Chairshot Classics
Chairshot Classics: WWF SummerSlam 1988
Eric Ames takes you back to where it all started–for SummerSlam at least! Look back at the first ever “Biggest Party Of The Summer” from before WWE cared about partying.

Eric Ames takes you back to where it all started–for SummerSlam at least! Look back at the first ever “Biggest Party Of The Summer” from before WWE cared about partying.
The WWF continues to add to its pay-per-view line-up and add the pressure to their main competition with the inaugural Summerslam! Jim Crockett Promotions was having success, but they were bleeding out money at twice the rate they were making it. Vince McMahon’s creation of this summer event would help put the nail in JCP’s coffin and soon, Crockett would be forced to sell his company to Ted Turner. Summerslam would continue to keep momentum rolling, after the original plan of getting Ric Flair to jump ship and face ‘Macho Man’ fell through, they again capitalized on the continuation of WrestleMania’s main event rivalry. Let’s get to it….
Open: In the arena, our commentary team of Gorilla Monsoon & ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham. Superstar talks about the return of Hulk Hogan tonight, as The Mega Powers take on The Mega Bucks in our main event. Let’s go to the ring.
Match #1: The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond) vs. The British Bulldogs (Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith) w/Matilda
The bell rings and The Rougeaus try a handshake that doesn’t work. Davey Boy goes after Jacques, driving his head into the top turnbuckle over and over again. Davey tossses Jacques into his corner, allowing Raymond to make the tag. They lock-up, jockey for position in the corner, Davey backs up Raymond who doesn’t break clean. Right hands from Raymond, irish whip into the corner and a monkey flip attempt, Davey cartwheels out of it and gets him with an armdrag. Dynamite off the tag, double headbutt and he gets a side headlock, getting pushed into the ropes and scoring with a shoulder knockdown.
Dynamite with an armdrag, grounding Raymond with an armbar. Raymond to his feet, shooting Dynamite into the ropes, Kid puts the breaks on and hits a diving headbutt. He goes back to the armbar, tag to Davey and he comes off the top with a shot to the arm. Raymond reverses an irish whip, ducks down and a sunset flip from Davey for 2. Another armdrag and Raymond is in an armbar again. Jacques tries to get in the ring and The Bulldogs switch behind the ref’s back. Dynamite with an irish whip and a clothesline, Davey in for a back body drop, Raymond with a sunset flip for a 2 count, Davey with a bridge for a near fall of his own.
Kid tags, going back to work on the shoulder joint. Davey in, double forearm shot and he covers for a count of 2, gets a side headlock, into the ropes and Jacques trips him from outside. Raymond finally tags out and Jacques works over the legs of Davey Boy with a toe hold. Davey kicks him off for a monkey flip, but Jacques counters and tags his brother Raymond, making a wish with Davey’s legs. Raymond contines the punishment on the leg, Jacques tags and hits a seated senton to the knee. Jacques delivers a shot to Dynamite on the apron, allowing Raymond to come in without a tag and apply more pressure to the left leg. Davey kicks him off, gets sent into the ropes and Raymond with a back body drop, tagging out. Jacques with a spinning toe hold, Davey grabs a small package out of it for 2, but is unable to tag out.
Raymond back in, maintaining the pressure to the leg, Davey gets up on one foot and monkey flips Raymond, finally getting the tag to Dynamite. Kid comes in on fire with headbutts, a snap suplex and a falling headbutt for a 2 count. Back suplex for Raymond, cover and he’s too close to the ropes. Dynamite tosses Raymond out to the floor, Jacques there to meet him and now Davey gets involved, driving Raymond into the steel barricade. Jacques helps his brother to his feet and back in the ring, Dynamite is there to meet them and drive Raymond into Davey’s boot before tagging out. Davey Boy sets for the running powerslam and hits it, covers and Jacques breaks it up.
Dynamite comes in behind the ref’s back, climbs the 2nd rope for right hands and Jacques grabs him from behind for a back suplex. Both men are down, Raymond crawls to a tag, Jacques comes in with a slam and drops a knee for a near fall. Double team tactics by The Rougeaus behind the ref’s back. Raymond tags in and drops Dynamite onto Jacques’ knee for a gutbuster. Jacques back in, irish whip and he gets Dynamite in an abdominal stretch. Davey Boy rushes in the ring to break it up, Raymond steps in without a tag and puts Dynamite back into an abdominal stretch. Kid powers out of it, Raymond with right hands, Jacques tags and hits a splash for 2.
