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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/4/22)

Happy New Year’s Evil!



New Year's Evil 2022

What a wicked way to start the New Year!

2022 is here, so it’s time to get New Year’s EVIL! But will we see a NEW NXT Champion as Bron Breakker gets a second chance against Tommaso Ciampa?


  • NXT Cruiserweight & North American Championship Unification: Roderick Strong w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams; Hayes wins and is the Undisputed North American Champion.
  • Six Man Tag: Matt Riddle & MSK VS Imperium; Riddle & MSK win.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat: Mandy Rose VS Raquel Gonzalez VS Cora Jade; Mandy wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Championship: Tommaso Ciampa VS Bron Breakker; Bron wins and becomes the new NXT Champion.


NXT Cruiserweight & North American Championship Unification: Roderick Strong w/ Diamond Mine VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams!

The Savior of the Backbreaker represents Diamond Mine, while the Breakout Superstar of 2021 simply represents. Will Strong break Melo under the pressure of this huge spotlight? Or will Melo shoot and score to become an even greater North American Champion?

Melo has a shirt that already says “Roderick Strong, 9/21/21 – 1/4/21,” declaring the reign is ending tonight. The introductions are made, both belts are raised, but only one walks away with THE belt to start the New Year!

Melo and Strong tie right up and go around. They end up on the ropes, in a corner, back to ropes and then across the way. The ref reprimands as they keep moving around, and Melo lets off first. Melo says that’s one, but Strong shrugs that off. The two of them tie up again, Melo gets an arm and wrenches while fans rally and duel. Strong reverses things around to a wristlock, but Melo rolls, kips up, and arm-drags Strong away! Melo dropkicks Strong down, and the two have a standoff! Strong keeps himself back and the two reset again. They circle, Strong swipes at Trick, then ties up with Melo. Melo headlocks and grinds to hit a takeover.

Strong headscissors, Melo kips out but roles reverse. Melo headscissors, Strong kips out, they trade arm-drags, Melo sweeps to a cover. ONE, Strong sweeps to a cover, ONE! Melo hits an Eddy Gordo Kick to take Strong down! Melo says that’s a three. Strong goes to a corner, Melo runs in to CHOP him! Strong swings but Melo dodges, and again! And again! Melo headlocks, Strong endures and fans rally. Strong powers up, throws body shots and powers out, but Melo slides and comes back, into a CHOP! Strong drags Melo up, CHOPS him again, and again, and again, but Melo bails out! Trick shields Melo but Strong almost chops him! Trick runs away, Strong CHOPS Melo!

Strong follows Melo, Melo knees low and puts Strong in the ring. Melo slides in but Strong drops an elbow! Strong rains down forearms, then whips Melo, only for Melo to slide off his back. Strong elbows Melo, runs, but Melo puts him in ropes! ENZIGURI, then an IMPLODING LEG DROP! Fans fire up while Bivens shouts at Strong to get up. Melo drags Strong back up, ROCKS him with a forearm, then runs to springboard, into a half nelson! But Melo slips out, only for Strong to elbow him! Strong and Melo counter hip toss back and forth, Melo has Strong on the apron for a SLINGSHOT DDT! Trick is all fired up and fans are losing their minds!

Melo puts Strong back in, goes to a corner and climbs, to leap but miss! Strong runs in to SHOTGUN BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives and Trick is relieved! The fans are thunderous as NXT goes picture in picture!

Melo and Strong are still down, but Strong drags himself away. Strong gets to his feet, goes back for Melo and brings him up into a corner. Strong throws body shots, CHOPS, and then CHOPS again! Melo drops to his knees while his chest is stinging, but Strong drags him up again. Melo CHOPS back so Strong CHOPS him again! Melo leans on ropes, Strong chokes him against the ropes! Strong stomps away on Melo, has him back in the corner, and drags Melo up to throw more forearms! Strong kicks at Melo, brings him back up and brings him around to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Strong keeps on Melo with a grounded stretch.

Strong throws elbows, pulls on Melo’s arm, but Melo endures. Strong shifts to cobra clutch, but Melo fights up to JAWBREAKER free! Strong staggers, Melo springboards, FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Cover, TWO! Strong is still in this but Melo keeps on him with a chinlock. Strong grabs at Melo, Melo gets that arm for a top wristlock. Strong endures, fights up, Melo wrangles him down and leans on the hold. Strong kicks around, NXT returns to single picture and fans are dueling again. Melo keeps on the hold but Strong fights up. Melo knees low, Strong throws body shots, and the two are brawling! Melo whips, Strong LARIATS!

Strong gets up, drags Melo up and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Strong drags Melo back up, for another BACKBREAKER! Strong drags Melo up a third time, for a third BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up as Strong fires up, and he drags Melo up to throw uppercuts. Strong then reels Melo in but Melo slips out of the slam to run and tilt-o-whirl FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Strong is still in this, but Melo has the CROSSFACE! Almost a shoutout to Johnny Gargano here, but Strong powers out to get the legs! Melo blocks the catapult to get the legs back! BOSTON CRAB! Strong endures, powers Melo away, and then trips him for the STRONG HOLD!

