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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (10/17/24)

Will Athena freeze up?



Is there a chill in the air?

The ROH Women’s World Champion has talked a lot of smack, but the walls are closing in. Will Lady Frost take a bite out of Athena before Abadon does?


  • Spanish Announce Project VS Ren Jones & Derek Dillinger; SAP wins.
  • Yuka Sakazaki VS Viva Van; Yuka wins.
  • Nick Wayne w/ Shayna Wayne VS Brian Cook; Nick wins.
  • MXM Collection VS Midnight Heat; MXM wins.
  • AR Fox VS Jack Cartwheel; wins.
  • ROH World Television Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Willie Mack VS Komander; wins and will challenge Brian Cage for the title.
  • Atlantis Jr. VS Jon Cruz; wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds: Athena VS Lady Frost; wins and


ROH mourns the loss of Joe Koff.


Mark Briscoe speaks.

It was after the ROH World Championship match at AEW WrestleDream when The Sussex County Chicken said, “Chris Jericho, I told you, don’t let my brother’s name come out your mouth. Not with the disrespect that you sending it out your mouth with, son. Now you see what happened? You got your ass whooped. I’m a man of my word. I did what I said I was gonna do. I whooped your ass, I pinned you, one, two, three, in the middle of the ring at WrestleDream, baby. Chris Jericho, it don’t end there, cuz ’til you come correct, I’ll whoop your ass every week. Every day, Sunday to Sunday.

“I will whoop your ass on Collision, I will whoop your ass on Rampage, I will whoop your ass on Dynamite. I will whoop your ass on ROH, I will whoop your ass on Hey! E-W. I will whoop your ass on that show where they be cookin’ ‘n’ shit. You understand what I’m saying, Jericho? Yes, I will whoop your ass with a dog. Yes, I will whoop your ass on a long. Yes, I will whoop your ass in a house. Yes, I will whoop your ass with a mouse. Yes, I will whoop your over there. Yes, I will whoop your ass anywhere! Chris Jericho, you understand what I’m saying, son?

“So in other words, long story short, don’t degrade the Briscoe name. We Dem Boys, baby, and we ain’t going nowhere.” Well we know in the present Jericho did not heed this warning, and now we have an ROH World Championship LADDER WAR set for Dynamite! Will Mark whoop Jericho’s ass even badder when he’s armed with a ladder?


Backstage interview with Rachael Ellering.

Lexy Nair is with the Queen of Strong Smile, who has been building momentum. What can we expect moving forward? Rachael thanks Lexy for that, and says in case you haven’t noticed, the ROH Women’s Division is heating up. Women are stepping up to the plate, and Rachael wants to be one of them. So that’s her plan for- Okay, here comes Harley Cameron. Harley says hey to “Rah,” and says it is good to see her. Harley remembered her name, and also remembered there are in Ring of Honor. But last time they saw each other, things didn’t go smoothly. Harley went home, had a long hard look in the mirror, and do you know what she realized?

Harley realized that she’s really attractive. But also, that they got off on the wrong foot. Rachael says yeah, you could say that. Rachael says people have said a lot of things about Harley, but she gives Harley credit, not all the gossip is true. Harley is not as dumb as she looks. Harley thanks Rachael for that. But people doo like talking about her. So let’s just start fresh and bring it in. Let’s all hug! Harley brings Lexy into this for whatever reason, and she says, “Doesn’t that feel good?” And girl, this is gonna be the start of a beautiful friendship. Harley gives a lot of playful pushes then heads out, leaving Rachael and Lexy both unsure about that.


Brian Cage speaks.

Much like Mark Briscoe, The Machine had thoughts to share after WrestleDream, especially after becoming the NEW ROH World Television Champion. “Oh ho ho ho ho. Take a look at that, take a look at that. I told you. I told you, Atlantis Jr, that you had something that didn’t belong to you. Because you don’t even go here! And I was gonna correct that, and that’s exactly what I did. Because I came and I claimed my prize. The NEW ROH TV Champ. The new King of TV, the King of Swole Style, the Swolverine, 2Swole2Control. I’ve never been a big fan of ‘better late than never,’ but this is long, LONG overdue. LONG overdue.

“And now things are gonna change around here. Imagine this, think about this. Being up on the high dive, tippy toeing to the edge, looking down, knowing that you have all the ability in the world. Knowing you can show off, get the perfect score, the perfect dive, all the while looking the best up there, which may not count for much, but it’s still certainly happy to look at. But y’know what? There’s just something in ya, there’s something in ya that doesn’t wanna make ya jump off, and you’re second guessing yourself, you have a little bit of doubt. And all you need, all you need is a little push. And that’s exactly what this is!

“It is time for the Age of Cage! When I say, ‘Who betta than Cage?’ There’s damn near nobody, nobody better than Cage! And I’m proving it today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year! Who betta? I already told you: NOBODY.” But his challengers are already lining up, will Weapon X tear through them all?


MXM Collection VS Midnight Heat!

Mansoor & Mason Madden may not have ended The Acclaimed at WrestleDream, but they aren’t going to stop strutting their way up the tag team ranks. Will MXM redeem themselves on ROH? Or will Eddie Pearl & Ricky Gibson make them feel the Midnight Heat?

The Code of Honor is asked for with fingertips, so Midnight Heat reluctantly accept. But then MXM pulls them in so they can POSE! Midnight Heat pushes MXM away, the teams sort out, and the Iron Chic starts against Ricky. They circle, tie up, and Mansoor wrenches. Mansoor wristlocks but Ricky wrenches back. Ricky wristlocks, but Mansoor rolls, kips up, and cartwheels. Mansoor breaks free, to POSE! Ricky runs up, Mansoor ducks and things keep moving. Ricky drops, hurdles, but Mansoor leap frogs to wheelbarrow and arm-drag! Mansoor DROPKICKS Ricky down, then strikes a POSE!

The fans cheer and Mansoor revels in it, but Ricky tags in Eddie! Eddie runs up but Mansoor hits a Manhattan Drop! Then a DROPKICK! Fingertip tag to The Mahogany Hunk, and he HEADBUTTS Eddie down! Eddie flounders into a corner, Mason storms up and hushes the crowd. Mason CHOPS and Eddie sputters. Mason whips corner to corner, Eddie goes up but can’t get over the towering titan. Mason slings Eddie into a dragon sleeper, and says, “Shoutout to Summer Rae.” LEG DROP DDT! Mason drags Eddie up, tags Mansoor, and then whips Eddie to the corner. Mason sends Mansoor in, Mansoor LARIATS!

Mason adds an UPPERCUT, then feeds to the Manhattan Drop! Kick to the legs, and Mason pulls up, HIP ATTACK and POSE! The fans fire up, but Ricky runs up! Mansoor lifts, Mason runs, HEEL KICK SPINEBUSTER COMBO! Mason lounges and that trips up Eddie! Eddie staggers up, Mansoor storms up, but into a HOTSHOT! The fans rally, Eddie tags Ricky and sends Mansoor into a shoulder ram! Ricky sunset flips, Mansoor holds ropes, but Eddie adds on, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP BACKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO! Ricky drags Mansoor up, UPPERCUTS, and ELBOWS him! Tag back to Eddie and he sends Ricky in, but Mansoor puts Ricky out!

Mansoor ROCKS Ricky, ELBOWS Eddie, and jukes Ricky to BOOT! Mansoor dodges Eddie, hot tag to Mason! Mason runs through a double lariat to DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE! The fans rally as Midnight Heat end up in opposite corners. Mason runs up to ELBOW Ricky, then runs to KNEE Eddie! LEG LARIAT for Ricky, and a juke for a BOSS MAN SLAM on Eddie! The fans fire up as Mason catches Ricky! SIT-OUT CHOKE SLAM! Tag to Mansoor, and he sends Eddie to Mason. Mason underhooks Eddie and says, time to kill ’em fashionably! CENTERFOLD DDT!! Cover, MXM wins!

Winners: MXM Collection, by pinfall

Mansoor blows kisses to the crowd, then styles his hair. MXM is undefeated in ROH, and they POSE! But will they soon be posing with gold?


AR Fox VS Jack Cartwheel!

Things are about to really pick up speed now! Both men are able to flip, fly and fire up the crowd, but will everyone be cheering The Whole Fox’n Show? Or will the Sacramento kid shine now that he’s back home in the Golden State?


About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 10.17.2024

Three titles on the line in two matches! Digital Media, International Heavyweight and X Division tonight!



Well we know El Hijo del Vikingo will be at Bound For Glory, my assumption is challenging for the X Division title, but hopefully we get some kind of direction on what he’s doing. The Northern Armoury again, is a cool name wasted on a jabroni stable of Josh Alexander and mooks. Masha’s whole challenge feels a bit fast forwarded, while I think she’s great and her winning is perfect for her story since she’s 0-4 against Jordynne (if memory serves), it really feels rushed.

Let’s see what else gets fleshed out since we do have the Pick Your Poison matches for the terrible PCO & Cardona angle. So let’s just get those over with and bury memory of anything in and around this awful storyline.

Hopefully the show isn’t just filler mediocrity today!


  • Digital Media and International Heavyweight Championship NODQ Match: PCO (c) vs Rhino: PCO retains via PCO-sault – * 1/2
  • Brinley Reece vs ASH by Elegance w/Personal Concierge: ASH wins via Rarefied Air – zero
  • X Division Championship: Speedball Mike Bailey (c) vs Leon Slater: Speedball retains via Flamingo Driver – ***
  • Matt Cardona w/Eddie Edwards & JDC vs Mike Santana
  • Matt Cardona vs Nic Nemeth: Nemeth wins via Danger Zone – ** 3/4



Digital Media and International Heavyweight Championship NODQ Match: PCO (c) vs Rhino

Slow lock up and Shoulder Tackles lead to going outside of the ring and incorporating chairs very quickly. Rhino whips PCO into the steps, stands the steps up and tries to smash his face into the edge, but PCO counters and throws Rhino through the steps. Cookie Sheet spot, Backdrop onto steps, but this is a very…plodding match. PCO hits Rhino with a chairshot, puts Rhino ontop of a stack of chairs on the apron, aims for the Deanimator, but Rhino rolls away and PCO crashes and burns.