Jacques grounds Dynamite again with a camel clutch, Kid powers to his feet, but Raymond comes in with a cheap shot to knock him back down. Jacques gives up the hold, Raymond tags and goes back to it. Kid once again powers up, ramming Raymond into the corner to break the hold and crawl to his corner. Jacques tags first and stops it, delivering a shot to Davey Boy on the apron. Davey distracts the ref, who turns around to see Dynamite has Jacques in a small package for a count of 2. Jacques with an abdominal stretch, Raymond tags in and hits a kick to the midsection for a count of 2, then goes into a front facelock.
Dynamite finally makes a tag, but the ref was distracted by Jacques and Davey has to go back to the apron. Rougeaus with more double teaming, Jacques comes in and covers for a count of 2. Dynamite with a headbutt to the breadbasket, getting the tag to Davey Boy who misses a dropkick, but scores with a military press, dropping Jacques on the top rope. He covers, Raymond drops an accidental elbow on his brother and now all 4 men are in the ring. Davey launches Dynamite into a diving headbutt and the bell rings as time has expired.
Winners: Time Limit Draw
- After The Bell: The Rougeaus offer a handshake to The Bulldogs, then sucker punch them and run out as The Bulldogs chase them out of the arena.
- EA’s Take: Tremendous tag team contest to open the night, but the finish was really weird. Behind the scenes, real heat was building between these 4 men. Pranks had gone a little too far, one of which was done by Curt Hennig with the blame being put onto Dynamite Kid. This led to Dynamite punching Jacques a few times, with Jacques eventually knocking out a few of Dynamite’s teeth with a fistful of quarters. The beefs would continue into the fall, with Dynamite planning to get his revenge at Survivor Series 1988.
Video: Brutus Beefcake had his match won this past weekend on Superstars Of Wrestling. ‘Outlaw’ Ron Bass would attack from behind with his whip, viciously assaulting The Barber and tearing at his face with a boot spur. Due to this, Brutus Beefcake is unable to compete tonight against The Honky Tonk Man for the WWF Intercontinental Championship.
Match #2: Bad News Brown vs. Ken Patera
Bad News jumps Patera as he enters and the bell rings, Brown with right hands and a slam, then dropping an elbow. Patera still has his ring jacket on, Brown with an irish whip into the corner and runs into a clothesline. Patera firing back with rights, into the ropes and he scores with a back elbow. The former Olympian with a slam, attempts an elbow drop and Bad News rolls out of the way. Brown with more right hands, choking Patera on the apron and clubbing him back in the ring.
He drives Patera’s head into the top turnbuckle, irish whip and a back knife-edge chop. More choking, into the ropes again and Patera with a kick to prevent a back body drop. He takes Bad News over into a cover that only gets 1, clothesline and an elbow drop for a 2 count. Patera with a backbreaker for another 2, then a small package that only gets 1. He locks in his patented bearhug, Bad News goes to the eyes to break it and Patera attempts the full nelson now.
Brown gets to the ropes, Patera to the 2nd rope with a right hand and he calls for the full nelson again. Once more, Bad News gets to the ropes to cause a break, Patera with a back body drop attempt and Brown has it scouted. Bad News tries to reverse an irish whip into the corner and they botch it. The go into the same spot, Bad News avoids a charging Patera and he hits his shoulder into the ring post. Brown follows with the Ghetto Blaster and covers for a 3 count.
Winner: Bad News Brown (Ghetto Blaster)
- EA’s Take: Brutal. Neither one of these guys are known for their workrate and it really showed here. Patera’s skills were really declining at this point and his WWF run would come to an end later on in the year.
Video: For some reason there’s a promo for the Leonard/LaLonde fight at Caesar’s Palace. Weird.
Backstage: ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund is with The Mega Powers, who will take on The Mega Bucks in tonight’s main event. Hulk Hogan can feel Madison Square Garden rumbling already, together as one they are the strongest force in the universe. Macho can feel the electricity, saying Elizabeth is their secret weapon tonight. Hogan says the 24 inch pythons are loaded and The Mega Bucks will get the ‘kiss of death’ tonight.
