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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (7/8/20)

The Great American Bash Night 2!



NXT Great American Bash

Who will be a DUAL NXT champion!?

Adam Cole, the longest reigning NXT Champion in history. Keith Lee, the LIMITLESS North American Champion. But only one can be BOTH!


  • Street Fight: Mia Yim VS Candice LeRae; LeRae wins.
  • Bronson Reed VS Tony Nese; Reed wins.
  • Johnny Gargano VS Isaiah “Swerve” Scott; Gargano wins.
  • Six Man Tag: El Legado del Fantasma VS Drake Maverick & Breezango; El Legado wins.
  • Santana Garrett VS Mercedes Martinez; Martinez wins.
  • NXT & NXT North American Championships Winner Takes All: Adam Cole VS Keith Lee; Lee wins and becomes dual NXT & NXT North American Champion.


Street Fight: Mia Yim VS Candice LeRae!

The Head Baddie in Charge and the Poison Pixie look to settle the score between them in historic fashion as NXT has its only second ever Women’s Street Fight! Who will be standing tall when it’s all said and done?

But before even making it down the ramp, Candice #LeSlay as the T-shirt says gets jumped! Mia is not going to go easy on Candice in the slightest! She kicks Candice down the ramp, to ringside, and then RAMS her into steel steps! The ref has Mia get this in the ring, but Mia immediately puts in props! A trash can and it’s lid, some kendo sticks and yes, plenty of chairs. The bell finally rings and the HBIC swings a kendo stick! Only for Candice to dodge, kick back and SMACK her with the stick! And again! And again! Mia blocks the next swing, then shoves Candice down. Mia gets the other kendo stick to SMACK away on Candice in return! Mia digs the stick into Candice’s stomach, then SMACKS her again!

Candice crawls to the bottom rope but Mia looks at what else she can use. Mia goes back outside to bring out a table! The crowd loves that! Mia gets the table in the ring but Candice dropkicks her down! Candice takes the table for her own and sets the table in the corner. Candice fetches Mia, brings her into the ring, but Mia fights back. Candice clubs Mia, but swings into a full nelson! Mia aims for the table but Candice slips down to kick Mia away! Mia rests on the table, Candice runs in, but Mia catches her! Candice victory rolls, Mia sits on it, TWO! Mia stomps Candice then brings her up. She tosses Candice out then goes out to grind her boot into Candice at the barriers. Candice crawls but Mia is on her. Mia whips but Candice reverses to POST her!

Candice hammers away on Mia then brings her up to YANK into the post! Mia manages to stay standing but Candice YANKS her in again! The crowd rallies for Mia and she blocks the yank to give the yank! Candice bounces off the post this time, and then Mia BOOTS her into barriers. Mia brings Candice around to bowl into the crowd! The prospects get even closer to the action now as Mia boots Candice further along. Candice throws things from the catering table at Mia! Chips and plastic plates fly but Mia bumps Candice off the table. And smacks her with a platter! Mia drags Candice up but Candice hits her with plastic cups! And even more cups! Mia throws the platter lid, but Candice SMACKS her with the platter!

Candice clears space, brings the table over, then puts Mia on the nearby platform. The crowd rallies as Mia clubs Candice back down. Candice uses a fire extinguisher! Mia sputters from the blast, Candice drags her up and over to the edge, but Mia resists the suplex! Mia pushes Candice and dropkicks her down through the table! Candice hits the floor and NXT goes picture in picture.

Both women are down and the crowd chants, “This is Awesome!” This match needs a winner, and Candice manages to sit up from the wreckage of catering. Mia hurries over to her, brings her back towards ringside, but Candice fights back. Mia clubs Candice down, gets her into the ring, covers, TWO! Mia grows frustrated and stands on Candice’s head! Candice flails, grabs a kendo stick, but Mia takes it from her and throws it away. Candice flounders against ropes, Mia uses the kendo stick herself to SMACK Candice down! Candice shields herself with a chair but it doesn’t do much as Mia breaks the stick off her back! Candice sits a chair up but Mia kicks Candice more as NXT returns to single picture.

Mia clubs Candice onto the seat of the chair then runs to the corner. But Candice drop toeholds Mia onto the chair! Mia flounders to the chair and takes a seat, but Candice runs and dropkicks her down! Cover, TWO! Mia survives but Candice keeps her focus as the crowd rallies up. Candice rains down haymakers from all sides, then grabs a chair. Candice digs the chair into Mia’s ribs, then JAMS them! The crowd boos as Candice adds on to the side of those ribs. Candice goes out to fetch even MORE chairs! Candice stomps Mia down before bringing her up. Mia hits back but Candice uses the trash can lid to SMACK away on her! The crowd boos more as Candice stomps Mia down.

