Wrestling can be annoying at times, and Steve Cook is ANNOYED! Find out which phrases are annoying him the most right now.
Tiffany takes a look back at the face and heel turns that simply did not work. Did yours make the list?
Turning heel doesn't always work. Tiffany takes a look at some times it did, and other times where it hasn't.
Ol' Steve Cook continues his look back through his own wrestling history with this Top 5 Memories of 1996!
So WWE is once again up to their same old marketing tricks to sell their next big show (Backlash) to us the audience. Almost every major...
Ringsiders star and fellow Brit, Jamie Bell pops by Badlands to help Mags draft the definitive Top Ten of Wrestling Catchphrases. Oh, It was a Rush!
Patrick, Miranda, and Greg discuss the options in front of Matt Hardy including AEW, NXT, and more. Plus, the trio looks at 10 movies starring The...
Matt Davis is back with a look at the WWF Championship in 2001. This edition features The Rock, Kurt Angle, and Steve Austin!
Cook breaks down the Top 5 events with...talent...in South Beach. Close enough, enjoy the read!
Matt Davis digs into the WWF Championship in 2000, featuring Triple H and The Rock!
Matt Davis presents his look at the WWE Championship in 1999! This year was so loaded that this is only Part One!
Matt takes a look back at the WWF Championship in 1998, including the first reigns for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and The Rock!
Public apologies are a trope we've grown to expect. Cook goes over his Top 5 WWE apologies!
Chris King traveled back to 2003 where Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff handpicked five top superstars to battle in a 5-on-5 Elimination Match where Stone Cold's...
Sarah Hirsch checks back in to The Chairshot to look at a potential WrestleMania classic: Randy Orton vs. The Rock!
Chris King is going back in time and highlighting some of the greatest Survivor Series five-on-five matches in WWE history, starting with The WCW/ECW Alliance vs....