Talking Smack's Day One Ish!
Tonight is a golden Raw Talk!
Talking Smack is LEGIT!
Raw Talk will Live Forever!
Literally the BIG-EST episode yet!
AWWWWW~ Raw Taaalk~!
Backstage is back, alright~!
Talking Smack is COMIIIIN~!
Who wants to Talk With Elias?
DING DONG, HELLO~! Talking Smack!
Steve Cook rocking some news off of his high from having an article of his highlighted on the Cornette's Drive-Thru. How does the news this week...
Kevin Owens is back!
Raw Talk will be mighty!
Cook lays out his thoughts about the early wrestling headlines and the big event in the capitol that put a hell of a spotlight on Americans...again.
Talking Smack is GLORIOUS, AGAIN!