Was the Royal Rumble go-home edition of WWE Raw Good, Bad, or Ugly? Bobby Fernandes checks in with his review! The Royal Rumble, one of the...
A football dominated weekend, but a damn good week of WWE. How did the matches rank this week? Andrew let’s us know! So with Impact on...
Last week WWE came out hot, all three shows were successful, special and memorable. Is it the competition with the new AEW? Is it that Vince...
Jimmy Christopher takes a look at the landscape and wonders if it’s time for WWE to put up or shut up. Everyone with knowledge of the...
Andrew brings us a quick version of his notes and ratings for the two main roster TV shows. Not really a lot to digest on what...
2019 is upon us, and Raw has begun its rebuilding stage. The McMahon’s are in control in a new and exciting way. Well really, nothing has...
We’ve got fantastic coverage from Steven Mitchell, but now we need main show ratings. WWE makes the world go ’round, right? No? Why is there an...
Vince McMahon showed up on WWE Raw to “shake things up!” Was the result Good, Bad, or downright ugly? With Tables, Ladders and Chairs in the...
WWE’s last PPV of 2018! Does TLC over preform or do we end with some more mediocre to sad trombone? With the new year coming, let’s...
Drew McIntyre went to battle against Finn Balor at WWE TLC! These men have tremendous history together, who would emerge victorious? Finn Balor pinned Drew McIntyre...
Drew McIntyre is heading to WWE TLC on December 16 for a showdown against Finn Bálor. The Scottish Psychopath has had issues with Finn over the...
After a somewhat better show than usual last week, we have TLC coming up making this a sendoff show for the Pay Per View. We will...
How was this week’s WWE Raw? Better than last week’s abysmal performance? Bobby checks in with The Good, Bad, and Ugly for this week’s show! Last...
Two more matches have officially been added to next month’s WWE TLC! With this week’s episodes of RAW and SmackDown Live passing us by and only...
What did Bobby Fernandes think of WWE Monday Night Raw? Find our in this edition of The Good, Bad, and Ugly! Coming off of one of...
Bobby Fernandes tuned in for WWE Starrcade 2018, meaning it’s time for some Good, Bad, and Ugly! Starrcade, once a historic event for WWE’s Competitors NWA/WCW,...