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Mishal’s Top 5 Worst SummerSlams of All-Time

With the event around the corner, Mishal lists out his 5 WORST SummerSlams ever! Do you agree with his rankings?



Last week I took a dive into the very best that ”The Biggest Party of the Summer” had to offer, the very best shows in the events long, storied chronology that have created a vast number of incredible moments, matches, future superstars & events that I find myself revisiting more often than most.

But that was last week, that was the positive side of any aspect of professional wrestling. That was when things were at their very best, with everything coming together how most fans wish they would. When professional wrestling gets it right, it’s a beautiful sight to behold to either the casual or hardcore fanbase because it satisfies every desire a fan has when it comes to this form of entertainment. The storytelling is on point, the action is crisp & every wrestler on the card regardless of status has a moment to shine in the spotlight.

Sadly, like anything else in this world, that just isn’t always a reality.

Wrestling has its bad days, and SummerSlam is certainly no stranger to these days like any other show you can come up with in your head.

While it is generally marketed & promoted as the 2nd biggest annual event only to WrestleMania on a yearly basis, the show isn’t without its blunders, sometimes its flat-out misfires. Not every event has the capability to live up to the hype it exudes during its build-up, and today we’ll take a different perspective on WWE’s 2nd largest annual event, focusing on the times SummerSlam failed to live up to expectation.

(Dis)Honourable Mentions

  • SummerSlam 1997 – Widely remembered for being the infamous night that Steve Austin broke his neck as a result of a botched piledriver from Owen Hart, it’s a shame that this event historically, will rarely crawl away from such a dreaded moment. While the epic, near 30-minute main event between Undertaker & Bret Hart is just as good as it sounds, nothing else stands out due to the overall state of the product at the time. It’s the very definition of a one-match show.
  • SummerSlam 1993 – An Undertaker/Giant Gonzalez rematch, a main event ending in a count-out under absurd circumstances & only one truly memorable match on the card makes this a tough one to put below the top 5 spots. While the rest of the card obviously underwhelms, there’s nothing distinctly dreadful that drags it as low as some other entries on this list. The early to mid-90s were a rough time for WWE’s product as a whole, and this show, to me, began to show the cracks in the foundation that would develop in the coming years.
  • SummerSlam 2016 – The longest SummerSlam to date, and you feel every minute of it. Mauled by an overstuffed card, restless crowd, matches with questionable booking choices that sadly undermined the fairly solid action & a showing closing angle that still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, the 2016 edition of SummerSlam was a perfect example of quantity over quality. Were in not for AJ Styles & John Cena putting on one of my favourite matches of the last number of years, this could easily slot itself at the higher points on this list.


5) SummerSlam 2006

I’ll never be able to make sense of WWE’s product in 2006. It was such a bizarre time for the product as a whole that it makes most shows over the course of that year feel too ‘out there’ to really invest in properly. With the resurgence of ECW, the return of DX, the rise of King Booker & Edge taking programming in directions we never saw coming, the whole year always feels like a blur to me. An awkward blend of the Attitude Era combined with a product in the midst of a big change with an ever-changing culture.

2006, feels just like that, a mish-mash of different eras of storytelling that never quite land.

Carried by an insane, over-the-top ‘I Quit’ match between Ric Flair and Mick Foley, as well as another excellent encounter between bitter rivals Edge & John Cena for the WWE Championship in the main event, the show left little else to truly standout beyond garnering cheap crowd reactions. At the very least the two matches I just mentioned had a backstory to them that provided them with some kind of tension or investment, which can’t be said for anything else.

At its core, this event was built around the reunion of D-Generation-X taking on Vince & Shane McMahon, and if you’re familiar with this feud at all you’ll know that if you had any doubt that the McMahons had a single chance of beating the rebellious duo in the main event, you were dead wrong. The match itself had its moments but always felt more like a prolonged comedic affair rather than a serious storyline, used more than anything to embarrass a plethora of potentially incredibly entertaining talent from both RAW & SmackDown (except The Spirit Squad, of course).

Elsewhere on the card, there was an ECW Championship match between The Big Show & Sabu which struggled due to the lack of believability behind it, King Booker & Batista displaying just how little chemistry they had in their World Heavyweight Championship match, Hulk Hogan wrestling Randy Orton in his final match on the WWE roster to date & Chavo Guerrero facing Rey Mysterio in a throwaway opening match. While I’d consider this more watchable than any of the upcoming picks on my list, this isn’t the company’s bright spot when it comes to SummerSlam events.


4) SummerSlam 1990

There isn’t a single match on the SummerSlam 1990 card that I would label as ‘good’, not a single one.

In fact, SummerSlam 1990 is a really solid example of a wrestling show that simply exists without any long-lasting impact or historical value, which is something no fan takes pride in saying. It’s an event packed with potential that consistently under-performs in all the key areas you need for a show like this to mean something.