Trash can time, very slow trash can time. Rhino looks to Powerbomb PCO into the can, but PCO counters and posts Rhino. Rolls him into the ring with the can and more slow can shots. Chokeslams Rhino onto the can, Rhino powders, PCO looks for the Dive and Rhino chucks another trash can into his face as PCO continues to just miss big moves and eat ass (not in the good way). Rhino places the trash can in the corner, Rhino looks for the Irish Whip but PCO counters and Rhino makes contact and bounces out. PCO sets up some chair art, looks for a Moonsault, but Rhino gets up and Powerbombs PCO through the chairs for 2! The crowd calls for the Gore, but Rhino grabs a table. That’s new…the wrestler grabbing a table before the crowd asks for it.

Rhino sets up for the Gore through the table, PCO side steps, PCO-sault, and PCO retains.

This match was paced poorly, plodding, and just generally a waste of 10 minutes. The crowd responds well to PCO, but that doesn’t mean the match was worth literally anything. 

Nemeth has a promo about his Pick Your Poison match with Cardona later, typical Fighting Champion, show stealer, blah blah, wannabe Shawn Michaels. 

Brinley Reece vs ASH by Elegance w/Personal Concierge

What in the Barbie’s dreamhouse fever dream is a Brinley Reece? 

ASH fakes the hand shake and cheap shots into the corner, Concierge applies lipstick to ASH while she’s hitting Brinley and then Brinley counters and smears the makeup. So ASH going for a Hot Mess reference, both Chelsea Green and Aespa aren’t amused. They go for some comedic power spot of Push Ups and Shoulder Tackle attempts with Brinley stone walling ASH. Brinley throws ASH into a corner, ASH manages to pop her over onto the apron and kick her off. I’m not really sure what I’m watching, this has been mostly comedy, but since Brinley is effectively a nobody, its just more of ASH being comedically narcissistic and…its kinda lame.

Brinley counters a Bow and Arrow into a Cradle, then tries to hype herself up with some mountain climber thing into a Cartwheel Lariat for two. Brinley’s offense looks…almost as inane as ASH’s comedy. Scorpion Deathdrop from ASH into the Rarefied Air and thankfully its over.

ASH starts a new gimmick of marking up the loser with makeup and biting or kissing her forehead, so Xia Brookside makes a save. At least they remembered there’s a thread with Xia, but this has been a rough 30 minutes to the show.  

X Division Championship: Speedball Mike Bailey (c) vs Leon Slater

I expect a spot fest that is somewhat fun but no real chance for Leon. 

Fast start with rope runs, nothing moves and the simultaneous moron Dropkick spot that I detest. And immediately after the moron Dropkick spot Bailey grabs a Hammerlock and the “speed kills” concept changes with zero psychology. Dives, counters and both of them get a chance to do some unique counter before Bailey gets the best of things after the Triangle Moonsault and posting Slater and going at him with a litany of  kicks, Arm Wringers and Drags. Speedball lights Slater up like the dummy from Three Ninjas and the match hasn’t looked close for about 3 minutes. Speedball keeps working the Hammerlock, Slater tries a Back Handspring spot and the sell on the arm finally comes through. But Speedball eats a Jawbreaker and then a Flying Kick from Slater before Speedball goes for his Round and Axe Kick combo into the Running Shooting Star…miss. Feint Kick from Slater, they trade charging Pump Kicks, Enzuigiri from Speedball and a desperation Sliding Straight Kick from Slater to have them both down selling.

Speedball keeps going for the Hammerlock and Slater finds small Back Elbows and quick strikes to try and push Speedball off. Jumping Snapmare from Slater to finally get Speedball to relent, telegraphed Plancha that Speedball has to get in position for…stupid cooperative spot fest crap. Speedball does silence the momentum with a Sweep, Backflip Knees, attempt Thrust Kick, but Slater Matrix Dodges and pays back the Sweep and Backflip Knees to Speedball. Tiger Feint from Slater, Speedball tries to run back to the ring, sees the Feint coming and jumps onto the top rope for the Asai Moonsault to counter. Throws back in Slater, Ultima Wepaon, misses but Speedball lands on his feet, charges, eats a Blue Thunder Bomb but only two. Slater charges, Speedball turns it into the Spanish Fly for 2, Backstabber Hammerlock, Speedball looks for the Tornado Kick but eats a Shotgun Dropkick. Kicks Bailey to the outside, Tornillo over the corner ring post, Slater sells the arm a little as he tries to climb for the Swanton 450, Speedball picks him off, Avalanche Corkscrew Brainbuster, Slater tries again, but Speedball moves, goes for a Hammerlock Camel Clutch into a few quick kicks, Tornado Kicks, Ultima Weapon, and Flamingo Driver to retain.

After the match, the Vikingo highlight reel plays and the match with Speedball is officially announced. 

Maclin comes out after the promo package, calls out the Northern Armoury after the beatdown last week and yeah, I think we all see where this is going. Josh insults Maclin, calling him a scumbag, saying that without Josh people who got fired wouldn’t have a place to come. And its just very cookie cutter validation from a delusional former face who still believes he’s the hero. Maclin stops caring, tries to fight the three of them and of course the numbers catch up with him. They zip tie Maclin, Maclin spits on Josh and the beatings continue. C4 Spike leaves Maclin laying and this really was not surprising or worthy of air time. 

Matt Cardona w/Eddie Edwards & JDC vs Mike Santana

Santana comes through the crowd with his chain, wraps it around his fist and levels everyone before the bell. So the match never really starts, Santana goes full Dump Matsumoto and takes people out with a chain. He grabs a mic, tries to call out Moose, Moose doesn’t take the bait so Santana goes hunting. Santana is looking for Moose, gets blindsided by a baseball bat and Moose says “be careful what you wish for”, and walks off while Santana is writhing.

Matt Cardona vs Nic Nemeth

Before the match, Frankie Kazarian comes out to commentary, so I guess we’re still not in the clear for the main event of BFG just yet.

They trade a few quick strikes and spots, Cardona misses a Missile Dropkick but Nic Monkey Flip into the 10 Count Shots to the Heart. Cardona does manage to land a quick punch and start working over Nemeth. Full Mount punches, a little mocking paintbrush smacks, throws him outside and Wrecking Ball Dropkick sends Nic into the guardrail. Nic tries to fight back, but a well positioned thumb to the eye and throwing Nic from the apron into the steps gives Cardona plenty of time to gloat. We get the typical deliberate slow heel offense during a picture in picture commercial break. Lots of corner spots, Forearm being dug into the face, short punches and working Nic up the turnbuckles. Superplex attempt, but Nic fights it off since we come back from commercial, but Cardona crotches Nic with the ole jumping onto the top rope.

Reboot from Cardona gives him a two count. Radio Silence attempt, turned into Snake Eyes and then a Jumping DDT for 2 from Nemeth. Tuning up the band….Superkick caught and Implant DDT from Cardona for two. Cardona tunes up the band but Nemeth stumbles into hitting Superkick first for 2. Danger Zone attempt but Cardona holds the ropes, Lariat, and tries a Powerbomb but Nemeth slips it, Fame ASSer for yet another two. Nemeth tries a German Suplex, Cardona grabs the ropes, referee is out of position so Cardona hits the back kick Low Blow. Looks to set up Radio Silence and PCO’s music hits.

PCO assaults the security that Cardona had, Cardona is super distracted and eats a Danger Zone.

Kaz jumps Nemeth from behind and Joe Hendry makes the save. Kaz announces that he’ll be the special guest referee for the match. An unnecessary angle for involving Kaz…but at least its not a straight up Triple Threat.


Overall Score: 2.5/10

HAWT GAHBEEG. Some people probably liked the X Division match, but I don’t care about spot fests that have no psychology and just rely on car crash spots and move surges to pop a crowd. The main event was mid at best, but the wrinkle in the BFG main event is just dumb. The only positive things from this episode were:

  1. Vikingo officially getting the X Division shot at BFG
  2. Rosemary calling Spitfire Stop and Go because of Green & Red hair
  3. The fact it ended

Even if Bound for Glory is a decent card on paper, this build is worthless. I feel like its doing more harm than good like those Game Freak Pokemon leaks. This was one of the most difficult episodes of iMPACT! to sit through in a while. At least my Dodgers are up 5-2 in the bottom of the fifth. That’s nice to see.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

All Shows On Demand

Powered by RedCircle

Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (10/16/24)

Fallout from WrestleDream!



The Paradigm Shift has truly begun!

Jon Moxley is a FOUR-TIME AEW World Champion! But he didn’t just take this title from Bryan Danielson, he may’ve taken Bryan from AEW… FOREVER!


  • FTR VS “Big Bill” Morrissey & Bryan Keith; FTR wins.
  • AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone w/ Kamille VS Queen Aminata; Mone wins and retains the title.
  • Six Man Tag: The Elite VS The Conglomeration; The Conglomeration wins, by disqualification.
  • Shelton Benjamin w/ MVP VS Lio Rush w/ Leila Grey; Shelton wins.
  • Jay White w/ Juice Robinson VS Christian Cage w/ The Patriarchy; Christian wins.


Jon Moxley speaks.

It was only moments after the disgusting and horrific ending to WrestleDream that The Maniac told us, “Someone has to be responsible when things get out of control. So I will be responsible. People think they know what I’m about? They think they know what motivates me? They don’t know anything. I have a dream of a land of opportunity. Where people come to AEW and they can achieve anything they want. They can be the best version of themselves they can be. Wrestling gave me everything in the world, I want that for other people. 150 wrestlers on the roster, with big fat paychecks and their junk on their hands. What’re they supposed to do?”

