Cook explores the current complaint...but puts things into perspective. NXT is filled with more veteran experience than one would think. How do you feel about the...
Kyle, Rance, and Karl welcome Jeremy from Keepin' It Strong Style for a live perspective on AEW All Out, plus New Japan & WWE on this...
Stardom Blue Stars is back! Combination of days so everyone is all caught up for the 9.12 shows! Who are you rooting for?
Combination of Day 3 & 4 to catch everyone up before the 9/12 show! Enjoy the Stardom action! Who are you rooting for?
The boys are back in town. No, not The Boys…but the boys. And we’ve got our 5 topics of the week! High Score Episode 4 Review...
The G1 blocks are announced, Miro debuts on Dynamite, Finn is NXT champ and an argument for the ages that you don't want to miss.
NXT UK has big things in store!
Nerds tackle the family board game turned comedy who-dun-it! 1985, Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn, Christopher Lloyd...what's not to like?
Tolley returns to Badlands after his COVID induced exodus and covers the topics he’s missed.
Mishal checks back in with a Top 5 that is surely to spark some discussion--who are the best wrestlers not signed with WWE?
Miranda details her coverage of the AEW Media Scrum after All Out, plus Bayley fires the first shot at Sasha Banks... on YOUTUBE!
Miranda details her coverage of the AEW Media Scrum after All Out, plus Bayley fires the first shot at Sasha Banks!
The All Out Fallout!
Round 3 of the Jr Tag Round Robin!
The final matches of the Jr Tag Tournament! Who will be the top 2 for the vacant title match on the 11th?
DPP is back with another video game review, this time looking at 2020's first person shooter VR Half Life Alyx!