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Andrew’s NJPW Destruction in Kobe Ratings & Analysis: 9/22/2019

Who wins the Young Lion Cup? Does Liger unleash the demon on Suzuki? Does the Intercontinental Championship change hands? Find out on Destruction in Kobe!



Who wins the Young Lion Cup? Does Liger unleash the demon on Suzuki? Does the Intercontinental Championship change hands? Find out on Destruction in Kobe!

The last stop on the Destruction tour gives us a few matches to look forward to!

Does Suzuki get his wish and give us the fourth appearance of Kishin Liger? Is Goto purely a heavyweight gatekeeper?

We also have to figure out who the best Young Lion is and if Jay White can continue to speak truth.

Let’s see how this all plays out!


  • Manabu Nakanishi, Alex Coughlin & Michael Richards vs Yota Tsuji, Yuya Uemura & Yuji Nagata: Tsuji wins via Boston Crab @10:05 – **
  • Young Lion Cup: Ren Narita vs Clark Connors: Connors wins via Boston Crab @7:25 – ** 1/2
  • Young Lion Cup: Karl Fredericks vs Shota Umino: Fredericks wins via Modified Liontamer @7:15 – *** 1/4
  • Bad Luck Fale, Chase Owens & Yujiro Takahashi w/Pieter vs Toa Henare, Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe: Owens wins via Package Piledriver @8:20 – ** 1/2
  • DOUKI, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Zack Sabre Jr & Minoru Suzuki vs Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tiger Mask, Rocky Romero & Jyushin Thunder Liger: Suzuki-Gun wins via DQ @3:10 – ***
  • Will Ospreay, YOH, SHO, YOSHI-HASHI & Tomohiro Ishii vs KENTA, Guerrillas of Destiny, Taiji Ishimori & ELP: YOH wins via Inside Cradle @9:40 – ***
  • SANADA, EVIL & BUSHI vs Kota Ibushi, Kazuchika Okada & Robbie Eagles: SANADA wins via Skull End @13:50 – *** 1/2
  • Shingo Takagi vs Hirooki Goto: Goto wins via GTR @20:25 – **** 1/4
  • IWGP Intercontinental Championship: Jay White vs Tetsuya Naito (c): White wins via Blade Runner @29:50 – **** 1/2 – TITLE CHANGE!!!



Manabu Nakanishi, Alex Coughlin & Michael Richards vs Yota Tsuji, Yuya Uemura & Yuji Nagata – I say this a lot with the undercards involving Young Lions, but this was really just a decent starting match. We got to see some nice fire from the Young Lions, and this was more Tsuji’s match to shine in and we learned that Coughlin’s name is pronounced COG-LIN, ya know, since he’s British so it has to be different.

Young Lion Cup: Ren Narita vs Clark Connors – Connors and Narita didn’t have as much intensity as most Young Lion matches. Narita still had a chance to win the whole thing, but he came out a little flat. There was an early chop exchange, but Narita’s heart never really seemed into it. Connors getting the win eliminates Narita, and he was already eliminated going into this match. So the winner of the next match, wins the Young Lion Cup.

Young Lion Cup: Karl Fredericks vs Shota Umino –  Now we expected this one to be solid. LA Dojo and New Japan Dojo’s top guys vie for the title of Young Lion Cup winner! This match had great intensity, really good selling and both men brought it well. Shota’s nose got bloodied but he fought through and nearly pulled off the Fisherman Buster. But Fredericks countered and sold his arm well even for his finish. Pulling off a Half Crab instead of a Full Crab because of his arm, but he modifies it into a Liontamer style and gets Umino to tap out.

Bad Luck Fale, Chase Owens & Yujiro Takahashi w/Pieter vs Toa Henare, Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe – No real interesting storylines here. They all have a little history and could be involved in the upcoming Tag League. It was a decent enough match but nothing special. Not a lot to unpack here. Chase pinned Henare. Yay?

DOUKI, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Zack Sabre Jr & Minoru Suzuki vs Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tiger Mask, Rocky Romero & Jyushin Thunder Liger – Liger runs down the ramp to attack Suzuki during his entrance, and the donnybrook begins. Liger’s aggression backfires a little when Suzuki gets the upper hand. Suzuki throws a chair into the ring and sets up a table in the corner, and the whole set up was very reminiscent of the 1996 Kishin Liger debut. Suzuki put Liger in a Sleeperhold to set up for the Gotch, but Liger threw back his leg, and kicked Suzuki between the legs. That’s not a very Jyushin move. Liger then proceeds to remove his own mask to reveal the white and black paint, tears at his costume and much like many of us guessed, Kishin Liger is back! Liger hits Suzuki and the referee with the Green Mist, goes out to get a camping spike, and we get another reference to the Muta match. Liger tries to literally murder Suzuki, Suzuki moves and the spike goes through the table. The referee disqualifies Liger’s team, Liger throws the table at Suzuki and the chase begins. Liger even wipes out a couple Young Lions and Tanahashi on his chase of Suzuki.

Will Ospreay, YOH, SHO, YOSHI-HASHI & Tomohiro Ishii vs KENTA, Guerrillas of Destiny, Taiji Ishimori & ELP – Everyone in this match has some kind of heat with one another. However, the whole point of this was for G.o.D. trying to prove that YOH’s pinfall in Kagoshima was a fluke. Bullet Club had some nice cohesion in taunting with heel tactics when everyone took turns hitting a Back Rake, until Kenta decided it was time to do his Stomp Feint just for the rub ins on YOSHI-HASHI. The Guerrillas were basically clearing the ring themselves, they hit Guerrilla Warfare, set up Magic Killer but Roppongi 3k fought back. Loa got knocked backwards at some point and YOH hooked in the cradle for the flash win! So with consecutive pinfalls over the champions, RPG3k will most likely get a Heavyweight Tag Title shot at King of Pro Wrestling.

SANADA, EVIL & BUSHI vs Kota Ibushi, Kazuchika Okada & Robbie Eagles – SANADA and EVIL have their respective matches against Okada and Ibushi coming up, so we know why this match was made. Robbie actually did a lot of the work in the match, but we did start off with Okada and SANADA working the crowd to see who was more popular. Surprisingly Okada almost pulled off Red Ink, which I haven’t seen in forever. But the fun part of this match came towards the end. SANADA had Eagles in the Dragon Sleeper, and spun him around, Okada comes into the ring and tries a Dropkick to break it up…but he misses. So Okada goes back to it to break it up and then everyone gets in, SANADA and Eagles are still in the ring, SANADA makes Eagles tap with the Skull End. The clever aspect of things came after the bell and we get a stare down with SANADA and Okada. I’m curious if the Dropkick was supposed to miss, because there’s some subtle talking, and then Okada tries to sneak attack SANADA three times with Dropkicks, but SANADA side steps all of them. So now we get a fun wrinkle of Okada not being able to hit his signature Dropkick, either on purpose or by dumb luck. Fun stuff.

Shingo Takagi vs Hirooki Goto – Takagi got one of his largest Heavyweight victories over Goto in the G1, so Goto needs to try to get his win back. This was every bit the hard hitting power match we expected. They started off countering one another’s moves and then just hitting huge lariats and just being two angry bulls trying to kill each other. Goto pulled out everything, Ushigoroshi, Reverse GTR, Shouten Kai, Modified GTR…it was just an insane match. Shingo pulled off most of his moves as well, but never hit Last of the Dragon, so that move was protected nicely. I personally have a Shingo bias, but this was a great match and might finally help Goto become more than just a gatekeeper.

IWGP Intercontinental Championship: Jay White vs Tetsuya Naito (c) – This match lived up to the build. They played mind games, taunted and were just generally douchey to one another, but it was fantastic. Tons of mocking and talking, both men kept telling the other to ‘Smile’, the odd enjoyment and disdain of each other made for a fun dynamic. Naito pulled out a few unique applications of Combinacion Cabron, and did his Tornado DDT by kicking off of Gedo at one point. We saw the culmination of a story where if the situation was a little different, these two could be best friends. Gedo didn’t really get involved much, so that was nice, this was just a great match if you were following the feud a little. Also I did appreciate Jay White gingerly walking down the ramp, and taking a big step over the metal connector, as a reference to when YOSHI-HASHI face planted last year.


Overall Score: 8.5/10

This show was pretty great from top to bottom. We saw Karl Fredericks win the Young Lion Cup, and in doing so, put the LA Dojo in higher regard. Kishin Liger showed up for blood, and one of the few times Suzuki ever seemed scared, the mist on his face could’ve been blow back from his trunks, if you catch my meaning.

Okada’s new wrinkle with the Dropkick is a fun addition to a match we’ve already seen three times, so it’s nice that something was added to try and make this one feel different. Of course the last two matches were fantastic, and they played into one another since in the middle of Jay’s victory speech, Goto storms down the ramp and smacks Jay around a little bit.

Jay White seems adamant that Goto doesn’t deserve a shot, but that’s not really for him to decide. Should be really interesting to see who holds the Intercontinental Championship come Wrestle Kingdom.

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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 34 Results & Report! (7/25/24)

B Block, Round 3!



Can the Alpha stand the heat?

So far, AEW’s Konosuke Takeshita has been unstoppable in the G1 Climax! But will he continue to be the Alpha? Or will Yuya Uemura burn him up?


  • Toru Yano & Katsuya Murashima VS SANADA & Taka Michinoku; Sanada & Taka win.
  • Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS Shota Umino, Tomoaki Honma & Shoma Kato; The United Empire win(s).
  • Zack Sabre Jr. & Kosei Fujita VS Jake Lee & Gabe Kidd; Jake & Gabe win.
  • Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi VS EVIL & Dick Togo; Naito & Takagi win.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Hirooki Goto VS Boltin Oleg; Goto wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Jeff Cobb VS Ren Narita; Ren wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: El Phantasmo VS Yota Tsuji; ELP wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: HENARE VS David Finlay; Finlay wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Konosuke Takeshita VS Yuya Uemura; Yuya wins.


Here are the current A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 3-0, 6 points
Evil: 3-0, 6 points
Shingo Takagi: 2-1, 4 points
Gabe Kidd: 2-1, 4 points
Tetsuya Naito: 1-2, 2 points
Jake Lee: 1-2, 2 points
Sanada: 1-2, 2 points
Callum Newman: 1-2, 2 points
Shota Umino: 1-2, 2 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-3, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings!

Yuya Uemura: 2-0, 4 points
Henare: 2-0, 4 points
Konosuke Takeshita: 2-0, 4 points
Jeff Cobb: 1-1, 2 points
Boltin Oleg: 1-1, 2 points
Yota Tsuji: 1-1, 2 points
Ren Narita: 1-1, 2 points
David Finlay: 0-2, 0 points
Hirooki Goto: 0-2, 0 points
El Phantasmo: 0-2, 0 points


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Hirooki Goto VS Boltin Oleg!

The Fierce Warrior is floundering a bit at 0-2, but he’s still only a step behind the Kazakhstan Juggernaut. Can Goto use Yoshi-Hashi’s motivational words and #TurnItAllAround? Or will Oleg be the one to storm back up the ranks?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and Oleg powers Goto back to ropes. The ref counts, Oleg lets off slowly, and the fans cheer. Goto also claps and the two reset. Goto calls for a knuckle lock, Oleg obliges, and they go shoulder to shoulder for a Test of Strength! Oleg quickly brings Goto to his knees! The fans rally, Goto powers up, and Goto rolls back to reverse the pressure onto Oleg! The fans cheer, and Goto kicks low. Goto headlocks, but Oleg fires body shots. Oleg powers up and out, they RAM shoulders, and Oleg fires up! Goto runs, they RAM shoulders again, and Goto dares Oleg to go!

