoves Nana but Swerve shoves Shelton! MVP has Shelton stand down, they gotta pick their spot! Refs and Daniels rush out here, fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” but Shelton DECKS a ref! MVP says NO, that’s not how they do this! MVP and Shelton leave first, and the fans are on Swerve’s side. What will MVP & Shelton do to make Swerve pay for this disrespect?


Best 2 Out of 3 Falls: Holo.grm VS The Beast Mortos!

The futuristic luchador has risen to 14-0, and that really gets on the nerves of La Faccion Ingobernables. The menacing minotaur wants revenge for his previous losses, will he rip Hologram to shreds? Or is there no stopping the rise of the innovator?

The bell rings and fall one begins. The fans fire up as they circle, step forward, and Mortos corners Hologram! Hologram tries to slip away but Mortos puts him back in the corner, and SMACKS him! The fans cheer, but Hologram fires forearms! Mortos shoves back, Hologram BOOTS him! Hologram rolls off Mortos’ back, ducks ‘n’ dodges but Mortos runs up to handspring! Hologram springboards to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Mortos hits a ROLLING ARM-DRAG! Hologram RANAS, but Mortos handsprings through! Hologram tilt-o-whirls to arm-drag again! Mortos flounders, but he trips Hologram to cover! ONE, Hologram tries, ONE!

Hologram dodges, poses, and the fans fire up for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” Mortos runs up to grab Hologram with both hands! Hologram breaks free, Mortos blocks his kick but Hologram flips through. Hologram gets moving, jumps up to backflip off Mortos, then BOOT him! And SUPERKICK him! Mortos runs up, but Hologram DUMPS him out! Mortos lands on his feet!? Hologram DIVES! Mortos is sent staggering way back! The fans fire up with Hologram, and he high-fives the fans. Hologram hurries to bring Mortos up and into the ring. Mortos goes to a corner, Hologram runs up, but into a BOOT! SLING-DOG!

Mortos keeps moving, ROLLING CRUCIFIX, then a whip! POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Hologram survives but this match is far from over. Mortos brings Hologram up onto the top rope, then UPPERCUTS! Mortos climbs up from the outside, goes to the top, and brings Hologram up, to SUPER GORILLA- RANA!! Mortos goes flying and Hologram goes up! SPRINGBOARD FLYING CRUCIFIX!! Ghost pin, Hologram scores!

Hologram: 1; Mortos: 0

The fans fire up as Hologram has the crucial first point! But will he make this a sweep? Or can Mortos make the comeback? Mortos is given time to stand back up, and the second fall begins, with a POUNCE!! Hologram tumbles out, Mortos builds speed, TORNILLO TOPE!! The fans are thunderous while both men are down on the outside! Mortos rises, the fans cheer, and Mortos stalks Hologram. Mortos drags Hologram up, puts him in the ring, only to bring him back out. Mortos then drags Hologram by his mask! The fans are torn, but Mortos gorilla presses, to TOSS Hologram onto the ramp! Hologram writhes and the ref hurries to check.

The fans are torn but Mortos drags Hologram up. Mortos brings Hologram back up to SMACK back down! Hologram flounders, Mortos roars, and the fans rally. Mortos puts Hologram in the ring, covers, TWO! Mortos stands Hologram up, to SMACK him again! Hologram staggers, Mortos brings him around, and HEADBUTTS! Hologram wobbles, leans on Mortos, but Mortos pushes him down. Mortos stands Hologram up, and clinches to OVERHEAD SUPLEX into the corner! Hologram is stuck, so Mortos just puts him in the Tree of Woe! Mortos goes corner to corner, runs up, and he SPEARS Hologram in the corner!

The fans fire up while Hologram is still in the Tree! Mortos runs corner to corner again, but Hologram sits up in time! Mortos POSTS himself and tumbles out! Hologram ARIHARA MOONSAULTS!! Both men are down again and the fans fire up. The ring count climbs, fans count in Espanol, and Hologram puts Mortos in. Hologram runs in, hops up, and drops into a POISON-RANA! And then a torture rack!? Mortos is too big for that, and he lifts Hologram. Hologram slips free, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then tilt-o-whirls, but into Mortos’ torture rack! BACKBREAKER DROP, and POWER BREAKER!! And then DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, Mortos scores!

Hologram: 1; Mortos: 1

We are all tied up, it all comes down to the final fall! That was the first time Hologram even suffered a pinfall in AEW or ROH, but will Mortos make sure this becomes Hologram’s first loss? Hologram stands, fall three starts with a DISCUS!! Cover, TWO!! Hologram survives and Mortos seethes. Mortos pounds the mat, the fans rally up, and Mortos KICKS Hologram around. Mortos drags Hologram up, and SMACKS him again! Hologram ends up in a corner, and Mortos whips corner to corner. Mortos runs in, Hologram puts Mortos up top to GAMANGIRI! Hologram hurries up, but Mortos fires hands!

Mortos torture racks Hologram! SUPER RACK- RANA!! Mortos goes flying again and the fans are thunderous! Hologram hurries to his feet, dodges Mortos again, then slips in, out, around, and GAMANGIRIS! Mortos staggers, the fans fire up, and Hologram climbs! Hologram leaps over Mortos, then hip tosses him to the apron! ENZIGIRI again! Hologram hurries out to run up, APRON POISON-RANA!!! Both men flop to the floor and the fans are thunderous! Hologram rises first and the fans fire up again. Hologram climbs a corner, tightrope walks, and he SUPER SWANTONS!! A direct hit, but Hologram clutches a leg!

The ref checks Hologram, he is okay to continue, so he puts Mortos in the ring. Hologram goes up again, for a DIVING DOUBLE STOMP! The leg is okay to do that, so Hologram goes back up! For a 450 SPLASH, onto knees! Mortos roars, runs, but into a SPANISH FLY! Hologram stands, into a DISCUS LARIAT! Both men are back down and the fans fire up again! Hologram goes to a corner, Mortos rises, and Mortos runs up. Hologram puts Mortos on the apron, but Mortos SMACKS him! Mortos goes up, but Hologram GAMANGIRIS! Hologram climbs, brings Mortos up, but Mortos grabs Hologram! SUPER GORILLA PRESS SLAM!!!

The fans fire up, Mortos covers, TWO?!? Mortos cannot believe it but Hologram survives! The fans rally up again, Hologram runs, but back into a torture rack! BACKBREAKER DROP, and then the POWER BREAKER!! DISCUS LARIAT!! Cover, TWO?!?! Hologram survives what defeated him before and Mortos cannot make sense of it! Mortos huffs ‘n’ puffs and climbs a corner! Hologram hurries to ROCK him! Hologram climbs up, brings Mortos up, and SUPER STEINERS!! Mortos flounders, Hologram climbs back up, and the fans fire up! Mortos rises, but into the tightrope FLYING CRUCIFIX!! Ghost pin, TWO!!!

Mortos survives what defeated him earlier, and the fans are thunderous! Mortos roars, Hologram fires forearms! SOBAT! KICK! HEEL KICK! “This is Awesome!” as Hologram goes to torture rack! Hologram powers up to hoist Mortos up! Spin and PORTAL BOMB!!! Cover, HOLOGRAM WINS!

Winner: Hologram, by pinfall, 2-1

And the undefeated streak continues! Hologram survives this battle with Beast Mortos to go 15-0! Will nothing stop Hologram from becoming a champion?


Darby Allin VS Brody King!

The Relentless One wanted a fight, but The King of Death wants Darby to stop lying to himself and the people. Brody says Darby has a death wish, will it all come true here tonight? Or will Darby make sure no one takes his spot here in AEW?

Darby Allin has a video package of him rolling in the skate parks of Seattle, then hitching a ride from a bus all the way into Tacoma. Darby then rolls out on stage and the fans cheer another of their own! But then the fans bark with Brody’s entrance as he promises #JustViolence. The bell rings and the fans rally up as these rivals stare down from across the way. Brody steps up, Darby stands, and then Darby dodges! Darby CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS, but Brody TOSSES Darby up and out! Brody storms out after Darby, drags him up with just one hand, and carries him by his waistband to SLING him into barriers!

Brody brings steel steps over, but Darby hurries into the ring. Darby then goes to the apron to LEAP onto Brody! Darby fires crossface forearms but Brody RAMS him into railing! Brody puts Darby in, soaks up the cheers, but then Darby PLANCHAS! But Brody catches him! Brody pops Darby up to a fireman’s carry, but Darby fights free. So Brody CHOPS Darby off his feet! The fans fire up, and Brody drags Darby up. Brody whips Darby at the steps, but Darby leaps over them! Darby uses the steps to LEAP, into a FOREARM! Brody knows Darby too well to let any of that work out, and now Brody refreshes the ring count.

Brody brings the steps over, to place on top of Darby! And then Brody steps on the steps, to SQUISH Darby! Brody stomps the steps to add on! The fans are torn as Brody roars. The ref reprimands, starts a ring count, but Brody steps away. Brody moves the steel steps, deadlifts Darby, and gives him SNAKE EYES off the steel! The count climbs to 5 of 10, but Brody puts Darby in at 6. Brody runs in to SENTON! Cover, TWO! Darby stays in this but Brody is amused. Brody storms up to Darby to CHOP him! Brody pretends to watch that homerun fly away, and then he drags Darby back up. Brody CHOPS again, another homerun!

Darby flops over, but Brody stalks him. Brody stands Darby up, to TOSS him across the way! Darby ends up in a corner all the same, and Brody SPLASHES! Brody then puts Darby up top in a Tree of Woe adjacent position. Brody barks, goes corner to corner, and he runs in, but Darby sits up! The cannonball hits buckles! Darby adjusts while the fans fire up, and Darby builds speed! Darby DIVES! Direct hit and Brody stumbles, but Darby keeps moving! Darby DIVES and that one takes Brody down! Darby just doesn’t stop! He goes up a corner, for a SUPER COFFIN DROP!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous!

Darby crawls into the ring, but Brody follows. So Darby hops on, CODE RED! Cover, TWO! Brody survives, the fans rally, and Brody goes to the apron. Darby has a wild look in his eyes, and he hurries up after Brody! SLEEPER on the ropes! Darby is bringing back memories from the first Royal Rampage! But Brody drags Darby up and over, to APRON BACKPACK SENTON! Darby sputters and writhes, but the fans rally up behind him. Brody rolls in, and he goes up a corner, to have the SLEEPER! Now this is Royal Rampage revisited! Brody drops Darby as the ref counts, but then he drags Darby back in.

Darby sputters, Brody paces, and Brody dares Darby to get up. Darby stands, and Brody CHOPS him down! The fans “WOO~” while Darby reaches out. Darby growls as he sits up, then rises to his feet. But Brody CHOPS him back down! The fans rally, and Darby refuses to stay down! Darby SLAPS Brody, then bobs ‘n’ weaves, fires fast hands, and COFFIN- SLEEPER!! Brody has Darby, but Darby CLAWS at Brody’s face! Darby has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Brody lets off at 4, to CHOP Darby on the back! And GERMAN SUPLEX! Darby flounders away, crawls to the corner, and Brody storms over to him again.

Brody climbs, for another SLEEPER in the ropes! Then a deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX!! Darby flounders away, and Brody drags him back up. Brody puts Darby back up top, climbs up behind him, and SUPER GERMAN SUPLEXES!! Darby gets folded up then flops right over! Both men are down, a standing count starts, and fans count along. Both men are down 5 of 10, but Brody rises at 6. Brody pushes Darby over to cover, TWO?!? Darby barely survives, and now Brody is annoyed. Brody paces, drags Darby up, and puts him on the apron. Brody then goes outside to the apron, and aims at the steel steps?!

The fans are losing their minds already as Brody hauls Darby up! But Darby fights back! Darby fires headbutts! Darby waves bye, then SHOVES Brody! Brody lands on the steel steps!!! But now Darby climbs!!! SUPER COFFIN DROP on the steps!!! The fans lose their minds all over again and the ref checks both men. Somehow, both men are still in this so this match has to continue! Darby drags himself in at 5 of 10, and only now does Brody stir. Brody grasps at the barriers, drags himself up, but we’re at 8 of 10! Brody jumps in at 9.99!! But Darby COFFIN DROPS on him!! Cover, DARBY WINS!

Winner: Darby Allin, by pinfall

For the first time in this storied rivalry, Darby wins by a pinfall! Death wish or not, Darby proves he is relentless! But wait, Brody and Darby both stand up again. Brody steps forward, to offer a handshake! Darby takes it, and the fans cheer the respect shown! However, Darby’s WrestleDream is not complete just yet. Will Darby get what he really wants in Bryan Danielson retaining the world title? Or will Jon Moxley keep the nightmare going after having stolen the title shot?


AEW World Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks VS Private Party!

Matthew & Nicholas Jackson have been acting less like The Elite and more like elitists, but they haven’t forgotten that Dynamite year one upset. In fact, they ended up losing to Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy more recently! Will The EVPs finally avenge those upset victories and ruin the party? Or will Quen & Kassidy make good on their SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS?

Amazing Red checks in with Private Party. He says it’s been five years since their big upset, but then they dropped the ball over and over. They all busted their asses every day to get this opportunity and not drop the ball. They have the school on their backs, they can’t go back to just having fun and games. Expect the unexpected, but you gotta be the unexpected! Everyone wants to see them prove they ARE the best team! Get up and go! With Red’s support, Private Party makes their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is truly the best tag team in AEW!

In the crowd, we can see Top Flight, who felt they should be in this spot over Private Party, and Stokely Hathaway, who was told thanks but no thanks by Private Party. Matt has the “terrible music” stop, and he tells Private party that fine, yes, five years ago, Private Party beat them. We’ve seen the clips a million times, big deal. But five years later, and this is the biggest match of their entire careers, right? But after Private Party beat Bucks back then, what did they do? NOTHING! And so why do these dorks think they can win the titles now?

Because when Matt looks at them, he just sees two guys who will always just be a midcard act, and the closest they’ll get to the belts is sniffing ’em like this. The Bucks push the belts in Private Party’s face, but Private Party SLAPS back! The fans fire up, Private Party literally kicks The Bucks out of the ring, and the ref restores order. The Bucks want to leave?! The fans boo the EVPs being sore sports, but here comes Private Party! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! The Bucks suckered Private Party in! And then they give Quen the GUTBUSTER to NECKBREAKER BACKBREAKER COMBO! Then they drag Zay up!

Nick scoops, Zay slips free! Zay shoves Nick into Matt, has them both, FLATLINER DDT COMBO on the stage! Zay says go up, so Quen goes up! Zay lines The Bucks up, CLUBS away, and Quen reaches the top of the tunnel! The fans fire up as Quen SUPER SWANTONS onto them all!! All four men are down, but Nick staggers his way to the ramp. Private Party pursues Nick, CLUB him, and put him in the ring! The bell finally rings, SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Zay hurries to tag Quen, Private Party mugs Nick then double whip. Nick duck s’n’ dodges then goes outside. Nick DUMPS Quen, and RAMS Zay!

Nick slingshots at Zay, FACEBUSTER! Then cartwheel and MOONSAULT, but Quen dodges! Quen blocks a kick, sends it into Matt, and then hurries to DOUBLE RANA The Bucks! The fans fire up with Quen, and Zay TORNILLOS onto The Bucks! Private Party is all fired up and so are the fans! Zay puts Nick back in, Quen has him for a kick and TWIST OF FATE! Zay is up top, SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, Matt breaks it! The Bucks stay in this but Quen stays on Nick. Nick swings, Quen ducks, but Matt tags in before the atomic drop! Quen whips Nick, Nick goes up and over, Matt ROCKS Quen! Nick SHINING WIZARDS!

Matt cravats, Nick helps out, SLICED BREAD! But Quen ducks the Shining Wizard! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS hit! Zay runs in, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then handsprings through the hip toss! He DOUBLE ARM-DRAGS, but the Bucks double handspring to DOUBLE SUPERKICK! The fans are torn as Matt shouts, “This is what we do!” Nick drags Quen up, bumps him off Matt’s boot, and Matt fires hands. Matt then tags Nick, and The Bucks double whip. They DOUBLE ELBOW Quen, then kip up to pose. The fans boo, Matt scuffs Quen, and Nick CLUBS Quen. Quen goes to ropes, Nick whips him, but Quen ducks ‘n’ PELES!

The fans fire up while both men are down! Quen and Nick crawl, Matt tags in to CLUB Quen! The Bucks whip Quen to the corner, but Quen BOOTS Matt! And BOOTS Nick! Nick runs up, Quen hurdles! Quen dodges Matt, hot tag to Zay! Zay rallies on The Bucks with forearms and haymakers! LARIAT! ELBOW! LARIAT! Nick ducks one, has Zay, but Zay BOOTS Matt! Zay arm-drags Nick, ducks ‘n’ dodges the Bucks, then DOUBLE SHOTGUNS! Zay kips up and the fans fire up! Zay ELBOWS Matt away, goes out, but avoids Nick’s sweep! Zay kicks Nick, GAMANGIRIS Matt, and QUEBRADAS Nick! Zay hurries back to the apron, springboards and TORNADO DDTS! Cover, TWO!!