Match #3: ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude w/Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan vs. Junkyard Dog
Rude attacks before the bell, JYD reverses an irish whip and hits a back body drop, then headbutts and Rude falls out to the floor. Heenan converses with Rude, The Dog grabs Rick by the hair and pulls him back in the ring. Into the ropes, JYD to the midsection and he drops Rude with a big right hand. Rude avoids a falling headbutt, clothesline to The Dog and Rude comes off the top with a double axe handle. Clubbing blows to JYD, snapmare and Rude with a rear chinlock to wear out The Dog.
The Ravishing One with a choke behind the ref’s back, Heenan providing the distraction. Rude back the rear chinlock, JYD battle out of it, irish whip into the corner and he runs into Rude’s boot for a count of 2. Rude utilizing the rear chinlock again, trying to drain JYD’s energy. He switches to a wristlock, tries drive his backside onto the shoulder joint and crotches himself. JYD to his feet as Rude tries to beg off, no mercy from The Dog with right hands and a big headbutt.
Heenan to the apron, allowing Rude to attack from behind and score with a russian leg sweep. Rude heads upstairs once more, exposes a 2nd pair of tight with Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts’ wife’s face on them and connects with a fist drop. Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts slides in the ring from behind, attacking The Ravishing One with lefts and rights, causing the bell to ring.
Winner: ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude (Disqualification)
- After The Bell: Roberts is unloading on Rude, sending him flying out to the floor and the ref stopping him from giving chase.
- EA’s Take: Really not much of a match here, as the story was really between Rude & Roberts. This would be Junkyard Dog’s final PPV for the WWF, as he would jump ship to the NWA and WCW just before Survivor Series. The Rude/Roberts saga continues, but it was odd that they weren’t matched up here tonight. They’d meet again at Survivor Series, where the rivalry would see its conclusion.
Backstage: This time, ‘Mean’ Gene is with WWF Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man & ‘Colonel’ Jimmy Hart. Jimmy’s happy that Brutus Beefcake won’t be competing tonight. Honky Tonk knew Beefcake wasn’t man enough, but he’s willing to take on anyone tonight. Gene is about to tell HTM who the challenger will be, but he wants it to be a surprise. He doesn’t care who it is because he can handle whoever the WWF throws his way.
Match #4: The Bolsheviks (Boris Zhukov & Nikolai Volkoff) w/Slick vs. The Powers Of Pain (The Barbarian & The Warlord) w/The Baron
They rush the ring and the bell goes off, all 4 men battling. The Bolsheviks attempt to whip The Powers Of Pain into one another, Warlord reverses and Barbarian with a back elbow. Things settle, Boris & Barbarian stay in the ring, Barbarian hits the ropes and Volkoff trips him from the outside. Boris misses an eblow drop, Warlord comes in and they level him with a double clothesline. Boris rolls outside for a breather, Nikolai slides in and The Powers Of Pain double team him with a thrust to the throat.
The Bolsheviks huddle outside, Boris finally heads back in the ring and gains a side headlock. Barbarian pushes him into the ropes, they hit shoulders and there’s a stalemate. Boris back into the ropes, Barbarian ducks down and hits a back chop, covering and Nikolai breaks it up. Boris takes the advantage with strikes, Barbarian reverses a whip into the corner and walks into a kick. Zhukov sends him across, ducks his head and eats a kick, Warlord tagging in and driving Boris into the top turnbuckle. He drops a fist, Nikolai breaks up the cover again and Zhukov goes to the eyes.
Irish whip, Warlord ducks a clothesline and hits a belly to belly suplex and Volkoff distracts the ref from the count. Slick to the apron, getting Warlord’s attention and allowing Nikolai to tag in and attack from behind. Boris chokes Warlord behind the ref’s back, double team tactics and Warlord tries to fight out of the corner. Zhukov tags, choking Warlord across the top rope and then stomping him in the wrong part of town. Warlord fights out again, Nikolai with a tag and more stuff behind the ref’s back.
Boris back in, snapmare and a rear chinlock to finally get Warlord off his feet. Warlord to a vertical base, but too close to the corner and Nikolai’s back in. Warlord with more rights, Volkoff with a roundhouse kick and Boris comes in for a double back body drop attempt. Warlord scounts it, gets the tag to Barbarian and he nails Boris with a karate shot, slams Nikolai and a thrust kick to Boris. Big boots to both, Volkoff is sent to the outside and Warlord tags. Double shoulder tackle by the Powers Of Pain, Warlord with a running powerslam, Barbarian tags and follows with a top rope diving headbutt for the win.
