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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (11/5/21)

The Head of the Table returns!



Coverage SmackDown 2021

SmackDown, ACKNOWLEDGE your Tribal Chief!

The Reigning, Defending, Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion, Roman Reigns, returns to SmackDown to “welcome” the new faces to his island.


  • Naomi VS Shayna Baszler; Baszler wins.
  • Los Lotharios VS Mansoor & Cesaro; Los Lotharios win.
  • Open Challenge: Drew McIntyre VS Ricochet; McIntyre wins.
  • The Viking Raiders VS “Happy” Corbin & “Mad Cap” Moss; The Viking Raiders win, by count-out.
  • Xavier Woods VS Kofi Kingston VS Jimmy Uso w/ Jey Uso; Woods wins.


Roman Reigns is here!

SmackDown’s back on Fox, and the Tribal Chief is back! The Bloodline and Paul Heyman follow him out on stage, and then the belts are raised to cue the pyro. The Ford Center is divided as they go to the ring, raise the belts again and get more pyro. Roman gives Heyman the belt and Heyman gives Roman the mic. Roman says, “Last week, your Tribal Chief wasn’t at SmackDown. Because when you smash somebody like Brock Lesnar, you gotta celebrate! So I took a vacation! And I heard y’all grumbling, complaining,” but don’t worry. He’s here now. So “tiny little no name town,” #AcknowledgeMe!

Roman had a great week. He was on a private island, naked, his wife loving it. But from his understanding, not everyone had a good week last week. In fact, it was a bad week last week because he wasn’t here. And y’know who else had a bad week last week? That dumbass, Brock Lesnar. Because Brock went and got fined a million dollars and suspended indefinitely. You can thank Roman because he’s responsible for it. He has the stroke, the juice, he makes things happen around here. “Wiseman.” “Yes, my Tribal Chief?” “What else happened last week?” Heyman laughs it off, Kayla was just bugging him about Lesnar.

“Wiseman.” “Yes, my Tribal Chief?” “What else happened last week…?” “Oh, that… Well, the Usos had a match with The New Day, and the titles were not on the line, because-” Roman cuts Heyman off to ask about who won and lost that match. Heyman says the match was won… by the New Day… Fans chant, “NEW! DAY ROCKS! NEW! DAY ROCKS!” and that annoys Roman. Do they like the new day? The fans cheer, and Roman says the New Day is great, they’re entertaining. “But they’re not better than the Bloodline.” See, Roman is having trouble understanding how his cousins, the greatest tag team of this generation, LOST to the New Day!

Roman asks, “Which one of you got pinned in that match?” They point at each other. Roman singles out Jimmy, puts an arm around his shoulders, and asks if Jimmy can hear the fans cheering for the New Day. That’s because of Jimmy. Jimmy lost. “Tell us all how you gon’ fix this problem.” The mic is given to Jimmy, and Jimmy says he’s got this. He’ll kick the crown off Woods’ big ass head! He will make Woods acknowledge who the REAL king is! And he’ll make Woods acknowledge the Universal Champion, Roman Reigns! But here comes the New Day! Sir Kofi and King Woods are on stage and they have mics!

“Hear ye, hear ye, WWE Universe! Lend me your ears so you may here the creed~ of King Woods.” Woods says it looks as if they’ve forgotten his table. He thought that when you’re king around here, you sit at the head of the table. And then never stop talking about sitting at the head of the table. And then make a shirt for it just in case you lost brain cells and forgot about that. Or may haps the table was forgotten on the Island of Relevancy. An island in which only you can reside. Must be so sad and lonely on that only. Fans still chant for New Day and Woods says alas, it is time to get to the portion of the program the people actually care about.

The people here in EVANSVILLE, INDIANA- Yes, cheer for yourselves! But Mr. Reigns, Woods has a challenge. If his friend known as Jimmy Uso defeats Woods, then he will have no problem acknowledging Roman. But when, and emphasis on when he defeats young James Uso, Jimmy will do as he should be doing and #BendTheKnee. Fans chant “Bend The Knee! Bend The Knee!” Right, right. No one is taking orders from the chumps. Jey gets the mic to say no one is bending a knee. The Bloodline bends the knee to nobody! No matter what day it is! Roman calls for the mic and Heyman makes Jey put the mic in his hand.