None of this is to say the show was devoid of moments, as there were a few that elevates this out of the territory of being simply god awful, but almost everything this card offered is the kind of content you’d see on an average night of free television. The 2-out of-3 Falls Match is arguably the best on the card, while Hulk Hogan’s bout against Earthquake is far better than you’d think it is on paper (with the exception of the atrocious ending). But everything else simply exists. It’s all capped off by the main event that barely gets time to feel like a headline match, especially one inside the Steel Cage which was one of the pinnacle matches of that era, instead feeling like simple filler once it ends just above the 10-minute mark.

I wish I had more to say about SummerSlam 1990, but it’s just one of those shows that offer nothing of really critique or substance.


3) SummerSlam 2007

A year after the letdown that was the 2006 SummerSlam card we got this, an even bigger letdown than one would come to expect.

Essentially a one-match card slightly elevated by a ‘big fight feel’ main event between John Cena & Randy Orton, both on their way to the very peak of their careers at that point in time over the WWE Championship the rest of the show offered nothing substantial for an event with quite a lot at stake. The returns of both Triple H & Rey Mysterio were at the center of the show, while the rest of the card didn’t really have any kind of vibe that resembled ‘The Biggest Party of the Summer’ in anyway.

From a booking standpoint, the evening left a lot to be desired. Both return matches of Triple H & Rey Mysterio received inadequate timing against both King Booker & Chavo Guerrero, respectively, leaving their returns feeling mostly unsatisfying despite their lengthy layoffs. Other matches on the card such as a Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Championship, criminally short ECW Championship match, Kane facing Finlay in the opener & a Divas Battle Royal added nothing to a card already lacking in excitement outside of the main event.

Thankfully the main event itself was pretty solid, starting off a rivalry between Cena & Orton that would only end roughly two years after this event concluded. As far as SummerSlam’s go, I can’t think of an event that feels less like the hype that built up to it.


2) SummerSlam 1995

1995 is widely regarded by most fans as the worst year in the history of WWE. It was a year riddled with creative bankruptcy, departures from numerous talent, a product refusing to change with the culture around it & a roster that felt like it was stuck in the 1970s in terms of almost every aspect that comes with professional wrestling.

1995 embodies those sentiments, displaying the very worst of WWE as we know it.

If it weren’t for another phenomenal match between Shawn Michaels & Razor Ramon, a rematch from their WrestleMania match just a little over a year prior, this event would have been a disaster from top to bottom. Aside from that match, the card is amongst the worst you can find in terms of star power & booking.

Few events the company puts on feel this lifeless to me, boasting almost nothing of excitement outside a few moments that you’d notice upon your first viewing. Every match on here either falls flat, feels uninspired or is booked like a standard episode of RAW & nothing more, the very opposite of what this time of the year is meant to represent. Much like the product at the time, the event felt void of any motivation, creativity or anything to even try to excite the audience, capped off by one of the worst main events to any wrestling show I’ve come across. The headliner between Diesel & King Mabel, despite running under the 10-minute mark, is one of the most difficult to sit through that I can name, and thankfully marked the first & only time Mabel stepped foot near the main event scene.

Judging by my rhetoric this should easily be at the top of the list, but no, there is another.


1) SummerSlam 2010

Wrestling’s biggest ‘What if?’ show in my mind.

The build to this event had every WWE & wrestling fan pumped, from young to old. It was a show built on the back of one of the hottest angles WWE had put on display in years, with The Nexus running wild, mauling everyone in their path & setting up a potential suitcase of talent to build a brand off of in the future. Pitting them against the company’s biggest name in John Cena along with the likes of Chris Jericho, Edge, Bret Hart, John Morrison & a returning Daniel Bryan (fresh of his firing) made this the show nobody wanted to miss until it happened.

SummerSlam 2010 is a show that leaves a bad taste in the mouth of fans who want the best from their wrestling content. It’s a booking disaster on every level, with the exception of a World Heavyweight Championship Match between Kane & Rey Mysterio that stands out as the single standout segment in a show that struggles under the weight of bad creative decisions. The event is the personification of what WWE gets wrong at its worst, favouring their standard booking tropes over long-term plans that could actually improve the product in the long-run.

Matches such as Sheamus vs Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Championship & Big Show vs The Straightedge Society have the potential to build a small, yet exciting card that never feels overstuffed, but does everything it’s not meant to do. All of these matches, every single one of them, are booked by a group of people out of touch with their fanbase, unaware of what makes the sport so great at its peaks.

None of this, however, is as criminal as the main event between Nexus & Team WWE, a match that single-handedly killed the hottest gimmick the company had produced in years, and a decision they never recovered from in the months that followed. The match itself was quite the spectacle but totally undermined by a closing sequence that leaves a bad taste in mine, and other fans mouths upon repeated viewings.


