It's SummerSlam weekend, which means Steve Cook is here to help you win some money! Ok, maybe not--just remember it's "for entertainment purposes only!"
Dream may have no memory of things, but Rob certainly does. Where do you stand on the situation?
Noted baseball fan Steve Cook is no stranger to unwritten rules--and neither is his beloved pro wrestling!
Ratings, demos, and so much are on the table when Tiffany has Takes about the numerical side of who is watching wrestling!
The Chairshot crew comes together to rank the top championships in wrestling today. Do you agree? Did AEW get snubbed? Was NXT overvalued? What about Japan?
Mishal asks what is probably the most important question in the business today...will we ever have another true defining superstar?
Some interesting matches happened during the week! How many of these matches have you seen?
Steve Cook kicks off the week with some advice on not being a creeper, plus wrestling loses another one of its own, and more in the...
WWE NXT marches towards Takeover XXX and Bradley Jay chimes in with his six-sided look at this week's build in his latest NXT Minus 6!
Steve Cook continues his journey by stopping in 2004--an impactful year for wrestling, but more importantly an impactful year for Steve Cook.
With the event around the corner, Mishal lists out his 5 WORST SummerSlams ever! Do you agree with his rankings?
Cook touches on teams from multiple companies and eras! How good is this list? Who was missed?
In WWE, when you have babyfaces for friends, you obviously don't need enemies. Steve Cook explains!
Rob Bonnette checks back in with a look at AEW and the much maligned booking of their women's division.
Tiffany is back with Takes on the crazy impact of COVID-19 on the world of professional wrestling, and the hope to see fans in the crowd...
Bradley Jay brings you a special NXT Minus 6, where he takes a look at wrestlers horribly misremembered by today's fans, including two that impact NXT!