Moxley says he hates what AEW has become. Egos are out of control, they’re celebrating things that don’t need celebrating, dancing and partying when there’s no need to be dancing and partying. Moxley cannot stand it anymore. The Blackpool Combat Club is driving around in their truck while we get clips of the roster reacting to Bryan Danielson’s critical condition. But Moxley says he will burn down the forest to grow a new one. He is not sentimental. He and the BCC will do what has to be done. They see a better future and they will make it happen. If you want, you can come with them. If you don’t, run while you can. Stand down while you can. Get out of their way!

What’s the “need to know” for those in AEW? What’s the “need to know?” What is the new paradigm? It is very simple: You work for Moxley now. It sure seems Wheeler Yuta has fallen in line under that principle, but will the rest of AEW refuse this order?


Adam Cole is here!

San Jose fires up for the Dynamite return of the Panama City Playboy, but we all saw him return to AEW at WrestleDream. Fans join in on “BOOM!” and “ADAM COLE, BAYBAY!” Cole grabs a mic while the fans chant, “Welcome Back! Welcome Back!” Cole says, “I think I know the answer, but who’s ready for Storytime with Adam Cole, Baybay?” The fans cheer because they are ready! Cole says first and foremost, to The Undisputed Kingdom, Roddy, Mike & Matt, he loves them all, but he has to do this on his own.

Now, Cole did think about coming out here to talk about his year long road to recovery, all the challenges he went through, and how damn happy he is to be back in this ring. But truth be told, we don’t need to hear about that. What we do need to hear about is the worst human being Cole has ever met, and that is MJF. Boys and girls, life is filled with shades of gray, trying to constantly decide right from wrong, good from evil. And if Cole has learned anything, it is that sometimes you fight evil with evil. Because MJF will tell Cole that he betrayed him for no reason. That Cole broke a promise and destroyed MJF’s trust.

Trust is a very interesting word. Trust is indeed the foundation of every good friendship. Without trust, you have nothing. Adam Cole may be many things, but stupid is not one of them. And anyone who thinks that you should trust MJF is stupid! The MJF that we see now, boys and girls, is the REAL MJF. The one Cole saw behind closed doors. The one that has terrorized AEW for five YEARS! The one that pretends to say he cares about AEW when in reality, he only cares about himself. THAT is the real MJF. If Cole could describe MJF in one word, it is “Fake.” Everything about MJF head to toe is fake!

Look at his hair! It took two surgeries, but it’s on his head now! FAKE. Or wait, better yet, his brash attitude. Acting so much like MJF does what he wants, when he wants, and doesn’t care about anyone, when in reality, MJF is just a scared, insecure little boy. If you wanna put that to the test, everyone right now can go on social media, and if you trash MJF, MJF will act like he doesn’t care, but Cole swears to God, MJF will be crying in a corner of his hotel room! “MJF is a phony. MJF can’t be trusted. And everyone in that locker room right now is smiling and agreeing with every single thing that I am saying.”

Cole does wanna talk about the locker room, because AEW has the best pro-wrestlers in the world! The fans cheer that! Cole says we also have a young group of guys hungry, trying to get better week after week, and that carry AEW into the future and continue to make this the best pro-wrestling company in the world! The fans cheer that, too! Cole says it makes him sick to his stomach to imagine these young talents and seeing MJF as an example for a path to success, when MJF’s path is nothing but failure and loneliness! Cole says MJF thinks that he is someone special. MJF thinks he is the best that’s ever been in AEW.

Cole swears with every fiber of his being, that everyone in AEW hates MJF! Cole hates MJF! He hates everything MJF is and that he stands for, how he sounds, how he looks, that Cole has to share a building with MJF! So let’s not waste any more time. They’re gonna fight, so why not here and now in San Jose? MJF just needs to bring himself down the ramp, show Cole what kind of man he is, and Cole just whoops dat ass. What do you say, Brochacho? Well here comes MJF! At least, his music plays. Cole looks to the ramp, then he looks to the crowd, but where is the Wolf of Wrestling? The fans boo as we don’t get MJF after all.

MJF instead appears on the tron, sitting in his home by the fireplace, a glass of wine in hand. MJF takes a sip before he says, “Hey, Brochacho. I’ve done a lot of growing in this industry. I’ve been at this since I was a teenager. A full decade later, I can say I’ve learned a lot. Through immaturity, through loss, through gain, and as a multimillionaire at 28, there’s been a lot of gain. Then learning how to trust others, and then later learning the hard way, in this sport, there’s no such thing as trust. There’s a lot of jackals in professional wrestling, especially when you reach a top level at a young age. They are looking, hoping, waiting, watching, licking their chops to see if you’ll trip… so they can chew you up and spit you out.

“And after years of letting people in and paying the consequences, I told myself I’d never let it happen again. And then you came into my life, Adam. You tricked me into letting my guard down, and you made me pay for that, didn’t you? Yeah. You stabbed me in the back, leaving a void in me forever. Because of you, I can never trust, and I can never, ever, ever trust again. The man I am today is not my fault. The despicable actions and mayhem I create are not my fault, Adam. It’s yours. This void you made… It’s yours. And yet these unwashed heathens cheer you? Typical.

“So I’m gonna leave you with a void, Cole. I know you want nothing more than revenge. I know you want nothing more than to beat me within an inch of my life! Well it’s not gonna happen. You’ll never get me inside that ring. And for my amusement, I will keep dangling the carrot of sweet revenge right in front of your sunken little face. You will die with a void of unfulfilled vengeance, and for that empty, cold, sad, lonely little life… You can thank me later.” The fans boo as MJF takes another sip of wine.

Cole says okay, but please, never, ever forget, because Cole knows MJF can hear him, that Cole knows MJF better than anyone. And Cole means it when he says it: MJF can run, but he can’t hide. And Cole promises with every fiber of his being, when he gets his hands on MJF, he gives MJF the beating of a lifetime, and he makes MJF wish they had never met! The fans fire up for that one! When and where will Cole have his vengeance?


AEW shares footage from after WrestleDream.

Renee Paquette met with Chris Jericho backstage to interview him about his loss in the ROH World Championship match. Jericho says he felt vindicated. What? How? Jericho explains that this is the “Week of Chris Jericho.” He is costarring in the number one movie in America, Terrifier 3. Plus, Fozzy is on tour, selling out venues across the country. And tonight, he was going to become The Nueve by winning the ROH World Championship again, but as he knew would happen, Mark Briscoe cheated to win that match. Jericho is of course spinning things in his favor when it was his Branches that wanted to cheat so he could win.

Jericho says he wants a rematch, and soon. He anxiously awaits the reply, because Jericho is going to become a two-time ROH World Champion, just like Jay Briscoe. Thanks, Mark. But speaking of…

Backstage interview with Mark Briscoe.

This is live here tonight as Renee is with the ROH World Champion, and she asks his reaction to Jericho’s claims of Mark cheating. Mark says you know Jericho has been known to say a lot of dumb stuff. The world saw Mark beat Jericho’s ass up one side and down the other, drop him on his head, and pin him, 1-2-3 at WrestleDream. Now Jericho wants a rematch? Like Mark said, Jericho’s been known to say a lot of dumb stuff. And Mark can let that go in one ear and out the other. But what Mark can’t let slide is that Jericho let Mark’s brother’s name come out of his mouth again. For that, Jericho will pay! Jericho HAS his rematch, because Mark wants to get at him again!

But the thing is, they gotta crank it up! Mark wants to crank up the violence! This won’t be no regular match. Next week on Dynamite, Mark VS Jericho, LADDER WAR!! As for tonight… And in steps FTR! Mark says let the ass kicking commence! His boys are gonna get hold of Bill and Bad Apple in San Jose and do the damn thing! Mark fires up, FTR fires up with him, and they head out. Will the #TopGuys make sure to clip the Branches before Mark chops the Learning Tree down once and for all?

FTR VS “Big Bill” Morrissey & Bryan Keith!

The teams sort out and Dax Harwood starts against Keith. The fans rally for FTR as Dax and Keith tie up. Dax headlocks, Keith powers up and out, but Dax runs him over. Dax keeps moving, Keith drops down, but Dax blocks a hip toss, only for Keith to block Dax’s hip toss and LARIAT him down! The fans boo but Keith snarls. Keith runs up to BOOT Dax, then has Dax in a corner. Keith CHOPS, ROKCS and repeat! Dax CHOPS back! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Dax snap suplexes, then gets up to drop a leg, brother! Dax drags Keith up, tags Cash and whips Keith. Dax drops and Cash slingshot SHOULDER TACKLES Keith! Cover, TWO!

Cash stands Keith up to CHOP! And UPPERCUT! Cash has Keith in a corner, CHOPS him then UPPERCUTS again. But Keith scoops and SLAMS Cash! Then Keith drops a knee on Cash’s face! Tag to The Redwood and the fans are torn. Bill storms up on Cash, CLUBS him down, then CLUBS him again. Bill puts Cash in a corner, says, “You like to chop, huh?” Bill CHOPS Cash! The fans fire up, the ref reprimands, but Bill CHOPS again! Bill whips corner to corner, Cash goes up but can’t get over Bill! Bill carries Cash, Cash slips free to shove and UPPERCUT! Bill stays up but Cash DROPKICKS! Bill staggers, Dax ROCKS him!

Cash ROCKS Bill, Dax ROCKS Bill, repeat! Cash dodges as boot, and he LARIATS! Bill stays up, Keith runs in, but Cash CLOBBERS Keith! Cash keeps moving, but runs into a BIG BOSS MAN SLAM! The fans are torn as Bill truly stands tall, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Bill paces while staying between FTR. Bill stands on Cash’s neck at the ropes! The ref counts, Bill lets off and apologizes, but that just lets Keith get a cheap shot! The ref then has to keep Dax back, and Bill drags Cash up. Bill UPPERCUTS Cash, brings him around, and CLUBS him down! Cash writhes but Bill paces again. Bill taunts Dax, puts Cash on ropes, and CHOKES him! The ref counts, Bill lets off to taunt Dax, but that again lets Keith get a cheap shot in! Bill drags Cash up, bumps him off buckles and Keith tags in. Keith digs his boot into Cash’s face, but lets off as the ref counts. Keith then snapmares Cash to rain down fists!