Melo endures, fans rally and duel, and Melo powers his way through to get a leg free! Melo BOOTS Strong away, then gets up, into an URENAGE BACKBREAKER! Melo writhes, Strong covers, TWO!! Melo survives again and Strong is beside himself! Bivens glares at the ref and Hachiman argues the count, as do many of the fans. Strong drags Melo up to SLAP, but Melo SLAPS back! It is a SLAP fight! Strong gest the edge, CLUBS Melo, then ROCKS him with elbow after elbow! Strong runs side to side to give Melo forearm after forearm! OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, TWO!!The fans are thunderous again as Melo finds a way to survive!

Strong drags Melo up, puts him in a corner, “This is Awesome!” as Melo resists being put up top. Melo CLUBS Strong, shoves him away, then goes up and over for a sunset flip! Strong slips out but Melo gets him for a suplex CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Melo and Trick are both shocked, but Bivens is rabid as he shouts to Strong. Strong gets Melo for a cradle, TWO! Strong is up to ROCK Melo with a right! Suplex but Melo slips right out to SUPERKICK! Melo hurries for a corner and goes up, but Strong GAMANGIRIS Melo first! Melo wobbles up top, Strong goes up after him! Strong CLUBS away on Melo, gets him up, SUPER X-PLEX!?! Melo manages a cover, TWO!!!

No one can believe what they’ve just seen! Melo drags himself to a corner, he goes back up top, and Strong stands for the FLYING FAMOUSER!! Cover, Melo wins!!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall (Undisputed North American Champion)

Bivens is stunned! His champion is no longer champion, and Carmelo Hayes is THE champion! But then, what is next for Carmelo Hayes in NXT?


Tommaso Ciampa is preparing backstage.

“Well isn’t this Phenomenal.” AJ Styles walks in and wishes Ciampa luck in his big match tonight. And Styles looks dressed for business tonight, too. Waller. Yes, sir. Now defend that title. Of course. Ciampa is ready, Styles is ready, but which of these old veterans starts off 2022 on the right foot?


The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic is coming back!

History will be made again as both the men’s and women’s tag divisions look to win it all and go for the tag titles. The men kick things off in two weeks, with the women’s tournament starting in February!


AJ Styles is here!

The Phenomenal One is on NXT, looking to get at the 21st Century Success Story’s disrespectful self! Styles gets a mic while the fans chant his name. “I never get tired of hearing that. I’ve done a lot in my career, and that never gets old. I will always enjoy that. Thank you for that.” Styles has won a lot of championships, too, but those who followed him this long already know that. He thanks the amazing fans, but he’d be lying if he didn’t say he had some regrets. When Styles first got to the WWE, he wasn’t in NXT. He knows he sounds crazy for saying that, but his debut was at the Royal Rumble. He was on Raw and SmackDown, and within months, he was at WrestleMania. But there’s something special about NXT.

And the fans are showing him what. It’s that passion! The passion the fans have for the superstars here, and the passion that the superstars have for the fans. Styles doesn’t care if it is 1.0 or 2.0, passion makes NXT go ’round. And Styles will be damned if someone takes that passion away from the fans. So if you haven’t figured it out, he’s talking about Grayson Waller. Fans immediately boo. Styles says there will always be one who thinks they’re bigger and better than the place they should respect, and that right now is Grayson Waller. And speaking of, here comes Waller!

Waller says, “Mate, credit where it’s due. You really tug at the heartstrings, laid it on thick tonight.” He sees fans are emotional, one guy is crying, it’s all beautiful. A phenomenal deflection. Put the heat on Waller so people forget Styles lost to Omos. Actually, he got crushed! So this whole, “I really wish I started in NXT,” Waller ain’t buying it. Waller is pretty sure what Styles will say next: Grayson’s green, he doesn’t belong, didn’t pay his dues. None of that is real. Waller is a student of the game. He knows why Styles lost. No one else saw it that way but Waller did.

Even this one guy here, who’s probably watched WWE his whole life, didn’t see it. He hasn’t been in the ring, or a gym, or in the sun, in a long time, but Waller knows. Styles lost last night because the whole time, he was thinking about Waller! Waller is living in Styles’ mind rent free! Waller wishes he was at Raw just to see it, but he didn’t want to give Styles an excuse to blame him for the loss. Styles wants everyone to hold on a second. Waller is right. Styles is hurt and beat up, not at 100%. So then, Waller, take advantage of the situation. Styles has never had a match here at NXT. He’s got his gear on, so just get a ref and they can do this here and now!

Waller tells fans not to cheer here. They’re not on Phenomenal Time, they’re on Waller Time! You see this? Why not grow a sack, Waller, and do something?! Fans chant, “Grow a Sack!” and Waller throws off his shirt! Waller gets in, though he’s in white jeans, but Waller says no. This is a money fight, they need the spotlight. They can do this in the main event of next week’s NXT. Then Waller can get the biggest win of his career! Oh, the biggest win of his career? No, it’ll be the biggest embarrassment. Waller backs off, but the sucker punch is coming! Styles dodges to DECK Waller! Waller bails out, Styles puts him back in, but Waller stomps away!

Fans boo as Waller drags Styles up, JABS him, then swings! But Styles dodges again to PELE! Fans fire up with Styles, he runs in but Waller puts him out! Styles ROCKS Waller, springboards, but Waller gets away before the forearm flies in! Waller is running, but he only has seven days left! Will that main event Waller wants so bad be phenomenal for Styles?


