Ring Of Honor Coverage
Matt’s Recap & Review: Ring of Honor TV (10/14/2019)
Matt Davis is back with his look at Ring of Honor on FITE TV Episode 421 featuring Jay Lethal vs. PJ Black!
Matt Davis is back with his look at Ring of Honor on FITE TV Episode 421 featuring Jay Lethal vs. PJ Black!
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Ring of Honor television! We open up with the ending of Death Before Dishonor a few weeks ago showing the moment Rush defeated Matt Taven for the ROH World Championship. Ian Riccaboni welcomes us to the episode, recapping that the company crowned two new world champions that night, also showing us that Angelina Love defeated Kelly Klein for the Women Of Honor Championship.
They tell us that tonight we will see PJ Black against Jay Lethal, who was originally scheduled to face Bandido but Bandido was injured at Death Before Dishonor, in our main event. Riccaboni adds that we are going to look at Rush’s brother, Dragon Lee, who says he will make Ring of Honor his new home. The former IWGP Jr Heavyweight Champion was featured in the ROH Six Man Tag Team Championship match at Death Before Dishonor and that’s where we begin
1) The Briscoe Brothers & Dragon Lee vs Villain Enterprises (Marty Scurll, PCO, & Brody King)
“Death Before Dishonor”
We start off in the middle of the action with a Jay Briscoe ripcord neckbreaker followed by Dragon Lee jumping off the top rope onto Brody King with a stomp to the heart, followed by a Mark Briscor Froggy Bow, Jay with a quick cover and Brody King kicks out! Cut to Scurll who tries a superkick to Jay Briscoe but he ducks and Scurll nails King in the jaw! Mark jumps off the apron with a blockbuster to Scurll! Cut to Scurll launching PCO over the top rope to his opponents with a cannonball crushing everyone in sight! Cut to PCO with a cannonball off the top rope across the head and neck of Mark Briscoe extended across the apron! Dragon Lee with a hurricanrana off the apron to PCO, Scurll superkicks Lee off the apron! Scurll looking for the crossface chickenwing which gets a great reaction from the live crowd, but no, Mark Briscoe with an inside cradle..one..two..no! LARIAT BY SCURLL! Double underhook suplex which he calls the Black Plague, he hooks the leg and gets the win for Villain Enterprises!
Winners: Villain Enterprises
Grade: N/A
Thoughts: So… they use this match to tell us about Dragon Lee, who did all of two moves in this brief clipped match. What was the point in that to showcase your newest talent? His team didn’t even win. Whoever runs the production team didn’t think this one through at all. I’m speechless at the logic of that one.
Jay Lethal is backstage talking about how he didnt prepare for PJ Black, he spent time preparing for Bandido for his first round match (don’t forget, in episode #420, they told us that Jay Lethal won this match and will wrestle at Glory by Honor in the semi-finals). He calls PJ Black lucky because he has everything to gain here, being added in at the last second. Jay Lethal says he would love to become ROH World Champion a third time, and he thinks it might just happen.
After a quick ad break, we are back with images of Angelina Love spraying cosmetic product in the face of the champion and getting the pin. Kelly Klein tells us that she’s not done with Love and she is coming for her and she knows where she is! Ian Riccaboni tells us that Kelly Klein will challenge Angelina Love at Glory by Honor. He also tells us that there is a 15 man #1 contender’s battle royal and the winner will face ROH World Champion Rush later that night. He runs down the card some more and tells us we will see Dalton Castle against PCO in the #1 Contender at Final Battle Tournament match, with the winner facing the winner of Scurll vs (Lethal/Black) and reminds us the latter match is our main event as if they didn’t say that less than 4 minutes ago.
We are welcomed to a brief recap of Death Before Dishonor given to us by “Wrestling With Wregret”‘s Brian Zane who is backstage and says he was reeling from DBD and he had the best seat in the house. He says his Top 5 favorite things from Death Before Dishonor were PCO absorbing the cattle prod, Beer City Bruiser being a human dartboard during a Bar Room Brawl with Vinny Marseglia throwing darts into the Bruiser’s back, Lifeblood’s Mark Haskins and Bandido challenging the The Briscoes, and Jay Briscoe ended the match with two Jay Drillers to retain, Jonathan Gresham submitting former two ROH World Champion Jay Lethal, Zane calling Gresham The Octopus of ROH, and his number one favorite moment was Matt Tave agaist Rush. He said Rush led a one man stampede against the leader of The Kingdom, and in the end Taven got the horns. Does anyone really believe him when he says that it was one of the best matches he’s ever seen though? Come on. Come on.
PJ Black is shown backstage, removing his shirt, and says he is very excited for tonight, and that due to injuries, he was able to replace Bandido in the tournament. He says his opponent is one of the best ever, one of ROH’s legends, saying he came to ROH to test himself against guys like Jay Lethal and didn’t think this opportunity could come this early. He says Always Bet On Black when in Vegas, he says all he needs to do is beat Jay Lethal, and then two more men to become ROH World Champion.
We are shown a victory by Coast 2 Coast at an unnamed event, but it happened in Las Vegas in the Sam’s Town Live, when Shaheem Ali pinned Cheeseburger with an inverted uranagi slam. A promo by Coast to Coast follows with LSG telling us that Coast 2 Coast are no longer young boys, and the company will soon recognize that. Ali says if someone has the tag belts, it doesn’t matter who it is, they’re coming to get them, LSG adds that there is a target on the champions back! Ali ends by saying Coast 2 Coast does the most, and they don’t play games.
Backstage at Death Before Dishonor, Quinn McKay stands with “Hotsauce” Tracy Williams as they prepare for his No Disqualification match against Flip Gordon. Williams says that Flip finally gave him what he wanted after months of cheap shots. He says Flip must feel he needs weapons but it won’t matter because he’s going to end this feud tonight, he will not hestitate to end this, and tells Flip Gordon to come prepared, and that he’s going to send Flip Gordon to the shelf for good.
2) Silas Young & Josh Woods vs Coast 2 Coast
This is an exclusive ROH Television match, featuring two teams that are chasing The Briscoe Brothers and a victory here could earn either team a champioship opportunity! Coast 2 Coast makes their entrance first. We are told Silas Young and Josh Woods went undefeated during the Global Wars Tour! We are told Silas Young doesn’t like how “nice” Josh Woods is, but decided to take him under his wings after winning the 2017 Top Prospect Tournament.
Young and LSG start us off, Young with some chain wrestling early on, LSG flips him inside out. Silas Young shows great athleticism with some kip ups trying to escape a wristlock. Multiple cradles for near falls by both men! Tag to Josh Woods with a snapmare, allowing LSG to tag in Ali. The big men square off, as the fans chant “Power Ranger” at Shaheem Ali. We are told wrestling Josh Woods on the mat is a mistake due to his MMA background, as Ali escapes a mount with a rope break as we fade to commercial.
Back to both men still in the ring, Ali trying to wrestle Woods again, Woods reverses a charge attack into a leg cradle for two. Caprice Coleman says that if he were wrestling someone with an amateur background, he’d kick him straight in the mouth. Woods and Young dominating Ali in their corner. Corner to corner splash by Young and tag to Woods, who knocks the wind out of Ali with a knee to the gut for a two count! Ali backs Woods up to the Coast 2 Coast corner as they double team Woods with cheap shots. Woods shoulder first ito the corner, double team slam into LSG’s knees. More double teaming behind the referees back. Woods tries to fight back, but gets driven to his opponents corner again. LSG taunts Young before charging into Woods in the corner. Woods with elbows to both of his opponents, blocks a clothesline into a t-bone suplex to LSG! Woods can’t make the tag as both men down. Both men make tags and Young sends Ali to the outside, clothlining LSG, Ali back in, catches knees to the face by Youg and a top rope assisted suplex for two! LSG with a springboard clothesline. LSG takes down Woods with a lucha tilt-a-whirl bulldog, Ali in and gets a gut wrench powerbomb on Josh Woods! They crush Silas Young in the corner. Woods with a Jumping Knee to Ali! Young blocks LSG off the ropes, backbreaker across the knee into the lariat combination! CHAOS THEORY BY JOSH WOODS! No pin! Young gets thrown outside by Shaheem Ali, Woods and Ali scrap, Woods with a powerslam, no Young catches Ali with a cutter from the elevated position with a double team and gets the win in just over 9 minutes of action.
