Superhero Madness continues with first round battles in the Non-Powered Humans bracket, plus a bursting at the seams Trailer Park!
Superhero Madness begins with first round battles in the Mutants & Genetics bracket, plus Invincible Season 2 returns with a bang!
The Nerds discuss whether Batman should be allowed to break his one rule, Warner Brothers' curious new video game strategy, and the latest trailers.
Join Dave, DP and Tunney as they run down some of their favorite Oscar winners of all time. In addition, we take a trip to the...
The Bandwagon takes a look at some pretty off the wall trailers and discusses the quiet and subtle retooling of the MCU.
The original BWN quartet re-convenes to review some massive trailers and to discuss some world-changing news involving the MCU!
Join Patrick and PC for a special edition of Bandwagon Nerds, as they bring The 5x5 to the bandwagon with shows that ended too soon and...
The Bandwagon concludes their review of the first half of Season 2 of Invincible, talks about the new Supergirl, and pays its respects to Carl Weathers.
The Bandwagon continues their review of Season 2 of Invincible, looks at some polarizing trailers, and discusses this year's Oscar nominations.
The Bandwagon continues their review of Season 2 of Invincible, looks at some very interesting trailers, and discusses the future of video games.
The Bandwagon begins their review of Season 2 of Invincible, gets caught up on some trailers, and discusses the latest Star Wars news!
The Bandwagon celebrates the best of the best from around the Nerdosphere in 2023. Its Part 2 of the 2023 Nerdies! Come and celebrate with us.
The Bandwagon celebrates the best of the best from around the Nerdosphere in 2023. Its Part 1 of the 2023 Nerdies! Come and celebrate with us.
The Bandwagon wishes everyone a Happy Holiday season with this special Episode breaking down their favorite Holiday movies of all-time.
The whole gang is back together to close out 2023 with our PiW Holiday Special! Join Platt, Balaz, Tunney, AJ and Cash as we have some...
Patrick O'Dowd and Greg DeMarco talk about a WIDE VARIETY of topics on the program--Tony Khan, Jonathan Majors, CM Punk, and more!