Keith lets off and Bill gloats. Keith stands Cash up to suplex, but Cash CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Keith CLOBBERS Cash! Tag to Bill, and Bill drags Cash around to drop a BIG elbow! And another BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Cash toughs it out but Bill taunts Dax again. Bill mockingly chants “F T R! F T R!” then he drags Cash up. Tag to Keith and the Branches mug Cash. Keith drags Cash out, has a facelock, and he grinds Cash down. Cash endures, the fans rally up, and Cash powers up! Keith holds on, Dynamite returns to single picture, and the fans rally up. Keith knees Cash low, then suplexes, but Cash slips free!

Cash waistlocks to hit a BIG back suplex! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Cash and Keith crawl, reach out, hot tag to Bill! Bill runs up on Cash, but Cash dodges! Bill hits buckles! Keith runs up, Cash dodges, hot tag to Dax! Dax JABS, JABS and DECKS Keith! Dax whips Keith into Bill, then climbs up to fire fists on Bill! Keith storms up but Dax CROSSBODIES Keith! Dax rains fists down on Keith, but then sees Bill storming up. Dax ROCKS Bill first, then goes back to Keith. Dax whips, Keith reverses, but Dax reverses back to wrench and short arm LARIAT! Bill runs up, Dax wrenches him, short arm LARIAT! Bill stays up! Bill LARIATS Dax in return!

The fans fire up again, and Bill drags Dax to his feet. Bill reels Dax in, but Dax fights the lift! Cash is up top, he CROSSBODIES Bill! Cash then CLOBBERS Keith off the apron! FTR sets up, Bill staggers over, SHATTER- NO, Bill ROCKS Cash with a right hand! Bill CLUBS Dax, reels him back in, and lifts for a POWERBOMB! Bill SHOVES Cash right out of the ring! Tag to Keith and Keith climbs up! Bill sends Dax into the DIAMOND DUST! Bill adds a BOOT!! Cover, Cash leaps over the ref to break it! The fans are thunderous, but Bill TOSSES Cash out. Cash grabs Bill’s foot, drags him out by his long hair, but Bill shoves Cash.

Cash stops himself short, and dodges Bill to POST him! Cash reels Bill in, TORNADO DDT to the floor! Keith is stunned, he runs up on Cash but misses! Dax runs up on Keith, tag to Cash! Dax whips Keith, FTR drops, hurdles, drops again, SHATTER MACHINE!! Cover, FTR wins!

Winners: FTR, by pinfall

Bill is big and Keith is mean, but they’re not #TopGuys like Dax & Cash! Wait, we see La Faccion Ingobernables watching backstage. Rush, Dralistico y Beast Mortos like what they see, but will LFI look to use FTR as their road to the AEW Tag Team Championships?

Wait, FTR’s pals, The Outrunners, are here! San Jose fires up for Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd as they flex and strut their way down to join Dax & Cash. LFI is even more curious, but perhaps that’s just more targets for them to tear apart. The fans fire up as the #FTRunners do the Mega Power Handshake! They flex in celebration, but will Dax, Cash, Truth & Turbo soon be atop the tag division?


Backstage interview with The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn.

Renee is with Max Caster, Anthony Bowens & Daddy Ass, and says after their win at WrestleDream, what is next? Billy says what’s next is the gym. They’re three of the best bodies in AEW. But Billy will let the boys fill her in on the rest while he gets the car ready. Bowens says that is right! They have a lot to say, because they are live on TBS, live in San Jose, where EVERYONE Loves The Acclaimed! Caster says that’s right! They got their bodies right, they got their minds right, and the Best Wrestler Alive is back with a proper jacket. The Acclaimed, the winningest tag team in AEW history, has another PPV win, as if it was a surprise.

But what is next is that they want more. And more, and more, and more! But in steps Montel Vontavious Porter with Shelton Benjamin. And MVP tells them that this is the reason they need to stop playing around. When they’re ready to be serious, give him a call. MVP hands them a card, but Bowens says they don’t need anything from MVP. MVP chuckles and has Shelton head out. The Gold Standard has a match with the Bad Child, will AEW start to feel the hurt?


AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone w/ Kamille VS Queen Aminata!

The CEO wasn’t scheduled for a match on WrestleDream, but she still barged into the backstage area like she runs the place. She got on Aminata’s bad side and given Aminata’s win-loss record, she more than deserves this title shot. Will Mone pay for her arrogance with gold? Or will she deny the One True African Woman her crowning achievement?

The introductions are made, the teal belt is raised, and we see who has gold in the Golden State!

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. The fans chant for “C E O! C E O!” but Kamille takes a swipe. The ref reprimands but Mone CLUBS Aminata in the distraction. Mone throws Aminata down, does her dance, then drags her up. Mone scoops, Aminata slips free and waistlocks. Mone elbows out, runs, and jumps to arm-drag! But Aminata drags Mone down, steps over, and twerk attacks! The fans cheer, Mone pushes Aminata away, and Aminata does the CEO dance! Mone is furious, and she runs up, but Aminata slips around, scoops to an Electric Chair Lift, then shifts into a waistlock! But Mone wheelbarrows to victory roll, TWO!

Aminata has the victory roll, TWO! Mone gets up, Aminata dodges, and Aminata catches the crossbody! The fans fire up for the power of Aminata, and she says she is the one and only. FALL AWAY SLAM! The fans fire up while Mone flounders to the apron. Aminata lines up a shot, but Kamille already gets Mone away to safety. The fans boo but Aminata goes out, QUEEN’S CROWN HEADBUTT! Kamille wobbles, but Mone YANKS Aminata into steel steps! Mone runs up, METEORA into the steps! The fans are dueling while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

The ref wants this back in the ring, so Mone drags Aminata in. Mone then storms up to cover, TWO! Mone rains down fists, pushes Aminata for a double wristlock cover, TWO! Aminata is tougher than that, but Mone paces. Aminata fires body shots! Mone knees low, then throws Aminata by her hair! The ref reprimands but Mone drags Aminata into a chinlock. Mone squeezes tight, leans on the hold, but Aminata endures. Mone shifts to a motorcycle stretch and Aminata endures. Aminata bridges, but Mone pulls on the arms! Mone keeps Aminata down, but Aminata turns to the side. Aminata fights up, but Mone shifts to a straitjacket stretch!

Aminata still fights up, and she RAMS Mone into buckles! And RAMS her again! Aminata is free, but runs into DEADLY NIGHTSHADE! Mone then runs corner to corner, to SUNSET FLIP BUCKLE BOMB! Mone shouts out San Jose’s Role Model, then runs in to METEORA again! Cover, TWO! Aminata survives, Kamille is frustrated for Mone, and Mone storms around. Mone drags Aminata up, snapmares and runs, to METEORA again! Cover, TWO! Mone is frustrated now, but she storms up on Aminata at the ropes. Mone CHOKES Aminata, the ref counts, and Mone lets off. But now KAMILLE chokes Aminata!

The Brickhouse gets away with that, and Mone covers, TWO! Ghost pin! TWO!! Mone escapes and DROPKICKS Aminata down! Mone is feeling more confident now, and she clamps on a chinlock stretch. Aminata endures again, and Dynamite returns to single picture. Aminata fights up, but Mone grinds her back down. Mone goes back to the motorcycle stretch but the fans rally. Aminata fights up, fires body shots, but Mone shoves her. Aminata trips Mone, jackknife bridge! TWO and Mone turns Aminata around, but Aminata powers up! AIR- NO, Mone slips free to ROCK Aminata! Mone whips, Aminata reverses, but Mone goes up!

Aminata stops Deadly Nightshade this time, to AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, TWO!! Mone survives but Aminata stays calm. Kamille coaches Mone, and Mone runs up, but into an ELBOW! Aminata reels Mone in to sunset BOMB! Cover, TWO! Mone is up, but Aminata spins around, backslide! TWO, but Aminata FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, TWO!! Mone survives and Kamille is growing worried. The fans rally, Aminata sits Mone up to body scissor and squeeze! Aminata even has the arms now, LEG HOOK FULL NELSON! Aminata pushes Mone down, folding her up! The fans rally as Mone endures, so Aminata rolls her around and around and around!

The fans fire up as Aminata keeps the rolling cradle going! Cover, TWO!! Mone survives but she staggers around. Aminata brings her in, snap suplex! Mone flounders to a corner, and the fans fire up with Aminata! Kamille coaches Mone but Aminata runs in, only for Mone to SWING KICK! And KNEE! Mone then goes up the corner, leaps, METEORA! Mone won’t stop there, she hooks Aminata up, BACKSTABBER!! Into the STATEMENT MAKER!! Aminata endures, reaches out, but she TAPS! Mone wins!

Winner: Mercedes Mone, by submission (still AEW TBS Champion)

The CEO plays it off like it wasn’t that hard of a match, and she holds up both AEW TBS and NJPW Strong Women’s Championships to celebrate. Will anyone from around this wide world of wrestling be able to take those titles from Mone?


Backstage interview with Private Party.

Renee is with Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy, and says they have asked for this time, but then also asked for The Young Bucks to be here? Matthew & Nicholas Jackson walk in and say, “Long time no see.” Zay tells The Bucks, congratulations for winning at WrestleDream, it was all fair and square. But Zay knows they know that Private Party almost had them and almost became the NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions. Matt asks what their point is, and Quen says they want one more shot at the titles. Matt says he’ll admit he was wrong, saying they were nothing but a “midcard act.” He was dead wrong.

