Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (1/10/22)
Will this Raw be for the Academy?

Raw has more golden opportunities in store!
The Alpha Academy is coming for RKBRO’s Raw Tag Team Championships, and a Triple Threat determines Becky Lynch’s Royal Rumble challenger!
- Raw Tag Team Championships: RKBRO VS The Alpha Academy; The Alpha Academy wins and become the new Raw Tag Team Champions.
- Six Man Tag: Damian Priest & The Street Profits VS The Dirty Dawgs & Apollo Crews w/ Commander Azeez; The Dirty Dawgs and Crews win.
- Big E VS Seth Rollins; Rollins wins.
- Omos VS Nick Sanders; Omos wins.
- AJ Styles VS Austin Theory; Styles wins, by disqualification.
- Raw Women’s Championship Triple Threat: Liv Morgan VS Bianca Belair VS “Doudrop” Piper Niven; Niven wins and will challenge Becky Lynch for the title at the Royal Rumble.
Brock Lesnar is here!
Philly just became Suplex City as The Beast and Paul Heyman walk out on stage. Lesnar lets Heyman hold up the WWE World Championship as Lesnar cues the pyro. They then go to the ring, but we see the Hurt Business watching back. Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin are excited to see Lashley have the match. But Lashley says there is no Hurt Business, Lashley works alone. So they can get out of here. Alexander & Benjamin leave, but will this come back to bite the Rocky Mountain Machine? Back to the ring, Heyman has the mic to give the introductions. And as the Advocate, Heyman has the honor of introducing us to the reigning, defending, undisputed, WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, BRRROCK! LENSARRR!
Lesnar’s fired up just hearing that! “Phila-freakin-delphia! I can’t believe we’re back!” But before Lesnar can say more, the All Mighty interrupts! No more just watching, Lashley and MVP stand on stage, then head to the ring. MVP gives an introduction of his own as it is his honor to present the All Mighty Lashley! Lashley takes off the sunglasses to look Lesnar in the eye. Lashley says it is an honor to finally stand in the ring with Lesnar. And it is an honor to be able to share the spotlight with him. “And as one super athlete to another super athlete, it’s an honor to be able to look you right in the eye. And with all due respect, tell you that for twenty years, you have been ducking and running from me!”
With all due respect, Lesnar says it is an honor to be in the ring with himself. And Lesnar apologizes, but for the last twenty years, he’s been winning titles in this ring, and in other rings. So that doesn’t fall on Lashley, that falls on him. Lesnar had no clue who Lashley was until Day 1. It is on Lashley that he didn’t enter the same arenas Lesnar did. Because if Lesnar had already met Lashley, Lesnar would’ve already beaten him and we wouldn’t be in this spot right now. Also, these guys are dressed really fancy! What’s the thread count on MVP’s suit?
Oh, Lesnar’s a comedian, huh? Well at the Royal Rumble, when Lashley wins that title, he and NMVP will be in the front row for Lesnar’s first show. As a comedian, Lesnar’s funny. Yeah, he’s funny and he’s money. Paulie, knock knock! Wow, Lesnar doing a knock knock joke in Philly. Just when you think you’ve seen it all. Alright, then. Who’s there? Bobby. Bobby who? Exactly. Lashley fakes a laugh, but not for long. Lesnar tells Lashley that it is impossible to beat Lesnar. It is even more impossible to beat Lesnar when you’re a Lesnar wannabe! Lesnar drops the mic, but we all know this is far from over! Will Lashley prove to Lesnar exactly who he is at the Rumble?
But then Benjamin and Alexander attack! Lashley fights them off all on his own! He clotheslines Benjamin out, then gives Alexander a MILE HIGH SPINEBUSTER! Lashley throws off his jacket, goes out after Benjamin, and POSTS him! Then he gets Alexander up to THROW him into barriers! Lashley then drags Alexander up to POST him, too! And all that in a turtleneck! If this wasn’t a display of power to make Lesnar worry, what can Lashley do to make the Beast fear the All Mighty?
Riddle recites a mantra.
“Summon your inner viper. Summon your inner viper.” Randy Orton snaps him out of it. Riddle says he is trying to transcend to a higher plane of enlightenment. Well, whatever he does on his own time is up to him. But there’s no free time. They lost to the Alpha Academy because Riddle didn’t tag Orton in. But now, they have a second chance, only with higher stakes. They must defend the tag titles against an Olympian and a tree trunk. So if Riddle gets lost out there, Orton has a pen. Randy, this is no time for Pictionary, bro! No, Orton will give Riddle a quick little note on how to figure things out. Wow, he has good handwriting. Shut up. “Tag in Randy.” Got it? Good. Let’s go.
Wait… Orton is sure Riddle wants to say something, so say it. Riddle says after the win, they should go out for cheesesteaks. After all, they’re in Philly. But is Orton more a Pap’s or Gino’s kind of guy? Orton sighs, and says Gino’s. Sweet! Will these two stay golden to go get some sweet Philly cheesesteaks? Or will they be turned into ground beef by “Master” Gable and #4pointOtis?
Raw Tag Team Championships: RKBRO VS The Alpha Academy!
Raw returns and Gable & Otis have arrived in brand new singlets. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if RKBRO pass or fail this rematch with the Academy!
Gable and Riddle start, circle, and Gable stays between Orton and Riddle. They tie up, Riddle waistlocks but Gable pries free to headlock, spin and toehold to then float to a facelock! Gable tries a lateral press, Riddle moves around, Gable gets around but Riddle switches for a mat slam! Grammy roll into the ropes, and the ref has them break. Gable and Riddle reset, tie up, and Gable wrenches to a wristlock. Snapmare, chinlock, and Gable grinds Riddle down. Riddle endures, rolls and has Gable’s arm for an omoplata! Gable gets the ropebreak and Riddle lets off fast. The two reset again, and fans rally up for Riddle.
Gable and Riddle tie up but Gable throat chops! “For the Academy!” Gable whips, Riddle goes up and over to ROUNDHOUSE Gable down! BROTON to Gable’s back! Gable bails out, Riddle goes to the apron, PENALTY KICK! And then springboard FLOATING BRO! Direct hit at the ramp and Riddle is all fired up! Riddle does his best Orton pose, so Orton joins in, and Philly fires up as Raw goes to break.
Raw returns again, and Gable has Riddle in a cobra clutch. Riddle powers Gable into the corner, breaks free and then hits Otis! Gable ROCKS Riddle, chicken wings, but Riddle victory rolls! TWO, and Gable blocks a kick! DRAGON SCREW! Tag to Otis, and he RAMS Gable into Riddle! Gable feeds Riddle to Otis’ shoulder! Fans boo but Otis soaks it all up. Otis brings Riddle up to back suplex, but Riddle lands on his feet! Riddle elbows Gable, boots Otis, and goes up, FLOATING BRO ATTACK! Both men are down and fans are thunderous! Riddle hurries, Otis crawls, hot tags to Gable and Orton! The Viper rallies on Gable with clotheslines!
Otis pokes in, Orton KICKS him! Gable runs, into the POWERSLAM! Orton puts Gable through ropes, kicks Otis and hotshots him down, but Gable hotshots back! Gable goes up the corner, but Orton trips him! Orton climbs up to join Gable, goes to the very top now, for a SUPERPLEX! Fans fire up again while both men are down! Riddle and the fans rally for “RANDY! RANDY!” Orton feels that energy and he hears the voices! But Otis gets in! Riddle goes after him but Otis CLOBBERS Riddle! Gable denies the RKO, Orton hits Otis! Gable runs into Otis, but it’s a tag! Gable denies another RKO, Otis hits the POWERSLAM! The Academy wins!!!
Winners: The Alpha Academy, by pinfall (NEW Raw Tag Team Champions)
Gable & Otis prepared for the RKO, stopped the RKO, and now dethroned RKBRO! What is the next step for the Academy
Damian Priest speaks.
The Archer of Infamy debuted in the Rumble and made an immediate impact. So how does he upstage that? “By winning the whole damn thing.” The WWE US Champion is in the Royal Rumble! He’ll still be US Champion by then, but what other title will he be looking to take?
The Street Profits and Damian Priest meet up backstage.
They’re all going to be in the Rumble, every man for themselves. But tonight, they’re happy to have each other’s backs. They go back like four flats on the Cadillac. And they’re fired up to be in Philadelphia! Plus, what side are they dealing with? Damian, the guy they’ve gotta stay out of the way of? Or Priest, the good side, not they want to offend. But they will bring the Solo cups, is Priest gonna take in the partay? Absolutely hand him a cup! As far as sides, Ziggler, Roode & Apollo have a beating coming from both sides. And since they’re all here, it’s time for one final beat down. Go ahead and tell ’em why. Because the Profits are UP! And #WeWantTheSmoke!
Bianca Belair speaks.
“Last year, I proved exactly why I’m the greatEST, the strongEST, the toughEST, and I not only won the Royal Rumble, but I main evented WrestleMania and walked out SmackDown Women’s Champion. And Becky Lynch, your 26 seconds of fame are coming to an end.” Because last year, she walked out as champion, but this year, she’s walking into WrestleMania as Raw Women’s Champion. After she wins tonight’s Triple Threat, she’ll see Becky at the Royal Rumble, where Big Time gets beat by the EST.
Six Man Tag: Damian Priest & The Street Profits VS The Dirty Dawgs & Apollo Crews w/ Commander Azeez!
Raw returns as Priest joins the Profits in the ring. Ziggler, Roode and the Pride of Nigeria are already there, and the trios sort out. Apollo and Ford start, they tie up and Apollo gets around to CLUB and whip Ford to a corner. Ford goes up and over and shows off the agility before he dropkicks Apollo down! Cover, ONE! Ford wrenches, Apollo kicks low then tags in Ziggler. They mug Ford, Ziggler scrapes Ford’s face, then taunts Priest with a superkick. Ziggler throws hands but Ford blocks to ROCK Ziggler back! Ziggler kicks low, wants Ford to stand, and Ziggler runs in, but Priest saves Ford from the splash!
Priest tags in, DECKS Ziggler, and DECKS him again, then BELL CLAPS! Ziggler staggers up into a FLAPJACK! Roode gets in, but Priest fires off kicks and a haymaker, to a HEEL KICK! Apollo gets in but Priest DECKS him! Priest hits a back elbow on Roode, a back elbow on Ziggler, then he suplexes Ziggler, only for Roode to save him. Priest dodges Roode, Ford ENZIGURIS Roode down! Dawkins dropkicks Apollo out, but Ziggler ducks the heel kick! Ziggler shoves Priest but Priest CLOBBERS Ziggler on the return! Priest and the Profits are roaring as Raw goes to break!
Raw returns again and Apollo has Ford in a chinlock. Ford fights up, throws elbows, but Apollo shoves him to the corner. Ford comes back but Apollo trophy lifts! Apollo DROPS Ford, then STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Apollo drags Ford up, tags Ziggler, and they mug Ford. Ziggler rakes Ford’s eyes, then eggs him on before he dropkicks Ford down! Cover, TWO! Ziggler gets a leg for a cradle, TWO! Ziggler traps an arm and has the chinlock, but Ford endures. Ziggler claws Ford’s eyes! The ref counts, Ziggler lets off, and he stomps Ford down. Fans jeer but Ziggler SUPERKICKS Priest down! Ziggler then runs at Ford, but Ford powers up to POWERBOMB!
Both men are down, Ziggler keeps Ford from his corner while going to his, hot tags to Roode and Dawkins Dawkins rallies on Roode and Apollo, but Roode kicks low and whips. Dawkins hurdles to CLOBBER Roode! Apollo runs into an EXPLODER! Dawkins gets Ziggler for an EXPLODER! Dawkins runs to BULLDOG Roode! Fans fire up with Dawkins, he runs and CYCLONE SPLASHES in the corner! Then the SILENCER! Cover, Apollo breaks it! Apollo runs at Priest but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Priest goes out after Apollo, brings him around, but Azeez is there. Priest dares Azeez to do something but Apollo ENZIGURIS Priest down!
Ford FLIES to take Apollo and Azeez out! Roode rolls Dawkins up, TWO! Dawkins runs in but into an elbow! Ziggler tags, Dawkins gives Roode a SPINEBUSTER! ZIGZAG!! Cover, the Dawgs and Apollo win!
Winners: The Dirty Dawgs & Apollo Crews, by pinfall
Roode & Ziggler celebrate with Apollo as they get one over on the Profits & Priest! Will this lead them all to big opportunities on the Road to WrestleMania?
Seth Rollins is here!
The Visionary swaggers his way to the ring after being named #1 contender to the Universal Champion. He’ll surely talk about that and more, after the break.