Candice adjusts the table to be a shelf on the top rope. Mia grabs for chairs but Candice stops her to suplex. Mia resists to suplex Candice up and over! The crowd fires up as both women stand. Candice is up first, Mia blocks a kick but not the enziguri! But she comes back with a ROUNDHOUSE! Both women are down again and the crowd fires up more. Candice sits up in a daze while Mia checks her head. They both stand, Mia counter punches Candice, then fires off forearms and a corner clothesline! Mia CHOPS Candice, then brings the trash can over. Mia puts the can over Candice’s head, then runs in to BOOT Canned-dice down! And then a CAN-NONBALL! Mia drags Candice out, high stack covers, TWO!! Candice survives and Mia can not believe it.

But wait! Mia has an ace in the hole! A pair of BRASS KNUCKLES! Is this approved by William Regal? Doesn’t matter, it’s still legal. Mia goes to punch but Candice uses a chair as a shield! And then to SMACK Mia down! And again! Candice puts Mia on the chair pile, then puts a layer of chairs on Mia. It’s a chair sandwich! Candice goes up top, and the table is a platform for her to stand on. But Mia gets out of the chairs and ROCKS Candice! Candice is prone on the table, Mia prepares the chair pile in a new arrangement, then climbs up to join Candice. That’s a risky move. Candice fights Mia, wrenches the arm and takes the brass knuckles from her! Mia throws hands fast, stands up on the wobbly platform, but Candice ROCKS her with the knuckles! And then MRS. LERAE’S WILD RIDE onto the tables!! Candice just manages to cover with a hand, Candice wins!!

Winner: Candice LeRae, by pinfall

The Johnny Gargano Way wins as Mrs. Wrestling snatches victory from the jaws of defeat! But with Tegan Nox the #1 contender, how long will Candice have to wait to have her championship opportunity?


WWE legends weigh in on NXT’s Winner Takes All match.

Mark Henry says that whether you love him or hate him, Adam Cole has been THE NXT Champion for over a year. “That’s gotta count for something.” But Keith Lee can fight like a Cruiserweight but hits like a truck. Champion VS Champion, Henry gives the edge to Keith Lee.


NXT goes picture in picture on the aftermath of the Street Fight.

Mia is still down, and though Candice may have won, she has barely moved either. Johnny Gargano hurries out to check on his wife, and raises her hand in victory since no one else has. Gargano waves bye to Mia as he carefully rolls and carries Candice away. Johnny laughs at Mia but it’s not like Candice is in good shape. Mia manages to stand on her own, and the crowd cheers that. Mia takes a seat in a chair again, still feeling good about herself in the end. She kicks the chair away then heads out on her own. Will Mia be able to recover in the rankings despite that literally heavy fall?


Bronson Reed VS Tony Nese!

NXT’s Auszilla and the Cruiserweight Division’s Premier Athlete clashed the moment they met. A big factor in that is how they each treated Leon Ruff in their respective matches. Will Reed show Nese what happens when you don’t show respect?

The bell rings and Nese circles with Reed. Nese points out his eight pack compared to the thickness of Reed. Reed shrugs that off and ties up with Nese. Reed shoves Nese away and makes a point about Aussie Strong Style. Nese shrugs that off as the crowd rallies. The two tie up again, Reed wrenches the arm, shoulder breaker to wristlock. Reed clamps onto the shoulder, then chinbars Nese to another wrench. Nese endures, pulls Reed’s ear to get him in a corner. The ref counts, Nese hits low! Nese whips, Reed reverses, but Nese stops and elbows Reed away. Nese goes up and over and shows off with jumping jacks. Reed runs, Nese ducks and drops, but jumps into a shove from Reed! The crowd cheers as Reed trophy lifts and drops Nese, for the THICC BOI SENTON!

Nese bails out but Reed fetches him up to CLUB him down! Reed headbutts Nese and follows him around the way. Reed clubs Nese more, puts him in the ring, but Nese uses the apron skirt to blind Reed, and then basement dropkicks him back! Reed flounders into the ring but gets furious fists for it! Nese fires up but the crowd boos. Nese kicks reed against ropes, throws body shots and stomps, but Reed CHOPS. Nese fires off forearms, but Reed hits back! Reed walks into a low headbutt! Cradle, TWO! Nese keeps his cool and basement dropkicks again! Reed still gets up and Nese grows frustrated. Reed hits back with body shots but Nese back kicks. Nese brings Reed up, but Reed blocks the bulldog hotshot to bounce Nese off the ropes!

