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Mitchell’s Raw Talk Report! (2/1/21)

AWWWWW~ Raw Taaalk~!



WWE Raw Talk

Raw Talk turns the corner onto the Road to WrestleMania!

Don’t you dare be sour! Clap for your former ten-time champs, as well as the new Women’s Tag Team contenders, and FEEL~ the POWER~! Oh, and Lacey Evans is here with Ric Flair on her arm…


#CharTruth welcomes us back to the show!

Charly Caruso and R-Truth are here as the Royal Rumble has passed and the Road to WrestleMania begins! Truth is once again the 24/7 Champion, and Charly wants to address what happened to their baby. Yesterday, Charly was beside herself when Truth got got by Peter Rosenberg, and that was not okay. But they got through it, because as fans saw on the Michael Kay Show, Truth got back at Rosenberg! Rosenberg was acting like he was the Bradley Beal of the 24/7 Division but Truth #GOTTEE~! “This is my legacy~!” Charly loves it! The curtains, the chair, Rosenberg on a talk show, this is what happens when you take on the rightful 24/7 Champion! This makes 48 times, though it is hard to keep track of. Does Truth have a tally? No it’s all in his mind. Well that’s what makes Truth so smart. Exactly!

But there are plenty of smart people on Raw, and the smartest was Alexa Bliss. She got her revenge on Randy Orton at the best possible time! Orton was busy with Edge, there was a lot of hostility there, and Alexa took advantage of his focus being on someone else. So creepy, though. Is that blood or liquid licorice? But either way, Edge capitalized on the moment! Alexa was more antagonizing Orton but it helped Edge. That’s good payback for that RKO, even if Alexa is “off her rocker.” But speaking of Edge, what a last couple of days! Wins the Royal Rumble, then gets revenge on Randy Orton, and now he’s on to WrestleMania against…? Who knows.

But everyone has their own motives and reasons for doing things, and that said, let’s get to the bottom of something that’s been happening, and caused quite a stir. The Sassy Southern Belle and the Nature Boy are here!

Lacey Evans and Ric Flair join Raw Talk!

Lacey and the WWE Hall of Famer are here and Truth gives him a laugh and a wink. Lacey says Truth needs to say it, not spray it, ya nasty. Sorry. Charly asks what is going on with her and Ric. Truth says we know what it is. ENTANGLEMENT! Lacey says she is just working smarter, not harder. Have they heard that saying? Say it to yourself because a smart woman knows a powerful man when she sees one. Lacey has faced everyone there is to face from NXT, SmackDown and Raw, champion after champion and even went to Saudi Arabia and yet what has she accomplished?

So Lacey went back to the drawing board, looked over, and saw this handsome man’s handsome brains that could help her moving forward. Ric’s daughter is just pissed about it. Truth asks Ric about that, and Charly says this is surely beneficial to Lacey but what does Ric get. Ric gets his own self-respect back. Long before anyone else here was born, The Nature Boy was the reason some people think the business is where it is today. All long ago, it started with Ric Flair! See these hall of fame rings? He has two. And then maybe when Orton retires, he’ll have three. Then one day he’ll have four! One for being the greatest wrestler already, two more for Four Horsemen and Evolution, and then the fourth for having the greatest wrestling brain ever!

Ric is just so tired of hearing “The Great One” Charlotte is better than him, and maybe she is, but he’s doing something he’s never done. Charlotte was trained by HHH in NXT, but who do you think HHH grew up admiring? RIC! So Ric is taking all of this and quit being humble to train Lacey up to be a world champion! And being a world champion in the WWE is gold for life! Not like a Rolex watch, but like a title or a ring! And you get there through hard work. Lacey is a Marine, she’s not afraid of work, so it’s time for gold! YAHTZEE! Truth is onboard! Yes, this has to be against his own daughter, but Charlotte has 13, it’s time for Lacey to get her one.

Charly respects that, it’s good business. You do what you gotta do to be successful. But what if it’s at the expense of someone who you care about, or is a role model for others? Lacey shuts Charly down there. Charlotte is not a role model to Lacey. Charlotte has disrespected Ric too much. Lacey listens to Ric’s guidance! How many times has his own baby girl smacked him in the face? Well, she hasn’t, but she’d rather Ric be at a Comic-Con rather than backstage. But the whole locker room better be ready! Ric saw the Women’s Revolution, it’s on par with the men! Charly’s onboard with that, but Truth just wants to say Lacey is a little handsy. It makes people think something.

