Ring Of Honor Coverage
Matt’s Recap & Reviews: Ring of Honor TV (10/28/19)
Ring of Honor Television on FITE TV: Episode #423
Ring of Honor Television on FITE TV: Episode #423
“Since 2002 we have created excellence together.”– Jay Lethal
Showing the ending of Death Before Dishonor between Angelina Love and Kelly Klein, with Love using the Botox Injection to get the win and the Women of Honor Championship. Ian Riccobani tells us The Allure has captured the championship and will defend it tonight in a triple threat match against Sumie Sakai and Jenny Rose. We are introduced to our first match of the night featuring a “Vegas Wild Card” match with all the participants chosen at random.
1) Jay Briscoe vs Joe Hendry vs Silas Young vs Cheeseburger vs Marty Scurll vs Jeff Cobb vs Josh Woods vs Brian Johnson vs Rhett Titus
Death Before Dishonor Fallout Tour
Las Vegas, Nevada
Starts off with Kenny King and Cheeseburger. King drives Cheeseburger into the corner and asks for a test of strength, but Cheeseburger reverses, King with double arm drags and gets a wristlock maintaining control. Cheeserburger tries to escape with a side headlock and gets dropped hard off the mat with a shoulderblock. Misdirection from Cheeseburger off the ropes, shoulder block gets two! Hard powerslam by Kenny King gets two! King allows Cheeseburger to roll into the corner and tag in Rhett Titus.
The former tag team champions tie up as Johnson tags Kenny King and begins barking at King that he’s the legal man and to get out of the ring. Johnson tags in Josh Woods as Johnson and King argue on the apron. Titus and Woods lock up. Cravate into a head takeover, Woods with a rolling pin gets one. Woods transitions into a full nelson and they exchange standing switches. Silas Young tags Rhett Titus as Silas Young and his protege square off. Fans start to change “Hug it out”, Young refuses as they tie up. Woods with an inside legsweep into a lateral press. He rolls Silas Young inside out and turns it into a banana split roll up as we fade to a commercial..
Back with Joe Hendry in the ring, driving Brian Johnson into the corner and Hendry tags in Rhett Titus. Titus with a power slam and a tag to Cheeseburger. Titus body slams Cheeseburger onto Johnson for a pin and a kickout. Burger tags Silas Young who stomps Johnson in the corner and tags Titus back in. Big splash by Titus gets a two count. Johnson with a back elbow ito a springboard shoulder. Johnson tags in Jeff Cobb who throws Titus over his head! Jeff Cobb lifts both Cheeseburger and Silas Young in his arms before dispatching both. He tosses Cheeseburger like a rag doll. Cobb destroying all four of his opponents. Titus flips onto the top rope, caught by Cobb in a stalling falcon arrow. Standing moonsault gets two by Cobb! Cobb tags in Kenny King who slaps Rhett Titus across the face and trash talks him. King heads outside the ring as Titus takes chase, back in, Johnson with a hard lariat that drops Titus and Johnson demands King tag him in. King fakes him out and back on the attack. Snap suplex! King backs into Woods who tags in. Woods crushes Rhett Titus! Knee in the corner! Pin and One count only. Brian Johnson slaps Woods back and tags in. Brian Johnson tells the crowd to shut up as Johnson attacks Titus as a couple fans chant “Last Place” at Johnson as he works over Rhett Titus.
Shenanigans occur as Johnson refuses to tag any of the men in his corner as Cheeseburger gets a hot tag. Cartwheel into a superkick and a Fuji Special! King attacks Cheeseburger, Hendry drops King with knee facebuster, Woods in and sends Hendry out, Titus drops Woods, Johnson launches off the top rope onto Titus and Silas Young with a backbreaker across the knee into a clothesline! Cobb and Hendry standing face to face. Titus ad Cheeseburger attack Cobb! Cobb with double pumphandles to King and Cheeseburger as Hendry drops two men with a double fallaway slam as they square off again. Running double clotheslines and both men are down. Everyone’s down! On the outside, Cobb and Hendry crash into each other as the crowd explodes. Silas Young and Josh Woods in the ring, Brian Johnson drags Woods outside, Cheeseburger drops Brian Johnson! Kenny King with an Arn Anderson Spinebuster to Burger! Titus with a Caporeia Kick to Burger! King tries a suplex but Titus blocks, Young and Woods drop the All Night Express from behind and Woods school boys Silas Young for the win in 15:00 shown.
* Jay Briscoe and Marty Scurll were shown on the screen as participants in the match, where as Kenny King and Rhett Titus were not, yet the latter were in the match. Odd.
Winner: Josh Woods (and his teammates who I couldn’t keep straight at all? Was this a tag match? Was it a Scramble? No rules were discussed, the pre-match advertisement didn’t have the correct participants shown, action was wild and tags were random)
Grade: *
Thoughts: I was going to give this two stars for having a decent length for an opener, one of the longest matches I’ve reviewed for Ring of Honor TV, but I need to take a whole star off for how confusing this whole thing was. I’m not surprised, this match is the epitome of Ring of Honor Television wrapped up into one highlight.
We are back with highlights of The Kingdom against The Bouncers in a Barroom Brawl at Death Before Dishonor as The Bruiser and Milonas were bleeding. Also shown was Marselgia throwing darts into Beer’s back. Everyone was bleeding as Milonas and Bruiser picked up the win. Backstage, Bruiser and Milonas celebrated with crimson masks, as Beer City Bruiser asked who’s next because they just proved they could fight.
2) The Bouncers (Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser) Vs Slice Boogey & Chris Bey
Boogie pie faces Bruiser to start as trash talks him. Bruiser is in great shape from when I’ve seen him before as Bruiser crushes Boogie as the crowd chanting “Beer Beer Beer” as Milonas and Bey get tagged in. Bey on the attack but Milonas sends him into the corner. Milonas tries a charge but Bey with a kick to the face. He tries to jump off the top, but Milonas drops him with a clothesline! Chris Bey gets crushed under Milonas who tags in Bruiser. Bey with forearms, missed a swing, Bruiser dazes Bey with dizzying punches and bites Bey’s forehead! Bruiser argues with the referee that he didn’t bite him, because he ain’t go no teeth.
On the outside, Boogie drops Bruiser with a clothesline. Bruiser rolls back in and Bey with a shining wizard! Tries a pin but Bruiser kicks out before one! Tag to Boogie who drops an elbow on Bruiser but kicks out. Bey tags back in, standing moonsault gets one only! Bey tags in Boogie. Hard spinebuster on Bey! Bruiser sends Boogie down and tags in Milonas who buries Boogie in the corner, runnuing body splash to both his opponents! Crossbody by Milonas onto Bey! Double team as Milonas with the diving guillotine legdrop, reminiscent of The Decapitation Device with a legdrop instead of an elbow, for the win at 4:30.
Winners: The Bouncers
Grade: *
Thoughts: Athletic squash as Boogie and Bey looked decent in a couple minutes of action. The Bouncers deserve more recognition for their explosive team work. I think they will be ROH Tag Team Champions before long. They are one of, if not the top contending team in the company right now. (I need to say this, and it might not be popular, but Brian Milonas needs to lose some weight. That’s not healthy to be carrying around that much weight. As I mentioned in the beginning of the match, Bruiser looks to be in the best condition I’ve ever seen him in this company in years, he’s still heavy, but he’s lost a ton of weight. He looks healthy and bulky, not balloon huge. Milonas looks really big. I hope he decides to give his body the benefit of the doubt before his heart gives out on him and we lose another wrestler young. Please Brian, please do yourself a favor.)
After a commercial, we are back with Rhett Titus, Silas Young, Cheeseburger, and Joe Hendry backstage. Titus says “We learned some things here in Las Vegas, 1) Cheeseburger is the greatest 2) I Believe in Joe Hendry (#IBelieveInJoeHendry), 3) Kenny King is going to get his ass whooped, and 4) I guess the student is better than the teacher, as he turns his attention to Silas who says his teammates didn’t have his back! Hendry breaks them up and tries to cheer them up by handing out autographs as Silas storms away.
Backstage after Death Before Dishonor, Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham are discussing their electric match. Lethal has an ice pack on his elbow, telling Gresham he also broke his elbow, and asks Gresham if they’ve hashed things out. Lethal apologizes if he upset him and apologizes for his constructive criticism. He says Gresham is the best technical wrestler in the world, and if they’re going to team he needs to start listening to his partner. Lethal asks what next, Gresham says he thinks the tag division needs a team like them. (Insert Simon Miller’s “Nobody Talks Like That!”)
Back with Ian Riccobani and Quinn McKay who plugs Rush vs Jeff Cobb at Honor United which can be found on Honor Club! Riccobani tells us that Gresham is a former Top Prospect Tournament competitor, but right now we will see highlights of the 2019 Finals match between Austin Gunn and Dak Draper. Literal highlight package of the entire match. Dak Draper picked up the win as Gunn stares into the lights as Draper celebrates.
Backstage, Dak Draper said at the beginning if the tournament he said he didn’t have to work hard to win the tournament and then remarked that was a lie. He’s been waking up every morning five days a week to train and says he pushes himself harder than anyone does. He’s big, he’s strong, he’s tall, but he’s strongest asset is his mind. He says his mind is the general and his body is the army. He says it doesn’t matter who the TV Champion is, he’s got him in his sights.
After a break, highlights of Rush winning the ROH World Championship, as Riccobani tells us about Rush against Jeff Cobb! He tells us about ROH The Experience, ROH Unauthorized, ROH Survival of the Fittest, and Final Battle all coming up for whoever the champion is. Quinn McKay says Rush is one of the hardest hitting and toughest champions of all time, as she wants Brian Zane to tell us his Top 5 Toughest ROH Champions Of All Time.