Zay is frustrated as Matt narrowly survives. Top Flight acts like they’re not impressed but Stoke just seethes. Zay fires forearms on Matt, but Matt shoves back. Zay rolls under, hops up, but Matt BUCKLE BOMB ENZIGIRIS COMBOS with Nick! Nick tags, Matt hauls Zay up! Zay is put on the top rope so Nick can DOUBLE STOMP! But Zay RANAS Matt! Nick RAMS into Zay, slingshots, but Zay handstands through the facebuster! Zay SUPERKICKS Nick! Zay then runs, IMPLODER FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Nick survives now and Zay is still frustrated. The fans rally, Zay storms up on Nick, and he brings Nick up.

Zay back suplexes but Nick lands out! Nick throws Zay, Quen is there for SILLY- NO, Nick stops that and throws Zay back! Zay slips down but he SILLY STRING DDTS Matt!! Nick BLASTS Quen, builds speed, and he goes up, up, ESCALARA MOONSAULT! The fans fire up for the athleticism, and The Bucks regroup. The Bucks drag Quen up to double whip him over railing, right at Top Flight! Nick then goes up the railing to QUEBRADA! Down goes Quen, and Matt scoops Zay! But Zay fights, and he sends Matt into Nick! Then POISON-RANA to the floor! Nick GAMANGIRIS, hops on, DESTROYER to the floor!

But Quen is up on the railing! 450 SPLASH on the floor! All four men are down and the fans are fired up! The ring count is climbing, someone has to get in the ring! All four men lunge in at 9.9!! The fans rally up as this match continues. Nick hobbles up, but so does Zay. Zay fires a forearm, so Nick hits back! They go back and forth, harder and harder, faster and faster! But then Nick talks trash, so Zay fires off! Nick knuckle locks, CHOPS, but Zay keep shim from goin to the corner! Nick ROUNDHOUSES Zay, and now he goes up, up and- NO, Zay trips Nick, SLAPS him, then goes up to join him! But Nick COHPS back!

Both men are up top, SUPER CUTTER from Nick!! Cover, TWO!! Zay survives and the fans fire up! Matt tags in, The Bucks drag Zay up, and Nick aims from the apron. Matt scoops, but Quen YANKS Nick down! Zay victory rolls! TWO!!! Deja vu but it doesn’t work out! Nick leaps, Zay kicks! Matt CLUBS Zay, but Quen is up! Quen leaps, BLOCKBUSTER DDT RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP HYBRID!!! The fans rally up while all four men are down! Quen returns to his corner, Zay crawls, hot tag to Quen! Quen runs up on The Bucks, but Matt trips him! CATAPULT GAMANGIRI! Nick tags, DIVING DOUBLE STOMP!

The fans boo as The Bucks pump up the special Reeboks. The #ReeBucks are armed, DOUBLE SUPERKICK on Quen! Fireman’s carry, ROLLING- NO, Quen slips free and sends Matt into Nick! Zay uses Quen to hit PARTY IN MOTION! Matt is out, Nick is in, GIN & JUICE!! Cover, TWO?!? Nick survives and Private Party is stunned! The fans rally up as hard as they can for Private Party! Zay tags in, they DOUBLE SUPERKICK Nick! And DOUBLE SUPERKICK Matt! Fireman’s carry, MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK?!? Cover, MATT BREAKS IT!! The fans boo but that’s how close Private Party just was to winning!

Nick scrambles to a corner, but Quen puts him back up. Zay climbs up, but Nick fires hands! Nick CLUBS away on Zay, pushes him back, but Quen lifts Zay up! Zay fires off on Nick, BITES him, but Matt anchors Nick! Matt CLUBS away on Quen, Nick hits Zay! Nick goes up to MISSILE DROPKICK! Zay gives Quen a POISON-RANA! And then Matt scoops Quen! Nick is up top, T K MISSILE DROPKICK DRIVER!! And then for Zay, an E V P TRIGGER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Zay survives and the fans are thunderous!! Matt argues with the ref but that count was fair! So the Bucks set up Quen, SUPERKICK DOOMSDAY to the floor!!

The Bucks go back to Zay, and they vow to end it now! Another E V P- NO, Zay ducks and knees collide! Cradle on Matt! TWO!?!? Matt escapes in time and even he is shocked! Zay says screw it! Zay fires off furious fists and the fans love it! Zay’s own neck hurts, but he keeps on Matt. Matt reverses the whip, slides to pump handle and flip Zay into position! T K DRIVER!!!! Cover, Bucks win!!

Winners: The Young Bucks, by pinfall (still AEW World Tag Team Champions)

Private Party may have put up the hardest fight in their careers, but the could not stop Matthew & Nicholas this time. Stokely smirks as if to say he knew this would happen without him. Zay is emotional, and certainly beat up, but the fans still cheer him on. Quen & Zay hug it out, the fans cheer more, but if they got this close and are still so far from gold, what will it take to reach that mountaintop?


ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Chris Jericho w/ “Big Bill” Morrissey!

The Conglomeration has been battling The Learning Tree and his Branches for months now, but it wasn’t until Jericho said Mark will neve be like his late, great brother Jay that this got personal. Jericho was The Ocho, will he soon become The Nueve? Or will the Sussex County Chicken finally free himself of the #JerichoVortex?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and it is time to #ManUp!

No need for the Code of Honor here! The bell rings and the hands start flying! The fans fire up and Mark puts Jericho in a corner to stomp away! The ref counts, the fans cheer, and Mark lets off just a moment, to fire off more hands! Mark has the fans with him as he runs corner to corner, but into a CODE BREAKER! Cover, ONE!! The fans fire up and Mark fires UPPERCUTS and HAYMAKERS! Mark whips, Jericho holds ropes, but Mark LARIATS Jericho up and out! Mark then goes out after Jericho, and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And ROCKS him! And CHOPS again! Mark brings Jericho around to ROCK him again.

Mark UPPERCUTS, then suplexes Jericho to the floor! Mark goes up the apron, the fans fire up, and BANG BANG, FOLEY ELBOW! The fans fire up more, and Mark tosses a chair into the ring. Mark hurries in, claps and the fans clap along. Mark sets the chair up, builds speed, but Jericho swats the chair aside! Bill is also there, but then Mark DIVES onto them both! The fans fire up, and Mark hammers Jericho! Mark grabs that chair, throws some more hands, then ROCKS Jericho! Jericho wobbles but Mark fires more shots. Mark makes Jericho take a seat, fires more haymakers, then he goes to the apron. CANNONBALL on Jericho and the chair!

The fans fire up, they high-five Mark, and Mark drags Jericho up. Mark puts Jericho in the ring, but Jericho distracts the ref. Bill BOOTS Mark down! Bill hurries to bring out a TABLE! Fans are torn, they like tables but aren’t happy about this! Bill leans that table against the commentary desk. Bill drags Mark up, but here comes ORANGE PUNCH!! Cassidy defends his friend, and he gives Bill another ORANGE PUNCH!! ORANGE PUNCH at the ramp!! Jericho runs out after Mark to CLOBBER him! But Mark comes back to APRON BACK SUPLEX! Mark shoves Jericho in, the fans fire up, and Mark brings Jericho up.

Mark CHOPS, ROCKS, and repeat! Mark fireman’s carries Jericho, then ROLLING DEATH VALLEYS! The fans fire up and Mark goes up! Jericho goes to the apron, but Mark fires hands! Mark HEADBUTTS, then kicks low. Mark reels Jericho in, but Jericho fights the underhooks. Jericho fires body shots, then CLUBS Mark. Jericho suplexes Mark to the floor! Both men are down but they’re still in this so the fans rally up. Jericho stands, he storms up on Mark, and he chants along with “DEM BOYS!” Jericho sends Mark into steel steps! Jericho waves to the fans and the fans boo back. Jericho HEADBUTTS Mark!

Jericho SMACKS Mark off the steps! Jericho hijacks a camera so he can record himself stomping Mark! The ref reprimands, Jericho gives the camera back, and he drags Mark into the ring. Jericho stalks Mark while fans rally up. Jericho fires hands on Mark, CHOKES him on the ropes, but the ref counts. Jericho lets off, soaks up more heat, then he goes back to Mark. Mark CHOPS, Jericho CHOPS, repeat! Jericho CHOPS Mark in the corner again and again and again! Jericho stops to CHOKE Mark again, but the ref counts. Jericho whips corner to corner, but Mark goes up and out! Mark ROCKS Jericho, then REDNECK KUNG-FU UPPERCUTS!

Mark climbs, but Jericho trips him! Jericho climbs up after Mark now, but the fans boo as he rains down fists! Jericho goes all the way to nine, then SUPER STEINERS! The fans boo, Jericho runs up, but Mark ELBOWS him! Mark runs up to CLOBBER Jericho! And CLOBBER again! Mark whips, Jericho reverses, but Mark CLOBBERS Jericho again! The fans fire up as Mark runs to CHOP Jericho! Mark ROCKS, UPPERCUTS, and CHOPS, on repeat! Mark then whips corner to corner, runs in, but Jericho BOOTS him! Jericho goes up, but Mark UPPERCUTS! Mark brings Jericho down, FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Mark is not deterred, he fires back up. Mark drags Jericho up, reels him in, but Jericho wrenches free! Jericho trips Mark, turns Mark over, WALLS OF JERICHO! Mark endures as Jericho sits deep! Mark powers up as the fans rally, and Mark fights around. Jericho sits deep again, but Mark still fights! Mark reaches out, claws forward, ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, the ref counts, and Jericho lets go at 4. Jericho claims Mark tapped but the ref says no he didn’t. BRYAN KEITH CLOBBERS MARK!! He used Floyd the Baseball Bat!! Jericho grins and covers, TWO?!? Keith is furious, he argues with the ref, but here comes Rocky!

Rocky drags Keith down to fire hands! Rocky DECKS Keith, but Jericho has the chair! Mark BOOTS it into Jericho! Mark sets the chair up, builds speed, and the Chicken FLIES! They crash into the table!! Bill’s plan works out after all, but it may have done more to Jericho than Mark! Mark drags Jericho from the wreckage, puts him in the ring, and then he goes up a corner! The fans fire up and Mark aims, FROGGY-BOW INTO A CODE BREAKER!! Jericho crawls to cover, TWO?!?! Mark survives and the fans are fired up! Jericho is furious, but Mark is coming back to life! The fans rally up, but Jericho takes aim!

JUDAS- NO, Mark ducks, kicks, and underhooks! JAY- NO, Jericho wrenches free! Jericho dodges a haymaker to JUDAS EFFECT!! But Jericho doesn’t cover? Jericho grins, he wants to add on! Jericho drags Mark up, reels him in, and he underhooks?! The fans boo, they know what he’s up to! Jericho steals THE JAY DRILLER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Mark survives and the fans are thunderous! Mark will not lose to someone else using his brother’s move! Mark stares Jericho down, Jericho fires a haymaker! Mark shakes his head, so Jericho fires another! And another! And another! Mark just gets angrier and stronger! Mark grits his teeth, he roars, but Jericho still fires hands!

Mark just keeps feeding off the haymakers! Jericho is at a loss for words! Mark fires shots in return! REDNECK STRIKE FEST! CHOP CHOP CHOP! UPPERCUT! Mark whips, and UPPERCUTS again!! Jericho staggers up, Mark fireman’s carries! ROLLING DEATH VALLEY, and Mark goes up! FROGGY-BOW!! Mark then looks up to Heaven, and he says this one’s for his brother! Underhooks, and JAY DRILLER!!! Cover, Mark wins!!

Winner: Mark Briscoe, by pinfall (still ROH World Champion)

Mark says it himself, #DemBoys4Ever! No Nueve here, is The Conglomeration finally done with The Jericho Vortex after tonight?


AEW World Championship, Title VS Career: Bryan Danielson VS Jon Moxley w/ Marina Shafir!

Ever since The American Dragon said this was his last run as a full-time wrestler, we all knew the clock was ticking. But The Maniac’s return was followed by a brutal betrayal, and he wants to be the one that writes the perfect ending to Bryan’s story. Will this be a warrior’s death here in Bryan’s backyard? Or will we see this is NOT the Final Countdown?

Wait, Moxley doesn’t even wait! He just attacks Bryan at the corner, then beats him down on the outside! Moxley throws Bryan’s jacket away, but Bryan fights back! Forearms and KICKS, “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan goes side to side and runs all the way in, but Moxley CLOBBERS him! The song keeps playing like it’s Anarchy in the Arena, and Moxley uses spare camera cable to CHOKE Bryan!! The ref reprimands, but what can he do when this isn’t a match? Bryan grabs a mic to BOP Moxley! Bryan now CHOKES Moxley with the cable!! So Marina Shafir jumps on for a SLEEPER! Bryan THROWS Marina away, but Moxley LARIATS Bryan!

Moxley puts Bryan in the ring, but he also grabs a chair! Moxley storms in, but Bryan BUSAIKU KNEES the chair into Moxley first!! Now the bell rings, and the fans are thunderous as it is as Bryan DROPKICKS! Bryan CHOPS, KICKS, “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan whips, Moxley reverses, but Bryan goes up and over, only for Moxley to stay back! SLEEPER! Bryan pries at the hold, switches, and SAIDOS! Moxley staggers up, “YES! YES! YES!” BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Moxley survives and bails out but the fans fire up. The fans rally behind Bryan and he nods. Bryan goes to the ropes to SPRINGBOARD CANNONBALL!

The fans fire up as Bryan rises! Bryan drags Moxley up, puts him in, but Moxley bails out again. Bryan just DIVES, and he sends Moxley into the desks! Moxley flounders onto the Spanish announce desk, and Bryan SMACKS him off it! The fans fire up as Bryan hops up to KICK! KICK! And KICK! “YES! YES! YES!” But Moxley CLAWS Bryan’s face! Moxley then reels Bryan in, PILEDRIVER on the desk!! Double-edged for Moxley but Bryan’s neck is a major concern. The ref checks Bryan, the fans chant “F U MOXLEY!” Moxley just smirks before he hops down. Moxley hijacks a headset to CHOKE Bryan with the cable!

The ref reprimands, Moxley stops, and the ref says win this in the ring! Moxley smirks and he drags Bryan up. Moxley disrespects Nigel McGuinness before he puts Bryan on the apron. Moxley CLUBS Bryan right on that taped up neck! Moxley CLAWS Bryan’s face, then CLUBS him again! Moxley storms in, argues with the ref, and that lets Marina fire knees on Bryan! The fans boo but Marina gets away with that. Moxley drags Bryan from ropes to cover, TWO! Moxley fires an ELBOW, KICKS Bryan in the back, then paces. Moxley ELBOWS, KICKS, and paces again. The fans boo but Moxley seethes as he watches Bryan writhe.

Moxley storms up on Bryan, drags him around, and has the wrists! The fans boo as Moxley uses the DRAGON STOMPS! Bryan sputters while Moxley paces around him. Moxley looms over Bryan while the fans rally up. Moxley stands Bryan up, puts him in a corner, and ROCKS Bryan! And CHOPS! Bryan staggers away but Moxley stalks him. The fans rally as Bryan goes to another corner, but Moxley ROCKS him, CHOPS him, and Bryan staggers around some more. Moxley storms after Bryan, ROCKS him, CHOPS him, then pie faces him. Bryan snarls to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! But Moxley DECKS him! Cover, TWO!

Moxley sits Bryan up to ELBOW, KICK, and then DRAGON STOMP! Moxley digs his heel in between each stomp, and the fans boo. Bryan grits his teeth as he endures those shots, but Marina mocks the Yes Movement. Moxley covers, TWO! Moxley eggs Bryan on, tells him that this isn’t about Moxley or Bryan but something bigger. Moxley turns Bryan, for a NECKBREAKER! Moxley puts Bryan on the apron and he CLUBS him! And CLUBS him again, and again, and again! Moxley slides in, flips off the fans, and argues with the ref. Marina fires cheap shots again! The fans boo but Marina again gets away with that. No wonder she’s The Problem!

The ref is suspicious though given all the fans protesting, but Marina is innocent until caught in the act. Moxley has Bryan’s fingers, bends them, then SNAPS them! Moxley signals Marina, and she rips up floor mats?! They did this to Darby Allin at Grand Slam, and Marina exposes two or three stretches of concrete! Moxley says it doesn’t have to be this way, as he stands on Bryan’s head against the steps!! The fans boo, tell Moxley off, but he says they know nothing. Moxley brings Bryan around, reels him in, and says last rites, but Bryan fights the lift! BACKDROP onto bare concrete!! Moxley writhes, Marina says she didn’t have anything to do with this.

Moxley and Bryan rise while fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan goes up, but Moxley ROCKS him first! Moxley climbs up, CLAWS Bryan’s back, and then rips the tape away so he can BITE Bryan’s neck and shoulders! The ref reprimands but Moxley is an animal! The fans tell Moxley he’s sick, but Bryan slips under to trip Moxley up! Bryan puts Moxley in the Tree of Woe, to BITE Moxley’s forehead! The fans fire up, and Bryan KICKS away on Moxley! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan goes corner to corner to BASEMENT DROPKICK! Bryan sits Moxley back up, climbs up behind him, but Moxley fights with elbows.

Bryan sits down a moment, but he hooks his legs into the ropes! SPIDER GERMAN SUPLEX! Bryan sits up and the fans are thunderous! Bryan adjusts, “YES! YES! YES!” DIVING HEADBUTT FLOPS as Moxley moves! CURB STOMP!! Cover, TWO!! But Moxley gator rolls Bryan into the BULLY CHOKE!! Bryan endures, fights around, and the fans rally up! Moxley moves around and he KNEES Bryan in the head again and again! Moxley is back on the BULLY CHOKE! Moxley pushes up as hard as he can, but Bryan endures! The fans rally up, and Bryan rolls through to then reel Moxley in! PILEDRIVER!!

Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! Moxley clutches his neck as he slowly falls back, and a standing count begins. Both men are down at 5 of 10, but they start to sit up. Moxley checks his neck, we’re at 7 of 10, and Moxley stands. Bryan goes to ropes, Moxley storms over, and the two stare down. The fans fire up as Bryan eggs Moxley on! The two circle, and Bryan says one for one! So Moxley fires a forearm! Bryan says okay, and he fires back! They go back and forth with forearm after forearm, but Moxley comes back as soon as Bryan hits him! The shots go faster and faster, “YES! NO! YES! NO!”

But then Bryan wobbles! Moxley has a sinister grin, and he sits Bryan up to KICK! Moxley runs, but Bryan blocks the boot! Bryan UPPERCUTS, UPPERCUTS and UPPERCUTS! Bryan whips, Moxley reverses, but Bryan ducks ‘n’ dodges to LEAPING LARIAT! The fans are thunderous again as Bryan rises again! Bryan storms up to KICK! KICK! KICK! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan winds up, to BUZZSAW! The fans are thunderous again as Moxley falls over! Bryan fires up more, and he goes to the corner for “YES! YES! YES!” Moxley rises, but Marina hooks Bryan! The ref caught Marina, but Moxley hits a CUTTER!!

The ref finally EJECTS Marina! The fans fire up while Marina throws a fit! The ref says try him, see what happens! Marina has no choice but to retreat, and the fans sing “Hey Hey Hey~, Goodbye~!” Moxley scowls but he goes back to Bryan. Bryan slowly rises while Moxley paces. Moxley says this is how it has to end! Underhooks and- NO, Bryan wrenches to ROLLING ELBOW! Moxley ducks a roundhouse to GERMAN SUPELX! Bryan is right up to BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Moxley survives and the fans fire up again! The fans start singing, “You’re Gonna Get Your Effin’ Head Kicked In!” Bryan says yes he is!

Bryan grabs Moxley to DRAGON STOMP! Again and again and again, “YES! YES! YES!” And then omoplata, LEBELL LOCK!! Moxley endures, reaches out, and claws forward! Bryan pulls on the hold, then hooks the free arm! Moxley shifts to have a ROPEBREAK with his leg! Bryan lets go and Moxley bails out, but Bryan is not deterred. Bryan builds speed to DIVE! But Moxley catches him!! DEATH RIDER to bare concrete!! Moxley writhes while Bryan clutches his neck. Moxley hauls Bryan into the ring, stumbles in to cover, TWO!?!? Bryan survives and the fans are thunderous again!

Moxley sits Bryan up, leans on his old friend, and he rains down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS!! Then the SLEEPER! Bryan endures, pries at the hold, and the fans rally up as hard as they can! Bryan fights up, has Moxley as a backpack, and he marches over to the ROPEBREAK! But then Bryan climbs the corner! The fans fire up again, and Bryan goes to the second rope for a SUPER BACKPACK SENTON! Moxley lets go, both he and Bryan are down, and the fans rally up again. Bryan sits up, Moxley kicks at him! Bryan kicks back! The fans say “YES! NO!” as the two go back and forth with the kicks! Then “YES! YES! YES!” as Bryan fires off!

Bryan shifts Moxley around, has the arm, LEBELL LOCK!!! Moxley endures, claws the hold open and rolls, but Bryan makes it a TRIANGLE HOLD! Bryan fires elbows, Moxley endures and stacks, then pops free to float and REAR NAKED CHOKE, into an ARMBAR! But Bryan shifts, slips free, LEG CAPTURE SUPLEX! Moxley’s right up!? Bryan dodges him, to BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, TWO!?!? The fans fire up again, BUSAIKU- LARIAT!! Moxley hauls Bryan up, to LARIAT again! Cover, TWO!! Bryan is still in this and the fans stay fired up! Moxley paces, soaks up the heat, and vows to end it now.

Moxley drags Bryan up and underhooks, DEATH RIDER!! Cover, ONE?!?!? Bryan defies Moxley and the fans are electric! “YES! YES! YES!” and both men rise up. Moxley tells Bryan not to make him do this. Moxley sits Bryan up, but Bryan SPITS at Moxley, then SLAPS him! Moxley reels Bryan in, GOTCH STYLE PILEDRIVER!!! And then SLEEPER!! BULLY CHOKE!! Bryan flails, reaches out, pries at the hold, stands up again, and Moxley is again a backpack! Moxley slips down, squeezes tight, and the fans rally as hard as they can for Bryan! But Bryan is fading! Moxley brings Bryan down into the REAR NAKED CHOKE! BRYAN IS OUT?!?! MOXLEY WINS!!!

Winner: Jon Moxley, by submission (NEW AEW World Champion)

The fans cannot believe it! They cannot accept it! But it is reality! The Maniac slays The American Dragon by squeezing the life out of him! And yet, he bows to show respect to Bryan? Bryan’s own promise was that as soon as he lost this title, he’d step back from in-ring competition. Moxley is now joined by his Blackpool Combat Club, Marina, Pac and Claudio Castagnoli. The title is put in a duffel bag for whatever reason, and Marina now has a plastic bag?! Moxley wants to do like he did to Bryan at All Out?! But here comes Wheeler Yuta AND Darby Allin! They run The BCC off and spare Bryan from more!

Darby eyes Moxley, dares him to try something, but then Yuta BUSAIKU KNEES Darby?!?! Even Yuta seems like he didn’t want to, but he fell back in line with the BCC! Is it because Bryan lost and there’s no reason to be loyal to him anymore?! Pac meanwhile stomps Darby into the corner, and Marina duct tapes Darby to the ropes! The fans cuss out Yuta, they boo The BCC, but Moxley stalks Bryan. Marina splashes Darby with water to wake him up to watch. Moxley gives Yuta the plastic bag!? Yuta shakes his head, but he still BAGS Bryan!!! The fans are losing their minds but Yuta tells Bryan to stop fighting it! Just stop fighting it!

Darby tells The BCC to stop this, and security rushes out here, but The BCC kicks them all away!! Yuta is choking Bryan out, even though he doesn’t want to! Private Party runs out here, they get kicked away! Jeff Jarrett runs in but he gets mugged, too! Moxley and Jarrett brawl but Moxley JAMS Jarrett with a chair! Claudio puts a chair around Bryan’s neck?!? Wasn’t taking the title and his career enough!? Darby SPITS at Claudio but he can’t do anything while stuck in the corner! Moxley gives the go ahead, and Claudio CURB STOMPS Bryan!!! Private Party & Jarrett keep trying, but now here comes the rest of the locker room!!

The Conglomeration, Hook, Daniel Garcia, Adam Cole, they all get out here and run The BCC off, but the damage has been done. Darby is freed from the corner, medical is hurried into the ring, and a stretcher is already brought out. The bottom rope is removed so the EMTs can bring Bryan out of the ring. The fans chant “Thank You, Bryan!” as this may very well be the last time anyone sees him on AEW programming again. Why did Moxley and the BCC have to go this far?

My Thoughts:

A mostly awesome WrestleDream, but much like All Out, mixed feelings with how a lot of things went. The Zero Hour had great stuff as always, but this one time, I felt like it only needed three matches. The best thing was the first match where Cage won the TV Championship. That is great for him, and for ROH overall since Atlantis Jr. is a CMLL guy and wasn’t always part of ROH programming. Cage can be a fighting champion, or at least I’d like if he was, and that’s going to be a lot of fun. MXM Collection’s third man reveal was cool for continuity from way back when, but still a letdown when this could’ve really freshened things up in The Acclaimed’s story, even if it meant Caster turning on Bowens to thereby end The Acclaimed.

Good win for Anna Jay in a really good match between her and Harley, the only other women’s match on the night. The 8 Man Tag match was a lot of fun, too, and it at least established Conglomeration being in town for things relevant to them. Cassidy’s promo with Jerry Lynn and Hook kinda didn’t need to happen tonight, though, that could’ve been a Dynamite promo. For that matter, same for Mone & Kamille disrespecting Aminata, they could’ve played that at the start of a Dynamite or Collision and still set up Mone VS Aminata the same way. Meanwhile, Kyle and Okada having their promo and brawl was the one thing that was fitting, since we saw Kyle in a match and Okada was free. That will be a great match, maybe for Battle of the Belts next Saturday.

Match order on an AEW PPV is always a touch confusing, but I appreciated Hangman VS White opened. That was a great match to really test White in his return, and a great win for it. Hangman might not let White move on yet, because for one, not sure who White’s other target could be. Christian Cage & The Patriarchy for taking the trios titles? That’d be fun. Awesome 2 Out of 3 Falls from Hologram VS Mortos, but I’m not sure it needed to be on PPV if there wasn’t really anything on the line. Granted, we all love Hologram and Mortos so who wouldn’t want to see this? A little surprised Rush didn’t show up, though, to try and establish a match with Hologram.

Great stuff in all the championship matches, but again, some mixed feelings. Mariah VS Willow was great stuff, and for a moment I thought Willow could’ve had it, but no, Mariah retains. No Mina Shirakawa at all but maybe she shows up for Dynamite as Mariah wants her celebration. Also, I’d like to think even if Britt had faced Willow on Title Tuesday and won then to be here tonight, she probably would’ve been fed to Mariah, too, for the sake of building Mariah up. At least, that would be fair, as Britt only just returned again after All Out and does need a little bit of time before she’s world champion again.

Great TNT Championship match from Perry and Shibata, and Perry snatching victory from the jaws of defeat was a great way to do that. We’ve seen that kind of finish here and there, so it was great for Perry to survive rather than beat Shibata. Plus, great opening for Garcia to confront Perry, MJF to return and confront Garcia, and then Cole to return and confront MJF. Cole VS MJF is finally going to happen, and perhaps it was best that things turned out like this. MJF reverted back to Heel, which is still his strongest persona, and Cole has proven himself a strong Face, these two can have a great match for Full Gear that sends the winner towards a title.

The International Championship Triple Threat was awesome, but I did not think they’d go this way with Fletcher. I thought Fletcher was going to save Ospreay from Callis, but apparently not. Fletcher now sees things Callis’ way, he turns on Ospreay, and other than maybe Ricochet helping out, Ospreay is likely fighting the Don Callis Family alone. Silver lining is Konosuke now has the title, as he has deserved a title for a long time. Meanwhile, The Bucks VS Private Party was awesome, BUT the wrong choice was made. After talking so much about “five years, what’ve you done?” and having Amazing Red join in on that entrance video, Private Party should’ve won and humbled The Bucks.

Even then, they did nothing with Top Flight or Stokely being ringside, other than both sides having cause to say “Told you so.” Granted, such a promo can happen on Dynamite, but they wouldn’t need such promos if Private Party won. Instead, Stokely could recruit a new team, or even just join Top Flight as their manager, and they take on Private Party to put over some young talent that fans all still really like. Briscoe VS Jericho was really good stuff, and it was properly overbooked with Keith & Bill getting involved, with Rocky & Cassidy stopping them. I’m personally glad Mark retained, we don’t need Jericho having the ROH title again, but it also did stop there from being twists like Rocky turning, feeling jaded over how things have gone on Dynamite and Rampage.

Great promo segment with Swerve and the unofficially “Hurt Syndicate” tonight. Swerve lived up to his nickname as he kept swerving us on which way he was going. Good reference of continuity between Defy, some implied WWE crossover, and then stuff Hangman brought up in the beginning of his feud with Swerve, lots of fun. But as I figured, Swerve did not leave Nana, he and Nana are sticking together. Good stuff from Shelton getting heated, but I was kinda hoping Bobby Lashley would show up to really get fans going nuts. Perhaps Swerve VS Shelton happens, Swerve wins, and then Lashley shows up then to set up a match with Swerve at Full Gear. Either way, it all feels like the trope of “You lose, you join up” will be used.

Great stuff with Darby VS Brody but WOW, didn’t think they’d go that hard with the steel steps. Great win for Darby, though, and great show of respect between him and Brody. Darby is certainly poised to go after the world title again, given his part in the ending tonight, and maybe it happens at Full Gear, but who knows. The world championship was awesome, even with Marina getting involved here and there, and it seems bare concrete is going to be the go-to move for Moxley and Marina. As I said at the start, mixed feelings. For one, Bryan passes out for the loss, but I suppose that’s the most fitting for Bryan. He wasn’t ever gonna tap out, and apparently Moxley has no move that can take Bryan out for the pinfall, it’s one of those “body gave out before his spirit did” tropes.

The biggest mixed feeling is everything with what happened after. On one hand, I just knew Yuta was joining BCC again. The way they framed that shot of Darby staring Moxley down, Yuta was primed to attack Darby. But on the other hand, they really went to a scary place with how they didn’t just beat up Bryan, but they went like rated R action movie with this. The plastic bag, the choking, the chaos of other Faces running out there but getting fought off, the chair around the neck, all well done to stir up these feelings, but still… It was one thing for this to be Bryan’s last match and we could say #ThankYouBryan and it’s bittersweet, but it’s another to push the envelope and (even if it’s just kayfabe) make this feel like Bryan’s last moment on camera period.

My Score: 9.1/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (10/11/24)

Rocky Romero is on a Rampage!



Will Bryan Keith make Rocky RESPECT Chris Jericho?

Chris Jericho tried to get in Rocky Romero’s head ahead of WrestleDream, but will it work? Or will Azucar be Conglomeration 4 Life?


  • Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly VS The Kingdom; Cassidy & Kyle win.
  • The Acclaimed VS ???; No Contest.
  • Kris Statlander VS Amira; Kris wins.
  • The Beast Mortos VS The Butcher; Mortos wins.
  • Lance Archer VS Matt Brannigan; Archer wins.
  • Rocky Romero VS Bryan Keith; Keith wins.


Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly VS The Kingdom!

The Conglomeration continues to battle familiar foes and common enemies, and that’s why they’re facing Mike Bennett & Matt Taven. Will Freshly Squeezed & The Violent Artist keep the hot streak going? Or will Bennett & Taven make sure no one can help Mark Briscoe against Chris Jericho this Saturday at WrestleDream?

The teams sort out, Cassidy and Bennett start, and the fans rally for “Freshly Squeezed! Freshly Squeezed!” Bennett and Cassidy circle, tie up, and go around. Bennett puts Cassidy on ropes, the ref counts, and Bennett lets off cleanly. The fans applaud as Bennett waits on Cassidy. Cassidy fires himself up and resets with Bennett. They tie up, Bennett headlocks but Cassidy powers out. Bennett runs Cassidy over, covers, ONE! Bennett headlocks again but Cassidy rolls him up! ONE, and Cassidy headlocks. Bennett powers up and out, RUNS Cassidy over, but Cassidy up kicks back! Sweep and cover, ONE! Cassidy avoids the sweep, and the fans cheer!

Cassidy “kicks” Bennett again and again, but Bennett gets mad! Bennett swings, Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges, then he FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES! The fans fire up as Cassidy stalks Bennett. Cassidy headlocks, Bennett powers out and Taven tags in. Bennett drops, Taven hurdles, but Cassidy gets around Taven. Cassidy BOOTS Bennett, then holds Taven’s hand so that they DOUBLE LARIAT Bennett! The fans fire up as Cassidy then BACKDROPS Taven away! Cassidy flexes, then he tags Kyle. Cassidy whips Taven for Kyle to kitchen sink knee! Cassidy runs to basement DROPKICK, Kyle KNEE DROPS! Cassidy runs, to SHOULDER DROP!

Bennett runs up, Cassidy blocks a kick and Kyle sweeps the leg! Kyle PENALTY KICKS, Cassidy runs to sit Bennett back up, and DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! The Conglomeration do their secret high-five, then Kyle fires knees on Taven. Kyle wrenches, wristlocks, and YANKS the arm. Kyle hammerlocks Taven, BOOTS him to a corner, then forearm SMASHES! Kyle whips corner to corner, Taven goes up and over then slides under. Taven DROPKICKS Kyle down, then soaks up heat. “III’M Matt Taven!” Tag to Bennett, and Bennett puts Kyle in a corner. Bennett CHOPS Kyle, ROCKS Kyle, and repeat!

The ref counts as Bennett stomps a mudhole, but Bennett stops at 4. The fans boo but Bennett tags Taven. Taven stomps and ROCKS Kyle, reels him in, and suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Taven stays on Kyle, tags Bennett, and The Kingdom mugs Kyle. They double whip, but Kyle grabs ropes! Kyle BOOTS Bennett, DUMPS Taven, and tags Cassidy! Cassidy bumps Bennett off buckles, runs him side to side, then does the same to Taven! The fans cheer as Cassidy climbs, to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! But The Kingdom catches Cassidy! Kyle steps in, WRINGS Taven’s arm, and then push-starts Cassidy’s DDT!

The fans fire up and Cassidy kips up! Cassidy DIVES onto Taven! Taven hits railing, Kyle CLOBBERS Bennett and rains down palm strikes! Kyle shifts to an ARMBAR! Bennett resists, but Kyle also has a leg! Cassidy “stomps” Bennett so the ARMBAR is in full! Bennett scrambles to a ROPEBREAK! Kyle lets go, but he KICKS Bennett in a corner as Rampage goes picture in picture.

