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Chairshot Classics: WWE SummerSlam ’06

Jimi Kilear brings you back to 12 years ago for WWE SummerSlam 2006, featuring Big Show vs. Sabu, Batista vs. Booker T, and John Cena vs. Edge!



WWE SummerSlam 2006

Jimi Kilear brings you back to 12 years ago for WWE SummerSlam 2006, featuring Big Show vs. Sabu, Batista vs. Booker T, and John Cena vs. Edge!

The Big Show and Sabu go one-on-one for the ECW Championship in an Extreme Rulez Match. The McMahon’s are facing off against the newly returned Degeneration-X. Batista and Booker T compete for the World Heavyweight Title, and Edge and John Cena square-up for the WWE Championship. All this and so much more as this edition of Chairshot Classics brings you SummerSlam 2006.

For today’s show we will spend the evening in the home of the Boston Celtics, the TD Bank North Garden. The Boston, Massachusetts arena is packed with 16,168 eager fans and there are another 541K tuning in at home on PPV. The ECW Brand has returned along with its grandest Title, the ECW Championship. For this show we get three different announce teams. Jim Ross and Jerry “The KingLawler are calling for the RAW Brand, Michael Cole and John “Bradshaw” Layfield calling for the blue brand, SmackDown and we have Tazz and Joey Styles calling for ECW. The theme song for the show is “The Enemy” by the band Godsmack. So let’s get the show started and enter the arena for “The Biggest Party of the Summer!”

We get a Degeneration-X themed open that has the re-formed faction running amok on the McMahon Family. At this point I guess it is more of  a tag-team, because it is just Shawn Michaels and Triple H. It shows the World Heavyweight Champion, King Booker, next and he is joined by his Queen, Sharmell. This is the build for his feud with the animal that is Batista. This is a rematch of a real shoot fight that took place a few months prior at the commercial taping for this SummerSlam. We will dissect that more as we get to the actual match. The final piece of the open is between John Cena and Edge. This story is really centered around the griminess of The Rated R Superstar, Edge. Edge even broke into Cena’s parents house and slapped his dad. Nice.

Michael Cole welcomes us into the sold-out arena and this is when I notice that WWE doesn’t have the rights to the Godsmack song anymore. Instead, we hear “Cobra Style” by The TeddyBears. Cole goes around the horn and introduces the announce teams that we discussed earlier. It’s not long after that the crowd erupts as the man from the 619, Rey Mysterio, enters the arena. Before the next man enters we get a clip of how we got here. Rey of course was a friend of the late Eddie Guerrero, who had passed the previous November from a Heart Condition. This feud with Eddie’s nephew Chavo Guerrero is centered around that. We see some highlights of the careers of Eddie and Rey, mainly where they intersected, and this is nicely put together. Chavo is accusing Rey of leaching off the career of his late Uncle, and so is Eddie’s widow Vickie. Chavo Guerrero’s relationship with Eddie is highlighted next, and again this is a nice homage package to the late Latino Heat.

Rey wastes no time getting the early start and attacks Chavo before the bell can sound. The punches lead to an Irish whip and Rey flattens Chavo with the back elbow to the jaw. Chavo uses the double leg takedown to gain an edge and hits Mysterio with a European uppercut. Rey is whipped to the ropes but saves face with the springboard moonsault. Chavo catches him and it looks like a snake-eyes is coming next. Rey counters out of it by arm dragging Chavo, and this sends Guerrero through the ropes. Mysterio sends Guerrero tumbling with the baseball slide but when he slingshots off the top rope for the crossbody to the out side, Chavo avoids it by sliding into the ring. Guerrero attempts the same slingshot maneuver and his doesn’t miss. Chavo returns Rey to the ring and stomps him into the corner. When he applies the boot choke, Guerrero gets some serious heat from the fans and it takes the ref to pull him off. After two European uppercuts from Chavo, Rey reverses a punch and takes Guerrero off his feet with a couple of quick ankle kicks. The hurricanrana is attempted by Rey but Chavo reverses it by flap-jacking Mysterio into the top turnbuckle. After a side suplex, Chavo does an Eddie Guerrero shimmy that really gets some heat from the crowd. As Chavo continues to stomp away at Rey we hear the fans start a “Eddie” chant.

After a tussle in the corner Mysterio comes off the second rope and uses the hurricanrana to plant Chavo in perfect 619 positioning. The crowd explodes when the finish is hit and Rey is on the apron for his follow-up move, the springboard seated senton. Chavo catches him instead, and it looks as though he is going to powerbomb Mysterio to the outside. This doesn’t happen and Rey instead hurricanranas Chavo over the ropes. This sends both men crashing to the floor as the ref starts his ten count. Chavo nails a few punches and returns Rey to the ring. This is when we see Vickie Guerrero with the run-in and she is confronting Chavo on the outside. She stops him from returning to the ring and then slaps Chavo in the face. This is when Mysterio comes flying through the ropes and hits Chavo with a suicide dive. Rey returns Chavo to the ring and now Vickie is trying to stop Rey from continuing the match. This distraction allows Chavo to land some punches and suplex Rey back into the ring from the apron. Chavo channels Eddie Guerrero next and attempts the Three Amigos. After he successfully completes two suplexs Rey slides away and shoves Chavo into the ropes. When Chavo bounces back Mysterio lands a beautiful hurricanrana and the crowd are again on their feet. It is now Rey who is channeling Eddie and his version of the Tree Amigos goes off unhitched. At this point in the match Vickie is really losing her shit on the outside as she wants the match to end. Rey takes to the tope rope and this is when Vickie Guerrero really interferes. She pulls the top rope down and this sends Mysterio crashing to the mat. This interference allows Chavo to hit Rey Mysterio with a brainbuster, and Chavo follows it up by heading to the top rope. Chavo takes to the skies and lands a frogsplash that Eddie would be proud of. The ref counts the three and that’s all folks. This is a great opening match and told a great story. Even though I may think using Eddie’s death in story may be a little fucked, I was a fan of the match and the Eddie Guerrero homages throughout. Match Time-6:40

