B Block 7th match day. The Block is already a run away, so should be interesting to see how they try to make viewers care about...
The JAR ends up in Sweden right now for some fun Power Glam Rock. Eclipse’s newest album Wired is up for judgment!
A Block action in the G1! Do we get any upsets or will A Block look a bit like B Block?
The G1 started to bounce back quality wise, now do we get any shake ups in the who’s been leading blocks?
With seasonal finales and vacation updates, we find out what caused the small hiatus along with Mathew and Ethan's thoughts on the Summer Season.
IMPACT should be putting some of the finishing touches on Knockouts Knockdown and still building up Bound for Glory!
We come in to B Block action with a top heavy…near run away. Okada and Jeff Cobb are pacing the field while 4 men are nearly...
G1 Climax 31 has been off to an awkward start. Lackluster days and uninteresting finishes have lead to a rather quite tournament. Does it pick up...
The JAR is still navigating the globe and we end up in Japan! Land of the best wrestling and anime! Ningen Isu has been formed since...
Another combination plate because Thursday shows are hard for me to make time for! So G1 Day 7 & 8, something has to be worth watching....
Aside from Bound for Glory, IMPACT is also building toward Knockouts Knockdown. A few names have been announced, do we finally find out who will challenge...
After starting out with some solid shows, the last couple have been no more than average if not a little disappointing. Does the G1 start to...
So we have the 3rd A Block match day! Shingo gets the fill in match, but the main event is Kota Ibushi vs Zack Sabre Jr!...
Now we can consider this a special JAR of sorts. A smaller EP review request came through, and I’m always game for more underground bands. Derision...
Well a combined article is what will have to suffice here! The 9-5 was too busy for me to be able to sneak in any extracurricular...
Victory Road has come and gone, with all of the champions defending and an Option C declaration. What kind of IMPACT! are we in for building...