Kyle drags Bennett up, wrenches the arm, ELBOW BREAKER, and a whip into the corner. Kyle climbs up to rain down fists, and he goes right to TEN! Tag to Cassidy, Cassidy climbs up, and he goes all the way to ONE! Cassidy then snapmares Bennett, covers, TWO! Cassidy brings Bennett up, bumps him off buckles, and he tags Kyle. They KICK and “kick” Bennett over and over, then they both KICK, KICK, KICK! Then they DOUBLE BOOT COMBO! Kyle drags Bennett up to wrench, but Bennett fires a forearm! Kyle wrenches again, but Bennett fires another forearm! Kyle SWEEPS the leg, tags Cassidy, and he covers, TWO!

Cassidy drags Bennett up, but Bennett fights the suplex. Bennett tries to suplex but Cassidy fights it. Rampage returns to single picture as the fight for suplex control keeps going. Bennett suplexes, but Cassidy cradle counters! TWO! Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges, but DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! The fans fire up and the two crawl, hot tags to Taven and Kyle! Kyle swings, Taven dodges, and Taven SPLASHES Cassidy! Taven then BOOTS Kyle, GAMANGIRIS Cassidy, and HEEL KICKS Kyle! Then Taven scoops Cassidy for a BACKBREAKER, and DDT! Taven says taht’s what Cassidy gets! But Kyle knees Taven low!

Kyle whips, Taven catches Kyle, MOONLIGHT DRIVE! The fans are torn, but Taven LIONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Taven using Jericho’s move doesn’t work out, but he tags Bennett. Bennett DECKS Cassidy, Taven whips Kyle to a corner, Taven sends Bennett in to forearm SMASH! Taven adds a SPLASH, then feeds Kyle to Bennett, only for Kyle to KNEE Bennett first! Taven DECKS Kyle! Cassidy runs in and tilt-o-whirls Taven, but Taven stops the DDT! Taven suplexes, but gets STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Kyle adds AX & SMASH! Cassidy coordinates with Kyle, they DOUBLE KICK Taven down!

Bennett rises, dodges the Orange Punch, and he DECKS Kyle! But Cassidy Alabama Lifts! Bennett fights that, to PILEDRIVER! Bennett blocks Kyle’s kick, atomic drop, ROLLING ELBOW! SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives and the fans fire up! Bennett sits Kyle up, to then CHOP! And CHOP! Bennett whips Kyle but Kyle BOOTS Taven down! Bennett trips Kyle, CATAPULT, but Kyle DECKS Taven! Bennett sunset flips but Kyle rolls through! Kyle CATAPULTS Bennett, into BEACH BREAK! But JUST THE TIP o’ the knee hits Cassidy! Kyle staggers up, Taven ducks the roundhouse, to SUPERKICK!

Taven goes up the ropes, but Kyle trips him up! PENALTY KICK! Bennett returns but Kyle jumps on, GUILLOTINE! ORANGE PUNCH for Taven!! Bennett is also out, Conglomeration wins!

Winners: Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly, by submission

Cassidy & Kyle keep things going, but they offer handshakes. The Kingdom take them to show respect, will these two teams move on from here as friends now? Will Cassidy & Kyle be poised for tag team championship opportunities after WrestleDream?


Backstage interview with Mercedes Mone.

Renee Paquette doesn’t do the CEO introduction she did on Tuesday, but now it’s not good enough for the Two Belt Boss! Mone says she needs something something, more flava. Then joining her now is- Okay, no, Renee is better off just asking the questions. Renee congratulates Mone on her double title defense victory on Title Tuesday, but those chops from Emi Sakura…! It was like one after another! Wasn’t it like 30 or something? Mone & Kamille tell Renee to stop. Mone is still feeling the pain. But she is The CEO, she has no time for this, it is time to handle business. She has to go jump on her private jet, something Renee knows nothing about!

But Kamille is staying here to watch Kris Statlander very closely. And do you know why? Because money changes everything! Bye-bye, Renee. Mone heads out, Brickhouse stays, and Renee sheepishly exits. Will Kamille make sure the #BornAgainKristen doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk?


The Acclaimed VS ???

Speaking of talking and walking, Platinum Max Caster leads the way for Anthony Bowens as they- GET JUMPED BY MXM COLLECTION!? The fans boo as Mansoor & Mason Madden beat down Caster & Bowens! Mason may have been a football player but he dribbles Caster off the ramp while Mansoor stomps away on Bowens! Mason RIPS the customized jacket, to then CHOKE Caster with it! Mansoor runs Bowens right into the side of the tunnel! MXM is getting revenge for their New York fashion show finale being ruined, and they place The Acclaimed side by side on stage.

Mansoor has Caster’s mic to say, “Now you see what happens, huh!? Now you see what happens when Daddy Ass isn’t around to protect you. We drop you on YOUR asses! And I bet you didn’t think we could do it, huh? I bet none of you thought MXM Collection were capable of this!” Bowens tris to sit up but Mansoor stomps him down. Mansoor says MXM didn’t wanna take it this far! They wanted to keep it light. They wanted to keep it fun. But Acclaimed took something special from them! They took MXM’s Grand Slam Collision moment away!

“So now, we are going to take something from you. Tomorrow night, WrestleDream, MXM Collection BEAT The Acclaimed, and WE are going to take YOUR spot!” The fans boo, but Mansoor says when numbers are even, MXM come out on top. Tomorrow night, MXM will have a very special surprise in their corner. It will be a third man, and Acclaimed, Mansoor promises them, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that third man will make sure they KILL scissoring and bury it once and for all! Mansoor then shouts to Mason, “Touch! My! Tip!” They finger boop as the fans boo, but both challenge and promise have been made. Who will be that third man, brother?


Kris Statlander speaks.

“You ever feel like somewhere along the way, you lost who you were? That’s exactly what happened to me. When you make a change, you need to think where you went wrong or how you got there. For me, everything went wrong when Mercedes Mone showed up. My best friend became obsessed with her. I let Stokely get in my ear, and I got led down the wrong path. I didn’t know who I was, but I did what I needed to do. And on the five year anniversary of Dynamite, I was reminded of who I am. I became ‘Born Again Kristen,’ and I am the biggest, baddest, strongest woman in AEW. I’m coming for Mercedes Mone and her TBS title.”

The Galaxy’s Greatest has her head on straight, but will she be able to earn that shot at championship redemption in the background of WrestleDream?


Backstage interview with The Conglomeration.

Renee is with Cassidy, Kyle and Rocky, and she commends Cassidy & Kyle on their win over The Kingdom. And tonight, Rocky is going to step into the ring with “The Bad Apple,” Bryan Keith. How does he feel ahead of his match? Rocky says he’s a little pissed. On Title Tuesday, The Learning Tree said Rocky was just some lackey for The Conglomeration. But Rocky is no man’s lackey! Tonight, he shows the Learning Tree, and most importantly Bryan Keith, that Rocky is his own man. Kyle says that’s right, Rocky. But um, Mark Briscoe isn’t here tonight, so what’s the word of the day? Kyle really needs to know.

Rocky says the word of the day is they stand back here while he handles business. Rocky heads out, will Azucar get himself some sweet victory? Or will The Bad Apple make him taste bitter defeat?


Kris Statlander VS Amira!

With The CEO’s Brickhouse watching backstage, #BornAgainKristen looks to keep her win streak going. Will there be no stopping Kris on her road back to the TBS Championship?

The bell rings, and Kris runs right up to UPPERCUT Amira in a corner! Then she goes side to side to KNEE Amira, and reels her in for a suplex! Kris holds Amira up to show off that strength, and then she SLAMS Amira down! Kris kips up and the fans fire up! Kris storms back up on Amira, but Amira fires forearms! Kris shoves Amira, Amira ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl, but Kris stops the rana! Tuck and STATURDAY NIGHT FEVER! Cover, Kris wins!

Winner: Kris Statlander, by pinfall

Another win that wasn’t just strong, but fast! Kamille is only moderately impressed, but will she be feeling different about Kris after they have a head-on Collision?


Backstage interview with Chris Jericho.

Renee is with The Learning Tree and brings up tomorrow night, WrestleDream, and the ROH World Championship match with Mark Briscoe. However, Jericho has quickly made this match personal with Mark, what is going on? Jericho smiles and says, “Hi, guys~! You know what’s personal to me, Renee? It’s the legacy of Chris Jericho. And after 34 years in this business, I can honestly say I’ve done and seen it all. I have headlined the biggest buildings in the world, from the Tokyo Dome to Madison Square Garden, to Rod Laver Arena in Sydney, Australia. Arena Mexico, everything. Nobody has had the impact over generations like Chris Jericho has.

“And now, it’s the dawn of a new Chris Jericho. As you know, I always reinvent myself, evolve. I was The Ocho. But now, it’s time for The Nueve. And Mark Briscoe, you know what the word of the day is? It’s, ‘Humbled.’ And you need to be humbled. Cuz you got a great rep, everyone feels for you. They give you a lot of free rides. You get to cut a lot of corners. The fans feel the same way, I don’t. So at WrestleDream tomorrow, I am going to humble you, Mark Briscoe. And if I made things personal, that’s just too bad. If I’m getting inside your head, that’s just what Chris Jericho does.

“So tomorrow at WrestleDream, I will become the ROH World Champion, for a second time! Just like Jay Briscoe, two-time ROH Champion. And Mark, that’s going to be personal. See you tomorrow. The Nueve’s coming. Thanks, guys~!” Jericho stops smiling, but will he fail to keep that promise against a very angry Sussex County Chicken?


The Beast Mortos VS The Butcher!

Roderick Strong is on commentary to claim Beast Mortos has simply wondered away from The Kingdom, and he just needs to see he cannot trust Jake The Snake Roberts. But will Mortos only focus on destroying his opponent? Or can The Butcher make Mortos in a prime cut of beef?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, then break. The fans rally, the two tie up again, and then the two break again. Butcher and Mortos fire up, tie up again, and push each other back and forth. Butcher puts Mortos in the corner, the fans chant “BEAT THAT MEAT!” but the ref counts. Butcher backs off, he and Mortos reset, and they tie up again. They’re in another deadlock, but now Mortos powers Butcher back. Mortos lets off, but then SMACKS Butcher! The fans fire up as Butcher snarls. Butcher and Mortos tie up, and Butcher wrenches an arm to a wristlock.

Mortos goes up the ropes to flip through! Mortos wrenches, headlocks, but Butcher powers out. They RAM shoulders, and Butcher says Mortos’s got nothing! Mortos runs, he RAMS Butcher again, and Butcher says that’s nothing! Mortos fires up, runs, and RAMS Butcher again! Mortos eggs Butcher on, so Butcher runs, and Mortos drops! Mortos runs up, Butcher dodges but Mortos dodges back! Mortos rolls off Butcher’s back, then SOBATS! Front kick! ELBOW! Snapmare, and NECK TWIST! The fans fire up with Mortos, even Roddy cheers, and Mortos runs up. Butcher BOOTS back!

Butcher fireman’s carries, GUTBUSTER DROP, then LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Mortos survives, but Butcher stands him up to fire forearms. Butcher whips, Mortos reverses, then runs in. Butcher BOOTS Mortos, but Mortos fires up! Mortos runs in, Butcher dodges, and Mortos hits the corner! Mortos tumbles up and out, Butcher pursues, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Butcher CLUBS Mortos, then brings him around to whip into the apron! Butcher LARIATS Mortos down, and he looms over the beast. Butcher drags Mortos up, to then APRON BACK SUPLEX! Mortos staggers then falls over, and Butcher refreshes the ring count. Butcher ROCKS Mortos, CHOPS him, then stalks him around the way. Mortos SMACKS Butcher! Butcher ROCKS Mortos! Butcher SMACKS Mortos off the steel steps, then stalks him around the way. Butcher ROCKS Mortos again, Roddy shouts for Mortos to get going, but Butcher BITES Mortos on the forehead! The ref reprimands but Butcher stalks Mortos.

Butcher BOOTS Mortos, puts him in the ring, then storms over. Butcher drags Mortos into a chinlock and digs fingers into Mortos’ face! Butcher CLUBS Mortos but Mortos fires body shots! Mortos backs Butcher down, fires up, but Butcher CLOBBERS him from behind! Butcher drops a knee on Mortos, Mortos goes to a corner, and Butcher digs his boots in. The ref counts, but Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns and now Mortos has Butcher down. The fans fire up and Mortos storms up to LARIAT! But Butcher stays up! Mortos LARIATS again, but Butcher shakes his head. Mortos runs, but Butcher ROCKS him first! Butcher runs, but Mortos follows to SPLASH at the ropes! Mortos runs and baits Butcher in! HEADBUTT! Mortos roars, but DOUBLE LARIATS take both behemoths down! The fans fire up and a standing count starts. Butcher and Mortos slowly rise, and they go to opposite ends. Mortos storms up to fireman’s carry and WASTELAND SLAM! The fans fire up as Mortos climbs!

The fans fire up as Mortos PHOENIX FLOPS as Butcher moves! Butcher runs up, waistlocks, half nelson and BACKBRAEKER! Then a deadlift JACKHAMMER!! Cover, TWO!! Mortos survives and Butcher is frustrated. Butcher points to the corner, climbs it, but Mortos CLUBS him! Mortos torture racks Butcher, BACKBREAKER DROP!! Even Roddy is stunned! Mortos hits a FLYING HEADBUTT!! Cover, Mortos wins!

Winner: The Beast Mortos, by pinfall

Roddy says he was Mortos’ good luck charm! Jake the Snake is watching, he likes what he sees from his new client. But will Mortos be able to bring down Hologram in their WrestleDream Best 2 Out of 3 Falls match?


Backstage interview with Harley Cameron.

Renee is with the wild Aussie and asks if there’s any update on Saraya, who suffered in that brutal loss on Title Tuesday in that Fatal 4 Way. Harley says yes, Saraya is once again “incapacitated.” Then how is Harley holding up? She’s capacitated. What? Exactly! But do you know whose fault this really is? Does Renee know whom? Who? No, whom. Just say whom. ANNA JAY! What? She wasn’t even in the match! Exactly! It was an Anything Goes, so Anna could’ve been that anything, but she didn’t show up. Harley had to pull wood outta her ass, but where was Anna? Probably home watching her Stardom tapes? Ohh~!

All of a sudden, Anna goes to Japan and now she’s too big for the rest of them? Anna was supposed to be Saraya’s friend, but she wasn’t there, and now Saraya is pissed. And when Saraya is pissed, Harley kicks ass! Renee is confused, Harley says no more questions, and Harley storms off. Will the Star of the Show pay for simply doing nothing?


Lance Archer VS Matt Brannigan!

He may be part of the Don Callis Family now, but he’s still the Murderhawk Monster! He demolished people in the parking lot, he demolished his opponent on ROH last night, will he just keep on demolishing people until he’s become a champion?

The bell rings and Brannigan flexes right up in Archer’s face, but then regrets it. Archer choke grips, but Brannigan slips free! Brannigan dodges in the corner, CHOPS, but again regrets it. He CHOPS again, and again, then tries a choke grip! Archer just pries the hand away to LARIAT Brannigan inside-out! Archer whips Brannigan, BACKDROPS him, and the fans fire up! Brannigan goes to a corner. Archer runs in to ELBOW! Archer keeps going, and he ELBOWS Brannigan again! And then ELBOWS him again! Brannigan falls, the fans fire up, and Archer drags Brannigan to his feet. Double choke grip, for a TOSS overhead!

The fans fire up while Brannigan flounders. Archer reminds us, “EVERYBODY DIES!” Archer stands Brannigan up, tells the ref to back off, and he CHOPS Brannigan down! The fans fire up, Archer puts Brannigan back in the corner, and he fakes the chop. The fans boo but Archer puts Brannigan up top. UPPERCUT, and then crucifix lift! BLACKOUT BOMB! Cover, Archer wins!

Winner: Lance Archer, by pinfall

Callis loves the dominance of his Murderhawk Monster, but will Callis help Archer finally have gold here in AEW?


Jake the Snake speaks.

It was just after Title Tuesday and the world saw La Faccion Ingobernable join this living legend when Jake Roberts said, “Anybody that knows Jake Roberts knows that Jake Roberts has been all over the world, wrestled everyone. From Andre the Giant to Hulk Hogan and back. It did not matter. But they also know that Jake Roberts never cared about rules. Rules are for children. We’re not children. My friend, what we have here, matadors? Maybe. Maybe ninjas, who knows. I will tell you this: They’re hungry. What are we going to do next? That should be the question in your mind. Because when Jake Roberts tells you something, you can take it to heart.

“Rules are meant to be broken, like bones. And my friend, they’ll be glad to do both for you.” Rush tells us all to remember: If you mess with the bull, you get the horns! LFI throw up the fists, who will get those fists in their face in the very near future?


Backstage interview with Anna Jay.

Renee is now with The Star of the Show and brings up the harsh words from Harley. Harley blames Anna for not being a friend? Anna says yes, that’s right, they’re not friends, never were friends. It was a one-time team up, and they took some nice pictures, but Anna’s not running out to the ring to help two women who wouldn’t even spit on her if she was on fire. Anna takes care of herself, and that is fine. She has her own back, and needs both hands. What has she been saying since getting back? #JustTryMe. So what’s so hard about that? Anna is here and ready for anyone.