We see King Booker and Queen Sharmell in the locker room and they are speaking of how they’re the “Greatest Couple in Sports Entertainment”. They are using accents that are similar to what we hear “Woken” Matt Hardy use today. The “Royal Family” is interrupted by Edge and Lita and they claim to be the better couple. Edge lays into Booker with some insults before he turns on the crowd saying  “He plans to slap John Cena just like he did his father…just like the Yankees are slapping the Red Sox out of the playoffs as we speak.” This of course gets some nice heat from the Boston fans. This would in fact turn out to be true and the New York Yankees would win the World Series. I’m just going to say it, I hate this King Booker gimmick and it just doesn’t seem to fit in my opinion.

Joey Styles and Tazz are on the microphones and are set the call the next match that has the ECW Championship on the line in an Extreme Rulez match. We see a package that shows highlights from a ladder match to see who gets the contract to be the number one contender. Think of a one-vs-one Money in the Bank match. Sabu defeated Rob Van Dam in this match and gained the Title Shot. The challenger, “The Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying”, Sabu enters first and is carrying his favorite weapon, the chair. The ECW World Champion enters the arena next and this is a mean looking version of The Big Show. The bell sounds and Sabu is quick to throw his chair at the head of The Big Show. After a chairshot to the midsection and back of Show, Sabu hits an early Arabian Facebuster. This is a leg drop where Sabu puts the chair between him and his opponent. He goes for the quick cover but The Big Show just tosses him off. Sabu sets the chair up but when he hits the ropes Show grabs his foot and send him face first into said chair. Big Show then just stomps onto the chair and crushes it before he throws it from the ring. Show starts to work Sabu with various slow Big Show type attacks. Punches, Head-butts, etc.. He then slams Sabu to the mat with a scoopslam and picks him up into the bear hug.

The hug goes on for some time before Sabu bites Big Shows face and this allows him to escape the hold. Sabu attempts to springboard next but The Big Show catches him. Show then tosses him over his head and this sends Sabu rolling out of the ring. The way he tosses Sabu here really shows how much strength this giant really has. The Big Show lifts Sabu onto the apron by his hair, but Sabu is quick to snapmare the neck of Big Show onto the top rope. Sabu looks under the ring and is quick to throw a chair into the top of Show’s head. The sound this makes is quite brutal. He then brings the chair into the ring and throws it into the face of Big Show one more time. Sabu then takes to the top rope with it and jumps off kicking the chair into The Big Show’s face again. This leaves both men stunned but after a moment Sabu goes for the cover. Before the one is really counted, Big Show again tosses Sabu off from him. Sabu again leaves the ring and this time he comes back with a table. After the table is leaned in the corner Sabu returns his attention to Show. But The Big Show grabs him by the throat and just when you think the chokeslam is coming Sabu pokes him in the eyes. Sabu is fast to the top rope and leaps off to hit the big man with a bulldog. Sabu again sets a chair up and runs, leaps off from it and bulldogs The Big Show threw the table. I expected an “OH MY GOD” from Joey Styles here and was disappointed when he didn’t deliver it. This breaks the crowd into “ECW” chants as both men are slow to return to their feet. Sabu is first up and goes right to the top rope. Show is right there behind him this time and picks him up to drive him to the mat with the electric chair drop. At this point we can notice a small cut on the large melon of The Big Show. He drags Sabu’s limp body to the corner and hits Sabu with a Vader Bomb. This is when Joey Styles satisfies my desires with an “OH MY GOD”. Sabu rolls from the ring and Show goes out the other side of it and throws the ring steps in. Big Show also puts a table into the ring before he himself enters it. At this point Sabu is laying on the mat and looks to be in real shoulder pain. Show then sets the table up across the ring steps but this allows Sabu to come running and DDT him through his own set-up. Once again we hear an “OH MY GOD” from Styles and this feels like a real ECW affair.

Sabu again leaves the ring and returns with yet another table. He sets it up but this backfires and Sabu is viciously chokeslamed through it. The Big Show makes the cover and gets the three to retain his ECW World Championship. This was a good match and it really felt like you were watching an ECW show. Now why couldn’t they do this well when they revived the Brand for the short lived WWECW crapfest. If you ever were a fan of the ECW of old, this is a match that can satisfy that fandom. On a side note, it is rumored that Kurt Angle wanted to be a part of this Title Match because he had lost the Title to RVD on August 13th. Kurt also suffered a groin injury in that match and it would also be his last match with the WWE until he returned 11 years later. Match Time-8:30

We are rejoined with Jerry Lawler and JR as they introduces us to the Hard Rock Café in Times Square, New York. The reason being this is where the three finalists for the Diva Search are located. We see the winner announced to be Layla and she gets a WWE Contract and a quarter million dollars. Obviously the money is the main prize here, as her WWE career didn’t really pan out. We see Trish Stratus and some other Divas welcome her into the locker room and are being very condescending, mostly taking shots at her over a magazine cover. Trish then tells her the reasons she cant call herself a WWE Diva. Lame but the highlight here is a bunch of half-dressed Divas. The clips finishes with the Diva’s initiating Layla into the group. This is done by taking her into the showers, hosing her down and spanking her ass…..