Raw returns and Rollins has the mic. “I am in a great mood tonight, Philly~! And I’ll tell you why! It’s because the Royal Rumble is on the horizon! And you may be asking, ‘Seth, why? Why are you so excited for the Royal Rumble? Is it because Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar, two nincompoops with the combined brain power of a teaspoon, are going to punch each other in the face until one of them falls over?'” Nope! Then is it the 30 men and 30 women throwing each other over the top rope for a chance to become immortal at WrestleMania? That’s good, but no. The truth is, Rollins is excited because it is the night where he will become the NEW Universal Champion!
Yes! At the Royal Rumble, it’ll be the Visionary VS the Tribal Chief! The revolutionary VS the Head of the Table! Brother VS Brother, Roman Reigns VS Seth Freakin’ Rollins! And you may be asking now, “How?” After Rollins got screwed out of a Day 1 singles match, how did he get this Universal Championship match? Did he get an Advocate/ A special counsel? No. Rollins doesn’t need a Penguin looking snake oil salesman to do that for him. Rollins took matters into his own hands as Seth Freakin’ Rollins! There are few things in life that are certain: death; taxes; and Seth Rollins beats Roman Reigns!
But here comes Big E! “This is incredible news! I am so excited, I am so thrilled for you. In fact, sir, I am as excited as Gritty after a big Flyers win!” Rollins likes the sound of that! But first, what the hell is a Gritty? He simply doesn’t know. But forget that question. Why is Big E so excited for Rollins? Well of all the world title combatants, Rollins is Big E’s favorite! Big E put a whole “psalm book” down on Rollins. For Big E has put his name in the Royal Rumble match! Of all the things Big E could dream about and fantasize about, close to the very top is doing what Big E intended to do at Day 1, but at the Show of Shows, WRESTLEMANIA~! And what’s that?
That, dear Rollins, is for Big E to beat Rollins and walk out as champion. Rollins laughs and says Big E can dream and all. Rollins could put a psalm book on Big E, too. But it doesn’t matter if it’s Day 1, Day 400, Day 3000, WrestleMania Day, Big E doesn’t stand a chance. Interesting. Because Big E was just thinking they could test that out here tonight. Well, uh, Rollins isn’t so sure. Fans boo but Rollins says he’s just not ready. Maybe next week, in a better town, like in the Midwest. Big E says that is a shame. But let’s not just do it tonight. Let’s do it… right now! Rollins says Big E is putting him on the spot! He wants Big E VS Rollins here and now? YOU’RE ON!
Rollins and Big E throw off their jackets, the ref gets in the ring, it’s happening!
Big E VS Seth Rollins!
The two circle, tie up, and Big E headlocks. Rollins powers up and out, things speed up, Rollins dropkicks! Big E stays up, things keep moving, Big E hurdles and he catches Rollins for a Belly2Belly! Big E just keeps moving, but Rollins gets up to BOOT him! Big E comes back, Rollins sends him out and then DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Big E! Rollins hurries back in, he runs and Big E CLOBBERS him! Big E drags Rollins out of the ring, puts him on the apron by hard came, and fans fire up as they get a good look at the APRON SPLASH!! Big E is all fired up as Raw goes to break!
Raw returns and Big E SMACKS Rollins off the desk! Big E puts Rollins back in the ring, drags him up, and whips him to ropes. Rollins kicks back, CHOPS, then CHOPS again. Big E swings, but Rollins gets around to a waistlock. Big E pries free, back drops Rollins, then whips him into the corner! Rollins tumbles up, back down, and then into another whip. Rollins goes up but gets caught! He slips out to CHOP BLOCK, then basement DDT! Fans rally as Big E bails out but Rollins aims from the apron. Rollins leaps, FLYING KNEE takes Big E down! Rollins puts Big E in, climbs up the corner and leaps, another FLYING KNEE! Cover, TWO!
Rollins is annoyed but he takes a deep breath. Rollins clubs Big E with crossface forearms, then clamps on a chinlock. Big E endures, fans rally again, and Rollins leans his weight on the hold. Big E gets a second wind, throws elbows, but Rollins CLUBS him and CHOPS him. Rollins storms in at the corner for a forearm smash! Rollins runs corner to corner, but into the Urenag-E! Big E powers up and he rallies with big clotheslines! He dodges Rollins but Rollins headbutts the Belly2Belly away! Rollins runs, but is dumped out to the apron! Big E runs to SPEARS Rollins off the apron! Both men are down, fans lose their minds, and Big E clutches his arm as Raw goes to break!
Raw returns again and Rollins has Big E down with another chinlock. Big E fights up as fans rally, and Big E arm-drags free! Big E blocks the Slingblade and shoves Rollins, to then OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! And another OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! And then the SIDE Belly2Belly! Fans fire up, Big E swivels them hips and runs, BIG SPLASH! Big E claps it up and fans join in, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Big E scoops, Rollins slips out and baits Big E into a corner. Rollins runs in, but he counters the Urenag-E with an arm-drag! ROLLING ELBOW! Rollins tries but Big E blocks the suplex, to suplex Rollins!
Rollins slips out, waistlocks, but Big E bucks him away. Rollins ducks the punch to PELE! Roll up, TWO! SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Rollins goes to the corner, climbs up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Big E survives but Rollins gets up. Big E sits up, Rollins aims from the corner. Rollins runs in, but Big E pops him up for a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO, to a STRETCH MUFFLER! Rollins endures, hammers Big E’s head, and gets the ropes! Big E yanks Rollins up, Rollins fights the back suplex with elbows! Rollins runs, ducks and dodges, into a SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Big E is frustrated but he works to focus.
Fans rally up, “This is Awesome!” and Big E sees Rollins on the apron. Big E runs, but into a KNEE! No spear this time! Rollins goes up, Big E ROCKS him first! And again! Big E hops up, brings Rollins onto his shoulder, but Rollins fights free to throw down elbows! Rollins headbutts Big E away, adjusts, and leaps, but Big E gets under! Tilt-o-whirl scoop, Rollins slips out and kicks low! Rollins hooks the arms, Big E powers out, but Rollins BOOTS and ROLLING ELBOWS! DREAM SMASHER ELBOW! CURB STOMP!! Rollins pushes Big E over to the cover, Rollins wins!!
Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall
The Powerhouse of Positivity couldn’t withstand that last string of attacks, and the Visionary stands tall! Will Rollins find a way to do this to Roman Reigns come the Royal Rumble?
Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley head to the ring!
The former WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions are in Philly, and fans have great cardboard cutouts of them! Nikki and Rhea are going to be in the Women’s Rumble, what will they have to say about the known field of competitors after the break?
Raw returns and Sarah is in the ring with them to ask them about how their unexpected tag team has an announcement. Nikki and Rhea are officially challenging for a rematch for the tag titles! Uh, no, that’s not what they talked about. Well, then it doesn’t seem they’re on the same page. Many have wondered what was next for the team. Has this partnership run it’s course? Rhea wants to speak but Nikki cuts her off, saying what Rhea means to say is that of course it hasn’t. Actually… Rhea says they shouldn’t talk about this out here. No, they’re going to do it here and now. Nikki gets another mic so they can have a conversation.
Nikki wants to talk the future of the team. What is Rhea doing? Is she going to break them up? Rhea says they had a great run, it’s just time. But teaming together brought out the best in both of them. Yeah, but Rhea is ready- Is this about the tag titles? They’ll get them back! And then they’ll show everyone how great they still are! It’s not about the titles, Nikki. Then what is it…? Oh, okay. Does Rhea think she’s better just because Nikki got pinned? No, Rhea never said that. But she was thinking it! Did it ever occur to Rhea that Nikki did Rhea the favor by staying by her side? That’s what friends through! Even when one is better in the ring.
Rhea never said she was better in the ring. Nikki was talking about herself! What? But it’s so nice to know where Rhea’s head is at. Rhea doesn’t like where this is heading, so she’s leaving. So she’s just walking out on Nikki? Fine. No, but Nikki is making Rhea feel uncomfortable. So for now, let’s just say good-bye. Rhea offers a handshake, hoping to keep this amicable. Nikki says fine, if Rhea doesn’t want to be a teammate anymore, fine. But Nikki can’t shake Rhea’s hand until Rhea tells Nikki that she still believes in Nikki. Rhea has always believed in Nikki and always will. But it was that Nikki believed in herself. So with or without Rhea, Nikki needs to keep believing in herself.
Nikki gets a bit choked up, and Rhea isn’t sure what to do now. Nikki asks if Rhea means that. They can still be friends? Rhea and Nikki hug it out. Nikki and Rhea then fist bump, but Nikki CLOBBERS Rhea! Nikki rains down on Rhea with hammering fists and forearms! Nikki leaves, but is she still Almost a Super Hero? Or becoming Almost a Super Villain?
Dana Brooke and Reggie meet up.
Two of the best Philly cheesesteaks. Wait, something seems off. Reggie’s got like a Spidey Sense about the 24/7 Championship. R-Truth is wheeling up, and then the ref appears! Reggie was right! They throw the cheesesteaks at Truth and Akira Tozawa, but miss and hit Tamina! Tamina is furious, and she knocks the trash barrel over with Tozawa inside! Is Tamina’s rage going to rip into everyone until she gets that belt from Dana?
Omos walks the halls.
But Reggie bumps into him! Reggie apologizes, but Omos lifts him up! Dana demands Reggie put him down! Omos dares her to make him. Dana still shouts at Omos, and he drops Reggie. Omos tells them to watch what he does tonight, because then next week, he’ll do worse to Reggie!
“Doudrop” Piper Niven speaks.
“All last year, Bianca Belair and Liv Morgan cut in front of the line and wasted opportunity after opportunity. But this is a new year, and I’m going to show those two crybabies that their biggest mistake was overlooking me.” Bianca thinks Piper is a detour? The reality is, Bianca’s Piper’s detour on the way tot he title. Becky better not get too comfortable because Piper will see Becky. And then 2022 will be the year The Man gets Doudropped.
Omos VS Nick Sanders!
Raw returns and Omos already towers over his opponent, who is literally shaking in his boots. The ref explains the basic rules, Omos mocks the other guy’s height. The bell rings, Sanders runs but bounces off Omos! Omos stands on Sanders’ foot, then he clamps on a choke grip! DEADLIFT and TOSS! Omos runs in to SQUASH Sanders in the corner! Omos says this is far too easy. Omos hauls Sanders up again, pops him up to a fireman’s carry and a trophy lift for a COLOSSAL DROP! Reggie is watching backstage and is freaking out as Omos clamps onto Sanders again. Omos drags Sanders up by his head, then uses both hands for the COLOSSAL SLAM! Cover, Omos wins!
Winner: Omos, by pinfall
Sanders never stood a chance! Omos beat the Phenomenal AJ Styles, he crushed this kid here, will Reggie just be another victim?
Edge is here!
Philly is ready to get Rated R! The Cutting Edge returns, and the Glamazon with be the special guest, after the break.
Raw returns and Edge is in the ring with a mic. “Hello, Philly~! It is so good to be back in the city of fighters.” And his guest is the most intelligent, gorgeous, vivacious, curvacious guest he’s ever had. And in three weeks, he and his guest face Miz & Maryse in “The It Couple VS The Grit Couple,” so without further ado, welcome WWE Hall of Famer, Edge’s wife, the woman with thighs that could crack coconuts, BETH PHOENIX! Beth makes her way out and joins Edge in the ring. Now, they’re married, and are raising two spectacular little girls. But at Day 1, that was the first time the fans got to see them really interact. At the Royal Rumble, they’re going to do some damage!
Edge wants Beth to remind everyone how much ass she really kicked in this ring. If this was the 1970s, Beth would be on the Broad Street Bullies. She’d be shoulder to shoulder with Dave “The Hammer’ Shultz! And just like the Flyers collected cups, these two have collected 35 championships together! More than any other couple in history, including Miz & Maryse. They’re also the only couple in the WWE Hall of Fame. Plus, Beth is a wrecking machine! Enough of Edge flapping gums about it, roll footage.
The video package plays, with Trish Stratus saying Beth is strong, beautiful, Natalya says Beth inspired her. Bianca Belair knows Beth was doing groundbreaking things as a woman wrestler. She was never afraid to be who she is. Rhea was also inspired, as was Charlotte Flair. Edge is so proud of Beth! But the floor is hers. She’s amazed by that video, too. She isn’t sure if Edge is buttering her up for later tonight, but uh, flattery will get you everywhere. But down, boy, put a pin in that. Tonight, Beth talks business. That video was just a sampling of the platter Beth has set out for Maryse.