Harley wants to kick Anna’s ass? This one? Anna shows it to the camera. Just a heads up, this ass can kick back. Harley has been warned, will she reconsider her misplaced aggression?


Rocky Romero VS Bryan Keith!

Azucar may not be on the current Conglomeration merch shirt, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less a part of the team. Will Rocky make sure everyone, especially The Bad Apple, understands that?

But Keith doesn’t wait for the bell, he attacks Rocky at the corner! The bell does ring, Keith fires off forearms, and the ref reprimands. Keith lets off just to dig his boot in, but the ref tells Keith to stop. Keith snatches Rocky’s eyepatch away, then SMACKS him with it! Keith CHOPS Rocky, whips him corner to corner, but Rocky goes up and up to CROSSBODY! Rocky rains down fists, and he fires up! The fans fire up with Rocky but Keith bails out. Rocky finally takes off his jacket, and goes out after Keith. Keith knees low, whips, but Rocky stops from hitting steps! Rocky SMACKS Keith off steps, then uses steps to go up and FLYING RANA!

The fans fire up while Rocky gives some Latino Heat. Rocky puts Keith in, climbs a corner, but Keith bails out. The fans boo, but then Rocky WRECKS Keith with a dropkick! Rocky hurries out after Keith and the fans rally again. Rocky uses steps again, but Keith catches Rocky! EXPLODER to the floor! Rocky writhes and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Keith storms up on Rocky, rains down fists, but stops as the ref reprimands. Keith paces around, drags Rocky up, and CHOPS him! Rocky staggers away, Keith storms up and CHOPS again. Keith whips Rocky hard into railing! Rocky falls in a heap but Keith still seethes. Keith drags Rocky up, puts him in, and then drags Rocky up just to snapmare him back down. Keith drops a knee on Rocky’s face! Cover, TWO! Keith argues the count but Aubrey defends that two is two. Keith storms after Rocky to CHOP him in a corner. Keith stalks Rocky, bumps him off buckles, then puts him against ropes!

Aubrey counts, Keith lets off, and Keith puts Rocky in a corner. Keith whips corner to corner, Rocky reverses, then Rocky runs up to LARIAT! Rocky fires up, runs again, LARIAT! That’s two-ever but Rocky keeps moving, only for Keith to use Aubrey as a shield! Jericho really has taught him well. Rocky helps Aubrey aside, and he fires haymakers on Keith! Rocky ROCKS Keith, then whips corner to corner. Keith reverses, runs up, and he LARIATS Rocky inside-out! Keith then shouts at the camera, probably “RESPECT CHRIS JERICHO!” Keith clamps onto Rocky with a chinlock and grinds him down.

Rocky endures, pries at the hold, and fights up to his feet. Rocky fires body shots, then ROCKS Keith! And ROCKS him again! Keith CHOPS, Rampage returns to single picture, then he runs up. Rocky BOOTS back, but Keith just roars! Rocky BOOTS him again, then CHOPS Keith on the back! Rocky CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Keith in the chest, then puts Keith in a corner. Rocky KICKS and KICKS and KICKS away, then stomps a mudhole! Rocky digs both boots in, but Aubrey counts. Rocky lets off and is all fired up, as is Spokane. Rocky waits on Keith, runs in at him, but Keith dodges! Keith runs in, but into an UPPERCUT!

Rocky goes up and up and FLYING TORNADO DDTS! Cover, TWO!! Keith survives but Rocky stays focused. Rocky drags Keith up, then runs up to SLICED- NO, Keith slips free of the bread. Keith fires elbows, Rocky ducks one, but Keith runs up ropes! Rocky denies Keith his tornado DDT, and then wrenches, only for Keith to ROCK him! Underhooks, TIGER KNEE STRIKE! Cover, TWO!! Rocky survives and Keith is stunned! Keith pulls at his hair in frustration but the fans rally up. Keith tells the kids to sit down, and he watches Rocky go to a corner. Keith runs in, blocks a boot, but not the ENZIGIRI!

Rocky goes up, leaps, but into another clinch! EXP- SUNSET FLIP! Keith rolls through, blocks a kick, ducks the enzigiri, but not the REWIND HEEL! Rocky runs up, SLICED BREAD!! Cover, TWO!! Keith survives again and the fans fire up! Rocky pounds the mat, the fans rally behind him, and he goes to a corner. Rocky climbs, but Keith hurries after him! Rocky fights the clinch, ROCKS Keith, but Keith RISING HEADBUTTS! Keith roars, fans boo, but Keith climbs up. Keith turns Rocky around, and BITES Rocky’s head! Aubrey reprimands, but Keith brings Rocky up, only for Rocky to fight! Rocky HEADBUTTS, and cravats!

The fans fire up for the SUPER SLICED BREAD!! Rocky clutches a leg, crawls to the cover, but Keith rolls away! Keith saves himself and fans boo as he goes to the floor. Rocky is frustrated, but he just builds speed. Rocky DIVES and down goes Keith! The fans fire up again and Rocky hobbles after Keith. Rocky drags Keith up, puts him in the ring, and the fans rally again. But Keith talks to Aubrey about pain in his neck. BIG BILL APPEARS, and he YANKS Rocky down! Then he BOOTS Rocky down! The fans boo but Bill puts Rocky in, Aubrey completely missing it! Keith runs in to KNEE Rocky at the corner!

Keith goes up and he reels Rocky in! DIAMOND DUST!! Cover, Keith wins!!

Winner: Bryan Keith, by pinfall

Kyle & Cassidy hurry out here but it is too late! The Bad Apple scores his win off Azucar, and he leaves to celebrate with The Redwood. Will there be no stopping The Learning Tree from having gold in his branches? Or can Mark Briscoe #ManUp and prevent The Nueve’s arrival?

My Thoughts:

A very good Rampage, even for a go-home, but clearly it suffered from the same dilemma as Dynamite in that with no Collision to take the pressure off, a lot more promos and story build had to be put here. Good promo from Mone to play off the one from Tuesday, good promo from Statlander to give us some idea as to why she got away from Stokely, and of course Kris squashes her opponent. Kris VS Kamille is going to be great stuff, and I think Kris sets herself up for a match with Mone at Full Gear. Good promo from Harley and Anna to set up their own match, which I would think Anna wins to get going towards her own title shot.

The Acclaimed being scheduled for a match just so MXM can jump them was pretty clever, but do they really need to have their match on WrestleDream? It feels like the only reason it’s a PPV match is because this third man will pull a Hulk Hogan founding NWO type move. It’ll be a Face going Heel and joining up. I don’t think it’ll be Daddy Ass, there has been no hint he wants out of The Acclaimed. It might be Caster because he wants to break away and prove he on his own is “The Best Wrestler Alive.” This blindside attack would then be a way to disguise that, because Caster got beat up as much as Bowens, but I guess we’ll wait and see.

Mortos VS Butcher was great stuff, and I found it kinda funny that Roddy was on commentary trying to still turn Mortos back to his side. Roddy & The Kingdom claiming all this stuff about Mortos has been pretty funny because clearly it’s all their delusion. Mortos is LFI, he and Hologram are going to have an awesome, potentially show stealing match, and then win or lose, Mortos and LFI will beat up The Kingdom. As such, good promo from Jake the Snake, I really hope LFI gets going this time. Meanwhile, Archer of course destroyed Brannigan, and likewise, let’s hope Archer can get a title now that Callis is his guy.

And really good stuff out of The Conglomeration’s story tonight. Very good tag match to open, can’t go wrong with Cassidy & Kyle VS Kingdom. What’s interesting was the respectful handshake after the match, so that further implies The Kingdom is going Face so they can battle LFI. Good promo from Jericho to give some last hype to the ROH World Championship, but I would hope Mark Briscoe wins. Rocky had a very good promo with Conglomeration, and a great match against Bryan Keith. But I just had a feeling Keith would win thanks to Bill, and good detail that Conglomeration didn’t get out there in time. That technically did honor Rocky’s request that they stay back, but Rocky should’ve known better. I would hope Rocky doesn’t cost Mark the title, we cannot go back to “Ring of Jericho”. No Nueve, por favor.

My Score: 8.6/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (10/8/24)

The Decoder must decide!



The Blackpool Combat Club Civil War has come!

Before Bryan Danielson defends the AEW World Championship at WrestleDream, Wheeler Yuta joins him against Claudio Castagnoli & Pac! That is, if Yuta has cleared out his conflicted feelings.


  • Holo.grm VS Komander; Hologram wins.
  • AEW Women’s World Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Britt Baker VS Willow Nightingale; changed to…
  • AEW Women’s World Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Willow Nightingale VS Nyla Rose VS Jamie Hayter VS Saraya; Mariah wins and will challenge Mariah May for the title at AEW WrestleDream.
  • Jay White w/ Juice Robinson VS Cody Chhun; White wins.
  • AEW TBS & NJPW Strong Women’s Double Championship Match: Mercedes Mone w/ Kamille VS Emi Sakura; Mone wins and retains the titles.
  • Bryan Danielson & Wheeler Yuta VS Claudio Castagnoli & PAC; Bryan & Yuta win.



Well, it’s that there WON’T be a Collision! Between WrestleDream and the Men’s International Soccer Friendly, USA VS Panama, Collision is taking the week off. However, Friday Night Rampage and the Countdown to WrestleDream special will still happen, 10 PM to 11:30 PM Eastern!


Jon Moxley speaks.

“No one wants the blood of the very legend, The American Dragon, on their hands. The fact is, for the better part of two years, Bryan’s been trying to kamikaze himself. It’s been disconcerting to watch, trying to take himself out. Because as of yet, no one possesses the constitution to do it for him. The way things have worked out, it’s gotta be me. It’ll be a wakeup call for AEW. This is the real world. Nothing lasts forever. You don’t get to pick the day. All these people, living in a fantasy world, playing with their toys, they’re figments of their own imaginations. Saturday night, they will see the truth.

“Of course, there is this little matter of the dark side of Bryan Danielson that most people don’t understand. See, in his element, in the ring, doing what he was put here to do, The American Dragon comes to life, and it’s a beautiful thing. You back that dragon up into a corner, poke it, prod it, provoke it, it becomes something truly terrifying. Bryan’s never been truly comfortable with that part of himself. Now, as this world closes in around him, in his last remaining light, Bryan Danielson will embrace his dark side. And I will be ready. I have to be. I don’t have a choice. There are not enough people in the state of Washington to stop me on Saturday night.

“What I stand for is too powerful. I and those that come with me are too powerful. No weapon shall be formed against us, whom shall we fear!? I will run into the mouth of war Saturday night and beyond. Stand down while you can, run while you have a chance. I can only hope that one day, Bryan, you’ll understand. It’s gotta be this way. It’s gotta be this way. But I don’t have time to worry about that right now. The stakes are too high.” Moxley shoves the camera over and storms off, just what is driving The Maniac to these lengths?


Bryan Danielson speaks.

“So apparently, Claudio just did an interview with Sports Illustrated, telling everybody that this was gonna be my last match on Dynamite. Well guess what, Claudio? Big news: This is NOT gonna be my last night on Dynamite. Tonight, I’m gonna run through you and Pac, me and Wheeler Yuta are gonna run through you guys. And then on Saturday at WrestleDream, Mox, you don’t know what you’ve got coming to you. Listen, Claudio, I’ve been a supporter of you for over 20 years. 20 YEARS, I have been your friend! 20 YEARS, I have supported you in every company that we’ve worked together in!

“But tonight… Tonight, there’s gonna be no support. There’s just gonna be me, here in Spokane, Washington, kicking your gaddamn head in!” The American Dragon is all fired up, will he burn what’s left of the bridge between him and the Blackpool Combat Club?


Darby Allin is here!

The Relentless One let us know on Collision that he’d be here to call out Brody King, and he already has a mic. Darby shouts to cut his music, and he shouts for Brody King, “What’re you waiting for? Brody King, get your ass out here right now!” The fans cheer that, and Darby paces as he watches the stage. And here comes the King of Death! Brody grabs himself a mic before he steps into the ring with Darby, and Darby says he’s actually excited it’s Brody accepting the WrestleDream Open Challenge. Brody could’ve just asked nicely, he didn’t have to attack, but Darby knows what Brody is doing.

Remember years ago, when they were both on the independents? They would stay in these “crackhead” motels, talk all night, saying hopefully it’ll all be worth it. Hopefully one day, they’d make it to national TV while staying true to themselves. And Darby remembers that Brody was so nervous because he had his first kid on the way, didn’t know how his career was going to end up. Darby remembers everything. The thing is, years later, Darby was hired by AEW, and Brody called Darby up every week. Brody was so excited seeing AEW, it looked amazing, and Brody wished he was there. Darby wished Brody was here back then, too.

Because Brody was signed to ROH at the time. Until ROH shut down. No one knew it’s future, because before Tony Khan bought ROH, no one knew what would happen. Brody was out of a job with two young kids. And you know what Darby did? Darby called TK and told him to hire Brody King. Darby got Brody his job here! The fans cheer that. Darby says he knows Brody doesn’t take this for granted, just like Darby doesn’t take it for granted! But dude, they’re so much alike. Because of AEW, Brody could have his dad retire, just like Darby. Because of AEW, Brody bought his family a home. But the thing is, Brody now wants Darby’s spot and what Darby has.

And what Darby has is, he’s basically the Face of AEW! The thing is, he was the guy who was never supposed to make it. But thanks to AEW, he made it! He is the guy doing the talk shows, the radio shows, you name it and he does it. Brody stops Darby there. Darby is right, he has everything that Brody wants. But the difference is, Brody doesn’t take it for granted. We all know Darby has a death wish. So what happens when Darby climbs Mount Everest, and doesn’t come back? What happens when he DIES on that mountain?! Darby’s dad has to get a job again. AEW is without its face.

Darby can lie to all the fans and say he doesn’t take it for granted, but at the end of the day, Darby needs someone to save him… from himself! Then why wait? Why wait for Saturday? Put him out of his misery here and now! Do it! Take his spot! C’mon! He’s right here! Darby sits and tells Brody to do his little thing! Darby mockingly barks, “Woof, woof!” The fans join in, Darby dares Brody to do it, but Brody tells Darby to get up. Darby stands, the two stare down, and then Darby SLAPS Brody! Brody DECKS Darby! Brody looms over Darby, drags him up, and has the SLEEPER! But Darby brings something out of his jacket pocket.

IT’S THE BRICK! The brick Darby was smashing cars with last week! Darby SMASHES Brody’s hand with it! And then CLOBBERS Brody in the face! The fans are going nuts, and Darby aims, until security rushes in! Brody is busted open, but he’s pissed! The fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” but these two will only have to wait a few more days. The Tacoma Dome might be more like the Roman Coliseum, which of these wild gladiators will walk away from WrestleDream?


Backstage interview with Lance Archer & Jake Roberts.

Renee Paquette is with The Murderhawk Monster & The Snake and says there has been a lot going on lately. It would seem Don Callis was trying to acquire Archer for his faction, but then speak of the devil. Callis steps in, says hello to Renee, and to “Mr. Roberts.” Callis says it is a very exciting day here for The Don Callis Family. As it turns out, he and Jake the Snake concluded the first-ever management to management talent exchange here in AEW. It is Calils’ understanding that after several long discussions, and several bank transactions, Mr. Archer is now part of The Don Callis Family, isn’t that right? Jake says absolutely!

The two shake hands, and Callis says what a pleasure. Archer doesn’t seem as pleased, but Renee asks what this means regarding Will Ospreay. We’re set to hear from Ospreay later tonight, but how will that affect him? Callis says he loves Ospreay, Ospreay is a great talent, but for now, “we’ve got some indoctrination to do.” Callis has big plans for Archer, time to meet The Family! Archer shakes hands with Jake as they part ways, and Renee asks who Jake got in return. Oh, well, does Renee like surprises? Yes. Good, cuz so does Jake. Just who did The Snake get giving up the Murderhawk Monster?


Daniel Garcia arrives backstage!

Renee is there to greet Red Death here in Spokane and notes we haven’t seen him since AEW All Out roughly a month ago. Since then, there has been a lot of questions regarding Garcia’s AEW future, so what’s going on? Garcia says as much as he would love to give an answer right now, he owes the world to go tell them himself. Renee thanks Garcia for his time, then Garcia heads inside. What will Garcia have to say about his next chapter?


Holo.grm VS Komander!

The futuristic luchador and the Commander of the Skies were a major part of that high-flying Fatal 4 Way on Collision, and now they’re going to turn it up a notch for Title Tuesday! But will Hologram’s streak end after going 13-0? Or is there no such thing as “luck” with this incredible innovator?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Hologram and Komander circle, tie up, and Hologram waistlocks. Hologram spins, wrenches and wristlocks, but Komander wrenches to wristlock in return. Hologram rolls, handsprings, but Komander snapmares. Hologram rolls back, flips over, and kips up to trip Komander. Komander kips up to arm-drag! Hologram handsprings through, comes back, but Komander blocks a kick. Komander spins and flips Hologram, and Hologram almost lands on his feet! Hologram gets up fast, though, but Komander ducks the lariat! Komander Tiger Wall Kicks off Hologram’s back!

Hologram runs up, Komander jumps over to arm-drag! Hologram returns the favor! The fans rally for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” as Komander bypasses Hologram. Hologram sunset flips, Komander rolls through but Hologram MONKEY FLIPS him! Komander lands out, sweeps legs, but Hologram up-kicks him away! Hologram sweeps but now Komander up-kicks! Hologram spins through to cover, ONE, and both men pose! The fans fire up as the two take a moment to cool off and reset. Komander and Hologram circle, knuckle lock, and then go shoulder to shoulder in a Test of Strength. Both men turn, Hologram flips Komander up and over.