Oleg and Goto both run, and Oleg runs Goto over! The fans fire up and Oleg brings Goto around. Oleg ROCKS Goto with a forearm, kicks low, then CHOPS him in the corner. And CHOPS again! And CHOPS again! Goto staggers, Oleg brings him back to the corner, and RAMS into him again and again and again! Goto sits down, Oleg stomps him, but lets off as the ref counts. Oleg then drags Goto up, scoops and SLAMS him! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer, and Oleg goes for legs! Goto scrambles for ropes but Oleg drags him back! Oleg works to turn Goto over, and has the BOSTON CRAB! Goto endures and the fans rally again!

Goto powers up, crawls forward, but Oleg puts on the pressure! Goto starts to falter, but he reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! Oleg lets go and the fans cheer. Oleg paces, but he brings Goto back up. Oleg ROCKS Goto with another forearm, then CHOPS again! Oleg whips corner to corner, runs in, but Goto avoids the splash! Goto runs in but Oleg BOOTS him! Oleg keeps moving, but Goto dodges and LARIATS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Goto snarls as he rises up, and he brings Oleg up for forearm after forearm. Goto whips corner to corner, runs in and MURAMASAS! Then SAIDOS! Cover, TWO!

The fans applaud as Oleg hangs tough. Goto drags Oleg up, goes to fireman’s carry, but Oleg CLUBS him down. Oleg CLUBS Goto again, throws off the elbow pads, and he deadlifts for the Shake, Rattle and THROW! Then Oleg kips up and the fans fire up! Goto crawls to a corner, Oleg aims from the other. Goto rises, Oleg runs in and STINGER SPLASHES! Oleg keeps moving, but Goto fireman’s carries! USHIGOROSHI! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Oleg writhes but Goto rises. Goto drags Oleg up but Oleg fires a forearm first! And then another! Goto fires back, the two go back and forth!

The fans rally as Goto ROCKS Oleg! Oleg ROCKS Goto! They keep going, and Oleg gets the edge! Oleg runs, but Goto catches him and spins him, URA GTR! And then Goto runs to LARIAT! Oleg stays up!? And he DROPKICKS Goto down! The fans fire up again as Goto flounders to a corner. Oleg rises, runs in, STINGER SPLASH! Then a scoop and SLAM into the drop zone! Oleg goes up and up and VADER BOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Goto survives and the fans fire up! Oleg roars, drags Goto up, and fireman’s carries! But Goto slips free and has the SLEEPER! Oleg fades, drops to a knee, then sits down on the mat!

The fans rally as Goto squeezes on the hold and leans on Oleg! The ref checks, but Goto lets go to PENALTY- NO! Oleg blocks the kick! Oleg powers up to a fireman’s carry! LANDSLIDE DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up as Goto survives, but Oleg roars again! Oleg fireman’s carries, and he runs for- NO, Goto sunset flips it! TWO!! Oleg escapes and the fans fire up again! Goto SWATS a lariat, has the SLEEPER, then GOTO NI SHIKI! TWO!?! Oleg escapes, Goto blocks a boot! Goto HEADBUTTS Oleg down! Goto fires up and focuses his power! Oleg sits up into the BUZZSAW! Goto then drags Oleg up to dragon sleeper! G T R!! Cover, Goto wins!

Winner: Hirooki Goto, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Oleg earns 0)

It was a powerful battle from both men, but in the end, Goto comes out on top! Will he always #GetBackUp until he’s the top of the block? Can Oleg learn from this and #TurnItAllAround?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Jeff Cobb VS Ren Narita!

The Imperial Unit couldn’t stop The Don Callis Family’s Alpha, but the Souled Out Son of Strong Style snuck one past The Headbanga. Will Cobb be ready for all the tricks up Ren’s sleeve? Or will Ren cancel the Tour of the Islands?

Oh but of course Ren attacks during Cobb’s entrance! He comes running up behind the NJPW World Television Champion to CLUB him, then SMACKS him off the apron! Ren brings Cobb around to whip hard into railing! The ref reprimands but Ren brings Cobb through the gate to the very back of the crowd. Ren CLUBS Cobb again, then sends him into the wall! The ref again reprimands but Ren doesn’t care, this isn’t even a match yet. Ren whips Cobb at the chairs! But Cobb reverses to OVERHEAD SUPLEX Ren onto the chairs! Ren writhes, the fans fire up, and Cobb storms over. Cobb stands Ren up to ROCK him with a right!

The ref insist they get this in the ring so it can actually be a match. Cobb drags Ren up, brings him around the way, and ROCKS him again. The fans rally as Cobb leaves Ren behind. Cobb high-fives Callum Newman on commentary, then goes back to Ren. Cobb drags Ren up, pats him on the back, then CLUBS him! Ren staggers his way to ringside, and Cobb storms up. Cobb puts Ren’s shirt up and over his face, then CHOPS Ren down! Ren sputters while Cobb leaves him behind, Cobb signals for the bell, as does the ref, and now we’re on record. Cobb then goes out to drag Ren up and into the ring.

The fans applaud as Cobb steps on Ren. Cobb pretends he didn’t see Ren there, then drags him around. Cobb stomps Ren, then stands on him as a surfboard! Cobb “puts one out” but pretends to cough on the smoke. Cobb crane stances, then steps off Ren’s back. Cobb drags Ren back up, but Ren fires a forearm! Cobb isn’t bothered by it! Ren fires more forearms, but Cobb is more annoyed than anything. Cobb blocks a shot to then short arm LARIAT! And GACHIMUCHI FLOP as Ren moves aside! Ren grabs a leg and SMASHES the knee! Ren then drags Cobb over to a corner, and he pulls the leg around the post!

The ref counts, the fans boo, and Ren lets go at 4. Ren then SLAMS Cobb’s leg into the post! Cobb crawls away but Ren goes looking under the ring. Ren brings out multiple chairs, but steps into the ring without them. Ren tries a cocky cover, ONE! Ren drags Cobb up, throws him out of the ring, and then follows him. Ren brings Cobb around to go back through the gate. Ren CLUBS and stomps Cobb down, then fetches the chairs. Ren SMASHES the leg with a chair! The ref reprimands, Ren leaves Cobb behind, and the ref checks on Cobb. Cobb is still okay to continue, so a ring count starts. Cobb crawls, then hobbles, and he hops into the ring at 7!

The fans cheer but Ren is on Cobb with stomps! Ren puts the bad leg on ropes, then HIP DROPS the knee! Ren stands Cobb up, but Cobb ROCKS Ren! And ROCKS him again! And HEADBUTTS! Cobb hops on one leg, but Ren CLAWS Cobb’s face! The ref reprimands, but Ren scrapes Cobb’s face off ropes! The ref reprimands more, but Ren runs to BOOT Cobb down! Cover, TWO! Ren clamps onto the leg with a standing toehold, and he twists the foot around! Cobb endures, sits up and fires hands! Ren just wrenches the foot and has a seated toehold! Ren pulls on the leg, but Cobb crawls back to get the ROPEBREAK!

The fans cheer but Ren holds on. The ref counts, Ren lets go at 4. Ren storms off to fetch a chair into the ring. The ref reprimands but Ren shoves him aside. Ren aims, but the ref stops him! The fans cheer as the chair is taken away. Ren still kicks the bad leg, then runs, but into a CROSSBODY! The fans fire up while both men are down! Cobb goes to ropes, watches Ren rise, and he manages to run Ren over! And again! Ren gets mad, takes a swing, but Cobb dodges to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! The fans fire up and Cobb rises again. Ren goes to a corner, Cobb manages to run in, and he LARIATS!

Cobb brings Ren around to lift and atomic TOSS! Cover, TWO! Ren is still in this, but Cobb GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up as Cobb manages that on one good leg! Cobb hobbles after Ren, drags him up, and fireman’s carries, but Ren slips free. Ren waistlocks but Cobb denies the O’Conner Roll. Ren dodges the lariat and BOOTS Cobb! Cobb staggers, into DOWN TO DIE! Both men are down from that knee drop attack, and the fans rally up. Ren rises first, storms over and drags Cobb up. But Cobb fights the exploder! Cobb CLUBS Ren, but Ren slips around for a drop toehold into KNEEBAR!

Cobb endures, reaches out, but Ren rolls him away to keep the KNEEBAR!! Cobb endures, but Ren has the leg grapevined! Cobb still reaches out to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Ren lets go at 4, and he vows to end this now. Ren goes up a corner, Cobb stands, HELL’S- NO, Cobb avoids the “Hell’s Guillotine” knee drop and he ROCKS Ren! GERMAN- NO, Ren fights the lift to switch! Cobb switches, but Ren mule kicks the bad leg! The ref reprimands but Ren says he made sure to hit the knee. Then Ren runs up to DOUBLE- NO, Cobb pops Ren up into a fireman’s carry! F 5 THOUSAND!! Ren flounders around and the fans fire up!

Cobb crawls his way over to the cover, TWO! Ren survives from the delay but Cobb roars and beats his chest! The fans fire up with Cobb and he drags Ren back up. But Ren grabs the ref! Cobb swings, Ren dodges, and then shoves Cobb into the ref! Then a CHOP BLOCK on the bad leg! The fans boo while Ren fetches his push-up bar! Ren grins, aims, but Cobb blocks the bar attack! They fight over the bar, and Cobb TOSSES Ren away! Cobb has the bar, and he glares at Ren. Cobb shrugs, aims, but Ren has the ref look! The ref stops Cobb from using the bar, Ren LOW BLOWS Cobb! And KNEES Cobb into the DOUBLE CROSSER!! Cover, Ren wins!!

Winner: Ren Narita, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Cobb earns 0)

Once again, an underhanded victory for The Souled Out Son of Strong Style. And now, he has a win over a champion! Will Ren look to have his 15 minutes of fame even after the G1? Or can Cobb still find a way to conquer the Climax?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: El Phantasmo w/ Jado VS Yota Tsuji!

Speaking of the Headbanga, it’s been rough for him without his friends around. Will he finally stand on his own two feet again? Or will he be knocked down by a Gene Blast?

The bell rings and the fans duel, “E L P!” “YO-TA! YO-TA!” Yota and ELP take a moment to check who has the stronger cheering. Yota smiles as it seems pretty clear his fans are the majority. The two tie up, go around, and Yota wrenches to a wristlock. ELP rolls, trips Yota, turns him over, and ties up the legs for a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Yota pops free, covers, TWO!! ELP narrowly escapes and the fans cheer! The two reset, tie up again, and Yota headlocks. ELP throws body shots, powers up and out, but Yota runs him over! Yota keeps moving, ELP hurdles, Yota leaps over, but ELP sweeps! Cover, ONE! ELP avoids a sweep to body scissor roll, TWO!

Yota has a cover, TWO! ELP ghost pins, TWO!! Yota narrowly escapes and the fans fire up again! ELP asks, “How ’bout now?” The dueling is still favors “YO-TA! YO-TA!” but the ELP side is growing stronger. ELP steps up and he CHOPS Yota! The fans cheer while Yota steps back to the ropes. Yota then comes back to CHOP ELP! Yota shakes out his hand, he hit ELP that hard. ELP hushes the fans, and CHOPS Yota again! The fans cheer and ELP flexes. But Yota grins and stands back up. ELP slaps Yota around a bit, but Yota hushes everyone. But then ELP wrangles Yota by the hand! ELP drops a KNEE on the fingers!