Pete Dunne looks at his busted hand.

“So let me get this straight. I treat ya like anybody else and break your fingers, and you think that’s me trying to get one up on ya?” Dunne tells Tony D’Angelo that breaking his hand is the best? Well done, Tony, you poked the bear. Bet you’re real proud. But he thinks this is where it ends? That Tony can walk away? “Nah, mate, this is just the beginning.” And now it won’t be four, it’ll just be 1v1. Too late to back out, because Dunne will rip Tony’s arm out the socket and stomp that stupid mouth shut! If Tony’s as bad as he thinks he is, then face Dunne and finish what you started. And bring that crowbar, because you’re gonna need it!


Amari Miller checks in with Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter.

They’re all getting a workout in, and Amari asks them how that country music concert date went. Oh, they had a blast. Briggs & Brooks got them to put their boots on and do a Texas two step. Literally, though, not some metaphor. They’re now gearing up to become NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions! But then Persia Pirotta & Indi Hartwell walk over. The funny thing about New Year’s Resolutions is that they always fall short. These two are the next NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, okay? Oh, well then you’re looking at three women who wanna kick y’all in the face. Big talk from a small girl. You’re on!

Wait, what? Persia, what’s with all the handicap matches? Well, Indi’s always so focused on Dexter Lumis, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a partner. What about that new girl? Tiffany Stratton? She says thanks but no thanks. “Daddy, these girls are so ew!” Tiffany bails, but then they see that snoozing pajama girl waking up. Hey, how about her? KC Squared & Amari head out, and Indi asks who that even is. “I’m Wendy Choo. And why’re you looking at me like I’m a ham sandwich?” What? Who? Choo? Sandwich? Will this random partnership be a complete mess next week? Or is there more to Wendy than meets the eye?


Six Man Tag: Matt Riddle & MSK VS Imperium!

The Bro turned out to be the Shaman, and he helped give Wes Lee & Nash Carter the confidence to call out the NXT Tag Team Champions. But now, the Ring General is here to lead his men into battle! Will the #MustSeeBros be able to take the fight to Walter, Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner? Or will the mat once again be sacred?

NXT returns and MSK lead the way, followed by the Shaman Stallion! The trios sort out and Barthel starts against Carter. They circle, tie up, and Barthel arm-drags then floats to a hammerlock. Barthel scuffs Carter with a boot, Carter reaches back to headlock, but Barthel headstands out of it to keep the hammerlock! Barthel gets the other arm and pulls it back. Barthel digs knuckles into ribs, then brings Carter up in a chinlock. Carter snapmares free but Barthel kips up to get a facelock! Barthel wrenches an arm, Carter rolls, kips up and flips through to arm-drag! Carter goes Matrix, runs, trips Barthel up then basement dropkicks!

Carter kips up again and fans fire up! Barthel headlocks, Aichner tags in as Carter powers out, and Aichner hits an arm-drag! Aichner wrenches the wristlock, hammerlocks, then RAMS Carter into buckles! Aichner CHPOS, Carter SLAPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Carter whips, Aichner reverses and he blocks a boot! Carter avoids the clothesline but Aichner blocks the crucifix takedown! Aichner throws Carter away then pops Carter up, but Carter turns that into a RANA! Hot tag to Lee! Lee gets in, fires off hands, dodges Aichner’s clothesline and rolls back to headscissor! Lee kips up, fans fire up and Lee runs in, but Aichner dodges!

Lee QUEBRADAS, Aichner catches him but Lee slips off! Lee mule kicks but Aichner reverses the whip. Aichner blocks Lee’s boot and reels Lee in to CLOBBER him! Fans rally and duel, Aichner looms over Lee. Aichner brings Lee over to the corner but Lee wrenches! Lee breaks free, Aichner blocks a boot to flip Lee, but Lee dodges and slides to the corner! Tag to Riddle! Fans fire up and Riddle stares Aichner down! But Walter tags in! The Bro and the Ring General meet, and Riddle fires off fast hands! Riddle KICKS and KICKS but Walter CHOPS Riddle down! Walter drags Riddle up, CLUBS Riddle down, then tags Aichner back in.

Walter stomps Riddle, Aichner drags Riddle up to scoop and SLAM then drop an elbow! Cover, TWO! Aichner clamps a chinlock on Riddle, Riddle fights up to throw body shots, but Aichner KICKS him down! Aichner back suplexes, Riddle lands on his feet! Tag to Lee then to Carter! MSK fires off on Aichner with kicks, ENZIGURI and DOUBLE STMOPS! Barthel rushes in but MSK send him to a corner, RAIL GUN DROPKICK! Walter tags in, and he CLOBBERS Lee, DECKS Riddle, tanks Carter’s kick and CHOPS him off his feet! Walter runs into Lee’s BOOT, and Lee goes up to Leap! But Walter catches him to RAM him into the corner, and CHOP him on the top rope!

Walter keeps Lee from falling out, and Barthel gets in, Imperium meet at the corner with double dropkicks! Now Lee falls to the floor and the fans are thunderous again as Imperium strike their poses and NXT goes picture in picture.