Winners: The Powers Of Pain (Barbarian/Top Rope Diving Headbutt)
- EA’s Take: Again, not much technicality here as these guys are brawlers and powerhouses. The Bolsheviks are nothing more than a bottom of the card tag team and losing to more established tandems and up and comers. The Powers Of Pain were brought in from the NWA, after they refused to do scaffold matches for the promotion. They aligned themselves with Tito Santana at first, feuding with Demolition after they had (kayfabe) injured Santana’s tag team partner, Rick Martel. The Baron, better known as Baron Von Raschke was put with them for the first time at this event, but would be released shortly after.
In The Ring: Brother Love is out with his message of ‘love’. He speaks about this being a special night due to him being here, but he has a very special guest this evening. This person needs to learn the lesson of love and that is ‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan. Hacksaw is here for two reasons, to share this with everybody and to tell Brother Love what a phoney he is. Brother Love says he sees a man who has no love in his heart when he looks at him, stating he needs to learn about it. There are Superstars here that know about love, like Dino Bravo who loves his country. Duggan tells him not to question his patriotism, saying his blood flows to help keep this country free. Brother Love talks about Duggan’s 2×4 being a weapon, saying it’s not used for love. Hacksaw wants Brother Love to understand this is the WWF, not Sunday School. Duggan says it needs policing, but Brother Love disagrees. Duggan says if Brother keeps talking the way he is, he’ll take the 2×4 and put it where the sun doesn’t shine. He has until a count of 5 to get out of the ring. Brother Love tries to talk his way out of it, but ends up skirting out of the ring before Hacksaw gets to 5.
Match #5 for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: WWF Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man w/’Colonel’ Jimmy Hart vs. ???
HTM grabs the microphone and pleads for anybody to come out, he doesn’t care who it is. The Ultimate Warrior makes his way out and the crowd erupts, rushing in the ring and going right after HTM before he can get his jumpsuit off. The bell rings, Warrior levels HTM with a shoulder tackle and a clothesline, following with a splash and we have a new champion.
Winner and NEW WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Ultimate Warrior (Splash)
- EA’s Take: Just like that, Honky Tonk Man’s record breaking IC Title reign is over and the fans go berzerk. Warrior’s mix of a bulked up physique, high energy and unique look with the facepaint and neon colors really was capturing the attention of WWF fans. Vince McMahon would take notice, pushing the Warrior less than a year after his debut. HTM would never get back to the success he had during his IC Championship reign, slowly moving back down the card.
In The Arena: Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan interrupts the commentary team with some news. Heenan reports that The Mega Bucks & Mega Powers are up to. He says Andre is reading the Wall Street Journal while Ted DiBiase is counting suitcases of money. According to Heenan, The Mega Powers have blocked off their door so nobody can enter.
Match #6: ‘The Rock’ Don Muraco vs. Dino Bravo w/Frenchy Martin
Heenan stays on commentary for this match, a lot of posturing before they lock-up, neither guy getting the edge. Another tie-up, jockeying back and forth and they break clean again. A 3rd collar & elbow, Muraco with a side headlock, Bravo pushes him into the ropes and The Rock with a shoulder. Hits the ropes again, back and forth and Muraco thwarts a monkey flip attempt. A hip toss, slam and then an armdrag to Dino, forcing him to go to the outside and take a stroll.
Back inside, Muraco with a wristlock, gets back into the corner and Dino with shots to the midsection. The Rock reverses an irish whip, hip tossing Bravo out of the corner, monkey flip and then an armdrag, grabbing an armbar. He sends Bravo hard into the corner, shots to the gut, Dino reverses a whip across and sends Muraco face-first into the turnbuckle. Heavy artillery from Dino, hits an inverted atomic drop and celebrates a little before dropping an elbow for a 2 count.
He sends The Rock in for a back body drop, Muraco countering with a side russian leg sweep, then avoids an elbow drop. Muraco fires back with lefts and rights, back body drop to Bravo and then a right hand for Frenchy on the apron. He lifts Dino for a slam, the ref goes down for a second and Bravo takes advantage, planting The Rock with his Side Slam for the 1-2-3.
