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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (7/1/20)

AKA The Great American Bash!



NXT Great American Bash

NXT brings back another classic!

In the patriotic spirit of July, NXT transforms into The Great American Bash for a two week summer party! Will Io Shirai defend HER NXT from Sasha Banks?


  • NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contender Elimination Fatal 4 Way: Mia Yim VS Candice LeRae VS Tegan Nox VS Dakota Kai; Nox wins and will challenge Io Shirai for the title.
  • Timothy Thatcher VS Oney Lorcan; Thatcher wins.
  • 2v1 Handicap Match: Robert Stone & Aliyah VS Rhea Ripley; Ripley wins and won’t have to join The Robert Stone Brand.
  • Strap Match: Dexter Lumis VS Roderick Strong; Lumis wins.
  • Champion VS Champion: Io Shirai VS Sasha Banks w/ Bayley; Shirai wins.


NXT presents a two night extravaganza!

#TheBashIsBack! The biggest fights, the biggest moments, the biggest opportunities! Whose NXT will this be when it’s all said and done?


NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contender Elimination Fatal 4 Way: Mia Yim VS Candice LeRae VS Tegan Nox VS Dakota Kai!

The Head Baddie In Charge won’t let Mrs. Wrestling poison NXT, while the Team Kick break-up is kicking it up a notch! With so much animosity in one match, who stands tall and becomes the one to challenge The Evil Genius?

The bell rings and the four women stare down. Mia steps to Candice and Candice bails out fast. Dakota realizes she’s alone with Tegan and Mia so she gets out, too. Mia and Tegan figure they’ll go 1v1 and tie up. Mia headlocks, Tegan powers out but Mia runs her over. Mia runs again, Candice trips her up and drags her out! Candice throws Mia into steps then leaves her behind. Tegan and Candice are also former friends, but Dakota creeps up. Tegan DECKS Dakota but Candice rolls Tegan up! TWO and Dakota turns Teagn around to DECK her! Dakota ROCKS Candice, too, then clubs away on Tegan. Dakota whips, Tegan holds ropes but Dakota goes to the apron to trip her up!

Dakota spins Tegan but Tegan dodges to then tackle Dakota! They’re both down and Candice takes aim. Candice runs, but Mia dropkicks her down! Mia CHOPS Candice then goes corner to corner, only to miss the cannonball and hit buckles! Candice back elbows Mia down then gives Dakota an APRON COMPLETE SHOT! Dakota goes down in a heap but Candice leaves her behind. Candice goes up to springboard crossbody Tegan down! Candice climbs up but Mia stops her with a haymaker! Mia climbs up, clubs away on Candice, then brings her around. Candice fights back, slips under, and goes to bomb, but Mia hold ropes. Mia punches but only gets buckles, Candice SUPER GERMAN SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO!!

Dakota clobbers Candice then fireman’s carries. Tegan SUPERKICKS Dakota and Candice still gets a Samoan Drop. Tegan runs at them, but only uppercuts Candice! Dakota runs in, Around the World hits Candice! Mia BOOTS Dakota! Tegan helps Mia double suplex and gourd buster Dakota onto Candice! The crowd rallies as Mia gives Candice a CODE BREAKER! Cover, Mia ELIMINATES Candice! And she talks trash all up and down on the Poison Pixie as she leaves the ring. Tegan is still a bit remorseful about what happened to a former friend, but she learns to live with it as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dakota creeps back in and kicks Tegan down! Dakota rolls Mia, TWO! Mia stands up but Dakota BOOTS her down! Cover, TWO! Dakota grows frustrated but she keeps on Mia with clubbing forearms. Dakota drags Mia up, whips her into buckles, then stomps away. She hits Tegan to keep her out, but Mia CHOPS her back! Dakota clubs Mia, throws her down then covers, TWO! Dakota pushes Mia away and grabs Tegan as she enters. Snapmare to cover, TWO! Tegan flounders but Dakota stays on her with  a deathlock! Mia runs in to guillotine Dakota down! Tegan is trapped but Dakota is, too! Tegan endures, Dakota stays up, Tegan gets free and Dakota SPINE BUSTERS Mia! All three women are down but the crowd is fired up.

Dakota and Mia throw hands, NXT returns to single picture, and Tegan adds on. Mia and Tegan keep hitting Dakota back and forth, then double whip her to a corner. Dakota hits hard, Mia CANNONBALLS! Tegan CANNON-BOARS! Cover, TWO!?! Dakota survives and Tegan is shocked! Dakota flops out of the ring, so Mia and Tegan go 1v1 again. They shake hands, then Mia whips Tegan to follow and redirect. Tegan jumps over and choke grips! Mia breaks free, both women show haymaker so they hesitate. Mia laughs it off, to JAB Tegan! Mia brings Tegan up, whips her but Tegan reverses. Mia goes Spider-Woman, Tegan runs in but is dumped out. Mia builds speed but Tegan slides in, so Mia has to tumble out of her tope.

Dakota returns to BOOT Tegan then drag her back up! Dakota whips, hip tosses to a SLAM! Mia returns, spins Dakota to a full nelson, SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Mia has Dakota and Tegan in opposite corners, so she starts up infinite forearms! But Tegan dodges Mia, then dodges Dakota. Mia boots Dakota and hops up to step on Dakota and flying huricanrana Tegan down! Mia dodges Dakota to huricanrana her, too! The crowd rallies as Mia builds speed again, to DIVE onto Tegan at the ramp! Mia hurries back in, to DIVE onto Dakota on the other side! The HBIC is fired up as she drags Dakota back into the ring. Mia clubs Dakota, reels her in, CODE BLUE! Cover, TWO!?! Tegan ghost pins Mia, TWO!