Well, think what you want, Lacey respects Ric. So what if she rubs his shoulder or fixes his hair? She’ll do what she has to and will learn from the Dirtiest Player in the Game! Ric knows Truth is from Flair Country, let’s leave it there. Lacey says opinions are like butts, everyone has one. Ric shows off the custom suit, and Lacey shows off her dress. Charly promises to keep opinions out of things, but just wants Ric to remember Charlotte is his daughter and cares for him. Ric and Lacey head out, and now it’s time to #FeelTheGlow!

Naomi and Lana join Raw Talk!

Truth is happy to see Naomi and Lana back and say they killed it! The outfits are great, too! Pop pop! How is he doing that? It’s tricky. But how are they feeling after tonight? Amazing! They’re already in synch on that! But then what exactly? They got a great victory in that Triple Threat Tag. Lana says she is so grateful because Naomi’s been a great friend for so long and for real. Best friend, even! They go way back to FCW. That is way back! Now, we could be seeing the next Women’s Tag Team Champions. Dreams come true!

Nia Jax has had a target on Lana’s back for over two years, because Nia took her out at the Rumble, did the same to Truth, then Naomi. Nia has issues with all of them. Nia apparently made amends, Truth forgave it, but it’s hard to forgive nine table slams. But how did it feel for Lana to finally get Nia out of the Rumble? Lana saw the ring, saw Nia wasn’t there, so while everyone wants to go to Mania, Lana wanted to get rid of Nia. That was so satisfying to do that! And it was also because Nia took out Naomi. Naomi says they’re seen as not a threat, but that will be their best asset. Shayna and Nia will sleep on them, and their hard work will take care of that technical skill and aggression. They’ll do whatever they have to and they will win. Truth believes in magic! Charly wishes them luck and can’t wait to see.

Do they have a team name yet? Ravishing Glow is a good one, right? It’s right there, right? Lana is still ravishing, Naomi still glows, it all makes sense. Naomi wants to get Lana some neon gear and Lana’s like, “Don’t twist my arm!” But it is in the works, right? Maybe hot pink? But speak it into existence, they vow to be champions! But from aspiring champions to the former ten-time champions!

The New Day’s Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods join Raw Talk!

Woods wants the camera! “I am 2-2 against Retribution! That means next week, I face Reckoning! Give me Reckoning!” Adam Pearce, you better give us the co-ed match of Woods VS Reckoning, or you are a C-O-W-A-R-D! Woods is serious right now, this is the only way to end the series! We got Sasha Banks VS Reginald, you can’t say it doesn’t happen in the WWE, so what?! Where is it?! #GiveWoodsReckoning!! She can go, it’ll be a great match, but Woods will beat her and beat Retribution and shut Ali up about disrespecting Kofi! This has to end! Where is she, guys?! They know DAMN WELL who the New Day are!

Charly officially welcomes Kofi back, Woods and Truth make it a chant, and the New Day are clearly fired up for that win. Woods was holding it down but Kofi had to be back in person to support him. Ali talks out the side of his mouth and on social media, but did you see what Kofi did to Slapjack and T-Bar? Ali tried to get Woods but Woods got Ali! GOTTEE! All those lies from Ali, he done lost his mind. More than Truth? Kofi didn’t wanna say it but yeah sure. And let’s talk about the track suit! Tie-dye, babyyyy~! Who else can pull this off? Is this available somewhere?

Hold on, show the world “the peach.” BOOTY GAINS~! Squats ‘n’ dead lifts, that’s how you get it. Just a little somethin’ somethin’. Get yours today. #PeachDaddy. #GIVEWOODSRECKONING! BOOK IT, COWARD!! Pearce! You book this! Is Big E watching? Quick shout out. The New Day represented for Luke Harper, we all appreciated that. And a very interesting thing. Woods is glad Kofi’s energy was within them even though he couldn’t get in the ring. Kofi is there to complete the Triforce, if you will. Woods has it on his arm~! Ocarina of Time, maybe? Kofi isn’t cleared yet but he’s almost there! We’re one week closer. Ali got shook, he had a little tight peach.