Winner: Dino Bravo (Side Slam)
- EA’s Take: A better match than Patera/Bad News for sure, as these two powerhouses (especially Muraco) can actually work a little bit. Dino Bravo with a bit of an upset, but behind the scenes Don Muraco’s run was coming to an end. This would be his final PPV appearance for the WWF, being fired leading up to Survivor Series for unknown reasons.
Backstage: Sean Mooney is alongside the referee for tonight’s main event, Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura. Jesse has accepted money from Ted DiBiase, but Ventura says this was the only good decision Jack Tunney ever made. The Body asks Mooney if he’s a fool and wouldn’t accept money. Jesse says if someone wants to give him money, he’s going to take it.
Match #7 for the WWF Tag Team Championships: The Hart Foundation (Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart & Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart vs. WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition (Ax & Smash) w/Mr. Fuji & ‘Mouth Of The South’ Jimmy Hart
Ax & The Hitman to start it off, lock-up and Ax shoves Bret off like he’s nothing. Ax goes to the body, dropping Bret to the mat and clobbering away, following with a slam, but missing an elbow drop. Right hands from Bret, one for Smash on the apron and a shot to the gut for Ax. Hitman with a roll-up for a count of 2, Smash tags in and runs into a couple of armdrags. Neidhart enters, coming off the 2nd rope to the arm and maintaining a wristlock. Smash goes to the midsection, Neidhart into the ropes and he ducks a right, leveling smash and going back to the wristlock. Neidhart drops Smash with a shoulder off the ropes, back into the ropes and Ax with a kick from the outside behind the ref’s back.
Ax tags in, pounding The Anvil down and then quick tagging Smash for more clubbing blows. Ax is in, irish whip and Neidhart scouts a back body drop attempt, then gets the tag to Hitman. Bret with rights sending Ax outside, Smash comes in without a tag and Bret with a dropkick for him. Smash reverses a whip into the corner, sending The Hitman shoulder-first into the steel post and Demolition has control again. Neidhart chases off Jimmy Hart outside, Ax working over Bret’s arm, tying it up in the ropes.
He rams Bret’s shoulder into the turnbuckle, stomping away and then sending him into Smash’s boot. Smash off the tag, shoulderbreaker to Hitman and then he wrenches at the shoulder joint. Ax coming in, maintaining the hold, more double team tactics from Demolition and Ax kicks Bret to the outside. Smash sends Bret shoulder-first into the post, then tags in as Hitman is in pain on the floor. Smash merely lands a right hand, brings Ax back in and he sends Bret into the ropes. Hitman ducks a right and hits a flying clothesline, making the tag to Neidhart, but it was behind the ref’s back.
Smash comes in illegally, driving Bret into the turnbuckles and charging right into a boot. Bret finally gets the tag to The Anvil, coming in with rights for Smash, a dropkick to Ax and then slams for both of them. He sends Smash careening into his partner, then clotheslines Smash out to the floor. Bret slingshots The Anvil over the top with a shoulder tackle to the floor, rolling Smash back inside for a powerslam and a near fall. Hitman off the tag, Neidhart is whipped into a spear in the corner and Bret covers for a count of 2. Bret splits Smash with a backbreaker, Ax breaks it up and now all 4 men are in the ring. Fuji takes rights from Neidhart, distracting the referee. Bret goes for a piledriver, Ax delivers a megaphone shot and Smash makes the cover to retain.
Winners and STILL WWF Tag Team Champions: Demolition (Ax/Foreign Object)
- EA’s Take: I almost like this match better than the opening tag contest just because there was a clear cut winner. The Hart Foundation started their babyface turn back at WrestleMania IV and are on their way to becoming one of the most popular tag teams in WWF history. Demolition’s association with Jimmy Hart was only to play off the split between himself and The Hart Foundation, as they were only ever accompanied by Mr. Fuji at this point. They’re still fresh in their run and would soon undergo a change of heart with the fans themselves, battling another painted-up tag team.
Backstage: ‘Mean Gene’ is back in the locker room with some heels and former Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man. HTM says he’s been ripped off and robbed by the WWF. He said he’d wrestle anybody, but he didn’t say he’d wrestle the Warrior, claiming the title is his and he’ll get it back. HTM is furious.