Winners: Silas Young & Josh Woods
Grade: **
Thoughts: Josh Woods has now been in Ring of Honor several years, and he looks like he just started yesterday. He is crisp when it comes to grappling and takedowns, as that is his amateur background, but overall he is still a very raw product. Coast 2 Coast looked like a great team in the wrong place at the wrong time. They got some nice moves in, but there was no way they were beating Young and Woods tonight.
Backstage at Death Before Dishonor, Matt Taven is shown after the main event walking through the backstage area looking frustrated, tearing his tape off, wondering what’s next for him. We are then shown the end of Colt Cabana against Marty Scurll in the first round of the #1 Contender at Final Battle Tournament, with Scurll winning with the Black Plague. We are shown highlights of PCO defeating Kenny King to advance past the first round after sustaining a cattle prod to the throat, chokeslamming King anyway. Dalton Castle defeated Mark Haskins as well, as the former ROH World Champion won with the a Spinning Clutch Bulldog. We are told you can watch all that match on Youtube! Using a television to plug a Youtube Channel? Well, that’s new.
3) PJ Black vs Jay Lethal
First Round- #1 Contender at Final Battle Tournament
Lethal gets introduced as The Franchise, and he is trying to earn his way back to the championship he lost at Madison Square Garden in April. He is escorted by Jonathan Gresham. Streamers fly over the greatest champion in Ring of Honor history. Both men shake hands to start, giving us the code of honor. Nice.
Black with a standing switch go behind, meanwhile we are told that Gresham does have his manager’s license, because the Nevada State Athletic Commission is strict about that, Lethal and Black tie up into a wristlock, into a Lethal hammerlock. Black picks the lock ad reverses into a cradle for a quick kickout. We are told that Lethal wrestled almost 20 minutes the night before, and that Black is fresh after not competing at Death Before Dishonor. Toehold into a front facelock by PJ Black. Great wrestling here by the South African. Driven to the ropes, Black gives a clean break.
Hard tie up in the ring and Black gets a headlock, multiple leadfrogs by both men, and Black with a leg sweep into a lateral press, Lethal gives his own, arm drags, and a legsweep, Lethal dodges a double stomp and Lethal stares up at PJ Black who says it was that close. They square away again, Vintage Lethal after Lethal tosses Black with a hiptoss into a dropkick combo! Hard chop by Lethal but Lethal on the hunt as he abuses his opponent in the corner with kicks and chops. Lethal blocks a front face lock springboard tornado DDT ad dropkicks the knee of Black, he locks in a Figure Four! Black trying to reach for the ropes! Black has surgically repaired legs after a terrible car accident last year, being repaired with pins and metal rods. Black gets to the ropes, asai moonsault into a reverse DDT and holds on and transitions into a mounted dragon sleeper! Wow!
Snap suplex into a face lock into an stretch plum by Black trying to target the arm that Gresham ripped apart last night. Lethal gets a break and Black with kicks to the spine, cover and gets two, trying to gas Lethal on kickouts. Headscissors takedown into a step through inverted boston crab into a surfboard which he calls the South African Love Bucket as we fade to a break.
Black on top, gets dropkicked in the back by Lethal as he splits himself on the turnbuckle! Both men on top, back elbow by Black, Black threatens a 450 Splash but Lethal blocks with slaps and chops. Lethal now with a superplex but Black blocks. Both men still on top. Lethal with a superplex! Both men down as the referee starts to count. Both men to their feet as they exchange blows. Lethal with a knife edge chop! Black with a chop! Lethal with a chop! Black with a kick, Lethal with a slap, Black with forearms, and a spinning forearm stumbles Lethal. Off the ropes, Black to the apron, springboard dropkick sends Black outside, suicide dive through the ropes connects! Lethal rolls Black inside, Hail to the King OHH YEAHHH, Black blocks! Lethal Combination! Lethal back up top. Elbow smash connects! Hooks the leg and Black kicks out, so close! Both men reaching deep as they’re in the corner, Lethal with rights, Black reverses a whip, SPANISH FLY OFF THE TOP BY PJ BLACK! Two and a half! Springboard Moonsault Press connects– LETHAL KICKS OUT! Black tries the 450, and Lethal out of desperation knocks Black down. Both men up top. Black blocks a superplex with a headbutt. Double axe handle to the neck by Black. Both men fight and both men crash to the mat! PJ Black misses the Placebo Effect, Black blocks the Lethal Injection! Lethal misses the Lethal Injection, Black blocks a third attempt, SUPER KICK BY Lethal! Cutter! Fourth try connects! Lethal hooks the leg and wins in 15 minutes.
Winner: Jay Lethal
Grade: ***
Thoughts: PJ Black was made to look like he could really compete against the best here, as Lethal couldn’t get much without it being countered or blocked on the first attempt. Black has some unique combinations and transitions. Put the TV Title on this guy and let him wrestle every week, wow! I really liked this match, but the result was never in question. It was a proving ground for PJ Black, who proved his worth. Not to mention we were told Lethal won last week when they previewed the Tournament’s semi-finals at Glory by Honor.
Overall Show Grade: 4/10
There’s just so much I can say, with so much going on in wrestling right now, ROH looks to just be in a bad spot. The crowds are pathetic and silent. There’s more crowd noise at joshi events. You can hear one or two fans clapping and cheering, there’s less than a couple hundred people in attendance. This show was all over the place, three weeks after Death Before Dishonor aired acting like it happened the night before (claiming so several times), failing to showcase Dragon Lee in a segment that was supposed to, having their main event match spoiled the week before, and telling us that if we watched ROH on FITE TV, we can go watch more matches on Youtube is ridiculous. The main event saved this show from being a total bomb, but the lack of crowd killed what could have been a special match between great athletes. They tried, but the crowd just didn’t care. You just can’t air these types of shows and expect anyone to care about your product and take it seriously. Last week was much better. I hope there’s better days ahead. I hope.
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Who is the Face of ROH TV?
Leila Grey called out Red Velvet, and now they’re fighting for the gold! Who will be the ROH Women’s World Television Championship?
- Sammy Guevara VS Aaron Solo; Sammy wins.
- Queen Aminata VS Allysin Kay; Aminata wins.
- ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground Match: Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Lee Johnson w/ EJ Nduka; Time Limit Draw, Lee earns a future title match.
- Serpentico VS Brandon Cutler; Serpentico wins.
- ROH Rewind – ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe VS Tony Deppen; Joe wins and retains the title.
- Blake Christian VS Evil Uno w/ The Dark Order; Blake wins.
- ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Red Velvet VS Leila Grey; Velvet wins and retains the title.
Sammy Guevara VS Aaron Solo!
The Spanish God, a Son of Texas, is still ROH World Tag Team Champion after he and Dustin Rhodes took down The House of Torture in Tokyo! But will Sammy keep things going strong from WrestleDynasty? Or will The Extra Talented Aaron Solo bring the DOOM~ on behalf of QT Marshall?
The fans cheer on Sammy while he offers the Code of Honor handshake. Solo says nope, the fans boo, but the bell rings. Sammy and Solo circle, tie up, and Solo wrenches to a wristlock. Solo grins but the fans boo more. Solo keeps Sammy from the ropes, but Sammy spins, flips, and wrenches to wristlock in return. The fans cheer but Solo knees low! Solo fires a forearm, storms up on Sammy at the ropes and fires another. Sammy fires back but Solo knees low again! Solo whips, Sammy reverses, and Sammy hurdles, backflips, then DROPKICKS! Solo falls and Sammy kips up so smooth! The fans cheer and Sammy takes a bow.