Brian Zane introduces him and says success is defined by win and losses, but also tenacity. 5) Austin Aries, the greatest man who ever lived, snapped Samoa Joe’s undefeated streak and won the title in 2004, then five years later became the first ever two time ROH World Champion in 2009, 4) Mr.Wrestling Kevin Steen, he says Steen has always flew in the face of authority but always backed it up. He defeated El Generico in one of the greatest ladder matches of all time, and also caused a riot when he spat in the face of Jay Lethals parents, 3) Samoa Joe, The Samoan Submission Machine, when you think of dominance you think of Samoa Joe. Joe was the first to defend the championship internationally, making it the ROH World Championship, and reigned for 21 months, the longest of all time, 2) Brian Danielson, the man once called The American Dragon was a founding father of the company, winning the championship in 2005, and holds the record for most successful defenses over 400 days, he wrestled the end of his reign with a major shoulder injury, and 1) Nigel McGuiness. No one felt for so long, in so much pain as much as Nigel, he held the belt longer than anyone else for a 545 day reign, withstanding a torn bicep (which ultimately ended his career), a concussion, a broken nose, and more while holding his own against the best wrestlers in the world. Dalton Castle walks up to Brian Zane and complains he’s not on the list even though he broke his back and then won the championship and defended the championship for six months, asking if that’s not tough?! He says he swims in the ocean and he’s not afraid to swim with sharks. Castle says he’s the top 5 toughest champion of all time!
3) ROH Women Of Honor Champion Angelina Love (w/ Mandy Leon) vs Sumie Sakai vs Jenny Rose
ROH Women of Honor Championship
Triple Threat
This is a television exclusive match. Jenny Rose out first, Sakai next, followed by the champion, Angelina Love. We are told Sakai was the first ever Women of Honor champion, and she trained Jenny Rose. Cabana says Love will do anything to retain the championship.
Bell sounds as we have under 10 minutes left in the show.
All three women stand across from each other. The challengers attack Love early. Double team attacks on the champion in the corner, double suplex! Double clothesline and the champion rolls to the outside. Jenny Rose turns it against Sakai inside and tries to suplex her but Sakai blocks. Rose reverses into a spinning side suplex for two. Off the ropes, Rose crushes Sakai, and Sakai tries again but Love trips her and gets in the ring. Running crossbody by Love on Rose. Sakai trips Love ad drags her outside, dropping her with a forearm! Inside, Jenny Rose with a Fishermans Suplex for two! Fade to a break…
Jenny Rose has a half crab locked in tight on Sakai, as Love drops Rose with a bulldog, Love locks in the Koji Clutch on Sumie Sakai in the middle of the ring! Nowhere to go! Sakai refuses to give up and swings her legs to the ropes. Sakai looks unconscious and Love breaks after four count. Love with a Lou Thesz Press to Rose on the outside, Rose trips Love into the apron, inside, Rose chops Love in the corner, and Love throws Rose outside and targets Sakai again. Sakai with a Fishermans Buister! Hooks the leg! Two count only! Love reverses Smash Mouth into a bridge pin for two! Love sends Sakai outside into Jenny Rose! Jenny Rose rolls inside with a jawbreaker to the champion! Rose with a boot to the throat! Rose targets on Sakai who is rolling in the ring. Both women brawling as they both take down Love. Rose with a short Spear for two and a half! Victory roll by Sumie Sakai for two! Rose with a lariat, hooks the legs, two and a half! Uranagi by Rose! Love dives in to break the count! Love with the Botox Injection! Sukai breaks the pin! Sukai hooks Love in the Smash Mouth again as Mandy Rose distracts Sakai on the apron and she chases Rose. Turns around into a Botox Injection for the win at 8:45 shown.
Winner AND STILL ROH Women of Honor Champion: Angelina Love
Grade: **1/2
Thoughts: For a match that ran under 10 minutes there was some fun stuff in here between three talented women. I wasn’t expecting much, but they delivered. Jenny Rose looked like a future star, and Sukai can just go, and at her age that’s truly amazing. Sukai being “distracted” by Mandy Rose on the apron was stupid, why not hit your move and THEN attack Rose? It’s as old as time in wrestling and it doesn’t get any less illogical. Another complaint I have is, Sakai didn’t sell either submission hold AT ALL. The announcers kept playing it like she was exhausted. Not believable, at all.
Overall Show Grade: 5/10
Maybe one of these days we will get a show worth watching. Few major complaints this week, but overall, the planning and production of these shows are mindbogglingly bad. Who makes these episodes for television? They surely can’t all go through the same person or team. There’s so much confusing direction that it can’t be possible; it’s embarrassingly unprofessional. Does this company know they are satire wrestling right now? Even in TNA’s worst moments, they weren’t this bad. I will replace whoever is in charge of producing these shows, and I’ll do it for half the salary and I promise you, I’ll make a relevant program that makes sense.
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Athena will talk with Minion 400,237 & 3/4ths.
The Fallen Goddess is just days away from becoming THE longest reigning champion in ROH history, but Billie Starkz wants to talk with “Boss” first!
- ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground: Atlantis Jr. VS “Pretty” Peter Avalon; Atlantis wins and denies Avalon a title match.
- Queen Aminata VS Harley Cameron; Aminata wins.
- Six Man Tag: Top Flight & Action Andretti w/ Leila Grey VS Vin Parker, Dante Leon & CD Bennett; Top Flight wins.
- The Outrunners w/ Erica Leigh VS Fly Def; The Outrunners win.
- Robyn Renegade VS Angelica Risk; Robyn wins.
- The Righteous VS James Blackheart & JC Valentine; The Righteous win.
- Sammy Guevara VS Ariya Daivari w/ The Premier Athletes; Sammy wins.
- Lady Frost VS Promise Braxton; Frost wins.
- Willie Mack VS Exodus Prime; Mack wins.
- Preston Vance VS KM; Vance wins.
- Six Man Tag: Fuego Del Sol & Spanish Announce Project VS Joe Alonzo & Ace of Space Academy; Fuego & SAP win.
- AR Fox & Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Brillante RB & Ariel Dominguez; Fox & Komander win.
- Lio Rush VS Rocky Romero; Lio wins.
ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground: Atlantis Jr. VS “Pretty” Peter Avalon!
The second generation luchador returns to test the waters! Will he find a worthy challenger tonight? Or will Pretty Peter fail to last ten minutes?
The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and we’re on the clock. The two feel things out, fans rally up, and Avalon wrenches. Avalon grinds the arm, then wrenches again. Atlantis kicks, wrenches, and ELBOW BREAKERS! Atlantis wrenches to a double wristlock but Avalon grabs the ROPEBREAK! Atlantis lets go and the fans applaud as the two reset. They tie up, and Avalon arm-drags Atlantis! Avalon goes to the corner to flex, and fans are torn. Avalon says he’s the man while Atlantis catches his breath. Avalon shoves Atlantis, but Atlantis shoves back! Avalon swings but into an arm-drag! Things speed up, Atlantis hits another arm-drag!
Atlantis scoops to SLAM Avalon down! Cover, TWO! The fans rally and Atlantis brings Avalon up. Avalon kicks low, CLUBS Atlantis, then headlocks. Atlantis endures, fires body shots, and he powers out. Avalon runs Atlantis over! Things keep moving, Atlantis hurdles, but Avalon leaps over! Atlantis dodges, Avalon hurdles, but his leg jams! The ref checks, Avalon says he’s fine, but Atlantis is a little worried. Atlantis wants to win but not by someone getting hurt. But then Avalon runs up to CLOBBER Atlantis! Fans boo the act, but Avalon whips to DROPKICK Atlantis! Avalon taunts Atlantis with hip swivels, but the fans boo more.
Avalon goes after the mask! The fans boo more, the ref reprimands, and Avalon lets off the mask to stomp Atlantis. Avalon drags Atlantis up, bumps him off buckles, but fans taunt Avalon with “Shave Your Mustache!” Avalon puts Atlantis up, climbs up, but Atlantis fights the suplex! Atlantis fires body shots, ROCKS Avalon, and Avalon drops back. Atlantis adjusts to CROSSBODY! The fans fire up and Atlantis keeps moving. Avalon follows, Atlantis dodges to SUPERKICK! Avalon wobbles, Atlantis whips, and GAMANGIRIS! The fans fire up and Avalon staggers up, Atlantis LARIATS Avalon up and out!
The fans fire up more and Atlantis builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit and Avalon tumbles to the ramp! The fans fire up again and Atlantis puts Avalon back in. Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Atlantis brings Avalon up to fireman’s carry> But Avalon slips free to roll Atlantis up, TWO! Atlantis runs up, into an ELBOW! And a BOOT! Avalon goes up and up to QUEBRADA! Direct hit and cover, TWO! Atlantis survives and the fans rally. Atlantis goes to the apron, Avalon runs to triangle jump DROPKICK! Atlantis falls, Avalon builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit in return! Avalon puts Atlantis back in, then runs corner to corner.
Atlantis goes up and over, comes back, and SNAP POWERSLAMS! Atlantis goes up and out then to the top! Latino Heat and a FROG SPLASH! Cover, Atlantis wins!
Winner: Atlantis Jr, by pinfall (denies Peter Avalon a title match)
CMLL’s star is shining bright here in ROH! But will he and Team Mexico defeat Satoshi Kojima’s Team Internacional at the CMLL Anniversario?
Billie Starkz & Athena talk backstage.
Minion 400,237 & 3/4ths says she is the one who called this Emergency Minion Empowerment Meeting. There has been a lot going on in ROH these last few weeks, so Billie just wants to talk with “Boss” Athena about what they’ve got planned. Athena asks what Billie means. Oh, wait, she’s got it. “Lexy Nair, absolute perfection for MIT and everything that it represents. From her plan from Death Before Dishonor, to her helping me singlehandedly be rid of Aminata. And I’m just loving it!” Athena wants to promote Lexy more. New shirt? No, better! Change her minion number! She will be Minion Number 1 Bestie Lexy Nair.
Billie’s face says she’s not so sure so Athena rethinks it. That is too long, anyway. Um… Minion Number 1. That is it! It’s beautiful, sweet, put it on an LED jacket and light it up like the stars! Lexy deserves it, because she has done nothing but live by Athena’s word and everything she represents, and Athena couldn’t ask for a better Minion! Billie says NO! NO!! Is Athena kidding her?! Billie cools off and Athena addresses her as, “Minion?” Billie says she doesn’t understand. Lexy has gotten credit for everything BILLIE has done! Everything she has done for Athena, and everything she has done for the ROH Women’s World Championship. No touchy.
