In an action packed episode of Raw, we get the Finals of the Intercontinental Title Tournament, Stone Cold outing Barry Windham as The Stalker and...
AJ Balaz makes his Bandwagon debut joining Patrick, Dave and Rey as they talk of the happenings in the Nerdosphere! This week Netflix takes center stage...
Miranda, Dusty, and Brendan discuss Raw's newest (lucha) pairing, Laredo Kid's Impact Wrestling success, MLW's lucha infused Alpha Fusion, and more!
It's the most wonderful time of the year as Liz and Amber get you ready for the holidays when the Countdown To Christmas begins!
Christopher Platt is here to fill in for PC Tunney as we preview this weekends WWE Extreme Rules PPV!
Rance jumps in the booth solo as he breaks down AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam and talks about some news stories of the week!
It's episode three as we look at Roadhouse Romance and Redemption in Cherry Springs--plus a Top Ten! Listen in today!
Rey Ca$h and Mags bring you #HeadTrauma Thursdays, as they talk about the Plane Ride From Hell and the return of Owen Hart's legacy!
Aesop Mitchell joins the show this week for a full docket of NFL conversation, Ben Simmons discord and the Ryder Cup!
"Enter The Blue Dragon" an interview with NWA Empowerr star Tootie Lynn, and a Weekly Recap of Raw, NXT 2.0 and a little bit of SmackDown.
Tom and Dave discuss the second week in the NFL from the best games to the worst plays and a Week 3 preview
After a two week break, UFC is back with a bang! Headlining an exciting main card, full of finishes and bell-to-bell action, Anthony Smith has...
Musical Chairs returns and, as is often the case, Patrick & Dave are at opposite ends of the musical spectrum with their choices for this week’s...
Mark Henry debuts, Goldust takes on The Undertaker and Jose Lothario locks horns with Jim Cornette. Mind Games, headlined by HBK v Mankind for the...
The Bandwagon continues its unstoppable march to Episode 100, but makes a pit stop at Exit 97 this week. On the show, the guys put a...
Co-owner of Bell To Belles and Contributor for PWI Kristen Ashly brings down the women who made the PWI 500 with hosts Emily Mae, Katrina Blake & TK Trinidad.