Private Party did in fact take The Bucks to their limit, one of their toughest title defenses ever. Hell, Zay kicked out of an EVP Trigger. But that said, that does not work for them, brother. There is no rematch. In fact, that was Private Party’s last chance while The Bucks are champs. But hey, they’re top stars, great stuff. Keep it up. The Bucks have to go now, big match tonight, bye. But then in walks Stokely Hathaway, and he says it is crazy. Every time Stoke’s failed in AEW, he hasn’t had his peers, coworkers or even social media say that he deserves another opportunity. So if he hasn’t gotten that, why should Private Party?

Granted, they could’ve had him in their corner on Saturday, but they said no. Private Party has been here since the Obama Administration, and they have nothing to show for it. So next time they challenge for the tag titles and they lose, Private Party is done, finished, cooked! Plus, everyone knows Zay’s the singles star of the two. But that’s none of his business. Stokely leaves, having stirred the pot. Zay starts to think, if that’s what it takes… Will Private Party be all about business with #BigStoke?


The Elite meet up backstage.

The Rainmaker, The Scapegoat and The EVPs all stand together with their gold. Jack Perry says before The Elite handles business, they need to acknowledge that today is a special day. Not just to them personally, but to the history and the creation of AEW. Because today is Kenny Omega’s birthday. Perry knows Omega hasn’t been here in some time, and that Omega’s had about 20 feet of his “putrid intestines” removed to save his life after The Elite almost ended it… But The Elite just wanted to give him something special on his special day. It’s a fairly plain birthday cake that says “Happy Birthday Kenny!”

And then Perry dumps MEAT on it! Is that liver? Okada says, “Happy Birthday, b*tch!” Perry adds, “Get well soon. Kenny. Or die. I don’t really care.” The Elite leaves the mess they made behind, but will The Cleaner find a way to clean this all up one day?


Six Man Tag: The Elite VS The Conglomeration!

At WrestleDream, The Young Bucks defeated Private Party to hold onto their gold, but The Rainmaker rudely rejected Kyle O’Reilly for a chance at his Continental Championship. Now Kyle’s friends, Orange Cassidy & Rocky Romero, are backing him up against The Elite! Will the Violent Artist earn his shot at Kazuchika Okada’s title? Or will this just be an even harsher rejection than at WrestleDream?

The trios sort out and Kyle starts against Okada. The fans chant for “O-KA-DA! O-KA-DA!” as the two circle. They tie up, Okada powers Kyle to ropes, but he lets off slowly. Kyle ROCKS Okada first, no waiting on funny business. Okada hits back, Kyle fires another, and the fans rally as the shots keep going! Kyle gets the edge, he wrenches the arm, but Okada UPPERCUTS free. Kyle KNEES low, runs but into a BOOT! Okada drags Kyle up, tags in Nick, and Nick headlocks. Kyle endures the grind, chinbars his way out, and tags Cassidy. Kitchen sink knee from Kyle, basement dropkick from Cassidy. Knee drop from Kyle, SOMERSAULT SENTON from Cassidy!

The fans rally but Matt runs up, only for Cassidy to block his kick. Kyle sweeps the leg, they sit Matt up, PENALTY KICK! Cassidy runs to sit Matt back up, and DOUBLE BASMENT DROPKICKS hit! Okada runs up to fire forearms and elbows! Rocky gets in, ducks ‘n ‘dodges to RANA Okada! Okada bails out, the fans fire up, and Kyle goes to the apron. Okada moves so the FLYING KNEE hits Nick! Cassidy DIVES onto Okada! Rocky FLYING RANAS Matt! The Conglomeration stands tall and the fans fire up while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Cassidy puts Nick in the corner, tags Kyle, and Kyle climbs up to rain down fists! Kyle goes to TEN, then tags Rocky! Rocky climbs up, he rains down TEN fists! Then tag to Cassidy, and he fires up to hop up, and rains down ONE! That’s 21 just for Nick! But Okada BOOTS Cassidy and Nick DECKS Kyle and Rocky! Nick tags Matt, then whips Cassidy. Cassidy reverses but Nick goes up and over. Matt runs in to ROCK Cassidy, Nick SHINING WIZARDS! The Bucks coordinate, ASSISTED SHINING WIZARD, then another SHINING WIZARD! Cover, but Kyle & Rocky break it! Okada storms back in to CLUB Rocky.

The Elite all scoop and SLAM The Conglomeration! Then The Elite go to the apron, and they TRIPLE SLINGSHOT SENTON! Then they all pose together! San Jose cheers The Bucks, and Matt scoops Cassidy to BACKBREAKER! Nick tags in, to SLINGSHOT LEG DROP! Nick tags Okada, and Okada drags Cassidy up. Okada bumps Cassidy off buckles, whips him corner to corner, then runs in to ELBOW! Cassidy staggers, falls over, and Okada stares down with Kyle. Okada goes back to Cassidy, drags him up, and tags in Matt. Matt CLAWS Cassidy’s back, then he DECKS Cassidy! Matt drags Cassidy up to bump him off Nick’s boots!

Tag to Nick, The Bucks mug Cassidy, and Dynamite returns to single picture. The fans duel as The Bucks double whip Cassidy. Cassidy ducks Nick, hooks him, and swings around to use Nick as a shield! Cassidy then BOOTS Matt away, and swings Nick again, DOUBLE LARIAT on Matt using Nick’s arm! Cassidy then BACKDROPS Nick away, Nick tags Okada! Okada reels Cassidy in, taunts Kyle, but Cassidy comes back to sunset flip! Okada flails, but he flips Cassidy off! So Cassidy just hot tags Kyle! Kyle dodges Okada to fire off forearms! Okada swings, misses, and Kyle fires off a strike fest! Kyle runs, blocks a boot, and he fires off another string of strikes!

Kyle sweeps the leg, but Matt runs up to kick low. Matt runs, but Kyle follows to KNEE him down! Nick runs up, Kyle blocks a kick to then give a kick! Nick hobbles but he avoids the leg sweep. Kyle blocks another kick and swings it into Matt! Kyle ROCKS Nick, runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Kyle rebounds to LARIAT! Okada rises up, ripcords, but Kyle BOOTS Okada first! GUILLOTINE FACELOCK! Okada stays up, but Matt MACHO ELBOWS Kyle down!! Okada covers, TWO!! Kyle survives and the fans rally up! Okada brings Kyle up, whips him tot he corner, and then runs up, ELBOW ENZIGIRI COMBO!

Okada lifts Kyle for a REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Cover, but Rocky breaks it! Rocky ROCKS Nick, Matt ROCKS Rocky! Matt whips Rocky, mocks the Sting howl, then runs up, only for Rocky to dodge! That splash hits buckles, and Rocky LARITS Nick! And LARIATS Matt! Repeat! But Matt dodges, only for Rocky to DOUBLE LARIAT The Bucks! Okada runs up, Rocky dodges to UPPERCUT! Rocky cravats, SLICED- NO! Okada stops the bread to hit a TOMBSTONE! Tag to Nick, he tags Matt, and The Bucks bring up Kyle. They double whip, to DOUBLE ELBOW! Double kip up, and then they pump up the Reeboks!

The fans are torn, but Kyle stands. Kyle sees The Bucks are busy pumping, so he tags in Cassidy! The fans cheer as Cassidy goes up the corner. The Bucks see that, run up, but Cassidy leaps over. Cassidy DECKS Okada, dodges The Bucks again, and he DOUBLE RANAS! The fans fire up but Okada returns. Cassidy dodges to tilt-o-whirl, but Okada stops the DDT! Okada suplexes, into STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Cassidy holds on so Kyle can AX & SMASH! Then the HIGH LOW ATTACK! But The Bucks SUPERKICK Kyle & Cassidy! Rocky runs in, dodges Matt, SLICED BREAD for Nick! Matt feints a superkick to DDT Rocky!

Cassidy is back, he tilt-o-whirl DDTS Matt! The fans fire up with Cassidy as he throws off the elbow pad! Cassidy aims at Matt, but WHEELER YUTA is here!? BUSAIKU KNEE!!!

Winners: The Conglomeration, by disqualification

The Decoder already betrayed one former mentor, so why not come back to hurt this one? The fans boo as Yuta stomps away on Cassidy, and then here comes Claudio Castagnoli and Pac! The Swiss Superman BOOTS Rocky, and The Bastard BOOTS Kyle! The Elite has no idea what to make of this, other than they technically just lost. Pac also has a briefcase in hand? Pac stomps Kyle over and over, then CHOKES him with the case! Now Jon Moxley & Marina Shafir appear, and the fans boo as hard as they possibly can. Moxley drags Cassidy up, DECKS him, and The BCC just keeps stomping away on Cassidy!

Wait, TOP FLIGHT rushes out here! Dante Martin springboards to CANNONBALL Claudio! Action Andretti goes after Pac, Darius Martin is after Yuta, but Marina steps in. Claudio TOSSES Dante, Pac swings on Action but Action dodges! Action handsprings, but into Moxley’s FOREARM! Darius stomps Yuta, but he sees his team go down! Darius jumps on Moxley but Moxley SLINGS Darius off! Darius stands up, only for Marina to ROUNDHOUSE him back down! Claudio puts Dante back in, and Marina stands Darius up for MOTHER’S MILK! Then Marina feeds Darius to the DEATH RIDER!!

Kyle rises up but Yuta BOOTS him, then CHOKES him on the ropes! The Elite don’t seem to care anymore, they’re almost amused by this. But then The Dark Order rushes out here! Reynolds asks what the hell The Elite is doing before he, John Silver & Evil Uno rush to the ring! The fans fire up but as The Dark Order takes the fight to The BCC, but the numbers still don’t seem to be working. Marina YANKS Reynolds out of the ring to beat him down, Pac CLOBBERS Silver with the briefcase, and Claudio brawls with Uno. Uno kicks and ROCKS Claudio, but Claudio shoves him into Moxley’s SLEEPER!