Billie says at the PPV, Lexy got the credit. Tonight, Lexy got the credit. But if you’d actually watched the footage…! Athena repeats, “Footage? Billie, are you snitching on Lexy right now?” Is Billie jealous of all the progress and success Lexy has had? That is not okay. No one likes being around someone who is “jelly,” Billie. But Athena gets it, she understands. Billie is envious of Lexy, and it is okay. But don’t let jealousy overshadow the happiness for Athena’s new Number 1 Minion, okay? And the next time Billie puts hands on Athena, or Her Precious title, just remember: Snitches get stitches.
And what Athena did before to Billie, she is willing to do ten times over. Athena leaves, but is now the time Billie gets out from under her thumb?
Queen Aminata VS Harley Cameron!
Speaking of Aminata, she put up quite the fight against AEW Women’s World Champion, Mariah May, just last night on Dynamite. Aminata still hasn’t had her crowning achievement, but could she be on the doorstep of an opportunity? Or will this Outcast from down under add to the bad mood?
The Code of Honor if upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, and Harley knees low! Harley headlocks, hits the takeover, but Aminata headscissors. The fans cheer, and Aminata pushes up to twerk on Harley. Harley kips free, Aminata storms up to headlock. Harley brings Aminata down to a knee, then slips out the back to headlock in return. But then Aminata brings Harley down, pops out the back, and then steps over to twerk right on Harley! Aminata wrenches, Harley rolls, and Harley drop toeholds. Harley floats to a headlock, and she grinds Aminata. Aminata fights up, and snapmares free.
Aminata runs to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Harley stays in this and says, “My face!” Aminata drags Harley up but Harley fires a forearm! Harley whips, Aminata reverses, but Harley goes up and out. Aminata runs up, but Harley ROUDNHOUSES! And HOTSHOTS! Harley drags Aminata out, fires knee after knee, then SMACKS Aminata off the apron! Harley taunts the fans, then stalks after Aminata. Aminata hits first, but Hartley SMACKS Aminata off the apron, then CHOPS her! Aminata turns things around to CHOP back! Aminata shakes out her hands but fans want that “One More Time!” Aminata puts Harley in first, but Harley knees low!
Harley fires more knees, then clinches, to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, ONE!! Aminata frowns and the fans fire up. Harley tells the fans to shut up, and she brings Aminata up. Aminata fires body shots, Harley fires forearms. Harley shoves, runs, but Aminata ROCKS her! Aminata runs, but Harley LARIATS! Cover, ONE! Aminata stays in this but Harley mocks the fans. “This is your queen?!” The fans chant, “She’s Our Queen! She’s Our Queen!” as Harley drags Aminata up. Aminata fires body shots, but Harley fires forearms! Aminata rises, and she ROCKS Harley right back! The fans fire up, and Aminata wrenches Harley to a snap suplex!
Harley stands, but Aminata ROCKS her again! And then LARIATS! Harley gets up again, but Aminata reels her in! FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, TWO! Harley survives but Aminata is amused. Harley crawls to a corner, the fans rally with Aminata as she claps. Aminata runs up, but Harley avoid the hip attack! Harley comes back, but Aminata goes up and over to ROCK Harley! Aminata sits Harley down, goes side to side, BOOT WASH! Aminata says she IS the one and only, and drags Harley to a cover, TWO! Aminata is annoyed but she paces around. Aminata turns Harley over, reels her in, but Harley fights the waistlock!
Aminata lifts, Harley fights and fires elbows! Harley is free, she runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, tilt-o-whirl and RANA! Aminata goes to a corner, Harley shrieks and SPLASHES! Harley RAMS into Aminata, then shrieks as she digs her boot in! The ref counts, Harley snapmares Aminata, but Aminata comes back. Harley wrenches Aminata to serve SOLE FOOD! Aminata wobbles, Harley reels her in, BACKSTABBER! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! The ref saw it in time, and Harley is furious! Harley drags Aminata up, runs, but Aminata blocks the kick, to DOUBLE CHOP! Cover, TWO!! Harley survives and Aminata is stunned!
The fans rally for Aminata, she drags Harley up to Alabama Lift, and AIR- NO, Harley rolls up, TWO!! Aminata rises, ducks the kick, and HEADBUTTS! Cover, Aminata wins!
Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall
Heavy lays the head that wears the crown, but it also hits hard! Will Aminata prove herself more than worthy of the gold as we head into the Fall?
Backstage interview with Harley Cameron.
Melissa Santos says Harley went to war with Aminata. How is she- Oh wait, Rachael Ellering steps in. And she mocks Harley by asking if this is ROH. Oh, it is? Well, golly, she’s Rachael, nice to meet you. Oh, tag’s out. And uh, looks like Harley had quite the hard match tonight. How’d it go? Did she win? Harley hesitates and Rachael asks if she won. NO! She didn’t win! Oh, no~! Well, Harley, you know what they say. Fall down five times, stand up six. That’s what they say~! Harley storms off, Rachael mockingly asks “Kid” to come back. Rachael then smiles as she tells Melissa, “Harley’s a good kiddo.”
Seems Harley can’t take her own medicine, but will she and the Queen of Strong Style settle this in the ring?
After The Outrunners VS Fly Def…
Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd win with that “Mega Powers Slam,” but THE IRON SAVAGES ATTACK! Jacked Jameson cheers but fans boo while Bronson & Boulder beat down Truth & Turbo! Bronson rains down fists on Truth while Boulder CLUBS Turbo. But Turbo fights back! Jameson CLOBBERS Turbo! The fans duel, “TIDDY CITY!” “OUT-RUN-NERS!” Boulder feeds Truth to Jameson’s LARIAT! The fans boo while Jameson mocks the Outrunner spin. Then Boulder lifts Bronson, but wait! THE INFANTRY is here! Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo may have had beef with The Outrunners in the past, but they won’t stand by and watch this!
The Infantry run off The Savages and the fans fire up! Jameson, Boulder & Bronson tell Infantry that they’ve made a big mistake! But in the end, The Captain & Bravo help Truth & Turbo stand up. The Infantry offer handshakes, the fans cheer, and we get a MEGA POWER HANDSHAKE! They’ve buried the hatchet, it is water under the bridge! But will they all work together to bring down the big bad Bronson & Boulder?
Jacoby Watts speaks.
The false prophet is backstage with Nick Comoroto as he tells EJ Nduka, “You stuck your nose where it doesn’t belong: In Jacoby Watts’ business. How dare you! Well it sounds like you want a fight, my friend. And if it’s a fight you want, it’s what you can have. Whether it’s Jacoby Watts or Nick Comoroto, you can get your fight. And we have no fear, because we live by one simple rule: Praise be the He, and He, is Me.” Watts & Comoroto smile, but will their misplaced faith be their undoing against The Judge?
Sammy Guevara VS Ariya Daivari w/ The Premier Athletes!
The Spanish God and Team Texas already whooped The Premier Athletes at All Out last Saturday, but it seems they’re not going away any time soon. “Smart” Mark tells Bobby Cruise to cease and desist, he’ll handle the introductions. “Everybody knows that we are The Premier Athletes, and this is Ariya Daivari! As a matter of fact, boys, Ariya wants this match to be one-on-one, so you’ve got the night off.” They shake hands, and while Woods & Nese return to the back, Sterling continues with Daivari. Sterling says Daivari is the richest, most fit, and most successful athlete to ever enter the state of Texas!
And their opponent, who is from Texas, represents all of these fat losers! What, is he Jacked Jameson now? Daivari takes the mic to say, “For the past month that I have been here, there is nothing more I would like than to come out there and punch each and every single one of you Texas pieces of garbage in the face!” The fans boo but Daivari says he can’t do that, because he’d get arrested. So he’ll just beat up a Texas local and kick his ass in front of all these fans! The fans boo but does Daivari not realize who he’s facing?
Sammy Guevara makes his entrance, and not only is he NOT a fat loser, he’s one half of the ROH World Tag Team Champions! Will Sammy slap Daivari in the face for every one of the Texas fans here tonight?
The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, Daivari headlocks, but Sammy powers up and out. Daivari runs Sammy over, but Sammy kips up so smooth! Sammy and Daivari circle, the fans rally more, but Daivari talks smack on the fans. Sammy lounges on the ropes, but then he and Daivari circle again. They tie up, Sammy waistlocks, but Daivari wrenches free. Daivari talks trash, cranks the wrist, but Sammy moves around. Daivari YANKS the arm, cranks the wrist again, but Sammy spins, flips, and wrenches back! The fans applaud, but Daivari rolls, wrenches, and knees low!
Sterling says there you go! Daivari eggs Sammy on, then he CHOPS Sammy at the ropes. Daivari whips, Sammy reverses, hurdles, and backflips! The fans fire up as Sammy DROPKICKS Daivari! Sammy kips up, Daivari bails out, so Sammy fakes Daivari out to springboard back! Sammy spins and poses, and the fans cheer! Sterling is upset, Daivari runs up, but Sammy BLASTS him down! Sammy storms out, gets Sterling to back off, then Sammy CHOPS! Daivari sputters and goes around the way. Sammy follows Daivari, and he sets Daivari up against railing. Fans even help keep Daivari’s arms back as Sammy CHOPS!
The fans fire up as Daivari is now fighting all of Texas! Sammy puts Daivari in a corner, the fans get the hands again, and Sammy runs up to CHOP! Sterling is furious but this is called karma! Sterling shouts at Sammy, but Sammy storms up on Sterling! Sterling apologizes, but Daivari CLOBBERS Sammy! The fans boo but Daivari sends Sammy into railing! Daivari then POSTS Sammy, drags him into the ring, and he hugs with Sterling. The fans boo as Sterling raises Daivari’s hand. Daivari storms into the ring, whips Sammy into buckles hard, then brings him around. Daivari bumps Sammy off buckles again, and again!
The fans chant “Sterling Sucks!” but Daivari drags Sammy up. Daivari whips Sammy corner to corner hard and Sammy falls to the mat! Sterling & Daivari mockingly applaud, then Daivari drags Sammy back up. Daivari whips corner to corner again, but Sammy BOOTS back! Sammy runs up, but Daivari wrenches, hooks, and backslides, TWO! Sammy stands, blocks a shot and he ROCKS Daivari! And CHOPS! And ROCKS! Daivari drop toeholds to drop a BIG elbow! The fans boo but Daivari says shove it! Daivari stalks Sammy to ropes, then drags him up by his hair. The ref reprimands but Daivari puts Sammy in the ropes.