Well, alright. This talk of peaches, Zelda, co-ed matches, this had everything. Woods calls Reckoning out. He loves a best-of-series and he was in one! He woke up from REM sleep after dreams came true. He is in a best of five, 2-2! Game point, set, match! Woods VS Reckoning, “You’re mine!” Sasha VS Reggie is proof it happens now. If Raw wants to compete with SmackDown, it has to happen! It has to! Charly hopes all the dreams come true, who knows what we’ll get, but it’ll be GOODT!

My Thoughts:

What a great Raw Talk! One of the best, I think. Lacey and Ric were good because the relationship questions needed to be asked, and of course the answer is that it’s plutonic as a student learning from a master. Truth still pushing that Lacey is handsy and flirty was good, though, because that’s also something that needed to be said. And the way Ric is talking, I really hope my idea of Ric just using Lacey to make Charlotte not just better but to use the Dirtiest Player in the Game tactics still happens. It’s already a given Lacey is using Ric, but to turn the tables on her would be a clever way around the cliché and the cringe.

Lana and Naomi had a shorter segment but they were very charismatic and they got to reference some real-life stuff. I do like that they are considering #RavishingGlow, because that’s what I was saying the should be just earlier tonight, and it’s just obvious. It isn’t lazy naming when it’s just so obvious it is staring you in the face. And then the

New Day of course had an amazing segment, they were just non-stop but in a good way. I love that Woods wants to face all members of Retribution, even Mia “Reckoning” Yim as both a way to progress story and to be progressive, using Sasha VS Reggie as precedent and motivation. Everything about #PeachDaddy and stuff was hilarious in the weird way, and obviously I’m someone who would dig the Triforce reference. Big E is power, Woods is wisdom, Kofi is courage. Makes me want their reunion to be in Link style tunics and tights, red, blue and green, like Triforce Heroes.

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Chairshot News Report: TNA Impact Results, AEW Speculation For Ricochet & Shane McMahon, Vince McMahon, More!

Your Wrestling News for July 5, 2024, including TNA Impact, Ricochet, Shane McMahon, his daddy Vince, and more!



WWE Ricochet AEW

Your Wrestling News for July 5, 2024, including TNA Impact, Ricochet, Shane McMahon, his daddy Vince, and more!

Welcome to your daily dose of pro wrestling news–and analysis you can trust! We take all wrestling news with a grain of salt here at The Chairshot, and we hope to steer you in the right direction.

Results: TNA Impact (July 4, 2024)

Here are your results from Thursday night’s edition of TNA Impact (originally taped on June 28 at the 2300 Arena in Philly):

  • Trey Miguel vs. Leon Slater ends in a no-contest after WWE NXT star Charlie Dempsey attacks everyone.
  • Dani Luna battled Jody Threat to a time limit draw in the 10-Minute Challenge. They were granted the customary “5 more minutes” but were attacked by Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich. During the match it was revealed that Nic Nemeth had been attacked backstage.
  • Frankie Kazarian defeated Mike Santana by countout to advance to the TNA World Championship Match at Slammiversary.
  • Matt Hardy & Reby Hardy beat Eddie Edwards & Alisha Edwards.
  • Joe Hendry pinned Jake Something to advance to the TNA World Championship Match at Slammiversary.

No surprise that Joe Hendry advanced to the world title match, but Santana-Kazarian could have gone either way. A promo video to end the show implied that Kazarian was the one who took out Nic Nemeth backstage, seemingly creating a story for them within the Slammiversary title match. No shocker that The Hardys won the tag team match, but a great surprise with Charlie Dempsey getting involved in the opener. That TNA/NXT collaboration continues to be a lot of fun.

You can catch Andrew’s Review of the event here.

Ricochet Expected To Sign With AEW

Many outlets are reporting that Ricochet’s expected landing spot remains AEW, with additional reports surfacing that his agent has been working out the details on his behalf.

Personally, I’d rather see him back in WWE. Even after an initial push in AEW, he will be a novelty act much like PAC, so I don’t see the difference. But if he’s going to AEW, here’s hoping that agent does a great job and secures quite the bag for ol’ Ric.

Vince Russo Suggests Shane McMahon As A Front Man For Vince McMahon to Purchase AEW

”We saw this with WCW, it happened before. It (purchasing AEW) could be under the guise of Shane, that’s what I’m saying. Shane is as clean as whistle. Vince could be behind it without anybody knowing it, bro.”