The ref restores a bit of order, Walter waits, and Carter gets in the ring. Walter stomps Carter, drags him around and has a motorcycle stretch. Carter endures as Walter stands on his shoulder blades. Carter fights up, but Walter KNEES him low! Walter drags Carter over, stomps the leg, then tags in Aichner. Aichner drags Carter to drop an elbow on the leg and trap it in a toehold. Carter grinds his forearm on Aichner’s face but Aichner drops knees on the knee! Aichner pulls on the leg, turns Carter over, and drops down for an STF! Carter endures, crawls and gets the ROPEBREAK! Aichner lets go to stomp Carter down.

Aichner CLUBS Carter, tags Barthel, and Barthel whips Carter to a corner for a EuroUpper and GAMANGIRI! Then a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Barthel goes up top, FLYING EUROUPPER! Cover, TWO! Barthel clamps on a cobra clutch and he leans on Carter. Carter endures, fights his way up and JAWBREAKERS free! Barthel catches Carter first to whip him away from the corner and EuroUpper again! Barthel whips, Carter reverses and ROUNDHOUSES! Barthel waistlocks, Carter gets around and SUPERKICKS Aichner! Dropkick to Barthel! Both men are down and fans are thunderous again! Barthel and Carter crawl, hot tag to Walter!

Walter stomps Carter down then stares at Riddle. Walter stomps Carter more, eggs him on, and Carter CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Walter knees low, reels Carter in, but Carter dodges! Only for Barthel & Aichner to trip Riddle and Lee! Walter runs in to BOOT Carter down, then SEATED SENTON! Cover, TWO!! Carter survives but Walter keeps egging him on. “This is Awesome!” as Walter gets Carter up, only for Carter to RANA free! Hot tag to Riddle! Riddle fires off strikes and KICKS on Walter! Walter shoves, Riddle comes back to spin and PELE! Riddle kips up, runs in and forearm smashes! Forearm smashes for Barthel and Aichner, another for Walter!

Walter fights the Brosploder, but Riddle powers up to still BROSPLODER! Then a PENALTY KICK! But Walter avoids the moonsault, only for the BROTON to hit! Riddle DECKS Barthel, KICKS Aichner, and he has them both in ropes! Riddle wants to shout out Randy Orton but Walter gets a SLEEPER HOLD! Riddle pries free, but Walter walistlocks! GERMAN SUPLEX, but Riddle lands on his feet! FINAL FLASH! Walter flounders out of the ring, MSK get in to DOUBLE SUPERKICK Aichner & Barthel! Riddle goes up and out to PENALTY KICK Walter! MSK build speed, Riddle springboards, DOUBLE TOPE FLOATING BRO!! Fans lose their minds for that triple awesomeness!

Riddle puts Walter in, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Fans are loving this, they rally and duel, “WAL~TER!” “BRO!” Riddle is up, he hears voices in his head like The Viper! But then Imperium clobber MSK! Carter is sent into steps, Lee is sent over the desk! Riddle sees that and is distracted long enough for Walter to SHOTGUN DROPKICK him down! Walter drags Riddle up, to WALTER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! Riddle survives and Walter is furious! Walter tags Barthel in and Barthel drags Riddle up. Aichner tags in, they set Riddle up, GAMANGIRI, ROCKET LAUNCHER BRAINBUSTER! Cover, Carter breaks it!

Barthel goes after Carter, throwing him out by his dreadlocks. Walter shouts orders, Imperium get Riddle back up. Walter goes to one corner, Barthel tags in and climbs up the main corner. Aichner brings Riddle up but Riddle back drops free! FINAL FLASH for Barthel! GERMAN SUPLEX for Walter! Hot tag to Carter! Lee tags in, Carter hoists Aichner up! Riddle tags back in, MUST SEE BLOCKBUSTER! FLOATING BRO!! Barthel runs in, into an RKO!! Cover, Riddle & MSK win!!

Winners: Matt Riddle & MSK, by pinfall

Broooo! The Stallion did Orton proud, and he also helped Lee & Carter get back up! Will MSK do their Shaman proud and take those NXT Tag Team Championships from Imperium?


Backstage interview with Joe Gacy & Harland.

McKenzie asks about things that happened with Andre Chase and one of his students. Does Harland wish to explain himself? Gacy says it is okay. Harland has been working through things, coming to grips with how people have treated him in the past. Harland has made great strides and has shown more restraint than he ever has before. They’ve discussed it, and if they were to compete for the Dusty Cup, it’d bring Harland peace, joy and happiness. They are a brand new tag team, so they don’t want to be automatically put in the field. They don’t want a handout, or the “privilege” other tag teams receive. They will prove to the committee they are a viable tag team. “Thank you for your time.” Their goal is clear, but will Gacy and Harland look to enter the cup and redefine what it stands for?


Mandy Rose arrives by helicopter.

“This is how the champ arrives in style. New Year’s Evil, baby.” Mandy blows us a kiss, but will she be kissing the belt good-bye in tonight’s Triple Threat?


Backstage interview with Elektra Lopez.