Mia ducks the Penalty Kick, spins Tegan around, SOLE FOOD! Tegan flops out and Dakota has also gotten away, so Mia has no one to cover. But Dakota returns, O’Conner rolls, with a bridge! Dakota ELIMINATES Mia!! Mia is frustrated, she got caught off guard! But now it comes down to the two formerly known as Team Kick, as NXT goes picture in picture again.

Tegan crawls up and into the ring to be in opposite corners with her former friend. Dakota glares at Tegan as Tegan glares back. Tegan crawls her way over as Dakota storms up. Dakota ax kicks Tegan down! Then bumps her off buckles! Dakota covers, TWO! Dakota grows frustrated but she drags Tegan around into a chinlock. Dakota digs her knee into Tegan’s back but Tegan endures. Tegan reaches but Dakota cranks back. The crowd rallies, Tegan fights up, but Dakota wrangles her down to thrash her about! Dakota shifts to a tighter chinlock and grinds Tegan into the mat. Tegan continues to endure, fights her way up, and the crowd continues to rally.

Tegan gets up but Dakota whips her, only for Tegan to roll her up! TWO, and Dakota LARIATS Tegan down! Dakota is seething while Tegan is sputtering, and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and the two are brawling with big haymakers! Tegan rocks Dakota but Dakota comes back with another punch. Tegan punches again and eggs Dakota on. Dakota ROCKS Tegan now, but Tegan comes back with more! Dakota CHOPS Tegan down, but Tegan gets up to CHOP back! The brawl continues, forearm for forearm, fast and furious! The crowd is loving this! Dakota gets the edge as she clubs Tegan down but that’s why we love “NXT! NXT!” Tegan fires up, Dakota SUPERKICKS her down! Dakota drags Tegan back up but Tegan HEADBUTTS! Both women wobble, but Tegan CHOPS again! And again! And again! Tegan clotheslines Dakota then starts to rally! Dakota gets to a corner, Tegan runs in, for a bit uppercut!

Tegan goes corner to corner, another uppercut! Tegan goes again, a third uppercut! Dakota sits down, Tegan runs corner to corner with wild eyes, another CANNON-BOAR! Tegan drags Dakota to a cover, TWO! Dakota is tougher than Tegan remembers, but the crowd keeps rallying. Tegan drags Dakota up, whips her, and catches her for a Fall Away BRIDGE! Cover, TWO!! Tegan still can’t believe it, but “That was Awesome!” Tegan grits her teeth and goes to a corner. Tegan climbs up but Dakota goes Around the World to BOOT her! Then she TOSSES her down! Dakota runs, KAI-ROPRACTOR! Cover, TWO!! Tegan still lives and is tougher than Dakota remembers! The crowd still cheers for “NXT! NXT!” as Dakota stands up.

Dakota hobbles over to Tegan, brings her up, but Tegan fights back. Dakota CLUBS Tegan, and again. But Tegan gets up, so Dakota CLUBS and stomps her down! Dakota drags Tegan up again, fireman’s carry, but Tegan slips out to kick low. Tegan suplexes, sit-out gourd buster! Cover, TWO!! Tegan keeps her focus as she runs, but the Shiniest Wizard misses! Ghost pin, TWO, BUTTERFLY STRETCH!! Tegan endures, but Dakota pulls hard. Tegan makes it a cover, TWO! Dakota gets up, into another HEADBUTT! Tegan climbs up top again, leaps, MOLLY GO ROUND! Then a SHINIEST WIZARD! Cover, Tegan wins!!

Winner: Tegan Nox, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Women’s Championship)

The moment Tegan has been waiting for finally comes! And not just exacting revenge on Dakota, but heading for a title match! Will the Shiniest Wizard shine even brighter against the Descent Into Darkness?


Backstage interview with Damian Priest.

The Archer of Infamy has had a rough couple of weeks, but he has something to say to Cameron Grimes. “I don’t understand what type of man you are.” Grimes slashes Priest’s tires but won’t claim it. He attacks Priest to win a match. But now Priest has his full focus on Grimes, and Grimes will regret that. Priest challenges Grimes to a 1v1 match, “no tricks, no games.” And when Priest is done, the beating Grimes gets will #LiveForever.


Timothy Thatcher VS Oney Lorcan!

The professor of pain at the school of #ThatchAsThatchCan is about to teach a masterclass with the help of the Boston Brawler. Will the Fury of 205 Live be feeling this one for the rest of the year? Or will he teach Thatcher a thing or two?

The bell rings and Oney circles with Thatcher. They tie up, Oney powers Thatcher to the corner but he lets up fast. Thatcher circles with Oney again, Oney gets the arm but Thatcher resits. Oney throws Thatcher down, headscissors, but Thatcher pops out. Oney CHOPS Thatcher then goes after him again. Thatcher resists, headlocks but Oney headlocks back. Thatcher powers out, Oney comes back with a headscissor takedown! Oney has the arms, Thatcher fights free and moves around to turn Oney over. Thatcher bridges, hooks the legs and then clamps onto Oney’s face! Bow ‘n’ Arrow stretch! Oney endures, Thatcher makes it a cover, ONE! Oney CHOPS and CHOPS again, then goes after the arm. Oney throws Thatcher down again, wants the short arm scissor, but Thatcher resists.