The RAW announcers introduce the clip for the next match. It features the Legend, Hulk Hogan facing off against the man who calls himself the Legend Killer, Randy Orton. The package begins with highlights of the career of the Hulkster. Brooke Hogan, Hulk’s daughter, is a part of this storyline and Orton is putting the moves on her. This leads to Orton’s respectful challenge turning sour. The clip shows Orton hitting various legends, from Mae Young to Jake The Snake, with the RKO. This is a well put together package, and the best one up until this point. Randy Orton is the first to enter and he is getting some nice heat from the fans. He hits the corner for his normal pose as the flash bulbs light him up. The “Hogan” chants start and continue into the greatest theme song there is, “Real American.” “When it comes crashin down” the Hulkamaniacs explode into a mighty pop as The Hulkster enters the arena. Hulk takes his time posing as he makes his way to the ring and rightfully so because it allows the theme song to play through, JR mentions here that Hulk Hogan is wrestling with a partially torn MCL. This is the reason he missed the go-home edition of RAW on August 14. Figure-Four weekly reported that there was a major drug test scheduled at that RAW and they found it convenient that Hogan happened to miss that day. Take that as you will, but Hogan did in fact have the injury and would leave the WWE after this SummerSlam to have surgery.

Hogan hits the ring and tears the shirt off in his normal fashion. He finishes his pose cadence before Orton returns to the ring. The crowd are in a frenzy here and Hogan poses for so long that the theme song repeats. That’s what I’m talking about, Brother! The bell finally sounds and the “Hogan” chants are in full force here. The collar and elbow follows and Hogan is quick to shove Orton to the mat. When Hulk poses on Orton next the building is shaking from the frenzy that is the fans. Again they go to the collar and elbow and this time Orton comes out ahead with a side headlock. Hulkster escapes by shoving Orton into the ropes and when he comes back at Hogan, Orton is flattened by a shoulder block. Randy Orton’s reactions to being outdone by Hogan early are good stuff and he really sells the shocked look. Another collar and elbow and once again another side headlock from Orton. Hulkster uses the “Lets Go Hogan” chants from the Hulkamaniacs to power free from the hold and take Orton down with an overhead wristlock. Orton lands a punch to the midsection and he goes right back on the offensive with a series of blows. A forearm to the face of Hogan takes him to the mat and Randy Orton really turns up the heat by giving the fans one of his smug looks.

Orton continues to stomp away at the back of Hogan and when the ref counts to five, Orton switches to forearms to the lower back. Next Orton tries to bounce the face of the Hulkster off the turnbuckle, but he is stopped when Hogan grabs the tope ropes. This leads to Orton’s face being bounced off of it and Hogan landing two big right hands. Hogan puts him in the corner and starts the Ten Count. The best part is before Hogan starts, he does the D-X “Crotch Chop” into the face of Orton. The crowd counts along with each punch but instead of a tenth punch Hogan bites the forehead of Orton. Good stuff here. Hogan then pokes Orton in the eyes before he flattens him with a clothesline off the ropes. Hogan wrenches on the face of Orton next while asking “How bad do you want to take out Brooke Hogan, Huh?” He rakes the back of Orton and it seems as if Hogan is playing the Heel role now out of anger. That is, if the fans weren’t so behind him. He mounts Orton next and when the ref counts his punches to five and stops him, Hogan threatens to punch the official. Orton is whipped to the ropes next and Hogan is charging up the punch with the windmill spin. It is avoided though because Orton grabs the ropes and slides from the ring. He then pulls the feet of the Hulkster out from under him and smashes the knee into the apron. He returns to the ring after he works the injured knee with some elbows. When Orton returns to the ring, he keeps his focus on the knee and drapes it over the bottom rope. He then jumps onto it a few times and it is starting to look like Orton may fulfill his dreams of “Killing Hulkamania.” The crowd doesn’t think so and start the “Hogan” chants again.

Orton returns Hogan to his feet just to chop the knee out and this is getting some serious heat from the fans. Orton takes to the skies and attempts the crossbody from the top rope. Hogan manages to duck it and this sends Orton crashing to the canvas. Orton has two punches countered when they eventually return to their feet and after Hogan nails Orton with three rights of his own, the fans know what is coming up next. Hogan whips Orton into the ropes but when he lifts his foot for the big boot Orton slides under it. Orton then hops to his feet and nails the Hulkster in the chest with an explosive dropkick. The Viper now waits in anticipation to strike Hogan and it takes a moment for Hogan to regain his footing. The Viper strikes and catches Hogan with the RKO. Orton goes for the cover and the ref counts the three but afterwards the ref sees Hogan’s foot on the bottom rope. Orton is celebrating the win, but official is yet to ring the bell. This is when ring announcer Lillian Garcia says the ref noticed the foot late and the match will continue. After Orton berates the ref he turns his attention back to Hogan. When the kneeling Hogan no-sells the first punch the crowd explodes because they know he is about to “Hulk-Up”. They are correct because the next punch gets Hogan shaking and he returns to his feet to complete the “Hulk-Up”. The three right hands are next and the finger point follows. Hogan flattens Orton with the boot and he takes a moment before he drops the leg to send the crowd into a frenzy with the “I cant hear you” taunt. After the leg is dropped Hogan makes the cover and gets the three count. The crowd is shaking and going crazy because Hulkamania is still alive. For how limited the Hulkster was, Orton did a good job of carrying him through the match. Worth the watch especially considering this would be Hogan’s last match in the WWE until his return in February of 2014. Match Time-10:56