Daivari fires hands while Sammy’s hands are held back! The ref counts, Daivari lets off, but then he BITES Sammy’s forehead!? The fans boo, the ref reprimands, and Daivari lets off, only for Sterling to CHOKE Sammy! The fans boo, Sterling scurries away, and Daivari whips Sammy. Sammy gets around, waistlocks, but Daivari switches to a SLEEPER! Sterling says Sammy’s out already! Sammy flails, but Daivari drags him down into body scissors! The fans rally, the ref checks, and the arm drops once! The arm drops twice! The arm- NO! Sammy revives! Sammy stands, pries at the hold, and he RAMS Daivari into buckles!
Daivari holds on, so Sammy RAMS him into buckles again! Sammy powers up and out, then he ducks ‘n’ dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS wipe both men out! The fans fire up and rally behind Sammy. A standing count climbs, Sammy and Daivari stir, and they sit up at 4 of 10. Daivari fires a haymaker, but Sammy fires back! They both stand, the shots keep going! Daivari CHOPS! Sammy CHOPS! Daivari CHOPS again! Sammy CHOPS, forearms, and repeat! Sammy fires off on the ropes, Sterling protests, and the ref counts. Sammy whips, Daivari reverses and FLYING FOREARMS! Kip up and LARIAT!
The fans fire up again, and Sammy has Daivari in a corner. Sammy climbs up, and he rains down fists! The fans count along, Sammy goes to TEN, then brings Daivari in. Sammy suplexes, holds Daivari, goes past TEN to then SLAM Daivari at TWENTY! Cover, TWO!! Daivari survives but the fans rally behind Sammy. Sammy feels that energy, and he drags Daivari up. Sammy torture racks, but Daivari fights free! Daivari hammerlocks, but Sammy ducks the lariat to roll up! TWO, JUMP KNEE! Daivari flops, Sammy calls his shot! The fans fire up, Sammy climbs, but Sterling gets on the apron! The fans boo, but Woods & Nese return!
Woods & Nese trip Sammy up! The fans boo as Sammy flops to the mat! Daivari drags Sammy up and reels him in! Hammerlock and LION’S LARIAT! High stack, TWO?!? Sammy survives Daivari’s best shot and The Premier Athletes are shocked! The fans rally for Sammy again but Daivari drags Sammy up. Daivari reels Sammy in, CHOPS him, then whips corner to corner. Sammy reverses, runs up, and RAMS into Daivari! GAMANGIRI from the apron, then ARIHARA MOONSAULT onto Nese & Woods! The fans fire up, Sammy ROCKS Daivari then springboards, FLYING CUTTER! Sterling gets on the apron, so Sammy DECKS him!
Sammy torture racks Daivari, GO TO HOSPITAL! Cover, Sammy wins!
Winner: Sammy Guevara, by pinfall
The entire stable couldn’t stop the Spanish God! He and Dustin already have the ROH World Tag Team Championships, will Sammy look to go get even more gold for himself?
Backstage interview with Red Velvet.
Lexy Nair is with The Chef, and is clearly reluctant to talk to the ROH Women’s World Television Champion. Lexy asks how it feels to currently be in possession of Billie Starkz’s belt. Velvet says Lexy meant to call her the champion. No, she did not. There is more to being a champion than holding a shiny piece of metal. Velvet stops Lexy there, and says she is really starting to sound… bitter. But then again, not surprising. That has been the flavor around here for a long time, being around Athena and her… Minions. But Velvet is champ now, and she’s here to say “The Mean Girl Era” has ended.
In fact, it’s time Velvet sweetens things up. But in steps Diamante. Is that what this is about? Because she has been trying to wrap her head around why Velvet would idiotically stick her nose in Diamante’s business. This locker room does not need saving. It is the jungle out there! Dog eat dog! And Velvet’s running around here like “Captain Save-a-ho.” There’s a saying: No good deed goes unpunished. That is what is standing right in front of Velvet. Diamante is her punishment. Velvet says yeah, that’s all Diamante is doing: standing there. When’s Diamante gonna step up? Diamante says she’ll see.
Diamante leaves, Lexy turns her nose up at Velvet, and Velvet leaves. When and where will The Cuban Diamond go after Red Velvet’s gold?
Anthony Henry gets a cameraman.
The Saint of Augusta wants to talk in private. He knows everyone wants to know what’s going on with JD Drake, where he’s been, how he’s doing, when’s he coming back. JD will be back soon, rehabbing, doing his thing. And this whole thing with Henry’s “cousin,” Beef, he just pops up and- Oh, here he comes now. And why is he already so wet? He was stretching, doing box jumps, jumping jacks, push-ups, because they’re on the BIG stage, man! He’s gotta be readyyy~! Y-Yeah, that’s true. He’s doing good. Beef says they’re UNDEFEATED, man! They’re great! Doing great! Henry says yes, they are, technically.
Henry just wants Beef to chill. Chill? Yeah, chill. Hold on, he’s got a phone call. Oh, is that JD? Henry tries to have the call in private but Beef’s still asking, hopping around and stuff. Henry says he’s sure he’s told everyone by now, they’re just cousins through marriage. Yeah, the tattoo is a bit odd. But no, no, he has only a couple weeks left, then he’ll be back so they can start where they left off. They’re still Workhorsemen. Beef adds yeah, Workhorsemen 4 Life! Love you, JD! Henry hangs up and asks Beef what in the world he is doing. What? Beef, this whole hyper thing! Just look. Chill. Out. Because if not, when JD meets Beef in person, JD’s gonna slap Beef in the face!
Beef says he doesn’t want that. Then chill. Please. Henry leaves, Beef takes a breath and says okay, he will work on being chill. But he can’t chill, he’s BEEF! Beef can’t believe he’s here in ROH, alongside his cousin and soon, JD Drake. Let’s go! Will things not go smoothly when the Workhorsemen are reunited?
Lio Rush VS Rocky Romero!
The Bad Child could not quite take the AEW TNT Championship from Jack Perry, but he’s still looking strong in the running. Will a match with his former teacher help him refresh? Or will Azucar show Lio that he still has a lot to learn?
The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally up as the two circle. They feel things out, Lio waistlocks, but Rocky pries at the hold. The fans duel, Rocky slips around to waistlock, but Lio works on his escape. Lio slips under, headlocks, but Rocky powers up and out. Lio slides to a stop, avoids a sweep then headlocks again. Rocky powers up to throw Lio away, then he trips Lio! Cover, ONE! Lio bypasses Rocky, but Rocky turns hip toss into hip toss! Rocky runs to basement dropkick! Rocky gives some Latino Heat and the fans cheer. Lio goes to a corner, Rocky storms up, and he CHOPS!
The fans “WOO~” while Rocky follows Lio to another corner. But Lio turns things around to CHOP! “WOO~!” Lio bumps Rocky off buckles, CHOPS him again, but Rocky CHOPS back! The fans “WOO~” and Rocky gives some more Latino Heat. Rocky whips corner to corner, Lio reverses and then goes up and around. Rocky slips under the rana, whips, but Lio RANAS! Rocky gets up, Lio hip tosses, and he eggs Rocky on. The fans fire up, Lio builds speed, redirects, and redirects again! Rocky runs up, Lio dodges and DROPKICKS! Rocky bails out, Lio builds speed, but Rocky moves. Lio sighs and the fans boo.
Rocky catches his breath, and Lio holds the ropes open. Rocky asks if that’s for real, and Lio says yeah it’s for real. Rocky goes up to the apron, but he is still wary of Lio. He drops back and the fans boo. Rocky is too paranoid about Lio, but maybe because Lio would use Rocky’s Sneaky Style against him. Rocky slides in from another side of the ring, and the two step up. Rocky shoves Lio, Lio shoves back! Lio says lets go then. Rocky CHOPS, so Lio CHOPS! The fans rally up as the CHOPS keep going! Rocky blocks one, spins Lio, but Lio ducks the haymaker to ROCK and CHOP Rocky! Lio CHOPS Rocky into a corner then fires up!
The fans cheer, Lio brings Rocky up to ROCK then whip. Rocky reverses, Lio redirects, eggs Rocky on, then slides under. Lio UP KICKS, runs up, but Rocky drop toeholds him into the buckles! Rocky then brings Lio around to BACKBREAKER! The fans rally, Rocky brings Lio up again, and hits a SPIN OUT BACKBREAKER! Lio writhes, Rocky stalks him to ropes, and drags Lio up. Rocky TOSSES Lio out, goes out to fetch him, and RAMS Lio into the apron! Lio hobbles, the ring count starts, but Rocky brings Lio around to CHOP! The fans rally, Rocky puts Lio in at 7 of 20, and then covers, TWO!
Rocky stays cool while he stalks Lio. Lio pushes Rocky, kicks at a leg, but Rocky stomps Lio down. Rocky stalks Lio to a corner, the fans rally up, and Rocky brings Lio in. Snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Lio stays in this but Rocky sits him up to KNEE him in the back! And KNEE him again! Lio writhes, the fans rally, but Rocky looms over Lio. Rocky drags Lio to center, ties up the legs, and has the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Lio endures, even as Rocky thrashes him around! Rocky then sets Lio down to pull on the rack! Rocky then shifts into a CAMEL CLUTCH! Lio endures being bent back more, but the fans rally up! Lio powers up to get his arms free!
The fans rally more as Lio rises, and he JAWBREAKERS! Rocky staggers, but he comes back to SOBAT! Rocky snapmares Lio to KICK him in the back! Cover, ONE! Rocky clamps on with a chinlock! Rocky thrashes Lio around, traps him with body scissors, and the fans duel again. Lio endures, fights up, and he fires body shots! The fans fire up as Lio ROCKS Rocky from below! Lio fires more hands, then puts Rocky in a corner to ROCK and CHOP! Lio whips corner to corner, runs up, but Rocky BOOTS him! Rocky storms up, whips, but Lio tilt-o-whirls through to DDT! The fans fire up while both men are down!