“The Bloodline accepts.” Well that’s a surprise! Then thy king’s will be done! Tonight, James Uso- Wait, is it James or Jim? Or Jimminy? JIMMINY USO VS XAVIER WOODS, TONIGHT! “HAIL! KING WOODS! HAIL! KING WOODS!” Will Woods defeat Jimmy again and humble the Bloodline?


Naomi VS Shayna Baszler!

Evansville wants to #FeelTheGlow but Naomi wants some payback on the Queen of Spades! And with a proper referee calling this match, will Naomi get just that? Or will Shayna find her own way to defeat Naomi for the third time in a row?

SmackDown returns and Shayna makes her entrance. Sonya Deville is watching backstage and Kayla Braxton asks her about the personal vendetta against Naomi. Uh, because she filled in for a referee? When was the last time you saw this kind of fire inside of Naomi? Heard this kind of passion in her voice? The answer is never. Naomi is glowing with confidence because Sonya lit that fire! Now let’s see what she does with it. And maybe one day, Sonya will give her that 1v1 match. Maybe. Sonya sure is trying to spin this, but will all this come back to haunt her?

The bell rings, Naomi and Shayna circle then tie up. Naomi waistlocks, Shayna bucks her and comes back. Naomi hurdles, drops, and THESZ PRESSES! Naomi rains down hands but Shayna shoves her to get the leg! Naomi slips through the crab to kick Shayna away, then dropkick her down! Naomi runs to slide and SLAP Shayna down! Cover, ONE! Naomi keeps her focus, brings Shayna up and whips, but Shayna reverses to waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Naomi flounders to ropes, Shayna runs in but Naomi avoids the baseball slide! Naomi dropkicks Shayna out of the ring, but Shayna grabs at her on the apron.

Shayna drags Naomi down, Naomi holds the ropes, and she KICKS Shayna! Naomi RAMS Shayna into the apron, throws forearms, then puts her in the ring. Naomi hurries up the corner, leaps and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Shayna bails out and Naomi gets frustrated. The ref counts, Naomi slingshots but Shayna avoids the plancha to drag Naomi down for a gut wrench suplex to the floor! Naomi gasps and sputters as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Shayna has Naomi on the apron. Naomi ROUNDHOUSES back, then brings Shayna into the ring for a HEATSEEKER to the apron! Shayna staggers up, Naomi sunset flips, TWO!! Shayna gets the KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! Naomi fights up, gets the ropebreak, but Shayna holds on to drag her away! Naomi victory rolls, Naomi wins!

Winner: Naomi, by pinfall

But Sonya Deville comes out to say hold on. “No one’s gonna leave the ring until I make my remarks.” Sonya goes to the ring, and says right before the pinfall, Naomi grabbed the ropes, so that should’ve been a ropebreak and it should’ve been null and void. She gets Naomi is upset but rules are rules so Sonya has no choice but to restart the match. Naomi glares at Sonya but the bell rings again! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!! Naomi fades out and Shayna wins!

Winner: Shayna Baszler, by submission

Sonya screws Naomi over again! Will Naomi ever get past this stacked deck?


Roman Reigns talks backstage.

“When you want something done right, you do it yourself. One week. I take one week, I go on one vacation, and it all falls apart. I take one vacation, and SmackDown SUCKS. It’s almost as bad as Raw!” Jimmy laughs but Roman asks if he thinks this is a joke. Jimmy says no, there was no disrespect. Does Jimmy think Roman is here to “pop” him? Jey, what don’t we do? We don’t lose, Uce. And why don’t they lose? Because #WeTheOnes. Jey promises they’ve got this. Will the Usos redeem themselves in the eyes of the Tribal Chief.


Xia Li is coming.

Tian Sha sharpened her into a deadly edge, and she’s ready to cut a path through the SmackDown Women’s Division!


Backstage interview with Ridge Holland.

What is he most looking forward to as part of SmackDown? That’s easy, meeting his idol, the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus is tough, rugged, and operates just like he does. Sheamus would’ve fit right in with the lads back home in Yorkshire. Whenever Sheamus had a big match, they’d all squeeze around the TV at the pub. When Sheamus beat John Cena, they all went mental! They ripped the walls down when Sheamus won the Royal Rumble, and when Sheamus cashed in his Money in the Bank contract and beat Roman Reigns, they had a party so legendary, Ridge can hardly remember it. Ridge has learned a lot watching Sheamus, and that’s awful news for the rest of SmackDown.


Backstage interview with Shotzi Blackheart.