Thatcher uses an S grip then rolls Oney to a cover, ONE. Oney still has the arm, the crowd rallies behind him, but Thatcher rolls back again. Thatcher dead lifts but Oney powers him back down! The crowd sings Oney’s song as Thatcher grits his teeth and powers his way around the back. Thatcher hooks the legs and rear mounts for a chinlock. Thatcher then goes after the arm but Oney knows that and stands up. Thatcher throws Oney down and wants the armbar, but Oney resists. Oney has his own tight grip but Thatcher clubs away on the arms. Thatcher covers, TWO, but Thatcher wants the double wristlock! Oney endures as Thatcher wrenches around. Thatcher brings Oney up in a standing armbar, but Oney powers up.

Thatcher puts Oney on the ropes, CLUBS Oney in the chest, then goes after the arm again. He throws Oney, has the wrist for the lock, but Oney moves to alleviate pressure. Thatcher keeps a mount, squeezes Oney’s head with a headscissors, then moves to another cover. ONE, but Thatcher has Oney in the facelock. Oney has a leg, Thatcher pries him off, but Oney spins through to spin around and snapmare! Oney has the arms for a stretch! The crowd rallies as Thatcher endures. Thatcher fights up, even as Oney digs his head in. Thatcher powers through the hold, Oney turns it around and sits Thatcher down! Oney digs a knee in but Thatcher just gets mad. Thatcher fights back up, tries again, but Oney CHOPS him!

Oney CHOPS again and again in the corner, then whips corner to corner. Thatcher reverses, Oney elbows back then hops up. Thatcher uppercuts Oney off the top! Oney crashes down and clutches his arm while NXT goes picture in picture.

Thatcher grits his teeth as he goes out to fetch Oney. He brings Oney around the way to slam the bad hand off the apron! The ring count climbs but Thatcher puts Oney in before 5. Thatcher stalks Oney to ropes and wraps the bad arm around one! The ref counts, Thatcher lets up and he stomps away on Oney! Oney shields the bad arm as he gets to a corner but Thatcher CLUBS him in the chest. Thatcher KNEES Oney into the corner, then grabs the bad arm. Thatcher throws Oney down and wraps up the arm and head for a wicked modification on the double wristlock. Oney endures, fights back, but Thatcher stays clamped on. They stand, Oney throws body shots but Thatcher throws forearms and uppercuts!

Oney gives EuroUppers back but Thatcher leg picks and brings Oney down. Thatcher goes after the arm again but Oney resists as best he can. Thatcher mounts then twists the arm in all sorts of directions! Oney endures as NXT returns to single picture, but Thatcher shifts to a hammerlock. Oney sits up, reaches back, fights his way up and slips out to facelock. Thatcher slips out, powers Oney to ropes for the belly2belly! Oney rolls out of the ring to save himself but Thatcher just glares. Thatcher watches Oney crawl around the way, meets him at the apron, but Oney shoulders in. Thatcher clubs and forearms Oney back, then suplexes. Oney resists, Thatcher keeps trying, but Oney sips out to HALF ‘N’ HALF! And then he BLASTS Thatcher with the basement EuroUpper! Cover, TWO!

Oney is after the legs, Thatcher kicks him away, but Oney CHOPS again! And again! Thatcher forearms, Oney EuroUppers, Thatcher EuroUppers, and Oney CHOPS again! Thatcher forearms, Oney uppercuts and gets an edge. Oney keeps going, but Thatcher grabs Oney by the jaw to SLAP him! That’s ONEY’s move! Oney grits his teeth but so does Thatcher. Oney fires palm strikes, Thatcher covers up, but Oney shows Thatcher how to grab the jaw and slap, SLAP, SLAP! Thatcher breaks free but Oney SLAPS him down! Oney has the HALF CRAB! Thatcher endures as Oney sits deep and the crowd rallies up! Thatcher claws and crawls but Oney just sits deeper! Thatcher reaches back, using his height advantage to trip Oney up. Thatcher has the leg for a Calf Killer!

Oney reaches, Thatcher goes for the arm but Oney gets away to CHOP! And CHOP! Thatcher blocks one, SLAPS Oney down, then brings him up into a butterfly suplex! Cover, TWO, but Thatcher stays right on Oney with a modified cradle. It’s a Sugar Hold! Oney fish hooks Thatcher’s mouth! Thatcher grabs that arm for the FUJIWARA! Oney endures the crank, but he taps out! Thatcher wins!

Winner: Timothy Thatcher, by submission

Thatcher makes Oney suffer before he lets go with a wild eyed grin! Will Thatcher continue to tear opponents apart to climb up the ranks?


Karrion Kross wants NXT to see things his way.

“Read between the lines.” He wants us to realize that “There are individuals among us, entitled vermin who have invested a significant amount of delusion.” The very same individuals that suffered under the status quo now want the others to feel what it’s like. To those individuals, Kross says Father Time has different plans for the future. Scarlett says the plot is about to thicken. NXT’s identity will soon be defined by the suffering they will endure. It has never been about the time you put in. It is about the time you take away. Keith Lee smashed the hourglass, now the clock is ticking on him. When will the sands run out on the Limitless One?