Reed rocks Nese with forearm after forearm, then a BIG Atomic Drop and Bionic Elbow! Nese goes to the corner, Reed runs in for the corner splash! Reed whips Nese the other way but Nese boots him away. Nese hops up, leaps, but into Reed’s arms! Reed pops Nese up, Nese lands on his feet and throat chops! Nese hits the hotshot bulldog! And the PREMIER TRIANGLE! Cover, TWO! Reed survives and Nese grows further frustrated. Nese goes to a corner while Reed flounders. Nese goes up top, leaps over Reed, but Reed LARIATS Nese inside out! Reed puts Nese in a drop zone and goes up top, for the AUSZILLA SPLASH!! Cover, Reed wins!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall

That’s the power of sportsmanship, and the thickness! Will Reed win even bigger matches to finally gain some ground?


Mercedes Martinez speaks.

“NXT. The center of hopes and dreams. Not anymore.” Mean Ms. Mercedes is here tonight, but who will “welcome” her back?


The Robert Stone Brand has an announcement.

Robert Stone says “Big things!” We’re about to witness history! Stone and Aliyah walk over to Shotzi Blackheart? They want to recruit the “beautiful green haired girl,” because has she seen the brand? It’s on fire! Wanna join in? Well, it is on fire. Like a dumpster fire. Hey, does she want to join or not? Look what he’s done for Aliyah. No, she doesn’t want to be part of his brand. She does things her way. Stone is not taking no for an answer, and his drink splashes… Killian Dain!! Big Damo grabs tone and throws him into trunks! And Shotzi runs Stone’s feet over with her tank! That’s what he gets! NXT goes picture in picture as Aliyah tries to drag Stone out from under Shotzi’s ride.

It takes referees and crew to lift the tank! Is it really that heavy? Stone apparently can’t walk on that leg anymore and he demands something be done about Shotzi and Dain. Will Aliyah have to step up for her manager again?


NXT is still picture in picture as The Undisputed Era arrives.

Adam Cole has his NXT Championship, and he high fives Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish. But then the other passenger door opens and… Kyle O’Reilly is back! The Era is back at 100%! Will Kyle’s moral support be the key to Cole making history?


Johnny Gargano VS Isaiah “Swerve” Scott!

#TheJohnnyGarganoWay has beef with the Fliest in the Room, all because Swerve was trying to stop Mia and Candice from brawling backstage last week. Johnny has all heart and no soul, but will any of that matter when he steps into whose house? Swerve’s House!

The bell rings and Gargano circles with Swerve. Gargano gets the arm and brings Swerve down to a wristlock then hammerlock. Gargano traps the other arm, turns Swerve to a cover, ONE! Swerve gets away and Gargano says this is his house now. The crowd boos as Gargano and Swerve circle. Swerve and Gargano feel out the grapple, Gargano drop toeholds and waistlocks to then facelock. Swerve endures, rolls, but Gargano stays clamped on. Swerve fights up but Gargano traps an arm, Gargano grabs the other and has a wristlock. Swerve shifts weight but Gargano brings him down to the mat again. Gargano shifts around, wrenches, but Swerve spins and drop toeholds back. The two fight for wrist control but Gargano uses legs to bring Swerve down.

Gargano sits up and twists the wrist all around. Swerve endures but Gargano double knuckle locks for a cover. ONE, so Gargano adds a chinlock. Swerve endures this modified crossface, the crowd jeers with “Johnny Sucks!” and Swerve pops out. Swerve stands on Gargano’s legs, then rolls him over to a waistlock. Gargano slips out the back, things speed up, Gargano huricanranas but Swerve handsprings through! The crowd cheers as Gargano rushes Swerve. Swerve side steps and sends Gargano out, then sweeps Gargano’s legs on the apron. Gargano avoids the mule kick and even the slingshot stomps! Gargano slingshots but Swerve dodges. Swerve avoids a superkick, Gargano avoids the boot, but Swerve goes Matrix to avoid a clothesline! The two stand off showing strikes, and the crowd cheers this exchange!

The ring count passes 5 so both men rush to the apron. But Gargano stays out to slingshot in, NO Final Beat just yet! Swerve tosses Gargano, goes Eddy Gordo and headscissors Gargano out. Swerve runs and FOSBURY FLOPS! Down goes Gargano and the crowd fires up! Swerve glares intently as NXT goes picture in picture.