Lio grits his teeth and pounds the mat. The fans rally with Lio, and he rises up. Rocky also rises, and they go to corners. Lio runs corner to corner to LARIAT! Lio whips, Rocky reverses and LARIATS! One-ever! Two-ever! But Lio LARIATS back! Lio drags Rocky up, suplexes, FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Rocky survives and Lio is beside himself, but the fans rally up! Lio refocuses, and he waits on Rocky. Rocky rises, Lio fires forearms and kicks. Lio runs, ROCKS Rocky, then eggs him on! So Rocky fires back! The fans fire up as Lio fires a flurry! Lio runs, blocks a kick, ducks the enzigiri, but not the HEEL KICK!
Lio goes to a corner, Rocky runs up, but Lio rolls him, kips up, spin and BASEMENT ENZIGIRI! Rocky staggers around, Lio runs to RUSH- NO, Rocky stops the stunner to spin, scoop, and POP-UP KNEE! Lio didn’t quite go to sleep, so Rocky serves some SLICED BREAD! Cover, TWO!! Lio survives and the fans fire up! Rocky roars, he brings Lio up, and he whips, into RUSH HOUR!! Rocky falls, Lio hurries up top! FINAL HOUR!! Cover, Lio wins!
Winner: Lio Rush, by pinfall
The Bad Child makes himself The Man of the Hour tonight as he gets one over on his former mentor! Will it finally be Lio’s time as he goes for gold in ROH and AEW?
My Thoughts:
I feel like ROH is entering a full on AEW Dark phase, just without being free on YouTube. It was two hours long again, so I suppose they do get some points for being consistent with that. But most of the matches were filler, which is why I skipped most. On the plus side, those matches were all still very competitive, and really allowed the newer, younger wrestlers to show their stuff. Especially in the case of Willie Mack VS Exodus Prime. Mack is back from a stint with JCW, Juggalo Championship Wrestling, so he also got to remind viewers what he can do.
Preston Vance also had a good promo before his match where he said he’s striking out on his own, to honor Brodie Lee and how Mr. Brodie chose him out of all the other potential Dark Order recruits. I really do hope Vance gets going again, it’s a shame that The dark Order fell by the wayside after Brodie’s passing. Anyway, very good match to start with Atlantis VS Avalon, and of course Atlantis won. Very good match of Aminata and Harley, good rebound win for Aminata after the loss to Mariah May. Good promo from Harley with Rachael where Rachael gave back that taunting from before. We definitely need that match already.
Great promo from Billie and Athena where Billie starts standing up for herself again, which keeps us on the road of Athena VS Billie rematch. Also good promo from Lexy, Velvet and Diamante. Lexy being all condescending to Velvet was great, because of Lexy being Athena’s ally. Diamante and Velvet are definitely setting up their own match, that’ll be great stuff. And great stuff with Infantry helping The Outrunners. Just as I was wondering where Dean & Bravo were, here they are, and all it’d take is Iron Savages recruiting a fourth big meaty man to team with them against Infantry & Outrunners for a great 8 Man Tag.
Very good stuff with Sammy taking on Daivari, but a little surprising he soloed The Premier Athletes, no appearances by Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs. Maybe there’s more interaction in the following weeks, but I still don’t see Premier Athletes taking any belts off Team Texas. At least, not without cheating super hard, and then getting the pin off one of the Von Erich boys. And good promo from Jacoby calling out Lee Johnson & EJ Nduka. Pretty sure we get a tag match of Jacoby & Comoroto VS #LeeJ, that I’m pretty sure Big Shotty & The Judge win. And great promo with Henry and Beef, Beef is hilarious. I really hope that Henry is wrong and that JD accepts Beef so they can be a trio.
Really good match from Lio and Rocky to be the main event, and a very good win for Lio here. I don’t know how long they’re going to give Atlantis with the TV Championship, but I’d love if Lio challenged him next, they could really bust out some speedy, high-flying action, and I feel like Lio is a name that’s good enough to take the title.
My Score: 8.7/10
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Will the Premier Athletes ever catch a break?
Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese have each lost to Tomohiro Ishii, but now Josh Woods steps up! Only to get Katsuyori Shibata! Who wins this battle of former ROH Pure Champions?
- Aaron Solo VS Rocky Romero; Rocky wins.
- Nick Comoroto w/ Jacoby Watts VS Lee Johnson; Lee wins.
- Rachael Ellering VS Gigi Rey; Rachael wins.
- Anthony Henry & BEEF VS Jay Lucas & Terry Yaki; Henry & Beef win.
- Spanish Announce Project VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson; SAP wins.
- ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground: Red Velvet VS Lady Frost; Velvet wins and denies Frost a title opportunity.
- Six Man Tag: Lance Archer & The Righteous VS Lights Camera Faction; Archer & The Righteous win.
- Diamante VS Tiara James; Diamante wins.
- Angelo Parker VS Griff Garrison w/ Maria Kanellis; Griff wins.
- The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling VS Joe Alonzo & Josiah Jean; The Premier Athletes win.
- Fuego Del Sol VS John Silver w/ The Dark Order; Silver wins.
- Abadon VS Rache Chanel; Abadon wins.
- Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling VS Katsuyori Shibata; Shibata wins.
- Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV VS Mina Shirakawa; Mina wins.
Aaron Solo VS Rocky Romero!
Solo has felt so low, not having won in quite some time. But will he be feeling real sweet taking down Azucar? Or will Solo’s former mentor show him he still has a lot to learn?
The Code of Honor is upheld, though maybe sarcastically by Solo. The bell rings, the two circle, and the fans rally up. Solo and Rocky tie up, Rocky waistlocks, but Solo wrenches free. Solo wristlocks, Rocky rolls to wrench, hammerlock, spin and snapmare. Rocky slaps Solo around, then gives some Latino Heat. The fans cheer, but Solo and Rocky reset. They feel out a knuckle lock, then Rocky wrenches. Rocky headlocks, Solo powers up and out, then drops down. Solo DROPKICKS Rocky down! Solo slaps Rocky around now, but the fans boo. Solo fires hands, slaps Rocky more, then CLUBS him down.
Rocky fires body shots as he rises up! Solo blocks the chop to knee low! Solo fires hands, whips, but Rocky reverses to atomic drop! Rocky runs to DROPKICK Solo! Rocky kips up, sees Solo at ropes, so he slides! The fans cheer and Rocky goes back to Solo. Rocky CHOPS Solo, stomps him, then fires hands. The fans fire up with Rocky, he whips, but Solo reverses. Solo runs up, but into a BOOT! Rocky goes up but Solo YANKS him down! The fans boo but Solo rains down fists! The ref reprimands, Solo lets off, but the fans boo more. Solo stalks Rocky to ropes to CHOKE him! Solo lets off as the ref counts, and Rocky coughs and sputters.
Solo hauls Rocky up to snap suplex, then he mocks Latino Heat. Cover, TWO! Rocky is tougher than that, but Solo KNEES him in the back! Solo drags Rocky up but Rocky fires body shots again. Rocky ROCKS Solo then UPPERCUTS! Rocky whips, catches Solo, COBRA TWIST! Solo endures while the fans cheer! But Solo CLAWS at Rocky’s face! Solo switches the COBRA TWIST onto Rocky! The fans boo but Rocky endures now. Rocky fights up, the fans rally, and Rocky pries free to HIP TOSS Solo down! The fans cheer, and Rocky slowly rises. Rocky goes to a corner, Solo runs up, but into a BOOT!
Solo tries again, but Rocky BOOTS again! Rocky runs up to RANA! The fans fire up while both men are down! Rocky feels that energy, he rises and pounds his chest! The fans rally as Rocky fires hands on Solo. Rocky whips Solo to a corner, runs in and LARIATS! Then another LARIAT! Rocky keeps going, but Solo dodges, only for Rocky to come back, and LARIAT! The fans fire up again, and Rocky hauls Solo up. Rocky suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Rocky stalks Solo, drags him up, and cravats. SLICED- NO, Solo slips free, then DREAMCAST KICKS! Rocky falls, Solo hurries up top! The fans boo as Solo DIVING STOMPS!! Cover, TWO!!
The fans fire up as Rocky survives! Solo is beside himself, but then he hauls Rocky up to whip. Rocky goes Spider-Man! Solo runs up, Rocky drops and Solo tumbles out! Rocky builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit, and Rocky hurries to put Solo in! Cravat and SLICED- NO, Solo puts Rocky up top! ENZIGIRI! Solo climbs up now, and he brings Rocky up, only for Rocky to BITE back! Then SUPER SLICED BREAD!! Cover, Rocky wins!
Winner: Rocky Romero, by pinfall
Now that was sweet! Solo is still without that W, will he ever prove himself ready for more? Is Rocky about to add some sugar to these ROH title scenes?
Lady Frost speaks.
“I know I haven’t been here in ROH for a few months, but my last match? Too easy. I’m not saying that one match earns me a title shot, but a Proving Ground match? I’m willing to prove it. Red Velvet, it’s nothing personal, but you have something that I want: The Women’s World Television Championship. And I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but I’ve been busy traveling the world, winning tournaments, championships, all over the place. And tonight, I’m gonna prove why I deserve another one here in ROH. Trust me when I tell you, there will be no love lost, because I am Lady Frost.” Things are heating up, but will there be a cold snap here tonight?
Nick Comoroto w/ Jacoby Watts VS Lee Johnson!
The Freak Beast continues to be the fervent follower of HE, and HE is Jacoby. Will the self-aggrandizing teachings of Jacoby Watts somehow bring Comoroto success? Or can Big Shotty get a big win on his way back up the ranks?
The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Watts suddenly needs to talk with Comoroto. Watts wants to see the fire in Comoroto’s eyes! Then Watts SLAPS Comoroto?! Comoroto gets that fire going, and he runs up at Lee! Lee dodges to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! The fans fire up but Comoroto stops that to put Lee in the corner! Lee dodges again to CHOP, CHOP, CHOP, but Comoroto shoves him away! Lee dodges a lariat, kicks low then fires haymakers! Lee whips but Comoroto blocks! Comoroto whips, Lee stops himself, but Comoroto blocks a boot to UPPERCUT! Watts cheers but the fans boo as Comoroto hauls Lee up.
Comoroto back suplexes but Lee slips free to DROPKICK! Comoroto tumbles and falls out! Watts is upset with Comoroto, tells him to focus, but then Lee runs up! Comoroto catches Lee, Lee fires hands, but Comoroto shoves him back to LARIAT! Watts says there it is! Watts tells Lee to just stay down, but the fans boo that. Comoroto drags Lee up, gorilla presses, and LAWN DARTS Lee into a post! Watts loves what he sees and Comoroto smiles. Comoroto drags Lee into the ring, pushes him to a cover, TWO! Lee stays in this and the fans rally up. Lee reaches out, but Comoroto looms over him. Comoroto sits Lee up, to rain down fists!