As far as SummerSlam goes, topping this in terms of being the worst will be a daunting task.


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AJ’s Top 3 Favorite SummerSlams

AJ is back with his annual opinion article, and this time the SummerSlam buzz got him wondering about his personal Top 3.



It’s been a while since I have done any form of writing and SummerSlam is this Saturday. Of all the SummerSlams I’ve seen over the years; which ones are my favorites? While it’s not a revolutionary idea, I figured everyone loves to debate favorites of well, anything. Don’t worry though because this isn’t just going to be pure recency bias. I’ve watched the majority of them so with the ones I put on the list, it hit me more in some way shape or form whether it was story, a really good match or it just felt like a solid event.

At least this proves WWE is trending in a good direction for me, when it gets the ol’ brain juices flowing just because a show is around the corner!

#3: 2022 (Ol’ Brock Lesnar Has A Farm)

r/Wrasslin - when did Brock lesner begin his farmer and cowboy gimmick and when did he stop doing the gimmick ? is it worth watching I believe it was 2021 but not sure when he stopped the gimmick
Starting off the show, we get Bianca looking for a rematch against Becky from last years SummerSlam and it was better than the 21 second affair that everyone claims was a squash. This time Bianca holds her own and beats the Man in a fairly decent match, good way to get the event started. Next up is the heat seeking missile, Logan Paul against the former heat seeking missile because, well he wasn’t cut out for it and wasn’t a guy in everyone’s eyes, The Miz. After they had their blow off at Mania with Logan coming out on top which… isn’t awful, I just don’t like Logan Paul because he has that dude bro aura and swagger to make him more hateable than any other person on the card. Which I suppose is his gimmick…so…kudos?

First Championship match is for the US Championship and it’s as expected that in Theory, he should never beat someone to the caliber of Bobby Lashley which is no surprise. Dominik and Rey still back when Dom wanted the good fight against the Judgement Day before joining them later. The former Colts players, which they hammered it dahn in this match up showed that the canal swimming, trash talkin’, podcastin’, current RAW Color Commentatin’ goofball we all love, Pat McAfee came out on top again Bum Ass Corbin.

Usos putting the Street Profits on lockdown in the penitentiary since I believe this was peak Bloodline with the belt collecting and running all of WWE. Liv beat Ronda Rousey which isn’t astonishing but it’s not something people had on their bingo cards for anything with WWE so it was a nice little shock factor. The most memorable part of the night is obviously the Main Event, Lesnar brings the tractor, Roman catching the Microphone and Brock stands on top of the vehicle. Damn good match that showed off what they do in the ring since Roman caught his stride as the main bad guy and Brock… liked people after all of this? That is still a weird statement in my head. Brock being a good guy people person. If Liv wasn’t on bingo cards for wrestling, that is not on bingo cards in any aspect of life really.

That is more of the event that had solid matches and story going for it. No weird double count out, multiple people involved, 5 tag matches on the card. Things made sense and weren’t convoluted, had shocking moments that were great to see like Liv actually getting a title defense and there were the results we all expected at the time like Theory losing in 4 minutes to Bobby Lashley.

#2: 2009 (Are You Ready for The Return?)

10 Greatest Summerslam Entrances in WWE History - GameSpot
This event wasn’t that strong. It was strong with the star power involved in 2009 with guys like Rey Mysterio as Intercontinental Champion, Orton and Cena for the WWE Championship as it was becoming as stale as month old chips and CM Punk was facing Jeff Hardy before he ultimately returned to TNA at the beginning of 2010 after this PPV. For me, it’s not so much of the show itself, it was more of the memories because the Balai as our friends Chris Platt and Rey Cash like to call my brother and I, we were just coming back into wrestling and we were TNA Fans. We didn’t watch WWE that much really, it was just what came on after another channel had old ROH shows before they moved to three hours and swallowed the 8pm Eastern Slot. No, the reason why this has so many memories for me is three main reasons. First, Orton and Cena. They have had their rivalry since the beginning it seems, being each others foils like Hogan and Piper before them and there had to be a stipulation where if Randy was Counted Out or DQ’d, he’d lose the championship regardless. This was prime Viper Randy and the obvious joke we had of Super Cena where he very rarely lost, unless it was SummerSlam surprisingly enough.

Number two reason was CM Punk and Jeff Hardy. Hardys known for the Ladder and TLC matches in the past and this being the penultimate match for this feud and it was a banger of a match. If you didn’t know Punk before, it was a great introduction to his wrestling. I used to like Punk a lot because of this match because he could talk, wrestle… and not insanely personal with things in wrestling. In all seriousness, this was a great match. Ultimate risks, high reward for Punk grabbing the World Heavyweight Championship and he was given his next feud because of the final boss of SmackDown at that time. Thanks, Teddy Long.