McKenzie gets right to it: What is going on with her and Xyon Quinn? Oh everyone wants to know~? Well, keep on wondering. But she will say this: she joined Legado del Fantasma because Santos Escobar knew she was a difference maker. Family comes first, but sometimes when someone catches your eye, it makes you look at things differently. She is attracted to success. She makes no apology to anyone, even her own family. But people are still wanting an answer. Next week, we will get that answer when Santos takes on Quinn, and the winner of that match leaves with Lopez. Things are heating up, who takes the heart and loyalty of Elektra?


NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat: Mandy Rose VS Raquel Gonzalez VS Cora Jade!

Toxic Attraction’s leader may have had a bit of help getting this title off Big Mami Cool, but she might be overestimating herself thinking she can just use her opponents against each other. Will Ricky Desperado become a rare two-time NXT Women’s Champion? Or will #GenerationJade truly be established to start off the New Year?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the “Beast Behind the Beauty” is unleashed, or just unburdened of a belt!

Raquel BOOTS Cora down then fires off on Mandy! Raquel whips Mandy to a corner, Mandy bounces off buckles, then Raquel whips her into another corner! Mandy flops down, Cora gets up but Raquel scoops her and HOTSHOTS her on the ropes! Mandy CLUBS Raquel, throws a knee, then hits another KNEE! Raquel flops out of the ring, Mandy ROCKS Cora! Mandy whips, Cora goes up and headscissors Mandy down! Raquel returns to push Cora to a corner and whip her corner to corner. Cora goes up but gets caught, tilt-o-whirl into a scoop, but Cora slips off to roll Raquel up! ONE, but Raquel runs in and is dumped right out!

Cora builds speed as fans rally, but Mandy trips her up! Mandy drags Cora out and RAMS her into the apron! And then again! Mandy CLUBS Cora, ROCKS her, but Raquel comes in to BOOT Mandy! Cora goes up to CANNONBALL onto Raquel! Fans fire up with Cora as the young spitfire is standing all! But then Mandy YANKS Cora into steel steps! Mandy gloats as she stands tall, and she puts Cora in the ring. Cover, but Raquel drags Cora out. Mandy wrecks Raquel with a dropkick then throws Cora back in. Fans are dueling, Mandy covers, but again Raquel drags Cora out. Mandy goes back out to ROCK Raquel and RAM her into steps!

Mandy goes back to Cora, drags her up, but Cora makes it a cradle! Cover, Raquel breaks it herself! Raquel puts Cora up top, throws forearms on her, but Mandy kicks Raquel. Raquel knees Mandy, fireman’s carries, and then RAMS her into Cora! Raquel adds Cora to the stack! Fans are thunderous for the DOUBLE SAMOAN DROP! Raquel is all fired up as she hurries, but both women bail out as NXT goes picture in picture!

Raquel seethes, having missed her window on a cover. Mandy and Cora crawl on the outside. Mandy looks under the ring, Raquel grabs at her, and Mandy SMACKS Raquel with a kendo stick! Mandy then JAMS Raquel, SMAKCS her on the side of the leg, then stalks her. Mandy CHOKES Raquel with the kendo stick in Raquel’s jaw! Raquel powers out and Mandy is panicking! Raquel SMACKS Mandy in the leg now! And then she makes Mandy eat kendo stick in the mouth! Raquel eggs Mandy on, but Cora rolls Raquel up! TWO, and Cora has the stick! Raquel wants Cora to take it easy, but Cora says she deserves to be here. Mandy BOOTS Cora down, then SHOVES Raquel out of the ring!

Mandy drags Cora to a cover, TWO! Mandy scuffs Cora, Cora kicks back from below. Mandy stomps Cora, DECKS Raquel off the apron, then she goes back to get the kendo stick. Cora wants mercy, but Mandy jams the stick into Cora’s jaw! Cora sputters, Mandy covers, TWO!! Mandy is furious but she wraps Cora up in body scissors! Mandy thrashes Cora around, Cora fights but Mandy CLUBS away on her chest! Cora endures as Mandy puts on the squeeze, and then Mandy rolls it to a cover, TWO! Mandy keeps on with the body scissors as NXT returns to single picture. Fans are dueling, Mandy gets another cover, TWO!

Raquel stomps them both down, and then she drags Mandy up. Mandy CLUBS Raquel’s leg, but Cora sunset flips Mandy! TWO!! Cora is shocked how close that was, but she BOOTS Mandy! Mandy CLOBBERS Cora on the return! Cover, TWO!! Raquel whips Cora to a corner hard then she scoops and SLAMS Mandy! “This is Awesome!” as Raquel whips Mandy into Cora’s BOOT! Raquel runs in, Cora gets her for a RANA! Cora runs but Raquel bypasses, so Cora springboards to RANA Mandy! Cora fires off on Raquel but Raquel blocks and reverses the whip to run, but into a SHINING WIZARD! Cora has the cravat but Raquel powers up to hit a BACKBREAKER!

Raquel drags Cora up, fireman’s carries, and she hoists her up to TOSS her! Mandy moves, Cora hits floor! Mandy is shocked at the brutality, and even Raquel can’t believe what she just did to her! But then Raquel dares Mandy to get some courage and get in the ring. Mandy runs for it! Raquel gets Mandy at the ramp and runs her all the way back to the ring! Raquel stalks Mandy, Mandy wants mercy. Raquel looms over Mandy as she goes to ropes, and she gets legs to bring Mandy in for a SLAM! Raquel runs and rallies with big lariats! Mandy tires to dodge but Raquel grabs her by the hair and CLOBBERS her! But Mandy again scrambles out of the ring!