Sammy aims and springboards, but he fakes Solo out to spin and pose. The fans cheer, Sammy eggs Solo on, and Solo storms in! Sammy DUMPS Solo back out, then builds speed to CORKSCREW PLANCHA! Direct hit on Solo, and Sammy shouts out Tay Melo and their baby, Luna. Sammy then CHOPS Solo against the railing, puts him in the ring, and covers, ONE! Solo is still in this but Sammy stays on him with a snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Sammy stays cool as he goes to the apron, and the fans rally up. Sammy springboards but Solo trips him up! Crash landing for Sammy and the fans boo, but Solo rains down fists!
Solo stomps Sammy at the ropes, the ref counts and Solo stops to soak up heat. Solo CHOKES Sammy on the ropes, steps off as the ref counts again, and he drags Sammy back up. Solo RAMS into Sammy at the corner, the fans taunt him with “YOU SUCK, SOLO!” but Solo just talks smack. Sammy CHOPS Solo! And CHOPS again! Solo knees low again, then snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Sammy goes for ropes but Solo catches him to a chinlock. Solo digs his knee into Sammy’s back but the fans rally up. Sammy endures, fights up, and fires body shots. Sammy CHOPS Solo, CHOPS again, and CHOPS! But Solo knees low again!
Solo whips, Sammy ducks ‘n’ dodges, and he CROSSBODIES! And kips up! The fans fire up with Sammy, he dodges Solo, then RAMS him in the corner! ENZIGIRI! Then a slingshot, somersault and- NO, Solo rolls Sammy! TWO! Solo spins, Sammy ducks the kick and JUMP KNEES! Then he reels Solo in, back suplex KICK!! Cover, TWO!! Solo survives that modified Detonation Kick, but Sammy vows to end it here! Sammy brings Solo up to the torture rack, but Solo grabs ropes! Solo escapes to the apron, but Sammy GAMANGIRIS! Solo staggers up the ramp, and Sammy springboards, but Solo dodges! Sammy rolls through, and Solo runs up to ROCK him!
Sammy ROCKS Solo! Solo ROCKS Sammy! The fans cheer Sammy and boo Solo as they go back and forth. Solo SOBATS, then DREAMCAST- JUMP KNEE again! Sammy takes aim and SUPER- NO, Solo dodges to DREAMCAST KICK! Direct hit this time, and then Solo hit a DESTROYER on the ramp!! Solo shoves Sammy into the ring, then goes up the corner! DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS!! Cover, TWO!! Sammy survives the coup de grace and Solo is furious! The fans rally up while Sammy crawls to a corner. Solo runs up, but into a SUPERKICK! Sammy goes up, FLYING CUTTER! Sammy torture racks, GO TO HOSPITAL! Cover, Sammy wins!
Winner: Sammy Guevara, by pinfall
No doom here! The Spanish God pulls out the victory, but who will target the Sons of Texas and their gold next?
ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground Match: Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Lee Johnson w/ EJ Nduka!
The Commander of the Skies pushed Kazuchika Okada further than expected last Saturday on Collision, which is probably why Okada disrespected him even after winning. But now, Komander must focus on his own growing list of challengers. Will he be able to end this in ten minutes or less? Or will he owe Big Shotty a title shot?
The Code of Honor is not upheld as Lee kicks Komander’s hand away, and the bell rings. The two circle, feel things out, then tie up. Lee waistlocks and SLAMS Komander, then floats over to slap him around! The fans boo but EJ says it’s too easy. Lee smirks as he and Komander reset and circle again. The fans rally up, the two tie up, and Komander wrenches to then hook a leg. Komander slaps Lee around now and the fans cheer. Abrahantes says two can play at that game, and Lee resets with Komander. They circle, tie up, and Lee waistlocks. Lee half nelsons, Komander spins but Lee hip tosses, only for Komander to handspring through!
Komander hip tosses Lee, but Lee UP KICKS! Lee hits a headlock takeover, grinds Komander down, but the fans rally up. Komander fights up, powers out, but Lee CLOBBERS Komander! Lee says it’s too easy. The fans boo but Lee grins. Lee goes back for Komander, but Komander sips around to waistlock. Lee bucks the O’Conner, but Komander ducks the lariat! Komander wheelbarrows and arm-drags, but Lee comes back! Komander denies the Code Breaker, trips Lee up, then drops an ELBOW! Lee writhes, Komander stalks him, but Lee runs up. Komander puts Lee on the apron, then triangle jump DROPKICKS him down!
The fans fire up, Komander builds speed, but he has to literally slow his roll as EJ stands in the way. The Judge wags his finger at Komander while the fans boo. The ref tells EJ to back up, and Lee slides into the ring. Komander hurries to aim from the apron, but EJ trips him up! Abrahantes protests but EJ gets away with that one. Komander is annoyed, but Lee BLASTS him down! The fans boo more but Lee high-fives with EJ. Lee then stands Komander up to fire a BODY BLOW! Komander sputters, Lee RAMS him into the apron! EJ says that’s how you do it! Lee whips Komander hard into more railing!
Komander staggers, clutching a hip, but Lee brings Komander around. Lee puts Komander in, covers, ONE! Komander shows that toughness but Lee looms over him. Lee scuffs Komander, the fans rally up, and Komander rises up. Lee is on him but Komander fires a BODY SHOT! Komander RAMS into Lee at the corner, CHOPS him, but Lee kicks low! And CHOPS in return! Lee whips Komander to swing him around and send hard into the buckles! The fans boo but Lee runs up, into a BOOT! Lee staggers, runs back in, but Komander ELBOWS Lee away! Komander goes up, up, but Lee GAMANGIRIS!
Lee climbs up after Komander, but Komander fires body shots! The fans rally, Komander SHOVES Lee down, and Komander adjusts! Tightrope walk and CROSSBODY! Direct hit and the fans fire up! Komander stands, dodges Lee’s lariat, and he rolls to go up, FACEBUSTER! The fans fire up again while Komander crawls to the cover, TWO! Lee stays in this but Komander is more sore from the ribs. Komander goes to the apron, the fans rally up, and he RAMS into Lee! Springboard, flying sunset flip! Lee rolls through, Komander goes up the ropes again to RANA! Cover, TWO!! Lee escapes in time and EJ is relieved.
The fans rally while both men are down. Komander rises, the fans tune up with him, and he runs up on Lee. Lee fireman’s carries, ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! PENALTY KICK! STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Komander survives the assault and Lee is furious! EJ also argues the count but the ref defends it. Lee huffs ‘n’ puffs and storms up on Komander. Lee drags Komander up by his mask, reels him in, but Komander slips free of the bomb! SUPERKICK! Lee goes to a corner, Komander runs in, but Lee puts Komander on the apron! Komander ENZIGIRIS! Lee drops to his knees and Komander climbs.
Lee stands to ROCK Komander first! Lee climbs up, brings Komander up again, but Komander fights the suplex! Komander fires body shots, then goes up and over! SUPER SUNSET BOMB!! Lee writhes, but so does Komander! The fans rally again as Komander goes to the apron. EJ coaches Lee but we get the one minute warning! Komander hurries to springboard SWANTON! Direct hit but Komander has to crawl back to the cover! TWO!! Lee survives, Komander scrambles back to the corner, and the fans rally up again. Komander is up top at 30 seconds left, and Komander tightrope walks! CIELITO LINDO!! But he can’t make the cover!!
Komander flails and flounders, but EJ drags Lee out of the ring! The Judge makes the save, and TIME’S UP!!
Time Limit Draw; Lee Johnson earns a title opportunity
Big Shotty has a big grin on his face, but he survived the Proving Grounds. Will Lee grab that gold when he and Komander meet again?
ROH Rewind – ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe VS Tony Deppen!
Here on Episode 101, we flashback to Episode 2! The Samoan Submission Machine dropped the TNT Championship just before this, but he took on a former ROH World TV Champion’s challenge, watch as Joe gets the rebound!
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who truly reigns in ROH!
The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and fans rally for “JOE! JOE! JOE!” as he circles with Deppen. They tie up, fans sing “Joe is gonna kill~ you!” as Joe puts Deppen on ropes. The ref counts the break, Joe lets off cleanly and smirks as Deppen resets. The two circle, tie up, and Joe puts Deppen in the corner. The ref calls the break again, but Joe CHOPS Deppen as he lets off. Fans rally up for Joe again but Deppen shrugs that off. Deppen and Joe tie up again, go around, and Deppen wrenches to a wristlock. Joe wrenches right back, but Deppen rolls and hooks a leg. Joe twists the wrist but Deppen rolls back, stands up and CHOPS! And ROCKS! And CHOPS!