Those are the words of Vince Russo, who on the surface seems to be spouting nonsense. Time will tell if there is something to it all, but I wouldn’t place any wagers on this one. Shane McMahon to AEW would be an entertaining shocker, but that–like many things in AEW–would quickly wear off.

Shawn Michaels Discusses NXT Releases, Referencing Drew Gulak

During the NXT Heatwave media call, Shawn Michaels was asked about the release of Gable Steveson, but also lumped Drew Gulak in his response about main roster viability:

“From my understanding, nothing on anyone’s part other than contracts being up. Certainly, in the place of Drew Gulak. From a company standpoint, there not being anything from a main roster standpoint that they were going to be using him in. In NXT, over the last year and a half to two years, we’ve been trying to get into the process of keeping it fluid. It’s all about getting to the main roster when everything is said and done. In two or three years, if that doesn’t happen, we bring other people in or see if we’re ready to move on.”

If anything, it’s a stark reminder that NXT still exists to, above all else, populate the main roster. It’s quite the delicate balance between booking your own television show and preparing for the future, one that HBK has arguably done better than Triple H himself.

Other Odds & Ends:

  • According to reports, the mini-stroke referenced by Britt Baker (DMD) on AEW Dynamite is legitimate. If so, both she and Adam Cole have been through a ton over the past 24 months.
  • Mason Madden (Mace) and Mansoor, now known as the MxM Collection, showed up in ROH when featured in a vignette on this week’s broadcast. They might not have made it in WWE, but it’s good to see them getting work, and a second chance to make this gimmick their own. YEAH!
  • Cody Rhodes continues to be the ultimate good dude, this time helping a fan who won tickets to Money In The Bank actually attend the event. The fan who won the tickets is in a wheelchair, and there were no more accessible seats left. That was, of course, until Cody got involved. Now the fan can be there and enjoy the show as intended when he won the contest. Cody wins again!


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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Continental Classic Update! (11/27/23)

What a start to the tournament!



Did your picks win points?

The AEW Continental Classic is underway, with almost everyone competing. Check in here if you haven’t seen the winners and losers of week 1!

Here are your Gold League standings!

  • Jon Moxley: 1-0, 3 points
  • Swerve Strickland: 1-0, 3 points
  • Jay White: 1-0, 3 points
  • Rush: 0-1, 0 points
  • Mark Briscoe: 0-1, 0 points.
  • Jay Lethal: 0-1, 0 points


Here are your Blue League standings!

  • Brody King: 1-0, 3 points
  • Claudio Castagnoli: 1-0, 3 points
  • Daniel Garcia: 0-1, 0 points
  • Eddie Kingston: 0-1, 0 points
  • Bryan Danielson: Yet to Compete
  • Andrade El Idolo: Yet to Compete


My Thoughts:

Nothing too crazy, nothing too wild, this tournament only just got started. The only disappointing point is that they could not get Bryan “cleared to compete” Saturday night. Not sure how much of that is shoot given the bad eye, but this was kinda the problem of wanting him in the tournament over tons of other choices. Bryan wants to face Okada for WrestleKingdom 18, how is Bryan supposed to do that at his best if he’s also gonna be in a round robin, doing five top level matches in about as many weeks? And it takes away from Andrade being able to do something. Also a little surprised we didn’t even hear from Andrade on Saturday.

Now as we heard on Saturday, round two’s matches are set. Gold League will see Mark Briscoe VS Rush, White VS Swerve, and of course, Moxley VS Lethal. Nice variety there, a couple 0-1 guys facing off, as well as two 1-0 guys, and then 1-0 VS 0-1. No offense to Lethal, but he feels like an 0-2 going up against Moxley. Hard to call the other ones but that’s the fun of it. Meanwhile, Blue League sees Brody VS Claudio in a showdown to be 2-0, then Bryan and Andrade finally jump in, Bryan against Eddie and Andrade against Garcia. Sadly, feels like Eddie and Garcia are going 0-2, no way Tony Khan is booking Bryan and Andrade to lose their first shots.

In fact, that could be half the reason they did wait on those two, that’s almost too good for just a first round opener. But I still would’ve done it, same as NJPW does stuff like that for round robins, which this is all modeled after anyway.

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