We saw what happened last week, but what fans forget is that she came out on SmackDown with the tank and the green hair- Shotzi interrupts Megan and says, “I’ve had enough! I have finally had enough. Ever since I came to SmackDown, I’ve lost title opportunities, I lost my tag partner, I lost the support of the WWE Universe. And last week, thanks to Sasha Banks, I lost the biggest match of my entire career!” Shotzi won’t smile and pretend it’s okay. Sasha’s patronizing attitude was Shotzi’s breaking point. And now, Sasha is her target! Shotzi is going to run over Sasha Banks and anyone else that gets in her way! And she doesn’t need her tank to do it.


Los Lotharios VS Mansoor & Cesaro!

Humberto Carrillo & Angel Garza have a tag team name, and are ready for tag team fame! Will they outshine the Star of Saudi Arabia and the Swiss Cyborg in their SmackDown in-ring debut?

SmackDown returns as Cesaro makes his entrance. He and Mansoor go to the ring, Mansoor starts with Garza. They tie up, Garza throws Mansoor down and rains down elbows and knees. Garza gets a double wristlock, Mansoor kips up and wrenches to a hip toss! Garza flounders up into a dropkick! Mansoor facelocks but Garza SPINEBUSTERS! Garza rains down forearms, drags him and RAMS him into the corner, then tags in Carrillo! The cousins put Mansoor up top and into a Tree of Woe for a DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! Carrillo drags Mansoor to cover, TWO! Carrillo drags Mansoor up to CHOP him to the corner, but Mansoor hits Garza!

Carrillo stomps Mansoor down, lets off at 4, and Garza gets a cheap shot in! Carrillo brings Mansoor up to throw hands, then tags to Garza. Garza puts Mansoor on the ropes, Carrillo runs to LEAP FROG ATTACK! Then a feed to Garza’s back drop! OFF COME THE PANTS! Basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Garza kicks at Mansoor, eggs him on, then drags him around by a leg. Mansoor resists the Half Crab, fans rally up, and Mansoor fights up, only for Garza to club the leg. Mansoor ENZIGURIS free with the good leg! Garza grabs at Mansoor and keeps him from Cesaro, but Mansoor keeps reaching! Mansoor tries again but misses the enziguri!

Garza rolls Mansoor but Mansoor gets him for a DDT! Mansoor crawls, hot tags to Carrillo and Cesaro! Fans fire up as Cesaro rallies on Carrillo! EuroUppers, whip to the corner, another EuroUpper, repeat! Back and forth, EuroUpper after EuroUpper! Cesaro then runs to DISCUS LARIAT! Cesaro goes out, with Garza’s pants, and runs around the way to PANTS UPPERCUT Garza! Cesaro gets back in, ducks and dodges to springboard FLYING UPPERCUT! Fans are fired up again because he calls for the swing! But Garza gets in, so Cesaro trips him up for the SWISS SWING! Garza goes around half a dozen times but Carrillo CLOBBERS Cesaro! Cover, Mansoor breaks it!

Mansoor is all fired up but Carrillo throws him into ropes! Carrillo suplexes, Cesaro makes the save but Carrillo SUPERKICKS Cesaro into Mansoor! FLYING CHUCK! Tag to Garza, Carrillo Chancery and the BASEMENT DROPKICK! Cover, Los Lotharios win!

Winners: Los Lotharios, by pinfall

“Cerro de la Silla” topples Cesaro and Mansoor, and now Garza & Carrillo stand tall! Will they soon be on top of the entire SmackDown Tag Division?


Aliyah talks with Jeff Hardy backstage.

She invites him out to horse riding, Kayla walks over to get a word. Hardy asks if she’s met Aliyah. Aliyah lets Kayla the interview continue but Hardy follows Aliyah and they encounter Sami Zayn. Sami is again touting himself as the “elder statesman” of SmackDown and is happy to give newcomer Aliyah some advice. This place: all about appearances. Think about how you look. Not so much clothes, Aliyah’s outfit is great. This is about meaning business. So two words for you: Pants suit. Just think about it. Aliyah asks if Sami is always like that. Jeff says yes, and welcome to SmackDown.


Open Challenge: Drew McIntyre VS ???