Deppen fires off on Joe in the corner but Joe HEADBUTTS! Then JAB, JAB, JAB! Joe fires off fast hands and a CHOP! Deppen falls and fans fire up! Deppen sits up and gasps, but he CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Deppen runs, but Joe CLOBBERS him! Joe looms over Deppen before he covers, TWO! Deppen goes to ropes but Joe stalks him. Joe JABS again, and again, and again! Joe stomps Deppen to the corner, stomps him more then digs his boot in. The ref counts, Joe lets off, but Deppen shoulders into Joe. Deppen eggs Joe on, so Joe CHOPS and KICKS him down! Joe drags Deppen up, back elbows then JABS, then HEADBUTTS!
Joe stands Deppen up but Deppen throws hands. Deppen backs Joe down, ELBOWS him, then CLUBS him on the back! Deppen whips corner to corner, Joe reverses and runs in to back body block, then PELE! Deppen goes down again and fans fire up! Fans rally behind Joe, and Joe drags Deppen up. Joe hoists Deppen up top as fans sing again. But Deppen fights the tuck to HEADBUTT! Joe CHOPS in return! Joe climbs up, clinches, but Deppen throws body shots! Deppen ROCKS Joe, stands and leaps, to MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans fire up, Deppen says Joe is dead, but Joje puts Deppen on the apron. Deppen dodges the haymaker to SLINGSHOT STUNNER!
Joe staggers, Deppen rolls Joe up, TWO!! Joe escapes but Deppen is focused! Deppen runs in, URENAGE and KNEE collide!! Both men fall but Deppen makes the cover, TWO!! Deppen almost had Joe but he isn’t sure what he has to do now. Deppen climbs the corner and fans rally up. DIVING- NO, Joe avoids the stomps! Deppen comes back, the URENAGE hits clean! Joe storms up on Deppen, reels him in, but Deppen drops! Victory roll, TWO!! Joe LARIATS Deppen! Joe then puts Deppen up top, tucks him in, and brings him out, MUSCLE BUSTER!! Cover, Joe wins!
Winner: Samoa Joe, by pinfall (still ROH World Television Champion)
From this victory, Samoa Joe would defeat Mark Briscoe in a great 1v1 match, but then VACATE it so that he could hunt down the AEW World Championship. Joe is back in action this Saturday Night Collision alongside Hook, will they make quick work of The Patriarchy?
The Infantry is backstage.
And they’re shaking down some rando for information? The cameraman ruins things and Carlie Bravo says they’re just trying to make an honest living. Shawn Dean says the cameras always have perfect timing. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Well, here are some things that changed: their attitudes; their patience with ROH; but more importantly, their pockets! Shane Taylor Promotions backed the Brinks truck up and they’re getting paid! City to city, paying for all the bad habits! But most importantly, that means ROH is on notice that this is the Crash Out World Tour! They’re handing out Double Stomps like they’re Oprah!
You get a double stomp! You get a double stomp! You get a double stomp! If you get caught in the ring, two to the head! If you get caught in the halls, two to the head! If you get caught in catering, two to the head! If you get caught walking your grandma across the street, two to the head! But hey, ROH no longer stands for “Ring of Honor.” It’s “Run Or Hide.” Why? Cuz the Infantry’s outside. So either rep the set, or expect disrespect! POP POP! Bravo & Dean have issued the warning, who will heed it and who will eat it?
ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Red Velvet VS Leila Grey!
These two used to be the best of baddies, but that was when AEW was in the eye of the storm. Since then, they’ve walked very different paths, and it is The Chef who stands atop the summit as a champion. But will she be able to serve up another L? Or will the Top Flight Attendant take her for a ride?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is the baddest baddie of them all!
The Code of Honor is barely kept, as Velvet has attitude to spare. The bell rings, the fans rally up, and the two tie up. Velvet headlocks and grinds Leila, but Leila slips out to the headlock. Velvet goes to ropes, Leila lets off, and Velvet claims there was hair pulling. Leila and Velvet reset, tie up, but Velvet stomps a foot! Velvet fires forearms, then whips. Leila ducks ‘n’ dodges and CLOBBERS Velvet! The fans fire up with Leila and she storms up on Velvet. Leila scoops and SLAMS Velvet, then runs for a SENTON! The fans cheer as Leila stalks Velvet. Velvet ROCKS Leila, but Leila fires back! Leila UPPERCUTS, kicks, and KICKS!
Leila kicks a leg out, runs, and she SHOTGUNS Velvet down! Velvet scrambles and Leila is annoyed. The fans rally, Leila eggs Velvet on, but Velvet takes her time. Velvet tells fans to shut up, and Champion’s Advantage is on her side. Leila storms out after Velvet hits a BODY SHOT! Velvet CLUBS Leila, RAMS Leila into the apron, then RAMS her in again! The ref reprimands but Velvet DOUBLE CHOPS Leila down. Velvet puts Leila under the apron skirt, then steps on her to go up to the apron. The fans boo but Velvet taunts them before leaving Leila behind. The ring count climbs, Leila rises, and Velvet mocks the fans cheering Leila on.
Velvet then runs, slides, and YANKS Leila down! The fans boo, Velvet mocks them some more, then she brings Leila up. Velvet ROCKS Leila, but Leila hits back! Velvet ROCKS Leila again, then puts some stank on the CHOP! And CHOP! Velvet says one more time, puts some more stank on it, but Leila dodges! Leila fires CHOP after CHOP on Velvet and the fans fire up! Leila is all fired up, and she vows to win that title! Leila kicks Velvet, then stalks Velvet to the corner. Velvet CHOPS, puts Leila in the ring, and then drags her into the corner. Velvet mocks Leila’s promise, then fires BODY SHOTS! The fans boo but Velvet sits Leila down.
Velvet digs her boots in while doing the splits, but she steps off as the ref counts. Velvet stalks Leila, and she CLUBS her on the back! Velvet “kicks dirt,” then runs to DOUBLE KNEE Leila in the back! The ref reprimands but Velvet says Leila’s still in the ring. Velvet pushes Leila down, clamps on a full nelson, and she leans on the hold. Leila endures, the fans rally up, and Leila fights up. Leila breaks free, runs, but into a CALF KICK! Velvet snarls, then she clamps onto Leila with a chinlock. Velvet taunts Leila while she endures, and Leila fights up again. The fans rally, Leila fires body shots, and she hits a BIG back suplex!
The fans cheer while Velvet flounders away to a corner. Leila rises, Velvet runs up, but Leila dodges to roll her up! ONE, but Leila hurries. Velvet KNEES low, whips Leila to ropes, but Leila LARIATS on return! And LARIATS again! Leila BOOTS Velvet, the fans fire up, and Leila runs in! SHINING WIZARD in the corner! Then running CUTTER, and roll back! DRAGON SLEEPER! Velvet endures being bent back and the fans fire up! Velvet reaches out, ROPEBREAK by a foot! Leila lets go in frustration, but she CLUBS away on Velvet. Leila goes up the corner, but Velvet ROCKS her first! Velvet cross the arms, ICONOCLASM! Cover, TWO!!
Leila survives and Velvet is furious! Velvet drags Leila up, bumps her off buckles, and then whips corner to corner. Velvet runs in, but Leila ELBOWS her away! Leila goes to another corner, ELBOWS Velvet away again, then goes up. The fans rally as Velvet staggers around, into the BLOCKBUSTER! Leila crawls to the cover, TWO! Leila grows further frustrated, but she hurries to get Velvet up. Leila scoops, SLAMS, and waits on velvet. Velvet stands into another scoop, but she slips free! Velvet CLUBS Leila, sits her down, and dragon sleepers! STRAIGHT OUT THE KITCHEN!! Cover, Velvet wins!