2v1 Handicap Match: Robert Stone & Aliyah VS Rhea Ripley!

NXT loves to make history in the most unique ways. The first-ever co-ed match could determine whether or not the Aussie Nightmare has to live a waking nightmare or gets to walk away from the Robert Stone Brand once and for all. Will the bougie brand add some brutality to their stable?

Stone looks like he’s trying to be Robbie Balboa in his boxer get-up. Rhea is ready no matter what, and Stone warms up. Stone puts on his sports goggles and puts in the mouthpiece as the bell rings. Stone and Aliyah are in this together, but he wants to do this himself. He’s serious, apparently. Rhea welcomes him to try, and he starts doing a rope-a-dope. Well the dope is true. Rhea circles with Stone, Stone does a jump and a spin, but Rhea CHOPS him down! Stone flounders out of the ring, Aliyah leaps on with a sleeper! Rhea throws her down, but Aliyah dodges the stomp. Aliyah tilt-o-whirls, goes around the world, and headscissors Rhea down! Stone anchors Rhea in a corner, Aliyah BOOTS her down! Cover, TWO!

Rhea checks her jaw but she has all her teeth. Aliyah runs and tilt-o-whirls again but Rhea blocks! Rhea powers out, brings Aliyah around with one arm, then pops her up. Aliyah fights out of the bomb, turns around, but into an Electric Chair FACEBUSTER! Cover, but Stone drags Rhea off! Rhea glares at Stone and he runs away! Stone leads Rhea on a cat ‘n’ mouse, then slingshots, to FLOP on the floor! Rhea dares him to come back, but Aliyah hits a FLYING FACEBUSTER! Aliyah throws Rhea into the ring as NXT goes picture in picture.

Cover, TWO! Aliyah keeps her focus as she watches Rhea stand. Aliyah runs to Thesz Press! She rains down fast hands but Rhea pushes her away. Aliyah comes back, waistlocks, but Rhea pries her off to whip. Aliyah holds ropes and kicks back! So Rhea BOOTS Aliyah! Aliyah hits the ropes and that knocks Stone off the apron! Aliyah staggers into Rhea’s fireman’s carry, but she fights out and shoves Rhea, into Stone! O’Conner roll, TWO and Aliyah collides with Stone! Stone just can’t catch a break! Rhea gets back up, glares at Aliyah, and GERMAN SUPLEXES her! Stone climbs up while Rhea shouts at Aliyah, but she sees him flying in. Rhea catches him with both hands, then pops him up, only for Aliyah to windmill kick a leg out!

Rhea is down in a heap but Aliyah stomps away on her! Aliyah rains down right hands, covers, but Rhea is already up. Aliyah pushes her back down, TWO! Stone comes back to grab the arms and bring Rhea up. Aliyah and Stone mug Rhea and SLAP her! Stone is fired up and fist bumps with Aliyah as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Rhea is caught in a double submission! Aliyah has her in a crossface while Stone has a Boston Crab! Rhea endures, powers Stone away then rolls Aliyah. Aliyah gets up and mule kicks Rhea down! Aliyah brings Rhea up, Stone helps double suplex! Stone wants the cover but Aliyah pushes him away? She wants the credit and Stone obliges. Cover, TWO! Now Aliyah is upset with Stone for messing up earlier. Stone and Aliyah bring Rhea up again, but Rhea double suplexes them! Stone and Aliyah get up, agree to attack together, but Stone stays back as Aliyah runs at Rhea! Rhea back drops Aliyah hard, then sends Stone in! Stone stops himself from running into Aliyah, but turns around into Rhea’s dropkick!

Rhea sees Aliyah coming, spins and kicks her, to send her into Stone! Aliyah backs out into Rhea’s lariat! And another! And then a ripcord, and Aliyah back hands Stone! Rhea hook kicks Aliyah, brings her up, and atomic facebusters Aliyah into Robert’s stones! Rhea laughs at his pain, but Aliyah ruins into a boot! Stone tries to roll Rhea, but she grabs his arm and stays up. Rhea brings Stone up to headbutt him down! Rhea stomps Aliyah down, drags Stone over, and then ties them both up in DOUBLE PRISM TRAPS! DOUBLE TAP, Rhea wins!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by submission

The Stone Brand won’t be getting a new client tonight, and Rhea continues to do her own thing. Will Rhea fight her way back to the title all on her own, too?


NXT hears from Roderick Strong.

Strong meditates on Dexter Lumis. “The staring. The constant staring!” He just keeps staring at Strong! Then he stuffed Strong in a car trunk. The drawings are so scary. Stop staring! “To get to the other side, one must face his fear.” Strong has conquered the trunk, but he has not conquered his fear. Lumis wants him to look that fear in the eyes. Strong stops meditating, and heads to the ring.

Strap Match: Dexter Lumis VS Roderick Strong!

The “tortured artist” may have lost to the Savior of the Backbreaker once, but that only made him obsessed. Strong wants to conquer his fear, but he might be conquered by his fear instead. NXT makes history again as both men strap in for a brutal rematch!