The entitlement, the bragging, and the verbal diarrhea from Miz just has to stop! At the Royal Rumble, Edge & Beth finally shut their mouths for good! But speaking of, here come Miz & Maryse to crash the show! Miz has a mic to say, “Hello, Filthy-delphia.” After looking at the crowd, Miz stands with Ben Simmons. He, too, would give up $33 MILLION just to not play here! Have they seen themselves?! And hello, Edge. Miz thought Edge would try to slander the It Couple and make fans believe they’ll beat “the holy hell” out of them. But at Day 1, Miz had Edge beat until Edge used his wife to win! What kind of man does that?! Fans shout, “YOU!”
Edge says that’s rich, Miz used Maryse to avoid a Spear. SLANDER! Edge does realize Maryse is the finest talent to ever put on boots. And Miz’s inside sources here say that Edge & Beth were preparing that highlight video, so Miz has one of his own to show how much BETTER Maryse is! Miz narrates it himself, though. She is the symbol of status and grace. Her stunning debut in the Diva’s Search to the ascent to the top, to finding love with Miz and becoming the WWE’s It Couple. Maryse has always been a beacon of beauty, a paragon of posh, and the embodiment of elegance. She and Miz will lay waste to Beth & Edge! Through the power of their love, Miz & Maryse are unbeatable!
Miz applauds, Philly boos. Miz asks if they realize how big of a star Maryse is? Do they understand how lucky they are to see her live and in person? How Edge & Beth should be honored to even be in the same ring as her?! Edge knows Maryse is a former champion and busted her but to prove everyone wrong, same as Miz. Edge respects them. They’re not taking away from her career. But Beth can deadlift a Buick. She can smash things, mostly people, and if Edge had to face her, he’d have the same look on his face as Maryse. And interesting timing. Suddenly, Maryse is so shy. She’s had no problem hitting Edge from behind when Beth wasn’t around.
But now that Beth is here, Maryse is like a little mouse. The time for apologies is long gone. At the Rumble, Beth is going to wreck Maryse, and every person in the arena will be chanting, “Auvoir.” Oh, really? Beth wants to speak Francais to them, then go ahead! Maryse, tell Beth how bad you’re gonna beat her! How Beth will wish she stayed retired! Tell- Wait, where is Maryse going? Beth tells Miz that before he high tails it outta here, one more thing: If Maryse is too afraid to show up, and if Edge doesn’t get to him first, Beth will take great pleasure in knocking Miz’s teeth in. Miz has no comeback, will there be nothing the It Couple can do to stop the Grit Couple?
Backstage interview with Austin Theory.
Kevin Patrick says Theory goes 1v1 with the Phenomenal AJ Styles tonight, with a big chance at major momentum going into the Royal Rumble. Theory says he also has a chance to impress Mr. McMahon. And Vince reminded Theory that Styles is one of the most decorated stars in the WWE. We can all say it, too: he’s a future first ballot Hall of Famer. But tonight, Theory beats Styles, and Vince will have no doubt but to continue to invest in Theory. Did Vince have any other words of encouragement? Yeah, that Theory shouldn’t screw this up.
AJ Styles VS Austin Theory!
If it isn’t one young upstart, it’s another! Omos physically dominated Styles, NXT’s Grayson Waller is trying to play mind games, will Vince’s new pet project look to take advantage of all this and get the most phenomenal win of his career? Or can Styles start a comeback that’s even more amazing?
The bell rings and Styles ties up with Theory, Theory mule kicks, throws hands, but Styles puts him in the corner to CHOP and CHOP. Styles whips, Theory goes up but Styles stays back to scoop and BACKBREAKER! Styles brings Theory up but Theory ROCKS Styles, puts him in a corner and hits a clothesline! Theory goes to the apron, he shoves Styles down and slingshots to STOMP, then deadlift suplexes! Cover, TWO! Theory clamps on a rear bearhug but Styles fights up. Styles fights free with elbows but Theory knees low. Theory whips, Styles dropkicks him out of the ring! Styles slingshots, Theory gets in but Styles slips under.
Theory throws Styles back out, then somersault DROPKICKS Styles off the apron! Theory says he’s the Phenomenal One now, and Raw goes to break.
Raw returns and Styles CHOPS Theory to a corner, then CHOPS him more. Styles whips corner to corner, Theory reverses but Styles BOOTS back. Styles runs but into a kick! Theory suplexes, Styles slips out and fires off the Phenomenal Blitz! Theory is down, Styles runs for basement forearm! Styles suplexes Theory, lets him land on his feet for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Styles drags Theory back up, CLUBS him down, and reels him in. But Theory slips out, Styles ducks the haymaker but not the back elbow! AOI SHODOU from Theory! Cover, TWO!! Styles survives and Theory grits his teeth.
Fans rally, but Theory looms over Styles and brings him up. Fireman’s carry, but Styles gest to the apron! Styles ROCKS Theory, takes aim and fans fire up! Springboard, but Waller is here?! Waller trips Styles up to CLOBBER him!
Winner: AJ Styles, by disqualification
Waller stomps Styles, Theory gets his phone, an Theory makes his introductions before taking the victory selfie. Waller then gets Styles up, but Styles hits back! He bounces Waller off apron, off desk, and then puts him in the ring! Waller runs for it, but he has less than 24 hours left! Will Styles make the 21st Century Success Story regret ever calling him out?
Kevin Patrick interviews Grayson Waller.
Would he like to comment on the underhanded tactics he just used to get the upper hand? Underhanded? Nothing was underhanded there. Waller just gave Styles a preview of tomorrow night’s NXT main event. The Phenomenal One is going to be overtaken by the Grayson Waller Effect.
Liv Morgan speaks.
“I know what it’s like to come so close to victory that you can almost taste it. That’s what happened to me at Day 1.” Liv won’t stop giving it her all. So it may be a new year, but she has the same attitude that got her to the title. When she wins this Triple Threat, she won’t just come close, she’ll finally win the Raw Women’s Championship! But speaking of…
Becky Lynch heads to the ring!
The Man holds up the title while wearing her GOAT jacket, because she wants to watch this main event up close and personal. What will her reaction be to tonight’s Triple Threat?
Alexa Bliss… is in therapy?
She sits and stares at her psychiatrist while the Newton balls clack clack. She looks at them, and they stop… Dr. Scubel welcomes Alexa and asks she take deep breaths. She lets out groaning exhales then giggles. Now, the first step to recovery is admitting there is a problem in the first place. Oh, right. She is melodramatic as she asks he fix her. Well there is no doubt she’s been through a lot of trauma, but time for healing. He will show her things and will gauge her reactions. Before he can say how long it’ll take, he needs to know where she is right now. Video plays of what Charlotte did to Alexa’s doll, Lily. Alexa, how does this make you feel?
She forces a smile, sits up, and takes a glass. It makes her feel thirsty. Well okay. She fills the glass, and then lets it spill over. And then she dumps the pitcher out. Then s he grabs the doctor’s tie and asks how he feels. Not great. Shame. Because she feels pretty dandy. She throws the pitcher against the wall, tips the table over, and then grabs a notebook. If the first step is admitting she has a problem, then she definitely has a problem! Go ahead and write about it! Breathe- Right. Breathe in, then out. And as she exhales, she smashes more things in his office! There’s a line, Alexa! She throws the flowers, then she shrieks! Will this road back be darker than the doctor expected?
Raw returns and Becky is in the ring.
She has a mic to say, “Welcome to the Big Time! Now, we got three women back there who are about to come out for a big time Triple Threat match. Each woman fantastic in their own right. You’ve got tenacious Liv Morgan, who won’t back down even though she really should. You’ve got Bianca Belair, who has undeniable strength. About as undeniable as how quickly I beat her at SummerSlam, huh? And then, and then you’ve got Doudrop. Now, I have to give respect to a fellow Celt for going out to take what she wants.” And with such great competitors, anything can happen. They all have notions of grandeur! That finally, they will overthrow Becky!
Yes, a battle for the ages. All fighting for the right to one day tell their grandkids that they lost to Big Time Becky Lynch! And with that said, Becky will lend her talents to the commentary team, so go ahead and bring out the three. “Have fun fightin’ for me, babes.”
Raw Women’s Championship Triple Threat: Liv Morgan VS Bianca Belair VS “Doudrop” Piper Niven!
Becky reviews how many times she’s beaten Liv and Bianca, but she may have to do it all over again at the Rumble. Or, Piper could get the biggest win of her career yet as she Doudrops the past to become The Man’s future. We find out who gets that golden ticket to St. Louis, after the break!
Raw returns and the bell rings. Bianca, Liv and Piper all start throwing hands! Piper headbutts Liv down, headbutts Bianca, then headbutts Liv again! BIG back suplex for Bianca, then Piper goes to bring her up. Bianca throws Piper out of the ring, but Piper drags her out. They scrap, but Liv SLINGSHOTS to take them both down! Liv fires up, puts Bianca back in, covers, TWO! Fans rally, Bianca shoves Liv and CLOBBERS her! Bianca runs, Liv drops, Bianca handsprings to tell Liv to kiss this. Things keep moving, Liv leaps and RANAS, but Bianca rolls to a corner. Liv runs in, Bianca dodges to RAM into Liv!
Bianca climbs up, rains down hands, but Piper runs in. Bianca leaps over, and adds Piper to the pile! But Piper powers up to bring Bianca away! Bianca fights free, dropkicks Piper into the corner, and Liv gets Bianca for a back suplex! Bianca lands on her feet, back suplexes Liv down, but Piper SPLASHES onto them both! Becky is amazed by that, and Piper drags Bianca up. Piper CLUBS Bianca, scoops her, then hits the MICHONOKU DRIVER! Piper then runs at Liv but Liv BOOTS her! Liv goes up, leaps, but Piper blocks rana for an ELECTRIC CHAIR SLAM onto Bianca! Double cover, TWO!!
Piper grows frustrated, but she keeps on Liv with a cobra clutch. Liv endures, fans rally up, and Becky can’t fault Piper for taking what she wants. Becky really isn’t sure how she’d do against Piper, but she’d still win. Liv fights up, Piper ripcords and whips Liv to the corner, for a SPLASH! Piper runs in to CANNONBALL, but only gets buckles as Liv dodges! Liv goes up to double stop, but Piper doesn’t even budge! Liv keeps trying but Piper tosses her out and Liv hits steel steps on the way down! Piper grits her teeth while Raw goes to break.
Raw returns once again, and Piper fights off the chicken wings to HEADBUTT Bianca down! Piper brings her back up, whips Bianca to a corner and runs in, but Bianca slips out Piper POSTS herself, Bianca goes up, but Liv uses Piper to get up and SUPER STEINER Bianca! O’Conner Roll to Piper, TWO and Liv hits buckles! Bianca runs back in to SPEAR Piper!! Fans fire up while all three women are down! Liv sits up, Bianca goes after Piper but Piper bails out. Bianca and Liv meet, and they start throwing hands! Fans fire up, Bianca shoves then ducks the enziguri to roll up! TWO, RINGS OF SATURN! Liv has Bianca, Bianca is flailing, grabs at Liv’s hair, but Liv throws elbows!
Liv pulls back harder, Bianca keeps pulling at Liv’s hair, but Bianca is still caught at center! Liv throws more elbows, Bianca grits her teeth and powers up! The strongEST and toughEST gets back to her feet! Liv can’t believe it as Bianca swings her around, but into a CODE BREAKER! Liv sees Piper coming, CODE BREAKER! Bianca is up, Liv spins her, WING SNAPPER and a boot into buckles! Liv CLUBS Bianca, gets the arms again and reels Bianca in to hoist her up top. Liv CLUBS Bianca more, climbs up top, but Bianca resists the back suplex! Piper CLUBS them both and Bianca hits POST! Piper brings Liv off the corner, for a POWERBOMB! Cover, EST 450!!
Becky is shocked seeing Bianca breaking that one up, but says it was only “mildly impressive.” Bianca crawls over, covers Piper, TWO! Cover onto Liv, TWO!! Bianca can’t believe it! Bianca says this is hers, and she eggs the others on! She fires off forearms on Piper, then Liv, then SPINEBUSTER for Piper! GlamEST Slam into Piper! Bianca handsprings, for a DOUBLE SPLASH! Bianca gets Liv up, torture rack! KISS OF DEATH!! But BECKY breaks it up!? She throws Bianca out, refusing to let the EST meet her again! Becky throws off her jacket, Bianca gets after her, and the chase is on! Becky swings, Bianca kicks her first! Bianca fires off, but Becky THROWS Bianca over the desk!