The Scottish Warrior is always ready to fight, no matter who it is! And once again, he’s offering an open challenge to anyone brave enough to take him on! Who will answer the call? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and McIntyre has a mic. “It’s Friday night, Drew McIntyre is in the ring, you know what that means. It’s time for the SmackDown Warrior’s open challenge! Now, let’s talk less, Claymore. Who wants to fight me?!” He waits, and the one to come out is… Ricochet! The One and Only is here and he tells McIntyre, “I’ve known you for a long time, and you are in fact the biggest and baddest guy that I know. But Drew, you’re playing with fire.” Ricochet says that because if McIntyre keeps coming out here every week like this, one of these days, someone will walk out here and step into the ring, and that someone won’t care about the pec flexing and catchphrases. He’ll just smack McIntyre right in the mouth.

And then Ricochet SLAPS McIntyre! Ricochet grins but McIntyre scowls. The bell rings and McIntyre RAMS Ricochet into the corner! McIntyre fires off, then CHOPS Ricochet! Ricochet falls over but McIntyre stands him up to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly Ricochet across the ring! Ricochet flounders but McIntyre bumps him off buckles. McIntyre scoops, Ricochet slips out and fires off hands! McIntyre shoves Ricochet, Ricochet dumps McIntyre out! Ricochet goes to the apron to BOOT, then RANA, only to be caught! Ricochet pops out of the bomb but McIntyre gets Ricochet up for a BIG apron back suplex!

McIntyre tosses Ricochet in at 8 of 10, stalks Ricochet in the ring, and runs in to SPLASH, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Ricochet is dazed in the corner, McIntyre CHOPS him! Mustafa Ali is watching backstage and Megan walks over for an interview. Obviously, Ali shows interest in this match, and he says he does. McIntyre goes up, Ali says he and Ricochet have a lot in common. McIntyre watches Ricochet stand, and leaps, but into a DROPKICK! Ricochet has evened things for a moment and both men slowly stand up. Ricochet throws hands, McIntyre swings but Ricochet bobs ‘n’ weaves and fires off kicks.

McIntyre CHOPS, then short arm lariats but Ricochet slips through! Springboard CROSSBODY! Fans fire up with Ricochet, he STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Cover, but McIntyre rolls back and scoops Ricochet to a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives but McIntyre tosses him into a corner. McIntyre back elbows, brings Ricochet up in the inverted Alabama, for the VICTORY ROLL from Ricochet! TWO, and Ricochet SUPERKICKS! And SUPERKICKS again! McIntyre staggers, Ricochet runs in and goes up the corner, QUEBRADA into a CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

That was fast and furious to say the least! But McIntyre shows respect to Ricochet for that one. McIntyre heads out, but will there come a point when McIntyre does run into someone that’s too much even for him?


The New Day prepare backstage.

Woods stretches his royal hamstring, Kayla walks over for an interview with His Highness. Surely she is here to request an audience with King Woods about his match with Jimminy Uso the Left. She is! The stakes for the main event have been set: If Jimmy wins, Woods must acknowledge Roman; if Jimmy loses, he will #BendTheKnee. Woods says the only thing he’ll be acknowledging about Roman is that if Roman walked any slower to the ring, he’d go in reverse. Tonight’s match will be fair and just, so let it be known that the outcome is not in doubt. Jimmy better limber up with wobbly knees and trunk rotations, because they’d hate to see him pull a muscle when he inevitably… Bends… the knee! #HailKingWoods!


Mustafa Ali talks with Ricochet backstage.

They are the most talented wrestlers on SmackDown. They’d compliment each other perfectly! So next week, they should team up. What’s Ricochet think? Uhhh no. What? Why? Because Ali isn’t a winner, he’s a whiner. He makes excuses and points fingers, but doesn’t look in the mirror. And besides, Ali treated Mansoor like dirt. And on top of all of that, Ali’s just a jerk. Ricochet leaves Ali behind, but Ali says Ricochet will regret this.


“Happy” Corbin and “Mad Cap” Moss are here!

Baron and Riddick are still feeling good, because Happy Talk is back for another episode! But will the good times continue when they have the Viking Raiders as their guests? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and the Happy Talk set is all set up. If you’re happy and you know it, Moss claps his hands. Corbin says they’ve got a lot to be happy about. Like destroying Nakamura and Boogs last week. Those two keep competing against Moss & Corbin in matches, those two will be known as “Pinsuke Nakamura” and “Rick Oops!” But it’s not their fault. There is just no serious competition here on SmackDown. Take their next guests. Please, take them. But joining SmackDown for the very first time through the Draft, it is the former Raw Tag Team Champions, the Viking Raiders! Erik & Ivar make their entrance, with pyro!

