Now YouTube done struck again! Here I am minding my own business and then it’s like HEY! Look at this new music video! And it was...
Mat and Ethan bring you the latest Talk The Keki, covering the Season 2 finale of Demon Slayer and so much more!
Period pieces, Dramedies, Indie Darlings, and Oscar winners take center stage as the Bandwagoners review their top ten dramas from 2000-2009! Plus, Dave, PC Tunney, Aesop...
Mat and Ethan decided to give the video game adaptation anime a shot. How does it stack up to the beloved series?
Real talk, took a few weeks off from writing these because nothing really caught my interest. Sometimes its fun digging around for obscure gold (love and...
Mat and Ethan hang out, check out another anime movie and go over the seasonal episodes!
The Aught project focuses on the family friendly fare this week as Patrick, Aesop, Dave and PC Tunney present their tops ten family films of 2000-2009!...
We reach the final episode! Butterflies, cows, broken ankles and hair dye! Do things end strong or are we left confused at the end? Check it...
The Deplian Badlands are heating up!
With Dave unavailable to record, Patrick takes a break from the hockey talk to bring you the second ever edition of the Five by Five! This...
The Aught project is haunted this week as Patrick, Aesop, Dave and Rey present their top ten horror films of 2000-2009. What thrills do they have...
We're almost done with Peacemaker! Only one more episode after this one, and things are starting to make sense! Get on the Peace Train.
Mathew and Ethan have finished with 2021, so they start focusing on the 2022 shows! We already get a finale and a new movie! Check things...
Everyone's gonna love Round 2!
The Aught project rolls on this week as Patrick, Dave, PC Tunney, and Aesop Mitchell present their top 10 sports movies from 2000-2009! With the Super...
In celebration of the Super Bowl Halftime show, and a well-timed new release. Let’s take the JAR doggy style and see what Snoop has now that...