WWE’s last PPV of 2018! Does TLC over preform or do we end with some more mediocre to sad trombone? With the new year coming, let’s...
Another PPV, another Staff showdown! Who came out of Survivor Series with the best record, and how do our picks shape up against your own? PC...
As the year winds down, we see all of our favorite companies setting up for 2019. Joe will give us a nice snapshot of where some...
Welcome to “Writing the Book”! This is where I attempt to book entire wrestling pay-per-views in an interesting yet logical matter. This week we have WWE...
Drew McIntyre is heading to WWE TLC on December 16 for a showdown against Finn Bálor. The Scottish Psychopath has had issues with Finn over the...
Greg DeMarco is back with his next Daily DeMarco, taking a look at ROH Final Battle 2018! How did the show rate? ROH presented Final Battle...
Tables, Ladders and Chairs made famous by The Hardy’s, Dudley’s and Edge and Christian, remind us of a time where it was laid all out on...
Greg DeMarco’s first Daily DeMarco focuses on the biggest ROH card of the year: Final Battle 2018! Daily DeMarco? What’s that?!?! So as you should know,...
After a surprise return to WWE NXT, Scott Mcleod wonders out loud if “Prince Pretty” should stay with the black and yellow brand. A shocking (if...
Who would be General Manager for WWE Raw if (when?) Baron Corbin loses? Steve Cook has your options! There’s been a lot of talk about the...
John Cena is a legendary WWE performer, leaving a legacy that many will argue over for years. A sure Hall of Famer garnering more Hollywood attention...
Given all of their strife over the past year, Carol thinks it’s time for WWE to bring a family back together–The Wyatt Family! Out of all...
Rey Ca$h looks to speak some truth into your life about your hatred of WWE Raw! On April 3rd, 2016, The Walking Dead went from the...
Does the TLC Go Home of SmackDown continue to build excitement, or does it go the way of Raw and help us all get to sleep...
Rumors are swirling about WWE bringing back a throwback event for the next all-women’s PPV. A Queen of the Ring tournament sounds like a good idea...
The Miz is a natural-born heel. the kind of performer who is so over the top, you cannot help but love him and hate him at...