The Queen VS The Empress, ROUND SIX!
Easier week to digest. Let's see what made the Top 5!
I look at the wrestling side of the death of Joshi sensation Hana Kimura.
With things starting to move towards normalcy; Hisame brings us information involving NOAH and DDT programs! Including a new debut!
Gilbert Burns dominates, Dana White and Jon Jones not on the same page, and four possible formats to resume the NBA season.
So last week I closed News From Cook's Corner with a guarantee that next week would be better. Welp...
Is Charlotte Flair the G.O.A.T.? Mishal believes you can make a strong argument for that side.
In this special interview, Kurt got to speak to the person that created the independent wrestling scene in Malaysia, owner of Malaysia Pro Wrestling, Shaukat.
Outsider's Edge analyst and host Rey Cash brings light to the happenings of recent times.
Steve Cook's look back at his years as a wrestling fan hits 1993, with his Top 5 memories!
My look at the WWE Smackdown YouTube viewership for the May 29th 2020 broadcast!
Tiffany is back with her take on Double Or Nothing, where she debunks the notion that AEW buried the heels at Double Or Nothing.
The concept for this article is simple, showcasing pivotal, interesting or just tremendous matches in all of puroresu history. For the first installment, what better to...
Bradley Jay is here with your NXT Minus 6, including his take on the famous (infamous?) NXT Fight Pit Cage!
Here we go with Week Number Two: Electric Boogaloo for NWA Carnyland! AJ Balaz is back in the saddle covering the NWA's new weekly spots.
Tony Acero and I sit down to discuss poetry, the restaurant business, wrestling, ego, and more in an interview 10 years in the making!