But they don’t take their seats. Moss says these two don’t look happy at all. It’s like they don’t understand the concept of this show. Erik says they’re not here to be guests. And they’re not here to be happy. As a matter of fact, these two make the Viking Raiders miserable! Ivar says they are here to RAID Happy Talk, because it is corny and it SUCKS! Fans agree with that! Corbin says the Viking Raiders are so sour, especially for two guys still in Halloween costumes. But luckily, they have something to cheer them up. Moss, give them something to make these two happy. Okay. “How did the young woman suffocate from body order? She took a liking to a Viking!”

Corbin and Moss laugh it up, so the Viking Raiders start throwing chairs around! And they tip the table over, then throw the laps and velvet ropes! Corbin and Moss bail out and SmackDown goes to break!

The Viking Raiders VS “Happy” Corbin & “Mad Cap” Moss!

Holla holla, this match was made over the break, and SmackDown returns as Erik and Corbin tie up. They go around, Erik waistlocks but Corbin backs him down to a corner. The ref counts, Erik ducks the elbow to have a bearhug! He squeezes tight but Corbin pries free to scoop. Erik lands on his feet, waistlocks but Corbin bucks the O’Conner roll to knee low. Corbin whips Erik to a corner, Erik goes up and over and rolls to then come back with a BIG forearm! Corbin rebounds and BOOTS but Erik just snarls! Erik and Corbin back off, tags to Ivar and Moss. Ivar and Moss tie up, Moss waistlocks but Ivar throws him off then runs him over!

Ivar wrenches, RAMS his shoulder into Moss, and grinds the shoulder. Ivar wrenches, Moss knees low, and he throws forearms back. Moss headlocks, grinds the hold, but Ivar powers out. Erik tags in, Moss dodges Ivar but Erik scoops and SLAMS Moss! Then he scoops and SLAMS Ivar onto Moss! Cover, ONE as Corbin gets in and Erik stares him down. Corbin bails out, Moss gives Erik a SPINEBUSTER! Corbin grins, Moss brings Erik up and bumps him off buckles. Moss stomps Erik down, tags in Corbin, and Corbin drags Erik up to ROCK him with a right hand! Corbin rains down elbows into Erik’s shoulder then clamps on a chinbar and half nelson!

Erik endures, fans boo Moss and Corbin, and Erik fights up and fights back. Corbin shoves him away, but Erik dodges. Corbin slides out, slides in and LARIATS! Cover, Ivar breaks it! Moss gets in to SHOVE Ivar out of the ring! Moss then goes out after Ivar, Corbin gives Erik a DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO! Corbin drags Erik over, tags in Moss, and they get Erik up for a double back suplex. Erik lands on his feet to give Corbin the takeover! Erik DECKS Moss, and KNEES Corbin! Erik then dodges Moss to tag in Ivar! The Warbeard rallies on the hyenas! SIDEWAL SLAM for Moss, then the BASEMENT SPLASH! Corbin gets back in but gets a BOOT!

Ivar runs but Moss dodges to put him in the corner. Moss comes back for a SEATED SENTON! Tag to Erik, Corbin returns but Ivar cartwheels! Erik gets Corbin for an EXPLODER! And then Erik lifts Ivar for the HIP ATTACK in the corner! Tag back to Ivar, the Vikings get Moss up, double clutch for a POWERBOMB and- Corbin gets Moss out of the ring! Ivar is denied his splash, so he just goes up higher! Corbin and Moss freak out and run away! The ring count is climbing, Corbin and Moss let it hit 10! The Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, by count-out

Erik & Ivar dare Corbin & Moss to show some guts, but they’d rather live to laugh another day. Will the raid continue until the Vikings have gold again?


Sami Zayn finds Hit Row backstage.

“Look at this! Look at this!” Sami does his best to sing Hit~ Row~ but as elder statesman, he has to sometimes tell people stuff they don’t want to hear but need to hear. They get that. So he has to be honest, their entrance a couple weeks ago was a little… Flat. To be honest, it sucked. Adonis gets mad but Swerve and Dolla keep him cool. He just says that to say that these three could be the future stars of SmackDown! Dolla could be a pillar! It’ll take some work, maybe some finesse but… Alright, quick question. Does Sami think he can show them what he means by that? How to make a proper intro? Oh, yeah, he can! Follow him. Hit Row is going to love this. They follow Sami, but will it be more to learn what not to do?


Sami Zayn heads to the ring!