JR sends us into an interview with a competitor in the next match which is, as JR puts it, “An animalistic ‘I Quit’ match”. Mick Foley is joined by Melina who is asking him if he is ready for his match. Melina Perez has held the WWE Women’s Championship three times, and Diva version twice, over her career in the WWE and was also a manager for some champions, including Johnny Nitro. He assures her he is but says in a worried tone ” I’ve know Ric Flair a long time and I’ve never seen a look in his eyes like the one he gave me Tuesday night at ECW.” This is a reference to when Flair choked the bloodied Foley out with a belt the week prior. Melina gets Foley riled up and this is a really great vignette we’ve got here. Mick was always great on the mic and doesn’t disappoint here.

Lillian Garcia is back in the ring and she introduces us to the stipulations, “I Quit” Match, and then the competitors.  We hear the car crash that accompanies the theme of Mick Foley, and the crowd pops nice for the man as he makes his way to the ring. Trashcan in hand, of course. The crowd pops just as loudly for the “WOO” of Ric Flair’s theme. As the orange robed Flair makes his way to the ring, JR tells us of the feud between these two twelve years prior in WCW. As soon as Flair hits the ring and removes the robe, Foley attacks him. The bell sounds as Flair is pounded into the corner by Foley’s right hands. Foley then charges and drives his knee into Flair’s jaw. Pretty snug knee, too, I might add. He does the same move again but this time he places the trashcan between his knee and the head of Flair. When Foley does the “Bang Bang” taunt next the crowd unleashes a nice pop. Foley then places the sock onto his hand and locks Flair into the Mr. Socko. He takes Ric to the ground with it, but I am forced to wonder how can a man say “I Quit” with a sock in his mouth. Foley then takes to the mic and says “You say those little words or this is gonna get a whole helluva lot worse.” Ric says nothing, so Mic tells him “You’re gonna suffer” and hands the microphone back to the official. Foley grabs some barbwire and wraps it around the Mr. Socko’d hand. But when he goes to strike the kneeling Flair, Flair comes to life and grabs Foley by the giblets. Ric rises to his feet and delivers a series of jabs to Foley. He follows this up with a low blow kick and some more quick jabs, this time in the corner. He then removes the barb-wired sock from Foley’s hand and puts it onto his own. He then rips the shirt of Mick and delivers some famous Flair chops to the chest only this time his hand is wrapped in barbwire. After Ric delivers around five of these Foley rolls from the ring to regain himself.

Mick throws a garbage can at Flair but he ducks it and comes off the apron to hit Foley with the double axe handle. Mick is then whipped into the ring stairs but he hits Flair with a right hand and tries to go on the offensive. He does so by grabbing some plywood from under the ring that conveniently has barbwire attached to it. Foley gets a running start and rams the board into the face of Flair. This does quite the number on Flair’s face and the blood is starting to pour. Foley returns Flair to the ring and continues to work the forehead with a piece of barbwire. He is really putting it to Flair’s forehead here. Foley continues the brutality, and again rams the barbwired plywood into Flair’s face. At this point Flair’s iconic white hair is pretty red. Foley then jumps on Flair to drop an elbow, but does so by putting the board between them. Mick gets the mic from the official and tells Ric to “say it”. Flair responds with a “kiss my ass”. This answer leads to Foley beating him in the head with the microphone. The crowd return to a frenzy when Foley grabs the canvas sack and pours the metallic thumbtacks onto the canvas. After some struggle, Foley is able to pick Flair up and slam his bare back onto the tacks. Flair lands squarely on them and his back and arms are very glittery from this. Foley again asks Flair to quit. This time Flair doesn’t have a response just the moans of a man in serious pain. Foley tells him “He’s going to suffer” and resumes the beating. Foley leaves the ring for more weaponry and before we can see what he has the crowd explodes. When we see Mick Foley again he has his favorite weapon, the barbwire baseball bat.

Foley comes up behind Flair, who is leaning on the ropes, and starts to run the bat across Flair’s face in a cheese grating motion. Flair finally slows Foley with a low blow kick but Flair is definitely in agony here. This dude is 57 years old, has thumbtacks pushed into his body and is bleeding like a stuck pig. Props to you Mr. Flair. He manages to throw Foley into the ring post, shoulder first, but this takes all Flair has and he falls to the mat. When Ric returns to his feet his is accompanied by Foleys’ bat. Flair swings for the fences and nails Mick in the lower back with it. He continues to hit Mick with it until he is brought to his knees. Flair releases the bat and starts to pound Mick with right hands. Flair grabs the mic for the first time and in a sadistic voice say “You son of a bitch, you quit or I’ll kill you right here.” When Foley doesn’t oblige him Ric delivers a low blow with the microphone. Foley soon finds himself on the apron and this sets Ric up to charge him and use the baseball bat to send him crashing to the floor. Foley really flies off the apron, and when he hits the ground there is a trashcan there to break his fall. A trainer and some officials hit ringside and begin to check on the downed Foley. Not long after, Foley’s manager, Melina, joins them.