Piper capitalizes by putting Liv in a drop zone! VADER BOMB!! Cover, Piper wins!!
Winner: “Doudrop” Piper Niven, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the Raw Women’s Championship)
The Man gets in and grins as she sees her fellow Celt winning. Becky offers a handshake, but then SLAPOS Piper! Becky tires the Man Handle Slam, but Piper is too big and strong for that! Piper throws Becky out of the ring, and now Becky might be realizing the mistake she just made. Is Becky about to get Doudropped big time?
My Thoughts:
A really good Raw, and much better than last week. Still the same problems of recapping, going to commercial just as matches are about to start, stuff like that, but that just seems to be how Vince wants to schedule things out from now on. But at least the things we got this week were all better quality. The interaction between Lesnar and Lashley at the beginning was really good stuff, especially how Lesnar threw the “ducking” thing onto Lashley. He could’ve delivered his last line a bit better but hey, he’s still got the upper hand on Lashley here. I did like that Alexander & Benjamin were back, but bummed that they’re going to be fodder for Lashley as he builds towards the Rumble.
The Raw Tag Team title match was a great opener, and what a shocker that the Academy won! I’m not sure what’s next for RKBRO, but I would love to see what promo they come up with about this loss. And now with the champions being Heels, it opens things up for a Face team like the Profits or Rey & Dominik Mysterio to go after them and perhaps take those titles come Mania. Profits & Priest VS Dawgs & Apollo was good stuff, all these guys will look good in the Rumble but I don’t see them winning it. Perhaps Profits and Dawgs battle, winner to face the Academy, and Apollo can be Priest’s next US Championship challenger.
As for the Women’s Tag Team Division, RIP another team. I was hoping the direction they were going was Nikki changing gimmicks again. Well, she could still do that if she really does change from superhero to supervillain, but as I’ve said before, I was hoping for SAnitY to return. Corey Graves even set it up on commentary with the usual, “insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results.” But now, who is even around to challenge Vega & Carmella? A team from SmackDown forming out of nowhere? Not to be a broken record, but maybe if WWE didn’t cut so many people, we could’ve had Tegan & Shotzi challenging long before this point.
Big E is looking primed to be a Rumble winner after tonight. Rollins gloats about being Roman’s challenger, he has a great match with Big E, and Rollins wins so he has momentum. Big E can use this to motivate himself to win that Rumble, and he’ll have a killer match at Mania no matter who holds the top titles. Omos crushes a jobber, which again would’ve been another great spot for someone WWE cut. Styles VS Theory was going well but I should’ve known Waller would interfere. More heat for their NXT match, maybe it’ll get fans to check it out. Thankfully the only interaction with Theory and Vince tonight was referenced, not shown. Those segments are almost as bad as Happy Talk.
We got a really good segment from the Cutting Edge. That was a really good video to review Beth’s great career in the ring, and Maryse bailing on Miz was such a great moment. I would think the “Grit Couple” still win, but expect Miz & Maryse to pull out all the Heel stops. Alexa Bliss’ “journey back” of course has her still playing Playground Alexa, but it did work with how she was throwing things around the office. She has a grudge against Charlotte, so Alexa will totally be in the Rumble with the sole mission of keeping Charlotte from winning. Honestly, everyone in the Women’s Rumble should be ready for when Charlotte shows up so they can all throw her out.
And lastly, that Triple Threat was a great main event. Good promos to hype it up during the night, and Becky was really good on commentary. I would’ve liked for Becky to let Piper win this outright in a classic opportunistic way. Piper could’ve broken the pin, thrown Bianca into a post, then still hit the Vader Bomb on Liv. But I suppose on one level, this keeps Bianca strong since Becky is why she was out of the running. On another, Bianca also has a lot of Face power going into the Rumble and is a top choice to win. It was also a great moment for Becky to try and swerve Piper, only for it to fail. Piper is going to have an awesome match with Becky, but pretty sure Becky still wins.
My Score: 8.4/10
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The Front Man VS The Rebel!
The 2025 New Japan Cup is moving into the homestretch, and we have Zack Sabre Jr. battling David Finlay! Will ZSJ return to the finals?
- Tomohiro Ishii & Katsuya Murashima VS Ryohei Oiwa & Hartley Jackson; Oiwa & Jackson win.
- Hiroshi Tanahashi & Daiki Nagai VS Satoshi Kojima & Yuji Nagata; Kojima & Nagata win.
- YOSHI-HASHI & Toru Yano VS Yuya Uemura & Taka Michinoku; Hashi & Yano win.
- Six Man Tag: Hontai VS The United Empire; Hontai wins.
- Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI VS Jeff Cobb & Callum Newman; Cobb & Newman win.
- 10 Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture; House of Torture wins.
- Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma VS Shingo Takagi & Yota Tsuji; Takagi & Tsuji win.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Semifinal: Zack Sabre Jr. & David Finlay; Finlay wins and advances to the finals.
10 Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture!
After Gabe Kidd eliminated Ren Narita from the New Japan Cup, the Souled Out Strong Style and the boys made sure the Mad Man lost, too! Will Gabe, “Drilla” Moloney, Chase Owens, Bad Luck Fale & Sanada finally bring down the House? Or will the King of Darkness lead his team and prove Everything is Evil?
Well, no sneak attacks during the House’s entrances, but Sho does get the mic. Sho claims that of all the places in Japan, Shizuoka is the worst! Just like the War Dogs! He tells the War Dogs to get out here so they can just end this and go home already. With that, Gabe & Drilla lead the charge and the brawl is on! Evil intercepts Sanada with a kick, but Chase & Fale go after Yujiro & Kanemaru! Gabe BOWLS Ren into chairs in the crowd! The fans fire up but they also have to clear out fast! Gabe sends Ren into the wall, Sanada sends Evil into commentary! The King of Darkness knocks President Ace over!
Gabe fires forearms on Ren at ringside, the fans fire up, but then Evil CHOKES Tanahashi just because!! The fans boo but then Sanada attacks Evil. Ren & Dick turn things around on Gabe! Evil throws Sanada at Milano Collection AT-san! Mmilano ends up falling onto fans! And then Evil just does it again! Ren throws Gabe into a wall! Kanemaru knocks Chase down, then whips him into railing! Sho finally scrambles into the ring to get away from Drilla, and now the bell rings! Sho wants mercy but Drilla puts him in a corner instead. The fans bark as Drilla CHOPS and ROCKS Sho on repeat! The ref reprimands, Drilla won’t stop so the ref pulls him back.
Drilla pushes the ref aside, then runs back in, but Sho ELBOWS Drilla! Sho runs, SPEAR gets stuffed! Drilla fires knees, then hoists Sho up! Sho fights free and he bends Drilla’s fingers! The ref reprimands but Sho whips Drilla into the corner, SURPRISE~! Bare buckles! Drilla hits steel and falls back while Sho BLASTS the War Dogs off their corner! The fans boo but Sho drags Drilla up and TOSSES him outside. Sho distracts the ref as Ren & Evil mug Drilla, then the others join in! The fans boo, but Gabe runs up to attack! He gets mugged, too, and he’s even sent into railing! Drilla is put in for Sho to cover, TWO!
Kanemaru tags in and kicks away on Drilla. Kanemaru whips Drilla to an open corner, runs up and ELBOWS him! Then Kanemaru snapmares to drop a KNEE! Cover, TWO! Drilla is still in this and the fans rally up behind him. Kanemaru bumps Drilla off Yujiro’s boot! Tag to Yujiro and he drags Drilla up. Yujiro bumps Drilla off the bare buckles! The fans rally for Drilla more but Yujiro knees him low. Yujiro fires forearms, stands him against the ropes, and the House holds Drilla in place for the BOOT! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer as Drilla stays in this, but Ren tags in to drag Drilla up. Drilla fires forearms on Ren!
Ren CLAWS Drilla’s eyes! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Ren whips Drilla to a corner. Drilla BOOTS him away! And then Drilla puts Ren up top, and GAMANGIRIS! Ren wobbles and the fans fire up! Drilla brings Ren off the corner, but Ren slips free and CLAWS the eyes again! The ref reprimands, Ren lets go to run, but he runs into a SPINEBUSTER! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Ren crawls and Gabe shouts as he rises up! The fans rally, hot tag to Gabe! The Mad Man dodges Ren to BLAST the House! Ren kicks low, whips Gabe, but Gabe reverses and LARIATS in the corner! Then he whips corner to corner to LARIAT again!
Gabe clinches Ren for an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! The fans bark with Gabe and he hauls Ren up. Gabe suplexes but Ren slips out to SLEEPER! Gabe slips around but Ren fights the back suplex! Ren fires elbows, then he CHOKES Gabe! Gabe breaks free, takes a swing, but Ren catches him into an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up, Ren drags Gabe to his feet, but Gabe stops the facebuster! Ren avoids the Penalty Kick, gets around to shove Gabe, and Evil gets a cheap shot in! Ren runs up but Gabe gets around the boot to SAIDO! Both men are down, the fans rally up, and both Ren and Gabe crawl for their corners. Hot tags to Chase and Evil!
The fans fire up as the Crown Jewel dodges Evil and JABS! JABS! JABS! Chase winds up, but Evil kicks low! Evil whips, Chase LARIATS him first! Kanemaru & Sho attack, they double whip, but Chase ducks the double lariats! Chase shoves Sho into Kanemaru, then he dragon sleepers Sho. Kanemaru runs up but Chase catches him, URENAGE DDT COMBO! The fans fire up, but Evil waistlocks! Chase breaks free and PELES! Chase hurries to DECK Yujiro for good measure! Chase lines up a shot, C- NO! Evil stops the trigger and CLAWS the eyes! Then he sends the foot at the ref, and he mule kicks Chase’s other leg out!
The fans boo but Sho BLASTS Sanada off the apron! Yujiro & Kanemaru get in to whip Chase to the corner! Then Sho runs up to forearm SMASH! Kanemaru ELBOWS! Yujiro BOOTS! Evil LARIATS! They snapmare Chase, Sho distracts the ref, and Dick Togo goes up! DICK CHOP! Evil covers, TWO!! Chase survives, but Evil “falls” on the ref! Evil grins as he gets a chair! The fans boo, but Evil swings! Chase dodges, but then Evil gives Chase the chair! Evil tries to frame Chase, but Chase SMACKS the mat, and then falls over! Chase turns the tables and now the ref and Evil argue over the chair! The chair is taken away, and Chase sends Evil into Sanada’s DROPKICK!
Chase now spins Evil, wrenches and hammerlocks, for a BUTTERFLY DDT! Cover, but Sho & Kanemaru break it! Sanada & Drilla go after them, TOSS them out, and the brawling on the outside returns! Chase drags Evil up, but Evil clinches! EVERY- NO, Chase rolls Evil up! TWO!! Evil escapes, but a C-TRIGGER hits the mark! The fans fire up but now Yujiro distracts the ref! This lets Kanemaru slip in and CLUB Chase! Then Kanemaru spins Chase around, but Chase UPPERCUTS the whiskey mist into the air! Chase TOSSES Kanemaru, but Dick uses POCKET POWDER! And then EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Cover, The House wins!
Winners: House of Torture, by pinfall
The War Dogs tried their best, but the House of Torture has too many tricks up their sleeves! Is there nothing that can stop them from being the PRIME Bullet Club? Well hold on! Gabe & Drilla bring out chairs! They get the House running away, but Evil mocks them with the L to the forehead. What must the War Dogs do to finally end this farce?
2025 New Japan Cup Semifinal: Zack Sabre Jr. & David Finlay w/ Gedo!
As a previous two-time New Japan Cup winner, The Front Man has been in this position before. The Rebel has also been in this position before, but the semifinals were as far as he’d go in the past. Will this be the moment Finlay breaks through and proves he’s the Savage King? Or will he be made to #JustTapOut?
The bell rings and the fans rally up already as ZSJ and Finlay circle. They feel things out, Finlay drops down to go for a leg but then backs off. They continue to feel out the grapple, then clinch as they go to ropes. Red Shoes calls the break but ZSJ and Finlay keep hand fighting. Red Shoes reprimands, ZSJ lets off slowly, but Finlay shoves him back. Finlay complains but he still resets with ZSJ. The fans rally some more as the two knuckle lock. Finlay goes for an arm, ZSJ hooks a leg, but Finlay wrenches to a wristlock. ZSJ spins around and slips through to waistlock, then he wrenches, hammerlocks, spins Finlay, and wrangles him to the mat!