Comoroto dribbles Lee off the mat, but Lee just gets mad! Comoroto whips Lee into a corner, then fires body shots! The ref counts but Comoroto ROCKS Lee! The fans rally but Comoroto whips Lee corner to corner hard! Lee bounces off buckles and falls to the mat, but Comoroto isn’t done. Comoroto drags Lee up, puts him on ropes, and CHOKES him! Watts tells Lee to accept that he needs Watts. The ref counts, Comoroto lets off, and now Watts CHOKES Lee! The fans boo but Comoroto comes back to bring Lee up. Lee fires body shots! Comoroto whips then CLOBBERS Lee! Comoroto then CHOKES Lee on the mat!
The ref reprimands, Lee kicks free of the choke, and the fans rally up again. Comoroto drags Lee up, clamps on a neck wrench, and he puts a lot of pressure on it! Lee endures, fights up, and the fans rally. Lee fires body shots, but Comoroto knees low! Comoroto smiles, then stands Lee up again. Lee fires hands! Comoroto scowls as he has the wristlock, but Lee ROCKS Comoroto! Comromto swigs, Lee bobs ‘n’ weaves and fires hands! Comoroto shoves LEe, Lee RAMS Comoroto! Lee runs to LRIAT! Comoroto stays up, scoops Lee, but Lee slips free to ENZIGIRI! The fans fire up and Lee roars! Lee then goes back for Comoroto, but can’t scoop!
Comoroto ELBOWS Lee down, then CLUBS him! Comoroto drags Lee up again, but it’s Lee who suplexes! Cover, TWO! Comoroto is still in this, and he crawls away to a corner. Watts coaches him, but Lee storms up on Comoroto to CHOP! CHOP! And CHOP! Lee runs, slides to come back, but Comoroto fireman’s carries! Lee grabs ropes, so Comoroto puts him on the apron! Lee HOTSHOTS back! But Watts creeps up! Lee scares him off, goes up, and he leaps over Comoroto! Comoroto fireman’s carries again, USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Lee survives and Watts says end it! Comoroto winds up, “SAVE US, JACOBY~!”
Watts fires up, too, as Comoroto Alabama Lifts! But Lee sunset flips! TWO, Comoroto runs up, but is sent into Watts! Rollup, LEE WINS!
Winner: Lee Johnson, by pinfall
Watts is furious, but he has Comoroto go after Lee anyway! Watts & Comoroto beat Lee down, even as fans boo! The false prophet tells his follower scoop Lee, but wait! EJ NDUKA is here! The Judge will not stand for this, and he goes right to the ring! Watts sends Comoroto, but into a SPINEBUSTER!! Then Lee gets Watts! This is what Watts gets! Lee feeds Watts to a SPINEBUSTER!! The Gavel drops, and #LeeJ stands tall! Will these two show Comoroto the truth about that snake oil salesman?
Backstage interview with Anthony Henry & BEEF.
Paul Wight is with the Workhorseman and his very excited cousin, one of the hottest rising tag teams in ROH! Henry says they’re not an official team, but Beef loudly asks what he’s talking about. Of course they’re a tag team! And they’re undefeated! Henry says yes, and Beef did great, but reminds Beef that they’re only second cousins, and by marriage. Wight says either way, this new Workhorsemen formation is doing great. What does the future look like for them? Henry says he doesn’t know, but he knows it isn’t the Workhorsemen unless it’s with JD Drake. Henry heads out and Beef asks what he means by that.
Beef hurries after Henry, still wanting to talk it out. But will the Saint of Augusta only feel right once things are back to normal?
Anthony Henry & BEEF VS Jay Lucas & Terry Yaki!
Well, the second cousins by marriage may be on different pages, but maybe being in the ring will help. Will another big win help them get things cooking? Or will things just fall apart that much quicker?
The fans cheer for “BEEF! BEEF! BEEF!” The Code of Honor is upheld, but only by Beef, and the bell rings. The teams sort out, Henry tells Beef to focus, and let him start. Beef agrees, only to tag himself in! Beef is all fired up and the fans are with him as he starts against Lucas. They tie up, Lucas waistlocks but Beef TOSSES him away! The fans cheer, Beef and Lucas go again. Beef waistlocks, Lucas switches, but Beef TOSSES him away again! Then RUNS him over! The fans cheer, Beef runs up but into a BOOT! Lucas wristlocks but Beef stops the whip! Beef whips Lucas, Lucas BOOTS again! But Beef roars and CLOBBERS Lucas!
Beef hits a BELLY2BELLY! The fans fire up, but Lucas tags in Yaki! Yaki fires hands and elbows on Beef, tags back to Lucas, and they mug Beef. Lucas ROCKS Beef, tags Yaki back, and the mugging continues. Yaki facelocks but Beef powers up! Beef calls for Henry, Henry calls to him and Beef RAMS Yaki into the corner! Tag to Henry, Henry CHOPS and CHOPS and KICKS Yaki! Henry KNEES away on Yaki in the corner, lets off as the ref counts, and Beef fires up for his cousin! Henry snapmares Yaki and KICKS him! Then NECK TWIST! Henry sits on Yaki, says this is how you do it. Beef likes that, and then Henry drags Yaki up.
Henry suplexes, Yaki slips free, then UP KICKS! Hot tag to Lucas! Lucas ROCKS Henry, Henry KICKS back! Henry whips, Lucas reverses, but Henry catches the hurdle into a SPINEBUSTER! The fans fire up for “Beef’s Cousin! Beef’s Cousin!” Henry is annoyed, but he drags Lucas over. Henry tags Beef and the fans cheer! Henry snapmares Lucas for Beef to cover! TWO! Lucas is still in this, and Henry says that’s not much of a team move. Beef drags Lucas up, the fans rally for “GROUND BEEF! GROUND BEEF!” Beef suplexes, but Lucas slips free! Beef ducks a roundhouse but not the ENZIGIRI! Henry tags in, but so does Yaki!
Yaki fires off forearms, Henry BOOTS him! Yaki BOOTS then ENZIGIRIS! Yaki waistlocks, Henry ELBOWS free! Henry whips, Yaki goes up and over to SNAP GERMAN! Yaki SHOTGUNS Beef, but the fans boo! Yaki runs in, into a SNAP POWERSLAM! Then Henry drags Yaki up, SCOOP DRIVER! But now Beef wants in? The fans want Beef, too! Henry sighs, drags Yaki over, and he tags Beef. Beef goes up, Henry BOOTS Lucas, and BEEF SPLASH! Cover, Beef & Henry win!
Winners: Anthony Henry & BEEF, by pinfall
Henry isn’t as excited as Beef is, but who is? So while they may not be the Workhorsemen, will this new combo still find their way to the top?
Spanish Announce Project VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson!
Speaking of great combos, Angelico & Serpentico are feeling good now that they’re past grudges with Griff Garrison. But will they be bringing the good vibes to the ROH World Tag Team Championships? Or will they have to start sippin’ sauce and livin’ hoss to get past Bulk Bronson & Beefcake Boulder?
For that matter, Jacked Jameson has the mic to talk smack on the Texas bumpkins and Skinny Idiots. This crowd looks like they blow on their ice cream to cool it off. And also, that they should lay off the ice cream! Their opponents need to put it in a blender, chug it, and get their weight up so they can go from tights to trunks. But one thing you all have in common is that you’re Low T Losers! Meanwhile, these three are High T Winners, because they are taking everyone to #TiddyCity! The fans boo, but then SAP makes their entrance. The Code of Honor is upheld, and the teams sort out. Angelico starts against Bronson and the bell rings.
The fans rally as Bronson and Angelico circle. They feel things out, tie up, and go around. Angelico wrenches, wristlocks, but Bronson rolls, wrenches, and ELBOW BREAKERS! Bronson talks smack on Texas but Angelico spins, slips around, spins Bronson and wrenches the arm! The fans cheer, but Bronson fights up to squat, squat, and… ROCK Angelico with a right! The fans boo as Bronson mocks the Bernie Lean. Bronson CHOPS Angelico, whips, but Angelico ducks ‘n’ dodges to handspring through the hip toss! The fans fire up, but Bronson ducks a lariat! Angelico ducks a haymaker, Bronson avoids the kicks but not the DROPKICK!
Angelico spins up to his feet and does the Bernie Lean right! Bronson is furious, but Boulder tags in. And so does Serpentico! The fans fire up as #SNAKEMAN steps up to beefy Boulder! Serpentico pumps up, but Boulder laughs. Boulder flexes, so Serpentico flexes more! The fans cheer but Boulder pie faces Serpentico to a corner. Serpentico says hold on then, and he climbs up top. Serpentico rallies the fans as he fires up and eggs Boulder on! Boulder gets mad, storms up on Serpentico, and they tie up! Boulder brings Serpentico down to whip him to a corner. Boulder runs in, but Serpentico dodges to fire off hands and CHOPS!
Boulder just scowls, so Serpentico runs. Serpentico ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Boulder CLOBBERS him! Bronson says that’s a “flash flood!” Bronson tags in, then the Savages send Serpentico into the corner. Serpentico SUPERKICKS Boulder, BOOTS Bronson, and then RANAS Bronson into Boulder! Serpentico runs to UPPERCUT Bronson! The fans rally for SAP, but Bronson puts Serpentico on the apron. Serpentico HOTSHOTS Bronson! Bronson distracts the ref, and Jameson whips Serpentico hard into railing! The fans boo but Jameson flexes on them. Bronson goes out to drag Serpentico into the ring.
Bronson drags Serpentico around, then drops a BIG elbow! Bronson rains down fists on Serpentico, then he soaks up heat from the fans. Serpentico grabs at Bronson, but Bronson BITES Serpentico’s fingers! The fans boo again, but Bronson drags Serpentico over. Tag to Boulder, and Bronson climbs! HIP DROP! Boulder goes up, HIP DROP! The #SquatParty has squashed Serpentico, and Boulder dumps him out. Boulder distracts the ref, Jameson HIP DROPS Serpentico! The fans boo again but Jameson puts Serpentico in. Boulder storms around, runs and SPLASH DOWN! Cover, Angelico breaks it! The fans cheer but the Savages protest!