The main and final reason though why this match gave me the memories flowing back is more of the fact that one of my closest and longest termed friends of 23 years, also loves wrestling. Back when we were younger, he’d do MoCap videos on YouTube with his figures. We’d have friends come over for parties at his house and we’d do the one thing WWE always told us not to do and that was try it at home. He was always stronger than me, I was always more charismatic. He had the power aspect and did things with brute force, I could talk my way out of trouble with parents if we did something wrong. There was always one thing that our respective mother’s always called us though… it’s on the tip of my tongue… oh right, ‘Degenerates’.

As soon as we were called that, we kind of parodied the DX line. I was limber enough to do the HBK pose and do a Superkick before it became the new DDT and he would just Spinebuster people and knew how to do the water spit. So what do you think was the main reason we even ordered this PPV for his 13th Birthday? I think the two guys we were pretending to be were set to return on a tank and toss out some glow sticks. The return of DX, Shawn Michaels coming back after Mania with Triple H to deal with the Legacy problem was an amazing return for them and made everything so much fun.

So we have the solid card and this one has a personal story… what’s my number one SummerSlam? Is it personal? Well yes but not going into that. Is it a good card? To me, it was a phenomenal card! Is it memorable? Seeing how wrestling fans still mention at least three matches to this day.

#1: 2005 (Octopus in the Washer, Lover’s Quarrel and Where the F%#$ is Vickie?)

Vickie Guerrero on Rey vs. Dominik Mysterio: 'I wish I was part of it' -  Cageside Seats
Quite possibly some of the best matches I’ve seen and one that was just the most hilarious moments of overselling in wrestling history, I know why I love this SummerSlam but it’s also a really good card at the same time. Redacted beats Orlando Jordan in 25 seconds for the US Title and they made jokes about it like, he can make a coffee faster than he beat Orlando and stuff like that, it’s pretty funny. Angle getting sick of Eugene’s antics for his Gold Medal was also a great bit they had play up, the Year long feud of Randy Orton and Undertaker was still going on where Orton comes out on top this time around to get the win back from Mania, Jericho returning for the match with Cena in a whole promotional thing for each other’s groups, Fozzy for Jericho and the Chain Gang doing Bad, Bad Man for Cena leading up to a match for the WWE Championship. JBL won a 20 man battle royal on SmackDown to win the Championship…… Opportunity to face the newest member of SmackDown, Batista but the three main matches that a lot of people talk about to this day; Edge vs Matt Hardy, Rey vs Eddie for Dominik and Hogan vs HBK in the Main Event.

I have reasons to enjoy the Hardy/Edge match but it looked like a real fight, it really made us believe that Matt Hardy was going to kill Edge because real names were dropped during this tirade from Hardy. It wasn’t Edge and Lita, it was Adam and Amy. Matt was so dead set on beating the hell out of Edge that they made a situation into gold and it was a great moment for this match to happen, I believe it was also an Unsanctioned Match too which added the intensity until matt got concussed and knocked senseless that it looked like he couldn’t fight for anything but the build up was what made it seem like a marque match. It made it feel real, it made it feel awesome and it made it feel personal.

Eddie kept tormenting Rey Mysterio about Dominik not being Rey’s but Eddie’s for the summer. That’s all you heard from Eddie being the weasel he was is hanging out with Dominik, making the world believe it’s his son and what not (Let’s not do a fast forward to today where he has the mullet, mustache and everything like Eddie) but they settle this in a Ladder Match where the top of it is a document for the custody of Dominik and my god, this match is better than it should have been. I expect nothing else from Eddie because the man hated having a bad match, Dom got involved and stopped Eddie, Vickie was late and stopped Eddie. The whole match was good it was just very weird with the premise but was a great match. I wonder if Rey regrets his decision to win the match now…

Octopus in a Washing Machine… those five words have resonated with Shawn Michaels’ performance in this match, forever. It was supposed to be an amazing match up between Hogan and Michaels, Icon vs Icon it said and suddenly Hogan’s back gives out, can’t do a trilogy of matches so we can only do the one and then pull out of everything after. This match was set up to be a classic and instead turned into the most unbelievable sell fest ever. A Hogan big boot caused Shawn to tumble 3 or 4 times, getting crotched on the ropes had HBK bouncing higher than he should have, being tossed out of the ring made it look like Shawn never broke his back in 1998 from how much he flopped and flipped around like crazy. It’s bad… or maybe even good that a lot of current wrestlers watched this match that went, “I can sell like that, I want to be a wrestler” and did. So good or bad, I don’t know but for some reason this PPV has always had a place in my heart for how memorable it was.

Those are my top three SummerSlams so far but who knows, 2024 has potential to maybe bump something or at least get me to consider a shift. Should be fun to see how the show plays out! What are some of your favorite SummerSlams?

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Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

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