A Block's final round!
Miami gets elevated!
N-1 Victory winner Katsuhiko Nakajima had his Heavyweight Championship match against Marufuji. Who won? What other challengers stepped up to the champions? Hisame has all the...
It's not an official T-Minus, but Brad jots down some NXT brand thoughts!
DC takes over the Bandwagon as Patrick, Dave, Rey and PC Tunney break down the day that was DC Fandome 2021! Listen as the guys geek...
Clowns, queens, and a power hungry leader. It's not an episode of AEW Dynamite, it's your main topics on Lucha Central Weekly!
HPW Media questions Link and his family!
Well the JAR was dropped into Australia and hot damn this band is unique. Their new album Vengeance really explores A LOT of musical influences. Does...
Patrick O'Dowd makes his DWI debut as we preview Crown Jewel and the potential Wrestlemania matchup between Roman Reigns and The Rock!
Rampage is EXTRA LARGE!
It's a SUPERSIZED SmackDown!
Rance and Kyle are back to talk about Tony Khan's Twitter fingers and WWE's Queen Court!
Without question, the highlight of the 100th Episode of Bandwagon Nerds was the phenomenal interview that Patrick O’Dowd and Dave Ungar conducted with Omar Spahi. It...
The dreaded B Block is on match 8. Can EVIL finally be eliminated? Will he ruin Cobb’s undefeated run?
The Penultimate show before Bound for Glory! We get a little conversation between Christian and Josh Alexander. The last competitor for the X Division match will...