Jack Perry joins The Elite and says they should just go now. The Elite leaves, not caring that Moxley and his crew are running roughshod over their company! Yuta whips Rocky into steel steps! Claudio takes Reynolds’ own belt away so that he and Marina can wrap it around Reynolds’ neck, against a corner post! Marina chokes Reynolds out! And then Yuta & Claudio bring steel steps over! Moxley has a mic to say, “Make no mistake about it. If you are involved in any way, shape or form with AEW, you are under attack!” Yuta & Claudio then RAM the steps into Reynolds!

Moxley says if you didn’t like Saturday night, if you don’t like this, understand that this is just the cost of doing business. The fans boo as three whole trios have been left wrecked by just five people. The BCC then leave through the crowd, and only now does Christopher Daniels, along with Daniel Garcia & Private Party, make it out here. They check on the nine battered men, just what more will The Maniac do?


Backstage interview with The Elite.

Alicia Atout catches up with Okada, Perry & The Bucks, and she asks The EVPs why they just let that all happen. Matt says no, none of that is their business. But Daniel Garcia & Private Party have returned backstage, and Red Death will not let The Bucks turn a blind eye to that. They are letting AEW go down in flames? They built this place five years ago but this is how they’re gonna act now? Perry gets in Garcia’s face, the two butt heads, but The EVPs and Private Party have everyone stand down. Perry says let’s get out of here, and The Elite leaves. Garcia says yeah, go ahead, walk away. How about The EVPs do their jobs?

The Elite don’t seem to care about All Elite, but Garcia says with how things are going crazy right now, he’s got Private Party’s back if they’ve got his. They say deal. Is AEW about to be like the Wild West where only the strong survive?


Shelton Benjamin w/ MVP VS Lio Rush w/ Leila Grey!

The Gold Standard & Montel Vontavious Porter may not have gotten Swerve Strickland on their side, but they’ve already spotted The Bad Child as a prospect. Will Shelton show Lio what he could have if he joins up? Or will Lio prove he can still be the Man of the Hour with Top Flight Airlines?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. Lio and Shelton feel things out, then Shelton just SHOVES Lio down! Shelton smirks while Lio scowls. Lio stands back up, then slips around to waistlock. Shelton pries the hold open, whips Lio away, but Lio wheelbarrows. Shelton shoves him away, Lio redirects, but Shelton catches him! Shelton puts Lio in a corner, Lio BOOTS him away then goes up and over. Lio kicks, Shelton blocks and flips Lio, but Lio lands on his feet! Shelton still CLOBBERS Lio! The fans fire up as Lio goes to a corner. MVP says keep on him, and Shelton runs in to LARIAT!

Shelton brings Lio up, wihps corner to corner, but Lio slides ot a stop! Lio goes Matrix, handsprings then kicks, kicks and ENZIGIRIS! Lio eggs Shelton on, Shelton runs up but Lio DUMPS him out! Lio handspring kicks Shelton off the apron, then builds speed. Lio DIVES, into a STEP-UP KNEE! The fans fire up and Shelton hurries back into the ring. Shelton TOSSES Lio out hard, then pursues. Shelton stands Lio up, clinches, and OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES Lio onto the floor! The fans fire up while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Shelton stalks Lio but the ref wants this in the ring. Shelton leaves Lio behind, MVP tells Lio he could still join up, and a ring count starts. Lio rises at 5 of 10, drags himself into the ring, but Shelton is right on him! Shelton puts Lio in a corner, ROCKS him with forearms, and Lio staggers away. Shelton follows Lio to another corner, and Lio fires a forearm! Shelton knees low, ROCKS Lio, then whips him corner to corner hard! Lio tumbles out through the ropes! Leila checks on Lio but MVP says this is what he was talking about. Leila tells MVP to back off, and the ref checks on Lio. Lio is somehow still in this, so the ring count begins.

Lio stirs at 5 of 10, Leila coaches him up, and MVP keeps taunting him. Lio drags himself up at 8, hobbles over and rolls in at 9! Shelton looms over Lio, kneels down to talk some smack, then rains down fists! The ref reprimands about closed fists, and Lio sputters to ropes. Shelton stands Lio up but Lio fires body shots! Lio puts up a fight as Dynamite goes to break.

Dynamite returns again and Shelton TOSSES Lio back into the ring. Lio crawls to a corner, Shelton storms up, and Shelton drags Lio up. Lio fights back but Shelton ROCKS him! The fans rally as Shelton has Lio back in a corner. Lio fires forearms again, but MVP says that’s nothing! Shelton ROCKS Lio! Lio staggers to ropes, flounders into a corner, and Shelton whips him corner to corner. Shelton runs up, but Lio dodges! Shelton stops short of hitting buckles, and he whips Lio, but Lio uses that to hit RUSH HOUR! Shelton staggers from the stunner, and Lio whips Shelton. Shelton reverses but Lio goes up! But Shelton stops the rana!

Shelton throws Lio away, but Lio lands out to fire off fast hands! Lio ROCKS Shelton, runs, redirects, and redirects, to then bypass Shelton! Shelton tumbles out of the ring, Lio DIVES onto him! The fans fire up and Lio keeps moving, another DIVE! Shelton is sent into railing! The fans fire up with Lio and Lio hurries to bring Shelton up. Shelton puts Lio in the ring first, but Lio comes back to CUTTER! Both men are down but Lio goes to a corner! MVP is furious but Lio goes up to the top! FINAL HOUR, but Shelton moves! Lio rolls through, blocks a kick, but not the DRAGON WHIP! Shelton grins as he has Lio down again.

MVP says stop playing with your food, Shelton. Shelton hauls Lio up, clinches, and hits PAY- NO, Lio sunset flips! Shelton rolls through, stacks, but Lio rolls through tro roll up, and BASEMENT ENZIGIRI! Lio keeps moving, tilt-o-whirl, and around and around and around, DEJA VU DDT! Cover, TWO!! MVP is relieved but Lio grows frustrated. Lio says it is time! Lio goes up the corner, but Shelton is right up there in an instant! SUPER ARM-DRAG! MVP says easy W, now stop playing! Shelton stalks Lio, waits on Lio to stand, and then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Lio goes flying away! Shelton grins, and he stalks Lio again.

MVP taunts Lio at the ropes, and Shelton waistlocks! Lio fires elbows to fight the throw, but Shelton CLUBS him! And GERMAN SUPLEXES! Lio flops off his face, staggers to his feet, SUPERKICK from Shelton! Shelton drags Lio back up, whips him to ropes, then pops him up, PAYDIRT!! Lio sputters, flounders, but Shelton isn’t done! POWERSLAM!! Cover, Shelton wins!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin, by pinfall

MVP said Shelton was playing with his food, and he certainly was, like a cat with a mouse. Shelton wins big for his AEW debut, and MVP leaves his card with Lio. MVP then grabs a mic to say, “Lio Rush, in his youthful exuberance, opened up his mouth. My business partner and colleague, Shelton Benjamin, with his wisdom and world class skill, was kind enough to close it. Good try, Lio, good try. Now I could make some incredibly eloquent statement about what happens next, but I don’t think I can make a better statement than the one that was already made by Shelton Benjamin!” The fans do cheer that.

MVP says he will say this: Swerve, we know you’re watching. And MVP wants Swerve to know he should reconsider his position, because this is his future. The fans chant, “Swerve’s House!” but MVP says how can it be Swerve’s House, when Swerve’s house got burned down!? MVP believes that Swerve should finish the conversation they started at WrestleDream. Swerve VS The Standard of Excellence, Shelton Benjamin! When and where will they look to handle this “business?”


Darby Allin speaks.

The Relentless One says, “Hey yo, what up? It’s Darby Allin. Tony Hawk couldn’t be here today because he’s playing Pro-Grandpa. Last time I was at this ramp, I had a broken-ass foot, and I couldn’t do anything, but we got a sick photo from it: Tony inverting my broken foot. And uh, speaking of this photo, signed 8-by-10s by myself and Tony Hawk go on sale,, all proceeds go to the Skatepark Project, which builds skateparks in underdeveloped areas. So if you wanna support the cause, buy an 8-by-10 signed by me and Tony today, Rock ‘n’ roll.”


Backstage interview with Swerve Strickland.

Renee is now with The Realest, as well as Prince Nana, and brings up the challenge issued by MVP & Shelton Benjamin. What is Swerve’s response? Swerve chuckles and says for the legends and superstars that those two are, their personalities sure are a couple mids. His minimum is their maximum. But yeah, he saw what Shelton did to Lio out there. Impressive. But that’s how he saw things going. If they wanna come at the big dog here in AEW, that is smart, it’s what Swerve would’ve done. So, the answer to the challenge is yes! Anywhere, any way, any how, if they make it happen, Swerve will be there.

Swerve knows Shelton broke collegiate records that still stand to this day. But how many of those records were bones? Swerve has records he can count, too. They’re coming at the most dangerous man in AEW, so don’t fail, because Swerve won’t. San Jose, if you’re feeling that, give him a whose house? “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” The challenge has been accepted, when and where will it go down?


Tony Schiavone is in the ring.

He welcomes us to this very special press conference. With that in mind, please welcome… The Don Callis Family. The fans boo as Don Callis leads the way for Lance Archer, and… Brian Cage? The Machine became ROH World Television Champion at WrestleDream, but when did he join up with Callis? These heavies follow Callis to the ring, and there is already a podium waiting. Callis says, “Ladies and gentlemen, I have something important to say. With all the news about The Don Callis Family, I thought that we should have a press conference. And then I realized, there are no real journalists in pro-wrestling, so I might as well answer all the questions myself.”