The fans cheer this technical wrestling display, but Finlay fights up to trip ZSJ. Finlay has a toehold, ZSJ has a chinlock, but Finlay pushes back on the leg. Finlay shifts around, goes for the Half Crab, and even dares ZSJ to use the ropebreak. ZSJ moves around and stands up, so Finlay lets go of the leg. The fans applaud and the two reset again. ZSJ and Finlay tie up again, and Finlay headlocks. ZSJ powers up but Finlay grinds the hold. ZSJ goes for a leg, Finlay thrashes the headlock, so ZSJ powers up and out to headlock back. Finlay powers up and out, but ZSJ counters the hip toss, only for Finlay to do the same!
They go counter hip toss for counter hip toss, until ZSJ TOSSES Finlay up and out! The fans cheer while Finlay grows frustrated. ZSJ waits on Finlay as Finlay paces. Finlay storms back in, but ZSJ arm-drags him down! Finlay headscissors, ZSJ kips free, and the fans cheer again as they reset. Finlay and ZSJ stare down, Finlay talks some smack, but then he fires a forearm! ZSJ brushes that off, and he UPPERCUTS in return! Finlay nods and comes back with an UPPERCUT of his own! The fans rally up and ZSJ nods. ZSJ UPPERCUTS again, so Finlay UPPERCUTS again! The fans rally up more as Finlay UPPERCUTS again!
ZSJ walks around and gets the fans fired up, but Finlay UPPERCUTS again! ZSJ UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! But Finlay fires a flurry of forearms! Finlay runs, but ZSJ dodges, only for Finlay yo ELBOW him down! SENTON onto knees! ARMBAR! Finlay scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and ZSJ lets go. ZSJ brings Finlay back up and reels him in, all to go after an arm! Finlay endures being stuck in this modified headscissors while ZSJ bends his fingers! And then he SNAPS the fingers! The Front Man is rather villainous there and the fans rally up. ZSJ grabs the hand, wrenches and wrenches and wrenches, but Finlay wrenches back!
ZSJ takes as swing, but into Finlay’s IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! ZSJ writhes and goes to a corner, but Finlay storms over to stand on him! Red Shoes counts, Finlay steps off, and the fans duel as Finlay whips ZSJ corner to corner hard! ZSJ falls and writhes, Gedo applauds and the fans rally again. Finlay flexes before he storms over and whips ZSJ hard into the other corner! Finlay claims he can do this all day, then he stands on ZSJ again. Finlay stands ZSJ up to whip him HARD into the corner! ZSJ bounces off the buckles and falls to the mat! The fans rally and duel as Finlay storms up on ZSJ again.
ZSJ pushes Finlay away, but Finlay keeps grabbing at him. ZSJ grabs the bad hand and bends the fingers! Then ZSJ UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Finlay UPPERCUTS right back and ZSJ falls! The fans are torn as Finlay watches ZSJ crawl away. Finlay barks, fans bark with him, and Finlay runs in! UPPERCUT! Finlay reels ZSJ in, but ZSJ snap suplexes Finlay into buckles! The fans fire up again while both men are down! Finlay sputters while he gets his legs out of the ropes. ZSJ drags Finlay up, UPPERCUTS again, and Finlay staggers around. ZSJ UPPERCUTS again, and again, and again!
Gedo is worried but Finlay swings, only for ZSJ to backslide! Finlay rolls through, but into a NECK TWIST! And basement DROPKICK! The fans fire up while Finlay writhes. ZSJ stands and encourages them to get louder. The fans rally as ZSJ brings Finlay up. Finlay fights the suplex, tries to suplex back, but ZSJ goes for an arm. Finlay rolls and reels ZSJ in for a BACKBREAKER! ZSJ slumps out of the ring and Finlay grins as he goes out after him. Finlay drags ZSJ up, reels him in, and brings ZSJ up, only for ZSJ to make that a GUILLOTINE FACELOCK! ZSJ squeezes tight, but Finlay RAMS ZSJ into the railing!
The fans rally up while both men are down on the outside, and Gedo applauds Finlay for getting free. Finlay hobbles away, but then runs back in, only for ZSJ to send him into railing! ZSJ now crawls away, but then calls on the fans. The fans rally up, ZSJ lines up a shot, and he runs in to SHOTGUN Finlay back into the railing! Finlay writhes and the fans fire up again! ZSJ stalks Finlay now, passing by secondary commentary with Taichi. ZSJ puts Finlay in the ring, slides in, and then PENALTY KICKS! High stack, TWO!! Finlay survives, Gedo is relieved, and the fans rally up. ZSJ is annoyed but he paces around while Finlay flounders.
ZSJ drags Finlay up, but Finlay fights the scoop! Finlay suplexes, but ZSJ cradle counters! TWO!! Finlay gets free, but ZSJ gets around to hook him up, IRON OCTOPUS! Finlay endures, powers out, and he HOTSHOTS ZSJ off ropes! Then he reels ZSJ in to POWERBOMB! Finlay roars, the fans fire up, and Finlay- NO, ZSJ SCOOPS! SABRE DRIVER!! But ZSJ can’t make the cover! The fans fire up while both men are down! Red Shoes checks and Finlay is still in this. The fans rally while Gedo shouts for Finlay to get up! ZSJ stands first, and he looms over Finlay. ZSJ drags Finlay up, reels him in, but Finlay fights the lift!
ZSJ pats Finlay on the back, then KICKS Finlay in the chest! Finlay flops forward, but pushes himself back up. ZSJ KICKS again! Finlay flops down again, but ZSJ makes him sit up so he can KICK again! Finlay is back down, and ZSJ takes a moment to stretch before he hauls Finlay up. Finlay fights the lift, and he Alabama Lifts ZSJ! But ZSJ Gotch lifts Finlay! Finlay BACKDROPS, ZSJ sunset flips, but Finlay sits on it! TWO, ZSJ sunsets, TWO! Finlay high stacks, to DEADLIFT and POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives and the fans fire up! Gedo coaches Finlay, Finlay crawls over to ZSJ, and Finlay drags ZSJ back up.
Finlay Canadian Racks, but ZSJ has a SLEEPER while up there! Finlay powers up, but ZSJ slips around to have a standard SLEEPER! Finlay throws ZSJ down, but ZSJ reels him into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Finlay powers up, but he falls back! ZSJ rains down elbows! Then ZSJ focuses on just the ARMBAR! Finlay tries to kick at ZSJ but ZSJ grabs that foot, now he has a HEEL HOOK with the armbar! Finlay endures, reaches out, and the fans duel as he reaches out! ZSJ has the TRIANGLE HOLD back, and then he gets Finlay’s free arm in a wristlock! Finlay only has a leg free and it’s not in a very good spot for this!
The fans fire up as Finlay endures, and gives one last gasp to get his arms free! ROPEBREAK!! ZSJ lets go, and he grins as he looks at Gedo. ZSJ KICKS Finlay, and then KICKS Finlay again! ZSJ runs, but into a SPEAR!! Both men are down again after that desperate attack! Finlay crawls over to ZSJ, drags him up and reels him in, but ZSJ wrenches out to PELE the arm! ZSJ waistlocks, O’Conner Rolls, but Finlay rolls through! ZSJ pushes Finlay down, has the legs, JAPANESE LEG ROLL, TWO!! Finlay escapes, but ZSJ UPPERCUTS! Finlay rebounds to LARIAT! The fans fire up and Finlay winds up! Finlay runs, into a GUILLOTINE!
Finlay powers through, INTO OBLIVION! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives and the fans fire up again! Finlay rises up, roars, and he brings ZSJ up. Finlay suplexes, OVER- NO, ZSJ blocks the knee and trips Finlay! ZSJ body scissors, GEDO CLUTCH into the JAPANESE LEG ROLL, and ZSJ is even flipping Finlay off! TWO!!! Finlay escapes, both men stand, and Finlay fires a forearm! And a ROLLING ELBOW! And a ROLLING- LARIAT from ZSJ!! The fans are thunderous as ZSJ watches Finlay go to a corner. ZSJ runs in, Finlay dodges but ZSJ goes up and around to TORNADO DDT and then roll through! Scoop and- NO, Finlay escapes!
Finlay and ZSJ gator roll, Finlay powers up to OVERKILL!!! Cover, FINLAY WINS!!
Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall (advances to the finals)
It was a breakneck pace at the end, and it ended up the breakthrough The Rebel needed! Will ZSJ just have to use a different path back to the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship?
As for Finlay, Gedo joins him in the ring as Finlay gets the mic. The fans cheer him on, and he says, “You can call Zack Sabre Jr. many, many things. You can call him a two-time New Japan Cup Champion. You can call him the 2024 G1 Climax Champion. You can call him the former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. Hell, you can call him the best tournament wrestler int he world. But one thing you cannot call Zack is better than me!” The fans cheer, and Finlay says, “Come Hell or high water, I am winning the Cup because hate always finds a way.” The fans applaud as Finlay hands off the mic to Gedo.
Gedo translates what Finlay said about ZSJ’s accolades, and that the New Japan Cup will now belong to Finlay! “The Rebel takes the F over everything! I need The Rebel! New Japan needs The Rebel! And the world… needs The Rebel!” Finlay is one match away from that dream, and he even mouths off to Tanahashi to make sure he understands that, too. But who will stand against him on the other side? Can anyone stand against him?
My Thoughts:
Another great night for New Japan Cup, though I’m a little surprised we’re stretching things out like this. They could’ve given us Shingo VS Shota, too, but I guess they want to give that match a main event moment, too. The tune-up matches tonight went how I expected, but I covered the War Dogs VS House of Torture match just to see if Sanada does anymore shenanigans, or lack thereof I suppose. This time, Sanada actually did help out a bit, so it isn’t quite clear if he’s betraying the War Dogs after all. This will definitely culminate in a wild No Disqualification style team match, but I would hope they don’t go as wild as when War Dogs and United Empire ripped up the ring. That’s what got Alex Coughlin hurt to where he can’t wrestle anymore.
ZSJ VS Finlay was an awesome main event, and it certainly felt like it could go either way. Finlay winning was only a bit surprising, but perhaps it’s too soon for ZSJ to win the Cup to get back to the world title. Plus, while Finlay is a de facto Face in the Bullet Club Civil War story, he’s Heel everywhere else, and so we’re going to get a Heel VS Face for the Cup, no matter who wins between Takagi and Shota.
My Score: 8.9/10
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The Fierce Warrior fights Blue Justice!
An IWGP World Heavyweight Championship match during the New Japan Cup? It’s happening as Hirooki Goto defends the title against Yuji Nagata!
- Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI VS Ryohei Oiwa & Hartley Jackson; Ishii & Hashi win.
- 8 Man Tag: Hontai VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
- Six Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture; Double Count-Out Draw.
- Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS House of Torture; LIJ wins.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Quarterfinal: Shingo Takagi VS “Drilla” Dan Moloney; Takagi wins and advances.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Quarterfinal: Shota Umino VS Jeff Cobb; Shota wins and advances.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Quarterfinal: Yuya Uemura VS David Finlay; Finlay wins and advances.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Quarterfinal: Zack Sabre Jr. VS Taichi; ZSJ wins and advances.
- IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Hirooki Goto VS Yuji Nagata; Goto wins and retains the title.
2025 New Japan Cup Quarterfinal: Shingo Takagi VS “Drilla” Dan Moloney!
The Rampaging Dragon broke through BARS while 44 Caliber shot down the Public Enemy. And now these two meet again after the New Beginning in Osaka! Drilla won then, can he do it again? Or will Takagi make the quarterfinals tranquAilo?
Takagi attacks as soon as jackets are put aside! Takagi fires forearms, the bell rings, and Drilla turns things around! Drilla ROCKS and CHOPS Takagi, but then Takagi turns things around for JABS and CHOPS! The fans fire up, Drilla turns things around but then Takagi puts Drilla back in the corner! JAB, JAB, JAB, and then a HAYMAKER! The fans fire up again but the ref reprimands about closed fists. Drilla checks his teeth while Takagi rallies the fans. Takagi whips, Drilla grabs ropes and BOOTS back! Drilla runs, RAMS Takagi, but Takagi RAMS Drilla! Drilla RAMS Takagi, and fans fire up as both men roar and flex!
Takagi fires a forearm, so Drilla fires back! Takagi fires another forearm, but Drilla fires up and barks. The fans bark with Drilla, and he fires another forearm! Takagi gets fans fired up with “OI! OI! OI!” Takagi fires a forearm, Drilla fires back, so we get “OI! WOOF! OI! WOOF!” Takagi fires a flurry, but then Drilla gives those back! Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! FEINTS, but Drilla gets under the lariat. Drilla shoves Takagi to ropes, hurdles, drops down, and DROPKICKS! But Takagi’s right up to CLOBBER Drilla! The fans fire up all the same! “OI! OI! OI!” starts up again and Takagi brings Drilla up, throwing up the Stan Hanson longhorns!