Match #8: Big Boss Man w/Slick vs. Koko B. Ware w/Frankie
The bell rings, Slick’s still in the ring distracting Koko and Boss Man clobbers him from behind. He tosses Koko out to the floor, postures for the crowd and Koko hops back in, connecting with right hands. Irish whip, Koko ducks a clothesline and hits a dropkick, tying Boss Man up in the ropes in the process. Koko with a big splash, hammers away at the big man who unties himself.
The Birdman sticks and moves, gets caught in a front facelock and then driven to the mat. Boss Man with a big headbutt, sends The Birdman into the corner and squashes him. Boss Man with knees to the back, then levels Koko with a clothesline, covers and pulls up after a 2 count. He tortures Koko, grabbing the arms and wrenching back, The Birdman flips out and kicks to break it. Boss Man right back on him though, using all his weight to the back. Stiff right hand and a slam, Boss Man heads to the top and misses a splash, kind of. Boss Man whips Koko into the corner, tries a splash and misses.
The Birdman gets the blood flowing, landing a succession of punches, then a missile dropkick off the top and a splash for a near fall. Koko gets caught by Boss Man, gets dumped out on the apron, then brought back in for a Boss Man Slam to finish it.
Winner: Big Boss Man (Boss Man Slam)
- After The Bell: Boss Man drills Koko in the midsection with his nightstick, sending him spilling out to the floor.
- EA’s Take: Essentially a glorified squash match, as Big Boss Man had just entered the WWF in June via the UWF. Formerly, he was known as Big Bubba in the NWA and would use the moniker again, much further down the road. This character would by far be his most successful, as he would jump right into a big time feud against Hulk Hogan.
Backstage: Sean Mooney is with the new Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior in the babyface locker room. Warrior says he thought it was something out of a comic book, but this is real life. Warrior rose to the challenge and conquered it. If HTM wants a piece of him, he’s not hard to find. He’ll be on the next spaceship to Parts Unknown.
Match #9: Hercules vs. Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts w/Damien
Hercules has a problem with Damian being on the apron, the ref makes Jake move it and Hercules makes a failed attempt to attack from behind. Jake with lefts and rights, sends Hercules into the corner and charges right into a knee. Heavy rights from Herc, into the ropes and Jake stops a back body drop try with a kneelift, then calls for the DDT.
Herc slips out of the ring to avoid it, taking a stroll to regroup. Back in the ring Hercules wants to throw hands, The Snake blocks them all, ducks a clothesline and slams Hercules, then grabs a side headlock. Herc tries to push him off unsuccessfully, hits a back suplex and The Snake hangs onto the hold. Hercules gets the ropes to force the break, headbutt to the midsection of Jake and Hercules with a big right hand. He drops elbows, snapmare and puts Roberts in a rear chinlock to drain his energy.
The Snake to his feet, but gets clotheslined multiple times for a count of 2. Herc goes back to the rear chinlock, Jake battles to a vertical base, but catches a back elbow and it sends him out to the floor. Herc with rights to The Snake on the apron, Roberts grabs Hercules and pulls him over the top to the outside. Herc hangs Roberts on the top rope from the apron, heads inside and goes to the chinlock again. Jake gets out with a jawbreaker, lefts and rights, dropping Hercules and hitting a short-arm clothesline.
The crowd wants it, Jake goes for the DDT and Hercules flips Roberts over, then side-steps a kneelift in the corner. The Mighty Hercules with control, slam and an elbow drop, Jake kicks out at 2. Herc argues with the ref, goes for another slam, Roberts gets out and spikes him with the DDT, rolling into a cover for to get the W.
Winner: Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts (DDT)
- After The Bell: Jake unveils Damien and sticks him right in Hercules’ face, much to the delight of the MSG crowd.
- EA’s Take: A lot of Hercules offense in this one, which isn’t exactly pretty. Jake always would get his ass kicked for a while, then hit a quick DDT for most of his wins. I still think it would have made much more sense for him to face Rick Rude 1 on 1. Hercules’ current manager (although not part of this match) Bobby Heenan, would sell his contract to Ted DiBiase, leading to a turn for The Mighty One. Jake’s rivalry with Rick Rude continues into Survivor Series.