The fans boo but Callis says a couple weeks ago, he conducted one of the greatest trades in all of sports when he acquired the Murderhawk Monster. And to his right, “a man who righted a wrong and brought that title back to the Don Callis Family.” And when Callis got a taste of those tag titles in New York at Grand Slam, Callis realized that he needs them! Callis will take them, and who better to do that than these two big men right here? But there’s more good news coming! The two men that have been trending all week, that we’ve all been talking about, ladies and gentlemen, welcome Kyle BAHGAWD Fletcher, and the NEW International Champion, Konosuke Takeshita!

The fans boo as the traitorous Aussie Arrow and the arrogant Alpha both walk out here to join the rest of the Don Callis Family. Callis continues by saying he and The Alpha will be TRUE International Champions, because they are gonna go to every corner of the globe to defend this title! Tell ’em, Take! Konosuke tells us in Japanese that he won! And now that he has this title, he will be going all around the world, but especially to his homeland of Japan. Then in English, he translates that, and says all wrestlers better listen up. “If you want this belt, COME ON, TAKE IT!!”

Callis says last but not least, he’d like to ask for all of us to show decorum, because it has been a very difficult weak for Kyle Fletcher. Fletcher has a lot on his mind, a lot of emotions, so please, be quiet and show him respect. The fans boo instead. Kyle goes to the podium, Callis hugs it out with him, and Kyle speaks. “All I have heard… is ‘Why, Kyle, why?’ But that’s the problem! Everyone wants to talk about WILL OSPREAY, when The Don Callis Family is having its biggest night in history! You people wanna know why I did what I did?! Too bad!” Callis says the people are too ignorant, they won’t shut up, so they won’t get an answer!

But all anyone needs to know is that this version of The Don Callis Family is about one thing, here’s your headline! “The Don Callis Family has never been stronger than today!” Callis hugs Kyle again, and this lineup is most certainly four of the most fearsome and impressive men in AEW. Will they be the most powerful faction in this or any other generation?


Backstage interview with Mariah May.

Renee is with the AEW Women’s World Champion and commends her incredible showing at WrestleDream. Mariah says, “Oh really? Then explain to me why everyone is praising Willow when she got her ass beat. Explain to me why I did a press conference, and all these ‘journalists’ couldn’t ask a single question, they were just drooling with their hands in their pants?! Explain to me why the woman I killed just got the cover of a magazine? Explain to me why Mina is still in Japan, why I still haven’t had my celebration, and why I am on top of the world and not a single woman can touch me?”

Mariah asks where the competition went. Britt Baker has strep throat, Thunder Rosa is in the UK, what does Christopher Daniels even do here? Bring Mariah someone! Someone from Japan, Mexico, HELLO?! Does anyone here wanna work? She will rip your head off! AEW is where the best wrestle? No. AEW is where the best are afraid of The Glamour. But then Anna Jay storms right in! The Star of the Show says if Mariah wants to go, let’s go! Daniels hurries in to stop this, but Mariah gets up in Anna’s face. Mariah says come on then and smooshes Anna’s cheeks. Anna takes a swing, Mariah ducks, so the SLAP hits Daniels!

Anna apologizes, but Mariah makes fun of her, while running away. Daniels says he understands, it’s fine. But will The Fallen Angel show Mariah just what his Interim EVP powers can do when he puts her up against The Queenslayer?


BREAKING NEWS for October 30th!

The first ever Fright Night Dynamite is going down in Cleveland, Ohio! And since Swerve accepted the challenge, MVP has made it official! Swerve VS Shelton will go down in The Land, will it be the most dangerous or the most excellent that proves they’re the best?


Backstage interview with Ricochet.

Renee is with The King of Flight and notes his unfortunate loss in the International Championship match on Saturday. Does he think he was a little too laser focused on Ospreay for that match? Ricochet chuckles and says no, credit where credit is due, because he does not remember ever being hit as hard by someone as he was by Takeshita. Ricochet feels that at the same time, everyone saw what happened. Despite what Callis says, Takeshita did not beat Ospreay and Ricochet on the same night, he just beat Ospreay. Ricochet has not been pinned since setting foot in AEW. And Ricochet came here with one goal in mind, and that is becoming champion.

Takeshita has screwed Ricochet out of that twice now. On the flipside, Callis says Takeshita is the Best in the World? Where Ricochet’s from, you don’t just call yourself that, you show it in the ring. Your matches dictate how good you are. To be the best, you don’t need people behind you, you don’t need lackeys doing your dirty work. Your matches dictate how good you are. So that said, Ricochet will be at Collision this Saturday. He puts out the challenge to Takeshita or anyone else, if they wanna see what he can do, show up on Collision, too. Ricochet will show you and the world just why he is #OuttaThisWorld.


Something is happening backstage!

Oh no, The BCC is at it again! They’re in another brawl with The Dark Order and Top Flight! Marina is SQUEEZING Darius’ head with her legs while Dante, Uno, Silver & Reynolds fight with Moxley and the others! Wait, Action has gone up onto a truss! Action SUPER CROSSBODIES them all down! But Pac gets up, aims with that briefcase, and he CLOBBERS Action with it! The brawling continues, but Marina KNEES Reynolds! Moxley and Silver throw hands, Claudio TOSSES Reynolds, and The BCC stands tall again. They hop in the truck again and drive off, all before Silver can catch them!

Uno rises up and he shouts at the camera! He knows BCC will see this, so if they wanna take Dark Order’s livelihoods away? BCC wants to take food off their plate? BCC wants to fight, and then claim they’re the bosses now? NO! Dark Order has been here since day one! Dark Order works for AEW! So whether it’s Saturday, Wednesday, in parking lots, if BCC wants to fight, Dark Order will give it to you! The camera then passes to Dante, and he tells BCC that if they wanna act like they own AEW, fine! So be it! But you’ll have to go through teams like Top Flight! Teams that are sick of this! Teams that actually wanna make a good change here!

Action says to strap on the gold extra tight! Because Top Flight is coming to snatch it all away on Collision! Trios are closing in, has The BCC put themselves in a no-win situation?


BREAKING NEWS for Rampage!

Private Party want to prove they’re still deserving of the AEW World Tag Team Championships, so they’re going to start the climb back up! But that leads them right into MXM Collection, who want to rebound after they and Rico Constantino were humiliated by The Acclaimed! Will Mansoor & Mason Madden strut right past Quen & Zay? Or will Private Party get their SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS by any means necessary?



Collision back, still at its regular time, and La Faccion Ingobernable is in action as Rush & Beast Mortos take on The Outrunner! Will these two bulls stampede all over the Youngest Men Alive? Then, it’s a battle of former ROH World Television Champions as Kyle Fletcher finally has his rematch with Atlantis Jr. Will the Protostar prove he’s right where he belongs with The Don Callis Family?

Not only that, but Battle of the Belts is back! The twelfth edition of Battle of the Belts will feature a Title Eliminator between Mariah May and Anna Jay. Can The Star of the Show earn a shot at the AEW Women’s World Championship? Or was her time in Japan still not enough to reach that level?


Jay White w/ The Bang Bang Gang VS Christian Cage w/ The Patriarchy!

The Switchblade settled the score with Hangman Page at WrestleDream, that was priority one. But now, here is priority two! Captain Charisma may be the self-proclaimed reigning, defending, undisputed next AEW World Champion, but he’s the reason The Bang Bang Gang no longer has the AEW World Trios Championships. Will White avenge Austin, Colten & Juice? Or will no one stop Christian’s ascension to the top of the mountain?

The bell rings and the fans rally up with Bullet Club Gold. White and Christian hear the fans chanting, “GUNS UP! GUNS UP!” White storms up but Christian bails out. The fans boo, but Christian regroups with Nick & Shayna Wayne. White stays patient, he’s no stranger to stall tactics. Christian returns and circles with White. The fans rally up, they tie up, and White pushes Christian back. Christian pulls hair to put White in a corner, but White returns the favor! The ref reprimands and counts, White lets go, and Christian CHOPS! White UPPERCUTS Christian down! The fans fire up and Juice tauntingly waves hi to Christian.

White drags Christian up, UPPERCUTS him down again, and then looms over him. White brings Christian up, bumps him off buckles, then stomps a mudhole. White fires hands, the ref counts, but White stops. White pushes Christian around, whips him hard into buckles, and the fans fire up as Christian falls back. White drags Christian around, steps through the legs, and then has the DEATHLOCK! White shifts around, grabs at Christian’s hair, but the ref reprimands. White lets go of the hair, and he bridges back to MUTA LOCK! Christian endures, fights around, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, White releases the hold, and Christian rolls to the apron. The ref and White argue about fishhooking and hair pulling, but Nick is being sneaky with a chair! At least he thinks he is, as Juice & Colten stop him! Juice takes the chair, threatens Nick, but that gets them caught by the ref! White defends the innocence of the Bang Bang Gang, but too late! The ref EJECTS them! The fans boo while Nick & Shayna laugh at Juice. Juice stomps the chair, kicks it away, and tells Nick off. The fans chant, “REF, YOU SUCK!” White wants to step outside, but the ref stops him. Nick dares White to do it, but Colten CLOBBERS Nick!

Colten drags Nick up to THROW him into railing! The fans cheer as Juice & Colten both drag “Christian’s son” away! Mother Shayna freaks out, but White goes back for Papa Christian, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

White finds Christian on the apron, but Christian trips him and drags him out! White ROCKS Christian first, kicks low, and then reels him in, APRON GOURD BUSTER! Christian sputters, White storms in, and White storms up in a corner. White stands Christian up, then climbs up to rain down fists! The ref counts, but Christian DUMPS White out to the floor! Christian storms out to bring White up, and he whips him into railing! Christian DUMPS White into the timekeeper’s area, then storms around the way. Christian sends White into more railing! Christian brings White back to ringside, then throws him into more railing!