And just as promised, he shows off his best moves for his own entrance. Though, his best moves aren’t exactly that good. “That is how you do it! That is how you do it, kids! That is called being fearless. That is called having presence. That is called being in the present. Those are the qualities that you need to be a superstar in MY locker room.” Now he knows these guys can possess all those qualities and more, with the right leadership. So please give a big SmackDown welcome to HIT ROW! Adonis starts off, “It’s SmackDown, Friday night. And we in Indianaaa~!” Dolla says they’re rolling in the house with Sami Zayn~! “FREE LIBERATORS IN THE HOUSE~!” Okay, Sami, turn up.

Sami does more dance moves, and Dolla says Smai’s sleeping on them. Get him pajamas. Sami, Sami, Zayn must be in-Zayn thinking he can run Hit Row like he Coach Carter. Truth be told, they wouldn’t let him run their bath water. Look, Sami is big mad, but that’s cuz he pressed his luck. Sami Zayn? Nah, homie. Sami SUCKS. BURN! Fans chant “Sami Sucks!” and Sami says if they don’t want his advice, fine. He’s outta here. But Hit Row blocks his way up the ramp. Sami didn’t come here for a fight, he just wanted to help. Oh, alright. They move aside and he goes up the ramp in a hurry. Sami says he won’t forget this, though. Hit Row says if you didn’t know, now you know.


The Usos fire themselves up.

Jimmy’s ready, Jey says “Let’s get it.” But is Roman coming? Roman asks back, “How many of your problems do I need to fix around here?” Jimmy heads out, is Roman making this the last straw?


Xavier Woods VS Kofi Kingston VS Jimmy Uso w/ Jey Uso!

The moment of truth has come! Will the King of the Ring make #NobodysBitch kneel before him? Or will even the King of the Ring be under the Tribal Chief’s iron fist?

SmackDown returns as the Usos make their entrance. The bell rings and Woods circles with Jimmy. They talk some trash, get face to face, Woods ducks the haymaker to roll Jimmy up! TWO, and Woods says it was that close. They tie up, Jimmy puts Woods in a corner to uppercut, CHOP and uppercut again! Jimmy whips Woods to ropes, Woods kicks him back! Woods whips but Jimmy blocks the hip toss. Woods blocks, Jimmy blocks again, but Woods hits low. Jimmy denies the Famouser and whips, but Woods tilt-o-whirls to a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! And a basement dropkick! Cover, ONE! Jimmy bails out and regroups with Jey as fans cheer on Woods.

Jey coaches Jimmy to tighten it up, but Woods drags Jimmy up by his hair! Jimmy ROCKS Woods with a haymaker, then grinds Woods’ face against the ropes! And then back the other way to bump him off buckles! Jimmy goes up top, leaps, but into an anti-air dropkick! Cover, TWO! Woods keeps cool and drags Jimmy up to CLUB him down. Woods stands Jimmy up to CHOP him then brings him in to suplex. Jimmy blocks, wrenches and HEADBUTTS, then FLAJPACKS Woods into buckles! Woods staggers, Jimmy brings him around and slides him into the ropes! Woods is down but Kofi coaches him up as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Jimmy has Woods in a headlock, until Woods JAWBREAKERS free! Woods CHOPS, throws haymakers, but Jimmy shoves, only for Woods to CROSSBODY! Cover, TOW! Jimmy kicks, Woods blocks and spins Jimmy but gets a DRAGON WHIP! Woods ends up in a corner, fans boo but some follow the “UCE!” “OH!” and Jimmy hits the HIP ATTACK! Then he goes side to side to KNEE Woods against ropes! Cover, TWO! Woods is still in this and Kofi coaches him up. Jimmy is frustrated but Jey says he is close! Jimmy wraps on a chinlock and grinds Woods down. Fans rally up with “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” and Woods fights up.

Woods snapmares free, mule kicks hard, then throws hands, but Jimmy ducks to back suplex! Woods lands on his feet, ducks and dodges and then slides to ROLLING ELBOW! Jey panics as Woods LEG LARIATS Jimmy down! Woods gets Jimmy up and hangs him out to dry! Woods then runs side to side to KNEE Jimmy down! Woods keeps moving as Jimmy bails out, Woods WRECKS Jimmy with a dropkick! Woods puts Jimmy back in the ring and hurries to the corner. Woods climbs, for a SUPER LEG DROP! Cover, TWO!! Jimmy survives and Jey is relieved, but he still coaches Jimmy hard as he can.

