"Dude is a dancing skeleton." That's all you need to know!
Seems he's had more opinionated thoughts lately! Cook is back with an opinion on one of the more popular viral videos and wrestling community talking points,...
Do you agree with Steve's takes?
In the light of NHL hockey playoffs being filled with upsets, Cook had an epiphany! Take a look at his Top 5 Wrestling Upsets!
Truly inspired by The Viking Exprience, Steve Cook takes a look back at the Worst Tag Team Names in his latest Top 5! The Superstar Shakeup brought...
If they wanna go, let 'em go!
How many of us expected Kofi Kingston to win the WWE Championship this year? Cook takes a look at other unlikely WWE Champions. If you say...
Are you not entertained???
Our last WWE Hall of Fame inductee is a man that had multiple personas during his wrestling career. Wikipedia lists fifteen names, I've seen people claim...
That's a lot of bookings!
Is the champion losing non-title matches, yet prevailing in the money match, played out? Steve Cook lays out some talking points to consider!
Wrestling's best tournaments?
Steve Cook reminds us that Kofi's current angle is due to Mustafa Ali's injury. Which, may have turned out beneficial for...Mustafa?
Torrie Wilson wasn't the only one!
Booker T's accomplishments are pretty well know, but what about Stevie Ray? Cook brings you some events involving the other half of Harlem Heat!
Are the McMahon family and the Trump family one in the same?