ELP then knuckle locks, CHOPS, and goes up, up and all around to FLYING RANA! The fans fire up again and ELP feeds off the energy. Yota bails out, ELP builds speed, but Yota GAMANGIRIS the dive! ELP tumbles and fans fire up again. Yota drags ELP up, fireman’s carries, and hits SNAKE EYES off the apron! Jado coaches ELP but Yota brings ELP up and into the ring. The fans rally, Yota steps in and covers, ONE!! ELP stays in this but Yota stays on him. Yota stands ELP up to CHOP! ELP sputters, goes to a corner, and he’s got tingling in his hands. ELP shakes his head, he isn’t done yet, but Yota stands him up.

Yota RAMS into ELP again and again! Then Yota brings ELP around to half nelson and GUTBUSTER DROP! Then Yota wraps on the body scissors! ELP endures the squeeze, pulls at Yota’s legs, but Yota just squeezes tighter! ELP fights around, reaches out, but Yota puts on all the pressure he can! ELP sits up then rocks back to roll his way to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, and Yota lets ELP go. Yota paces while ELP grits his teeth and sits up. Yota drags ELP up but ELP CHOPS! And CHOPS! Yota isn’t bothered, so ELP fires a forearm! Yota CHOPS back! ELP staggers and falls against ropes, but he shakes his head.

ELP stands, CHOPS, but Yota knees low! Yota runs, ELP drops then DROPKICKS! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Yota rolls away to a corner but ELP kips up! The fans cheer, ELP runs in and forearm SMASHES! ELP whips, Yota reverses, but ELP goes up and over. ELP then ducks ‘n’ dodges to springboard CROSSBODY! ELP somersaults through to LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up and ELP calls his shot. ELP brings Yota up, straitjackets and torture racks, then spins into BRAIN SALAD! The fans fire up while ELP crawls to the cover, TWO! Yota survives and the fans rally up again.

Jado coaches ELP while both men stagger up. ELP runs in to LARIAT Yota up and out! Then ELP builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and Yota goes over railing! The Young Lions hurry to help Yota out of No Man’s Land, and that means clearing out the fans. Yota stands, ELP ROUNDHOUSES him! ELP goes to the ring, then goes up the corner! SPRINGBOARD THUNDERKISS into No Man’s Land! Direct hit and down goes Yota! ELP hobbles up as the ring count climbs, and ELP dumps Yota to ringside at 12 of 20. ELP hops over at 15, pushes Yota in at 17, and the fans cheer. ELP goes back up ropes, to SWANTON BOMB!

ELP struggles to get back up but he still LIONSAULTS, but Yota moves! ELP belly flops and flounders to a corner while the fans rally up. Yota rises, runs in, but ELP BOOTS him! ELP goes up the corner, but Yota CHOPS first! ELP leans back, Yota sits him up, and SUPER DRAGON SCREWS a leg! Yota then SMASHES that leg on the mat! Yota ties the legs up, and he lifts ELP in a PRISM TRAP!! ELP endures, reaches out, but Yota leans on the hold! ELP flails, finds his way forward, and has the ROPEBREAK! Yota lets go, and he stands on ELP’s leg! The ref reprimands, Yota steps away, and he paces while ELP drags himself up.

Yota taunts ELP, and ELP CHOPS! Yota kicks the bad leg! ELP falls, but he drags himself back up. ELP hobbles over to fire forearms, but Yota kicks the leg again! Yota scuffs ELP, gives him taunting kicks, and even stands on ELP’s bad leg. ELP pushes the leg again, stands up and staggers. ELP takes the elbow pads off, then winds up to ROCK Yota! The fans fire up and Yota even kneels! ELP gives Yota taunting kicks but Yota smiles. Yota stands to ROCK ELP. ELP steadies himself and takes a deep breath. ELP fires another forearm, and now the two go back and forth! The fans rally and duel, and ELP gets the edge!

ELP ROCKS Yota again, roars, but Yota gets the bad leg! KNEE BREAKER! But ELP still ENZIGIRIS! The fans fire up and ELP runs, into a clinch! BACKBREAKER, FLATLINER, and STOMP! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and the fans cheer, but Yota shakes his head. We pass 15 minutes as Yota brings ELP up, but ELP’s leg won’t let him stand! Yota drags ELP up and reels him in, but ELP drags him into a cradle! TWO!! ELP fakes high to roll Yota up, TWO! ELP hurries to hook arms, and backslide! ONE as Yota rolls through, to DOUBLE STOMP! The fans fire up as Yota goes up and up and MAROON- NO, ELP dodges!

Yota rolls through, ELP goes up, TORNADO DDT! And roll through! But Yota suplexes first!! ORANGE CRUSH!! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and the fans fire up! Yota is stunned, but he goes to a corner. The fans rally up and duel even harder as Yota takes aim! ELP drags himself up, Yota runs in, but ELP LEAPS the Gene Blaster! SUDDEN DEATH!! ELP brings Yota around, tucks the arms, C R 2!! But the bad leg won’t let him cover! ELP has to crawl back over to Yota, TWO!!! Yota survives because of the delay and the fans are thunderous! ELP drags himself back to a corner and Jado coaches him to try again.

ELP goes up the corner, the bad leg slowing him down. Yota GAMANGIRIS ELP! The fans fire up as Yota climbs to the very top! Yota brings ELP up to join him, but ELP fires body shots! ELP HEADBUTTS and Yota falls! ELP adjusts, aims, and THUNDERKISS 86 onto knees!! Cradle cover, but ELP rocks it back!! ELP WINS?!?

Winner: El Phantasmo, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yota earns 0)

Even the Headbanga is surprised he pulled that one out! Does this mean there is hope for ELP yet? Will Yota have to fight that much harder to keep his own G1 hopes alive?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: HENARE VS David Finlay w/ Gedo!

The NEVER Openweight Champion clashes with the IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion in what could already be a make-or-break showdown. Will the Face of Fury be leading the block? Or will The United Empire fail to conquer The Rebel?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two stare down. They circle, tie up, and Finlay slips around to headlock. Henare powers out. they RAM shoulders, then the forearms start flying! The fans fire up and Henare gets the edge! Henare runs but Finlay ROCKS him! Henare still kicks and whips, but Finlay reverses! Only for Henare to bounce off buckles and CLOBBER him! The fans cheer, Henare drags Finlay up to HEADBUTT, snapmare, and run. Finlay ducks the rugby kick, Henare avoids the rolling elbow, but Finlay narrowly avoids the heel kick! The fans fire up but Gedo coaches Finlay. Henare waits while Finlay goes around the way.

Finlay snatches the NEVER Openweight Championship off the timekeeper’s table! Finlay looks it over, then SPITS on it before he throws it down and stomps on it! The fans boo but Henare storms out after Finlay. Finlay leads Henare on a cat ‘n’ mouse game, then slips into the ring. Henare slides in but CLUBS away on him! Henare still puts Finlay in a corner and fires forearms back! Finlay turns things around to fire forearms, but then Henare turns things back around! Red Shoes tries to get Henare to stop but then Finlay turns things around to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Henare turns things back around to HEADBUTT over and over!

The fans fire up as Henare finally lets off, and then he eggs Finlay on. Finlay SPITS at Henare, then runs up! They both fire furious fists and the fans fire up! Finlay avoids a lariat to LARIAT Henare and himself up and out of the ring! The fans rally up while both men stir. Finlay brings Henare up and RAMS him into railing! And he RAMS Henare in again! Finlay glares at Douki on Japanese commentary, mockingly offers Callum a Too Sweet on English commentary, but Callum throws up the crown. So Finlay flips him off! Finlay drags Henare up, fireman’s carries, and runs, but Henare slips free! Henare swings, but into a torture rack!

Finlay backs up and he POSTS Henare, lower back first! Henare writhes, Finlay lounges and gloats, “I’m so good a this.” Finlay then Too Sweets with Gedo and shows off his IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship, gloating that he’s a real champion. The ring count climbs, but Finlay puts Henare in at 12. Cover, TWO! Henare grits his teeth but Finlay turns him over to HIP DROP! Finlay then clamps on a chinlock and he bends Henare back! Henare endures, so Finlay drops an elbow! Finlay stalks Henare, kicks him around, but the fans rally up. Finlay ROCKS Henare in the back, then CHOKES him on the ropes!

Finlay taunts Henare about the scar he suffered from the brutal steel cage match months ago. Finlay slaps Henare around as he lets off, then he brings Henare into a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! The fans applaud as Henare stays in this but Gedo taunts Henare that Finlay is a real champion! Finlay barks, and he waits on Henare to get up in a corner. Finlay runs up and in, but Henare ELBOWS him away! Then goes up, only for Finlay to duck the kick! Henare comes back but Finlay catches him into an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally but Finlay grabs the legs. Finlay works to turn Henare over, and he gets the BOSTON CRAB!

Henare endures, Finlay shifts to a HALF CRAB, but still Henare endures. Finlay grabs the other leg again for a FULL BOSTON CRAB, but Henare fights forward to the ROPEBREAK! Finlay lets go in frustration while the fans applaud. Finlay talks trash, kicks Henare around, and he ROCKS Henare with a forearm. Finlay SMACKS Henare off buckles, but Henare grits his teeth. Finlay fires another forearm, SMACKS Henare off buckles again, but Henare snarls! Finlay fires another forearm, SMACKS Henare off buckles again, but Henare just fire up! Henare headbutts the buckles, but then Finlay throat chops him!

Finlay fires more throat chops, mocks Henare’s roaring, then whips corner to corner. But Henare reverses and reels Finlay in, SAMOAN DROP! The fans fire up while both men are down! Henare rises first and he storms up to ROCK Finlay with forearm after forearm! Henare whips corner to corner, runs in, but Finlay BOOTS! Henare still LARIATS! Henare roars before he fires off fast hands from all sides! Henare HEADBUTTS, fireman’s carries, then WASTELAND SLAMS! Finlay writhes, the fans fire up, and Henare SENTONS! A bit double-edged with the damage done to his back, but Henare still covers, TWO!

The fans rally, Finlay sputters, and Henare runs to RUGBY KCIK! Finlay staggers up, Henare whips and scoops, BERSERKER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Gedo is relieved but the fans rally behind Henare. Henare looms over Finlay, eggs him on, so Finlay CHOPS! Henare isn’t bothered, so Finlay stands to fire a forearm! Henare still eggs Finlay on so Finlay UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Henare eggs Finlay on so Finlay UPPERCUTS again and again and again! Finlay runs, but into a BODY BLOW! Finlay sputters, the fans fire up, and Gedo is worried! Henare stalks Finlay to a corner, and he drags Finlay up for a BODY SHOT!

Henare looms over Finlay, and Finlay sits up, into a KICK! Finlay flops back and Henare roars! The fans cheer, and Henare brings Finlay up. Henare powers up and runs, but Finlay ducks ‘n’ dodges, only for Henare to LARIAT after all! Henare keeps going, and he LARIATS Finlay inside-out! Cover, TWO! Henare snarls and the fans fire up as he goes to a corner. Gedo coaches Finlay, and Finlay rises up, but into the RAMPAGE- DDT!! Finlay turns things around at the last moment! Both men are down again and the fans rally back up. Finlay and Henare slowly rise, and they crawl towards each other.