Gargano staggers up and around the way but Swerve is in pursuit. Swerve puts Gargano in, stalks him to a corner, then wraps the arms against the ropes to CHOP! Gargano flops down hard but scrambles to another corner. Swerve throws uppercuts, arm-drags Gargano down, rolls with him and ties up an arm. Swerve uses a chinbar but Gargano gets the ropebreak. The ref counts, Swerve lets off, but then comes back to trap the arm again. Swerve pulls on the other arm but Gargano resists. Swerve clubs Gargano and even fish hooks to get Gargano to turn. Gargano resists as best as he can but Swerve still pulls the arm for a modified ghost pin. TWO, and Gargano gets to another corner.

Swerve throws forearms then rams in his shoulder. The ref counts as Swerve digs in, but Swerve lets up to wrench and whip. Gargano reverses and runs Swerve over with an elbow! Gargano throws Swerve into buckles hard! Swerve is dazed but Gargano stands on his head! The ref reprimands Gargano and he lets off, and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Gargano spins Swerve around to a backbreaker and gourd buster! BUZZSAW! LARIAT! Cover, ONE! Gargano drags Swerve up, suplexes, but Swerve slips out to waistlock. Gargano standing switches, reels Swerve in but Swerve breaks free to ROCK Gargano with a right! Swerve runs in to uppercut, then snapmares and leaps for the falling uppercut! Gargano bails out as the crowd fires up again. Swerve aims from the apron to BOOT Gargano down! Swerve puts Gargano in, watches him stagger about, and then bobs ‘n’ weaves with Gargano to throw body shots. He backs Gargano down with those fast hands and the crowd fires up again. Swerve rolls Gargano, somersaults to COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!

Swerve grows frustrated but he stays focused as Gargano goes to a corner. Swerve runs in but is put on the apron. Swerve rocks Gargano again, goes up and around but so does Gargano. Gargano slingshot SPEARS Swerve down! Cover, TWO!! Swerve survives and sputters but Gargano drags him up. Gargano CHOPS Swerve in the corner, then climbs up to rain down left hands. The ref counts, Swerve slips out to grab the legs. Gargano mule kicks Swerve away, but then misses the superkick! Swerve throws Gargano down, rolls him and DEAD LIFT BRAIN BUSTERS! The crowd is thunderous as Swerve goes for but misses the House Call! Swerve avoids Gargano’s grasp to waistlock and lift, but Gargano elbows out. Swerve EuroUppers, then goes Matrix to dodge the rebound! Gargano fakes Swerve out to mule kick a leg!

Gargano grabs a leg, Swerve steps through to KNEE Gargano away! Gargano ENZIGURI, HOUSE CALL OUTTA NOWHERE! But both men are down as the crowd fires up! Swerve stirs but Gargano rolls away. Gargano crawls, Swerve rises and the crowd rallies again. Swerve brings Gargano up, wants a full nelson, but Gargano standing switches and tries the full nelson himself. Swerve breaks free, but Gargano hooks the leg for a takedown! STF meets GargaNO Escape! Swerve endures, pops free to a cover, TWO!! SUPERKICK! Gargano runs, but Swerve tilt-o-whirls him. Gargano uses that to try for a takedown but Swerve stays up. Swerve ducks Gargano’s roundhouse, double pump handle and flip to a gut wrench, but Gargano grabs ropes! Gargano can’t hold forever, CONFIDENCE BOOST! Cover, TWO!?!

Swerve has fury and shock in his eyes and the crowd argues, “That Was Three!” Swerve heads to the corner and climbs up to use the classic. Gargano bails out and hurries to anchor Swerve’s feet. Swerve clubs Gargano but Gargano punches back. Gargano gets space and runs back, into a mule kick! Gargano flops to the floor and Swerve adjusts, SUPER KILL- No! The stomps miss and Swerve jams his leg! Gargano POSTS Swerve, POISON-RANA TO THE FLOOR! Gargano drags Swerve up and in, takes his time going to the apron, and says “This is MY house!” ONE FINAL BEAT!! Cover, Gargano wins!

Winner: Johnny Gargano, by pinfall

The Garganos sweep the night in two huge matches tonight! Will Johnny and Candice fulfill their vows to reign together?


NXT looks at the coming Women’s Championship battle.

“Tegan Nox… We are very similar.” She and Io Shirai both worked very hard to get to this moment, earned respect to chase a dream. This is Tegan’s comeback story. Tegan wants the narration to stop there. She is done with the perception of being the comeback kid. She’s been here all along, and is fed up with the pity. Tegan is going to prove why she is here. She is the #1 contender and soon to be THE NXT Women’s Champion. But Shirai tells Tegan that there is one thing that separates them: Tegan cannot do it alone. She has always needed support. But her so-called friends have all betrayed her. The only one Shirai relies on now is herself, because she is the only thing she needs is the title.

