While the WWE NXT releases were gut wrenching, Greg DeMarco discusses the impact on the man at the helm, Triple H.
Three rounds in three days!
It’s the go-home Raw for SummerSlam 1996 with Faarooq making his in-ring debut and who do we see tagging with TL Hopper? Who, that’s who!...
Randy Orton returns!
Elevation's Homecoming!
Releases and speculation abound! Cook delivers a mixture of News and opinion like no other! Check it out!
It’s a Nerd Review edition of the Bandwagon as Dave, Patrick, Rey and PC give their thoughts on the newly released DC film The Suicide Squad, but was...
Computer issues are resolved, so welcome back to the NOAH News! Hisame catches everyone up on the Pro Wrestling NOAH happenings.
In this week’s edition of Musical Chairs, Patrick & Dave discuss two very different musical acts, but two acts rather similar in that they are some...
Super Junior Tag League, round two!
A trying end to the wrestling week, and Stephanie tries to wrap her head around it all in the latest edition of the Hardy Wrestling Podcast!
Rob takes a look at the driving reason why these recent releases came to be; as well as waxing a little poetic. Take a look!
Brad runs down some commentary on the recent week's product and the NXT releases.
Mathew and Ethan talk Summer season anime and a new movie that Mathew decides to shed some light on!
Summer Struggle Super Junior Tag League!
Talking Smack is on Boss Time!