Finlay fires a forearm! Henare fires back! Finlay fires another, so Henare fires another! Finlay wobbles but he comes back with a forearm! They stand, the forearms keep going, and the fans rally up as the shots go back and forth. Finlay fires a flurry, then ducks to ROCK Henare! Henare HEEL KICKS! Finlay ROLLING ELBOWS! And ROLLING ELBOWS! Henare is still up so Finlay DISCUS LARIATS! Cover, ONE!! Finlay hurries to Canadian rack and CANADIAN HAMMER! Cover, TWO!! Henare survives the onslaught and Finlay is frustrated. Finlay grits his teeth, drags Henare up and reels him in, but Henare resists the lift.

Finlay CLUBS away on Henare, but Henare fireman’s carries! Finlay slips free but Henare ELBOWS him! Then JUMP KNEE! Finlay is in the corner, Henare runs up, SHINING- NO, Finlay catches Henare to a POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!! Finlay is beside himself as Henare survives again! We pass 15 minutes and Finlay roars! Finlay suplexes, but Henare fights free! Henare clinches Finlay, Finlay slips free to try again. But Henare fights free to URENAGE! Henare then aims from a corner, runs up, RAMPAGE!! Cover, TWO!! Finlay survives and the fans fire up! Henare pounds the mat and fans rally behind him!

Henare drags Finlay up, fisherman and torture rack, but Finlay slips free to roll Henare up! With tights! TWO, and Henare HEADBUTTS! But then Finlay catches Henare into OVERKILL!! Cover, Finlay wins!

Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Henare earns 0)

Whether or not Finlay’s more a “real champion” than Henare, he holds up both belts as if he’s going to soon own them both. Finlay again disrespects the NEVER title by throwing it aside, will The Rebel soon decide what matters in NJPW? Can Henare find a way to make sure that doesn’t happen?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Konosuke Takeshita VS Yuya Uemura!

The Alpha and the Heat Storm are both 2-0 and looking really good right about now. But only one can come out of here looking like the best in the block! Will Konosuke keep his momentum up? Or can Yuya continue to rise up in the summer heat?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Konosuke steps up to center, Yuya steps to him, and the two circle. They tie up, Konosuke puts Yuya on ropes, and Red Shoes calls the break. Konosuke winds up, but he lets off after all. The fans applaud, and Yuya keeps cool as the two reset. They tie up, Konosuke waistlocks but Yuya wrenches out to wristlock. Konosuke spins, slips through, wrenches back, and then hammerlocks. Konosuke headlocks, grinds the hold, but Yuya pries the hold open. Konosuke clamps it on tighter, but Yuya brings Konosuke down to then slip out and headlock back. The fans rally as Yuya grinds the hold.

Konosuke endures, rolls free and has a cording hold. Konosuke wrenches to another wristlock, but Yuya spins and wrenches in return. Konosuke rolls but Yuya rolls with him! Yuya keeps the wristlock, the fans applaud the exchange, but Konosuke rolls again. Yuya again rolls with him and wrangles Konosuke with a top wristlock! Yuya steps over the arm to trap it, and he SNAP LOCKS it! Konosuke scrambles away while clutching the arm and Red Shoes checks. Konosuke’s okay to continue so Yuya storms up. Yuya wrangles Konosuke, drops an elbow on the elbow, then drops another! And another! Yuya pulls on the arm to have a double wristlock.

Konosuke endures, pulls Yuya’s hair, then fights up to his feet. Konosuke pulls hair again but Red Shoes reprimands. Konosuke whips but Yuya reverses to SAYANAGI! And then ARM SCREW! The fans cheer while Konosuke again clutches the elbow. Yuya dropkicks Konosuke in the back, then pushes him to a cover, ONE! Yuya clamps back onto Konosuke with an armlock, but Konosuke fights up. Konosuke CLAWS Yuya’s eyes, whips, but Yuya reverses, only to take a TAKESHITA LINE! Konosuke drags Yuya up, whips him to ropes, but Yuya KICKS back! The fans cheer, Yuya runs, and he LARIATS Konosuke and himself out!

Yuya skins the cat, the fans rally up, and then Yuya PLANCHAS into an ELBOW! Konosuke knocks Yuya out of the sky, then shakes out the bad arm. Konosuke brings Yuya up, but fakes putting him in the ring to suplex and BRAINBUSTER to the ramp! Yuya sputters but is otherwise okay to continue, so Red Shoes starts the ring count. Konosuke drags Yuya up, but Yuya CHOPS! Yuya stumbles over the ring at 9 of 20, but then flops over before he can get in! The count passes 15 while Konosuke rolls in. Yuya sputters, rises, and slides in at 18! But Konosuke is right on Yuya for a snapmare, then he goes up a corner!

Konosuke fires up and the fans cheer, for the SUPER SENTON! Cover, TWO! Yuya stays in this but Konosuke stays on him with a chinlock. Konosuke traps one of Yuya’s arms, and he cranks Yuya’s head and neck! Yuya endures, even as Konosuke turns things into a HEAD ‘N’ ARM TRIANGLE! Yuya is fading, but the fans rally up! Yuya fights, but Konosuke shifts to a cover, ONE!! The fans cheer but Konosuke drags Yuya up. Yuya CHOPS, but Konosuke just frowns. Yuya CHOPS again, and Konosuke huffs ‘n’ puffs. Yuya CHOPS and CHOPS but Konosuke ROCKS him with a right! Yuya still CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS!

Yuya runs, but into a JUMPING KNEE! The fans fire up as Konosuke practically hurdles Yuya. Konosuke paces, then he drags Yuya up. Konosuke bumps Yuya off buckles, stomps him down, then KNEES him in the face! And another KNEE! Konosuke steps back so he can run up into the KNEE! Snapmare and cover, TWO! The fans cheer but Konosuke is annoyed. Konosuke drags Yuya up, but Yuya fires a forearm! Konosuke ROCKS Yuya in return! Yuya leans against ropes, Konosuke eggs him on, so Yuya CHOPS! Konosuke felt that one! Konosuke ROCKS Yuya again, so Yuya CHOPS again! Konosuke ROCKS Yuya, and ROCKS him again!

Konosuke fires shots against ropes, then whips. Yuya slides under, ducks ‘n’ dodges then FLYING FOREARMS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Konosuke rises first and goes to the red corner. Yuya roars as he storms up and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And then whips, but Konosuke reverses. Yuya goes up and over, then arm-drags! And DROPKICKS! Both men are down again and the fans fire back up! Yuya sits up, catches his breath, and then roars as he rises again. The fans cheer, Yuya runs back in at the corner, and he LARIATS! Then BULL- NO, Konosuke stops the bulldog to back suplex! Yuya lands out and hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally as Konosuke stays in this, and Yuya goes up the corner. Yuya reaches the top, but Konosuke stands first. Konosuke UPPERCUTS, climbs up, and he brings Yuya to the top. The fans rally, Konosuke brings Yuya up for the stalling SUPERPLEX! Both men are down again and the fans fire up! Konosuke rises and Yuya goes to the apron while the fans rally. Konosuke runs up to BOOT Yuya down! Then Konosuke builds speed to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp! The fans fire up again while Konosuke shakes out the arm. Konosuke drags Yuya up, wrenches and whips, and Yuya hits railing hard! Konosuke then brings Yuya around and has cameramen clear out.

Konosuke aims, whips, but Yuya reverses to POST Konosuke first! Yuya then opens the gates and runs in from No Man’s Land! Konosuke dodges, Yuya stops from hitting post, but now Konosuke runs in! Yuya dodges, the Alpha Elbow hits the POST! Konosuke clutches that arm now, and Red Shoes checks him. Did Konosuke just bust his own arm? He can still move his hand, but then Yuya RAMS Konosuke into railing! Yuya traps the right arm in the railing, then lets off to run side to side and back again! SHOTGUN to the railing! Konosuke scrambles away from having his arm smashed again! Yuya hurries after him to put him in the ring.

The fans applaud as Yuya aims from the apron. Yuya fires up, the fans join him, and he stalks Konosuke. Konosuke shakes out both arms but Yuya CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Konosuke sits down, but Yuya still CHOPS and CHOPS! We’ve passed 15 minutes but Yuya drags Konosuke up to DOUBLE CHOP! Yuya runs corner to corner and back again, to DOUBLE CHOP! The fans fire up more while Konosuke staggers away. Yuya goes up a corner, aims, and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO, but into an ARMBAR!! Konosuke clasps hands to fight the hold, then he stacks Yuya up! TWO, and Yuya shifts to the other arm!

Konosuke endures as Yuya pulls on his left arm. Konosuke kicks his way over, and has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and Yuya lets go. Yuya storms back up, full nelsons, but Konosuke fights it off! Konosuke breaks free, ELBOWS Yuya, but Yuya ROCKS Konosuke! Yuya runs, into a BOOT! Konosuke jumps up to POISON-RANA! Konosuke roars, but Yuya runs up to GERMAN SUPLEX! Konosuke rebounds to LARIAT!! The fans are thunderous as Konosuke runs, but into a DROPKCIK! Both men stagger up then fall back down, and the fans are thunderous again! The fans rally and both men slowly rise.

Yuya stands first, he winds up, but Konosuke gets under! Yuya fights the waistlock and switches, but Konosuke breaks the nelson to switch back, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! High stack, TWO!! Yuya survives but Konosuke drags him back up. Konosuke suplexes but Yuya fights free! Yuya gets around, full nelson, DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Konosuke survives and the fans rally up as hard as ever! Konosuke stirs, Yuya rises, and Yuya goes right to a corner! Yuya climbs, to FROG SPLASH FLOP as Konosuke moves! Konosuke BOOTS Yuya but Yuya PELES in return! Both men are down again!

The fans rally while Konosuke crawls to ropes and drags himself up. Konosuke shakes out his arms while he goes to a corner. Yuya rises, Konosuke runs up but Yuya blocks the lariat! Konosuke swings again but Yuya traps that arm! Konosuke fires forearms but Yuya traps that arm, too! Konosuke powers out of the cording holds but Yuya powers them back on! The two fight for control, Konosuke powers up as we hit 20 minutes! Yuya tries to keep Konosuke trapped but Konosuke breaks free, and he DECKS Yuya! The fans are thunderous again! Konosuke grits his teeth, and he nods as he storms up on Yuya.

Konosuke sits Yuya up, ROCKS him, but that hurts his forearm! Konosuke ROCKS Yuya with the other arm and that still hurts Konosuke. Yuya flops over, and Konosuke realizes that if both his arms hurt… Konosuke sits Yuya up to HEADBUTT him! Konosuke then runs, but into a RANA! Cover, TWO!! Konosuke escapes and the fans fire up again! Konosuke comes back but Yuya catches him into an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Konosuke endures, fights up, but Yuya powers him back down! Konosuke flails, reaches out, but he manages to turn over! ROPEBREAK! Yuya lets go while the fans cheer again. Yuya grits his teeth as he rises back up.

Yuya brings Konosuke up, scoops him, and SLAMS him! Yuya roars and the fans fire up with him! Yuya goes up the corner, and FROG SPLASHES!! Cover, TWO!! Konosuke survives and Yuya is beside himself! The fans are thunderous as Yuya drags Konosuke up to cording hold the arms! But Konosuke slips around to waistlock! Yuya fights the lift and wheelbarrows, but Konosuke stifles that! Konosuke hits a WHEELBARROW GERMAN!! Konosuke throws off the elbow pad and loads up an ALPHA- NO, Yuya catches Konosuke to a backslide! TWO, but into the cording holds! Konosuke HEADBUTTS again and again!

Yuya still holds the arms, powers Konosuke back to a corner, then hits the DEADBOLT!! Bridging cover, YUYA WINS!