Raquel fetches Mandy, puts her back in, but Mandy hits a DRAPING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Raquel is still in this and Mandy can’t believe it! Mandy is furious and she dribbles Raquel’s head off the mat! Mandy talks trash, but Raquel avoids the Kami-Goye to send Mandy into ropes! Mandy sputters, Raquel rolls Mandy and gets her up! Raquel shakes Mandy by her head, then gets her up for the CHINGONA BOMB!! Cover, but Cora SUPER SENTONS in outta nowhere to break it!! Cora grins but Raquel is seething! Raquel drags Cora up to ram her into a corner! Raquel puts Cora up top, ROCKS her, then climbs up! Cora slips out to SHOVE Raquel down!!

Fans are thunderous as Cora finds herself alone with Mandy. Cora crawls over after Mandy, rolls her up, but Mandy spins through to sit down! Mandy wins!!

Winner: Mandy Rose, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Mandy wins by the seat of her leather hot pants! Cora can’t believe it, and Raquel is fuming, but Mandy is still golden. Who will step to Toxic Attraction’s leader next?


Boa washes his face.

“The powers are uncontrollable. I cannot contain them. Please, let me face Solo Sikoa by myself.” He keeps splashing water on his face, but he sees Tian Sha in the mirror. Will Boa still be Boa when he fights the Street Champion of the Island?


MSK & Riddle celebrate in the parking lot.

That was so awesome! It was an incredible journey, but now it is time for Lee & Carter to fulfill their destinies and win those NXT Tag Team Championships. This isn’t good-bye forever, just good-bye for now. Later, dudes! Riddle scooters off into the night and MSK say farewell. They know what they have to do, but then the Creed Brothers walk over saying, “How cute.” While MSK were on the cute little trippy vacation, the tag division has gotten more competitive. The only way MSK gets at Imperium now is by winning the Dusty Cup again. And that ain’t happening with Julius & Brutus in the way. Will MSK show the Brothers Creed that they can and will make history?


Andre Chase heads to the ring!

HIs student section is growing, and Professor Chase is here with a mic. “Last week was indeed a Teachable Moment! I was in deep trouble, and one of my students risked life and limb to slide in this ring and protect me. That’s the kind of bond we have between our student body and our faculty at Andre Chase University.” And Chase is so grateful that Harland didn’t follow through and throw his student off the roof. That would have been terrible for enrollment. So for his heroics and selflessness, Chase wants to recognize this student. The student section fires up as Chase says this is a man he is so proud of. “You Deserve It!”

This is a man Chase has watched grow right before his very eyes. This is the recipient of the first-ever Chase U FULL SCHOLARSHIP! You DO deserve it! But wait, here comes Von Wagner. “Enough with the bullsh*t. Now let the real star of NXT say something.” Von hears us, our boos and negative comments. But when Von steps in the ring, suddenly, he’s your new favorite. Everyone wants to tune in to the Von Wagner Watch Party, so we can see who he tunes out next. And let’s be real. Von only needs to be liked by those who matter, and none of the fans do! “Look at me! Look at me! I’m everything that you’re not!” And Chase, Von is everything that you’re not.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Von. This is what a teachable moment is- Von CLOBBERS Chase!! And hauls him up for an OLYMPIC SLAM! But he’s not done, he puts Chase in a corner and chokes him! Von throws Chase down, then glares at the student section. The star pupil shouts at Von, but Von snatches the Chase U flag and throws id won! Then he throws the student down! And then he grabs at a fan! Referees rush out, but Von gets a child and SLAMS him down! And then he fires off punches on more fans! Von’s violence has reached an all time low! Who will stop him from doing whatever he wants to whoever he wants?


Security ejects Von from the building.

But on his way out, Ivy Niles is there with Diamond Mine as they are with Strong in the medical area. Von tells her to get out of his face, and then leaves.


Cameron Grimes speaks.

“2021. What a year, and what a life. Who else but ol’ Cameron Grimes showing up in a spaceship coup and wearing a butler suit? From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. I went from cuttin’ grass to kickin’ ass. That damn Ted DeBiase taught me how to conduct myself like a champ.” But that legacy was Ted’s. Time for Grimes to make his own. Instead of chasing green, he’s going to start chasing gold. 2022 THE~ MOON~!


Next week’s NXT is also big!

Or rather, phenomenal! Styles VS Waller IS the main event, but we’re also getting the Six Woman Tag of Amari & KC Squared VS Indi, Persia & Wendy Choo, and a CROWBAR ON A POLE MATCH! Will the Bruiserweight break Tony D’s digits? Or will Tony take Dunne’s other hand and completely sideline him?


NXT Championship: Tommaso Ciampa VS Bron Breakker!

The Psycho Killer told “the Big Booty Nephew” that he’d drown in inexperience, and perhaps that was true. One mistake on a second rope move and Bron lost at Halloween Havoc. But after winning WarGames for Team 2.0, Bron’s confidence is up and he’s ready for redemption! Have Ciampa’s chances of retaining just drastic go down in the New Year? Or will the only thing new be that Ciampa is on to a new challenger after this?

