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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 11.4.2021

TONIGHT, is the IMPACT! in-ring debut of Minoru Suzuki! We also get Mickie James vs Madison Rayne for the Knockouts title!



TONIGHT, is the IMPACT! in-ring debut of Minoru Suzuki! We also get Mickie James vs Madison Rayne for the Knockouts title!

Aside from the lead in, FinJuice also get a non-title match against the Good Brothers to try and earn a shot. There’s also the matter of needing a number 1 contender for the X Division Championship.

With a decent amount of stuff to process before Turning Point in two weeks, we should be in store for some good stuff!


  • Four Way for #1 Contender to X Division Championship: Rohit Raju vs Steve Maclin vs Laredo Kid vs Black Taurus: Laredo wins via Laredo Driver – ** ¾
  • Eric Young w/VBD vs Jai Vidal: EY wins via Piledriver – Squash
  • The Good Brothers vs FinJuice: NO CONTEST – **
  • Knockouts Championship: Madison Rayne w/Kaleb vs Mickie James (c): Mickie wins via Avalanche Thesz Press – ***
  • Madman Fulton w/Ace Austin vs Chris Sabin: Sabin wins via Tornado Small Package – ** ½
  • Moose, Massive Cassidy & Minoru Suzuki vs Josh Alexander, Matt Cardona & Eddie Edwards: Cassidy wins via Jacknife Powerbomb – *** ½



Four Way for #1 Contender to X Division Championship: Rohit Raju vs Steve Maclin vs Laredo Kid vs Black Taurus

Not really a ton to go into here. It was exactly what you can expect from the current X Division. Lots of early dives and high flying moves, with Rohit occasionally slowing things down with a more grounded wrestling base. A bunch of pinfall saves, high spots and then we get to the finish. Maclin dives out on Black Taurus. Rohit tries to take advantage of the 1 on 1, big DDT, then goes for a Roll Up with tights, but can’t get the pin. Rohit does however drop Maclin off the apron when he tries to come back in, Laredo catches Rohit off guard, hits the Laredo Driver, and we’re done.

After the match, Trey comes out to shake hands with the new contender, but Maclin attacks them both. He tries to make a statement, but Trey and Laredo double up on the heel and send him packing.

A few backstage interview segments in a row. First with Madison Rayne and Kaleb, then Ace Austin & Madman Fulton. They move their stories along nicely, and Ace unveils an ‘I Beat Chris Sabin’ shirt.

Eric Young w/VBD vs Jai Vidal

Eric Young comes out with his hockey mask looking almost exactly like the Casey Jones mask from the original Ninja Turtles movie. EY makes a small return speech, a local talent comes out without a name. EY allows him to introduce himself and he’s quite flamboyant. Kid has a decent look to him, but we all know EY is going to kill him.

The Good Brothers vs FinJuice

FinJuice start working over Anderson’s left arm. A few close range shoulder blocks, classic tag team applications of quick tags and Sledgehammering down on the arm. After a little south paw striking from Juice, Anderson fires up, the Brothers make some space and drop Juice allowing for the commercial break and Gallows to be in control after the break.

We get a double tag moment, Anderson and Finlay come in, we see some back and forth, Finlay takes over, they try to set up a Doomsday Device, but Anderson counters. As we start to see the finish coming, Bullet Club show up and attack both teams. Bullet Club lays out FinJuice and The Good Brothers. We’re probably on the way to another triple threat for the tag titles.

Knockouts Championship: Madison Rayne w/Kaleb vs Mickie James (c)

Mickie wrestles Madison down, holds a Top Wristlock to turn into an Arm Drag, keep Madison grounded and then turn it into a Full Nelson before Madison gets to the ropes to collect herself. Mickie keeps on Madison even after the break, nearfall, and then Kaleb tries to pull Madison out, but Mickie grabs her feet and they play Tug of War for a little. Kinda silly looking, but it’s unique I’ll say that.

Even with a small shot to get in some offense, Mickie stops Madison and then it takes a little referee distraction and Kaleb interference to finally give Madison some momentum. There’s back and forth in the ring, where neither seems to get a ton of advantage. Kaleb tries to interfere to give Madison the edge again, but as Mickie is getting up Kaleb wants revenge when she slapped him. So he tells her “Turn around so I can slap them cheeks”, it’s hilarious. He misses of course, Mickie flings him into the steps, then Lou Thesz press off the top and Mickie retains.