Winner: Yuya Uemura, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Konosuke earns 0)

An incredible battle of young stars, but it is the Heat Storm that burns brightest! Konosuke is furious with himself, but will he be able to redeem himself in the next round?

As for Yuya, after taking a moment to shout in celebration, he gets the mic to tell Konosuke, “Listen up! I will be the protector of Strong Style! You want to be the best in the world right? It’s not just you. With all the promotions in the world right now, I will protect Strong Style!” The fans cheer that, and Yuya continues to say OSU, he’s on his third G1 win! Through professional wrestling, he wants to fire up this whole country. To do that, he first has to be the best. “Who’s going to fire this place up? Who? WHO?! Who’s gonna get everyone fired up? It’ll be the Heat Storm, Yuya Uemura!” The fans fire up for that, but will Yuya’s hot hand carry him to the Climax?


Here are the current A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 3-0, 6 points
Evil: 3-0, 6 points
Shingo Takagi: 2-1, 4 points
Gabe Kidd: 2-1, 4 points
Tetsuya Naito: 1-2, 2 points
Jake Lee: 1-2, 2 points
Sanada: 1-2, 2 points
Callum Newman: 1-2, 2 points
Shota Umino: 1-2, 2 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-3, 0 points


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Yuya Uemura: 3-0, 6 points
Konosuke Takeshita: 2-1, 4 points
Henare: 2-1, 4 points
Ren Narita: 2-1, 4 points
Jeff Cobb: 1-2, 2 points
David Finlay: 1-2, 2 points
Boltin Oleg: 1-2, 2 points
Hirooki Goto: 1-2, 2 points
El Phantasmo: 1-2, 2 points
Yota Tsuji: 1-2, 2 points

My Thoughts:

Another great round for G1, with some fairly surprising results. There’s no one without a win in B Block now, making it different from A Block. At the same time, we weren’t going to see droughts from Goto, ELP and Finlay that much longer. Ren of course cheated to beat Cobb, and more champs are owing title matches now. Yuya and Konosuke was an awesome main event, definitely felt it could go either way, so great moment for Yuya to stand tall in the end.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 34 Results & Report! (7/23/24)

Round 3…?



Things are getting complicated!

While A Block enters round 3 of the G1 Climax, B Block still has Jeff Cobb and Konosuke Takeshita battling it out for round 2! Will the United Empire’s Imperial Unit or The Don Callis Family’s Alpha take the lead?


  • Six Man Tag: Hirooki Goto, Shoma Kato & Tomoaki Honma VS  Boltin Oleg, Toru Yano & Katsuya Morishima;  Oleg, Yano & Morishima win.
  • El Phantasmo & Jado VS Yota Tsuij & BUSHI; Yota & Bushi win.
  • HENARE & Francesco Akira VS David Finlay & Gedo; Henare & Akira win.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Jeff Cobb VS Konosuke Takeshita; Konosuke wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Zack Sabre Jr. VS Callum Newman; ZSJ wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Shingo Takagi VS Great-O-Khan; Takagi wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Shota Umino VS Gabe Kidd; Gabe wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: SANADA VS EVIL; Evil wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Tetsuya Naito VS Jake Lee; Naito wins.


Here are the current A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 2-0, 4 points
Evil: 2-0, 4 points
Shingo Takagi: 1-1, 2 points
Jake Lee: 1-1, 2 points
Gabe Kidd: 1-1, 2 points
Sanada: 1-1, 2 points
Callum Newman: 1-1, 2 points
Shota Umino: 1-1, 2 points
Tetsuya Naito: 0-2, 0 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-2, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings!

Yuya Uemura: 2-0, 4 points
Henare: 2-0, 4 points
Jeff Cobb: 1-0, 2 points
Konosuke Takeshita: 1-0, 2 points
Boltin Oleg: 1-1, 2 points
Yota Tsuji: 1-1, 2 points
Ren Narita: 1-1, 2 points
David Finlay: 0-2, 0 points
Hirooki Goto: 0-2, 0 points
El Phantasmo: 0-2, 0 points

G1 Climax 34 B Block: Jeff Cobb VS Konosuke Takeshita!

While the opening weekend was a big success, this match had to wait. The Imperial Unit took Hirooki Goto on a Tour of the Islands, and The Alpha showed the power of AEW, but who gets back into the swing of things with another victory?

The bell rings and the two rush in! They RAM shoulders, the fans cheer, and Cobb dares Konosuke to go. Konosuke runs and RABS Cobb, but Cobb doesn’t budge. Konosuke says go, Cobb runs, and he RAMS Konosuke! They RAM again and again and again! Konosuke staggers back, fans cheer, and Cobb runs, into a BOOT! Konosuke whips, Cobb reverses but the TAKESHITA LINE hits! The fans fire up and Konosuke waits. Cobb stands, Konosuke runs in, but Cobb BOOTS! Cobb runs up to POUNCE Konosuke! Konosuke sits up in a daze, and probably just as surprised as everyone watching. Cobb then storms over and drags Konosuke up.

Cobb ROCKS Konosuke, throat chops him, but the ref reprimands. Konosuke sputters and staggers but Cobb CLUBS him down. The fans cheer, Cobb drags Konosuke around and stomps him. Cobb stands on Konosuke to use him as a surfboard! The fans cheer, Cobb calls to Toru Yano on commentary, and then copies the “Y T R” and shrug! Cobb then “realizes” he’s standing on Konosuke and steps away while “apologizing.” The fans rally, Konosuke goes to the apron, but Cobb drags Konosuke up by his hair. Cobb then CLUBS Konosuke against ropes, before stepping out onto the apron. Cobb reels Konosuke in, but Konosuke holds ropes to fight the lift!

Konosuke tries to suplex, Cobb suplexes in return! Konosuke slips into the ring and he DECKS Cobb with an elbow! The fans fire up and Konosuke builds speed, to then FLY! Direct hit and down goes Cobb at the ramp! The fans fire up more as Konosuke stands. Konosuke drags Cobb up and puts him in the ring before going up a corner. Konosuke shouts, “C’MON!” and the fans cheer. But then Cobb DROPKICKS Konosuke! Cobb climbs up and he gut wrenches for a SUPER GUT WRENCH PLEX! Both men are down after that landing and the fans fire up again. Cobb crawls over, covers, TWO! GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!

Konosuke is still in this but Cobb keeps calm. Cobb goes to the apron, then climbs a corner. The fans rally, but Konosuke UPPERCUTS first! Konosuke climbs up after Cobb, the fans rally more, and Konosuke goes to the very top! SUPER DUPER PLEX!! The fans are thunderous as the ring practically shakes! Konosuke smirks as he sits up and the fans rally again. Cobb rises, goes to a corner, and Konosuke roars! But then Cobb runs in to UPPERCUT! Cobb keeps moving, but Konosuke follows, only for Cobb to dodge! And GERMAN SUPLEX! Konosuke lands on his feet!? And BOOTS, to then POISON-RANA!

Konosuke keeps moving, but Cobb LARIATS him down! The fans are thunderous again while both men are down! Konosuke stirs, Cobb rises, and Cobb hobbles over to Konosuke. Cobb waistlocks to deadlift Konosuke! Konosuke fights the lift with elbows! Konosuke standing switches, tries to lift, but Cobb fights with elbows. Cobb DOUBLE CHOPS! Konosuke sputters, Cobb whips, but Konosuke holds ropes. Konosuke BOOTS back, dodges Cobb and HIGH ANGLE GERMANS! Bridging cover, TWO! Cobb escapes and the fans fire up! Konosuke grits his teeth, rises up and goes to a corner to take aim.

Konosuke runs up to POWER DRIVE- NO! Cobb stops the knee to ATHLETIC PLEX Konosuke away! Konosuke stands up, but into an URENAGE! FALLING HAMMER! Cover, TWO!! Konosuke survives Cobb going Hulk smash, but now Cobb really powers up! Cobb drags Konosuke up, gut wrenches, but Konosuke slips free! Konosuke tries but Cobb fights the Blue Thunder. Cobb goes to run but Konosuke reels him in! BLUE THUNDER- RANA!! Cobb rises up, Konosuke dodges the lariat and scoops on the run, BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!!! Cobb barely gets an arm up and the fans are thunderous!

Konosuke roars, drags Cobb up and suplexes, but Cobb fights that! Cobb wrenches out, reels Konosuke in, TOUR OF- NO, Konosuke slips free! Cobb JUMP KNEES, but Konosuke JUMP KNEES back! Cobb HEADBUTTS Konosuke down!! Cobb drags Konosuke back up while the fans rally. Konosuke winds up to ALPHA ELBOW!! Cobb falls to his knees, but Konosuke roars and brings him up! Suplex for the RAGING FIRE!! Cover, KONOSUKE WINS!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Cobb earns 0)

From taking down a Reiwa Musketeer to taking down the NJPW World Television Champion, Konosuke is proving why he is All Elite! But will he become the Alpha of NJPW? Can Cobb make a comeback when B Block enters round three?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Zack Sabre Jr. w/ Kosei Fujita VS Callum Newman!

Round three truly begins now, as the Submission Master takes on The Prince of Pace. ZSJ had a strong opening weekend, taking down the KOPW Champion, Great-O-Khan, and the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Tetsuya Naito. Is he about to become the Front Man of New Japan? Or can Callum make the mighty kneel?

The bell rings and the fans rally. The two circle, feel things out, and knuckle lock. Callum wrenches and wrangles ZSJ but ZSJ stands up fast. ZSJ spins, bridges, spins some more and he trips Callum to a toehold. Callum tries to fight back but ZSJ just slips around to a standing toehold. Callum steps over, rolls free, and the fans cheer this opening exchange. Even ZSJ nods and says that was good. The two reset, circle, and tie up collar ‘n’ elbow. ZSJ wrenches to a double wristlock takedown and headscissor! Callum slips an arm in between the legs and clasps hands to fight the squeeze, then he moves around.

Callum headstands, then pops free while trapping ZSJ’s legs. Callum puts on the pressure but ZSJ drags him down for a wristlock. Callum shifts to make it a cover, ONE, and Callum waistlocks. ZSJ fights up, wrenches out, and wristlocks again. Callum rolls, kips up, and wrenches back. ZSJ flips and kicks free, and the fans cheer again. The two reset again, and Callum taunts ZSJ as “ojii-san <grandpa>.” ZSJ and Callum circle, and ZSJ RAMS Callum low! ZSJ headlocks, Callum powers up and out, then drops to trip ZSJ! Callum keeps moving to basement dropkick! The fans cheer, ZSJ bails out, and Callum goes up and up to ASAI MOONSAULT!

The fans fire up as Callum takes ZSJ down at the ramp! Callum brings ZSJ up to ROCK him with a forearm, then puts him in the ring. Cover, ONE, but Callum clamps on with a chinlock. The fans rally, Callum traps an arm, and then Callum KNEES ZSJ in the back! Callum brings ZSJ up to suplex, but ZSJ fights free to wrench and PELE the arm! ZSJ WRINGS that arm out, and the fans cheer again. ZSJ sits Callum up to KICK him in the back! ZSJ then traps one arm and grabs the other. ZSJ bends the fingers, twists the wrist, isolates the arm and STOMPS it! The fans cheer while ZSJ paces around.