Video: The feud between The Mega Powers and The Mega Bucks is chronicled, starting with a 2 on 1 attack to WWF Champion Randy Savage while Elizabeth was forced to watch. Savage would issue a tag team challenge, not yet announcing who his partner is. Bobby Heenan would accept on Andre & DiBiase’s behalf, Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura would be announced as the special referee to their delight. ‘Macho Man’ announces his tag team partner, the returning Hulk Hogan. Brother Love would accuse Ventura of being afraid of Andre, but The Body says he could step in the ring tomorrow and be champion if he wanted. Heenan & Company would make their way out, The Giant warning Jesse to pay good attention. DiBiase would stick money in Jesse’s pocket, saying it pays off to pay attention to him.
Match #10 Special Referee – Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura: The Mega Bucks (‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase & Andre The Giant) w/Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan & Virgil vs. The Mega Powers (WWF Champion ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage & Hulk Hogan) w/Elizabeth
Savage & Andre kick it off, The Giant pushing Macho into his corner and DiBiase tags. They circle each other, The MDM says he wants Hogan and gets it. Collar & elbow, Hogan catches the foot and hits an atomic drop, playing back and forth with Savage in their corner. Into the ropes and Hulkster with a clothesline, Macho tags, double back elbow and double elbow drop. Heenan & Virgil get to the apron, Savage drives DiBiase into the top turnbuckle and brings Hulk back in. Ventura gets Heenan & Virgil down, more turnbuckle shots for MDM and Macho back in, off the top with a double axe handle.
He drops a knee, Ventura gets to the count slow and only gets 1. Hulkster in, double big boot and a count of 2, Hogan with a slam and elbow drops. He goes after Andre and gets caught, Macho in to argue with The Body and The Giant hits the ring as well. Elizabeth to the apron, getting berated by Ventura as DiBiase tags in Andre, squashing Hulk with all his weight. He rams Hogan into his boot, then grabs a nerve hold to wear out the Hulkster, taking him down to the canvas. The Giant uses his trunks to choke Hogan, Macho jumps in, allowing DiBiase and Andre to double team. MDM tags in, right hands to Hulk and a clothesline out of the ropes for a 2 count. DiBiase with fist drops for another 2, then a rear chinlock to ground Hogan.
Hulkster to a vertical base, but gets dropped to his knees again by the hair. Ventura checks the arm, Hulkster keeping it up on the 3rd attempt and getting to his feet to break the hold. He hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline and they both connect with one, both men doubling down and crawling to their corners. Hogan makes it to Macho, right hands for DiBiase, hard irish whip into the corner and a back elbow. Back body drop by Savage, he hangs DiBiase across the top rope, then heads upstairs and connects with a double axe handle. He charges MDM in the corner and misses, but retakes control with a crossbody for a count of 2.
DiBiase levels him with a clothesline, then tags in The Giant to change the pace. Andre dominates the champion in the corner, squashing him with his backside and delivering rights and headbutts. MDM off the tag, vertical suplex and Savage kicks out at 2. DiBiase with a backbreaker, heads to the 2nd rope and misses a falling back elbow. Macho crawls to the wrong corner, kicks DiBiase off and then dives to tag the Hulkster. Hogan with a flurry of right hands in the corner, irish whip and a corner clothesline, followed by a vertical suplex.
He catches Andre with a clothesline entering the ring, Savage to the top, Andre sticks up the boot as Hogan has DiBiase in a sleeper. The Giant grabs Hogan from behind with headbutts, tossing the Hulkster outside. Elizabeth gets to the apron, distracting Ventura who turns around to see Heenan & Virgil up also. Elizabeth removes the bottom of her dress to reveal a bikini bottom, everyone is distracted now.
Hogan & Savage shake hands on the floor, Savage to the top with a double axe to Andre, Hogan slams DiBiase and Macho follws with the top rope elbow drop. Hulkster drops the leg, Ventura counts to 2 and Savage forces him to make the 3 count.
Winners: The Mega Powers (Hogan/Leg Drop)
- After The Bell: The Mega Powers celebrate, posing for the crowd together and raising Elizabeth on their shoulders to end the show.