Woods goes back to the corner, climbs back up, but Jey gets on the apron! The ref has him back off, but Jimmy trips Woods up! Jimmy climbs up to fireman’s carry Woods, for a SUPER SAMOAN DROP!! Jimmy crawls to the cover, TWO!! Jey can’t believe it but neither can Indiana! Jimmy and Woods crawl towards the same ropes, “This is Awesome!” Jimmy goes to the corner, climbs up top, USO SPLASH into boots! Roll up, high stack, TWO!! SUPERKICK deflected! But Jimmy rakes eyes to avoid the saido! Kofi distracts the ref just long enough, but Jey puts his shoes on Jimmy! The ref sees that and the pin is stopped! Woods rolls Jimmy, WOODS WINS!!

Winner: Xavier Woods, by pinfall

And the king stands tall! Jimmy has to #BendTheKnee! Fans chant, “Bend! The Knee! Bend! The Knee!” The Usos are beside themselves, Woods demands Jimmy bend his knee! Jimmy starts to kneel, but Roman gets in to SUPERMAN PUNCH the crown right off Woods’ head! Kofi gets mugged by the Usos! The Bloodline don’t care who is king, because #WeTheOnes! They stomp away on Kofi but Woods comes back to fire off on Roman! Fans fire up, Roman shoves Woods away into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! The Usos then get Kofi up and whip him into Roman’s SPEAR!! Roman has Jimmy get Kofi up, and Jey STOMPS Kofi’s leg!!

Roman makes Woods look at Kofi as they isolate the leg with a Half Crab! Jimmy USO SPLASHES the other leg! Roman throws Woods down then gets his title. Roman tells them HE is king around here! If Woods shows up next week, Roman will show him what a real king looks like. Roman holds up the title, will the Bloodline continue to rule as tyrants over Friday nights?

My Thoughts:

A very good SmackDown, but still some rough spots. For one, the huge releases this week may not have hurt SmackDown, but B-Fab being gone does kinda hurt Hit Row. I don’t even think her voice is on the Hit Row theme song anymore. I’ll skip the ranting other than B-Fab completed Hit Row and allowed them to truly dominate a brand in all divisions. But seeing how Team Vince can’t figure out how to book the women’s division all that much anymore, I suppose that’s why they don’t care for a faction to have a female member. Hit Row still had a good segment with Sami Zayn, and Sami had more great, spastic dance moves, so that feud will help build Hit Row up.

Speaking of the women’s division, the only thing we got to build off last week was Shotzi giving us a promo to further her unneeded Heel turn. Her line about the fans not supporting her is total Vince crap. You edit that line out and she’s the edgy Face who will whoop Sasha and Charlotte, even if she doesn’t win the title. Oh, and we got another way for Sonya to screw Naomi over. We’re getting ever closer to Naomi turning to the Bloodline to counter Sonya’s bias, even if that seems like Roman cleaning up one of Jimmy’s messes. And again, can we get women’s matches that last longer? Naomi and Shayna both deserve better than just three or for paragraphs, and I really hope Naomi VS Sonya is longer than that.

Another rough spot: SmackDown making Holland a fan of Sheamus. I mean, I don’t doubt a lot of WWE fans in the UK are fans of Sheamus, but you can’t make his second promo on SmackDown about him looking up to Sheamus. Hell, where is Sheamus? The two of them should’ve interacted instead, maybe see if there’s chemistry. The roughest spot: Happy Talk. Though, I do like that the Viking Raiders got Face momentum by wrecking that set. Corbin & Moss losing by count-out was a bit of a cop out. These four guys all need to look strong, and then maybe we’ll get a real finish that is meant to build up tag contenders at some point.

The tag match of Los Lotharios VS Cesaro & Mansoor was really good, though. Bit of a shame that Cesaro went from facing Roman to putting someone else over in the tag division, but what else would WWE do? McIntyre VS Ricochet was fast and short but it was that in an awesome way! And I do appreciate that they’re bringing back the history between Ricochet and Ali. I was kinda hoping with Ricochet getting in McIntyre’s face, he was starting to head Heel, maybe that happens with this new take with Ali. And we got great stuff out of the Bloodline and New Day. There’s tension returning between Roman and Jimmy, Woods could be the one to challenge Roman before Survivor Series, or even after. Stuff related to Roman is the one thing you can count on for the main roster.

My Score: 8.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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