Winner: Red Velvet, by pinfall (still ROH Women’s World Television Champion)
Red beats Grey and keeps the gold! She beat this Leila, but will she and LEGIT Leyla soon run it back?
My Thoughts:
A great ROH here, though that was mostly because it was only an hour and 11 minutes. And again, the ROH Rewind accounts for some of that, with it being a match I covered. The matches I skipped were also still very good, with Serpentico VS Cutler and Blake VS Uno both surprisingly competitive. Very good opener from Sammy VS Solo, though I was expecting them to start on an ROH World Tag Team Championship story already. Maybe that’ll be next week, given AEW Revolution is in March and ROH Supercard of Honor is more than likely in April. We can get a good match out of like a Revolution Zero Hour, and then a much bigger match for Supercard.
Great Proving Ground match, though I’m surprised it’s Komander as the one unable to beat someone in under ten minutes. Komander VS Lee for the title will be a great match, hard to call how it’ll go. Very good promo from The Infantry, and I would think they’re in the running for a shot at the tag titles. Them, MXM Collection, maybe “The Fraternity,” aka a combination of Cole Karter, Griff Garrison and Preston Vance after Jacked Jameson gave them that idea. And great main event from Velvet VS Leila, probably one of Leila’s better showings, but Velvet of course won out. She’ll keep building momentum until Leyla is back, and we’ll get one more great match from them, perhaps for Supercard.
My Score: 8.7/10
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Honor Club hits a new landmark!
ROH on Honor Club hits Episode 100! And to make this big deal a bigger deal, QT Marshall challenges Komander for the ROH World TV Championship! Will QT bring the DOOM~?
- ROH World Television Championship: Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS QT Marshall; Komander wins and retains the title.
- Leila Grey VS Marti Belle; Leila wins.
- The Outrunners VS Jon Cruz & Rosario Grillo; The Outrunners win.
- The Beast Mortos VS Lord Crewe; Mortos wins.
- ROH Rewind – ROH World Tag Team Championships: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal VS CIMA & Shingo Takagi; Daniels & Sydal win and retain the titles.
- Taya Valkyrie w/ Deonna Purrazzo VS Lady Frost; Taya wins.
- The Gates of Agony VS Jay Lucas & Terry Yaki; Gates of Agony win.
- Katsuyori Shibata VS Shane Taylor w/ Shane Taylor Promotions; Shibata wins.
Mark Briscoe speaks.
“Mark Briscoe here, ROH pioneer, one half of #DemBoys, the baddest tag team of all time, baby! Former 13-time ROH Tag Team Champions. Hey, here we are, ROH episode 100. Here’s to 100 more, and then 100 more, and then 100 more, and then 100 more! HAAAH!” The Sussex County Chicken has the right idea. What will be in store for ROH after making it to this milestone?
ROH World Television Championship: Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS QT Marshall!
If we’re talking Episode 100 of ROH TV here on Honor Club, then of course this title needs to be defended! Though if you were to ask “Big Doom QT,” he’d say he’s the reason this episode is a big deal. Will QT at least back up that ego with actions? Or will the Commander of the Skies continue to command respect?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is the Face of ROH TV!
The fans chant “QT SUCKS! QT SUCKS!” QT gets on the corner to show off with a backflip, but the fans say, “You Still Suck!” QT skips the Code of Honor, the bell rings, and QT circles with Komander. They tie up, QT waistlocks, and he SLAMS Komander! The fans boo but QT flips Komander, only for Komander to do a 360. QT is annoyed, he just wanted 180. QT flips Komander over again, but Komander kips up and arm-drags hard! The fans fire up as Komander has the double wristlock. QT is annoyed again and he fights up. QT powers out, but Komander slips under the lariat! Komander UP KICKS, then he KICKS away on QT’s leg!
QT ROCKS Komander with a forearm! Komander goes to a corner, the fans boo, but QT whips. Komander goes up, headscissors, but QT puts Komander on the apron. Komander feints high to RAM QT low, then he slingshots up and over. Komander ducks ‘n’ dodges, wheelbarrows, but QT counters with a back suplex. Komander lands out, waistlocks, and he shoves QT to ropes. QT bucks the O’Conner, but then Komander slips around the lariat to sunset flip! QT flails to stay up, and he grabs Komander with both hands! QT YANKS Komander up, but Komander RANAS QT away! The fans fire up and Komander runs in, but only gets buckles!
QT runs up, but into a SUPERKICK! Komander goes up to CROSSBODY, but QT catches him! QT shakes his head, swings Komander around, BACKBREAKER to FLATLINER! Did QT just copy the Lethal Combination? The fans boo while Komander is dazed, but QT drags Komander up to TOSS him out. QT goes out to then bring Komander to railing, and he CHOPS! Komander is stinging but the fans rally up. QT brings Komander around, pushes him to the apron, then has him against a corner. Komander ducks and the CHOP hits POST! QT clutches that hand, but he still CHOPS Komander! QT puts Komander in the ring, then storms up to the apron.
QT steps in for a springboard ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Komander is still in this and the fans rally up. Abrahantes coaches Komander and he rallies the fans. QT drags Komander up but Komander RAMS him in the ropes, then fires body shots! Komander CHOPS, then whips. QT reverses and POP-UP FOREARMS! Komander staggers, QT brings him around, and QT suplexes. FALCON ARROW, then a LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Komander survives and QT is furious! QT clamps on with a chinlock, but he claws at the mask! The ref reprimands and the fans boo, but QT stops at 4. QT brings Komander to a corner and hoists him up.
The fans rally again while QT climbs up after Komander. QT CLAWS the mask again! Komander fires elbows, QT steps back, but then QT pulls Komander back. QT CHOPS Komander into the Tree of Woe! The fans boo but QT runs up, only for Komander to BOOT him while upside-down! QT staggers, but he comes back, only for Komander to sit up! QT POSTS himself, then falls to the floor! Komander runs, goes up and up, ESCALARA MOONSAULT! Direct hit and the fans fire up! Komander puts QT in the ring, aims again, springboard and CROSSBODY! Komander keeps moving, he ducks ‘n’ dodges to roll and FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!
QT survives and Komander grows frustrated, but Abrahantes coaches him. The fans rally up, and Komander has QT in the drop zone. Komander goes corner to corner, goes up and up, MOONSAULT but into BOOTS! QT takes Komander out of the skies, and he calls for DDP’s inheritance! DIAMOND- NO, Komander backslides QT! TWO!! QT escapes, Komander dodges, and Komander springboards, into a DIAMOND CUTTER!! Cover, TWO!! Komander survives and QT is shocked! The fans fire up and sing “OLE~ OLE OLE OLE~!” QT goes out and he talks trash on Cincinnati. QT grabs the belt! The fans boo but QT goes to the apron!
The ref stops QT, and Abrahantes snatches the belt back! QT is pissed, but Komander springboards! RAN- NO! QT stops that, and he pops Komander up, only for Komander to SUNSET BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! QT survives but Komander hurries to the apron! The fans fire up again as Komander climbs. Komander tightrope walks, but Komander rolls out to the ramp! Komander just changes course, 450- NO, QT moves again! Komander rolls through the splash, but QT runs up to BOOT him! The fans boo but QT looms over Komander. QT brings Komander up and reels him in. QT lifts to a Canadian Rack, but Abrahantes says don’t do it!
The ref also says stop, so QT drops Komander. QT BODY BLOWS Abrahantes! The fans boo more, that was uncalled for! QT just grins and soaks up the heat. But Komander uses Abrahantes as a step to MEXICAN DESTROYER on the ramp!! Komander hurries to go up, up, and FLYING DESTROYER!! QT is back in the drop zone and Komander climbs! The fans are thunderous for CIELITO LINDO!! Cover, Komander wins!
Winner: Komander, by pinfall (still ROH World Television Champion)
QT tried to bring The Doom, but he got a bit full of himself. Well, what else is new? But wait, Lee Johnson walks out here. Big Shotty applauds Komander’s win, but says he’s got next. Komander says he’s game. When and where will we see these two fight for the spotlight here on Honor Club?
Athena speaks.
