Two matches to go for the A Block! Can Ibushi stay close enough to spoil Okada's tournament?
Another G1 heavy Top 5, but Lucha de Apuestas provides a nice sprinkle of change!
The G1 enters Night 13!
The G1 Climax Okada block continues! Can anyone stop the rolling Rainmaker? Looking at you SANADA...
Does Okada fall to a trap match? Who is England's Top Talent? Let's find out!
Another week of G1 Climax and not much on the American front. What’s the Top 5 look like this week? Once again, we had a very...
There can only be one!
The G1 Climax is in full swing, along with some other shows and matches. How much of the Top 5 does New Japan dominate?
The G1 rages on in the summer heat!
KENTA and Okada may start pulling away in A Block! Who falls first? The Rainmaker or The NOAH Outsider?
A weekend with the beginning of the G1 Climax and Impact Wrestling's Slammiversary! How much of those make the Top 5 matches?
G1 Climax kicks off in Dallas! For the first time on American soil, we get a G1 Climax show! Did it live up to expectations?
Another round for the Ibushi-Naito saga!
AXS wraps Wrestling Dontaku with TWO HOURS!
Results from the reported 7.5 hour long TV taping in Chicago!
See the line-ups for this week's ROH & New Japan War Of The Worlds Tour...