The trainer tells the official “he’s done” and not long after the official signals for the bell to sound. It rings and this angers Flair, who takes to the mic to let us know this. Flair says ” This isn’t a lay down on your ass match it’s an “I quit” match.” Flair then leaves the ring to throw Foley back into it. Flair joins him and when Mick rolls over its right into the thumbtacks. Flair grabs the bat and it is his turn to cheese-grate a forehead.  This gives Foley a crimson mask of his own and Flair continues to stomp him. Flair grabs the mic again but instead of asking him to say “I Quit” he says “Foley I’m going to tear your eye out of your head.” He then acts as if he is trying to and is using the barbwire to achieve this effect. It works because it comes across in a pretty sadistic manner. Melina looks on in tears and this really drives the point home. Flair continues to hamburger Foley’s forehead and this is when Melina finally throws the white towel in. The crowd boos as the ref signals the bell and Melina pleads with him to stop. Flair again takes to the mic and says ” She doesn’t quit for him. He quits.” He then leaves the ring and returns with the bat. Melina is guarding the downed Foley and Ric is threating to strike her with the bat. This is when we hear Foley say those two little words “I Quit”. If I was given one word to describe this match it would be brutal. These two legends really put it to each other here and if blood and brutality is your thing, this is for you. Match Time-13:14

We see The McMahons, Vince and Shane, in the back and they are speaking about the undefeated Umaga. Vince says that Umaga is a resource they plan to use tonight and Armando Alejandro Estrada assures them that the “Samoan Bulldozer” can be counted on.

When we return to the arena we are joined by the SmackDown team of JBL and Michael Cole. They introduce us to the next match and the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out. Queen Sharmell proclaims “Here Ye, Here Ye” and goes onto introduce King Booker. Sharmell is annoying as hell here, as she says “All Hail King Booker” repeatedly during their slow walk to the ring. To put the icing on the cake she says it about twenty more times when she enters the ring. The crowd must have been saving their pop, because when the challenger, Batista, enters they unleash a nice roar. The animal that is Batista hits the corners and poses before the ref raises the Strap high and the bell sounds. Before the next match starts lets discuss the shoot fight these two had at a taping for the commercials for this PPV. It is rumored that Booker T was irritated at Batista for not shaking hands with everyone after the taping ended. The veteran Booker said something and apparently Batista challenged him to a fight. Most accounts of this event say Booker whooped that ass. Fit Finlay is really the only other person who said different and claimed Booker lost the bout because he had a blackened eye. The only ones who know are Booker and Batista because it is said they entered a room to handle their business alone. Either way they appear to have ironed it out by this point so lets head back to the mat.

After the first collar and elbow ends with a face shove by Batista, they are quick to go right back into another one. This one ends with Batista pushed into the corner and the ref separating the two. Before Booker backs too far away, he catches Batista with a bitch slap. This enrages the Animal and he shoves the champion to the mat. Booker returns to his feet, and after a kick to the midsection, has Batista in a side headlock. Batista shoves Booker into the ropes to escape and when their shoulders collide in the middle of the ring, neither man really budges. Booker tries for a spin kick, but Batista catches his foot and picks him up to slam the champ to the mat. Batista makes the first cover and this gets a two. Now it looks like Booker needs a break because he rolls from the ring. Sharmell starts to lead him up the ramp by his hand but Batista is quick to stop them and throw Booker back into the ring. Booker is quick to his feet and catches Batista with a kick to the face.

After a few chops, Booker goes for the spin kick again. It is ducked again and this time Batista drives Booker to the mat with a spinebuster. Batista does his “Thumbs up, Thumbs down” taunt and he goes for the Batista Bomb. Booker manages to wiggle free and again tries to exit the ring. He only makes it onto the apron before Batista grabs him, and this backfires because Booker catches him with a stun gun over the top rope. He is quick to return to the ring and drop Batista, neck first, onto the top rope. After some stomping, Booker uses a snapmare to apply a headlock. Batista rises to his feet but Booker drives him into the corner with a series of leaping knees to the face. After some more chops, Booker whips the Animal to the opposite corner but Batista bounces right out and catches Booker with the belly-to-belly toss. Batista goes for another cover but Booker gets his shoulder up at two.

Batista is now attempting to go for a leg lock, but Booker escapes with some boots to the face. This is when Sharmell gets on the apron and distracts the official. This allows King Booker to break his scepter over the head of the Animal. Booker tries for a cover, but Batista isn’t done yet and kicks out. The King starts to work the once before injured elbow of Batista with a wristlock. He transitions this into a sleeper and is clubbing away at Batista’s chest while doing so. Batista eventually rises to his feet and uses a snapmare to escape the hold. Booker is quick to his feet and catches Batista with the superkick. This leaves Batista leaning on the ropes and when Booker goes for the Axe Kick but Batista moves and this causes Booker’s leg to get caught on the top rope. Batista is still dazed and this allows Booker to attempt a clothesline. Batista ducks it, and this opens up a spot for Batista to atomic drop Booker onto the top rope. Batista then clotheslines him off from it and back into the ring. A sidewalk slam is next and this leads to a Batista cover. Booker kicks it out, and its not over yet.