Komander kicks and whips but Hologram jumps up to stand on Komander! Then he backflips off Komander, keeps moving, and tilt-o-whirls to DEJA VU ARM-DRAG! Komander bails out, the fans fire up, and Hologram DIVES! Direct hit and Komander is sent right into railing! The fans fire up while both men are down! Referee Aubrey Edwards checks on both men, and Hologram rises! The fans cheer, Hologram high-fives some of the front row, then he puts Komander in the ring. The fans rally up as Hologram stands Komander up. Hologram whips, pops Komander up and FLAPJACKS, to then BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO!

Hologram double checks, but it was dos. Hologram rolls to have the legs, and he ties Komander up. BRIDGING DEATHLOCK! Komander endures, shifts around, and they roll so that both men are on their knees. Komander hooks Hologram’s arms, but Hologram fights the backslide. Komander powers through, he drags Hologram free of the hold, but Hologram wrenches to facelock! Snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Komander is still in this, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Hologram stalks Komander to ropes, drags him up and into a corner, to then CHOP! Komander staggers to another corner, and Hologram winds up. But Komander turns things around to CHOP back! Komander fires up with the fans while Hologram goes to another corner. But now Hologram turns it around, to CHOP! Hologram whips corner to corner, runs in, and he ROCKS Komander! Then GAMANGIRI! Hologram snapmares Komander, PENALTY KICKS, and STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Komander bridges free, but Hologram clamps onto his arms. Hologram pulls Komander into a motorcycle stretch!

Komander endures, the fans rally, and Komander rolls, only for Hologram to make it a stacked cover! TWO, but Hologram holds onto Komander’s arm. Hologram wrenches, hammerlocks, and then hits a rolling takeover! Hologram floats right to a leg, and he rolls Komander around to step through, TWISTING the deathlock into an STF! Komander endures as Hologram keeps busting out the Llave Submission Style! Komander claws his way forward, but now Hologram grabs an arm! Komander keeps fighting, Hologram tries the crossface again, but Komander elbows free! Komander crawls to ropes while Hologram stands.

Hologram rallies the fans, then storms up on Komander. Hologram whips, Komander rolls off Hologram’s back, and has an Inverted Gory Especial! But Hologram powers through to have that for himself! Dynamite returns to single picture as Hologram bends Komander back! But Komander powers up to sit up, only for Hologram to set him down and SOBAT! Hologram whips, but Komander KICKS and whips back! Hologram reverses, drops, but Komander handsprings over! Komander dodges a lariat, comes back again, but Hologram pops him up top! Komander balances up top, hops down to the apron, and springboards to Arabian Press right back up!

The fans fire up as Komander knuckle locks, jumps up and around to FLYING DRAGON RANA!! The fans are thunderous as Hologram bails out! Komander shows he can bust stuff out just like Hologram, and now he builds speed! ESCALARA CONJILO! The fans are thunderous again, and Komander puts Hologram in. Komander pushes Hologram from ropes, then goes up a corner. Hologram goes right up after him! INVERTED SPANISH FLY! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! A standing count begins, “This is Awesome!” as both men stir at 3 of 10. Hologram rises, goes to a corner, and he has Komander in the drop zone.

The fans cheer, Hologram aims, and 450 SPLASH, onto knees! Komander saves himself, and Hologram bails back out. Komander sees his target, and he goes up the corner! The fans fire up again as Komander hits the tightrope walk! But Hologram meets him halfway! SPRINGBOARD RANA BOMB!! Komander counters the counter and the fans are losing their minds! Komander crawls to drag Hologram up. Komander fires a forearm! Hologram fires back! The fans are torn as these shots keep going, and picking up speed! ROUNDHOUSE from Hologram! Komander swings but Hologram boots the haymaker, to then HEEL KICK!

Komander wobbles, but he ROLLING ELBOWS! Komander runs, springboards, but Hologram gets under the Quebrada to Quebrada! Dragon sleeper, inverted suplex and a pop-up, but Komander POISON-RANAS!! The fans again go nuts as Hologram is dazed! But then he runs up to POISON-RANA right back?!? Both men are down again and the fans are electric! The fans cheer “A E DUB! A E DUB!” for making this match happen! Komander goes to the apron, Hologram hurries up the corner, but Komander CHOPS! And YANKS Hologram down! Komander springboards, to FLYING POISON- NO!! Hologram turns rana into torture rack!

Hologram gets the airplane spin going, for the TOWER HACKER BOMB!!! Cover, Hologram wins!!

Winner: Hologram, by pinfall

La Desnucadora de Hologram, aka The Portal Bomb, takes care of Komander, but what a battle it was from start to finish! This 14th win in a row was his strongest, will nothing stop Hologram from shining with gold? Wait, Jake the Snake is here? And then LA FACCION INGOBERNABLE ATTACKS!! The surprise is that Jake got Rush, and with Rush comes Dralistico AND The Beast Mortos! They all beat down Hologram and Komander, and the fans boo them ruining the moment! LFI fist bump, will these wild bulls stampede all over AEW now that The Snake is leading the way?


Backstage interview with Mark Briscoe.

Lexy Nair is with The Sussex County Chicken, and brings up how last week, Chris Jericho said some absolutely disgusting things to Mark. Lexy trails off a bit as Mark scowls. Mark tells Jericho in a very serious tone, “Man, you done messed up. You ain’t have to take it there. This isn’t a place you want me to be at, man. At WrestleDream, it ain’t even about this, man.” Mark sets down his ROH World Championship. Mark tells Jericho, “I’m gonna hurt you.” Did The Learning Tree make the biggest mistake of his life lighting a fire inside Mark Briscoe?


Daniel Garcia heads to the ring!

Spokane cheers on Red Death while he high-fives fans in the front row as he goes. Garcia steps into the ring, grabs a mic, and asks the fans, “How you guys doin’ tonight?” The fans cheer, they’re feeling good. Garcia says it feels so good to be out here to see the fans, to hear them, to feel that energy. The fans cheer that, too! Garcia says he’s been sitting at home for a while, and he won’t lie, he’s really missed this, so thank you so much for this. The fans chant, “Welcome Back! Welcome Back!” Garcia wants to thank the fans, thank Tony Khan for this time when he didn’t have to, so he thanks TK for letting Garcia do what he has to do.

Garcia says when you’re sitting at home, contemplating, with so much time to think, wondering, “What is best for my life? What is best for me?” Those answers aren’t always the easy answers, or the most popular ones. A fan says, “I love you!” and Garcia says he loves them, too, for real. Garcia says the thing is, he never wanted to be a guy who doesn’t follow through on his word. He never wanted to be a guy who just disappears with no explanation. Garcia takes a moment, the fans cheer him on, and Garcia says it felt really important to him that he came out here, look all the fans in the eyes, and everyone at home in the eye, and let us know what he’s gonna do.

Garcia takes another moment to gather his thoughts. Garcia says he came to the conclusion that Daniel Garcia can do whatever he wants, because Daniels Garcia is one of the best pro-wrestlers in the world! The fans cheer that! Garcia says the thing is, he feels like because he IS one of the best, then it is only right that he stays where the best WRESTLE, and that is A E W!! The fans cheer even more now! Garcia says the Garcia that is staying is not the same Garcia we know. This Garcia is not the person that gets little brother’d by everyone else in the back! This is not the Garcia that CRIED when he loses!

This Garcia is the Daniel Garcia that AEW can build their future on the back of! This Garcia is the Daniel Garcia that represents everyone int he back! And this is the Daniel Garcia that starts changing everything in AEW, starting with gold at his waist! So to everyone in the back, everyone who is a champion, and that’s a lot of people… “You’re not safe, and I’m coming for what you’ve got. The feeling is restored!” The fans are all fired up with Garcia, and he joins the people in celebrating! Who among the championship selection will Red Death come for first?


Swerve Strickland gets back at it.

It was just as Prince Nana said: Mentally, nothing can stop the most dangerous man in AEW. But it is also as Montel Vontavious Porter said: Swerve lost the AEW World Championship, only to then lose his childhood home as it was burned to the ground. Swerve gets in the gym with EJ Nduka, one of the top prospects in ROH. MVP’s words are ringing in Swerve’s ears, and The Judge says he’s got this. Swerve is heading to Tacoma for WrestleDream, will he be ready to talk business with MVP?

Speaking of, we see MVP and Shelton Benjamin finish watching this video like the rest of us, and they are very intrigued. Will MVP & The Gold Standard make Swerve an offer he can’t refuse?


Backstage interview with Mercedes Mone & Kamille.

Renee does her best Mercedes Mone introduction for The CEO, and it doesn’t really impress Mone nor Kamille. Mone says Renee should stick to asking questions. Renee says okay. Then tonight is Mone’s first-ever DOUBLE title defense, against Emi Sakura, and it would seem the Queen of Joshi had some… strong words for Mone. Oh, who doesn’t for Mone? Everyone wants to tweet at Mone, everyone wants to jump on the Money Train. Just ask Kris Statlander. Mone & Kamille laugh, and then Mone brings us back to Emi. Emi thinks Mone doesn’t respect her? Mone has all the respect in the world for her!

After all, Emi’s been wrestling longer than Mone’s been alive! Another laugh, and Mone says this is not the first time she’s “dethroned a queen,” and it won’t be the last time. Because money changes everything. Mone pushes past Renee, Kamille makes sure the dress train doesn’t drag on the floor, and they head out. But will Emi make sure everyone in Spokane is singing “We Will Rock You” tonight?


Garcia high-fives with the boys in the back.

Private Party, Anna Jay, even The Conglomeration is there to welcome the AEW faithful. Even Katsuyori Shibata! The Wrestler uses text-to-voice to say, “I’m happy you’re staying in AEW. At WrestleDream, the TNT Title will be around the waist of The Wrestler.” These two shake hands, perhaps making a done deal that Garcia gets next. Will The Scapegoat have something to say about it, though?


AEW Women’s World Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Willow Nightingale VS Nyla Rose VS Jamie Hayter VS Saraya!

Whatever misfortunes befell Britt Baker, it has created quite the opening for even more top names in the AEW Women’s Division! The Babe with the Power goes from 50% to 25% odds, can she still head for WrestleDream? Or will someone else be battling The Glamour for her gold?

Speaking of The Glamour, Mariah May joins commentary. And she does not buy for one second that Britt Baker “fell ill” right before this. Mariah claims Britt fears her, but Mariah might need to worry about who’s in this match now. The bell rings and Saraya says WAIT! She’s trying to Chris Pratt with the raptors here, but they’re all closing in. Saraya bails out and hides behind Harley Cameron. The fans boo, Hayter says she figured Saraya would pull this. The other three circle, Willow dodges Nyla to ROCK Hayter! Willow kicks Nyla, but Nyla scoops Willow! Nyla SLAMS Willow, but Hayter bumps Nyla off buckles!

The fans rally as Hayter stomps a mudhole into Hayter. Hayter then lets off, to run up, but into a BOOT! Nyla storms up and reels Hayter in, to suplex her right to the top rope! Nyla then climbs up, but Willow CLUBS Nyla! Willow gets under Nyla, Hayter CLUBS Nyla into Willow’s- NO! Nyla RANAS free! The fans fire up, the Native Beast busting out something new! But Hayter CROSSBODIES Nyla! Mariah reminds us that she already beat Nyla, and as fun as a “double dip” can be, no thanks. Hayter and Willow stare down and the fans rally up. Mariah says she doesn’t care for Saraya or Willow, so let’s go “Daphne Blake.”

Jab at Hayter’s red hair looking like Daphne from Scooby-Doo aside, Hayter and Willow circle, only for Saraya and Harley to slide in! The Outcasts CLUB Willow & Hayter down, but there’s nothing to be done about it in a Fatal 4 Way! Saraya CLUBS away on Willow, Harley THRASHES and CHOKES Hayter! Saraya kicks Willow out, Harley TOSSES Hayter, and then Saraya whips Willow into railing! Hayter ROCKS Harley, but Saraya SMACKS Willow off the apron! These four brawl it out, and wait, is Nyla climbing a corner?! The fans fire up as she aims at the cluster! “SURPRISE, B*TCHES!” SUPER CROSSBODY wipes out everyone!!

Mariah can’t even as Nyla fires up, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Nyla KICKS Saraya aside, then scuffs her for good measure. Nyla CLUBS Hayter, and then puts Saraya in the ring. Nyla storms up but Saraya asks for mercy. Nyla says nope, and BOOTS Saraya! Nyla rains down fists, then scoops and SLAMS! Cover, TWO! Saraya toughs it out, but Nyla drags Saraya up. But Saraya sends Nyla into buckles! Saraya KNEES Nyla, TOSSES her out, then talks some smack. Willow climbs to the apron but Saraya BOOTS her down! Harley stomps away on Nyla because she can, and Saraya tells her to go after Willow. Harley does as told and she THRASHES Willow. But Hayter sends Saraya into railing!

Hayter sends Saraya into railing again, and then says one more time! Hayter SLINGS Saraya into railing, and flexes. Hayter stomps Saraya, but Harley goes after Hayter! Willow goes after Harley, then ROCKS Saraya! And none of them notice Nyla is bringing out chairs, and a TABLE! The brawling continues by the ramp side but Nyla grins as she puts a table in the ring. Willow scoops, Saraya slips free and SHOVES Willow into railing. Harley jumps on Nyla because she saw what Nyla’s been up to! Harley CLUBS away on Nyla, then fixes her top before we have a malfunction. Saraya mule kicks Hayter, then storms after her.

Hayter chases Harley down first and SLINGS her into railing! But Saraya CLOBBERS Hayter! Saraya tells fans to shut up, and she drags Hayter up. Saraya SLINGS Hayter into railing now. Saraya picks up the broom Nyla brought out, and uses the handle to CHOKE Hayter! The ref reprimands but that’s all he can do. Hayter powers out and turns things around, to suplex Saraya onto the broom! Saraya writhes, Hayter leaves her behind, and she meets Willow in the ring. These two circle again, and Dynamite returns to single picture as they start throwing hands! The fans fire up, then Hater clinches. Willow ducks the lariat, kicks low, but Hayter slips free of the gut wrench!

Hayter clinches again, HAYTBREAKER! But Saraya YAKUZA KICKS Hayter! But Nyla LARIATS Saraya! Willow is up, she SPINEBUSTERS Nyla! All four women are down in the ring and the fans are thunderous! Mariah just likes that this is how badly they’re beating each other up. She doesn’t mind a night off so she can finally have her celebration with Mina Shirakawa. All four women drag themselves up in different corners, and the fans fire up! Hayter DECKS Saraya, ROCKS Willow, then BOOTS Nyla! Hayter ELBOWS Willow, whips Nyla to a corner, then stomps a mudhole into Nyla.

Hayter runs corner to corner to UPPERCUT Willow, then runs back to UPPERCUT Nyla! Hayter sends Nyla into Willow, then reels them both in! The fans fire up as Hayter somehow DOUBLE SUPLEXES Willow and Nyla!! The fans are thunderous, but here comes Saraya with a chair! Hayter stops the attack, and she takes the chair from Saraya! Hayter swings, Saraya manages to block with her arms, but the force knocks her down! Hayter SMACKS Saraya on the back, and SMACKS her again! Saraya bails out, Hayter pursues, now the metaphorical tables have turned from that “Saraya’s Rules” match!

Hayter chases Saraya, but here comes Harley! Harley CLUBS Hayter, but Hayter THROWS her into barriers! Hayter stalks Saraya, but is that PENELOPE FORD!? Mrs. Superbad is back, and she SMACKS Hayter!! Hayter is pissed, but Penelope leads her on a chase up the ramp! Mariah mockingly says, “Go get her, Daphne! One down, three to go.” Willow and Nyla fire forearms, but Nyla scoops to WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! Nyla fires up, she brings Willow up, and CLUBS her down. Saraya runs up to fire forearms! Nyla dodges Saraya, wrenches and STRAITJACKET NECKBREAKER!

Mariah asks when is Nyla gonna use that table, and then things start moving that way! Mariah joins in on the “We Want Tables!” chant. Nyla goes up the corner instead, so Mariah asks why bother. But then Harley SHOVES Nyla off the top!! Nyla hits apron on the way down! The ref checks on Nyla, and Harley takes the table for her own! The Outcasts get the table in the ring, and Mariah says yes, hurt everyone as much as possible. The Outcasts can’t get the table to cooperate, and Willow CLUBS Saraya! Willow drags Saraya in but Saraya fires body shots. Saraya fires forearms, then reels Willow in. GOOD KNIGHT DDT! Cover, TWO!!

