The Nerds tackle a massive news week as several studios dropped major announcements during Cinema Con in Las Vegas. Release dates were updated, trailers were dropped...
Patrick O’Dowd returns to the Bandwagon after a two week absence all fired up as he and PC Tunney, Dave Ungar and Aesop Mitchell react to...
Nothing says Easter quite like two Jewish guys, a gentile, and an Honorary Jew (for one day at least) talking about all sorts of epic Nerdy...
Aesop Mitchell is officially anointed a semi-regular on the Bandwagon this week and he joins Patrick, Dave and PC Tunney for a BWN loaded with news....
The Aught Project comes to a close this week and the Nerds bring out the laughs as they run down their top 10 Comedies from 2000-2009! ...
Dave takes the week off to visit the House of Mouse, so Patrick sends up the Platt Signal…and Christopher Platt responds! Platt and Patrick are joined...
Period pieces, Dramedies, Indie Darlings, and Oscar winners take center stage as the Bandwagoners review their top ten dramas from 2000-2009! Plus, Dave, PC Tunney, Aesop...
The Aught project focuses on the family friendly fare this week as Patrick, Aesop, Dave and PC Tunney present their tops ten family films of 2000-2009!...
The Aught project is haunted this week as Patrick, Aesop, Dave and Rey present their top ten horror films of 2000-2009. What thrills do they have...
The Aught project rolls on this week as Patrick, Dave, PC Tunney, and Aesop Mitchell present their top 10 sports movies from 2000-2009! With the Super...
With February comes the slowest news month in the Nerdosphere which means it’s project time on the Bandwagon! Patrick, Rey and PC are joined by the...
The Bandwagon rides a little lighter this week with Rey Cash away, but Dave, Patrick and PC have things covered. This week, Patrick jumps on his...
This week, the Bandwagon welcomes the one and only “Violent Gentleman” Aesop Mitchell to the show. The Fabled One made his debut just in time for...
The Reverend Rey Cash returns to the Bandwagon just in time to discuss all of the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe news and rumors surrounding the upcoming...
The Marvel/DC Decathlon reaches it’s dramatic conclusion as Dave, Patrick, and PC Tunney decide brand superiority with respect to villains and heroes. Which company will claim...
The Marvel/DC Decathlon makes its turn toward the home stretch with week four of five! This week the Nerds discuss which brand is superior in the...