Callum clutches the arm but ZSJ eggs him on. The ref checks and Callum is okay to continue, so he stands up. Callum fires forearms but the pain holds him back. ZSJ UPPERCUTS Callum and he falls against ropes. The fans rally up and ZSJ brings Callum around to BOOT! Callum staggers, ZSJ runs and BOOTS him again! ZSJ keeps moving and BOOTS again! Callum roars and BOOTS! ZSJ runs and BOOTS! Callum BOOTS! ZSJ BOOTS! ZSJ whips, Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges and builds up speed to SHOTGUN KICK! The fans fire up but the bad arm bothers Callum again. ZSJ sits up and checks his teeth while the fans rally.

Callum shakes out his arm, runs up on ZSJ and UPPERCUTS! Callum snapmares, runs and PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! ZSJ stands right up and Callum eggs him on. ZSJ UPPERCUTS Callum, and now Callum eggs ZSJ in Japanese. ZSJ UPPERCUTS Callum down, and Callum kips up to ROUNDHOUSE! And ROLLING ELBOW! And BUZZSAW! ZSJ is dazed, Callum sits on the cover, TWO! ZSJ survives and the fans rally up. Fujita coaches ZSJ but Callum stands ZSJ up for forearm after forearm. ZSJ shakes his head, but Callum SOBATS! Callum goes up the corner, then up to DIVING- NO, ZSJ avoids the stomp!

Callum rolls through but ZSJ is right after him! TORNADO DDT! And a roll through for a GUILLOTINE FACELOCK! Callum endures, powers up, and he suplexes ZSJ high and hard! The fans fire up again while both men are down! Fujita and the fans rally while both men stir. Callum rises and aims from a corner. DREAMCAST- NO, ZSJ blocks the kick for a KNEEBAR! Callum endures, but ZSJ ties up the legs in an INVERTED FIGURE FOUR! ZSJ pulls on the leg but Callum fights forward! The fans rally, Callum rolls and makes it to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer while ZSJ lets go in frustration.

ZSJ stands and KICKS Callum in the leg. Callum stands but ZSJ KICKS him again. Callum avoids the leg sweep but not the takedown! ZSJ rolls to ANKLE LOCK, but Callum rolls free! Callum trips ZSJ, body scissors, but ZSJ pops him into body scissors! Callum returns the favor, JAPANESE LEG CLUTCH! TWO!! ZSJ escapes and the fans fire up! ZSJ storms up but Callum UP KICKS him! ZSJ PENALTY KICKS Callum! ZSJ keeps moving, but Callum runs up to SHOTGUN! And HEEL KICK! ZSJ wobbles, Callum springboards, OSC- NO, ZSJ catches Callum to a SLEEPER! Then ZSJ scoops, but Callum slips free to have an IRON OCTOPUS!

The fans fire up as ZSJ now endures a stretch hold! ZSJ pulls on Callum’s leg! Callum shifts around for a SUNSET BOMB! Cover, TWO! ZSJ survives and the fans fire up again! Callum drags ZSJ up, reels him in, and brings him up for a POWER- NO! ZSJ makes it a TRIANGLE HOLD! But Callum deadlifts for a SITOUT BOMB! Cover, TWO, and it’s back to the TRIANGLE HOLD! Callum rolls, kicks at ZSJ’s face, but ZSJ grabs that leg for a HEEL HOOK!! Callum is caught in a combo hold, and TAPS! ZSJ wins!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by submission (gains 2 points; Callum earns 0)

The Front Man is leading the way for A Block as he’s now 3-0! Will ZSJ be unstoppable on his way to the Climax? Can Callum find a way to spring back in the next round?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Shingo Takagi VS Great-O-Khan!

A rivalry reignites tonight as The Rampaging Dragon once again battles The Dominator. Takagi started strong by pinning Tetsuya Naito, but got shot down by Shota Umino. Will he be able to rebound against the KOPW Champion? Or will Khan conquer this ungovernable for the United Empire?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, go around, and clinch. Khan waistlocks, Takagi slips free, and the two separate. The fans applaud and the two go again. They clinch, Khan facelocks, but Takagi endures the squeeze. Khan underhooks to BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! The fans cheer and Khan poses. Khan then cocky covers, ONE! Khan stomps Takagi over and over, but Takagi grits his teeth. Khan KICKS Takagi, stomps him more, then drops an AX HANDLE! Khan pushes Takagi over, cocky cover, TWO, but into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Takagi reaches back and has the ROPEBREAK!

The fans applaud, the ref counts, and Khan lets go quickly. Khan paces around, and he kicks at Takagi. Takagi scowls, then CHOPS! Khan shakes his head and smirks. Takagi CHOPS again! Then JABS! JABS! And JABS! Takagi CHOPS but Khan blocks! Khan wrangles Takagi into a FUJIWARA ARMBAR, then shifts for a DOUBLE ARMBAR! Takagi flails and reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Khan lets off slowly, and then Khan clamps onto an arm for a double wristlock! Takagi endures, even as Khan pulls on the arm. Khan stands on Takagi, pushes him down, then drags him up to KNEE low! And KNEE low again!

Khan whips but Takagi blocks the sayanagi! Khan kicks and tries again, but Takagi CLUBS Khan down, and BLINDSIDE SLIDING LARIATS! The fans cheer while Khan tumbles to a corner. Takagi shakes out his arms, stands back up, and the fans rally. Takagi runs in at the corner but blocks a boot. Takagi LARIATS through, then fires the fans up more! Takagi JABS, CHOPS and repeat! The ref counts but Takagi JABS, JABS and JABS! Takagi then whips Khan corner to corner, runs in to LARIAT, and then reels Khan in. Khan fights the suplex, throws body shots, then IRON CLAWS at Takagi’s chest!

Takagi tries to pry the claw away but Khan CLUBS him first. And then Mongolian Chops! And Mongolian Chops! And Mongolian- NO, Takagi blocks and UPPERCUTS, then DOUBLE CHOPS! Then Takagi gives a bit of Muta before the SENTON! Takagi drags Khan up to suplex high and hard! Khan flounders, Takagi covers, TWO! The fans fire up and Takagi looks around. Takagi roars, and he says, “TOKI GA KITA!” The fans fire up as the time has come! Takagi rises, brings Khan up and runs, to SLIDING- HEAD ‘N’ ARM TRIANGLE! Khan drags Takagi up, Takagi fights to a clinch, but Khan hits a leg trip takedown!

The fans fire up while both men are down again. Khan rises up, drags Takagi up, but Takagi shoves him. Takagi ELBOWS, JABS, and YUKON- NO, Khan blocks the lariat to fireman’s carry and takeover! Then Khan hauls Takagi up to MONKEY FLIP, then SAYANAGI! Cover, TWO! But into the HEAD ‘N’ ARM! Khan leans on the hold, thrashes Takagi around, but Takagi still endures. Takagi fights around as the fans rally, and he has the ROPEBREAK again! The fans cheer, Khan lets go in frustration, but Khan drags Takagi up into the IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Takagi flails but he’s already fading! Takagi powers up to RAM Khan into a corner!

Khan lets go, but then he clamps right back on! IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Khan is even BITING Takagi’s ear! FGO PLEX! But Takagi’s right up to PUMPING BOMBER!! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Khan sputters and Takagi sits up. Takagi crawls over to Khan, pushes him into the corner, then runs in to LARIAT! Takagi reels Khan in to hoist him up top, and then Takagi climbs up after Khan! SUPERPLEX! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Takagi rises and the fans rally behind him again. They join in on the “OI! OI! OI!” and Takagi stands. Takagi sits Khan up for HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! “OI! OI! OI!”

Takagi runs, SLIDING- NO, Khan dodges! But Takagi blocks the boot to fire boxing elbows! Takagi ROCKS Khan, but Khan roars! Takagi JABS, HEADBUTTS, and- IRON RIGHT from Khan!! The ref reprimands but Khan IRON SLEEPERS, and then Bow ‘n’ Arrow racks Takagi! Khan spins for the SPINNING BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and the fans fire up again! Khan drops back to a corner, watches Takagi rise, and then runs back in, for a BOOT! And then an ELIMI- DDT!! Takagi takes Khan down and the fans are thunderous! Khan stirs and Takagi rises, and Takagi grabs at Khan.

Takagi drags Khan up, roars, and LARIATS! Khan wobbles, Takagi runs to LARIAT! Khan stays up and Takagi runs, but Khan SWATS the lariat, to then LARIAT back! The fans are thunderous again as Khan clamps on the IRON CLAW! ELIMI- NO, Takagi slips around to SNAP DRAGON! Khan is up, but PUMPING BOMBER hits!! Cover, ONE?!? Khan lets loose the Monster Rage, but Takagi dodges him! PUMPING BOMBER into cover!! TAKAGI WINS!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Khan earns 0)

The United Empire has suffered loss three matches in a row! Will Khan ever get off the starting block? Will the Rampaging Dragon soar to the top of the block and take the G1 by storm?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Shota Umino VS Gabe Kidd!

These two have had run-ins before, but this could be their most intense encounter yet. Both are 1-1, will it be the Roughneck that rises up? Or will #SHOOTER not be #WarReady like this War Dog?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two stare down. The fans duel between “SHOTA!” and “GABU!” but neither man budges. They slowly start up, and then they quickly tie up! They’re in a deadlock at center, then break. Neither man backs down and the fans cheer. The two tie up again, are in another deadlock, but Shota digs in to push Gabe back. They end up on ropes, the ref counts, and Shota lets off cleanly. The fans applaud and the two go again. Another deadlock, but this time Gabe’s height helps him put Shota on ropes. The ref counts again, and Gabe lets off, to CHOP! Shota ROCKS Gabe, headlocks, and holds on tight as Gabe tries to power out.

Gabe endures the grind, fights up and throws body shots. Gabe pulls hair, wrenches free and headlocks. Shota powers up and out, ducks the rebounder, and IG- NO, Gabe slips free of the neckbreaker to reel Shota in! But Shota slips free of the suplex to half nelson. Gabe standing switches, Shota elbows free, then ROCKS Gabe. Gabe flips Shota off before he ROCKS Shota back! Shota flips Gabe off before he ROCKS Gabe again! They BOTH fire forearms, wobble, and Gabe swings! Shota dodges, comes back, but then Gabe dodges. Both men run and the RAM shoulders! They both roar and the fans fire up!

Shota fires a flurry of forearms, but Gabe CHOPS back! Gabe whips, Shota reverses and DROPKICKS! Gabe falls and the fans fire up with Shota! Shota shakes out his arm while he paces around. Shota goes back to Gabe to stomp him. Gabe goes to a corner, Shota fires a forearm, then CLUBS Gabe on the neck. Gabe goes to another corner, Shota UPPERCUTS him! Gabe sits down, so Shota digs his boot in. The ref reprimands and counts, but Gabe eggs Shota on! So Shota stomps Gabe! The ref has Shota back off, but Gabe still glares at Shota. Shota drags Gabe up, whips him corner to corner, then runs in, but Gabe puts him on the apron!

Gabe swings, Shota counter punches, then Shota slingshots in, only for Gabe to block the DDT! Gabe throws body shots but Shota CLUBS away on Gabe. Shota uses ropes but Gabe denies the tornado! Gabe dodges a lariat to BITE Shota on the face! Then Gabe SAIDOS Shota away! The fans fire up while both men are down! Shota goes to the far side while Gabe grits his teeth and sits back up. Gabe crawls over to Shota, and junkyard dog headbutts him! Gabe then KICKS Shota, KICKS him again, then stands him up. Gabe CHOPS Shota and Shota staggers away to a corner. The fans rally up and duel while Gabe snarls.