How can friends be a weakness? And Shirai did this by herself, except for last week when Asuka helped her against Sasha Banks and Bayley. But Shirai is right, maybe it is a weakness. They’ve been on similar journeys. They left their home countries for America and NXT, all for the same goal. Tegan has never trained harder for anything in her life. This is an opportunity eight years in the making. She’s come to fight. She is faster, stronger and shinier than ever before. But Shirai says Tegan is not Shirai. This is Shirai’s NXT Women’s Division, and she is at the top of her game. If Tegan believes this is destiny, then she’ll win next week. Shirai will be waiting. Will the Shiniest Wizard truly shine brighter with the championship gold? Or will she be dragged down into the darkness by the Evil Genius?


Six Man Tag: El Legado del Fantasma VS Drake Maverick & Breezango!

Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza are on a mission to remake the Cruiserweight Division and all of lucha libre in their image. They keep beating down Rockstar Spud, but that’s one underdog that doesn’t give up so easily. Will Tyler Breeze and Fandango be able to even the odds and help Maverick redeem himself with a victory?

But speaking of remakes and makeovers, the fashion forward friends are now fashion luchadors! It’s like Los Conquistadores had trendy sons! But it’s time to get serious, and trios sort out. Maverick says he wants after Escobar, but it’s Wilde that starts. Wilde taunts the “chihuahua,” but he gets the Lord of the Dance instead. They tie up, Fandango headlocks, Wilde powers out but Fandango runs him over. Things speed up, Wilde hurdles and hip tosses! Fandango kicks Wilde away to arm-drag him down! Fandango cranks on the arm, Wilde gets up but Fandango wrenches and hammerlocks for a Half Hatch suplex! Cover, TWO!

Fandango keeps on Wilde with a facelock and then hangs him out to dry. Tag to Breeze, they make it rain with double BOOTS! Cover, TWO! Breeze keeps on Wilde but Wilde power shim to the corner. Mendoza tags in, they mug Breeze, then Mendoza CHOPS Breeze to ropes. Mendoza whips, Breeze holds ropes and kicks back! Breeze spins Mendoza around for a swinging neckbreaker! Cover, TWO, but Breeze keeps on Mendoza. Tag to Maverick and he mugs Mendoza. Maverick glares at Escobar and dares him to step up. Mendoza CHOPS but Maverick decks him! Maverick whips, Mendoza reverses, but Maverick holds ropes and kicks back. Then Maverick enziguris Mendoza down! Maverick glares at Escobar again but Escobar just smirks.

Maverick tags Breeze in and Breeze brings Mendoza out for a whip. Mendoza slips out, enziguris back then steps in to clobber Breeze down. Tag to Escobar and he tags Wilde in. El Legado double whip Breeze, elbow him down, then Wilde runs for the hip toss splash! Cover, TWO! Wilde stops Breeze down and drags him around in a facelock. Wilde whips and elbows Breeze down, then stomps his face! Cover, TWO! Wilde keeps Breeze down with an armlock, but Breeze endures as the crowd rallies up. Breeze jawbreakers free, hot tag to Fandango! Fandango hits Wilde, leaps up and knees him down! Mendoza flies into an uppercut! Wilde runs into a kick and FALCON ARROW! Escobar runs in but Maverick does, too, and Escobar bails out!

El Legado regroups on the outside and the crowd fires up. Fandango lifts and THROWS Maverick to take out El Legado! Fandango adds on with the springboard senton! Fandango hobbles as he puts Wilde in. Mendoza RAMS Fandango into steps! Maverick checks on him but has to get back to the corner. Wilde puts Fandango in, stomps him around, then grinds him in a facelock. Fandango endures but Wilde clubs him to a corner. Wilde stomps Fandango, then CHOP clothesline combos! Wilde drags Fandango to a snapmare and jams a knee into his back. Wilde stomps the bad leg, clamps onto an arm, but the crowd rallies.

Escobar tags in and clubs Fandango down. Maverick wants in but Escobar elbows Fandango to ropes. Escobar brings Fandango up but Fandango hits back with haymakers! Escobar runs and chop blocks the leg out! Escobar puts Fandango in a grounded cobra twist and clubs away on the ribs. Fandango endures but Escobar grabs the bad leg to lace it over. Fandango endures, works out of the hold, but Escobar clubs him again. Escobar goes after the knee again, then tags in Mendoza. Mendoza stomps Fandango’s bad leg, drags him around and twists Fandango to STOMP the knee! Mendoza keeps Fandango from his corner with clubbing forearms, but Fandango keeps fighting. Mendoza CLOBBERS Fandango and drops a leg on the leg!