Bronson tags in, the Savages mug Serpentico. Bronson looms over Serpentico, drags him up, but fans rally as Bronson clamps on the chinlock. Serpentico endures, fights up, but Bronson thrashes the hold. Serpentico still fires body shots, but Bronson knees low. The fans rally but Bronson whips Serpentico to a corner. Serpentico dodges, slips around, and CHOPS! Bronson staggers, Serpentico reaches out, but Bronson reels him in! Bronson back suplexes, but Serpentico lands out! Serpentico slides under, UPKICKS, and hot tags Angelico! Serpentico then sets up so Angelico can use him for a FLYING LARIAT!
Bronson falls, Boulder steps in, but Angelico LARIATS! Angelico DECKS Bronson, ELBOWS Boulder, but then Bronson catches Angelico. Angelico BOOTS Boulder, and he RAMS Bronson into buckles! The fans fire up as Angelico arm-drags Bronson down, then uses Bronson as a step for another FLYING LARIAT! The fans fire up more as Angelico JABS, bobs ‘n’ weaves, then fires off kicks on Bronson! Angelico whips, Bronson reverses, but Angelico rolls off Bronson’s back! Bronson avoids the sweep but not the EDDY GORDO KICK! Roll into the cover, TWO! Bronson survives but Angelico tags Serpentico!
The fans fire up as Angelico clinches Bronson, FLATLINER! Serpentico goes up to FROG SPLASH! Double cover, Boulder breaks it! Boulder kicks Angelico out, drags Serpentico up, and scoops to SLAM! The fans boo but Bronson climbs. Boulder Electric Chair Lifts Bronson, but Serpentico avoids the Savage Splash! Hot tag to Angelico, and SAP DUMPS Boulder out! Boulder lands on his feet, rises up, but Bronson is sent into him! Now Boulder falls, and Serpentico DIVES! He takes down Boulder & Jameson! Bronson runs up, scoops Angelico, but Angelico slips free! Shove into the GAMANGIRI, then a BOOT!
Bronson staggers, Serpentico goes up to FLYING CROSSBODY! Angelico wraps those legs up, NAVARRO DEATH ROLL!! TRIALER HITCH!! Bronson taps, SAP wins!
Winners: Spanish Announce Project, by submission
Now that’s a huge win for SAP! Will the good vibes continue until Serpentico & Angelico are golden?
ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground: Red Velvet VS Lady Frost!
The Chef heard the challenge thrown out, and she has responded! Will she find a way to cook Frost in ten minutes or less? Or will the Coldest Wrestler You Know earn herself a shot at the gold?
The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and we’re on the clock! Frost and Velvet tie up, Frost powers Velvet to a corner, but Velvet powers out of the corner. Frost wrenches to a wristlock, but Velvet spins, wrenches, and wristlocks. The fans rally with “Stir It Up!’ but Frost uses ropes to flip through. Velvet rolls, kips up, and wrenches to wristlock and wrangle Frost. Frost kips up, wrenches and whips. Velvet reverses, but Frost jumps the dropdown. Velvet hurdles, Frost leaps again, and the fans fire up. Velvet arm-drags Frost, Frost arm-drags back! The two stand, Frost stops the arm-drag, and she whips Velvet again.
Velvet holds ropes, hooks Frost, but Frost tries to whip. Velvet uses that to slip around. Frost stuffs the backslide to sunset flip it, TWO! Velvet has a tricky stack, TWO! The two stand off and the fans cheer, “Both These Gals! Both These Gals!” Frost and Velvet shake hands again and the fans cheer the respect. The two reset, and Frost calls for a Test of Strength. The fans cheer for that, and the two knuckle lock. They go shoulder to shoulder, Frost powers Velvet back, but Velvet powers Frost back. Frost powers Velvet down, knuckle lock cover, ONE as Velvet gets an arm up! Frost puts that arm down, ONE as Velvet gets the other arm up!
Frost stands over Velvet as she works to push both hands down. TWO as Velvet springs up to sunset flip, TWO! Both women stand, and Frost narrowly ducks the heel kick! Velvet ducks the roundhouse, and the fans cheer this new standoff! They each say it was that close, and now they reset. The fans rally, Velvet and Frost step up, but Frost kicks low! Velvet ducks the buzzsaw but not the HEEL KICK! Frost says that’s how you kick someone in the face! Frost stomps Velvet in a corner, RAMS in, then rolls back to RAM in again! Frost fisherman suplexes! No bridge and Velvet gets away, but the fans fire up.
Frost runs up but Velvet ELBOWS her! Velvet goes up to FLYING RANA! Frost stands, Velvet fires off body shots in the corner! Velvet lets off, to then stomp away! Velvet digs her boots in, does the splits, and the fans cheer! The ref counts, Velvet lets off at 4, then soaks up the cheers. Velvet goes back to Frost to CHOP! And CHOP! But Frost ducks to JUMP KICK! Frost CHOPS, DOUBLE CHOPS, and Velvet sits down! Frost swaggers, the fans cheer, and Frost handsprings to CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO! Velvet toughs it out but Frost keeps cool. Frost clamps onto Velvet with a chinlock and she grinds Velvet down.
The fans rally, Velvet fights, but Frost thrashes her around. Velvet stands, wrenches free, and ELBOW BREAKERS! And ELBOW BREAKERS again! Velvet reels Frost in, clamps on, COBRA TWIST! Frost endures, even as Velvet digs her elbow in! The fans rally, Frost powers up to HIP TOSS free! Velvet writhes, but Frost drags her around to victory roll, roll, and roll! But Velvet uses that to send Frost into buckles! Frost still comes back, and now they roll back the way they came! And this sends Frost into more buckles! Velvet staggers up, but Frost cartwheels to Alabama Lift! Velvet sunset flips, ONE!! Frost slips around to sunset flip again, TWO!
Velvet stands, dodges Frost, then CALF KICKS her down! Velvet sets up, STANDING MOONSAULT FLOPS as Frost moves! Frost sets up, and she STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Velvet survives but Frost just works on what she has to do next. The fans rally, Frost and Velvet run up, DOUBLE LARIATS! Neither falls, so Frost cartwheels again! Alabama, AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, TWO! Velvet survives again but Frost feels the energy! Frost rises, brings Velvet around, but Velvet whips her! Frost comes back, but into a QUICK DRAW! Cover, TWO!! Frost survives and then ghost pins! TWO!!
Frost sunset flips again, TWO! Velvet sits on it! TWO, Frost has it again! ONE! Velvet has it! ONE! ONE! ONE! They go around and around, ONE, ONE, but Velvet prawn holds! VELVET WINS!!
Winner: Red Velvet, by pinfall (denies Lady Frost a title match)
That was truly back and forth at the end, and in the end, Velvet finds the way to win! Frost keeps the Code of Honor to show respect, but will she have to fight even harder if she wants a title opportunity? Who will get cooking with The Chef in the near future?
Backstage interview with Taya Valkyrie.
Melissa Santos is with La Wera Loca, and brings up her attack last week on both Mina Shirakawa and Rachael Ellering. Tonight, Taya faces Mina 1v1, what is she thinking? Taya says her problem was never with Rachael, that was for fun. Her issue is with Mina. Taya has been here week after week, putting out hit after hit, and this girl just thinks she can show up, smile, shake her assets and then skip on back to Japan? Does she think this is summer camp? If Mina thinks this is a vacation, then Taya can make it as miserable for her as she wants. But then in steps Mina, with a shimmy and a shake.
Mina tells Taya that if she has something to say about Mina, just say it to her face. Taya steps up and says, “No.” Mina says #EverybodyWantsMina, but tonight, she promises Taya does NOT want her. Taya says she’s done with this conversation, and takes her leave. Mina asks if Melissa wants to dance, and then they both shimmy and shake. Is the Fighting Gravure Idol going to shake things up in the ROH Women’s Division? We’ll see, in tonight’s main event!
After Diamante VS Tiara James…
The Cuban Diamond winds with a Cuban Twist, but then she beats up on Tiara just because! Until Red Velvet rushes out there! Velvet storms into the ring, Diamante dodges her, but then bails out to the ramp. Diamante says Velvet is barging into her business but Velvet says this show IS her business! Velvet storms out after Diamante now, but the ref stops these two from going any further. Velvet holds up the belt, has she just found her first challenger?
Backstage interview with Lee Johnson.
Melissa brings up the brutal attack by Comoroto & Watts, but he ended up having someone make a surprise save. How does he feel now? Lee says it is a surprise that after picking up a win, he was attacked by two cowards. Though it seems he needed to look no further than a friend, a brother, and a Judge! EJ steps in, shakes hands with Lee, and introduces himself. He is The Judge, EJ Nduka, the most powerful, the most explosive, and the most aggressive athlete to ever be ten toes down in ROH. And tonight, his boy got jumped. EJ ain’t letting that happen anymore on his watch. Will #LeeJ make sure no crime goes unpunished?
Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling VS Katsuyori Shibata!
The rest of the Premier Athletes made light work of their opponents tonight, as “Smart” Mark wants to get out of Texas as soon as possible. But the Technical Beast will have a much bigger fight on his hands, will the team miss their flight? Or can Woods get an upset win on The Wrestler?
The Code of Honor is upheld, but tensely. The bell rings, Woods runs up, but Shibata dodges! Woods dodges back, and both men avoid kicks. The fans fire up for the standoff, and the two reset. They feel things out, clinch, go around, and the fans rally. Woods puts Shibata on ropes, lets off as the ref counts, and the two reset. THey feel things out again, Woods has the ankle pick then a float over. Shibata fights up, waistlocks, then he spins Woods to snapmare and chinlock. Woods wrenches out, but Shibata wrenches back. Woods powers through to wrench again, but Shibata gives that back! The fans rally as the armlocks go back and forth!