“Hello, Minions. Now I know you weren’t about to celebrate my show, the 100th episode of ROH on Honor Club without me, the most important part. The Fallen Goddess, the Minion Overlord, the American Joshi, the inspiration to every division, the ROH Gatekeeper, but most importantly, the Forever ROH Women’s World Champion. Now, I know I’ve been away on business, the Athena World~ Tour~! I know it was amazing, it was beautiful, and still your Forever Champion, Athena, So very soon, I will be back to show the world why I am the most dominant champion in all of pro-wrestling, and why it is my show! HAHAHAHA! See you soon.”
ROH Rewind – ROH World Tag Team Championships: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal VS CIMA & Shingo Takagi!
To honor the Fallen Angel retiring from in-ring action, we flashback to December 22, 2006, and the ROH International Challenge! Daniels & Sydal took on the Dragon Gate duo, did things get Crazy MAX? Or did Daniels & Sydal defend their titles as well as homefield?
The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who wins the International Challenge!
The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Daniels starts against Shingo. The fans rally up and the two circle. Daniels and Shingo feel things out, tie up, then Shingo powers Daniels to a corner. The ref counts, Shingo lets off slowly, but Daniels keeps cool. They reset and feel things out again. They knuckle lock, break, then tie up again. Shingo waistlocks, and Shingo SLAMS Daniels down. Shingo facelocks but Daniels slips out to wrench the arm. Shingo rolls, Daniels keeps on the arm, but Shingo rolls again. Shingo trips Daniels, steps through and has the toehold. Daniels endures and the fans rally up.
Daniels moves around, turns over, and he trips Shingo to then get the headlock. Shingo fights up, powers out, but Daniels RAMS shoulders! Shingo roars and the fans fire up! Daniels runs, he RAMS Shingo again, but Shingo rebounds to RUN Daniels over! Things keep moving, and Shingo RUNS Daniels over again! Daniels stays low, then hurdles, but Shingo still RUNS him over! The fans are torn while Shingo flexes. Shingo drags Daniels up, reels him in, but Daniels fights the suplex. Shingo fires body shots, suplexes, but Daniels lands out! Daniels ducks ‘n’ dodges, then he flying SHOULDER TACKLES! Down goes Shingo!
Daniels wrenches an arm, tags Sydal, and they mug Shingo. Sydal wrenches to wristlock, then he slips around to arm-drag! Sydal has the armlock but Shingo endures. Shingo fights up, powers Sydal to ropes, but the ref counts. Shingo lets off, and he CHOPS! The fans fire up, Shingo whips, but Sydla reverses. Sydal leaps, but into Shingo’s arms! Sydal fights free, then arm-drags! Sydal RAMS Shingo, Shingo rebounds, but into a WHEEL KICK! Shingo tags in Cima! The fans fire up and Cima circles with Sydal. They tie up, Sydal waistlocks but Cima switches. Sydal switches, nelsons, and hip tosses!
Sydal rolls to bring Cima up but Cima arm-drags, RAMS, and then he avoids the dropkick! Sydal avoids the elbow drop! Tag to Daniels and Cima gets to his feet! The fans rally up as Cima and Daniels circle. They tie up but Cima trips Daniels. Things speed up, Daniels hurdles but Cima leaps over. Daniels arm-drags! Cima arm-drags! Daniels arm-drags again! Then Daniels avoids Cima! The fans fire up and Daniels cheers himself on. But then he turns around into an arm-drag! The fans fire up as Cima arm-drags, then he blocks a kick! Cima spins Daniels, throws him down, and SCRAPES Daniels’ face! Then DOUBLE STOMPS him in the chest!
The fans fire up and Cima looms over Daniels. NECK TWIST! Tag to Shingo and Shingo stomps Daniels around. Shingo snapmares Daniels and clamps on a chinbar with a chicken wing. Daniels endures, so Shingo ELBOWS him in the shoulder! Shingo stomps Daniels more, then drags him onto ropes. Shingo CHOKES Daniels, stops as the ref counts, and he CHOPS Daniels on the back! Shingo scoops and SLAMS, then covers, ONE!! Daniels is tough but Shingo brings him to the corner. Tag to Cima, they mug Daniels, then double whip. They DOUBLE SHOULDER, and double flex! The fans fire up and Cima stomps Daniels.
Cima keeps Daniels from Sydal with a chinlock, and then shifts to a chinbar and chicken wing. Cima throws down elbow after elbow, then he stands Daniels up. Daniels fires body shots, but Cima CLAWS the eyes! Daniels flounders to the ropes but Cima stalks him. Cima stomps Daniels while the fans duel, but Daniels fires body shots! Cima CLUBS Daniels down! Cima SLAPS Daniels on the top of his head! Cima stands Daniels up again but Daniels fires shots, Cima whips, Daniels reverses, but Cima ducks ‘n’ dodges, only to run into a tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Tag to Sydal, he and Daniels mug Cima!
Sylda stomps Cima, snapmares him, and has the motorcycle stretch. Cima endures as Sydal pulls those arms back. Shingo storms in but the ref stops him from going after Sydal. Cima fights up but Sydal snapmares him back down. Sydal drags Cima back with chicken wings, and Daniels tags in. The champs mug Cima more, and then they double scoop SLAM! Daniels scoops Sydal to SLAM him into Cima! Cover, TWO! Daniels brings Cima up, ROCKS him, then whips. CALF KICK! Cover, Shingo breaks it! The fans are torn but Daniels tags Sydal. Daniels lifts Cima, Sydal springboards, ELBOW DROP BACK SUPLEX COMBO! Cover, Shingo breaks it again!
The ref reprimands but the fans rally up. Sydal stomps Cima, drags him up, and then scoops. Sydal SLAMS Cima, goes up a corner, and calls his shot! CANNONBALL, but Cima moves! Sydal crashes hard, and then Cima adds DOUBLE STOMPS! The fans fire up while Cima keeps Sydal from Daniels. Tag to Shingo, and Cima feeds Sydal to a BOOT! Sydal flops to the apron but Shingo drags him in. Shingo stands on Sydal at the ropes, steps off as the ref counts, but then stands on Sydal again! Shingo steps off again, CLUBS Sydal, then whips Sydal to ropes. Fireman’s carry into a SWINGING SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!
Shingo keeps Sydal down with a HALF CRAB! Sydal endures, but Shingo drags him back for the stepover! Shingo has the toehold, and then he pulls on Sydal’s hair! The ref reprimands, Sydal finds the ROPEBREAK, and Shingo lets go. Shingo drags Sydal up to CLUB him! Sydal hobbles, Shingo CHOPS him! Shingo tags Cima and Cima brings Sydal around to RAM into the ropes! Cima holds Sydal up, Shingo runs, LEAP FROG ATTACK! Now Shingo holds Sydal up and Cima climbs, DRAPING DOUBLE STOMPS! The fans fire up while Sydal flounders out of the ring. Shingo drags Sydal up to RAM him into the railing!
Shingo brings Sydal around, puts him in, and Cima covers, TWO! Sydal survives but he flounders for his corner. Cima clamps onto Sydal with a full nelson! Sydal endures, the fans rally, and Sydal fights up. Cima powers Sydal to the corner, Shingo holds him against the buckles, and Cima lets go to run and DROPKICK Sydal in the butt! The fans fire up while Sydal falls in a heap! Cima drags Sydal out to YANK the leg! Sydal clutches that knee, rolls for his corner, but Cima stays in his way! Cima digs his knee into the knee, and he pulls on that leg! Sydal endures this modified Calf Killer, but then Cima BITES that leg!
The ref reprimands, Cima stops biting so he can stomp Sydal. The fans rally up, but Cima grabs the bad leg to GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Sydal hobbles up to CHOP! Cima KICKS the bad leg! Cima mocks the pain while Shingo gets cheap shots in. Cima STOMPS the bad leg! Cima again mocks Sydal, then stomps the leg again. Cima says they are the new champions! The fans fire up but Sydal is headed for his corner! Cima drags Sydal back, tags Shingo, and Shingo suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Shingo clamps onto Sydal with a chinlock. Sydal endures, fights up, and he fires body shots!