Fandango CHOPS back but Mendoza kicks and clubs him back down. Mendoza drags Fandango again and puts the leg on the ropes. Mendoza springboards to drop down on it! He stomps and springboards to drop down again! Mendoza keeps on the bad leg, the ref counts, but Fandango kicks Mendoza out of the ring! The crowd fires up as Fandango crawls, only for Mendoza to grab the leg again! Fandango BOOTS Mendoza hard into barriers! Fandango crawls, Breeze keeps Wilde away, but Mendoza gets in to tag Escobar. Hot tag to Maverick! Maverick and Escobar fire off fast hands! Maverick rocks Escobar and CLOBBERS him! Maverick will not slow down! THESZ PRESS! Fast hands!

Escobar gets up, Maverick wheelbarrows to a BULLDOG! Breezango intercepts Mendoza and Wilde and it is chaos on the outside! Maverick climbs but Escobar SUPERKICKS the legs out! Escobar drags Maverick in, fireman’s carries, PHANTOM DRIVER!! Cover, El Legado wins!

Winners: El Legado del Fantasma, by pinfall

So much fury from Maverick and yet it is all for naught! Escobar and his crew head out victorious, is it only a matter of time before they completely take over?


Backstage interview with Johnny and Candice.

The Great American Bash was rough but still a positive for both of them with their wins tonight. Candice defeated Mia Yim- Could she say that again? Candice defeated Mia Yim- One more time? Candice defeated Mia Yim… And Johnny defeated Swerve. What is next? Tonight we celebrate great Americans! These two are a great American power couple! Wait, no! The GREATEST power couple in the WORLD! The universe even! But what would’ve happened if Finn Balor didn’t get in Gargano’s way? Gargano would beat Cole and be double champion. Gargano says that if you slight him, he doesn’t forget. Candice doesn’t forget, either. They have some wrongs they need to right. But first, they’re going to set off some fireworks, if you catch Johnny’s drift.


Drew McIntyre predicts Winner Takes All.

The WWE World Champion is honestly envious of Cole and Keith tonight. Keith has been on the run of his life, but realistically, Cole has overcome the odds for over a year. Cole always finds a way, so he feels Cole is going to win again.


Santana Garrett VS Mercedes Martinez!

Two names from the inaugural Mae Young Classic finally meet as the merciless Mercedes returns to action. Will she make Santana wish she’d stayed away?

The bell rings and Mercedes kicks and clubs Santana to a corner. She throws heavy forearms even as Santana sits down, but Mercedes stands her up for more forearms and a CHOP! Mercedes eggs Santana on as she gets up. Mercedes runs back in, Santana goes up and over, but Mercedes blocks the roll up. Mercedes goes to stomp but Santana avoids that and wrenches to yank on the arm. Santana steps over and goes for an arm, but Mercedes powers up out of the Octopus. Santana sunset flips but Mercedes drags her up and tosses her to a corner! Mercedes runs in, only gets buckles, and Santana handspring back elbows! But Mercedes BOOTS right back!

The crowd boos as Mercedes rains hands from all sides, then keeps smashing Santana with forearms. Santana flounders as Mercedes soaks up the heat. Mercedes clubs Santana, drags her into the butterfly underhooks, but Santana resists the lift. Santana fights back with forearms but Mercedes shoves. Santana gets around, Mercedes bucks the O’Conner roll off, but Santana comes back with BIG forearms! Mercedes stays up but Santana SUPERKICKS! Mercedes rebounds to LARIAT! Mercedes mean mugs the crowd as she drags Santana back up. Mercedes fisherman BUSTERS! Cover, Mercedes wins!

Winner: Mercedes Martinez, by pinfall

Mercedes is back and here to stay! Will she solidify her career with a path right to the women’s championship?


Damian Priest speaks.

“Cameron Grimes!” The self-proclaimed #1 contender. That trip to the moon is cancelled. Being #1 contender? Not going to happen. Grimes has a date with infamy. Priest told Grimes he’d regret messing with his car, attacking him in the parking lot and taking advantage of it in the ring. Priest questions what type of man Grimes is, and gets his answer next week. Grimes gets the beating Priest has promised, and we will all see Grimes “is a little b*tch.”


More WWE legends make their Winner Takes All picks.