Takagi Canadian Racks, but Drilla slips free! And Drilla pump handles?! Takagi fights with elbows, so Drilla ripcords and CHOPS! Drilla runs, but Takagi LARIATS! Takagi runs, but Drilla SPINEBUSTERS! The fans fire up and Drilla looms over Takagi. Drilla kicks Takagi, drags him up, and he CHOPS! And CHOPS! Takagi fires a forearm, so Drilla fires back! They go back and forth, but then Drilla snapmares and KICKS Takagi! Drilla stalks Takagi to the corner, and there’s a fan doing his best to start a “Both These Guys!” chant. Drilla whips but Takagi blocks by grabbing ropes. Drilla CHOPS Takagi, then he whips corner to corner.
Drilla runs up but Takagi ELBOWS him! Drilla PELES right back! Drilla snapmares and covers, TWO! The fans cheer as Takagi stays in this, but Drilla grows frustrated. Drilla pounds the mat, the fans rally up, and Drilla brings Takagi up. Takagi fights the lift, and he BACKDROPS Drilla away! The fans fire up while Takagi goes to a corner. Takagi runs up on Drilla, runs him over, then scoops to SLAM! And SENTON! Cover, TWO! Drilla stays in this but Takagi looks to the cameras! But as Takagi gets to saying it’s his time, Drilla springs up! Takagi ducks the superkick, then ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON feints to UPPERCUT and LARIAT!
The fans fire up again and now Takagi says, “TOKI GA KITA! <THE TIME HAS COME!>” The fans rally up, Takagi sits Drilla up, but Drilla avoids the sliding lariat! But Takagi stuffs the Gore and fires knees! Drilla wrenches out, takes a swing, but Takagi spins him, only for Drilla to suplex! Drilla gets moving, and he GORES Takagi down! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and the fans fire up again! They rally behind “MO-LO-NEY! MO-LO-NEY!” Drilla storms over and kicks Takagi to the apron. Then Drilla goes out after him, but Takagi fireman’s carries! Drilla fires elbows to get free, then he reels Takagi in! But Takagi fights the lift!
Drilla CLUBS away on Takagi, but Takagi drops down to YANK Drilla off the apron! DEATH VALLEY BOMB on the floor! Both men are down and the fans rally up! The ref checks Drilla, he’s okay to continue, so Takagi rises up. Takagi wants Hiroshi Tanahashi on commentary to watch this. Takagi puts Drilla in the ring, the fans fire up, and Takagi goes corner to corner! LARIAT! Takagi keeps moving, but Drilla BOOTS the lariat away! And he catches Takagi into a pump handle! Drilla steals MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives his own move and Drilla is frustrated. The fans rally up as Drilla growls and rises up.
Drilla roars, brings Takagi in, and Canadian Rack! Takagi slips free, has the arms, Gory Especial into NOSHIGAMI! Both men are down again and the fans rally up. Takagi stands and fires boxing elbows! Drilla grits his teeth and BOOTS in return! Takagi JABS, HEADBUTTS, but Drilla ENZIGIRIS! Drilla runs, but Takagi goes the other way! PUMPING BOMBER! The fans are thunderous as Takagi brings Drilla back up. Takagi pump handles, torture racks, but Drilla slips out to inverted suplex! And he pops Takagi around, DRILLA- NO, Takagi lands out for SLIDING PUMPING BOMBER! The fans fire up and Takagi rises again.
Takagi brings Drilla around, but Drilla scoops! Takagi slips free to inverted suplex, and now he pops Drilla around, LAST OF THE DRAGONS!! Takagi gets moving, and he PUMPING BOMBERS!! Cover, TWO?!!? Drilla survives that heavy hitting combo and Takagi roars! The fans are thunderous again as Takagi hauls Drilla up. Pump handle, BURNING DRAGON!! Cover, TAKAGI WINS!
Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)
Just like that adjustment that defeated Boltin Oleg, Takagi changes it up just enough, and he brings down this War Dog! Takagi shows some respect to Drilla, saying that they’re 1-1 so they will have a tiebreaker one day. Will Takagi be New Japan Cup Champion when that day comes? Maybe even IWGP World Heavyweight Champion?
2025 New Japan Cup Quarterfinal: Shota Umino VS Jeff Cobb!
The Roughneck beat Great-O-Khan in their rematch from New Beginning in Osaka, but the Imperial Unit shut the doubters up by shutting down Tetsuya Naito. Will Cobb make Shota look like a “bald b*tch?” Or is the Paradigm Shift still happening?
The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two stare down. The fans duel as Cobb and Shota slowly step forward. They tie up, Cobb powers Shota to the ropes, and the ref calls the break. Cobb slowly lets off, pats Shota on his shoulders, but Shota fires a forearm! Cobb swings, Shota dodges and fires more forearms. Shota headlocks, Cobb powers up and out, then RAMS Shota! Shota runs to RAM! And RAM! Shota roars, Cobb roars, but then Shota kicks and runs. Cobb CLOBBERS Shota! The fans fire up and Cobb storms up on Shota. Cobb drags Shota up, ROCKS him with a right, then stalks him around the ring.
Cobb HEADBUTTS Shota, pats him on the head, then runs, but into a DROPKICK! The fans cheer while Cobb staggers back. Shota CLUBS Cobb on the back, brings him around, then reels him in. Shota powers up but Cobb’s too big to suplex! Cobb suplexes Shota, and THROWS him away! The fans fire up, and Cobb RAMS Shota into a corner! Cobb then runs and RAMS him again! Shota grits his teeth and clutches his ribs as he drops to his knees. Cobb drags Shota back up, CLUBS him on the back, then eggs him on. The fans rally, Cobb stands on Shota’s hand, but pretends not to know until the ref points it out.
Cobb “apologizes” as he steps off, and he has Shota against the ropes. Cobb tells Tanahashi, “This is the future Ace? The future Ace?” Cobb CLUBS Shota, drags him up, and wrenches to then pump handle and FALL AWAY SLAM! Shota writhes, the fans fire up, and Cobb storms back over. Cocky cover, TWO! Cobb drags Shota around to stand on his back! Cobb uses Shota to surf! And he copies the air guitar! Cobb steps off, “apologizes,” and eggs Shota on. Shota fire kicks from behind, but Cobb stomps that leg! Cobb drags Shota up, but Shota fires forearm after forearm! Shota turns Cobb, but Cobb elbows free.
Shota rebounds to dropkick a leg! Then he dodges a lariat to hit the NECKBREAKER! The fans rally up while Shota goes to a corner. Shota runs corner to corner, to UPPERCUT! Shota then brings Cobb in, hooks a leg, but Cobb wrenches out. Shota dodges a lariat to DROPKICK the legs! Shota then steps over, S T F! Cobb fights the crossface portion but Shota fights to get it back on! Cobb endures, he crawls around and brings Shota along as he goes to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Shota lets go at the ref’s count, and Shota brings Cobb up. Shota reels Cobb in, but Cobb is still too big! Cobb BACKDROPS, but Shota sunset flips!
Cobb stays up to drag Shota up! Shota waistlocks, Cobb switches, but Shota elbows free! They trade forearms back and forth, and Shota fires up! ROLLING ELBOW! Cobb JABS! Shota kicks a leg, but Cobb ducks the enzigiri to SUPERKICK! Shota roars, comes back, but into a scoop! Cobb SLAMS Shota down, then SENTONS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Cobb rises, leans on the ropes, and then he storms over to Shota. Cobb drags Shota up, whips him to ropes, but Shota grabs the ropes to stop. Shota BOOTS Cobb, then runs up, but into a scoop! ATHLETIC PLEX! Cobb drags Shota right up to whip again!
Shota reverses, and he TORNADO DDTS! Both men are down and the fans fire back up! The fans rally up, Shota rises and he storms up on Cobb. Shota reels Cobb in, half nelsons, but Cobb fights that. Cobb elbows Shota, wrenches and lifts, URENAGE! FALLING HAMMER! Cover, TWO! Shota is still in this, but Cobb GACHIMUCHI FLOPS as Shota moves! ENZIGIRI! Shota runs, but into a DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Cobb then hauls Shota up, fireman’s carries, F5 THOUSAND!! Cover, TWO!! Shota survives and Cobb is furious, but the fans are thunderous! Cobb shakes his head, drags Shota up, and ripcords!
Cobb reels Shota in for the TOUR- CRADLE! TWO!! Cobb escapes, Shota returns, but Cobb LARIATS him down! Cobb then reels Shota in for a TOUR OF- NO, Shota escapes again! SNAP HALF ‘N’ HALF!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous again! Shota rises back up, fire in his eyes! Shota runs, and he LARIATS Cobb down!! Cover, TWO!! Cobb is still in this and the fans fire back up! Shota growls, Cobb shakes his head, and this is only ten minutes in! Shota aims from a corner, runs up on Cobb, BUSAIKU KNEE!! The fans are thunderous as Shota drags Cobb up again! Shota hooks a leg, SECOND CHAPTER!! Cover, SHOTA WINS!!
Winner: Shota Umino, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)
Just like with Great-O-Khan, The Roughneck shows he has changed! Will this Second Chapter see Shota become the new face of NJPW?
2025 New Japan Cup Quarterfinal: Yuya Uemura w/ Taka Michinoku VS David Finlay w/ Gedo!
The Heat Storm cooked Cold-Blooded Sanada, who hasn’t really been helping the War Dogs out much anyway. The Rebel trumped the King of Darkness and is focused on winning the Cup. Will Finlay prove he’s truly the top dog around here? Or is he just going to get burned?
The bell rings and the fans rally as the two stare down. It sounds pretty even between “YUYA! YUYA!” and “FINLAY! FINLAY!” The two circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Finlay manages to power Yuya back to ropes, and he grinds his forearm and wrist into Yuya’s face! The ref reprimands, Finlay lets off, but Yuya avoids the cheap shot to arm-drag Finlay away! Finlay runs up, Yuya dodges to arm-drag again! And again! Yuya has the armlock while the fans fire up. Finlay fights up, fires body shots, and he whips Yuya. Yuya reverses to WRING and ARM SCREW! Then he adds a basement DROPKICK! Cover, ONE, but Yuya clamps back onto the arm.
Finlay pulls hair but the ref reprimands. Yuya keeps on the arm, but Finlay fights up. Finlay pulls hair again but Yuya puts him in the corner. The ref calls for the break, and Yuya lets off slowly, to then CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! The fans fire up and Yuya whips corner to corner. Finlay reverses, Yuya goes up but Finlay catches him! HOTSHOT, and then a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! The fans rally as Yuya stays in this, but Finlay says he’s the real Ace! Finlay rains fists down on Yuya, but the ref reprimands. Finlay stops to throw up the Too Sweet, then he goes back for Yuya. Finlay drags Yuya up to whip hard into a corner!
Yuya bounces off the buckles and falls to the mat, and Gedo applauds. Finlay taunts Yuya, drags him back up, and then whips him hard into another corner! Yuya falls again but the fans continue to rally. Finlay barks, fans bark with him, and Finlay aims from a corner. Yuya rises, Finlay runs corner to corner, but Yuya ELBOWS him first! Finlay still LARIATS through! Finlay whips corner to corner, but Yuya goes up and over this time! Arm-drag! And a CHOP! The fans fire up while Finlay falls! Yuya storms over to Finlay, drags him up, and reels him in, only for Finlay to fight with elbows! Finlay runs, but Yuya reels him back in!
SAIDO! Cover, TWO, but right into an ARMBAR! Finlay flails and bridges up as he clasps hands. Finlay stacks Yuya, ONE and Yuya keeps on the ARMBAR! Finlay bridges again, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Yuya lets go while the fans cheer. Yuya drags Finlay from the ropes, clinches, but Finlay fights with more elbows. Finlay then reels Yuya in, but Yuya BACKDROPS free! The fans fire up, Yuya storms over to Finlay, but Finlay CLAWS Yuya’s face! The ref reprimands, Finlay whips, but Yuya reverses to reel Finlay in! URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Finlay stays in this and goes to a corner while the fans rally behind Yuya.
Yuya runs corner to corner, and he CHOP LARIATS! Finlay flops forward, Yuya looks at the corner, and he hesitates a moment. Yuya says, “OSU!” and he goes to climb! But Finlay runs up and ROCKS Yuya first! Finlay CLUBS Yuya, Yuya ROCKS Finlay, and then Yuya fires a flurry! The ref counts as they’re on the ropes, only for Finlay to HOTSHOT Yuya down! Yuya falls to the apron then the floor, and Finlay says Yuya’s a dead man. Finlay goes out, runs up, and he RAMS Yuya into the railing! Yuya gets bent back, then he slumps down while Finlay throws up the Too Sweet. The fans cheer, and Finlay tells the ref he’ll get Yuya in the ring.