Sydal is free, he runs, but into a SLEEPER! Shingo SWINGS Sydal to then SLAM him down! The fans fire up and Shingo drags Sydal up. Tag to Cima, and Cima BLASTS Daniels! Shingo ROCKS Sydal, the ref keeps Daniels out, and Blood Generation double whip, to DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER, and then they wheelbarrow Sydal for a CODE BREAKER! Shingo hauls Sydal back up, Cima hits a CUTTER! Shingo covers, but Daniels breaks it! The fans fire up but Shingo stands on Sydal’s leg. Sydal fires body shots but Shingo CLUBS Sydal! Sydal CHOPS, Shingo fires a forearm, repeat! Shingo fires a flurry, then waistlocks.
Sydal fights the German Suplex, and makes it a DDT! Cima goes up, leaps, but into a DROPKICK! Hot tag to Daniels! Daniels rallies on CIma and Shingo with elbows and LARIATS! Daniels sends Cima into Shingo, then STO DDT COMBO!! The fans fire up and Daniels climbs! CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Daniels whips, Shingo reverses, but Daniels dodges to CLUB and TOSS Shingo! Daniels goes to the apron but Shingo YANKS him down! Shingo goes up, but Sydal BLASTS Shingo! Sydal builds speed but Cima trips him! Slingshot SENTON for Sydal, and a DIVE for Daniels! The fans fire up, but now Sydal is climbing!
Sydal aims to ARIHARA MOONSAULT them all! The fans are thunderous for “ROH! ROH!” in Hartford! Sydal rises and he puts Cima in. Sydal O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Cima shoves Sydal, but Sydal slips around, SLICE! Cover, TWO! Cima survives, and Shingo hauls Sydal up! Shingo CHOPS, then whips. Sydal reverses, runs in, but into a BOOT! Shingo goes up, but Sydal jumps! Shingo blocks the Super Steiner!! And he holds Sydal upside-down for Cima to BASEMENT DROPKICK! The fans are thunderous again as Shingo hauls Sydal up. Shingo scoops but Sydal fights free! Sydal puts Shingo in a corner, runs up, but Shingo dodges!
Sydal goes up and SUNSET FLIPS! Shingo rolls through, high stacks, and deadlifts, BUCKLE BOMB! Cima goes after Daniels while Shingo GUT WRENCH POWERBOMBS!! Cover, Daniels breaks it! Daniels kicks Cima, runs, but Cima drop toeholds Daniels into a DEATH LOCK! Cima SNAPS the lock again and again! Sydal runs in, but Cima catches him! SNAP SUPLEX SNAP LOCK COMBO!! The fans are thunderous again as Cima stalks Daniels. Cima whips Daniels to a corner, runs up, but Daniels dodges the knees! ENZIGIRI! But Shingo whips Daniels! Daniels rolls off Shingo’s back, CODE BREAKER!
Daniels fireman’s carries Shingo, and throws him into the dragon sleeper! Sydal goes up, CROSSBODY DDT COMBO! Cover, TWO!! Shingo survives and Cima attacks Sydal! Daniels ROCKS Cima and puts him up top! SHOTEI! Daniels wrenches Cima but Cima breaks free! Cima flying sunset flips, rolls through, and he puts Daniels up top! SHOTEI, and then ICONOCLASM! The fans fire up as Cima hooks a leg! AOI SHODO! Cover, TWO!! Daniels survives but Cima goes to the apron. Cima springboards, but Daniels fireman’s carries! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Shingo runs up, but into a FLATLINER! KOJI KLUTCH!!
Shingo endures, Cima is up top! FROG SPLASH onto Daniels! Sydal DEEP IMPACT DDTS Cima!! Shingo PUMPING BOMBERS Sydal!! The fans are electric as all four men are down! Shingo rises, runs, “This is Awesome!” as Shingo LARIATS Sydal out! LARIAT for Daniels! Cima goes up, Shingo Electric Chair Lifts! CROSSBODY DOOMSDAY! Shingo hauls Daniels up again, STAY DREAM!! Cover, SYDAL BREAKS IT! Cima stomps Sydal out of the ring and Shingo drags Daniels up! Another pump handle, but Daniels slips free! They trade waistlock for waistlock, Cima aims! Daniels ducks and the SUPERKICK hits Shingo!!
Sydal TOSSES Cima! URENAGE for Shingo! BEST MOONSAULT EVER, and the SHOOTING STAR PRESS!! Cover, Daniels & Sydal win!!
Winners: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal, by pinfall (still ROH World Tag Team Champions)
Their first defense was an instant classic, and this reign of Daniels & Sydal would continue until February 24, 2007, losing to Mark & Jay Briscoe. With The Fallen Angel now leaving the boots in the ring, we can all say #ThankYouDaniels for a career full of honor.
Backstage interview with Leila Grey.
Lexy Nair is with the Top Flight Attendant and congratulates her on her first win of 2025. How is Leila going to keep this momentum going? Leila is all fired up, and she said that New Year, New Me. She is coming out guns blazing, and expects many more wins this year. Including some championship gold. And speaking of gold, she thinks it is time to challenge for something real. You know what she wants? The ROH Women’s Television Championship! Red Velvet, we see you holding that. But it is time for a real baddie to take the stand. So what does Red say? Next week, Red VS Grey for the Women’s TV Championship.
And “spoiler alert,” Leila’s taking that title. Get it? Got it? Good. Leila is ready to reach that next level, but will The Chef already cook up a fresh L for Leila?
Jacked Jameson is backstage.
The Iron Savages’ front man says he’s jacked, he’s stoked, this is gonna be sweet! His “homies” are over here, he’ll start a new group, it’ll be so sweet! Jameson walks over to Preston Vance, Griff Garrison & Cole Karter and says wassup, dudes! Uh, yeah… Well, alright, they’re looking shredded! Jacked to the gills! Check that chest! Vance is huge! So anyway, Jameson’s starting up a new group, it’s gonna be sweet! It’ll be a fraternity. No, wait, it’ll be THE Fraternity! There’ll be chicks, parties, it’ll be sweet, dude. Okay, they do dig chicks… And they are pretty jacked. No high-fives, bro. Jameson puts his hand down.
But see, Vance and the guys already get a lot of chicks, and already go to a lot of parties, so… Okay, okay, fair enough. But that’s just part of it. A very important part, but there’s more to it. The three of them have been a bit lost in the shuffle, and what they’re missing is discipline and focus. Jameson can be the guy to get them there. But hey, it’ll be awesome. Chicks, parties, titles, money! It’ll be so sweet! The Fraternity! The four of them will be unstoppable. Uh, sure… Just give them some time to think about it. Okay, bros! No, they’re not bros. Jameson goes off to the side, and the trio talks it out.
Griff votes they kick Jameson’s ass. Karter says that’s a good option, and Vance agrees. Jameson is a total idiot, but hey, they could at least hear him out. And then they can kick his ass! Vance calls Jameson back over, and Jameson’s all pumped. Vance says they considered his offer, and they will… think about it. See you around. Yeah, sure, bro! Chicks, money, parties- Yeah, yeah, they know, they know. Okay, okay. Do they want him to hang out? He can take his shirt off like them. No, no, that’s not needed. Okay, okay. Are there chicks coming? Y-Yeah, for them. With an Uber. Oh, okay, so they’re headed out? Alright.
Jameson still offers a high-five but no one is taking. Well, okay, next week! It’ll be awesome! The Fraternity! Jameson heads out and Karter says they should just kick his ass. Vance says yeah, that’s definitely the plan. But will Vance, Karter & Griff steal that idea and become the frat boys of ROH?
Chris Jericho speaks.
“Hi, guys~! Who can believe it? The 100th episode of ROH, available now at WatchROH.com. Think about this: 100 episodes of ROH, with 100 great moments from Chris Jericho, your ROH World Champion. And when I think of all of my favorite ROH moments, I mean there’s that one. And this one, and so many moments, who can even decide? You guys should form your own playlist: The Top Ten Moments of Chris Jericho in ROH! What’s it gonna be? I wanna know. Think of all the great ROH champions that have had the chance to influence and be with. All the great ROH champions in ROH history!