Booker again slides from the ring, and when Batista follows, Sharmell gets in his face. The ref is warning her of her actions and this allows Booker to drop toe hold Batista into the ring steps. King Booker returns Batista to the ring and he takes to the top rope. When Batista rises to his feet, Booker goes sky-high to nail him with a missile dropkick. Booker hooks the leg but Batista is still kicking out. Booker hits a quick Russian leg sweep and goes right for another cover. This time Batista is able to get the shoulder up and stop the count at two. Booker sets up a Scissor Kick but Batista is able to avoid it and drive Booker to the mat with a jackhammer. Batista hooks the leg, but it’s now Booker’s turn to kick out. Booker gets whipped to the corner and met there with a clothesline, but when Batista tries it again, Booker ducks it and catches Batista with a neckbreaker. He goes for the cover but the Animal kicks it out. Booker preys on the slow rising Batista and goes for a knock-out punch. Batista avoids it and catches the champ with a full nelson slam. Batista does his “Thumbs up, Thumbs down” taunt here and this sends the fans into a frenzy. Batista sets up the Batista Bomb but Sharmell comes into the ring and jumps on them to stop it. This causes the official to signal for the bell.  The bells sounds but Booker tries to continue fighting. This leads to him getting a Batista Bomb even though he retains the Title. Overall a decent showing here, but the finish sucked. This is one that you could skip over on limited time. Match Time-10:26

We see a quick clip of Shawn Michaels and Triple H in a locker room and we can only see in through a cracked door. The two are talking with someone and telling them that Mr. McMahon was saying that Umaga was the “biggest and baddest monster in the business”. This is obviously a ploy to get whomever is in there with them on their side. The leave the room questioning if it worked as the door slams behind them. I cant recall at this point but it must be Kane, right?

We see the build-up clip and it shows Michaels and Triple H pulling their normal sophomoric pranks on the McMahons. They even channeled D-X of old and dressed up as Shane and Vince. Classic stuff here. It really tells the story in a short time and this is the best put together package on the whole card in my eyes. Degeneration-X enters first and this is such a great entrance. With the same cuts of the old entrance and one of my top 5 favorite themes, “Break it Down”. They “crotch chop” in the center of the ring as the pyro “X” explodes behind them and this was a great piece of nostalgia for me. The crowd is worked into a frenzy by this and the audience is full of D-X signs that are very reminiscent of the Attitude Era. Triple H takes to the mic and gets the crowd fired up with the always classic “Are you ready?” They don’t pop for him enough the first time, and when he asks it again, they explode. Shane comes shuffling out next to what is yet another great theme song “Here Comes the Money.” Vince soon joins him on the entrance ramp, and maybe I am just a sucker for Attitude Era themes, because I love Vince’s “No Chance in Hell” theme too. They make it halfway down the ramp before they turn around and welcome the Spirit Squad into the arena with a Vana White-like arm movement. The acrobats come charging the ring and get their asses kicked. When this happens, Vince sends another group out and this time it is real Superstars. This troupe is made up of Finlay, William Regal and Kennedy. Shawn and Triple H handle them at first but Finlay enters with the Shillelagh and goes to work on Hunter first. Finlay then levels HBK with a clothesline but it doesn’t take long for D-X to overcome and clear out the ring. Triple H holds Kennedy at one spot here and Michaels smokes him with a superkick. They call the McMahons down but before they make their way down we hear The Big Show’s theme come on and the mammoth man makes his way out. This distraction allows the first three henchman to pull Triple H from the ring and assault him. This leaves Michaels one-on-one with The Big Show. Michaels is tossed around by Show as the McMahons applaud their actions. Michaels gets a chokeslam then Show leaves the ring to help beat up The Game. Show dismantles a the ECW announce table and chokeslams Triple H through it.

We see the McMahon’s start to head towards the ring after they taunt the fans with a D-X style “Crotch Chop”. They hit the ring and admire the damage that their lackeys have caused. Shane goes to the apron and the ref sounds the bell. Vince starts to work on Shawn and starts with a scoopslam. He is quick to let Shane come in and have his turn with HBK. Shane dances around as he waits for Michaels to return to his feet. When he does, Shane hits him with his feet shuffling, hopping punch sequence. Vince re-enters and puts Shawn in the corner so that he can choke him. The ref separates the two and is warning Vince for his actions. This allows Shane to choke Shawn with the tag rope. The “Triple H” chants start as Shane tags back in and they hit Shawn with a double back elbow. This is when we see Triple H start to stir in the table rubble. Shane takes notice of this and slides out of the ring to stomp Triple H. Shane returns to the ring and hits Michaels with a series of backbreakers. He tags his dad back in and they hit Shawn with a double vertical suplex. They then shake hands and hold it to drop a double elbow on Shawn. Shane notices that Triple H is leaning on the apron now and sends him flying into JR with a baseball slide. The McMahons channel the 80’s next and hit Shawn with Demolition’s finisher, Decapitation. They channel the Hart Foundation next and use their finish, Hart Attack. Shane even does the Brett Hart taunt here and it is excellent. They steal a page from the Legion of Doom next and hit Shawn with one of the best tag finishes of all-time, The Doomsday Device. Vince then leaves the ring and tells Shane to make a cover. Shane does so and the fans explodes when Shawn Michaels kicks out. Shane goes for two more quick covers and HBK kicks out of both.