Christian refreshes the count, tells San Jose to shove it, then drags White back up. Christian puts White in the ring, stalks him, and brings him up. Christian turns White for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! White toughs it out, but Christian rains down fists! Christian CHOKES White, then stands over him. Christian flexes, fans give thumbs down, but White snatches Christian to a cradle! TWO! Christian escapes and ELBOWS White down! Christian paces around before he brings White up. Christian puts White on ropes, soaks up heat from the fans, then stands on White to CHOKE him! The ref counts, Christian steps off, and he CLUBS White on the back.

Christian brings White up but White shoves him away. White goes to ropes, goes to a corner, but Christian stomps him down. Christian throws down hands, Dynamite returns to single picture, and White kicks low! White fires hands in return, backs Christian down, but Christian DOUBLE CHOPS him down! Christian kneels on White to CHOKE him! The ref counts, Christian steps off, and Christian mocks the fans. The fans boo but Christian brings White around to snapmare. Christian fishhooks White, then shifts to a neck wrench. Christian leans on the hold, the fans rally up, and White fights around.

White fights with body shots and haymakers, but Christian knees low. Christian TOSSES White out, and the fans boo, but Christian goes out to fetch White. Christian brings White around the way, whips, but White reverses! Christian crashes into the steel steps and tumbles right over! Both men are down on the outside, so the ref starts a ring count. The count passes 5 of 10 before White drags himself up. White and Christian rise at 8, and both men slide in at 9! The fans cheer as the two men glare. They crawl to each other, and they start throwing hands! The fans rally behind White, and he ROCKS Christian!

White ROCKS Christian, but Christian kicks low! Christian runs, into a BACKDROP! The fans fire up with Christian, White storms up on him in a corner, and pokes him in the eyes! White puts Christian’s turtleneck up over his face, and then climbs onto the corner. White rains down fists, and he goes all the way to TEN! Then he adds another five! The fans fire up as White CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Christian gets free of his turtleneck, but White whips him. Christian reverses but White slides to a stop! White slips around, wrench and DDT! Cover, TWO!! Christian survives and White is a bit surprised.

The fans rally as White watches Christian. White waistlocks, deadlifts, but Christian fights with elbows. White still holds on, so Christian fires more! Christian runs to ropes to HOTSHOT White away! Christian then goes to the apron, drags White out to join him, and dragon sleepers, REVERSE DDT on the apron! Christian slides back in, soaks up the heat, and he stands White back up. Christian RAMS White into buckles, then goes up the corner. White slowly rises, Christian brings White in, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!! White survives and Christian grows frustrated. Christian goes back to a corner, and he wants to go Rated R!

White rises, but then who is that?! Kip Sabian distracts Christian! Christian still runs up on White, but White sends him into buckles! Kip slips away, but wait, is that Hangman Page!? He lurks, Christian goes up, FLYING SUNSET! But White sits on it! TWO!! Christian gets free, but White has the legs! White puts Christian under ropes, to ROPE GUILLOTINE! Christian sputters, White puts him up and bumps him off buckles! And again, and again, and again! White takes a swing but Christian ducks it to HOTSHOT White! Christian huffs ‘n’ puffs into the ring, runs up, but White clinches! URENAGE!! Cover, TWO!!

The fans fire up while both men are down! White rises, says GUNS UP, and he clinches again! BLADE- NO, Christian CLAWS the eyes! Chicken wings, for KILLSWITCH!! Cover, TWO?!?! White survives and no one can believe it! Christian is frustrated but he starts slapping White around. White SLAPS back! White then clinches, FLATLINER, and a shift around. Christian grabs at the ropes, White waistlocks, and the rf counts. Christian fires elbows, but White gets under to SAIDO!! Christian flounders away, White runs up to UPPERCUT! And CORNER HALF HATCH! Christian sputters and White roars!

The fans fire up as White puts Christian up top! White climbs up after him, but Christian fires body shots! Christian SHOVES White down, adjusts position, and he DIVING HEADBUTTS! Cover, TWO!! White survives but Christian loads up in the corner again. Christian loads up, but Kip tries another distraction! The ref stops Mr. Superbad, and Christian runs up, only to get caught again! But now Hangman loads up! BUCKSHOT on White!! The Blackhat gets away with it, Christian takes the cover! Christian wins!!

Winner: Christian Cage, by pinfall

Kip tried to screw Christian, but he only helped Hangman screw White! Captain Charisma moves on towards the world championship, but will he be able to cash in that contract with Jon Moxley holding onto the belt? As for White, he is actually laughing about this? Is he already plotting the revenge he’ll get on Hangman?

My Thoughts:

A great Dynamite here as follow-up to WrestleDream with some intriguing developments in this Blackpool Combat Club story. They most certainly came outta nowhere during the Six Man Tag, though that was good continuity of Yuta going after Orange Cassidy. The Elite not caring was perhaps the most interesting part, given that they were only just recently talking about being the force for the “greater good” in AEW. Though maybe that was more Jack Perry than the rest. The Elite did have a good promo bashing Kenny Omega for his birthday, it definitely keeps us thinking Omega will be coming back for revenge on all of them in the future.

But back to the BCC, them wreaking havoc has compelled other trios to step up, and some to even form. Garcia & Private Party wanting after The Elite is good stuff, as yet another Six Man Tag win over The Bucks could compel yet another title match. Though, I still wish Private Party had just won at WrestleDream. Stokely had a good promo with Private Party, but I also wish he’d just bring out a team he’s managing to go after Private Party. BCC brawling with Dark Order and Top Flight in the ring and backstage was all good stuff, and I feel like we should get a big Trios Championship match for Battle of the Belts this Saturday, even if it is rather sudden.

Side note: Moxley bringing up the giant roster AEW has amassed, I feel like this is the 100th time AEW does a work shoot promo to reference that. Ospreay did it in a joking manner not too long ago, and it makes me think Tony Khan has made the roster so bloated just so he can write story angles around it. Even if he didn’t mean for it to go this way, it’s gone this way, and it’s rather sad. They should’ve just done a brand split akin to what WWE has right as Collision first got going. And even though CM Punk didn’t stick around much longer after Collision got started, they could’ve still done it to help give more time to more people.

I was also hoping that the briefcase would be opened to reveal some new look for the AEW World Championship that makes it more Moxley themed. I still can’t be sure if there’s going to be a “benefactor” behind Moxley’s behavior or not, because how else is he claiming he and the BCC run things now? Something else a bit sudden is Mark Briscoe and Chris Jericho having a rematch for the ROH World Championship. I really hope they didn’t give Mark the win on PPV just so Jericho can win on television. Ladder War is going to be awesome all the same, but after FTR dealt with Bill & Keith, I hope they have Mark’s back so Mark can retain the title.

I appreciated them upgrading Mone VS Aminata to a TBS Championship match, that helped make the match feel important. Mone still won, of course, but they didn’t even bring out Kris Statlander to challenge Kamille to a match. Good promo from Mariah and Anna to set up their match for Saturday, I hope Anna at least wins the Eliminator so they can put that title match on like Fright Night Dynamite or something. Speaking of Fright Night, Swerve VS Shelton will be awesome. Shelton VS Lio was a great match and a great win for Shelton, and while the phrase “Hurt Syndicate” is clear on Shelton’s trunks, I hope MVP introduces that name so we can actually call them that.

And in which case, I wonder if they kept the Acclaimed together through WrestleDream so that the break-up could help enhance The Hurt Syndicate. While Billy was out of the room, and while Bowens outright rejected the offer, Caster seemed to linger. He wants to be the Best Wrestler Alive, which cuts out Bowens because otherwise he’d be saying they’re the Best Tag Team Alive, or Best Wrestlers Alive, plural. Caster could turn on Bowens, join up with Hurt Syndicate, and either be a teammate with Shelton or go for singles gold. And once Bobby Lashley shows up, then things will really take off for the faction.

Great promo segment with Cole and MJF to put things in perspective now that they’ve both turned. MJF being the Heel again does complicate where this feud left off, but professional wrestling is notorious for this kind of stuff. The motivations of why Cole became “The Devil of AEW” no longer matter, since MJF went back to his old ways. We just have to move on from that and enjoy what this take on the story will give us. For one, you can bet MJF will constantly be a distraction during Cole’s matches, maybe even ambush him here and there, until somehow, someway, Cole catches him and gets to throw hands.

Very good press conference promo from The Don Callis Family. A little surprised and disappointed they just put Brian Cage with The Don Callis Family without anything anywhere. Makes me wonder what the “Cage of Agony” is going to do if Cage isn’t with them now. Wouldn’t mind if Gates of Agony became Stokely’s team but that almost seems like a downgrade from when they had Prince Nana. Anyway, Cage & Archer definitely make for a great duo, but then I guess that means The Righteous are out of luck in feuding with The House of Black… Tony Khan really doesn’t care about his lower-level faction feuds, does he?

But in the end, of course we get little to nothing from Fletcher, but it feels like the usual thing of jealousy, envy, feeling betrayed, and Ospreay not wanting to resort to the screwdriver against The Bucks being what cost them the tag titles. Ricochet had a good promo to put out the open challenge, I wouldn’t be surprised if Don Callis sent Archer out there to try and crush Ricochet before Ricochet can challenge for the International Championship again. And then great main event with White VS Christian. The story was there, good interactions from Juice & Colten with Nick, but I feel like Kip and Hangman botched their spot. Kip was to distract, Hangman was to attack, but something wasn’t timed right so they kinda had to stretch the match and set the moment up again.

Christian winning for it was still a good move, because of course Hangman wasn’t done with White. Hangman and White will continue to feud while Christian and his Patriarchy work on a game plan for cashing in the contract. Unfortunate timing for Luchasaurus to be out with pneumonia, and we all wish him a speedy recovery. That said, Christian only has Nick Wayne as his backup, that’s not enough for fighting The BCC when The BCC just beat NINE people down with ease. Christian will really have to be the most opportunistic and conniving he’s ever been if he even wants to come close to taking that title off Moxley. Because I don’t think AEW does their version of an MITB contract only for it to fail the very first time.

My Score: 8.8/10

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