Finlay puts Yuya in, the fans rally, and Finlay drags Yuya up to reel him in. Canadian Rack, CANADIAN HAMMER! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer but Finlay is annoyed. Finlay steps on Yuya’s head, then has the cameras focus on Yuya’s “pretty face.” Finlay crossface forearms Yuya down! Finlay taunts Yuya, tells him to smile for the camera, and then he crossface forearms Yuya again! Finlay sits Yuya up to crossface forearm even harder! The fans rally while Finlay paces. Finlay slashes his throat, vowing to finish this! Finlay drags Yuya up, reels him in, but Yuya cradles! TWO!! Yuya swings, Finlay catches him, and he backslides!
Yuya rolls through, but into OVER- NO! Yuya blocks the knee! Finlay fires forearm after forearm, but Yuya roars! Yuya spins Finlay around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Finlay survives and the fans rally again! Yuya rises, roars, and the fans fire up with Yuya! Yuya half nelsons, then full nelsons, but Finlay fights with elbows. Finlay reaches out, but Yuya keeps him from the ropes! Finlay drops, but Yuya stuffs the somersault to have a cover! TWO, and Yuya wheelbarrows Finlay into a full nelson! Finlay fights that to hit a BACKBREAKER! The fans rally harder as Yuya writhes and Finlay snarls.
Finlay says Yuya’s dead now. Finlay reels Yuya in, lifts, and BUCKLE BOMBS! And then he reels Yuya back in, but Yuya RANAS! Cover, TWO!! Finlay escapes, Yuya rises, and Finlay runs up! But Yuya blocks the discus to have the cording holds! But Finlay SPITS in Yuya’s face!! And then ROLLING ELBOWS! Yuya rebounds, into another ROLLING ELBOW! Yuya staggers around, into a third ROLLING ELBOW! And then a fourth ROLLING ELBOW! Yuya stays on his feet, so Finlay winds up, but Yuya HEADBUTTS!! Finlay rebounds, but into the DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous!
The fans rally as Yuya rises, and he goes to a corner! Yuya climbs, but Finlay crawls away. Finlay stands now, and Yuya still leaps! CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Finlay survives and the fans fire up again! Yuya checks his arm and it is still good! Yuya fires up, he brings Finlay into the cording hold, and then swings Finlay around, but Finlay LARIATS! Yuya stays up, and he HEADBUTTS in return! Finlay is a ragdoll, so Yuya gets him up in the cording holds! But Finlay HEADBUTTS back! Finlay runs, Yuya dodges, and Yuya leaps, but into Finlay’s arms! Finlay hits a POP-UP POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!!
The fans are thunderous as Yuya survives, but Finlay hurries! INTO OBLIVION!! Cover, TWO?!!? Yuya survives, flounders, and the fans are electric! Finlay drags Yuya up, reels him in, and hits OVERKILL!! Cover, Finlay wins!
Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)
The Heat Storm almost burned Finlay, but Finlay walked through the fire and made it to the other side! Will this tournament soon belong to The Rebel?
Wait, what’s Sanada doing come out here? He and Finlay look at each other before Sanada continues down to the ring. Sanada wants Taka to relax, he isn’t here for anything bad. Sanada says something to Yuya, then helps him stand. No one is sure what to make about this, but then Sanada hits DEADFALL!! Sanada was lying all along! The fans boo as Sanada exits on his own. That was cold-blooded to be sure, but will Sanada continue to do what he wants, even though he’s one of the War Dogs?
2025 New Japan Cup Quarterfinal: Zack Sabre Jr. VS Taichi w/ Taka Michinoku!
The Dangerous Tekkers meet again. While TMDK’s Front Man put his protege, Ryohei Oiwa, in his place, the Holy Emperor was unceremoniously handed a win over Gabe Kidd by the House of Torture. But none of that matters now, it’s all about these two finally going 1v1 with each other. Who proves to have the most dangerous tekkers of all?
The bell rings and the fans fire up already. Taichi does his best to hold back, even as ZSJ eggs him on. Taichi seems emotional rather, but the fans rally up with, “LET’S GO, TAICHI!” Taichi shakes off the frustration of last round, does some stretching, and slaps some fire back into himself. The two tie up, but ZSJ UPPERCUTS! Taichi ridge hands! They go back and forth, ZSJ fires a flurry of UPPERCUTS, then he whips. Taichi BOOTS ZSJ down! The fans fire up again, and then Taichi runs. ZSJ dodges to scoop, but Taichi slips free! Taichi dodges to DANGEROUS- NO, ZSJ fights the Saido and has an arm!
Taichi avoids the Pele to his arm, ZSJ ducks the buzzsaw, and ZSJ headlocks! But into a DANGEROUS SAIDO! ZSJ tumbles out while the fans fire back up. Taichi slaps himself a little more to keep that fire, and a ring count starts. ZSJ checks his neck as we pass 5 of 20, but Taichi goes out at 6 to fetch him. Taichi drags ZSJ up, and he whips ZSJ hard into railing! ZSJ falls in a heap but Taichi looms over him. Taichi whips ZSJ into more railing! Taichi then storms out to No Man’s Land to grab a chair. The ref reprimands, grabs the chair, and Taichi lets him take it. The fans applaud as Taichi chooses to do this the right way.
Taichi drags ZSJ up, puts him in the ring, and the fans applaud. Taichi stands ZSJ up, snapmares, and KICKS! ZSJ writhes and the fans rally more. Taichi goes to a corner to focus himself again, and he storms back up on ZSJ for another KICK! ZSJ writhes more and the fans continue to rally. Taichi paces around ZSJ, then KICKS him again! Taichi eggs ZSJ on now, so ZSJ stands to kick, snapmare, and KICK! Taichi stands right up, but ZSJ kicks, snapmares, and KICKS! Then NECK TWIST! Taichi writhes and the fans rally up. ZSJ takes a moment to stretch his back, then he clamps on a headscissor neck lock!
Taichi endures but ZSJ grabs an arm. ZSJ twists the wrist, bends the fingers, then shifts around to make this a TRIANGLE HOLD! Taichi rolls and rolls, to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, ZSJ lets go, and Taichi catches his breath. ZSJ storms back up on Taichi, the fans duel, and ZSJ UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Taichi drops to his knees, but ZSJ UPPERCUTS again! Taichi sits down in the corner and ZSJ goes to the far side. ZSJ runs in and UPPERCUTS! Then he snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer but ZSJ stays focused. ZSJ scuffs Taichi, kicks him around, then stomps on him.
Taichi gets mad now, and he stands up! Taichi CHOPS, CHOPS, and CHOPS! But ZSJ blocks one to UPPERCUT the arm! ZSJ runs in at the corner, but Taichi dodges to GAMANGIRI! ZSJ falls and the fans fire up! Taichi also rests on the mat and the fans rally up again. Taichi and ZSJ go to opposite corners, then Taichi runs up! BOOT! Taichi powers up and runs, but ZSJ BOOTS the lariat! ZSJ wrenches, Taichi wrenches back, and Taichi HOOK KICKS! Cover, TWO! ZSJ stays in this and the fans rally up. Taichi rises, and BUZZ- NO, ZSJ ducks to RAM Taichi! Taichi SOBATS and BUZZSAWS! ZSJ falls over while the fans fire back up!
Taichi waits on ZSJ and ZSJ looks around in a daze. OFF COME THE PANTS! The fans fire up as Taichi takes aim, TENSHO- NO, ZSJ blocks, KNEEBAR HEEL HOOK!! Taichi endures, the fans rally, but ZSJ uses a grapevine just to drag Taichi back! ZSJ pulls on the leg, shifts to an ANKLE LOCK, maybe even a calf killer! Taichi reaches out, but ZSJ again drags him away from ropes! Taichi endures, reaches out, and goes to the side for a ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go and the fans cheer. Taichi shakes out the bad leg but ZSJ stomps it! And stomps it again! And stomps it again! Taichi goes to the ropes, but ZSJ kicks him around.
Taichi hobbles, ZSJ storms up, and they go forehead to forehead. ZSJ eggs Taichi on, so Taichi KICKS ZSJ’s leg! ZSJ UPPERCUTS back! Taichi KICKS ZSJ’s leg again! ZSJ grabs that leg, but then he UPPERCUTS after all! Taichi smirks and comes back. Taichi KICKS ZSJ’s leg once more, and ZSJ UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Taichi falls and the fans rally up! ZSJ eggs Taichi on, then kicks him around. Taichi stands, pats ZSJ on the shoulder, and then KICKS him in the chest! ZSJ sits back and Taichi eggs him on. ZSJ rises, but Taichi KICKS him again! ZSJ drops to his knees and the fans rally up.
Taichi KICKS ZSJ in the chest again! Taichi eggs ZSJ on, the fans fire up, and ZSJ stands. ZSJ KICKS Taichi in the chest! Taichi KICKS ZSJ again! ZSJ KICKS, Taichi wobbles, but then Taichi stands tall to KICK again! ZSJ leans back, staying on his feet, and he KICKS again! Taichi roars and KICKS ZSJ down! The fans fire up while both men catch their breath. Taichi winds up, runs, and AX- NO, ZSJ slips around to have a COBRA TWIST! Taichi fights that, switches it to a SEITEI JUJIHOU!! ZSJ endures the Holy Emperor’s Tomb, but he’s slapping Taichi! ZSJ is egging Taichi on even now! So Taichi CRANKS the hold!!
ZSJ is sputtering, turning red, but ZSJ finds a second wind, only for Taichi to TWIST him around!! ZSJ is fading! The ref checks, ZSJ reaches out again! Taichi has the hold on tight, but ZSJ slips down to reach out! ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer as ZSJ survives by a literal foot! Taichi lets go, we hit 15 minutes, and the fans rally up. Taichi storms up on ZSJ, eggs him on, and ZSJ reaches up. Taichi drags ZSJ up, reels him in, but ZSJ fights the lift! Taichi CLUBS ZSJ on the back, then gives him scuffing kicks to the face. Taichi gives ZSJ some Kawada Kicks, then he KICKS ZSJ in the face! ZSJ staggers up, DANGEROUS- CROSSBODY!
ZSJ gets up to scoop and ZACK DRIVER!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! The fans rally hard for both men, but the Taichi side might be overpowering the Zack side. Taichi and ZSJ go to opposite corners, then ZSJ runs in and UPPERCUTS! Scoop and- NO, Taichi slips free, scoops, EMERALD FLOWSION!! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives and the fans fire up! Taichi rises, roars, and the fans fire up again! Taichi runs, but ZSJ LARIATS! Taichi is right up, to AX BOMBER!! Taichi powers up, and shouts, “OSU!!” Taichi gets ZSJ up, DANGEROUS SAIDO BRIDGE!! TWO!?!? ZSJ escapes and the fans are thunderous!
Taichi is frustrated, but he pounds the mat and roars! The fans rally as hard as they can as Taichi brings ZSJ up. But ZSJ Gotch hold PILEDRIVERS!! A shoutout to Minoru Suzuki, and yet Taichi is sitting back up!?! Taichi flops back over, the ref checks him, and Taka coaches Taichi up. ZSJ also shouts at Taichi to get back up! Both men rise, ana\d ZSJ runs up to PENALTY- NO, Taichi blocks the kick! ZSJ drops, but Taichi catches him into a TAICHI STYLE GEDO CLUTCH!! TWO!!! TENSHO- NO, ZSJ dodges to scoop, SABRE DRIVER!!! Cover, TWO?!?! But into a KNEEBAR!! Taichi endures as ZSJ pulls on the leg!
The fans are thunderous as ZSJ then shifts his grip for a HEEL HOOK, then he adds the other leg into a modified FIGURE FOUR!! Taichi endures this wild pretzel of a leglock, pries at it, and ZSJ eggs him on! We hit 20 minutes as ZSJ bridges up to put on the pressure! Taichi endures, reaches out, but ZSJ pulls on the legs! Taichi still fights his way around as the fans rally harder! Taichi eggs ZSJ on, so ZSJ shifts to a pure KNEEBAR!! Taichi endures, claws at the mat, ROPEBREAK!! The fans are thunderous as ZSJ has to let go. ZSJ hobbles his way over, brings Taichi back up, and hooks a leg! But Taichi fights that to Alabama Lift!