Strong is wary of Lumis and wants Lumis to be far back as possible as they strap in. Strong has to pump himself up as the ref brings the strap over. Luims steps closer and Strong tells him to stay back. Strong looks at the strap, but then sucker punches Lumis! Strong clubs Lumis down and shouts, “I told you I wasn’t scared of him!” But then Lumis gets up and DECKS Strong! And again! And again! Lumis forces Strong’s hand through the loop, and now the match begins! Lumis reels Strong in and Strong freaks out! Lumis yanks Strong up off the mat and uppercuts him out of the air! Strong flounders out but he’s all angled up. Lumis YANKS Strong into the apron! Strong grits his teeth but Lumis YANKS him back in!

Lumis follows Strong out of the ring, stalks him around the way, but Strong knees low and bumps Lumis off the apron. Strong clubs Lumis against the barrier, then grabs up a large amount of slack. Strong whips at Lumis but Lumis avoids the leather! Lumis kicks Strong and uppercuts him down again. Lumis brings Strong up and into the ring, stomps him down then chokes him on the ropes. Lumis lets up, whips Strong into a corner and then back drops him high and hard! Lumis stomps and punches Strong more and more in another corner. He chokes Strong against buckles, then lets up to reel in the strap. Strong holds onto the ropes, forcing Lumis to step closer, and Strong kicks low. Lumis staggers, Strong knees him against the ropes then CHOPS him! But Lumis just stares at him.

Strong throws more hands, and CHOPS, but Lumis just stares. Lumis puts Strong on the apron, ROCKS Strong with a right, and then uses the strap to bring Strong back up onto the apron! Strong kicks Lumis’ legs out, then clubs him on the back. Lumis body shots and hip tosses Strong back into the ring! Strong writhes while Lumis looms over him Lumis digs his knee into Strong while raining down right hands. Strong flounders up, Lumis runs in, but Strong boots! Strong KNEES Lumis down, then brings him up to a corner. Strong throws forearms over and over, then climbs up to punch Lumis with leather fists! “I’m not scared of you!” Lumis doesn’t care as he slips under and uses the strap to tuck Strong in! And UPPERCUTS him down!

Strong is dazed and flounders out of the ring. Lumis follows Strong, reels him in with the strap and DECKS him with a forearm! Strong flounders up, Lumis has the slack and he lashes! Strong dodges and the steps take the hit! Lumis won’t let Strong get away, and he YANKS Strong up and over the steps! Strong flies to the ramp and writhes on the floor. Lumis stalks Strong at the ramp, clubs him up the way, and they end up on the stage. Lumis uppercuts Strong, brings him around and throws him into LED wall! Lumis then spots one of the sports cars near the stage, and the trunk. Lumis opens one up, and Strong freaks out. Strong YANKS Lumis into the stage edge then boots him back! And again!

Strong brings Lumis around the way and boots him again. And again! Lumis climbs up to join Strong and knees him back. Strong staggers about, wraps Lumis up with the strap, and hits an Olympic Slam to the floor! Both men are down but sit up as the crowd rallies. Strong brings Lumis up and puts him back in the ring. Lumis sits up but Strong has a lot of slack. Strong LASHES Lumis! But Lumis still stares at Strong. Strong LASHES Lumis again and again, then digs his knee in as he rains down rights. Lumis fights back but Strong basement dropkicks and clubs away on Lumis. Cover, ONE, and Lumis flounders after Strong. Strong shouts, “Do you know who I am?!” Strong wraps Lumis up, gut wrenches him up, but Lumis resists the lift. Lumis throws body shots but Strong elbows him down! Cover, TWO!

Strong keeps on Lumis with a a chinlock, even trapping an arm. Lumis endures as the crowd rallies up. Lumis fights his way up, throws body shots over and over, then clobbers Strong to a corner. Lumis stomps away, punches more, then runs in, but into a BOOT! Strong enziguris Lumis down, then uses the strap to LASH Lumis again! Strong CHOPS Lumis for all the embarrassment and trauma, then uses the strap to LASH him. The crowd says, “Dexter Likes it!” Strong runs and forearms, CHOPS and runs again. Lumis LARIATS Strong inside out! The crowd fires up again as Lumis and Strong stir. They slowly rise, Lumis DECKS Strong again! And again! And again! Lumis runs in to corner clothesline and bulldog! Cover, TWO!

Lumis keeps on Strong with a slingshot suplex! Lumis takes a long piece of strap and LASHES Strong! And again! And again! This may be the Great American Bash but Strong is feeling the backlash of his actions! Lumis grinds his forearm into Strong’s face, then brings him up by his hair. Lumis wants the vice but Strong fights out. Strong arm-drags, and KNEES! Strong puts Lumis up top, climbs up to join Lumis, but Lumis fights back. Strong fights Lumis down, brings him up, and hits a SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Strong doesn’t let frustration stop him, he ties Lumis’ feet up with the strap. He turns Lumis for a Strong Hold! Lumis endures, crawls, and gets under the ropes. Lumis escapes and the crowd cheers.

Strong follows Lumis, but Lumis flapjacks him off the apron! Lumis puts Strong in, but here comes the Undisputed Era! Bobby Fish sweeps Lumis’ legs on the apron! The ref sees Fish but nothing can be down as Strong hits the SICK KICK! Cover, TWO!! Lumis lives and Fish is furious! Strong brings Lumis up, Lumis fights back, the two brawl fast and furious! Fish gets in and rushes the two, but the two back up, and the strap clotheslines Fish! Lumis ROCKS Strong with an uppercut, whips Strong into Fish! Fish hits Plexiglas and Lumis uses the strap to help tie Strong up. Strong can’t get away from the ripcord URENAGE! To the strap-assisted SILENCE VICE!! Strong taps, Lumis wins!