“From Chris Jericho to Samoa Joe, to The Learning Tree, to Bryan Danielson, to The King of New York, to Mark Briscoe, to The Nueve, to my personal favorite, Jay Briscoe, and so many more. So congratulations, ROH, on your 100th episode, El Ciento, from El Neuve. That’s me. Thanks, guys!” Jericho taking more credit than he deserves aside, what moments will we see be made across the next 100 episodes of ROH on Honor Club?
Katsuyori Shibata VS Shane Taylor w/ Shane Taylor Promotions!
Episode 100 ends with a huge match-up between the former ROH Pure Champion and the former ROH World Television Champion! Will The Wrestler look to win his way to a new title opportunity? Or will Big Bad Shaney T. show Shibata how to rumble, bad man, rumble?
The Code of Honor is skipped, the bell rings, and the fans fire up. The fans chant “SHI-BA-TA!” but The Infantry adds “SUCKS!” Shibata and Shane tie up, are in a deadlock, but Shane finds a point of leverage with his heigh and size. The ref counts, Shane lets off slowly, and he says, “They said you were a Japanese legend. All I see is a little Japanese b*tch!” The fans boo but Shibata SLAPS Shane! The fans fire up, Shane takes a swing, but Shibata dodges! Shibata CHOPS, then he eggs Shane on. Shane CHOPS, Shibata CHOPS, repeat! Neither man is backing down so the CHOPS keep going! Shibata even leans into the shots!
Shibata then ROCKS Shibata with a forearm! Shibata fires a flurry in the corner, then runs. But Shane is up to UPPERCUT! Shane shakes off the shots from Shibata while Shibata goes to the apron. Shibata stands, and Shane LARIATS him down! The fans boo but The Infantry talks smack. Shane storms out, drags Shibata up, and whips him into the railing! Shibata falls in a heap and Shane talks smack on the fans. Shane goes into the ring, he argues with the ref, but that lets The Infantry whips Shibata into the railing! Carlie Bravo mocks Shibata, “I bet that really hurt!” Shane goes out to fetch Shibata and HEADBUTTS him!
Shane puts Shibata on the apron, then CLUBS him in the chest! Shane goes up to the apron, then lines up a shot. GUILLOTINE LEG DROP! Shibata sputters and Shawn Dean says THIS is a man right here! Bravo says that hurts so bad! Shane tells Shibata to send this message back to NJPW. Shibata flops to the floor but Shane stands him up. Shane ROCKS Shibata! Shibata falls again and Shane stands on him. Shane talks trash, but the fans rally up for Shibata. Shane brings Shibata around but Shibata fires body shots. Shane ROCKS Shibata again! Shane puts Shibata in, then storms back up for a cover, TWO!
Shibata shows his toughness but Shane clamps onto him with a chinlock. The fans rally as Shibata endures. Shibata fights up, fires body shots, and he fires forearms! Shibata runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but the SOUTHPAW finds him! Cover, ONE!! Shibata survives but Shane seethes. Shane talks smack on the fans, then he storms up on Shibata. Shibata stands so Shane gets in his face. Shane BODY BLOWS, but Shibata growls! Shane BODY BLOWS again, but Shibata steps to him! Shane fires forearm after forearm, then he goes corner to corner. But Shibata dodges! Shane hits buckles, Shibata BOOTS him!
Shibata CHOPS! And CHOPS! MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Shibata stands Shane up for more MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Shibata then goes corner to corner, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Shibata stands Shane up, SNAP HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO! Shane shows that toughness but Shibata stays close. STP coaches Shane on but Shibata fires hands! Shibata runs, but into a BODY BLOW! Shibata kicks, Shane blocks, and Shane KNEES! Shibata roars, Shane ROCKS him! Shane tucks Shibata in, MARCUS GARVEY DRIVER!! Cover, TWO?!?! Shane is shocked that Shibata survives, but Cincy is all fired up!
STP tells Shane to hit him with the deal! Shane scoops Shibata, but Shibata slips free! Shibata CHOPS, and has the SLEEPER!! Shane flails but he’s caught! Shane reaches out, but Shibata slips under to SAIDO!! And back to the SLEEPER!! Shane fights up, but Shibata squeezes tight! Shane fades, and Shibata sits him down! Shibata runs to PENALTY KICK!! Cover, Shibata wins!
Winner: Katsuyori Shibata, by pinfall
Shane put up a fight worthy of Strong Style, but Shibata epitomizes Strong Style! Will Shibata keep this momentum going until he also epitomizes ROH? Wait, Bravo slips in, and then Dean and Moriarty step up. They mug Shibata! The fans boo but STP keeps on The Wrestler 3v1! Shane winds up, and he DECKS Shibata! Then Moriarty hands Shane a chair! The Infantry stomp Shibata while Shane sets the chair down. Shane tells Shibata they’ll end his career! Shane winds up, but DANIEL GARCIA is here! The TNT Champion is an ally to The Wrestler, he will not stand for this! But that’s a 4v1 situation.
WAIT WHAT!? The Undisputed Kingdom is here!? Adam Cole, Roderick Strong & Kyle O’Reilly, all former ROH World Champions, stand with Red Death, and they storm into the ring! STP goes into a tactical retreat, but clearly the battlelines have been drawn! Will ROH belong to Shane Taylor Promotions? Or will it once again be undisputed?
Don Callis speaks.
Scummy Callis is with his Alpha, Konosuke Takeshita, and says that was a great win for Shibata. Very impressive! Shibata is a former ROH Pure Champion, has been champion all over the world, and is one of the best Japanese wrestlers of all time. But you know who you’re not greater than? THE ALPHA! Konosuke Takeshita is THE greatest product to come out of Japan! Bigger than Rikidozan! Bigger than Inoki! Bigger than Baba! Bigger than Kobashi! And yeah, bigger than Shibata. So if Shibata has the guts to test himself against the AEW International Champion, show up at Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, the home of AEW, this Saturday!
And if he does, they’ll send him home in a body bag! Tell ’em, Take-san! Konosuke tells Shibata that this Saturday, he will show Shibata who is THE ALPHA! Shobu da, konoyaro! Callis is fired up for this one, but will The Wrestler become a champion in AEW for Homecoming?
My Thoughts:
A very good episode for ROH being that this is episode 100, but it isn’t exactly what I was hoping for given it’s episode 100, either. For one, we got only one (new) title match and it wasn’t even the main event. QT VS Komander was still a lot of fun, and that was still a great win for Komander. Lee Johnson stepping up for the next shot is cool, he was aiming for this title for most of 2024 and always falling short. I don’t know if he actually takes that title from Komander, but maybe now that he’s a Heel, he has EJ Nduka help him cheat that title off Komander. And then we only got promos from Jericho and Athena, not even real appearances, but I suppose that’s to bide time while contenders are built.
The only other title match we got was a replay from way back when Daniels & Sydal were a team and Shingo Takagi was a young Muscle Hawk in Dragon Gate. That was a great match, but even that can be seen as filler like the rest of the matches tonight. Still good wins for everyone, and Leila calling out Red Velvet is some good stuff. I would think Red Velvet wins again because we’re waiting on Velvet VS LEGIT Leyla Hirsch. Jacked Jameson wanting a new faction out of nowhere seems disappointing. There was a time when The Iron Savages could’ve become something more than comedic hosses, but TK dropped the ball there. That said, Vance, Griff & Karter is a good trio, I hope they become what Iron Savages (and other trios out there really) could’ve been.
Shibata VS Shane was a great main event, and Shibata winning is like a 51-49 surprising, if only because Shane and STP are being built up to try and take over ROH. However, I do appreciate we’re getting crossover between AEW and ROH again as Garcia and The Undisputed Kingdom show up to save Shibata. We could get a great 8 man Tag of Garcia & Kingdom VS STP that then sets up a lot of other matches. Callis & Konosuke having the last word was an interesting move, but word did come out before this episode aired (another fumble) that we were getting Konosuke VS Shibata for the International Championship, so it works that this promo makes it official. Konosuke VS Shibata could steal the show on Saturday, but I would think Konosuke wins.
My Score: 8.6/10
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