This is when Shawn starts to rally behind some punches but Vince is quick to enter and slow the attack. They whip Shawn into the ropes and attempt to hit the double clothesline. Shawn ducks it and lays them both down with a flying clothesline of his own. Triple H slowly is climbing back to the ring at this point and makes it to the apron. Shawn makes the tag and Hunter goes from dead to explosive. He flattens the McMahons with punches, taking turns knocking them back down each time they rise. He hits Shane with the neckbreaker and pounds Vince into the corner.  He whips Shane into the ropes and when he returns, he slams Shane to the mat with his signature spinebuster. Triple H then suplexes Vince to the mat and the crowd erupts when Shawn comes off the top rope to drive the elbow into the chest of Mr. McMahon. Shane returns to his feet and Shawn goes toppling over the top rope with him following a clothesline. In the ring Triple H is stalking Vince as he slowly rises to his feet. This is when we see Alejandro enter with the undefeated Umaga. Umaga stops on the ramp to deliver a vicious kick to the chest of Michaels before he enters the ring. He then grab Triple H by the hair and hits him with the Samoan Spike. Basically a huge chop to the chest from behind. He then goes to give the move to Shawn but the fire pyro explodes and Kane enters to stop him. The two brawl up the ramp and into the back. Back in the ring though Vince rolls over and tries to cover Triple H. The fans erupt when Hunter narrowly escapes the three count. This pisses McMahon off and he nails the ref with a right hand. Shane joins them in the ring and places Triple H in the corner laying a trashcan over him. Shane heads up to the opposite corner tries to go Coast-to-Coast. Shawn quickly re-enters the ring and catches the leaping Shane-O-Mac with the Sweet Chin Music. Vince gets the Chin Music next and Triple H follows it up with the Pedigree. The ref comes back to life and counts the three as Hunter makes the cover. Great match we have here folks. All kind of crazy stuff going on AND The McMahon’s losing. What more could a fan ask for. Match Time-13:01

And finally, we get our segue into the Main Event. The package shows how Edge’s WWE Championship run began. He won the very first Money in the Bank match at WrestleMania 21 and cashed it on John Cena at the New Year’s Revolution PPV after his bloody Elimination Chamber match. Edge would be successful with his cash-in and win the Title that night. He would lose the Title, but win it back in a Triple Threat match with Cena and RVD. Finally we see Edge enter the home of the Cena Family and slap John’s Father. This is another well put together package but still not as good as the last one.

Edge continues the punches and elbows for a bit and send Cena back to the mat with a standing dropkick. Cena rolls to the apron next, and when he rises, Edge hits him in the back of the head with a forearm. This sends Cena flying off the apron and into the security wall. Once again Edge tells the ref to hurry up with the count. Once again he enters at the count of eight and Edge is quick to attack him when he does so. Edge goes for another pin attempt but Cena isn’t out of it yet and kicks out. Cena lands a punch next and whips Edge into the ropes, but Edge comes back hot and nails the prime heel kick. Another cover and another kick out by Cena. The two exchange some punches and the crowd pops when Cena comes out ahead. After a whip to the corner Cena catches Edge with a nice fisherman’s suplex but is slow to hook the leg for the cover attempt. The delay allows for Edge to kick-out and for the match to continue.

Edge reverses an Irish whip and when Cena comes back at him Edge grabs his hair to assist in throwing him over the top rope. Cena catches some serious air here and takes a pretty solid bump to the floor. Cena is quick to return and try to regain momentum with some right hands. This works for a moment, and he hits the ropes to attempt a high crossbody. Edge hits the mat to avoid it and Cena tumbles hard to the canvas. Edge flattens Cena with a clothesline and goes for a lazy cover that avails a near fall only. Edge drives his knee into the back off Cena and applies pressure with a chinlock. When Cena falls to the mat, Edge switches to a sleeper hold and it appears as Cena may be in trouble. Cena eventually muscles to his feet and escapes the hold. He catches Edge with a few left hands but Edge sneaks in a big boot that knocks the air out of Cena and the fans. Edge falls on him for the cover but Cena still is able to get the shoulder up. Edge takes to the top rope but Cena meets him there with a left hand. This knocks Edge onto the top turnbuckle and gives Cena the opportunity to join him up there. Cena attempts a powerplexs, but Edge is able to stop him from getting him over. Edge then hits Cena with a headbutt that sends him falling to the mat. Edge waits in prey as Cena regains his footing. As soon as Cena is on his feet Edge comes soaring with a diving clothesline. When Edge makes the cover Cena is still able to get the shoulder up to stop the count. The “Lets go Cena” chants are in full force now as Edge is stretching Cena with a cobra clutch. Cena uses his brute strength to stand up with Edge on his back. He then jumps backwards and both men hit the mat hard. They both lay prone as the ref starts the count.

Both men make it to their feet at the six, and Cena catches Edge with the blockbuster. This leaves both men on the mat again as the official restarts his count. The refs attention is on Cena when they return to their feet and Lita tries to slide Edge a chair. He quickly throws it from the ring just before Cena crushes him with a clothesline. He hits Edge with a pair of shoulder blocks and Edge hops back up from both. This may not have been the best of decisions as Cena hits him with a sidewalk slam next. The crowd chants the “You Can’t See Me” as Cena does the hand motion and hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. The crowd are on their toes as Cena picks Edge up for the FU. Edge slides free of it and catches Cena with the impaler DDT. Edge tries for the cover and somehow, someway, Cena manages to get the shoulder up. Edge takes to the top turnbuckle but Cena again meets him up there. Cena is on the second rope when he scoops Edge up for a FU. Edge again wiggles free from it and picks Cena up into an electric chair position. Cena transitions this into a victory roll, but Edge narrowly kicks it free. Edge hits the crossbody from the second rope but Cena rolls through it and stands right up, lifting Edge with him. He tosses Edge onto his shoulder for another attempted FU but once again Edge escapes, this time with a backslide.