Winner: Dexter Lumis, by submission

The Silence is deafening and defeating as Lumis gets his payback against The Undisputed Era! But will Silence be golden for Lumis in the near future?


NXT Prime Target: Winner Takes All.

Why is this the biggest match of Keith Lee’s life? “There’s so many reasons why this is the biggest match of my life, my career, biggest opportunity.” This is a defining moment. It has been this snowballing run, this connection with the fans. These experiences he’s had, the people he’s learned from. Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, and champion defense after championship defense, and he’s still standing. Now he has the chance to do what no one in NXT has done, and that is to hold both North American and THE NXT Championship at the same time. It is his chance to deliver, and he will not let anyone down.

NXT is now NX-LEE. Keith Lee is Mr. NXT and it will continue further on. Keith has had his sights set on Adam Cole and that title for a long time. Keith waited patiently, has longed for opportunity. He doesn’t want to overlook anything. Adam Cole BAYBAY has Keith’s respect and congratulations, because that reign has been “nothing short of amazing, epic, I daresay legendary.”

As for Cole, he says Keith has had one of the best years of anyone in wrestling. A star making performance at Survivor Series. He took Brock Lesnar to the limit at the Royal Rumble and did become North American Champion. Who can say they’ve had a better year than that, other than Adam Cole? If Cole had not “spearheaded” the movement, no one would be talking about Keith Lee’s appearance on SmackDown. It doesn’t happen without Cole VS Daniel Bryan. Keith Lee’s appearance on Raw does not happen without Cole VS Seth Rollins.  “Survivor Series, you name it, I am the one who led the charge. I’m the one responsible for any sort of success, and I will prove one week from tonight, with the NXT Championship in one hand, and the NXT North American Championship in the other, that I am the greatest champion in this brand’s history.”

But when all the dust settles, there will be one man hoisting two titles above his head, and that man will be Keith Lee. When the chips are down for Keith, he loses. When the chips are down for Keith, he fails. But when the chips are down for Cole, Cole finds a way to succeed. That is why he is the longest reigning NXT Champion ever. And then Cole will become the winner that takes all. And that is Undisputed. Keith tells Cole that while he is undisputed, Keith is unstoppable. The Pounce that send Cole into the crowd. The tope that toppled the main roster. The Spanish Fly that defied gravity. The reign that has so far been without end. One promises to deliver, the other vows he will continue to dominate. No one has held these titles the way these two have, and this will be the biggest match in NXT history. Who will be the man to make history at the end of The Great American Bash?


Backstage interview with Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae.

The Fatal 4 Way didn’t go the way they wanted, but Candice complains that it stopped being a Fatal 4 and turned into a 3v1! Gargano backs up her protesting, and says that all happened because the others are jealous of Candice. Candice storms off, to go after Mia Yim! Gargano hurries over just as Isaiah “Swerve” Scott tries to step in and break it up. Gargano tells Swerve to get his hands off Mrs. Wrestling, but he and Swerve start arguing. Referees and security hurry to keep this from getting any wilder, Swerve says he’ll handle Gargano later. Will Swerve’s House end up being taken over by #TheJohnnyGarganoWay?


El Legado del Fantasma heads to the ring.

Santos Escobar is flanked by Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza as the crowd boos and jeers. The NXT Cruiserweight Champion and his cohorts soak up the heat as Mendoza hands Escobar a mic. “Once revered, the culture used to mean something. The lucha libre culture used to transcend the wrestling ring. We were movie stars, icons, heroes, role models.” Do they remember those days? But the historic tradition turned into a sideshow! The fans settled, led to believe lucha libre was just “a bunch of guys in masks, doing flips.” That is wrong! Because luchadors are more than a mask. El Legado will rediscover the roots of lucha libre and shape it in Escobar’s image. They will restore honor, and they will leave a legacy they can be proud of.

Escobar says they will right the wrongs of those who disrupted what it means to be a lucha libre artist! They will build their empire! “I am Santos Escobar, and this-” Is Drake Maverick! But he has a neck brace after what Escobar did to him weeks ago. El Legado dares him to do something, and he takes off the brace. Maverick fires off on Mendoza and Wilde but that’s still 2v1! Escobar stays back as his henchmen stomp Maverick down. They drag Maverick up as Escobar takes off the belt and the jacket. “I told you, little guy. No one can touch me!” Escobar rolls up his sleeves, but here comes Breezango! Tyelr Breeze and Fandango fight off Mendoza and Wilde and clothesline them out! Escobar is alone, so he bails out.

El Legado regroups to retreat, but Fandango says, “next week, Great American Bash, Night Number 2, you’ll have no place to run and hide.” A Six Man Tag of Cruiserweight stars will shine, but who will take the spotlight for their own?


Backstage interview with Cameron Grimes.

He’s asked about Priest’s challenge, and Grimes mocks Priest’s low voice as he says, “I heard what he had to say.” Grimes laughs and says Priest doesn’t understand it’s #GrimeTime. For wanting to live forever, Priest sure is in a hurry to lose to Grimes! But why wouldn’t he? Grimes doesn’t worry about the past, he has his foot on the gas! He’s headed to the top! That’s why Grimes calls out Adam Cole and Keith Lee! It don’t matter who gets the victory, because he’ll have to fight Grimes! Grimes is calling it now! He is the #1 contender, and is headed to the moon! But making such a statement, is Grimes more like Icarus flying too close to the sun?