Gabe storms over to Shota, Shota kicks at him but Gabe eggs Shota on. Shota gives more kicks, but Gabe stomps Shota down! The ref counts, Gabe lets off and the fans rally more. Gabe stalks Shota, CHOPS him, but Shota gets in Gabe’s face! Gabe grins, CHOPS, but Shota still gets in his face. Gabe fires forearms then a CHOP! Shota just fires a flurry in return! Gabe fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT, then he DECKS Shota! Gabe grabs the legs and turns Shota over for a BOSTON CRAB! Shota endures but Gabe sits deep on the hold! Shota still fights and the fans rally up. Gabe puts all he can into the Crab but Shota powers up! Shota fights forward to the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Gabe lets go of one leg, but the ref counts again. Gabe lets go of Shota completely, then paces around. Gabe makes sure the camera is on him. Gabe says Shota thought he was “him,” but no, it’s all about Gabe. Gabe talks smack, stomps Shota, then eggs him on. The fans rally up, Gabe asks if this is what Tanahashi thinks the future is, then he kicks Shota around. Gabe toys with Shota, taunts him, then drags him up. Shota fights the lift so Gabe CLUBS away on Shota’s back. Gabe tries again but Shota back drops free! The fans fire up while Shota leans on ropes. Gabe rises, swings, but into a dragon sleeper! TEST DRIVE!

Fans fire up while both men are down again. Shota grits his teeth, then he fires up! The fans cheer, Shota runs in at the corner, BLINDSIDE KNEE! Then TORNADO DDT! Shota dragon sleepers, inverted suplex, TRIDENT! Cover, TWO! Gabe survives but Shota aims while the fans fire up. Shota runs in, IGNITION! Shota then drags Gabe up and underhooks, but Gabe wrenches out to JAB! Shota roars, Gabe DECKS him! Both men fall, the fans fire up, and the ref still reprimands about a closed fist on Gabe’s part. The ref checks Shota, he’s still conscious so the match continues. Gabe sits up first, and he dares Shota to meet him.

They both go to center, and Shota fires a forearm. Gabe gives it right back. Shota glares at Gabe, then fires another forearm. Gabe fires one back! Both men stand, egging the other on. The fans rally up as the forearms go back and forth, faster and faster, harder and harder! Gabe wobbles, Shota UPPERCUTS! But then Gabe clinches to CLUB, LARIAT and CLUB! Gabe runs but into a POP-UP KNEE! Gabe still fires another forearm! Shota ROCKS Gabe, then ROLLING ELBOWS! Gabe CHOPS! Shota ENZIGIRIS! Gabe JABS, HEADBUTTS, and YUKON LARIATS! A shot at Takagi as Gabe covers, ONE?!?

Shota clinches Gabe for an EXPLODER! Gabe roars and rises, to LARIAT Shota! Shota roars and rises, catches Gabe, HALF ‘N’ HALF PLEX! Gabe rises, but into the ROLLING ELBOW!! Shota falls on the cover, TWO!! Gabe survives and the fans are thunderous! The fans then rally up as both men stir. Gabe crawls to one corner, Shota to the other end. Shota storms over to Gabe, and Gabe SPITS at him! Shota brushes that off, Gabe laughs, but Shota stomps a mudhole in! He even shoves the ref aside to give more! Shota digs his boot in, scrapes Gabe’s face again and again, then slaps him around! Gabe rises up, to SLAP Shota!

Shota SLAPS, Gabe SLAPS, then they fire forearms again! The fans fire up as the strikes fly fast and furious! Gabe HEADBUTTS away, then clinches Shota into a corner! Gabe smothers Shota, the ref counts, and Shota claws at Gabe! They both push the ref aside, then the SLAPS and forearms return! Shota SLAPS Gabe down!! The fans are thunderous while Shota looms over Gabe. Gabe is dazed and Shota roars! Shota drags Gabe up, reels him in but Gabe kicks free! Gabe reels Shota in, but Shota wrenches out! Shota ROCKS Gabe, Gabe ROCKS Shota, then Gabe runs. Shota ELBOWS Gabe, runs, but Gabe LARIATS!

Gabe keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, REBOUND- NO, Shota ducks and shoves Gabe away. Shota then pops Gabe up, but Gabe BITES Shota’s face to stop the suplex! The ref reprimands but Gabe reels Shota in, SNAP PILEDRIVER!! Cover, TWO!!! Shota survives, and Gabe is actually amused! Gabe rises up, shaking his head. The fans duel, we pass 15 minutes, and Gabe drags Shota up. Gabe reels Shota in but then shoves him back, so he can DECK him! Gabe then flips Shota over for the LIONTAMER! Shota endures, reaches out, but Gabe digs that knee into Shota’s back to bend him!

Shota endures, even as Gabe digs in deep! Shota tells Gabe off even while he’s sideways! So Gabe lets Shota go to gut wrench and DOCTOR BOMB!! Cover, Gabe wins!!

Winner: Gabe Kidd, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Shota earns 0)

The Roughneck endured a lot in this match, but in the end, The Mad Man had more malice to give! Will Gabe continue to show how NJPW Strong he truly is? Can Shota recover to still bring about the Paradigm Shift?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: SANADA VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

Now this is a highly anticipated showdown! The Cold Skull and the King of Darkness will forever be connected, from their time in Los Ingobernables de Japon, their reigns as IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, and from their battles over the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. The G1 Climax is both their road back to that title, who blocks the other’s path to redemption?

Evil offers Sanada a House of Torture shirt? Evil wants Sanada to leave Just5Guys to join up with him? Sanada takes the shirt, tries it on, and clearly Evil chose the right size. Sanada shakes Evil’s hand?! Is he really defecting!? Evil gets the mic to tell Hiroshima, “We’ve been talking from the start. From today, say hello to Bullet Club: House of Torture’s Sanada! That old Sanada you love is gone.” The fans boo, but Evil tells Sanada that just like they promised, Sanada will let Evil win. Evil drops the mic, the bell rings, and Sanada lies down! Evil steps up, but Sanada drags him into a cradle! TWO!!

Evil is shocked, and Sanada RIPS the shirt off! Sanada tricked the trickster, then SHINING- NO, Evil gets away first! Evil is upset that Sanada lied to him, and says this should just be a No Contest! The fans boo but Evil rings the bell himself. Evil goes to leave, but Sanada pursues! Sanada CLUBS Evil, CLUBS Dick, then CLUBS Evil again. The fans cheer as Sanada drags Evil back into the ring, and he rings the bell to let everyone know this is still a match! Sanada stands Evil up, blocks a kick, and he trips Evil up! Sanada ties Evil up in Paradise! The fans cheer and Sanada says time for pictures! Then he DROPKICKS Evil outta Paradise!

The fans cheer, Evil writhes, and Sanada drags Evil up. Sanada wrenches Evil, wrenches again, then CLUBS the arm. Sanada whips, Evil reverses, then Evil gets in the ref’s face while Dick trips Sanada up! The fans boo but Dick gets away with that one. Evil tells off the fans but they tell Evil to go home. Evil smirks as he drags Sanada up, brings him around, and TOSSES him out! Evil then goes out after Sanada, and RAMS him into Abe-san! Evil’s strange vendetta continues, and he mockingly applauds while fans boo. Evil then leaves Sanada behind, and Sanada checks on Abe. Young Lions help Abe, and Evil unties the blue buckle pad.

The ref checks Sanada, and though Sanada clutches his back, he’s alright. Sanada stands, hobbles back up, but Evil BLASTS him off the apron! Sanada falls and hits railing, knocking Abe-san over again! Abe’s suffering more than usual, but Evil just soaks up all the heat. Evil taunts the fans, the ref starts a ring count but he doesn’t have Abe backing him up. Sanada is still down at 7 of 20, but the fans rally up. Sanada rises at 11, stands at 14, and slides in at 15. The fans cheer, but Evil is right on Sanada with a cocky cover. ONE, and Evil smirks. Evil drags Sanada up but Sanada fires body shots! Sanada fires haymakers, too!

Evil whips Sanada and surprise, bare buckles! The Bullet Club Special strikes again and the fans boo. The ref asks Dick what the heck, and Evil mocks the tranquilo! Evil covers, TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third cover, TWO!! Sanada escapes that deeper leg hook and Evil is frustrated. The fans rally, Evil paces, and he talks some trash. Evil steps on Sanada’s face, tells the fans to shut up, and then taunts Sanada more. Evil kicks Sanada around, but Sanada rises to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP again! Evil knees low, whips, but Sanada reverses and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS! The fans fire up while both men are down.

The fans rally as Sanada rises, and he stretches out his back before he brings Evil up. But Evil knees low! Evil runs but Sanada hurdles, hurdles and DROPKICKS! Evil tumbles out, Sanada storms up, and Sanada PLANCHAS! Down goes Evil, and the fans fire up! Sanada encourages them to get louder and louder and the fans oblige. But while the ref’s checking Evil, Dick kicks Sanada! Dick whips but Sanada reverses, and Dick hits railing hard! Dick falls over, Sanada makes the pecs dance, and Sanada goes back for Evil. Sanada drags Evil up and puts him in the ring. The fans cheer and Sanada covers, TWO!

Sanada stays cool while the fans rally again. Sanada paces, drags Evil up, but Evil fights the fireman’s carry! Evil pulls hair, the ref reprimands, and Sanada breaks free. Evil blocks Sanada’s kick, hands it to the ref and he mule kicks Sanada down! The fans boo but Evil smirks. Sanada goes to the red corner, Evil waits on him to get up, and Evil runs in to LARIAT! Then FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Sanada stays in this and Evil is annoyed, but the fans rally up again. Evil drags Sanada up, fireman’s carries, but Sanada fights free. Evil rushes in, Sanada slips around, and O’Conner Rolls! Roll through into SKULL END!

Evil endures as Sanada squeezes tight! Evil kicks around, reaches out, but Sanada keeps him from ropes! Evil still tries, and he kicks his way over to the ROPEBREAK! The fans oddly cheer and Sanada lets go. Sanada takes his time, goes back for Evil, and he fireman’s carries. Evil fights free now, shoves Sanada at the rope, but then Sanada dodges! Evil avoids running into the ref, and Sanada kicks him low! Sanada whips, Evil reverses, but sends him into the ref! Down goes the ref and in comes Dick! The fans boo as Dick stomps away on Sanada! The fans tell Dick to go home but he and Evil stomp Sanada more.

Dick and Evil “put one out” on Sanada, then drag him up. They double whip him to the neutral corner, to then UPPERCUT, LARIAT and snapmare! Evil paces, seeing the ref is still down. Dick fetches a chair! Evil holds the chair up and fans boo. Evil taunts Sanada, Sanada slowly rises, and the fans rally. Sanada stands, but he dodges the chair shot! So Evil throws the chair at Sanada! Sanada catches the chair, dodges the lariat, then tosses the chair back! Evil catches it, and Sanada DROPKICKS the chair into him! Fans fire up, Dick gets up, but Sanada DROPKICKS him, too! The fans fire up more and Sanada aims from the corner.

Evil rises, Sanada runs in, SHINING WIZARD! Direct hit and Sanada calls to the ref! Sanada drags Evil up as the ref returns, and DEAD- NO, Evil slips free, shoves Sanada away, then uses the ref as a shield! Sanada pushes the ref aside, Evil LOW BLOWS! Evil drags Sanada up, but Sanada LOW BLOWS in return! The fans cheer as Evil tastes more of his own medicine! Both men are down and the fans rally for Sanada. Sanada sits up first, and runs up again, but Evil ducks the Shining Wizard! Fireman’s carry, DARKNESS FALLS! Cover, TWO! Sanada survives and the fans fire up again! Evil is frustrated but he slashes his throat.