Willow survives and Saraya seethes. But Harley finally figures out how to slide a table in. The Outcasts wedge the table into a corner, but Willow is up! She DOUBLE LARIATS, then she brings Harley around to send into Saraya! The fans fire up as Willow reels Harley in, gut wrench, BABE WITH THE POWER BOBM! But then Saraya ROCKS Willow! Roll-up, TWO! Saraya tries again, but Willow fireman’s carries! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER through the table!!! The fans are thunderous, Willow stacks Harley and Saraya to cover, Willow wins!!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the AEW Women’s World Championship)

Mariah is very upset, this was her least favorite option. It will be a rematch from the 2024 Owen Hart Cup, and for the top prize in AEW! But while Willow is celebrating up the ramp, Mariah leaves commentary to meet her on stage. Mariah holds up the belt, but Willow sees the slap coming and blocks it! Willow says not so fast, but then Mariah HEADBUTTS her!! Willow flops right over, and Mariah says if you like that, here’s this! Mariah LASHES Willow with the belt! The fans boo, but Mariah holds up the title. Will The Glamour prove there is no one that can stop her reign of terror? Or will the Babe with the Power rise up to be the hero of this story?


The Learning Tree and his Branches are backstage.

Bad Apple Bryan Keith tells the cameraman to follow him, and he leads the way to The Redwood and Chris Jericho. Big Bill says, “The Learning Tree always says, ‘The people that need the lessons the most want them the least.'” And Jericho says let’s go talk to one of those people right now. C’mon, guys. These three head down the hallway, and they find Rocky Romero. Azucar says hey, wanna throw fists? Jericho says no, no, relax. This is no time for fighting. This is a time for learning. Keith says class is in session! Yeah, and the lesson is this. They’re just trying to help Rocky learn his own self-worth, his own self-esteem.

Right now, Rocky does not realize his own value. But Rocky is an international superstar! He’s been wrestling for decades! And yet, Rocky’s “friends” invite him to join The Conglomeration months after it starts? And they just give him a shirt? Keith points out Rocky ain’t even on the shirt! And then what? Rocky is to “neutralize” Mark Sterling? That’s as low as it gets in the food chain here. And last week on Rampage, when Rocky tries to be a hero and thwarts Jericho, well, Jericho admits that throw into the steel steps was a good one. But Rocky still ended up on his back while his “friends,” Cassidy & Kyle were celebrating in the ring.

Rocky, is this really what you want for your career? To be a lackey? Rocky says he’s no man’s lackey! Okay, okay, calm down. They’re just trying to teach Rocky a lesson. Bill says sometimes, when you’re in the picture, you can’t see the “big picture.” Jericho says that’s the truth. Thanks, Rocky. Jericho & Bill head out, but Keith says Jericho is the future ROH World Champion, you better respect him. Rocky says, “Or what?” Keith says, “Or else!” Keith now leaves, but will Rocky let these words get in his head?


Jay White w/ Juice Robinson VS Cody Chhun!

The Switchblade made his return last week, saving his Bang Bang Gang teammate from Hangman Page. But will White shake off any ring rust he has here tonight? Or can #ClassicCody catch White off guard?

The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally for White, he and Cody tie up. White headlocks, Cody powers up and out, but White runs him over! The fans fire up, and White CHOPS Cody to a corner. The fans cheer, Juice mockingly asks how Cody feels, and then White CHOPS him again! White stomps Cody in a corner, RAMS into him again and again, then lets off as the ref counts. White offers a high-five, but Aubrey says no thanks. White reels Cody in to scoop, but Cody slips free to atomic drop! And DROPKICK! Cody CHOPS White in the corner, CHOPS again, and then whips corner to corner. White reverses, Cody goes up and over!

Cody reels White in to DDT! Cover, ONE!! White is still tougher than that and Juice coaches him up. Cody storms up to CHOP, CHOP and whip. White slides to a stop, comes back and LARIATS! The fans fire up and White has a sinister look in his eyes. White stalks Cody, winds up, and CHOPS! And JABS, JABS, and CHOPS! JAB, JAB, CHOP! The ref counts, White whips corner to corner, then runs up to UPPERCUT! White reels Cody in, CORNER HALF HATCH! Cody flounders but White drags him back up. White clinches for an URENAGE! White says that’s not all, here’s a BLADERUNNER! Cover, White wins!

Winner: Jay White, by pinfall

Ring rust? Well, maybe a little. But the Switchblade still cuts like a knife, and he grabs himself a mic. “Guns up for my Spokane Gold Members~!” The fans cheer, and White tells Hangman, “I told you, you’re one of two men that knocked me off on my path to the AEW World Championship. That means you are one of two wrongs that I have to correct. And Hangman, you are lucky number one! Last week, I made that very, very clear to you, Hangman. So now I ask you, what’re you gonna do about it?!

“I’d imagine, Hangman, he won’t be quiet about it. I’d imagine he’s gonna be coming around that bend, guns blazing, steaming from the ears, veins popping out of his head! Because I meddled in his business. And now The Hangman is coming for ME!” The fans cheer, and White says that is perfect. Because that is what White wants! White wants Hangman VS Switchblade once more! And when White beats Hangman and puts an end to the “new” Hangman, White corrects wrong number two, and then moves on to the gold! The fans cheer but White says hold on, he’s not done.

It’s funny how the same voices that have booed and despised him for years are now the same voices that are willing into existence Switchblade Jay White as AEW World Champion! And Hangman, it starts with you! And it starts this Saturday at WrestleDream! “Giddy-up, Cowboy!!” The shootout is coming to Tacoma, but who will be number one with a bullet?


Hook is backstage.

The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil has a cameraman, and he says, “You know why I’m here. You know what I’m looking for. I’m done chasing your punk ass! Whoever jumped my father, reveal yourselves! I’ll be right here!” Kip Sabian bumps into Hook and Hook pushes him into a wall! Hook asks if he has something to say! Kip has no idea what Hook’s going on about! Kip has nothing to do with Taz, so Hook lets him go. Hook says he’ll be here all night. He’s looking! But then in steps The Patriarchy. Christian Cage has Mother Wayne and Nick by his side, and Christian asks if Hook’s seen Kip Sabian around.

Hook says nope. And he asks Captain Charisma if he has something to say to Hook. Christian does, actually. They’re both family men, aren’t they? They’ve both been through a rough time lately. The Patriarchy lost Killswitch/Luchasaurus to a serious medical condition, so Christian can sympathize with Hook on the “loss” of his father. The Patriarchy moves on, but Hook’s search continues. Will Hook find the culprit, or culprits, behind the attack on Taz?


Backstage interview with Mariah May.

Renee is with The Glamour, saying it is now official for WrestleDream. The AEW Women’s World Championship will be on the line, Mariah May VS Willow Nightingale, WHO POUNCES MARIAH OUTTA FRAME!! Willow says Mariah has said enough, so Willow will keep it short and sweet. “Tonight, I beat three former Women’s World Champs. And on Saturday, at WrestleDream, I’ll make Mariah May a former champ when I become the NEW AEW Women’s World Champion.” Willow thanks Renee and heads out. Will Mariah never get her championship celebration at this rate?


AEW TBS & NJPW Strong Women’s Double Championship Match: Mercedes Mone w/ Kamille VS Emi Sakura!

The CEO continues to build her Money Corporation empire, but she is going double or nothing on this one! Will Mone prove she’s an ace by trumping the Queen of Joshi? Or will Emi take two thrones with one match?

The introductions are made, both belts are raised, and it is time to see if the Face of TBS is still NJPW Strong!

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Mone arm-drags, and then soaks up the cheers and jeers with her CEO dance. Emi shrugs that off as she and Mone circle. They approach, and then Emi dodges Mone to laugh at her. Mone is annoyed, and she kicks Emi low! Mone pulls hair, whips, but Emi reverses to pull hair in return! The ref reprimands, but Emi puts Mone in a corner. Emi laughs before she BIELS Mone away! Mone goes to a corner, Kamille protests, but then Mone YANKS Emi into buckles. Mone stomps Emi, hushes the crowd, and CHOPS! Emi is stinging but Mone follows her to another corner.

Mone CHOPS, fans “WOO~” and Mone bumps Emi off buckles. Emi dodges a chop to CHOP! Emi CHOPS again, and again, and again! The fans fire up as Emi MACHINE GUN CHOPS! But Mone scrambles away before Emi can punctuate it! Kamille rallies the fans but Emi pokes Mone. Cover, ONE! Mone JAWBREAKERS Emi, runs, but they RAM shoulders! Emi shakes her head, then runs to RAM Mone! Mone shakes her head, and they both run! Mone wrenches under to CHOP, knuckle lock, and CHOP again! Mone goes up and up to FLYING ARM-DRAG! The fans fire up, Mone runs up, but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER!

The fans fire up more while Mone writhes. Emi drags Mone to a corner, CHOPS again, then goes corner to corner. Emi laughs, runs in, but Mone dodges! Emi hits buckles, Mone HOTSHOTS her in the ropes! Emi flops out of the ring, Mone pursues, and she METEORAS to the floor! Mone high-fives with Kamille, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Mone soaks up cheers and jeers, then drags Emi up. Mone pushes Emi into the ring, pushes her to a cover, TWO! Emi stays in this and Mone is annoyed. Mone drags Emi up, puts her in ropes, and CHOKES her! The ref reprimands, Mone lets off, but now Kamille CHOKES Emi! Kamille gets away with it and Mone covers, TWO! Emi toughs it out, but Mone rains down fists! Mone pushes Emi to a cover, TWO! Mone is frustrated with Emi, and drags her around to HIP DROP an arm! Emi body shots in return but Mone KNEES her down! Mone eggs Emi on, then sits on her like she’s a bench! Mone pushes Emi to a cover, TWO!

Kamille coaches Mone, Mone CLUBS Emi, then throws in elbows! Mone clamps on a chinlock and she grinds Emi down. Emi endures, fights up, fights around, and then rolls Mone up! TWO!! Mone escapes, and DROPKICKS Emi right down! Cover, TWO!! Emi survives that hard shot and Mone is growing frustrated. Mone paces around Emi, HIP DROPS her, then taunts her. Mone sits Emi up, clamps on a neck wrench, then a chinlock. Emi endures so Mone KICKS her in the back! Mone drags Emi back up, snap suplexes, and covers, TWO! Emi stays in this, but Mone KNEES her in the back! Mone has the arms for a motorcycle stretch!

Emi endures, Kamille is frustrated on Mone’s behalf, but the fans rally up. Mone twists the arms and digs in her knee, but Emi still endures. Dynamite returns to single picture, and she fights around to stand back up. Emi powers through to RAM Mone, and RAM her again! And then CHOP! Mone sputters to the corner, and Emi whips corner to corner. Mone goes up and over, then reels Emi in for a BACKSTABBER! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Emi survives by a literal foot and Mone is beside herself with anger! Mone pounds the mat in frustration, then aims from a corner. Mone runs in, METEORA in the corner!

Mone goes side to side now, but Emi slips out, so Mone’s dropkick takes her right out of the ring! The fans fire up, and Mone shakes out her legs. Mone runs, uses the steps to leap, but Emi dodges! Emi kicks Mone, underhooks, and lifts! Kamille runs up but Emi SMACKS her with Mone’s feet! Then Emi SLAMS Mone onto the railing! Mone is stuck, Emi runs up to SPLASH her against the barriers! The fans fire up, Emi refreshes the ring count, and Kamille check son Mone. Emi says move aside, “dekai-onna!” (Large Woman, aka Amazon) Emi SMACKS Kamille off the railing again and again and again!

The fans fire up as now Brickhouse sits down beside Mone. Emi runs up, to DOUBLE SPLASH against barriers!! The fans are thunderous, Emi drags Mone up, puts her in the ring, and mocks the CEO dance! The fans cheer as Emi now storms in and drags Mone up. TIGER STALLING BACKBREAKER! But Mone flounders away to ropes! The fans are torn but Emi storms after Mone again. Emi drags Mone in but Mone grabs the apron skirt! The ref stops Mone, and while he fixes the skirt, Mone BOOTS Emi away, into a trip up by Kamille! GHOST PIN! TWO, but into the STATEMENT MAKER!! Emi endures, reaches out, but TAPS! Mone wins!!

Winner: Mercedes Mone, by submission (still AEW TBS & NJPW Strong Women’s Champion)

The insurance policy that is Kamille pays off, but now they wanna make Emi pay! Mone drags Emi up, Kamille winds up, but the ref says don’t! Wait! Here comes Kris Statlander! Mone runs away but Kamille stands to fight with Stat! They brawl and the fans fire up! Kris dodges a boot to then BOOT Kamille! Kamille tumbles out, and Mone says time to retreat! Mone & Kamille let Kris have her moment, but when and where will we see female titans clash?


Backstage interview with Private Party.

Renee Paquette is with Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy, and says we are just days away from their shot at the AEW World Tag Team Championships. Before getting to that, Stokely Hathaway has asked for time with them, and he steps into frame. Renee asks Stokely what’s on his mind. Stokely says he has been watching Private Party for the past few weeks, and notes that every time they get a chance, they knock it out of the park. That is something the three of them have in common. Because at All Out, Stokely proved he could take down the most lovable person in AEW. If he can do that, imagine what he can do.

As for Quen & Kassidy, they have all the tools, but they’re just missing one thing. That one thing is this: Stokely! So at WrestleDream, Private Party with #BigStoke in their corner, what do they say? Quen says wow, another guy ready to jump on the band wagon. A couple weeks? Where was he the last five YEARS? Where was he when they were struggling? Now that they’re the #1 contenders, Stokely wants in? Thanks, but no thanks. They don’t need him. Stokely says okay, that’s not the right move to make, but it’s their careers, they can do whatever they want. Stokely heads out, will he just have to find another team to manage?

Meanwhile, Zay says yeah, this is the perfect move. Because for the first time in five years, they are doing it themselves. For the first time in five years, they are on their own terms. For the first time in five years, they have an opportunity like this! For the first time in five years, they are on a PPV with an official tag team championship match! They don’t want this, they NEED this! They are desperate for the titles! Young Bucks, you got complacent, so allow them to put that chip back on your shoulders. This Saturday, WrestleDream, Private Party will beat The Bucks, take their spot, and Private Party will be THE AEW World Tag Team Champions.

And then after that, it’ll be a party everyone is invited to! Will Quen & Zay make the most of their SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS? Or will The EVPs find a way to stay on top?


Tony Schiavone is in the ring.

Schiavone notes that also at WrestleDream, it will be a Triple Threat for the AEW International Championship. Will Ospreay not only defends against Konosuke Takeshita, but also against Ricochet! With that in mind, let’s welcome the champion, Will Ospreay! Spokane fires up as The Aerial Assassin makes his way out to the ring. Schiavone welcomes Ospreay, and says just last week, Ospreay and Ricochet had an incredible match. A double pinfall draw, both men wanted more time and got more time, but then in comes Konosuke Takeshita. And that was after Don Callis & Kyle Fletcher left the arena, but surely what happened had Callis’ fingerprints all over it.

Ospreay says honestly, he’d love to say that’s a lie, but Schiavone might be on to something. Last week was meant to be Ospreay VS Ricochet, and it was meant to be Ospreay looking at the past, beating Ricochet, and moving on. The only thing we can say for sure at the end was that Ospreay and Ricochet are equal. That is because of one man, and one man only, in Takeshita. The fans boo The Alpha, but Ospreay says he has been part of the Family, he knows how they operate, so he knows damn well that Takeshita doesn’t do anything without Callis giving the go-ahead. So Ospreay is here for answers, and he wants them right now!

Ospreay tells Callis, “Let’s have a chat.” Everyone watches the stage, and with a literal low note, here comes Don Callis. The fans boo as Callis makes his way down to the ring, but Ospreay refuses the hug. Callis says he has something very important to say to Ospreay. The fans boo more, but Callis says last week was very difficult for Callis emotionally. He hates to see Ospreay unhappy. And it got Callis thinking. Remember when they beat Kenny Omega at Forbidden Door? Or beating Chris Jericho at All In? Great times, right? Ospreay tells Callis to stop talking about last year, we’re here for last week, and it is a simple question.

Did Callis send Takeshita out to attack Ospreay? The fans boo but Callis says he thinks maybe Ospreay is asking the wrong question. Ospreay says Callis is “waffling on,” it is a simple yes or no! DID CALLIS SEND TAKESHITA?! Callis says Ospreay doesn’t need to know that! What Ospreay should be asking is- Ospreay says just tell the damn truth!! Callis says he’s trying to tell him! Callis stammers as Ospreay gets in his, demanding to know if that was Callis’s idea! Callis shouts YES!!! HE SENT TAKESHITA!! The fans boo even harder now, but Callis says he sent Takeshita out there, out of frustration.

Ospreay just wouldn’t listen. Callis tried to give him good advice, Ospreay refused it, so Callis had to show Ospreay who makes decisions in The Family! He sent Takeshita to show Ospreay. Ospreay doesn’t wanna talk about the past? Forget last week, how about two weeks ago? The tag title match, they were this close to winning! And Ospreay dropped the ball, because he is weak! Too mentally weak to do what needed to be done! Ospreay tells Callis that he’s having a laugh. The tag team champions? Ospreay has the International Championship! And if Callis hadn’t stuck his nose in at Forbidden Door, Ospreay could’ve brought the AEW World Championship, too!

But no, Callis has always gotta stick his nose into other people’s business! So allow Ospreay, the best wrestler in the world, to tell Callis that Callis doesn’t know s*it, bruv!! The fans fire up for that one! Callis says, “The Best Wrestler in the World? Y’know what, Will? I HAD the Best Wrestler in the World, and I threw him in the garbage for you! So maybe, Will, like I did before, maybe I need to throw the Best Wrestler in the World in the garbage one more time.” The fans boo, and Ospreay says he cannot believe he ever had respect for Callis. Callis is just who everyone warned Ospreay about. Callis is utter scum.