NXT hears from Mercedes Martinez.

“NXT is NOT for the weak. NXT is NOT for the invisible.” She has made a career on inflicting pain. Step up because she doesn’t pull punches. Mercedes isn’t playing around. She is going to make everyone take notice. She’s back with the Great American Bash, Night 2!


NXT announces big things for Night 2!

The Six Man Tag of El Legado del Fantasma VS Maverick & Breezango is official! And after the altercation backstage, Mia and Candice will get to settle the score in a Street Fight! Will the Head Baddie keep #TJGW from getting its way? Or will the Pint-Size Poison leave her feeling numb?


Champion VS Champion: Io Shirai VS Sasha Banks w/ Bayley!

The Evil Genius is the NEW NXT Women’s Champion, but the Boss and her best friend returned to the black ‘n’ gold to defend their WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships. The celebration was cut short when Shirai decided to strike, and now she has beef with #Sasha3Brands. Sasha wants to be #TwoBeltsBanks, but will she score a win here and possibly have a shot at a third? Or will Shirai prove to everyone that this is HER NXT now?

But speaking of returning, Sasha and Bayley drive into the arena in style, the 2014 Jaguar F-Type! Flashbacks to The Boss’ NXT days. To make this dream match even more special, this will be a COMMERCIAL FREE main event! Who makes the most of TV time remaining on the Great American Bash’s first night back?

The bell rings and the crowd is on Shirai’s side. Bayley tries to get a Sasha chant going but the crowd boos instead. Shirai and Sasha stare down as the crowd rallies up. They circle, tie up, and Sasha powers Shirai to a corner. Sasha lets up to swagger about, but Shirai comes back to tie up again. Shirai powers Sasha back now, but Sasha powers out to wrench. Shirai rolls, handsprings, wrenches and wristlocks. Sasha elbows out, whips Shirai, but Shirai ducks, redirects and handsprings! Sasha gets clear, Shirai mocks the Boss bling pose, then whips Sasha. Sasha reverses, runs in but Shirai slips out and kicks her away! Shirai climbs up, leaps and missile dropkicks Sasha down! Sasha bails out but Shirai builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp and the crowd is fired up!

Shirai tells Bayley that’s why this is HER NXT, and then she brings Sasha up. Shirai puts Sasha in, Sasha gets to a corner but Shirai stomps away. Bayley protests, the ref counts but Shirai lets up. Shirai digs her boots in, then swings to meteora! Cover, TWO! Shirai drags Sasha back up and puts her back in the corner for bod shots. Shirai hoists Sasha up top, climbs up to join her, then throws forearms. Bayley distracts Shirai by honking one of the car horns! Sasha trips Shirai up and Shirai hits buckles! Cover, TWO! The best friends are furious but Sasha rains down rights on Shirai. The crowd boos but Sasha soaks it up. Sasha drags Shirai around in a chinlock, but Shirai endures. The crowd rallies, Shirai fights her way up, and she backs Sasha down into buckles.

Sasha holds on, Shirai tries again but Sasha throws Shirai into buckles. Sasha goes corner to corner, blocks the boots and turns Shirai sideways, for the Stock Drop Knees! Cover, TWO! Sasha and Bayley keep their cool, and Sasha stands on Shirai’s hand. Sasha pulls the other arm and bends the fingers, but Shirai endures as Sasha clamps on. Sasha jams elbows in over and over and over, then covers, TWO! Shirai crawls, Sasha stalks her and snapmares, to run and basement meteora! Cover, TWO! Sasha grows annoyed again but she looms over Shirai. Sasha stomps Shirai, grabs the arms and stretches her back. The crowd rallies, Shirai fights her way up, and Shirai turns the hold around to knee Sasha, then tilt-o-whirl headscissor!

Shirai runs but Sasha goes up to headscissor SPIKE Shirai into buckles! Sasha and Bayley boast, but Shirai SHORYUKENS back! Shirai climbs up to join Sasha, then goes up to SUPER STEINER! Sasha flounders across the way while both women are down and the crowd rallies up! Bayley is furious, NXT is still their house! Sasha stands, but Shirai runs her over! And again! Shirai side steps to flapjack Sasha! Then hits the tiger feint on the ropes! Sasha flounders, Shirai springboards and missile dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Shirai grows frustrated but Bayley is still worried. Shirai drags Sasha up, reels her in, and underhooks. Shirai lifts but Sasha fights out to get the chinlock. Shirai rolls out of the backstabber, waistlocks and GERMANS!

Sasha flounders again and Shirai drags her up. Underhooks in but Sasha fights out again! Fast takedown tot he CROSSFACE! The Bank Statement is in but Shirai endures! Shirai moves around, rolls Sasha up to a cover, TWO! Sasha ghost pins, TWO! Shirai wheelbarrows to the victory roll STOMPS! Sasha gets to a corner, Shirai goes corner to corner, SHINKANSEN! Sasha is in the drop zone, Shirai goes up, but Sasha trips her up! Sasha clubs Shirai into the Tree of Woe then laughs at her. “Who do you think you are, Io?!” Sasha says she’s the best and no one would be in NXT without her! Sasha keeps talking smack but Shirai SLAPS her! Sasha kicks her then goes corner to corner, but Shirai sits up! The Meteora gets buckles!