Evil drags Sanada up, spins him around, EVERYTHING- NO, Sanada fights that! Sanada throws elbows, spins Evil around and puts him on ropes, MAGIC SCREW! Both men are down again and the fans rally up. Sanada kips up, drags Evil to a drop zone then goes up top, ROUNDING BODY PRESS! Cover, TWO!! Evil survives but Sanada just drags him back up. Clinch and- NO, Evil slips free, EVERY- NO! Sanada slips free and steals EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Sanada sees Dick rise and DECKS him! Then Sanada PLANCHAS Dick down! The fans fire up and Sanada hurries back in after Evil!

Sanada roars at Evil to get up, and he runs in, BLINDSIDE WIZARD!! And then Sanada reloads, but Evil uses the ref as a shield! Sanada jumps over, avoids Everything, but then Evil LOW BLOW MULE KICKS!! And KAKU-EVIL!! Cover, EVIL WINS!!

Winner: Evil, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Sanada earns 0)

The King of Darkness’ newest weapon, the combination of “kakui” (cool, handsome, etc.) and “evil,” takes down The Cold Skull! Though he sure tried every other trick he had first… But at this rate, is there any stopping Evil now? Or will Darkness Fall on the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship once again?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Tetsuya Naito VS Jake Lee!

Speaking of the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, the most shocking thing in the G1 so far has been his 0-2 start! Is The Uncontrollable Charisma done owing people golden tickets? Or will he fail to get one over on this “Smart Bastard?”

Naito takes things even slower this time, perhaps hoping to frustrated Jake. Jake speeds things up by kicking the vest and coat out himself. So Naito throws his shirt down to make Jake kick that, too. Same with the leather belt. Naito takes care of the pants himself, though. The fans cheer now that Naito’s ready, and the bell rings. The fans rally for “NA-I-TO! NA-I-TO!” and Red Shoes assesses, it is definitely in Naito’s favor. Jake doesn’t let that bother him, and he conducts the choir of fans here in Hiroshima. The two slowly circle, then tie up. Jake’s height is his leverage and he pushes Naito onto the ropes.

Red Shoes calls for the break, and Jake slowly lets off. Jake puts Naito’s hands down by his side, and pats him on the shoulder. Naito reels back but Jake ROCKS him first! No spitting for Naito and Jake whips him to ropes. Naito tumbles and hits ropes, then falls back! Jake stomps away on Naito, stands him up to SPIT on him, then Jake TOSSES Naito out! Naito lands on his feet and walks away, but Jake storms out after him. Jake CLUBS Naito, CHOPS him, then brings him around the way. Jake has cameramen clear out so he can whip Naito. But Naito reaches out to grab the post and uses that to swing back into the ring!

Naito is tranquilo and the fans cheer! Jake kicks the railing in frustration and then storms into the ring. Jake blocks Naito’s arm-drag, whips him to ropes, but Naito reverses to kick, turn, stall, and NECKBREAKER! The fans rally while Jake clutches his neck. Naito sits Jake up and clamps on a chinlock. Naito digs his knee in and Jake endures. The fans rally, Jake pries at the chinlock, then reaches out for the ROPEBREAK! Naito lets off to stomp Jake, then CLUB away on him in the corner. Naito whips corner to corner, but Jake reverses! Jake runs in, Naito dodges, but then Jake BOOTS him! Naito staggers, Jake grabs him with both hands!

Jake lifts Naito for a HANGING CHOKE, then SLAM! The fans applaud that show of strength, and Jake shouts at them that Naito’s nothing! Naito bails out of the ring while fans cheer and jeer. Jake lets his hair down, goes out after Naito, and he drags Naito up. Jake wrenches, whips, and Naito hits railing hard! Naito flounders but Jake stalks him. Jake brings Naito through No Man’s Land, and SMACKS him off a chair! The fans rally but Jake looms over Naito. Jake drags Naito up, brings him back to ringside, then brings him up the ramp. Naito fires body shots but Jake still drags Naito along, and they go up to the stage!

Jake CLUBS Naito, reels him in, and suplexes! Naito kicks and flails to fight it off! Jake tries again but Naito resists, so Jake CLUBS Naito and DDTS him on the stage! Jake stands and mockingly applauds while he walks back down the ramp. The fans rally for Naito, the ring count finally starts, and Naito stirs at 5 of 20. Jake rolls in at 7, and Naito starts rolling down the ramp. Jake mocks the tranquilo while Naito crawls. The count passes 10 of 20, Naito still crawls. Naito stands at 15, stumbles and tumbles again at 17! Naito keeps moving, and springs in at 19.5! Jake is right on Naito for a snapmare and PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!

Jake clamps on with a SLEEPER! Naito flails but he’s already fading! The fans rally, Naito fights up, but Jake just squeezes tighter! Naito starts to fade again, and Jake thrashes him around! Naito reaches out, but Jake makes him sit back down. Jake feints running then KICKS Naito right in the chest! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO!! A third cover, TWO!!! Naito narrowly gets out of that and the fans fire up! Jake is annoyed, he SPITS at the fans, and the fans boo. Jake takes a bow, soaking up the heat like a gentleman. Jake drags Naito up, reels him in, and suplexes, but Naito slips free to waistlock!

Jake elbows free, runs, but into an atomic drop! Naito CLUBS Jake, CLUBS again, then whips. Naito ELBOWS Jake down then basement dropkicks him! The fans fire up while both men are down and we pass 10 minutes. Naito rises, brings Jake up then kicks and CLUBS him. Naito whips, Jake reverses but Naito holds ropes. Naito BOOTS Jake, gets around, shoves and ELBOWS him! Naito whips, ELBOWS again, then brings Jake in to turn, stall… and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Naito keeps cool, and he clamps on a cravat. Naito has the neck wrench on, but Jake fights up. Jake fires body shots and forearms, but Naito hits back.

The forearms go back and forth and the fans rally up. Jake winds up to ROCK Naito again, again, and again! Then he DECKS Naito! Jake stands on Naito’s neck and laughs, not even bothered this won’t count as a cover. The fans boo but Jake steps off to flip everyone off. Jake drags Naito up, but Naito throws those heavy elbows! Naito ELBOWS Jake down and the fans fire up! Naito goes back for Jake, brings him up, and puts him in a corner for forearm after forearm. Naito hops up the corner, reels Jake in, but Jake breaks free! SUPER CHOKE SLAM! Naito is down, Jake rests in the corner, and the fans rally up.

Jake grins while the fans rally for “NA-I-TO!” Jake runs in, GIANT KING KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Naito survives and Jake is annoyed. Jake waits on Naito to rise, hand primed and ready. Naito stands, into the choke grip! CHOKE- NO, Naito slips free, stumbles, but gets around to ENZIGIRI! Jake staggers around, and CORRIENDO SHIKI- NO, Jake manages to smother Destino, so Naito RAMS him into a corner! Naito hoists Jake up top, as tall as he is, and then climbs. But Jake slips under to bring Naito off the corner! LAST- NO, Naito slips free! Naito ENZIGIRIS again, then whips! Jake reverses to kitchen sink KNEE!

Jake drags Naito up for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO!! Naito survives falling from that high up and the fans are thunderous! Jake SPITS at them again! Jake aims as Naito is in the corner, FACE BREAK- NO, Naito dodges! And he ducks Jake’s roundhouse! Naito waistlocks, but Jake pries free. Naito fires forearm after forearm! Then ENZIGIRI again! Jake wobbles, Naito wrenches, but Jake KNEES low! And ROUNDHOUSES! Naito falls to his knees then the mat! Red Shoes checks, Naito is still conscious, and the fans rally up even harder. But Jake storms back up to choke grip! And CHOKE- DESTINO!!! Cover, NAITO WINS!!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Jake earns 0)

The IWGP World Heavyweight Champion does NOT owe Jake Lee a golden ticket! The Madness Dark Side could not tear Naito down, will he just have to win the whole thing if he wants his title shot?

As for Naito, after catching his breath and getting his hat, he also gets the mic. “Buenas noches, Hiroshima~!” The fans cheer, and Naito says that Hiroshima is his home. The fans cheer that, too! Naito was motivated through that match to win in front of the people here and hold this mic right now. “I was thinking up to today what to say on the mic, but that match made me forget it all. So just tranquilo, assen na yo.” The fans cheer that, and Naito says that no matter how much he relaxes, it surely won’t come back to him, but he of course remembers the one thing he wants to do the most now that he’s home.

Naito wants to have a “chorus” with everyone here in Hiroshima. They should have the first roll call of this year’s G1 Climax. The fans cheer that! So then, Hiroshima, are you ready? The fans cheer, because they’re definitely ready. Then the third night of G1 Climax action can naturally only close with… “Bushi! Hiromu! Takagi! Titan! Yota! Y Naito! NOSOTROS! LOS! INGOBERRRRRNABLEEES~! DE! JA! PON!!” The fans cheer as Naito finally gets to have his say. But will Naito have to fight even harder if he wants to stay in the running for the playoffs? Or will he end up owing a few more tickets before the end of this?


Here are the NEW A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 3-0, 6 points
Evil: 3-0, 6 points
Shingo Takagi: 2-1, 4 points
Gabe Kidd: 2-1, 4 points
Tetsuya Naito: 1-2, 2 points
Jake Lee: 1-2, 2 points
Sanada: 1-2, 2 points
Callum Newman: 1-2, 2 points
Shota Umino: 1-2, 2 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-3, 0 points


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Yuya Uemura: 2-0, 4 points
Henare: 2-0, 4 points
Konosuke Takeshita: 2-0, 4 points
Jeff Cobb: 1-1, 2 points
Boltin Oleg: 1-1, 2 points
Yota Tsuji: 1-1, 2 points
Ren Narita: 1-1, 2 points
David Finlay: 0-2, 0 points
Hirooki Goto: 0-2, 0 points
El Phantasmo: 0-2, 0 points

My Thoughts:

Another awesome night for NJPW, and I really don’t know why Cobb VS Konosuke had to wait until now. Unless Konosuke had to do something with AEW or even DDT Pro on Sunday? Well, either way, their match was great stuff, and I’m really surprised Konosuke won. Konosuke VS Cobb for the NJPW World TV Championship down the road could be a lot of fun. All of B Block is back in action on Thursday, with Konosuke in the main event against Yuya Uemura, so it’d be pretty wild if Konosuke won and got to talk.

A Block’s round three was great stuff. I figured ZSJ would win, even with how well Callum’s been doing. Great win for Takagi over Khan, but I’m just not sure he’ll return to the KOPW Division after this. Shota VS Gabe was certainly the most intense match of the night, they’ve got a good rivalry going. Gabe winning out was fitting, he can’t be losing too much as NJPW Strong Champion. Sanada VS Evil was really good, especially with that obvious swerve coming from Sanada. But Evil winning out because of cheating, that just seems to be how it is with House of Torture. They get strong starts in these round robins, but will lose out in the end.

And great main event, but it seems to be Naito’s thing right now to just be dominated and beat up by his opponents. Naito finally turns that around to win out, and it was definitely so Naito could have his moment here. It’s still early, he can make a run at the G1 Climax playoffs since the top three scores advance. The top seed gets a bye, then second and third must face off in wild card matches, so Naito could still squeak into the next round if he’s the third best. But at the same time, he won last year’s G1 and is the champ, he doesn’t have to win out this year. I’d personally make it ZSJ, because he is that good, and I want to see how he’ll customize the Right to Challenge briefcase.

My Score: 9/10

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