Speaking of, Bron has a new singlet, and he BOOTS his way through an old NXT logo. Ciampa doesn’t even bat an eye at all that as he makes his way to the ring. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we go COMMERCIAL FREE in this main event!

Bron and Ciampa circle, tie up, and Bron puts Ciampa on ropes. The ref counts, Bron lets off but stares Ciampa down. Ciampa and Bron tie up again, Ciampa puts Bron in a corner and the ref counts. Ciampa lets off, then CHOPS! Bron just laughs it off, so Ciampa kicks low and whips. Bron reverses, Ciampa stops himself to come back and LARIAT! Ciampa runs in to corner clothesline, then keeps going to duck, dodge and redirect. Bron hurdles, gator rolls and suplexes Ciampa for a stalling SLAM! Bron kips up and fans fire up while Ciampa bails out. Ciampa takes a moment to catch his breath, and Bron holds the ropes open.

Ciampa waits, gets on the apron but Bron rushes in. Ciampa gets Bron’s foot but Bron pulls Ciampa in! Bron deadlifts Ciampa for another suplex and SLAM! Bron CLUBS Ciampa on the back, stalks him to a corner and shoves him at the ropes to CLUB him again. Fans duel and bark, Bron waistlocks and shoves Ciampa, but Ciampa elbows him away! Ciampa CHOPS, Bron throws a forearm! Ciampa CHPOS, Bron throws a forearm. Ciampa fakes Bron out to stomp his foot and scrape laces on Bron’s face. Ciampa headlocks to grind Bron into ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Ciampa climbs up to rain down rights on Bron in the corner.

Fans count all the way to nine, but Bron carries Ciampa for an atomic drop! Bron LARIATS Ciampa down, then storms over to Ciampa in the corner. Bron whips corner to corner, Ciampa reverses but Bron goes up and over. Bron keeps moving, ducks and dodges, but Ciampa dropkicks him down! Ciampa takes a bow while fans rally up. Ciampa kicks Bron around, stomps him, then drags Bron up to throw haymakers. Ciampa whips, Bron ducks and dodges again, and he leaps, only to miss! Deja vu to Halloween Havoc there, and Ciampa runs to KNEE Bron down! Ciampa runs to FLY! Direct hit with the conjilo, and Ciampa sits on the apron to applaud and pat himself on the back!

Fans are fired up as Ciampa fetches Bron back into the ring. Ciampa drives a knee into Bron, then does it again. Ciampa drops ax handles, then clamps on a chinlock to grind Bron down. Bron endures, fights up, powers Ciampa into a corner, but Ciampa hops on to be a backpack! Bron stays on his feet, and then drops back for a SENTON! Fans rally up while both men are down. Ciampa and Bron rise, and they start throwing forearms. Ciampa CHOPS, Bron forearms, repeat! Bron blocks the leg lariat to LARIAT! Bron rallies, whips Ciampa to the corner, then runs in to SPLASH! Bron keeps moving, ducks a chop and turns Thesz Press into SPINEBUSTER!

Bron RAMS Ciampa in the corner, hoists him up top, and Bron climbs up to join Ciampa. Fans fire up as Bron goes to the very top, but Ciampa slips out to trip Bron up! Ciampa stomps away on Bron in a Tree of Woe! The ref counts, Ciampa lets off and goes side to side to basement dropkick! Bron flops out of the Tree, fans rally, and Ciampa drags Bron back up. Ciampa reels Bron in, underhooks, but Bron blocks! Ciampa CLUBS and ROCKS Bron with forearms, then runs, into another SPINEBUSTER! Bron hits a STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bron can’t believe it, but it’s hard to believe Bron just did that!

Bron goes to a corner, he goes up top, but he thinks better of the second rope. Ciampa CHOPS Bron and then shoves him down! Bron hits the apron then the floor, Ciampa goes out to run and KNEE Bron down! Ciampa puts Bron in the ring, and KNEES Bron down again! Ciampa’s bleeding from an eyebrow but he doesn’t care, he runs to- SPEAR!! Bron takes Ciampa down but he can’t make the cover! “This is Awesome!” and far from over! Ciampa pushes himself up, Bron gets up near the ropes. They both stand, Bron throws a haymaker! Ciampa forearms back, so Bron throws another! Ciampa throws a forearm, Bron hits back again!

Ciampa JABS, JABS, one-two combo and then some! Ciampa has Bron in the corner, the ref counts but Ciampa lets off at 4. Ciampa runs in again, but into a RANA! Bron gets Ciampa to a cover, TWO!! Ciampa sits up in a daze, but Bron gets up and stands Ciampa up. Bron trophy lifts, but no powerslam as Ciampa slips out and puts Bron on the apron! WILLOWS BELL! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa hurries to get the leg! He kicks Bron into position for a HALF CRAB!! Bron endures, crawls forward, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Ciampa holds on and even adds pressure until the ref counts 4! Fans still rally and duel as Ciampa goes out and peels up floor mats!