The hardcore legend Mick Foley sees this match as going in one of two directions. Either Keith Lee comes out strong with overwhelming force, or Cole survives past 10 minutes and is guaranteed the edge. HBK says you can’t bet against the longest reigning NXT Champion of all time, but you also can’t discount the skyrocket trajectory of Keith Lee. He has to go with Adam Cole, though a part of him thinks otherwise. Two legends covering their bases, but who is it that hits the home run?


NXT & NXT North American Championships Winner Takes All: Adam Cole VS Keith Lee!

The moment is here. Adam Cole’s historic reign and unmatched ego. Keith Lee’s historic rise and limitless power. Only one man keeps going forward with both those things, and both of these titles. Who puts the exclamation point on both their career and this brand’s history tonight?

The introductions are made, the title belts are raised, and this COMMERCIAL FREE instant classic begins!

The crowd already sings “Oh Bask in His Glory!” as Keith stares down with Cole. Cole still smirks as he and Keith circle. They approach, Cole gets around and headlocks, but Keith just stands up to lift Cole. Cole grinds on the headlock, Lee lifts him with one arm, but Cole grinds harder again. Cole taunts Keith but Keith powers up to put Cole on a corner. Cole pushes off buckles to bring Keith around, “You’re messing with the wrong guy!” Keith still powers up and pries the hold apart. Keith wristlocks and knuckle locks to torture Cole with one hand. Cole gets to ropes and Keith waits until 4 to YANK Cole back in! Keith keeps on that wrist, then lifts Cole up over his head! To then drop him down and let him suffer more.

Cole endures as Keith keeps cranking the wrist. Cole forearms free, kicks and forearms more, but Keith stays up. Keith blocks the boot, then runs Cole over with a shoulder! Cole bails out, Keith heads out to pursue. Keith asks if we remember what he did to Gargano a few weeks ago. Keith runs at Cole and Cole clearly remembers, and dodges, sending Keith BLASTING through the Plexiglas! Keith slumps down against railing and Cole grins as he leaves Keith behind. Cole refreshes the count, bumps Keith off steel steps, then BOOTS him! Keith staggers, Cole throws forearms, but then has to refresh the count again. Cole goes to throw Keith at steel steps again but Keith stops himself. Cole clubs Keith for it then brings him around for EuroUppers.

The ring count reaches 5 but Cole refreshes it again. Keith powers Cole away, gets in the ring, and Cole follows. The crowd rallies as Cole brings Keith up for a neckbreaker! Cole says Keith isn’t so big anymore, and he brings Keith up for more forearms. Keith rebounds off ropes into more forearms and another BOOT! Keith slumps against the ropes and Cole drags him up. Cole hits another neckbreaker, covers, ONE!? Cole keeps on Keith with knees to the back, then wraps on a headscissor hold. Keith endures the squeeze and the crowd rallies up for him. Cole wants Keith to quit but Keith won’t. Keith pries the hold apart, but Cole clubs and punches him in the head! Cole lets Keith off and taunts Keith, “You’re nothing, you hear me?”

Keith grabs Cole in a choke grip! Cole fights free, BOOTS again, then hits a third neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Keith won’t go down that easy, but Cole still says Keith is a nobody. “You could never win the big one.” Cole brings the knee pad down but Keith grabs his hands! Keith glares, counter punches Cole and decks him over and over! Keith whips and ROCKS Cole in a corner! Keith runs but Cole ducks to BOOT yet again! Cole runs, into a scoop! POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Cole survives but Keith keeps his cool. Cole goes to a corner, Keith runs in but blocks the boot this time. GRIZZLY MAGNUM! Keith dumps Cole down then goes up the corner. “I must break him.” But Cole SUPERKICKS the legs out! DRAPING BACKSTABBER!! Keith writhes and Cole crawls to a cover, TWO! Cole can’t believe it!

The crowd rallies up, Cole goes to the apron and then the corner. Keith swipes at Cole but Cole hits back. Cole climbs but Keith elbows him down! Keith climbs, drags Cole up, and DEAD LIFTS, to the SUPERPLEX! The crowd loves “NXT! NXT!” as Keith crawls to the cover! TWO!! Cole survives, he hasn’t reigned for 403 days for nothing. Keith rises up and looms over Cole. Keith drags Cole up but Cole is dead weight. Cole revives, gets under and enziguris! He fakes Keith out to mule kick a leg! Cole runs, but Keith catches him! Cole fights back but still gets a SPIRIT BOMB! Cover, ROPEBREAK by a finger!! “This is Awesome!” but far from over as Cole keeps himself alive. Keith goes to get Cole again but Cole flops out of the ring.

