Time is a flat circle, and there's a lot of wrestling. Mathew touches on a few matches that he wasn't able to cover so far this...
Stardom, the leader in Joshi wrestling, celebrates another year! Mathew brings us a breakdown of their anniversary show! Welcome back as we adventure to Stardom for...
Mathew dives back into Stardom to catch us up with some of the early new year action! Welcome to the second day of Stardom’s New Years...
New Year, New Years Stars Stardom event! Do things start off hot, or are we looking for more of a simmer to the start of the...
Well you didn’t think we’d have all these Top 5s and forget Stardom did you? We have a Joshi Expert just for these reasons! Let’s see...
Well this is certainly an odd weekend. Not exactly a ton of stand out stuff from the usual companies, but a lot of the usual suspects....
Welcome back to Stardom and I said this would be the next big show I would cover since I’m taking a break of them for their...
And we’re back as we continue the Stardom Grand Champion Carnival with the night show now. The afternoon show was pretty successful with a great main...
Now that the Five Star Grand Prix is over, it’s time to go back to covering the full shows once again. I wanna thank Andrew for...
Well, everyone, this is the final day of the Five Star Grand Prix. I hope you all enjoyed both me and Andrew’s readings and since our...
With Monday on the horizon, we have yet another installment of the Top 5 Matches of the week. Now first we have to go over who...
So tomorrow is the last day of the Five Star Grand Prix where we will have our final four matches and the final match on the...
We’re back at Stardom as we have two days worth a shows to be covered since they had three matches each and plenty to give you...
Welcome back to day four and originally we were going to wait till the next show aired due to us only having two matches each on...
Welcome back to the Five Star Grand Prix and the first day was a success and left me wanting to be more excited for it unlike...
Welcome to the first day of Stardom’s Five Star Grand Prix and I’m actually quite surprised at how quickly the first day got uploaded in whole...