The #CelebrationofGreatness draws ever closer!
The FINAL COUNTDOWN~ to HyruleMania begins!
HPW Media finally catches up with...?
A Winner is You is back with a look at Cyberpunked, the PS5, and more!
Continuing the spirit of the season, the Nerds decide to cover a more recent Christmas movie. Did Klaus ring true with the Nerds?
Disney drops enough announcements to derail an entire Bandwagon Nerds plan, so tune in for updates galore, plus another episode of The Mandalorian!
Late night at Ghirahim's!
Will this trios face-to-face meeting stay peaceful?
The Nerds continue the holiday reviews and land on Scrooged (1988)! Do they stay in the spirit of the season or do we get a resounding...
The Dark Forces change HPW's plans!
HyruleMania is only getting bigger!
Who is heading to HyruleMania?
It's Thanksgiving Time! DP, Drew, and Adam are here to give our thoughts on our favorite foods on turkey day, as well as our at home...
It's a small crew this week as Sean & Adam are on assignment But DP & Drew are here to give some of the latest news...
The Nerds come around for another week of movies to cover Big Hero 6! On a scale from one to ten, how do you think they...
DP, Sean & Drew are back after a few weeks off! This episode we have a bunch of topics on the board, some quick hitters, but...