Ciampa is again revisiting Halloween Havoc as he refreshes the count and drags Bron out. Bron shoves Ciampa away but Ciampa BOOTS him back! Ciampa has Bron out but Bron Alabama lifts to ALABAMA SLAM Ciampa on the announce desk! The desk falls apart under Ciampa and fans are losing their minds! Bron hauls Ciampa up and into the ring, then gets him for the trophy lift! POWERSLAM!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Ciampa saves himself by mere fingertips! Fans hope these two “Fight Forever!” at this point! Ciampa clings to the ropes, gets to the apron, but Bron keeps going after him.

The ref keeps having Bron back off, so Bron goes out, and Ciampa SNAPS the ropes! Ciampa gets Bron in his breakkers! PSYCHO KNEE! Then another PSYCHO KNEE! And a THIRD! Ciampa gets Bron in, underhooks, FAIRY TALE ENDING!! Cover, TWO?!?! HOW?!? Ciampa can’t believe it and fans are going nuts! Ciampa gets Bron up on the top rope and climbs up after him. Bron hits back, Ciampa still tries. Bron CLUBS Ciampa, shoves him down, and then goes to the second rope, for the FLYING BULLDOG!! Bron brings down the straps and he stands over Ciampa! STEINER RECLINER!!! Ciampa endures, flails, and TAPS! BRON WINS!!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by submission (NEW NXT Champion)

New Year, NEW NXT Champion! Bron looks at Ciampa one more time, and Ciampa nods. Bron takes Goldie for his own and holds her way up high! Maybe Bron fell for some of the same old tricks, but he had some tricks of his own. Will Bron carry the torch for NXT into a bright future?

My Thoughts:

What an AWESOME event to open the year for NXT! And much like I said for NXT WarGames, this event really brought things back to 1.0 levels. And while I’m still greatly disappointed Vince killed the Cruiserweight Division all over again, the match we got tonight of Strong VS Melo was a great one, and I suppose was worth it. Melo winning to retain the North American Championship is great for him, and he will definitely continue a great run with that title. As for Strong, he could rebound and go after the top title, the one title he hasn’t held. I don’t know what the chances of Roddy Grand Slam would be, it probably won’t happen now that we’re in 2.0, but he should at least be given a match.

Speaking of the top title, Ciampa VS Bron II was awesome stuff, and I figured that this was where Bron would win. Bron is the new champion, using his uncle’s submission, and fulfilling the inevitable from when 2.0 took over. Bron has a long list of people to face, both those still here from 1.0 and those in the same 2.0 class as Bron, and I would think Bron has a lengthy reign as the first 2.0 guy to be champion. We got a lot of good promos to build things for next week, like Dunne’s response to Tony D’Angelo, Boa bargaining with Tian Sha before taking on Solo Sikoa, and the Six Woman Tag. Great to see Karen Q, now Wendy Choo, finally talk, too.

Lopez making Quinn VS Escobar a “Winner gets Lopez” match is definitely the blow-off I was expecting, and I’m thinking this means Quinn wins. He is still undefeated, and being undefeated with a win over Escobar would be even bigger for him. Then, I could see him going after Melo and the North American Championship, Lopez as his manager to counter Trick Williams being in Melo’s corner. Grimes also says his piece, and I expect him wanting the North American Championship, too. We could even end up with another North American Championship Ladder match, as we’ve seen in the past.

I clearly didn’t realize Styles VS Waller wasn’t happening here and this was just going to be a “Face calls out Heel” segment. That was a bit of a let down that Styles shows up just for Waller to brawl and then duck him. Styles VS Waller in next week’s main event will be good, but I feel like this delay gives Waller a chance to figure out a way to cheat. Andre Chase coming out to reference last week was good, but Von showing up was a surprise. Von going after “fans” was also pretty wild, I feel like this is their attempt to build Von up as a Heel the way Waller going after Gargano built him up. And I do like that Ivy Nile is so ready to fight the guys, she did not back down from Von.

Glad that the Dusty Cup is coming back, that is going to be a good tournament. We’re obviously getting the four teams who had the big promo last week in it, so totally expect The Creed Brothers, Jacket Time, Grizzled Young Veterans and Briggs & Brooks to be pit against each other. MSK & Riddle had an awesome match with Imperium, and it was pretty clever for Riddle to take the win so that the math on MSK and Imperium to be unaffected. Imperium and MSK are clear choices for semifinalists, but Gacy & Harland are also in, so I bet we see MSK VS Gacy & Harland for the finals. That match could go either way, but MSK making history would be pretty cool.

Mandy Rose entering by helicopter was cool, a lot like the one time Charlotte Flair did that, so maybe it should’ve been obvious Mandy would retain. It was a very good match, and went how a Triple Threat should with the odd person out always getting after one of the others. It was very active, but the finish seemed really abrupt with Mandy just turning a cover into a cover. I did appreciate she didn’t straight up copy Becky Lynch with holding ropes during that sitting cover, but it seemed too easy for her to get Cora stacked and stuck. Chances are, a team of Raquel & Cora comes out of this in time for the Women’s Dusty Cup.

As for who is next to challenge Mandy, there’s a chance Io Shirai is next in another attempt to boost Mandy’s reign. Kay Lee Ray is probably being saved for a bigger event, and I would hope then KLR wins to take that title off Mandy.

My Score: 9.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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