The fans cheer Shibata, boo Woods, and then Shibata keeps Woods down! Woods goes to the ROPEBREAK, Sterling complains to let go already, but Shibata wrenches to a double wristlock! Woods puts Shibata in the ropes, lets off slowly, but then YANKS Shibata into the hotshot! The fans boo as Shibata bails out, and Sterling gets his shots in! The fans boo but Sterling scurries away. Woods goes out to whip Shibata into the apron! And then Woods reels Shibata in to snap suplex to the floor! Woods blows a kiss to Texas but the fans boo again. Sterling argues with the ref, Woods puts Shibata in, and then Woods has Shibata in a corner.
Woods RAMS into Shibata again and again, then sits him down. Woods stands on Shibata, digs his boots in, but lets off as the ref counts. The fans boo more, but Woods then jumps and HIP DROPS! And then HIP DROPS again! Cover, ONE!! Shibata’s tougher than all that and Woods is annoyed. Woods tells the fat idiots to shut up. Sounding like an Iron Savage here as Woods whips Shibata hard into a corner. Woods runs up to BACK BODY BLOCK! Woods goes side to side to forearm SMASH! But Shibata turns things around to fire off shots! The fans fire up, Sterling panics, but the ref counts! Shibata UPPERCUTS, then runs!
Shibata comes back, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! The fans fire up and Shibata drags Woods up. HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO! Woods shows he’s tougher than all that, but Shibata stays cool. Shibata drags Woods up as the fans rally, but Woods blocks the suplex! Woods suplexes high and hard, and the fans boo. Woods snarls, goes to a corner, and he climbs up! This is rare for Woods, and Shibata ROCKS him first! Shibata goes up, brings Woods to the top, and the fans fire up! But Woods fights the suplex! Woods fires body shots, then he SUPER ANARCHY SUPLEXES! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Woods crawls to a cover, TWO!
Woods can’t believe it, but Shibata is still in this. Woods huffs and puffs, drags Shibata up, and reels him in for a BACKBREAKER, and LARIAT! The Last Real Man taught him that, but now Woods suplexes. Shibata slips free, tot he SLEEPER!! The fans fire up as Woods flails! Woods is fading, but Sterling gets on the apron! Shibata scares him off, then goes back to Woods. Woods ducks the Penalty Kick, roll up, TWO!! Shibata catches Woods for the S T O! The fans fire up, Shibata powers up his hand, IRON CLAW!! Shibata then throws Woods into an ARMBAR!! Woods TAPS, Shibata wins!
Winner: Katsuyori Shibata, by submission
A shoutout to his friends, The Von Erichs, and The Wrestler keeps his momentum going! Will Shibata find his way back to the ROH Pure Championship? Or will he even aim for the very top?
Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV VS Mina Shirakawa!
La Wera Loca thinks herself the Main Character of ROH, so a main event match is a no brainer for her! But will she prove she is TV championship ready with this match? Or will the Fighting Gravure Idol prove she’s worth even more gold than what she already has?
The Code of Honor is upheld, if only barely. The bell rings, the fans rally for Mina, and Mina dances around. Taya BOOTS her! Taya fires off forearms at the ropes, then bumps Mina off buckles. Taya CHOPS Mina, taunts Mina, then bumps her off more buckles. Taya stomps Mina, lets off as the ref counts, but then stands on Mina! The ref counts again, Taya steps away, then drags Mina up. Taya puts Mina against ropes, BITES her hand, then CHOPS her! The fans boo but Taya shakes out her hand from how hard she hit Mina. Taya whips Mina, Mina ducks the boot, and Mina slides to shimmy! Then Mina trips Taya and KICKS her in the back!
The fans fire up for Mina and she runs up to dropkick the legs out! Mina then hooks up the legs, shimmies and shakes, before she STOMPS the legs! The fans cheer while Taya writhes. Mina drags Taya around to SMASH the knee! Mina then steps in to drop a knee on the knee! The fans rally up as Mina drags Taya around. Mina steps through, but Taya kicks her away. Taya runs up, but Mina slips out to the apron! Mina ducks a shot to ROCK Taya! Mina then goes up and FLYING ENZIGIRIS! Taya falls, Mina covers, TWO! Johnny rallies for Taya but the fans cheer Mina. Mina facelocks, but Taya wrenches free.
Taya whips, Mina ducks ‘n’ trips Taya to basement dropkick! Then Mina stands on a leg, does a shimmy, and drops an elbow on the knee! The fans cheer, Mina steps through, FIGURE FOUR! Taya endures while fans “WOO~!” Taya fights around, Mina thrashes the hold, and Johnny reaches out for Taya. The ref has Johnny back up, but Taya grabs the ROPEBREAK! Mina lets go, then goes corner to corner! But Taya sends her right into buckles! Taya then puts Mina up top, CLUBS away on her, then drags her into a Tree of Woe! Taya KICKS away on Mina’s back, to then DRAPING ELBOW DROP DDT! Taya snarls while fans rally for Mina.
Johnny tells the fans to shut up about Mina, but fans boo. Taya drags Mina up, puts her through the ropes and bends her back! Then Taya CLUBS Mina down! And then SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Mina toughs it out but Taya grows frustrated. Taya drags Mina up, brings her around, and TOSSES her out of the ring! Taya then goes out after Mina, KICKS her in the side, then BOOTS her down! Taya calls to Johnny, just so she can kiss him! The fans boo this Public Display of Affection, but Johnny also kisses Taya’s knee to make it feel better. But Mina ROCKS Taya! Taya ROCKS Mina! They brawl, Taya knees low!
Taya brings Mina into the ring, the fans continue to rally, and Taya covers. TWO, and Taya grows frustrated. Taya slaps Mina, then sits her up. The fans rally for Mina even harder, but Taya puts Mina in the ropes. Taya messes up Mina’s hair while pie facing her, then runs, only for Mina to dodge the boot! DRAGON SCREW in the ropes! Taya flops to the floor and Mina fires up! The fans are with Mina as she hurries to KICK the leg! And KICK! Taya knees low again, then holds her for Johnny!? Johnny runs up, but Mina slips free! Mr. & Mrs. TV collide and Taya falls over! Johnny panics, and Mina goes up top!
The fans are thunderous as Mina SUPER CROSSBODIES Mr. & Mrs. TV! Mina drags Taya up and in, stalks her, and then ROLLING ELBOWS! And URAKENS! And CALF KICK! Taya sits down, Mina pushes her to a cover, TWO!! Taya survives those shots but Mina says she’ll end it now! Mina drags Taya up, but Taya trips her! Taya wants those legs but Mina kicks her away! Taya comes back to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Mina survives and Taya seethes. Taya slaps herself to fire back up, and she drags Mina up. Taya puts Mina in a corner, hoists her to the top, and Johnny is still the only one cheering on Taya.
Taya CHOPS Mina, climbs up after her, but Mina CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Taya CLUBS Mina, but Mina slips through! Mina kicks the leg, slips under, and TRIPS Taya up! Taya hits buckles and Johnny panics! Mina runs in to BOOT! Mina knuckle locks, CHOPS, and fires up! The fans are with Mina as she goes up and up and FLYING METEORA! Then Mina stomps away on Taya! Mina goes up top, takes aim, and FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Taya survives and Johnny is relieved. But Mina calls her shot! Dragon sleeper, GLAMOROUS- NO, Taya fights free! Mina ROCKS Taya, runs, but Taya follows, to SPEAR!
Taya drags Mina up, underhooks, PACKAGE BOMB! Cover, TWO!! But Taya has the leg! HALF CRAB! Mina endures, but that is in deep! Mina still fights, and she has the ROPEBREAK! Taya lets go in frustration, but then Mina ROLLING ELBOWS! Taya stays up, to ROCK Mina! Mina stays up, winds up, but Taya catches her! Taya spins her, and chicken wings! VAL- NO, Mina victory rolls, steps through, FIGURE FOUR!! Taya reaches out, but Mina puts on the pressure! Taya TAPS, Mina wins!
Winner: Mina Shirakawa, by submission
The Rev-Pro Undisputed British Women’s Champion, The Queen of Southside Wrestling, and the rising star here in ROH & AEW, scores a big main event victory! Will this momentum make Mina the real main character?
My Thoughts:
A very good episode of ROH, but it was over two hours, and with quite a lot of filler when you look at it. All quality matches, even for the obvious outcomes, but I wish there were more matches moving story forward. Or more moments at least, like how Velvet showed up to stop Diamante from bullying Tiara James. Velvet got a great match out of Frost in a Proving Grounds, and yet it seems like an old rival is getting their shot first. Velvet VS Diamante will be really good, and certainly a solid defense for Velvet to build her reign. And while the story was meant to be Leyla Hirsch stepping up, she got really banged up at Death Before Dishonor, she probably needs to rest up first.
Abadon of course gets a win tonight, but no sign of Athena. I suppose this does fit story, as Athena is scared of Abadon. Good promo from Henry & Beef with Paul Wight as interviewer, and very fun match from Henry & Beef VS Lucas & Terry Yaki. I do appreciate the story of Henry not wanting to accept Beef as a tag partner, and I’m sure Beef will somehow win Henry over with continued wins in the ring, and then JD Drake returns to complicate things. I mostly don’t see this turning into a trio, Henry either chooses his old friend, or his second cousin by marriage.
Very good match from Lee with Comoroto, and good win for Lee with literally using Watts against Comoroto. But at the same time, of course they attack Lee back, and I like the move of EJ Nduka on Lee’s side. EJ’s been doing great in his squash match wins, and now this story will help bring out more of his skills. EJ Nduka is literally big, he will be big in ROH, and maybe Lee’s first title under AEW & ROH is the tag titles alongside The Judge. Really fun match from SAP VS Iron Savages, great win for SAP, and maybe they can start building towards the tag titles. The Kingdom hasn’t been on ROH in a minute, though, they’re too busy being Roddy’s sidekicks again. Maybe Taven & Bennett can show up in the episodes after All Out to get on a new story.
Good stuff from Shibata and Woods, but of course Shibata wins. Premier Athletes changed up their presentation, but it hasn’t changed a thing for them, not really sure what they’re to do to ever get going. And then a good promo from Taya and Mina to hype up their match, and then a great match for the main event. I figured Mina would win, she’s building herself up now that she’s going to be in AEW & ROH more. This can all build towards a story with Mariah May. With them both being champions right now, Mina could suggest a Two Woman Power Trip where they grab up as many titles as they can, but surely THE AEW Women’s World Championship will pit them against each other, and that will be a killer match.
My Score: 8.6/10
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