September gave us this lesser known Canadian band’s debut album, and it seemed to impress many 2021 lists. So the JAR decides to take a spin...
The Nerds continue into the holidays with their coverage of the new Hawkeye series! Layers get added, but do the scores remain high?
After weeks of delays, it’s finally here. The Bandwagon finally begins the ultimate showdown between Marvel and DC. That’s right, it’s finally time for the DC-Marvel...
December is usually a good catch up month for many, and the JAR isn’t very different. This album came out in October, but let’s see which...
Do you love Paul Campbell? The girls do, and they're talking about it! Plus more Countdown to Christmas, and one movie sends Liz ranting!
The Nerds continue their review of the Marvel mini-series Hawkeye! Episode 3 is usually when these tend to pick up. Does the trend continue?
Hop in the Wayback Machine and hear the Nerds react to the first episode of WandaVision on this Retro Epsode of Bandwagon Nerds!
Patrick O'Dowd and Rey Cash introduce a new concept to Chairshot Radio: The Five by Five and give their top and bottom five Christmas Specials of...
Rob always brings logical insight to any topic, regardless of how often it's brought up in the IWC. Sit back and give this a read, they...
Another year, another Ghirahim gripe!
Patrick returns to find a packed Bandwagon after a week off. Christopher Platt returns along with PC Tunney, Dave Ungar, Rey Cash to cover the week...
The JAR has spent a lot of time with classic bands who decided to take the time awarded by 2020 and retool an approach and try...
Amber and Liz continue the Countdown to Christmas, and they provide you with their Top 10 Hallmark Actors!
The Nerds are of course right on top of all things Marvel. Is Hawkeye starting strong or will it be a mixed bag like most of...
Gold Lynel's challengers are named!
Your friendly neighborhood Nerds return with another loaded Episode this week. Dave & PC Tunney recap Episodes 6 & 7 of Season 2 of Locke &...