- EA’s Take: Definitely the most entertaining bout of the night. There was very little of Andre in the match, as he couldn’t do near as much. DiBiase was allowed to carry the majority of the workload for his side, crowd was very hot for this, as expected. The feud between Hulk Hogan & Andre The Giant is finally over, but they’d still see more of Ted DiBiase. The Mega Powers would continue to team together into the fall and early part of 1989, until tensions began to rise between the partners. The Mega Bucks team would be short-lived, as this would be the last time Andre & DiBiase would pair up.
Finisher: Other than the main event and a match here and there, this is really a forgettable show for the first Summerslam. Ultimate Warrior winning the IC Title and Elizabeth’s disrobing at the end were the only big moments that really stood out. The opening contest was good, but the time limit draw finish detracts from it. The Tag Title contest was good, but nothing special. Jake Roberts should have taken on Rick Rude instead of them having insignificant singles matches with other guys. The main event did deliver however, the addition of Jesse Ventura into the fold helped to keep this long-running feud going just long enough.
Top Three To Watch
1 – The Mega Powers vs. The Mega Bucks
2 – The Hart Foundation vs. Demolition
3 – The Rougeaus vs. The British Bulldogs
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)
WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
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Classic Royal Rumble
Attitude Of Aggression #303- The Big Five Project: Royal Rumble ’95
The Big Five project returns with Royal Rumble ’95, including Diesel v. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels going the distance to win the Rumble!

The Big Five Project returns to usher in what can best be described as a challenging year for WWE. We begin our coverage of 1995 with Royal Rumble ’95. Unlike many PPVs in 1995, the Royal Rumble was quite good, particularly the undercard. On that undercard, new WWF Tag Champs and a new IC Champion were crowned. We also got the middle match of an epic trilogy of battles between Bret “Hitman” Hart and “Big Daddy Cool” Diesel, and their match at the 1995 Royal Rumble, with the WWF Championship on the line, might very well be the best of the three. As for the Rumble match itself, it is certainly not without its issues. But history is made on this night as Shawn Michaels becomes the first entrant in Rumble history to go wire-to-wire, winning it all from the #1 position, and also evolving one of the most critical concepts in Rumble matches moving forward. Curious? Good because we have all the details for you on another epic installment of the Big Five Project.
About the Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY – Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
TUESDAY – 4 Corners Podcast (sports)
WEDNESDAY – The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
FRIDAY – DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY – The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY – Keeping the news ridiculous… The Oddity / The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE’s PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS…IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O’Dowd’s 5X5
The Chairshot Radio Network
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About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)
WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
Classic POD is WAR
Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!
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Classic Survivor Series
Attitude Of Aggression #299- The Big Five Project: Survivor Series ’94
The Big Five Project is back for Survivor Series’ 94, featuring Bob Backlund’s shocking victory over Bret Hart, plus Undertaker’s revenge!

The Big Five Project returns to bring 1994 to an end as the guys cover Survivor Series ’94. As 1994 came to an end, the winds of change continued to sweep through the WWF and that was highly evident on a November evening in San Antonio. A better event than the year before, Survivor Series ’94 featured the break-up of Shawn Michaels and Diesel, a feud that would extend all the way to WrestleMania XI. Meanwhile, Survivor Series ’94 would see a shocking WWF Championship title change as Bob Backlund, with a huge assist from Owen Hart, would dethrone Bret “Hitman” Hart in an unforgettable, emotionally charged, and highly controversial match. Thanks to Bret’s mother, Mr. Backlund became the oldest WWF Champion in history (at the time) and Owen Hart showed us all just how low he would stoop to screw his brother over. Add in some solid Survivor Series matches, a special appearance by Chuck Norris, and The Undertaker exacting a measure of revenge against Yokozuna and we are left with a very solid PPV to close out 1994! We have all the details for you here, on another epic installment of the Big Five Project.
About the Chairshot Radio Network
Created in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts, including POD is WAR, Women’s Wrestling Talk, Chairshot Radio daily editions, The #Miranda Show, Badlands’ Wrestling Mount Rushmores, The Outsider’s Edge, DWI Podcast, Bandwagon Nerds, the Greg DeMarco Show, 3 Man Weave, Five Rounds, Turnbuckle Talk, The Reaction, Attitude Of Aggression, and more! You can find these great shows each week at and through our distribution partners, including podcasting’s most popular platforms.
The Chairshot Radio Network
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About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)
WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
Classic POD is WAR
Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!
Powered by RedCircle
Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!