Ospreay says he and Callis are DONE! Callis is furious, and he SLAPS Ospreay! Then he instantly regrets it. Ospreay sets the belt aside, and he grabs at Callis by the coat! He TOSSES Callis, throws off his own coat, but here comes Takeshita! Ospreay and Takeshita brawl, and Ospreay has the edge! But Kyle Fletcher gets in, pulls Ospreay back, and Ospreay almost punches Kyle! Kyle asks what Ospreay is doing and Ospreay explains it’s all Callis! But then Takeshita GERMAN SUPLEXES Ospreay, with a HIGH release! Kyle now regrets even distracting Ospreay, but Callis says this is what Ospreay gets for turning on The Family.

Callis brings out a screwdriver!? Kyle says hell no, he’s not doing that to a friend! Takeshita holds Ospreay up, and Callis puts the screwdriver in Kyle’s hand. Callis says do it! But Kyle says no! Callis is mad with Kyle now, but Kyle threatens Callis with the screwdriver! Takeshita steps in, telling Kyle he doesn’t want to do this. Kyle says yeah, and he bails completely. And Ospreay fires fists on Takeshita again! So Callis CLAWS Ospreay’s face! ALPHA ELBOW from Takeshita!! Callis hands the belt to Takeshita, but here comes Ricochet! The One & Only hurries in, to SPRINGBOARD FLYING LARIAT!

Takeshita flounders, but he avoids Ricochet’s curb stomp! Ricochet dares Takeshita to bring it, but then he makes sure to give the belt back to Ospreay. The Triple Threat is coming, who leaves WrestleDream holding the gold?


Top Flight speaks.

Darius Martin says people keep asking how they feel after losing the #1 Contenders Triple Threat on Collision. Well, they’re pissed off! They know that they’re better than those other two teams and that they should be the ones wrestling The Bucks on Saturday. Dante says agreed. In fact, Top Flight has beaten The Bucks, so there’s no reason they shouldn’t already have a tag title match! Action Andretti says, “No reason? No no, there IS a reason you guys ain’t wrestling The Bucks this Saturday at WrestleDream! You guys, y’all ain’t fired up! You’re sitting here, complaining about-”

Leila Grey shouts Action down! Because right now, he is the problem! He is the reason that messed it all up! What? No, he did what was best for them! What he did last week SCREWED them!! Action says they just don’t get it, then he storms off. Dante says Action is all go and no think, and that is going to cost them if they don’t fix it. Dante & Leila go the other direction, and Darius is caught in the middle. What is it that has to change if Top Flight Airlines wants to reach a championship destination?


Jack Perry speaks.

“AEW: Where the Best Wrestle. Now there’s a lot you can say about Shibata. He’s a legend. He’s the embodiment of Fighting Spirit. He’s got a damn turkey leg in his trunks. But are you still one of the best? These days, you let your phone do all the talking for you, but I wanna have a conversation in the language that you really speak: violence. I wanna meat the Shibata who almost killed himself in the center of the ring because he was willing to fight that hard, because he was willing to sacrifice that much. There’s no question, you deserve to be the TNT Champion. But I’ve come to find about what you deserve, it’s about what you are willing to take.

“This says that I am one of the best. Come and take it from me.” The Scapegoat has called out The Wrestler to bring out THE Wrestler, but will he regret asking for that much?


Bryan Danielson & Wheeler Yuta VS Claudio Castagnoli & PAC!

While The Final Countdown is playing, The American Dragon has promised this will NOT be his final Dynamite. Will he and The Decoder stand strong in Spokane? Or will The Swiss Superman & The Bastard make sure Moxley has an easier time slaying The Dragon at WrestleDream?

The teams sort out and Bryan starts against Pac. The bell rings, the fans rally for Bryan, and the “YES! YES! YES!” starts up. Pac and Bryan circle, but then Bryan DROPKICKS Claudio! Pac kicks Bryan, CLUBS him to a corner, then stomps away. The ref counts, Pac stops, and fans rally for Bryan. Pac whips corner to corner, Bryan goes up and over, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then DIVES onto Claudio! Yuta MISSILE DROPKICKS Pac! The fans fire up, and Bryan coordinates with Yuta. Yuta DIVES onto Pac while Bryan FLYING KNEE ATTACKS Claudio! Spokane fires up for Bryan & Yuta as they high-five!

Bryan puts Pac in, grabs a leg, and he drags him around. Bryan hooks up Pac’s legs, and he pulls on the arms! And pulls, pulls, and ROMERO SPECIAL! Bryan lets Pac down enough to tag in Yuta, and Yuta runs to SHOTGUN Pac! Cover, TWO! Yuta stays on Pac with a wristlock, and he wrenches the arm to tag in Bryan. Bryan & Yuta mug Pac, and Bryan UPPERCUTS! Pac goes to a corner, kicks in return, and then CLAWS Bryan’s face! Pac bumps Bryan off buckles, the ref reprimands, but Pac tags Claudio. Claudio fires body shots on Bryan, and UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, and Claudio stops.

Claudio drags Bryan up, UPPERCUTS again, then tags in Pac. The mugging is returned to Bryan, and Pac bumps Bryan off buckles. Pac stomps Bryan, digs his boot in, but the ref counts. Pac steps away, brings him around, and bumps him off buckles. Tag to Claudio and he stomps Bryan now. The fans boo more but Claudio stands Bryan up. Bryan UPPERCUTS first! And again! Claudio UPPERCUTS in return! Claudio stomps away on Bryan again, then digs his boot in. The ref backs Claudio up, but Claudio runs up to stomp Bryan! Tag to Pac, and he kicks at Bryan from the outside. The ref reprimands so Pac steps inside.

Pac drags Bryan up, reels him in, back suplex! Bryan lands out, hot tag to Yuta! Yuta CLOBBERS Pac, hits an atomic drop, then an ENZIGIRI! Pac goes to a corner, Yuta runs up to CHOP, ROCK, and repeat! The fans fire up, the ref counts, but Yuta roars as he lets off. Pac staggers, into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Pac survives but Yuta holds on, and he shifts around. Yuta hooks the arms for CATTLE MUTILATION! The fans fire up, but Claudio steps in. Claudio just deadlifts Yuta off Pac! The fans boo as Yuta and Claudio stare down. Yuta SLAPS Claudio! Claudio keeps cool, but Bryan runs up to DROPKICK!

Claudio tumbles out, Bryan builds speed, and Bryan DIVES! But Claudio catches Bryan! SNAKE EYES off the railing, and then NEUTRALIZER on the floor! Yuta is stunned, and Pac SUPERKICKS him! Yuta falls, The Bastard’s in control, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Pac huffs ‘n’ puffs while he looms over Yuta. Pac drags Yuta up, bumps him off buckles, and he tags Claudio. Claudio steps in, and Yuta SLAPS him again! Claudio snapmares Yuta to then smother him into the mat! The ref reprimands, but Claudio digs his forearms into the back of Yuta’s head. Yuta fights up, but Claudio GUT WRENCH PLEXES! Yuta flounders, Claudio storms up on him, and Yuta CHOPS! Claudio is more disappointed than anything. Yuta CHOPS again, but Claudio pushes him to the corner. Tag to Pac and he CHOPS Yuta. Pac brings Yuta around, Bryan is still on the ground, and Pac snap suplexes Yuta!

Pac watches as Yuta goes to a corner. Pac runs up to UPPERCUT! Cover, ONE!! Yuta shakes his head, but Pac eggs him on then. Yuta stands to CHOP! Pac SOBATS in return! Pac bumps Yuta off buckles, BOOTS him, then tags Claudio. Claudio has Pac back off, but then Yuta RAMS into Claudio. Claudio smothers Yuta and goes for a top wristlock. Yuta fights around, uses a leg guard, but Claudio keeps pushing. They stand, and Yuta JAWBREAKERS free! Yuta runs, into a BACKDROP! Yuta goes flying! Claudio drags him all the way to the corner, and he tags Pac. Pac digs his boot into Yuta, but then tags Claudio back in as the ref counts.

Pac steps off, Claudio eggs Yuta on, and Dynamite returns to single picture. Claudio uses another chinbar to smother Yuta, and he shifts into a SLEEPER! Yuta endures, even as Claudio leans on him. The fans rally as Yuta fights up, and Bryan has managed to crawl to the ramp, but that’s still quite a distance from the corner. Yuta CHOPS, ROCKS, but Claudio shoves him! BACKDROP, sunset flip! Claudio stays up, but Yuta slips away before Claudio can grab him. But there’s no Bryan to tag! Claudio storms up to GERMAN SUPLEX Yuta away! Yuta flounders, Claudio tags Pac.

Pac goes corner to corner, only to go out and beat up on Bryan! The fans boo, and Pac goes back to the apron. Pac springboards in, but Yuta SUPERKICKS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Claudio is frustrated, but a standing count climbs. Yuta and Pac crawl, the count is 5 of 10! But there’s still no Bryan! Claudio tags in and takes his time walking over. Claudio mockingly asks where Bryan went, then whips Yuta to a corner. Yuta BOOTS back! Yuta fights off Claudio & Pac and the fans fire up again! Claudio puts Yuta up top with a choke grip! But Yuta BITES Claudio’s fingers! And then TORNADO DDT!!

Both men flounder around, and the fans fire up again! Bryan is back on the corner! Yuta crawls, staggers, Bryan tags himself in! Yuta didn’t even realize Bryan was up! Bryan MISSILE DROPKICKS Claudio! And then DROPKICKS him in a corner! Bryan keeps moving, another DROPKICK! And then another DROPKICK! Bryan CHOPS, KICKS, repeat! “WOO~! YES! WOO~! YES!” The fans fire up, Bryan puts Claudio on the top rope, and then climbs up, to SUPER- NO! Claudio stops the steiner, and he drags Bryan up again to SUPER- RANA!! Bryan turns the counter back around on Claudio, and Spokane is thunderous!

Bryan aims, “YES! YES! YES!” KICK! KICK! KICK! Bryan winds up, BUZZSAW! Claudio flops over and the fans cheer again. Bryan points to Claudio, and he says time to kick his EFFIN’ head in!! Claudio resists but the DRAGON STOMPS still rain down! Pac CLOBBERS Bryan from behind! Pac reels Bryan in, but Bryan WRINGS Pac’s arm out! The fans fire up, because now it’s Pac’s turn! Bryan DRAGON STOMPS away on The Bastard! Claudio storms up, and he UPPERCUTS Bryan in the back of the neck! Claudio reels Bryan in, but Bryan BACKDROPS free! Claudio lands on his feet! UPPERCUT but into a backslide! TWO!! BUZZSAW!!

The fans fire up and Bryan goes to the corner. “YES! YES! YES!” Claudio slowly rises, but then Bryan spots something. Jon Moxley walks out from the crowd! Marina Shafir is by his side, and Bryan runs up! Claudio POP-UP UPPERCUTS!! Cover, TWO!!! Bryan survives, but Claudio tags Pac. Bryan is in the drop zone, and Pac 450 SPLASHES!! Cover, TWO!!! Bryan survives again, and Pac argues with the ref about it! The count was fair, but now Marina distracts the ref. This lets the BCC grab the bell hammer!! Pac brings that in, Claudio keeps the ref further distracted, but Yuta snatches the hammer!

The fans cheer as Yuta does the right thing. Bryan then waits on Pac to turn around, takedown! Omoplata, LEBELL LOCK!!! Pac TAPS, Bryan & Yuta win!!

Winners: Bryan Danielson & Wheeler Yuta, by submission

Moxley is frustrated, but then Bryan WRECKS him with a dropkick! Bryan fires hands on Moxley and chases him up the ramp! They even fight backstage, going past gorilla position! Are they going to brawl all the way to Tacoma? As for the AEW World Trios Champions, they’re all arguing in the ring, until Pac BOOTS Yuta down! The fans boo, but now Marina drags Yuta up for muay thai knees! We see more brawling from Bryan and Moxley, and Bryan has the edge as he SMACKS Moxley off road cases! Moxley staggers around, and Bryan sends him into the garage door!

As for Yuta, he gets mugged by Pac & Marina! Claudio doesn’t want this to continue, he is still Yuta’s mentor. Wait, he has the hammer in his hand? He has Marina & Pac stand Yuta up, and Claudio tells Yuta he chose wrong. BELL HAMMER TO THE GUT!! The fans boo as they just stand Yuta up again, for another shot to the gut!! Then they stand Yuta up again, for a THIRD SHOT!! Yuta sputters, but wait, the brawl circles back around! Bryan knocks Moxley down the ramp! Bryan shoves Moxley into the ring, Marina checks on him, and that lets Bryan TOSS Pac! And he dodges Claudio to BUSAIKU KNEE!!

The fans fire up as Bryan stands tall in the ring! “YES! YES! YES!” The American Dragon tells Moxley this is what’s coming for him this Saturday. Will Bryan make WrestleDream into Moxley’s Final Countdown?

My Thoughts:

A great Dynamite here as the go-home to WrestleDream, and the only real go-home to it because there is no Collision, and they didn’t even announce what Rampage has because it probably doesn’t matter. Though because of all that, this was perhaps the most talkative Dynamite in a long time, if not of all time. Now granted, opening with a string of promos makes sense when you consider this Dynamite has the one hour overlap with NXT (unless like me, you live in a sad market like El Paso, then it’s a full overlap). As such, they did the best they could to fill the opening half hour or so with talk. It was well done, but it’s hard to say Moxley or Bryan added anything to their feud.

What did matter was how Don Callis made a deal with Jake the Snake, and how Daniel Garcia is STILL All Elite. Great stuff for Garcia, I really hope he does get a championship past WrestleDream. Shibata promised as much, and then Jack Perry had a very good promo in response, but it feels more like Perry cheats Shibata, and it is Perry VS Garcia at the next event. AEW Full Gear is in Newark, New Jersey, so it’s close enough for Garcia, a Buffalo New Yorker, to have that homefield advantage. Garcia having his moment about as close to home as AEW can manage would be so great, it has to be what’s happening.

As for that deal of Callis and The Snake, something about it really works out. La Faccion Ingobernable no longer has Jose the Assistant, but now they have a legend in Jake Roberts helping them, that’ll be good stuff. And assuming Will Hobbs is also Don Callis Family when he returns, he and Lance Archer are two monsters that can quite truly destroy a lot of people and take whatever belts they want. Hologram VS Komander was insanely good, like a PPV level match but here on TV. And then with LFI attacking them both, all they’d need is a third luchador and we’d have an incredible feud right there.

Ospreay and Callis had a great promo segment together, especially with bringing in Konosuke and Kyle and all of that. As it stands, Konosuke was standing tall until Ricochet showed up, and then Ricochet touches the belt. All that signals Ospreay finds a way to retain because it is a Triple Threat. But I really like that Kyle resisted the screwdriver, I really hope he breaks away completely and truly goes United Empire with Ospreay here in AEW. Very good promo from Darby with Brody King, though Darby’s promo on Collision seems obsolete now. I think I even said as much on Collision, because we were of course getting this kind of promo tonight. Great detail of Brody turning things around, too, saying Darby is in denial about how selfish he’s being. Again, their match could steal the show.

While it is a shame Britt Baker couldn’t make the trip out, it works out better for Willow because I felt like Britt was gonna win the 1v1. The Fatal 4 Way alternative was awesome, I’m a little surprised it was Penelope Ford getting after Hayter, and then Willow gets a great win. However, while Mariah beat Willow up on stage, Willow got even with her backstage, the match is kind of muddied. I feel like Mariah finds a way, though, because there needs to be more story of her and Mina Shirakawa as we head for the end of the year. Mariah VS Mina should be just as passionate and gritty as Mariah VS Toni in terms of the build and the anticipation and the finale.

Mina doesn’t even have to win the title, but she can have the moral victory should Mariah sink to new lows and cheat even her oldest and dearest friend. Then Mariah and Hayter can meet up after Hayter deals with Penelope. Meanwhile, Mone VS Emi was another awesome match, Emi really got to unleash her full arsenal here. But naturally, Mone won because Kris Statlander is coming after her! Kris VS Kamille has to be happening soon, maybe even at WrestleDream so that Kris VS Mone can be Full Gear.

Good promo from Stokely with Private Party, but you can bet Stokely will recruit a tag team that deserves a good spotlight. That team can cost Private Party, then we feud into Full Gear and such, even though that’s really a shame for Private Party because they should get a turn with the titles. Very good video package from Swerve, and it makes a lot of sense for Swerve to meet with MVP during WrestleDream, that could even be the moment where Bobby Lashley shows he is All Elite. Good return match for Jay White and very good promo to set up White VS Hangman. That’ll be a great match, and it could probably go either way with how dastardly Hangman has been.

Good promo from Hook interacting with Kip Sabian and The Patriarchy. While Taz’s attacker probably isn’t any of those guys, this does help tease a feud of Hook with Patriarchy over the father figure stuff. Kip might even end up an unlikely ally so Hook can fight Christian & Nick at the same time. And then a great tag match main event for this BCC Civil War stuff, helping bookend the night with that story. Great win for Bryan & Yuta, and then great brawling and beatdown to follow. Now, the thing is, with Bryan standing tall over everyone, there’s a very good chance something in Yuta mentally snaps and he turns on Bryan, allowing Moxley to win. It’d be wild WrestleDream is Bryan’s last match, and it’d be bittersweet with it being in Washington.

My Score: 8.9/10

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