Mercedes Martinez comes out to claim her rightful shot since she won the Knockouts Knockdown Battle Royale. So Turning Point will be Mickie vs Mercedes.

Madman Fulton w/Ace Austin vs Chris Sabin

A lot of the early exchange was Sabin trying to use his speed but Fulton would just stop the rotation or catch Sabin mid move. Sabin went for top rope moves, Fulton said no and flung him from the ropes. Sabin finally manages to get a little momentum after a Tope con Hilo which rocks Fulton. Sabin goes for a few more quick shots, tries for the pin but Fulton kicks out.

Sabin looks to continue his offense, but Fulton ducks and catches Sabin into a Torture Rack and then drop Sabin face first out of the Torture Rack. After a little more back and forth Sabin tries for a Tornado DDT, but Fulton was fighting the tornado, so Sabin used the momentum to make it more of a Tornado Small Package and Fulton gets caught!

After cutely dodging the attempted attack by Ace and Fulton, Sabin stands tall looking like he just got away with robbery.

Moose, Massive Cassidy & Minoru Suzuki vs Josh Alexander, Matt Cardona & Eddie Edwards

Moose and Josh start off, Moose tries to bait Josh forward, but he doesn’t bite. You see Suzuki raise his hand and tell Moose he wants in. Moose obliges and we get some nice and simple hard hitting wrestling before Suzuki grabs control, pulls Josh into his corner and Cassidy tags in. Josh actually trips up Cassidy and starts making the big man look a little dumb as Eddie gets tagged in and then Moose finds a way in.

Eddie drops Suzuki and Cassidy off the apron, throws Moose to the outside, Dive to the outside and the rest of Eddie’s team take a few shots at the members on the floor. After the commercial break we see Cardona in with Moose. Suzuki grabs Cardona’s attention, Cardona charges and swings at Suzuki, but Suzuki catches the arm and applies his Triangle Arm Bar in the ropes while Moose keeps the referee distracted. Suzuki comes in and wrestles Cardona to the ground and starts tying him up before he grabs the ropes.

Cassidy comes in for some quick shots, Moose then comes in and keeps up the punishment. Cardona tries for a flash of hope to tag out, but Moose stops him and gets Cassidy back in. More domination, then Suzuki gets the tag. The heels are doing a great job as quick tags and keeping Cardona isolated like a dork. Cardona manages to put a few moves together against Moose, reaches for a tag, but Cassidy distracts the referee so the ref misses the tag and pushes Eddie out.

Suzuki does a great job at picking apart the guy retreating to the ropes. He even turns to the crowd and shrugs like he’s innocent. Codebreaker from Cardona sends Cassidy into the corner, tags in Moose but Cardona tags out to Josh and we see Josh putting in some work on Moose. Josh and Eddie pinball Cassidy between one another’s forearms before Eddie lands a Blue Thunder Bomb than Suzuki breaks up.

Suzuki and Josh start a Fighting Spirit spot, then all 6 men get in and pair off. Now we get the signature spam. Eddie tries to Tiger Driver Suzuki, but Cassidy hits him with a Big Boot that sends teeth flying. Jacknife Powerbomb on Eddie, and Massive Cassidy wins!


Overall Score: 7.25/10

This set the stage for Turning Point pretty well. We have a number 1 contender for the X Division title, a contender for the Knockouts Title and we might end up getting a decisive winner next week for the contenders to the Tag Team titles. Not sure where this is going with Moose since you have to expect Josh and Suzuki will get a singles match before he gets a title shot against Moose. Eddie ate the pin, so IF they do a singles match for the Impact World Title you have to assume it’s either Cardona or Massive Cassidy.

Aside from that, we also get some story stuff with The IInspiration that was pretty good comedy work. And if there was a negative, it’s everything before the main event is a little mediocre or average. Oh – it is nice to see Eric Young put on a small exhibition display of how healed he actually is.

So we get a good show and if next week is even close to this week, it builds the momentum well for Turning Point.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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