After a brief hiatus from IMPACT Wrestling to film the reality series Survivor, Johnny Impact (also known as John Morrison, Johnny Mundo, Johnny Nitro) made his...
SummerSlam 2012 brings a Triple Threat Match between John Cena, CM Punk and The Big Show for the WWE Championship. For the World Heavyweight Title, we...
Join “The Sly One” & Around The Ring’s Floyd Johnson Jr. as they give their take on this week’s Smackdown. Skull smashing opinion, analysis, news and...
The boys are back with another episode of Talkamania! With some new digs to kick off the show, your boys are covering everything that has happened...
Serious Brad, Host & Creator Of Pin The Shoulders Podcast is digging in and getting to know some of the best up and coming in the...
With this week’s episode of Monday Night RAW seeing a ratings increase, on top of ranking number one in the 18-49 demographic for the first time...
Last week’s episode of IMPACT was the post Slammiversary show and we got to see the aftermath from the PPV. Brian Cage defeated Matt Sydal to...
Lucha Underground Season 4, “The Ranks of the Reptiles” The fight over the Lucha Underground Championship takes a new twist as Pentagon Dark and the Machine...
My piece last week got a lot of people riled up, so I felt the need to expand one of the points I made, that Roman...
Well, I’m back from my vacation and it’s time to get back to work. I wanna again thank Andrew for covering the last B Block show...
The NEW NXT Champion is the Psycho Killer, Tommaso Ciampa! He plans on addressing the fans tonight, what will he have to say about his Blackheart...
5. Dean Ambrose Returns The Lunatic Fringe has been out due to injury since December of last year, and with every passing Pay-Per-View we all speculate...
As we all know, social media and other outlets have become a huge means of drawing in interaction and viewers for WWE. Most people will point...
Ring Of Honor arrives in Las Vegas, Nevada for Death Before Dishonor on September 28th and today, the company has announced that the legendary Jushin Thunder...
After it was revealed earlier this week that Madison (Ashley) Rayne, Xia Brookside and Priscilla Kelly have all been confirmed for this year’s second annual Mae...