Taichi shifts ZSJ around, but ZSJ has an UPSIDE-DOWN OCTOPUS!! But Taichi powers through to BLACK MEPHISTO!! Taichi clutches his leg and his neck, he can’t make the cover! Both men are down and the fans are electric! ZSJ slowly sits up as the fans rally again, and Taka coaches Taichi again. Taichi and ZSJ spot each other, head for center, and they each egg the other on. ZSJ gets forehead to forehead with Taichi, and both men stand. Taichi ROCKS ZSJ with a forearm! ZSJ comes back to ROCK Taichi! The fans rally as both men steady themselves. Taichi ridge hand chops! ZSJ comes back to UPPERCUT!
ZSJ and Taichi both drop to their knees, the energy reserves running out. They get face to face again, then stand. Taichi BOOTS ZSJ, and ZSJ rebounds to BOOT Taichi! Taichi roars, runs, and BOOTS but ZSJ blocks! ZSJ fires a flurry of forearms! Taichi BACKHANDS! ZSJ ROLLING ELBOWS! Taichi ENZIGIRIS! Both men are back down and the fans are thunderous again! ZSJ and Taichi rise, and ZSJ leans on ropes. Taichi storms up and brings ZSJ around, to then GAMANGIRI! ZSJ wobbles and staggers back to a corner, and we’ve hit 25 minutes! The fans fire up just for that news as ZSJ dangles out of the ring.
ZSJ rises, staggers forward, into another GAMANGIRI! ZSJ rebounds to PENALTY KICK! Cover, ONE?!?! TENSHO JUJIHOU!!! Taichi crawls to a cover, ROPEBREAK!! ZSJ survives by a literal foot once again! Taichi roars, the fans fire back up, and Taichi Alabama- NO, ZSJ spins that to hook the arms, but Taichi fights the backslide! So ZSJ trips Taichi, LAST SUPPER! TWO!! Taichi BOOTS ZSJ, then BLINDSIDE AX BOMBERS! ZSJ ducks the enzigiri to JAPANESE LEG ROLL CLUTCH!! ZSJ WINS!!!
Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)
The Dangerous Tekkers battled their hearts out, and it was Taichi’s body that gave out first! The old friends show each other respect, and they even hug it out. The fans cheer, but when and where will we see these two go again? Will ZSJ once again be New Japan Cup Champion and even IWGP World Heavyweight Champion by then?
IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Hirooki Goto w/ YOSHI-HASHI VS Yuji Nagata w/ Satoshi Kojima!
The Fierce Warrior took his New Japan Ranbo win to forge his New Beginning in Osaka. He also celebrated NJPW’s 53rd Anniversary by overcoming The Ace, Hiroshi Tanahashi. And while Chaos and Hontai are now one, that doesn’t mean he’ll take it easy on this living legend. Will Goto keep his revolution going? Or will Blue Justice prevail?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who wins between icon and legend!
The bell rings and the fans are thunderous already as they duel! “GO-TO-O!” “NA-GA-TA!” The two circle, feel things out, and tie up. Goto waistlocks, Nagata wrenches out to wristlock, but Goto rolls to wrench and hammerlock, then he headlocks for a takeover. Nagata headscissors, Goto kips free, and fans cheer this opening exchange. Goto and Nagata go again, feel things out, and Goto is wary of those kicks. They knuckle lock, Nagata clinches but Goto wrenches. Goto headlocks, Nagata powers out to clinch again, and the two fight for control. Nagata waistlocks but Goto puts Nagata on the ropes.
Red Shoes counts, and both men let off slowly. Goto pats Nagata’s shoulder but Nagata SLAPS Goto! Nagata headlocks and grinds Goto down while the fans rally. Goto fights up, powers out, but Nagata RAMS him! Goto rebounds and RUNS Nagata over! But Nagata avoids the elbow drop! And has the ARMBAR! Goto scrambles around to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer while Nagata lets go. Nagata kicks Goto, clamps onto an arm, but Goto fires body shots. Goto fires forearms now, but Nagata blocks one to get a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Goto scrambles to the ROPEBREAK again! The fans cheer, Nagata lets go, and Goto bails out.
Goto shakes out the arm while Nagata eggs him on. Nagata even holds the ropes open. Goto ignores that to go around the side. Goto steps in on his own, and the fans applaud as the two reset. They knuckle lock, Nagata clamps on for a double wristlock, but Goto goes to a corner. Red Shoes calls the break but Nagata fires elbows. Nagata whips, Goto reverses, and Goto blocks the kick to put that leg in the ropes! Goto KICKS the ropes, then pulls on the leg. Red Shoes counts, Goto lets go, but then Goto KICKS the leg! Nagata falls to the apron while fans boo Goto a bit. Goto eggs Nagata on now while Nagata leans against railing.
Nagata shakes his bad leg out, storms back in, and he circles with Goto. The fans cheer as the two feel things out. Goto trips Nagata, has the bad leg, and kneels on it for the toehold! Nagata kicks at Goto, Goto pulls the leg then KICKS! KICKS! KICKS! Goto goes back to the toehold but Nagata pulls hair. Goto pulls on the leg, Nagata CHOPS and KICKS Goto, but Goto drops into a deeper toehold! Nagata endures, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer but Goto stomps the leg and drags Nagata around! Goto hits a spinning toehold, into a KNEEBAR! Nagata CHOPS Goto, then turns over. Goto grapevines but Nagata still gets the ROPEBREAK!
The fans cheer as Goto lets go again. Goto stomps Nagata, paces, and then brings him up. Goto CLUBS Nagata, Nagata fires a body shot, and Goto eggs him on. Nagata fires forearms but Goto still eggs him on. Nagata fires more shots, but then Goto kicks away at the bad leg! Goto brings Nagata up to suplex, but Nagata fights that! Nagata suplexes to MAGIC SCREW! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Nagata slaps his bad leg into working, and he stands back up. Nagata storms around, Goto rises up, and Nagata KICKS Goto in the chest! And KICKS! And KICKS! Goto goes to a corner, and Nagata whips him corner to corner.
Nagata runs to BOOT, and then EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Goto survives and the fans duel again! Nagata goes to suplex but Goto fights that. Goto fires body shots, but Nagata ROCKS Goto! Nagata whips, Goto reverses, but Nagata kicks in return! Nagata runs, Goto follows, and Goto LARIATS Nagata down! The fans rally again while Goto brings Nagata up. Goto fires forearms, then whips Nagata corner to corner. Goto runs up to MURAMASA! And then SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Nagata stays in this and the fans fire up again. Goto paces around, then he brings Nagata up. Goto goes to fireman’s carry, but Nagata wrenches out of it!
Goto CLUBS away on Nagata, then the forearms start flying back and forth! The fans rally and Nagata gets the edge! But Goto catches Nagata, spins him, URA G T R! Goto runs, but Nagata wrangles him! FUJIWARA, into the MOUNTED ARMBAR!! The fans are thunderous as Goto endures, and Nagata’s eyes roll back! Nagata pulls on the arm, right at the center! Goto endures, kicks around, crawls forward, and he manages the ROPEBREAK! Nagata lets go and the fans fire up again. Nagata waits on Goto, and KICKS him! And KICKS! And KICKS! Nagata brings Goto up to wrench the bad arm, into an ELBOW BREAKER!
Goto staggers to a corner, Nagata runs up, and SHINING WIZARD! The fans fire up for that Justice Knee and Nagata drags Goto back up. Nagata hoists Goto up top, climbs up to join him, but Goto fires forearms! Nagata eggs Goto on, and the two are brawling up top! Goto fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT, then he tucks Nagata in!? Goto rises, but Nagata fires body shots! Goto sits back down, and Nagata fires forearm after forearm! Nagata roars, ROCKS Goto, and then brings Goto up for a SUPER EXPLODER!! The fans are thunderous, Nagata crawls to a cover, TWO!! Goto survives but Nagata just roars! The fans are thunderous again as Nagata stands Goto up!
Goto fights the saido, rains down elbows on Nagata’s neck, but then Nagata CLUBS Goto! Nagata waistlocks, and uses the ropes for the DYNAMIC GERMAN SUPLEX!! Goto flops over, and Nagata storms up on him again! Nagata drags Goto up, but Goto fights the saido! Nagata powers through to SAIDO after all! Cover, TWO! Goto survives and the fans are thunderous! Nagata storms up again, and he drags Goto back up. Nagata wants another but Goto fights that! Goto has the ropes, but Nagata fires knee after knee! Nagata KNEES Goto down, then winds up to KICK! But Goto’s right up to LARIAT!! Both men are down and the fans fire up!
Goto and Nagata crawl, and the fans rally and duel even harder! Goto goes to a corner, Nagata runs in! BOOT! And then a whip, but Goto reverses to reel Nagata in! G T W!! Cover, TWO!!! Nagata survives and the fans are thunderous again! Goto and Nagata are both down, catching their breath, and the fans rally as hard as they can! Goto and Nagata rise up, plenty of fight left in them! Goto fires a forearm, but Nagata ROCKS Goto! Nagata eggs Goto on, so Goto ROCKS Nagata! Nagata ROCKS Goto, Goto ROCKS Nagata, and Nagata wobbles a moment. Nagata ROCKS Goto, and Goto grits his teeth. The forearms keep going and the fans fire up!
Goto ROCKS Nagata but Nagata just glares at him! Nagata fires a forearm, Goto fires right back! Nagata roars, he and Goto continue to trade shots, and this is 15 minutes in! Nagata ROCKS Goto, and Goto leans forward. But then he stands to HEADBUTT Nagata! Nagata drops to the mat and the fans rally up again! Goto brings Nagata back up, and he eggs Nagata on before firing off HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT! Goto HEADBUTTS Nagata down to the mat, but he still won’t let Nagata stop here! Goto drags Nagata into a dragon sleeper, but Nagata wrenches out! Nagata suplexes but Goto fights it! They fight for control, and Goto hits SHOTEN KAI!! Cover, TWO!?!?
Nagata survives and the fans fire up again! The dueling is stronger than ever as Goto staggers to his feet. Goto powers up, takes aim, and BUZZ- NO! Nagata blocks that kick, and WHEEL KICKS back! But Goto LARIATS! Nagata’s right up!? He wobbles, and then he falls! The fans rally up, Nagata sits up, but into a PENALTY KICK! Goto hurries to dragon sleeper, G T R!!! Cover, GOTO WINS!!
Winner: Hirooki Goto, by pinfall (still IWGP World Heavyweight Champion)
Though a grizzled veteran now, Yuji Nagata was still able to fight like he’s a young warrior! But in the end, he couldn’t bring a fight worthy of being world champion in this day and age. Will Blue Justice ever shine with NJPW gold again?
As for Goto, Red Shoes and Yoshi-Hashi help him put the world title back on, then he gets the mic. Goto thanks everyone for coming out tonight, and says he has returned to Nagoya with this title firmly around his waist. The fans cheer that, and Goto admits, Nagata was tough. As champion, Goto thinks he was able to overcome another hurdle tonight. The fans applaud, and Goto says next, he faces the winner of the New Japan Cup. “NO matter who stands across from me, I will be victorious in the end.” The fans cheer again, and he promises, “The Goto Revolution is just getting started. Please keep following me to the very end!”
The fans applaud, and Goto says that he wants to close this out by telling us what the G in IWGP stands for. Do they understand what the G stands for? A fan shouts “Goto!” already, and Goto says that’s right. The G in IWGP is for GOTO! Goto gets the streamers and the cheers, but will he still be champion going through the Spring?
My Thoughts:
A great event for New Japan Cup tonight, getting ALL of the quarterfinals done in one show, and doing a world title match. Takagi VS Drilla was a great match, especially as a rematch from New Beginning. As such, Takagi getting the win made sense, because it also teases a third time around down the line. Shota VS Cobb was really good, but Shota winning was probably a given. It isn’t so much that Cobb could be going to WWE but that Shota is still being built as rising star in NJPW. Yuya VS Finlay was awesome stuff, and Yuya felt really close to winning. But Finlay winning is fine, he himself is a name NJPW is strongly behind.
Taichi VS ZSJ was awesome, especially with Taichi being emotional over this encounter. I figured ZSJ would win, though, as the former world champion certainly deserves to be in the semifinals. Shingo VS Shota and ZSJ VS Finlay are going to be some awesome matches to build a powerful tournament finals. Goto VS Nagata was an awesome main event, but of course Goto won. Not to be mean to Nagata, but putting the title on someone older is not what NJPW would do. Even Goto winning over ZSJ at New Beginning was a surprise, so they’re going older than Goto. And Goto will definitely have an awesome match with whoever wins the tournament.
My Score: 9/10
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