Keith still reaches for Cole, but Cole enziguris him back in! Cole hurries in, runs at Keith, but Keith goes the other way to POUNCE Cole down! And then POP-UP SPINE BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Keith drags Cole to a drop zone but he’s tiring out, too. Keith still smirks as he gets back up and to the corner. He climbs as the crowd sings, second rope MOONSAULT!! Cover, TWO!?! Cole survives but is in a daze while Keith gasps to breathe. The crowd rallies up as Keith rises. Cole finally stirs but Keith looms over him. Keith drags Cole up, fireman’s carries, BIG BANG- NO! Cole lands on his feet to SUPERKICK! Keith stays up, powers up, but walks into another SUPERKICK! Keith still stays up!? And roars, into a mule kick! Cole kicks again, then LAST SHOT!! Cover, TWO?!? Cole is in shock!

Cole grits his teeth and tells himself Keith is not better. Cole aims as the crowd is thunderous for “Keith Lee! WOOP WOOP!” Keith slowly sits up, Cole runs again, but into a LARIAT! Cole lands on his head but Keith can’t cover as he flops over! The crowd reaches a fever pitch as Cole rolls to a corner. Keith stirs, spots Cole, and powers up again. Cole manages to stand, and he mule kicks a leg out! Cole goes up, leaps, PANAMA SUNRISE!! Cover, TWO!?!? And again Cole is in shock! The crowd loves “NXT! NXT!” for this main event! Cole drags himself to ropes and dares Keith to get up again. He gets in Keith’s face about it, Keith grabs at Cole but Cole pushes him away. Cole aims again, SUPERKICK! SUPERKICK! SUPERKICK!! Cover, TWO!!! Cole is beside himself!

Keith clutches his face. The damage done by Gargano around TakeOver: In Your House is still present. Cole brings that knee pad down now, runs once more, LAST SHOT!! But he won’t let that be it! Cole goes back to the corner, wanting Keith to get up. Keith does rise, Cole leaps at him again, PANAMA- NO!! SPIRIT BOMB!! But then the flip, Keith roars as he fireman’s carries, and BIG BANG CATASTROPHE!! Cover, Keith wins!!!

Winner: Keith Lee, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion, NEW NXT Champion)

403 drops to ZERO! Keith Lee ends Adam Cole’s historic championship reign to begin one of his own! Will all of NXT #BaskInHisGlory now that he holds both belts? But Karrion Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux watch from the shadows. Is the end of history already this near?

My Thoughts:

Another amazing NXT! Reed VS Nese was out of nowhere, and it was an interesting move to use what was clearly a dark match to motivate story there, but it was a really good match. Reed winning shows NXT is putting an investment into him, so who knows what Reed does next. Mercedes Martinez had a good return but of course she wins. There’s a lot going on in the NXT Women’s Division, she might have to wait. It’s great that we’re getting the NXT Women’s Championship next week, and the vignette of Tegan and Shirai was another great one. That match is going to be really good but I can’t be sure Tegan wins. Shirai can still do a lot with her reign so I don’t think she hands this title over just yet.

Mia VS Candice was incredible, really above my expectations. Gargano VS Swerve was also above expectations, and it makes a lot of sense for #TheJohnnyGarganoWay to win 2-0 on the night. Gargano calling out Finn was an interesting move, so maybe we revisit their feud now that the roles have reversed. The Six Man Tag was pretty good, Maverick was definitely determined to get at Escobar so naturally that doesn’t really happen until the end of the match. El Legado wins because revenge can never be that easy. I hope next time, Jake Atlas and Kushida get to be Maverick’s teammates as they were the Block A Triple Threat in the tournament. Priest VS Grimes next week is going to be great, and I loved Dain and Shotzi getting to put Stone in his place. I actually don’t want a Mixed Tag there, let Stone suffer at the hands of Dain separate from Shotzi getting one over on Aliyah.

The Winner Takes All match was amazing! I loved that icons gave us their picks a la Backlash’s Greatest Wrestling Match Ever. I also liked that HBK and Foley couldn’t actually choose. And I’m actually glad The Undisputed Era and Karrion Kross had nothing to do with the decision. Kross watches from the upper level to make it clear he will be coming after Keith soon enough, but he lets a historic moment happen to make it all the sweeter. It is great that Keith Lee is the one to be dual champion, he has truly earned it with everything he’s done in the last year. The Undisputed Era can even move on to Raw or SmackDown (probably more SmackDown at this point, there are too many factions forming on Raw). Keith VS Kross is going to be an insane feud, mostly because both are already at such a power level where it’s a shame if one loses clean. But surely NXT can figure out how to do it right.

My Score: 9.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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