Shirai adjusts while Sasha is in the drop zone, DESCENT- NO! Sasha avoids the moonsault, BOOTS Shirai back, then hops up to leap, METEORA! Cover, TWO!! Sasha and Bayley can’t believe it but Shirai survives! “This is Awesome!” but far from over. Sasha clutches a leg and hobbles up. Shirai stands, drop toeholds Sasha onto ropes, then runs, but Sasha avoids the  619 this time. Shirai and Sasha brawl with the ropes between them, and Sasha ROCKS Shirai. Shirai ROCKS back, the brawling continues, Shirai gets the edge. Shirai hits Sasha hard, springboards, but Sasha stops her! Shirai counter punches then springboards, but Sasha catches her again! Sasha shouts, “I! AM! NXT!” and ROUNDHOUSES Shirai down! Bayley laughs like a hyena as Sasha runs and sunset flips! Shirai holds on but she still gets BOMBED into the Plexiglas!!

The crowd is thunderous as Bayley bows to The Boss’ greatness. Sasha drags Shirai up and into the ring then high fives her best friend. Sasha climbs up top, the crowd taunts, “You Don’t Go Here!” Sasha ignores that and Frog Splashes, to FLOP! Into a CROSSFACE from Shirai! Shirai is stealing the Bank Statement and Sasha must endure her own move! Sasha scrambles around, reaches for ropes, but she can’t reach. So Bayley throws in one of the tag title belts! Sasha grabs for that, the ref has to stop her, but this allows Sasha to get to the ropes and Bayley DECKS Shirai! The ref suspects something but Bayley grabs the belt back from him. Sasha still has the other tag belt, but someone else grabs it? It’s ASUKA!! Asuka SPITS MIST! Shirai rolls Sasha, TWO!?!

Shirai SHOTEIS! Asuka and the crowd cheers Shirai as she WRECKS Bayley into the Plexiglas! Shirai hurries up top, the crowd is thunderous, and DESCENT INTO DARKNESS! Cover, Shirai wins!

Winner: Io Shirai, by pinfall

The Raw Women’s Champion helps even things against the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, and that helps the NXT Women’s Champion win! Shirai and Asuka celebrate together while Bayley helps Banks get away. What does pinning a tag champion mean for Shirai? Will this only escalate things for Extreme Rules’ Raw Women’s title match?

My Thoughts:

An incredible start to this newest throwback NXT is bringing. Thatcher VS Oney is the one match that at the moment has no real story behind it, other than these two are rivals from before NXT. And also that we finally see they’re not the same person. But it was such an incredible match, I hope this becomes something. I still want to see the Thatch As Thatch Can “students” turn out to be talent that’s been waiting to debut, but I’d also be interested in seeing some sort of alliance between Thatcher and Oney in a way similar to how Oney and Burch became a team after earning each other’s respect through brutal matches. We also got El Legado del Fantasma outta nowhere, and Escobar had a great promo to finally state their mission. It also sets up a Six Man Tag to fill time for Great American Bash Night 2, so there’s that.

Grimes rejecting Priest’s challenge will surely come back to bite him. There is no way Grimes is #1 contender just because his ego says he is, so Priest finally getting some payback would help extend their story against each other. Mercedes Martinez is returning as part of Night 2, and Finn gets a good hype video just so people don’t forget he’s here. We also got a great Prime Target vignette to add even more hype to the most hype worthy match NXT has ever seen. Kross’ promo threatening Keith makes it clear who his target is, but I am still hoping Kross waits until after the match so that we have our NXT Double Champion. Sadly, I don’t know if it’ll be Keith now because it feels odd to think Kross beats down the first-ever double champion so easily.

Rhea VS Stone and Aliyah turned much more comedic than I expected, but Stone was so amazing at all of it, comedic is actually just fine. Losing would’ve felt odd, but it would’ve been quite the story for Rhea if she had to reluctantly do the things Stone decided for the stable. But at the same time, Rhea winning adds to just how monstrous she can be. There’s a lot Rhea can still do one way or another, so doing this silly side story is fine. The strap match was pretty good, though not quite as brutal as the Daniel Bryan VS Fiend Bray Wyatt one. Lumis wins, but given how The Velveteen Dream is dealing with scandalous allegations and was in a car accident recently, it is very unlikely that tag team story comes back around.

The Women’s Elimination was a great way to open the night, and I’m pleasantly surprised Tegan won. Tegan may be a Face, but Shirai doesn’t have to change to face anyone. Much like Asuka, Shirai plays the line in this new Evil Genius persona. Shirai was the Face by default against such obnoxious Heels as Sasha and Bayley. I LOVED that Asuka showed up to help Shirai against Sasha and Bayley. While there’s a lot to the Sasha-Bayley story with the possibility of them both being double champions, as well as with them turning on each other, having a tag match against Asuka and Shirai would just blow my mind. Meanwhile, Mia and Candice continue their rivalry, and that Street Fight sounds like a lot of fun. Gargano detours into facing Swerve, but that’s fine because that’ll be a really good match. Plus, Gargano’s point is to show everyone in this newest wave of NXT stars #TheJohnnyGarganoWay, so why not move on to one of the more swaggering Faces?

My Score: 9.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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