Lita is on the apron now and when Edge shoves Cena towards her she puts her hands up as to claim innocence. Edge charges Cena, but he moves and instead Edge knocks Lita off the apron. Cena rolls Edge up from behind and the fans count along with the ref as he starts the count. The are forced to stop at two, though, when Edge kicks out. Both men return to their feet, but knock each other right back to the mat with a double clothesline. The ref’s count makes it to seven before they are back on their feet. Cena is quick to try to scoopslam Edge but he wiggles free and pulls Cena to the mat by the back of his head. Both men are again laid out as the ref starts to count again. Edge finally covers, but Cena kicks it out. Edge heads to the corner and is waiting to strike Cena as soon as he is on his feet. The Spear is reversed with a drop toe hold, and as soon as Edge hits the mat, Cena locks in the STF. Lita is about to enter the ring but Edge convinces her not to. He soon finds the bottom rope and the ref is forced to break the hold. This is when Lita discreetly passes Edge a pair of Brass Knuckles. She then runs to the other side of the ring and begins to distract the ref. Cena lifts Edge for a FU but Lita comes in and jumps on top of Edge, who is in FU position. Cena tosses her off first but this allows Edge to escape and smoke Cena in the back of the skull with the brass knucks. The ref is of course distracted by Lita, and misses the illegal blow. Edge tucks the knuckles into his tights and makes the cover. This time it is successful and Edge gets the three to retain the WWE Championship. This was a good match and shows just how great of a heel Edge was. It’s worth the time to watch this one. Match Time-15:42

Well that does it for this edition of the Chairshot Classic. This was a mediocre SummerSlam and as far as the ones I have reviewed u to this point this one would be right in the middle. My three must watch matches are probably 1-Flair/Foley, 2-Chavo/Rey, 3-D-X/McMahon. This could go a lot of ways as I didn’t think any of the matches completely sucked. Lets see what Dave Meltzer thought of the event. As I always do, I gather these star ratings from and like to give credit were its due. I apparently agree with Dave on this one as his three highest matches were, Edge/Cena-3.75, Foley/Flair-3.5 and D-X/McMahon-3.25. He didn’t see a dud either but Booker/Batista wasn’t far off receiving only a half star.

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Classic SummerSlam

Attitude Of Aggression #298- Summer Slam ’94

Kinny KIlla joins the Big Five Project as the guys cover Summer Slam ’94, including a watch along of one of the greatest Steel Cage matches of all time!



Attitude of Aggression

The Big Five Project returns…and so does Kinny Killa as one of the best friends of the show makes a special guest appearance to cover Summer Slam ’94! Emanating from the brand-new United Center in Chicago, the 1994 edition of WWE’s summer extravaganza was an exceptionally good event that featured Razor Ramon recapturing the Intercontinental Championship, a very surprising heel turn, and one of the best women’s matches anywhere in 1994. The highlight, of course, was the epic Steel Cage match for the WWF Championship between Owen Hart and his brother Bret “The Hitman” Hart and the guys do a watch along of that match here. Is it the greatest Steel Cage match of all time, as Dave suggests, or does the match go too long? All that plus the return of The Undertaker as he takes on…. The Undertaker? It is as ridiculous as it sounds, but we have all the details for you here, on another epic installment of the Big Five Project.

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Created in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts, including POD is WAR, Women’s Wrestling Talk, Chairshot Radio daily editions, The #Miranda Show, Badlands’ Wrestling Mount Rushmores, The Outsider’s Edge, DWI Podcast, Bandwagon Nerds, the Greg DeMarco Show, 3 Man Weave, Five Rounds, Turnbuckle Talk, The Reaction, Attitude Of Aggression, and more! You can find these great shows each week at and through our distribution partners, including podcasting’s most popular platforms.

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About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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Classic WWE

Attitude Of Aggression #297- The Big Five Project: King of the Ring ’94

The Big Five Project heads to Baltimore for the coronation of Owen Hart as the King of the Ring for 1994, plus Bret Hart defends the WWF title against Diesel!



Attitude of Aggression

The Big Five Project returns to crown a new King of the Ring. In 1994, on the heels of WrestleMania X, Owen Hart found himself still in the shadow of his brother, Bret “The Hitman” Hart. Although he beat Bret at WrestleMania, it was the Hitman who left as the WWF Champion. On this night, in Baltimore, Maryland, Owen took a major step in carving his own identity as he won three matches to emerge as the King of the Ring for 1994! Meanwhile, brother Bret had his hands full with a title defense against the reigning Intercontinental Champion, Diesel. Throw in a tag title defense by The Headshrinkers and a main event featuring two guys over the age of 40, and this first PPV of the “New Generation” era was one to remember. So, we invite you to join us for a tremendous recap of King of the Ring ’94 and the birth of the King of Harts!

About the Chairshot Radio Network

Created in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts, including POD is WAR, Women’s Wrestling Talk, Chairshot Radio daily editions, The #Miranda Show, Badlands’ Wrestling Mount Rushmores, The Outsider’s Edge, DWI Podcast, Bandwagon Nerds, the Greg DeMarco Show, 3 Man Weave, Five Rounds, Turnbuckle Talk, The Reaction, Attitude Of Aggression, and more! You can find these great shows each week at and through our distribution partners, including podcasting’s most popular platforms.

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 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

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FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

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